The Huron Expositor, 1914-07-10, Page 8s • ening hoe DISTRItiT . Second event -J. M. Best, Sea- fortb, 1st; 3, Tayiota Clintons Zed. e Third even......._,t-W: .G, _WIMs, Seaforthi, 1nef st; ineTavisla neafortin 2nd, TheSeanorth Races. -It Ls her#1,Y ecessary for us to again remind our , . , enders df the fifteenth ainntal meet- ing_ df !the Seaforth Turf nietb, whieh takes...olace- on Ahab spaciouis green& oa Tuesday, Wednesday, And Thursday talf 'nett week. Th,0 very large; gam of nix thousand dollars "will he compe;ed Nier. Many of 'the best and fastest horses on the elicuit have been erdete. ed as well as many local fliers and tir. an Broderick, the very efficient and. tiodefatigable Secretary informs us that nothing but the Most I unifavorabne Weather can now nrefent tins meetiten from being the Most successful_ over held in'this part of the country. See - forth has already gained .an 'enviable rept:dation for Its suecessful meetings and the fair, straight forward manner blwliltheiu thato t edand the rifty-five Years alarried.-Mr. and biiending viraces ares'gnaye11d rely°, Mrs. Jamieson ' of Tara., who were .at /fleeting of the . next week will be no .treeenving congratulatione froM ntheir favorable -weather, tberefore, we MaY exeepton to the general rule. With one time residents dt- Seafarth, were cbildren in xriany oarts of the ;world, fairly look for a retold 'crowd ;and ,the being the an - June 21at, the MCBAS10/1 mast intereeting peed trials ever held and also from a host of friends, on en libe Seaforth Park, The aforth niversary ()If their marriage 55 years `Turf Club request that persons .1:Lan- ese They are in the best oE beanie UV a box stall available, to ever one coenanunic and e. ances led fair to celebrate Abair dia..; Ate with the SecretarY, as coneiderably , m present , ( appears 17 its and fro'hundred horses are expected from Port Hai& and Listowel. 4 MOM. , edding. It is the hope of their many elands that they may be spared to do so. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson ars ------' '. the parents of Mrs. W. Chartere, Mill Dr, Forester of Strh atford, eye, ear, nose ' ana Rad, Togkerernitb. I , throat specialist, will be at te Queen's Hotel, Se3 — forth, rd Monday, of each nttnth from 11 to ' ' 24044f ' . ' I 1 • McIntosh -Pratt. -A quietwedding celebrated on July est, ithe Rev' *"." as s Prof, lingitson, the reliable eye spechliek 0 Its- Twesday, Wednesday and Ihurolay, July 14th, 16th _trattord, vilb'be at Beatti,es " Variety!' store on ',Harper Grey officiating, when k iss .ro-fd 16th. Cone In and bare your eyes tested and Pauline Isabella Pratt, B.proper spectacles. deerghter OE Mrs. Be]iti A.. Pratt of .e 4., Youngest ee esti ainn(Y you With the 2929-2 1.43.EAT $1.60 bpTIcAL SALE of warranted gold tilled rim slit tacler and eye glasses with.batit' spherieal lenses, for only $1.60, sold in regular way for $3.60. A scientific .examination of your eyes, free, ify Mr. Hughson, formerly optieal manager of Kent's jewelry store, Tesonte. The test alone woith more.. Stale begins Tuesday. July 14th and will 'close Thureday at 0 p. m. Come early. Beattie Bros. Variety store, Seaortb. 143041 Wanted—General servant for months 0.31 ailY and Auguat, Apply Mrs. ` E. A. Corbett, car of Mr. S. Dickson, Seaforth. 243041 Hay for Sale—Tweve acres of hay for sale On f the field, timothy and elflike, on Lot 3, Conceesion 6, Tueltarernith„' John Sproat, Egmoadville. 200-1 Reunion News . -Kincardine, now, Vingbarie, Blyithand Clinton fire Inigades, Which means everY town on that line, have signified theirs intene : tieeof ettendiag the riremains -dere,- . . . I onstretidir here. Tbe3r will bring- the Mikan% ' Kink Band, the Iniacardine end Luelenaw Highland Pipers' • Bands, and Wingtaantbress band is also likee eampagehassaameasesaage wismomisswimainvollart AY tte be here Arraagernents . have been oonle The more you buy ,Ait.lbe• race track for Did BaYS ,We:ek. epted for a big new grand stand The more you save a e 8.0.1181181k S ee ,fdvertisernent on page 5. Cash Shoe Store Opposite the Expositor Office —Seaforth— The South- end Furniture ,Store Mattresses at Half -Price Kineardine Fire Department hale. Den plied or their civic holiday for A.ag- us% 5th., the big day at Seaforite- Other O'Id Bole Reunion notes _en Sge three. .' 1 - Toronto rename the wife tof Mr. - We - this week. If you gram Go 'aria; McIntosh 03.A„ 'See of . . Toronto, 'Youngest son of Lair. and Mrs. need a cot for Old Zanies McIntosh of Seaforth,ipnt., may the Met:et:Hate relatives being present BoITs' -w e e k yo, The bride wearing ivory natin with veil 4.1- (wed orange blossoms; kraered the draw - rent them. h e r e. big...,..m ori: the arm tof her lerothen ene R. A.i.Priatt, to the istrains of the wedding mareh played by little Miss Ad orders itittstbe Helen Roberts of ;Windsor, inieee of the bride. After -Au/gust the. first, ,�r. and/ ides; McIntosh twill be at home at 280 Dupoet street. ,, R. G. WINTER JFD Jew° and ptioian. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORT ON T )4anaes V atson. 1, Successor to W. N. Watson femoral Fire, Life and -Accident Insur- ance Agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of laroperty treated at the lowestrates. , Dealer m New Ra,ymond, White and New Home Sewtog Machines and National Cream Separators. full supply of sewing machine needles, attachments, ofi and xe- pairs alwa-vs in stock. New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Company of Cana& is soon to print a new issue of its Official Telephone Director for the district of Western Ontario. Parties who contemplate becom- ing subscribers, or those who wish changes in their present entry should pace their orders with the Local AtImager at once to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting C ompanies _ Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's department, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada -2C0-2 Please Your Friends Your portrait as a re- membrance will be ap- yreciated by your friends as an evidence of your thoughtf We Guarantee Satisfaction If you have any pictures i • to enlarge bring them to us. Fells Studio Phone 19 Seafor Houseful of Bargains AT THE Home of Good Shoes Watch the Windows Friday and Saturday • Re R. Scott Donnell and Dr. Mair, Heneall, nan Ross and Currie, Bruissels, Let; C. Me.. U atingles-First event, J. E. Willits, 'Sea - Phone eaforth Ontario g.a.nneeialnentits na.aforth 53, "Accident fa Ma Bellert,-Councillor Con Eckert a Mcicrillop met with a very serious and Painful accident on Wednesday of lastl week. Mr. Eckert, who owns and resides an the Cowan Tarim; a.djoining ,See4forth, was eine gaged With his son in 'placing tiles in a drain. While stoopin,g down in the Wain adjusting the tiles, ea, large atone lying on thesidefell in on Iaine severely crushing hen and injuring him Internally. Sa serious were his in- juries that foe several dare .his life Marriage Lbenses issued by Sa‘;auge suld Stollery Jewellers, Etc., Seaforth. 22774f rms. IL, 23294 toFgare, sSeaaleto—rttveral rood houses on easy Flags — Flags of ail Nation's, pennant , Japanese lanterns, fans and parasols. Souvenier goons and all the old home week novelties and: Waft atakorri See them at Beatles' 5-1046 and 25e More.2480-1 Eye Specialist Professor Ilinghson vsill again visit Seaforth, July 34, 15, 10, and will be at our store. We would recommend him to any one need- - ing eye treatment. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 24304' Cotnmercial College—The Clinton Comr=M1 College, owned by Mr. G, Spotton, has been pur. ehased by Mies 13. Warn, !Ale former PrInmpal.° it il be hereafter known as the Clinton Soluoi of Commeroe and is being thoroughly renovated and equipped. Among other improvements,' is the in., staIlation of the Bliss Practical Office System of Molt keeping and up-to-date filing systeirs. in was despaieed Of and his relatives csoeneeesetit)outihe nsual Commercial and Shorthand Pitman system of shorthand is willbetau°gIO'Llneuadreibeing introduced a Fa e were suminerted. But on Friday be ee took a tern for the better and mine, for the winter months, and a Civil serlis now improving and unless =expected coeur(sit,utiltrsexbaor:Ifori Gevnernmemrpeanlopposenitslosnsep. teWmhble:ner pornplicatioes set. -i-a. there are good th hopes for this epeedy recovery. His nt, with a well train°edaanid highlyfilt i 8 t will be the most modern and best eeciQuiepflettotffril of its kind in the Country. pla .ap o - VIS EXPOSITOR elast the thin,f,s or rnownt- tug zio ke attrtin r Kodak pctures ps the prints from and make9 a nice soave iela Of your vacation We hi v e thein in differ- ent sizes, at 10, .16, 40. arid 500 each. 'brother, Rev.' ichael Eckert of Min., neepolls, is here ;with him, baying ;been 1, summoned when, he was so pad, Mr. Eckert's many friends win be pleaned to hear at his continued progress healthward and all will hope for big speedy and. Pomplete recovery. Egniondville Notes. -Mr. Holerran and Ms daughters, Sadie and Rena, were visiting friends la lairkton and Exeter last' weekenfifies Babe "Sweat left las; week to epana a few weeks With .friends In Guelnh,-Mr. R. ,Charlesworth and bride Imo. Cleveland, are spending a short hopeyanoon with the formee's mother here. -The 'high grass , and weeds around the village streets, are quitte an eyesore as well as a ;nuisance, It would be well to have our village lonk its beet for the Old Bons' Iteunien. James Laurie and Kra. W. O. Larnisborough left last Tuesdae for a trip to the west ---Mr. Ceole. who has been the guest of Mr.' Hoirna:n for some dire, left for his Janne on Morn day last. Mr. Holman accemannied him as far as Toronto. --The Young People's Missionary and &dal 'Union ,of Eganondville Church, had a picnic te Bay -field to -day, Franey. -Mrs. D. Saroat df Belgrave is vistileg friends here this week.-alles Nettie Shilling - law Is spending *a few weeks in To- ronto. Collegiate Promotion Results. - The promotion in 'the lower forras of the S eaforth Collegiate have this year been deter,mlned in the \cats° of nearly all istlidents by their standing on the re- gular weekly examinatioas during the year. The names in torder of merit, bas4 ed on each examinations, "bave already .been published. The fallowing Shows nag names df !students la/alphabetical oder cif these eligible for ,prignotion ; Form 1 to Forrn 11.-W. 1,kment; Beale .4.rgo ; 1). Beattie; W. Bell; Kathleen Burrows Irene Carhert; G. Chapman; E. Ches- ney; Mary Edmund; F. ;Faulkner; T. Gillespie; Hester Godkin ; Alice „Knech- tel; ataZ iMeClinchey; W. ,McDowell; McLean; Kathleen ,McMann; J. Melady ; nignes Murphy; W. Nigh; Marjorie DIC101- gm; 1011,et_engeletp; R. Reid; Loretta Roach ; ara.rion Scarlett, J. Scott; G. nhillinglaw; inargu.er tie Stewart; G. Wankel; D. Wileon,', Form '11 to Fora: 1.11.--Merjor1e Andrews; Annie aench- Wan ; -Helen Creswell ; Meager° t !Co yen ; Crecb; 'Margaret Edge; Allan Fisher Belle Forsyth.; Erma, Freeman; ,I. Gei- ger; Verna Graves; Louise Griffiths; Arehie Hay; Jessie Kerr ;. 13eatirice Larkin; Marion Larkin ; Callista ,Mal- one; Claressa, Scott; Margrete ;Snell; .0. ;Prayer; Ella Teenatal; Mabel Turn- , Local Brieae.-Miss Carnochars, 1:.; ar e nrofensio.nal nurse, from, ,Terantot -es here visiting :her brother, 4.Mk. H. 4Aalind dmIallghottetrerof 'New jo-rkirl,,..- 0b,a4rrnrioce Visiting. (at the irnme an arr. and (Mrs. Wane T. afOrson. - Rev. Mr.. Oor- ben Is here from efoetreal. Ile. and Mrs. Corbett and little son are occupy- ing the Dixon home- during' the toll- . days. -Mr. Ralph Fisher of Little Reck. ;Arkansas, ils.. visiting ,.at the home of , his uncle And aunt, . and Mrs. Al. 1 1. Y. InkLeatt-Mr. W. J. _ eattle has had 'I Ie*the material .1aid dew for extensive mprovements a his slaughter nottee, with the view of nringing It 'ap ton'he 1 tail requirements of the Provincial Beard df Heaith, frames ganitary .polat : 01 view.---Mre. George Barr of Ottawa. ; end her Male non, 'Erick, are visiting Mrs. lnarr's gdster, airs. James. - Alt - 1 chetson at Rexboro„and ther brothers, , Messrs. jamee and Peter tKerr, Me - 1 Killop.-The achoel teacher^ earnrne. ' eeetme to be as +prevalent as ever,ljudge: ing from, the ndvertiserrents for teach - ere In the naners. -The -Toronto Globe has daily from seven to, ' ten ;solid Ana -me of ads. or teachers and most "of them far pourar-y Seablic (schools. The farnine le ,a good thing -for the Globe as well as nor the teachers.- arr. J. (0. MeGavin, who has been visit- ing friends 'in. this (vicinity for several tweeks, left for his home in Winnipeg this we,ek. Mr, tMeGavin is an old Mc- ICElop bay. After finiehin,g dais course at the Calleglate tInstitute niere some. sixteen ;years ago, he atruok out for Winnipeg prei hats been very fortunate. He is now at the head -of .sevitia' large ' financial institutions in that 1 citiy.-Ivir. Arthur biusgieive, Toronto, nowt/0st 60-T1 Of Rev. ,P. Musgrave - formerly of 'ercKilion was yisitin.g with Mr. and -Mes, J. R. Govenleck and ;other friends during the fpa,st week. -Haying Is now - general ert this vicinity, The crop is very good and so" far the vvelather, anis been favorable. It is hop- ed our fanners willenot have to irrnort hay to feed ttheir (stack this .winter. -Mr. and Mrs. T. S. . Menarey of afelita„Manitoba, .with tier daughter, pirs. Louis McQuillan and son, of " Winnipeg, are visitirtg at the home of Mr. and Mrs, :James G. Ches- ney, Tuckersmith.-Mrs. ,iv'f. Broderick entertained the aneinbers df the Separate =boot entrance class, to tea on Sature day. -Miss Edith 'Hunt, pupil .of Miss bora B. Gab, has *aged the junior piano examination raf the TerontoCoa- servatoiy of music, with honors. This examination us9ally means ,a year of 931; El71_51;-/eig§le Nilson:. -hard stride', butildiss Hunt r;Otained it / In five ;months:We congratulate both! The Bowling Tournament. -The 2011 teacher and Lytrp11.-14,ts. and Mists Mc - annual Itclurnagnent of_ the Seaforth ICinley are in Torento, this week,a-Mise Level Bawling Club .was held on. their Nora Kennedy, af 'Wing/tame is inciting green here on 'Dominion Day and With her grandmother, Mrs. McKay, Thursday following and was one of .Goderich Street -Miss E. (Marks, of the ;racist sueceissful In the history .,01 Hamilton, is the ghest of her auk the ride *A new departure was len. and auat, Mr. and Mrs. M. Broderick. troducedlthis year, competition being -Loyal ,Orange Lodge Nye. 798, Sea - for Sicotch doubles and eingles only ,and tortb, aecoMpanied by a number of vise it proved a ver -y popular one, as there itors and the citizens band, will attend was a record !attendance,despite the divine ;Worship in St. ThoMas Churea, most unfaverable weather, Wednesday on Stesday esveitig. next. -Hrs. George being rather niet at tines, and on Morrison and Mrs. Robert McGrath, ;Thursday it was a trifle cold. The who have been visiting at the .1.otrie greens were in splendid eondtiion, aria of air,. and Mrs. 3 a Welsh, returne the, gonanittee hati the lawn Special-- ed this week to their home. la Owen. ly decorated and bad provided .most nounn.-earrs W- C. Landsborougb, of !generously ' for the comfort of their Tugkersanith, -left this week an *, a Itneests. Rinks were prearlt• from six ;weeks' 'AAR with relatives „In Ar- Goflerich, Clintole, Blyth, Zurich', Ex_ den, eranitoba.-Mr. end ...Mrs. E. II. eter, Hensall, Brus,sels, !Mitchell and Close were :Irt Stratford on Wednes-i. Stratford, besides the ocal bowlers, day attending the tuner -al of Mr. there being some forty eatries in all. close's :Imother.-Mr. Hugh! Welsh of There wire4tvir!.o events in the doubles , Hamilton seent Suriday iast at his and 'three an On singles, and there home herd. It erill be advisatile for all were matey laicise and exciting gamespersons who wish to obtain infer:nu- The following were 'the t winners ; titan about electrical and. other clecor- enoteb doubles-lst event, Dowding and Grant, Clinton, lst; :donna and Glennle,, Seaforth, 2nd. -- Second eaeot, 4mit Thompson's Bookstore Seaforth Window"' shades and Picture frames made to order. Mrs. James Wafieson.-Sotre of the out of town teachers who are spending. the holidays ' at their homes berg Are diesels Florence Thompson, Margaret arid JessieScott, Rose Dorsent D. Gil- lespie, Monte Laidlaw, Nettie Pethick, Grace Voir, Rae Govenlock, Genevieve and Ittlildired Jones, and Messrs, "gni. Morrow and E. „Rivers. -Mr. Jolla , B. Henderson left on Ttiesday for New , Where Will spend a eau- eeks . visi ing his'Ndaughter, . 'Watt, -Postmaster Williams ink ''of bowlers over to iZurieh on Mon ai tor a friendly game nivith the local bowlers. -Mrs. Stewart Land daughte Miss Pearl left on TaeedaY for :the spena.• ter Carl *friend, days laq't week. --Mrs. Carman, sontad daughter, ;who have reeided in town for aboV a year left, la,st week fax their summer,: home in 'retitle's, Que. bee. -They will not return to Seafortb,, as tetisislOarmAn has resigned her posi- tion anhtbe staff of the Collegiate a• t. niv :Matte here, and accepted a similar positio in Toronto, -Mies Olive Scott, of Blue, ale, .WAS ta guest at the home of Mr. ilohn Beattie, Goderich street, ladt ,week. ---airs; Arthur Forbes ef glintofi was here last week calling- on frienda-Mr. Rased -eforsori of Gode- rich is; spertding ,his holidays at his home bere.-1,111ss Margaret Knighteano has ben attending the Collegiate Insti- tute here for- several years, has coM- pletecl , her course and returned this week o tier -kerne near Sarnia. - Mrs. 1 Georg Irvine of Spokane e and former- ly of this part, is visiting her sister.; irs. Thomas Fowler, in Ilarpurhey.-- 'Misses Elia and Jessie Robb of Toron- to have returned to their home in 'town or the steamer.--Nrise Jean Chid - If ley . as the guest of her cowgirl, Miss Evelyn Greig, last week. -Mr. and Mrs. George T. Tarribtill and 'W. and Mrs. R. yr'. 'McIntosh motored to Toronto last Week to attend the alcIntosInPratt wedding. -Mr. Bert Spea,re of London Ls spending the holiday.s with his par- ents) Mr.. and Mrs. H Speare.-Mrs. Porrance and daughter Hazel spent the Weekk-end In Wingharn.-Miss Ella Chesney has gone to Toronto to take an ' rts course At a eummer scbool.- lerr4 Ni. 1'. Adams of Birth was fere thisl week, visiting her mother, Mrs. Isaafc iMIller.-Miss Ruth Hamilton of goderich id* the guest of Miss Jennie Govenlock.-Mr. and ,Krs. G. D. Haigh were ,in, Lticknov,r over Sunday. --Mrs. Jones of Toronto is visiting at the home of her sota Mr. R. E. Jones, and Avail other- friends. -Mrs. O. V. Weston of Detroit is visiting at, the borne a her ,parents, '1,,fr. and Mrs. Janies Graves. -The Bass Club spent Wednesday at Kay, Bay. i'vrataills was Pilot, leading the catch. -A little of /Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Byrne had misfortune to fracture an are' 'Tuesday evening while playing in park -The Expositor had a pleas- ant, ;call -Nan Monday morning froa- .Mr. aohn Laporte of Drysdale And a par-. ty of friends. Mr. Laporte's ism from Chatham Arrived at his Place last, week Wita a handsegne autowdbile, and he toot als father and other friends on pleasant, trip to visit friends 'inStrati4 ford, where they spent Sunday. They .were on their way home on -Menden, when they welted over an hour lIt Seaforth, to call on friends ;here. Mr. Laport ' is one of those evax cheerful met' ve err! it always makes a person feel better to eneet.-Mr. ,and Mrs. E. McFaul le,ft tills week for St.Thomas, to spend a few 'weeks with friends Ste hens and family of Detroit and in 3,,tliat district. -Mr. and /Mrs .Jobn Mrs. G. V. Rogers and 'family of Lon - nos. are •spendeng the holidays at The Qu ann.-Mrs. Peter Tiernan and 4afughter Margaret of Wtrkisor are vis ting Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan, near Se orth.-Mr. .Albert (Morrison, civil f en, !neer of. Cleveland, spent a fe;w days here this week, the guest of his uncle, Mr. -.John ,Morrisann-Mri, Wil- li*, Gillespie, of Brussels, is the g lest of 'Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie-Jeares Street. -Mrs. John' Dorsey, of Dal ith, is j/isiting at the parental. home et Mr. and Mrs. :M. `larillitten.s.-Mrs. J. F. Mo - Mann returned this week frons a pleas- ant visit with friends in Chicago, Min- neapolis . and Duluth, -Mies Franeis Roberts is (spending a .few daze with he4 dieter, Mns. Henry, in Huntsville. :..Mrs. and Mies Bethune left on satur- day for Vertnon, B. 0, where they, will nd the sumrrer.-nriss Clark, o.f St. harines And Miss I-le,mingway, at I,rnr, are the gdests Of Mass Evelyn Gr Ig. -Six rinks Of bowlers motored to Clinton, on Wednesday and pianed afternoon and evening ga,mes with the glut], of that town. The afternoon, game resulted in a ivictory for Clinton, by Harnbur age of Mrs. !Ale kook a ! .fifteen sheets* .and, the .evening game *ane --out re tle.-Mre. Wm. licaleYe -of • Guellin es Meiling at the home 'of ara, and .errs, Ed. Hants ainKillop.-The Weed Week" on the town" hall- is bein ,reaainten this aveek, Which will great- ly ireprove its -appearance -The national Correepondenee Seboele 0.6rene non, Penne are -giving art exhibition .on itheir work In t.he Cardno 'Bleck, this week., ' Winthrop Church Serileese4On golpity evening next, Rev. Ma Clarnweileewill preapla 0W4e1 sergion inteenan Church', tfe the ;members a oa4sta1ge 'Lodge, No. f57, Canadian brner. of Foresters. The service will commence at.t.eiglit -onlook end it es expected that there will be * large tarneut Meenbers. ative sehe:nes for streets, lawns, homes shops, loges, etc. for the Old Boys' Reunion, to consult the decorative cam- mittee, Messr.s. A. E. Forbes, 3. McTav- ish, and E, Gretta Watson, of Moose Jaw, is spending the holidays ; --4.1419*XIV 191.,.t, her. Mie.11#!.1.,, laiAd - west, where they 1 intend tbe summer holidays -Mas - 'Welsh of ntratford visited his aster Ben Roberts for a few ;the soh the tae spe Ca iAy Varna Notes, -Mrs. (Rev.) James Footeand :Anna Grego Adams; have been. spending several, weeks at,Ithe home of Mr. John Foote, returned Iasi mire'ek te their hame in Thetlftirdsn'orne may friends of Mr. 'Charles Atelck, who left here a few tweeles ,ago for Edmontax; will regret to ,learni that he; was severe.: iy injured recently -Oen fall, And nvill be laid uri for -tsneneetime: MIGLAMEW. ,BOOT PRIVILEGES The Both privilege in con- nection with the Old Boys' Reunion will be sold by pub- lic auction in front of the Town Hall Monday Evening, July 13th at § p. m. These privileges are for the entre Sellibgiarivileges of every kind at both the race track and recrea- tion grounds for .the Reunion week. ' A D Sutherlahd, Sec oaPwmo"Iqh;o•uml;"..po'''tt:o.fto...."..owqw -McKfllop One good dollar buys a guess in the Seaforth- Firetrien'a bean guessing contest, and one good guess. buys 'a 1914 Model T, Ford autontoolle. See the jar of beans in .1. P. Daly's wirdow. 2429-1 Notes. -Ws, Ternat and herdaug1i4 ter Margaret trope Sandwich, rant ewe* 'Visiting friends Me and aroend Sea, forth the past week.=-1dlias Llizie Eck- ert Is boene for venation from Torone to, where she IS studying for a teach- er's certificate. Her manyfriends vvisli her seccess. 1 BilleChlite00d • The Seaforth Fire Brigade are holding' a bean. guessing ooneest. The jar of beans is on exhibition in J. P. Dales window. -You pay $1 for each guess. If you gues is the exactor the nearest to • the exact number,- yo u get a 1914, Model T ' Ford Automobile. What more do you want for a dollar. 2429-1 Notes. -Rev; rather Eckert Of Min- neapolis, is visiting relatives here. - Mr. Louie, Maloney of Wellesley, as enenclirinsthe haliciays at his none here. -Mr. Timothy' Lynels, recently' sold a three year old colt to Mr. Hogg, on de:, Killop, for 'which he received a 'kande some figura-Mrs. Duggan and daugh- ter of Minneapolis, are visiting 11.4n parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Thos. O'Rourke. -Miss iidarY Nigh, of Hibbert; spent „Sunday with !Miss Tessie Blyth . - Sad Drowning Accident. -A very sad -drowning aceident the first in the history of 13Iy.th, occured here on Mon. day evening last. Mr. Victor Bell, while bathiag in the switrering hole with a tompanlon, took *cramps" and was drowned before aid could reach hen. He was prerniiing emeng man of :S.- Iinaut ltwentyeene years of age. His companion at once ran for assistance and called Dr, Milne. The body was soon found, but nothing. could be done. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mre. W. Bell, well known and reepected'te- sidents of this town. , Manley i A new! 1014 Model T automobile for $L See the bargain in J. F. Daly's window, Seaforth. 2426-1 • Briefs. -A. . numbee from here have been paying visits te! :Mr. C. Eckert, who Met witn a serious aecident while engaged In trenching the ;foundation of hie driv shed. Apparently -he was is\ in ?the tre h. evorking• on his kneeswith a k, when .his \son rolled a large stone Off the boat will]; the horses. The chain slimed, causing foe stone to laounce,"analting its way to the trench, whicla when the.son saw, he warned this father, but it was alto late, as it had his *tin], -pinned against the, hank. Had it not been for the strength of the son and the hired manlife would have been crush- ed out in a short time. He was wa- iled to the (hauee and a -doctor teas ealled at once, when it was found sthat eonditions were not 'so Irloasi .as expected. He Is now r'eco ering .ratildly and ,wilI soon be 'tell right again if !nothing of a serious nature sets in. -Rev. Father Micha,eI Eckart, end Mrs. W. McKay, daughter of Mr. C. Eckert, are home on the vacation, the former from Minneapolis and the latter from Leavenworth, 'Wasningtoni. e -Mrs, J. F. MeMenn, Who had teen away for the nest few weeks in the western cities, returned home with her brother and Mee% and arrived home the sante day ibfr. Bek,a,rt was injured; and were Much -disappointed, as they were giving their friends a surprise. --Some of the fall Wheat was so bad- ly injured by the late frosts that it Is being eat down fak green feed. -Mr. Jaanes SMart1n raised his large bank barn • this weekae'nhe. anany friends Of Mrs. Conrad Sternagle will " re- gret to learn that her condition is so serious that theree is little hope for her recovery. • Wal ton Regovering.-The Many friends g uris. Alexander aarciintr will ne pleats', ed to learn that tabe is now StifficientlY renovered =to get (about ;with he aid pf crutches. Mrs. Gardiner ,had een eohs fired to bed far bout eight weens With a frantured leg., When the frac-, tura had !healed And the splints .were rer.noved it was neund that a; c1$of bloodi had fanned an tone of the r$ re les. This bad,14to 43,e .repoved and trade the case somewhat tedious- and deli- cate. However, it es (now hoped that eUrs . Gardiner is on alee eneetly road..a recovery. Her isister,ti; Mrs. Gennep Barr of Ottawa, -wile .had been with her for a ;month, -has one to visit friends in the vicinity of Se,a,fortle .before her return. to that' home *in .01- Notes.-Far,mers are beginning hay- ing. The recent trains thane- linProve,d the :hay very much, And. ene spring crone are rnost prorrising.-Mise Alla Gardiner -hats returned thoene .nreirn 'Ail- verton, for holidays. -Phe Jubilee ser - views df Duffs Church Are over. They Were moat succeastul. full a pleasant. memories of the oast and 'of • large vielons far the .future. rnhe return of the former ministers was a great plea- sure to the neopleeend the tJubileesern Acel9 by Rev; Mr. Laird, of Toronto, enta• Rev. Mr. ,prantetote !of Palmerston, will long be remembered. putts Church With titer dine new teguireneint and her devoted pato a will ,do a noble work in future. -The funeral of the infant chIld of Mr: kand .Nirts. Albertson was held on MOIldt&Y.-143,e inellas Md gar- den party on the (manse lawn was a remind tsUCCRS. ,One thousand tpeople. were present tend enjoned,the "fine sup- per and, excellent piOgraarane. thy' James Tax. Of Toronto, Staloreft Bann s and others. The proneeds3amounted tka215,--- 50.-Rev. Mr. Eshoee of !Persia, gave a nine irnissionary ad:dregs in Walton unuesday -evening.--many louts people from here tattended the afoncrieff Gar - deaf party ' on Friday -evening, to hear Again Janes Fax of 'Toronto. It ;was. al isignal •suicesp. tea proceeds pinion.P4s ttoU6,1,3t) „i 1 ,i'i • No better hos- iery made at the price 50c a pair, Beautiful Silk L s 1 e, and doube where the wea-r conies. Fine and sheer as the best silk - in appea.rance See our hpse values at from 10c to '25c a pair: cFauls • Seaforth Store- closes ip. Wednesdays during July and August. We. pa.y mail and stage charges Y 0 i914 Gloves - - You get here the kinct-that feel cool and - co rn fortable, wear,well and cost little. -Either long or short styles —all popular shades are in stock. We are partic- ularly strong in silk and lisle .mallesat prices from 25c to $1. all phne and maUord You Gan Help Yoursel and Your And Help Us Too If • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t t 41 I You I • • : • I Trade Here i . t -. : 1 . . Ivi : cFaul s :. . : ••••••••••••••••••••••••4* • • • Prepare to • • celebrate on • I the old boys , home weeks • • 11). e ca,n help you • - I3UNTING • • • TO decorate your * • store, office or its - i de rice. Red,white blue, etc. at }5}c a yard • • _ * • FLAGS A • s Flags suitable for • the special occas ion, C anadian, Un- ion jack,rhite en- : sign and we/come : flags, shes 3321'x6 to -1,22),c36 inches at le to _25c -each to I • • • •fi ***************************•••••••••••••••1********* Things fpr You Home Splendid vaines this month in things- for your home. --Awn ings, Ducks, Art Ticking, Table Unens, Towlings, Sheetings, Cottons, Blankets, Slieets, Comforters Curtains, Mats, Rugs, Li noleums, etc, Dainty Blouses for Dressy Wea Here are ever so many pretty designs In smart dainty blouses, especially suitable to wear with you best Suits. YOu'll find that there just what you need to -freshen up your wardrobe. The materials are soft lustrous, cotton or silk -- fabrics skillfully -combined with folds of silks or frills of lace. Each is individual, either in artistic } design, unusual color combination • aor smart tramming. PRICES --$1 00 to $5.00 ..art Showillg ot • .Neckw*HiAt.---. I A pretty piece of neckwear will won erfully freshen an old frockfrock bringing charm to both the dress and its wearer. We are , some smart, carefully made collars, fichus and frills, some suitable for eviry day - or business - wear, others appropriate for mole tormal occasions.. Corne in and look/them over, you will be delighted with • the many clever .designs,shown in fine fabrics, laces and 'embroiderieS PRICES -25c to $1.59 BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED man Th fell gu the the V