HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-16, Page 5PROINgs
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us Seaforth, Oct. 15th 1914
FU Wneac (Standaru).(neve). .... 1 00 to $ 1 ea)
Oats, per busliel(new) 4� to 40
Pease pee bushel v.
Farley, per
bushel...... ea. eaccacs
MIA per ton-••.••..
Tffesedee Peo
Flour. per 100 ee....eeetet.
Butter No. 1
Er.1148 ant al-Orii* D.**
USW cmcaca. f • k
tstoe.B., per bus -
1 04 to 100
60o 60
es 00 to 26 00
2300 to 28, 00
3 60 to 8 75
21 to 22
2640 26
12 00 to 13 00
3.% to 85
Toroute Poultry Market
Oaleken-s, dressed, 17 to 180; ducks.
'elressed, 16 to 170 per lb.; 'fowls 14 to
15e; 'turkeys, 19 to Mt.
Dairy Markets
Montreal, Oet. lAth. Cheese, finest
western, 15 3-3 to 15c; finest materna
151e. Butter -choicest creamery 27ic
to 23e; seconds 20i to 26 3-4e. Eggs -
fresh 32c; selected 28c, No. 1 stock 26c,
No. 2 stock 22 to 230.
Toronto, October 14th. Butter -
The demand for butter* is fair with
prices firm for ch-oice qualities. In-
ferior grades were dull. Choice dairy
23 to 9.5e; inferior 20 to 21e; farmer's
separator 24 tp 25e; creamery prints
28 to 2.9c. Eggs-Nov:Flat& dozen 30 to
Vie; ordinary stock 25 to 27c. Honey -
Market is firm at 12 to 12 3-4c per lb.
for strainedeN6. I honeyhomb $2.75
per dozen; No. 2 $2 to $2.25. Cheese-
ew large 16 to 1.7c; twins 171c.
' Grain, lEto.
T6routo1 Oct 14th. Flour -Mani-
toba first patents quoted at $6.60 in.
-rite bags; second patents $6.10; strong
baker? $5.90; Ontario 'wheat flour 90-
-per cent patents, quoted at $4.60 to
$4.70, seaboard. Wheat - Manitoba
No. 1 Northern old. at $1.17 and new
at $1.15: No. 2 old $1.14 and new $1.12
Ontario fall wheat quoted at 1.05 to
1.06, at outside ports. Oats -Ontario
quoted at 45 to 47c, outside,"and 49c on
track, Toronto. Western Canada
No. 2 quoted at 55ic and No. 3 at 54c.
Barley -Market is- dull with malting
grades quoted at 63 to 66es outside.
Peas -$1.10 to •$1.15. Corn - No. 2
American is quoted at 82c'Toronto,
and 78c c. f , Bay ports. Bran ard
Shorts -Bran is quoted at $23.59 to $24-
a ton and shoats at $26 to $27. Pota-
toes-Ontarlos, 65 to70e per bag; out
of store 500 to 55c in car lots. Baled
Bay -Local merchants are now buy-
-lag on trackeToronto atthe following
pri.ces: No 1 $15 to $16, No. 2 $13.50
to $14, No. 3, $11 to $12; baled straw
Z6- to $8-50-
4 Live Stock Market..
Buffalo, Oct. 13th. -Cattle -Market
15 to 25c lower. Choice ted prime steers
$9.50 to $10.15 ; fair to good, $8.10 to -
D.23; plain $8. to $&.25; Canadians
$8.35 to $8.90 ; choice heavy butch-
ering steers, $8.65 to $8.85; fair to
ood $8.40 to $8.50 ;best ha,qdy steers,
50 to 88.90 ; common to good $7 to
$8.25 ;yearlings $8.40 to $9.1,0 ; best fat
heifers $7 .75 to .; best handy butch-
er heifers V.40 to $7.65, common to
good 86.50 to $7.25, best fat cows $6.30
tip 7 ; good 'butchering cows $6.00 to
$6.25,, medium to good $5- to $5.75,cut-
teas $4.40 to $4.76, canners $3.50 to
$1.25, feeders $6.50 to $7 50, best
stockers $6.40 to $6.75, fair to good
<25 to $6,35, light and Common $5 to
$5.75, best heavy bulls $7 to $7.25,
good butchering bulls $6.50 to $7, stock
ulls $5 to Mr:oaken and springers $35
to M.:Hogs-Market Se lower. Heavy
$8.50, 'Yorkers $8.50 to $8.55, pigs. at
.25 to $8.35. Sheep -Market 10c to
15c lo-wer; top lambs $7.75 to $7.90,
yearling $6 to B.50;$wailers $5,75 to
6; ewes $5 to $5.50. Top eals $11.50
to $12, fair to geod 810.50 to $11; grass-
ers $1.75 to $6.25.
Union Stock Yards, Torbrito Oct. 13
There e-vere over 3,1,00 cattle on
'the Market yesterday. There
were many good cattle included, and'
toward these, buyers were more fav-
orably Inclined than for many mar-
kets past, with the result that the
ick(if the heavy material sold out in
good time. But even with this renew-
ed activity there was no disposition to
inflate prices and business for good
butcUers proceeded on lines in keeping
with Test week's decline. One. load
sold tor Swift Canadian at $8.55and an-
other forwarded to H. P. Kennedy,
cashed in at $8.50. The bitter corn-
prieed 20 really good looking animals
and had they not been. attached, to
another load not of the same class
. would have cashed in better than they
did. There were several deals around.
$8.0e and then buyers came- down to
the common stir-ff. This class wasnot
• wanted at the prices asked, and the
market developed a drag, buyers
hanging elf in hope that they might
break down quotations. In a small
measure they were successful, but a
big number of common butchers were
held over. Canners were a 'fair trade
but there was nothing strikipg report-
ed in the way of deals. Stockers met
• with a slow demand. Fat cows mov-
ed steadily and good milkers and
springers were in demand. The mar-
ket for lambs continued strong, but
tilers were of the top quality of the
week. end on offer, and there were
' less transactions over $8.00. Over
1200 hogs had arrived since Friday, but
only about 160 were on the open mar-
ket and despite this fight gun theipack-
er buyers again brought, dow'n the
hammer and business was transacted
at a under last week's prices, the fed
and watered quotation being 88.25.
Following are the price ranges: But-
cher Cattle -Choice weighty Sreersi$8.25
to $8.60; 'choice handy butchers $8 to
$a -25; good. butchers $7.75° to
medium $7.25 to $7.75; common from
$6.50 to $7.2S. Fielders - Good to
choice -heifers $7.60 to $8.40; medium
$7.25 to $7.70; common $5.85 to $7.25.
Butcher Cows -Choice $6.75 to $7.25
-good $7 25 to $6.75; medium from $5.50
to F46,25; cutters $4,50 to $5; common $5
to. $6; cannerS from $3.50 to $4.65.
Butchers 13ulls - Choice $7 to $7.50;
good $6.50 to $7; medium $6 to $6.50;
cormeon $5 to $0. Stockers and Feed -
ors -a Heavy selected. feeders $7 .25;
choice heavy stockers $7 to $7.25;
heavy good $6 50 to $7; good. medium
stockers $6 to $6.50; c01111310n from
$5.50 to Si: grass cows $4.75 to $5.50
Milkers andt}Springers sold at $55 to
$05,/eac1i for choice offerings with good
at $55 to 865 and common to medium
at 840 to $50. Calves -Choice $9 to
$10.50; ro( dium from.$7 to $9; common
from 86 to 87; rough grass calves $5 to
$0. Sheep and. La,robss-Light sheep
ewes ranged from $5.50 to $6.25; heavy
sheep and bucks from $4 to $5.25; culls
from ae to $4-, yearling lambs brought
$7 to $7.50; culls off, larnbs cwt $6 to $8
Swine -Hogs went at 57.90 f.o.b. at
83.25 to $8.50 fed and Watered and at
$8.50 oft cars.
Montreal, October 15.-A feature of
' the trade was the weaker feeling in
the market for cattle and prices de-
clined 25e per cwt., which was attrib-
uted to the increased receipts and the
fact that the supply was in excess of
the requirements. At this reduction
there was a fairly good demand. from will be given on approved jorsendu notes, a diFrOUTIt
these grades, full loads of ,the former
selling at $7.50 to $7,75, and the latter
at $8 to .25, but the demand for the
medium and the lower grades was
somewhat limited as uyers seemed to
be well supplied with:am% for t pre-
sent with the exception of ca ning!
stook, for Which the demand was ood,
from. packers and trade was active in
linewith salesof roundlots of bulls
at ist.65 to 35 and cows at $3,85 -to $3.85
per cwt. The weak feelintg which has
characterized the market for live hogs
for the past few weeks still continues
to be the Main feature of the situation
and prices have scored a further de-
cline of 25C to 50e per Cwt., and the
prospects are that they might prob-
ably go still lower in the near future.
The stippy was quite ample to fill all
requifements. Sales of selected lots
was made ; at $8, sows at $7 and stage
at $4.50 per cwt. weighed off cars.
The feature of the small meat market
was the weaker feeling in sheep, and
prices declined 25c per cwt. and sales
of ewes were made at mi,5 to $5.50
arid backs ,asid culls at $4.75 to $5.00
per cwt. On the other hand the tone
of the market for Iambs was steady
under a good demand from butchers
and pirkers, who are putting them
away in cold storage in order to pro-
vide for Winter requirements, conse-
quently an active trade was done,
which will likely continue until buyers
wants arir, satisfied. Ontario stock
sold at $7.25 to $7.50, and Quebec at
r.75 to $7,-00 per cwt. •
On Monday, Ootober 10th", at; one o'oloek p. tn., en
Lot 23, Concession 2, Hibbert, tfaem etook, John
lifurphy, Propsietor ; Jsmes donee, Aim loneer.
On Friday, Ocitober 80th, at 1 p.m., on let 8, Con. 3
Stanley, fame stook, implements and househoid fur.
niture. F. 0. Fowler, proprietor; Thos. Brown,
S. Holmes
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Undertaking parlors in Oddfel
lows building opposite
Steviart Bros. Resi-
t, deuce Goderich st., opp
Dr. Scott's.
Flowers furnished. on
short notice.
Phone Night or Day 119.
• •
••••••••••' ••••••••••••••••
BAWDEN-In Elm onto n, on
Mand. Mrs- Jam e W.
Exter, a son,
VANSTONF,-In Gerrie, OD Octo r let, to Mr. and
Mrie A. BeVinetone, a eon.
_PARSONS -In Goderich, on September 29th, to Mr'
and Mrs. Cie L. Parsons, a son.
MeTAG0A1,T-14 Grey, on October 2nd, to Mr.
and Mrs. Donald MaTaggart, a son.
OONNOR-PANSOOT--At the rectory, Exeter, on
; October let, Walrer Connor, to Ahnena May
' Townson, both of Exeter.
GARDWELL--01BALDESTON - In Clinton, on
Oetober 1st, by Rev. F. C. Harper, Mrs. Ade -
Write Oshaldestone to Thomae J. Cardwell.
SCHOENHALS-BAINES-At London, on October
let, by Rev.' C: R. Gunn, rector of Christ
Church, Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . H. E.
Baines, to Heirbert, son of M. and Mr". John
Sokoenhals, all of Clinton.
ELLIOTT-3IARSHALL -At Goderich, on Septem-
ber 29th, William H. Elliott, of Goderich town-
ship, to Mrs. Teerl Marshall of Clinton.
MICHIE-COLE-oAtothe resideke of the bride'e
parents, on October ms, by ev. Mr. Boyle, of
Belgrave, MroJames Michies to Miss. Jennie L.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ocle, all of
September 30111, to
wden, formerly of
Keegan, -eged 33 years and 5- menthe.
BROWN -In McKillop, on October- Sth, John. S.
Brown, aged '77 years.
KEEGAN-In Egniondville, on October 10th, James
JOHNS-ln Olinten, on October 51,1a, Jane Lands-
besough, aged 68 years. e
HEARN-In Mon, on October 5th, James Hearn,
in his 82nd year.
MAY -In Exeter; on Oetober let, Thernas May,
father cf pre John May, Clinton, aged 85 years
and7 months,
• -•
• Undertakers and Ernbat•
W. J. Walker
Night Phone -18
Store Phone -67 e
- •
Fowl Want ed
.1..4 HOGS -James Jones has received instruotions
from Mr. Jamee Shea tosell by public aunties): on Lob
17, Con oessiotill, toWnship of Ilibbert adjoining the
Villagepaf Dublin, on Friday. October 23rd, Mt,
the following ,°1. general purpose gelding rising 1
years old, well broken son& or double; 8 newly
calved CoNT8 and springers, 1 thorough bred, heifer
due in December, 10 cows supposed to be 01 calf and
due about March and April, 4 heifers rising 2 yam
old supposiestto be in cat, 16 steers/ yeers old good
feeder', 50 steers I year Old, 10 Polled Angus heiffere
1 Year:old, 1 thoroughbred Polled Angus bull 16
months old, 80 spring calves, 100 store beg* about
16 pOUnde each. Sale at 12 °Week sharp. Terme:
°months' credit will be given onlyrnishing approved
joint notes. ex, per annum off -for outs. This will .
ke a rare opportunity of seouring good stook and'
positively no reserve. JAMES SHEA, Proprietor
Jamesi Jones, Auetioneer. 244Pd
PLEMENTS-4ames Jones has received in-
structlens from 0. McVey to sell by public;
auetion, on Lot 21, Conoeselop, 9, township ;of Hib-
bert, on Tuesday, November 8rd, 1914, the follow-
ing : 1 heavy draft horse 6 years old, 1 general pur-
pose ffily rising 8 years old, 1 heavy draft brood
mare twelve years old supposed to be in feel
to Olorodyne, one heavy draft, filly aix months
old got by (Aerodyne, 4 coves supposed to be in calf,
1 cow due about time of sale, 1 cow due January
let, steere 2 years Old. 8 heifers 2 years old, 6
mere 1 year old, 4 spring calves,' 8 brood sows
(2 thorobred Tamworths) with littera by their sides,
10 store bogs, about 76 hens. Implements- 1
binder 6 foot out, mower, horserake, seed drill and
cultivator . combined, cultivator, Massey -Harris
large dbm new,twin gang,landroller,2 walking plows
set iron harrows four seotions, souffier, fanning
mill, Witg00, pair bobsleighs, double box with spring
seat, double set of hawse, dozen grain, brume !men),
shovel, Magnet Oearri separator new, whIMetreee
(shame forks and a hest of other articles including
about 1500 bushels of mangolds and turnips. Sale
at 12 olelook. Terms --All sums of $10,%and under ,
cash; over thatiamount 11 month's craft, on fur-
nishing approved -joint notes. 5% off for cash on
oredit amounts. No reserve as the biros is rented
for a term of years. Mrs. O. eloVEY, Proprietress ;
James Jona, Auctioneer. 2.444 -td
The undersigned is prepared to pay the highest
oash price foe aoy quentity of, chickens,' hens
Bald ducks delivored at the Royal hotel sto.bles, Sea -
forth, every Thursday forenoon.
244-10 JO G. McMICHAEL
'ITO0D FOR SALE -About 85 cords of hard
maple wood, dry, from 16 to 20 inches. Apply
t IrRANK COLEMAN, .Seaforth, R.& No. 3, or
telephone 19 on 136, Clinton. 2443x2
-171OR SALE --Second hand power windmill in Sea-
r forth district. For further particulars apply to
R. A. LISTER & Co., Limited, 58-60 Stewart St.,
tem gAr.r.,..--A good frame house, seven rooms
J' and good stable and a quarter of an acre 01 land
Fine place for a retired farmer. Just outside the
Corporation. Apply to JOHN RANKIN, Selfortin
VIARM FOR SALE. -Lot 6, Coneeseion 9, Tucker -
1' smith, °containing 100 acres, about seven sores
ander bush. The farm is well fenced and drained
and in a [speed state of cultivation. There are on the
premises a good frame house bank barn, pig house,
den house, drive house and 'two good weft For
terms and particulars apply envthe premises or ad.
dress MRS. JOHN McOLOY, Egmondville P.O.
DIG FOR SERVICE -The undersigned will keep -
1 for service, on Lot 24, Con. 8, "II.R.S., Tucher-
omith„ thorobred Yorkshire hcig. Ile is exceptionally
BICKMORE'S GALL MIRE, whit; we oriout 'eatIotactori
Core for Gans. Wounds, 'On& Sorra upo sualate
13 ro d.e riek s H rness Store
Opposite Commercial Hotel
�W Abut That
etc Suit ?
Our stock of Sainmer Suitings is now
complete and comprises the very newest
designs—check, broken stripes, hair line
effects—woriteds and serges, cheviots and
tweeds. Particular men 'favor the
exclusive style of our garments. Smart
close -fitting models for young men, con-
servative older men's models. You will
feet at perfect ease in one of our suits and
have the satisfaction a man always exper-
iences• in new and becoming clothes.' In-
spection Invited.
As I have dieposed of my interest in Lord
and am retiring from the etallion business,
ask those having overdue horse accounts
the same en or before November let, 1914.
I would
bo settle
well bred being bred from the well known stock of
D. C. Mitt, and Son; brillgrove, Outterio. Terms
11 at the time of service with thelErtvelege of ye -
3, Seaforth. 2803x4t1
turning it necessary. H. M. HAM TON, R. R. No.
VARM FOR sax e- Lot 5, Concesiod 2, contain-
ing 100 acres, seven'acres hardwood busts. The
land is well suidercirained and in a good state of
cultivation. There are opthe premises a house,
two good barns with stabling, cement diary, a wdod
shed, driving shed and all out buildings, Ons acre
of good fruit orohard. There is a eohool within half
a mile xad only two miles from posteoffice, store and
church. J_ B. DLNSDALE, Kippen, Ont. 2428-11
LIAM d'OR SALE -Lot 10, Oonoession I, Stanley
Township, one mile and a quarter south of
Brucefield, on the London Road, one handred scree,
ninety cleared and ten acres of good bush, well
fenced and well drained, good brick house and good
earns with stone stabling underneath. Three never
failing wells, a good orchard with over a` hundred
trees with good fruit, good driving shed,. pig pen
and ilnplement house. Terms; to mit purchmeer.
JOHN MURDOCK Bruoefleld. 9-38941
oCIARM FOR SALE - Eaat helf, ef Lot 14, Comes -
"1: !don 8, Hullett, fifty acres of well cultivated land
that Is all cleared. On the farni is a good sized
brick house of ten rooms and woodshed. Also a
good bank barn and driving shed. There is a never
failing spring nearby. A good orchardof apples,
pears, plums and cherries. For further particniars
apply to the exeoutors, BENSONTYERMAN W pg.
ham or LAWRENOE MELVILLE, Seaforth. 249.2xliti
-Thomas Frown has reeeived instructions! from
Fred O. Fowler to sell by public auction, on Lot 8,
Concession 3, Stanley, on Friday, October 30th,
1914, at 1 o'eloek sharp, the following; Horses -1
agricultural mare supposed to be in foal, 1 general
purpeee mare supposed to be in foal, 1 heavy draft
mare supposed to be in foal, 1 driving mare, this
mare is a very fast driver ; 1 sucking colt by Shethin
Stamp. 1 Durbain cow due April 1, 1 Jersey cow
due April 8, 1 Jersey heifer 2 years old due Apr 8,
1 Holstein cow supposed to be in calf, 1 Durtam
cow supposed to be in calf, 1-farsow cow, 4 yearling
heifers, 3 yearling deers, 6 spring calves, 1 grade
Hoge -1 Yorkshire sow due
'stored Hampshire hog, 8 geese.
Massey -Harris binder 7 foot cut
heaf =Tier, 1 Massey -Harris
; 1 Massey -Harris field oultiv-
ints 1 Masse --Harris bean cult -
bull 6 month's • ol
Octob er 30th, lere„
with trucks • and
mower, goad ars ne
ator with extra 6 p
orator with harv ter complet , 1 Oehawa seed
drill, 1 land roller, horse rake, Oise harrow, 5 sec-
tion harrows, •Verity plow, Wilkinson sod plow,
2-1urrow Cocksitutt gang- plow, 2 -furrow Cockehutt
riding plow, almost nevi, open buggy, sulky, heavy
democrat wagon with pole and shafts, 2 1 -horse
democrat waggons, 'truck wagon, sat bobsleighs,
Gray cutter nearly new, hay rack, gravel box, wag-
gon box, pair log bunkssistone boat,ebook rack, wool
rack, number •of new whiffietrees and doubletrees,
MoTaggarts fanning mill, MasseY-Harris root pulper,
ela-sseeellarriaeream separator po pounds capacity
nearly new, Favorite churn, gaeoline engine 24 h.p.,
Work bench, step ladder, cylinder onion cleaner, set
team 'harness, pair brass mounted bridles, 2 sets
buggy harness, -pair team harnees beck bsnds, num-
ber of horse collars, wheelbarrow, bag truck, grind.
stone, forks, shovel& pick; crow' bar, logging chains
end other articles too numerous to mention, racer
erase cut save. nearly new, quantity of turnips,
carrots, beets, parsnips and cabbage, four loads of
green feed, 80 rods orwire, 10 line wires all No. 9,
new. " Furniture-Ititchen cupboerd, 6 kitchep
chairs, hitched table: sideboard, 6 dining room
chairs, lounge, S' wooden becieteede with springs,
mattress, dresser and washstand, °leathern incub-
ator 120 eggs, 000k stove, a. number of flower pots
and hanging basket!. Everything will be sold as
the proprietor has sold his farne. Terms -Roots and
green feed to be cash. eAll sums of $10.00 and
under cash; overthat amount 12 month's credit
(100D FAR.M FOR SALE -For sale Lot 2, Con. 4,
Hullett, containing 100 acres. There are on
the_premises a good brick house, kitchen and Wood
ghat with good cellar and hard and soft watedi
These is also a good frame barn 56 x 64 with stone
felundation and stabling. underneath and another
barn 34 x 54 not raised on foundation and implement
shed ell in good repair. Therels also egood:bearing
orchard and two good never failing wells. The farm
8 web underdrained and well fenced and in a high
state of cultivation with five acres of bush. The
farm is well situated, 3miles from Seaforth near the
boundary between Iluliett and McKillop with tele-
phone and rural mail delivery. Terms reasonable.
For further paiticulars abp.y on the prernisegoe ad-
cirees WM. WILSON, Seaman, Ont., R. F. D. No. 1.
Property for Sale
111The executors of James A. McQuaid, late of the
Township of MoKillop, cleceaeed, offer for sale the
following two valuable farms: let -Lot 21, Con
ceserion 2, Township McKillop, 100 acres ; contains a
good,house with 12 rooms, furnace and hot water
heating, bath and toilet complete,' barn 52x80 with
stone foundation a stall room for 12 horses, driv-
ing shed 45X25, ce n tank and vniterfor barn and
stable, small eprin ore which never runs dry, a-
bout ten acres of ha dwood bush, 2nd -Lot 20,0on.
cession 2, Moliillop, across the road from above farm
100 acres; ileiV frame house, 6 rooms, good cellar, 2_
barns, each 36x66: one with stone foundation add
!stabling under, a spring with good flow of water all
the year round. Thete two fame are both well
drained and well fenced and in first-class state of
cultivation. conveniently situated, only two miles
from the Town of Seaforth; and are among the most
choice and desirable farms in the County of Huron.
Arrangements can bfornade for fall plowing and for
full posseeelon at an eerly date. For further partic-
ulars apply to the execs:1ton% MUS. JOHANNA.II Me-
QUAID, Box 71, Seaforth oJOSEPH. MeQUAID, R;
R. No. 6, Seaforth, or to PROUDFOOT,,HAYS AND
KILLORAN, Seaforth, Solicitors for Executrom.
a yin s 1.
Fine, dry planer
Shavings. for stable
and chicken, house
bedding. Ch,eapest
and best bedding
procurable. _Good
supply on hand.
N. auft e§ Sons
The puolic are hereby cautioned against treep • s •
long, for hunting or other purposes, on north half of
Lots 8 and 9, Concession:4, Hallett. Pardee found -
trespassing on these premises will be prosecuted
as the lawdirects.
2144x2 L. M. RANDS
Valuable farm in Tuekersmith
For _Sale
off fer cash ;osiictosigoawmno,unlus.etiFoREeDr.
packers and butchers for good to choice c61. 1,31,T,[211, Prnnri5tOt
eteers, and a fair trade was done in
In order to close up the estate of the late Robert
Chartere,, deceased; the Executors of his will offer
for sale his fa.rnis, being Lot 32, and the west half
of lot 31, Concession 6, London Road Survey, Tuck-
ersmith. The lands are well improved and in good
condition and may be viewed at any time.
For terms and conditions apply on the premises
Lot 32
Seaforth P. O. R.R. No. 3.
Clerk's Advertisement
of Court, in Newspaper
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held,
pursuant to the Ontario Vetere' Lists Act, by His
Honour the Judge of the Clounty Court of the
County of Huron, et town hall, Seaferth, on the 80th
day of October; 1914, at 9 o'clock a.m„ to hear and
determine complaints of errors and omissions in the
Voters' List of the Municipality of the township of
luckersmith, for 1914;
Clerk of -the Municipality of the township of
" Dated the 10th day of October, 1914. 2441-2
• 4
For sale the timber of two barns,
34x54 feet, mostly pine and cedar, also
0, lot of new girths ; will be sold heap
apply to
2417-tf , Box 172, Seaforth
Notice to Creditors.
, _
. Double Track all The we's, ,•
it always pays
Toronto, has a National Reputation
for superior Business and Shorthaud
education. Catalogue free, com-
mence now. W. J. Elliott, Principal
731 Yonge St., Toronto.
We will pay the highest price
for all kinds of live poultry,
eggs, and choice dairy but.
Poultry to be delivered by
12 o'clock sharp each Wednes-
day morning.
Toronto - Chicago
Toronto - Montreal
The International Limited
Canada's Train of Superior Service
Leaves Toronto 4.40 p.m, daily, a,r-
rie es Detroit 9:55 p.m and Chicago
8:00 a.m.
Leaves Toronto -8 a.m., rives De-
troit 1.45 p.m. and Chicag 8,40 p.m.
daily. -
Last Train out ef Toronto a.t Night
Leaves 11:35 p.m., arrives Detroit 8
a.m. and Chicago 3 p.m. daily, -assur-
ing important connections with prin-
cipal trains for We -tern States and
Leaves Toronto 9 ' a.ros and 8;30
p.m. and 11 p.m. daily.
Berth reservations, etc., at G. T. R.,
W. Somerville.. . • Tcwn Agent
W. Plant Depot Agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont '
In the estate of John McDonald, the Elder, late of
the township Of Tuckersmith, in the county of
Huron, Fanner, deceased.
Notice is hereby given Pursuant go the provisions
of the Trustee Act,that all creditors having claiins
against the estate of the said John McDonald, the
Elder,of the said Township of Tuckeremith,who died
on or about the:22nd day of September, 1914, are re-
quired on or 1,3fore the 2nd day of rovember, 1011,
to eend by post, prepaid or deliver to the under-
signed full particulars of their claims, duly verified
by affidavit, and the nature of the seaurit , if any,
held by them. And further take notice that after
the said last mentioned date the assets of the eaid
deceased will be distributed among tbe parties en-
titled this -Nato, having regard only to the claims of
which Mortice shall then leave been elven. B., Hays
Solicitor for JOHN 31000WA.N and ROBERT T.
ELO1E, Executore of said Estate, Seaforth, Ontario.
Dated at Seaforth, the 1415 day of Ooto.
ber 1014.
. • ,
Cream Wanted
Sproat & Finnigan
Phone 8 Seaforth
Horse For
\ATE have a good bay
driver for sale.
Don't forget to call and
see ourgasoline engines when
you want to buy. .
We also look after all
kinds of, repairing in the
machine line.
Wilson Block - Seaforth
We have our Creamery now
in full operation,and we want
your patronage. We are pre-
pared to pay you the highest
prices for your cream, pay -
you every two weeks, weigh,
sample and test each can of
cream carefully and give you
statement of the same. We
also supply CANS free of
charge, and give you an hon-
est business deal.ACall in
and see us or drop uskta. card
for partienlars,
Seaforth- Creantory
Seaforth vs Ont
SIR ESMUM) wiumER,c.v.o.,,LE.D.,D.e.u.P08864**1
AUCKANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIRD. Awl Gesergilititilal.
CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Fanners Mil
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the discount and collection of_sales notes. Blank sales notes
are supplied free ofdcharge- on application.
• Eleaforth Branch.
° Manager
Have You Got Ten Dollars?
If you have it may be the foundation
to a small fortune ! Read on ! !
I have to offer one of the most desirable money making
*itish Columbia. It is not a real estate offering, it is
pany flotation, but a desirable investment that the shrewdest
careful investors endorse. It is an opportunity in wbich the
is little money as ten dollars to invest can participate and be
big! returns. If interested; leave a request for me to call on
THE EXPOSITOR, or write to
Of *comm-
and -most
man with
certain of
you with
GEORGE TAYLOR, - 1 R. R. No, 1, Londesboro, Ontario
Second Hand and
I - •
Rebuilt Engines for Sale
' I .
One 20 h.liN Waterous Traction.
One 17 h.lp. Sawyer & Massey Traetion
One 16 114) Waterous Traction .
One 14 h4), White -Traction k'
One 12 h.p. Parks Traction
One 14 hp. JokwAble Portable (
On 13 h.p. Sawyer & Massey Porable
One 13 Lep. Waterloo Portable
One 13 h.p. Waterous Portable '
One 12.h,p. Waterous Upright
One 40 h,p.
Station4y boiler with
One 40 h.p. Stationary engine with
One 20 h p. Stationary engine with
One 6 h.p. Stationery engine wish
fittings .
It is your assurance of complete
satisfaction in your concrete for old
or new work. - fo get it ask for , Can-
ada Portland Cement.
For your Fall Wheat
One 10 h.p. New Gasoline engine
One 8 h.p. New Gasoline engine'
One 5 h.p. New Gasoline engine
One 3 h.p. New Gasoline engine
One 32x50 imperial with cutter and
feeder .'
One 32x50 Imperial with feeder.
One 36x50 Decker with cutting
One 36x50 Decker with wind stacker.
One 32x50 Decker 'with wind stacker.
One 36x54 Challenge with wind
One 36x50Hamburg with windstecker
-One 36x50 Filshie with wind stacker.
One 3sx5e Monarch with wind stacker.
-one complete dider.mill outfit
For further particulars apply to
The ROBERT -BELL, engine & Thresher Co„ Ltd.
5eaforth, Ont.
The following goods will be cleared out at once regardless
of cost. You can saVe-money by purchasing now and have
the use and benefit of the goods during the remainder of the
season. It also means money saved on next season's re
quirements. Space will not permit us to quote price.; on all
of the many bargains we have to offer. Here is a list, of a
few :
Screen Doors
Heavily panell d, strongly,rpade and iiicely vnished ; the
best money can buy. Complete with hinges, r hpok and pull
•• ea ol•sr. 0** _0 .8. * seika 51..89
reg. $2,3o .....
Well made, nicely designed and varnished, complete with
hinges, hook apfd pull, regular $2.00, now.... ...... •-•Sideiti
Good strong sicreen doors complete with hinges, hook and
pull, regular $1.5o now ..
Screen doors well made in plain style, complete with Nnge__$
hooks and pull, Regular $1.00,
Screen Windows
Well made: and nicely finished.
Size 14 x 22, regular 20C, now•.•••.....•,.. .... *se,* 4os-at 1.5c
.• •20c
Size 12 X 36, regular 30c, .. .0 . • •• • • • ..JO •
.....•• err • 41 • .o...olkees•
Size 14 x 40, regular 300, now
now .•.......••.•.. c ........20c
Size 18 x 28, regular 300,
Size 18 x 32, regular 35c, now
Use our IdealWheat and Corn fer-
tilizer, it will 4ave your crop, in
good shape for the winter, and will
also give your crop the lead in the
For Your Threshing ,
Get some of our genuine YOughio-
gheny Select Lump Soft Coal.
Cheap, safe tnd thoroughly
For the Winter
Secure your supply of Lehigh Val-
ley Coal—always the equal and ot:
-ten the better of the many kinds on
the market,
It will pay you to get my
- John B. 'Mustard
Phone 11 on 131-1,1JOEFIELD
Extra heavy tapestry weave, two attractive designs in rich
colorings, effectively blended, 'deep full valiance, 15 inch
throw back pillow, finished with heavy twisted cording and
tassels. Size 90x42. Regular $9.60 now
Heavy double weave fabric, three assorted color combina-
tions, deep valiance and large throw back pillow, heavy
twisted cording and tassels; Size 90x4.1. Regular 17.00
now ..`„ • • ... . **** • . • . 0441 0 • • • • • • •• • • • •fr • • •• $0400
Heavy double weave, beautiful design, wide full allance,
throw back pillow, nicely upholstered and tufted. es-ular
$4.50,Goodstrong ribbed fabric, striped design.. Will give good
satisfaction. Regular $3.50,
Four t6" Cruciple Steel blades, plain bearing, easy -running,
high Wheel, guaranteed satisfactory, reg. 7.00 now...$5.00
Three 16" crucible steel blades, plain" bearing, easy running,
high wheels, guaranteed. Regular 5.25, now.........$4.00
Three 16" steel blades, easy running. regular 425 now...Igi
All the goods are guaranteed to give, satisfaction or money refunded.
You can easily see the advantage in buying at these money saving prices
The Big Hardware Store
lietiry Edge, Seaforth