HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-07-03, Page 1NIM11.441111MINI114111. TTI 0 Y-LIOflTfl ILR YEAR 111.429 0 II In every feata we are fully e4. all customers. furnishing's more a n's attire for the warm weather season for a tfitiick and satisfactory service to *day period Makesia demand for fancy Two-piece suitslgrey or tatij brown -$8.00 to $12.`00 dsers $2.00 to 3.00 White duck trousers $1 to 2.50 Soft White Shirts....50c to 1.50 Fancy Hose.... 25c to 75c One a d Two piece underwear suit......50-0 to $2;(21 Fancy Straw sailor shape ......75c to $1.50 Stovepipe shape -the new one.........$2 - Irk -0,401r.:0.%.404 1414. tit .:41ek7 Suits Handsome Grey Tweed :Suits, neat patternf not exaggerated styles, sizes 34, 36 and 38; Sold regularly dtP7 at $16.00 to $18,co „ Fancy Blue Striped Suits, neat , -:pattern,. richly lined ;coats and full. skirts, regularly sold '$IS to $2o. Also an pyc • , pl4in bras and blacks, all at. olqi Very fancy browns, some in Jight tan shades, very richly trimmed, sizes 32, 34 and 36. Sold regularly ein at $25 to $,30 for... - I Us tlU A fiiv summer coats sold' regularly for $15, to $18 for., .vre....vu{re .0•••Vg•ir.V.Vs•••411-0*. MVO 4[111••••••••••-••••;0 611•1•11* II day 1; For the Boys Fine Light co.lored two-piece tweed suits, 26 to 0.15 ,Cottofi Knickers, size 24 to ••• • 4 0 • §hirt Waists; sizes 22 e028....... .. t. Soft shirts and collar to match Boys fancy Overalls • • • • IP 'got, • • so • 56c • Hats and , OP' a ps VP • OR • 35c $1 r Fancy Sunshade Hats 20c to 25c Highest -Prices for Butter and Eggs. Greig Clothi ng The Big Corner Store SEAFORTII SEAF RTE. F ULY 1914 •*°"4"....-7"."."--...14IeLBAN BROS. ktriillabora 111, ,00 a Year*in Attikanc. PROM THIll •DOHINION CAPITAL I••110•••••••••• ' ^ Ottawa, June, 300914. tin FridaY last, Premier -Borden cete. preted. Ids eitctieth . birthday. He re- celyed tmany icongratulatleas frcee Mende. The Premier ;spent the zr.orne Ing at his office, but 1n the afternertne he and Lady •Bordete•had .0e.round. of - golf in zelebratioe of the day. On efone tley they hitt for AL two weeks' holiday trlii to Nova Scotia. He will spend part of the ,timee With Wised mother at Gertride- Pre la the Evangeline countey. On the re.tura o the Pronwo Arrange - meets wIll be ediepleted tor hie western trip. • • . ' . , • It is [dated' here that there is St. eere 'toes hitch in kcontleceime with the issue of the OterladeeiNor,thern. Railway Cotn- none boutle,' Provided Or he the leg - }station Pessed. rt Peatiament last lees- sion and over tweichl eller& *as so town and ettch heated 'dIscuisfatat The report Ls 'to ,,th,e effect that* the Governmeat is inalsting upon certain -conditions be - tag peed in the Moetgage, which the heads a the Canadian. Northern claim are not 'provided for in the Aot. The Governeneet, it is stated, desires that a minimum .priee tbe fixed, for the pol- ing of the (issue so 'that there shall be as little sacrifice a the face value as Poestble. It is furtbe3r stated that the Goverarnent desires to pa pe certain con-, dittoes Jn ,the mortgage es to tne time when • -the bend,s twill be offered fok sale on the London market. The Gov- lernment does not degiretbet the whole . amount of the %sue shall be floa.ted at idle preeent when les own most re-. cent loanhas nixt I. yet *been !taken up by the public in ite entirety,' It is an; deretood that there are certain other eondltiens insisted upon by ' the Gov- erment, which are causing tt e'invent hitch. As a consecnteece of this lifteh, it is anderetood that ''Sd,r Mao- kenzie has been borrowing or; his own ,seeerity in' the Neel York zneritet ta order to tide over the altulattoe the Matter beet been fiaally_ settled with the 'Government here. tieh Adm.° 41raSite Tnes watching, ao deuille 'bt,,B,wriith keen interest, the develop- ment of the toil oneation. in Alberta, atid its dieanpotatnient „will be real, int: deed, if the exiticipations of entities - lake are not realized. The 'decistoa of the ;authorities, after is tborolgh In-- vegitigation, to use oll as feel Le. the nave," hes redeced the advaaktage which Great Britain had over the other na- tions; wheel coal was king. She has ,to depend upon* foreign eourees-Russiat the United States ,and itlexico-fer the fluid, and In this respect it no better off than her riealteeloreover, like tee - he is at the mercy ofthe big oie trusts, Lord cowerayn concettel and tee Standard Oil octopols, ;which 'are la a ;Position to make even ,geverrettente pay tie:bate. Ineideatille the eivalre between these twa great companies tn. Mexico is geld to ti3e contributing to discord veliteenow preialle there. - The Canadian Governnient ob.tained fron pannament this gessioa the power to impose an export duty on oil. Thts (a, precautionary measure desegeed to corne.rve the source -of supple for the admiralty 'should an ercer.gency- arise. and it its underetoed. that It has been itaken at the ed.mtrattyn request The goyernment will iirpas a reserve On lands known to con:tithe oil in suffic-• tette area ,tp gu.aratatee a source ''of simply for a, long elms. If oil in large quiantitlete is found in Canade, the im- perial importance of the discovery will be apparent ett once. The admiralty evin have a source of supply independent of at oinitleesions and the -exaetlons im • . • * * • • , The statistics of the d.epartmeet of trade 'and gommerce for the yea t 1914 tshovt- a constilera.ble decrea.seg in ;the Im- ports ,froreoutside coutitriee onxr an In- creaee ten the - exports,-Pbe latter 1.e Atte toetette. Underwood tariff. Goods were held over and rushed over theelitie when the tarlf Wag loivered. There Was a eeerease in the impor.te of -about $42,- .000;00) end ate Intrease in the expoets 'of -over t5,90co0. In the elLet0fInS duties there WAS a d,eoline of abe t $81.000,000 'over the preceding Year. Th eoteler.ade was conei. iderably over the illicai mark.. enanzing at the exports,,ii is observed that there were in.creases en annetals, of, fish landefishiproduets, of enimel land agricultural peoducts and else of malui- facturets. The total trade between .Can- ada. and the 'Tenitedatatels amounted to $010,000.000- cempored with $353,000,009 between Canada iencl Brftain. There ts. .le strong Indica,tlita in all the figures thee the conditions of supply and de- mand itreestrietrger than artificial trade. arrangements.- Though Great t Britain took much more Canadian merchandise than the United States, Canada's tea"' Poeta from the United States will be three times as great as those frteen Britain_ Despite the financial, etringeece ,And tilt dullnes,s in PlileineSS, the trade of Oahe& for the year has been fairly eatiefantor y . , ; ; * a • * • , In, gee manner the mo.st recent etet- ileties *educed freer; the Department of Labor, ishow that, there is as yet not much:change In ..the cot of tieing and .the prospects are, tbe staples which for:m thts /tem are tikely too tte thighet' before (they are lower. Hoo, shekm, dairy "products, fish, trientla, fuel and •gome lines of lurrher were lower tie Olen ;but grains, cattle and beef, frufts and vege:ateeles, wool 'and tuts' owed teoportane • ideate:cm In retaillprlees, the chief failure ef the getenth - an a general decline in butter, but potatoes advanced in many of the cities,' ecareity being reverted. Eggs begaa to:advance. The law of Isupply and demand 'ovule reqoire nantaere to turn frorr Mho pr-oduetion of grain, which bolds. about the same price as ten and twenty year -s -ago,eo tthe ranting of cattle which brings cheible the price Of forsner times and to the manufacture of dairy • eo- ducte, which are fifty per cent. higeer. 111 re espedally would this be expected _ d re, Prodeett' end eget. Le the other. 'heed theexports of :grata and, flour are steadily_ and tepidly teereasinge .There is an 'abonderenee of advice . to farmers to take tip, mixed farming,- bat ' the Larmer gone' on tnereeseig his acre- • age in gtain. t - , * en • With. the otieniatoft the tourist fieet ing.eeasee; trefentaelotte neentor of new •tngteletions have beentee:sued. They: de not Areke..thingi easier feet -111e .man Who likes toeoateht alot. of *erne fish take Or aendetherni tienae" and_ Pity tiot„he the, for leo deing..Thetefisheries-Of Ont tarto, are Isubieet, t aeort of ei.uae con- trol, the.. Dominion teaeletg' jurisdiction in,regend toesome*,-thitere,. and the Igoe vine • in otheineOliere-hatte'fbeen diffi- ecultieen In the at .tn ;vegeta let tjels double regeorlelbillte, put -,---0.0, depart- mentat Otteetneends tetneetto, gepear to be *vein*: eel* In leteetette' The Dottniniien .leett esidedeantentled re - Remember tbes date of the I SEAFOLITE fLACE5 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday July felth, 15th, 16th, I9W1 PUR;SES : $6 , 000 I Of , the Seaforth Turf* Club, - The fifteenth annual meeting will be heldontheir beautiful 2 track on t_he above datis._L ; No 1 . 2 4 5 6 , 7 Tuesday, Jane 14thIliga 2.50 PACE........ .$ 400.00 fo, 2.24 TROT.....400.00 Z 14 400.00 ounton Goderich Second Day Seaforth .*HUIlett 51 53 63 B2 28 29 68 46 28 45 21 43 31 • 326 260 66 41oiborne 78 . 44 24 43 58 86 47 pr go -1 193 14 iteCapitulation 227 215 -217 273 . 410 447 ileee, gee, Brussels '103 88• ortila,tia4s,1:10f.Ordarloy! 40.10iting 04.1 2.19 rAA;r4.. LAUY•11,11/ .McKillop 284 215 epee • and' -export, b ekr,114;sg, •a-iatilel-,1 ri ,neatoe and. itsek -et; -,ette three, 1 Db. A take. 1000 00 2. io licE. 0 • • • • 0 400.00 2. I o ;rot S a tilliietb .326 260 Grey '• 374 240 - Colborne 20.7 193 fitneet. statue fish ealeght Ontario *11,4 teen 4n • exception -jig Medi In rennet • to ia fieheenten frem a, foreign pountry temearitiog the lenit,ed; Statee--ettho, if he has obteleed ongler'e permit, Is to be allowed tO take bank with hint the ]awful catch of tive tlaye" figiahle* when leaving the provinee. The Ditt,enlo erithorttleg bittre els° ;Tiede hhanges. There Is tie -be ne. leeason ligense for .anglers. Residents of the province will 113,y,,0 for ewo weeks' license and ,$10 :for la aeaeort licenee. te nownresiclene'evill nay $f5 for two weeks, $20 for ehree and $25 for four. t The valuable fisheriee of Lake lite - gen are to be potetrolled- under a Ileek1192 enstetn. *Fishing ice the lake •with tete has been partied On.' bete. for dorneetic purposes and for sae- cite spite of a Peeerribitive regulatien. Ate ordeeliereount eil has now neer:, Weed' allowing re- eidente ethe district to catch fish for their own coesumption, gebject to certain reetriotione, butethere must be no tolling OT eenteries. ' me The following 's a list. of the suc- cessful candidates on both sidesin the elections an Monday last`anct he ma- jority obtained ny each • CORSERVATIVE S . „ Addington -W. D. Black Algoma -A.. Grigg Brockville -A. J. E. Donovan 13rneei South -NV. D. lAtegilt Carleton-R.*H. MeX:roy. "Dotteein -C. R, MeKeoWn Dundas -J. P. Whitney', • . Durham, East --:J., J. Weston - Dinh:tin, West -J. H.Mevitt Elgin East -0..• 1301 Ai FOrt . Kiwis Frontenac-A. M. Rankin , Grenville -G. H. Ferguson - Grey, Centre -T. B. Lucas Grey, North --U. Cameron .arey. South -D. Jamieson Halidtnand-Dr W. Jacques Halton -A . W. Nixon 400 Hamilton, W-- Col. J . S. Hondrie 148e Hastings, East -A. Grant HO Hastings, North -R. J. Cooke 1000 Hastings-. West -J. W Johnston 174. Huron, North.. A . H. Mnsgrove, 153 Huron, Smith -1:1. Eilber • 320 ace. 15 1466 13 847 Lanark, North -R. F. •Preston 76 Lanark, South -F. W. Hall 589 Leeds -J. R. Dargarvel -450 Lennox: -T. G. 0,4r L3allen London -Sir Adam Beck Manitoulin -R. R ;Gamey .M iddles ex, E. -J . -Mc Fail an Muskoka, -S. H A.rins trong 800 Niagara Falls-- G.J. Musgrove -928 Nipissing -B. Morel 400 Norfolk, South -A. C•. Pratt ' 164 North u iriberl and, Re -:8 . Nesbitt 700 a Maj. 1800 400 400 325- 840 550 750' 648 2-71 ; Third Day 2,30 PACE 400.00 2.16 PACE 400.00 FREE-FOR-ALL400.00 he 'greatest Race Meeting - in Western Ontario. -- r - Band in attendance Admission Grand Stan.d...25t Automobiles andAcarriages. extra. • W. C. Goitenlotk, Preqdent *-14. Brcderitk, Secretary. W.C.T. Blorsop, ,Treasurer Wellington, East..U."Riehardson 487 Wellington,. South... Sam Carter 90 Windsor.. j. 0. Tolmie , 101 LA13011 Hamilton, last • .A.Studhohne 990 INDEPENDENT 1 Prescott . , Evantprel Standing of the New House : , • Conservatives.- • .84 Literals ..• ,25 Independents Standing' in hkst Legisiatnre Conservatives.- ........ .85 Liberals.... , ..19 Independents, ... , 1 In the new Legislature, there are 111 memberst.and in the last House -86"9 106. 803 :SidTeh:eTf4illi3Wil* are thne gmins:61144chi 400 LISER.A.'IS -- 534 Brant, North..Scott Davidson' 10,22 j3rant, South..Soseph II. Ham IOU poonrane, M.. Lang 'ours, 'Essex, North ..S. Ducharnie "u 'Essex( South. .L:P. Wigie Mirldlesex, North .. J. Grieve Ottawa, East..J. A, Pinard 'Ottawa, West..C. C. Hindman Peterboro, West, .G. A. Gillespie Prince Edward ..N. Parliament Wellington South. .T. learter Windsor. . Tolotie Bruce, 'South.. W Cargill " CONSERViATIVE• S mbton , South.. a B. Marlyn Lanark, South. .1?'. W. Hill • Niagara Falls. U. J.; Musgrove Ontario, South. .0. Geld% Parry Sound ..J . Edgar / 183 Stormont..R. T. Shearer' 1490 Terniskaming•..'rf Magladery s$30., Toronto, Northeast B..M. H. Irish • 398 Toronto, Southeast 13: -.Toth Hook Toronto, Parkdale..W. g. Price Toronto, Itiverclale..Josi Russell Victoilat North..Dr. R. M. Mason Victoria, South .. John Carew - ' Waterloo, South..Z. A. Hall Ontario, North.. NJ.1-1, Hoyle 373, Welland ..D. Sharp Ontario, South O. Calder 186 Parry Sound ,J, Edgar 600 Peel.. J. R Fallis 619 Perth, North ..J forrance 600 Perth, Smith.. J , Benneweis 200. Peterboro East:, Thompson PorrArthur. , D. Hoggarth 500 Rainy River. . A. Mat Weil 200 Renfrew, niorth..E.'4. Dunlop 608 enfrew, South. .T. W. McGarry acc St. Catharioes..E.Jessop 1200 Sault Ste Marie.. W II.Hearst ' 735 Simcoe, Centre.. A .B.Thompson 230 •Sinicoe, East -J . 1. Hartt- 806 Simcoe, South. A. Ferguson 600 Simooet W est.. J; S. Duff 800 Stormont. .Be T. Shearer 10 600 Sudbury. .. 0. McCrea Temiskaraing..T:Magladery 450 Toronto, N. Irieb. 1317 'Toronto N.E. "B". .R. A. .Pprie 1655 Toronte, N. W."4"....T.Crawford 2129 Toronto.N.W.B..WD.MePherson3393 Toronto A . .E, W. Je Owens 2611 Toronto S.E. B. .T Book 2598 Toronto S. W. A. .3. J Foy 3546 Toronto 8. W. B. . G.H.Gooderham2879 Toronto, Parkdale.. W. H. Price 656 Toronto, Riverdale..Jos. Russel 1901 Victoria North..Dr.-11: M. Mason 275 Victoria,Seilth. .John Carew 700 Waterloo, Noah 0.1331111s • r, 1000 VV at erloo,4South Z . A , Hall • 890 800 Welland .. D. Sharpe Wellington, W.. W.C.Chambers 153 'Wentworth N.. A. F. Ryckert 4 Kenora-H. A. C. Macklin . Kent, West w. III man Eingstcn-Dr. E, Ross Lambton, East --J. B. Martyr) Lambton. Wot-W. J. Hanna Wentworth S.:J. le 11. Regan York, East..G. S. Henry Yorke North..T. . Lennox York, West..Dr. F. Godfrey LIBER ILL Wentrvortli, North .:A . F. Rykert CENTRE_ HURON THE orpiciAL RETURNS Majority No. 1 2 8 4 Majority • No..1 2 3 4 * '5- 6 7 52335Q5S MailOritY aCC A Ico • 1 2 lerant, ,North..Seott Davidson 34 Brant South -Jose h Ham 356 Bruce, North,. W. McDonald 7 Bruce, West. .p. Bowna, n. 600 00 cbr e . . Mac Lang 50 Essex, Nortb...S. Duchneme 190 Us sex, South..L. Wigle .120 Glengarry..Eingh. Mnnro I ace Huron, Centre.. We-Froudfooe 316 Kent, East:. W. R. Ferguson 400 -Lincoln..T.-Marseall 257 Middiesex, West ,„.T. C. ^Elliott 700 146 slilce etock growing makes .the land Middlesex, Nortli.. j. errieve better and grata ereeving makes it woreti Norfolk, North.. R. Atkinson 1268 so that the grain grower Is constantly ' Northumberland, West..S. Claeke 155 - Darting 'with his capital, while themix- ell intoner Is alwaye adding to his. But this- does not happen. Canada doets not export so much llver stock or &Metall eroducts today as twenty or fifteen or tei yertes ago. Thereis a decrease tin-. such exports and an in- , Ottawa, East: .J. A. Finchard 403 Ottawa, West..C. Ge Hardman 118 Oxford, North ..N, W. .Rowell 1%) Oxford, South. :T. R. Mayberry 4 Peterbero, west..G. A., Gillespie 200 Prince Ed ward , N. Parliera t 90 • Rtassel..D. Racine creased importation of meat, vegetables, Storgeon Falls e Z. Mi3geau 800 1000 Maeorlty" M ajority No. 1 2 " 3 4 5 - '0 7-- 0 1911 ib. Cp. teafeM '98 62U 53 35 17, 37 17 • 30 42 51 227 21.5 12 • . Clinton 56 62 66 80 48 71 47 60 217 273. 56 Goderich 56 34 67 74 73 55 66 56 42 48 61 86 45 44 410447 37 Brussels 31 -28-- :37 31 •••••••••• 103 88 15 McXillop 85 27 g5 47 51e. 83 58 59 .9.04 216 4- 68 .Grey4 42 17 50 25L 55 2111 63 60 55 40 83- 84 27 374 240 131 3914 Lilie.Con. /85 39 43 21 .33 12 = 31 49 42 64. 296 213 59 47 .61 76 49 53 V 61 -- -- 216 237 • 21 68 98 80 . 84 68-63 89 62 57 57 80 82 44 54 .•••••••••••• •••••••••• 486 500 . 14 -67 46 ••••••••••• 113. 81 82 ---77 41 9„4 , 41 `• 50 70 48 00 209 - 212 57 - 2148 1932 Majority 216 68 -27 .63 26 n 20 62 40 23 26 47 17 54 -28 194t 153 50 eB 26 40- 48 07 32 23 156 183 27 206: 218 216*237 - 486 118-7 81 269 4 212 372 =226 847 194 156 ' 313 2165 1846 319 Huron Returns The following are the Majorithee given in -eoell of the Huron ridings on Monday last. The full official returns will be published next week. ' South Elven • •••4 0) Exeter Hens di Hayfield - Stephen Usberne Hay Tuckersmith -Stanley • Goderich townthip Majority for Eilber..'„ . North Thiron Pc: 44. 71 • • V Ashfield West Wawa•nosh 15 East WawanoshiL 45 . Blyth Winghant Morris . Wroxeter TUrnberry Ilbwiek AtatiPritii'eor-Meisgreee..e. 3 ' ee, • 89 "' 17 75 197 59 • 320 -o 1•. • 2t- 111 • 19 134 - PPP01.0" • -Hour Mr i Rowell Veils eter. N. Ws. Rowell reoelved the sults of .the election let the Woodstock, Young •Liberal Ott regatta end ineete viewed later in tue ievetaing, made tc1.3 followin %SW -41101t t "It is gratifying to find that mot.. wIthatanding the • whole weight kal tht. Goiernment forces, ;aided 'illy thc one egeteized liquor interests, we .have 1'm - proved our ,positiorf in the House. For the sake of the policy for which we were fighting I" regret ithat our Igains were not -gums:rams. We were greatle bendicapiped by the • short PerlocU we bad to etrepeee for' the election. It took up all our thne to get candidates In the fIeld We had: ;no time to perfect an organization in the ttreattmajority of the ridings, end fad matter tow good a coulee ligood ont.anizatioA Is necess- sary to ensure., success. In the two - Brants, where *try candidates were jr .the field since he Mistof the -y4ar., and.; had an oppertukitY site perfect an organization,. we succeeded ta winning both ;seats. One .lesson of the ramPetett Is, we 'must (perfect onganiiatoin in all the tortstituenciee Of the Province, en We rshould gognranqa to ido go at ereice. "I -desire to thank the electorg of the Province who -gave his their port, .and partictdaelY the large. lbode of volunteer workers who have freely given: up their ehne in this eontegt. We have 'brought into the political af- fairs of the Province a neW spirit of, rialto iservice, and. hundreds of J -nen wha have.nat bitheita taken an ativa lutenist in political affairs will epee doebtedly ^do go, in elle- future. This Is the guarantee of the' ultimate :success. Promotion xamtniations in Seaforth ,Public School Itegulis of June Teets -Names ia order , a onerit. BOWL T. Promoted to Senior Fourtb-Rereey Burrows, Ruth Powell, Mary Oroitile, Meta Danford, George Stewarts4tan- ley Ellaym. :Doreen- Taman, Della 'But- ton. • e ROOM II - t• Promobed to Senior Third-elonote- Frank Coates, Ethel 'titickag.,.110rgus Somera; pass -Harold 'MacNab, Mahe Hogg, Evelyn- Cardna, Irene Denniseh, Gordon Hays, Cyril IMarvin, Lzizie -Bansch, Gretta Dennison, Eva ChesneY, Jackk Scott, Norma kbiutr. .ProMoted to Junior Fourthr;71Ionets- Myrtle Marshall, Emerson WOghtacid Ina Hart equal, Mary Ham, - Earl Smith. Paai-Abasell 13ristow, „ 54 asys, Rose Boyd, deo). Smith, Ger- trude Cardno- iond Evelyn Adams equal, Margaret' Reeves, Arthur Deem, Annie Stewart and Jean. Turner eitual, Ger- don...Dick, Fred Smith, Reggie Kerslake. George'PinkaeY1 F. 1:Fepinan, Beatrice ; ROGAI 111. Promoted to Senior Second-41=1ns- Gordon Willis, Gladys Stewart. :Pao --Veinier Marriott, Tem Smith, , Abble Seip, Ettie Smith, .Erie Stewart, Claude Patterson. ' Promot-ed Junior ;Third -Ross Say - 86 49 ange, Harold Coates, Avlin Oke, Bath 50 . 20 Thompson, Pernest Edge, Blule Aber - 47 26 hart, Beth Barton, Fergeseleackee, • G. Ol2,9 Stogdill, Rae 'Murdie,t11-yrt.1B. e. .e. T 4_8 Wright, Billie Gte - oe es Muir, Reid Ederaindse,telir pie 20 Me. gurdlifY lakOrge.-.Rawea Lyan --:-...,"„‘Longetoetht-Frialt elneekent Frank,Veid- ene .44, more LIzile leultey,• Kenneth - Arnene 146 Ellev'ood Hawes, WILa Seip, Melville 16LV. Prontoted to. Junior Seconde-Hotors. t-Ethei Daley, FloreneeeBeatttet Attu% Smith, Harvey RrIstow, • Gladys ' Phee, 414-1-i4 Strong, Nettie Storee, Mary Bell? Iva Scott, Gerald ;Stewart, Janet Grieve, Baden Powell, Allen :Reid, Ralph Smith, George Petereon, Donald Mackay, Florence Chesney, H. Peterson, Iretnen Taman, Willieeellu- ser, Frank K. -Light, Jennie Reeve% S. - Cluff, Lulu Marriott, Ronald -Mackey. Ps---Mertle Trott, L. Thereto, Dons. ald Kerslake, Harry 1)I11, I Holsse-- - •P.001,1 V. - Promoted to Junior Fir* ---z• Lucy' Hewes, Fred .113,clesoneEvelefi 'Peterson, Donne Leyton, Ina Layton, cent -Pattersore Clyele Marshall, Edgar Brownlee, Sidney Pullman. Iola WIltee, Georgina Reeves, Jean Stewert, Freda Shade Ruseel Pipeie Annie - Nighween- der, illhelariing, Thornton. Promoted to Senior leirst-Hoeore- deathieen Ra411C121, Arnold Turnbull,' Peelebone leiatrice Frost, Rory Stewart, G. Parket, G. Pethick, a Live legato:1e, Fred Crleh, Clara, Alai; Eva Hulley, Eve Grimoldby, Llfllan Mar- shall, Keith Larnotte ',pail, Menet all, Fonds erten, Keith Stogdi1l,7 Alex. Powell, Bessieershall, Peek? Wright, Hattor Ilay,s, Evelyn Cudrnore, Marlon eitesh. Paan -Violet Rankin, , Walter .ecott, . .1 ROCeil Ite. Promoted eto'Senlor Pranet-Ev4Ye learburn, Jemmy Stewart, Hetet ktar- ehell; Clare -nee Muir; Annie John Powell, Charlie Scott, John Dent; ntsoti,.knnie St•ephensott, Violet Pipar, Mabel Rands, Jaek Muff, Herbert Tam - ail, Myrtle Reeve,s, jack Welke r Scott Shade, Stafford Stephenson, Vera. Hut - ley. I .Peomoted to Junior 'Itireett-WIlered entitle Philip 'Caw, Arthur Amexit, R efuedle, -Agnea Cecil Knight. Leslie- Sperling, Arthur Buerow,s,nenny Daffy, Elizabeth FOreas. Eyelen Stew - ere Emersori Delete Ileae Toward, An- nie Brodie, Carl Aberhvt, Betalce Cooper, Verde. Baker, Fred /Scott, Thel- ma Johnston, Marjoey BIckle, Stanley Nicholl, Daisy Spain, Harry Petblek. The Ontario West Shore !tail -way A meeting ^of the inpreeentativee et the four- municipalities interested' in this railway was held at Kintail, Ash: = field township, da Thursday .last, to consider what further steps should be leaken. Rakes anunIcOallty was represent, ed by members o lits c000cii--Azia Mee-. • ar,s. W. Proudfoot &waive ^for Ash., 'field and Charles Garrow tor' Goderich. lettr. R A. ,kalcohnson. was absent, be- ing in Vancouver eoeving to the illtiese - Of .his brother,: Tee situation of tie 111-fetedt road. was again discuased-an-I the IT9jlerdeingi-;-will*Irbeassgreeri'efoziAr-j' the purclutee et the_ road and material, with the tehetter, reserved bid -be-- ing fixed. 2.• In the -eweet of no sale, tenders will be .asked tor the eel° of ,themae terial-noW oTi ehee line. - 3. The 'solicit -ore will again urge on the Go -e'en -meant the utrroat speed In cthearre s, an.dpOros4c.utIon Of ••the onaedjvirm:y ; - 4. Action 'will be V.kenagnettst the - Toronto Truste Co;orAtion for _the eee tovery- of the $18,000 4f accrued jnter- ezt on bonds .which they i'aanded over to tMe-yee. 5. Action agairtst A. B. Ogee to re- cover the $15,000 paid ,to him by Moyes foe a loan of $10,000, the repay -dm -It Moses being made out of:the funds of the road. -8 An effort will alert be made e to recover the unguaraateed ;bonds. Canada,. =The fast freight „between Stratford Palmerston, was wrecked PrIdae- after- noon, near Newton. Six tars left" the TAOS when a draw-ibar &med. One freight car went down a tweet, foot eheet eandleg he a corn field.. No wiz ernbankirent, and crashed thror the f 'Was injured. - -John Hillyar, o-ne of there- sidents of 13owmanville, died ;Sunday - Inor,wasrning, ailntrer In :briefEnoialindlne,seigrit'i4,Trurl. na years ago, and came to Cataaela,• who": a ets-Beixtyha:ealrisY,edhelliel3P4 Yaowe a n 4Di viY gaib4rut the ecneree foretnest nustnese men. Two eons and two daughters survive, -Mr. Ames -.McArthur, a well-knowln termer, re,sidIng at Kileride, Nelson -township, Wentworth County, died ate result of injuries received Whoa he WAS kicked Iv a horee an Tuesdee Afternoon, at Flamboiot etatiott M. .Me - Arthur, who was twenty-eight `yea= ,oft age,totollasPkian*oetis. When eStan itieiOnwat: and felliig l °abelattitlitetewh"orreS1 Ireele41-13Pedoed was kicked on the etemaele --P; W. Cox a Toronto-, Presicleat ere the Canada Life Insurance Cempteey, and several other irietitutiOns, idled in Pollostone, England, on Friday lent. and where rile- had none for tee -benefit of his Ilan, gome weeks egg. e1IM undergone a erioue operation fee lee affection' of ;tee throat and he Was re- covering nicely, :When- hetrorthdea set In, proving fatal. He WaS a naive of Peteeboroe was fifty years of Me and Wa's the eldest on of the lanette4uttor .0ox. He was one of Torontoels. tneit prominent and successful financierreond hie death so soon after that .et tiis father, la a distinct loss to Caende. --Twelve-hundrede metiers* 1..tir been thrown out of work, wad- the rOV70 of Homer,: not fan eroee ?erten,. B. 7. is about to be abandoned by Its -pop- ulation, tiwing to - the eact eeett the coal mines at that point. owned and operated by • the C. It. R aave beer" shut down. The work of dieneatettinet the machinery, is well under VV. The rnerchaate and pretertte *ownete are p,anie stricken, because the eperty is worthless without the which alone eupported unmarried ireti are Hostler Mines have been, Meat fkorn the start and spent in' eleveloriment f.afied teal in paylag Atuantitles. .It -was ally -'decided to elan up the infneo. °Venetians could, only be petaled on itt .1 a graitt los; • Mesmer willebe the sentinel * desertedtown en that distriet -Wee rim': having -beetti abandoned .foitettn- . ilar reesoei -after rnillioas a _dol..; I /are had Seen ,speat nn