The Huron Expositor, 1914-06-26, Page 691 -4 a W1 JIN th t1l there 1was a clima 4000-00 thert. 4, "Ah, ye%Wba rewaAwl 411tS coming 'Aer 30 fog$ Into of water.-vniow "now's that?" "Th b Now Jyprl; Post.
are heavy 10noilgirto fall as.raln. Dew Is now , e supertntend out nice] Iwater Into drops at reft on "Goad work!" -deelare'd the Junior .011ut. 'dldn.1 o a. malre' C1 be tba aked 'for boolts!. They Aire d rhe moleculm! Attractlot 4IM'-supoilutiandept lip the firat the -Toldel LAB OUT laceT, of. !he digtaht and the d "0a rodj a9enlorAle,ml-I 'A malx#us helit oi ftl� fe *qtary
not be 4dr4wn Has Sped I Qdand 012beary-11quid could- Beca-uset" a4goti iid s0irltu fijejthb, titr6o t NV of is Books 44 M. tat" B1
iF k I tivlit a ro, otiOn Crotbeg ieW b&t ast Ajos. it I I)beees or d r .1 L
�op. Atelted b hite je�t !Eta PA
ualt�. n %rants �a pyo- will Nit I PR forms -into minute globd�'tw'heri Wt ma ritual - the- m rig MILDIT-ST-I'MULATING., ers, They _g1re.tO fil1w 6 and. to my 'WIM, a -fully use them the socletyi, the spi be te3t of 'StL and grea U d,mwi des iT presence. of the fall in'bigh- sbot tower. motin some,lim V $1 -NOURISHING, SUSTAININ6 : use -there Is a gi in the tnw e ej dne.1' udge. Co foit soap. erychanniniF. P rf Tonl*C tensitv of lilolecOlar�at �6ay - I . I f,' �rptL traction, 11 our race..—Wil.1larn U Ll SmoUy, Cities At 90Y. *4o obsered In �:Icobol, g'a'siollne, sult so F0, THIS IS T�E TI&E OF THE en sm�ke and fog A Mbnoloave. YEAR IT ISNEEDED liquids PUSITIVILY fiff EST SALE ill C ------ riburle etb�r an4 sli4llar 111upl. The relatlon betwe P, ssued,br Tomffiv I op, at is ibe, dilTeremm not sold in no- 011',stru gi cerin and 0.1 er via. Is ably s t of write et for h In a ImIlL aldialogue and monologue Tf our neighborhood, the Ifellon Ins Ro T ous en talk, cott search, University, of Pittsburgh, amd. Tommy's P,ji) -When two Wo" Id not -p6 lown JOHN, ABATT7 MUTED Soap bubbIL bert H.-. Kimball, my son, lt'sa dialdgue; wp�eu a woman, ad- i written by Dr.. ge'r '166hol or,henzine but tbeyform re WINTDON ADA rology, United StateS carries on 4 conversedosi with her husmt main jai
tr And the .4 I tile )rotessor of xneteo Il In water mol�cul u 10 e 0au He slams Alp the mat- band IV$ a nlonologue-�--Pbll�delpbla bu thint-tilms- r�ally attract-NvUll s me ter'by sqylng.. Record. muee.,else-the bubbles would urst be- iI
o large. , T -he most ore p B"
ause Are ul ers1stent, tban- Do you See the Point? elaborate matliematics are required to, country fts, - principally bec Probably t4e man wbo gae at their Indredsed density due Ao the a, le molecular fit only tot b nd tb tb ya oke that accumulates In- theill. Von to the Idea at i6re IS allwa MaOft4ba and North-west Notes -1echnicaf Journals.wXew York Amerl-- % more room- at the top bad never seen a the 'aboyd there .81r; Rodmond R6blIn -has anTIOUnCed elk!] n a re fewer hours of sunshin e pyrathid. -on the Provincial. Election Av be held cities than In the rou din- country. Friday, -J�jly 10. I Working the Mo�rsi* Cocre. r "The the Ultra Modern, Ra'sixiess of thd telegraph ..eode has sunshine l"AM n-.4aw, :ere ted at a &MVof, 410,40a sometimes facilltated evll Oraotices, ba in Iijht *"f "Afadge Flighty it certainly art bp to Mowse the'countr .,the t n i ac short vrav and whiph will provide roomi� e lengthsi or ci blue light. date kirl." harles Galbraith, formerly thief on. -a for z Iris, c.ommodatto eventi -g -Bombay, 3ufferib ed "Up to dnfe! Rarenst Mles UP tO 2th. perintendeut 6f teleggrapbs.,tat, g the greater, d? _Itpalied ea June,j JeL everythi g.'11 -1'L Boston Transcript, sdescribed ne. notab ase. . A.16ssagep n f_Doyntnion co-mmi"lon which Alace #x
1 Are your fe —Th Wit eused to be rziall, saving Ttme- kJJ# - 7 Invezt1gatiris, ,the -.,hlgh Of 11113- fl, �xplted young 'A rat. MAY flood a� pr. G a exclaimed th ovince.—' er- sore -and bli- er -'and tel Point'de Oalle in C&nads� enteetalned wwt faorabi.% �frdrd uez to�. so, 'try. Zam-19 Man S Man, With -the 41,4co zr d- optics� ."I U ;Juggestion from the president th egrapued thence overt.i ba algar t'. RIL NY tliVo Able, U- to -1k is -want yo strike ie off a, few tbou- oberators foun so6n, as Zam-Rut C y Comsumera.' Lea�uo; tha, d it*profit Capes F schoolhildre shor!ild e uniformed, th 'ton-fam!D6,Lto U-114. gards." *rs CCU
applied it, cool$ and, _#e cot espeelhlly during boys in kh ki, 04 the pri a reular busint s- me di
Soot es injured,, a' mart- *i�nor of ffispatelies to "All Timlit 0 48S 1 in Italy and thb igirls, 4n denit% mmuntc4te th, s1r,1.1 re� - ona There is �fof grass- making little wire cages oats of th�samq_btyle, colorLandi mat co What sh it, I put on them of ga ssue. outMde conedert(tes. At first the hoppers, The i�ect is re Med as eri he advocates of !the sabern. our businesW "Ing skin and Thist . **
Us r` h, refined' her- -h social disi bletbod. em_ployed was "Just print 'None of y hieky, and if one can be Itcipt Alive -in believe, wil tb h do away wU n b essences penetrate tinctions, rbduce hd cost of ciothin of the telegram, roll it -up tl btly and in big Then'Whe e ext per for a month It Is believed tile 9 son asks me bow Bu- this tick eye 'I got this bi year will. be prosperous. The atipersti- -he Ah, and ean drop it out � of the window. the skin its antiselatic and result In better a n just band him a car(I and save itation, of- school � pupils. Parents at, was soon detected and stopped.- .!"Then tion arose from this Inoidet. tA- oardl� son Wt
11 I -?. I Properties prevent a to mxpply the utiforms. �atl 6nhis words." Phfladelph,la Left-er. nal of the Medici family iuvtted a I 4 the operatorould jean his. h danger of festering or --George Christy v&% killed and eve �Ad as -if msing and drum, with his bishop to aine with himn bfs garden. In ees injtlred in an accldi�zjt whle17 fingers, Knowledge of theL nbrse code DIET AND COLOR. The cardnal handed the -bishop a glass' inflammation fro per fell from qL treaL. _s r the construttlon camp o re. I cuts or goress. ; and ii occu ed atL' is of wine. A grasshop, Grant ,0knith & MacDonnell, in Brook by the man outside did th L Nhat,fftn Eater -Seerns to Into the wine, and the bishop did not. healing�, essences build Alberta; -These two men were eag4,g-.d the Shade of Hies'Skin. drink It." The- wine was afterward up new healthy tiissue;�- n q1f a llum!3 which or, found to have been posoned. Wbat you eat determines your co' For, stings, sunbuk-n, cuts, buins, bruisesij etc. just as will form, part of the 0. P. -111 IrrIgat, 13FIBAY, WHISIMYk-, GRIP iceording to Berg6ld, a German faves- #ry Dise
laxi system. The flume Is 30 feet tabov..., Underhanded Methods. teffective. d ator-not necessarily that you. Your; ON. YOP. LOVED. ONE -61 9 ground and Is buld of cement and In ,'George� -e of c , sharply . deminded, -Mrs. Mothers find it Wvaluable wif could effect, any ebaug 0101rf -ns. The.. menmere -working 01 top 0 F�rguson, TWnat was it,you ut Out -oaf - 'byls sores. fiectlo ancestorv- for thousands f w �ut oui -his paper?" for ba- of Gne- of 6�;se see'tions when a greab Drunkards ' ill tell you with! 'Wars of, IAM Drv"16F and Slam, 50c 6om� have: unconseiousl been :Influ�, was tho gust of-wlndl�lew'lt over, Christy wAs sincerity, tbat they do xrot want t0* v ea r is, Laura, responded Mi. of %
not killed Instantly -but dled of his drink. Thib cravlas comets th en( -O by the fo6d:th6y. have- eateia. and Ferguson, ptomptly producing the aeven w org Fur lnsthnce�'the orlglnal�tnelft ierd: handing it'over. both rn-a lbroken. Alcura will sooth& the 1trem'0ing.L ner InJurles 9, 4 xnlnute� later.'The fher Inflamed meirbrane of the StOmAch" lie d ri ilk$ they ha r6 drunki. el�pping from his vest Vo6ket and, cover. Ge e Griffis had drives It. It *as an, article on tjte wasteftil- lef diet. 4noke gnd. Frank. Ludwig ves, and. remove the� cravlag.thaf, lak achil an %V ei, AiO 1rults, he ex. d extraaganoe� housewt�es' X. G. -9
rUl A other -knew -the L deslgUing'L Wre h QUICK RE'L well r -Bruno,.,,'SUk,, met de4tl g your.nome andseall,U P, and he tch of nin -and th e �si 004 thrugh-s&focatimi -by 1se kind and: faher. from -70A 0100 co a t t In no:other ay could he have� to L of , A*& A*
M a foot bole �on_the 01�1 It' costs only 41.00 per, box iknd If WJ%ngAHfteS that. are not' 10 like Ir-o4a. slicceeded, In, bringing It, to Xrs-, U I Per- 'dopa not c dr' e or benefit 4%f Lor. A, trl%. Dltrk3 it.nd'bl(ICkm re ul from N- Gh*ney,� four miles "north o -ention, guson's.att RHEUM' 0 VL HER Vonda, Saok.. Ur. Churmey, va whes the money,will be refunded. Lhl 'com4likation. It Is N i,sOientiff fart Alcura No. 1 is t4steleBs and Can b t farm tlje:�accldent- pecured, lies �n - ArInk milk and va �Par's- In Lohdon., Coffee or. food ure.'kyL In Toa, Very hopaleSS Cond I It ion from -the effeel giVen SeLe mn rk 'those oot In Lou Is ate �erNs a as wfio'. A s4owy prooJect on f don HADS 'ton 'BAD SHE -elved' 2 Is taken vol ktarily by Vf .V
lu a gre� of a Friday I Ale iara --No,. U, exhlbiddn-, to .'46 CAnstroke re Knoke 4xi'd LudwIg w6re drilling fo thernielves. 1L_th'oSe_ willing to hell�, 11-t �t permanent known' s Paris Ili -London,*w1th OF - ou He goes on t6add -that the Indian b wat n6k. when they encoun LL Alcura can now- be obtalaJed at COULD, NOT1011.1k Itelling al expositio'n hall fo French industries.. for'V�roe Booklet' red -becailse for, hundreds and -perhao dy 'amiLj, rotore, Ask a18, IOU 90, and Knoke __'twqnt dowa to te M od of zinim beds and Bell, Box 1()4, Newboro,'o e Bittirs tored Her "Alex. Wilson, Dragi orth, Ont his,orstem the haemoglobln,or,' Well MeXt ered a rock. They'4*dharge n d theatre where g6od _pl�,s are to b6� -the 6bout'lt nd glie Alcura a r1lousands of. years be. has ta�en. Izifo in the hole, entftlng given In French an, arcade of 'shops Burdock Blood- morning. Ltudwig" Was overcome, with and a- paved courtyard with Rowr be blo ry,. Mr 1A., b1z comrade. Af ter ''fastening a rope, -ALGERIANS -ARE 1ARS s. killed 'for their food. Vvrites.`- Some time ago I wastroubled abRut Lud P. the.',helper. -ulled L In, 'Mongo re yellow 'beea ERS. ua 1 Is LIGHT, AND FLOW with Salt Rhium on my hand -also, collapsed, and rhey the Truth at Tirnes,- s, 6u -t -i6f have escended frowraceg that Wag s6L I wig, oat, 6itt klaolo Ibad I could not do my work. suffielle-ftt help waz4i,ot available. B&Ix. RED MKINNEY -More FrS -S Y,,ou Are,Nev�r Sure.' awere 'tng a I �ng iAlgy sit Garden to kbr "t fa U, - . .- - tallioll's Viet The c ult of the native Alge�._ their -'way Into the deepgot nooks- and Night Thari ky D�iy. Se* fruit 6 I nd 10o, mla�k�n P -S
eral medicines but th all are dead. opialar -Sur "to help itteiS, SQL widest W'of plaing of Asia 4evelQped '[The -11kht failed One:day a friend �,&inday-ovenln.e shortly at ter 81%. told -xne,to! try Burdock Blood 13 t qHqcured, on th - dans seemsto U6 a ct#zin prbMlectioli we receive from; stars 'of lar:Sta,11jong Will. I got ab6ttle, and bpfore I had�-tjk. It appears to be an InsP!ic- herds, and. lived -largel t4e. first The followin line' �rhexx William Nelld, for lying. I �-sbep y on M11'k. nitude, like Vega,"Is equal, f; POPU 8,&Ud fo'k t -he 1Lrhprvgmenb,. of st6ek befter I an - t -that milk -con- ip'proximately to AL fort ihousand-mil-' tT C. R 3 4w*, is tollows Monday —Willmie -his own
it my hands. ere 1*1 - uc r d
L LA , -w on--- the Ila tive desire to deceWq, tiot or -Of course It Is known', ha been for a alk o oL thi6 -sea.son as f oflows ad prodeO *"b to,- Weboes hatel mu lof th DiVti, to uc*n ; benmw,uth, hotel, or R4D W, .1 afraid' to recommena to MY- was retiAraing home, was.k ck6d,-Ao the sake of profit as for tb:Dsak� dt- tains'a certain per cent of chlorine and JJoDth part at or the SUA. lt'�s ca ZieS& .body. Tow Dftvwa� _nee to 4D&diW# )tat and killed by: a train whicb] was.back', eption.- Albert 9dwards,. In 'Me ar- Aits'ft decidedly, bleaching effeft Im 2ulat' d'' GUINBA GOLD- for 'ej), for L� ulifti ed that the tot4l 'light receive Wednesday—BywiyLvf London RoAd W Tllere is only, one way to get rid of all jag -up from Wairden, Junctiozi ta� Stott 1 those 6btioxio 5ary Coast," tells us that be lisked. his the ba�e of Cauelts.lans they ate said to from the lesser sitars 4,equal to thatof OLW; ftrtloe' oree Guiii,& dold wHI breed a I "Untan Lf 4" us -skin diqei§ts, such as rer Alberta. lxhe'unfortunat�e man. w&A The noted stodic h h field, lok noo*7. theties to rAhmalif Uezema, Salt Rheum; B9iIs,'-p,imples best why one of his.Workpaen -bare b cp He4' 'T.harldlq_�_PA$tbyiMy�
I French ome wQt9. 6it adding salt to sf.-, rs bf tue first magnitude, or. A Hinited number of *area at tls- oww ska4le LotM. hOt , . or ni rimv J0 I very dea, nd usually woke n eleetrit to u1i We9bMid,-Tuckerstiifrh. 6.W.NGTT,.Pxoprletor, Of UrOU VAadand 'SWorth to bis zwa itabli I i
etc.. and that is -by wrore green braid on his turbans, since their'* foods, which t, is. a part of that whic. h. Is. sent giying the -blo�d W -e on 'th �common. Sol where -he svilt =nmft itokil ar appliance. He wis observed thorough cleansing by thc� u Of B whot have made strong chloride and powerful In bbleach- JAKES-DERU! se u Pe"Ia only those . L W line -by the conductor and, ibra-kema,- r rom 4 -do& Blood Bittdrs, 6' thus'at who, him to get &�Iithe,, lin be.�ptlgri�lage-t 41ecea Ar Ing the skim—ChkagoVrIbulie.- Light exercises a medhanical,pressure SEALAND This sterling remedyhas been on the Ira t he evidently' did not: hear the, dred. -d in. the labora- (Imported No; 13188) -(kar-olment NOL MACK WILKES which call be measure <Enrolwent (2U41 market for close on to fort:� y ears Will spalid for isevice darlog thi present se0m). tory. It has been shown by expe 9111d was. caught by 'Ca,boos6,`.th "Mohaimme ARTIFICIAL RgsFIRATIONi I host called. The find that it will do, an We cla" d and one arm being severed fr'o-il t the stable of the under. igned, Lot Lie, iooneaeat in, i 5n Stasdar4 bred, tratVinx #Alffon', stands 16hind hea oit. 24 tal, dignified. native left -his. plow and., ments-with artifletal light- that In. ItS' 1. McKillop, Terni"3 td insure payable �pn- welglas 12W lb& The best ()f L feet� bd JeV the body. Deceased, who was years u"y bro I wn His tire U- ''t HUMP
See that our name appears on t zame ber7to ip. p�roddetloft en6rm et, 1015. ASU, B&08.,Tvoprietorj�.. on& gdantities of en jr-nt � How tbi Pul1iotor Ii Uied -to Restor6 e ziff. kind, *e ld- wa-s unmariled,, and had recently, ro NVItkes, tbe greatest trotter lirodaoer in Can- bottle; label and 'wrapper.. - - . 1 3 - "Have you been to mecca?!' M. Gar- Normal Briathing. qgy are dissipated., *We d&V
arrived In! Stettler to yrork -for the I IN DE X 4dri. *1114taud hyr the finprovemedt -6f $took av 41
The T. Milbum Co., - LimitjA, 'Arabic. in I o nary wax Q Heast -GE01- let askedin an . rdi clindlet the total 1), ut Ue no -min
�cjga facto The pulmotor Is tia automatic resus- 040) (En�lment No. 364) 11 fee of 410 to insurd.. JOYN"r. proplietar, Toronto. out..: "No, Sidi,` the, Arab said 'and went citation. appliance whfqh produces a anergy w- hich is transformed- Into light onday— NY111 leave his4own AA'Aa and -prooeed oack to his -work kero. *e9b to Varna, nd north, to Ben- for 'LOU 6 -says M. Gardet 3ene I aps are not more- 0coneinkal. Wm. Currie% for noon; thence b way of the Bxyfield coneessio
flow of Inhilled and, exhaled air -by k is relilly but 2 per, cent Gas and v) w The- choicely bred impo,rted stidli EALMt -translated igbt. Tnesday—Xorth to- TWOt GULF '.STR single noz2le, the rhythm of respiration LOR608WOLD i 111 -0-00-00ma rJNftftQ::= to me. "But- like as not be--has.been On the other hand, the glow, or1n. BrUce Halhiefi% Jor � D60A ; thence by way Aof thij automatically to the adjuiting Itself nuiron road to Uo1mv,9011-11e and nokfh to Rehry brajjt�& (14528) Th* Oni of.'Air -is What% _the ;here six times. If they would always transforms into lighti by means-yet-Unr Sweelfa, tot njgbt. 'W,.dn#s4sy --By way" of tiCe 1, -Enrolment No., St. inspeetW ad. n dimensions of �be luf3g, a A thtis the DOS Huron -road 0 Grabsurs. botel, f4o nooft , thence He you 6uld understand them. p known,, 9D. per cent total guergy eirts of ,the 'East..- But astonishing result,ts roducedr--of_a north to the BL eUne at-'*.bert, Tovmsend% foi Perbaps MandAy —Will leave big own.. ZDA'e, xj Inuft winctimes they tell the truth ded, Thyrsday E tat tl�rough Hullett, to" Kin- -Pen The gUlf streaM'r its 0very one knb seemingly lifeless -body beginning to VUt11 -of BfUeefit:j1d prowed by 2nd 0oncesdion
uences very Hugh UeMurtfle. Stanley, for noon; then VAtb n -k Ito -'s-a pul. ltoxbar4 to geaforth,;�t the t e� f Dic L .2se, for 410 the GoAen Litie, at ftbert Mem"Ws, ror-111&4 of my workmen abou largely t4e aroma of t1dwers. A garden ,ern v0th It, starts in the -gulf of- Mexicoj wanders placed', I A connectin Friday — Symray of,.the Red tav Is a -broad rier of warm water wbich he hasnt beeatilpre. If'Ir should ask, brea he reittlar! It 1-9 known,Jh4t, Ilgbt Infl bum, at eeorge,8tevb'en9Pn%Jof noon;%hwee by to
would say that Mohammed had been onL Is more fra.-rarit when 'it Is shaded adbt. Brdivuleies, for noon; thence to his own f -Ad Road. -for: zoaa; tbui by vi%rnA, Lio DA;fjd thd et%ble where be will remain until'Atonday ornig, An 'across the cold Atlantic ocea and The pulmotog, works directly I
to Mecen, three Would say bc� hadn1. than when' the sun Is al]Qwedto Shine WX BERRY, Proprlaor ana 31anager. T40 ma Own
bumps Into -the British. Isles,. giving respiriatory organs and It the sparic of S'L at st4b'e, for rinon.xvitere he will tvwain So I stopped;as Ing my 1ost ques- In. full blaze upon It Thl any rate, Thursday—Willpiamed to A. _'M001419 no end -6f fog, �theln a -ixim climate and. life still exists will1an It into a flame for. night. Filday�X rzh to BARON WALLACE and rain. But few Ii0ople know tba t, -in' pous about the Arabs. But in all the and give the bea'rt apd'lungs a chance Is 1beconclusion of a Frenchman who lizi Chvw,% for noon then sou% tio Ni- ex- -own I time I haie.been.ln Alger'la. I have bgs recent]' made a vast number,of Monday — V11116ave'his itable, Lot 40.'*vt . tO No)u .9nd, Tuckeram1bb go to Hurou *wd, tUe' wavd Papplt?s, for nit
The dtmospbere above there & d gh Szturdav—i� the4,-h n W the found a r, renchma n who felt dif. to fight- periments. That which alrects thefra- GrAham House, Ointon. for noon; the - Conee-Wou bo -his ovi� etmble. n to G. Moirv, gulf stream.of Warm,'molst air. The pulmotor Is used on Per�ons over- night. Tueed d Pr9P11001*- about It G7my do Moupassant, Ay —113, Rolmew lie and MiLitlar This slow, damp .*eee itrIkes the -as,, 6lectric shock, -�appikrevt- granc6; of -flowers Is mot the oxyge of. for of Seffiel 6 through come by to Win* DuraVeJor noon; tten by whose eyes pierced 0 d ply the ntmosphere,'as has been commpnly, Ulle rom -off coiner and �Hen r to I'Vilmot Hookep, Huro Bitish. Isles and oes not ca ly drowned or In oth 'r cases where the e the Iles of French. life, coifl d not fathom supposed, but the light road, for n4bt. Hurou road, em to )1ke the gulf stream, but continues over the Arabs: breathing of the patient has. been sert- nzben V Flic", for nou 00U04S 16n _.I !,r "They are lncomprehensi� ccording to the same authority, the to James GiahanVs, for � night. ThuriA:�y — To M1111Btandlor ti.te impmfetneut of ------ -Bayffeld road 8 jaekonle, fallows; oufty—WIU leae ------ purope, As Itipasses overSweded, F -In- ously impaired or stopped entirely and as ble," be writes. OTbey lie. intensity of the perfunle exhiLled. by WigWoofnerand to Janie We '619L A W I bird 111eW, Ihnd-and northern Russia t4ese cold Anble At Staft, snd -90 . Wes where there still remains a Slight heart Up 2nd opnugail6a of Stanleyo fur -noon; lheo,* t YONGE S :�ads ause It. to (lower degends on the -pressure Of, mfi t4able, for where he wK remmin a until -`fOy m6n;3benee aont)IL to _tbe OrOW&IJy ano; actiod. Its motive power Is.0, tbenceeast, to blewn -stable# for the njg4� Tuet. Oxygen 'water In the cells- of the plant-, whicli the following -XondAy inoining. G"_ W# NOTT drop Its moisture In theform of rgiin. THE WORLD'S WATER -POWER. -cylinder containing this gas, which iffill Proprl4or xt&soancl -p rwee wutht*Jam!s soorne #,vA Unwood tends td'throw out the "Sential pit*. -The lakes and rivers of tbW northbru i . on tbe, t supply a 60 per cent ixture of air -10bbert b Oat "produce the odor, and -the r- _ction 6400AY for lftrbt� AVA"
Sohn Delbirld
.count#ea.Are all:Mi -That May Be Utiliied L When and oxygen Ao the pAtt�At for.for to Windhelsin, forno-on;
pplled by 11101� Forces ' MOS'AtOOPBA CRAMPION ty of the splar light diminishes the pres, southto %Vm. twoc)el
tureta.ken,up is Ali *nd enttiled �for the night ftblan' jot]
Our Coal advantage �'mttlt Thursd*y- Otern0on. Thuisday aft*r- -Tor
Burchall, Proprietor i L The rotation of -the earth makes. this �LQ gLO e Of over artificial resoration by. - h4hd In NondAy IVIE1 leave his oxvA -At-TayJWs hatel, for �t-hp_ �jight. Minutes. It has a great sure of the water.—New York Press. Robett 0 noon
es way able Lot" 4 x0n. The prov 00S5.10tt 7J, and g to 466; Carp ie'aring'-flie 6ikiwsr 9ur 1. et- Friday—Nort
wind Teer kim-dually ta the sout word Dablin, for no�n,- thence to 1�xttk 4dailluld, St. Interest ,to those bat It forceSL larger ablounts of oxy. e lantympte. or oon thefte nortb to the -OrNmarty.
Up ngs klon xmi zon'o, tor t Smurdayp;. SPEWALITIES'�' URS: abou� t4e� time It has given -UP the last tion of the worlft coal SO 'ays� g Rn to Joh#H ppv" e6ated dir In 'the L. - - . n
no -HER OLD CAKE -RECIPE. , 0 to the'lu than It Is flojrt�:& TueBday. — Wesh
I 9 and ponit to statu, -t.o.b.19 own 911111- ex -it to Jbbn Xurphyla, Lot 2� Bibs qt�o a th 0� lof Lnight, wfst to Or
of ifs imbIsture and warmth,L As achlD I to bounday line, theque wut
e 41 14t. fori-abon. ?M4101rix iantil tha following ITSL NERVE, SKI to to ssc possible by ordinary methods of drtid -In"Jay Mor L "Uj JjLV
I( I n ere be inJghtf draft of dri, cold air,, t'be'-,gulf m4ry of the.wtkf6r ppwet oftbo-W,orld cial respiration, and the Work can be It Has Never Fi�iledj It Is Claimed, to bert, for noon ; tbtnee t fis owt le . --- 11 n a r nLWJJL I'M910 UBTIL streatu wind moves on across the plums ossible horsepw - of 1" Givo Satisfaction. riday noor. urfooy Wternoon qe to kept up longere-mPhiladelpilla Preog. To W, Wfaterhigliainle, L,)t 0. Gonceselon 2 of Russia.- 'Saah Knowlton Is Log LORD MANSVIELD crEN170, - U RINARY, As It approach4is �he equa -stim%ted vit 4;4Q010001 or Who ha$ for night. Saturdphy ta- To Wm, A. AtzKonglies, an Lat JAUE9 EVANS, Proprietor tor the wind Warms aln, buti,becomec4 30 006�;Is util 06noession 3,. Wpm, for thence to his 0 Ized." 'About'� an equal made cakes all her life and 41
Chronic and I - 'ways has Phlono 110al" Land Tilled. own stable, where he will rent -Lin uatg o-ke 10110M Ing MoOL Wilt le4w his own ever drier. taly, - I litzlile, Beeahwaa, .1mount of poer Is dvallable In I 144taget. - 0Cd1#,-Uga"j, for moonl then to Mk .0, .1cated Diseas 2084 The 4epartmentLof agriculture esti- used. the. same recipe, wedding- cakes, Monday M�rnjqg Rol* BUrehl'), t 2129.j4 afid� go W Rat V I es -b*
.0 At lait, as it sweeps over. Turkestan, but .6nly'80,000 hqrqpiower I utilized, m te -re are 1,140,00;000 a pocial cakes, holiday cakes' owu s,016 lor ibe nigb% Tueeany-to joh mdr ray 711. '00n�'11 . #,1110p, for �n on -tt) rsepowe -,are abun- -e eA A71 a -that the party Arabia and Sahara, It, evaporates like Falb of 10,90- ho er" CASK r -United 8t4 zak s and. every� a cakesj, aftly be- of tillable land eROU'lVo.n_ a greatheet of blottini; aper -all water (10NO) M hit; oY4 a -o P , iie wiR. -etnaln untit
yonsultation, Personally ovbi Letter- Jant in- the Alps. cause the take which ghe i a&&rbei -Viltptznd(t"ediv'oe-diiringtht.oresentHettoonat
and that only 27 per cent of this Im it meets, forming, the deserts 'of Turke. The' estImpt In Switzerlbtnd Is fn� tho stAble of thie underaix", AVeduaday- zoon* Widnesda* x6on-Tmo jvebalr ad,, Uadbury,- Lot �_, DnWin, mense, area s under cultivation. It own we dIng In 1802, wAs -go 06neenton ;FREE del.1cionS: stau Sahara and agleals, lor noon, then tio Joe-eph-Atirmlon,'aft e pletd, that all the guests wan�ted one H-ke It 19-15. EnrobuentNo. 13J7, ApHl 9, Arabia. Fortunately, - �om' Out Y, out 000;00Q 6orsepower Might add night. rridtly�i�31%mnbuvtlnls, I lies eta that of the. 27 per cent ae- this dev,%stating wind now leavea the ISL I 0"000 hor tUnIly. [YEN ii use. Gerlauy'has 7P 11W RoGAVIN', Paoprjetori C "aultivated 'comparatively few and this desire has been -passed. on, to of Ses.forth ot poon; then to Xattbew abkIrk'sMa.
6ntinient, becoMes the trad6-wlnds.a.nd. power., able, with 100 000 applied. Hillop, ter ulgbb. gatixrfty Will proceed to. 1?Jg TIR a�ail --acres aretandled,in such a'W'hy AS t* their dhildren'aud, friends. -She ke6ps LOUDONS F AVORITR os, afs0e, -where be -wili IkD he fo W. at the If NorWay has 900,0 ULM pro_ 1' returns to its starting point 00 h rs;Qwer a vall- show sinythin- mny �.akes 4o that her,cu$ Fl. Q like their maxim Me.aday morain ms ,Od 0onditionB saM4 ag
of Mexico: Qnhand, 4t thd ord )dantlleld was tw6fled- I able, large. part already de I duqi9l%, formeryesis.' L .6v e tomers, ma ly a - - WflisfAnd for the iinprovement of. stoo a"" Y have th.eir. cake -a di , - e idd approve& JAXIS'EVANS, 3fm 1 Several. somewhat visionary schemion )ped. In Sweden th atablesof tb6 proprietQrf Lewfbuov bot2 Con, -for al ere is 763,000 horser Vere i6 tbod for the p6slliilst The vFeek. or a month old, as they like, ceselon13,1doXillop. Ter -Ssfo'-Insur�rl Eli hart been suggested ering t4e power a�ailable. Man' who fears.'that tie nis r country'. ks. . $ach rolament No. 8% march 313b. 1014. JOH I J, X6� Mr. THAIPLMN. a
k e weighs about one and -e gulf stream.- One of the pot -OAT Proprietor, course of th u us mat- ating actual ex-bau'stion ma� And .�alf Inds and is labeled 52&20), American tting Registtr) The reso � rees of R ' sla are estl
ne with the If the Livrpi x� JAft $Low or ToRpm it immediate results & any slach� cliffilge 4 at 11,000,000 -horsepower, of which . chpon-in tha thought that HttIA Moro oeled INS 1 1XI hT. A,%a necess T. 8 tuof lts� baking. They Are tait 1L, -xhe Pure ed Clydesoal Stamion - i I � 2 - . . W W ary o sunjWate it by the se of would! be, the shifting, of the present Tw th hesattgble dgr1pql in thellat, More EM Fater -ears, W1, xil 854,0W has been developed. 0 Great, 4 an 4 iloarter of t medipine�_that wiH clean a*dy all the desel-ts to 6ffier� Parts of the world.— one, .1ars w�apped In -waxed p4Ve1r. RIO GRANDE Man uny of hi� coltig, Wi breeder, W,
oiSonoUS M ftafe Is credited with 1,500,OOQ '.tgral,Jand Is being mae.1tproductivb. D.
United 6 s #aste and P atte -ore Is'the rec�lpe:. tz)kes, Aft-TvinpInon wis bred arthe Pgtohea
1rom, ihe - ew York American. im -
ported ['149401 Q44420)
1system, and prevent as cure dets demind, aud WAlkes L�eXiogton, Remaeky. Ila as well dorsepower,. w1filb Japan has 1,.000 0,00, Supply Inevitably In utter and 0seto 16's W&34W we%hs 1126 ourko& has been exploited. In fits the demal4d for agr tutal prodUcts. uring lmittv -Zebas-r#ld trp bavi. onstipation, 8ick Reada6lie, Biliou- )f which. 76,000 Oii6. �upfuleach of igugar, b W111 travel the same rouq this oeuon -as -d H648 a Paragon of andice, Sour Stomach, Liver olaqs�s.; obe. cupful homemade Jai the seaeon'of 1912, Terws-$13' to issare, JAUgg Meir "tto India 56,000 horse already - mofid" i�' Jessle 2 at p9wer has. IncreasesAbe' suptly will. be enlarged '20 MOLECULAR ATTRACTION, wberry, preserves, one cupful - A.. DALE, Proprietor %nd Maj�ager. qr stra Forest, OnL,, -but inet wj ati awidgnt jLad omplaint, and all sickness, arisi from ng been developed, .,mostly at- a consider- by the. develop'metit, of, reglons'Whic"h, bereared.f6r.4beepwWo. his -horse 18 Ju Q0
-�utternjllk, hilf a cupf so UA ii' disordered conclihion of the Stomach, ill strong -cot- "T That, to What Perrvil nee from.any Industrial cen- bae not 'AMP ts. 'a Needle been; touched by the pl*,,- &e, ti� 4d her ind know. to able dista o: rated. nutmeg, two (9998)� (Ito*q) -Mm WAIJ&ecoind at, Coluipbus. Ohio 14iver and Bowels. ter. in Great Britain there'is - 70j00D., Cleveld�d Main Dealeri'.' '0 &test Float'Upon Water. Will stand-lor the litil) yemenCot in -.6tre bf fivetne, pet4w 1vf il-bura's Laxa-Livdr - Pills are a , i - I 0ea.spoonfuls- Cinnamon. one teaspoom! .1 ta& WS aea�- in 201. 'lie i8lbegre fogy. on �prsepower alr�ady utlMed a:iad -an sonas folio - Xon&y7 Will leavb his own Avbfe, Thia Oiegt, 4 ye-ull!E-074, bis get We bein the lead. ppecific for ithese- trouble -q, and have I A steel- iieedle, laid carie a �vs, NU cloves* two teaspoonfuls Bruceft- Id,, aud proceed west t4 t1te 2nd 00adessiott Ing D'OneYVJnning trotters for tbe I' net tbree seA- bls'eofti Alrtr�t. 'of jlie� the -phinter, Is �,a en .6 us. or nt�ht. r atdbs�,j stvo yeu bldt� FeWt The 0.rext *1red tour, U.t -ta Mr ter) two pounds v ken us6d for'- 61ose on to twenty years- still water.surfa,.c6 will floilt; althougb equal amount: In Spain. Literal. (dlss6lved ill bofll 'of- Stanley, theii -north tojolin-ButelmrV% fornoon; sonw, Uels -only
Py many �people for thege complaffits -WIIIlam* Chase, * , lill balf a cupt ng th northi%�d west' WHINtai Glen I I ' bas Vwo -the welght.of steel'o I�on is greater..' -initar. teacher who, dsms are aa ted one p nd Toeid B ' &B.Annooklmrn, to"Varns, at the �
ater. IV �, �w 16r nwif ; then west on the 134y. galy k-nen tu the servase -elght ya s nd b fi.-S , ons
Tho mas Duesling, Waterford, than that of an. equal volume- of w Promb.ting the Ja so, critl Teinjem- ce Xr, If It a s
Dnt., writes was troubl6d with clea n -ed -ciirrants, '6ue pound- e op t,o ' ers. of an apart- gome re IdAtion PHIL B094 to the Bronson Uiie,, at'W. Seotohmeei bis sons ufa Molecules, of liquids cohere, but with The were join W11 with 1) by 11ii pi� extremo speed alres. Hisiervim
.,a or e y r.. 4,t6 more- in demand tbaftthaseni any Other horse, We Y eandled fruit Oemon. orange. eltr0n), lornlgbt. Wedneafty-Sputh-toDmid-Tou
h id one day the. junior' 0Ae..,.1�crIdcisxq.dayP Mr.. haze cam ghls, for I eo;, pil is 1*ator t
-in solids br Tls 4ix eupip s ur'measured before d with doctors in Canada and side k6id to thoiQoohen 1,,J1je, 50nk Pitti V010t 4ny It be cia�n `#,-dor a force farep 4an Id ment 0=9 his I jamn,; then by Clarkes but. got no relieL rrat Albert acolnehey -or 3 y z I I an, Thire:was I substdnees.. But the thin n6adle, of eolleague In some fl vas. bf a pretentious and vain' i -ear Old. arois Peter, 0110 of his FoRia U willim roster' Thurod", -TO Chawplon shov horse; of the;World 'TherelsfiUyi it, Parr Line, for noon; thed Wt I IL �ri Michigan who advised me to w etaf liced_botlzo'nitally on trepidation.. young man, wbo� was con ith by Mr, Templa . on a - b Lineon, gealy V a HeRenzie's, 2nd goncession of Stauts neing are only e-�Jqnitor. wants $10 more a, iobv-jous w Icbr, ilt thoroughly Ffiday - To ble own stal)le ljy,way of the 11a"eld t There'
Tb _yl foy n1& tawV0811
In the Cour., try your Mburn-s Laxa-Liva Pills, mWt a �riotter =vv,;
water has not' quite Weight e cmplacency a Portia h bat ftin nough to I Crol M b go risin i olde I I��d I did"s"o. I ow feel like a new man, month or he'll leavv. I bate,to give -nd gor,, addtbe eg Rad,reiiialaing until. Saturoay worfungi 7&tu ifter.a sn 601ts YY b1m, in thlfi,udouutry
he had -smeared thereon. %. , - . . - r. - g break the surface tendon-th4t /is. I ay -By way ot 2nd, ooneegalono .L Aak4 -to Any one w can be rallic nd,eoffeej then the flofir S., to Wm,, q.An ebour 0d -% bUltCh, gmd I* can't :Oraise 'them enough to my 7t's - coming out, n4celyt he'told Ur. of found axivywhere, 'bY "Yalle ecept a blind maw.. ab the�money# but we can't spaj*e,hIm." MiLrywo', Tudkeomftb, tot noon; tbeft by way molecular att�dciieil'of the water be-� -"thoroughly .-an& the 4 Bteed Ing Irgate fr� gNmpletav
4 be' f hilt. Beat th 00noess on 1co We 14111 Aoxd,,%nd to hit own
The genior partner disappea rW and, Chise. = sat In IQW It I � able he What produiim Piter V010 ts. 'a iand'i6iection. M
said. not a word, �bbt to6k'tnr- and seebin, hqill i Aon of molecules is a for�e� this ov Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 ()_n" mo I returned In few mom�n Cbne -add the spices. years, ntspervia1or5v1a1sf6r$1.00. They Attract e," e satis- Turn -into well bvittered -pans -and ni he semn- 9' Will Ws,: 411 right, t said v -ttI6,; Paint knifi and.' '�'hrou ok at rai , ;Te gre, did pentino'bd rag i1nd g 6 tb i that e4wils at influence in natute. 111r� R. D UU ke for sale at all 4ealers or mailed d1rJ4 RD
'ned !h1m, and It t 'Cost us! �ny-, bahent 1peot one'llour to a slow oven. BOYM Vu receipt of prlice by The T. Mgbtft Thus this force w VVorW4AWUMdr1ouS1y at.thq c"vae Un- T dra s particles of wao Piopfletof;phorte 5 on 83. ZUTW4
'ew Y rk Ilost. 0 'CQ" LfMite.'ds TQr'0n1tQ' 04t' -S.
I M,p L -M
I pm in