The Huron Expositor, 1914-07-31, Page 8ttron r
FiLve you been in yet?
People who are awake -
to this great Shoe opporz
tunity will save a nice
sum by making
investments in shoes for
ftture use. It matters
what you may want
it footwear, for men, for
men or children: If
is our store you may
h ve it atasellingout price
We'll reserve nothing.
It will be the buyer who
Will tflake' rnoney at this
sale—*Ot the one who
stays away from it.
Cash Shoe Store
Opposite the Expositor Office
The South - end
Furniture. Store
Mattresses at '1
Half -Price
this week1 •if you
nee a coi ior Lfl
Boys' week you
rent them h e r e.
All orders mustbe
in now.
DOKT ist166 THII§
An opportunity to have
photostaken at . special
prices during Old Home
Week only.
A good tame to have a
grotias picture either at our
studio or on your lawn. It
will pay you to call and get
.rell's Studio
.Phone 19 Seaforth,
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Not Corrent.-Io 'bur Stanley depart-
ment last week, we publiehed what'
purported to be a trepott of. Fa WIRY.
reunion Of th-e Lamont family at Illaye
field. There 'was a pleasant gatheising
cir several:Imes:bars of the fatal . but
the published'report was so much lover,
drawn as to be offensive to aseverai aE
those most interested, It was siroplao
rneant as a private family gathering .
and was root intended to be aantade
subject for public refarenee lo any for
London Old BoYs,-The Landoll Free
Prese says; .The Seaforth Old Boys Ted'
paling in London, will attend theocele_
raeation 111 that town. next week. tAn ass
saranse hag ‚been formed here, , v.dta
William McLeed as president. Ald.
F,. G. (Kitchell is a anosing eptelt in
the 'organization). .A. special car will go
oath on Saturday, Xiad will be 'joined
later by others., A. meeting has- lbee:V
called 'fort Thursday evening trio the
Spencer 1131oelt to strange the deti3Als.
'Vie Collegiate Ins tie u te, -At - a meet-
ing of the Board of Trustees of t tile
,Seafortlen-Collegiate Institute on Mon-
da,y evening the ,aollowing appoint-
meata were wade to the ,staff to re-
place those W110, are retiring: Classics,
adiss E. G. _Gibson, B. A., Belleville,
salary 41,200; -Moderns, Miss' la M.
Idurray, MA, Brantfotd, $1,10.0; Com-
mercial, Mis Weatherill, Wyoming,
$1,000; Brine a- I, ,11 A. McKay, Peter -
boo, $1,100. Mho ALM Lsnow icomplete
and the rnew te chars ,,a,11 came k VerY
highly reconure ded and we are sure
the schlogi (win fnot suffer in /any re-
spect cin aceoun of the cfnastgee vrnade,
The ,Seaforth Showel-The prize lists
ter the Seaforthi Show, to be held on
Thursday and Friday, September 24th:
and 25th, are 'flow ready for distribu-
itiorsi Tne list thaS been thoroughly 'over-
hauled and aevieed this year and As
mile more attretetive than ever befote,
l'Saveral additional prizes have been add-
ed and others increased and it js con-
fidently expected that the • show of
this 'year, iwIll be the large,st tandbeet
ever !held in this tow. Those desiring
prize ligts cam secure them on' eapplican
tion to the Secretary, Mr, M. , Broderick
Seaford:a In this connection we may
I mention that the Judge on Field (Crops
is expected to be here on Monday (next
and to etc a upbn his dutiee. ( r
A 'July WeddInse.-A. quiet wedding
took place in St 'Thonas Church, on
Wednesday, July. the 1 twenty-ninth,
when Mias Minnie, second datighter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Plnkney, was marl
tried to Mr. Fred._ Lawrence, of 'Vaar-',
couver, son of 'Mr. and Mts. James
Lawrence of thfcKillop, The ceremony
was performed .by the rector; Rev. T.
II. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence left
on the morning train for their future
Lome in Vancouver, They will visit Tor-
onto, Edmonton, Calgary and, Saska-
toon, on their way. The good wishes
of rnar.y 'forrer friends- will go with
Mat and Mrs. Lawrence to their aireat-
ern home.
'A Good Judge.-Spealtog of the ex-
hibit Of Shorthorn cattle at the ,recent
lndustrianExbibition, at Winnipeg, the
Staff Correspondent -of The Canadian
Parra sans :Jai the lists t'he Shorthorn
'lovers saw 1 al. real !tournament between
the bred -int ' I
-ne-purple Offspring. of
scerte of the gtreateet• Snarthorn farrille,s
in the Sorothern 'herd books. Whilst
In Borne cases over-anslety had put on
I too 'much flesia and in the either" caees
I two alittle fit, the main feature !of Ine
bunch was tab -quality which waeraruly
Natty of tine examples of the :Ideal
Itype of this breed. Harry Smitn, Hay
.Ont, did first class work in allotting
the !ribbons.
- e
The Me th o d is t CI, terc 11,-Sbecial ser-
vices will be held in the IMei,thodist
Chuirch, on Sabbath next. At 10 a.m.,
Love Feast, 11 a.m., Public Worship.
The subJectrof the sermon will be
"Life's Fraendships.!" (Art two -o'clock
I Term Frgn), September 1 Mesisfilg, Gray and Paper, Seafesth Old
Boas; will adilresa the Sabbeta-'eaa001,
Stratford, Ontario
The best Commercial School in the
province. Our courses and thorough
and practical while our instructors
are better than you will flud elsewhere
We do more for our students than
other similar schools do, Our rates
are reasonable. Write for free cat-
alogue and see what we can do for
you. D. A. McLachlan, Principal.
'James Watson
• Successor to W. N. Watson
ileneral Fire, Life and Accident Itisur-
mice Agent. Real Estate and
Loan Agent. Insurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
_lowest rates.
Dealer in New Raymond, White and
New Home Sewing Machines and
National Cream Separators.
ha. full supply of sewing rctachine
needles, attachments, oil and re-
pairs always in stock.
Comfortable Shoes
for Old Boys' Week
Everybody will 4sire a
comfortable shoe for Old
Boys' Week, for. every-
body will be doing a heap
of walking from August
1st to 5th.
And where can you find more
comfortable coolness than by wear-
ing a well fitting oxford. We
have this kind in every syle and in
afl leathers. We have them high
or low heel, with narrow or broad
last, buttoned or strapped.
Tne fact that we are interested in
fit, style and durability of the shoes
we sell you, must be a satisfaction
ito buyers. Watch our windows
for display.
Ho R. Scott
Phone 51
alter which the Me:Ebert and friends
of the school will join the .otberennsai
day sehools in the procession to the
park, where a union service will be
conducted. In the evening Mr. J. An-
derson Coulter will_speak on "The •anc-,
ports of Ithe ,Old Town, n and :Do E. S.
Kellam of. Niagara Falls 'on "The .Old
Boy and' and Citizenship," The Sacrament
or the Lord's Supper .will be 'adminis-
tered at all services, The choir ;will be
assisted by visiting falends, witi!
obligato by Mrs. George McL.
Chesney. and ,solo by MO, 111.4aaell,
Israel of- Walkerville.
aiything dr_ Not Todd's al:seen:0e,
often, 'he onent to the newspapeneoffiee.
Coroner Dr. Cook, after inveatigatiogr
can 'o tosthe conclusion thla,tigd. ,,Todd
suffered a fit of toselpleSty as helwa.a
In swimming and -fell urreonseioug as
he 'was tryingto make his. sway . to the
keaoh, and -WAS drowned. Wars Todd 'w
Oa years ot-age andis auralved by bis,
wldow and a aaaniiy Of four nbildrent.
e Late ll'aVh ,c, Kyle.-Laet week
inade reference to the death of.
Mr„ W ri, Kyle,. of Strome, 'Alberta.
The ,fealo,wing referee to the deceased
we take 'from -the Strome Herald t of
Jujy 23: Ladt Frialey laifternoon the
funeral of W.‘ C. Kyle took tplace at
two toploekoThe services were held in
the- boueedby Rev, J. \ A. 'James, and
many fiends of the deceased followed
the ramaina to Strome cemetery, where
they were ihterzed, Residents who
-have been here -since the early ,days
State it was the largest funeral .held
In (the district, The ente tneighborn
hood turned out to pay their. Ireapects
to the -dead, Mr. -Kyle was- A aiioneer
of this Idastrict and helped L'neterialla
In building it .tnie to what at Is ;today,
HO, always look ari- active interest
matters pretainircg to the communitSO
Both church and -school received at-
tention, as well as municipal 'rea-tters.
Be was an elder in Ste Maul's Preaten;
terian Church here, and bore his ahare
Of the'responsibility of erectin,g the
(church' bonding mid 'manse. "Dad," 1134
he was Temillarly known, was a kind
neighbor and 'a respected citizen( The
large funeral is evidence of the public
eiltee,m th which he was hag: Zr
Kyle was a 'devoted hoena,nd aodariln-
duigent father. He was laid to treat
alongside a eon, who as the first
buried in the Strome cemetery'. Vaila
liam Cochaane /Kale was born In -Stant(
ley Township, aluren County, Ontario)
on February .22, 1857,,, 'In early man-
hood he entered the carxia're and asage
on business in Seafortba He was also
engaged in the same burst -nom In ICippen
In 1885. In 1881 be wae tararried. to
Miss Elizabeth .Allister, who survives
him. He Purchased the old' Kyle ausme-s
stead in ,1893, and ten yeareklater Iturva
ed' to 'Alberta, lecating In the Lewis-
ville district, 'near Weteekiwin, where
he remained (three Teals, confng to
the Strome district ih 1906, locating
about "fate miles (southeast of the ;villl.
age, where ;he remained tn,til .called
by death, July latia ale was sbck seven!,
day's: Death moss due to a (ruasture
ed by 'a strain). 'Mr. ItYle (was 1 tile
father of nine children, seven of, whom'
survive to comfort the widew. Those
liviog are !Harold, of Winnipeg; Bern
of 'Strome; Lilly, Galas, W. T. tPitippsie
of ,Strcene; +Fred, AIrthur, Scott and
Aiteheson at home.. The other two
children paseed away in the prime of
life -Roy in .Augost, 1906, and :Edna
(Mrs. R. E. Harry.) in September 191n
Dr. Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose Sea -
throat specialiat, will be at the Queen's Hotel, each
forth. on July 22nd, and on 3rd. Wednesday 14o104.0
month frown 11 to 8,
Oddfellows-The,members of Fidelity Lodge, I. O.
0. F., are requested to meet at their lodge room on
SuutfaleY. Auguet 2nd, at 2.80 o'clock for the purpcse
of king part in the OId Sop.' parade, A eon%
Invitation is extended to visiting brethren a
neighboring lodges, F. Harburn, Reo.-Seo. 2433-1
What it is and Where to Get It,- It la Alex Wil-
son's Ginger Cordial, take it • home and prepare
according to the simple direztions on bottle and you
I will have a gallon of an agreeable wholesome bever-
1 age. as palatable au wine, yet without alcohol, just
the_thieg for callers, or to p!ck you up from that
" ell gone" feeliog caused by work or strain. You
can get It at 26 cents, at Ye Olde Drugge Shoppe, in
Scott's block, kept by Alex Wilson,' a,112aratiejles
of quality are sold. ,
Apply to R. E, Coates. See.fortIn
For Sale -Good golden oak sideboard 2488.1
Two Pigs For Sale -Two four and a half24m33oxn1ths
old pigs, Wm. Hart, sw eet of carding mill, Egmond-
I Accounts Rendered - Our accounts werwirendered
July lst, and I would respectfully request a settle-
ment, as I repuire the Innis. Geo. A. Sills, Hard-
ware Merchant, Seaforth. 2531-2
1 We extend a hearty welcome to all the Olcii3 Boys
RUM 5, 10, 15 and 250 store. 2433-1
and Girls attending the Seaforth re -union. ea e
1 Orangemen Attention -The officers and members
of L. 0. L. No. 793, extend a cordial invitation to
al vie ing brethren and neighboring Lsages to
meet with them at their ledge room, on Sunday,
August 2nd; at 2 p. tu.1 for the purpose, of taking
1 Daurrto inn gill big jyair ereunion.m' olwunder tit; e long ite e ail the
Special pennants, Oki Boys' post cards, hat twandse
badges, ticklers. Souvenirs and all kinde of novel-
ties at Beatties' 6, 10, 16 and 65c Store. - 2413-1
Cow and Calf for Sale - A good young chOry cow
and a good steer calf for Plale. Also a thorough-
bred Jersey bull calf. Apply Expositor Office, Sea -
WW1 • 2433,41
aim for eala-ror sale a thoroughbred Jersey cOw
about to oalve. James Hudson, egnaondvi le p, o.
Hat Lost - Between Leadbury and ViiinthrOp„ a
ladies hat with i -ed orown and blaelt rim, The finder
will oblige by leaving the tame at the Expositor
Office, Seaforth, or at the post office, Walton. 2438-1
Marriage Lirensee issued by Savauge and Stollery
Jewellers, Ete ., Seaforth. 2277-tf
For Sale -Several rood houses on easy terms.- II.
Edge, Seaforth. 23294
Local Briefs. -The Council are have
Inge Goderith Street and North! Main.
Streets oiled for the (second tithe tnis
season,. The oiling keeps down- toe dust
The oil costs seven cents me
gallonia-There is now a very attractive
and well kept tennis court on the
Court of Revision -the Coert of Re,- grounds of the Carnegie Liberary avnich
vision on the assesamene roll was Lhejd seerne tote liberally Patronized by the
in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on (Fridayyeung peonle.---Mr. and ,Mrs. Jarnee
last, :before His Eonor Judge Doyle, Fisher, Of Toronto, spent Sunday last
when the following appeals against the ;with; friends in town. -Mrs. Summer -
assessment d ineorre ;tax ,were ; ville, 012 London, was here last week
posed of: It E. peeates assessment On' visiting at the! .inome of her brother,
his Sperling. Street residence was 're- Ma John A. trilsora-Mr. and, Mrs,
&iced from $2,500 ito 2,00a, while the (POO -4n of Tetroato are holidaying
assessment of his Market Street place at Maple 1H,a,11, the honie of Mns.. Pare
was reduced from $1800 te $1600) and mann mother, edrs. Fr' Case. -Mr. a.nd
Us assessment of $1`000 for incerre tea Mrs.. Reg. Wileon arrived from, New
was not allowed. The appeal of evIsesis, 1 York, on Thursday of last week, and
McMillan and Rands', against their in- are staying ,at the home of Mrs, Wile
come etax was not Allowed, bull the Dick son's spenents, Mr.. and Mrs. Southgate:
House assessnnent was reduced from MM. Wilson is recovering nicely from
$4,000 to $8,000. The appeals by the his Ireeent severe illnese-are anneals,
hotels were, lautetained and the AB.: aleQuaarie, Of Portage la Prairie, gant-.
sesements were raduced as fellows ; iota ffre spending a, 'few weeks rwithl
The Commercial fron $12,500 to $6000; Mirs. gi,,tenuarrie'is sister', Mrs. Reinke,
the Queen's ;from $7 o *•
,500 t$5,000 land in E onclville.-'Mr. Ed. Whittaker, of
the Royal from $8,500 to $5,000, .!,The the Gaalogical saurvey, Ottawa, was
b I t t h t 1
reduce o per cent: for •seven as w W it aker nee been non4
months,. J ducting exploratory work for the Sur-
." silvey along Lake Ontario and Lake ,;Erle,
Death of Mo. A. M. Todd. -Many ,of during the past montn and leaves next
week for the East, on eirnilar 'work in
Nova SCdtift.-MRobertr.McElroy, who
completed this course in the Clinton
Business College a. short time, ;ago,
has gone to Mount Forest, where he
has secured a position in toe (Bank of
Montaeal etheree-All bars and liquort
stereo in the Clamty Of Huron will
be closed on. and after after eingent
1st. All existing liquor' licenses expire
'alften that date. We understand that all
the (hotels in Seaforth, will continue
business as usual only that there will
be no spirituous liquors disposed of at
the bare. -Rev. _A. W. affeIntoata, pastor
of Sb, omas Odurch, Saskatoon, has
been called to Westminster. Presbyteri-
an, Churen, in Edmonton, as successor
to Rev, D. N. McLachlan, wno has re-
turned to Winnipeg. Mr. McIntosh. is
a son of 'Mart and Mrs. George Melee
t f Se f
us ness sec an aese o e s was litho g s ner here the end of
((sun readers will !regret to learn of the
death &Ilia A. M. Todd iby drowning',
at Port (Dover, on Sunna,a morning, Mr,
Todd was for many 'yeare one of the
nsoprietors of the Galeria! Star, and.
a prominent and active member of the:
-Orange Order In this county. Mr. Todd
left Goderlch. some four or five &eats
ago and for same time bas ;acted as
assistant Editor *of the Port Dover
Maple Leaf. Nothing was known; of itas
• death until two tittles -girls, whO Were
paddling, etamble-d over the body lying
in waiter two feet dean, about twentr
feet from the shore, Startled by what
they had felt .under their feet land
feeling .sure that it was a -body, 'laur-
eled to the beach) and Mesers. West
and Patteson, a Brantford, who. they
toad, at once went in; and brought the
body to the beach!. Nothing Qould be
done to ,trevive Mr. Tad. Upon inquiry
it was learned that be went ,down for
his usual bout nine o'eloch Sun-
&ymorning ;with Harry_ Bloxon, aged;
8, rwith whose parents he _boarded.
!two .15Wanl, about for a while 'and then
the ,boy went home. He neve n thoutet
08h 0 a at L -Mr. Joh a Anderson
Is here from New York visitingsnls
ter, 'Mrs. W. R. Smith, and , other
friends. Mr. .Anderson is foreman of
the New York Evening , Mail, - Mr.
and Mrs. D. 3. OcCallusna And
Master Woodburn, of Saskatoon,. are
WE have a new line of
unframed pictures,. some
for hand coloring and
others already colored.
These come in heads,
sceifes and mottoes and
are in panel square • and-
• oblong shapes.
• Price, io to 'Isc each
Thompson's Bookstore
Seaforth -
Window shades and picture frames
made to order.
visiting at the :home of Mayer gold
Mrs. nArnent.-Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
ahith ,waTe In Cnatham this week at-
tending the Ifuneral of Mr,
Anderson, afro, Smiths brother, who
died In that cite. ea Anderson was
a 'native saaferth, but resided most
of his life in Woodsotck, evnere the
remains were Interred. -Mrs. ' H.
Pyper and son Sidney, of Hamilton, are
visiting at the Aorne of 'afrs. Pypee,s
father, Mr., Joan/ Beattie, Goderich
street. -Mr. Thoprias Elder has treated
himself to a Inandsoire new Ford auto
which' he .pnedhased from Mr. J. P.
Daly -Mr and ,Mrs. Styles cif the rsan;
ada Furniture Company leave here on
the first iof August. on a (twotanonties`
svisit In 'England -Misses Johnston std
Kytch of Buffalo are tne guests of
%Mies Johnston's aunt, Mrs. Ann,. Bar-,
neg.-Ws. S. Everett. hap returned from
a visit. in .Listowel, -Misses Mario
Watson and Norma Ilartry, ?w.hb ee
cently completed their studies at t'
Faculty .of 'Education, Toronto, have
both obtained sentio/s, Miss Watson at
Blenheim, Kent county, • and Was
Hartry at Beamsville. - Miss Jessie
Robb, who has just gradu,ated from
the Toronto 1,14'orenal Scheel has se-
cured a, position on the staff of ene
Weldeanar public -school. - Mrs. Alex.
13roadfoot and • daughter axe here
from Moose - Jaw, Saskatchewarn
visiting. at the 'borne of `her 'parents,
1a", and Mas. A. Davidson and other
friends,, -The army worm, has made its
aepearance in this vicinity. air. James
Coleman of Uckersmith, had a field
. of oats attacked last Sunday and had
to cut the grain in order to save- It
for fodder„ tWe have not heard, how-
ever, that they are very wide spread,
-MA David Farquharson is here from
Provost, Sankatchewane It is 'five nears
since land Mrs. Farquahateorn left
Seaforthi They have a comfortable farm
'within twelve miles of that growhor
toWil and their ions' and da,ughter are
all settled in -the same neighborbood,
The crops that vicinity this year
have been InJured by drought and
'only give Mout tialf a eron, bat Mr.
Far,qualsarson isays &his deco not, dis-
courage the paoplen-,Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Twies, dies -sine, are visiting the
former's reOther .hete.-afiles Christine
Henderson, youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mtn. W. H. Hender,son, now of
Winona, but formerly of Seaforth, pass-.
ed her entrance examination this Year
taking honors and,ranking third higo-
est in the le0111ItY. eerviees in the
Presbyterian Church next Sabhath wili
be of a special nature • in 'accordance
with the ,Old Boys' celebratioit The
rhusical services will be conducted by
an old time choir, with ,Profeesor
Ge'orge W. ,Cline, of Winghaos, as (lead-
ete and Progespor Yule, of ,Owen taound,
as organist There will' arse be tepeciat
musical iservices of a like nature pm the
Methodist Church .-Mrs. W. H. Heir;
demon and daughter, Christine, of
Winona, will be the attests of Vat and
G. E. Henderson during .0Id Boys
Week. We are sorry to hear that on
amount a illness Mat Henderson will
Oot be able to core -Rey. W. Cars,
Well Of Mialrillop Is apenTsng his holt.
dare in Tonto During' h* absence
'the servieeie -la Dutra 'aid - .aalsel
ehnrehes last ',Sunday were very ac-
ceptably conducted by 11144- John But-
ton of Seaferthl,-:Mr. andingra. James
Broadfoot and alleS Warner of -Vane
couyer Britis.h Columbia, 'are , visiting
Ma iroadfoot's Mother, Mrs. 3. H.
lirr(adfOcit4-Mr. WiDiaan Multartley is
1 spending . the holidays at ‘the bonre of
his mother. --Mass C. Prendergast of
Chipago is epending the holidaye
i lier4.--grs. H. M. Cheeney of Eg4
Mondville was in Toronto this week •
spending a few days with her daughe
is Ella, vviro is, taking sacouase
In:Arts .in that city. -Mr. Ralphjaisher,
who has been with friends 'here for a
few, weeks, Ilett for his home (14 Little
Rock, Airka.nstiea nii 'WednesdaY, hav-
ing received a telegram acquaint/right=
a the rsuddert death of his grando
father there,-Xse Hansel, of Tor.onto,
and ata, \Albert Roach, Of St WaraTA,
'are Visiting at the home of itsear., arid
Mrs. HU& Ma:X=1d, in Jiarpsethey.--
Twon$140 (Composed of le rdeMillaa,
Di, Grieve, •Dr. MeXay Old 3. ala:110,
skiP filiftiai, 4., Williams, H. edge, iw•
Amen% and ix 0. -m -etc atoll)] Exeter,
'this week 'taking ,part in the erowling
tournament there. -The ( Egmondville•
pervle al'e, having theit main straat
;oiled so 'as to keep downt (he (taste-
' . R. INelson alaye, of New York, is
spending a -feW holidays - hefe:seMissi
llikKinley, *hoitas been examining the
papers a the 1 departmental examine;
tions, in (Toronto, has returned home.
-Miss Walden, telf Detroit, is tae guest
cif her slater, egra. W. G. Willis. -Rev,
Charles Saunders, of. Breattford, 'will
conduct the services in St. feThomose
Church on 'Sunday next. -All the stores
and business places In town, will be
closed on Wednesday . afternoon next
from one to six o'clock for Ahe big
firemen's tournament on that dase- Ali
those desirous fof seeing the great
firernen'e parade on Wednesday next
should bear! In mind the fact that it.
will start at one eplock p.m. ;sharp.
-The Misses konie and Deltara Eaeter-
brook, of Exeter, are visiting at the
home of afro Wire. Westcott for I. a
couple 'a tweeks.-Mr and afx,s. Lath-
er Robbins, lof -Rochester, New York,
are visitors at tire home -of Jain. ' and
Mrs, Pierson Chesney, Ruscoe Faireno
Tuckersmith,-The painters in tOWCr
have been. kept avorkiiig over dine %far
(the past two weeke and as a resolt
many homes as well as business places
have been brightened tip by freerapaira.
--Mr. 'Yule will give an organ lrecita
In the Presbyterla-n Chutes). On Synder
eiening next from half:: past six ao
tseven cackick.--Mrs. Vark and son.
ar .Clevaland, are gueste ,of :Ma, Plead
.Jeffrey.-/sfre. Kinder, ;whotas
filled the ascatilon of or'gatast arialolsolr
. leader in the Seaforth PresbYterarsa
church for several years, Inas resigns&
ed, having secured a familiar !pada
tion in an Eastern town at wi. Meier
salary. - Professor Cline of Wingheota,
will sing the fir,st 'hymn ever sung
in the 'Presbyterian Chutch at the
services on Sundey.-Mr; ;Shaine and
his daughter, Mrs. Batley; of 'Detroit,
are spending Old Boys' Week withrafro
and Mrs, R. a Hays. -Mrs. • Eolith,
nee Minnie Beattie, is „visiting at the of her parents Mr'. and 'Ken
James Beattie -Mr Jarnes 13roadfoot,
of Gladstone, Manitoba. is ea visitor 1.11
this vielnity:. Pair. Broadfoot le a aruels-
ersmith -old lboy, a eon of the date
Janes Broadfoon'and a brothels of Mat
W. G. Broedfoot of Tutkeremith. He
settled in Gladstone over forty' years
ago and has'been extensively earigaged.
In farmiog there, having grown up with
the countrys-Mr. and MIS. Archibald
Anderson and daughter, of Ilastiogsl
Michigan, are the guesti of Mr. I and
Mrs, William- ,McDougad, EgroondvIlle.
They came over In their' moton 'car,
--Miss Daisy iSmithera of Woodstock
L s the gue,sf of Mr. and 'Mrs. William
Smithers. ;
The Normal &bool.-The following is
0. HS% toff those Irothe Qounty of Ear&
who have succeesfully passed Clair ex
.: -
amination to 'the Normal School: an
Adams, A IL. Allan', E. lArnI:otr, .0.3.e,..kl-t
len, H. Beacom, R. Bisset, la. Boyle, las
,Bradford (hotan, AL A. Brown, O. P.
Brawn, J. J. Campbell, L. H. Currie,
taa ,Carbert,(M. E. ClatkeeankS: Cowant
ila iar. feriarle; K. F. Carling, P4 B. ,Cole,
'0, L./G. Copp, 'May Cowan, la. Deadj
iil (h�1,), CW, A.' Dantey, ihonors, P.
•Deem -ono T.,,, KA noyip, 1. •Elliatt, K-
V. Elliott, v.., 'Govenlock, 3. af. Garvey
(holt), L. IR. 'Garvey, C. af., salilkinson',
(hon), M. A. Gilkinsoo, W. J.. Hoover,
10d a -Henry, A. E: Hoare Mena), R.
C., Bas, F. I. Hess, J. (E, Hess (hon.),
Mt X. 'Johnston, N. U. Jonas, l(hen.,), 3.
'11. Jarrott, 'T. M. ‘jolidan, E. 'James
(hen)), F'. Kallafelisch, T. M. kernotton,
al. Kidd, IM. E. Kennedy, la Oa Lowry,
V4 H. (Lobb, .A. M. Landsborough, '0.- L
aleQuarrie, at,' -M. McGowan, W. N.
MeNaughton, E. R. Manning, A. W.
Morgan ,ML E. Morgan, G. GoMacE(wase,
Cs a. isfartin, V. P. Murphy, C. R.
Miller (hont), A. 11. .MacKerChen, faon-
prs, W, g. !Runny, W. M. \Nelson, Q. Jii
O'Brien, -P. 'll. Potter, E. Pollack, XL
V. Patterson, in/ .A. Plunkett, G B.
Quackenbush, F. (A. Roe (lion), N R.
\Robinson (holt), an E. 3 Ryan, Re W
'Ryan at,dr,R. Roes, L. ad Sperling, 5,
anillie, R. E. Southcott, L. Stewart,
NI. L. SMith, R. tetone'bouse, 3 Tay-.
kyr, Fa. M. Taylor, N. Trueomer, NIT
,11, Walker R .B. Walker, A.‘V,Willis,
R. H. Wooa, A. WoOds, p. niVetson, B.
WeIlwood, L. E. Wilkinson, M. ., M.
Youngf. . t
1 , s
Just a Last Word
In case of, accident, don't get
excited. t h e ()committee, have
a r r pged for a hospital tent at
both Recreation Park and the Race
Track with attendants.
Don't monkey with the electrical
decorations -there's a big kick in each
one -in ease of breakage advise liatO
Mole or Mr. Case -under no considera-
tion touch a broken wire, it's extrenie-
ly dangegous.
We have a record for hospitality to
be proud of- we are going to show
that hospitality to 15,000 people on
If crossing a street, don't hesitate,
but. cross it -no danger of accidents
occurring if this important fact is re-
Take notice to the signs the COm-
mittee have placed around -they are
for the convenience and comfort of the
If you can provide accommodation
*for visitors on know of a visitor who
has not been provided for kindly noti-
,fy Mr. Robert Smith or the secretary.
No talcum powder, flour or lamp-
black throwing will be allowed. DO
the *Oomniittee a real favor by report -
ting the first case of this nasty 'trick
to the Committee or nearest member
of the Seaforth Fire 13rigacie, who are
special constables.
Thelleunion and Tournament have
been worth while -there will be lotsof
• fun- help yourself.
ne Dollar
a 1914 Model T
Touring Car.
You can't help but be
These are the Terms
You pay one dollar for a guess
as to the number of beans in the
jar in the window of J. F. Daly's
store. 'The nearest guess to the
exact number gets the car.
The contest is being conducted
by the Seaforth Fire Brigade -it
needs no other guarantee,
You Can have as many guesses
as you wish, but remember only
One Dollar poeS It.
ee —
" •-.0".r.•••• ••••-•11''' ^
To the Feaforth
Old Boys and Girls
(Written at request of the Cornmittep)
Come an an a' the gither
An let'a be glad an' gay,
The bloom:is on the clover
An' lichteome lies the way,
We reek not wind or weather
On this auspielous'day
It's maybe many years freene
Sinoe ye hae left the toon
An' tinus'e brooht muokle changes
AT moony an up an' doon.
• There's nse place like ane's birthplace
Though far ye wander roun.
The swallow loves the hame stretch,
Sae tae the dear auld nest
Ye come wP eager footsteps
Free North, 8-auth, Pot and West,
Tae greet some weel.kenned faces,
For hame is aye the best.
We welcome ye richt glad
Wi' kindly cordial grace
Ter presence, like the eunthine
Irradiates the place,
An sweet in the Re -union
Thbugia for a little space.
New freens are blithe an' bonnie
They bring us joy untold.
But nae.nory casts a halo
Arour.' the days of old;
Each simple Setne is tamed
Aboot the dear lime told.
The horn whaur we hae paddled
The places whaur we'd play
The schule whahr we were Milt'
An led in wisdown'e way;
The faithful hands that fashioned
Us for the future
Rich blessings reat upon ye,
God's blessing fro on high,
When this re -union ended -
We meet to say good bye =1`
We part, but not forever,
Altrystingitime draws nigh.
H. _Isabel 'Graham
We. will pay all trans-
portation charges on
goods you buy from us
Special delivery for
parcels to be sent any-
where in town.
• JULY ,%1914
Remember you a r e
welcome to use our
.store whether you buy
goods or not. We
want you to feel "at
home" here. You can
read iest or write here
YOU may needthingsduring Old Boys' Week that you for.
got to get sooner—come here for them. You'll find our
assortments large, our styles elegant, our values and the •
way we serve you pleasing. In fact, we have done andwilt
.60 all in our power to inake this a pleasing and satisfactory
place for you to shop.
8:Ste. of:NO* ...F.4.11- Still 8
D.r&' .COatg-0,14-;Furs
The finest in the land for the
money are now here at ,this store
awaiting your inspection, and our
greatest pleasure is showing them.
Come and see.
Our s
*late c
our it
-Jar 2
These are two examples of new fall coa
Qome and see them an
New( Coats from...../08 to $35
fiew Suits........$12*50-to. 130
New Dresses... .......$5 to 120
Our Dress Goods Depart-
ment abounds with beauti-
ful new imported goods.
You mut come and see.
Exclusive dress lengths.
Exclusive coat lengths.
so d
Handsome silks, rare beau
ty—a big line and big val...
ues. Eiclusive silk dress
lengths, exclusive silk waist
lengths :and pretty trim
on t