The Huron Expositor, 1914-07-10, Page 3TT
emu Ow. usLER p&p., t*
- D mArniaws. mg.
C. A. BOGERT, Qeneraff Manager..
re non
Trusl Funds Shout(' Be Deposited
In a Savings A.ccount in The Dominion Bank. Such fonds are ,
safely protected, and earn interest at highest current rates.
When payments are made, particulQrs of each transaction may
be noted 011 the cheque Issued, which in turn bearnes a receipt
or voucher when cancelled by the bank.
A. E. COLSON Manager*
Married in Toronto,. -A very pretty
pi-eddIng took plaoe at the hone of Mr.
John S. 'Wren, in Toronto, on TtfeedaSO
at week, ,when his deter, iHiss
!Annie Jane,, daughter of tthe late Mr.
and 1..ira. George Wren, of Hen:sail, was
married to Normal L. Brandon, o -f cjoyful. The bride and groern left with
Maros. and f .Mr. and Ikr$. the ev.ening train for their tome in
'Brandon,, of Wingham. The nerereonY Ontario w
was performed by the Rev. David Wren!. At lifeggr
of tBruss.els, and biother of the future.
bride. The beide was brought into the
;awing room which was deoneoteti
With PalMs, ferns tend troses,. by her
brother, .4. S. V(grerl, %as bass- IlazOl
Brandon o :s.lteter Of the bridegrotemk,
played the wedding march. (I/faster D.
tew*rt Wren was eingtelbeateer. rtlee
7 bride was !gowned in crown silk erepe
;with sha.dow lace, and carried- a beauti-
fat bouquet Of bridal rnses. After the
teremony. Mr. 13roek C. Brandon, tyf
Hanover, rendered an.. appropriate Isolo.
A. dainty luncheon) waa served, AViter
'Whieh, the bride and:bridegrotert. left
toe the, Xest, the former 'weaning • a
traveling. (suit of midnight ,blue garbar-
*dine cloth with prettythat to ;match.
. _
Tubereellosise-,On Sundeoen eveninee,
lune 29th, Rev. entH. Dyke, Field See-
retarg of the tMoskoka. iFree Hospital;
tor nonsuenptives, lectured in the rflown
EU. Quite a number ,werrosent and
listened :to a very :instruetive lecture
len the Dawes of consumption and hcier
Ito prevent It. rrhe .lecturer howed the,
noose, progress and result elf the deso
eaze in thenbeingeand pointed outenany,f
ovaye in /which people might e1 to
prevent phe apread ofethegreat,aconngel
He .-elioyted the. working tvalue of a 'ife
to the community And tthe, fin anciaa inss
sustained by so Many .elyine con -
:emptier -I. He dealt mint the work of
he Saniteriten and told. Of the need•
And !claims of. the Muskoka Free Hose
pita' to the generons euppoert of the
noenTrunity. Parents, children and the
tered the 'parlov`to th,e etraires of the
wedding antra which Was ably played
by. her siter,lond was given away by,
her tether. The bride was 'beantifully
dressed- in siak, ,draped with, shadow,
et She NOM th:e unual re-gulag:on
ft, naught up with orange blossO*,
naritying a lovely tboquet of flnwere.
Thi ceremony wee performed by Rev,
3. JoheeniM. a. After the ceremony
was performed, the guests of the newly
wedded couple gathered Around ithe
table tto enjoky a isomptuous supper,
which made eoiryibodg feel happy and
re their numerates friends
or, Wish them a I bappy
Oiel Home We.eke--Arrongemente have
been completed (for the illerrinating of
gwin Street, bY the: Elecfricol, Decorn
Ative and Eqniprnent Oen:pang, of Tor-
onto. WO Pampany will une over 2000
colored electric lights on Main Street
algae, including their celebrated •elec-
tric Count df Honor, which will be e-
rected ia front of"z-thf.Town HAIL There
will -twenty-two ,electric arches on
v,arions etteets throughout the town,
And 4000 ThIge will be bronght into re-
quisition for decorating purposes.These
electrical displays will he worth seeing,
and there la no doubt that our etreets
will be nrowed every night clethe (re,-
Word has also% been received trion the
Meyergerhoff Show Company, thatthey
are pending their monster Merry-go-
round to Seeforith, during the Old Baye'
week. This is tineo largest . iMorry-gote
round in America, being tsupplied With
dyn,*os which generateits own el-
ectric power And. Imueic. It will be seen
that the geourittee In charge Of affairs
Are not forgetting amusement fox: the
kiddies, in their desire to rase the
Clinton Bona have Just received their
Highland coetumels, and 'will be one af
the three Highland bands that will ap-
pear In the Firemanie- narade, on Au -
gut fifth. the other two being- the 18th
of Tororito, and ,the fa:none Kiltie Band
of at. .Niarys, The Committee are ne-
gotiattirw .with the Piper's Band,- Luck-
pnblic generally !should got, miss opei raw', which will likely be on hand, so
nortunitiets to be informed on: the great ieeeris, Of Scotch mtralc, will have a.
question. The Reeve woe chairman. Viz., chance to 'have every desire satisfied.
Dyke. ,seeens to have a, thoraugh undere About ,twenty-three• Fire Brigades
standing of every tthaae of his subject have eignified their intention a at -
and talk_ on Sunday flight, Wa'a kaath tending the Fireman's Conventian and
Interesting, and instructive. He iis an Tourntament here in August, renstly
indefatigable worker in the good ceaseevery brigade btinging its own bond.
The Fine Brigade feel greatly en -
The Ratz React -torn -The tsecor,d re-. eduraged by he large number of en -
union of the decendanta of Valentine trieo for the traces on August fifth,:that
Ratz. whoe with. (his wife and family are ccening int And ;which indicate %that
-emigrated from Hessen, Germany, in the events will be the most,,keenly cot -
l823, and was the Cr -et Reitz to grass tested, that Firemen have ever eeen,
ithe Atlantic, was held at the Waterloa On the Oat hag Mlle track' at the fair
Park, in Berlin, on Tuesday of last grounds, It is eald b.y those who know
;week, And was tattended by over 150 'that past records will iikely be broken.-
tOurbers of this -wel17-knaw1. and pras-1 Rep:lien. Received, All ,Enthusiastic.--
Perous family. Valentine Ratz first set- • Mr. and Meet D. 3. McCollum, Seskee
tied in Waterloo, and later cleared the toon- James T. Dodele, Swift "Current n.
farm near St. Jacobs, where the fnest Mrtaxa bfrg. Norman Bramnell, Win -
reunion wets held July 1st, Ion. Messrs, nipege, Mr. %and Mr ee Ed. Btainiff, Cleve-
,Jocob Rotz, New Hamburgaged eighty- land; Alex. Duneen, San .Francisco, 35
sixx And George ,Rdtz, (Palmerston, aged years (singe he has been in Seatortn;
ten ea,r,s, were nres.enneand partieipa,ted Lando Itaxley, 13ridgeburig; ts Ti 0.
lin the dog's proceedings. At 1110011 the Kemp, Toronto; Mts. Wm. Aitchesan,
entire family sat dawn to a sturpt ous Wirecheeter; George 11 Da -131, Chicago.
-dinner In the .Pavilion, after ,which_a but a, email bay when he left Seaforth.
tengthly program w.a,s providtd, con2
eisting of songs„recitations, ,Iond nu- Brucefield
rnerouS taddresses. Senator iSraientiaa (Intended for Lost yileek)
Ratz, formerly, of the township of Stele -
ben, but TiON'Sr, ofiNecv Hamburg, presidep. Notes. -Mr. 'David Bell is visiting his
And revie-wed the litstorytof the family, son, Rev. Wm. %Bell, f ZurIgh,-Mr4..
ISpeeche,s were delivered thy ;Messrs. Ia.- Foote, wife of Rev.' James F-oete visited
cob Ratz. NewHomburg; .George Reatz at 'the home of her father, W. John
Palmeeston; Dr. John Ratz,,tPreston; j, Foote, of Ba-nnockburn, last week. -Mies
Otto, New Hamburg; and sitevs. A. R.. S.J�cOartneY of MonseJaW, Zkaisk.1
rnechtel McDonald Of Paden, • Zinn- itrict, is the :guest of Jennie
tnerrrAn of Ehnire, tEe ,Burn of Water- And Kate Thampson ofStaniey.-Rev.
too And °there. Vhe %reunion, concluded Mr. Woods And ,wife ntte.neted the ugl,
er ochool At Gaderich.-Hugh Aiken -
head and faultily oirove to London, last
week. They report good CtOPS All the
way along.
with n prngram if garrne and amuse -
Morriagen-A happy eornpany of an
bout thirty goente gathered at the
home a Mr. tand-Mrs .Nt B. Horton; 6t.
high noon, on Tuesday, June Sath, and
earitneesed the marriaga fOlfiss knnie
E. Horton, to telr. John T. Bonthton,
P. Re conductor of Aseinibois.,, Sask.,
*And aunt of &In Jaenea Bonthron of
Hen,sall. Rev. Mr: Barker- :Officiated, and)
pass .Ntaud. Dickson, cousin of the bride
eeed Mendelphorfo wedding march!,
(when the ebride,.' dreosed in brocaded
Satin of a peanh ohmic with p,earl and
shadow lane 1r1mrn1flS, gad carrIgitng
beautiful bouquet of bridel r.osee and
EtY-of-the valley. entered .the
with her father. The 1100X113 were dee-
orated with abundance of floWere and
after the ceremony a very eurotuous
twedding dinber was -.nerved. The
graorre,s gift to the bride :was a hand-
some 'pendant with pearls and diamond
nettings ,and to ,the ,ple;nist a pretty
name, brooch. The young couple left on
the afternoon train ,amid showerof
roses confetti and igood wishes for a
trip to the Western goast, via boat tCom.
;Port McNichal. The' bride (travelled in a
tItavy• bine!' Ault tend a, dutch blue hat.
The y will make their home in Assini-
bYLS. * k
-A. pretty home wedding took niece
on June nith, at the home cif ityfrs.Onals. Ofelellop. when her daughter.
1/11:11a, Me, WAS [married to Mr. Robert
ie. Dodds. Rev. D. Claes-well officiated.
'The bride, who was unattended, was
given away by tier brother, nthile Miss
'Florence Stanlee nialred the wedding
yna-rch. After :the ceretriony- and' heartY
congratulations of relatives and friends
were extended, the .happy. pompany ar-
&ook of th.e wedding eupper. Mr. And
Dodd s will settle on the grocrm's
fine farm. 1 McI(illon, where theit
many frienas wlsh tthem a long and
biaPPY journey toge,the.r.
A Western Martiage.-An entlestned
"carrespondent kindly sends 'us ;the fole
lawing: At Macgregor, ?thiamin:kW, Oln
Nifidnegday afternoon, June 24th, Mr.
Rig -hard Robinson., of Zurich, Ont., was
united in marriage to Miss Ethel
son. rrhe event itook place the ,torne
of the bride, ,which was beautifully den -
noted for, the occasion. ke ,bide ene
he noon. A score of jopLcWiuo.
ere neling on a temporary Plate
%VI tivialt,Oltnig the - bollOn tatiottoloWn
-Were, badly eholtelf up „Who:net:he etruee,
ture - (suddenly :collapsed. The platfOrm
Went down before ortgone had chance
lo itimp, And ;those standing on it jell
about eight -feet, Ore, Allan Frolic*, of
Vinghanne and. Miss LA:ono-Hole, of An -
burn, were the most seriously* injured,
the Tortner jbe1ngbadly shaken up,. tam'
isreffeeing* grently fnotnethe nshoein
Mole had her tback hurt. Many . otheret
on he platform were badly bruised:
(intended for Last (Week)
West End Notes, -A /arse rtnrnber
from this neighborhood picniced At Bay-.
iekl, on WedneSdaisn---/Miss I Nettie
frerrAterr'Y leklited her( sisters '
Toronto, this week. -Mr. Wh1L Crich le
erenting a large implement shed. -Mr.
J. E, toll and Fred Pepper have re -
shingled their flearnao-ki 4A. Townsend.
erecting A 'woodshed and potting, a
foundotion under his kitchen
School Report.-Tlin following Jis ,the
report Of S. Se Ne. 6, tTuckersenith, tar
the MonthOf June. Standing based on
regularity of attendande and close wOrk.
Sr. iv. -Willie Broadfoot, Edgar Allan.
Jr. iv..: -Pearl Crich, Howard. Johna'Sr,
111.-Grane- leondsborough, ;vialcolin Arm-
strong. Jr. M. -Willie T.Jonelsborough,
May vforrL. jr. it -James Londeborp
ough. Pt. 11.-Edwin.Johos, Bert White.
Pt.: 1. -Elsie leendSboroughi
(intended for I.Jaiit Week)
ThaMeo Road NOtes.--41iss Belle- Mc-
Dougall has been '1R -engaged as, teochi
• •
er (for the }school in iseetion No. _10 t
11,oborne, for the owning 'yea -Rey E. •
'O. Powell gave his farewell 'sermon at *
Bethany Methodist Chnrer4), (On Sunday, :
June 28t1I. ulte e. Unlimber wereeotit to ••
hear tarn. Mr. Pennell is Field SeetetanY
of Huron eaunts! Temperance Alliance.
eald (we WISh Illitni 'success in his rusty
work. Rev e S. ,Mnxw:orthy, the • new,
risistor, occupying the pulpit neXt Sun-
da,g afternoon. -The showery W5 MT
of ithe at ,we,ek (hasdelayed the, inly-i
ing operations, but 410W that the elect-
ion is over, we may .expect more sett-
led eanditions, taithough not as dry as
We had hoped .,for, ,where Ohl whexe
are the ,temperance- .,voters Of Huron? 40,.
-The picnic Ofj.LutnleY SchOol Section, •
NO, 1.0, nrtats lee2d. in John Glenns ihnsh,
on FildAY, Juno, ,26tff,latild was a decid-
ed Success_ In spite of the unsettled en:
conditions of the weather, a pleosa.nt Z
alfter\nfoon was spefnit. t. ' ( i
Aintended for Lateto'Weelt) •":
Briefs. -Rev. Sambel '..kicLein, of ICAox
Church St. 'tarns, Was )the Anniversar,y I •.
prieather here, last %Sabbath, (to lamp
eorigregationS. His subject in the morn-.
Ing *won "Love, Service and Sacrifice,"
land he made -a erast impassioned op: n
peal to the Rleictots • to vote Tor the ond .3r
movjaidf the bor.-Election oday passed
ver'y quietly. Net morning ta 'sample o*
Tr st manhood, accompanied by good •
friend Sengrarre occupied an unusual 11
position in our rvil3age.-1-The fLiberals •
are taking the resultsoit the election in *.
The right ispirit../The noevalling opinion. •
le-Ithat defeat in a' goad canee is better
than victory through the Power that a,
drop hundreds„annually irl,%this fair •
Province Of oura,to aperdilon.o-Mies
Lily Park, •df pliagera Fa11, spent a
I.1.week with friendistand (relatives here. •
-Miss Annie Hoggiarth, df Hensel', was 1
the guest of her (aunt, Mrs. W„E.' Mc- ;
Laren, during the 'pest tweek.-Frank •
And Jennie Barr, tof tExeter, are. hell -
(laying with her aunt, Xre. D incongc-
Kellar, jr, _ ,
• •
Lifebuoy Soap it delightfully refresh -
Lag for bath or tollet. For washing un- •
aerelothing it is unequalled, Cleanses,
and purifiesi
Sehool Report. -The following 1.9 ihe
report of a & No. 7, McKillop, for the
month of jime. It is based on weekly
examinations and the pupils are are
eanged in order of :merit. Several were
absent from eome of the examinations.
Sr. iv. -Total ana,r1a„800.-Edna Reid,
561; Eva Scott,: 498; Della McGovire 495;
EUIe Arehitold,' 482. .Jr. 111. Pearl
Themer, 538; Hugh Rinti, 428; Su,sle
Holmes, 394; Charles Boyd, 239; Charles
Gavin, 211; Joe Holmes-, 141;. r. ill -
John Jeffrey, 582enlabel Caratbell, 530;
'Willie Barwick 476; pellet Meaner' 451;
Joe Ceenpbell, 302; Harry Rinn, 261;
Jessie McCullougb., 241; Louis Storey,
106; Pt. ii. -Total, ,200e -Janet Clark;
209; Marjorie Reid 209; Ger tie Thamer
208; •Meliona Hohnest 205; ',Anna Stewart
203; :Edith Holmes. 189; Gordoe
Gavin, 169; 'Wilbert Hahne% . 113: Sr.
PrimarY.-Jorre,s ICe,ro ; Morguerite Bal-
four; ,Cyril McCullough. Jr. Prienary,-
Graham, Kerr; Lindsay Stewaxt ; TOO.
Constable; Gordon Holmes. Enrolled at-
-tendance, 36. Average attendance, 29.
-E. K. Brawn, Teacher.
Suggestive Questions i
- On the Sunday School .Les-
son by key. Dr. Linszott nit. •
the International Press Bible
Question Club
' •
i •
• :
\ 114 12,1914 t
GreetneSs -Through Service: ;Mark .x : -2
Golden Text -The son Of yrtarn. also .
mq, cit to be Nrrinistered 11.11ta, but to minister and to give :his life a. ransom •
for . many.. Mark ec.:15. 1 . n e itt:
,i 1. V'erne 32 -May (we or imay we not
loorive, (at la pandition tins this life where 4n
nO revelaticn. or tr,ealiza.tion! Osf any ere- •,
-sent or ;future ovent Joan be able to t 44. •
"%amaze" or inake :tet,Vetraid", and.wholl *,
2. Did. Jesus know.Troen the he,ginning • •-
'elf his rejeetien: lb3r the Jews; 'nice, why
did he not kiefer ta his passim ;until
'the last year of 'his ministery?
S. •Verses 33-34-11ownstl1d Oesuo know
at this time, lin advance, so precisely
What the Chief priegts ,and the Scribe s
were Igaing to do (to him? •,' -
.4. Did Jeaus ptan etc) have them re-
ject'. and crucify On. or did be do hie
beet to persuade Lthern ;to' accept him?
Give your reasons? , 1
L Verse 35 -Why 0.5 it that really
igod people ginnetimes manifest anspirit
of selfishness in their prayers?
6. (Among whiat elates 0(4 present day
Christ'ans would you plage James and t
John that time? ' ..
7. V rises 30 -37 -Is there any danger
that God Will ever answer a prayer!
that would be beirtfull, if It is prayed
by ta (good pan * -1
, d why.?
8., IHow MAY, We ,be saved. from nray-4
• ing foolish terayers7 k • .
9. -Verge, 38 -Why ntas their prayee
imposSible Of being answ,ered? 1
10. Verse 39--Tirhat did %Jesus mean'
toe drinking of the cup he did, And- be-
ing baptized with hie sbapfisme
114 ;Would lyou is,a,y or not! -and. Why,
'that pilfering is (just se certain today
as lin that gay, 1if we woad be . pile
f011owena of - Jesus?
12. Verse 40 -What ple•s-S7-,orf people
Willi sit the %nearest ito Jesus in the
kingdom( of heaven? 1
13. Verse 41 -Were the iten blame-
weirth'yi or no,t, (ondewhyo for being no cilspleoeed ;with Jarnes,and John?
14. How 'could (the!ten, and hawmay
we; be proof ea,gainst manifesting lin-
pr'oper Angell:, :.-
15. Verses 12-11-11ao*a %bishop, or A
poiltillar volt& of o ilarge city church;
or An exteneive (employer %of labor, any
righlt it o feet. (billet the is b, guperiot (be -
Ing to' the thumblent good mon in the
ponimunityl Give your(reasons looyour
enswer. s (This is tone tot the queo,tions
which enely be (answer,ed tin writing by,
member's of the eluln) I !
16. What its the 'true sign of great-
nelss sccording :to Jegus? ‘
17, Why is it impotssible to be t a
Chrietia,n1 if we /are toot rendering lov-,
trite (service to tour dellowsl
s• 18, Verse 45,-Whot ovould (you Bai
is the chief characteristic of Jesus And
Wh,YY • ' '- i ' e
: Lesson for Oundaty, tjulee 119th, 1914.
Blind, ,(!ilork x :41142.
1 This
A Big Celebration. -Four ,thoesand
people attended the Dominion Deg cele-
bration, held here on Wednesday of
last week. It tNva:s a great su,ccess Iti
every way, a.Ithoughk:for -a titme in the
Morning the weather 'threatened.. it
soon cleared. " up, thowever, and ideal
weather prevailed all otternoon, The
keenest interegt centered Lin the bail-
lotin eagension. Dorothy Venda, cif Wis-
06n,sin, made two aicents, .,one in the
morning olie {went up,
t 2 500 feat,
• when :
And. another in, the afternoon, -when a
height of 3,500 feet WiEta. method'. Wing-,
ham beat Brunesele at football and Ches-
;ley at lacrosse. In the Auto parade
there were nixty enothinea, and the
event wias: one of the features of the
tine progrem. Dn.:ling the day the L
maw Tapers' and gave a. nuMber of ne-
lectiche that were greatly enjoyed., In
the ev,enino' there Wag one Of -the thiSt
yf. fireworks ever given here.
tinfortnnatte opeurp-pbe hP-pRened
ak Phone Orders' Carefully. Fined j Stewa
rt Bros.
store Will close Wednesday afternoons
-during July and August•Wrilea••••*4004.
easonable Suggestions.
at Profitable Prc.
With the advent of the low corset the
brassier is necessary accessory for
the coveted, -natural .figure, it is indis-
pensable, with no signs of stiffness or
restraint, you get the straight, easy,
comfortable uncorseted effect that is
so popular to -day-. Made of high
grade cbtton, trimmed with lace.
Sizes 32 to 44.
.50c, 75c, $1., $1.50
for Decorating
Special stock ot bunting for Old
:Boys' week,.for home decorating
red,white, blue, green and yellow
• cper yard
Mali Your Qrders
here. We prepay
.$3.50 to $13.00
Women's Dresses' I(
Seventy-five dresses in the lot, all
good styles, trimmed with lace and
embroidery, in lawns, muslins and
ginghamsI:in all the new wanted col-
ors, A full range of sizes valued at
$35O to $13, SALE PRICE $2.98
$1.50t� $3,50
Children's Dresses
98 'cents
Over 150 children's dresses, made of
lawn, embroidery, gingham, prints,
pique, linens, crash, ducks in checks
stripes and plain col ors, madein Ba.lka.n
effects, twc piece and one piece styles
self and fancy trimmed. Sizes 2 years
to 16 years. Regular price $1 50 to
-day ItiOrning
Lace Sale
21-2 c a *ard
This is a lace opporttinitytheequal
of which has never been seen in
Se4forth before, hundreds:of yards',
of beautiful lace insertion 34. to 4i
inches:wide. All new patterns in
good quality, sold regularly 7 to
loc. SALE PRICE..2%c a yd•,
Women's waists -
98 cents
All this years style in lawn, embroi&
ery, ginghams, prints, kimona sleeves
long sleeves or set in sleeves, trim -
Med with lace insertion. - All
Regular price $1.50 to $3.00.
•1 •• :
Stylish . Straw Hats
for Men and Boys
We are showing More new shapes more clever styles
in/straw hats this year than everbefore. No matter what
style you prefer you will find it here, at the price you
want to pay. All sizes,
Boys' hats
Mens: hats...
• * •
634 • 6 0 16 to 50c -
70c to $2.50
• 136ys' Sweaters, 25c
There is nothing better for the Eholidays than
our long sleeve cotton sweaters...
I Butter and
:Eggs Wanted
4b, Highest
:Trade Prices.'
Men's Summer Shirts
There are so many new ideas
in neW shirts this year that -
you Will have, to see the many' -
clever patterns and styles we
are showing. They or/neat.
ness, good taste and economy
Come in and see them, they
-will please you. Every size
is here.
Price.........75c to
one of
Men's Underwear
Men's natural wool underwear
in special summer weight,
trimmed. Sizes 32 to 44
4 •
Extra strong wearing Bal-
briggan model of.awo ply •
Egyptianthread.Sizes 32 to 48
PRICES..... ***
Men's combination, closed
crotch Balbriggan underwear
short or long eeves, long or -
knee length drawers. All
sizes. PRICE
Men's Porosknit and mesh
knit undewear, in natural and
white shades all size. ..50e
• • •• 10••
Stylish Suits
for Young Men
There are suits here that, will exactly
*suit the particular tastes of stylish men
Men who have a_desire for that w,
dressed appearance at a reasanable
price.. Navy blue serges, grey,
worsteds, fancy worsted, light weight
tweeds, in all -nw cuts, long lapels,
cuff pants. -• 8izes34. to 46.
Price $7.50
Butter an
Egs Wanted
Trade rries