HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-08-21, Page 5e ;any ted the want SI arm nients. ret alee Sam I,„T. :' e lerra ..ell an- e thlerk e There r t 4_7, bot :4.,, 1.q.c-,v,na ,'e baba ve if- ae, .oters., Jaeir440, r badee R :Indere s 'dottier ersteede 111111Pealy* tsee.eien rricet or i ead anel =.--etartell, i that le ; that it enn` nen ea bonus ne baste r henay fey rstihe 14rle1e kr_ . :cliff!, rce W ere lipped : uere Om efone to Fd4re .visItiee', e- The Fl emit -lei eave the. el fa tile a npeelte ' of the ol We - will are d'eef the : .Detrolt, Mrceni kite and , aying ,in erillie the shone - --W. ea esere ei .111 fee kbeill, 4' [-vending i [.thl.s !home in .: markets' I a Plotke eir fase r ropf asid• ecord in .-:-t 'week. E 'grain e bee le rned.aI •ition dayed bte ' w iag nclera te lentere Thtunee. is the : virlage tihat an - of Trade --a shotckt be Tenet-. . , manager king I* ille !Will ver tie L_Denit' o Poet glue X .died at 1 eloelt WJudy nornthg Be heal been linker novena- deem but alarming esynintome eald, eivt develop until Nedneeday merae ng aUe enneinne net &hie flaprinne Tone tiff of tain Rene= 041-Vo11c Ohurehewa,s not eneenated. Prone about noon he lead been. eineoneekeile aud 'stead -11Y \growing makes. ite !had realized 04a ceedition, in 40 eerie enoreinge ;Wheal he then ;laid `F‘arewell to Ine eietere aad Deb, breithers, and died laid lig last ane innetioris awn Oardtaal Wrry del VA Petird Becretere ta%. T 2 914 asomenissionmea MARKETS 41••••••11MM Seaforth. Aug 20th 1914 Fall Wileac(Stenearttee(new).e..... 1 00 to 1 1 00 Oats, per bashel(new) t 40 to 40 f atm per bustler DO to 90 Ferrer, per bushel........ tea *set 59 eo 50 EMI per V 00 to 27 00 30 00 to 30 00 Moe. s.er 100.•••••*041 • • • • 3 ?6 to 3 64) SutterV. 1, • 18 to 20 sena .pat .... 20 to 21 Old tray pet ton .. . ... 11 00 to 12 00 Wew Hay . 8 00 to 10 00 Potatoes, per bus ill 80 te 80 Toronto E'oultry Market ' Font dressed, heavy 15 to 16e; light, 13 to 14e.- live, fat. 10 to 120; chickens, dresseid, milk -fed, 22 to 23c; ordinary, 18 to 10; live, yeatling, .13 to 14c; brollere. 20 ta 22c; turkeys; dressed 19 to i25 t eats; alive, '15 to 15 cents. Spring ducks, live, '13 to 14 cenes dressed, 15 ,to .13c. Dairy Markets etfontreat, Aug. 1S—Olieese — Finest -wes_terne 1 3-8 lcents; eaeterne 13c. Butter, dhoicest erearriery, .28 to 28 1-2c ; aecentle. 87 ‘1-2 ton27 3-4c. !Ilene, fresh, al to 32c; selected 280; No. 11 atoeln "Nb 2 etock, 20 to 21c' t's Toronto, August 18—Butter—Cream- sry eprints, resin :made, 28. to 29 eentts ; Sarmers' separatco 'prints, 24 (to 25c; elatry prints, 20 to 2e; bakers', f18e'to • 19c. Egge—Strictly new 'aide \in oar. lots, 27 te 20C; extra Crate 125 to 25; ordinery firsts, 22 to 23c. Cheese —New lease 14 1-4 ne 14 1-2 cents; 4wins, 1.4 14to 1.4 3-4c; 'obi, large, -17 !cents; 'twins, 17 n-4 cents s Homey large; twins le 1-4 to 1,4 11.-te. Roney. —Buckwheat- 7 cents a pound In tins and 61-2e in ;barrels; strained clover honey 10 to It L cents a eound lie 60 - tris. tines 120 In ten -ha tine; 12 1-23 es give pound-- tiny tomb hone?. No. `a *2.25 per do ern-- extra $2 to . $2.25; per dozen; N 2 t2 per dozen. Grain, Etc. ' Tdronte, August 18—Wheat- — ?Ilan -Wheat markets appear to be working -elowiyto hoeenal level3 Pea war (scare -Was died !& naterea death!, end trad- ers anti !hence forth judo .the wheat esititationa on- its merits. Vie tone of elne- market yesterday was .again eas ler, but cash; -*Neat nricers henfeat -endanged nuotatisinee 'New Ontario -(veteeat 11.10' outside; Aznerie= ennent $1.12 'to $1.15, Toranto, Oats—No. 2 'Ontario oats oominat at 48 to 50 ceata taitelde and at 52 cents on 'track at Ifortinto; Western Canada oats Aucited .at OS 1-2 rents tor number two; No. 3 at 57 14 cents, lake ;porta. Barley— Ontario nominally 00 to 114c, outside. aocordinn teade. Oorn—Dune Nos 2 *merle= ndrainal at 6. 1-2 ceelts, ,Oollieegwood. Bran—Manitoba braea 424 in nags,. Toronto freigna; eliort'sat *26. Potatoes—New at $1.30 to $1.35; la car lot*1.15 per tag.NIlay—Farm- rs are slow inanarketing (hay, and as •a result nuetaefone of •baled they are firm. e3ea1ers ,are payingeas follows for ;ear lots deliveries oa tradn there. *Tay • it% to 114.50, per iton • in :car lots een track there. C4oed ciover !hay, 412. elatravr Ls 'quoted at $8 eer Von in car, lots on track here. Live Stock Markets. Bufffaete, Augast, 1914.—Cattle —market 15e to 25c tower; Choice to vrkne steers, 19.50 to 110.10; fair to geed, e8.65 to $9; elate. and 'course, *8.40 to *8.00; clhone .to prime Wendy steers, *8.60 to' *9 ; 'fair t good. $8.25 Ito $8.50; tight ccenmen, 47.50 to ($8; •*'enriinge. *8.25 to, *9; epriene fat %elf - ors $8.25 to $8.60; 'good butdhering %tellers 17.75 'to *8; ktigtht 7$ eta $7•50; `beet at °ewe $7 to $7,25; tgood but. sherieg cows 16 to 16.50; canners land putters 0.26. to $5; beet feeding steers 47.25 to 17,50; good. $6.75 to $7; best etoekere n6.50 to *7.00; ccerimon • to good at *5.50 te *6; beettbuils, $6.75 to 41.50; good killing bulls 46.25 to f$6.te 15; stock and medium butls, 15 (to $6; Milkers and Apringers, 135 to $90. ;Roo --1narket twenty-five cents lower; all •grades., Se.40 to *9.50; Sheep—Stow: iambs, .18.50 to $8.75; yearlings, $6 :to ; wet/hers $6.25 to $6.75; ewes 45 to /5.75; catves slow; toes *11.50; fair to :good 18,50 to 19.50;igrassers $5-ito 16: Montreal, August 18th. 1914. — Although the receipts of cattle today were the largest in eome weeks past, there was no actual change in the con- eslition of the market, owing to the fact that fully 76 per cent of the offer- ings consisted of canning stock for which there was an active demand from both local packers and American 'buyers for shipment to the Buffalo market. Bulls went at $5 to 55.50 and cows at $3.90 to $4.40 per cwt. Choice steers were scarce and buyers of such in some cases found it impossible to •fiII their wants. There was a good de- • mand for othergrades and,prices'were firm, with sales of full loads. of good steers •weighing from 1,100 to 1,150 pounds each at $8.40 to $8 50 and meel- ium stock brought $6,75. to $7.25 per •cwt. The trade in butchers' cows was mo:e active than usual and sales of full loads of good to choice stock was -made at 87 to $7.50 and medinm at $6.50 to 56.75 per cwt. A weaker feel- ing developed here to -day and prices declined 20 to 25c per cwt. At this , reduction an active trade was done in selected ,lots at $9,80 to am heavy weights at $8 to 58.50; sows at $7.80 to Ve and stags at $4.65 to $5 per cwt. weighed off cars. A feature of the small meat market was the weakness in i he prices for sheep and lambs ow- ing to the increased isupppes coming forward from both,Ontario and Que- bec. The decline for lambs amounted to 50c and 75c per cwt. Sales of round Jots of Ontario stock were made at $7.30 to $7.75 and some small lots brought as high as $8 per cwt • while • Quebec lambs in round_ lots met only with a fair sale at $7. Prices for sheep broke $1 to $1.25 per cwt., but even at - this the demand was rather slow. The trade in calves was active and prices ruled steady. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Aug. 18. Cattle —The choicd,butchors were -soon picked up, the big packing firms feeding that the nine cent animals paid thane best. Medium_ class stock lingered on all morning and at noon there were quite a. number T in the stalls] ind many were likely to remain there until a future market. not that they were not worth the !micas the revers were asking. but the demand . for the class seemed dead off. Cows were a fair trade at steady quotations • the top for specials being •$7.50, with $7.15 a fair average for good animals Bulls maintained last weeks rates on fair. demand. FttiOntere have plenty of trod efrazing at their command now, but they consider the prices asked for feeders toe high, hence the business done in this section was very slight. Stockers also Were, a slow trade, but several milkers Sold at a good prices. Sheep were not so numerous' as they have been ef late, but there being no speeial demand,Thursdars quotations held good. On the ether hanil lambs wereinlined to firm, butanydiffer- .'nee was very slight. Calves met with an average dernand and the pick tealizeill$10.50re Hogs generally take a turn on Mender; and to -day proved no exception, drovers strove to secure Thursday's $9.50 for fed and watered but the packers beat the market down to $9.25, at Which figure ,the bulk changed hands. There- were a few special which realized $9.50 Besides the several loads of Op quality that brought$9, good beasts were - taken at n8 to $8.75. Medium and inferior stuff fotind a eaglet: draggy trade at $7.50 to $8. Milkers were steady at 0 to $100 each. Stockers 'mere slow at $6.50 to $7 for good and $5 to $6.50 for inferior. Butchers cows were steady at $7 to 17.60 for good and $4.50 to $7 for commien to medium. Bulls went unchariged a $5 to $6 for poor and $6.60 to $7 for. medium to choice. Calves of any quality were wanted and sold firm at $9.00 to $10.50 witli inferior to rough at $5.50 to $q. Lambs were weak as at close of the week, selling between $6 and $8.50. Sheep were steady at $5.50 to $6.50 Swine were off 15 to 25c, going at $9.50 fed and, watered. Packers are .taking $8.25 fed and watered. esmw Toronto florae Mark at The Toronto horse market shows prices ranging very little from the past week. Supplies were very. light only sixteen animals figuring- an the receipts. Farmers generally are hold- ing back their offerings and the trade has been dormant. There is little or no outsid.e demand the Eastern call having fallen off. Governintnt de- mands are the only feature of the Market this week and as price de- mands have been exorbitant purchases lave fallen off. An inspection of re- mount eupplies will be held this week at Toronto, and it is expected that the market will show greater Dation. American Horse tarket ott. markets this week was very light, the demand being small. A few feed- ers at Chicago changed hands at $190 to $210, while some chunks pold for $180. Eventually it is expected that there will ibe a big demand from Europe for horses-, but in the mean- time they are being kept one the United States markets, where they are riot wanted these days. INNIMINOUPPIP‘ • - - ••••••••4444.41•••••••••••• 5. T. Holmes • Funertil Director and Erribalmer, Under tisk- • ing parlors in Odd Fel- lows building opposite • Stewart Bros. [Iasi- . deuce Goderich st., opp • Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on 4, short notice. • Phone Night or Day 119. • 441•••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Birt tas HOWSON—In 'Winghara, on August 8tis; t5 Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank R. Howson; a son. KIRKBY—In Brunets, en August lltb, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirkby (nee Maude Querin) a daugh- ter. KAAKB—In Wroxeter, on August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. &take, a son. BARBER—To Seaterth, on August 6th, to Mr. and a Mrs. O. A. Barber, a daughter. I,OVETT—In Goderioh township, on August 7th, to Mr. and Mre. Albert Lovett, a daughter. MUSTARD—In Clinton, on August 8th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Thorntoa Mustard. of Toronto, 'a eon. BOYER—In Clinton, on August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer, of Toronto, a daughter. MOLYNEAUX—In Eerrionoville, on August 71h, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Molyneaux, Redweed City, Oal., o. eon. twat ipanlit FOR sox (allot 14, Canoes-- abin S., Willett, fifty fei of- Well Cultivated loud ' tint hi alleoleareda• On ri farm is 111 good *hied brick house of ten rooms end woodshed., Ale° a geed bank barn and driving -shed. There bra never failing flPring. nearby. A good torchwrd of apples, pealee-plinteSienet alierries., For further particulars apply to the executors,' BENSON TTERMAN W ng. ham or LAWRENCE MELVILLE, Seaforth. 24112x811 • ligarriatati TEDDRNELGE—litollANUS—At the brides home, Colborne, On August Ilth, by Rev. George E. Rose, B. D., Rev. Herbert Edward Thornloe, M. A., and Mena Lillien Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and hits. James D. MoMenue. HOME—PARRISH—At freeborn and Union manse, East se., Godericla on August 5th, by Rev. james Hamilton, Mies Minnie Ann, dattetter of Mr. David Farrish, Ashfield township, to Mr. Leroy Home, of Luoknow. • Deaths ROTHAERMEL — In Exeter, on August 9, Pauline Than, relict or the late Emanuel Rotbaermel, of Deshwood, aged 54 years. - FARM, . t P , 11011/ SALE -.-Lot 10 Concession.' fitanleY Brno field, on the Londowitoad, one hundred acres, In - /Township, one Win and a quarter south of ni y \pleated and ten acres of -good buil. well emcee and Well drained, good brioic house and good barns with stone stabling underneath. Three never failing wells, a good orohard with over a hull red• ; trees with good fruit, good driving shed, pig pen , and implement house. Terme to suit purch ser. JOHN MURDOOK, Brucelield. 188 At DARR FOR SALE—L o t 26. Coneession 5, Mcifillop r on the Gravel Roist, 2 miles and a half north of Seaforth. One hundred acres, all cleared -but about two aom Well teneed and in a good state of oultivatizia. 'About thirty sores in grass. Good frame house), two good barns, with stone stabling underneath. Plenty of never failing water. Rata! Mail Delivery and Rural Telephone. A good bearing orchard. Easy terms of payment. Apply on the premises or address JOHN MoMILLAN, Seaforth P. o. 4044t - epAR,M FOR SALE—Lot 8 Concession 3, Stanley, containing 100 acres; 15 acres hardwood bush. The land win a good state oroulavation. There are on the preraisas a good brick honee'nine rooms and woodshed. Good bank learn, pain barn 401%9. wing 28x60, good stabling, large driving shed 28x49, ben house 20x30, orchard oonalsting of about 40 trees good winter apples, 2 good wells. Sit heted mile from school, 3 miles from Kippen or Bruoefle'd. Rural mail and telephone. $6500 buys this farm if sold -at onee. For further paatioulara apply, to FRED' 0. FOWLER; or on the premises, R. R. No. 3 ,Kippen. 2436-1f • lor riARM FOR SALE --The undersigned offers for pie by public motion, on the premisesiat 2,80 o'clock p. m., September lst, Lot No. 1, Concession 13, Tookersnalth, ooniaining 97t acres of land. There are on the:prembies a itne two storey cement bowie, very conveniently arranged and w No, 1 barn, 46x76 feet. There is on the prernisee about 11 mores of good hardwood bush and a never failing epring of pure water, no need for pumping, either winter or summer. This farm is in good condition, well femme and pleasantly situated, being only 4 tulles from Hensall. This place will be sold subject to reserve bid and on easy terms, as the proprietor does not wish to farm. Terms mede known the day of sale or ter piertioulars apply to WILLIAM' LEITCH, Egmondoille. 2436x3 4••••••+,••••••••••••••••• : WALKEit &• 1 • • i WHITELEY 'I • •- • Undertakers and Embalmers 2 • . • • • • * • W. J. Walker -• • • • Night Phone -18 • : • : * Stote • Phone -67 • • +04140**,0*** ews•••••••••• •se• I IMPURTART RANO= F-ENARBI, b Oft SALE,—For sale, Lot 21 and ease half 22, in the township of, Hibbert, containing 160 acres. There are on the Inanities, a storey and a ball stone house, 28x88, with frame kitchen, a barn 94x50, straw Shed, 36x50 and drive house, 20x30. The farm is all tile drained and moistly wire fenced and is all seeded to grass except 20 wires. There are 35 acres of No. 1 hardwood bush'. There are two good wells and a spring creek running through the 50 sores. The farm is situated miles from the village of Oromarty, 74 miles from Dublin station anti 8 miles from Hensalll and has rural delivery and telephone connection, N. 5 on 42. Dublin central. For further particulars) apply_ on the premises or at The Expositor anti* or aWrees MAX CAMPBELL, Oromartyp. o. 2138x4 'LIAEM FOR SALE—Comprised of tit 10, Oaken. ' ion 10, township of Bibaert, in the county,of Perth; eontaing 100 acres rif choice land of wiiich there are fifteen acres of good hardwood bush,. 55 acres in grass, balance stubble lend. On the proposes is a large bank barn (new) with (stabling complete, comfortable dwelling, beautiful garden and orchard, well watered. This fisrin is well eituated as to roads, schools and churches, with rural mail and telephone if not sold pilvately on or before 130th of September It and .the stook and implements will be sold by public auction on the 16th of October, 1914. Mrs. O. GARLE & J. WELLS, Preprietoes. For terms and particulars apply to propriethre.[Oromarty p o. or to Thos. Cameron, Atm inneer, R. dt. No. 1, Kirk - ton p. o., or Phone by Exeter. ° 2486 -td FFOR SALE—Lot 13, Oonoession 3, Tenn - ship of Stanley. 100 scree, mostly under culti- vation, good stone house with wood and driving sheds attached. Also bank barn. Spring water all the year round. Parra suitable either for grazing or grain. Terms moiierate. Apply to JOHN KET- CHEN, fBruoeflield. 2421-tf TEAGHER WANTED—For School Section No. 1 Hay and Stanley. Teacher holding second edam certificate, Duties to esmenence after holidays. Applications received up to August 201h. Apply stating salary and experience. Protestant prefrred. SOLOMON JACOBE, Secretary, Zurich p. R. F. D. No. 2. 2334x td OR SALE OR RENT -Lot 35. Ooneession le r Township of MoKillop, cohtainiog 100 acres, with hush, good frame house and bank barn with stabling underneath, fruit orehard and windmill. For fur- ther particular apply to Mrs. M. A. GAETZEMEYER Seaforth. 2429-12 pIG FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep for eervioe, on Lot 24, Oen. il, Tuoker- smith, thorobrecl Yorkshire hog. He is exoeptionally well bred being bred from the well known stook of D. O. Flea, and Son,Millgrov ,e Ontario. Tonne $1 at the time of service with Me privelege of re - turtling 1± neceesary. H. Id. HAMILTON, R. BeN'o. 3, Seaforth. 2393X4tt Plums em1.1.M.••••••19. Come to Hu, on Central fruit tarns for chola earieties of Cannirg plums- Green Gages, Waehing ton, Duanes Perple, Lcmbard, eto., stetting about August 25th. 2486.4 - A. TIGRE Fruit farm and pianos, Clinton judge's Court *of Revision *awe' The Judge of the County of Heron- will hold a Court fa eae revision of the Voters' List of the township of MeKillop, on August -7th, 1914, at the town hall, Seaforth, at 9 o'cilook a. tr. All keter- ested will please take notice and govern themselves acordingly. • 2436-1 MURDIE, Clerk Public Notice. 1/111.••••••••••• Mr. A. P. Joynt, Liceased anction- eer for the Couuty of Huron is now in a position to conduct auction'gales, satisfaction guaranteed, charges rea- Sonable. For terms, etc. appJj tp Sea - forth P. O. or phone 12 on I •• 2390-tf FAIIM FOR SALE — Lot 6, Oencesiou 2, contou- ing 100 acres, seven acres hardwood bush. The land Is well underdrained and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the premises a house, two good buns witli stabling, cement diary, a wood shed, driving shed and ail out buildings. One acre of good fruit orehard. There is a rehool within hilt a mile osifeely two miles from post o oe. store and ohuroh. 3. B. DlINSDALB, Kippen, Ont. 242841 - . Valuable farm in Triekerstnith For Sale ••••••••••• In order to close up the estate of the late Robert Charters, deceased, ihe Executors of his will afar for sale his farins,being Lot 32, and the west halt of ot 31, Concession 6, London Road Survey, Tuckermith. The lands %revel' improved and in good condition and may be viewed at any time. For terms and conditions apply on the premises Lot • MRSe ROBERT CHARTERS, Seaforth P. 0., R.R. No. 3 BARN TIMBER,. FOR SALE For sale the timber of two barns, 34x54 feet, mostly pine and. cedar, alEo a lot of new girths; will be sold heap apply to 2417-tf GEO, M. CIHIESNIC I Box 172, MOIT jiit Farm Property for Sale • TO out i'iut ? Our stock of Summer -Suiting is now complete and comprises the vier newest designs—checks, broken stripes, hair line effects—worsteds and serges, cheviots ahd -tweeds. Particular men_will avor the exclusive style„of our garments. Smart close -fitting models for young m n, con- servative older men's models. ou will feel at perfect ease in one of our uits and have the satisfaction a man alwa s ixper- iences in new and becoming clot es. In- spection Invited. BRIG -HT, •SEAFORta & Son A NEW TERM iFORD opens SepteMber ,Ist in the popular REPAI L 'OTT Youge and Charles streets, Toronto This school enjoys a great reputation for superior training. Write to -day for catalogue. Iron Pimps & pump Repairing J am prepared to furnis all kinds of Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water trotihs Stancheons and Cattle Basins. Ibe Price is Bht Also all kindsof puinp repairingdotie on short notice. For• terms, etc., apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St„ East, or at residence, North Main Street. The exeestore of James A. McQuaid, late of the • Township of htoKiltop, deceased, offer for sale the following two valueble farms; lst —Lot 21, Con cession 2, Township McKillop, 100 acres ; contains a good house with 12 rooms, furnace and hot water heating, bath and toilet complete, barn 52x30 with stone foundation and stall B0003 for 12 heroes, driv- ing shed 45x25, cement tank and water fpr barn and • etable, small spring oreee which -never runs dry, a- bout ten acres of hardwood bush. 2nd—Lot 20,00n.` union 2, MoKillop, across the road from above farm • 100 acres; new frame house, 6 rows, good cellar, 2 barns, each 36x56: one with stone foundation and stabling under, a spring with good flow of water all the year rou d. These two farms are both well drained and well fenced' and in firsteclase state of oultivation, conveniently situeted, only two miles from the Town of Seaforth, and are among the most °holm and desirable faros in the County of Huron. Arrangements oan be mole for fall plowing and for full possession at an -early date. For further partic- ulars apply to the exeoutore, MR.S. JOHANNAH Me- QUAID, Box 71, Seaforth ; JOSEPH MeQUAID, R.. R. No. 5. Seaforth, or to PROUDFOOT, HAYS AND KILLORA.N, Seaforth, Solicitors for Executors. 2,432-tf Monday, January5th is the re -opening day ot NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGB ' Owen Sound Every Graduate Guaranteeel a Pos- ition. 33 Successful years. Large Staff of Specialists Individual Instruction-. Practical Department. • Information Free. C. A. Fleming, C., A. Principal. G, All Fleming, Secretary. 24024 J. F. Welsh, Seaforth GRAND TRUNKRSAYISLTWEAMY H.omeseekers' Excursions Round. trip tickets to points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via Chicago, St. Pea Duluth' or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co., on sale each Tuesday untii October 27th, in- clusive, at low fares. Through pulimall,. tourist sleeping cars to Winnipeg,rbn. above dates, leaving Toronto 11.45. No change of cars. Return limit, two months. The Grand Trunk Pacific is the short - route between Winnipeg -Saskatoon: Edmon ton , Berth reservations and particulare at all Grad Trunk ticket offices or write 0.1 E. 'Horning, D. P. A. Toronto Ont. W. Somerville .. Tcwn Agent W. Plant.. .. . —.Depot Agent C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont That Mare AR *e are now in a po ition to give all Ford Car owners prompt and careful ttention for Ford:automobiles at the very lowest possible prices. We handle all the n cessary Ford Repairs, Give u a call and be convinced t our superior workmanship SEAFORTH GAR G•E PARLING & WM HT Wilson Block filaforth Will you breed her thie season? do You seek the most obtainable for your money ?Consider Mr. Tenapleton. Why ? He has a rat inheriteinee. He is by Peter the Great, 4 years 2. 4., from him proceeds a new standard of excellentes Meet's the best. His dam and Grand dam were known to he better than 2.10 trotters. His Great grand dam was a great brood mare: 'His fifth dam was by the famous Lexington thoroughbred. This to is the b es t, in f ao t, ea n you; beat it? He is the right 6i7.0, olose to 15 1 3 hands. He is the right color, dark brown. He has the Peter the Great, etyle and finish. He is sound and one Of the purest gaited trotters. His fords are uniform, His sire has done more for his opportunities than any other strtiWe_ Without exception, every foal by him Oat -Weaned, has been fast, from four ,to seven of his first orop of foals, tvienty in all, were fast enought to have taken three year old record e better than 2.10. Mr, Templet -en ig the sire of three year old Ray Templeton: that worked a publio mile at Libertyville, Illinois, in 2.18. Summing up Mr.. Templeton in Par Excellence. in inheritenee, in speed, in gait, in individuality, his services are • worth more than any other (amnion% than has ever been offered breeders of this Province. Can you point to me another of which me much can be said, irrespeotiee of his fee. Will make a full season at his own stable,at 825.00 to ineure. GEO. E. TROYER, Proprietor, Hills Green, or phone 6 on 88 usrioh. 2433-9 •She Beaforth Creamery Cream Wanted Creamery is now ready for operation and we are in a position to -handle any quantity of cream. Ship your cream and give us e,. We will pay you twice a month, furnish two cans° and pay all express charges. Cheques pay- , able at par. New Doctors. Drs. George and. M.. E. Whiting Heilemann, Osteopathic Physicians of Goderich. ' Specialists in women and e� ildrens diseases, aeute, chronic and nervous disorders, eye, ear, nose, and throat. consultation free Office at edommercial Hotel Seaforth. Inidays 8 to 6. The Seaforth Creamery co. NOW 0,. A. Barber, Mgr. aeat—eseaeat Lhiter rile warmer weather nece the using of lighter driving Never before have we been a assemble so many different rugs for your inspection n for buggy or auto. Cool, patterns in gray, brown a d colors, from Shoo to $x. 5 &dates rags. le to knee itable neat, ixed Stable She‘ts On a hot -day yonr horse will appre- ciate one of our cool sheets. As blankets are a vere important part of ouy business, our prices are in rea.cle of all. Fancy checked stable sh e e ts bound with surcingles $2.25, $2.50 $3. oo. Without surcingles 90c $1.15, $x .50 and $2,00 BRODERIOKS Harness Store Oepeeite Commercial Hotel, Seat Harness Trunks Vali rth • enoonommessressissomrssismassoomenimillawn‘ THE CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE ASLEXAND R LAIRD, General Manager JOHN 441RD, Asiet General iffessaSse SIR EDMUND WAIXER, C.V.O.,LL.D.,D.C,L„, President CAPITAL 315,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500000 • FARMERS' BITSINESS The Canadian Bank, of CommerC'e extends to Farmers event facility for the transaction of their banking- business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of charge on application. 1", Seaforth Branch. W, MORSON manager 11191.101110. -Good Times Ahead THE 'suddenbreaking out of war -I- caused many to "run to cover." Like the chicken on whom the rose leaf fell, some of us become a prey to fear and we're ready to declare "the sky is falling." It is your assurance of complete satisfaotion in yonr concrete for old or new work. no get it ask for Can. ada Portland Cement. For your Fall Wheat Use our Ideal Wheat and Corn fer'- tilizer, it will have your crop in good shape for the winter, end will also give your crop the lead in the spring. For Your Threshing Get some of our genuitie Youghio- gheny Select Lump Soft Coal. Cheap, safe end thoroughly efficient. , Now our vision is clearing, our alarm has fled, we have recovered our poise and our courage. We are seeing, also, our opportunity. Swiftly and almost over- whelmingly has come to. us the perceptiort of the fact that the competition of Contin- ental Europe has been taken away. We are faced with a condition and an oppor- tunity both tending to our advantage as a country of industry, agriculture and trade. Good times ard. ahead if Canada and Can- adians see and sei7e the present opportun- ity for enlarging their industries and trading. We must be careful We must have courago Advertise what you have to sell and what you want to buY in THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Seaforth. Let people' know what you havand what you want. our Great The following goods will be cleared out at once regardless of cost. You can save money by purchasing now and have the use and benefit of the goods during the remainder of the season. . It also means money saved oi next season's re- quirements. Space will not permit us t quote prices on all Of the many bargains we have to, offer. Here is a list of a few:' Screen Doors Heavily panelled, strongly made and nicely varnished; the best money can buy. Complete with hinges, hook and pull reg. $2.50......... .. . Well made, nicely designed and varnished,complete with hinges, hook and pull, regular $2.00, now.... Good strong screen doors cOmplete with hinges, hook- and pull, regular $1.50 now.. Screen doors well made, in plain style, complete with hinges, hooks and pull; Regular $i pd, .e.sosite,..834t - For the Winter Secure your supply of Lehigt Val- ley Coal—always the equal- ar?il ot ten the better of the many kiads on the market, It will pay you to get my prices. John B Mustard Phone 11 on 145 BRUMFIELD Screen Windows Well made and nicely finished. Size 14 x 22, regular 20C, now.................... ... . . .............15e Size 1.2 X 36, regular -30c, now.............-........ -...........20e , .......20e x 40: regular 3oc, now..........,............1..... Size 14. Size 18 x 28, regular ,30c, now ... •.••.....••.., ..s•esse.•*••• _ 04n A, Size 18 x 32, regular 35c, now...•.... OW.* O..*** )4 0 ** 6.0 . 4 ri . .25c i\ Hammocks Extra heavy tapestry weave, two attractive designs in rich colorings, effectively blended, deep full valiance, is inch throw back pillow, finished with heavy twisted cording and tassels. Size 90a42. Regular $'9.00 now Heavy double weave fabric, three assorted color combina. tions, deep valla.nce and large throw back pillow, heavy twisted cording and tassels. Size 90x41. Regular $7.00 now.•••••••• .. • ..... ••• 4.4.•••4••••:•••••4.4. •-••$5.00 Heavy double weave, beautiful design, wide full valiance, throw back 1pillow, nicely upholstered and tufted. Regular 13 25 $4.50, now••.••••..•••..... 4. . •a• t *4444tetil• it 11 j'a Aaa• Good strong ribbed fabric, striped design. Will give good satisfaction, Regular $3 .5o, Lawnmowers Four 16" Crucib!e Steel blades, plain bearing, easy running, high wheel, guaranteed satisfactory, reg. 7.00 Three 16" crucible steel blades, plain bearing, easy runni high wheels, guaranteed. Regular 5.25, Three /6" steel blades, easy running. regular 4,25 DOW..13 All the goods are guaranteed to give satisfaction or inoney refunded. You can easily see the advantage in buying at these money saving prices The Big Hardware Henry Edge, Seaforth e