The Huron Expositor, 1914-10-02, Page 477'�f
0r Xr, 0.
lnt-si - Tb*y; a.' 10 Lo
th -distant pod 'eoM burdtos 'tolb' b4ni'ln We final t4clooi,4 :-`j A i 4%ik and M arain. '$Ulld 're. Q
e udgi s. D. ingo .,we in good re -
will -serim
be -a
b' the, PZ-OP14 Ma -W ggg6i Vaus i I pair, - and, he
to��wear -out their znen Twiving them by lbg y 611 1-sk t. t
A froxii one po i t But Ws b 'all bY 414 FINE :At this 40ASO11 In, _h'ASUdi
Ong an(! we&ry mArebes Wmatity 6tWlt Ag.tho fact
T W T F S In not ART$ -
S was, insured.. tal the
turrentj but imst be- d :to this that - the- proektY
tp, another.- [ReportSL orest.-, '.and
bY ty of all dia-
ro 'bnson-,� water v 0 ori, I All Ar
v "ir.%rits it
pa o la ou.r
T. Jo And *,.J. ihow. the
axid Trenc hav� b koh tbr pro -
e ki liton, of:
t4 line nd tbAt'the dv T%TL into the. bll-�, G., Porest -T- JoUnsoxf� craym. '-work'- tridt .16 bab
-the' aaerm farnous... pro ly 1110 jkAktSt We, W.oulo: like
e --J., ill at,.Watet Cal, at be*ns W4 Klidiak, which has iK hAvft aq
a- much -.wl 46- d., Sh th
-t" -acre
stroyo. Portrait' 14' is Fall S -0
5 _6 e shoeq sui.
Y 01 iho . We hav
the 'Comptitl
11 12 It"', 19t 15, tA British rouble Is om 6a 4 jw-, less
so muih t -SAYS fp et Toosr aitd lasts of every. iin oes at
nd. Is, bam�g closely put pen I �ld ieems- o, Tat- t� htm-� able r all sue of the fif million d6litirs, retreat a, & �,� .4 1)
IS 19 20 21 22 a- ortion Pen and Y
L - ;4- :kruarneht at dQwA- to less thaml flfml
of tie ver,
by the 14111as and, 1.4., likely to- be: atlh&. the hardest,kiad of -wear and'
b -y the DomtnlM 'forest T. self t "-',thirty A6esi for Dre
24� :27 28 -2 31 Ink sketch stabid y
enInanship, Crest, a,
-h �j_$essjan is to qov devoted to thn , john�o- teen buiibels per abre.- 11e, 0 cts� fro-Ja.
the. stricken'r in's e .0
will be -th,4-- begirt#ing a Io4i pai4t -nit -on -felt, J.' f
Tn -who:,havi tho�sandtddjlars. 4V
son. th eve 8�r --rule,
elikj ovqr. Xaso AS. p �,ifudijklthi quistidmi6f',thoeing g ne.,
lated. esident (it thr- ve
...... it t 6ijdom of Dellgiiii I 0 *orest 'his Crop bea to: resllz�, e
But theirnews 18,4ther too 1godd t - I oil T. J ree ini �and wo bol' ve 't k! ow o4ct y
ii-nUeb- �owing ��to the
11 aunder 9, of Alolitaua,! Is in quali" of e TS trUo. Other Irepdrts pov
-8 Gen -tt h a'iW' I r4b. Fifty thOU84n'd requi6d _P ices, when
AT4 lust of on feet frdm vivy
&r (Y. that Germany Is,prepiaring to a Brussels, olf &'holiday ivisit jokqlni�bls what'�� 'y we --of both':
by. :dollars. &PP Camp- reaso
Owers, graii
11b figare, betvieen the parenthesis BrItalm boLh kby sea an lanj-, liopriiij. for, the Collection of tI wite,. and daughter who are islitori- S611 istaiken i4to consideration, a -re most hablew Chi -
afte, each ad. denotes the pi4d of the that ant.".,memse naval attack ay e, W-111, be rtbcorn- be of, �at. the home bf: Mrs.
purpose, and .,more _f�,6*ejrs, ..:qi - gaunders". father, d 'Lace, G lassk Ma Kel, we larg�st arA
ja t 41ater-jr.rhod. If It Is'requifed;* Q* ip�;- . 0. K. drwi , , -Buton or we,
paper on which Ahe "v -oied for, at -&nyi ti-ne. But while thigi 8 ra is D.6ngola Ki 8jips
ctlon�� _ of� Charle Ritehle, Bruse4i�'Xr. Maunde t tva tv
rc be 7 , the of Campbell, . T. Johnston colle fo�� 000 4 sizes for $ 1. 2 clill-d
Campbell volloc:- was a -for'.Mei, -Korrlslb� and still owme sizes 2 to 5 �$j 5 ports both from Britain. and - France.- ffir John',Pro-ch, the General ores In 7 that townsbip. He is U
_Vmpbell, 2. y
Ali Ttotle�tavvart Br io&-s actli- - - T sizes- &,to - lo r - Chil4re:n s Dongola Kid Shoes,, but- ye
f LI,_ tion of, 4iC Wit. M , Q.- . I fb
are t,> effect that there Is 11 ding- te- Biltish foreev on the. con- Interes#11 In, 0fleep, rinchIng In the- tmd frull
atinu�—Grtdg Olot,bing ngoh-, Calla: -Lilies, Mrs a ar ly
zid that- the 3411 rol. for $r.4 -o and
t and 1. has oniq -o'
.Autumn Fuhloner- McFaul OQ. —1 ebanige in the -.situation tinnt, wasibornat Ripple, Irt Kent on R. Johin W ton or laZe., reliable make. sizes 8 t 'Worthy. The
Perry reerlese Players -1 very bes �Ahat exit be siald is that the pteaber' 22,_ %1852. it is of. intereat K. oton;
I t ' , Johnston,'*�, ". ibef6r;e bois', 1)utton Lftt-her Goads—rhowpsor?s Bpok Storia�s 50 Pair. Children':3 Gun"Met Calf- S or
French 36b7i Leckie., J. P., at BNasels$ , - I Allies still MaInt_aIn, their lines intact, tion o - f X-Pansle R. --R at -also, except
and thet .ths 'T. I . to note �'&t OW.1--b- eill;, I 6n, lot Fuchias Ifta. 8,1- , � for $x.75 to.
y Are holding their iorn- . Pe j hb , c!uiedtl sit- zes
W., vtnd every
Notice 'I" sa �vjz ja General Jotfre,� the Pi t lace, 81 to loyo
W,711 Cwnpbel, . R. Jobnstoo.
Child, �urdaY on 1vtornation of- - InsPec or 5t0 7Y2; for $i.5o sites
Box Social-$ and, perhaps, mAltM9 slight gains I" car--nmam. er-ln'chef' and iGeneral Pau, n aad 8 sse re blwAher sizes -5 to 7%
parts tot the Iong ftghtlug-'Unes. Judge.-4-.ines eekes, 'Exeter. Johin96n, -of CTIZ ton, a se d $20 n's'box Cillf"Shoeg
Powl Su -Duirs 0hurah-8 a' ea out on Wtdta�
on tbe othief side RUSsi is still ak- 's liquor. Anot 7 Yloi fOr $ x. oll - 8 to JOY2 Children's pebble
sol.r, tlY distinguished 2.00i, - Chfid
_per who has ialso so. Weia ch and csts. for being the worse, of
Urefitnrs th-Dorrien is sly r 400
Acoountg Due -G. A. Siliq-8 ogr 111-r. her 4 contingent ls�i y2et to
Ing fair pr sg, although. she,isel . Sir :John - PreneWs junior, ai'Ad Aalf with. -The fine. is $40 -for a oj.,fo 25 to
Notim-Xv. years es for everyday wear, sizes, 8 wtw;ly- horses;
ling �w Ion both train be _'�brextloa Picturesm-8; 1th sterner op6islt Lord Kitchner .19 'two years his �enlor.' L� �Igratlaiv Into Canada ce . and for the third 3
ggiving Day-& ermany ind�Austrta than heretoton. seco offe6 High t style only, Made.. 166t u to Sam
Thank, G i -to th� Germans, we tid a through he beeant arts has. ma�ed al -L I cut sheei for �children, bu ron
House Wanted-Lexpositor office -8 'hat Is left 0 r Tu'rnng-, wbintlig I m-prisonment without atibin of - I inutribers# �ul
Red Cross Fuud-3 The Austria--ar.-nY, Or w (it Semerals,ln- co-mmand. whor are Trost ithe W, ar,andolnlY� ne1�tun Metal Calf and' P atent Colt, sizes'_$ -to rof -for -2,
it I's imow 'Pretty .-.nuth'uner ermqai y I yeart ZOUM 1ra desri
nty I than
-ad dlreftion� n% sday, afternoon of last week I)AW list- �9
the Generd
Tho ,Russia he e Of a�0,t retur ' ning aWi s are arrfvin't� the -Wedne Kid Boots, bu ton
I i9tiff, Generial stream of United Statea settlers ln'v a pair-#. PECIAL—Children!s"Dongpla n
however,,- are isaid to.lkve three Milliont Von, at&tke, (is sixty"4-ght, as are A4o Western, C -ap- John E. ollioson, of townw
anada still keeps Us and
man tr'nti. e r 60 cents a,
troops on tb 1 84 Par
er. er ad that Vierc of- Imor- orace, s ze to- 7, fb
QqAtinue, at
G,� erals Von-lkluck and Von 13410w, paently will the usual rate 'ship, sin Wss Rose. A.
emLId 'rp In e � united. to marla-a*
the� are det E0 aah Beriinbc, towA6hp,.wer
t&nnilch is sixty -EU.
whlle� General, Vora throughout
fore Christ.-cas. tho Mv ptmso"ge, Brisselt,-
DQath stiddenlYi- on SurAay af-_
Thbre� has, Mot beil ahY S46 taus .,or -by,, Rev. D.,"-Wr4m, 'A or to M
D_ky, tobe)r 2, ternoon r. T] 40 Tlembto i was held,,, Wb-dnesdiiy evem- %EAFORTEI, PRE ergage.-rent.yet. There has been a itood TAE XIVRICIR SHOW
-olk skin -on both sides'a-ail sUrsevills ai!ged'.9.4., The -deceAsed had" Ing'at he. bride's parents. Mr. -snd
deal rlshl, ig
been Whis Usual good -health &n&jt*4.:.
and oth dalfinsaw. will -a a ke their home
several nlierChwnt er v�4se_,, en. a -1earty idWner, -and, -Was sittine S.
TH]& VIERY LKTZST ured and'sunk. It is paid, n_Uallett.
have been; C&Pt j M -- . rocking �.chalr . wlien he. expirea.-
Ttere is not -D add to�,wbat howev , tbat.-thak-Ger.-nalls. gre. pr4pa, ued Iran paiga one,) In, 4 Vomas,Scot �fftakly Sunday.
nuich t or 'firdm heart fallUre. -The- late T*j TOMJI-a T of_ 'WIh9hani,
OnstkattOn in any larletk,,-L. Rader,'H. Neeb; ear.s riving - a colt
war sit,.t- ling' Tor -a big Naval d n-alqn4 the B lifib
said, was 66-ra cOtIana,.'Xj1d was!
4dini�-09d- of yellow cornW Tuinberry -!�ei mkth -a,p"nful acoidont.
has, alreAdy beear the near -future. Jaj*n Is S&Ufdfi. � Ii SfA 04
at, sorileth Tit,= t e Pas ITS
Alle 'Tie *A a - -:very proud of TELEfON4 11, 446
ation. The 'Allied f0Tces In France seem jn�k Iheir respective sphere .=d, 'is er; ears -black. swelet, corn, I. mdrew-Ii- Presbyterli ftfterwd are
wort "the 'hori�; -shied 00194KF 11AT,'RQT
to bte. gradually r w thaUt rp ad§:
Out sluwly giilirg he kGer--nan, op-sonents all thev, A. Postek�;tTellow Dent borftt, A-,- Fast.; OP mid,
lip, could riAd -1 idi,- sinj t4p r19,*f0 upset
to art and %a, little ,noje.' There.1p chil-be tom C �141
110' er, red on at throwing hfiin out aud In frbi%
grovzd and !are evidently drivhig bAck w h Is R ryellow onions P. Brock, 0. .1 VITs ago, 4b
word as -yet of! th arrival f t e, a0se'l- breaklm
n. of "Isac Be t- Melt tell\vu his rIght.arm; I ;s, :StewArt hW inot eujcvyt4
-�es, -although the enem�l Ilt; 4o'Wjllla r. sd !hi si1r_V1vW ;by five,' childrery. -He wai -a X
.ttle 'Gnnwn IL r, P., Plif
dan troops xltljoijgj� they, 1*i�e-� b66n Schilbe j dutch sets� R. Gelge -,,in. -Bet 91 It. at the *rjst,`9r. Scott zet- With a �nfsfortuine to
a, ad slsff r, health tor'several yoArs. being j§o baAly hat.
stiti continues a finin resistance. The Rader, P. rer dr w Hislop bt the. robust
expected for r i.e itkine. In fac0thq white carrots W. ss -Alice, �accoonpanled Nldh,61is Went- -ago pj ��iipbew of 3 Am -o and � co� a by gome form I beart-tMublo.
_-'nisAS kM field car'r, ts, 11 Keeb, J.- 140Y, Jr" shnilar 'accident -a few'yearx 16tb- concession of Grey,: usill wed to -not be its, n gee -a
st&tc_,,-0ejv.t is made, lout hgs policy of'FraInce wid Br 0 bad -the -sanie arl b e of. lftii� Archle 111slop, ex4f. P. P., hIs -In
zel Wihis-,olto toj atripU111,6 'cioun- o. - toj 1361 ',hartponditim as nt emsWreqj
,rrnan, rai-y.,of Blyth, recelvn'
-nfjr-,ned tlk%t.-tba Germ -is be to keep the 1-malal a,e Ai=Y) ien- --red garden 'carrots, J. HaberOi 'Off 101ally co try- Saturday might.-iiWheh Approichins East Huron.- damWerogs as she had Al- tur J.
e h outiand _qtos;k jalweedish turnips, . Rader, d'on Nbnday from his soqA �Er-
-'& , op; , y 11 globe -6angolds, A, Wlh�rot Centre, three miles eastof New e WOr -A-. convet tion of the, Nbrtb -'Miron w eent ax1olng Id
are for a gieneral 'ret'reat led n all her. -other ja ow 'bri, Basic. 'ays able to I.- jaroujb& Shej
preverin der; it LOW1110 is farming A 0%
Russian worr 1g. I)eA.r br Ong, red -loor ooine me so!
border. sThe &hool'A sociation wAs held In tended be ecent
an- Hw'.' burg, In -order to',pass some se, nef
across tbeFremeb. the'.right. time comes they will, P 69ter, - W., In.'; 1 6,4 tUi 4toiC,'d, th Ile stati0 that the crops 14 that sedtloa(
-Itly put -ned a ioll-
good progress ei- golds, H. Krueger, J, Haber�i; lan gravel, reca- the Baptist Ch�krch, .1 In Seafortb,, aind see t- Zriegily of ]>-Trk
in Winghw.m,
are still'mackbg but are 'strike tihe%fl-nal blow, but upon ani
'Genman s; H. Xrueger, driver -t:oialt the sidd, and, was emdelty- Were a icamplete, falure. this year. -Off Unnday'. of last weel� The morning ses- Joy fhe outing.- Indeeed �she had t
with strong opposition. But, hausted! andkdepleted am�. In yellow...,mangold eFreeting st, J, Hey, ar - ort* to.'jget L UP da tR*, roW QW. ir whela 40 acres on which be oowod 80 bushels; r
sion , wO. devoted to, thO appointm.aent 1rolnig aroum ihp-hose Until -�VlthLa by he
the n;�R,tlme -both parties are PuttInA cabbaga,iD. S. PAU oVer, in of *beat, he harvested 59 bushels, Just *fter -of her death. Urs. St
their great'mumbers seem,to overwhelm nd the earkiag-e Drl- bead ej;bij6 A. Poster, L.Wirm; the auto skidded.and.trned. 6f A -Committee- n arganization, a fe oizrs' visiting. ..ut
-up a tr�,,mevdo-is fight a b' 21 bu-0*13 -.1e
he 'YouaiO w omiv. y as than Was s6w, ailey young - woman for Londol
all oppositloo. and llood�shed on bath,aldei Is blick ijanisb; -redish, . Poster, 3. sts;ntly killing 5 which 'the Rev., H. W, Valpenny, ot was a compa-katlively be
had and: oat -cr were not w'orth cattibig
6reakimigi - fter heck. Mr. - Betzner ops
Iffe and trea-sure Decksr,�.rsr.;.caullflower, W. B. Battler,, I Toronto, held, a conference. with the Ing - only 47 ears -of 4e_she wa's a Tice i'd at. FAA
ling, the sacrifloe-of pkins yellorw� L. his gpin in ured an& three ribs bro- Par4en stuff 4enef&lly, has -of Usb
james Whitney )een. equalled In the R,� R.'-3ohn#ton,,: pum. ministers, superIntendents amid Sundi� rative of- the townshipi orne, be-, Ineit, octob�r 4
Death of Sir rev'6r having, I jitsel was. only slightly iniiiii- to naugbt (amd': potatoes are zow selling- Ansi the'enly. ausliter of U
a y a7t C. i,&h1lbe-, celery, R.R. 'JobrLs- ken. W.kWe 1. sohodl workers. In the afternoon -Rev. , r. Anthom�y lien Rev. .11.
11lie publc were- greatly surPrlsod worlds histarY...It I d Turkey� rtlll� lt4deri- P. Haberer, jured. it 5 cents per pound. . , y addressed- the meetIng, Tindall t the 4th emcesslon. at Tack
remain- neutral. ton, wistog6xopf; -�Uash� Mr. � Halpenn will - prea.6h, Sw
on last on leArning of the death beets, H. Well, 9 Camp-' �Frlebft. of Cyril Cgrle,� Mei _t�e . --a'
r &Y blood rs. K taking -for his subject, "The graAe3 ersmith. -inother Vredeeeased- -tAr Sand
e ar,
of Sir James Whitney, Premier t On, bell; rooted 'beets, W. B. Pattler,� H. Huron! Not6s -who graduat d'at torontib last. phoal In kpAnetple and Practice." The Only about twormonths. Sha was mar-. lor.. Lvnao�
amd-who was well known as iin.official- el - gave a Mrs. ti-rio. Sir James. 'it will ba remem ber- Vditiolial Notes and Comments T:Crueger; yate rmlons, We-nA Smith, of the . y -in Rev. A. -C. Riley 61k on, - ','Be- �*rled to -Xr.'$te.Wart Z7 years,)ago. Be-�,
-while attending a . threshing JQhn -U.C.A:,� have, recelgd air - sadly bereaved huBbpM4
she an
L. -Rader'; rnuskmelons,,:Windel S, I � h, tween, Suna -opportan-Itles." 4After sides her 1 th� ptijnt ot death Ma�ny As was 'redicted by our Toropto - rjs, slipped, fra.t le tion frm Oxford,
ed, -was a p Ith 5th line Mar teresting coinni-ii'm a
TA, Pfille; red tomatoes, Wendel Sm. ev. Mr. HkIpenny agaln addies- Is sLrvived Iii, two sons and twodauW_ a tr1p, to 11
he -,now. and'hilling agqn where tHr. Carrie Is (now n
-B.NBattIer; _yellow'taatoes, W. B. se " the-monve"ation ou- "The SAidak ters. 4ho%'was a laidy = kindly Als- W., tv S.i4
times_ last.twin.ter. ha had re- Correspondent, Col. Hendry, of H&MI17 W.. t In bad two ribs brokn. Sit' the - M4�, egage,4 I which R ret
phile ch. e posteiiiedegree, work. r. CarTle, states it"t -w -.tald
covered -ufficientlY from hist Illr-'ess to ta, 'has b�e'n appointed LleutenMU- Battler; sugar beet ,.nang.olids, 14. School and ithe community," The even- positloo and,.was much and deservedly,
-One day 14 r, Lone students. at -the historic uiliversity are., arA tend
st week while X R
+ ofi F ster;,,collec ton 'of garden veg, Ing session as addressed by, the Rev.* beloved_,by all RnJoye4 her ac- t1ing in
be aboutkand to public busl* Governor l he L. P nestGwn, OreY
ar W!IW townsh'o. ergaged In w1lit'ary -traatag, jind tht- Bayle, is subJect being, "Reason- qaint4nce. The. iifunerl took place oA
Goverf.-nent tables, P. iBrock, John Deck sr.; of Ja,, & UeS3 -Darlpg the 'recent Provincial el- first oceupant of the new others Is.becoin M' bsd rota
-k Fos plowin hjs horses faar. Y Ong with the able.frutWto �expect from the Sud y gund.�Ly tq Ahe Mitlndba, -n tery
sweet corn,.iR. R. Johnsto, ter was g, awa arid. he ii nk Ce. - 1, � .
-br ie its lelt. -of -the rifle. fr. lived V tb�e
ections ekwas s-appasad to hare ch%Zge house, who Col. Hendry's s' in one of fhe '"linals ' 0 pioticlent In the Use School," - whIle, Mr. Halpenny took jor aind was one f the Urgest that eltrbns, j4bn.Deck8r,.jr. IF ,
-Rev. F. C. Harper,,.-niniater of W,11- Carrie is gL.. former Godeirith.. boy.. j,
aign, , althoUg ly r rough aeafoTth, th48 -beba Z -pm � of thtkcamp he - onl bou-s-e. Who Col. 14511dry's succe-sab k- MANUFACTURWts church, Chyttan, and- late.of Chalmers _WIngha-,n. Fall Fa to e ri- is discourse, "Th� Hireling and hg ever passed' th idsught &T�T
r will be, has not . y e t 0een Ir ok er, SbepherAP All -three services were eating the xesteeM in which the
spoke -once, rat the gireat meeting lj� the *.CabI et d
edJor aAd 2nd. Church, Londb-b has been hanored bY day" and was ante of th-a- best car
returned home
'after the stated. Thistwnl 311ceb be arrantzi I -k well --attei�dedii Aeceased .�weLs ,held
fassey Hall, Toroto. �Sooli a%kointme7ft - - 4
b, got buggy,harn�es de P the and the s:rmpathy I
the. senae of Knox the - weather -belng fav6rabl' 07,
in, tq tgeVeral shake up which '-nu,3t DAmy -PRoriuCT.3, felt for the bereaved family and #Iende-, -try
elections his health agai commimc,34 College Toronto. crow
d arge. Tha.exhlbiti, both Inside
iftecessarily take 'place soon ZwIng to
g he had the death -of the Premlerii Butter -In tib, Wendc-1 amith; butter ElizE�vDisho0i -daughter of KA. a-nd,.oisIde, tweri extra igod a6d the Tui*ersmith
of the Tu'rnberry Agriefiltul &att is In tW
B. Battler, J11 sy Mbbers
sufficiently salted,,'W,
]Bishop,- 8th.coricesslo.
A. K90iod- Sale.-Tbe W- Ortwein been confined to his resideneb rrjos4t prints� W. &,,visit, ta,--aasXatchew�m, with rel- society are welileased'-with the'da�',. uction-SQ'41e on
*r sr buttr, In pound del on
6th- Deck -kra. :
Aid': he 1 homemade the- far,_m !of .6&. 11-enry. Cate -oh TiAe-
of the,"itkne,althou.-h able to be arounA The tr%onial Conferened of the 9 Baj.t1ei',' A.- rt; atives an& fri dso She �wlll be 'ixw�Y "receipts. severicl- hundred school;, chifd- Death of Roaci
B. er, 219t,�_as the. dawn 9f ry- bive dispi
L.. - the
-take 90 haterest In public a" adist Chilfeb in Camacla was -in sessloL -'and still - Deck,,,r,4r4* bia.mem-iode ay last !-*as Aargely attefided, _,Atj Septemb
,heese, Sbhn for. a� Couple at ths. rien,"each cafrylilg a fI4, tonrad.a AM&
d lllottii�bas 'Sold -ig HIS eT-43, v6ry sud-enly--and this wei0l� at OttilwA. According _Cbrca:d, Schilibe extracte his res proved 6-'t*reat 'SiU0068s; U V,,le was auti, mn inern deepenLt , ln day, Otyles nd - fbA
fairs.' I- cession-. and beaded by the,bAaid,'_-marc'h-* 4
R. Geiger t4
in 'he wor IAC- f he
conducted by- Thohnas BrowA and -so While -.-Yet, i -n -r
quietly at last. Ixad, arisen- oix
M 'from the varlwis. d9- honey J.11aberer, Weindel9--nith; best dence &nd f6dr. -lots An Winghazn, -to �d fid-n'thea piAlic 'school' to, the show
Ig abolft in. hj% reports submitted
v- it Is ifteeAless -to say the very'hiihest -worraabood, angel'of di�st!Neame;
FrIday and'-wAs walklin .3. RiLbere HotneY in. fti, 'ot i3rey,.w4l h gir&Xi4s. -The n, -a raost collection.' r T. 4t., Befifie as
,nent� the -church' is i ro,
room., when%ke. suddmly became Ill wid part 6 P. ed, prices were realised. 'The *hole �ale to - 16s. � 'John., ftpach, and --vu-mm. oning
lab,-rpar; Mapl -ie,,q -, t aisay' -on i�
comb, J. eals th -ed up;to abou Its
is doing goQ4 I- , t he' loci t X r soul fr�;,r, . rtal habitatia.
by the Itima Lady Whitney and thoi, parors condition and �Phfjle, Wendal Smith. Hrris'-wor.ka ifft. the "Wigh 'district. -:-Mr. Henry.Gkeeri, n oi& and re Mot t $1,800. ThIsispiettX rM ftfaw. .4
iy-acre tarn-ardledn- bore. Itt 0 win heThrqNe of
pecte�. o-Xiellb -nan. Pone, W110.. son buf a- -somig* v4est to 1.0t" , 000 -Aa
n d igood' for f If
n0rse, who, -were the only, one6 with The' -confer and Jacob ridident ra-.4 Bend,'. die
work'alang -all 4 es. enCe J.udes.�Pxed!- He�s_, sr., *111 recst. to
bftn Int6 'Ma
kt the tima, �;n- IA dierlin ha
hL had i9ot declared'itself ready- for Union whxi r. -"Th". as -in �old taent,. �.or_ it te�,h, -of qlirs,3 yrus A
Tjis A
bed. the vital g�park had fld.' e(I Upped. -,on th the'llst. 9 i a 41=.e' ;Cbe inew
no-ninations c6acera. 418ntiy, s - PrIn.#9- ealwi reathed 430.; R0D �'*he Is lr4* *R1
eve I ti 0 Grefi�n of -,that place -on Sua-,Septem
attenAant.was at once summaned, r tM oher de Brussels. - �t�_ '- this' visitation Ca
ibapii, and
Ical ek-s And � --fieffers, $I10 per
eady. The proporsAl to grant il: 4f broke "one 20th-,i'after -an 4111fi--s,3 of -o- -#- year. yearling -o has� Uii
are r jkf alltbg C leg __0er twh
but efore- the arrived the- ;Prc-.ric-- Orinar4enW.--�Rlnbroidti�d t�,a clot� friy.-n ..slo, to $99� Mr. a. singinilarly-P61j�naht igrifef; when Its
a en equal )rights with men in -Murch betwe4n ii�d,thlgh. Ile is_a Ile liad li# nelgb�orhb�dd far bazTeW
-d- s'sufferkq, mak e DAM4 j
had breathed' this last. H e Heyrock d.1st tha� 'pair the ies -.which
-embrolderei ' at UT lvttehd-j ini?x6:�&ble 1knd r'd'
-has %� clot p. Pbf ile 89 Yeas Of age an :I' a7,'jgioad many -ye^r9, Irg his haw thelt ve e
affairs -been, passed by a large yea - irs t -bound t1di g Woman
Janes Pliny Whitney was born, in ea h, C. 1�flbe �jre (� her
eatly. frot.-in the shock. ith his son.. ills ife 'died:. 26 oOrich and Oie good ..4" youn
a �-ajority Rt the committee. to, -which' Qval t r'y lar
-nd re- Or
Dundag Countk, re ob tdwrnat,' wor'irnan a kind Wishes of a ve e circle- of- friends an iUmily.- At ttAiCear)y RAt
the -.ratter was referred by the Gv.,' birbroide,' -1 cetre,plece, 0. Eilb , W.
r . !-� 'Idered --sideboard scarf. T. �at- -ago.' The date W. Green w thIrty-fiv6 years, and 1 0- hftl-
ceived his early oducation In the �Cor-n- ference. It 4fag to be he Hey; embro, .-D c 1, and' obligil h
-inmar School and' studied k.Aftied by t nsor, J. G., Forest; emb er,61. . oty,, Eugirle WorXs, oOrich, 7 he X bar, ready il folio*- aaitne tw at6 Job rold e- to do good. -He was a, est, Mid Xotes.W. wid Mrs. drep, the. youmser b 4C a Utant
wall Gra; full Conference, �ajid will likely er.e with'a pal4tulaccident (ifi Priday'� R ember Vf the. W
_0 tbous�
in the office of the Joha rk, M. Hes enibroider'-
law sh�vdow wo ra.. G. -it -P a *prop6lek *�,Pie-Ayttrlan churchii ff,jeaves- . to Layton- spent �junday V�jth W And a vveek -old, --heer departure
interesting discussion. 8 assl tifig putt4 g u -from
Sandfield Macdonald in Cornwall. He- ed, torwQls, Mrs. 41. Hess, Wm. Hey: a 8 --t ru life, %Xas stru6k a deep vDr& at. s th Xe# couni
wbeel when in, some manner his N6,4,- bjS',_joss one da-ughfer a -Ad. -four Mrs' Roger Pepper.�W., Addis". JOhns
he village: of pri�ctied law in t red ladies'- tandkerchlef,'MrS. '0 spent 1W
wbrolde of' path every he:art, said has im VJOV4err.".
e Used a
Hey:, got :badly cru§bed-. Sunday with . hl lit
T; c e a violent 01.1
ritsburg, 14 his !.native: county, until War Notes' Hess, R. Gelge UsMon, Wn. -Mr. Mbert C6oper,,pf God6flelf, who ff who puzed a-, brother,, Ira Johns.--gir. imd.
-Samuel Permabake 3-1,r. prefoWrd ms -of ersonil -loss, am
-The. faranes w
appolated Premier, when he remowd W.'14,De,aring; harndaigar, J.Q. Forest. �underwant pin operation for 4ppemaicitisi, - week, was -a Frank Layton -l' nd W. her friends and ac
.'H. Taft, late President, of ay - on Tuesday- of last quatatandes. I, M-
-ontG. Ee was elected to - the'- Xr. WN, IDearing; wallachlwn, W.,. n. He Y, houg tile to'
to Tor, recently, Is out again: land 1 hits taken ell known f iguiri about Clinton, and. it bert -Pepper spent Sunda with their t h 3kis.- Roach had been imdbr
Ontario Legislature In 1886 the United States; will give- a lectur., ount melick, T. --t -A-mhr
at a bye John -Decker, (sr.; --n charge"of the 'School in siction Na. 1i is buit a few onths since he was seen uncle rner doctor's care' it -ori th4 pxst week., 13e
aid of the Canadian Rat- near Hensall.-Mis Mary Tu* her election, having beo2n trpnatecr' at -the at Quebac try Johnston; r"an-t6r.cut work, R. R. II -Tb-- dea;M
icr where Mr. Xin.g; of -Bayfleld,- has bee 9oAt the streets., W was native born has returned hoinie fro -M visiting r, LIrprovelmt Was -rajAd, pail 'her ciondiii-
riotip gund. Gdod for Bill. I t
ral election two years. previousI.T. -on; miadek bes stitch, W. Wes in, - St. -lbert Ptp- 10V - Sati8faC -unusdil degree 191
lKene Johnst sulyplyin.g for -the. past three .weeks. Ca'adian, , first seen -the light a Catb�jrino_ tOrTy to on T mer
n aving A Cor
He has 4een'* in. the Legislature car.,- Johnson,; coronation. i6tr`of Atw'001, of day in Waterloo County. While be: per Nas; car.-n-pleted b Until the -Sunda-y previous 1D her deatb..
ell=4 Electrical teel dnd
whe Sunday -of ra-'k
cen'tre piece, R. GAger, W. Siebert* be the bu'
tinuously ever si , nee, having reresent . The W H. Dearing, T, -Mr! uIlding a. fine ce-.
contract had a yield of 115 ibushels 'of flall I at was still a -_s�najj -boy � the taintly &Nrne ment silo which will soon. Omorning
wa -oa am has obtai a -h county, settlITW-T In CON - might ..have bee, Ser.101.13 RC--: 'her head produp
ed the same constituency. He a ned embroidery, ion clored linen, C. Bilbe orne, What blood vessel 1111 _d this year fribm �wcp and a alit acres of to Hu e ed to the leadcr;ghip, of his :karty In for the mariuf acture- of Zhapel shells arirpg; -drawn thre..4d work. �tbe where ron Whit6fleI4 ouncli - whieli.,
W. 14. De The heat, ite§ted 64, lbs. to they lived and farmed for yeArs, cident lappened at Mr. cordItIon -In the system v�bleh -causel
UN and -acceded: to the Premiership rorn the British war departmealt.. Thl:,i V. -Rader' R. Geiger; mount -ed. sofa.', land t.thirty yea the attariabig, -physician. J)r. XcjCay1s !As ubsenC6.
bushel. It +MEI of --the d -Clawson var- lt,I& �jbou' rs, however, since 'Crichs. As essrs. LayitpA and Sb
contract alone will elle employ1ment to r
of the ProvIrce in Januar-v, 1905. cushlon", W. ig. Dearing, J. G. Forest', lety anwO �O�Vfii On, ugust'l5th 19.13: e settled In Clinton, be e. be ha;s con- -were taking their threshing 1--naebine Zrave co-irern. Patl�.er Monian her. im lan RaIJ 200 or%-nen' and will keep thefactry sit und6rwear,:-R- R.
collection of.,Iadle
Ing ulatil-April next- Y apron. -The -ladies - of. the vI11&gNe of Ethal tij,,..ed to reside ver sle. rs. Pen- Into the, barn it. -happendd - t 11pset, pastoz, LnnMediately to - bier- bed- ty 7403arls
rum Jahsto;n e -the Ain -t fort-1-pately n; ione was - - , -amc -�after she haA Meivedall the
'when r. -Whitney was a law student, W..,14. D arin-g;'fane and vicintly, have contributed to nebaker, who was formerly Miss. nie bu hart. side, T,
R. Geiger, mrs. k. C cbild,*� Silles NjcKj,n_ rites. lot. - ,-Romar, 6athafte C
he , sarved *with thL, Cornwall Volu-n - anm
-ay.npibell; Red. Cros§.,8oci6tyj-82' P�IIOWS, 137 pil- Njj, died in Feb;�.ary last. Home hurch
teers as a Sergent a1ad was afte-r- The BrItlsh War Office Is plactixg dress, R. lGielger, H. Neeb; laundry bag, on of Paliside, Nbvlads, And eldestsoi- rainn' Uni wIth ter dnd plty,
low slips, 4 1pair gocks'.26 pair wrist- .�_Followlng a lIrgering Illness Jane f
vor she
"ned to -Improve-, - For tkne hapes
ro ',Wrs. G. k Hess, T. Johnson; Infant's
ards p ated to the �ositlaa r -,f large orders In CanAda for s cks, sweat- lets, 19 sheets, pair of towiels and a'-pGynOjds,.wIdow.-of 'the. late Adarn. Of the late Ddnald 3k-Kilinion, of the -.sW,
of Lieutenant Oulonel Of, his batalion ers, - bl"_ kets, boots and other cloth- , It. Geiger; em- shb, 10th . concession te -her �recovery, but
Ing necessaries- of !the. troops. In the crochet set, i. Nee blanket. In aildition $150 was iubscribed -Douglas, form-erly of Grey town -of Tucker "1th, ae- W.0 -M en rtabied for
and contiued to, - hold this rank un-' broldered pillow -cases, Mrs. G. Hless, %fris. iWeXinan. � v it ur - '. the. Afternoon a rapid devel-
ruimant has A ery enj6yable-timb Was spiat passed away .,Sunday afternoon, Qept. is 19 _ d tW
til his death. illa was knighte in 19D8. I field. The Can adlaM , dove' C. Ellbar; wb:Ukholder, J, 0. FOr4�8t, — IT119 at- -the -*61d homestead vlth�. hia opment Mon -day by about -St- of the" 2oth, at f&-nily residence, 'Strat, IL
beer. askedito makenecessary arrangia-' ito* tijace, wbleh
per u recovery, er busbil
The -funeral,took place on: . Tuesday 11- Well ;t, headrest, T. Johnsotm rs.-Q. thp rother,' Mr.- -Aih9as McMnon. andfhis preclWed, young peopl�'of the Bad concesdori of ford.
-nd the r -weree 4 erred In TrentS fQr 'the supplies required. The. Yawas n -.t Hess; toilet -nats, -Mrs. Heyrock, J.. Orey, at the carn-roast 1ilch ws held dtLughter of the lite Squire Reyn�)l&, sister, -Miss ihj�4.iKjnnon. It' is farty.;five amd. o�a, J&fiday qlb Wt1g,, , In- the pre -
orders will have an. 1,,T.porton,, Decker,. tri.; button lioles, T. Johnson _r bu"
Ile Is survived by his war a -since"IMr. JfeXjnnj,,j left the old. ser' f r
on. th river- baiik� on Mr. MeDonald's -of -Elora. 'A tainfilly of seven- survive, c vesW-
e n Pair- ni# ab ft
idlow, one son and one daughter, 1, bearing in keepirig mallY woLollen and. pierced brass, Wm. Hey,. W. Seibert; fa ber -of Years the faMily e 1n--,_Tuckersm1tb.� He has. see)x a e4 this frall,.Mortal existemce. Domus, 100
Tjj�adc. ho
daugher having died years ago'. other mlllsd Canada' busy this *Int r. bert; coN giood deal of e4 was
burnt-work,,�A. Hbnes, W� Bet -,L-nong tbojid, -who attended --Code- ,their home on the.* .15th coincession',of IM since then- and has ths -odly. acghter of _16. tind.
Sir J&mes%Whitney was -a elf -m et $tosekopf, T.' Jorhnson;
tuan,, ]Re had an active and t&ttl'rrg R. erichtfair last week �Was A.' Carrick rnship, :after which Mrs. Dovg was :h�oime. n, & visit 16s. jwobft'�AjUrDhy, of this toVM-shjP, I Gj�ey to,% d
c nada hould cudhions idenJ, 3: a. Forest, W. Selitii -In e JAZI and Was Unite, 'in TbAriage to -her
'fol �Rb6r' oaditlons, in Cai h; .,who ig -i�pwar`ds of- 90 :Ias and d ghteis livad, Brussels, ter Yeats ago A-ind that is th
qf Goderic:
career. By his vown effort a;n,d abilItY be considerably drnpraved by a. deef9lon bert; )cnj I thne hj:_5 saw 'gbajnd, Mr. oh Roach ten years
tited'dace curtains, H. Neeb Nar, 4' prior to� --ta�lng up -restdi:�ipe in StraL- his father ax -A motherj hV be. climbed from nearly the foat of the'at the Canadian Pacific Rallway,.,by Wmi. -Rader; Ahemstitchin a,,-. pII19w both -Who.-n have died since 'then. ago. Besides the
the- Lbndesborooad,%nestr Cliton, who !ot_d, q. yats 'ago. Deceased was It IS LleedjeSS to, say ese aid, her tw Chill -
r terlan Igirest su others,
hAder wntil tihe- had reached inearly which the.,operating depart nents OV IL. pase�, -Johnsah-, R. Geiger; kitchen bas pa sed the -93rd znilestont Of Ilts- 7-falthful. mei�bar -of the _reSby that lie'sees drA* SIM fS ivived bj, two br
w ag. Ile had -..,na;ny gool easterR and -5rr. It, v j. � *&a hgs'been: in church and had 9, Ide - cce-of old cbar.geq around
the top rur western Itnes b.a*a bba - apron, J. Decker,, sr., Mrs. G. Hess; the old harne ;and he- to all'df wlid�m, " h ' Ceres
t e in t symv�athz
-n and geerous� authorized to' A& t 'aA six thbn4ni ba room slippets, Mrs. Heyrock, T. Alberta, Jbir ..the -pae9t, f y0ars- friends ho'will s path wit. -by 4,ewl, :,80, tO Iq
4ua,litles and a war. 'h the feels a-I'MOst like a Strn19er In a strong,- is extended In thfe, �t
Ise i9riet oecasionid
Johnson; mP- taking up MlssicVn-ArYV. -in in -to 2.
heart was -enshrouded In, a aewhat extra laborers' for suitable worX dlit' landii;- Ile is
braided mat, 'Mrs. K. Cia still a ra -tbe primp. such an 4 rreparable - loss. jOf a�" bilititt
-ths at current ark -As -a Pro- berebaved.,
bdoderic Fall Fair heldintbi&t of life and whII6; ht - still has war:n and atLtt-,&CtIVe.Lper8Ona1i.ty,
rough exterior. He Is the first Pri-me Ing th6 next wo' Tpon bell., bationer for tba et-hodist minlisery, a - kind -- and
T ce
Minis ters In Ontario to dle - while c- rates -of '-wivges. The biject -of this Inj ad la fft &is. affedtiOns Canada. hizz sympathetic nat)iire� - he nvAe trleuds
'Useful. -Q -jilt, woollen, ftie,,T. Jtohn"- Is spend g%a week- or, Sty with his � varii; X�, dy, Tuesday And Vdaea- Inative co
eupying that -position-, his predecessors sui, c, It Is faxplaiined by the son, - D_8. Faust; quilt, woolllen� fine, nts L-r';014Aon, before to town oni ;a, .., . . h Untry, t has 4o, intention of of all-wMEn-she inet, andb.iasleft her
ha-dngkdled after vacAting the at- is. to help furnish employrnent befare tO T-OrO4- day is a suPpess finainciallyii As -.t e,
J - 'Decicer' - sr Is studies At rIA 'i kTuesday. and Wedn6sday his Country to reside. --tnemory- as iv.. cherished remew 14,
Johnson; . e6ver*ti to, to Uke up -1 Vict,6, branee 141L
flee. Who- 1 --.Is (s-iceersar will be It Is -Winter and relieve �ossible Aistresl� -oc-
john.s'141, Pus�', lag'cab it e
as 'large, tb,-, crowd on _the-, se&ml t
In quilt Collep. hu.41-hess U -yeiy dullin a;,,n=ig b r 'friend's and acquaintgince_z, 1-21c. too -soon te, predict, It 13 said tha,' casloned by he temporay idisloc'afln 1W the L cottons, patch' ark quilt -A represefitative. of tlie- Milit-11a De- day - being estLnated -at bete�� five -tates.. jq4t ow. the war The funeral -which was one at thez4arg-
effect there. as well �est ever 'vee In
Dr. PynOwIll, aot temporarily, as he of 'business due to, the war. C% Eilber; patchwork quilt silk, pariment. was Id, Goderich last eek t six woxiaima. The show, In the hall U this V1cInjty, - itook
Is b4 -e Sbnzior Cablnet but lie as 1here.1--
R* GdIger, iC. Fuss; crazywork (rAlt inspect - and purchase such horses a4 �w_as veryisatiaAactd-Y and manj 4yt the place, - on Wednesday njujaing tiv St. 5c. T
Is not the materlal out of which Llei�t. C. H. Collet, the British avi- r The,- LOt.e,Mis: SitiewaTC-7-lt was with I)u silk, T. JdhnsaA,, C. Weber; crazywork igbt be,ksuitable for mtlitary requirga. nerebianits made -large nd attractive.. blin, where, IjIgh -$trjetty new4
cc-sSful Prime hfin;13ter3 are made, nd ator'.wha tdropiped three boimbs on; a feift, gs- 61 tsur -6 ' and A"
quilt, cotton*,. C.. i Fuss; craiswork ments In the - w ar. Mr. Robert Mc:jean' displays. The ioutside sbow-w" not p regir AL" -Nbonan tw Owtra firpts, 2
was y Fatb�
it will �taka EL ood deal bligger a Zeppellv shd tat Dusseldorf, Gelra Johndoml so ,,, 'good. Like' most the announcement was - received on ths rePG80 Of her oul, after which her to � 24 01
quilt wool, 14. Neeb, T. -had a go of, the sho*0 t1t
qFd size.d bunch stalled in; the
c of air sweiepi4g down to within 400 yards ot week of the sudde.11 remains ere *take1j. to -at.. patg 'S
toi, stic-essfully fill the sboes erpahe tuffled, H. Well, T. J�6hni* Atricultural Park, but only a s'inaill of ck
er resident f count yea�i thadive stockiiecyn.petition-.1was 4c; XwIn
James Whitney. If the Co-nisserviativcs ls tanget, Is a form less, number met the requireftients. ieep and dggli aij 'flizt. Agy"at Mr -nes Stew- Cimetery, where thpy w,
S,4 J erq jai or j
son; coulnterpan�e 'knitted, W- Gii -1 ligh, especially. fift cattleit' 81 i's&, 4 t �aja I&M, 1.7 1-4e
could ind'es Sir Willia;.-n MereditE. "is only, twenty lier, � ou h J their
o Manitoba. He -sli years F91m kindred ipartb.
H. Rader; Icounte.ripane croch-pt, J. Deck' '-The fine 20� acre fam� of 3. 1. prgs. Tjje,,irgn which 6ae_ dil� Shortly.. ho�_4"Ust.' t -of ond" .10re=ery, priz
vaeate and take the Pre- of ae. The Collet immily'were former -
'\,W. Q. Hess;'counterpae, etch-
er, sr., Welsh, - 6th concession - ot Grey 'towz- after, fqur o'clock on Tuesday, put a e p W�
miersht it woul be a i hit for ly en.gaged in farming at Oak Bluff, *aIry, prints.
Ing; work, -IT. Johnson ; counterpaci-0 ship, has been purchased by 0, Ole, dia�,,pper on prbracediffigs and- mAde-
t Sh
an. bout fifteen years 44p 'hey dri w1n, J. -Decker, sr.; - cape c abie" e tra good b It, very on
" at $7,500. There are x I pleasint' for irany ef tibe 118c. Aoney.-I
ent back- to Eag C11 ly In the In,
Mrs. Heyrock, T. Johnson; cape 4, itted, ings an th-.e. pjaee. W. Welshis tamch- ladies whb krere attired n le t
The War Situation eral boys in the fatnily, And.every one, T. 36hpson,,E. Stoseko]# -'carpet' obl, ert L. b1cDonald finst, of -su,. _njer d 'sses, Tha Main Ye 11 d r waney 12c -a
f �(Yft� 'Arpet rags, D. having 'beenn he Ite-nant of the tdrn' p Ilion and eiveiiy other
Viere - is very little of an official Is la, the army aodat 'the Heyrock.-and 2nd; Ing In, ',he W,6st; �Lob T re PP
me. Mrs. av e.'wliere jh�oiteyi, No. I
S. Fau na
to $2.5t
as Iyet to note frain the seat at the presw)t ti. st, -T.� Job on; hearthru9 wool, sold. shelter '-could -be obtained were soon,
sX. \Ca;,npbell, T. Johnson; Pl-' M.A., who packed to their Umost c ItY. 4 per do,
Man Cushion, W -n. -Hey, 10. Ellber; work mathematics xnastbr tn' Lucan anaclln.-� John Hlislop, a nat4ve-of the.
000 left is
The first -detachment of Can -9,
Of war. The ituatim im Miance Is re-.
tGrded to, -be about the. same As last v olunteers, numbering tab
Oat 30 bag, R. 'Geiger, Mrs. G. Ress; Batten- n B
tar, high schoolsi between 1896 ' and,, township f �Gje y, -met with a fatal - ac
week. The battle Of the Is still, Valcartler, eariy ,,.last week for Great burg lace,k-,Mrs. Forest; 1903, has been 4ppolibibed leeturer'-in' oldent a --tis Mine near Arkola, Bask.,
Britain. 96tquietly Was their departure Bafalo, sex
In progress and llttle� advantage has Teneiliffe lace,,ffl. Johnson, Hess; mathematles, iat the Uptyerstity of UAnl- on the 11th of September. The decease-, inativ grades
carried ou �that. the'first* to de-jArt lrish crochet'dace, W. Seelbe!rt; hearth tops, 'in, Winn-1p4g�i &6�4� 1903 he has wa working his- thresher.,um the-farn.
ust what
been gained on either side. The Ger- ross the"Atlaintic bp.- s Where you JLS �ent -lowe
were half Way AP ridga, W. Thiel; all wool, irs. been.lepturer Inttr4t)(0-matics 41t Mani- of s- cousin, W. Hislop, and when In et .090 to
s are making! a ost determined fare the,public had heard a wbisperal $10
man Thyrock;, flaminel, eot toba College.. the Act 'Qf making some aditistment 49.25; plain.,
their departure. he Canadians were, T.Rader, - I want wid thdt of the resistance with -ain occasional attack Rader, 14.,Neeb; wacyl �,.arn, WL -Last Week Alf. Baaar, 6fBru,a yp
well Iguarded -Ga the Atlantic by British -1 9 b tell from -the top of the machine. hr
1-1. Neeb; tIdY, crochet coittn, T: Joh- �s'Qld 27 Barred 3,mk cockerels k -to H.� K. the fallihe was cAught by a'belt and
on the Allies with the view of beakinr- war vessels which were - sent over for of Cli.,a De q�i.ality at M0
on, P: Haberor.;. tidy knitted cattou, "vell, derate
Re tham, and I df the'same 8- talned such%lnj�.rles to his head �md
their lines. All these attacks, h0wever, the pu e..They *111 be under special us
r1po le
T. Johnsan,44. Well-, slamber rug, Mrs breed to U, - L. Robertson, .�Df ded�- so far, have been, repulsed. The sacne r ng sent r4ell� cotton stockings, T, rich. Mr..aekr. has a ft jr,,rn -that dgath resulted a, fe.w is Me
'drill to' several weeks before beL -es place to get
to, theifro(nit. C41 Is nobeling made great', flock th hourils afterwards; ;He was the eldest. Ust Ulf,
!� h=: -nibering 500 3�arle
AY be sald of the Allied forces of. alld sewing, his poultry y6fd'8`nu.' ed sdn 6f(the late 'Thmnxi. Vlvlopand- was Britain and France. Each party where !ae - contingent. -ocking Our. P and for a con.
ell-; woollen st .3, Rocks and k 1660, White :Leghoms� -21M born on' concelork re'�Ptl%Wns
to best. f
knitted f e, Hii Neeb, Mrs.'G. Hess; In "all. The pullets of -the 'later blriea' f
they -gala at one point lose t'ahiather. f 1.888 Ami ith We pawmts and woolleh st. ago. 1n
1keeording to a;n estiate in, The Na- . ` -b�' req4p" d Both havebeen heavily relAto, r: r4lem tg
w'tion of London, R nd, which ;Tay be Initts, � -We mentioned j4st-webk the buiv watingi it -.tWas-.Xduq_
ckbigs, otted coarse, H, awrenced liLyin
rceid during II W _g at 4 rnon�ths old. �6th e rs $7,
the Past t eks. The loss In: killed 3, Battler; woollie j50; be
-Ifted flnp,Mi Well, -eeb
-v wo4nded has' takoo refully made,, k -n If, N woolle'a -te fline lj�krns of Mr. Alexfin r He took jp -land and enMed La *Ar to Wood,
heen ftightf u Ily hdavy as =bst ea Ing of dp fa4n.
of -the (war to, GO. -many Sla IS
botU sides. It Is evident, however CoStab 0. Hess, W-.� 4[ is, on, the � ISt rnixed''.
r. - �md Rue bfEwen, Clerk of orr farrhirig'on! at., teMlye
Allied ar uitry: and,96� bil-
t kheir -011. Britato $7,t gon !i', saw 011 d. a zsparlc _W&S :&t,: the -
4,000 iper day each, to Great I j3attler�; bhmtets, H. jq�eb; quilt concession; of that towpshlp�--There'WaS an- 'jb
Wat the about $14 OC d bj,
100-000,,and to France 4' 4r6untd wbrk� H. Well, H, a strong 41-nd loWing an
sit xh -slowly W"rh. OU -hi, ed-4nA SO
erM�az ax . e a ae* r7 'Wool ea0i $9.730,000, or the Ri tsocks, W.'Bi Battle' ng ma�, i pbBsesed ulU Urjo
poreatoe 1*4 A g ma�,
'Aal\every tw( hwars, of Neeb;' Bul embrolidery, W
styAftr W. chln,6. fillinig Ahe. s Is Aj & gurvivAs Be
e,-4- go., lit6r' fA upposed -8111,
warian fifOrth to
&gd&ar t -to so, -months, Butt
�Pj ZVI 1"0. Mult y tb, 1w bef -s t T . from their -Vf,sup _1pl ftjrji&)3-- _1 ead04,centre Piece, R. R. John;s.: -have caused- the bla*. The sda -Ing to� Ak -a 0 rim
f "" source �eiof'34t_disy
'we anid and tlie a, ion; :j�i�bedpiqullt, W_�B;Ajattler. Crop Agintfbi
ero� aid e x ft; (if