The Huron Expositor, 1914-07-10, Page 24ANEW HURON P'o THE 91TOR J 11010affi— I, NP0JWJWWffi" ------ 1� IN 0 x�ebudz. Tho, bridelsibouquet wAs am_ orehiaa eau�ght ithe vWoa, 4 Qd aad, VaX 4 ( , A + 311fit aftraft (VIM"fildfair ,, bVing ,pWpoted of &I I Pip 41PAUty1nougU in. CnAr*E5 0J. vir, pulAw 0 ere wes been estried away� with the I _U01 I Ifem'. tfi�.vzUey! and -maiden batr v to politics ollows Mr. Rowell f r. But by instal- I &Jwa MI e LIP --for this time ol theyea ZEAVORTH, FRIDY, July 10eft,J91t thAse tracic. car ace now you save nioney T)iougli IgQod rgqnients &= e pu- It I bite z rnatloT 8 ling y9ur furn 'of lorvely, nk W�d 1W Xl_X�_tbt( vialleyj and �natdjeAhalr fer.a. ried b3( he br Ast ,the ev OF 0TK You have no dirC and mud through up . lagal fla of the �bar fro-na by., 4bir An tcotaomld otandpoint, the dollar and The kride yvipfg jgIVgaW.4Y your house. The work js -finished Perhaps Not O Bad es contis �of Xln- view, he by a 19�rge extoinj bl�# Bert Robertson Enhmeed ByPerfect P1 more rapi e can qtjotd ri�turn oif the bestrrOn. d y, 4nd w better The ehewii hils I reiasoning,.and In Its tAina, Made, g days Sir VAMAs Whitney to &wer In V. Slie ".1ded at Athe jwga prices because of longrei plg e;s� le Appeal -W ad Health. oak , it an Irrealsab -shows.cobel tu masterly way. LUIX been 47MAner- -9 4ea bi - 0 1 0 0 Pb in your furnac6- now. to the finer Viling f hl rers. In 1 Its us the nis hiam ;not y4t -arrived In- thl 4 wps aerved at he Pzark after wbkh' MAn buriiing With his mesa,ze, zi T18expm h-2- -voteris JiNappy ouple-lett wnld hertY con-, MY HEMY �tu cduntryi Pt -Any opeiaklng� to o1perlenep ana.moralselae, the ing one too =A -at WOW= and murks �'Cirsake their pc6ltlaal, and abowers ;,of Tice foil te willing o will Tnake rrore conVerts tbwa. all' tlif� grAt�i aaAs V11RE PUT A bath room, CIOset.andenef�af plumb lies -a honeYMCK tinedy-onepGc:-.-ialtboLvliv,�,�--. -Notone Iof nn- 1 -to reaso'n. In Itil.1s kli- trip C�n wanitdhA.- rNip rigis of great serv;ce during the hot sMd that the Cdl� Appea's; woman in a bmidJMd Is prepared or un- lssui�- II.Y- !8 Power. y ahWn moml :,as to the votiag the �Oucce f I&T. Rowell bzride?a (going orwa dressAWais, nT Cor�en­ de doutis of the yi0s rstands how, tip,p mperli me for her- - weathe�r. Noth7ing -refreshes a person ot� 1pvcly PlAtform,i 0 pe ranco porp,ted In the f yet bau$3 (the ta,=pAe of h:a�gea -blue crpee -woratd w1th. had- ip treagth ot the i Ad%inced item ever -y womam� and t nd grime ASH PIT r offl- -the Avoll, m1-riaged organiza' fool sdMe Aflk.jace,, hat t elf. Of coune nearly more after the sweA of the efth-e L Ir 01b�s have been lailgely . !justlfj�d. thosd. who- have been try-liag to d tq one of he on day than a plupgelin. cooling batb,,A tiaAs, - ntwithstanding Appawls t1o, thel the now-adays bass medicaltreatinent at c teopij. nloquenco Inpired b airl- Mr-, Reid, who figure bettexl qAstiucts- It !a to be- ievent, describe - approach the experl- rerItY of convicion will surely vanquish ptincipw1p in the happy d times.. but mawy person will buy an. expensive piece of THE PERTHS *th an of,-ganis 4.W for the 11evo, in view of the, res'ato of the Vot- ion xad - gophistry.- iabove, '�s a, ett lbtyy, son Jid11 Kr, ence ra unfi mlike-ibeleve, jovas . 1 W11 -a e Uft M Uggar bric-a-brac purely� ornamental, and, jrxe-Jtbp 6� t ers. o' P ople. df - J R ert R d la azid when it is over ,t t On The foiiowlag is 0, taitqm e he retsult Lon 'Munday, ailt of 'Defsph riall Of strei, ln'lth� cautse-Abey -n s �been �aldn& %hors?s Out West her system- has received a shock from think ndthing erf it, but oftentinres tArlo have ponfie given in leazh irunielp.- It aAnnak be gainisild. bY n his . o t 14e ihals t t to ithe extent orf vot- '-Vo nx for the lAst fouz -or five Following -bid, n Perth Cou will deny themselves -the health and bienefit, of a bath. anil ci�et. oPolity I nty, J%t therrgeentpl- ria; --opponents tbat Mr. Rowell has every �Jlk which it is bard to recover. ilg lalgiiii�tthe-ir',parti�.ularpc)llticalc 1. - I re'turnIg home foV lithe winter. the. be8t a tt s and the iive ppmdldate.-�, conducted reMarXatile' cawpalga and eAng, eotlon for ,the -reppec right upon this comes --the nerVous stmin, on us or arop us a card, We can give you p I uq, Victloas when suc -, Are in, Mosltl�n -41hap AbeaUdIful.farrhi of %three h ven, for f1dr. Jahla Bez- made aa.11.�effoxeale i"rAslaa,as an ff r ne �T*Jorftty rl for tho,ichild, a distinct. to Itbeir p�risonal sentltn%n land wenity 44�Ri% M the fert�e results of experience and good mechanics. newle 'in- Lo9ftni, his ftorne townshiR 1i acco:npltsbed orator, a dexterous dia- dfed 't. R1V ebange in the moiuer resultL a� reroTcfL baketr *1 I bater. and "a clai, sincere man." 1,�afilqg ilf the Carro er, Wh�.e hie The above Us froyadb QtItawA ClUzn, hV prepared a pre,tty land comfrtable Th6re is ro*jug, more charming tb=, G, ig. A, South Perth hb Me, to shAre with Ae ..,girl of * his o4servatilve- pap3r whieh -supporited Bennewefs El rb rholce. The-rniany home riends. willjoka &happy and healtby 1%10thOr of Children, Thet hanger you're--,- Ion du�lag. te %rpc.' District Xeetihg� 0-ght Ithe Ptpalt and indeed child-blirth uuder the The Expaoltor lu . abLyiOAft. ,V.d Jffxpi e for y ding conditions need be.no bazud to Xar." quir oursli, o�id Mitchell. ...... 68 The itwefW annual meeting -of the hWIth cir WWa's Anaftute ReIA much hxWnbiss tand rproverity -14 b�auty. . The unexelain", - thing is aid lit Marys .... ...... .167 r -door must be flexible %R%3,11 1013 Bar ns. Werleair Raot Huron 'WAS their Western: how-. Logan ......... 'held an th easy running, a sfay- _gae�mepit ioif the rreabyterl-� t4a% with all the ev!4-Wce of shattered pv iSaiturday, . june ioa Much, truth in what the Fullarton ............... so Ch=41, and broken health resulting ftom on and strong, The - I nerves 27th j&nd deisplte tbo pwraing as i s ;setd that In this Newt% Notes- an unpreparred aMd-MOV, and Vdth am-, Big 4 h a s these Ribbert.. 74 .... ut s7 ell iatitended. Delegateis were pre,se; rWac one'. parityl has �nofhftlg to boast .. 0 repare omert South &A6�w, —The three-ye,ar-old'- child of Xr.alia IG time 1&6 t P r the other4and *olng blindly to the triaL iiatures anA fe,%v of ove that if &eisltuat4 -Downie.... ............... 122' Georgla 'Lexti, df <;olden PrAlr1% Will persist in o r e - galva -VAU, Gorme, Blue r33d Ld uring the recent ion bii-ld be.cn reN%,� wes of tweidy-three�plliw Uorth t a0le Cole, i bolts, steel r o I I e r suits iwopldl: .632 333 e� - Uthol, DJistrlct tPr�sldent, ?presld-ed. 'Creek, $psk., als lbarde4.;W, A'�� 1.11 0. Every Woman at this time Provinrte;1 �iectios he re MAS Iapon Lydia R-FinkhaWs V4getAbli�. satisf&ctory Majority, for Bennewies, 299 I,q. p ine" Addegs (Mrs. Benna.t t 0-.1 3)p- PfLire ih destroy,ed belf b4no on' A� ot a','Y Vnor-3 toulc:anc Ie. have bee' 4107 fte Lind, a most valuible f r -noon. -i Xr� Lextyj wo,$ aws � COMPU m e 1i t s, implieityl hillf of Walton lbrw�ch, t%velcomed t� 1 p Temp:!rancP r,3 -Int of view. This North Perth ath , few," delagptiep, and [Mrs, &Qtt, �d B lelghborl,5 tat ithe� tkne and the InvioratOr of e orgammuo * russe 01th V on was outside doing the chores. NVe guaranebee each pair to carry a ton.l.. 90c per T-&! Y,"�Itily be Uie case. D'ck*a �biave Torrance Roberte of -,WelM-ne olber Abi, y, replIed .t�iith 4,ddris In msny- homes �'!"o l4t h tngel S, all stb;i roller bearing ... �....75c per pair fact�that'Sit*as L�beral votes 606,, The reparUfriomhi,t, different, Valch-' he se 4,thd fire alsalver t h1h Stratfofid. L thik di Steel tract', extra heavy, double braced ....... 7oper toot .......... .225 childl e thait vfeated, tl�s Ross Vlovern-neat iL North Hasthope.... els ere very 16n.courAengand gowed ed- Otovepim. The, V44rred 'rearAngs- of nce &Hdrefi b4- puyed, ......... 1277 that real'goodw" b�efng, accaplisMd. Ite,*1child were lbrou#At to town Y.estevj arenow few Yetars zo, kand klargely on account . I � - Mornington'.- :10 'Ethel J�ag Oe �.onor of be" the b&Aner dAy "or Inteipi,ent. ,Coffise of the�.,fs�.V _4 off [Lhll�s Temperjance question, ilt as all:- ......... 153 Your cement work c, -,m be fln!Ehi4d properly witu a few -brianoh,* -haVlng A mew.bership of over —ilD-thouwrid alble-bodled-laAe,if aTef tUt Lydia V. Pin - 'O olxk. Ws. Saimes Arrr4trong, of Gdzrle, he atreet.s In Af ea VIV. h n Inexpensive tools. sd Liberial voters who defeaed Ithe Wallace ............. 10, walking ontr . 12 an- -ham*sVegeta-We iftil b Trowels, all steel with wood handle .................... 25 ta 911. 1we. a.1tso 1-istowel .............. im D4strlait Secretary, -Vresented the Idis Able to btain The Vaist Compound.ma,kes c LAurler Gavernent Milverton ............ 65 -,)pIete with plumb g!aS3 ............ ...... 75c, "DED0 Levels con itr4r-t report and %rg. .J3tInsdri�, the dis.- n-hajorit of are- Bulgarlan,s, rea&ml�er 'that it wLghCo�servatiw votes 'lot �mditoins women normla- tr report. The,o)TfIces.we?zP- Asnis a -Ad A fixing shovels ............... I .............. a . ..... 0494 - defated the Tupq*r Govermnext bealt1w wd istrout . . . . . . . 11183 225 ther a Use Hanover Portland cemenf a fresh car �ust in in. 189.'g, hen the, KamAtabA ochool quoeat- lre�dlei6ted -as f ollaws District Vreside n Cent arriVaL, but e a;re ma,- fr m, Majority.for Torrance, 058 �Wbich wimt, spow idylm w A ft, Ion ,wials itha burning ssue. We all know : - - - rU _gj�nd #d Scotlad a C. Cole,tZ el; V�trlct 1st Vkg- En ISO. Tbess I'll pr�4�1�tt, 1119rs. John Robb, 1 Brussa,s migranbs are being, brought Ji� by the for th thAt Ustry has a iihaVit of repeating bwk xwdne CO. slae-at, tWxs. J. ij% boat load, and the' cangestion Is be- Stallion EnKolmetit Ogtrliot 2nd,Vlee-Pre tuelf - U Is myt- 4�,t all idprobole that itial) Lynn$ K"& 'your-lemrWnt- Vergtxson, 1�expave-, District Sec7letary coming worse from, week to week. The favor -of wIpIng Mr. It., V. Wae, gecrtary of !,the ff t.hqse who are ,in -egarded be opetiedq r"d And anaMftd by a - 4CL out Ithe Liquor LiceAsing IsysteM in this gt�alllon Enrolpient Board..jsAys. iii�e TreAsarer, isituAtIn is T Go A *Sills, Seaforth e., The mqsip pro-vided Vy the memi -siderIngt hat It Is. riot rhid-stiwmer WOn"m Province (by 'Provincial eactmeyxt, ad- second- Year of- Ataillon. Enrol#xent, In Gorr, Yet, And what the AuWmi ..,and Winter -t here to Its iadvocaey A:ad keep the quest- Ontario�j, 1p 1td ta (�Iosq, ',and aa berig df t e differen -Ing -a probleira, tbat few joyed land a reiolt4tlon by, Xts. A:. if N111 1b, forth as. F. Ion 1wilarlm for-the,xext- three or four wrs to 'be pxlreoted, the enroi;�et -I c(pa -e McDoAwldi of Pthel, tas especially ap- ocitizens care to &. ti t Sole Agents for Lowe Bros. Faints, Chi-Namel.,' Moffat's Ranges, �Yeil�kris, heF M&Y win outt at the next irore comlete thw! dn- 1918. -'hat tho ;by- Conservative Li 'Year Pt he,tejost of- th�'season, lWedateA. Dr. L. (S. 4 HaMIitoll. of —A ra=zice of the iby&.eleotlon In Eastlake Steel Shingles, Paroid Ready Roofing, Canadian Steel viection �md It 9d- South Bruet, Jaist Octaber, when 'Mr. J Mat, here Lhik-d b Ir lied 2,_ Torontoi "WAS present and -ga-ve an it waz as, �nuch as an yt Reuben, 'Truax ndeerneddhe 'riding for, WovedWire Fence, Pease Furnaces'and Boile�s, Hot Point '�sffliona. Up t (i I . ee pypVathyt �for the old lChlef,. Sir James 76o J une . 18 lis year brass on"Tie-aching Child Truths,, Aw.hIch Elie' ctric Supplies. Idea Furnaces. -PWhitney, ithat Inddeed mamy.XorkservAt- 2 224 df 1h 6ise ave �rejiewed thir Cer-- M45 listened to, twith olosie tte tion, the Llberlis-, ca�nsta light a few days to pre ag(y, at 'Ithe Queen's Hatel, la Torono, You Wffifind, 4; 1efk1-ZiM4Uk! were not Ive Waperarwe.- voterts to en Dri V64TnAtn, b 4 wui,4 tut T &te part� and 780 which speaker nd her visit ko t hen Mr.� W. Ramilto Adarns, L%eral ralled �atst year JLad recelved Certiic- I tric It Sam be W"T.Ing? stinft klilp �Jme instecad 9f �fdr Temperxnae - rgxrilzer'for In the Federal nrolled to date ai sh uld produce ifsvor4ble -results. Atter V, rA It The ff, lain, Apokeii told rnan has &tez, 1-naking otal e 0 of Itb L stops bleoding odbemp IMPORTANT NOTIM I na. larought- Is bride dowi paw?, are eecured A firp holdln the affections of 8,00i. From ths it'twill be seen :that 'Ek hearty vote h2ana.- lkerton L'i the atra-etive peron Petsevewce� miffffii ZaaarWla ARX IMU SAI—For sale on Lot 1, Concetision h$s lf6llowes 'land ii,bIs 1recent sevein ill- 06 horses hich were rralled last ered- ithie WAlton lades for their kind W Of F4, Hullet. (Joutaininz IM acres� convenient to n, n hopitalttIr and also Dr. Hamilton f,-- r. R-euitien -Truaxlis .,youngAst daughter gUk, M ito the neiss .1y. increased their �f ealin'9s, a[ 417sar either are ino fdoing bi4si ss I qT, kaaMZ Wh o vehool and Post Oft�a. Terma reasonable. For 1greAt eanseuri. y pr ve excellent AddreLss, ithe ,neetlng cro formerly Hlss,Raby Tr lurther particulars appty to William ReMebaeL syxnpahy. Wecaa NirellwndArstBmd why I a province t1n%, her Th _(yeia tor are breakin"'r -i while sft box. met the 'young Ja4y last auturn ed -with the JUtlonal Anthem. The -eafocth Pon Office. strong naty men should thesitate g4d thd �a. The igreater nwnber of th Aw-ptu who had been &ttend1,.1,g the engaged 'Va 'the Itrenuous camp-aign. %a; r have been old t9 ileave, -,the province, 98 tleM04. -e;fqse to iturn down heIr old leadc' n -VAILK 7011 SAXE,Lat 6, Concession R, Tucker- 'r a;.tk isuch a -UA , udit.circu;n- oined hich gialned the Liberal prty a -,Qeat X smitb, containing 100 acrea, about seven acres Tne fand undo While ta sx4all A-qkrber thavo died, and Farer1r. Institute rreetingL thn pnd In the House qJ�' Confmoas. Th:;,t . he 11 under bu'sb. The farm Is well fenced and drained have 5$1 Ace.? ev.en to.secum isips igreat ro,n' a nq*nber cof towneris 9f grades the liadies and An qapetizing lunch, was imad Ina good state of cultivation. Thereareonthe I had Urne for otbOr business tan pol_� tu *-4 [the Abolition; Of. qfthe 'Bar. A amilar' reported '.that buslikess was. sot popr that seried to Al. i- ade rrvnifest. The premisee a good frane house, bank barn, pig hous It1cs, is now m, ouple V�Lblic carid1tion 'of a fairs will not continue they..'hiad taken tl�dir,�holjses off the :hm house, drive house and two good wells, For v1siteA To - to, on the wa voriuni ron for �niany �eam i-nd lm*ay not coAtInue ricLad and aa�gtrated Qthe,,,n, mbich is it Y terms and particularsapply on the premises or ad- Hibbert. Walki�rton, the home of, the bride, cq. i�m XRS� JOHN XcOLGY�'Egrucndville P.O. for u-nonths. Even should-$ir Sarnes re- �dr y good lAgn'Ifor i -the f uture of the School'-ReparL — -Tht following Is Rdskoks. route tor Dyke tz� stkrnel his wnted Malth land vigm And ftortse�breding­l Industry. Tber-1 re, ino Suffered Wift P1411 A— ion exA.-r- A few �h the re�sulit of the ra,znof pit P,wjier'd WhLo 4 ARM FOR SALE -Being Lot, 7, 0onoession 1 rwaaAaLot the liead,&lf the CcvA8ervp'ive' ddubt, (MtSe have Sol r 4, F Tw.iffship of I'lullett, containing 100 aemof 11§arty if or ithe Aext four ymrs, as i? rnot renewed their pertifletes, think, cholce land, on the pre iieg are a large bank barn e ma,�', fthere would noit V,I�n Ing 4t t rollment lWe ors W11 hop3 h hai n witlt stahuz underneath, with cement flo Junior Fourth.,to S!�--Iior Foutth—IP(Ss, lthi� fe6U.- (6t syTrp%tl1y f or the isud-boo'k, wAs $qr Sibert, Narne are in ordei of- merit. In The- Olden 1) a s. t me Neat rhrut. New brick nouse with furnace in IMrgart Doyle; rceconimeded, Cai-nel throut, the be -4 Deft -ill bg sold was at te recent eL- only good for ione lyaax the renewal. er and Nervous Tyinble r. Well fenced and under drained, m 0 htTd 11thAt there, Th lJorria, Joe Coyne.- Jr. Third to Sr. Ifit , esting Sketches of reasonable as the owner wi,%hes togivie up farming, ection, $a thia it Jie daAs -not limber j5h For further inform4tion apply ,ff t.,he prerai ould.,�b�. made ,at once, Thlrd—Paas,, WT11te IEcMillan, A� gus Early Days of Seafoth ad V1_ VI -1rance land many otbx3r ........ up dn -the te.niP. John Denni�on, Conibermere,. ;Adress Seafordi P. O�_ M J. uu"K. — Keirnedy, Mary D031%, and, Frank cinIty, Taken Frern the Files questions before tb:e next telection, And A Great liebLder, 1, 'Coyne equal. Saccrid to Jr. Third—I-1-011- Oat "I caunot praise Milburn's; TIMET vn-ites *%r*ularly if he continues tthe aut& f The Expositor, He- who would convince others mitst ors, Williains; T;ass, Adnes 01- &TIM FGRi SALE -Lot 10, Coneession i, StAnley atic co�ri�a which has tdistinguisaed Heaft and Nei-ve Pills- too much. d P, vinced �ilm �h one mile and a quarter south of f irst be con k. This Is a Reilly. May Coyn-, Calla orris a. ation of the 'years I suffered with jRalpita ndred acrest recom- gmforth, A t,'j6th, J892 iffie AtA fBrucefteld, on 11 'b self s1id' his 43overnment for the the London R-3ad, one hct .... -golden rule, which pplieis. to speak. Joe Burke. -equal. Bert Barry; inhwly cleared and ten acres of good bu* woll. past ithree or fou'r yeas, lt Is not at e TGllD-'-T1ng� frqtn. lise'aforth hav,� 4a fenced and well drained. good brick house and good erg and pt�blielists of, all rdes. It is mend2d, INddle Connolls, George Co9me. Th hearf and ner�ous trouble, so that 1 bar -us with stone stablioWunderneath. Threeiiever all ottoide of hei!rAssibilities, that pub�: ,week, bz�cause he Is-pre-tmnently hrbued with, Dorothy. J,Cennedy. Pat I -to d ,the EAtrann- could not lie down to slep. He feelln.g. -nay run .a,3 largaly aaintst . % . - - pztase j Examinations � IT I ral faing Nvells, a rch rd with oyer a hun4 this poweif ul conyl&,.Io--L thAt Mr. Ti. iW, I. Pass, Geraldine , OtConno-A, _fylarY� -�Ic- Cardno, B.- bevereaux, Maud -Fowler, mdsi all p- es A o other. in dicin , a d g t- no trees with goodzfr",w1t goaod driving. shed, -piz pen his �qoverntnent'as it(has,on tH-z-,o_ccas_ -Rowell haib made himself surch amighty Jf1119-n, �Flore:ice Coyne, _N1chael Will- A&ZIP, FAIrly, Lillie o ittit purab =dimplemetit house; Terms 1, r. $on �un In ,f�vqr. It inay be c-afd _Grp -y,, 5f. La;rnb, jeelef,' un6l I was advised y a friend, J01W AEVILDOCK, Brucefteld. PECILITItS f orce 1n Ontario politlDs. I41S opponen.ts,.. larns, J3, Coy ne.—M.- J. Curth. . Teacher C. XcKlnle y, , p 0. Ikudolpb.. laied bi; that Ilix sist s the Temp,-rance,quest- S )�low- who had been benefited -by yotirills to, OCURS: 'who *1th their thuge majority in th e Turner, Flrence whtlay, )I W. -ft Prdmotion Exan,17na-tios.—The f 1� 0- ion �s concerned we thae th.o -na.ter. :PARV;F1YRSALR-Bejrg Lot 6 Conceesion 17, ..-ITS, NERVE, SKINP 10 to 8.3 Leg6lature thougt they gould afford ing is the report �df the Pro-rnotloni E!x- Aberhart, P. Clark-�on, Georiga Chez -n. try them, I did so., and ater taling four. Aviito# prett� ,much In our on h,9,nd,8 and are Grey township, conUkining 100 acres more or. to treat polnewhat lightly his iese, on the preaiisea is a large tmo, storey brick 3 LO -0 D,. K I D.N E Y7 Independent of the Gow�rnrnent..�We, ogCa arau- aminations held Iii No. 3, Hibbert, W. DuncAni X. X goff-T_&n,,E Laimer, boxes" I found las almost cured, and I house, bank Pai u with stone staoling, driving houob ft li&-X -a mexit .'In hat Assawtily, are to -day June, 21, 25,1.28th Dl- Fit E. Lennon; &. ig. Woodley, am gping toconfinue taking thin, f76'r I uis� Loral. Option andtithe Cmada. Te, -n- -URINARY2 Miller. %Jr. IV— Dora'by pig pen, etc.; all comparatively new, the farm is a VtlN [TO comp-Med"to! change their attitude a,ad ton, ordo .1 tns John Dorsey has oold herblack- never got anything, e -Act. That �s ,true, but either )ilolaes fainibeing in a good state ol culdvation, do go.Mething arore tb to do rae so mach ept 4 aeres of hamwond tnish, it ial Chronic and wn isit ap, and Hutchison, MarY 'Sadie_i�. A�rna DaltO.-I, smlthlng and Carriage works�'Jln this luall c1mred exe Ph One -m ain of' thee Is a 1,-nlghtY paor and ti -.ie- n, III—John Xagle. 'town it fr. good- take notice. They are straining every Bella, cLella ' &r I woul& advise -any one troubled. -4 11 miles % LDdljs,,KcDoi��j� , vell drainedalso well fenced And is situat, 10 vil - om, licated Diseases ?-oa4' ficienk tsi,ibstitute f6r ja general Pro n rom Walton, where there ii a good fnarkerix achool ly nerve to beat tbuk the istraig wave of N(ary tler� Alvin ,Ba;rbou`r. Darwa7d hnner I f who Will carry on'Ithe Vwlnesa he e wi h their eisl law.whidh would cover tte whole- er It heart: or nerms to do Same hurches, 0. P. R. rAiation etc. For funher Jr. III.— af ter. i I r public opinion hich has followed the Elliott, Leti�'Dalton, below 60' utioulars apply to or address, Mrs. DQRA Mo' AD- , Province land be ja1forced-Jby poweic is I j�m doink." PI 'Llheral lea -der. eadipgs of the- Roy Miller, Vera H&rnbley, Roy Sla- , Ux. John Beiattll�- is aving re t d BAN, Bruasels P.,O. 2963x12-tf e t - of Provincial law. Besides tthis there ;Dmultatlon Personally or b, Letter Milburn's Heart and Xerv� ]?ffis. are are p—nany plares where U. will inever D&Aald, Stewart McKaY, Gladys Daltu.-I. bn hU !farm adjoining he own, one Sig IF-IESIRABLE, PROPERTY POP le irr N W.4 Rowell bi the Legi!!Ia, -ire and, Camer&-i Vivian, -equal. Ii.—Oriole of 1he flnest1hankbarns In the r-ounty. 50 cents a box, or 3 boxes' for $1.25 - SALE—For an FREE be v b -to in Ilarpurl., with a large, 1 Option iey, a good proi he, 0 e a Holm esville, z -as burm,d mailed dim 1he I nd N., kW, Rbwell on the plat-! Norris, Frnk HaTbura, �Arvin Warden, 'T h t I t U b4 _ossI le , Aarry,pither Lioca at all dealers or et; on receipt- touse with eiz-ht roomp, h -rd and�uofu vrater in the or,the Ganada. Temperance.,Law 'and r-oad ce!lar under the; -hole -house, wh- f orm are -tw*(y different patso.,Is. With Cari Dalton. �p,t. ff—AlIaLl- 'MaDella, the ground, on Wednesday night lea of rice by Ch the r1ey these lare justj - 1plzzes wbere ucla ttnc= good. cistern, the lixim'14inp are in At�w only isome twenty followerks behind garzette Sadl�-,,'Gaorgc Hutchison, Ra6 The� bqas and ist#bles, 'hwever. wer'a* a, law I's VVIost \nee4ed. Rt would ba V repair. Also a largae,arden, tift trees and a lot of N The T. blilburn C Rial Eller, i hm in -the Legsljature, vad the �:now- Alford, Jean Ymmilton. A.dA o., Jim ed* small ftuit. A large stable, Unhouse and pig pen. very poor outlook for the Temperane. terms, For particulars a lyly i Every Woman ledge nd exbjerince of the mecAnical L—moza hfacibionald. Harvey Hainbley. Toro out. NVill be sold ort easy caiise,ln this Frovinceilf "we bad matb­ � nto Is interested ise rLh. t ority which oparated there, tKe con- Noivial Elilo-It.' Hatt' Otto, to R. 3. HAYS, llarriter, &:& 239T f- qrVr%1z- 0^�rT%FQrJ1 +0 Nall aforth kagusk 12f h 11 249,� tf [ it&' sbould know Maj ie Dalton, gargaretabout the WOnOeT1111 A4.5 I ) ditions were anything but favorable for Norris. Jr. 1-;,-.Robt Miller, A.1lan Vivla:l, ­ The fIrs*- ARM FaR SALE,Lot 28, Conces,tion 5, Afcll�110P MARVEL Whirling Spray either �flie Local Qpitionla:vv� or,the Can- whea itof the season was 'Flie newaginill Syringe. Best g to Arnold Jeffrey.—P. Stewart, Teach,ce.'r on the Grm el Ro2d, 2 rr iles and a half nPrih ada Temperance Act. the lader of th-- Oppom-Ition ris-f. delivered At 0911vie',s -nills.-jiere, Mon- -blost convenient. it devisep of Seatorth. One hnnd7ed acres, all cleared ib t the utnot heights f , is Abilityi. But,, day la,st, by:,-Nfr. lCharles I)odds., Me- instandy. Ask yot; - about two acres. Well fenced and in a zood At.— druggist for -the all the isa,zne, it bs a be �cqficed^d Mitchell of cultivation. About thirty acres in grass, Oood Killop. It eighed 01 pounds to Ff frame hciuQ(-, tivo pod barns, with stone etaving irbe rknnot sttpnly tho Editorial Notes and Comments that a. -hid suc�h chcerle, surroupdtags bushel land Was a good mmple. 0 water. Rural HARVEGaccept no other, Church Openlng.—Oa aday tha underneat-ft. Pie ty of never failing but sevid stimp for iliusiratod AlLhough The Exporsttor does not pL- he exhibited debating. -g. III uneq iallt?d -ate of taxationtfor SiiLforth, fv,- new Grace Lutheran chitich, corne t. The r. Mail Delivery and Rural TelEphoine. A -wood bMring book--icale 1. I t givc� fall pa Mr, Sohn DennewKs, 1K. P. bY any rrber In the House. It is, archard, Easy terrus of paymer-L. Apply on! the ulars and d:-ectimi invaluabia to ladies. girlee with David nd Queec streets, was opened the -curront Yea- (Is 49 '=Ills on the rriamisegor address JOHAV X-:;A1lLLAN, Seatorth P., ifor %outh Pe7rth-. Tuitl6ally It know�$ however, whea he Isaddregsing 1,500 or WINDSOR SUFFL7107 CO., r4d dedicated by Rev, Theo. Haegli, of 2404-tt GemratAverits Cana and appreciates the 1--nan and it 2,000 People that the ibeat that 6- in -Over �e,46,000 worth kof ibleyelp-s hAve� Windsor. Ont. Ldgan, who with due ,ceremonies con- VAlul FOR 3ALE-Lot 9, Goncesion. 3, sta4le3 pleaisure in pongrtulatinig n, on .3 him Is recognized. Comprehonaive in his dTeted the.opening exerclsL)s. Aft4rthe bc-exx sold In ,%afrth, .41ring-,tba 'past Ivictory and -0- urvey olf pollttr,i, pitiless- Ili his logic, two isea-Winte. ance in gcod ardwoqO otrah. The faim is ';�ell eldented-ly large vate which (ho receiv- penetrxEling in Mr. Grden, of HarPurheY, had the V containinz 00 acres, CO acres cleared. the 'bal' cially on %the unpr do had been ol;ene& �ts examination of *the he gation, whichwa a very large lence-A Find well underdrained and in v, first clla-ss In b P oppoaentsl Misfortu P-1 11n bAs home t1township f Lopan- He weak �spots ritnor, and dedicated the church "to the ne rcentlY. t. aeghts shoulder. 'a ttateof euitiva(ion. Tliere issiflratclasofmaiehtuse of Wbove aJI, islacele and eloqutunt In his with furnace, hard;�and soft water in the hotise. ib e tto h in, - Made broken wMle placlj�,g a Th doels even r ' an 0airy Ellbe ter this th One barn. rae stable �rid t* She Wild Lou re- -Appeal to the finer feclings, M:r. now- God. Af e regular ervier, bel an� a 1 At d 26x52 ; I ho 9 Stephen. If �S,outh Perth hks to be i pulley In 1�roadfoot and jBxel fa, drive howie 26x6�, all on stone foundations. AW 2 ell istands he14, at whielY the prepi4ent of the 'tory, A horse in the fidd is Lms,urpassed -as a political Ws I In the bSLrn. You caul?ltf cod weW, I ab t he houVe and 1 at the barn, w4ter preisented by Conservadw, e know district nod,, -Rev. W. Doese, of George AkInt0sh, of %khe fourth . , 'u , 1. 9 1,:h- . — kbon - nlint, 6 Curb M farm is situated I mile from of �ncy one e liwou!ld sooner see, orator n Ontario to -day. cOceosiOn of McKfilopi, ad it narrw avin, Ringbone, spli.nt 4a the barn. The in 1.ha.4 preached the dedication sermn In a Puttitig your horse in fhe barn but yqu Behool; 2i �trffles ftom Brucefield; ',41 miles f royn erlous -injury Dn'vru HerLittle G[1 poq1tion ithn Mi. John ennewie -very �rnpresisi,8 way, - congratulating the etsci�pe if ron S esday can I I prevint these troublei from k, 'Hippen; 6 irtiles froni Retisall ; 0 rnilee� from Sea In hp our ,through Ontario Slie t He was r-Uttlnt1grain with abind- horsesin the barn veryiong� -,-0u'eePMg torthemd0linton. Reaeonfor selling: �Yiahing to e )*regiaiion b-ai having sueb, fine cangqt Lib rl leader ha, excelled' c er, -,when the beci�me -frightened rAire. Forfuru)er parlictil&rs apply, on the pre- ibini,sel.", , 1 misea or to ROBERT MORRISON, Brucefleld. Ont. Rom Severe Attacks of Summer 4n Outsiae Opinion Never h1as he ispoken with reater -jow- place wm, h1p and hoped t7hat har- at a olap 242036 xndiiy I would ' t (arrong the membevi. ,oif tithildeIr Od ran; away. er 1a;nd loiluence,,and thse ho be- clearinA fence (and itaking the Maer NDALUS (-Prck,-n the lkjardtba Free Press) complaint The �holr rendered xcellAnt ' r4sle, fore were Inclined :tcv doub whether he with Ithpm. Mr,. GIARM FOR SALF—For Sale Lot 11, Concession 7. 1 I - -co . ,McIntosh* was thown The eileiction in jpAtario,lireisulted, as was In he -frant rank of pqblk spak� which -had been Piepared esV.cially L Kippen. Road, Tueki�rsinith, containing 100 f fortunately allghting'.ic SPAVIN W- AE Mrs) WM, llkst,. 194 Palmerston U exPer-ted by all, tin a victory f or ra lx&ve only ohe. opinlon noW, -H:? the mcia4solan. Again In the afterrioan lear (Of tile acres, So acres cleared all of which is in firsk-elms Machine, but received* a ibumber a An rug&t Avendg, Toronto, 'Ont., writes- us undez the Whitney Government. has 'proved -himiself alfy.expert ampaign.- the ervice At 3.3 wats verY larVl� at- of t A stsat4lab6ftlit, for.$ state of cultivation, well underdrained and well .5,iand Ken all'swinctme, liand horsemen Vn11 sAy so. ur bgok good hardwood lbrtAies an hakin -up. Tbo=,.O ners fenced, the balance of the farm in date of January 23rd, 1914. _The keen Intereist In. he contest tur,a- er land t is is fe to say that -tended, Rev. . Wusggzer, of i%t.'a6hn`,S d a severe v Umber. Tbere are two acresoforchard. Onthe 'he pqs,41bi-lities xyf Liberal i4s. -Arid SebringvIlle, The icorner atone -vT ithe new. ErLcoj "Tr4M on the home, fTe. place are two ood bank barns on stone foundations The T. Milburn Co., Limit ed, ed Upon it gains hais, -turned -�ery any vot Church )Teached the In- 44 TAl'Ch1fth,.W1ngha-.n,-,%!A8 laid by W. Dr. S. J. MDAu co, r'ko- sbuig ram. TL _:A P., on Th arsday las e bLrn 1s; 40 x W and the other is 40 x 66 feet; Toronto, ont. I.JbY rejapon. of the tadvamed teniper?_nce where Js the Isecret of his success to ,tallaion'Iseron In grrran. Rev. W. C. .W*on, e lso large pig 4ouse. Thereis also a LoGd frame Dear Siri.—" Last summer I had grave 1,611clels" advocated -by Mr. -%Rowell, Doe�se, Rev. Tha Huiegll, Rev. A. Wug- houee. There are Vvo good ivells, one 0 tht house e found.? Just la the very thing his The istructure w111 be'of brick jand will anxiety for my little girl, who was just At lithe!-cloise of he last Legislature opponents .-profess' to d6ubt—his .4b gazer, and Rev.iF. Xalin;sky, of Strat- ar and one at the b n. This is one of the best farms so- caft $10,000. uokersinith. It is sicuited on the Kippen road, one year old in July last. 'She had eon. the Pppwtlon niimbered ntly 119, In a I te Isinc f6rd, jaAsisted. This as a very solemn -art T e*rity ond courage at con-vic- The Exeter iflour ills ere burne ,service, And after, It, Rev. Uri. Dede, ithe 3 mileg souLh of Seatorth, two miles from church stant and severe- atta ks of suminex House W 104. �Mhe ieletlon was sPru*Ag tion. The paus�o suits Uri Rowell he Dnd one and & quarter miles from school. Posses- to 1the,groand on %%urls4ay might.1",- complaint, and it' seemed to drag on. her Vrexnxturely, ,With the expectatio. of ibellee in It with -all his heart,. a,ad ewly-elected Tlastor, delivered a shott ATh Vr6 JA 1SU13�osed o lave been of Are Your. f4ongivenabanytime. For further parbioulars ap- ply on the pretnisea or address WW and MAMIE' ng ,the Liberals nappling nd w - t c ou jV *ro long despite- the many remedies I ciatchl 19 hat a c nts far the 'reniarkabl� Ia- ,iddreAs in English. Rev. r. HuRgil SCOTT, Proprietors, Egroondiulle P. 0- 237241 tried. , My neighbor told me she -had Ing out the party.;If under the Or ponducted the Altar aerviceis In a ver y spired efforts which have Inoved . thous- 'At A IfWne A the Frown 60 weak theY thought I w Id.. stances,, they had doubled their strengtq �orE I able manner. The choir of St. on fiather, M loose her. One night while Aur u nds of peovvle during he past 10th; iby Rev. Dr. Si�7h Islature, igivingt,(theim, a third nigh t. Se;bdngvIlle,, led the singing, August owels Eve in OOD FARK FOR SALF�­For safe Lot. 2� Con.- 4. er W Ite Leg Chux�* MS Mary E., second daugh- au old frieud of --mine.happened J6 com'e of Iffie Houlse Ithe tresult would .have Etullett, containing 100 adres. There are on igiving two iftne iselections. The evening ter.,df IV. R ert i0b 'Govenlock, to Re v d by the Jpublic a4s a ivqfy When Jae As kargulifg a4botit the fin service was conducteA 'entirely In �fflng- Coxens ilia premlsea a good brick house, kitchen ind wood to see me, and after telling her about iny been regardt shed with good cellar and hard and soft waterl baby's lingering illness she asked mie_ to -gustntiml ao�bjevemnt- i) %sh by Rev.iP..MialiniskY of Straford, o -of Detwooct P Iteite Is also a, good frame barn 66 x 64 with �stone ancial admilnistration of- the Province, eissrs- Dorril fdandatilon sLnd stabling underneath and Another U7 Dr. Fowler's Fxtract of Wild Straw-, .r Ro* 11 Contfl. at.... Tihihg bf e, has (not sacceeded 'sco wh w Me and tHargall, have ring the 7,exorbitaint outlay 0,-,, Gov- aq aably assisted by. St. Peter's, �dlspose4 of the woll;known w1itte, stal- sedan foundation and Implement berry. I sent it little girl to our�drug iq doing,.' Wihev,gll,,the returA ar4 ti, Churph. holr. It ais veiy interesting barri, 24- x K not rai re Is aWaood-bearing ern,mer-t' House, and, la.ving hare hp shed all In ood repair. The 'store and bought a bottle, and after th *b"'fdr iseVerAlt'Yars hayebee e Liber49 and tM Jndgpen p6nd the - �argte ltd -,the In Whib-Ile'S'S liver ., They gre to be �Kdl y two go tlmustkee od never failing wells. The farm hiving given the biby 'one dose gympath y, I n owned- 'now tlxe bowels open. Any d�nts l rndre el�ease-paring palldY which- as prowd which Ill ' * I y f -Yott wi'sh ii welt unierdrained And well lenced and In a high yr with '�thrn (m. a _iow arr I. - hurdh to overflowlrw� verty n6tced a remarkable been adopted with respect to Dther by. Ur., 19. Christie, of ri xeter. irf-ftiftlity of&d bowels is always daukrous stite or cultivation. with five acres of hush.. The changep and after ereAse of .-ten- seats. .'Mr. Riywell has more eissential irafters, azd ex s lattentively. Ur. 'Pr(ank Gatteidge hais and should', ,beeh a- -h near the g her -three or four doses she wa +9 thLbs ancrepsed his atreugth.td te Leg- the pushing of the ;b1lin-jQ&1 issue 'to the farm Is well sitkiated, i milps from Seatort givin po Ing be atteiided to at once, for boundary bebiveon Ifuliett and 'U'reKillop with tele- well a -gain, and began to walk, warded the powtract for,tha ow ' ds. il dellv-(Y. Terms reasonable. 'which islature soxnwh4;' and has etrength- he -front, though no mention! I made ConstaAce- phone and rural ma. she had not been able to do prior to hi the 1neiW AtrOng kblogk Ohl lfgln &teet cease to worl- propqrly, 211 &e othel- i For further ppaticulars app.3, on th6 premises or ad- er 'ened lag 's i sition In, the Pro- eppme deran ell . PO of It In the Premierls - maiifesto, or HwIlett' Boy M4&rrfeis, In the est., Th 3 T_e_v3 is 1130940. organs 'b ged diem WAL W11SON, Seaforth, Ont.,,A. F. D. No. 1. attack. She is now, a fine healthy child, vince.- He ill, ina, tdoubt� go ahead 2416xtf the �Conzervftv.e cainpaig Vook, thp �Ilmd.l 10110wi* *4109 �wa e if rein Milburn's ha -17;W Pills Aork 00 and I owe her life to that kindly advice ith - hts Advocacy - o his advanaccl audiene lolls back, ll,�tris Intently., and Mis. R-41rgpentpAlve -of Xii the bowelsgenfly and natum-iny, andwill, of an'old friend. I wouJ4 advise all ' ch6Ul pr s Uno, Sask� FOR SALF_-For mle Lot 3, Concession 3, (s agramme- In Ae 01 recognlzes7 �at oncLe that here Is .4 'de, Wtche,�Ma a,, of June aath,, HOW'S THI[S ? Cure the worst cases of Const4i On. pati mothers to give "Dr. Viowl�r's'# a prom. dolng betiter )rwxt Mr. Rowell, It 3&s. A. ummiur J:L P_ S., Tuelrersmith, containg 100 aor�es. baer ham 'hl ndv�ov MA"t ile are on une prem sea a ram., an arn 4 ineat place m meir meGictne chest. �s very rlear, is Inor quitter. 11.V 1-411wily n, 'EUI TWFILTY: ule NVe ffer One Hundred Dollars Reward forigny with.stabling undernezLth, frame house 22x32, the �ear and who caff rno:re tha hold h13 (Pmsbyterlian Churh at JKejrort�wa writes. ­#'I have been trotibled with- us&Lsonwstone foundation a Yours tru qt b e ease of OaUrh that (nnnotbecurod by Hallsea- nd there isagoo4 ly ProvJx4al party. lineis ki, 10A rio have ow)i in sh"r jarguMientative pkill: sen�k k�f a Very (b ff- ding. c t%Trh GIM. Constipati 40 on lor over 1v ym.ts, and I eadE al ed ONJaerib ceitir wider ue whole house Mth good WS-.-WX. HIRST. been f9VXt'1y broken )3,y lth ]But th, wben� F. & CIMNEY A Co., Toled.), 0. feel it my duty, I Wtehen and woodshed and good outbuillings at the It requires ore than this to oi�r( on Wedn�sdiay, June 117., tO 1A ,Imow tbal tile underdmined arid welli When you ask f Dr. Vowler's - V.x- 1% 11s icertisixr(that (Air. Rowell 10 -at raou- ishake a People. and _We,, the undersignedo have knoym F. y0hr Milburtes Laxa-Liver Pills havO barn. The1-trm fa -all Mr.' Rowell sup- John 'Lloyd Reid of- )KItatin, J. Cheney or ftnd lenced an 1 �h4 Jnd isin EL good st-4e of cultivation tfact of Wild Strawberry see that you- §4de-ria,ble Liberal support by 3ils unco;n- plies he needful, He calls to his str_ A or the Imt p Years, and believe lilm Perfectly bon =ed me. I only u�ed lli�nee vials and i clear from all noXifous weeds. There is a never get it. -tyrble 1*�Ache ffinaker of-tDeAtty,-we,rj 6rable in 9,11 business transactions, ald finaneWly -hat they have saved prblaing ladvocacy of Immediate abol- vice force which 191hee the days of united in 1AatrI1rn y by tRev. Lennox ablcto car oul an -can faithfully -my t t the back end ofthefarm. There PoR NtAR- Ition ry g welt at ihe hotwe and a spring creek r IT HAs BFFw ON THJ� MA=ET' OT the lbtar by - leg�sjative - eniaAct.rnent W. E. Glalclistooe has be.en more' �or les y obliptione =a,-Ic by h's Ann- me from a large doctor bill *1 ^crow ooe comer a And ipicked p a eomp&A s FrAser. qlie bride was - JohVmlqgly KINNAN. & d sating Consrnldeispe__,ed In the colIttea.1 orld. It is liza.hp scres seede on: and the balanco lias Gy .4 Milburn!s -Aks. Dow'T Acarwv gowne'd Iii, white sain, ctrepa d r�hqne ',Laxa-Liver Pills are a ru SiV4NTY Vr, ,o s��splendid be%ring vlative isq:ppor. The iiew,,adgnrn-ent will 'Suggutiv however, that the ,oAe ma., Wholesile DruggUts, flowing 'done. wontai ,1-th is -Ilk lrnbrol&qied draalcs, vnd all diseases or dis. nino StrBSTITUM P, 'Toledo. Wonderful remedy yvjng orchard of an are azl a boll, L rodLtnie. The Libergjs - have profittd In th Ape Hall's 021arrh ours is taXen Internitily, sating )le, p alg to 0"Iso ore full bridal y�ffl. a6d ora,ng.e orders of the livieX r bo*e1s. plam.,eherrie trees, etc- Termu'reason' The price of e 614 (Land, --da who, d1rectl upon the.blo I I od and rnimus nd Surfares of th6 Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 -vials %feJ. korfttrtheip.%rtienl-**EfaPP]YtmtbFtl)remises the original is -35 enU somewhat by the exchaage; the the nioral -ozise -of the peGple &-id blAssoms. -Mlos Kay, Minaker looked'v*ry mtem. Test1monWe sent Lree. Price 70 cents per JOEWFORTUNS, SWOltb F4 0.1 nd is manufactured only by 1Z �vdvantage irna� TAcrease as tliae issues -( bottle. gold by an dru at al mailed direct ou W, dealers or ar Vidarm PleAdis for jW§tICe on, their behalf Is 'the, winisome As bridesniaid, dressed W mezl� ggiste-1 receipt of price by The T. M11�1 Kilbtirn Co., Limited, To I ronto, Ont. of yqsterdAy.. co4tinue ta .,be prez . s . e#, Idol Vf the .Brlitl�sh fedple Xr. Lloyd.,,'Aa;11nd -pink., hiffo kdraperkes -and 'tiny Tvke r1all'a Family Pill$ for conatipation.1 Limited. Tbroto. ont. .V,lt'h e: bout 01 bogme 1�6,, U zeaull orated v.9,ter Itilf, 47,Lameo 4 - trip to ;PVT hu �y b boW. kr .,took i fine