HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-16, Page 4-S M T W �'T T th provIncesi; Mrs. Uarry Keys imdc�,hlld- Uld- Thu tsAlayr- ev S. A subscription Ift iiC -tbo� lous injuries althoagh she b�dlj. 'horse fatally In 2. Isarmed and Interned.and wher6 t of -Pat'rJkAId_ru%d A��,ounted 7 ba A&( will have tot I aln until -the close of ram reii a�rrived In Brussels, f rom Sask- p ri T� 13 14 5V -1.6 4 y -r-,, E ]E[ i ]RON 0 BER 16! 0051 22 10 N OCTOBER succeeded In! i6s�eiipl.zg but It Is, sa-14 -to some two thouawid British 3&r1nesand —Bafor6 h�q dbaite- fro Diussels, ;n '9t'- ot *_,p -...w.4x-.the-,te of striipk a Miss- 9-4ds-�;v was thrown I a 0 eiss(ffiff� wl Which were of d ri badly/�o=she4-- Was th' an 26 a7� _-8 Mt,, D4vid.. JoUrs toTi. Ab.,- Jacklip InNAWS tal' �Wg a trtp,to -the West U-4 -S M T W �'T retuga. lamd, where' they werf- khey" th provIncesi; Mrs. Uarry Keys imdc�,hlld- Uld- Thu tsAlayr- ev S. A subscription Ift iiC -tbo� lous injuries althoagh she b�dlj. 'horse fatally In 2. Isarmed and Interned.and wher6 4 of -Pat'rJkAId_ru%d A��,ounted 7 ba A&( will have tot I aln until -the close of ram reii a�rrived In Brussels, f rom Sask- to. 06. Mr.- ]�odl�ft. cif. Wimalam., was -i 1-2' 13 14 5V -1.6 1! r8 if) :Z0 2.1, 22 _1_13 —Bafor6 h�q dbaite- fro Diussels, ;n '9t'- s.5, 26 a7� _-8 -ag 3a 31 - I i -riles fiom,Afie Encli h coast x-nd In ha� :reacJfj6 A hile"co,-no Othets,, ait to the -co -n- that -Huron - CountY IT the conei4itioc�- of -A-mbivee cliurchi tQ. bid to - ist End N6tes.;--Mr. and Mrs. Her -7 ft rt--�ral tbousaiA Be*Wns AkO to take au=_Tae� 16 visit re,14tives and triemis 'Ifni grea;t practical value. A icondert .*a,,q 'eivin Hudson - fortunately sustained no, iser- 'Was- '14 Aft^w retuga. lamd, where' they werf- khey" th provIncesi; Mrs. Uarry Keys imdc�,hlld- Uld- Thu tsAlayr- ev S. A subscription Ift iiC -tbo� lous injuries althoagh she b�dlj. 'horse fatally In .1 0_k*V1d Isarmed and Interned.and wher6 .:-xr. and, of -Pat'rJkAId_ru%d A��,ounted iUkeni up.. The s - ova' ba A&( will have tot I aln until -the close of ram reii a�rrived In Brussels, f rom Sask- to. 06. Mr.- ]�odl�ft. cif. Wimalam., was -i icy" 1p" UUba- ilf-8 wir.- AtutJoerp Is with't, 180 M lchwan lAst *eek. TlieIr. - crop th �,Juxt Year. elected _-prei. or-- e. frdln'Loudon knd less than a hund ed r year was e, -sallure, with mxny'� —Bafor6 h�q dbaite- fro Diussels, ;n '9t'- . bhe UNWAW - I i -riles fiom,Afie Encli h coast x-nd In ha� :reacJfj6 A hile"co,-no Othets,, ait to the -co -n- that -Huron - CountY IT the conei4itioc�- of -A-mbivee cliurchi tQ. bid to - ist End N6tes.;--Mr. and Mrs. Her -7 ft r.S V - IOD roe ME 1" .a, if tue Ilei%T7ra e .'clusloo 100d _Br0sela, �assembled, siaod-,bye ' _- 'rather.1§14k, birt CWch, a& Miss Pearl.,visited ther.� Jh 0, e-, ey be several 77 ar Ah -Abey 1le$ ie W.1 hem jr Is 46 eMOV191V for 't f OM th t - Rev who-wA a ea ' I ­ .. t . I - Marlette, ever the- holiday.—Was Raja o*40ow- England than, at. Antwerp. �Tb6 residence pt Ja6iis - DOnle 7, At ihis. heW parkh at -Wialkerville. A litm TerrybeWy. �,vlsited U pare,.1ts. per bw tb t_lhe rapid.- Progress of the, W W Jotbe grolild Iltechurob,.WasburA, Imentw, .' -b�- 1 .1 �Adress-. read, I01 W&B . Russlm� -am Mr. Donley Lotig ajj& 3i �ttoi�01' wx5e, the,- pre- :cUqCU f wetweather is now- th biy� bur.4day afternomn, whIle h c Idertt and. n in ;spent -the holidays with. relatives HE season o 1tere-an in, -e i ter - was sentation of well -filled purseJas 2 W. SarWa.--Mr, and, Mini FAA : Vepper thif y6ur -feet a - _4pt NEW. ADVERTISEXEMB checked by the.Ger-rans imdAus -absent L AtIng.. Vh�o Maze The e Ilevel. bY a ective p much- - loved. of ms -bev:t forced to ab,- It, 19 be def st The Russia w.laed, artinIx 91 t.'to -one Thanksgiving -with frleu�b In Hui- T �vdr%hialths you nway. I The loss Is in, tt no a paronthesix, and 'Cut e Ij6or -reclplent_tnade Ms ftply _a� The figare betvreen th satme.,groual the y� have saffied in y y e,necess -4 mers in � this 'vlclnity�, -comfor Ae. e cawsupj Z�Tle far. are dry arid'. tah pl u with th _y afw. �ich. a& d000tes the ytAge of the a parts wbile, th�e y fia�vejpug)tjed - fOr- hood of -*1000,- With some xpressing his tnanKs and. -good Wishes busily er�&ged corn cuitag-andthresh- 'f�; protj�ti�n in th shap pe which the adviitisment rmbirts,,bf Duaiolankifqxal amd resx* _e f a 'Rub - t -�Aii ofOood), Reliable P& on who felt -at leaving aparish r is ward in oifbei parts, But * 0boe' t has'purehased A residence 'In. G`bdeflch,'�,w as we.. Ow.. I i eL, Reliable Rubbers so kid..to him. found their, progress- has been considerably. here* foe�, folk. were bers. We are handling thig.,90ason the SpLin finding -the work, e re- Rev, e t of time has etmp6ded and they aso�n—th­ teS. ard 1th,,.hqr two.Ag4hteis hav 'ifttlie)r Faijo6, ad4cessor to FAtuar at to be the best are --ban t6barts, has: BigIr­,*.4 dfed last *se re than -at.-first. -The -Moved to tha-1owaft Mrs. -a few raore Aeve a Wa��t 0A addressed -Stewart Bros, -8 hiuch. e%s 6mee inCanada. A speiiial featufa of these Rubberr. New Fall Goods ted her residetre I weinne kulib sentences to the Nice Saud OX—Tlie members of as,..Statherd, -of Ashfield --ei vallfs—xeraul Dry- Gooda ic�._s and are- besieging WArsay. tha� -capltali 6 �inwn ha ibis s . eason edu Slocenty7-Greig 019tbing Co�- Ge rm ai�ns. have trwade Russlan-Poland reP A PunigwlnOn, timely to' Mt. Tho to is shown in th& double re-bifor4ced- Ifeels which r ces, But3 king _At`tAe-6aCk-. A-11 our iiien!t Rubbers -W. G. Willis -4 at xilliKe. It., where tea and last reports sesm to lindleatid 01%t ,who is TeMiOving- to th ton, from. Mto, Oreek:,,Sat ty, -b -the mitniinifini the liabili of fbi:heels 11om for Sale--Sparling &,Wegbt Cthurch spent Frld&Y.' eveall-V at t it Is. H 11 into Xhar -era f 'the 11th cm- - IiB S&-;,sel kely io fa biads� Mr. Joh11, Walt assis and women Ried',Rubbtr Heels which gave such *"At a coijole, of - m6ntft ..Xr nghies Jobn Waer & 8 1 yn of.- H&Wiek,- has Just had &a brather,'Viink ho Is boaneatead- S*ne, "of, a. X Zieller, one 6f t �s Ru6beis good 2 st4lick crewn wantt�eatorth Creamer -5 No great, inaval engag", ent has 'pq-t -cess rry taken. -Us moved Into his' hand� �g.,�herlea Tilib the -PInto reek ' a 4rge� as �T Aotion 8%- v- place, Wthough It Is - said . the pleted and rrernberjs'� of,� tUt Ovr satisfaqtion 14st year., We ca I" sdrtinent -of Rubbers for- Mes, 'hero attemded; about 4 Court Advertistmeat-D. F. McGregor -5 �ed wIt4 an fit f dy. A -it a "4 new _r -It s gqAft twonty of tbo gem fec lGennalks are prepaTiog to PWve -in th ld.enm . rteZ of Women and Children and c stylvof ishoe per distilet. are'ohly about P. qua Warnlvq�-L- X. Rands -5 -half Of hom. wers, accompapled b all modern conventences- and - bs eAld rs btfifi the advance enabled, rICA58 Shfkvinp�N. Cluff Son*. -S direction and are, trying to get t4pir t1w average, A ptate of affairs 'that 'ces Havlog boiight all our* RUbbe fir ge Is ',vnfortu 49 the -be himripion's Book Stare -4 to be one of t& Wo - haO Mir husband$. The, evenlog.w", pleias-� t o Px It F Pictures__T -4ttachgT to thir at dsome and nis;t6ly too common. I - - Iogb lor ale guns prices will no -Or 'thin* last season. I 6*Wes --��id liiglng, s., .0 guar Notice to Oreditors-It. S. Hays -6 aiaty' spent *Ith 4. intee out -n; 4-d , farm residences jn� th6 to,* a 'nat-, Dreu iughts. Two Girmale.submarines up ale eitAlge seasoniand which vas' f. omen�s Rubbeis We%ving�Mrw. A. Calder -8 asid-ne1ar ai.da*ty. lunch wa# R ubbersq .9orp,f I t $V-. 15 $ r. it 5. Accqcding io stj le ; W lave been ahk by the Russian fleet, §h1p. 11 _-2 Red Oro" We --4 ter' 6f cotwiei kriplies a curtallment,of 4. -Sc , 2 -id 85,c - 'serv6d, t�. It r4 brir4glng wen 111104 Child r -en s Rubbersi Fannen-A. Al Caimpbeil-8 aInd a, lafge RU_ssI._%n crul -has been Brtssels Post-: of 5c Eroc aw&85c ; Boye Rubbers the prurchasb�g 1*wer of the' averpre.- T ddress was � I Big Sale -F. A. FAwarde-4 v_%k' by the Germaus. wedk says:. . A large taddition 'Is'. bein g liomeAeadier. - 1rhis as Mr. n'ls' After a A rid $dc*.'� . Aft, .8 -boots for Men,, Women and igk=6 size of long riibber Medal L-nt-Rxpositor tMee-8 i - by, Miss -dia, Faust od Was -The 'Caa44,n vol-ibiteers have'. site I Y built to the, eading factory . depart� 45P -a! first trip �o tbie- 11krairles and whll� ZiGt is 61 I , of the, Aid, d Children carried'in stdck.at last s aRon 6 pnCtS. Brqwn, on be the Ment balf. arrived in old country Ad Ore A'ow of the Amm-xt imill here. to ace enjoyed It very much he stilltbinks- ed; in for stra Mrs. Zealp-r with a- bodsome, thln& easantly a d comfortabl settled on wodate tho thrivW business. JU N Pi 'doing Azirly well'ift aZY *ram Salisbury PIl 't like AWN -It. Old Omtario trwyoppalso sat. The, i��Iploht thanked f I, n near London. Here, -hey ti", a few fr. ore hustlers Mr. NOW Imigel should Jeave that well tl* I p ap riatel, �gd Invited ad -i 1wop ill g and w the go int'trainin hen It would be all the better. for Br�js_ ae00 to call her in her pew e front wlU likely: �ela,. . More ipwer to htr. Jubileee. services were- h�efd: last will be sent Ito th Wli�ort o which cItY, Mr. dep�ad on ci umzstanq�s. —Willie Hinchellffe, of WLngha;1.n, ag- Oabbatl in 'a amd Mrs. lZeller P%d 4pily 'Win Shortly srFoRTEI, rtimy, October 16,19,14. Edito llelg�rave, Rev. Dr, Frawr, 6f OW41' ed onto Gem as he was Soundg t addreases-,were. ta1'X(,t:0 -sand t rata In, front of fils ble eftove. Obor elivered r men a110 p=d 1.30, and, qtzt Wi=, h1rty YeArs W W a 6igo pa - Mr' BrqWnk Meissrs, .0. by, -'Rev. over one thousalid ap,)AcAtions iridlog dowA town, an&.ha mias thrown Rev. stor t E. Zeller, W11 H. Hffman REFORM MEntlim fteo ground. 1-16 as -plekei J. Preeter -coofteted an. or4 tkne meetinc t- eavily to t1 $5 90 Ueer-.' received 1A Regina, or ember %evre and others. t p ucoinselus,� but adch recovered-, and .2.30. On this -occasion the, vrgsAvas. cen.� '111 be theld'at Walker,.- Islilp I.N The jprovdaiW 'but W 61091n Late".Mr. Haucb.--rWe meintionba- t&' meeking id to apprised with, g wa 4 Ms injuTies were foul, canslift, of i "th or Mr.. H—all, Bruc:ef n- seve ClanadWa, -.nIlItary contingmt Hu re cuts and br�lses. led- by -Precentor Cun ierld, on Tuesday, October last eek ninabaqfi; he coil.� M d wort fashf(ifted 9-aula alid respected reside LEPHONA 11 lectieft a 1.30 p'tm., for thei Purpose of dreds' Of- t-poxi are -also: exed ft an nt- _TE OPPd81T-V00MKXA01AT,0 HOTEL offer -m-At last t _v question 7of wheth was lifted in.tNe iolc log th6ir gervices In all the other cen a of this vills4i., The deceaseA &-r".ph- Iladles a I the, Whig ago. R Mon-� orgualzig a Reform AssociaLtIon for i�r, the Dly.th Rural Telephone was,go- 4DIAW tres of *the West6rat 'Pr6vi�es. Ths ir,,X to purchase Bell Telephone -dky evenn.,j a. Jubilee eate -n ent eiii tue 6VC *1 a io: of weirly so Years.. it 45 ou-tlet foi the u�ne'm­ Coa0"'Y's : interests In Blyth Is settled. --Was -a, good- pr am= He 11had Veen',% realdieat of -Zurldh. for voted- at the new Ridl rig of outh Huron is se -D. -hs to be ani, hat bribusM. GUt. F0110WIft were, the prize weaUr k1fe- funtral wA-s larely attieta&� V� I I . f knoda ay av� Tiiroi for some'time -'was h4ffbly esteemal consit#,�ried ter ba_rAnloii 1�jrpoaes. ployed In thieseL Provinces. to cqwe. At a [very larp..: -was - �etd. O.n Tuesday,� MIM7 'Years and vinhers: Carrots, W. Ortwein, W ed. My �wew hin A Agoad Send Thursda:yeve. Steps, will be taken to forim -a ly ittmded m�etiyxg- held 6n FrIdai -t i. the, annual pt of k he. WornaWs W, A W1` R�. Wells,i Special, R Talor, G� =.:-On rm -0 Frost, B.' Sentior, - Ct f0and;- tion :&d elect lo�flc A Sm-ne f tjje Coins�rvative papers as! &I of discusakon. for Missionary.- 00C as� I U large atten let w held'when rs. do,. , fo erly Mr6 MoMitz, amid a� ouin- era Blyth, a good e be7 4 ',last week -the meigbbors aiA deg quote a�nd - aglainst -took place, after which a (Rev,) Mam and of Brussels Wave an-' ad- of" nephies i4id, ieces otheir 010di of Mt. Amd Mrs, P46te� X"r, dazee of all Llba%U In'tbe new Riding. well,�as io�ne 'of, the polit aas era; canned beeets- V.. Rweliffe, L ho Frost, P. 0- olltne to Abo,,it fifty, descelrd%d - ballot was.tAkein, which was adverse to dress. The proceedings throughoutwiet"a 'relatives, w sincerely mourn tne de- Frost; tomaitoes, L.' t-bie imarAber -of side, of the, baser,sorl* are urxln- a Is req -tested. Purchasing, roat Interetinly and the ieveralser -parture of a fialtM%il friend. Tne*'rV- nlons special, Q 'Davis- cAbbapis, Q. 100 tWr. peaceft). home -m� tive itb 460A. and. -780CAf Docrhim. eneral election At the pre- vice' were larige�lya a�,tendqd. WAns -.were lald'to rest In t& Evan- -The, s -torcible pos cai of asikult and battery,- pielc_ bessfixv -and taking Morley', CL Mallett X. THE VERY LATEST 01tcal chuten cemetery, In Atch Shorts-Bral sent tkne, before anothar session of wNch came 4 before Police Magistr4te, 'A very pretty weiddtnW was solem- 4ted tb�w w Ith 4 kindly- wordej�,-,- Hauch as a fa 'k -MOrVYA, Of WinghWM, IDA Saturday, h. .- Roweliffi.. D. xMight-, late- e=0 tar 'address and two hand - pt lthfiOl ling special Qeo Bedford- early 'po- prese- ton a4ad sh, t As ed-Iledi They hW this tatOep, Iii Parliumen: InIzed im Tuesday, ge emVer 2fth, at Cburch There Is tnothing to vler.Y* lm�ortant id ber. The funeral services wete*conduct- toes�onts wbich Albert 11dught9a Nas said to ralrvlet�r Yarii tht home of r. AL ck -ja' The -address a good' ttne, to Vt a, snitap verdict sad Ktatoes, J. Bi Vayle w -Te r1or ;'tables. bav,0 asmiulted Elwood- 'Barber, at St. thelc ed Vy V* pastor, Rev. lirovivy,'a4sisted of store we Golley, beak .vote from thO seat of war. It secure -anoth;Br- term _i6tf office� with sweet corxr,'X.' Ha;rvey,; pop corn, E, regA, an thait by was�settled withou a- trial. only daQhter, Was Mary V: M.;, be,. Rev. Er M, Becker, Creditopi'and Tsylor,'X.,�Njorry, B. 96nidr.; Rabi were wa& 131 L Is occuplel 'tie roxible.� We do inoi tli&ac. the Prime The case was on traek, W. his ffing Ostend withdra*m bry, Rowhbla, ca;�ae t1ke Wif,6, of Jobw- Rintoul, son Xtev.. J..H, Genzeliach Of Dashwwd. A- ir 'M. jL7,dle� AMA Kerr by the der.-naa forces, as the -Allies MtqlAer andita better eleents in the spechil M.- Harvey; SW.Iss chard, X. Kerr and M Mehl salsify, specia, J. Brfght, V�, 66UIV& hL-nself abinat -will give thb-Ir asseut to lt No.- :3 es the funeral �were the fO,,wQ.. Hu n who paid all costs. The courtroom wis -of d rles Rh. toult, of tropq thbsa from -a distance, *ho at- And Mrs. Kerr. =34#- 1had decided to offer no r Isiatice, xnd crowded to Ji6ar the -'e'ase. near Wlng4m� The'car-3- Aeg�did Vale tablbkt�And teelln.e At tbis such arriangement- There. Is -no mecesity the bom , 5uwaiv beets,. ape�iqj, M. Camm, ; a sul -Moritz, w -A M is -A ,good Samaritm In the per 3on rony, was co duete�d by Rev. D. Petrie, "red Ikeaa, of.Guelplf, , mcamtolds, Morley; llubgarian grass cancluiploa of, - these, foral proceemages the Belgian nd British troops Wet- for a. igianeral election until 1915. It Theo. X -loss pd Henry-'Xls mm, -of -Drum- b tally vreaA w, of Mr. E. Ck, Cents of li;�Iir i- wlthdre�v from the city-, The �Ger- woald, the Yn, last of WlftUam.'. T,110-brI4 looked charm- speclat X Norry fefore, be -little. short of.a millitt, N. Norry. the t4bles wee &MU, uhre to brIng, , on, a general eek left with the Editorof the Brw- og - w.-hite silk crex 4o; Mrs..Geo. Baeker,.Bi ssels; Mrs. J. X. Norry -the� visiting laidlee -amd all' enJoyed crams now occupy all the ledinig al, zl*cial, N. ANIOrr-y'; co mom- s4ls- Post- a _.hialf dzen pdtatoes that tit-Amed'-witli' sliadcw lice And pearls, A. C. Wow -It election ait the -preset thne yesetables special, J. '*Ighfi NAstur- - excellent - re -040t.. Reir. -Mr. CiLrarwell WAa Buffalo,, & 0 editon, Rev. Rev. 01-rilLrOP; an - L'WP of, Belgium, -and are, evidetly, fonn- de7 fweighed ten and a Mlf -pound and , I r, circumstances. Th6, peo-Ae, her bridal veil bet* caught, with roses aZP Taylor, ff. Jo]Yns,. X Easter- caU6& � to Ahe eblair Amd 15 to 2510 16W ,xiati,r of defeneq. Lgh d -Mrs, renadbac Das�� d; 'k as ary In r1he zthers that 'we ed. sixteen Johnwn,', cousin' tJ. M. an *66 24--idera, -musicaL. =d liter, prorsZamn* As ai45 iret -now - in a. �nood to -cm-asider - ind fem Wss Mabel -ters B iSMIori CL that country. The Affied forces .1,n Nor - political issue-% -amid Eut a ticre like this pourds. The Editor . will tnow be able of the �tlde,;plo;yed the WaddimgUarcA. Mr. JXW1A-gj Berlin; Sebwat t -z_ M. Wood; Zinz1as', M. Harvey, T. Rvvv� giver *hf6h, with aocW&, - eohiverft �,herai, France, ate slely buit -874-rely igiat througn, the winter, whether the er, C1&valler, N. D.; orge . KIb- Where. all should be tialt6d It- would to !After congratulations At repaired t4 cUffe- 13. Senlor� sweet peas, special, roOded -off r et br, Guelph; 'Rev J P 'hes steeirs,; 19alining- ground and are forcing no, 4Uch:': C ley; the� dining ou Seiger- chival-"Pinks, A. Vin " t amd My, ei�r ve -f ted be the work of enenfes of -the nation 'War contL_lues or Pere a dainty, dim cen Irig. Mr -a,., K 'aiermanA Itaes back onto. Belgian 6911 -The arrriagg as qutetly� Solemn- was ser groam?s. ,gift. Rev. a. K: llauc�,- Pied Bak ape heighborhood 0 would deliberately and eedlessly via. TUD to the, d, cial, V. Rd�cllffai cascaos, Jq f)As The Qermams are resis'Utag ith a.11 ized in, Atwood, on.Fx1day last, of Mr�. ll 641r lives and to belog sow discord I& tlie rianks of the pea-y1e. ace 4nd to'Ahe. er Sam BAke d' wife f bride twas a, pesrl'ineckl I spacia, D. Balk -will; Pblox rii-mmoindl. havin Alsposed of thor farm 9th, but have bee4'1 forced Jhn S*Itzer, to Rev., Mr. garohall. ood. - I their stren 25 _r -nent. have agree& -p urlant, The wedding :7Daahw their- arlUL speclal, J. Bowey; sumflowers, special, alpout -t Both pirtlesln pianist a_ eArl pe r4 6ve to surrendar severat Impuqaint e11j. iupdR the measures to be 'taken bY.the formerly of. "erich. The i6eremdgy, party au -toed to 'W�*bpjn, and tool, Notes.' Over six hundred dollars has N.-Norry; Aly"slum., V. Jonts; verbenas neighbors took this -nethxwl, g(trow P*Itions -under was performed by Rev.'Mr. binigmam, oon train for 1�a teev sub Abed 3y the smwm'bers of, thal special,. M. Eaaterbrook:, dvX -the jeit-eem tir which they uie"hela [Government durin�g the present ve:-y the aft6rn ndon and of, Moun Forest, a friend -of the couple. attacks of We Allies, whIle all their 1gave crlsA In; the 0 na- other places. .',and Mrs. Rintoul N411 J I there orch. This 't amd of enjoyin with ttw ry f the n, is ca 4slgt- ;with t-ke constru6tion -of "the ho. .0 offensive attacks �,he enUre Unc- do'. The people as a whole gLpproia or They Will ma�e there home In Atwoo4L in ne in 11amilon -Mr. social eyeAln before. tWir Rzoova. 7 Mr. Mar91901 -is a 'retired Baptist ent an� have been successully repulsed. -Thiete tb,, ac� I hence I.Blutbul being -a trusteO eniplYe-6 of. "WatE w:LTe Evahgellcal M tiom of Parlia Y. op up LO 94. clerg.N tte sawy " TUass6y ep-npnY -of church held a.1owl supper last -week, Ine, aterial cha , In the situation tl*e ISV tnow (n; necessity, for an ap- A'GoddSale.--The, actlotai sale io the i9i *41�rtl�"thta alma It U Ilea& t in the East. Russia see. -ns to be 'doing. _i4l" Schafer, ag,ed '22; didd kt bity-. people'. If the Government the proceeds of,which amot�n eA_',* to a- �p&j to �Bay, that farm of Mr. Peter Kbrit, id -It Frlda�- less to -the- Wood vishes:,91 *U just a littlie- Moe thainx holding � her do JbDt, jimi4stly. and fa-ithf' Wam ulty- ,(Yn Monday, after an illness -Mr. Md. 3trit Petier" Ritchie, Of. Zel-' out two hurdred ..dollars -and ndp aiomd -It Is 'said bcy-tL- Italy a�a- PDrt- th.elk trust the tt- Aaskatcj*ww�. but'formaily. of iwill be added to the shed tud.-Dr. last was well Latte �d aAd gqod pricez fbe friends ftbe� laid bome, and _ne -to* cal :th�m, to. ofl'threO weetks with appendicitis. He- ar-dia wei* realized. Both; ­hQrses and cattle' witre�et theysw IMOWA W14;; mZal are. preiparling to join the 70, -best I Ales. acco*Tt is Vat now but later on wl�en wAs bovii, U -BerlIn, but cakne -to in.: Townsihip celebrat- -and Mrs. McKinnon ba rebirae"�d �rro�-" iold- readily. A five year- old nAre sola tbedz. pod butchel the "AID Wail smoke of battle clears son�e; 'helf homby-moon trip. -Mrs. tze.:­ for. $203 jild horse. for 4176."This tlins, 4A as eirployed ed, tlielr wedditW adioveisary. t War Situ Join- -of North Dakota Is vidtin The Ation T ey 6tb ;7waV pad: the Tiao�le have U-ne and dh �ffie fumit &�.tory. Recentl� he. on M a:y-, -Septimber 801 in her m e, 0 IniDt. 1�*k, as f horsta were'drop.- Yo The princiPllve�at al Intere9t Iri the incUP-dtion 'to thtaki's a beeh-working In-lianlw d In ithe p 19aUci?-_:M ping -Qff' uch -1th --price.' Fr, ft, was, 4ed Nova amd ixw. arish churd'i ..Mrs. r. Ezra Xseft. 1130�ae visti4i.his parbnts,�,when 'taken of H*ne, i6f Me�ncnester, of Derlbil, to her Isiting his f th6r, from to #99 aTkd -yeirltzg eifers War- zone durIAX the ..Past eek -was the td the city, e a $75 Notea.-Our community az wakened to Mr. We er, ho continue:-: t -The Minister of Militia, who Is the -ill. Besides hia"wffe and bne son, be W418ad, Rev. $a-.nulei 11tiague *rfofm 4 Xae Went as Ulgh-as $50. Amr, stege and captuTe ofAintwerp, in- B�I_ the up- to AhOr r*s 4ower t wtitiffity-40, Alt ugh tp 911 iY U Of shape of �& toiattle, b*e-a-- at ls`6natched w). (_,nui �begia to lenl9then. I "a purchased: Jabob B. just W at lftjl price$. It,iated.to b-' a the -great war., The tho—O Antwe I)1101� Is survived by',�As parw#s, tive broUW7a log hio 6 a e ­ tls,6k ont', mest impoirta-at man lart the rp, was em of -the World' a. Cabinet at tbe, prese..vt ows of ev -of the -'Red e beeing -canvassed in ;,e and - two sister seapoiti and was so for ti- -enjo health. 'Ge the y a 60th g6oc.L horses but- now it Is cows. attej�iding the Biusspls. Fair, agerich's* property bm that' �vlliao' UaV*9 -Cobe to England, the Govern- fair b fact 'am�d will rem ed Master Ktme McDonald, the thirteen A. ver Y, pleaskg and noteworthy odel the old chiopping mill 'A -.Bad. Acci& t --Mr. ams 3�4und. If Is hoped --all Nfi I- wve, ned tha it maa suppos, to be abso.. tps, O'Reirke has Wi concesemn' met with Crent h-aV8 taken bhe wotk of purcbA-s_ year. old sor 6f' Mr. George McDOrkald, is that` t liberally. A IaW stock of y4rn lutely L-npragnable.. The lmm-ease, salge nir. fa-milY of 44 ghildre'V. 'aind use it as a blackt.-nith, shop. At of, the sti Wh an -M a,,Tues 0, e je4t Bluevale v.e " 11 " bew purcbk�ed and jall - %nig, supplies o t ot fhe hands' af'the t wih a very severe Ac- five -SOAS auid ibree davgIftiltek Is sti. the Jvdes Co sio o- - very paintu1.accIde1kt 01i Fri-cIL St. Y of !a guns: of the- Genngiris were, !owe irar are at work liniiting socks iand yvrist- 7 c1den't. He was in, theact-of crossing. ter' -tlie lapse of year�. day, ver thitty appiaals wer# dis d officials of the m4ttla, department a-nd umbrokein af -pose week. He Was cuittin -down. a trae too tnucli for It. It capltutlated� s�fc r a- the sitreet whem: he was knocked down There ate ten gramdeftildiren. bin com- of, but eigbit were left to October, 20th,. let$ Adr- the The- farm I cd it witu. a Committee of which. a which was leaning against anotherand Werte cid It..thrvagUr by,an ato. He Was ait onceftaken di&,ne �Jing to Cavad -Mr. R#6hie, and family i adge Do -Xr. J. J. Merner bo what they v -11 ivi,- c4e-ga of t&a days vad the, Ger:rlas .14,vn., Robe t Ro e n - 4 - - to rs is Chai � nan. ])t is y1epresided. at the butb thi%f have moved laotheir O'Rourke.was wd medical 'atfe1ndance sumirroned. Of Pr0d11&,W Ible. car that :will b Peal gaved Possession of the city n Frl- said that the Minister of MlatiA when lived. for. s, ome 'Years on, tthe folurteel-t1l M P. and family shaking the tree t6- re- th Potatoes and g1pla# W:heir) It. was fou-nd he &d twe'ribs and later in are a burn - in charge ka edmbession of GreY townshpi w -hme, at hie. irth ends of.towa.-- rbe -it from stump. It felVvilex- day last. It :*,as bravely defend owing that Ilea for Oat$, kets past. wj C., WM 'So __U broke and severely bruised wiA, scatch- the ld folk aind -daughters dved to The ,.;T per crqp. be �-[y .4rriage took pl* Oat- VeStedly and the butt fell om Wi 0, ed'- by tie v6lu6t�ers were heeded Ifni h e In' St.' B pli* �cf the -b 3 'kt rause of e ed &bee.. ths face. Brussels' Thi 'We-st wooed -Uie-m wnd 'face s-1ven to the jt,6�rlje a f6ot, 'takivg Off, a t, a and ;9re freedom o.d time. tb: Bel an aad British forces, bVt 1ga;ve. taw cia to those' who -could church, on! TuescUy oming, of tr&cts has roved the.foot. medical aid - ar-tilvity v 'the power,, of these aege ma Is they.locadIne#.r 'Zeliandla�, Ss�katdne- Mr. Ale Charlies GibUms suoh Xum" thom In the shortest time afid -Miss Lily McArthur, Of G-6derich jade�r -Voislir, of St. Clem- badly - Ritchie and- three sons - adva- ntwe� Irrespective of left last� we e aim, where -Mr. okr,,� ouse.-Mrs- Format and ek ter Toreato, where sh" e0ts, Miss B&ZI;th XnauskopfAn was -at ome pivoure, !hop d' to the beat and i�t that no. forces or fortifluLtions seem .13 -te Price ill enter the PresbXterizn Deaconness are fa m109 two avat etions Mustard and 1WO, ,d�WJgUUXTS left this a quarteO rse. Pro able to w1t4jit=d them. It is sa11 tb a partizan, corliffideraions. This course, the, presence of 9 large gathetb�g. The the foot will tie aved ut Mr. 01R(mrke k for tlietir new hme at Chd-,le'�.' 'butchefs y it is sad was objected to . b bertAliai* bo=e to rala for sclal'9e)rvIcd',;wqrk. of,1=4. Although croips in Parts '�pastor, Rev. Father StroedeZ�_ w,4�o S10M. - last' U P�IfOr-m- w111, be -18.141 )Up for & long Itime. with Xe e, with- ihem can throw aa explosive a d-latance or Miss McArthur will be missed, very of � $askatchawpn this � ar aro ahnost -ed the cremoZy. Aft_�r th ceremony, Death- - �They tak _,the zqpd.wdshes' pro--rizent supporters of, t4e 0vern- sold to Swft Oftnazi frlemAs. They will muc`h* in, Knox church as -shp- -was iiii a total Aalure owIne to -the hot, 4ry, the pit bA� -a loss twe1ttY-flve, miles. Once, the 9;tns. are =in t Wn& was offensive bacertal rtr w -wit, . to the hb;m-e of- -the jcy)pi.G. Bron: -died at,his hom. e on' iorVV41 h imem- to our. V11,1mV. otherf a -si active, Sabbah SchGolWorker. At r - last Oily' very pleas=t Thazkia- heTe Is bers of the Ca,�laet as 1giving to, -one eate f fh,-- n - bride. where a -wedding dinner was the Xth concession. of,,Mc7x[iU0][),�.on �emxhed iu at properly trailned ofi* a city t the Ritchle -A depart� fal In the church an the eve of her! ily fared s om-eivrhat better, Aa1r..'g been, served atud a pleasamt atternwin spent. ThUrRday. everdhig. si-v �fg service was held. li Sab�ath -nent an'und-ue ount ofpatro- r. r. McFar Rev. V kothi, can resist them. The 9 M 13ioWn haA not prfted.20 age t tUe expensa'of th6 others p-hd departuree she was the'reciplent of a favore4, wit imre ralon In, the ea;-- -vrorning ben� tbe- . A�d ha4 th enjoyed good ealth for several maon�hs, )f the zoree3 �avaot Obtain a sliht Of L Ir 1heene. the apohiment.-w igift hich was.,a slight Indiciation of -he part of to geasrm 7 ot:IU7 told of Commit- d hAve abput half but Uad bee Ole to'be upgnAround f 1d, preached. 06 Exeter 03�0195 our iood- 1=1 ha- to give whereabout � and 'they Praictica1y h 01 te. We re oubtful, hawever,,If Air* bigh regard in which she. was Ineld by a crop of guod giade wheAt. tl�e house, until- the day he died. hurs� r D. t tler destructive work unanolested. e her co�workers. ks to a Ing he service Borden 4uld be 'a patty Ito. pA 41d. -There y such Note.s.-Tbb may. frIeTiAs hit -s of Mr. day eveming. he expressed a desire to armies -are. eintirely surpjss*,�d troceeding for su6h a purpose, We be- --The La4les' Patriotic Society, of Mrs. P Elliott, )6t Cllintm) Sang 'Henry G. Cann, ot Villeframehe,' gask_ go outside and hae & look around., I&ODarid th Fr mGh In. Ca'valx' Perth Items far fra my horne the evh=6z by the Prittarh and' y . I beautifl;l sole, I am- lieva thait,he, at zaY rate,, belZ9 res- W'jngharn, shipped on 0 tober Isit will. learn- with reiret that his cro� With the assl9tanco qf'his son, lie was W ELD J1.1ch WAS -wanted at tA , 'und and'sevewt stOlb this year is a total. falluro and able to j -o -out but had not gome =Uch Z d lnfantry work, but GeXm,a-ny -:� 's P 6 em pon6ibile for tile'- actions of - his col- box weighing tw rd y valued�at $700 *was The to suipass them aff in the rAatter sof leagUes, wo*jl-d be desirous at a 6 thr e poutids'to the' Red Cross Society, To- from. the resiencJI-of Mr. B. Aar church. was inleely. decorated 'Wit -h dition, to this, hIs son had the when he complainned of felin we k flow - era.' in tha A g t,-ervice. Mr. Ale. ha. lArtlllery. These slege, tglns ae teridrs s=h as Ahis, %Ito act ki� all things -a's ronto, containimg the following article's - ner,* of Stratford,.'on Satuirday. aligbt trIsfortune, to -have his leg badly fac-, and It as evldie�i­t -that wmethingare _ng off for 'ngt -Tho has- th wAs wrong w1th hh-n. With SPOkef �ovq, the work for Which they we -re desl- he believed would be in the 6est Liter- Pillows 52 larig? and. s. -%All, handker-' 19'st. tred.-Mr. X D. lfurdon� am. usiial' arlm w. , ES au 11a 316ik gned, but thdy ae not intended A) r -*,ht. He told� tow asy It VMS td r -ests of, Ahe� country. We fa-ncy, th,6re- chiefs 114 shirts 83, Socks 19 . P'S lrs.� -13r. '01bb, V,,4, 'has sold fits rutii- been. manager of� the Mols6ns Bank Mp assistance Of Mrs. Brow4 he was. measu t Cleld work. It Is due to Itheal that (he I . .. I foe, the chxrtge -has' been r�aae foi wristlets i pairs, 'Pillow cases 193, han- dence t1n. Mitchell, to Mrs. GeorgeKrae- here for mfuny One's - birthright fat so, little, and have er.�J Cermans -have been ble,,to, cap u yegr,- Is to be supeT- taken, bato- the 11duse. and 10ld '041 the nig �iA life, to repeat e troment7s. held.over. otlier reasons than tho.se Asigned. The deg�s 69, valued st �175, and -will �have er for $2,300. The� dDetor IntendS ire- am a, la tauated 0- the end of the I a, I u s lie V1 !.ear �pqd. $of � wjxd in A few.. n t t tal ure. ­lfisses X, -ate but there W1 'Mr. W. D.. Clark, the accounta-nt,'will So Maz�y,afthe Eelgiac elties, and but -rillitla epartnient and* officers have Olt h d, after all bills. are' p4id, $117-.- moving to Berlin. spark haA fled. Mr. Browa was 77 fer'th the probabilities are the Ge� tmraense- amout f- ext' *ork '08. amd Hattie qatneron- aperit -Mr. John. 'Tho;.npsda has sold his be promoted to manager.-. Mr. Walter yeSrs of aij. He was a Inative of the ed in the W, �,ran forces woudd Liever ha� reacheA bell, UbLevn, of thrQW-11' t the present time. - -Te tol' 3, IA. Winch. DA hm a, vowtux Is a list sbr- resideince - an tTrafalgr street, Mite (�Vzxnr' and Mrs. A niena: Mar Pan- -oftb f IT, 1 - d, t - -is 8� " - - I With ai slovf uld have even been It 1. $2050. po. N io e X-4 bu came to th &afOrth', IS It_XJ)eeLte_d t 9 -probable, _0 French soil and we s- sion, we e -�_ed' steadil therefore, tha the cha,;rn�,-e cessful emr-patitors la, thet,,:' stariding 'to'lUr. David Hdgsoln, for re quietly married a th Wk art the ectOTT country when (44fibli a lad. He was C1091MIN M eetIng iof %a Mis jwl driven but of -BeIgLu-n. Hayliag complet- 'above inoted: has been, -naide- wltA� a (view edfq competition conducted ',-by KIrk- sess'on ill be givetf In abot _dx weeks.- ion !rhursday last. They will - their of the pioneer sett rs, of McK amd ed work at Aailwerp, the German f Saturda jaiteir-ROO'Aj. 411 are invited.- la -ml of; relieving th epatt.-aent,of 1�ome of ton Agricultural Society: Rabert,Demry, --Mr. . Alex. Stwart, t the iiq_outh home in Exeter.- ry Tom by industryanxi cood-alanagei1netimade Mrs. ROSS, -Wef We Wha resides t -the 10 -ane k end wft Pased an their way -to Ostend and the this -extfa work. Irr connection with yellow dp)nt, 84'1-2 polmts.;. Robert Rat- W Mitchell, fell from. am apple -tree left last " ek to spend some time I- a ten y,'ATXA lelaves behind hIrA' a Of her dau9btr, Mrs. GerrAl, hid i& probabilities are thxtby this tl7ne they the, pu haslag of these extra supplies, cliffe, yellow dent," 83 1-2 poin. ts; Jalui oni Tuesday am;d friaebired 'his collar balifornia'. ialls was accompaffied i by fln-e estate o-thre-a hundred re ore� in possession of- that city al.90. there. is eportualty f r Morphet, Yellow dent, 81 1-2 ;POInts; b acres, Ile strok.,of par-aly-ais 10-tely. 4he Is slowly, Afte trans"; p a ahnost unlLm-i on, Mrs. George Southcott, -whowilll pead iwas a lover f igood stock and alwa T41s Is where the te---r-porars. 'quarters it fs; Wb9ley ismprovin-e-I.-Mrs. Grahain, of JMntoa, 1 00 hogs h,. -fd 4'grailt and c6rruptioi�n. Di ven some W. Hardng, barley - 81 poln - tading at the foot' of. the --stairs the mit.er in the Western *ates.-Thp. raised and kept flfe best. He Of was one awut the Dilgiam Government has been. f the officers of, the British wAr -de- $hier, whitecaps, 80 1-2 points:;- A. Our- in'ffier hwne, 12.Mercer itreet, her' cloth- ReAna -watidh guessing. rontest coa- spiftit Thanksgiving ot the hoe of her part-nent wi tr brde'ders in this section brother, Mr. D. HiggjAg._W Suns They ram"ed from Brussels to, Ant ere 'not prOot afgaInstw'-d-nir diner; )Lieaznln��: 79 1-2: Nf. Grp,-;orvl mass, of flaraes, Mrs. Michael ducted by Messrs. Lawson & Trick, of tli�a plone deo dolng i twerp and fro An'twer'to Ostend 'And n co Gold Kinc, 79; J, 0. Coatsworth, Ruta- G oettler,' a'well-known of Shothorn. ceitle and ClYdead%le o- daughter, Of BlYth, s:Yefit. Th�anksgling 481r naection 1th! the purchas- resident of hich has -been causing -'considerable q.. He e. rnade a couPle -of v1sitis to,.ih at 'the � h e- 6f the Gralksm Brot o adquarters - have been. re- klig of the supplies for -,tthe British Judge.. 0troutford, was found J)y ber husband Alnerest -here for so-rie weeks past,, was hers old laod.ad � ­ . 'A. tnoved to 11avre, 'In French iterritory: ar-my during,the 13 r w he e -Twenty one thblusand pounds uch RnJOyled- visiti-19 the DernTber 6th has-b-een, choseon - At a ujid 60 ar gal 'r" f live ion,Oaturday peventag. IE4,o badly as she won Vy Uri. W. R,. Taylor, otthe 4L ioa-� for scenes of his 7outh and the homes"orf aud Tlte Ger-rains now have possession �i ais considerable candal caused by. the r ee ehl ied In, burned that -death occu red -in. the Gen- d6U'ROp;A,1'Nertli,, $he having Presbyterian amniveraary.. It, is -expect- "Plade the his ancest;Drs. He Is survived by hiswid- ed that the Rzv� Mr" all. the principal DelgLai.'bentres and wroing idolnig of c als. 'The tbxee days last week At Brussels b erkl Hospital eArly Sunday morning. closest Cuess to the length of t- . t=e t Of bug for the v�ilor af- the Prench aad adtfoh and conduct, theeg6re; of thig the -Skrcoe Poultry Qompamy. Th6y� Mr. Obetler'Is suffering from som*e La'a Ow aild three SOMS. He always took a Bruce- ill take the watch woud run after beIngwuhl I - soldiers they would lonag e�-e special co.-rimittee sb:,OU.,1d. e have specially fitted up cars for the -In lively-: Interest i'-pblic affairs and oftfio; th( b closely asty bums -Ain �he hgInds-and feetre- up. Ite watch ran 39 hours, 47 mlnute.s TaYlOr, Or Duluth', sp&nt Thaaksglv4�g 5; good ay thits have been In possession of Parli watch6d and, ff the -comri4ttee or x purpose In whlcn the birds -ay be iin! extinguishng the differell't tknes was a -Meptber of the at q16- htna of her sister, Urs.AaOer. fed and watered, It takes oW tharua-' -fla-aes. arid - 3 1-2 ec6nds a*nd Mrs. Taylor's T Oomell. The 'remain oliv Allcenh'ieiad �and wife f and wouldnoW be an tl�elr w1ay toLoli- �n emeir of It seek to Make: 111191thrrate Just how the accidet accured Is. a Igsuess OVIRSIAP S. were b -It It, gains Incona,ection wih theijr dearliA- and pmmds*.'of food a day for - seconds to s, don. That was their progria_nrri�e Iin a the, H4�rpm�fty cewete-r-Y. �on visiteA" at the hooe lof'.bls 'holce hei& -was 39 Jibrs, 45, �rinutes and 10, terred IV Loindo� gs arn.ystery knd the circumstances sr There were'ov'ei 306guesses-1-- Saturd Y at�.d dsp1t. brother this. t1f_ .1.11fav a titne The ship�meat went to Buffalo. The rdiuOdlnt tbe sad death f Mrs. Goett- Miss Eva Ro;aeJl, of Usborn, has takieni oraisle week. Iscarrie in Fraxce, jalthmigh thd 3r on behalt of tl - cOuntry, at such Lhafe worked out their plang In so,ta as thils, 4he �kwlftest and-. severest pan- tb�rlfty nousewives of Uat� locality' lr may, probably, never ibe known. a position as atienorapher In' the law to $7. as. poor, little -Belgi=. 1p c6neemed. ishment should be meted on them. dhuid be* flsh mith - pock money Buteher C', - Ex_ -Mrs. Couplemd, yvIfe. of Dr. Caug- office of GUAM= altd Stanbry.�'Mrs The object of he Germas In galning po�sure will in t only- bring disigrace - ,J Xrom thils out. ;9oodS7 25 land, of 'St. Marys, ied pt 'her ka-me E..'Follick'sA daughter, Mabel, hav� to $6.25; �c possession of all these Belglwn cltle� on themselves, but upon the Governme L it -Whille one day, last week, 'a tear -in tlia;t tqwn n an ext . ended -visit v&li MOftdaY morAing' Of retured fr Id se4-r to- kbe to, get a parmane-at &rid piarty -they represent. k- last 'Neek. A week ago.8aturday, �1�s. tU' former's Dr. Follick, it Van- -as I Belglux terri -y,.(whIch were Cdi,.P1aM w�s tAken. Ill with Lpleuro- cou'ver.-Messrs. Glad. am, and Stan -good $6 base of- oparado of orses, beloneing to gr. cn. ec Yel Ding Sut6hei�s enridgie, of Turnber. 9 bur tarY. Whez thev are-- drive -a froar Huron ftteu itebed to a n'ew mwnure spreAddr h Pmeul,'ronia-It vas�nat #until some dAY.-3 haye, sold the, estate of, the late - Uri, radually- being don Frazee as Is �!g e.. -After 1cm: purchased, In, Wingham., became soared trad passed- that. I her 111m ss as th 9 -'years of service to thO by an auto, and dis sie Ought Cobbledick to Mr. Sylvester Cwnn, who Uealv, theY--will make their stand In Belglu hed- don to be, rios. The be of medical care ill -occupy the resIdence-shortly.-Tile, he� M Public, thb Moleaworth p Be Oat office hq street. The team was stopped by collid- arid ki-ursing as hers. Dr and --will use their -ava;llabla bi�en closed, a brick work on the hew.Carnegie LIb- ke&v h ving been out ol,t by tntg y6th a tlegraph pole tn"r the tIr3t &Oftis, cRock he Arength ta keeping the Allied forces t of Lundoir, was called In cOn#ult&tI0W rary as been completed airrd it e , ork Incoming of rural ma-11'delivery*.- u frotr onterig German tqlrltory. om on. bridge, jist sotih: of the. towo. F;rta- later Id the, eek tend the totien a,;r- is -rapidly' being -pushed to c . pleti 4t -The merqhaaltS of the vLlla,&,e f M� to 894r -as if they wu e (AghVM, havt - agne 'to -klose `thelf. other thaom some, broken harness. r Mgress kiaw loorks 11a:tely vbry little" domAge was done. ld be abl peared, to be makiog W to do this, until they are completely stores But Wen co�npieted'it will ake a hani- UJIkera alat and 3�rlda em On,)5undaYn1gb1t she ekain-v6d su4denly BOMP- addition, to the --appear&mce of "J6 ch to i -�-Autos belonging to MAzr9r Reldani fo�r the w _or 9 Mahv Street.-Qeore iof Elim- twora dawii and thIs to likely to be Affg at 6 aztter Oc4her 17 tb� se and on Monday abrnin 'A%,ere you get just, what *55 U� sor-n end con -w. sashed afternoon whe, Dr Veileman of GoderIch, were ball early ssed quietly awa-y with heart Ville, Und, w e time yet.. Winter is now coming ., --%Ixty Vol *teers I ,or the pa sustained a scalp wo hich on, when hostirities to a con,,ilderable degree Nvill 'have to. be sus' ingham"t doctor' Wh o -My 6-dt his car the day bam'd And n� joiri. t1m.Vat are b�sy drilling, - 4L, -1 the failuie. She is survived by -her hus- requIr*d -five Stiteh�S, a ou Want) and that of. the nd IfsA his face ill pended. nder com-m4nd Of -badly cut gund bruised on bfondAy, When �&ould this prove to, be the case, the The y lclair. before'and was out for a, 'trial spW1, -VAIss Annie Hudson, Base Lkne, took fright at tfip- Q.Tjt, are e&ger to go, tio, the froi-j-,. et quality at M0 9. control., e a a ad aRj a, gteat a -lid ftrkal struggle will taeplace H Wall .1*, of Mayor 731 sh -hors Ob. Shep -Mr. John, rd, had an exciting experience, erate �evres range -ad SO011 as the sesoA will permit nat oring last' KPItwas hurled from -the buggy with Ransfo d, of Clinton, nas the Mayor saw"what In Si. Marys, MondaY r traild Bit thP- 4ePOt XAd bolted. Mr. 001;11 grelng'o 'hAs fa=n s0rae Of tne 0,happenied, he turned his es is the plape to: get sprk 14. From a strateglqsl poit of view stalks of w QaIr right The -horse 'which she was drIvtr4g took 'dibnalderable violence -kand *0 to et across !the road an went into a'five- It I% cl&L-nod by those whol should fright e, -the: Overhead bridge and alt- ghakmt up. lie was ba&y V71 to 47.50V In! lengtU and tWO i.-Icnes around a WA d 6n to -ton in r Drescr know, the capture of Antwer,,y a;nd the t ditch -to \-avoid ru.tWrig tqto, the ed ddwn the, main street, Miss Hudmi riv h tion laW, Mr. A. 40uraley, IP s' and 69 I4ndon, to tlie other Belgian strungholds willnot. mat- --blr. amid doctor's car. The doetDr',s c& -,r finally waim-aed to keep t -U �nlmal I the ktatlo% and WAS returing wen tile' MrE, Giles Je,akins, -who lIvnded in the ditch also. ''rece a ' the still retain thoIr fa an xt'nteMpt aceldeirit Uappeed. Mr. Ca It is eriallr benrifit the ennams I cemtre of thb 'road until Tts filled. rm in East W&a_ sier at once struggle. The princl2al effect TbO East Huron Teachers, held a by a pedestrian to sta the rtmaway jum bea t kiosh Save purchased f ke t m Mr. Walte:* -,cce No -At -off ha tratv and tteladed the. very su ss U. I an; a the Pre$tlge�whlch it will give the Ger- Sharp his late resideneg, In 00derich, c f I rgely-attended caused the, ami -mal o.- serve near the injured get) n 10 the onvmtIon, atfkusSels 00 Th-urAay WImdsor Hotel. In front- f the Max� ice a 1NOW . ti 9 n the fr an'leaders alad armles with other and Mr. lgbiarP and tunily have rrauved to aind Friday last. Mr. McCutdheoW, RA., PPW JReu ral p well Warerooms A t owers. In tthas - reseof kthe Brussels, where they the wheellgaught the* Sehool, Fair. -The scholars j�rj wIlL Parry M bf 9fraford. Normal, Igiave two I-struc- -buggy heel tile lom- tmht to them doubt, be, very farming. of Miss Cadek 'the Exeter chool 11 Uted to t er X90ms of + ffliar4, cauitng tb^t lady to4be tkrow7f Whibol fair om day-�-last DRUGGIST that Belgian and British -Mr. RAWaid, JaokUm bae sold kis ta�. The #Iwisstens _eX, Therie cchalderable. The UV6 axidre0aes ori reading And litera. -we e on tat 'se�dl& . re WhO were (fefeadin Antwer gat but not seriouslyl InJurid. At the WU a 90brAl Interest among the scho- Urc the a cond conces of Grey STdi eoucati Were enthusiastic far. ve throughout. A featare SaWltot-U01treal. corner the tunpf:way lars amid some xhlbits Agelidor ]Bufterick, 'waa good e /were hitterns 7 vie tit ppe