The Huron Expositor, 1914-07-31, Page 3•
, lag tove:1 a.diteh, tnd
a, intryjxg to get it natarted by
sane 1m -eau's, . was thfrawn, under _Pia
agon As R Passed. • over._ Wait k ftele,
ad ;was jannened down to tihe around
and badly bruised. A. visa four-inainee
IoIng. Was made at tile tack a alb
ead, and Were as antetrien cut knver.
eye, and Ida teak and %ace was
badly eraped by. being dragged a.lono
the fr-oad.
SIR swamp a. catx. Otto* rThavos„.MailetattaStrrt
BOGERT,Cientrai Manageran
_ .
.Tht Busines6 Of Fatrmiti
-like, the business a Manufantatingeashoalci -be done, in a priittcaI -
„ busaierts Way. Prooeeds should ,be pat In a .bank, Farmentt
shonid be made. by Cheaao. .A °Wain percentage Of the-pialits
shonld be put in a Sas/tags Amanita se *a emergency fund The
Man who hu -a., enteli surplus; in a 'bank, ii,preteoted againsabad-'
• Lomat tad hard times.
tinfenuer Soap is dellginfulty refresh.
lir for bath or - toilet.' For waehingt un-
derelothing it:"is unequaliedi. Cleanse.
*********40440.44.04444.44***************44,44********** -*************** .404******************* .
10 'a Phone orders Carefidlif FilIod
This store will close Wednesday afternoons‘
during jUly and August
Stewart os
ood Idea, --In .co.naleation- with -the
nine' Star" adult , Bible clean, ree
cently iongarlized in Innox Church a.
contest fan attendance Of member,s,,will
be - conducted canerreaeleg the ist or.
Aagust and in Octobea, Two.
cdptains gave --teen ehasea wren nave
anle made a selection from the agile
OreOtion Itwhialif Includes the larger.
part (of the toda. The men:bets af the
'010AS will be tantelabed .witlh clade tut, '
tans and by - this method, , it le roped
to still up an interest in ;tide de:Art-
-talent of ;the. church work. • ,
' raanier's :10111b,'--The!Ferreeng' Clit,
rnet anti Tuesday evening in the ,Fonn
-ester' -- Hall .with 0.1.-3. -1Filkinison - in •
the ehfairae- Atil address was' given ion *e
"Canadian Citizenship," by W,i, B. IC -err, z
a Bnuaselsn followed; by a general die- a -
•euseion, -Instrumental eeleetions were ne
ceondeon and by 'Carl proeter oni
well rendered by Elmer Willetneon On
the aI
. the harmanipa, On neetion. of Secretary .
Hooper ,secanded bY Aviles Valor
vote of thanks Was passed to ata, Kerr. t•
At the net 'meeting Of .thia.:Plub. it is .
expected an eaniertaort Poultry may aede
in ,attendance to laddreas the mertbers'.
Of the ,Citibt. - - . • . . , e.-
r Good 'Tiena,-1A.n- tadasual .enfotrabla -4Ae
and interesting time- was -spe.nt at ahe v',
home of Mrs,--,_ Charles "Willeineori ',ay !
S:alIIon Enronli .-The stallion year,
for 191.344 ends with the 3Iest Jut.
During he stallien year. 191344 thdre
were '4769 horses enrollod. 'Up to. july
29•th, 1913-14 there• were 4,150 ennollaci,
ea inareani. of 400 over the -previone
dear. The following table ,givee the
'matter :of stallions enrolled in Litz
elevan h,re countie iil tire Province:
't. 'mut t y - 13 16/4
-cm e . , 101 714
. lbs • la
ster.....t. 11.5 132
aq.nt •14.1 ° 130
1.-.rn Itin. • 1 120
Nat (1 s N • - .. . . ..... ... .. 1.41
imr rt.- . 101 - 100
•Per.h 8t -10t
Sint ...n. .. .. . . ; .... VW 165
We.linz ton i4 114
.1%161 . 110 • 144
Ill on His Wedding To^41,--T1ie gentle -I.
Man ethic -fed to in the foilawing *des-
patch- dated Willnough, 'Minnesota,
July -16, Is a son of adia. and eairs:.
Joseph Atidneon, of Tu,ekersanitin. The
',despatch as James Atkinson,editor
iof the Iowa Homestead of _Des 4frfo1nee,
:who, has been spending Ids haneymooa.
at Lake Minnetonka, bas teer undet
the cane of doctors and nurses afor
eeveaal days euffering froaL.a severe
attack I of larephangitis. Men Atidason
was bnten upon the right wrist by a
Mosquito. The infection spread ° through-
out the entire arm, causing great pain:
Eeroic work on the part of attendants
checked the progresa of the ailment
An operation was aerforened here two
days ago, since •which Attl, Atkinson
%las been resting easier. He •hopes to
be able to return to Des 'Moines the
UM. of the month!.
Presentationi-The following" which
we take frorn the Whitby Gazette and
Cbaonicle, refers to Miss Nettie Pethick
sa ex -pupil of the Sealorth. Calleglate
and who has any • friends In thia
• ic1ntty: The annual picnic in c�anec-
tjo with Sinclair's School Was held
'on Frida:y, ,atene 28th, in Mr. W. B.
D'Cormar's woods. The attendance waa
unusually large, a number being pre -
Beet freen Whitby and -aehawa, while
In School Section No.. 2:: almost every
gamily turned oat In full Iforen aa enn
nay fan outing, and to honor, their
pular young teacher, Miss Jeanette
P'ethiekwhose resignation has caused
tieL nearet. The races, spot ts, etc,
aald dtaaing the. afternoon, were an-
loyed by all, as was the tent served on
*ale graelee, In true picnic style. The
Juvenilee were treated to ice-cream by
their tOactier, after which can the
awarding- of prizes. Miss Pethick was
then nailed forward and .presented with
a halide -a -tie basket of pink and white
roses, also complete sets of Shakespeare
•and Ws, Browning's works, both beauti--
rully bound in padded(..morocco.
1Yresentation was :made by Miss Leta
Paseo and the following ,address read by
Mies. _Annie O'Connon. To Miss J. R.
Pethick: We have heard with :much Te-
kgret of your resignation as dela:cher of
ow saLool and as represenatiVe of,out
section. We feel that we cannot .allow
ou to leave.without expre sing to .you
our 'appreciation, of your ark during
the last two years. As a iea4her, you
have corscientiously peforne4 all the
duties expected of yoa in aour
tiox ,tnie you have done and mach
More. Both in and out of school yOu„
have worked for the mental and :moral
development of your pitpila. Yoe. have
endeavored to inculcate high icleaLs ot
The and under your care their'proress
has been in every way most satisfatz;
tory. We feel assured that your good
influ.enee will be felt in years to come.
As a f -lend you endeared yourself
ta many of me' harres where you have
always been a welcome , visited :While
fwe regret your departure, we congra-:
tulate Yaa on tiae fact thatlyourtalerrts
are being recognized, and that you. are
leaving Us to a.ssieene larger rasponsi-
Unties la a wider field, • ,
We aek you to accept this Inaaket ef
roses and tae -se valumag -6i poet:y,
and Witt. them the sincere
brushwood removed freer. 'the cittrk
Itilunicipai Drain:, The -Reeve was. e In
'etructed tee etarnine the dr&jn' afand
have he obsaradtkirei reamened,. A re.;
quisition• woo endeared 'from -George,
Baker Ito have a pattlen of the -Baker
Mtinicipal Drain- repaired. -John Brawn
Was .inintrtfeted to .exandne the dralti
and have -the !repairs le neaansery at-
tended to Aften passing a amber 'of:
eneatints the Council adjourned untli
tne thir, -of Augast, !,
• il,..444,4 MOW., 4,1441.4 OP*P 4.4 11•14.41,1•OXIM
Natea--anr: MeGavin, tsr. is an
poen health and tears are anter -1
taired -for his reo.overy.-The fine mer
sidence- of Joan Denng iIs ready for
the plaaterers, It w.111 be a commodious
and. 'coregortaale home.wthen completed.
-While' coating. home from the Orange
celebaation, tianday might cif last week
Charles Woods and two lady friends a the men:teas Of the Woman'is linstitute
iyi riluesday, -214V nut., it, being kthe
regular Juln- meeting of the Bianohi.
Oars. "W. J. Prod
eter, President, cccuple
the chalt! The report of the Walton;
District 'nieeting was given,: Rillowed
by i readings, reeitations, vocal and in.
atramental, (Musk, afrs, James Taylor
being the accompanist. A. good irepeetsen-
iatlen. of tae mernbers attendedaSeve-
nal Welter's were preseai4. A resolution,
of appreehition was peasant for ahe and -
swipe -at the meethsg of ',Urfa endillein
whd is Le ter. 82nd Year. Mina bright
and 'interesting lady seemed to; enter
into the spirit of the meeting, Zan& to
enjoy 1.the 'prOgrarathe as heartily as
the .youngentelacly aresent . Mrs. Willen
Inson entertained In hen teetial geo
style whieh was apaneciated and
for which she received .A hearty feta
izof tbanke. The next meeting will be
held in. e Foresters' Hill on Tueisdai
August 18th. :Miss, Elizabeth Ferguson
will give 4 demonstration at this .ret -
Ing on honing a chicken.
were upset from their blieggy bY =eat-
ing an auto gad barely .scaped aerioes
injury As it was Mr. Woods ;hurt this
side and the ladies eseaaad fairly ,Wel,
but the buggy and harness wag
siderably broken‘
School Report. -Tie following Is the
report of the promotion examinations
in the Beachwood ISeparafte
001 -col Section Nat 1, McKillop and ;Loge
an. -Sr. iv to High &hod, Pass 390-
Leone Holland. 33 (honors): John: Mal-
oney 483, Lizzie (Malone .419, lohnTet;
Malone, Helen Lorimer 480,- Aloysia
Woods 483, Agnes Flanagan 422'. Sr.
lit to Jr. iv, Pads 350 --Joseph Mentzer
475; Denis Maloney 443,- Wilfred Maloney
429. (Joseph. Horan 327, and Ilriarili
oney 312, promoted conditionally), Jr.111
to Sr. Pans 350-'Geortge Idalone .538
(honors), Gerald ,Holland 533 (honors
Rose Flanagan 523, Willie Maloney 476,
Teresa Hicknell NT, Bridget Buras, ab-
sent fro -m exaerinatione, promoted on
class record. Sr. ii to instill, Pas 325-
Eva Kelly 448, Leo Flanagan- 440, ;Fer-
gus Iloran 429, Frank Dantzer- 394, Lea
Eticknen 309. i to II, Pass n25- Fer.gten
Kelly 334, Tessie Flanagan. 321, Philip
Flanagan 291, Harold galoney 239.
Agnes Pope, Teacher.
Fordur Joh
° Barn Raisinge.-A principal event on
ire past week Was N. iNeeLaughlin'st
barn raising, candueted Wednesday with
all old time due Ceremony and eintausis
aerie. Everything was carried out to the
established usage and custom Of olden
times. The :Weather was ideal, help
plentiful, and. everything „went together
cloca-wark, vil:Aelv 'reflects credit
on: the framer, Mr. Jahn Graham. Not
even tile smallest accident b,apperied to
mar the proceedings Whiten onoWS the
skill With: which, the. Work was handled'
There- were over- two 'hundred, peapleat
the: !gathering tall_ eat down to -a
temptingly tpaePared -supper, eueaas
only' good cooks could,' proade, The
evening was spent In daneing, • games
etc, When, finished the, barn will pre-
sent a aplendid appearance and will eae
'fitted with all labor saving device's.
-On Friday aftennoon another event
of the same kind took place tat the fare::
af Sas: Lynn, just - west of thee
village, :well. nigh unto one tandeled
and fifty people ,gathered, same to
work and others to look cm,eand afeas-
ed the frame for his fine new barn
Which the is erecting this summer.. (The
Work was entered into with a heart
and will, and. everything went off tip,
top, ftthere not being an accident -110f
any sorb." A. splendid ‘shoper_ was :eery -
ed Ito all present, after vihicli the -
frame was rans.ed. When corrPleted, Mr.
Lynn will have one of the finest barns
In -'this neignaorbood.
Mitchell ,
Women's flnatitute Meeting: -7- Thke
regular Meeting of the Woman's Inc tf-
tuts -was held at the home )cte Mile.
Willazdilngraen ant Thursday aftennodfd
;afesaj. E. Winienna gave eaainteresting
and helpful ,papea on "Conning Fruits
61 and- Making Jelli fa" A hternoroug re-
citation was 'given by Mas, Aansfutton,
a Plana solo bM
y Miss yalle nlodge,
a report of the District Convention at
Sebaingville, tby ,Mrs, Jame,s. Pullman
and a report of flower committee by
Miss 0, liver
tions; the warmest thanksand the y. - ' e
Death of Thomas licLaren..-aSaturday
best eedehes af your aapils , and friende, evening last Thomas falearen, sr, after
la section two,. . . . . a short Illness, passed to his long re.
EO You with poets heart and anind, ward, at the good oldI of 84 years,
Each flower some thaule-
ght disclosee; as ea few days, bece,cased was. -alcen
Perchance what we have "failed tor...ay near Glasgow, S4otland, and came to
You'll find out from, the roSes. - Canada, when a young man and first
settled in Hamilton, where he WM
-The booke we trust, will pleaeare give :married to Miss Margaret Grey, also;
And oftentimes ren-ind yeu ot Gla.sgow, who cane out on ,theaatre
Of tiie. boys and girls- In seellan two boat as he dih, Their next place of' real -
.Aad Ile friends you leave behind. you. clenee Wits Stratford, and ftam the -re
(Signed) E A. Pascoe, AS Young,. W, -idiey '-came to 'Iditnhela whrere. %they
D. O'Connor.. " have since resided, and may be count -
gird Pethick 'replied in a few well ed among the oldest adaidents of the
otasen et ntences, exeiraesive or her tx)i'ini A aagrilY of sik hays- and five
th:saks and appreciatian and urged her .48'irls islirvive and the ebndren ate 41"1
It Utprili to pre4s forward to sue 65g, ghe . scattered over distant parte of the
leas reeigned her gasman al wanny country, .and have -succeeded well in
Ito becoila the pr:ncipal of the East _business. His widow, who was . ti3
End 13,Lrlington public school and kin-Partne' for sixty yeata, is now tleft to
klerge.r,.en. , mourn the loss of a (kinld And ,Indulgent
husband., •Nfr. AfeLaren w,ais 'a black-
' smith by trade, and followed We buisi-
• Grey
nese until .elght years ago, when he
• Couuell Doings. -At the last meeting retired, He always enjoyed the very
of Grey Township Council, the Court best of healthuntil about two, imonths
of Revision on the a.ssessrnents 1, the ,I a.go, when he began to show isigns of
Barron. 13olkon and Winthrop Drain a break up, and from then aahe gradt.
layelawe was opened. As .theae were ually grew avarse uAtil death interl;
no app-:als entered ,against any of the vened, •
tegessments in either of these By-law a Notes. -The Mitchell Couball has pure
ahey ware read a third tieneland filially chased a near *2,850 0 tetaan Moller, which
Passed The Court of Revision was now will be used to run1 over the, crushed
plosed. A recuisition was received from atone, Nhiell• ts to be placed on the
k f farne-
- the Maniair Municipal -Drain rewired. who Iresides few miles *est 1af Mite
The 11'--s- --- •
ntieorge NicTaggart to_have a portion of strectis.-1 . p •
.% dirt.cted to have any chell, with a bad accident Thutrs-
necei..-4ary repaire :attended to. .A. ire- day. Be was handling the hay, foa• a,
quieltion, was receivedilen afaIcoar-un oa
Frae _o have a portion of the Hall broke, and he was preciPitated to the
'a:Lunn-sada Drain repaired. P. A. Mc -ground,- s arn was broken and infle
(Arthur vas instruated to examine the face was badly bruised.,and cute-,On
drain and attend ta any repairs aen ''Wednesda IP James -Ntcholass. at
-ding hay, h n the trip rope
.quire -d, A requisition. was ieeeived, freen, Oulleaftone and. his brother, Ed Weird ,
Bigrgu tck.. tku,be,z.: Rod were "baidaren 'a:aye 9.1kt cif !pie, )golads ova, Agfa ramilyPilla for con8tipation:1
I'Suggestive Questiois -1
On the Sunday School Les-
son by Rev. Dr. Linscott for
the International Press Bible
• Question Club
August 21, 1914
The Triumphal Entry. Mark xi :1-11.
Golden Text - Rejoice !greatly, 0
daughter! of Zion, shout, 0 daughter pf
Jeausaleni behold the king harrethr 1131-e
to thee. Zech. ix :9.
tie re ? ,
1. Veree.s 1:2-1-11 did Jesus know
that the colt was
2. • Have there been other clairvoy-
ants than Jesus, an4 does this ,power
necessarily imply goodness.. or :spirit-,
nallity,- and why? •• ,
2. ''W/halt Wight -tad Jesus to-otnartana
this colt to be brought no (Meng
4.'Did JesuS have, while in bhe Beth,
any if -Aare right to take the araperty
of another without consent. than any
other Man? °
5. 'Why would you say, on not, tbat
Gad nhas an aasolute right tobe propn
eity 'of eVery man? A
• (Vease 3 -Must we, or net, and.
why-, -even in thought, give God the
Tight to send up into another ;nom e
stable to take out Inc honse?
'I,. is it inconceivable not, and
why, that God will ever tell any per-
son to, dcawrong? •.
8, (If d4o# sends us ta sat somethiig
that belongs to. aeother, why may we
be sate that the owner will ae giant ao
let hive it?
,9. IVersea-4-6-Gdd in the Bible, and
frequently by his !spirit, tells us what -
we shall find at certain perioda and
places. 'Is it este fan us ft° absolutely
West in these premises, and why? ,(This
id Dee of the questions w.hichernay be
answered in writing by membeas of [the
china) , t
vdtod Is constantly making de -i
mands upon- Qs for our propenty, tour
time, oun waat is the extent
,of men obligation and aur , privilege to
gladly acquiesce?
--It What did the owner( af this colt
probably get for loaning it. to Jesug?
12.; Vense 7 -Why did 3'e,su4 choose
to, Wide to Jerusalem on an nessl
13; What was Jesus' purpose M kgo.
Ing to' Jentiaalera at thia time? -
"-14. Verses 840 -Why did tae people
show Jesus such kindly Leonora, ann
why did Jesus pal mit it, seeing that
he had .pirevieusly forbidden them to
proclaim him as the afeesiah?
15.. To what extent were the ipeople
right An their expectations cancerning
Christ, and to what extent °ivrong?
• tnfi„_ What ponstituted Christ's We
temph in his march:ant° Jerusalem?
11, What other events transpired
connection with this triumphal entry
that are -mentioned eleewhere?
18. Verse .11 -What did Jesus do an
-the temple that day? '
19. Why did Jesus to [Bethany that
night? •
-,20. 'What part did friendship play in
the expeaienoe of Jeans?
Les,son Tor Sunday, August 9th, 1914:
The Barren, Fig Tree and the Defiled
Temple,1 (Tson
ettverance Les.) Mark xi:
12-331 ' . •
-7$ydney:O'Kelfe, of Weyburn, Sask.,
has teen tsentenced to two years le
PrinCe -Albert Penitentary for bigamy
O'Keire bled a Wife and family,,In
land,! When he ims.rried a daughter of
Mtl. Alvin Johnston, of •Weyburn.
• We ...Oar One Iluncrred Dollati Reward for any
case of Oatirrh that .co.nnot be ottred by *Al's Oa -
Viral Oure.
F. J. CHENEY & 00., Teledc, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
or the lest 15 years, and beVieve him perfectly bon
orable in all business transactions, and linanci..11y
-able to carry outany obligations made by his.firm.
WaLiwo, KINVAN & MAItVul,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,'
• 0a.tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upbn the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent tree. Price 75 cents per
bottle. -Sold by fill druggisto.1 •
Men's Outing Shirts
E --have made a special preparatIon in men's out.
ing shirts. White ofcream shirtswith Soft collars .
,that are the very -essence. of cool, .clean appearance.
and.cOrnfort. Just the correct thing for outing pur-
pose4, of every kind. Sizes 14 to 17.
a ...lie ra•a•
t•is Sas a •.S1 1000 tO
1/Len's Cool
ncier wear
Cool underwear is the sec-
ret of solid comfort pro-
vided it fits properly. We
can fit your flu re, iwhether
slim or Stout.
Balbriggan ........
. 0.
Porosknit 50c
Fine wool
•••• •
Straw Hats
YOU will need a light
weight hat for the hot days
of August and September.
There is a certain shape
that becomes you, we ha've
it. All sizes in sailors and
PRICE... .. .....50c to $5.00
Whitt:!: S1ciirts, $L39
▪ I UST when you nee4 a wash shirt most, comes this
_sale of crisp, clean new shirts, of snowy whiteness
made of reppl hedforb cord, fancy vesting, pique, but-
tons at side or down front, trimmed with pearl or cro-
chet buttons. Regular price $2 to $i..
Summer Dresses
In New Styles
Here is an exceptional offering of
-brand new style summer dresses, Made
of piques,lawns,embroidery chambray,
crepes, ratine, mull,, Indian had, duck
and gingham. Stylishly cut, long or
short sleeves, all handsomely trimmed
# and perfect fitting. These are mostly
travellers' samples — no two alike.
4(` Made with special care. You will be
4, pleased with every dress they are so
mew and stylish. Regular $4 to ,Sro.
4, •
Special -
• Suits
I a la ssos eal
&ars •ssap• .0 s • "4-($ • • •
Youlwill need a fancy par-
asol for Old Boys' week.
We have a big supply o
real beauties to match .any
gown, and they are all at
a price that will please
you too. The new dome
and bell shapes.are partic-
ularly attractive.
PRICE . 50c
In both, silk and satine,
cerise, green, brown, navy
purple, tan maroon, alice,
white and black,
. -
*144 *SO lititi 43114 a** ' ""
Men s Suits
ade to Measure
$20 to $25
We are ready with the new Fall Suit-
ings, and we never had prettier pat-
terns and colorings. Beautiful shades
in navy blue, rich mixtures in. tweeds
- and. worsteds in all the beauty of the
fall.shades. Dressy Wicks and. quiet
reys. Every suit guaranteed to fit.
Well made, kubstantially sewn and
excelle nt 1: n tng and pocketings. Leave
your order now when the stock is com-
plete and new.
$20.00 to S25.
Stylish Neckwear
The "New Things" 'in _Neckwear a. e all here.
The clever black and white or .blue and white di-
agonals that ale .50 popular at present in the
larger centres are to be had here together with a
host of new Fall colorings.
0 50c
I Butterapd
t :s W.
ade Prices
0 TR
z ismatimminsmowessommamimprotiokaimosati -****,..“.*****
Big DiesPiay of
A_ very- new effect in Dolly 'Virden Crepe-de-chene,
in tan, navy and Alice , ...75c
Corded and plain, in navy, black,
maise,lielebtrOpe, Alice, white currant, rose, tan and
* • a•••••-• so* a. as alio.ofaisaaaaassa......4a4, **to aaaaa$1.05
Plain pailette,i-ail colors to $1.25
Butter and
s Wanted