HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-10-02, Page 8• Appointments. EverY business man takes advantage _ of modern neethods'of comMunicitition in his business. Photography offers a peysonal vol - 'antiwar means of communication that • a,ppreolated .friends or family. To them your portrait will carry a message of thoughtfulness and regard Make an appointment for *a portrait les you would =Ikea business appoint - Fen Studio Phone Seaforth Winter theVace to 'au High class F.URN- FIUME and save money. How about Agent for Stone & Wellingto high grade Nursery stock. The South -end Furniture Store, Seaforth James atson, Successor to W. N. Watson, RON • EXPOSITOR OCTOBER 2, 1914 uptiitor :plumes, or -tiny Prince tef :Wales tios. reente and flowers, Monkey. fer and birds, besitles the mounts in "wing a,nil spear slienings, all Of which are attennh- eocitede ofteorded ribbon!, -usually' white, dolden 'Wedding. -Mr. and tire- Chae. velvet •hats. Sailors. are high, low, large, Holbeln of Seetorth celebrate the fit- small, *plain taxa elaborate 'to suit the tieth anniversary of their trarettage -toe wearer. Tarhans 'appear 'la a whole day, Priday. TheY Wert/ married in neltitade f '3 UntY anal sedate *deeigns, -the township Lof Hay by Rell; Father I including be • Schneider and -until doming tci f eaforth models th t a resided on vthe Sauble line in .that, -of 'black 'are township. Mre. Holbein's maidenname richt wines, -p rple, Rosslan green, nig- was Margaret Thorn. Mr .and • Mre. ger brown-, "midnight, raven and iveen Holbein celebrated this important event 1 blues- give the variety. It is years Since by inviting a number of old and in- the hats were so .Iseautiftil in, shape intete friends ., to their comfOrtable The grac tut curves of the 'large sail - home in Seaforth. wThey are both still hale and hearty and we are sure it is the wish of their 'many friends that health • and life may be, voech- exceptiane 0 the rule; femme Fere, i efe and Accident Insur- ance•Agent. Real Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of *property effected at the lowest rates, Dealer ineNew.Rayretond, White and New Herne Sewneg Michinee and National Creme Separators. fulre supply of sewing xna.chine needles,: attachments, oil and re -- pairs always in stock. Mr. Landlord: If you want to rent yber prop- erty quickly and profitably, you raust keep it well painted and attractidely papered. I'd be glad to Suggest liew you can increase the income from your real estate holdings by • a small investntent in paint. and` wall - John Hooper Painter, Papet Hanger, etc. Johu street Seaforth Stratford, Ontario Is a school with a continental repute, - tion for high grade work and for the success 'of its gra,duates, a school with superior courses and instructors. We glee individual attention in Commer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments. Why attend elsewhere when there is room here ? Youmay enter any ime. e free catalegue. D. Al McLachlan, J.F.DALY Jeweler and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses The Lister Casolin'e Engine went given in Clintoa, aa TitursdaY evening of last week, Ordt Alex. Wil - trent trans the command ot the 33rd reghrent, his time ha.Ving expired. He Will likely' be sue eeded by Mater R.R. responsible positi n travel -al years with great didelity and' efficieney and he now (retires with honor to hi:melte the good will a his brother officer% and a right to feel that he has 'Wen faithful axed self-sacrificing services to the cause which he.; still has so much at learteWe have no doubt that Ifajor Cooarbe will make an ,equally efficient officer and • we are sure he will have of the entire farce. '.' 0 ore, and mart turbans, are very , bee cooling t -the young ladies, while me - dais for. matrons have high, soft crowne and --soft °Inereow brims. end gre close fittiag. That prices are exceptionally anal surprisingly :noderate, is another prices well „ he reach of the. war derfully smart, velueive. models at average purge, and' good . value was given , as was evident -by the number of hats sold at the three 'millinery Parlois ordtthe -opening days. No doubt, our milliners can prod.xce a chapeaux equal to any direct from Pariadand it is mit nedesiary to go to the city to act the very latest in hats or any other part Of one's fail. or winter --Autfit, as our much skill in chooeing the verY best for, the 'people 'at liese, and no doubt,- the ladies of Seafortie and surraendlng country wt11 show thefr.appreciation of this be 'purchasing their millinery and other togs in Ssatdrth.- eather beg Seryleesewill be.held in St. Themes: Church on -Sunday next, October 4th. 'Holy COnuntiniON at 8.80; Morninet .Prayer at .11 ; Children's Service at _3; -The Meth.odist and Presbyterian Sabbath Schools celebrated Flower Sone day by special services Ott SundaY:is,ste the services in both ins•tancep were In-- teresting and apetroprtate. Iii the Pres- byterian churah .each Scholar brongiet a 'bouquet e flowers. When all these resere assembled in a floral bank in front of the f.p-tdpit they presented a for the toccasion WAS , preeclied- -by the pastor, Reveedr. Larkin and the chair for the service was otem.pbsed of Sab e bath School enildren, under the leader- ship of etre Nixon, arid thee acquitted. thierriselves like old timers. he ehe after- zoon there was a goodly Attendance of parents and .others interestedsia the - school. and ten excellent' practical ad- dress west delivered be Rev. Mr. Brown, of St. Thomas Church: Irt the iNfethodiet Church the -marling service was colt - ducted by Rev. St. J. A Ian, of Clinton. ti end Rev. Mx. Larkin • elivered anead- dress to' the young pea, le in the after - soon. The music, aid° on both eccaseene' was exceedingly pleasing. The several servicee ware well attended and mark a redlletter des, in the history of the theatregoers willtbe glad to know that the Fire Brigade has secured . the Perry Peerless Players, with•Den Male loy and Hetet Corinne as headliners,' trercing next Monday night, in car& no's -opera thouse. This cortusarty has man y former t occasions, land never 'fail- ed ate . please, and there is no doubt, that with a brand new repertoire, -pee- sen ted - by such clever t artist8. they will -fill'ethe house, as they have al- eways (hate, The Ssaforth Fire. Bri- gade deserve all the e-ncourage:neat and financiel support we can give thorn, as they are one Stf the bestas- sets the town has. Read what •the Brockville "Times" 'of Sept. 3rd has to say of the Perry Peerless Players: "A. large audience was weld entertained last. evening'. at Griffin's -Thea-tre, with Dr. Forster • Str tfOrd, eye, ear, nose and° throat specialist, wilt b at the Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth, .on 3rd Wedneeday of each ruonth_from 11 „,..,-;31oney to Loan—Abont two thousand dollars to Tex) on lint' mortgage on farm property, private, funds; Apply at ,the Exposito' Office, Seaforth. ftatnitiry—S end your laundry to Stratford Steam Laundry, orders to be in by I'Vedneeday noon in oiler to have them returned Berne week. M. McLel- • ler, Gana,dian Express Agent, Seaforth. 2441x4 Marriage Lioenses issued by Say auge and Stollery For Sale—Good second hand sawmill, suitable for traction engine, easy terms. -Apply box 290, Bay- field, Ontario. • - 2439 Residence in Seaforth for sale, Don t 'buy ufitil you see this. Apply to or address It. E. Coats, Sae.. forth. 2435 -ti For Sale—Several aood Manes on easy terms. 11.• daii I require a large amount of funds, 1 wolp2ur4i4lndtie: speetfully ask for a prompt settlement. G. A. /Mlle, to John Beattie or Alex Wilson. Complete list will hardWare merchant, Seaforth. 2442-2 ing to contribute will kindly hand in their donations appear in next issue. Red Cross FUnd Growing—Gentlemth still desk- . The Creation pictures now sho at this conclude Friday night 8 p. m„ 'th a short address by an able speaker, who will ave some ipscial choice films which he will bring with him ter the occasion. These films will Must ate the subject of hie address and are intended to raW tbe lemons of the drama a fitting oonclusion 2442.1 House Wanted by a nom and wife, a furnished house in a eonvenient part of tha town. Apply at the Expositor office, Seaforth. 2442-2 will he a patriotio entertainment-giveta in the Meth ("dist &unto under the aussiees of thleocLaAldmleus'siAeidI AO which everyone is invite . Beat ' and literary talent -will take part. See announcrnent next weak. 2442-1 Notice—Our accounts are dueNie first of each abd every month. Prompt payment of same Vail gieatly oblige. Sproat las Finnigan, Steak:nth. 2;41-2 ' Fowl Stlpper,--Don't forget the fowl raipper and entertainment in •Duirs church. ideltillop, on Wed- nesday, October 5th. Addreases will be given ' by Reyds. McFarlane, L trkin, Argo and the pastor, Mr. John Marsh of Holatein and Mr. John Sent, of Roxboro will furnish the musio, while Miss Thomp- son, el icutionidt, of Mitchell, will add much to tae fleasure of the evening.. Admisaion,35e. 4442-1 Our leather goods are guaran- teed to, he -made from genuine leather, and cost no more than those ',64 inferior grade. tiAkD 13AdS MUSIC ROLLS 13 IL L.' Forms CASES LETTER CAS EN ' WALLETS PURSES • Sestorth made to order. - -Mr. Steinbach acerniipenied the remaInS of his`tsort from Berlin. The deceased had been ,engaged in Berlin for- some -time. :He ;was .-srnitten with paralysis *while engaged at his work and only troern his dans, besides. father and -having .been -Married only , about ten months. Much sympathy Is felt for the 'bereaved widoW, father seed friende. _iday. They were perchased be. Mr. Smith and were; eirettened to the : Messr,s. Jacobs, of 'eMentreal.--There" will be sta schoqi- ine the Idiblie 'S4110613. here on the *ethers, will be int attendanae at the East! Huron Teacher's, Coneentlen, .tb. for the trevision *laid torrebtfori ot the Seatorth •Voteree Jeigt .is to be held Lo the to tn halt on &Invitee October 10th it; eetern cing at 10. ;o'cleck. There are over ightY4a0Peals to be disposed Of. - We afietin reneind AII Interested of the foWl supper and ti* good time to be, enjoyed- ht Duff's Church, McKillop, on- Monday- evenirig next. There will be should' arrange to itt theree-The organ recital in tire -.11tretlySkterian Church. on Tueiday evening fleet by Mr. Nixon, the organist; was .it very interesting. and plesSing entertairenent. Mr. Nixon was .assisted by Mr: White,. tenor soloist of London.a-Rev. (Mir. /darker will have for his- evening theme in.',the Methodist Church 'next Sunday, . “LesSonsi from •the 'Gristat . War;" -Mn and Mrs. Wil - guests of" , ..t asidettlre‘ n; En Coatein- sere,- Jack, ‘ Stratfera;' mototetr to Sea - forth, onetheir „metiercyele on Sunday, and spent‘the day with Mr. and Mrs. T: G. Scotte-Mr-Getarle A. e.gilis of this town has ' signed' the, centract for the plumbing alai 'heating et- the nerwererblic schoce building .111 -0,V,itchell.-=-41r. Chas. Dawson, whet Was conducting the liver store here sinee the death of his fat The ladies' Ald of the Methodist church are Makiog. active (preparations for a Patriotic entertainment to be held oa the evening of Ths,nkagiving Daye-ditr. aid Mre. Charles -Routledge, of' Eg- tronelyilre, . haVe,, been so 'ill _are of -tile Illness of Mr. p. 8. Jackson,: of- Egmendsille, but 'hope• to .see him around ageen soon. -Mr. :Jack Best 'has returned to Toronto, to :resume his studies at tthe law. echeol there. -Mr. Rounee: of drIpley, was the guest of reandVille.e-Mr. Earl •Bell has returned to Torontoeto resutne his studies at the School tor Practiettl Sciehoe.-ter. Geo. ping apples to the -Weit. Mr. Turebull will also try be secere thie usaal outlet kr Scotland foe igoo. fall fruit. --The EPworth League of the Seatorth Metho- dist Church presented*. jolm Button. evening as a toien ;of its .appreciation of hiS services. He. left Tuesday for :ate Institesta 'held their anaual sport- ing .eatrueetitioes 'ton' Wednesday after- noon, eta the boys hold theirs on next Friday. Weehope aleXt week to publish the Hit 'of Use sucteesful competitors hi the .various events..The reeng ladles Basket Ball team and the boys Foot Ball steam went to .Clinton, toe ThursdaY to. play twith the .Colleghtte Students of that town.-4,tr. A. Pe Joyeit, on well known auctioneer, conducted a pate in Wawanosh, this week, .at whicn he disp,osed tot 111 head of cattle for A total sum of $7,500d -The many friends bf kr. •Donald McIntyre -will regret to leara that he suffered a paralytic stroke an -Wednesday last and is now confined to -*this residence Mrs. McIntyre, who had hien visiting with her sister, in St. Marys, was called dionieratelie William Jatniescrn, who ihas been in Detroit, for _same time was irt town' tins week. ' Local 13riefs.-Kr. Ralph Cresswell returned tor'ne tram the, west an Fri - ton,. Alberta, is visiting r parents, Mr, and Mrs. JOhn Sptoat,E who art visiting t e home of Mre obert Charters, Quebec, op Fri - any friends a - oh' Saskatoon. Masents mother,. ,Mrs. Mill Road, reteirned visit to Montreal and day. •They• also Yisited where Med./kronen, has ". end Mrs. T orras; ringle, of Mil- waukee .werdevisiting-fri nds town Dublin NeW Shoe Shop—Louis. Wolfe, has opened., bifida of shoe repairing on thOit notice and reasOra. able terms). asks Aoi the patronage of all bis old friends awl many new ones. 2433x4 Death of Mrs. Itedmond.-The re- mains of (the late Mrs. John Redmon -were brought here from OidgaidY1 f interment On Wednesday last. T funeral' took place- from the residence of her ifather, the services being held in St. Petrick's Church and the inter- ment wasnnade in St. Patrick's Cern. Katherine Kenny. 'She wasta daughter or Mr. William Kenny a this place. Muth, sympathy is felt for the bereaved -,parents and -friends of this worthy lady. II -Vs. Red:nond had resided Calgary about .seven-yectrs. , the "Belle sof the Poste' as preseoted I last weelt.-edd. wed Mid. T. Rt. F.faasee, by the 'Perry Players, , a company of at Toronto? were visiting' at Maple Hall, clever artists, one of the beet seen here the liortee of Mrs.1 F. Case last weele- in repertoire. tThe gt&ry of the Play Mr. Rogers, Postreareder, of Toronto., has a western setting, with e dash Was the guest of Nfroand Mrs. D. Me - of cawiscrys and a tincture of Army life. Gregor, Gederich Street, last week. Ne. A_ strong story of a plat for big stakes, Rogers is fa. brothet of Mrs. McGregor. with unprincipled cunning, relieved be --Miss Drift, of ldluevele, was the 'guest a rich comedy vein, afforded a pleas- of Dr.:and Mrs. Cooper aver Sunday, - ten t evening's enterteinment. nsAn Mal- INfr. and Mrs. 1A.. G. Stnillle and tensile toy, a4 Major A. Id OFIttrin, wae wry - have removeddrarn their fertm let Tuck - amusing, and is A clever 'comedian; his ersznitin and -are now comfortably lo- nnonol4gues and songs between acts be- cated ire their new: home on Nprthetlain ling liberally -applauded. Hazel Corinne Street -Mr. and Mrs. James scott ari•- •was petite tend pretty es ,Belle Brew- rived here from Grand Prairie; Orator*. ster 'and has established herself in the is British made throughout and. favor -of local theatre ers. W:n. Ten- - -d ' : e day evening They snent several weelts1 visiting friends in tne Western. towns and cities 101i th,e way doWL-Mr. and Mrs. ::w.NI-lays ° have arrivea in town from Regina. We andersta,nd Mr. fleets thinks of going into businees in Sea - forth. -Mr. McQualg, who was Ledger independent expert to choose and Sa.ttrday, the days set for the :fer . eome time, has been rerno.ved to and purchase the best deeig.ned Fait opening display of hats and weer- ,Peterboro, and this successor here id Cronearty , most simple . economical and ef- I ing apparel for the cooling tseasoas, • Mr, Donald Gibsen, •son of Mr. Gibson,. Notes. -The Annual- 'meeting of the &lent gaso'line engine. at the_ found our 'merchants ,ready ' with a, 1 Idibbert Branch .6f the Bible SeeletY is a4. Toronto, a tone-ttne rnartager _of the fpoininian Bank here. -The caneert un-, t° be'hela this Friday eyeeingtin fOretn- fair. There were very many' en- •ehoice and abundant suiply. The new. gines to be examined, but the est in reedy to wear garments and der the auspices of the Band, •held on arty church. The three tesident .eledgen ha4ltdsccnelY ths- Ftiday evening, *as largely ettezided 'rem' haw .ah`daYs done' . flinch to In Ow result was the expert bought a -hats, ward as uSeal, and instructide. :This 'year, however, a tiliecial.- tepresertative of the Society, Mr. G. It Bernarde is expected to be -es of Ilie Work fie the Pliillipinesed-The :Itev. S.. II: Sfarkisstidri Of Britinit pandit. rbia, spent, a fetv: idaes 'last Week ';with of the highest grade in design, materials and, workmanship. At the Great Toronto Fair last year a large firm of building contractors -3-n. Toronto sent an yson was excellent: as the •youngi rancliman and the support was very capable. Plan of hall at .C. Aberhart's At the Millinery Openingse - Friday' Varna The. Red Cross. -The treasurer of the Patriotic Society received the oTficlal receipt from- the Red Cross •Society for $200 which [was dorated by the three c'hurches of Verne tned vicinity, and on behalf of the •sOciety would. ask yae to accept fort yourself and4o kindly COil- vey to‘ the members of the churches, the sincere -thank.s bf the executive cemmittee of the Red Cross Society for their -generous donation. Ouality Counts John Elder & Bons Agts. RENSALL, ONT. OUR FOUR • the E.- nieFeal .cdriPa -d di'l steivra hand panned ear donated by Mrs. 9. Bros.,' while Miss Johe steat'e window and Atinjeentriant for the aid of. tire patriptic- shaw roam -looked eveasbetter than on ''turnd -realized a liberal sem and was. ° former opering toceasions. 'Stella ferns: ' won qD3'.• Mrs: Callegtheen, of Egmcne& 'and floviers tend richly' collored silks 3 ville.--Men. Wiltse, who haa beeneaway and triminge, \the handsome hatse in , for eeveral weeks. ;visiting friends: in itIcFaul'S windows, of the mato store, 'Clinton Winefhaen .and Walton, has re. t. turned hoene.-Dre Gillespie, of Fergus,' 'was here ithis week visiting his parents Mr. and fMrs. John .aillespie. He rade Kenneth Mee apeeared to the beet iadvantage, while the ready Ito- wear gartnents "arid furs were displayed good style in 'the larige show window to the south, and. up tn. this motor car. -Mr: Zurich of the *Aeons Bank, has vacated his snenmer residence at St. • Joseph, his inland -friends at Zurich. During ztay tat St. Joseph he sokl his road- ster and phrehased a standard -bred Welshe posy, ;which he calls oPrince George." It was formerly owned by IA.. t Frank Kling 'of eleeloith, and later by- e Clinton parte. It \has taken many prizes throughout Western Ontario arid Is the -sire-. of Many beautiful cats." It is nicely marked in black and white, with a flowing ma-ne and tall. It is said to -be the handsomest pony in 1Goderich, will hold a ,Court of Ralli- addition 07, will 7nveyaneer _for this district. kmong the applicadts will be the Free Press correspondent. ton iThe • young people Sf St. George's chureh, Walton, will hold a box social at Leadbu ry school on240takoter a the Weenen's Institute held a Very 'euceessful patriotic entertainment on Wednesday evening in the A..O.U.'W. Hall, which was beautifully and ap- propriately decorated -with bunting' and flags. The ch.air was taken by the pre-: sident, Mrs; John J. alcGavin, -who tng of the efeple Leaf, by the'.setrilence. ev. Mr. Young' gave a snort sympath- e ic address, 'he having a son among the contingent now on their .way to England. Mr. Savage a seaforth, gave quite an instructive address nehicb was listened to twith much interest, The solos by Miss Della eecGavin, Miss Ethel Ilear.rt of bneaforth, aed Mr. John Mc- Arthur, :were very aoproptiete end much enjoyed, as were also the viol se*ctions by Miss Sholdice and Mr, W. ShOldice • and Mr. Janes Ree. -The pro- eeeds of .the evening amounted to a little over .$35, which closed by the, audience singing ."God Save the- Kingio after which a dainty lunch was served; The Best . Millinery Openin Dollar 'the newest in' dress goods could b3 Lead of the Tn.-Baton establislonent,), Mr. James eMcKaig end family.- Mr. Shoes Taranto, is visiting old friends in sea- Jairces Gillespie left on Mondas, for. seen in the two north windows. Stew - aet Brothers had artistic. winiaw ,dle- forth and Madinat) this week. Mr. Mc - plays and A few of theirarettiest hats Leod's conatectien with Canada's big looked' well on handset:nisi' gowned .fig- departmental store dates ;back over eres, the eurroundings belag rich trim- twenty-one years and h.e,Seetes to have -='Ing'S and torna,ments In their south grown with the establishment. - Mr. - Men if you feel like spending evindow the Le.&. ' • Y latest in tren's suits Jake McGee from Belfast, Ireland', is ars for a pair of Were displayed. dem interior ot both es with man - stores were hung on all sid • the guesttof his b rother, James McGee, shoes, we can'show you shoes • ties, irk). mtags Land fers. When one I to, is -spending his holid t Mr Mc fleetly reached (the 'millinery parlors , Gee's. -Mrs. Smart is ire Hensel' this at this price that you will -be - things were tprettier than ever; and ail ! week, the tam s t of Mrs. Atdre w Nioir. Shap ten -Chowarn-A quiet wedding toOk place tat the James Street Parson - Miss Rhoda shone Chowan, daughter of Mr...William, Chnevan, of Exeter, eat/ Mr; Thomas 'Hiram 1Sb:entail', of Steohen, Were united in -Marriage by Rev. w, a. IL 'McAllister. The bride was attired glad to spend your money for the Op -to -date steles id hats 'were there! -Mr. Harry tStewart underwent a sec- 1St: a pretty eaten' of blue naile,tte silk. The best shoes made .besldes crowds of ladies admiring, ais- ; and operation %for atasteee ear °num- .Her travelling suit was a bliie Waffle • cuseing and buying, The eta -en hat is day 'last. The operatiars was iperforrred cloth with hat to 'match. Mr. end Mrs. & sold for the money fashions first law for all ,occaPions in by Dr. 'Forster, asaisted by Drs. Scott . Shapton left on. the 'morning train dor 'a milaslye millinery tfor thee eeasera just I end ilfelCay and was quite successful. short trip.to Hamilton and, other cities. Madein patent leather,- pat- arrived, andethe in town have eee are glad to learn that Mr. 'Stew- On their returh they will teriide on -the but. teditr.ed their tskill and energies in this ,art is doing as well as weld be expect- 'grocer's fine Arm in Stephen. . ertt calf, gun mAtal calf, direction:. The %black velvet hat is the ea and:we hope this operation will ef- Deathe of Garnet Steinbach. -The re - ton, laced or blucher style. leading fdatdre.idt the splendid autumn tent a.per =anent caret -The young man trains of .the late Garnet Steinbach, of Every shOe made to ifitg, and . stewing of seriart headwear., Moreover, Pethislt; swhe Was fiejered a cauple ef Berlin, everee brought here for linter- _,,,_ two set ..styks monopolize tenor, and :tentenettego (by fallinge;rom the roof et trust ie. the Exeter eernetere on Satur- in ttp- to -date styles. Watcn to be fashlonably hatted you enlist stetbarPrdseteovetable to iget-ttneut again daye;Septembereleth, the fostered' 'trek-. • echoose a Sailor or a Turban.. A Sailer rand este- twin not suffer ante' permanent trlaCe tram the residence Of kr, A. windows for display.. IL R. Scott with wide 'brim and a fairly .high , leturyn-The Inteeeetional-Bible. Stu- Dider, tufncledot the deceased. Mr. craw:ay-tor a soft little close fitting,' id, tints :Associatirtn'ehlive. beer% -putting oe Steinbach :Was thirty-one years of age. turban, long and natrove and be it d the phatpe.draniaT"Creation,' et the Prin. 31e,nwas s ,0, -;gr. Daniel Stein acin turban' or sailor, the trimming to be cess TEC -bare this. week and ettlAd-fqrth `akiW of\ , Itn!lacit for many ye- s a ORRII OnLario smartest, must be ostrich, burnt ostrich,' good audiences.7-Two carheads Of armY zrerehant 'tleading business m n of Phone 51 Uncurled ostrich, sweeping ostrich &Odes were shipped from here on Tues- Zurich, and -where Garnet was 1)orn. Bruceideld Notes. -A very large inumber from hein were in attendanqe at the Seaforth Fall Fair last week. ---Bean harvesting is the Order of the day. The. recent showers somewhat delayed opera -time along this line, but work bee been re- Inewed once more and the precious croe is being rapidly garnered to safety. - Our local .,graia merchants, Messrs. Scott and Company, are doing a whirl- wind businees along this line at pre. sent. Of late years, many farmer's were. to be found patraeizing the oatslde mArkets, but this season a change it moted and, the motto qf "Trade et Horne," is being adopted to. a greet measure. -William MaeQueen of Snover, Michigan., wbo for the past dour months has been visiting friends and relatives here, returned (to his ho:nh\on Satur- day. -Several from this vicinity attend-, ed the futeral of the late eirs. Stew- art on •Sunday. -Thomas Caldwell and bride have returned fron their honey- moon in tliSsex County Bina illiaye taken up their •abode' titian the groom's fine farm inn Tuckersibitle Their many friends wish .theen a long and prosper- ous marride life -Daniel Ross is en- gaged erecting a shed for Andrew Asexistrang of the Huron Road. • The pang people of St. deorget'a obureh, Welton, will hold a box social at Leadbury school, on Oc- tober 7th. • A good time is expected. 24.42x1 Notes. -The land tis in good conditlea for ploughing. -The finest crop of apples ever seen en Huron °aunty, ;Will ea- pareutly nearlyeall go to waste. Many of tlie -trees have broken' down with the :windstorms and'great loads- of fruit bet theretappears to be no help for .it Thernton and John- Geigler have re- turned frown Westerri Canada. They were inear Arcola, Satsk, and report wheat as tYleidtleg 15 bushels to the acre, bud oats and barley- were little we ,Suggested that our county cod** give a grant .of V11,000 for .patriotie. purpeees. Shortly after Shetiff Reynolds, him call a meeting of the Caution and *die -a great of $5'01000. We'ffnd qbjeet to eld,000 or $15,000 or even: tt little -more butemost of them thiek _that ear t friend ethe Sheriff aimed tOQ higindlowever, we read that the War-. den hastcalled- hip--cominittee together and that 'elle y are .favorable. te.gTaht- -.1,14arked, ututitn....- 'Fashions Bayfield Fall Pair.-Tle annual Pail Fair of on their ge ,s on Tuesday and Wed- elesday la t Was the most successful -shciw that! has been held in Bayfield for emery lYears. The weather was de- lightful and as A consequence there was- a very large attendance on Wed- eesday, the gate receipts reaching the reaord fLgure of $230. Unlike the other Shows this year the indoor department Was net as large as in former years, bet there was a good. display of roots old fruit, and the quality of the ladies' work exhibited me.de up in. some mea- sure for the rather stnall ourribe'r of entries. The fontdoor shoW on Wednes- day could nnOt have been surpassel. The ehow of cattle wes prohably the best seen -In `the county .this year, while the show of horses, both „light ar.el heavy was abeve the Average a former years, there ' hen*. thirteen en-- triees, to, the • single roadster class. There was .aleO Ia. -splendid exhibit a sheep, (hogs and ix -mitre. A, list at the:success- ful exhibitora will be riven in next weeks issue., Chic -Millinery Stylish Dress Goods Excellent Iinported Suifings and Coatings Charming Silks and Trimmings - Guaranteed Furs of Quality and at rGaiNet:siviel:11 mixtures Fine Br Heavy s .1.flor Coll lad to Show You!' Days, • PrHE present is marked.by the same excellent service and iliberal displays of Fall Merchan- dise that brought compliments from hundredS of enthusiastic admirers . on ."opening" days, IT We regret that we were too busy to serve all who came to buy as well as to look at Opening • time. 1 herefore we say "Corne again soon.", .• IT After you've finished your vilsit you'll know that our willingness to serve our :friends and cus. tomers is as marked a feature of this store,as is the lauthoritativeness of the styles shown here now in every line of merchandise found in a store such as ours. reach for Tr WeStern Fur Mu] Stoles Fur Coo' ake ict a Point to Examine Our Fall Display of Dress Goods, Stlitings and Coatings Before You Buy— You.% Be Better Safisfied 'RESIDES their satisfactory wearing qUalities color fast e 2-A ness and strength—the varieties and perfection of styl represented in the following list ofweaves which, we vouch. for, is unsurpassed. THE VERY LATEST Scotch Tweeds Wool Velours New Serges Fancy Weaves Mirabelle Crepes 'Zibeline Cloths Prices -french- Honeycomb Imported Pongee Plush Coatings Knopp Purls , ,avenai4. Serges 50c and less the Yard up- to $2.50 It may seem foo early to wear FURS but it's none tool early to _select them See OUR COection Our nel sign we and Grg More Siore fleece Nighl Heat Glov SIM*