HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-07-24, Page 8,
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9 4
Selling Out
Everbody Si4ters,
Cousins a,ncl Aunts,
Step - Fathers, Step.
Sons and Sons -in -Law
all are e.oming to our
Shoe Sale, Yes, and
all the little Boys,
Girls, Kidlets a n d
Todlets, We have
shoes for every moth
el.'s son and daughter
of them.
A Genuine' Selling
Out Shoe Sale
Its the time of all -times to
Shoe rip everyimember of the
You Can't Afford
to Stay
Every Shoe in our
sto,re is offered for less
than its actual worth
Make your selections
soon and act at once,
for later may be too
Cash Shoe Store
Opposite the Expositor Office
The South -end
II Furniture Store
MattreSses at
Half -Price
this week. If you
need a cot for Old
• Boys' week you
rent diem h e re.
All orders mustbe
in now.
Court of Revision
he Teceeramita °outwit will hold the adjourned
meeting of the Court of Revision on the Alexander
Drain, lion Saturday, July 26th, at' 6 o'clock, a
town hall, Seaforth.
U42 -I Clerk of Tuokersmith
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire, Life and Accident Insur-
ance Agent. Real Estate and
Loan Agent. Insurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
lowest rates. -
Dealer in New Rayraond, White and
New Home Sewftig Machines and
National Oream Separators.
As. full supply of sewing machine
needles, attachments, oil and re-
pairs always in stock.
Comfortable Shoes
for Old Boys' Week
Everybody will desire a
comfortable shoe for Old
Boys' Week, far every-
body will be doing a heap
of walking from August
1st to 5th.
And where can you find more
comfortable coolness than by wear-.
ing a well fitting oxford. We
havelhis kind in every style and in
all leathers. We have them high
or low heel, with narrow or broad
last, buttoned or strapped.
Tne fact th4t we are interested in
fit, style and durability of the shoes
we sell you, tnust be a satisfaction
to buyers. IWatch our windows
for isplay.
11, R. Scott
EAFORTH - Ontario
went= *Arsine
Still Winn/00.-We notice. that Mr.
George Wa Invtin, of SpokaneeVrashingt
and loixoetru a 'well keovenbreeder
and exhibitor of poultry, while a east -
dent, at., Alma., near .here, is jstIll Winn -1
Ins' prizes. M the recent Industrial Ex-
hibition held at Calgary, he took eight
firsts, nine seeonds, two thirds and one
'fourth in the Banta** and ExIa1l3ttith1,
game elas,ses, and one sweepstake or
the best Cecilia Bantam he inatthe
show. There were over 1.200 birds pn
eichibitioni; This is keep14 tie IS'
IJuly Wedding'. -A -"happy event took
pleoe in the latethodist March, on Mon --
day, July 20th, when 'Mies Alma atte
Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe:
Fisher, 'was united in marriage to int-,
:Waliaee fr. Caxton, Sales jai:onager tot
the Rice Lewis Hardware Company, of
Tordirtd, The Rea A. W. Barker of-
ficiated, The attendants were Mass Ivy
11/tcLoy„orr Sbaforth, and eir: J.(W, Mc-.
'afasteraof Sctronto. After t.he ceremony
the happy couple left in their car for
e trip to Detroit, and other Americao
cities: On their; return .they will atelde
in Toronto.,
old time records.
. •
Heating Demonstration -Mr. W. F.
Payne, of Watfoed, is this weekgiving
• dm'nonstratien.of the working of ithe
Peeries Gee generator, In the headword
store. of Mr.. G. 'IC. Sthrs.,frilis generator,
can be attached to any cooking range
& furnace, either feir bakirfg or heat-
ing. rt tihrows out a strong s't'eady at,
is simple and }safe toeopesate, and
certainly is a great labor }saver'. It is
likewise, very ecopornical as it is claim-
ed that a steady! fire cam lbe maintain..?
ed for nine tatnirs, on one gallon of
common coil oil, the fuel it se It
enStS comparatively little and it' would
be well worth anyone's time to drop
In and see iaCin operation,
Egmondville iNotes.-Miss , Barbara
Sproat, who has been at her lhome for
a three weeks' vacation, Jett on ;Wed-
nesday 'morning to restore 'her week
In the Woman's Hospital, Detroit, She
Was accompanied by her sister, Ruth;
who will spend several weeks with her
sister, Mrs. Vokes.-Mr. Charles Clark,
Miss Freeman, :Miss .Babe,Sproat, Mrs,
Hugh Somme and Mr. Rol& Cr‘teswell
motored to Grand Ilend via Byfield
Thursday afternoon -We are •pleas-
ed to see. IMid. Samuel Carnet -Oleo, sr.,
able to :drive out for 'several miles af-
ter his }serious illness. -Judge and Mrs.
Jackson and children,' of Lethiartaga,
Alta.'are visiting Mr. Jeckson's fath
• eere.
liuon'sCrops.-Mr. 'E Wilinant,
the travelling cOrespondent of The
Globe, who has been writing about ',titre
crops and Other }things in several On-
tario 'Counties, after waiting Up the
• County of Perth, refers as follows, (to
the situation in Iluren : Reports, frcen
Huron County show that the sane arop
conditions 'prevail as in Pertal. Oats and
barley are fine; peas are exceptionally
good and he corn is doing welL Wheat
as in other places, is peer; and some
farmers have .aiready cut the wheat
for hay. The hay itself Is ‘light. :Aeon-
sideratrle area is devoted to grazing ra-
_round Goder0.13, Seaforth and Clinton
and a fine quality of beef cattle is
being prepared for. the fall market. Most
of the grain,here is fed to the cattle
The rootaavill 71e1d, as in otherplace,s
In western Ontario, a good crop, The
apples promise a finsteclass yield. Huge
on <Ides not appear to be as well Off for
farm labor, as SOL.Te other counties.
Reunion Notes. -The Seitforth-Detroit
old Boys 'special train will le,ave .Brush
15tireet Depot, on Saturday, •Augoit let,
ILO 10.30 and not 111.10 aer, as
at first announced. The change thas
been t.made by the GT. R. In order
to provide :better acecen:rodation. Make
a nrite df it, 10.30 aan-Dick Dawson,
Who is in obarge of the repecial has had
a. large bunc•h f extuiries front Sea: -
forth ,Old Boys in tleveland, Toledo,
Columbus, •Ohle, Saginawtend Baa City,
Kioldgan and Louemth
Louisville, Ky. deVire
all coming home. '
The following .01d Boys and, Girls'
are on their way home: Rev, M. Chas.
Dunmore, n. D.-Calaary. Presbytetian
Church Independence, .0regonl. Rea.
•Chas. Saunders, Brantford-RuralDean
of qatant County. Amos Srrither,s,. Cain -
brie, pal. Melvin Scott, Eamonton,'Alta.
• James Broadfodt, Gladstone, afaneepan,
D,„ Campbell, Kelowna, B. c.. Gr.: les
Stewart, Bandmaster, Loa Angeles, bai..
Dan Williams, Indianapolis, Ind, Ws,
ago *Welted his -usaal health whicla,
heavever, was fele from• being as trobuse
as -in earlier: :Years. On ,July Jet, after
only a day or two of litaese he quiet-
ly- passed away. Befild.es his wife and
three danghteui, the daffeased eloaVas
to mourn his lops, two brothers, .both
df whom reside in Ontario Mr. Hicks I
was thorn in Devonshire England, 76
Years ago and eaene 'Canada,nwith
his :parent-J:4i when nine :years . of age.
Their drat home wae in Stephen Towne
*ahip, and :the boa got his education.
In Fairfield schooll, and later at At,
fDlernas, He taught school for 11 years,
coming to Manitoba, in 1882,
• 7 -
From British Columbia -We are in
receipt"of the following letter - from
Grand Forks, Bri•tish Columbia, dated
July 19th, and ;written. °by an atld Sea-
torth boy, It explains lbself.-Dear Ex -
positer,-It has been ,my privilege to
receive a pressing invitation to attend
the "doid Boys' Reunion" in my old
town; and it is with very vouch tegret
that reannot ra,vail• myself of "this op-
ortunity Of again vb.-Able the 'old "place fr.,
Of which together with many obi :Window' shades and picture av_ es
frierids, will ever hold a warm 'plane ' made to order.
in inlY memorY. I :espeeially regret any
enforeed absence since I otiseryo the taw
invita,tion particularly calls on ane to:
gat in toutch trith the Old .Boys and Barker,: Preached a vecial serail:et
suitable for the occasion, which! was_
Girls, but to ime the latter never grow
Great West" .tnercorY much appreciated by all present. -Rev.
old. Since corning out to the `11.1ast
Seafortla and although absent from the a ,....
often. wanders MIll• Woods of BrucefieId delivered tv,ro
excellent sermons in the PresbYterlare
back to the happy days .spent taround church last Sunday, 'Rev. Mr. ' Corbett
Reunion, be goo4 enough to; allow this eiontreal will oenduct the servicee
letter to express. fray sincere best wishi_. next SUnday. Rev. Mr. Larkin and
es Tot: all those 'who 'are fortunate to felmilY are eniayrir-1 their holidays at
Baytfield,-111tes. Kinder, organist lard
attend what !must and (surely' will be a
love feast. Although this counttY In choir leader in ithe PresbYterien church
has returned from her holidays - and
.general is pat*Ing 'through' la period lot took Ur, place on Sunday Int. tiatiring
financial depression the -interior of thie Annie Govenlock fill -
Province hes not felt it to anysextente herr a'bsence blis§
ed her position very acce,ptably.-We
on laccountr of the mining recoorse;
which have reached a permaneot baste , hvalovieetpistuea,suroieuffitn, congratula,ting Miss
datightett of tdr. a.
and provides a stezely payroll for the
population, added to wilich les the in- Olaf, of Tucker-Mit:la on her gtadua-
tion as a professional nurse fr'om the
'creating Production a fruit and farrn Royal Alexandra, Hospital lat Fer.gus.
aroducts. The population which is lenge,
ly made up of brain and ibrawn freer --Mirlatitaacelso Munroe, one Of the
time bueiness men Of Seafortle, is ea
Eastern Cooed& and the 'Mother Coun- present ,eisiting friends in this vieiat
try form a community of strong 'men, .
ca'odele of developing a new country itY";41.1e's Annie Maje94' ;who has bee
spending her holidaYs withi her mother
such: as this and emealgst whorralt Is: et, here, returned to Detiroit on Tuesday.
real pleasure to Ilse.: 1 belg iYeu :to an-
cept *a few eouvenine manatee cured 1 ---41t. Thomas MeMilla,n, of Hullett, has
Purehased a new Ford touring oar fromi
rrtan onr natural recourses and which litra J. F. Daley, of this town.-MieS
I atm seeding 'under -eeperate Over: Be Seldon, Of Exeter, is a guest at the
hoMe of Del John Grieve.-Thle G. ,T. RAI
Ticket and Telegraph office a,nd the
Canadian Express Company will move
to separate locations on Motiday tiextt
MX il.IcEellar, Expreas eAgent will move
into the Office recently vacated by, gr.
R. R. Box, and. afea Sommerville ovill
ve 'into the office 'formerly occupied
y him in the CoMenercial building -
}Judge Jo A. J'arliSOII Of Lethbridge, 41 -
bate, with hts wife and family,. are
visiting at 'the parental home, of "Isla
, George E., Jackson, in Egnadndville.--
Alia; Ahnond Modeland, of Tuckerairith,
neat Eamondville, has sent os in. a
sale of oatia from .his farm which
measures sixty-six inches front' the
ground up That, is a record. ,,fter length
bdt they are not headed 'out des ;well as
atri ane* -The Woke Maggie and
Mae McDonald, of Dundalk,, have been
spending a.rouple „of- weeks with thele,
aunts, Mee., Alex. Jamieson, Of the Hur-
on Road west, and Mrs, George ,Brook,
df the MIA Read, --Mir. Harry Beattia,
who has been enjoying a few holiday
here, left on Friday ter his home in
Winnipe:g taraa. B3attle and family re-
main here a few weeks longer.-At.tht
regular meeting Of Fidelity Lodge or
Oddfellows, on Wedne,arla,y eveningathe
ollOwing officers were inetalled for the
cutrrent ter,m, by Past D.D.G.M J.: A.
Stewart : MCI., Chas. Clark; V, 0.,
Faank Weiland;' Et.'S., F. Harbura;
F,.$;, W..Golding; Treas., 3. ThOmpson;
-As avill' be seen by notice elsewhege
a one time pepular 'young lady :of Sea -
forth, has been :getting marele in :the
West Miss :Ileariet :Virinnifre , young-
est daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John:
Daley, -of 'this town, wa,s married, -at
Swift Current, S.ask., on July 13th, to
Mt Woo. A. Ric.harelson or that town:
Mrs, Richa,rdson has many 'friends 'he -re
who will unite in extending most heare
ty rongratula;tionle-The High School
Entrance Scholarships were won by An-
nie Neville„ of the 'Separate School,
Seaforth, :and Morrison. Satiety, •Sthool
Section Not, 4, Hibbert, 'Miss R-ena :Mac-
Kenzie, , teapherl., Mies 'MacKenzie has
been engaged tor the corning ye.ar on
the Romeo afodel School Staff, Stat -
ford -Mrs. Thomas A. Dodds and afas-
ter Clayton of Chicago, are spend -
1n a pantile/1th ',her pa,rentieeafr. and
alks. W. Brownley, of Mullett, andOSia
epend a. week Of the Old Boys' Rouni4
on with her brother *Mr. 3. A. 'Smith,
of Sea,fonth, and other friends. .
1,1;Pit 014 kw.anting some
of. the goodg ito
help celebrate
Tennants fiat baivis Flags
'Badges Horns Rattles
Thompson's Bookstore
good enough to convey MY kind. 're-
gards to the Old Bay -and Girls at
'their Reunion, .and believe rlie, Yours
very sincerely.--JaMes G. Murray..
Dr, Forster of Stratford, eye, ear, nose And
throat specialist, will be at the queen's Rotel, Sea -
forth, on July 22nd, and on 3rd Wednesday of each
month from 11 to 8, 24044.
Mr. Sid Saunders, the piano tuner, wi II be In
town next week, commenoing July 2.7th, so kindly
leave ordersat Peck's music store, Seatorth. 2488x1
Farmers — Doi.'t delay buying a De Laval sem-
tor a single day longer. If you are selling cream or
making butor and have no separator or are using
atLinferior machine, you are wasting cream every
(lg. you delay the .purchase of a De Laval.
A. M. Campbell. 24nxl
Watch Found --- Found on the London road,
between Kippen and.Bruaelleldi a gold watob, hut*
ing case, with map attached only, and with a ladles
photo inside case; For information communieme
with A. B. Moore, care J. A. Mills, Wingham, Ont.
Tarmers,----. Order only Dpering pure manila, twine
according to government teat will bind more sheaves
than any other grade. Cheaper than other grades
because it goes farther. Single harness, Clay
steel farm gates,. washersovringere, etc., always on
hand. A. M. Campbell, Seaforth. 2432x1
• Accounts Rendered—Our accounts were rendered
July 1st, and I would respectfully request a settle.
ment, as I repulre the fumis. Gen. A. Sills, add.
ware Merchant, &Mora,. 2581-2
Jewellers, Etc., Seafortia,
For Sale—Several' rot d houses on easy
Marriage LI enses netted by Savauge and Stoller y
Edge, Seaforth,
Local Briel's.-Mr. James Bergin, ,of
Windsor, .was in town last week, goe
the races -W. G. A,. ,Miller, :Wher has
been Principal of the Collegiate Instie
Itute for the past year, has tresigned
to• take a position on the ataff of the
Ottawa Normal School, ---Miss Odra Geib
has been: engaged ea organist in St,
Thomas churcte-Miss Elizabeth Lawn
trance, who is on the staff rof 'the Nor-'
wood School, NelknoOton, is is:pending the
;holidays at her home in IvIcKilloee-
Mies Edmunds, ofsOoderich, is the guest
df :Mies Barbara, Sproat, Egenondiville,-
W. R. J. McCartney and daughter,"Dliss
Jennie, and his sister, Kiss Sadie Mc-
Cartney, of Moose:Jaw, tspent the week
end :with the aftSses Gem:rell, in "E,g4,..
rnondvilles-Mr. and Mrs. tpthegrove, of
Paris, are. visiting the lattor'e parents,
Ur. and Mrs. Gottschalk, Market :street.
• -Mr. Thomas Goiventoea, who 'has been
teething, at Steelton, is spending the
holida,ys at the palntal lime of aleeve
and Mrs., Goraenlook McKillore
enlock j.ats been engaged as 'Prindipal
Of one of the schoolie .the Sault, for
the ceming grottY, of Lon -
'don, is the guest of 'Mr. land Mrs. 3,/,
Nicriniaziog.-Ittr. John Lane, of the }se-
eonel cencession of ,McKilany, has shown
.Robert Mabairle Bed Axe, Mich). Rev. us a sample of Sheffield. Standard oats
Geo. E. McTaggart, Rollin,: Mich. Mr taken from a ten -acre field onk.Ms g..,a4rro
X. F. -Beattie, nee Dora Langstroth, which measures 65 inohes in lateale
Bata Ste afarle,: ,Ont• . and the :quality would be hard to beat.
Deathi of omm. Kyle. -It is
with feelings of sirecere and deep rea
gret that :we record the following,
which we l'take 'from the obituary (col -
of the Toronto Gldbe of Tuesday :
"Near Stroime,:Alberta, on Tuesday,
July lath, William C. Kyle, 'for-
merly of •Wipipen. Funeral took Place
en 1itith1/4itist" (Mr. Kyle was a (native
of the township of Hay, west aif
Kip -
pen, a Isom ofc the late ,William Kyle
of that township and. a brother .of Mr,
./IlhoMas Kyle, of the London •Ttoad,
riNackerarnith, and of ages. John Danz.
of the same toweshire Mrs. 'kyle waa
4e4ghter of the late John •livtcAllistee
Of "Hay -and a sister of atr4. Arthur
Fotibes,f Clinton, 'kyle .warsna resi-
dent a Seaforth, for several yearts, be -
lag engaged'' in the carriage [melding
business with: the late 'John Dorsey,
He- left Seaforth and removed to Rip -
pen, where he engaged in this same
busineas fax some -years and :afterwards
engaged in -Tanning on the Stanley town
fine. Montt twelve years ago he sold
his tenni in Stanley, and rerroved Ao
the West a He has a large pircle of old
-friends ,among our readers, who will
lean dr his 'death with sincere eorto-W.
-and who will unite With The Expositor
in extertdingito the severely bereaved
widow and IfamilY, the most heart felt
Death Of Iffr. I -Balta. -We regret to
learn Blom the Crystal City Courier, of
-MrsaYfoLeod and daughter, Mrs. Mare
tin and two phildren, of Portage ta
Prattle, Manitoba„ are the "guests of
Mra. A. McLennan, at the -Comma,-
'clai.-Pive rinks of Clinton bowlers
eanie down en Monday at d 'played a
friendly .game with the local chile "Fowl.:
a !the rinks stayed over and - played
again in the evenieg,n :but they *ere
defeated in both games, Seaforth be-
ing about thiritY ehota u.p on the
round. -Dr; Belden, who :practised dent-
istry here some thirteen years ago,
...was In town this week renewing old
aequaAntances. The doctor has bad an
ektensive practice, in, TOrceito for f30a1,1
years. -Mies Lang', of Stratford, is the
gueSt a Mrs. J. A. 'Wilson -41trso
key and baby, of Toronto, are visiting
at the home of 1,41s.is araiharepoderieli
street. -Miss Ethel Williams has return-
ed from Dunnville, Where she spent {MD
holidays with Mies Violet Parks. --,Miss
Leila Best, of Sault Ste Marie, Is spende
ing the holidays at the parental' home
of Mr., and Mrs. 3. M t:Bet.-bliss Ilene
derson, Of Buffalo, a former well known
resident of town, wag here this week.
-1Yfrs, T. 0. Kemp, of', Toronto, apent
a day in town calling on old frier:de,
last :week. t[i(InS. Kemp was on hen Way.
to Bayfield, where she intends spend
Ing a feav weeks, -Mr. James G. 'Mur-
ray Of Ghrand Forks, British Cohimbia.
has 'sent us a box of Isouvenirs from:
that pla.ce, They are 'made of the (sop -
per mined in.,British Columbia and fur-.
nish evidence of the richness of s the
the death Of Mr. Samuel Hicks, wh1b1 mines of that country -The gardenpar-
eacured et his home, in Winnipeg, on ty wider the auspices of the :ladies of
July let The deceased was welleknowo St. Thomas ehureh on Friday -evening,
In this vicinity in former yeare. }He last WAS not so largely attended ,as
taught achoel at the Red School Rouse SL• should have been, but those PreS;
in Tuckeremith, fort several years, and ent spent an enjoyable evening !Me
also in Seaforta. He Was a 'brother of grounds were beautifully deeerated,
Mr. R. Hicks, of Egmondville, and arts. I and lighted and the refreslaneats wee°
Hicks is a 'sister tof Mr's. ,(Dr) 1/4000per, In abundance :end la 'the best The
of Seaforth. The following is theetate- ; band was in 'attendance -The, urembeas
merit of the Courier : It le ',W1th a of Count Sherwood, Ancient Order of
sense of personal 'loss and deep itegret Forestere, accompanied by • 'brethren
that we chronicle the death of our from Clinton ' and other neighborine
old friend and adviser, Mr. Samuel towns, attended divine (service:tat the'
Hicks, pioneer:philosopher and friend Methodist church Sunday forenoon!. 1
Of the }community. The family, had move They assembled at their lodge roo:n
ed ,to Winnipeg, in Mee early ,sting and headed by the band marched to
and Mr; Hicks had up to a few days . the church, ! .The -pastor, Rev. ;Mr. 'One Dollar Does It.
Woman's Institute -The Blake Wo-
men's Inetitute held two , .successful
meetings treee•ntly, The June Leeeting
t-ook place at the 1' ane of Mrs. R. U.
Douglas. There was- la, good nregrazra
readings by Mrs. E. Ester and ale's.
Wm. Douglas, phonograph iseleetiong by
lYtrs. R. U. :Douglas, songs and- 'instru-
eneritalmuile by Mitt. H..C. Zeett, Mrs
J:-. II. Parke and :Ms. G. V., Frechletorr.
On July 2nd at the horne Of Mrs. Peter
Caplin•ge Miss Ed M. Cowling, . the
Government delegate, ig8,VO an inter-:
esting address on 'Art in the Hone'
also "Dental Hygiene and Its Relatior;
to 'Health," A vote of thanks was
Proposed by Wales, William Douglas;
seconded by Mins, John •• Monson, to
Miss Cowling. Lunch: was served by
the tmembers at the close Of the meete
frig. ,'A lawn social v'rill beheld under
the auspices Of the Institute at ,the
residence Of :Ws: John- Keys, Ilake,
on Flrida;y, July alst. Supper will be
served :from Ida till eight. Henson
ne 1)ollar
Buys- a 1914 Mode! T
Ford Touring Car.
,You can't help but be
These are the Terms 7.
You pay one dollar for a guess
as to the number of beans' in the
jar in the window -of J.E. Dales
store. The nearest guess, to the
exact number- gets the car.
• The contest is being conducted
by the Seaforth Fire Brigade -it
needs no other guarantee.
you can have as many guesses
as you wish, but remember only
Band will' be In attendance. There twill
be a short programme and a irefreshe
Notes,-wb_eat cutting has started in
this section =die a itght toSoyi.-Wfarl
tin 'MJeTeg'gart hies purchased' twenty
acres frorr. k George Parker, - gr. gad
Mrs. Stewart, of EImirat irttrjiedhoMe
on Saturday after a stay a -.Willies*
Glann'ia-atnall f,ruits are vet Plentl-.
foil here. -Harold Glenn, Chatham, le
*holidaying at his. home he -Mr Wale :
leer, of Bed tAxe, Michigan, is he guest
of .his uncle, James Broadfoot ,, --- .A.
!Young ,SOn Ot Frank O'Brien of igtrat-
load WAS1.011dItying at the home ,of
:John Chambers -near here, and was tid-
,ing torseback and driving alLvropes
at the barn, -When. hea-fell of and
Lad his attnna,dly binkft. .
' The Voters' I:Mt.-I/fr. Prank Motley;
the Clerk Of .flie Township of (1.-Tatorn4
has had the Voters' List for this town, -
ship printed and distributed to the
proper pa-rties. The- list was firet .Post-
ed in the eletek's office on July. 25th,
and panties desiring' to appeal tobaye
names etruck tiff ,o'r added tra'the list
Can do so by Wiring thetr complaints
;with the clerk Within thirtiy days of
the date of posting -the listsatThere are
761 names on the list Of ithese 566 are
eligible to vote at both ParliamenearY
and Municipal 'elections, 134 who c+
iidte at Municipal elections oily and ,161
who can vote at Parlionentary etc -es
tiong only„ There are 39 female :voters.
divided as follows: Division NO. 1, in;
NO. 2, 3; No. 3,' 14; �'o. 4, 12 ••
a Manley
NOfes,-Maistr: .Toe Eckert and r his
five- sisters, It_ Flannigan land'Mr. and
1±,i1rs.° John Eckert spent Sunday in our
butg.-Mrs. W. ..ticKe,y from Leaven-
worth spent the week with( friends
here -Mr. James Martin had suc-
cesisful banking bee last wesg-Ws.
Peterson- and Mrs. King from Chicago
and New York, took their 'e endther.
:Mrs. Con. Sternagle, to Chicago, last.
1/fonday to undergo special treatmeet,
It was a &Agit -undertaking for Jeer
to stand the trip, as eonditioes are
of a sesames nature, but It is, hoped
the o'hange will make' tee iirprovt-
ment and she may return to her 'home
in good health ssair4-Ws. John Eck-
ert and ,her son,Itev. }Father Eckert
visited our burg during the week.
• Selling Out Shoe Sale —,We'll sell out every shoe
In the store if low prices, tut prices, eost prices or
any other kind of pricesivill sell them. The Cash
Shoe Store opposite Expositor Mee, Seaforth; Ont.
'Teacher Engaged -Miss Hetet I. El -
coat, eldest daughter of Mr, William
coat, las been engaged as Commercial
pecialist for the Ontario Ladies Col-
lege, Whitby,
- A Sageessful Class, -Out of e class
of ten who wrote on the 1/4Entrance ex -I
amination freer School 'Section No. 3
taught by Mr. Henry; M'ortoe, ' /nine
passed with :creditable marks, The
teacher and the pupils lane to be cone
gratulathd on the result,
Notes -Mir. tvou G. Wallace has pur-
chased a 'small farm at Locust Mill,
• near "I'bronto, and intends engaging ex-
tensively 1L the poultry business.. He
wants to (sell his own farm, East of
Egrenidyi1le..1-21a% John MoNey, of the
second'concsion, with his usual enter.
Vitt, has installed in mechanic -al twea
,cow ;milking machine. It is operated
tirY a gasoline engine and mamas -a great
labor saver, as it will milk !eleven CONIPS
in half an hotti. : •
Write (Secretary A.. W. Deacon for
Official programme of Old Buys' Reuni-
on, August 1-8, If you have mot re-
ceived one, } •
Notes. -Mr. James Hart rorpleted the
cement work on Mr. Con Eckert's drive
shed. Jim did :the - w&k ,short :or-
der and ,mwde a good idle. Mr. }Eckert
is still under the doctor's care and is
improving slowly. -Mrs. John Maloney,
evho lost her ihusband suddenly last
spring, and since they burie& her fathe
er, had to be akeo to theLangov
Respite' last aficnday. She lea-ves a
family of seven eons at horre be;
tween the ages Of }six and k Seventeen'
yEE.trS to take charge of the far:n.110
manY friends hope tor her speedy fret.
cove', :for what is home without a
neothatai The family have the sympathy
of 'Mt whole crearrunity.-Miss Chad-
wick Of Toronto, who has been ,vasit-
Ing at the home of Mr, C. Eckert, ,call-
• ed on friends at Steoluenbara andpub-
lin,--Mr. Frank McQuaid has been on
the sick list. WE hope to soon "see
him around againa
`Reduced fares 'on all trallroa,ds
Stratfotd Old Boys' Reunion; August
1-8, •
• Notes,--allss _Jennie McLey, who hs
been with: the' R. Simpson Company, of
Toronto, for several months, has" re-
turned home. Her many friends :are
pleased to again meet her. -4M. Wesley
Hackwell. of Rochester, is s.pendinghie
holidays at the perenial home in Mc-
Killop -There is rost on the fall nvieea
'which will injure the sample to sorra
extent Oats, however, look very well,
and with favorable weather until har-
vesting time, will Se above the _average).
-Berry pickers complain that the fruit
Is not as ;plentiful as usual, but atpp'es
and. pears Promise an abundnat yield
which Will make up for any -shortage
in berries. -Some of the eneinbers of ;the
families of Mr. Knectel, Mr. DavidBoyd
and Mir Dundas, went up to Colborne
To-wnehip, one day last week lend
bought a quardity Of dark ' eolored
cherries of superior quality. The visit-
ors had to pick them off the tree
svhith was not an easy iota
Zurich t
otes Pattison, Postmaster of
Caro, Mich., with his Wife metered hate,
a distan,ce of 170 miles. They left home
Monday and ,arrived he .Tuesday.
'They are visiting 'Mrs. Pattison's • rel -
olives, the Lamonti of Hay andStan-
leyt-Me. and ,Mrs. John Preeter are
visiting with relatives in Detroit. -W.
Clayton Faust of Catlo, lificht, Is visit-
ing hetet-41r. Earl Gloss, of Berlin,
IS &pending his bolidays with ati. ,and
Mrs, Ed. Bossenberry.---gissee Cora and
Helen Knetchtel of Stratford, are guests
.stt tihe heane ef 110.. and Mrs. J. Martleib.
Ed, Rupp and daughter, of De-
troit, are visiting her mother, Mrs. D.
Howald.-Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Kemp
are here Men Michigan, 'visiting the
latter's parents, Mitt and Mies. Geowe
Sparks. -An interesting meeting of the
Woman's Institute was held on Thorea
day, Of last Week, at the borne of
Mrs. John Douglas. There was a good
pxogram besides a paper on "How V.
'make out' Institute a- success."
Douglas served refre,shtnentS.-Mr. Roy
Faust, of Sttatford, was here at -hie
home over Sunday and lett on (Moday,
accompanied by his granehrother, Mos.
Livingoode for North Dakota.
.Several items of
New Wearing Apparel
For the Old Boys' Reunion—You will be amply repaid by
inspecting the stylish new -things we. have for present Wear.'
• ft
Eine table white
Linen should be
in readiness in
your home for the
"spread" of Wel-
come when your
friends conie to
the 0.1d Boys' meet
Buy all you re-
quire at the Mc-
Faul store: If not
I already supplied
we'll please you
with our values.
Think it over
wouldn't you feel
much more com-
fortable if*
room 141 the '
had prettier -cur-
-tains or drapeees
or had a new ifug
or new linoleum
or a mat or two in-
stead *of what is
there now.. If you
decide to b u y
come directto the
McFaul store
Next Week 1
• Will Make an,
Advance Showing
of new
Ladies,' Coats
Ladies' Suits
Skirts, Waists
Store closes Wednesday Afternoon
during July and August.
It you have a houseful of
company for the Old Boys'
Reunion you may need ex-
tra bedding. The McFaul
Store is the place 'to buy
it—blankets, sheets, com-
forters,-spreaas, `sheetings,
pillow ;cottons, etc., at very
special pfices. f
Your home, shop or office
should be decorated for .the
conting event. The. Mc-
Faul store has a big
ply of cotton bunting ii ali
the suitable colors at 5c a
yard and it has pretty flag!
in both large and small sizei
come- and get vvhat you
need now.
We Pay Transporta-
tion Charges on Phone
or Mail Orders
Butter & Eggs Taken
as Cash for Goods. JI.
If th
is be
of t
ThiOne Best Place