The Huron Expositor, 1914-07-31, Page 6T R 11914 N, Tho Life Story oUk V eteiwn f 9, _�nl He j e�.11'kiiXg_ 1.!�DW thr-o o -getable Grower We araw'different f rulta ill 11thd P, I I.(By - W. A, A nA-his part lolf"the HOME$ OF THE NAVAJOS, y -do not E Way- in the 224d *f t- A:pxH, 1868, Ain the 'th yea z�o�f My -490, I lef t England all glnheIN an Styffy Wintar its And Uaht and to Lde 0 helpful �10' I f 60 Qanado,. Ax -rived- at-Qaeb 'al"yo "V t b AE -niake a *g%lity. of any ath, after a vefy roO be AWY $Wlmer -are gr STA vo'ya'go "" X I Vais Planting o&fbbage1:whe_-n the Nav'06a ' the I egarlous FIRIBLE a-aviSed Ao gor, on to Toronte, Arrived 9W
AL Ameilean trib nevei ou- an (Old ka4w4ll klnd--�Owe cudi Toonto at ggaturd Mal- TeM vf h Us-; of native and* itpked '.wh n ay aonhe ADA0 er
ni gNtL On ISu(nday at 1 morping went, *toF grtgatin g I� towns and vilagei and just r�_se a little Pan- was "Planting" unndnd al�reet flong ata;ttozal 'Church. never forming Permanent WMMUIXI� on "Yahugrnan he saidi will shine wrihkie4 er the seYvIed Nvais gre.pted,by he en gh o, grow a t4blka, flea ed Change -of Life -sa4 How. ties. Theli homes, Called WPM, lip"
-the 1, fr, rUrling, -A
whO Gn ilthht .Uk7n. (that I uIlt of ttoneg or U10 cloth, and let ed Im a to call on blir ion tljt6 Ul&roV�1. erq boyels, b_ bought flery be did so. Had a oice, talk,' He gave went to Pep �.Ir, She Found Relief. trunks and Um bs'o'f tree-Fh wfih rOUIX& hdnep and Cur 41 , , _.y_ your cu L. as wife a OhOrt ti�M.e bef are I vye we r . I I me -war-As of eucou, agarrent, a,Ad had qd roofs-thiekly covered vith earh- !tleA. "I hard you ere Vdfg ito �60 Belleville, Nova Seotia, Can.—f I Three -1 I greasy, grimy a place for dne,.Rt a qgroeerls q smoke vent n the. roof, gild a door- I1_&GP.RSV1MP,,QXT AUG. 26th iqi3, o04 mxzrled, and I *zA sorry, -very is years ago I lwas uffering 'badly *1 "About two,ye-ars ago, I fow I 'had told lihn that th as it id Iny. DWI kvz6,w -ithat plue Will -in 'way in the sidez -are the MIT 16=0 of ay, Panshine vehad left, I thanked hirn, but aald I wbat the doebors health in- a very bad state. Bly Xid. a women.. e -said, 13tit I 4nk both ventilatiout In ebld Weather, the�e make it glist.* had- dwl4d, Lo, wbrk on, -a ar-m, go I called Qhange of win k 's'%v re riot doing their wor and I thbse -;,ne�� th'ought A Itfe.rently beforo k4t, ttsbt�r,- Ufe. I was n condition. I folt was isen Ico. afid hirred. withi a they. Aled, fov four. lwlea)s alleru: t to, 41m so bad cavelike strue ures an- n down i. ening, sweet and clean in
elosedt, so tbat no but an �iidlan the need of some good remedy. hots nt TnaTket gardl4br fo six- dollars arronth that I �had to stay I and Iuit-a-tives"advertiq-A &nk-ee slIvell, es kept on the iplue� -bine use havl'ugseen"Pr wheA fqpalbt -bed, :Sonae friends!t could. live In tham,at a l-liffV. For an �easy .rAld In Y- X;aiave ahvjays bueen, gil 44 't'hert I se!ttq I decided to try them.' Their offe niy wages, there was ten �'.Rar &ent. di- led 'in 0mr Toron I toldin But. -when ,springUme cdmes the $Ali
ct I - e totakeLydis INW'M& WOW __
to� To ,-ae sslw�
I more than satisfactory. count,' that -was and ZGC $6,00- it Is the. tairept S�Ot In the world. 1n. t. Pinkham!s'vege- ts a summer 110 1,, worked hard itht y6ar and Ahe -next ttage, sometlines co nsisting of:' Their action �vas mild and the-resurlt., Y iltmvels, ,wborever I go, eaat ool table Compound and cO it wts year %ot 48.00 per'�xnorith. Rat 44 !�
I find 1XONE Is best it helpea me -from, more Man. a indbreak of sagebrusl U -all that could be expected, lmowl6dga I wanted, and there-. was.: as My Kidneys resumed their flornial t& first. It Is the, around a circular -'Ole a -lady, in the house that I bad -n y ar goam Some- "Acti after i had talcen, -upv sha4y on mards of A eyes ion, It -did not natter -hiew only medicine I tiAnes the, summer hogan I a
It's just �as gpod dozen boxes, and I regained uty, old- hard s,the work or. how low �he Dedicated to, jNcj. Andrew 1)01g, vv, took that -did help �bower under -a desert cedar tree, with for painted VVDrk a -Lid -Ar
thileyitality. Today, I atu etiJ6 'Galrdeni,ng Nvas very hard work IN died ',xt GO!,rie, ont., rebruaT d: -L around a ,meaw me and I.-Teconmen leafy branches p -C br�k—for pots, pans,, linoleums ano i- woo.
the best health I havL, ever bad". thos� dayz, and there were pour tools. 1914i- 1 �_ t , t
hii& - and, it. Yo� . doht know how, t ful ure f 'Prqteadon against *Inds and., ath 60M fixtures. P14nshfine is'a pure, b A. 1K1:TLY to, ;�rork witlil. There was a lefte of
grateful I am. I give you permission sandstorms. Sometimes It s e Ireside �Wder. without any wc-lvo acres across te 'road fxo a f r
Vruit-a-tives is 'the greatest an formed -by, whfti� aiid cle 1cre 1 was working", for, salp, witil A idow sad and -,alone W't to publish,what your goodmedicifie -has the utilliftif of; 01 .'Piec p Kidney Remedy iu- thevorld It acs FQV. the angel of -death 1h palled at done for me. $mow DIOMETTEp of canvas shei3t Iron and other. ca I and does not 'harm hit the p*rlvilega of buying, so I I)Oq on the bowels and skin"'M well as ot� disagreeable sml 'llpll door Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, . - # r 11 up Foun �t 'the kiducys, and thereby soothes and -the place and Dat zny broth -en. in-law away materl 1 picked d he the h nds a. refuse dumps of the rafir6ad towu% -it, but In a yeaiT. 'he lef L t& work An4 itaken a loved one Canad cures any Kidney soreness. -a-tives" is v. at k. I sc� tTade, �and'I startedi ia. 1870, A splendid type df Ca;na;dkn1 Such warning symptomd as- setise of In any..e ent, the dwellem in the sum-. 4'1- . nit Lovecl old by. -It dealers in Ahe vegetale-Wawlng on t�welve and 1respeced by all 'Auffocation aclies,baek- Larifle. Sifter At all at 50c. a box, 6 for $- �q, trial size25c, ,hotfl"hes,he of I hetlme. 'Fresh air- Is never -for a r will be sent on receipt of price by One of Nwtqre,s �noblepl _T alcres of �very poor, trough: land-'�_Qcrub. . - �n. , , , - mer hogans are practically'Iti tWvpen To,; i Co Grocers -pine aAs achesdread impendng.'evil,., timidity, af, t n, WeTed the soUnds in pine- %nd oalt 1, A,-.xd migt the V mit a. tives Limted, Ottawa. the ears, 1 palpitation of d pe. 'o. heart, sparks before, th� eyes, irr ega- Momeni dicluded.-Christiall lieral& s t uirrips on t he 140 14A �, an, aep y urle wondrlug ho I >w oa. ..W and logs an the 1i an& ho's left, a bwne zo void larities,. consti�ation,.variable,uppetite young an who Uad * am 15 , Ofte whiVn, Y o - 've all le weakness and inilui,6tude, and di E WALLS., U zziness., partner.. We boarded fax. . year, but arned �,t loe "STIR THE LIVER -UP were !poor and prlces;� low, F;nd- are ppomptly, hedded by intelligent wo- re woman's greit uld.rrot-ipfay bard,,and knake 4, -.Ids -This late 'W. And 'W Doig men whoare approaching- the ji4iod ill Mas _'Meth;d of Placing, the so they terrible 1qs tcy mourn r -01-a P -M Ing C, 1�ept elorls,lill. I'dK" b expected. -women know* --how to 'dr'iv* a His y M
life when change may -W Remain,F1 -m." uIlt a little house A 0 eet we b Leaving,,wife, faily And 01ends W ME ISE f 'we . -D the -cool e ue as C=rled ito his last ire Few -my �pa:rLner tLt dlsli WaAsbi Milburn plaie 's Laxa-Liver Pills .Lydia. -E. Pinkham'sVegetabl� Com- nail Into a bri ek wall, and yet It !is The te -,and, i�tiengthins th they. often -do for cLarriber vork, and we ad iinen' warrher weather necegsiates 13Y six dear , &pnd mvigora a son his 43,wr4 . - - I . f �' 0, i,
If the LMRIS LAZY, 6WW or ToRiID -it 6loik. and clean'k-nives' and spoo�is on need, 6,r them the using -of lighter drivincr rugs., 4.1 an,, pfrepar�d to furnis all kinds femaleorginis iind builds up thowiezk�' selves, If tkere Is -it by the use of tho'table, and lots -of AsItoF."S. I t Is J. L i. W I no- Miu. about. Janecessary i at Grove, -een'table to Foice nd Lift Pumps and all to, stimulate 11 'he M Do.g, a n L4 efted nervous system. -It has carried The'following - hod is Never before have we b -A36 a mddicine that will, clean away all the meadwe, I had tol& the7 lady OT in met easy and ba&, y 1 zes assemble so many, differeat kn-ee Je
waste aqd poisonous matter from the cbdi a�d 4 s.,- be fo�nd en rely satis -Havi. Pipig cialb
ce �ny feelings for her,, he Pkan women� safely Oxough'this. emoi on ti factDry Pipe Fittings, etc. MiLuitob, a a- d lRort Ing docided upon the exact a ad Steel TAnks and Watfr trouebs - as cure' romised -to come to me 104 wj had' a n
at Notbs �;Ystem, and pr6vent, r�s well hw6 gv for your inspection suitable od -At hleh� the nail I X16dt
e1ii:Cqi,_,(t6Uft. - esir f r- bu or -au S the WinnIP09 XhIbItIon, .-Plukhain d ed be &JvOu, o neat i_o,n-je fready or her. it 't .1cr all we. d Constipation, 5ick Headache, Bilious Tor -ant d adyla ot tnto* 1z
tancheons and Cattle B�Lsins. Made -;�o keep things go 0 ock10a_ dj weew pa rnS m mix-eld &dt� tir -that. t of *J7 . I bpened� rea b yourself With a C*010rs, fr0m--$X,,�63� t011-75- -Year �S b 1_ so. T Utte *JU hich mst be In tbelaster bot,' . �' ifer the aY last week, In Phe, 1vamd (st 1 nflM-) � Liviiiii Ma 14%ii r tte ness,' Jaundice, Sour Stomach, n &t. 'k e gray, bruwn and -complaintil'and All sickness arisinj fr Irade, byer $1,o00,66, ed, and , hou,se d and iniWered- y & the bricks, provide -A disordered conditio of the St&"ch, I w6nted to 'build see, - ed zu '10 aw'a`�' ho�rse;s and cattle acraded In on r-_ -WO]RAII fflid L hf1d injWet 7 be Bice t-5 1444t
eomAdei". hammer and 8 rewdriver. With the'se nd llfe� was Mt e -Stand. St Liver and Bowels. a h r weartsome, a. th tools commence w Milburies Laxa-Liver, Pills are a drking in a -orking out tbe,116rd n nLs, 0 e�wet, cold Fwuary evenin Plaster by &bte. %3ne Also _k tapping the,bandle- of the publes. and bave Morden, Mad.. 1110� tic _all doi pecific- for all these tr afwr c, 1�-ard day's work, I had-. gone shoP, Fired Shurge, T indsof ptimp reparing my b' tu t WA OUV� screwdri r. &A 1he, plastit. Ms to, On. a ill'appre- on short -notice lb� used for close on to twenty years bM a. piepa of steelohit ecomes urmsel in An4 had just'llt the gire hin the hot day yonr horse %vi For terms, etc.- I -urtherinore till he has ta �ont'so fbyr. many people for these� L - I I if - keA g4d sheets. As -apply -at one. that alwAys pisde It 'bright. ior, -left eye, totally destroying the skp t .vngeAoe he cannot niarryl, dust U.'Must be biowli or du of ciate'one of our zool Pump i�act;ry, Goderi Dues e wearli if he thatithe size of theole may:,be.tfeen. II Mr. Thomas or ca;.rr e to tLe - dopl. I (--4nil, d -is a;arrie h Is e� m vere imj6ri Ito, in d h ay gl* nieltli,er his NofW,, was, '&oubled witfi. "We sf4all Ihavel. -Al. J started cuttirig �'a sons d Whea a Apitce bqx�t 9 'blankets area and said, tant Part St� isti or at no Ineb I og AP(I aughter In marriage, f oy bus' .1 6�- are 1n- Main Strefet. tqiy stomach, for twen:4.-fte years. : I seventy,.�x_e tfield ptg barle to, j- t iness �our p c lang 10ze for that And Cqhe rly one,Jnch deep lias been worked r Alm AMW
nea 1- , - -to]
The firs task reach 'docItored with doctors in Canada and a jsout oat confronts out get a small p1#6 o of all. Fancy ch a Id. - "Why Id we?'I have lbeent.. tWe(St Of t6*.n of So-Urls,,M,, e&edstable ion JulyiUnd. The'errop is. a goo� -Prince William is to staly, thes wobd about Michikan, bt ot no relief. There *w A_ MACU
VL friend jn Mi iga Who �tlilnklng *e r,6uld start in W," out eL an tew early record 'for some 8 C 'and 'uds d the- same ize bmd with the e estilb blood: fe wideaor to haqlm�r, s,.b e,e ts bo,nd with sur inglies
jgz6at 'wave of. joy c=a over. �rep arry try Your Milburtes L%=-Uver-. hat district, if emblan6 Vedge It tigAtly jut Whew $�9,25,- $2- 5013 - 100- 1. F . of law into the the --space, 40t far the Pi�oln�e. It e -mid "Sow I have lonffi6d bor. iyou 0 nd did so. I now feel like a new' the nail and rive It Without 'surcin t.
a mountains., however, an al It'seems firm take ould �hav� --WI"1Pe9JWaS drenched by a tei.' -gle§ 90C $,r. I aY tht-,, but' I neve;.- f r_th_e duty Kw h and -1 cwt praise them wough to my le ,.do'w4_.pDur of rain. one ost Impossible th ks Into thO WOOCL, It Vill .90 In asked � You to, re lafterno'n Q of ce17, $i .5o and -$2.00 fellow men. revenge Is it iacrbd tradition.h Ut eading, and%kemaJA firm 0 _a,nded WIth0 we 4W��d tbJnffs ove'r, %rr,0;9- duKI119 the exhibition. About amilyTillag, -and the tribe, bofr0, as flag pole �bn -the T'*. method w uiedt. on4 time when it �re foF sale at all dealera or �miled dire6t The e 'by ligh quence is that neigh Was decided to bans it. ammoci R bors, t noiftirthet'dama4elis repoted, village and Oefi tjif�-iieveral quar- . tween the fenpip a 'e W dred dollars, �qiought a n,�w isult f Eaton store was strqeW h C Lea*. BRODt, I 0 X5 b I -1 U'S
-Milburies Laxa-Viver Pit' are 25 visit031s t'fhe exhibition 1 dreneCid dowr to successive gene lud0nite, lengt -of fline. This same ed to: liuffild ackitchan and'Vmke, some 'got ra.tiong In h '60. pents- per vW or 5 vials for $1. -They to the skin.
other- �k.nprovezznants. I od a ilixtL, _U_t
A' 0,
on rebeipt of price by TheiT.. Milburn jr.y - bit, 0D., LiMitjed. Toro]4to, ()at. clths and isoibe lanitue, EiUd _*Ire nd tb *all Ith the �Te U- qeral t6ok- added a -nice irp pjace, at Virde� ters of Ithe saine toviii, ij-ri) c6n-gt -carp&t I or the -'sitting antly �iceptlon that'the'hole was duk out a Uaress Store Orrjc�:ite Cownlerelat Hatel. fx?,if orth nd deep- er than for an or- 0 helf (htuAg by green c rd cur- 11arne -a 1plicturea, . and a Manitoba, an J.uly 17th 'of at -war with one anofh 1ta%n, sofe pretty SUrathy, wiTe of 414. J. 7A MIngtan A . 11ttle longer a bwk 9, , after - .. ingle, case of . er _sS Ti nks y r onocide.. often . dinary nail. -M. lfineapon� Jeutnal. 04(111 t shot IlInw- I at .t),le 0 talas, and other. th-Ingo that -n age of fift 0 4 serfei of -similar crimes or re -pa, ver au YeO. Mr. Arl-nington ea. -re t ' Mani- to protracted waa-fare b 6e ' * r
h led afid house iso, 1%,nelike, - Oh, those pleasant (Y -etw n nelg�t-,. A ed toba, lfrwa Toronto, in 19GS Hwmev�ade B evenings, whenjany wife sewed orknitt- living .�n boring faMII*s and communitis, A Those arometer. amovile aCcesSories, Uan-ad who love expqrbnentatioll way igug4. )nurderer, as,a rul _takes-refugb in oi gasoline gas tank -S, Mn ed,� aid 1,zead. John, Plowzpxam's Talks, WinnPag, and was wen known tb e I- oult. the West, I a4s a )COMY.ercial. ltraM;.. the� oUntajns fr try the followift method OU-MakIng s I�X Reart and 'Life, In om the agVenger of ire r In F ruice: -S �Carbi&, Always in a Q�,enfeli, ad never ito orgotteiv. rl-r1lod books I . Those were dayi: leTli Buying a rhereantile business, In bloodi Vr reibain for -years shut U0 in cheap baromete practiced tkAd
Nt bn Itfie family oved there, an� his house. The'.1atter is, in Take: eight grams of -years ao, puchMqd a f&I,,n n,6�1 -ara h# f(>uT( L many ulverized cm- stock. Al*so washing I 'had,. aLmost foingotten r Cases, like ii for*trdss the, oni Win-' t)hor, four,grams of to tell y pulverized. 1*trate, #1 $ it -.y 0 11 Virden, (where he now residesi Thle T Ed AmA LX JDItloll that my �wlfe wee -dows of which. 4re" loo -2
elved on ' deceased as most highly. estee.yrd -b pholes for of Potassium, two 9MM4 OC pulverized- OY autornobiles., -APTI1 15th, 1874, twenty dollars Y rifies; and all who had itie plegsuTa Of b �-houies. iamilles or a?cl- 00meftmo,of a nitratO Of ammonia and dissolye in Ubm ft k1& mowe -quaintance, _-pe6ple lead Put the ata W Lto� MtW jbi blodd' On It to bu a hor�a.. Twas a -!goftad. #elf �vhole entred men� have UE -Flie of Incendiary- origin d Many In a.lon&,slender bow J19L1,968,1nto.fJw s item foiV a presen-4, I -ozi -wed hundr6d ws b In to Lawn rs
Ahe ixexit yl � b sixty g ms Q shar en e closed at the 4Dther VIrUlMt POL vogh -Other machinery, stroyeO _yL ali. know wha;t a d 1)lt not left theIr boluses foi y�aTs, and 406 L YD f900 seven of,the Ibig balrAs at,the llo;.,� p - c n n 0 in afaeln,or ig;akden. s took for ithe Ins'4ne, In Dra,ndon, on .Thu, -s- an,. N 01w food'has.- o a
-eat%t Lftestoc rought into them by ers. �k Show a pinhole to ad t th 3 air. w Some 'of the ir.Verest xMid mon &Wly a ohange-iore land;.plearcd. am onia. da their friends. Oth h !-again en rain Of anufacture� y of last * - have wek, nd pathsed a total dis A thIng ater amother daed-. A _eaW known to manWndL tween 10 Right after kIIII on, t1li fiM. v SP A]FORT11 MY, te 'R59,006 and 75,ow taken Is oming the solid Particles will tend RAG! ng aWene e, iden f Inces. 0. the Y -U6 Pr1DV -to our maflag .r partner was' rffi and u le to sleep In- their homes or r af na grgdUally he blaze was first noticed b th,,, at- to mount little star crystals of IddneT trbuble' DoW, MO Min -ion Government enaged o, be married, so I bought to till their fielft exist b forming in ib nid, which therrwise should e =ed and 7 br4an- -tendants, who with -a few of the patt_. 114 gLmnd biti Ey W&
We6t Indies out for, $1,00D, I had 'ito borrow' %rA.s dage *the. - latter - 61ng� rekarded as remai a clear. if dedL Mr. Israel -Drost Bath SPANU Panned 1 by a stitf ale, - t quibe a legWmate form o livel 400 & ent.1, -were milking In the . �cow b n
$660'to pay, hI.M. proachin -high winds.are ap. RV04 am: swdint 41, he �la�k� f I L VOU the liquid Will beeome thick, verites GreBadier Guards Band Whexi. I fl-,r,§t istarted, We`*:6getablee- quickly '_SpTead, a rtd' within an ho.w , Smetimes 9. truce, ether tethpor- Inonid tellms YOU Mrai R' as. If fermenting, wfill� a, filmor solid eaforth"' ig I ad twelve hfotb-ed Ii0ts: a(fteZ t4a fire as flrist, noticed th ary or permanent arkanged by th# CM Doan!s Money -rM MR e tigh �*"Xhat
growIn , i - , on interventi n of
Pf(rtfcle�orms the i4rfaee. D rin
Dragoons"Musical Ride -thgae years after 1. -had fif ty Made, horse lbarns, -the cattle harns, the I)IX the cleriy, and occa- fair U g-, Y ld&eV were so bad I vw h lesi azd. I t howsfht, '�%h al( I evep, th M ke h c -be '-truce - pro th sioually a general er the liquid will remalu for aboui iwo
Auto -polo Matc.hes gerjy, it buildings containing is chdra- used ptrice ,of them, and 'Shall I ell the fowl, ai well als -two, IEL.�,ge Iple.-ren ed. Between -coMlictin; parties the clear-and.the solid parti(!Ies Will' rest. hinft,of pills, but none oi them Mon,day, Janu 5th. 9 sftmed to Circua and Hippodrome �Lry lettuce and radisheis I �gro under bulldliigs, were blazing fiercely. peace is celebrated doing me any good. A is the re�qpenlng d W restoration of at thl u6m. bo
Dozen S�ows in Singi M" e Hour -There passed aw ay ot Doan a Xid;wy them?" Dut, as hre went on, ithe de- ay at Virden, Kan with elaborate cr6m.onkes. advised io try a b#.qf Boy 8cou ts' Review ma -ad -Tor good vegetables- wE4s al�vays Itoba, Pn July 18.-h, after' a -linge.-, some districts, ho PMS. When 1- Udtak the first- boi _RT g Musio. NO HIERN Canada's Biggest Dog'Sh hwmnien �ettlers a fixed price for blood, and a feud The- 11terarY man, writes a co 14bund relief, nd then 1-goi ano�her, Wever, there Is Readin
on\'�he Increase,, and always will The in illnes one T t fir t
W Bus CADLLEIGM 7e atid by -the time, I -had Uken �M Toronto; For sop-ne years there Nvare of 'Mat di8trict, Ellner Lee, Wife o11' mgy b6 avoided if the homicide pays, -very well was gooU treacras'why we did npt Itake bl' George EnglIsh', isr.'The de spondent, may -91 when z6mpletely cured.11 Owen Sound ceased UUMU -tim-
by way of covapensatioxx �to the rel Icyids Ito -naket. The land was L000r, -on, On t., a- lying on hig back, c Imself BABYLON barn at RIO onsole hi wii� Doar's Kidney Pills are 50. seventy Years4Lgo. tives of his victim, sums ran ceats adw gdod 'I
ging Greatest Orlenvil. Spectacle minuxe hard to get- at 50 �omits per Before IcQlrling tGAManitoba, the f&_+ literature. � But What Is the scientiae boxor 4 for 4 11y from $50 to $100, according to 1.25, it All dedlers or'=Wed Every Graduate Guaranteed a Pos-� �nderx -aft I
ever presented on Coutin load, and the trojads very bad, t oh-, live�d at London and Drus�sels, On t. district 031ce a -debt h man, with no. particular. Interest in direLt 6n receipt of ric6 by The T�. ent as been thus liter4ure - Pi wnv"K*� I .
to do? PG., VU13ited, Tomfo, Ont- -those old York roads -knee-deep. t in COMMIng It M.'anitoba; in 1882, they sett- acquitted amicable. rela A certain professor MilbUrn tions are te- c ud part of he* U. -re I Ilut, as years When ordtrliz direct specify D 164 in -the -Mont 33 SU cessful years. Paintings from England, Scotland, goimdrY district, north stored of n�y acqualn, United Statea and Lance once '.got through Large wenit on, land beMme -,Tlcher, roads of 'Virden When -tiere were anjy two Curiou p 'Canada Staff bf S ecialists better, Ivads larger.. At Wt we iran othe- 'women sly enough, although. the -Al. a month of Painful (!onvalescence by Individual Instru xhiblt 'bantans are so lawless, they lEduca-donal F In the toWnship,, livilg ction. cinhouse glass thexe formany Y -oars. Lat'.terly the ag4 -do not the aid Of au0ther kind of 'readin Goods in Pr In fact'a o 9. Practical. Depgrtment. C. ocess of Making make war on women. He read through the scores of and 250 hotbed lights, and we qiav(�, ed rouple have llvqd Iretired In his fa. man may traerse a, Athletic Sports 'not fhadtoG,�njtoh stuff for., fte trade. Mhe er-eased wats the other of V �hostlle distrIct VOMO Composers. He [lad no ear for leformation Free., Guelph
r -gr e I C. A. Flenung, F. C., Grand Wat r Carniva.1 -always n the ove, A. er set' ers of Ontario, are he I without fear or injuirY, And Is often the rhythms Of literature, but a fine ear
Aero-HYdropane Flighca' The vegetable ower has a busy lif o children, of whom, eleven survive . rA thinking and . -The �Plone employed as an intermediary in, the for, the rhythms Of music, and be as- PrIncipal. nat the 01qIY ones who - G if settlement of ed ary. Secret plartning for the next thing, The ,;-n sulffered iird-, a feud. sur' we tbat-he beard the music as. G) D., Fleming Carving out ho,-nes. A�rerlcn who is -golngto qu�ceed .-must be a 111ii he tead the s�!ores. . He said that dur, ator B s Famous Band n settlers treking to the homestead dls�. n , lino that a ]LIfe-log PTajgtIqe is e Lc—re P culiarity of 81now;. Score of other- Bafads absolutely Inecessay to uce tricts olf western Cana4a, also have Th Ing that MODth� he really came to tl�_ ........
ess, tor , jr, uli)s. e water which will allay our derstand Beethoven.-an4 that n -Jet_#�
the and -downs. Last Wedesda� o per. just around here Mere are orc than theire arrived at NLO,Tth Portal SaQ burning thArst augments it when con- f0lrmauce Of his Work ever sadsfled geaIed intd snow, so'that it Dozen Band Qqcerts Daily a dozen men with- frox five ,to, terr W. R. Gavizi, who,, th t ly-k" stated him afterward.- n on pecta ......
Chesapeake and Shannork a I New acres, ad eoznforV�ble �.o_nne,s of 'thej� by exploreirs of the Area rV ttxee, had travelled c regions ..... Biggest Midway ever own, twh staTted witb very 11ttle cadh from Hume, M.D., that the natives #,prefer enduring the in IthTe?e rairle achoonerls, a dlatanca( Drs. 6eorge and M., E. WhWng P6ace Year Fireworks OT knowledge of ga±den1qg, kth�-r P110- of arele hundred rnxiles.� on the Way his utmost extrelnitY,of t1flist rather!than Outreason! Reason. Heilemanni, Osteopathic D9 phksiciaaa. tical - aT theoreticad, � Th-ey could not get attempt to relieve it L by. eating snow. Ittle. Ray of Goderich. 1 Wife fell III, and died suddenly, while mond's mother had told I Peac T: along at their.trades, and were e wa,961r, -Alfter burying her upan - Yet If the sn9w be meltied it beet es him t Internationa e attoo om hat she should put him to bed afraid ! or' long houtts, tamd WILL rERRI' 10 Bands the banks ot the bnss4 drikable wkter. Nevertheless, al- if he disobeyed her Command In a 400 iftsicians kept yes open o hat iother oullrtrlver, in the -Specialists I women -Deefthold though if melted before entering the. certa and childress reservation' he r -ner) we --e 43qgi I d a nat Rnow, of 'Pirme6ded in' matte . TemptatiorL. over- disea-ses, acute, ehrr-nic -and nerrotm Alton- ny north -ward toi Edam, Sask. laolith It assu4Lges thirst like other came him, and when his mother at disrd�rs, -eye, ear, nos' bettez2 busines for a live. man ktcy start Ivater, when melted In the inou roceeded to fulfill'her duty Aobij of MnsUltatioi free e, and throat. ...... JU about'th� dintmst
Aq. 291914 ept. 14 In. The ada7iti ' th It ages .arze Go, any uTore 0 imag ba.,i the C nfecti'On- inable ODPOsite effect. 7 To render anguish filled the room,. opne
than w* I'staxted. There. are the LAWLESS. ALBANIA. this paradox more strikt* for hot -d y crions
a . teas and Office aE at QU4
m -Hotel (Ulffe'Veirt- txpVknantaI ang we have "But, Raymond,11' said the mothAr T*04tauk, N 0; 0111Y to remember that� Ice'which gentlk, '1. told, you I should -punish en 840ort,h. 4E
Guelph �&Wd Ottawa, testing __ :-eV- ing*partie.s, al-nost Blood Feud Is a Recognized Usage I InGlU more slowly 'in th Frldaiya 8 to 6� every kind- -of seed and plan-ts, �apd 19 mouth, is- You in this WaY If You disobeyed, and Made fla- in various Ifty ie. g thirst. -mother must keep her woid, you_ sending their bulletins -free to a Di Balkan Sta e?Y effic.ient In allayin one -and -sold, 'a Then, fiihere is the ntario Ve The- know." t Your getaI& Pluck of Prince rWilliam of etweeA, muffld -grOcer e The Diving Ben. . E 4 S. jn., ten -cent growers' Association, Lolding me tinge Wied, who 'ha' beim ch6sen by the-, h sobs Raymond Had a W every mornt.L toevise :req -as xndways Powers as the first sovereign of Al- q'he managed to say, '.')rou needu"t break sealed Packages that celebrated Philosopher Arls- pre to the right ends, They.are�:,good to 'help bania, and who ib�now e� our word. mamma, but couldn't you ndeav-oring totle speaks of a diving bell which Serve all fl, ir good e us i�ee horw little we know' , mind?!' zless. Ihiad Ino been boM iso soon by has aroused the admiration of E of,Ahe use of scm0thmels to settle down at Dura7zo, the.capiw, the iver, ,
was Put over the head -of' -88aterth aftainewar
a u_ but there is no pr6of Forces 'a Diselharge. Every Package aranfred, Grand
nd Bad Usk fifty years, whtn I isee t1he Ovartagog rope., No man was ev- -faced with a the, bell In' aes. y there are f or. er ancient times. John J youag. men", more stupendous nier, who i1v "The Japanese servant The Perrin "Sampler's pk- task, for the, ban- ed -in the early part of has man Cream Wa' In.. -those ea,�Iy dans Toronca had `a- lans have- never known a the sixteenth catury, makes the earl. curious traits," said the man who age will, reveal to you some nted 0, Now It, has 40-0,- al ).nd ps unexpected triuinphs Nonni they c6ri lily known iiest mention of the practical -use of Lee one, "besides his constant habit of the Years 00010 theTe it-, always a s 0 Ia,W the zale tfor gorod baker's etrt. Send 10c (coin the diving bell in Europe.-. In all prob., 'of 9 fish, but he Is,inordin-: most �Part the prince wili fi his e4tin raw ve&ELables. Alth" bi or stamps) and Your' groca�r S Our C 1045 U'M tie, lasses and crosies, we have Ted cal use of natme. (or
GUgh we have bad hard ately P61ite,.as a rule. henever will give you notice that b s -u ects halt -civilized mountal eers, ability 'the first real.praeo PG,- Instazice e FOX
aw Oto res panish work M020YI Miled U 041)1
armada off -the 0-0ast, will grow steadily worse and w we are in every Year, In 1989 -ny wife and I hibaseli. P rdn't co
and every man 9, I iescuing the treasu of the S art and Nerve god tl:,�es, and trys to ta an thediving, bell was In the�atte frank to a friend, vindiative �0., mpt at wishes to leave you. Instead his ready- for -s He ke #% tri My Peration and
-D ene
tnglish 0 orse ana4 P had altUrlip.tathe Old Land, f�om july, London, C 'OsitiDn to
PUIS Cured Rim -The Albahians liv And QP- till you can't stand it -any longer, and to,. etaber, and all our childrea ha ve 8 in a perpetual so 17 PG
taken th state of anarch you fire him. e trip. y Eve th nt It's 'alwaYs done Mr. H. P�rcy Turner po I Marie Joseph, In-, egard- to the lhlred�heip Vrabfe,-�, An the fields bristi s with'we purposely to. -avoid. the zieeessity of handle -any quantit telling you matrigbt that he is tired nd brigand� t5 P;nd Of drearn. UIPM For
bad, shaky nerves for years, a 38 'years.- We have always had ffro.-n than cattle -rearing r n,.%tipation of you, a ad:a weak heart 4 writes:—" I have h -loves warf e
we ,hadep rouble for the last _for hb are a
nd far better nd waDt6 to quit.- trt
have tried almost everythilig,, but notiz- th. ree "to five -nen�twa or three agrldalture—hei�ce the Poor dt'litiva- is an -enemy within the camp. It "I e F 0. ig did- me any good till 1, was advi ti6n of the sed rfed men, and, -two single _-r.en. %W,e liticky * Will. to iry Milburn!s, Heart and ipay undermine the strongest constitution YoUr
Nerve ills. good, and ,give work all t he Is tl*iYE on guard against his and ruin the most vigorous health.. Amateur Ati --.rho has ji ship cream LONDON pee of the art of helped me, so N' o' indigestion, biliou eluded e6n was surprised to find Us" cou- 140'W one box Year round, We have 'had �men ark enemies, and consta seeking the It leads t or 0 p d give -us a,. tried., I tried two ntly a performa more and am f ar -us -n1ne yeartS, but, as a rgl6, t��Ittjy blood of those who have done hi tinpure blood, bad compleylon Hamlet, to a ftle' now- completely- m an nd who lias been one Lftdon, denarv_
d, You may use cure or. 'four years, and then Injury. my letter ,ts an aid to they- ' tarL headaches, and is one of the. most of the Ludieue-e) —'Welli old fellow, Ot4erq suffering f YV uthemselvas. I a I ways trea t a Is frequent causes of We will pay u twice a from heart or nerve troubws.,, hdred In all parts Qf Aib !a the- ven� -appefidicitis. - To don't you feel Inelinsd to edngratu- YO ..... Maburn's. Heart and '\T*ve Pills are man, �as I would like to 'be treLed it de-tta. or blood feud s an establlphed n,�-Iect it is' slow suicide. Dr.MorW_9 late some one? month, fur - h two cans ns
I twete hired a specific for an run &own Indian. Root Pill's positively core Frien out, We have Ita lhavo� a Us;ig.e, and a man would be disgraced d�indeed, I do.
men an p a y good deal of aUeace with the ',,grr Constipation. They are entirely express a- n composition and -do not Charges. troubled with their hea�n Or ne -0,-i in the, eyes of his friends dud rel Amateur (with vainglorious mien) n�eii and wo vegetable i - S- 1A
f Englishm.en before we'tget t' enemy. Who 21 -on, eaken or gri Mitbnrn!s Heart ind Nerve -pills them -right; ti-ves,ff he did not kill an —XUy I 901ar Infringe Pu plodety Chepes pay -
'are bilr I Xeznaem, ber 1 a- ohe (dn th - a sick able at par. 50 cents, per box, or 3 brxe� for $1.25 e. Preserve as t4i ask his name? your health 4y taldn 11h .. &-, st all dealers or -mailed direct o, receipt forty -haye elay in veng6ance .9 Friend — Certainly. His name $a 68: "Through my -help and Influence Ianging4 to h.1m. - E� .9 48 qn brought out fro, -n Eng- -is held dishonorable. The man who Dr. -.M Shakespeare, and I heartily c 1haw d- if price by The T. Wilburn Co-, Limited, I -and, and be vongratu� lall are doing Well-- nost of "will let Years ID ',ss *Ith Bows -tba o - Out. 1) I late him on his unav
0 (�iable, 4 QVt killin 11i1k41& 4 VXP,,-U VIthl,hoires of thAr, 9 absence. :The SeafDrth' Crea�Mery qwn, q;,1d. n Root Fillp -2408-tf 0 A. Barber, M9r. lu
__7 L JU-M 1W