HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-08-07, Page 5ket
Mrs, Martin MoQuaid, 0
is visittng relative
Mrs. W. Fortune, of Detrelt,is Visite
ing her mother, Mrs.
and Mrs. Drake. of Hamilton, visited
the Janette- sister, Mrs. P. Maloney.
recentiyae-Mrs. McCabe anddanghter
of Hamilton were here lettending the
funeral Of Mrs. McCabe's father, the
late Mr. Malone.
Ataliversa -Anniversary services
will he held in St. Andrews churth on
siinday next, August 9th. Thole will
be conducted by Rev. W. R. Mcfittosh
B. D., of King St., Ohurch, London,
o ne of the rising young ministers o
, the Preebyterian church. Mr. Motto
tosh, Who is noted for his work &mon
young people, is an able preacher, an
a great treat awaits the people of Bar-
field and vicinity next Sundey. A
special offering will be taken as usual
for the Building Fund of the oharch.
Morning service at 11 o'clock, everting
at 7.30, All are cordially invited,
Notes. -The east portion of itreKilt
lop had a. downpour of rain on Sunday
afternoon test, which vvill be a help
to the paatures and root crops. -Ev-
ery crawling thing is now being close-
ly examined in search of the army
worm, which has not yet ;appeared
to any alarming extent. -The scare
h.estellines in the daily papers are
(spite attractive. If it arouse e our pat-
riotism there win be no harm done,
but it will not do to get- excited this
hot weather. - ny person leaving
Walton or Meilen ht stations at eight
• otclock can reech Toronto Hamilton
or London sjiortty after eleven the
same morningTtus is doing very
wen. -Mr. 3. J. Irvine was on a, visit
to the old homestead in Blanshard for
two or three days last week. While
there he met a sister and niece, Mrs.
and Miss McPherson, of Melford,Safik.
who were also back on a tyisit. Mi.
andtIrs. McPherson were among the
earry settlersin the Carrot alteea Val-
ley and have done fine. -- Mr. and
Mrs. McLean, of Whitby, accompan-
ied by theirchndren, are visiting at
the home of Mrs. McLean's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dundee. Mr. Mc-
Lean is a Baptist minister alai has a
month's vacation, butte not be idle,
he purposes taking the work of Rev.
Mr. Lundy, Presbyterian minister at
Waltcm, the latter gentlemen having
gene to visit at the home of. bis par-
. ,
e ats -
S., per dozen: extita, $2 to $2.26
&men; No. 2. $1. per. desfeto
Orate, Eta.
Toronto, Aiimust 4e -Ontario Outset
40 to 41e eutside and 43 to 4.10 on track
at Toronto. Ontario Wheat -Old, oar
lots, outside, 95 to 97e ; new crop, 80 to
88o nominal Mimic= Comi m Fresh
shelled No, 2 yellow, c.i.f., Coiling -
wood, 790 nothinel. Peas -No 2, 98o
to $1:03, garlots, outside, nominal.
Barley's -Good Malting barley, outside,
57c to 59c nominal; Manitoba, barley
5043 to .570, Beans -- Primes, bushel,
$2.20; hitt., $2.30 to $2.35; Millfeed-
Manitoba, bran, $23; shorts, $20, On
tart° brain $23, .middlings, $26 to 14
good feed flour $30 to ve. Onions -
Spanish, crate $4 to $1.25; Texas on-
ions, crajoe $3. Potatoes -New import-
ed, $3 to $3.25 a barrel; new Ontario,
$1.40 to $1.50. 'Baled hay and straw
-Localmerchants are buyingon traek
Toronto at the following prielfele : -No.
1 baled hay $14; baled hay extra No.2
13; bailed hey- No 2, $i0; new!baled
hay $13 to $13.50; baled straw, $8 to
$9.00 -
- Live Stook irketa
Montreal, August 4th -The demand
for stock for shipment to. the Buffalo
market Was fait. and leveret carloads
l fall
_ , _
CANTMrsON-In. Clinton, on Jetty 24th, to Mr. and
- Mrs. E. W. LeOantelon, of Toronto, a - son.
BRANS -In Broesishe on Ode 25th, to Air. _end
end Moe Harvey Balms,. tveln daughters,. r
JACKSON -In Ws:Meter, On sew 26th, to Dr. end
Mrs. G. V.. Jankeon, a son. •
FRAZER-4n Exeter, eteeew 26th, to Mr. and Altar -
1 Wm. Frew, a son. .
KELLETTO-In Exeter, on July 27t4, to Mr, and
Mrs. John Kellet, -a *an.
QUANOE-In Eeeter,un July 24th, to ififi, and Mrs.
R D. eenance. ere a son.
RANNIE-In Henson, on July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs.
_ , Milne R. Rennie, a on. ,
lionest-in Seatorth, on July 80th, to Me, and Mrs.
- Walter .8mIthea daueleeers -
O'OONNOR-In Reenueeoe, erini•ajeteyektheit, to Mr. Wed
FLANNEICY-In MoKillloP, on August 2nd, to Me
Mr. Dan O'flonner, a daughter,
and 'Mrs, Terme)* Flannery, & lileughter.
STEWART-IIMINESS---In 'tu, on July 12,9th at
- the residersoe of the bride's other, Mrs. A. IS.
e Harness, Idles Metid Ilarn se, to M. James
Stewerfleby Rev. 8, W. Atueevorbily. .
WILSON -LINNET -hi Teeswater, on July '28th,
by the Itev. Father Capps, Mr. Joseph Wilson,
of Wirigharn, to Miss Alice Linnet, of 'reeswater.
MAIONE-In Melettlop, on Auguet 1st, Sohn Mal-
one aged se Team
ALDWeIRTH-In Exeter, Notth, on July 28th,"
Margaret Jeffery, -beloved wife of Cicero Ald-
worth, Aged years,
SNELL-4n Winnipeg, on July 22nd, Frank Snell,
formerly of Exeter, aged 46 years,
ORERAR-In Guelph, on July leteh, James Ceearar,
of Oranbrook, his 178th year.
OUNN-In Olinton on July ' 26th Bertha M.,
were purchased. Tli*3 supply a good youngest daughter of Dr. SS m and Islre,
to Choice steers leas more plentiful STREETS-aInedCilittYpena,rson"Jcin2lyni27att 113.enry Streets,
and sales of *leveret loads were made
at $8. /5 and some sMalllota 0.19 high RS JOBB-In TurnberrY, on - July 28th, Ohristopher
• aged 68 years.
MASON -In East Wavranosh, im july 23rd, Mary
Jane Stein, widow of the late Peter Mason, aged
69 years 11 nionthe and 18 dye.
• - -
$9, while , carload6, of good steers
changed hands at $8,25 and mixed lots
of common stock at $5.50 to $6 per
'cwt. Deznamd for canning -stock was.
fair and sales of cows were 'made at $4
to $4.25 and bulls at $5 - to $5.25 per
cwt. The strength which has char-
acterized the market for hogs for the
past few weeks continues the main
feature of the sitaation. Prices
today scnred a further advance of 25
to 35c per 100 pounds. The trade was
active with the Bolles of seleeted lots at
$9.85 to $10, sowsat $7.85 to $8 and
and stags at $4. i to $5 per 100 pounds
weighed off cars. The feature of the
small meat markt was the stronger
feeling in sheep eth`a prices advanced.
50 to 75c per hundred. pounds, owing
to the good demand for supplies and.
the smaller offerings for the season.
In fact some of the leading butchers
stated that enen at the higher prices
they could not fin their requirements.
Salts of ewe Oheep were made at $5.50
to $6 per cwt. ] The tone of. the
market was also .stronger for choice
stock and lots of Ontario henbs sold
at $6 to $7 and Quebec at $4.25 to $4.50
Buff*, Aug..4--Cattle-e*st heavy
grades 15 to 2oc higher ; other grades
steady- - choice i to prime shipping
-WICKES. steers, 1250 to 1509 lbs: $0.50 to $9:75 •
, I fair to good, .8 .60 to $9:90> plain end_
coarse $8,.25 to 8.40 ; choice to prime
'They Are the Popular Thing to Serve
handy steers 8,251to,$8,35 : light colle-
t mo -n $7.50 to $/,85 yearlings 8,e5 to
$9; prune fat heifers '$8.25 to $8;50 ;
Igood butehering heifers 7:75 to $8.00 ;
light $7 to $7.55 ;; best heavy fat cows
$7 to $7.25 : good' butchering cows $6
to $6.75 ; canners and cutters $3.50 to
$5 4 best feeders $6.90 to 87.25: good,
; $6.65 to $5 85 ; beet stockers; $6.25 to
' 00113111011 to good $5,50 to ‘SO.
Aftetatoon Tea.
A tap 4! tea and a sandwich -or
-two constitutes matte enough of "a
'bite" to tide one over mail dinner
time, when the bridge games breaks
up, and less and less do bridge
hostesses feel compelled to offer ela-
borate lunches in the way of salads,
ices and sweet cakes so late in the eee
afternoon; Some women. are afraid. .134 ent hall $6.75 to $7.50 ; goed killing
i s $6.25 to $6.50 - stock and-meditim
of spoiling the dinner occurring soon bias $5 to $6 ; best - milehers and
tiereafter and other women are in springers gm to $90 ; gooce$55 to $65 ,•
mortal terror of growing fat, so the' common $35 to $50. Hogs -Market la
elaborate lunch is little appreciated ceets lower ; heavy $0.15 to $9.25:
and,. though everybody nibbles pot mixed $9.30 - Yorkers ancl Ida ,s 9 30
Meat, raost of the daintiea are left 1 to some. Siteep-strong, top, 48.50 'to
on the. plates._ ' $9.50 • yearling, $6 to.$7.50 mvethers,
Tea and battered muffins always $6.2510 $6.50 ; ewes 84,25 'to 8575 ;
offered by a certain hostess after calves steady, tops, P1.75 ; fi tilt to
the bride meeting at. her home good, $8.50 to $9 50, gtassers, $5 to $7.
make her afternoons especially popti- 1 Union Stock Yards. Toronto, Aug . 4
lar. Coffee and sandwiches are also -The principal demaild was for the
relished, but zweets are better avoid- ' prime! )fft aIngs, and there was quite a
• ed, for few wobaen really want to nuinber of good specimens in the pens.
eat them just before dinner and are The top quotation of the morning was
• sorry evben they do, though the keen $9, which the Swift Canadian Co, pald
appetite of late afternoon makes to Dunn and Levack for alot of heavy
siveets especially palatable. • I well finished a,nimals,. and on the heels
eatery sta.lks chilled and stuffed of this deal, were several at $8,90.
with- cream, eheese and chopped nuts p.75 and $8,50, Thus the market
is a. toothsome delicacy for after , more there maintained the late f de
bridge serving: Coffee and tiny roll- •mend for &narrate of the first, grade.
Secondary stuff yeas a„gain inclined to
ed eandwich.es may accompany the
but numerous deals Wertt
;stuffed tetery. To make rolled bang,
through at recent Tates for the quail -
sandwiches* cut the - bread in thin
ty, For cows there was a 1strong en-
slices- in the r0,0Treing, having first
uiry, but there -was no inelinatical to
shaved off all the crust from the loaf. q t
n the prices, while bulls kept o
Pack the slices, one an another and ?,I3ud up
1 a par with, recent market- doin
wrap in a Wet napkin. In an hatitts
1 Milkers remained very much in t
time' have ready some raelted butter,
dark on account a lack of demand,
a pastry brush and squares of oiled but %wingers were a stronger lot,
paper. Brush each slice of bread I
: there being a distinct improvemetit in
with melted butter, roll and wrap the request for good animals of the
firmly in ailed paper. Set' the rolls l class. The business in the small sec -
of paper in the • icebox and just be- tion continued steady 3 ni a small' a-
fore serving remove th,e paPers. The fering of sheep and litanbs.. Calves of
eandvriches will retain their rolled I the better sorts made up a litUe of the
up shape. ' I round lost daring recert markets,
Cooked sausage meat put through at the improvement wee, so slight
a chopper makes deltelous filling for that any alterations were slightly
san.dwichea. So does chopped apple i worthy of mention. Hogs, also a re -
and celery. Cream cheese with <'hop - dticed offering, receded on a , sluggish
ped nuts cannot be excelled. Chola. ' demandeand the drop all round. was
ped aflame and green peppers are from 15c to 2bc,' the fed and watered
relished by some people as a sand- return being $9,15. ' The following are
wicti fining, but there should elevami '' the .price ranges, : Butcher cattle -
he other sandwiches, -without the Choice, weight steers, $8.40 to $9.00;
onion filling. chqice handy butchers, 38.25 to $8.50 ;
good.butchers 8g..10 th $8.35; medium
$7 50 to $7.80; commoo, from $7.25 to
7.50. 11 eifers -oGood to choice heifers
8.00 to 8.35; rcteclium, 7.40 to 7,90; com-
mon 6.75 to 725. Butcher cowS
-Choice feom 6.50 to 7,25; good, 6.25
to 6.50; ipedium from 5.25 to 6.00; cut-
ter, 4.00 to 4.50s cc mmon 4.50 to 5.50;
canners from 200 to 4.00. •Butcher
Bulls -Choice, 7.00 to 7,50; good, 6.50
to 7.00; medium; $6, to $6.50; comtnon,
$5 to $6, Stockees and feeders -Heavy
selected feeder's $7 to $7.25; choice
heavy stockers. $7; heavy good $6.75,
to $7; good medium stockers 1$6.50: to
$6.75; ,c o m in o n, f r o m 15,50 to
:$6.50; and:grass cows $4:75 to .$5.50.
.: Milkers andSpringer sold at $55 to
$05 each for choice offerings, 1, with
good at $55 to $65, and common to
medium et $13 to $50. Calves-
Ohaice, $9.50 to $10,00 • medium from
A Bit of Blarney.
An Irishman who was begging in -the
etreet was asked by a lady how it was
that such a ffne, strong man as ,he
should be askiii,er for alma With na-
tive blarney he replied:
"Lady, begging is the only profession
I know in which a gentleman can ;ad-
dress. a beautiful woman without hav-
ing an introduction.," t
The reroark was quite profitab
London Answers,
Seaforth, July 30th 1914
.rat w - est ettstetsta; 93 to a
Oat, per buthel .. . 40 co
Pea5, per bushel iie to
Earley, per bushel............. . . . .. 50 ea
Bran per ton ........ 25 00 to 25
Shore% per ton- .. ...... . ... ... .. 35 00 to 35
flour, par 10011*, 2 50 to 3
Butter No. I. looee.....e„ . .. . ... - 19 to
,s. eel. ineen.. ...... ...• a --, 19 to
0 d Hay per ton .. . .. 11 00 to 12
New Hay ...... .... . .... ....._ - 8 00 to 8
Potatoes, per eue 1 25 te 1
Toronto Poultry Market
Fowl, dressed,' heave: 15 to - lac;
light, 13 ta 14c; Live, fat, 10 to 12e;
ellielteas, dressed, milk -fed, 22 to 23e;
ordinary, la to 19c; live, yeadiag, 13
to 11c; broilers, 20 to 22c; turkeys,
&eased, 19 to 25e: alive, 15. to 16c. _
Dairy Markets
Toronto, Auguat 4th. -Butter -Choice
dairy 18 to len; interior 144 ta
fanners' eeparator enints, 20 to 21c ;
orearnery prints, 'fresh, 25 to 27 tents.
--Zsgs-Carse lots of strictly new-iaid.
26 to 28 cents per dozen, . and 'geed
steek at 522 to 24c. Cheese -New tOlietise
is quoted at a4 to 14 1-4 , cents or
WV; twins let. 1-4 to 14 fi-k. Honey
-Buckwheat- 7 cents a pound In tins
and 64-2e in barrels.; strained clover_
honey 10 to 10 1.2 cents a ayinuld hi;
tins; 12c in ten lb. tine; 12 1-3c
& Ave, pound tins; con* honey, No. 1,
$7 to $9.50 ; conmihn 'from $6 t $7;
rough grass calves, $5 to $6. Sheep
and ',emits -Light sheep ewes rangea
from $5.25 to $6 50, clipped, heavy
sheep and bueks from $4 to $5.25; mills
from $3 to $1; yearling Ianabs brought
from $7 to $7,50 ; bucks off, fair
spring lambs, eivt $9 to $10. Swine -
Flogs went at $8,, 65 to $8.7a, f. o.
9 25 fed and watered- and at
$9.40 to $9.5'
0 off cars.
• -
• S T Holmes
• •
• e
e Funerel I Director andt
• Embahner, UndertakS
: ing parlors in Odd Felt
• lows building opposite
4, Stewart Bros. Fanjet
etdence Goderich st ., opp
: • Dr, Scott's.
• Flowers forniahed *t
. short notice.
iPhone Night or Day 11/9.
vb• ..** *******************
Jobb, -in Otte 70bh year.
• WALICtli & •
4., •
If V
ri ' I
: Undertaker -s and Embalmers :
• is*
• W. J. Walker •
. Night Phone -18 *
es •
• It
Store Phone --67 sr
• . 11t
. DWI:STANT =Twirls
LeIVEDOLLAR private Ohriettuae greeting card
_V sample hook free Solieitors make five to ten
dollars per day. BRADLEY-OARRET'SON, Brant.
ford.- 2484,2
gale A WEER AND EXPENSES to travel appoint -
113 ing local representatives. WHITFIELD ,LIN.
scone Dept 4, Brantford, s 2443-2
• •
A GENTS-Wreolrof theEmprees of Ireland still
eal, selling by thousreids. Prospectus free on
promiee to camerae.. Big commission, BRADLEY.
GARRETSON, Brantferd. 2434-2
- •
VARM.Flt SALR-Lot 13, Concession 3, T here
hip of Staple. 100 aoree, mostly under culti-
vation„ good stone }mese with wood and driving
sheds attached. Abeaank bent, ,Spring water ail.
the year round. Farm sultaele either for grazing
or. grain. Terme moderate. Aprly to JOH2lectlii.tEIT-
CIEtEle. Brucefileid.
EACII1 n ' WANTED -For School Section No. 1
Stanley. Teacher holding.st co d class
Hay a
certificate, Dutles to resume) ce rtWr helidayst
epencations received up to Aueust 200, App'y
steam.- salary -and experience. Protestant pref Ted.
SOLOMON ACOBE, Secretary, Zurichp, o., 11. Fe
D. No. 2, 2334xtd
OR SALE OR RENT -Lot 35, Clonceasion
L Township of eloKillop, containing 100 acres, wish
bush, good frame house and bank been with stabling
underneath, fruie orotund and wtndntU., For fur-
ther particular apply to Mrs. M. A. GAETZEMEY ER
Seaforth. ' 242943
'DIG FOR SERVICE -The undersigned will keep
atetesiervice, on Lot 24, Cott. 9, H.R.S„ Tucksoe
smith, thorobred Yorkehire hog, Ile is exceptionally
well bred being bre e from the wen 1 nown stoek of
D. OeFlett and Soh, failltergive, Ontario. Terme
81 at the time al servioe with the privelege of -re.
turnine it necessary. IL Me HAMILTON, It, R. No.
3, Seafortb. 2893x44f
remise LOST-esLost en NY'ednerelay, AO, 29t1,
betwsen Seaford) and the residence of the
undersigned, Lot 87, Ooncessien 2, L. 14-8., Tucker -
smith, a greed purse, containing 86 er $7, utostly in
bills. The finder will be liberally rewarded on
leaving the setae at This Expositor Office Seaford),
or with tho undereigned. AUX GRAYee'Bruceffe'd
Tar °USES AND LOTS FOR SALE -.For sale two
I I small housescne five roomed and three lots
of landcentrallocated teed in the prettiest part
of the 'Wageo1 Dublin. Pienly of shade trees and
a splendid place to bt 111 a home. A bargain if sold
at once as owner is leaving the Village, Also Fame
furniture for sale. Apply to Min DYER, on the
premises • 2433x2
VARM FOR SALE- Lot 6, Contusion 2; contain.
in 109 acres, seven acres .hard wood bush, The
land Is wed underdrained and in a good state ° et
gultivatina. There are on the premises a house,
twocgood barns with stabling, cement diary, a wond
shed, driving shed and all out buildings. One acre
of good truth orchard. VIM le a aCi100i within half
a mile and oply two miles from pose officestore and
church. J B. D1NSDALE, ICh,pen, Ont. 2428 ti
FVARA( FOR SALE East helf of Lot 14, Concea-
l: shah S, Hullete, fifty sores of well cultivated land
that le all cleared. On the farrn Is a good sized
brick house of ten rooms and Wodished. Also a
good bank barn and driving shed. There is a 'neyer
failing spring nearby. A good erohard of apples,
pears, plums and eiserriee. For further particnbm,
apply to the executors, BENSON TYERMAN W
bern or LAWRENCE MELVILLE, Seaforth. 2422x80
eTtilideremiatert itiemestemiloe et two dittoes
iti teWnshin of Tlickerornitle, known as She Ansat
este eitt rateseete drain/re PertIOUlers sew be had e
earepplying to the Townellip-Otrark; Tenders to be
In betide of Coonoll by I7th-dey otieinust. .
1433.8 , it F. eleGREGOR, �eric
FARM FOR SALE -For sale 100 acres of choice'
'laud in the Township of Hilbert, being Los 28, •
Coneession 9. On the pretniees are a brick house,
drive ehtd, bank barn with stabling, hen house and
pig pen underneath. The farm is well fenced and
underdrained, andthere are 10 acres of hardwood
bush. Rural Mail and Telephone Conneebton,
For further partieulara apply to ADELINE SILLFRY
aa, Oat. 24,22-tt
MARM FOR SALE -Lot 26, Concession 5, MoR Mop
J.' on the GravelSoed, 2 n-iles ant a half north
of Seaforth. One hundred acres, all cleared but
abouttwo acres. %Yell fenced and in a good state
of cultivation. About thirty acres in grass. Good
-frame house, two good 'terns, with stone stabling
undeeneath. Plenty gt neirer failing water. Rural
fdail Delivery and Rural Telephone. A goodebtaring
orehard. Easy terms of paymert. Apply on the
premiees or address JOHN MoMILLAN, Seatorth
P. 0. 14044f
ARM. is OR !ALE -For sale, Lot 21 and ease half
2.9, in the townehip ef Hibeere, containing 150
acres. There are on the premises, a storey and a
half stoae house, 2848. with frame kitchen, a baen
9460, straw shed, 36)00 and drive. house, 2000.
The fame Wall tile drained and 'meetly wire fenced
and is all seeded to graes except 20 acres. There
are 35 acres of No. 1. hardwood bush. There are
two good swat) and x spring creek running through
the 60 acres. The fann is situated 11 miles from
the village of Cromarty, 71. miles from Dublin
station and 8 miles, from Heinen and has rural
delivery and telephone connection, Nc. 5 on 42.
Dublin central. For further particulars apply on
the pretnisea or at The Expositor office er addrees
ALEX OAMPBELL, Cramarty p0. 2433x4
Valuable farm in Tuoirksmith
For Sale
In order to (dose lp the estate oi the tate Robert
Charters, deceasiedethe Exeoutors 'Of big will offer
for sale his kerne, being Lot 32, and the *est halt
Of ob 31, Ooneessiott 6, London Roed Stsivey, Took.
erstnith. The lands are well Improved and In good
oondibion and may be Viewed at any time.
For terms and eendltione apply on the premises
Seeforth 2. O., U.S. No. 3
For sale 'she timber of two barns,
34x54 feet, mostly pine and cedar, also
a lot of new girths; will besold heap
arplyt to. .., .
2 17-tf .
- . Box 172, tier Ce ith
VAR MFOR SALE -For sale, Lot 2, ()once sion 4
Tuckersmith. containing 100 force, all cleared
except 6 acres of hardwood bush. There axe on the
promisees good brick atoreyand a half house,
-2646, with kitchen ani woodshed, 24x16. There is
a furnace and hard aed soft water in the house,
good bank barn 40x80, witli leamto root house, new
straw barn 27,42, wide driving house below, and
new steel root on all the berme Hog pen 2.2x30; hen
house 24x32. There ilea gpod watering system
throughout the barn with large cenient supply tank
and IAiadmil1 to pump the water. The feria is well
fenced and thoroughly underdrained and in a very
high state of °attestation. Good well at house and
never tailing well at barn. Also an acre and a half
of good bearing orehard that has been sprayed four
iteasons; Four and 11110 trines from beaforth, one
mile from schooleand Ielepnone tend rural mail
connection. Terms, reasonable. For particulars
apply on the premised or address R. R. No. 4, &n-
orth. WM G. WALLA0E. 2432,44
Public Notice.
opens September ist in the popular
Yonge and Charles streets, Toronto
This school enjoys a great reputation
for superior traaning. Write to -day
for catalogue,
New Doctors.
Drs.. George and M„. E. Whiting
Heilemartn, Osteopathic Physicians
of Goderich.
Specialists m women ancr childrens
diseases, acute, chronic and nervous
disorders,. eye, ear, nose,anct throat.
consultation free
Office at N...,ommercial .Hotel
- Mr. A, P. Joynt, Liemised anction-
eer for the Comity of Huron is now in
a position to conduct auction stiles,
satisfaction guaranteed, ehargest rea-
sonable. For terms, etc. apply to Sea, -
forth P. 0. or phone 12 on 146. -
Fridays 8t� 6.
ILFa.rrn Property for Sale.
The, executors of James A. AloQuaid, late of the
Township of MoKillop, deceased, offerfor sale the
following tsvo valuable. farms: est -Lot 21, Oon
cession 2, Township MoKillop, 100acres; contains a
good house with 12 roonas, furnace and hot water
heisting, beth and toilet complete, betel 52e80 with
stone foundation and stall room for 12 horses, driv-
ing ehed e5x.?.5, cement tankand water for bean and
stable'small spring cree1s. whites never rues dry, a-
bout ten aures of herdsvemi bush. 2nd -Lot 20,Con.
cession 2, Maine)), emeoss the road from above farm
1C0 acres; new f ramhouse, 0 rooms, Food cellar, 2
barna, each 8856: one with atone foundation and
stabling tender, it spring with geed flow df water all
the year rcti d. These two farms are both well
drained and well fenced and in firshelass state of
cultivation, convementlo situated, only two miles
from the Town o! St efortte and are among the most
choice and desirable farms in the oleunty of Huron.
Arrangements) can be mule for fall plowing and for
full poesession at an early date. For further partic-
ulars apply to the executors, M58. JOHANNAH Mee
QUAID, Box 71, Seaforth ; JOSEPH McQUAID, 14.
R. No, 5. Seaforthe or to PROUDFOOT, HAYS AND
=LORAN, Seaforth, Sotioitlors for Executors,.
2432-tt •
'Monday, January5th
is the re -opening day or
Owen Sound
Every Graduate Guaranteed a Pos-
ition. " ,
33 Successful years.
Large Staff of Specialists
Individual Instruction..
Practical Department.
Information Free.
C. A. Fleming, F. C., IPrincipal.
G, D. Flerning, Secretarky.
Seaforth Creamery
Cream Wanted
Our Creamery is now
ready for operation and
we are in a position to
handle any quantity
of cream.
-Ship your cream
a..rid give use', trial.
We will pay you twice a
month, furn sh two cans
and "p a y 1t. 11° express
charges.Cheques pay-
able at par.
The Seaforth Creari2ery Co'
2408-tf 0 A. Barber, Mgr,
Harvest Help .
August ixtli and x th
via Chicago and Du uth
From all stations in °uteri , King-
stoo, Renfrew and west, t2.00 to
Winnipeg, plus half cent -per mile
beyond. First excursion applies to all
points in Manitoba. Second excur-
sion to certain points inSaskatchewan
and Alberta and all points in Mani-
tithas RETURNING, half cent per
mile -to Winnipeg, plus $1800 from
Winteimeg -to destination in Eastern
Cantina. The Grand Trunk Pacific is
the 4shortest and quickest route
between Winnipeg -Saskatoon Edmon-
Full particulars. from all G.T. R.
ticket officeeor write U.' E. Horning,
D. P.A Toronto, Ont.-
OF .co-::
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $13,500,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce, are a safe, convenient
and inexpensive method of remitting small sums of money. These
Orders, payable without charge at any bank in Canada (except ia
the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the "United States”
are issued at the following rates:
$5 and under • . 3 cents
Over 5 and not exceeiling $10 . 6 "
" 10 "" . 30 - „ 10 "
30 14. 46 50 • 15 46
dead& be mode by means of our SPECIAL OREIGN DRAFTS and f WRY
ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonablarates. 528
Seaforth Branch.
W. O. T. MORS -ON Manager
W. Sorherville....... Tcwn kasent
W. Plant Depot ikaza •* ******.******************
C. E. HORNING, D. A., /*
Western Cattle Mart -et I
Union Station, Toronto, Ont
That Mare
Will you breed her data season? do you seek the
mon obtainable for your money? Consider Mr.
, Templeton. why ? Ile tag a rare inheritance.
He is by Peter the Great, 4 years 2.971, from him
proceeds a new standard of excellence thane the
beat. Hi S dam and Grand dam were known to be
better than 2,10 trotters. His Great gratve dam
was a great brood mare. Ills fifth dam was by the
famous Lexington thoroughbred. . This too is the
b ea te in f aol, c a rs you: beale, it? Ile is. the
right hiM, close to 15 1 .3 hands. Ile is the right
color, -dark brown. He has the Peter thee Greek
style and Raja He is sound and one of the purest
g.iteri trottere. His foals are uniform, His sire
bast done othre for his'opportunities than aey other
stsllion.Ne ithout exception, every foal by him
eva trained, has been fast, from four to seven of
his Bret crop of foals„ twenty in all, were fast
enought to have taken three year old records.better
then eat). Mr. Templeton is the sire of three year
Old Ray Templeton, that worked a public rails at
Libertyville, Illinois, in 2.18. Swanning up Mr.
Templeton in Par Excellence, in Inheritence, in
'speed, in gait, in individuality, his services are
worth more than any other stallion's than has ever
been offered breeders of tide Province. Can you
point to Inc another of which as nmeh can be said,
irrespectiee of his fee. Will meke a WU slam at
his own stale, $36.00 to insure. GEO. R
TROYER, Proprietor, Hills Green, or plaints 5 on SS
uriah. 2433 9
!What ,
is the Best ‘Seaaon
for Painting?
That is a question we are often ask-
ed. If the surface is dry and the
day is clear,. any season is good
painting weather, provided that the
painter knows how to mix his paint
to suit the temperature. An exper-
ience of 'twenty-six years has
taught me how I can paint at
any season uf the year and guaran-
tee satisfactory results. I am al -
at your service.
John Hooper
Painter, Paper Hanger, etc.
High street Seaforth
rile warmer weather necessiates
the using of lighter driving rugs.
Never before have i been able to
assemble so many ifferen knee
rug!! for • your lnspelction uitable
for /boggy .or auto. Cool; neat,
patterns in gray, brewn and mixed
colors, from $hoa to $175
Overhauled and repaired
Automobile _accessories,
oils, gasoline, gas tanks,
tires, carbide, always in
stock. Also washing
Lawn mowers sharpened
Other machinery repairs
on hand.
Wilson Block Seatorth
On a hot -day yonr horse will appre-
ciate one .ot our cool, sheets. As
blankets are a vere important part
of ouy business our prices are in
reach of all. Fancy checked stable
sheets bound ' with saircineeles
$2.5e $3.00.
Without surcingles goc
Sr .50 and $ 2‹.91
Harness Store
Onnosite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Harness Trunks Valises
'Toronto I
: The new City Abatoir will be ready_ :
: for business about July 1st 1914 :
$-., f - . -- . *
I As usual stock will be fed atzminimum Z ..
. cost and every aecomodation accorded - 2
1 ' 2426-7 •
. '
•••••••••••••••••••******* atiol***44****************** #
Ship your cattle to the Western
- Cattle market, Toronto.
AbOtt That
ew :Suit?
Our stock of Summer Suitings is now
complete and comprises the very newest
designs—checks, broken stripes, hair ling
effects,--worstecis and serges, cheviots and
tweeds. Particular men will favor the
exclusive style of our garments. Smart
close -fitting models for young men,. con-
servative older men's models. You will
feel at perfectease-in one of our suits and
have the satisfaction a man always exper-
iences in new and becoming clothes. In-
spection Invited.
W. D. BRIGHT, & Son
It is your lTtssuranoe of complete
satisfaction izi your concrete for old
or new work De get it ask for Can-
ada Portland, Gement
For your Fall Wheat
Use our Ideal Wheat and Corn fer-
tilizer, it will have your, crop in
good shape for the winter, and will
also give your crop the lead in the
For Yciur Threshing
Get some of our genuine Youghio-
gheny Select Lump oft Coal.
Cheap, safe tnd thor ira
For the Winter
Secure your supply of Lehigh Val-
ley Coal—always the equal and ot!
ten the better of the many kinds o0
the market,
It will pay you lo get my
John B. Mustard
Phortmll On 145 t BRUCEFIELD
old Modal •-
Harvest time is here and,the crops are good.
There will be a lot of twine used this year
and the question is. What twine to Use
We are in a position to solvethat pioblein
for' you, A twine .that has been in the
market since twine was first used, and its
sales inerase every year; a twine 64 is
uniform in sin: eliminating breaks, stops
and loss of time to the least possible degree,
is surely the twine to use and means money
to the farmer who usesit. We are offer-
ing the famous Gold Nodal. twine, 650 feet
to the pound at 14c spot e cash --14c Oct-
ober lst.
Pure English Paris G. een 26c per lb.
We are prepared to do 'all kins of tinSmithingandplumbing
Compare our hand made tinware with other makes..
The Big. Hardware Store
115 EDGE1 Seaforth
Agent for 'Gold Medal twine,
Perfection oil stoves, Martin
SenoUr paint, . Frost fenc,e,
Galt Art Metal shingles
Pronounce the Lister gaso-
line engine (British made
througuout) as the best yet
seen for good material,per-
feet workmanship, noisless
and smooth running, econ-
omy of fuel and price. It
takes first place. See if here
before buying..
john- Eider & Sons Agts.
Iron Pumps IL pump
I am prepared to furnis all kinds of
Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes
Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc.. Galvan-
ize# Steel Tangs and Water troughs
Stdncheons and Cattle Basins.
715e Rice is Bight
Also all kindsof pump repairingdone
on'iliort notice. For terms, etc.,
apply at Pump Factory, Goderich
St„ East, or at residence, North
Main Street,
j. F. Welsh, Seaforth