HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-07-31, Page 1by :ae.„ •Y.;-;\ I , . • 1 OK1Y.LGb1h YAR • LE NUMBER 2433 • I • SEAFORTHa FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1914. fdeLEAnr. BROS.. $1.00 a Tear in Aalranee Greig:CloOing • ra,lamoremomielftwooG FROM (1\71€111C'S C1111111. ; I * seee+++++•+•+•4+41+++++44+++ .4144+4.4444+4.4eeteeset4+++++4-#'44+++++44441444++4.-•444+++414 * Iitl Toronto,n JulY, 28th, 19144. Ready - for eaforth s Great 014 Boys' " Ontario'sgreat central seat of leatuS „ ing, Toronto tralverthitY, Is once more ; in: ears 'Straits .for leak ef /funds. Ac-, "-totaling to the lineirbers 'of tap Board. of Governors, the University aiuet "nair.6- in life near ;future -tree sues of _n1,500,000 and the only available sourne . frcen ;whence to draw, tele not incensideeable • ......_.... presided overlaY 1104 • 1. B. Ltiet•441 ' Walker," 'Ma W. K. George, Kr. Eric Prbvincial -Pnreasuren: ; -Sir Edmond stall is the Ontario Treasury, at ptesent Armour,* X. et, and others flan been Ye m „ en H ,of, Huron ort , . , 1 intenvie.wing the Provin• clal Treasurer. defloit *la the maintenance account, ;the state 'of 'affairs. nee eincre,aaing ;widen Is *1211,514 in 'the e,stiniates fon • 1914-15, ,was discussed, and in aslant; ' Ian Government to snoelder reSponsie Th 4. + Reunion and Firemen's Tournament • . . s , August 1.st to 5th ' -1 . 4. . ., 4 .4, + + . Alter months of preparation, Seaforth as superbly ready to re- ceive_and entertain her home com- _, • jag Old Boys and Girls and visit- : ing fire brigades andtheir friends + The Committee in charge eeter- e occasion of the:visit of the' " Old bility far this Sum it wee pointed out a mined at the outSet that no h g t by the members that_ there were only + could be t o good felt the hun- three courses open which could ssibl I • Boys" puts -it up to every good citizen be eensineren, mese weTe (1) 1°Int el; dreds of Freent who 'will • to not only take -care of" his share of nuMbete of stud join this great circle of Mid Lyrie by law; (2)1inpres,se tfees; (3) pay t e defloit. Tule attitude s talcen up svi baregard to the firet Sidon thit already tire standard has been put o esalgh that it eastreot be boosted feather. and with reference no the secand, *alternative it la 4pointed out its ado,ptiOa evoeld be calculated to place univerr.'Y education more in ttl;e hands of the rich. Another siselutien nordesesed is to allow the 'University ;to alip down a Inotehi la efficiency. This lattea is an 'alternative ;scarcely to see 'thought of. alhe matter will, likely, .foinne a subject for earnest consideta- ton an ;the next session; of the Legis- lature. The attenriance. at the Univer- sitY' Y4S inereasing so rapidly ahat it is hard to keep pace witb. Its (require- ments.. .• I k • , IV * In Ithes cosanection it itTlatY not 'be out of plage to Mention the greatnosis wbicle the 'University and the cause nf high- ees town into a blaze of glory.Every- er education has ;sustained in the -death 4. Dean of the Faculty of Appliedegclenne on e should be here to see this of John Galbraith; M. L. la De and Englaeering in ,Toranto Universiti 4. spectacular display, opening nights Saturday, August ist and one olf the foaernost civindigineera • in Canada.. Dean Galbraith: died kid- Htene Bae, Geeaglan Bay district, For , It! 'Sunday denly from shear't failure ThutSclay, Morning at his 'Summer borne in. ;Go- + a near tor Pnare he had /net been avell, of The great paradet'on Sunday though the end WetS not expecte& Ile • Socailettliocal and visiting Fraternal was advised by 118 -Physicians SCale 4; ars andesm' aSsusilleddaYchoSicrhsooplrosmchis°e1; time ago that bits heart wan ;in serious exerting or exciting hirssise/C .This was to be a unique feature climaxing 414 in a massed serVice in. "Victoria. Pobdition and .was warned againat over - net generally known among „life friends Park, while - in. the. evening _ . though he bimseef was not 'unprepared 4. a special band concert will be tile for the contingencY. + • Throughout the Dominion of Canada; • attraction. ?are • ' Syne. NOthing has been lett CiVit decoration, but also to have icare undone to make this the most . brilliant, entertaining and sucess- for his personal adornment. The mag - se 1 ful Reunion that has ever taken * • 4ificent electrical decoration ot our place- m Western lantana. The +. illuinination_of Main street with streets -with thousands upon thousands t forming brilliant electric arches, its -,8000, colored electric lights the huge electrical emblems of ten Fraternal Societies, the mag - of brilliant lights will make it unpleas- - ant not impossible for anyone to ap- '+'4) `Efficient electrical "Court of Honor" composed of 700 colored. electric lights decorating four Knights of Pythias, the dazzling 11. ornamental electrical effectsonthe peat in old and over -worn clothes. We 4' great pillars, donated by the say, therefore, in 'justice to this grand old community -Tone Up for your • town hall, banking and business civic and persolial appearance has much -to do with the empression upon our visiting "Prodigals". DON'T BLAME THIS STORE if it should happen that you are not as well dressed as the man /from Toronto4. or New York. The resources for getting *ell dressed are quite of great and complete as in any metropolis of this or any other country. Suits and Hats and Furnishings abso- lutely fresh and direct from the style centresofthe old and new World. All orders for quick delivery promptly and carefully taken care of no matter haw small or how_large. _ This Store, for Men's -. *Women's and Boy's Ready -to -Wear and Specially Ordered Clothing This Store, where youth & bcauty, meet If this store does not mean anything in particular to you it is because you have never been init. Tolmost youngitnen and any numbet of older men it is a popular shopping place; one Of the most auractive stations en route to perfect dress. It is the trysting place of style and quality, of individuality and value of tone and timeliness, of youth and beauty. It is here you will find Artistic Clothes which embody the best style ideas of New York, Chicago and London, skillfully adapted and finely developed. tit is here you will find dependable quality, walking hand in hand with the most highly perfected degree of selling service. 1 Special Display Old Boys' Week • I Highest Pries for Butter and Eggs. GreieClothing o. The Big Corner Store SEA FORTH, t houses, will convert the good old • floain, automobiles etc,headed by the Band. .will start at i p. m. "The Bells" the play that made Sir Henry Irving famous, will be enacted in Cardno'sOperaHill by the famous ArgyleDrarnatic Co., in the evening, Tuesday The Base Ball Tournament betireen Clinton, Goderich, Wing-, ham, Mitcheli and Fullerton will occupy the centre of the arena throuotout the day, play corn= mencipg at 9.4s.a.m. and 1 p.m. The Monster garden party -at Rec reation park will be the attract- ion of the evening. An.eleborate program has been prepared in which many of the Old Boys and Girls will sing agarn the songs we loved to hear. Prof. Hand has agreed to send two of his most experienced men to handle the big fireworks diliplpy Which will include the finest effects and settings known to the fire- works world. Seaforth and Wel-- land -Bands will be in attendance! • Wednesday The great 'Provincial Volun- teer Firemen's demonstration will occupy the 'entire day. ibe morning will be devoted to the n\ receptiOof the numerous spec- ial and regular trains, bringing the tire Departments and Bands. At it p. m. ' the monster parade will start for the-Aree Track; The following is a Bit of the Brigade's and: Spds who have definitely decided and arranged to be here, making the longest the news et Dean Galbralthre death VIFiremen s parade ever kilpeen rn came as a ;shock., In Toronto flags were I .‘ 1tirtaNOr history of the Assbc100in ot half -masted and on all sides there were m expressions of sorrow and tributes te 11. the men and the teacher,. Virtually Ann ChildrenS1 Rally Day, includ- ever seen in 11 • Ontario. - g all theschools rural as we , 48th Highlanders:Band, Torontn Soandein of 3the. &no& Of Practical Science, he hail ,presided over it for 36 Yearlerereatchnzg the lJniversity- its pealod of 'transition, and his atu- dents are scattered far and wide thaeughout the country. Among ttem are - niost of the leading civil ;engineers in Canada. Dean Galoraith's fame shad also extended to Europa and he was Accorded honorary easmociation with several noted organizatioas of engin. ears in the Old Country. What ,the aciatice faculty la at the University of Parente is la,r.gely due to the 'ability. - o nft. Galbraith. When he took charge of the Seliool of ' aotieal Sae, once, as it Was then ealle , stu-. dents numbered but 30, Now the menia. bership is nearly ,,S00, and had Die neaten with the mew routing a the Galnraith lived ta few 'years longer ,he canal is likely to result in the 'pollutifon ht ha d i of Ith!e water sitpsply for many tlf these the loial schools in juvenile Cal- e. edonian games will be intensely -4: interesting. The childrene par- ade with magnificient merchants' +++.4444.+44446144-4 +++++++444444,++++++4:44:44+ . North Talent° Fire Dept. Brampton Band Brampton Fire Dept. In the country traverse& dr' t� be - traversed by the new Welland shipeen- al taouble has 'arisen. Many industries have been established In the townsead • cities off the 'Welland district, and tthe various muaicipalitiei have gone in for ' pensiveaffnd. it mow a,ppeans that thel waterwor_4, „some a them, of '-an ex - di Ion a the Chippaeva river in 'eon - :nig' ve seen 1,000etu elite n his • depantment • ' 1 • .. , municipalities. To get over the diffi- The deceased Was born in Montreal, culty it is proposed 'to brinuivater for In the early fifties the famiiy remov- Saint •Catharines, Welland, ralebrold and ed from Moatreal to "Port Hope, land Merritton liS a plpe line from, Lake he received this early education there, Erie at Port Colborne. That would aost „having' attended, the eoid. Port Hope the tidy sups of a million idollare, end Grammar, Schcol. In 1863 the entered the araapect is displeasinge The ease the University of Toronto' as a atus has been put up to the Dominion gov- dent ill Arts and speedily became . a ' ernenent and the arinister of railways forpe in undergraduate affairs. Owing has !suggested advan,cing the 'Money if to ill health at the end tof ins thine the municipalities will becoxre liable for Onta,rity is decreassink.. The Dominion :Y.ear in the University he started toff it This the municipalities don't want to census off 1911 gave us definite infortr4-1 on, a' long:. canoe trip * through the slo. They say that the government is, tion that canfiemed OUT weist featae north country, covering' aboat 1,20e saving tb.e andney by; using the Chip - The census statietics allowed that the miles, including he portages. Young paNtrai and plight to fedt the whole bill. Galbra,itn was unaecoMpanied on this That's where it istands TIOW.. There is atiral districts. of Ontario had lost over 100;000 souls. in the previous 10 '(Years, long tale except' Thy two Indians from to be another conference between ree one of the Hudson Bay Campos*, poets presentatives -of the towns and the. Panning _ssznellations in the other east- ern- provinces fared little tietteal. These who were with nen for part of tee ministea of rallwaye and canals. , time. He had many interesting • ex- whobadire,mained more optimistic were periences and narrow' escapes from Toronto's new civic abattoir, did bust , e*,... .. astounded to find that the rural eecp-i- Litton of 'Ontario was less thaw at bad death, but einally arrived at Inane in nese 'for the first time. One ihundred perfect ,healtht. and efifty- sheep met their, fate tas a- been tO .years previously; and 'Huron .* * * • t test. of the plants efficiency. The wool. county suffered worse than Most die- ' The provineeof Ontario is Ingle Lon., TY,' bleating rearty.rs were tranefornted tricts a Eastern Canada, • ment. wants $5,000,000 on registered don in -lark& Itir money. The Govern... from life and activity to dressed car- Evert the geneute, however, did taot eases, in a little less than, '. fifteen. 'give us full information on the rural stock at four and one-half per cella eninutes each, and it's all very parne nroblena Mt dealt only with inevem'ents The money IS required for various leas, appaeently,„ The 'abattoir Was Mit' 13t 3X)1Pulationt. OW has this &crease affected the rural sehbol and the 11.1101 purposee in eonnectien with . the pub- aeally doing regular business' at. that- gieurcli . and Sundayeachooli Before we Ile service and for Storks which are, time; this killing was n:eeelY by' 'way- - being carried on by provincial coen:ris. of a test. And as three Men prefed can deal effectively with the 'rural stole:Orli, Scene df it re‘y be used for that, without hurrying, they could Idil Orsiblean weennest tietleestand all a ,its 'covering debts on open account and (fox and dreas fifteen sheep withixt an hour, ratrifficatiOns. It was to it -tills defi- nite information that the Iluronrounty paying ciff floating debts. The issue the test was doubtless considered sada- Rural Survey was ;Intik, the. first of. is cedeeenabla en January 1S19650 at factory. The, facilities for the elaugb- the kind ever conducted.aidLeanada. par,' and in the aneanthre a ninkine; tering „and dreseing of cattle and pigs. , fund of one-halef per - cent. per an -are /equally' efficient. - . Behind every new pmenipnt 'there is a lean*. ;10 the case Of 1 Size Huron! num is to be provided against it, The' " The Civic.Abattoir is exceedingly light survey it Maki the Rev, S. F. harp, reVenues te .the province are liable and clean and airy. Ascending fro survey minister a Exetev, who for this tstock and interest Ontario the ground floor to the upper Jregions, evolved the Wee and saw it tarried to has a big ategTanure of expenditure one ponies int O a long, wide charebee completion.. A couple Of •'yeers ago Sdr. n ahead of it in connection • with 'hig:ie into which the light filters throtzgll Ways and _other, undertakinga a huge skylight of ground glass. One . a ' a *- • n , J. is at once IStittle with! theeeamitary ape the forests of tnorthern Ontario nearof white tile Mick, and thereaiS not a place ' The walls Are , Bad bush fires Shave been raging In Peairallee df it ' cartel Railwe,y, with nome scattered ed vette of ;woodwork to be seen, All th . liallonal TeenscontinJ the line •of e fins along the line of the freanskaar- ' that I tot til or cetnent,40 Iron paints a u grey. w e orr or _ nun : 11 e A id In id ,s1 of SIHearst, up on the Transoontinental down the centre of the roomt On the lefq %as One enters are eight killing lag. and Northern Ontezie. The town' .1 ' ' Las .been in the centre of a fire: pens fan. sheep end cattle, ends Ione swept area and there has been hard larger compartment where !hogs meet fighting to save the property . of the settle* in that district. Hearst is not a big place, but it is (..gaing !Ahead and Is named after. the minester of lands, forests and mines of Ontario. Word has reached the office of ithe chief fire ranger hare that 'Mo. fires at Hearst are new under cont-rolebutetbat In thedistalet round about Hearst bad fires are still burning, Nerthern -On- taelo -this year has suffered consider- ably nom bush fires, especially in the eastern part of New Ontario, where great damage was dime in June. -1.tes those fires are much earlier' than snual . and there is no pica -dee of elerrptiorr I froan the annual fires of the late 'sum-. iner, it begins to look like a bad year fer the north in this respect. , • Burlington Band Burlington Fire Dept . Milton Fire Dept, 4, Hamilton Band *. HAmilton Veterans Fire Dept 4. Hamilton West End Fire Dept. T. St. Marys Katie Band + St. Marys Fire Dept.' - To, St. Marys Cement. Works 1. . Fire Dept. 44 Acton Fire Dept. Welland Band Welland Fire Dept Thorold Fire Dept; Merritton Fire Dept. liensall Band Hensall Fire Dept Munberstone Fire Dept. Mitchell land Mitchell Fire Dept • Kincardine Pipe Band Kincardiiie Fire Dept. . Blifh Fire Dept. Clinton Kiltie Band. Clinton Fire Dept. Win,g-harn Band Winghtm Fre Dept. Lucknow Pipe Band Lucknow Fire Dept. goderich Band Goderich Fire Dept. 4. • + Seaforth Band • Seaforth Fire Dept. rnaking a total of twenty two I Fire Brigades and fourteen bands 4. with several other . towns to be t, arranged for. Everybody should t be on hand at p. tn. as the will start sharp on time. Goderich, Clinton, St. Marys, Kincardine Wingham, have .T declared August 5th civic 14011 - day to enable. the citizens of these t towns tabling full excursions to -4, 'Seafcrth., averaged '29 bushels -to the are asst year, 'will do consdlerably better t seriaort Macgregor, Mann July' :24. Ben Richardson to -day is Cutting.a "2fragne eleld of barley and mereets to_;keep the binder 'going steadily ale itfult erop of one Itundred and fitty acres. Is put Several otherts will be staeting. their binders emit *deka' and etptie fields of wheat will be • cat by the first of Auguste. ' • The Rural Problens in Huron Gounly (Fror.n Farm and Dairy) e • • .Huron county has ;started in earnest to Stelpple with its rural peoblene, Mies problem has tbeen amg with us. erre .have known; in a general way fOrrnanY- syears that the rural population of fold ,totaast by Pr. Myrrs, eipent ciological problems and connected With the' Joint Boards. of-Soclal Service and Evaligellamr Having gotten their feats together; -three meetings were called throughnut the gountY, at Exeter, 0 - ton and. Auburn!, for the diseessicei of the - infeetruition brought' ,to light , and .a consideration a proposals for eel:ti- tian. - • f I Ole rnotit .fal-readhing -re,sulta will cense as a lingult tof the survey itself,. The fait :drought to light ehallenge le,te tentioet Huron county neeDle were giv- en a new appreciaticar or the serious - nese of the situation. ' _The most outstanding point is .the *ars ago, the total population of Ours - loge in tpepulatleme In 1815, almost (40 ells does not tell the whole steorYe ITIle. their tin sizeable. Their brats beigP4 tel On MUM" was 74,286. In 1913 it was 50,590, a ‘decline of. 32 per cennt But tawns shave 'made a 'slight incrensie; fill, with watere Miser plotter boats froen 9,257 4°,11,560. Hence the country . dished to.the moue and succeeded 11,1 ' pcpulation 240 decreased from S4,239 taking th,e ,GovernorSeleneral and lis to 39,030, cia ; 40 per cent, et it ‘eeese, a and ‘suite oft the boats ,inae This loas of population has resulted in 1.04.11117 baore theY sank. Fourelumdred motor k serious educational problems. Schools that were onge full are now eattpty.: In ManY eases Attendance is not suffici- ent tO justifY paying a teachor). e a living wage, In 1881, oven Se -.Years ego, Theron. county is only one a Many rural counties in 'which ComilitIons are similar, Through trails sursiey, efr.Shara and those .who worked with him have brought the serioueness Of the situation befare the thurenes and before peopre generally In a manner that earn& ao denied ear sidesstepped. The extension tif the keurvey Idea. will eerve tto keep public attention focused on the rural •erobleee The questions now up for nlisa enasion are; What Are the; : natesee What is the reneady3 In a future Issue. there will. be outlined the remedies proposed at the three meetings LIM xecentle -Huron. _. . Canada -Miss Enna Elliott, daughter of Mr. Robert - Elliott, formerly of Cobour4 now of Stirling, net with an kinfortuna ate accident while driving at the latter -place. The 'inane becatnes unmanageable and she was tihrown out, breakingbottz ElealS and spraining her ankle,. ,n, • -.:MIrt and ;Mrs. John Cutter og the village df Vraerner, north of Wende stock, on tlienday celebrated their die, - Mind_ wedding „eanthersary. The two were born in the Village cif Harmon', Perth County, removing to oxford twenty years ago. ' -. -While strolling near Thompsonn Point, Hay Bay, ,about five antes enamel Picton, Mit.nteuben Way, of that taw& caught a thirtysfour pound mascalonge. Mtn Way managed tty land the Sella althougb alone In the boat He -ought , It to ,Pigton itudi had it phottiel*Phed. - -Mrs, Jane McDanielselled TainalaY at Ruthven, EaseenCounty, of ;old lege. She was In nen "one hintdredth iSeate - having -celebrated her ' rihretYellbith birthday May 23rd . this rear, WS< *10.--i nniniel bas beet beirriddet- for six years but up to that time enjoy -ed -excellent health. t -Ames 'Stonebbase, aged 50, a weals thy EntilskMen Townahl i farmer and yl, one Of the best known c ttle breeders In '' Western Ontario, is earl as the result of beteg Waked by/cattle where Le felt in his stables on ,bellig seized. With a hemorrhage • two neontles ago. BeFultelle of 131o6Mfleld.PrInce Edward county, a breeder a Holstein - nettle., recently renamed tram New York, bringing, avith blay the Tour - wealth -old calif, Irtag *Sees ':Alcartra, piping $2,000 . -far hint Tnis 'calf is one of the highest lanced animals of Its kind evea_lainbited into Canada. 6 -Henry Botsford, a napaperous young . fernier was overcome by gas white • digging. a well fon water sixty ',feet be - le* the surface, on bis farra ai, few miles wean of Radcliffe, Alberta. Hit wife_ wetted for several hours in vain target hien •o_ut, then rani -to the ;neigh- bors for assistance. When brougbt up a Restaford was found to have been.dead several 'hours; i - : --•'A stonen of ahrest cyclonic nraaor- tions swept *nen the Eastern aortina of ElgineCountY, late last . Idonclag afternoon. A trnenzben a farm, bulklin•ge were blown over, trees upreated and , telephone and tele-granh whet broken,. - A. nuMbe 1 1 , of tamers in the 'ylchati: Of the Village of Corinth, where the, inane** Wanee.rost severe, suffered non- - siderable Ices to ' their. olthatds and crops. . -The large barn Slid straw isned,one. of - the largest in tne township, .all i SikP belonging to Mr. Joseph Natziger of North. East:eon-ea-near Tonpingawere burned no the ground one day last. week, tegethee with the season's bay Ott, -2, new waggon* end' a 'number og imalercents and several hundredbusheis of oatS. A number of hags were e,lo .. destroyed, aload of whicia; was ;Adele . ----,ee . ready for market. „The fire was caused' through a bundle of-ba.y fallinCon.-tbe gasoline engine. Mr. Nafziger's. lose will be about 0,500. . -The Duke 4f Sonnaught, the re- tiring Govezior-(General 'of Canada; tile " Ducheas, and Princess Patricia,' narrow.; ly esoaped drowning bat Satirday.Twe motor boats In which they were pais- . sengere on She Lake Oft he Woods,. at ICenora, staugk floating 4bge with each speed that tholes were driven .throngir 5 < • • - _ tha 'school acemlations of Huron county Was 21,24%, In 1913 it was 1146M, ,lataS Of 48 and a half per ceent. This less of school (emulation applies to both villa4es and tows. But the 'most :seen= ous Ices is in the country ediatricts, the shrinkage being from 1O,§00. to 6,818, cal .58 4-.3 per cent. Ireeldently a change Is 'needed country peceile 1711 "Huron county awe -to be _able to irlye their ohildren as -good eduction I.W)34 postsible 30 years. ago, - The lattath need offer no apology for tire new interestetika it is taking in huestions Oat were at one tine supposed to be outside of its seherd No:institution has been affected more has v*rurai curch. The eutiveytip,ew. tixa..ee Durt Injuriously by, rural depopulation than i Lodge for afternoon tea,- A nyelS;er of etin- edj:itle'rut: Zur:henet''s geetedir t:30tariWea esOzelarekTiklear, awndillthaebe.lwiftht. ' stationaryeiThey. tattve neither lost L_ waisort &etre of IL nuMber of onion gained 10 members during the ,last Sharp attended a sun7er course at -Au - bon, n. tire where the 9,01"- over one-quarter, of them, ar aetuall 1 10 nears ; 48 and a -half /,per icente pr :eadffaitysiarlt143.Yed.lb°8'41agro; Pasr..rtittonaire e - sae first honor of having Sir Robert boat e were asee,%nbled on the lalts1 An a regatta, constituting part cif the Duke's , farewell tour of the Dominion. ' Two racing motor boats belotiging ,to Hon. Robert Rogers, -1Canadian Minister, of Public Works, were leading the patade, with the Duke and bis board, when the accident occcurred. Robert Borden and body Bo- den passed thirouge Teronto, last week on their, way :to Muskoka, where tbey Intend apending three weeks rustierate ing. They were accomparded frone Tor- onto, by lifajon Hugh C.- MacLean, One sident Of the Muskoka; Navigation Com. pany,,whose g,uei3ts tees!, will be during , their three weeks' stay. Every cottage or the way up th'e lakeatwas decorated .with bunting and flags in honott Of the distinguished guests. Tile ear& petty Snapped en route at Mr. • the rural cturch were nese . y • 1 decreasing, &anima a few 'have lotied Warren H. Wilson. Dr. Wile= had altogether...Only1 24, and, A halt Per omit. eendueted several isurveye in varteus ...e , um eiets than one-quarter, have Incites -- pats a the United States, end the ed thein enen,,berehtp. informattioa: that he 'bad obtained there, All denominations have euffered. The by impeessed Afr, Sharp as being •dls- . Itinetly valuable. Why not have a rztirai. Barney in (my own' county he reeked himself. - pne .yeaa ago last Ikea the pubjeet. their end in a dignified and Cerernonee was introdgced At the PrensySettian ' ous way, While on the eight are a eeee Chtueleh CionferenceWip..,:Sharp induced :aeleiseoee aro! i.‘tatokotielnenrikaf"te*rwhtehsrey_t_tbArsho Lay. A that body to discuss traria sociology. - He then suggested a rurel - -sueveY Altogether, it's a 'nice and ' i attrantive place Ito he killed in„, .: ; 3.,-. • which was ulthnately conducted under: - ; and Lady -Borden for a erase on her beautiful yacht "Wanda" On Prides,. s ..112412-giliZeten1811 farie'lidiciettonlany e7e:03111umb.in eire91d1. 2112bC''' rota-atf-tterhea7:rao:Ilian!aiundiddmenonBiniuLa;ytambilissfaiinnres!deleeneelbeenja officer of the Connie and Statistics Depeeranentafde4- Methedist membership decreased from and only 18,873 1911. The „Lutherans weed, ere was a native ea anannen. fadeelsetnanealubetebtanneeniYoffr4ms chiluir970611 to 11485Itsg. "oriel° ttheo thibeetteetwt 25,336 'Ito -18,19a In the flame parled.1881 rbtehreeexeeltniwrer,",:has,datboieeehou::tteewnsdeiboeitheeeetabye..vitesmaf ,wroorsatsfj n"alithectnot.i i ad243 - Else! errarneesby.tneerZ:olumdftbigeretdheir25,30w8,3 4hz,, .raetti pat., =dui hts 74th year. mainly ow.1 tprobmillite: itt t'ect.hrrinufalandiesvtetru-ints.c, re"173.. touhei lactenatral.. Borigline navels: kar.uss-wnehool.tbrteacought The *Breadth of thectlneVeY er, he =watered jcnirnalisen mrthes, ttat r J The Survey embodied mueh more than of the Int Thomas Journal from, 186$ this brief review would indleate.. The to Me, when he beoente an editorial atatus (if the rival church, in, tpa,tticu.4 Welter on the Toronto Globe, alsd jit lar, as clearly, iaquiredenno. Figures 1880 went !over to the Toronto t7i,Torlda were oi1ec1d showing tile Intereen In 1882 he organiesd,and bee -Pelee -Bee'l tratarY nt tie OntarhaBareau. ofelnduen tries, and tWate tiPpointed Provincial leo, puty Minister of Agriculture he. Mife He had filled Many Important posi.,a tions under both the Provinelal and Daminioa Governecents: - the joint auspiceor of the -Presbyterhui and Methodist ,Chrurchee Canada westOrn-Crops. ! • through their. Joint Boardas-ni 'Social Ibloosortain, Seek, July 24 -Ninety-five Service and Evangelisea An organize- . Per Pent; Of the crop is In head and tion for ponducting the surveewas well advanced,: Harvesting will be gen- formed at. elintoli., 'last December .with eel by the Middle of Atigest JIMA Is Mee Sharp as 141teretar'OPeeattite±. badly needed. i• ; This was slot a quick, ea -window Melfort, Sask., July ,13. -Andy McKee expects to "start cutting wheatt ids, farm 'south; of town between. the first and third of Augusta or . pearly three weeks earlier than -hest year, from the saere field. • Tete grain,which were finally worked into anintelligible etivey. MX. Sharp, melded by Dice taken in Sabbath sone& and aura so - Riddle and the aninistens of the gountie pieties. The overlaping of the. or:enrollee went all. through! the country dietriets came in far "elose investigation,- In short Emeuiring lab . conditions everywhere, conditiosas ine,Huroir' county are now and getting together statfsties which better known than conditions la any other county of Ontario or of Canada. ,4 -