HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-07-17, Page 4" ULY SM ....__ T WIT ........".... .0......... ..s.moor,rar irammeme.e. ........* 4 " 16 E 4 • # • * -6 A 4 4 . 4 4 4 6 i • • 6 1 2 3 . 4° S 7 8 g . ro It 12 re 14 te 6 17 14 19 20 21 22 23 ! 24 25 ..5 SZ t *rt •,rt q r _ _ NEW .i,DITERTISAIENTS I I The fignre between the parenthesis aftereaeh ad. denotes the page Of the paper on which the advertisment ia found Tho Best Gotds—atewart Bro.-8 Hot Weather-11°Faul Drygoods ' Straws -001e Clothing 0n.-1, Evest Shoes—W. G. Willis -4 Shoe Side Oontinues—d. E. Wil1is-8 Fainting Season --John HoopEr-5 House to Iterit,-1sam liicitay--8 Retise44eeper Wanted—w. Coat Lost—Expositor Oflice-8 Farm for Sale --11. Forsyt1-6 Farmers—A. M. 0ampbell-8 Western Fair -5 For S€—i. Clatf & Sene—B House for Sale -411u ileattie-8 Notim-6 • Pali Term—Central Badness Cial1ege,-,5 Teacher Wanted -6 Notice to CreclitorProudkot, Hays & Killoran -6 On Dana —Fire Stigade—I ilium Spann. BEAFORTli, FRIDAY, July 1914. The Manitoba Elections The Manitoba Provincial elections re - suited oxi Friday last if not in a dey feat of the Roblin GeVernenent, atleast in a vtery great teduction in their Ma- jority. The actual results are net yet definitetr*: known, but the Conserve"; tives clalin a majority off four and the Liberals concede a Inajority of- ' twa to Roblin,•with three deferted 'el- ections still tia be -held There ar6seve eral constituencies in which the vote ,was very close and where „there will be recounts; These are 'mote likely to go in favor of the Opposition than for the \Government. One 'Cabinet Minister was defeated, Land wether; atir old friehd, Dr. Montague, was elected by e. ;najority of four, and ;_the etount is likely to lose him the seat and give It to bis opponent. It is 'very doubtful when matters are ail clea'tect u if the GoVernment can carry 011 the busi- ness of the Province for. any length of time, The Roblin -Goterrurent has loeen in, power for fifteen, yeats and tthe general impresslen iseers to be that it is time- for a change there aad the change is likely to take place ere long. 1 There were many cause4 which led to the, reverse of the Govetnnesat. But , ;we fancy the principal cause WAS the aetion f the Government on the 4,etioo1 question. On this qiestion the Gowern- ment have been trying to accomplieh theattepossible feat of riding two rorses at the Spine titre, going la different; directions. As a vriaturaestilt they' have fallen to tte ground. The bulk: Of the Orangarnen voted against them, on this questing and hence the result. But for the foreign -vote which was manipulated almost solidly for the Gov- ernment the Opposition would have won. the day by a good majority. ''.Even Mory Winnipeg returned four' Libe- rats mkt of the six representaetivee. Editorial Notes and Comments Automobile accidents are becoming al- most as prevalent as drowning acei-, dents.ateszeeiyi.a. day passes that one or more -air& nOt reCorded in the daily papers. Both are frequently the re- -ault, of careleseness, rashness or in- -experience, The man who undertakes to • rim 'an automobile as vi;eil as the Iran who:undertakes to run arboat, should have a clear laead, a well k' balanced mind, as well as sorrie prartioal , exe perlenee. .61606••••••• ' Callingwood hrelber, Dominion .gov- iernment engineer, whose ptincipel du - !ties are to look after, the Ottand rfrulnk Pacific raifway conetruction, has see !turned from an inspectien of the ,wes- tern portion. ,of the toad through the. 'Rocky tnountartna. It is understood that. the line will, kr all probability be eitila Pleted by August 10, the date which the * Iasc spike will be driven by Air Robert Borden. Pa.seeager and ,Iteight trans- portation will probably start freen that date. This great enterprise will ' then be cern-Dieted and vein for business from ocean to ocean, with the exception of the Quebec bridge where a ferry boat service will be established to be useei. until the bridge is nempleted, about a 'year hence. ; ----a ' A Nfontreal firm his walked off with the five million dollar contract . , for tne building of -the new A Thiess Station in Toronto. T It will take mere than this to even create a eloubt In the minds of Taronta people that (any- thing good can come out of :Mon- treal o any other n. city or towin Can- ada1- 0 eaten Toronto la fact, to most c1 -tins of Toronta, that -burg .is ithe only spot Oa the main However, loy- alty to one's owa to-wn, as well . ee'S loyalty to on country is a 1.6 Gag Mendable trait of charactet arid pito. their occasional bowtfulness We rather a.dmize the loyal spirit of the Toronto people. The residents of some smaller places might profit by ' their , example. ---- )Anothor of Canada's leading States- men has been. removed by death. Hone I. R. Emerson 'died . at his parr e in Dorchester, New Brunswick, on: Thurs- day of las week. Mr. E,mersen. left Ottawa, abeut We dose on May, „arid' Iliad been ill moat of the time since, He was a natiee of New' -Brunswick, and was 61 years of age. He had Tilled many important ;public positions, Before entering Dominion politics he was for Mane icons a =ember o -f the Provincial Cabinet af New Brunswick, and he resigned the Premietship ot that Province to become Minister' •of Public Works in the Laurier° Cabinet, Ho held this position for sseveralSyea.rs. He represented the constitluency of Westra&eland, la the Dominion Par- liamonti. He was one of New Bruns - ;wick's strong mea. Hon. R'. R. Emer- son, Hen,. Dr. Pugsley ,and Mr. P. B, Carvell, all on the Liberal ale arid all from New Brunswick, made a at10,4g trier and in Parliamentary debate they stould riot lee much surpaaseci. Mr. Err et - son was one of:tlee ablest stpaekers in revilement. Be did got speale r, very A , ' 1 often, but when he -did he always spol* Neith effect. Personally he waS a meat genial gentleman and was lik- ed and Inspected be niernbers on both sides of tilt' HatiSSkith death ,is loss to the, Liberal party tared to Came adao 11iiw annual Meeting of the Canadian Press .AssoniatIon was theld lits Toronto, last week. This assoeiation Is composid a the Newepaper-Poblishere of the acvs, minion, and ,the recent meeting was -attended by representatives tronseverY "Province ia the _Dominion, as well as by scene prominent hnen from the United States, _although these latter are not members tif the aspociatiere r Papere- were read and addresses delivered.- on a variety of subjects of immediate in- bOrest to the Craft. Judging from !tale Phieerts this meeting was one of iune (usual interest and a good deal -doe preetical work which should' 'prove egips felt the general Welfare of(the news paper trio business was traersaeted. Before the_ e se tit the Meeting Mr, W. 0131erne of !the Stra.tfdrd Beacon -was unanimously', elected President of the Association for the cnrtent year. This is a tbribute, retell deserved. etre 'O'Beirne has for years been A faitheue, -active and upeful member of- the Associa- tion, wbile his ability and enterprise ante Jeurnaliet hes secured hen • SO eze lable succeas ta tithe newipaner .everin. The honor is well eneatted, and we are sure the impottant ,dut- ' les iPert4ining to the position will be efficiently performed. - nresi Setae - I —The Misses Burgess, who, have been `reside* of Wieghana for the pest 11 years, have broken up houeekeePing and will move to Toronto. shortly. - —The Goderieh !branch ett- the Wo men's Institute will hold their annual picnic at 'the /some of Mrs. J. T. 4,1 keld, Goderich Township, on July 23ed —Mise Jeasie Meniie 5 de Grey has -been engaged as teacher at Shine's ech.oel in that township at a salary of $576e —Mr. Robert Lind has returned to his aorne in Shoal Lake, 'Main:, after SPentline* a month with relatives end old friends in: Wingharo, and 'least Wa- wanosh. , - • , ,---Mi... Fred Hoemeth,' who was talon to the bospital, in W.inghern, some weeks ago, suffering from, appendicitis ha's so 'far recovered is to be able to be around -again. • '. • 1-41es. (Rev.) La,ckland of Wroxeter left this week on a trip to ,,the Ql� *cou.ntry. She goesby the Allan line from Vlositreal, end expects to be ab -'en{ le eouple on months. e -bile. John na."McKenzie, of Regine and a son of Mr. Thomas -.MeKenzie of Clinton, was regeetly married in Re gina, to Miss .Margaret Coodon, of Hall fax, Nova Scotia. .• ° ' * --lvies. John ?Roe of the second con cession elf Morris is very . ill at her heene with heart trouble. Her two sons, dector,s in -Philadelphia, have been sent for. She is 77 years of age.- , —A esew .gasoline engine has, been.ine Stalled in Witieghaen. Methodist church to suppty power to operate the bellow of the pipe organ, The arrangement Is giving entire sa tisf dc tion. —1fr. Waltee Sharp has sold his reels denee in Goderich to . Mr. Giles -Jen- kins,' of s ewer Blythl. Mr. Sharp and family will Move to° the fare he re- cently _purchased -near -Brussels. —The Wingham furniture faatories have all closed dawn for -stoelenaking and will remain Closed antil the end on. J.ulyi \The stove foundrythereehas also been° shut dcrwn for .a month., ' • —nfise Fern Epicenter, on Jametstown, who recently campleted her course at the Normal 'school, has been employed as iteaahers in the Union school on the GreYellawlelt botendary, at a salary ot 4590 a year, - —Mrs. Adam .KresnIer, who died at the rem/donee - of her sose in Liven re-Oen:Hy, at the ago of 83 years, was. • formerly a resident of Cranbrook, in Grey township, artd the remains- were Interred in the Craniirook censeeeryn s ,—Mr. -Harry Shaw, e former well known Wing -barn boy, has taken pose session of the National Hotelproperty in Wingliasin and will reopen the house in the very • near futere. he house ,will be run en a s temperance hotel and general boarding -Souse. —The Vaters' List for the Township of Turnberry, far 1914 has been printed and was first posted in the office of Me' Clerk, (Mr, P., Powell, on Teesda,Y, July ?tn. The list this year contains the names of 661 voters and there Are 383 persons qualified to gerve as jurors. —Mrs. George HOWSCYrE, WEI(/' has been visiting friends in Clinton, for the pest couple Of months, left last week, . for her home In lefediciree Hat, Alberta. She was accompanied by Silas Arr.y Howson. who ssell spend some weeks In the Western Provinces. —Inspector and /Mrs. Jahn Torrance, of ,Clinton, 'and Wes .Torranceare ae: Balmy Beach, Toronto, where they have taken a cottage foe the seasars. The several members of the family wire are, In the 1West, .are expected East during the holiday period, and will j0111 AIT, and tilts, Torrance at Toronto.: • —Miss Eva Cantelon of Brussels Was united in "Marraige in Wesley church,' Winnipegl, on June 7t.h, to H. A. ,Gor- rell of Oxbow ,Sask. Rev Mr. Inc0 1 - loch, pel-forened the ceremony. and Mrs. Porrell of Oxbow were the attendants. Me: and Mrs. ,Gorrell wile Make their home; in .0xbove, —The business of the Royal Bank of Canada, at. Wroxeter, has been taken over by the Bahk of Hamilton, and the busleess Of the Bank of Hamiltoe, at Ripley, /has been taken, over by the Royal Bank of Canadat, Mr. F. a Sturt, formerly of tWinghare, and late manas ger of the Bank, en Hamilton!, at Ripley, has been transferred to P incetaa, —inetturdaty evening, Jun 27th', .an old and well known re,Id4it of Sion- crief, in Grey township,*„,iassed away in the person ot George efcl<ay sr., at the advanced age ot 86 years, He , w,a4s, only ill for ‘a. sheet time, pneue monta being the cense. Dec ased lived with his son Joeeph„on •the old home - steed. ;Mrs, McKay predecoas d ner hus- band. • t' . .. he fell free. -His left arm, Wash -bathe shattered, being _broken In three places below the elbow. Hie Ince WaS alsedarne Aged to a pensiderable extent. ( —The charges against Dte Macklin and Rev. Mre Elllott, of floderich, aris. log out of the recent election contestl In Centre Huron, were dierniased by Iteragistrate, Kelly, on Thundery of lett Wbek, He thought the evidence submitted wag not sufficient to justify Mtn in committing the acuteed to stand their -trial 'before the, higher court, ' • —Mrs. Clara' Reenbelle frs. tteerge ManLennan, tHiss Minnie Cooper and Miss Sweets, of Winghamn left Sarnia, las't Week, on the steamer, Hurt:inlet for • Port Arthur. Mrs. MacLennan' wilreelsit Ler dieter,' tire. Charlesworth, at Port • Arthur and .will also gall on friends at the Soo on herway home, but ‘he other ladies intend going On et visit 41t Various .points in the western,provieces. —A horse belongkeg to Mr, A. kJ. Taylor, Turnberry, was frighte'ned at .Whighann'on DominimeDay, by the large crowd which rushed across Mint nle. street to witness the lady balloons ist land. The animal rushed thro egr. the throng, upsetting the rig and • throwing nfrs. Taylor atd. her laugh-. ter Slolentlyto the ground,. Portiere-, tely- .the occupants and, none of -the peclestraind ever,e injured. 4-.J. B. Hinter, of Haneiltere, chief witaess inthe late .Centre Huron cant spiraey ease, has instructed his solic- itor, L. E. DencY, In enter action for damages for libel against the Goderieh Star, Toronto Mail and Empire and • The Globe, the 'latter a Liberal news- paper eet Toronto. The. passages torn- .platned of are in reports of the -hearing de the charge against Dr. IMEteklin and Mr. Joieph Elliott. , e-Zache McCalluen of Brussels had the misfortene to meet with a serious accident on Wednesday of lest week. He Wag about hitching up the tetnre and onehorse was following Abe other to the rig, when trte first an- imal kicked -1(:t its companion. - Mr. McCallum received the frdl force in the -breast, in the neighborhood of the heart, breaking several ribs anti doing other damage. e • -e-At the recent piano *examinetinav held at Seaforth, in tonnection .wetth the Loadon., England, College. of 'MuSie the following candidates, pupils of Miss Pearl Gidley, Blyth, were .suceeesful Miss Birdie Fergason passed with .hon- ors, in the elementary:grade. Mies Win.: - Ole Howson, Who was 'trying for the degree was also euceeseful ,and is en- , titled to style herself' en A. L. 'C. M. England, ' • ' . i—Areher, the, young son of Mr. t and Mrs. W. A. Grewar of Teraseels,. tnet with a painful. accident one day- , last meek, He had gone to the rain- eway deopt with T .Ritehie on the dray and 'bad jumped or fallen off at the rear. When the team backed up !the beavn rig against the platform, to 'load freIghte ArCher was caught and received a bad sane wound, The led was hurried 6 his home . and two doetOrs called to areas the wound ender nialoroforent °, • _ —The pupils, and -parents of ° 'the Scheel In, 'Section i-Nas 5, Hullett, as- sembled on the- elosing day of school to vend S a pleasant .afternoont 7 . to- gether. The templii had prepared ( -splendid. program, ;which wee; very much appreciated; A. pleasing feature of the afternoon was the presentatioi of a gamer& and`a beautifully worded ad- dress in .which the pupils expreseed to thelr teacher, Wes -13,eissie- MacEwen their appreciation of her kindness and capable- services during the past few !years,. `Mies MacEveare tcontinues her services in the school, - , -ninne of Western Ontario's most fte, teresting Planers - passed. away I on Wednesday, of last week, where Mee • Julia !McDonald died suddenly, at .het home near Kippen. ;Hies 1401301:laid carce from. lArg,yieshire Sconand, in; 1850, the boat in whielshe croased taking elght ;weeks to snake the trans -101904c Journey. She walked from London to Klippen; le 1851 pn the old London. corduroy road. At that time, she carxied logging supplies to the old ! lumber camp at Kippeni. Miss McDonald had one tof It -he finest -collections ofvette le gob& in Wes Lein Ontario-. n:Two runaways Wok place in; .Ethel last, week, Friday afternoon D. Dun. bar's' team ran from the school grounds to the centre of.the village where they were stoppedebefoee ;mach tiatrage was done, They were friehtened by the noise of . the falling brick while the. old school was being torn! down, On Saturday Afternoon a teabelong- lug 'to ' Aindre,w °McKee took a. potion to *have a little trip .an their own 'acs counts. but ;they were stopped Suddene Ise by a telephone pole and. a fence poste The wagon reach was broken and the •barness considerably damaged, —The Goderich Signal 'of • last week says: Mr. Fred Davie' returned home 'on Wednesday evening of last week. after 1 spending two months on his ranch in Alberta. He has decided to leave Goderich In August and take up hls residence in Calves', owing to the Stott Act corniq in force in Huron county the first of 'next math: Un- less the temperance people snake • cs, move and do sorrethteg. towardi keep- ing the Hetet Bedford open for the travelling public 1(4111 be closed the end ot the present month, as Mr. Davis as mos In at preserrt of continuing In the hotel businese In Gocleriehe . —011 Sunday: the fifth inst., James Walker, --wn.o; has been a resident of Clinton', and vicinit y . for the past fitly years, died at the elpeage of 80 years and nine ;months. -Deceaned had 'suffer- ed from a strokefour years ago and had been ine7bed for the past five ;weeks. His wife earedeeeased etas eight years agp. Alamily of, three sons, and one da.ugluter oilurvive. The fu'neral WAS held on Tuesday afternoon fron the residence Of his Tson. The 'pallbearers were H. Wiltse, R. Fitzsimons, J.. G. Medd, John Ford, James A. killer ard W. G. Smyth. . . --The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McGee of Ashfield was the scene ef a festive event an Tuesday • evening,' June 30th, when their , third daughters Gertrude, wee united in marriage with gr. Robert E Wilson, of the Western, Canada Flour Mills -at Gonericie On the tollowinig eveeing. be on of the household,. Mr. John yr MbGee, was married to Susie Cathiarine, the eldest daughter of eldr. and Mrs 'P. <Cook, of the twelfth concession: of inshfield. Miss -Sadie Cook was brideserield and Mr. Reginald .McGee acted as bestenan. Rev. George 'Tinley Lucknow per- formed the ce errony and the wed, ding enatteh .was played by Miss Della McGee. There *wereabout' 150 guests presents 1 •' I —On Sunday evenfeg, July 5th, !eirs. Jahn Kellington r.assed peacefully away alt the hosne off her daugnter, Mrs. Duke -Jordan or the fifth line of 'Morris, In her eighty-fifth year, The uneral took . eslace on Tuesday after- oon, the servicebeing conducted by he Rev sGeorge -Jewitt Of Blyth, 'a ephesv of the depeased, The pall,beare rs werer John Sh-urrle, H. IMCArter, tAinD,onald, John Young, W pray —The Goderich Star had the follow-. beg: 4n incident altogether apart from. mere party is werth noting, when three' • generations of Proudfoots voted in ,sue- cession—Robert roudfceit, aged 89, his • san Williams 55, and grandson William 25.. The venerable grandfather, who is still bright ana hearty, has voted in Huron fee 69 years. —.Olive and Edna Cooper, Clintmeleft lest week, for %Ontario, °California to visit -their sister, Mrs. tj. S. -AP:nsttong, who reeldes there.. They 'were Dalled there on -a,ccount of 'the illness and death, a their esephews ,Kenneth. Arm- strong, a la,d Arent .eight years of Age, arta a eon of tietr. and Airs. 'J. a Arm- . strong, • eferkiey. a Young bay, while Nvorking en hi's Wheels chopping will In Winghein, one eday lent .weelc, was caught by a belt ..and was carried ae round. from ten tte Melee tieres befote' and Pt Stith. Ptiterircnt was made in the :Brueeets cemetery,. Deneamti w, born -the-,-peuntlet-of t Peel, -Where, she was Married to John Kel- lingtegre. They centinceed to live in -the same-- lopailtY And after wards 1n Hula: _lett, 'Dungannon and eVullarten town- ship, Perth taunt -Se -=-Where Mr. Kele Wigton _died over twenty : years ago. Manhsy ellatesiennits:- jobesetcle had tire' misfortune to'fell -and- main bet: iv/x.14=41re Cot Sternagre is still in a serious conditiont Her tWocdaughteie, .Mrs. King, 0 New York, and Ws. Pate arson of Chicago, are here 4tking care yt her and' everything is • 'being done Ito prolong her life. --The r.naner . friends 014:Mrt, Con. Eckert are sorry ,that his poritlitiala-Is still sennewhat serious,. • . . , ia•eroimioas toe —Mien , Chedvelente Toronto, is, visiting Mrs C. Eekert.-- Frank Ot, tiara, elf Clinton, celled on friends here this-week,—The twelfth of July paased off very quietivi. It seems aSgood thing It comes once year, AS the rat, was greatlY needed.—The many friends of teitt H. Cleber, Jr, will be 'pleased to learn that. be is able to get twiner& again atter a severe attack of Anna* diciltis. Tnekeremith West End Notes —L large number of. the neap1e, old and out's, spent the 12th, at Godericht— ss_ Edna Turner who has been teaching near Caledonia, visited her aunt, Mrs 1ta Jah.',Ae lest smelt —Mrs, Plott sr., a Clinton. and Mrs. Johnson, a Reward, Sask., visited griends here, the past weekt—Missglia fretwnsend has returned from visiting friends at Auturn.—Mkg. Graves of Sea - forth, and; Mrs. Weston,' of petrbit, viatted Mrs. Roger Pepper', the past zwe(e14..-110.. and .Mis. Wank Layton spent Siitiiday witir friends near Con- stanc-4fessrs. Prank Coleman and A'rank Layton are busy, geaveling the road at present. _ . Death a Mrs. Tyndall.---ebnother of the did and respected ,areiddents of ?ruckerstailth 1. the person of tfra, Anthonn Tyndall, has been called by death. Mrs. Tyndall died at her hoenc 1. Egnondvilleeon Friday last. Shames 71 'years : agc Luis. Tyndall' was a native a Wexford, Ireland. Ste eame to this Country wltb her theirtad aboat forty Years ago and settled in the !township of . Usborne. They . (resided there until they -comb, to Tuckerarrith Omit t,wentleeight Team (ago,- where, they eontimidel -tta" reside until aboat three 'years age When ..they mcived into Egenendvillet Tile deceased ',wan It kind, niothkrly worcatea borne keeper end an obliging neighbor and was tnuebs and ' deservedly eeteesseed by all who knew' her, tenhe is survived by her lausband MxHarry cl.:. Tyndall, and One ednireend one daughter, Mrs James Stewa and . both 0? Tteekersenith. b 1. Zurich 1 Notes,--vIrs. Casper Weber ing her daughter. in Buffalo —Mise Bil -izabefh Rennie. of Resdna' is visit! her mother, Mrs. S. Itannie.--.Ur. sen Mrs. `A.rithuei.Steick and Mx. and Mrs. Whitney motored here Item Dauphin, Manitoba,. and are visiting friends. It was surely- a long auto trip;--Mr."We,s. Merner has moved Ms household ef- fects tp Stratforde—Mrs. Wm. Hesserriel, ...daughter visited relatives In Wetetlea and Bernie bit week..—Mr. H. Giallmea as agent for Fred Mks .aad Settee:now - spins about in 'Eter, auto which he re- cently- ptirchasedn-lefisses Alvada and Selena Weseloh of London are home for hoiSdeys.—Mise Ada Koehler of To- ronto Is visiting her 'parents, bsr, and Mrs. Peter Koehler.—Mr. and Mr3. Wettlaulffer of Berlin° are visiting with !Men end Mrs. John Riekbell.—MIss L. Harrisis here, from Montreal spend - ling her holidays with her parents.—An auto load from the Lutheran 'Church {went to Aunarn on ;Sunday of last week to attend a Sunday School con -s verstion which Waseheld there'. An. en-- joyable as well as i ant interesting and instructive day was epente—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howald and leanly are vis- iting withrelatives and friends in this vicinity.—The Misses Heideman of De- troit are vielting at the home of thelr parents, `Mie. and ,Mrs. R. He.idenene—, Farmers have been hathesting ttne • ,gratn, this week and great are thele expeetatims for a record yield, The straw has ttatned great proportions and the graiijt is plump and 'solid.—Neev hay is sehin at eight dollar's per ton, with little emand. .01d hay eanges Irani, eine d tars to eleven nollars. c,Poe tatoes iw1l be over the average crop In this part.—Every available farm, 'hand and Ittebsrour in; this vicinity is letnieloYedt and the wages paid are • lighter- than ueual.—Mies Pearl Johne - ton, daughter on Mr. and Afire. Robert Ross Johnston, made her debut as •a ;pianist at a reception given by the Zurich Woman's Institute recently, IS Johneten is es -pupil "of Mies evIcCorrnick, who has accomplished much in her clase sic methods of teaching. atlas Johnston is gifted _with delicate touch, ham:none -and expression and. her eeleetions were ,greatly enjoyed, • • Kippan. Notest.-:-Mr T. N. Forsyth, andbroth- Abe and Henry Fa -tenth and eister, Mrs. Theman Coneitt, of the Parr Line. motored to Teeswater, last week, to attend the funeral of an aunt of Mr. Forsyth's.-1,fiss Margaret Malls. is spending the holidays at her father's 'hrnme here—hies. raMeS Fowler • is visiting friends at Goderich and 'Dune gannone—efrs. Jacob Strengthen and daughter and .-Mrs. Sisegleton of Kew Torki are guests at the hogne of Nee. Straughan'S mother, Mrs..,Peter Day- nuencl;' ofeTuckersretthantir. -Doig bed a siolinewhiat exciting f experience ;while driving Ito work the other day. The buggy he was in collided with the gate post, and the horse ren Away, do- ing considerable damage. Fortunately .inr. Dag escaped without any serious results.—Mr. Alex. McKenzie was fa Bayfield, over Sunday with, his mother. Mr. AfeKenzie is (a. man. Who does not take any holidees.--Meesrs Wes. 1-kar-- vey and Sparks ar6 looking up a e'er load Of horses. Mr. Spexies reports the horse Market in the West juet new as very flat.—The Sabbath schools (settee Presbyterians and Afeth.odiete Of the -village held their picnic to Bayfield, 421 Friday last It WAS fi'succel.sa and an, lenjoyable fame was spent by all.—Mrs. Tinr.nas Workman and little son were this week le Exeter ',with her mother( Cudgreore.—eirs Win McQueen of Michigan was here this week end had a pleasant visit with Mr, sad Mrs. A.ndersoten-Quite a 1 number frorn around here took ia the Orange celebration at Goderich, oc.ii nfontlay, Two Good Women Pass Away:alse Julia McDonald passed peacefelly away at bier home oh tWednesday morning last Deeeased wee born. in Bendere lock, Argyieshire, Scotlana; in • 1828, nand came to Canada withher parente In 1850, being eight weeks crossing She 144tattAcE Nn.d, OW P4 6.tolTittt vote • landed It -1.1ain11tere, They can direct - 'bee. Wagen, to the HUM Tract, and -nettled on lot 19, coneeesion, 2,‘ Muck-, erSrnith, where OM lrestded until ...ter death, Mee einDoneild Snael a Bele, and capable Woman who _poSiessed'a Striver ',deck:fallen:. -,wFaci;-.1urfie‘troid._torlet,il'anInd anrnardiett than once, - in the earta days, • she walked front London -sand carried abasst ket. At every logglitg bee- and barna 17a18i11g sh,et did well her pairiteiss 'the culinary department isfr in days ,gone by the neighbors' !were- tee Me -.% large. family'. This, good woman. VAS ale° charitable; no beggar ever, being turned trotee htele door.. She was a :good ;Gaelic scholar, and always_ attended :worship ineithe-Oldefichooi House,. tae aervice be trig ebtriducted by Bea John Ross of -Brucefield She ii.suritved by one brother, John; with wiettn, elie hatl'alr ways melded and -who has the Aheart, felt serenpathee of the netglaborbood.Her funeral- was hugely atteaded bY 8o - rowing friends - and the sons of old neighbors acted tilEt. pall bearers--*Iesrs . ktl. *Gregor, R. Elie, Wm, SProat, 'John nictlaughton, William Butts <and James McLean; . 14; Rev. Mr. Riche-140On =spoke most feelingly at the iserviceej at the 'lease and grave. The tfloral of- ferings were beautiful.. Relatives tions a distance who attended the funeral were Da. *Donald or BIytlit Mies Me411.4 ray, -Mrs, Bryant sod erilie, Unifier of London, Mrs. Muff tiikKay of 'Hamilton, Mgt and Mrs. MeGtriviva- of Melnik:9, Messrs; John wad 'Archie and Miss. Me.: Gowan dr Stanley,. 1 . —We also record inn' deatheolf WO' ,Helen Shaw, .relict of The late lirilliatit IMarkle, 'who died at the hcene a uer 'odnauglutmehter'031trrd,Linitdbeher:1487°117tlf atsea9r1.11glafriarsy.' Markle spent hen; !yews* days In Peel to-mishitp in the countyl df Wellinston ad Ate** her marrt ' itb's residnd b. it) Drayton, Where her hu and dlectleseve, Ing tthe Mother with fie small teleildrea; Some 'years later she- rnove.t to Lon- don and after living there fennel- etnnie har de years. went- to i &IRE% 10 live ;with lier on whd has les food ,poeition in that City: :A. short 'time ago Mts. a,rkle Went to Calgan'y to visit ger daughter, and, while there passed isehay Thee deceased made frequent tripe to this part as She ',was ai cousin. of Mrs. Andrew Bell ere Mrs: John 'Cochrane off Centralia and the late Robert elan lis. She leaves to Mentrn. one gioni-Cole non, elf Sarnia, three daughters, . and twee brothers and one eitstert. Zeifra.t. Markle was in every !reenact. at. igetxl, *And woman and much beloved for ,her snalt,Y kind actasarld Christian, chart 'arter and With not only ,ber !family but all whir enjoyed her aequAinta.nee will : 'her memory even remain . green. She. died As she lived, a .consiettLat Christian life. The remains e Verse brOught tileSarnia, foxi interment, asiminimmumempu. • ,• Exeter • •• Notes' .—Exeter and Crediton 'baseball teams played at Crediton, on Friday and Ole, (game resulted in a score for Exeter, 1.1-1t plaese teams played ane other League game here on, Tuesday -evening last vvhea Crediton shut out Exeter by a more of 2-0.--liarry C. the horse awned by lir. Chitttek, got airst ,money at the PaIrcerston races, last weekt—WhIle worktng with the en- gine df "yis auto, °Mr. Me -M. 1Doyle re- ceived a. broken bone anda sprained wrist.—Me. and Mrs. W. ITssAitcheson and Mr. and Ms W 11. Levett are on_ an auto trip to Toronto, Niagatea and guffalo.—Miss Scipio Case ttndeewent critical operation at the Nene of efr. -and Mrs. John Northeett, last 3:sreek. 'Drs. Mooretof London, and Hyndma.n of Exeter, eeneoved an Internal tun -our and Miss Case is improving t.,apldler,.— Rev. D. We Colline peached an la- structive sermonto the Orange Lodge, who attended Trivia Memorial Church Ln a body, last Sunday,. --Mr. and Mrs. Wim Davis of Hamilton, are 'visiting the forener's 7 rents in Exeter Nettle— Me, and Mrs. to their hoine eff. E. Christ sveek, eebivi . C Moir have- returned. • In' Stavely, A.lbertat— e was in Guelph, last g judging instructIonts preparatory to ,acting as judge it Fall Fairs.—C. Harvey was driving one of Ms fathers horses one day reeentlY, • and the entree], which was bitceed too olosely tothe buggy, kicked vicionsly, • and then ran. away. Mr. Harvey was thrown out Of the rig against A tree and had a rib 'broken,—Mrs. Vanstone old daughter of Brantford, Mies Egura Harrison, of Buffalo, and Mr, Will Amos, a Stratford, aro guests at the home of Dr. Arros.—Kr. Ed. 1 Willie caught a huge pike in the river west, of tewnl, last week. It weighed ten and a haff pounds and measured thirty seven and a' half iniches.—When. re turning 'home on, Sunday evening fron: the home of Mr. and „Mrs. R., D. Hunter Usborne, Mr. and .hirs. Garnet Miners had an exeiting accident. Their horse ran away and ta attempting to turn a e onnen, horse, buggy and oeeue pants rolled over a couple of time% and when they picked themselves up found Ithoy were not injared severely, The buggy got the worst of the mix- •uet—bles. John: 'McInnis ha's 'gone to Hoffman., Manitoba,, to spend a few rnouths.—The following interesting an- nouneerneint appeared in tbe Toronto papers a few days -ago Hr. aind Coleman Bleneett of Peterboro an- • nounce the engagement of their young- est daughter, Wilhel Delphine, to Wal - laic A. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fish.er 'of Exeter, the Marriage to take place in August:—The many friends a Mr. Wm. J.Elliott, an.eve of Stephen, will be pleased to leara that he has sufficiently recovered to leave the hospital in London, and return ta his home where the is improving {nicely. —Exeter defeated Centralia' helm on Monday evening in a South Huron League baseball game, by the Beare Of 4-e. Harrington, fon Exeter,npiteh-' ecl a. beautiful game ,holding Centrena to 'one hit,. frWO More Gane.—We regret this week to have to record the demise 'of two well known and worthy Plot ewers of this district. ,On the • 8th inst. Mr. William, Walker died at nis herne en -the second conceesion of Ste- phens about three miles south a Ex- eter. Mr. Walker had reached the good aged of nighty -one years. He • Was .born at Packingstan, Lanark County, on September 30, 1833, and came to the. 'farm where he lived sorre 4tventy wears agc. He was industrious and :enjoyed the comforts of a handsome and well cultivated home. He .was tnarried in 1867 (to Miss • Marge...net Thompson of Hensall, whom heleaYes to [mown his lose, also three acne and one daughter. Mr. Walker Was one of. the pioneers a this country and was a eit.auttecle upright Christian anan, a. Methodist in religion and a - Reformer In• politics. He will be greatly rn, lased In his cbureb aced by his many fries* and relatives, And the heartfelt syme :rattly of, the coentrunite is extended to the bereaveal ones. •e—MrWJilla»tnortiscotto another of Huron's honored pioneers, died at tis Jeanie en Exeter-lorth Zin Sunday, july 5th, ilebad reached the !age of 69 'years.. Northcott had lived onthe arves If you are looking for something light and, cool to wear OR your feet during harvest /Mee our special harvest shoes will fill the bill. These shoes are inade:out of rnuleskin, tan color, arelight and easy on the feet and quite durable. We tiarry these shoes in these three/styles men's harvest shoes, tan muleskin plain wide toe medium heavy soles for $1 75 per pair; men's harvest shoes, tammuleskin, with toe -cap and medium weight,soles, for $2.0k,a pail= ; mens harvest shoes tan muleskin, With toe -cap and heavy soles; brass nai4ed for $2 so. Other linesAuitable for harvest wear are our light weight, shaved kip' 'shoes, at $L75 and ; our Special an French kip shoes at $240 ; and 'bur urus calfshoes, either plain toe or with toe-gap,,at $2.50, $2.75 and: $3.00 a pair. Try this store for your next pair of wearing shoes. You will find our values the best in the trade. MEPHOTA 11 WARM :‘,OPPOSITIA 'polaistEam 1107X''' Depend conieserion of Hay townshipfor fortl-sevelOyears, From 1866 euntil the spring df 1909t- when he removed to -Exeter, the deceased was Superintend., ot cif the Sexarnith Sunday/ fidhool. He was born in Dovtcishire, ifEnerland, and elli/110 10 Ganglia, in 1886 zftir father, and the rest of the fennilye settling in, the- eountet ,of Durham, where they remained until- the year 1862, whemthey came to Hurone :coun- ty. For th",!,' past seven weeks the *dee ceased had been suffering ;from,- age- vere attack a kwrigrene in one -of * feet and ailtkougir hia death was not unexpected:it came as severe shock, as it- was not bolted for 130 seen, heart *fallirre being the inured, ;late cause %Of his death... At this funeral his former paste, the Rev. B. CEL Powell paid a glowleg tribute' to this beautiful ,Cieristiaet life' and- character, fialing smog otlyet things that hie had found him tbe tpast•or's. /staunch., friend and 'helper and always could be ;de- pended, on to. do what he "cbuld,Xn polities he was a &Emrich Liberal. His funeral to the Exeter .! cemetery was eery largely atteaded. The services wore "conducted by the. Rev. E., G. Powell el Clinton assisted.ley. Revds. Selland and Mitxwerthy of . Main street Metliodiet church, Exeter, Besides kes wondrous friends and brothers; .he jeaves to mourn* his lass hia k widow. two sons, John and and four daughters, Mrs. Geo:tge Geddes'. and Mrs,. Charles Aldworth Hay,, .Warce off fona ,and eiftss Afao at 11o1m0, Among those present at the .funeral frcene a distance were.iLr and ;Res, Orchaed of Shedden; Mr. and gra. Box Or. London; Mr. .A. niciteath ,aad Mre- and Mrs. W. Be Johastort Kippenplfgr. and Mrs. Jobneton pf Dorchester ; IMES Pearce and faseellys of Ione; Mt and .Mrs. Thinnson of To- ronto, Mrs F Young of Dutton'and Dr.., atedi Mrs Lumley a st.- -frhonT#B. fieneall: • , Kirk FaMiry -Reunion.—On Wed- nesday, ,June .2-etils, a. very nleasant and attraetine retinion of the Kirk family •• toelt pla9%at the home- of afre Andrew Kirk, Fah_grove, llichigate The Weather wen ell khat caul& be desired nor the -0XiCaS10/1 /121t1;ibY ten o'clock 4, large number had Atesiartbled on the epaciaus and .beautifal ilawn of the old home- stead. She tables were strnehed - be- neath tbe foliage of the old seeple -or, gh.a*. At sigh .twelve a sumptuous - dininnr was prepared, when the little (only 109.) sat 'around the feb-- tive: board, After all had done 4ample justice to the inner man, a lengthly Program, consisting of historic espeeohes ball and other ganies, were eejoYed, also a tug of weir, in .w-hiele same of the ladies took a heed and -Made a vigorous' pullfor vietdry. At five' tens Mock, ste-a and ice treatise -were 'served, after whicb a. hearty vote of thanks was tendered our worthy host arid hostees. The reunion -as above refeered to was attended. by our respected townsman, Mr. Robert Drysdale, who fanned one Of, the emepany present at that Interesting event andsreunion and who looks backward to it wads Pleagant Memories and who has 1,. hitereissession a fine photd of all present Briefn—Qinte a large numbeete. from elensall and vicinity attended the Sea - forth ranee teld week.—Mea George In- gram et Vaticouver, and filercerly, Of ,,,Hien4eall, accompanied by her daught tea ,Mrs. G. Haugh, are here visiting relatives and friends afteran absence a Many eerears. Tneir• friends are pleased to meet them egg/le—Quite a large number frosn Hensall _end sure eroundiag country tcelebrated the 12t1., at Godericit —Miss Lydia Sherritt Parkhill, who sails on October • 29th as -a. eniesionianY to China. was Item igueen. last week/or Mies Millie Consitt de this villaget—Mr and ;Mrs. 'On. White of Rodgerville =ounce the marriage at their! son Elwin to Mins A.Mice Joh-notes or Saskatoon, to take plane in August,.—Mr. and Mrs. James E. Johnstone former Iresidents ' here. but who caught the western Lever severa,l years etgie, have !returned trope Wei -Oven, Sask.', and have rented Mr., .He Vairlairens -dwelling In the east end a our village, era the ' ,- London road, and intend again making Henna* their horne.—Mise l'ul.11, who wen tete :visiting her patentS, has , rei turned to New York to irestrne her I duties as trained truernes—Work is pale ceedingenicely In the way -of draining - and Jeargaivitittg for the new town esal and the elevated cement' tank basbeen. roofed during the Pent week.—Mrs. RobertJartntt returned this week from a pleasant visit *MX Afrlenale 'In Et. T'homas..-4,0n Wednesday evening of last week a very, pleasant and ,inter -1 r.Stino meeting was ,held by, the -,,R,ea bekah Ledge of Oddfellows, when the laitiatken work was ably put on ''bv the honte4agree team, and ,afterwaxds . the new eiffieensi were very' ably In. • .stalled Vs,' the Walling offices -or .Seete, forth Lodge, who did their woek Ana ..nunteer that -evoked very •trunh praise, and after a few xemarks be .vielting and local Members and !the serving Of refreshments, all Sepairedto theft - homes feeling that a very pleasant everd4 had been spent. —Miss Mettle Ellis and Mise Beatrice ,Urauttart left here on Thursday morning of last week • for Toronto, where they were- appoint - •:ea by the -members of the McGinn -et: Mission of thin siliag etti fill the Se vitations 'Sent out from the neadquaee iters of the SoicietY,' at Toronto, for a emple Of capable' lyoung ladies to take thte oversight a la large number of children -Who are 'sfilit by the:4118slon to tble, lake eit to enjoy a. month; -or two of kende .8, which wexe it Int ' tor the gebet weak, of the Mission, be--' Ing Poor eindreakyt the City . theY ht, of would not ne a 'Chance enjoying; nettliee LydiaSherritt, daughter of Afro - John Sherrit ,exeP., very' ably ad- dressed the McGregor Mession Circle on A - Thursday evening Of leen week, 'Slew / Shereitt intends to 'sale on the Anti of, 000her, for China, as , a !letlionseety: sent out by, the elethoilLet chercle, wad her address iVaS very ably delivered and listened to 'with the greatent , , terist by a good?sreed audience. ,— Messes Geerge and Wkekee'Ye Saline* who are 'peactising dentistry at Detroit, ; lenve teen here visiting theft s'isters iMr.e. G.:Otani, reining each by enotieree- IM514 Henry Fan Of London,. and forme; Jeri's of this village, was here tble week —Me. George Beach IreceethY presented the Bowlers with a -couple of tine Dave—Dr. H- G. Malley intends reeving next week into the premises be Pune ehased from Dr. Chesney, and wbield L e has Improved greatly In the inteeler and will how tav,e fine prernisea—Mish,*. 'Ytattie Jackson, Of London, is visiting at ter honse at Aogerville.—Mr. ,W. E. 'Pfaff is now enannfeetering tile.—Mr.. Sohn Pleeher an41. Mr. Thomas Cameron eaCh during the past Week were tajata ad by accidental fells but are now getting en nicely.--!.fr. Owen Geiger has been visited by several of -Oils se'le during the eesast .week. — Mrs. J. C. Stoneman, ot Toronto, and formerly erf this villageeepent a few days neeently, :with" relatives .and friends,—AftS Jonas. Robertson, Pasteneeter, ene Znekli Lodge Honsall, its an Niagara Falls, attendee- ing the itneeting of the Grand Lodge- Ithere.fre Manns, Sen, bae! returned from a few weeks visit with stela.tivee In Landonttatirs..0. L. MaArthitt. or Vancouver, B. U., wife of P. L. k. (Arthur, (hrtblun, .seeentanfy of the Vancouver Detective staff, 'Vancouver, is visiting sit her 'husband's old horne steer Irene sari. Letter from Saskatoon, Sask 'lo Alex Wi1son,1Druggist • Seaforth, Ontario Dear Sir : Before leaving my old hotne in Tuckersmich f had used you preparation "Equine Colic Cure" and heard many otherS, speak' of its -wonderful cures. Since coming here 1 have had a good deal to do with horses and always keep it on hand. Last fait a neighbor, Mr. McPeek, who had just unloaded grain at the elevator found one d his team a large & valuaable pedigreed mare, suffering from a very vere colic:sShethrew herself down and was so bloated that it was thought she would buist. They came to me and 1 gave tier a teaspoonful and half, the relief was almost immediate. i Another man who was there and saw how it acted gave me the money and asked If 1 would send for a bottle for him You ought to have a great call for this trotn out here. •a ROBERT .CARNOCHAN , Many others bear similar testimony, for instance ; Geo. Murray, an .old Seaforth boy said f.' he would not be without it in , . his stable if it cost $5.00 per bottle. John Chambers, Kippett, says : "if 1 -could not get more 1 would not sell a bottle for $roo dollars. Why ? it is like an insurance policy on your horses and cattle and only costs $1.0o for a bottle of 24 doses. One man who used it only once on a valuable mare, said : it gave such immediate relief that as long ashehad that horse on the road he was never without a bottle of Wilson's.Equine Colic cure in bis pocket. We will send it fre•e by mail to any adress in Canada on receipt of precel $1 Address -:• WILSO:INT DRUGGIST Saaforth• - Ontario Agent for Butterick Patterns, Et Plo :But ATri Iffa3 and ger; 2 *2 1 *1.1 brat 428 toe tat -ati Der 49.13 Plat eta Afar • 48.6 41.2 47.6 4.1;. *or ito 'WO *iegl lot /sap l 48.2 thee a le to test tenifl nth learc Into rep inev also on lots Oho 48 A can ' .fat iter ern .nola to Af"8:1, tent