HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-09, Page 4I ft - rA ME HURON EXPOSITOR, -dozen ba �prlze - stock. Vile Vullets oke 6, 0 We &Ad # r few &Ys If they so esike. it look9- red Rodke and WhIto It.1S­ Ak�l 0b, tHal e, may lets, ;3?z pillow is towels, 90 han#­ Reds' , Bar Y, 't*ref ros Ab�r the Simple Ne kerchiefs and ba '&her 6ham9es before log� A ilotte's all f W, heexped to The �-A-w Promier will huve on excel- cheque for $25 has also been, w t th,atched I i ast sprinigNue IRY14-9 no, t thorouhlY enJOY Chsor Oeir W.W, West- —1,,he Set out !hey loft c1h4tooho Imit,oppdrtumity.- of shawirig what' is: M ein the,,.,,, tetial of, which he is -have orgs4eA thOir LIteraxy Society ot.1rult trees the 'Wlk -of Which are htm and Wide. iiH6 --erteris offio at' tfie. ver y for, tu,- s, tertA �,With years' wiII laive the-, following af-, :!og -well awd" 4n 0, fib s: Hon. President, -Re� D, 811, A Ste er COM Pn& trun )a WY 5 well 40 A* ultry rk-�M. W, - Ment bf a .-Lgi I H vi t Sident es—The Bibbert 13ranch .9, 4 5 6 7 8 10' amd(,with' i �ase majority. f, supportr. U. Pre. vice Everything Is 10pt ClOwa and tasty A Not ne hUr, it 12 rS 14, 15 L& 17 rs6p, the Legislaure �t his back and- Piegident. W bout, tfie re!r­lses a,7i4'- pri"pects are over 1 Bible ScfcJ6t.y contributed - o bo U% Is ye d,Woo bs-4. Mr Thrn, d d Ilar's t 1 21 22 23 24 the 'Couservativel, p*perm. SAY w- Ith bhe -01d -Cur le Ire d oo for permoment suce d -th -of tbeir So 'Ifas killed - thle, 6UrRIUSL cockerels 2 solid Rod- enthuslastle Support of the tress, Laura and Mrs,— WL. Rowe With 28 29 25 7 -30 31 - uc.h, iu-.nstances. ­:-4fter 'ihaving been n, the h0m. W wish hint e .1.26 -entire party. 1Jh-der Is L flock AnA, Sold t farily - WerO we k;;,eiid'vIfAt0rS with ......... 1w falls to k 1, it. will be of, ths-Doberty, Plaho Q'OtripanY,, 'alfl success In his ene nlfa. e, go I I Rowets , brother, W. G-i�yge W11061n P. Hill V&P-teouver,, �a� S 'own tault.-Nre now have a, -new. tob., for So-yeral. years, V'. -.Rtv. H. A'�' Com"t Who has beell T jus resioed the positi,on of trou-nibent. oi 6h for Lieutem t,Governor, arl seciretax I tha. Baifleld par this vlcinity- new Pra.-riter r tlit -1 t t _,past fIVOL Vnd -he a pew new LegIs-, tre4surqr,. -And has -be&i 'sOcceede a half ,Years, has NEW aiv:Go)� .n resbyterl whb -he parenthesis Iatute.. .Until recetly was eevi at!pointed -to i he -per of 96brIng- -mext-Sun- Ish The figare bet 11 uld ha e St,,04ay, 1zpchooI,,wIlI be hel ween t ew 7 CAlgry vIlI6 and - Ellice tawnsh*j which.'Ia- i , of t1e� af tex ei�th ad. -denotes the page of th% r day, when the,�Paltd!es address will kq- Go Trlrlty-.And S.,mmawiel.churches. the 'yOiing. Lper on. which the advertisment is E ery membet of the_ verxi-L eludes spedially, directed to Sh� L I brai4c. . Mr-Lauchlin, of the� .7 Wt'last week Ior �hls k�iew fleldof Id put yoiir feet into a t, e -Last week Alex amd _toS. fer_ the r I Iri or or 1-ilsh desce ecitatia-V 4 6.Atechism V-WRE.,p'ositi.-�e they're hees sir ound bought -pleased with their t rro&-s cept 1 . Maedlart ham(! scripture passages Will be distri- --'W pair of our shoes .-and yQU will bi, Ite inew Xisils- EA -Grg(vel Road, Morris, -lab6k. Mr6- a rouccessi f ublie WbikS, Who IS, L f '&Otoh e t e, -esar dy Span of I The Sto-m-MCF-od Dr-y'(;oods.Coi-"8 16 �eron tilly fc)410, -irk,latery- in Bayfleld, and 4ils peo;ft S sho- ter 'of O' 11 puted. Our, kind of MeW ;W� .1-1. Hears to es e4er appearan Udite Coat-a--Gre lothl g Co., -I t, the new at Jobla K3falngler's auction sale. - Mav ha' 4r, ae, him',airld h t ed f a, -r Y ce a L OnC ail Shoes -W. 0. Wi?ifs-4 descent. A men's shoes. The P�py L r �:makers-1 of Prea!ek-, is irislf,, a Methodist 4d 50 --ji- a lgrqat fainc y - for Ia go ea',11 very .b� and conlAirtable. r. Co,-�'- the productidils of tb6. bes Teii:Dollms-George Uylo 'as Londesboro beenL 'especially uccessfu s �0. o6k. Stable Supplies -K. Brnderlok�l .& J. Pay, is Irish, and 14, will mo doubt do -we dell -has a, cf expert b makine. They years fbif ae. H,6n. lot anttLu4- Aga .-.new fall.stylesAre models. n ars of tru* the "Young peop e and has sup- nd, ,wi A ,they are very- I fttes.-Thb, 9dthod n every way .9 T. U. 6 a )Re,- 9i1., Qat�haic a -ad 67 ye latest vrchas�e. He has had somel' 1 th t -6 - College V service Will b0- b-ld "hex S= right mid are ri age. Hon. R,, A., Pyne Is Irls,h, an te&�ts �n th:4� past, ceeded la buildt'.19 Q gond;r n Metal "Roilse Wanted-Rxposftor Office -8 L fit Coitt Gu Dentist -E. 11. Har4lo-8 5.LY -years. of ago, Hot.". mon-011Y Horse' Pairs that halle PeoplWs Society 11ir nectioa, WiLh da:y 'i!fid their fdwl dinner ch Pleasingly, priced. The I eri ate ate Isuccessfully t4 Br -u .4inglican, and - ;tnd Tan. R CAN, Made Ov�- "TrInity church. njfght..There'� will be IFor Sale�R. E-,1T1&83t W. j. lianah, is Irish, a Methnaistl- bzcarriedl on a 91110d program.- Calf, Velour Calf, Vic. 10dy - -George 'n di There was a go ar will bo resumed f ad crowd WeAt fra. er the high! toe short vatnp' .]English drop For Sale -John am 52 years of qo-5. HOU. Fi. G. t4c sels'. for ay, a "�e LleLtenazt 0. W.. QdgsOn,' 0 or new and VOU ­Thonapson!s Book Store -8 d Is- Sbotch,Ik F thi�' Season the dates being. se! follow's I Bly1th Fair last. week.­J918S t an d Good Reading W. in of bire to sortmeid tod-, v ho waksz in 6ha jr 4%. _th, hoow).'�g. an asy Von S.Xles-s P. restoR N ove _To Y01M returped to RegingC last "%feek.- toe last', which e , ( ­ r great as 4.5 'Years of age, Thursday -mber - 5th'," L Th'�rsday,. 6 - ver you pr( -4.r. OLUL teers who wtft O. , if r dgy,January Ith-, Xoung, is visiting -her aughter, Curlers Attention-$ 'ye Wip price rang� makes your c e M &tte Anslical-1, ahil 54 �r'� 'kx&; -Th r� Qy4ebec, ber urs J House to. Aexit-Expmitor Office-& is. qrlsli, a- Decea troint-V m-ni t Vaicartle ucas is Irlah, an Thurod 4th�; Thursdar, ra1ntforff,-­Dr. Allison of Blytb; wB.., L kcy, Tbruary rarzaera--W. Seth -8 has gone With ttO first contill-gent to blucher face s of age. t gu�,A&y with, friends hera.-Tdx. alf ffbotq, new W-1. styleS) �bUttOD Or Armegeddon-8 and 47 Iy�ar garc:h 4th; Thursday, April, lst.� av- 'Spell Meds Gun Metal C the old country, and preVlws to le For Sale-Aff. NV..Stm%er--:8 Duff 4s TrIsh, a Preabyterjazn� �-VT -Ju�tiqe Wa Mer, an. old and f Blytv, Sp6at 'Ast oo� $4; so Rlid $5- 00' 9 am'd Mrs. BS1111t0n, 0 -$4 -Word For Sale -Frank Colexnaii)-5 are, Ing was appointed to, Lieutenamt of one $3-50) $5 bqs be ard 58 YeArs of It will t. highly respected resident, of Dashwood, Lieute,-X- -XaWa;y 'Wltli friends here. -=-Master J. OA.50 and of the,Gorps. While 10101hi Minls.Velour� Calf Boots, bu n or blucher ldce—$4-00,-�' three 16n, - tto '*�. L� $4.. Flwir-D. Urqutatt-1 'thd Cabinet 'is coniposed zot ied at th cx e ofhli'daughter, ,'Nfxs gn�nib Johnston had *the misfortune to, fafloff 5P an See -M L ItWo L I e h aln't Hodgayn was'a -or blu d $,S EnterttJnmet�" - metImillsts, fi Friday, Septel,,n;),r Men's Patent Colt Boots� button chorlace 00, Justice Wildfono, ip;s granted -leave a waWon Od break- his ann.--Mr. two banls:Bank staff *'He w- Qtl Rom, -Q, Catholic. 25th g had bja�en ill T -pay _(not -&as putullion byterian and r over a Ye of absence, by & Bamk,and full IC iat-Rev. oAd Urs. MensVci Kid #�Q $4 and $4.5o K&tr -a feW AtW $'4-L5i7 an' .0 Spent Boots, b with cancer and frd-.n Which h.suffbr- duinig the continuamce. of the war. yS-ljSt -week �wltli- Men's Tan'Calf utto or blucher aC I�nuch. He was 15 'ye�rs of M98 a0d is .-Winigliarn frie. M-111 and Mrs, ed, 14.404 . -Vry J0111211 ward has 'exchanged In nds.-Nks. An Im ortant Announcement fQrM an, the IN _id. eSSJV1);Q0J6_ Jacki a -W P s survad by two dailghters, Ur- Saill, of ..Blyt1i, spent last ondAy w Fall Shoes n andhave wel IWhy indt'seltict your ne have mad', W 0 eve he gets .-possesslGn V1 I a ? . . ............ The Gvern ent at Otta lidfor,g pd 1frs. Iftra Bender. rieb "towriship, for the Walk�t 14 us--,, At tli6 home, 'of �V. Br*t*an. fbi I hanksgi -g dressed.feet SEAVORTH, �rRIDLY, Ootober 9,6 1914. the_ public aunounct-nent 'that a sec- -Tlie first bazaar r Attempt Walkerton-, of which Of OrAwich, *als held la.,st -nY dIvIsioa or per: the villag.L., first of Noveb Zurich ovd. Camadt-an, ar- k. �uder the. au spices of the Wo- the, sr. vice, In Fr be i0sanize, --Mrs. George BrYc6, 10 died 'asrs. W. 0 0 ace is to d k -n- wee aged- 11 pon,s -Auxiliary of TrInity'Ch,)rch, and the Ist Moblr�son 9 am at -.her hd.-;ne Ih1 Wft�ghaffi, on The War Sitws�tion 4. Hurerus. 1arA R. 14, Geiger . &Ire. at- The �ze-,w proved a success. Thelproceed rediately. contingent in 9,11 Were the- pro. Ogtt -'after an III Vor6hto� of W -11116b 0 ness exteading, over texidIng T16toria* Colleie,*) -The There, has Inot beez -any -.nalterfalj to Valeartier, :ed 04226 .robablity fbur onths. She wAs b6in-1 In Dr.imfihas t ar abeth, atughtir in. peed �o&Aph- quilt.- Twentv- n riage of Xiss ElIz -s of ant aut -ied n s ti n challge 14 the war tuation d �.-bu,t will be mcAboll t ed o s he praceeds. aie,'to be and prior. to.fher ma&1age t 40 years five per cept. of and- Mrs., Fred X-rauskopf,- to st' w. -OT of the pa L "k. About the th6 various districts, coming f Relief Pullid; ago to Bryce, �ras Nfiss Mary TW-(6�- d!=Lated to the HoSpita ki. klexainder Voisi, took -Place in 6t. 133orface, dhVr6h on Tuesday, Oct gethe subse 1b9t with a, Pakt- s Grace Tait SIX vald oe, son: Mfs,. VA. -I. is that th6 Oficial tntormation re.� tc; bull. Besides her husbalad,' 0ie leaves 6entli,at.618 P011t Of r:--Mls - � -ig J11 ROIAT ar4lng the dokags of the annies is e:nbarkatloyr. Accordlng� to, the; ful aeclde!:�t. last - Ot4ay' even' Vood of Lomdol ISL Visit 110TEL lylli with, a tfig with .her parens, Ur. and rs. ig zchie CAL becoc-ninig more yestricted every hlef ei�barkatia-r dfficerL tha RONX 11 aoderic.h. She Was out . dr 0. Lknkl ter, I&$' A Omar �of the -c r Keffer� TELEP C &MOUL-VLt wo lad y f - horse took borAe-Casemore, JA16; -�Hlldebrazd.-Hay council hild a t riends When the m. a y onl. Y, be im- total force embaited 9�t.Quieba r, xli all -of Tunbq;V4 ing FIA t -we -town fi:AII on Wcuruy What- this portends 9 s. Hector MbLeal. Meet fright ait a hterd of cowsi The horse 0 and Miss Nettie and Leslie At -hom-c-,- At ally rate, about tbe only e to mearly U qoimen, besides 7,000 jumped 'and -t-amed the bL99y ovar-- for i4fgeneral business.-4*s.* D. Gotts- or s S T.Jjit $he is also 'Survived by tbree,'brother' de was alwaj-z: ab that thS,`drAXdfUl- Str-o� U to vo Arouns is aL_ -Ir -nolemet of Ig the ladies wAs cliAlk, f Bad. Axe, Wchtgs4n, Is via- 11cosAw War of just wUt Is -now haP- iLth' SeS, and a pe- can U. A equ brown on broke. -Itimig- her mother, -Mrs. Lehman,­�KZ. orld d LW tbbt,thin6s Were lne-pt in PrbXr�' "A t Turnbull pwjAg. (T�bLe w ust bdae the ST. le ito tr­e#: 9 her left h$, which r Tur1l le In �Iortbern France which has beei, gvns and veb ed bull$. f,Galt; Thomas'T.ur haj�e order. The rv;:�atns wem. laid The 6ther lales were indt injuei: I . of K 1. I s. Rdbert blcKaid- laeor& Ross of -Detrolt 4s spending. military spirit if the world Is tLD for 't. -nen and lyorsez. The lranspoTtia� bull, ook pj-u-�- in 11airdA Cemetery, and the funeral.' In, progtes now f-qry 0-vem a L-noiith -zqtM ee, -of Turnt,, HM: John Wa 11tarY larze cantiuues WILh unabaed force d 'ticj�yj �of this fo�as r 1�hoda a:ys t -hIS kwMe. here. -I - Vx. -peace.audrogess future. nd -We- 'regret to- r6poit that t ;h1s holid a ply attt;ded' blir Ineighbois a -eci. azd%frs. red Xibler of TW -111h islt- shimism represents tho -no 14LFI !Hudson, beloved wife of WL -n. C"19'4: .of Fergus;- Mi' a ePb1a11, of �Galt,- lie de- frift'As. The norai oiferings wrenrA - with. equaly unsatista,at re-eults than 31 large st6amshi�s..'The Govern- ed�relatives ib:ere,aad in Ilashwood last amd therefore Wussianivil mrJA ory , or�gsnl%6 of Mooseja, formerly, i6f Walton- IoCal- -,g 'the high -estee- In opoSe �otbwlth to, -Tho of Mrs. John McLean 'afnd Kys. H. Mwgel and so fh1e, orbi 1goei back to, beautiful, showh Both the cartending for 's are still weint' Pr y on Aepfimber 13tlf, -n aTd train y,.passed awA, he r mrs of iDetroit, , fqrmer 1residents of, ZVrcK barlom or orse. lio, It 8 ce of her daughte was Wd. A onix these W a sec�nd expWiidnary form- le . baby',of at t*h'- 'baing rela-forced and ta this way, re- four da-ulghters, And a - ft of 20,000 wl, h first ieInfproemeaLL aVing �Cxay� Brit-wngla Road, Gode- re Vere last we�k 1sitiig friends. Notes,--�Thej3fasonlc Lofte have,do- atteAdCd the funeraI fr(y,fl 4& �dlstun two mori.ths old. It S thirteen Years C&t- ID- 'M IU t we Cett., rich Towk 0 -W. (olixistopher Aftller.ls seVeuslY Ill. iated TIfty dollars to 14he PtrIoItIc newing their strength*. Ain advance on. of te, I 14is wif '., iship, miarked the Vasi ere 16s. Peter 3iii.Mra;y, DeArdit z in r lsking. 22,000 In ail. fr. Grigg - went West' e_ 01 i0nce L IN worid of Me L Whase f d- Flud.-N9r. (0, ganders us soid amd 3&s. 5outlf,-, Mrs. Byr 04-a sde is met by a ropillsO at This force b -Dr�gaajze,d as ex -p --dl- UAujalu- -Arr., Philip Hauch, - one ot'llay's _�ant And soif, Oce formerly. lived'In Lisowl local- the bette, 110W Mr.". D *1� d Miss "as pos§11 pecyl Ia, and ths iarramga- th� 11re by -tfie 6ppasln'-, tiolisly on of Mr. and 104,,Peo. ally rwg�!Jifa of Injarly 9.2 ears WE'S a est. Settlers, died on Saturday evening brick t�od*a on! Albert aft, liow occu- other pirt of He is, a S h eghty y s. Tle leayps by W. COW, to Mr. iljenr7 Coultis Nlurr&Y, London; D. MeK-4y, H-amiltoo; ig the necessary aTms can tisnued praga ear pled providi "last, aged -two rem ts for rigg of Waltom zi &r�-ry, 2,r -d so on- Liast week it looke' Q D6 3fceowat�: as If: the successes of he Alliod ar-mlibi- came ovem r -M, 1. . - The I Le; is Island, Scotland,- s Ray' Panson And� in progress. w N, be lot. rs. e at the front m Mr. J. to --Clinton, Obtained frot bAve wrmulntiop and aqij6eht -tare already whenever It h c6me.'Born 9, 1ge. who will , tak6 - possessloA ast sprilhIg-19r. ja�n-�s Walkinsh ch'an1ge he John, Awhie atud WCdwaa ere likely sova to, result In driving will In this WE y VRI-i'braug4t, up to 'Cama4w lover lialf centvr-.y a19-6 ith. hersiker, 2&s'. Rook, Of CalgrY, 10Y. goore , teint pounds of a ew allrid sodo Brucefteld hai husband and settl6d ln�Goderlch arrived here where they the Germa,n forces from, GFrech soll more. thwa 50,600 will Brte4-s.-Xr IfeCotmell. and ftitle ot Ithis second ex� �e very productive otatoo­an- th� W4 in- 1863, living -Vre ever, since, afid her -Notes.-Rv. X� K, IcFarlae, of Bar affild back Wto their own country. But . The organization 1 d the!:r an"I on. th6 y Mrs. 'Follick and datfght6r have retum-ii- rbllA, of! D6trolt" are Spmdip -a few of May -.he plaltnte ':be u1noer the hVsbamd die4i 44 yiara. ia!go. She .. 114,ed field, ' will take chirge of th� Thank,%- peditio.aary orce -�Wil ed fro(m a two months' visit with the days �witlf 'her parents, the rmaa Army are putting up W. - -�qiler' Bo'rden,' IS 22nd Of $eptember- he -raised the prodl4ct On foft6erls ti British- Columbia. Jd" Whiteman -of our­vill4ige. of , P4,e.- who, the humble atad quiet life, a tender -givig services- ' OabbatWne�et, lit the IndIvid- clal dffer- rost stubbbrn,azid rave resIsteace, Supwhich � weighed, four bushels. a!rd lovingother-, a�klridiy Abd help. Presbyteriam. Chirch,, -A. eDe -8 9 -ter of ng the A in,440ber of. ladies tendeied a. r1fay Fisher' and Mr, Albut Mmstan altUG.uja under most unfavorbl-a condl- 111ilitla durl. . MI . I ig d WentyAhreeoun- t -di tapIghbor s b3 a6ked kitchen Ou : hes, who left.this u potatoes we,,, a7JA a nd devoted ing for chrob fund sUbwer ito 3fts. .T. 0,. %oiAhcottl O. -I left for Toianto, to atterA-'the absence of Cal. 141119 q�irlty.. of the w,bole lot tions'and in the face -of terrible losses. TIT411ver- ces' fing,tho title The Eu and -the reka�blub held a open meeting It -is an unpardonable crtne thatsu,h w6ek far I�Jgad,,:whera he ha gone Christian, one all deier ThurSday event*' of -last Weekiart the sity-t-bere.-lb. Fraik Gteaham�laa the w really. superior. 1#ne (at Miss - Cralg am&- Miss MtVxul irl e to lose, a; valuable was Of "'a -mother o)n,. N&mday hen -a ,.xoadly =aterial jas composes the German Anry to visit the daadlxn forces there.. sfortrm 'horza t -had a g oat] AY S good vu.pber ere p)�ese- - All -to rathless slarghter Klrktoi4.�Paik, alw -Riev. Father Blair btas b' �nd. Spent an enjoyable evenhig.-Vr.' diiftng the ee)L This eams gulte, sbaulld bo put I -power as pre--e-minently successf-A � this year. ferred f rom the 0� sels amd WIngham time. -What might, have beep, a vef y loss as gbodlNereg such as I 3&. Ora- to gratify the Insane lust for. tWw. Taylor of PickerlOg Town§hV., Fatmers'-Attention -gate receipts, the. best indipfor of the Wglk�rville- The 31�ussels serious accidont MLppenqd iolk Sa-ardaY X! iw�� is 4now !� years of -age, vistt- lhv.-n raises are a el,tertalned. a fe* unrIncipleddic- Prish to 1ways lhl, ae 0 ,Mjok oJ e the -largest for year. s. Post says: Nearly" four. years ago. tfie -last. or! the farLm of Mr. 3ohri -XurdoclL bd,-'jis alephew, -Reeve -Taylor and his Was �Xate McDonald of London, Is taltots, What juch men might. have attendance, wer The show of stock, especlally. in horses Rev. ge�ntlemah was Appointed here and While filling a silo, fhe cutthii -box otlier -relatives Vx. Exeter last week. a, kw �*days ViAtingwith Mr. done for their country and the *00rl in- -fesponse to a cohmmunication frorr, es' of Iran, were thrown. Nnd cattle, was exceptionally Hei ccompanied by . 34s;'ziece, Miss and W -s. Isaac Jarrott If -parmtted *te ursue peaceful an the bfinister of Trade And Cuinere-e fajthfqily �Iand consistently'dis- br9ke and plee r's was also a. ftny-:sho* of fruit charged his oner' h a zoal -all rouxid, ame. pieces gon 9 as- luseful Occupations I, at ottawa�, the Wardep of he County' -Tha ous duties it high Unle-nrander. - While -in this part he: �Sarvlces -will and yav'tables. The ladies, display was t'�kfat pr�cluded�-fallure, Rev. Fatlb��er Blaic as the silo. -Rtrafte- to. -say, "116 `Re In the East th-- Russian forces seeiii --aeetin­g�.of his corn- ill visit a br(itber and sister -'whose church fiere On the seemd 0abbath 0 .-of Aur held 4 ll'up to the high. standard'of fm-n�ar- - takes Us Ine1w. And L,-np6rtant ost, as Wasliurt. Mr. Jas� Mistard- W'aa idoing ages -�kro 9,0 4ma st 'respectiveli.-Rev.. ED, to be making good progress. But they 'mitte At olintdn . oft, -Tuesday. last. e 4. 11�ft Ar ri ivvri nld+�- -a o effect yebrs. a goOU MiXily VA7.&V-0 Y successor to a priest ho weAntt: ky 4 7. g4arp took, � a Week spell dowar of St. -too are now -neeting, with sterner 0- :T.he cumr4unIcatioA-w&S to the '18 alm�st usoleB,s. Will its � the, �i aker for Great BrItaln u9born and 14iburt exhibitors. ItAn "tingb1f t-. as' Me cutthm box position than -at first And are that ti�� -G, owfth, the Canlai str�pethe dtir"Aaj- but with rmnl)t the oe_cTsi W� -Xalolt sm-ne Ove screws &t loose, alid the sequeztly making les,& progres§- 4. IS having 'assented �Its ;"cdiepitanoe Of gifts —Township Clerk *cEwen, of Xo­ Waike;vIlJe Is' ­a stirvinig Mid IgTowlng Wne of the. attention from W doctor he will soon agb ,Wu te' pastoi heri aad will ve6. ,ve I on fils ba,ak to� W'n deserved' doe' Is.a e box was -- nb Ov ammeil be �we�ll AdWa. W. celvp, a War�-n wlcmp_ for the, A=Jver- wo. and it t er Y withl the -maid that A nuanbei�4of the - lea;-dlA,-, -n' kheiieq1)le" of Cw$ ris, bad $1300 insurai om.—W-9. Geoegf, TuMner� of Drayton, of foWstuffs �ft�. 4. made Orra'L-' ;b -tire and me�int the church authorities hive Wd c sary -serv1ces,.--Amntversa*"y services'-wYA (G er a ada, the depart-Avati. h� arn, hfat, ;ws destroyed by .-I'er *ere i 'Toronto,,- last week a;n General& ha-ve been retired and lu the v111W.—Very f aw vft 'have been sulacbede, by, new offitera. meunts for -the"-silpmenis of these $1100 ota dis contents, but as drop,'Im- blis inew trimlibent. .11ev. 'Father Fallen, is visitinig tepdi;�W Ithet funeral of. Mr. LevttV.s be !held jai St. Aj,ldrewl church an tfie geL sitilg the cajinty.',of ple�wmts, &o., were burned he willprob- of Tilbury a' colleSe, ci*hn 6t, Pat er apples are, betW sold "in, this neighbor- ofre.. Levett's inalden name ws first Faunday in Navember.—W. William What ths may porttmd. remanis to be coritr�butions &RJ -a I i i hood. The apples'was would � be a oother. I of -he new priest for Huron to co-operate. The comittee e-, ibly, be ths, loser by $1300 oni contents, Blair, will be t ted Amn Nar4y -aAd she was the wife Dinsdale, of ParkhIlt sedri. f G,od-Send. to sm-ne of he eilyies And the past week,- -he the ontributlorLAG � kn;ff 41200 to 41400 ou the bitildirig. llia�n aind, Brussels. Tleiizy Lemett. It- Is boidti twenty-fmji -,T ade a' fl There have been Ma.l.-rportant val cided to corifi tow uld be,'Ohipped to them. yffig! visit iirlth his hepbews, , �,$ If they - co 0 0 ul -Ory Saturday after -noon &I resided In. this .1c. appie e`W bulldh -nb�r eqS 11190. e he srs John and Pwbert Dhisdale. "zage—enfs. dvlag the, past,, Wee ats a;aA p tatoes. Of apples, W In . �9 wIll'be erected in d c �epte. _i6seph cCully ',amd Aster visited at Y Kes definite has be&n'Jearned froX pot ­,im-are than, 4 060 barrels, of theF cour4e bt In the meamthhe Mr. b1c 26th, on tor - tuwn� ))eceaA01 was jin her 12ad YAr. �R-b ff� y of- L=An =4 Calvi, the two-Y,6ar old a the home of heir aunt, Mrs. Craig4gi v� an.4- I& Bar. -ib rill siand., On auction sale of h I [is. Q.-%atbers of —Ass (Je=16 llardy�.,whio has been. B0, and Mr The y h a'v 13, followinig varietfeii Which v -*.en -has had. 9 Mt. and N $ nsall, last week. They have s. McPVail aXd daughtr, ot ,the Cana,dla' volunteers of 'Stephen wa;3 i1towever, Safely arrlved 'on the othe: being brugh-Ito ShIPPrug Point Ill ib$93 stook. ka7. In the own. just -rktrned.fr" spending the sum sterfoigraober'for GlaftW and Stain- Porters Hill, were an ylsltdrs at the be on, !hay -or st aw wit at Jhn 0raingerls burbed to JeaM. The litle child as as 'goneto Eome f . Ur but -what disposition, Is to r hout dx-nae—Ban bui�- for � severa -vison of thia side, The Auction Sale ee trade. Of them, whether they will b 0 Davis, Ba,id*lins, 43olden Russets, Nava � ex. In Ireland. TNey yere, glad to s Toianto, *where she �wlll train far, a and Mrs- I 'k: Morris, WedzesdaY f last week; -int' the houie the flooil, an -a" was can�adft I -and XT91 R. R14zolds,wbo - - , Deacones .- U I o- th. again. o tha front or retained- CanaAa Red a -ad Nonpareil. There Is *no vzEr�t , with quite a sweep, totalling a- playin g with a hatzmp i - 1�jiva. beviv va -a onths S at the tim,,. 9 as HaTdyPs many friends sert direct t 'O Oa tand po.., I i — - - yl It �t in Frxgland for additional training, to t - e quantities f ts bout $2,000. Thera.was a larg'e Isftbin-, J t is supposed � that the hammer" fell will ',wish her. success. -4&s. R, Sta,*I- W*st,.1fAvD returaved hm-ne.-They xwjch tat s. pull &jnange,.ment"111 be made ead flew u bury. has returned from 'a visit with 71as oot yet bee disclosed. Ge . dwice and prices ruled-hih. A helfar; .�polil a Imatch, apO the h " po enjoyed their trip. -With' the t M�g and ship onatlolfs sold at $71 and 4 cbms at $90, $911, 'the� child's dress Igfttl-�i'g It The pax� iversary Services.­-Th1e., nnivetr trieZilsin T to receive, pick oronto. MISS Gibson accom- Of Corn silos and the harvesting f the baga to donors. The 'WA;-- $105 und $123. James, Shurrib, boight eTts were not present at the thme, Oe sear Aervieps, Ia Dufrs'4�hurch on 0abm panled U -r b:d,-ne aad. kwat a1ew days an d return Sugar beets -a-ad patatoes, Is kftl -Mr. 3 G,, StqLbury. e The Ontario Goyernm6ntl den Was appoh..teit to superIntend th -the'cows ancl will tetain them on the only occu,pat of ithe,house belqg a sIst- b g last were successful and Interest witli. her, pnephew, m. AM- hands bu It, - y sY dfir TU shake u in the Ontario Goverw- pac g anad Shipping. The gtfods.0-re"tO farLn as he aind his brother -In -19,,W, ter a. couplo of � years older w :a trig i as usu aI. The Service's both fore- Mr. Imw'Jar�--Gttls stock sale wedtber.- a the 'a -My other -z,64 rand evening werib conducted by I-rc I Walter Sfharp� are now the wners of .redlately 'pread the news. The 'Of the Past 'week was Ia igreat suemss. -nt,, hich is W has baf.M pending for ame beT,dellvered at the stations 9 ftev' Xj�-, McF4rla;,ne, MIA., of BAYffeld, The atfendance w llare and prices days mentioned hereuqder: Centralia, tht Gritniger f arm rushed to, CM� scene ad In her ndeav- 4 -re �and which was hurri6d by� the We�k.-We have -re d a ti October 19 Exeter 20 Hdnsall 21,Bruce- livered two earmtst and Able Next ielvo fle Mr. Janies Young, of East or to extinigulsix the f I es, W bUrA- who. de -gt4y.-Irport -of the "Red Leiter" for, 3iorses And vattle went bigh, ;Mr. pres Whitny; IXas* taken. Wb ler .deatlibf Sir J& clintan' 2J3,'L'uckftow'19,WkZ1X- t the, handa'atrill a s, T e child ge co�aregitl,6ns,- Th�re Days Ir field 22, Wawaosh, was at'the G.T.R. yardg. ed abou d1se 6urses'.10 l&n 'I conntetio,% with. -St, - Andrew z 'Jarrott; renTyea t*w&nty hea of o0fte e* nly r 'b ace, 'It Is often the u xected 'that esborough 22,- . lived about three bours. peclii`�musld. � tb� choir ohd PI Jinj Wir4gh4m, wkiting h19 turn 0 -i n1oad S ha v.- 20, Beligrave 21, Loind wid six -horses and t h r- d ;happms and. such Is- tha case� In thl�- Goderich 21 and 22, McGaw .26, Aubu Solos. :�46 - rendbre d . by &Iss Eva �Ohurch Sabbath v-chooi services wt, Sept. he 0 Aes an cbat r" ad. -re fawh--he received a �evere kick. - -Mr. and MT m 27th*amd Oct.Atb. We Are sorr7, hoiv- 'tie sold realized j�00. Mr. Jarrott z I s. Wilifit, Blake, af and 4iis MePtAlanel of Bay- i4x.astance. It was the �ipmtatlon that, 27, Blyth 28, Waitan� 29., Wroxeter 19,. y, G'der1ch, fun formerl t COI. Spalillm, �f Struck -the Iron whaz hot. --Last Wv4�. 22, fr om- one, of Ms'horses, which may Ia 0 y resideLits a the "da evening foll6w- ever,. 'that we are forced to iack 21, R-russels -a -one of-- boro township, celebrated the fliti;t1i field. Olt 8 'to defer Its publimtionlnt1l next nesday' was general Aa, with n Fo�,dwiv-,*,z er C.orrie 20, up f or time. It appears, V on. b -r, Plae, the At of Rduca-� t��%, -Ing. !the: *nnivergary. Fo*1 Supper was _pace Etbei 2a, Seaforth 24%- tli, - IM es got cau[g ht - in the harness airmive�sary of the!r mia'nrlage at Ithree of. �mir neighbors a%A- the wprk wn� when -Mr.. Young J4,riped-fiom, te ho:�e' o thetr - daughter, Mrs. O. R. held., The weather was tavorable, bright i Death of"John, McDonald- was\all. a. -One by dne br Ski -.A4a;.-n Beek, the HydTo- wagon and went to loosen 'the line, Foster, aitland concessign, Colborn -o. Moobli.ght and one of the most charm- eers -of Huron County are Vas- Vx. Jurrott, nnoved t6bm, the Camero:� Hu tes ge ngs. of the season and thee b6t- the plon Electric Power Nfirlster, *would succeed h the horse which had always been -quiet. Thd aged couple. are still �Oth hsle axL1 'V*nl slIng to their - rewrd, leaving as a, farm to his - 41wne in he village. Mr- H._ ert. ce was correspondinglY large, the. -Of t "� 14t ein.-mvph, but is s'up .heWfty And 'look jas If they .Tonment of theik enterprise And fru- Johirr Dlzsdale,�m v d e -Mr. acob b,. tOrd Sir -Jazaea. ­hese' pose4 tq have bee o e to his hom Int But it is',xona f t Concession - of stepheij*: has d1spased o* fit 'in the red to celebrate their Dle,mona An- churlch beln137 picked. 'The ladies -of the eniteed -by the noise, kicked m spa 4ality, one 4 the -gra.Aest and most Stgzley,.and Mr. Johnil,ton, to As olit bis hundre&acre far. -n. 5th con�- - Ir. causing a'.'very PAI re cOm9;e9kt1`On, ajwayst gener-ou, P14- it Is 11cm., W. Mi ReaTst, who.-repre- :gro nf-i I - wovaA - mivrsary. On this occasion there. fertile.cowitles In our Duailnion. T uA N4ce tand for a we n6. Cgmer' 'he -bome on t e occasion; tzents,, ithe edzistituaricy of Sault -AQ cession, of the same Wingham's handsom.e.new larmorles (t�he '-nine ers, Were uIfyi equal to th, ow, ays the good .. I d O'suc -The ladles of Ohio- Wilfigha Patrio - 'Ii.' ­; . T : about f.ifty--guesLs'presan't�. les were' ovided with n last to pass to th%t realID beyond - the t d womeni of tnpse lKarte'in the Legislaure gn, wh tie Just been- coplete. It 'coAtain daughters - 9 el to-' and the tab pr -f - Ill be bu -e of r. and Mrs. Disk bourne was Mr. John McDonald, ' the bm es w 0 sy, g Vng taings itr tie Sooiety"rrada a hause o,hwise avd. has p. length -of 92 gether ith itheir husbandS and, chil&- abupdance of the very best, and had -h, at the, ae 9f 19 orde.-Ur. n6fid, ceeded llon�. Fra.nk 0och-rane six iroopis; 2ne of, Tuckerivmlt amd Mm 16sepk Day- Dly and raised $178 by I - to replenlsh%d =any vas§ on. Fla -9 In Width. The* maklng up tb- greater irimbe- :of fimes. Addries- yar&., amd is 120 feet . ren agA re delivered by Revos. Messrs.. years after A -short Illness.. Mr, Me- V&o ;have Ven. to WhItewood -kanitiVi� -ns, orderly. the com.pam,y. The fam, y circle still ra- ses ter- pf lainda, forests and- anin". the sale. 6f fl*911. de storemo, Donald was born In Bmderloch Argyle- aye -;zturhe4� home Mr. Da am -brook, has' -quaitirs Inel Ba e was a e, d yaond 'went -nparatively --�3eonge Sie.non,' of Cr n Hearst Is a ilayer, a ca- room, �drill hall, am.d a room each -for, L -tains unbroken, Mr. Wid, I k. Arigo and Larkin. Saptlat, and, emigrate Wit' West to .bAryest his crop. H.e zeports Six- potatoes woIglRtn11 - eight pounds and officers, non -c".. mJssioned officers ai soi6- iof the, lwte, Mr.. John Blake, ;&hd Thi pson,., of - s2tchell, gave excellent 1yoizar,man and has only beim a me- -his parents -to Ca-Aada In 1850', setti- cros-mot good 11althat part -this sela- Iout of a piece. 61 robd '69 eet br rpen. (There; is a, fine Indoor raing.8 In ,%ras b6rinl bg Goderlc* township, 6, the readln;gs which. Were t-nuch appreciated Jz an lot 19, concession 2, Tucker- M illis this week enters ber !6f. the Legislature since 19.08 and .29 feet, has 17, bushels a0d .6 pouns-. the b�setmeiftt. Winigham co r ow o ca dleo6e wh119the MuSleal--selec- Smith, and lived there up to his deith. his 39th year I'm b-asiness a ember ot the'Govetm.me2it since 1911. mpany is dril- Xarr on, tho, Huron 'aad, 'n c - p6 h u AWMarsh, of-Hofsteiial. tn Our village -A. U.,'HarAs, 4th. concesion Ot e of tioifts Of W1 - J-, 116 edtrel. ; . -Cal- Ift three nighs -a week and 'has a by qKr� George Lalthwalte. The'411% , of Ro Ue was, a Lvember of log stomdIng In &.&. Melliss came to the vi ge ion tM evious to that he was left on Tuesday of this week f ar ;W. John &Ott, x ,rere Pr S' un- boFn*e, liErt Vf 82 -Members ov -the roll, and Me. -T its, birth was October 80. At and the KippeU Presbyterian Church and 5th of toctober; li%, and 114a -been, do- tcrn 'h could bp desired taind were. r�- �* butside of,his o titue a trip to Edl.ndn, -caming in -.4 f (2 he settled OI a far.T.. All t, at -a -to br know. wn cons ncy. He ma y take u) bers are still the �0 t all possible ineve faile4l Ive business In ttie 614 Aalrid -eyor at suits htm,. 'd landmarks was om, VI teatedly.'a(pplauded. The proceed laaiid there If he finds.,wh i:,!%rst n I 8 M- ti ibis X'w. Im t6litics bg was -a 2ftVAct. aTA thOPassin-6 yeArs find h1s bust- nis Selection as the head of the Gov- One of ClIntqn1soll cession of Colborne.,.One -5Tr. John Davidsiw�,-kaving sold hN ter,an gopte.mber .26th,, 1864, he 6U0to& 4182. Th -6 astor, (he es n -men -therefore, under these cilcu re-.-n6ved*la-;st week. This was the housc liear Ia, �4n] Libleral. W. MeDonald.w.as an upright nes& grawing blgg�er and better, ter f a�m an -o(ymbessfon of Grey, ed- h amd the congregation generally are, to -1 T&IS the 1,1th oni,Adbert street,.until recently occupl broug t ha.me,'as his'bride, Miss. AMd conecientibus. striving always, Is a record' to be'prved of. amd�' will rp 1ji cantgra-tuated on the marked sue- - - I - -- � $s atarces, is sbr:rEwhaV surprlaiag. What side In -Briissels 't where 'be has lary Johns t, O`Ave old Veteran, wad:lhe the reasua is tar so unusual a'selection by POss -1 tone This house, nh Fisher, daughter.of Pe. - to do whait'lle- believed was right, He creditablo t course, only known ta the Inner purdhase nce bdogIng -built -of' he*.ed logs, w�w 'Fisher, of t sx.r. ces d a residz tO X� r q- * which was ee can kon. The cess at-tezdft* this 'anniversary deca thoroughly trusted.and greatly people Who have*for So lonjg� a Porto*- �Gi,fflth, of :WVinipegi-and for which AS h. St ee sIdn,. Fade, -her of hirs. J. led in Nort ' r t , r. re cted by X . : spected :by all. Who', kn eircles'of the Conservative 1yarty. Thui fat tnuptial knot was t� -eW hL,m ;44 given, &Lin -their c&;lf-Jadme, =.d t he palit 40�. by Rev. -Mr. farAn 1s political og.reer the new. Pre�l Harlwnd,, who was one of Clinton's Methodist Church, Goderich, leaves - behind him the.. herit. 4 a a, ge oi intronage. May 'he I<yzg r%.naln h. X:W -Ile v1sitireg 11virs. Alex. Garin6r. Z"ter ter has ,not. shown any tetnarkp..ble Wh arliest settlers and the dvAelli-ig was WhIting. After spendirig. 89 years ot blamelem life and a good name. Dur- pm - amd cOM4,P'ue to -proWr. ' TKIP13en at wl-ton, me dty 'last week, X-rR. for mainy Y&af!s the home of the ftaxr,117. flieIr.wedded life In Colborne township, TU'RIht Rilnig.-Dr 1 X. Rollins, Ing this long-Ve. e was counted- a- Wo'd1d Inot be Ukde j0pi.-elk -without. Tia;o �abflltyor sp�clal fUmess for the�-.�oo- 51,artin,fof,BrUsselS,-Was caght 'Later it was sided up gnd -aun addition they, moved to Gderich and are at prd­ 'a for�,-ner well knowa r':esident of'Ex- sition Ito which he was &'Oofnted­g�,w traft We hardy, ."s �zndt!11 up !to tkis xlellls.�Ed� by the -wind, �,dd blown 10.ff'tho oullt -to the, back &,-,d no oulbt many' -sent re ed residents -of tl�ab plac3- eter i,amd for mg,my ie.Ars � one of 'the he ;ca(-ne to be appointoA 0� ti wfiose. dah, *her foreii.ead beirig out -by contact, spect were practition recomma-ndaiou the - Lieutenant-Gover- -were umaware of, the fact that the -1frr. amd Mrs. J,, Ia. XclCbinaa lead'. g -,,medical ers of this W, th thebrick wall.- original bulldftwas of 101gs-URtIlhk �the 19dests of the lady's, Uncle' &.1d' ;31str t, in a private leter to a gentle. p3or -Wated iu-callng *a htm Is not very R.'Ci !.Hd S Ing -and .Xrs�' deflultely known. He was not selected -Xr ys, for MAOY 7ear.03 weat-h-.er�eatent id VOS torn off. Aunt, M Wo Jackson, In tira In town, acedmpwaying his sub nee wltU the legal firLM of?rqul- -One day, last 1wedX,)Mr. Robert- Clinton last week. Mrs.- NeXI'MOn was sbrIption, to the local Paftlotle Ful ted , yej by Ithe Coservaive m6mbers �of the con ld foot, 14.*ays a:ndKilloran, Goderlob� has kres, ho - lives con the bounary, 'to rm-erly Kiss.�-may Rahc4e, of Clinton. and *rIten frozri,Mirnico, -says: I IA �LeTislature. V -hat -wich is sure, al- wou :.P, i. fro -m that firm, emd haq� thou,Lgh it I withdraw� ' w6st o -t Walton, had m: Marrow escape- - Mr. McKinnon as been. engaged all mot Ove, one dollar ;t6 ftht 1he Ger- s possible he may be acce. -jed aR Ioffice of his, vwxi In G4d - -work, with the as, people, Amongst the best ope, fra.rrl being k1lIed. A draft spring colt sumer In, engineerin 7n. It Is Said ILhe members of able'to, thp, 'id iver h 'no by the -hat d p C.,N.R in, 'the YellRy! Read Pas., . �fX�As I a ad are GRnn^ On btt, rich. t , as being wAamed ass.clOse f o, et' Goernment agreed ­younge� -Mr; Pra: w.,ns, with him In wore; 'No better settlers ver ca.-.ne t , r. T191-mesi - 4 �a box stall ;and X Mrs. i9cKinnon baq*been 0 the acting nk k. 'in as rat, and tha Dr� Pyn-, ITS '0 ea, a- L work was C94nadA. -No zeed -to speak of their Prez-rler, recommended 4is --appointrent SOP 'Of Mr. 04 Iiii Ms, 'of Goderldh I iming over the manger 1�,�,m !he pas-- -the-tT6utal-as. C.,�structlo. C6 .ie to, (the Lieutenant, Governor. At ainy township, and the part cou�te. sag I -- waywben the colt WqiIng q7Ack- discozilnu 'elver, on. abcoj--at of wdrt3i, to peole who know them. No gaige In the ly kickedi Mr. Holmes receivigig the blow the war.�am leaving the more' horiest, frugal, progressive peopip, rate'he Was aglced'by that Officia of -years has beewn'emt . . . . . . 1I.Mdeitake the duty of for.-n-In's Gov- big of butter and chxeese,�has joined -in0the left side of the head, the-ja.. Laims, ;Mi, and �.,Wrs. AfcKinnon decid;d tnt 'C! adA than -the. German S. I give ernment and he accepted the hGaof. the T to Police Force. bome being fractured. � The Injured a to locate ahomestead some flei South- r.othlng %o fight Ithe . Gerzman eole oron, Where vou . . . . . . gle In. -the per tcitizenls Rifte kAssoolation- 'has wpjked to the house and medical aid -west -of -E "anton. Missing the -stage b(vt I glve*freelY to, fight a sy get .There is mot,,,-nuch charq� eid, with the fol- e --rt meat Wat till . Stem, hat eaumc-. F"m for--ned in Ba fl. -was procured. Nk. oknes Is ablt- tor b*,, which , would, have ciarrlexl th has, tbreAfted =d i thiea- whnel of the Goverm-nent. Dr. R d lewing officers: baptain,,Lwls Thum- about amd.will Soon be as well as ever 'to -their distinatirk 1 they. decided not tens 'the liberties of H =d 4Lh6 you want, and that of "cne ;of course, retires, �havlagbeen defeate uropla t 'the last elect.lar� and being with6ut som;'Recretary, Revi AJ KacFarlalie; wp to k-%vis.te four days *Iaitin f na Prussian' militiarlsm. b(as beem cl 1hope. or a thr world. dMI0+ - f rld for the pa$� some ' sixty- 1,�k rril6s t1b tter.mace of ��che we ER, deratt g b qualtty. , atonstituency. 14e Is succeeded as &in- Treasurer, Robert BaIlQY; 00.-nmitte, -The Brussels Post of last week -to tramped 0 + MO by Ivfr. pl�lav Dr. Woods Dr. SL-nith, 'Wm, Mustard, makes the, followini reference to the -throuibb a Kareely settled is-trict ui­ twenty 'years, a -ad -b(as cost the world ister of Public Works imce i el -nlllians!�Yea. ev'en' b111100.119 WcDermia, at .-Ulgl. r. McDern-dd is, aeortgp Greenslade. Por(rltry "Frult Farm lot W. Robet- til they finally located-, th r s- the plwb to our -W. E. Orbls --ippresg the only new �,-naterlaO All the others a f 9.1th e, living on the Taxomsn of that pUce, and 'which ad- The, fari. in, 'questidn. Is In a - fine gwans And must be s ed In th� in- &.old 'their fanner positions. Sir Adam Wawaaosh- . Turnbury line, suffered ser- jotm the town, of Brussels - He has an doutntry. a;nd as a nu�-Pber of engineers terestsaf tbb world and M -ore pariticia- prescriptiolis �and Ppeck Idi-ops out as a 3fin'leter withou U JOUS injury whux he was,thrown from Ideal sp6t for the business , In. his. 24 -ad their fw.Tilies L 1nten4 compag down -Iarlyftnt tho Interests receipts tfoHo,, but holds his :position! as a igg on� Friday. Mi. -MIS wfas hitching acres ith, orchard, vood xw)ge, plenty- fromNtlio PLockies for the twinter. They liam, %U Kaiser, le evlde�xtly an eg,;� filled. It por en the hors� of ghde, etc. -He ..has om up to-dat- tblrk that . whe7i they return* arndbuild .r am#c. t 6hairman of the Hydr-o-Ele6tric 'Com- up to go. tcy -a fuMPAI Wh $or purimses of self glor- nd hu .1 they can. settle down ification,lias 10. -his 0- w1salon,. Itr. Henry also drops out, -bav- becae frightened ai rled him down, P�Uttrk: hbuse 100 teet 1(xnlr by 20 feet their log icabir Any and c Ae Lie-utenant. Ctovernor. an embankment IIAG a ditch. wide, 6 colon '&euses, In�ubator and vei�Y comfortably until MT. McKtrion adjut-6r,,AjstrIa, IntiD ith13 -A,.Wf4IEdr- ftV them �;nai -J. ladles of the Wroxeter R,sd� biooder departments and hi bikrds IS obli0d to resume Ms enwineerlao. �epeap fttastro it Mras expectod ttat Hon..J., Foy, -The airp, , Ae. Ge I M-8my hi% for a 4W4M -neral, W - Socl ty, �,have sent their first -In- dojmgL stock are 100'. -.nam, work atain In the sprI09'. They -will years past 'been,,Q- pressed ty- tho'rail.;. -A - I Attorn,oY Ge ould also drop out Cross e h stai,menE of. donations te 8: 'dig be secre sencity-five miles. frrr, Ed- Itary'spirit and 7early sp--ut 'vast -- tivillic his haelt w btad oar r Pekim ducks for bree DRUGGIST bute still reMaJAS AlthouO -to ta' is such -that he his mot been able Toronto, 'ai follows: 22 sirts, I a amd-500 he0s, divided amoAg three %onton, but 4s they.will have hqrs,�s su�r s,�,"d has in conve0_Uene6,'eAused Seaforth de oua,,tle' 00 ka 8, �)slr ;Nwrast- Re e,,coznbI6d, 9ho Isla�--d it tit be -,pOplble to �c "O, -0 for. a other'irtlofis to 4i to,,tb. AA#Iiar. for q6veral onth. inIght shirts, 8 pair s I ,Yfflwt breeds-;� a N as 'Mll-� rig Agimtfor But terick Patterns