HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-06-19, Page 5a
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E, i9 1914
' The Coonelle-Toe counfl met at
talaerla hall in Wintar on Tuesday
last, when the W. Baxi drain con-
fract wasieb, to A. Hialcnell for the
s -aro of nine hundred dollara. Tnie
contraot for the retalidog wall on let
14, C011eesSaderiS 3 and 9-, ayes awarded
to 1.4. Looby for $5.80 per cubic yard
including excavating 8,,Od reinforcing,
and steel post e ready to pot on fence._
The LaWretliet drain bridgewas also
awarded to le Lodby for $275. -
Monday laat Grah-
-Jane, a pioneer resident a
cousy township, near Soelgrove, celee
arated his one hundredth birthday. His
'heighbore prezeuted him- with a slum -
her robe. Kr. Grehem woe born la
County Oantelra, Ireland. A. tanner by
trade. hes-joined toe Antrim L. a J.4.
Nix 701, at 1885. and came to „Canada
an 1836, ikteeri after to wiarzeas the
Steamy ecenes of the 'Mackenzie Re.
boUton H1 spleudid healtif• has muta-
ted' birn, until recently, to attend an
Oralaga 'Vatic ever Ye year. At his re-
toorkaaie age he is comparatively
aheattary aid. wart and is able Ito aces-
verae wita inteiligeuce on take sUbJect
iof Home Rule for Ireland. He la a
aaaa of the very' bast onaracter, a
Presbyterian, and a staimchCon-
.aservative. r
atolning for:Ward, for whicatt. there la a
fair detnaad' from butObora and pack -
era, and a moderately' active ',trade waa
done in all lints; -With stales- 'of si,prirtg
lainba at frees three:Ce aesTart dollars
each, as to alze and, -
Seaforth, June 19th 1914
Fall Wiaeatt (Standard). . , ; 05 to 95
t Oats, pa 86 ea 86
Pao. per bushel ga 4o.90
'Barley, per busttel... 45 Les 45
Bean Per tOta .. • • • • • • • • r> is 25 00 bo 25 0(1
Shorts, pet ton .... s... 25 on re, 85 ory
;Flour, per 100 lbs.. . 2 50 to 8 00
Butter No. 1, loose.... • e 4.• • • 0••• 16 to 18
Acge dozen.. alav• 03 a0. 010 17 to 18
Ttay pertem • • • •-• .• • 47 • “00 16 00 to 16 00
Potatoes, per bus 60 to 60
Toronto Poultry Market
Fowl. dreased, heavy, 16 to 170; liget
at It to 15c; , live fate 15 to lac,
.chickens, dressed, rnilk-fed, 22 to 23c;
ordinary la to 19c; live yearling, 15
to 16e; broilers 20 to 22c; torkeye,
• dressed, .19 to 200; alive, '17 to, ,18c.
Dairy Markets
afontreal, June 16 -Cheese - .Fineot
westerns, 13_to 13- 1-4 cents; eisterns
12 1-2 to. 12 3,4a. Butter, choicest
-creamery, 24 1-2 to a25c; seconds, at
23 1-2 to Oa cents. Eggs, fresh, 23 ao
24 cents; eeIected, 26 to 27c; No. .2.
atock at 20 to 21.„.
Toronto, June 18 -Butter -The mar -
la quiet; prices unchanged. Cnoice
dairy 17 to lac; isiferior 13 - to
4.0e ; separator 'prints, 19 Ito 20. cents ;
fresh creamery prints 22 to 4c; solids
aft to 21cs Egg -Market continues 'firm
with prices firm at. 23 to 24 cent
for etrictly new -laid per dozen, case
lots. Cheese - New cheese is
cleated at 14 to 141_2 cents for la.rge
and 14 1-2 to 15c or twins. Honey-
aaBuckwheat- 7 cents a pound in tins
and 6 1-20 in 'barrels; trained clover.
honey 10 to 10 1 -2 -cents a ,pound in 60 -
as. tins; 12e in ten lb. tine ; 12: 1-2e
A iare pound tins; comb honey, No. 1,
$2.25 per 'dozen; extra $2 to $2.25
per dozen; No. 2. $2 per dozen. ,
Grain. Etc.
Toronto, June 18 -Ontario Wheat -
'The market is dull; No.i 2 quoted
.at $1.02 to 11.03 outside and $1.05 on
track at Toronto. Qat/ - No.
Ontarie oats are quoted at
40 1-2 to 41 1-2c outside. and 43 to
to 440, track, Toronto; W. C. ,oafs
luoted at 43 cents for No. 2 and
42 1-2 cents* for Number 3, bay ports.
Peas -Market dulL with prices nominal
Parley -Good Malting barley .quoted at
57 to 58c ogtside, according to qualltY.
Beans - Aimee at $2.10 to $2.15 per
bushel; hahd picked $2.20 to $ 2.25.
Potatoes-dntarlos, 01,25 per baeout of
Store; 01.15 th car lots; New Eiruns-
wicks $1.35 out of store )and $1.25
ti ear lats. Minfeed-Manitoba, bran,
$23; shorts $25 to 026; Ontario
bran, miaed, cars. $23; car lots, $23 to
a24; naddinge $25 to $26; goqil. teed
foiur $30 to $32. Baled. Hay and StraNv
4 -Market is quiet and s toady. No.
.1 Is quoted at 15.00 to $15,25 a. tor.
on track here; ,No. 2 quoted ab
$13.50 to $14.50 and. clover at , $11.
rtraci+r, car lots, *8.25 to $.8.50 on
track, at Torento.
Milan Stoc' k Yarda, TOM. to, June
16. -Of choice hearv`y butcbar ', steers
thera, were comparatively few, and a:
bout the 'top Price of- toe day was
$4,50, whica J B. Shleals _seeured Lor
three loads, averaging 1,255 pouads per
head. Tile animals came from. !Ora
Shield& own farm and were pure:oasis
ed by theSwift Collodion Cornpaay.i
Ootside this deal, tale knext best were
several trarteactions ab 8.40, Lighter
steera were well ,eought Of tar. Coos
met with, a. abed, demand and quiLO
a number of choice' beast e sold at $7.50.
bet trade Vgenerally was decent a..
round the afiveas dollar mark, Bulls also
aold well. There were several teeavY
Specimens on Offer and it was not‘
difficult oto realize $7,50. There vraS
a. fair trade .in milker§ and e aosrinoto
era but the latter .did .not "riee above
la.st veeelas redneed- ratea, ,Grazera
were a bigget thw ahritn logos' and
field out early 4 Steady; quotatiOns,
Calves or. a 'weak run kept firm; also
sheep, but tinier° vre.A a Improved toe.
oiliest for spring lambs, Hoge reach-
ed their lowest level -WU tate tYsarAs for
eighteen montage. The receiPta . were
heavy, but inchided 4,000 Vfooltobas
chiefly on (sder to gwift Ca.aasiion, atels
-leaving onla a, matter of spo ,the
open market. Tile fall ca 'tih:e day a
mounted to fifteen cent, the _fed and
watered quototion being- 01 85 • The
Price ranges; Butcher Cattle eeChoice
weighty steers at $8.25 to $8,50;
'good butchers. 8;00 to 8.26; medium
choice aban.dy„ butchers 825 to
geed 7.130 to 7.90.; corinnbn 'from $7,25
to ata.- Heifers -Choice heifers 47,75
to ag.2, good , $7.25 to $7.75,'med-
ium $6.75 to 07.25. ,Butcher Cows e -
Choice from 8.75 'to, 07.60; good
$13,25 to 06.16; _medium $5.50; cutters
$4 to $4.50, and catEriero $2 to a4.
Butcher Bulls---Cholce at 07 to $7.50;
.eakod at $6.00 to $7,00.1 - medium at
Oki to $6.60; and corinuon• at 05 to $6.
Stockers and Feedere-Heavy, selected,
17.50; heavy good, at $1 to $7.25; geed
mealum stockers at'7.25 to $7,50; COM.
Mon from 8,10 to $7; lean, Tight, .8* ao
$8.25; graas cows Cala° $6, Milkers .86
Sprinegrs sold. at *80 to *90 each for
choice, offerings,. and cornmsa to med
iure at *40 to *60 each. Sheep. and
Lambs -Light sheea owes ranged from
$5.76 to .06.50 capered; heavy a saceP
and autke from $a to $5; colla from
a.50 to $4.50; yearling lambs brou,ght
*8 to $8.50; )bucks off; fair spring;
lambs at $a to $9,50, Swine -Hogs wentd
at 7,50 f.o.b., at $78.5 fed and mater..
eel and at, $8.10 off cara. . I
Live'Stock Markets.
Buffalo, June 18 -Cattle - Dry fed
grades -steady; others tten to fifteen
cents lower; choice to prime Shipping
steers, 1250 lo1500 'pounds, $9 'to 1$9.-
30; fair to fgood. 08.50 to ($8,95; plain
and cc:arse, $8.15 to $8.2,5 ; cholce
prime handy steers 8.25 to $8.55;
Voir to good 8.15 to $8.25; light Nam -
mon 7.00 to, $7,73; fancy yearlings 8.25
to $8.90; pahne fat heifers 8,15 to
48.25; good butchering Ineifers 7.85
to $8; beet heavy fat cows, $7, to '0'1.Z5;
good butchering ;cows, *6. td $6.75; can -
tiers and cutters 8.90 to $5; bet feed,
ers 7.50 to $7.85; good feeders, $7.25
to $7.50; best atackera 7.50 to *7.85:
aornmon. to good ta.25 to 107; best ,bulls
$7 to $7.50; good killing bulls, $6.50
to $7; stock said medium bulls, $5.50
to $6.50; best milkers and. swingers,
475 to $90; common $85 to $50. alogs-
gotraet ten cents lower; heavy and
aorkers $8.40 to $8.45; pigs $8.10.
,Sheep and Lambs -Market steady e best
.opring lambs $9.50 to $10; yearlings
4-8 to $8.V; Wethers, $6.25 o $6.75;
awes, $4.50 to t$5.50.
Montreal, June 16 -There were sales
,of full carloads of choicesteers at
$8.75, good at $8.65 arid medium at
$7 to $7.25, while picked ema-I1: lots
'choice steers brought as leig•h as 09
to *9.25per cwt. he demand for
loutchers? caws was aetter Mon us
and sales of full loads were. made at
a6$0 to $a peo port. The 'supply of, pulls
was email and 'trade in therm was
rather *quiet at firm price's. Tneeweek
feeling that leas characterized the ana,r-
ket for hogs for tile past few weeks
atUl continue the principal feature of
this trade. Prices scored a, furaotr de-.
cline of 10 to 150 per cwt., stiiis acing
attributed to the liberal euppliea corn-
ing forward. At this reduction the de-
-snood from packers was fairly good
Wor Ontario stock and sales of selected
lots were made at 08.65, SOWS at $6,65
and stags at $4.30 per hundredweigrai,
weighed off cars. Tellers were eeveral
tare of Manitoba hogs on the market,
for whicn the demand wos low, and
op to a. late hour no sales were made.
tat the latter end of last week some
Selected lots sold ab $8.35 per cwt.
weighed off cars. A 'carloa,d of 'heavy
'Quebec hogs on tree market tais da.y
week offered at $3.60 per cwt., were
tetill offering, and althouhg the 'holder
offered them. at $8 per cwt. after teed,
log them all week ae could not, find
buyer. The impresaion aonorig pack-
ers is that these lower prioes will tend
to check receipts and that prices will
suat go much lower. The tone of the
market for small meats was. stpady ow-
ing to the continued limited supplies
TEACHER, WANTED —Holding klarmal certill
este for school section No. 46 (south) Stanley.
duties to commence After summer holidays. Apply
stating_ealry and experience. °coast CAMPBELL,
R. R. No. 8, Bayfield, Ontario. 24274
TEAGHER, WAVTED —For school Faction No. 10,
Stanley, holding NOrrnal school certificate.
Duties to commenoe September let;; Apply stating ,
Order), and experience to JAMES altigliElEtle (boy.
R.11 . No. 1, Brueelield. =24274
MEACIFIER WANTED —For 8. S. No 11, Hulletb,
,Lmaie or female, holding seeond elms Normal
certificate prefered, Duties to commence Septem-
ber eat. Apply stating salary and experience.
JAMES W. HAMILTON, R.R. No.1 LondesborOugh.
IEAOH KB. WAN1ED—Holding, Normal oerfitis
cate, for S.S. No.1, Morris. Duties to commence
8eptember lab. Apply stabing salary and expel --
lance. Protestant preferred. JAMES W. SCOTT,
secretary, R. P. No, 2, Blyth, efe 2426x4
AOTIVE TEACHERS — Why not imike twenty to
fifty dollars Weekly during vaeation, ,taking
orders for the tragic story of the Empress ot Ireland ?
liftervellous_dollar book ping like a prairie fire.
Rush order for free sample book. BRADLEY-GAR-
RETSON, Deek 0„ Brantford. 2427-2
itGENTS—Wreck di Einpress of Ireland. Heart.
thrilllng dollar book, Extraordinary seller.
Autho ritative ; profiesely Illustrated, Listen-
Canada/is heart rending ory. Wire or write for fr ee
earseaiing book. Big commission* Freight paid.
ore,* lvezi. 13RADLEY-GA1RET8ON, BrantforA
pIG FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep
for service on Lot 24 Con 8 II It 8 Tacker
smith, thorobred Yorkshire hog, He is exceptionally
well bred being bred from the well known stock of
D. C. Platt, and Son, Miligrove, Ontario, Terms
81 at the Uwe of service with the privelege of re.
turning if necessary. H. M. HAMILTON, 2589. altx.4Ntto.
8, Seaforth.
AE4 FOR SALE --Lot 13, Concession 8, Town-
-shipof Stanley. 100 scree, mostly under culti-
vation, good stone house 'with wood and driving
sheds attached. Also bank barn. Spring water all
the year round. Farm suitable either for grazing
or grain. Terms moderate. ApplY to JOHN KET.
CHEN, Bruceffield, 242141
1.11. received Instructions from the undereigned,. to
- sell by public auction, at the Grand Trunk yards,
Exeter station, on Thursday, June 25th, at 1.80 p.m.
sharp, A oar load of hogs, all ages, inoluding a
number of choice brood sows. Terms — Cash; or 4
months' credit will be given en furnishing approved
-joint notes, bearing interest ab 5 per tient per
annum. KINSMAN! BROS" Proprietors; B, S. Phil-
ips, Auctioneer. . 2427-1
DARK FOR SALE — Eaat hell ot Lot 14, Comes-
sion 9, Hullett, fifty acres of well cultivated land
that Is all cleared. On the farm is a good sized
eriok house of ten rooms . and woodshed. Also a
good bank barn and. driving shed. There is a never
failing spring nearby. A good orchael, of apples,
pears, plums and cherries. For further partionlars
apply to the executors, BENSONTYERMAN W ng -
hem or LAWRENCE MELVILLE, deaforth. 2422x8t1
.•••••••••••••••,, 0.•1•••••••••••/.101,
trAR51. FOR SALE.—For sale 100 aores of choice
L' laud in the Township of Hibbert, being Lot 28,
Coneeeeion 9. On the preitiees are a brit* house,
drive ehed, bank barn with stabling, hen house and
pig pen underneath. The farm is well fenced and
underdrained, and there are 10 acres of hardwood
bush. "Rural Mali -and Telephone Connection.
For further particulars apply to ADELINE SILLFRY
S,affa, Ont. • . 2422-0
• ' . .6,
* •
. . :
• •
• . •
• & •
• MeICAY •
• •
• •
.: Undertakers and Embalmers 4
: 1,
• ' James McKay
. Night lahone-3 on 146
: . W. J. Walker
• .
• Night Phone -18
• ,
410 Store Phone -67
4, .. . ,
PATERSO'N—In Winehant, on June 8th. to Mr, and
- Mrs. Percy Paterson, of Toronto, a daughter.
RADFOR,D—In Wingham, or June 7th, to Mr. and
Mrs John Radford, a son.
PHIPPEN—In Lower Wingham, on June tith, to
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Phippen, a, daughter.
OOLOLOUGH—In Goderich, on June 71h, to Mr.
- and Mrs. N. Clolclough, a daughter.
LOG'AN—In Los Angeles, 'jai., on May 26th, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Logan, (nee Miss Elsie_ Jackson,
of Brussels,) a son.
BuIeTOW—In Egmondvill, on June 16th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Bristow, a daughter, (tenni°, Rose).
IIUGHES—In Tuokersinith, on June 6th, to Mr.
and Mrs. James Hughes, a son. genies Joseph)
. ---.............eseee
"K arri a esti
ROWE—NORTHOOTT-LOU June 10th, at the home
of the bride's parents,- Mr. and eIrs. 'Roger
Norchoott, Exeter, Mary Alberta, to Chester E.
NVITZEL — MOWAT— In Toronto. on June 2nd,
Miss Georgia Mowat, to Mr. J. M. NVitzel,
Sutherland, Saskatchewan, formerly of Dash.
SOEDER—WILLARD—In Exeter, on June 8rd,
the .home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
A. E. WIlliard, Mies Louise Elizabeth, to Mr.
George &oder, of Stratford, by Rev. S. F. Sharp.
. Deaths
BLATCHFoRD—In Wingham on June 9th, Lucinda
Emaline, infant daughter . of Mr. and klre.
. W. J. Blanohford, aged 3 months and 15 days.
HUGGAN—In East Wawanosh, on Juhe 81h, Mar,
garet Ann Huggan, aged 62 years and 2 months.
JOHNSTON—In Wingham, on June 5th, Margaret
Gahan, wife of W. J. Johnston.
McOREA—In Belgrave, on June 7th, Marla McCrea
in his 7th year.
DEADMAN—In Merlin, on June 10th, Fent& Dut-
ton, beloved wife of G. A. Deadman, aged
HERK-e-In Morris, on June 3rd, Fanny Sherk,
ggect178 years and 19 days.
LOUGHI-In Vancouver, on May 31st, W. Be Lough,
formerly of Clinton.
WILLIS—In Exeter north, on June 71h, 'Dorcas,
beloved wife of James Willis, aged 63 years,
month and 5 days.
S T. Holmes
: d
*Funeral Director a,nd
• Embalmer, Undertak-
. ing parlors in Odds_ Fel- .
lows building opposite
Stewart Bros, Ri est -
i dence Goderich st. , opp •
Dr. Scott's. •
• ,
40 Flowers furnished on
• short notice.
: Phone Night or Day 119.
4 '
card_ of Thanks
We desire to express our heart -felt thanks to- the
friends of Seaforth, for the many expressions cif
kindness and sympathy, manifested, in our recent
bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. S. BENNETT. 2427x1
:,.••••••••••••••• ••11.••••••••0
Valuable farm in Tuckerstalithl,
For Sale
In order to cloths up the estate of the late Robert
Charters, deceased, the Executors of his will offer
for sale his farms, being Lot 82, and the west half
of Lot 31, Concession 6, London Road Survey, Tuok-
enanith. The lands are well Improved and, in good
condition and may be viewed at any time.
For terms and oonditiOne apply on the premisee
to "
Seaforth P. 0., R.R. No. a
(1001) FARM FM?, SALE -- Lot 35, Con'oession 2,
1.1oKillop, 100 acres, ail cleared, well under.
rained and in a first °lees state of /cultivation.
The Maitland river runs through theNfarin and
here is no waste land. A good house and first glass
ut-buildinge, also a good bearing orchard. This
arm is within three miles of Seaforth and seven
Iles from Minton. This la a firslass farm - *nd
will be sold on reasonable terms ofpayment. A ly
on the premises or address Seaforth p. o. JAMES
ideplas. MC&
'UNARM FOR SALE The north half of Lot 25, and
le south halt `of lot 26, on the 4th concession of
uokersmith, L. R. 8., better known ae the hams
Forsythe farm. Contains 100 eons, all cleared
except about, 7 acres of hare bush, well under.
drained and in a good state of cultivation. A good
brick house and good out buildings. A good bear -
orchard and the best spring water. Within five
miles of Seaforth and four miles from Brualield.
This is one of the choicest farms in Tuckersinith
and will be sold cheap and on mei, terms of pay-
ment. Apply on the premises or at The Expositor
office, Seaforth, or address ALEX SMITH, Box 26,
Brussele 3424-tf
signed offers for sale the—residence on Godere
ich Street West, at presenb occupied by Mr. Will
Thompson. The house is good size comfortable an
has a good cellar, hard and soft -dieter/and all nec-
essary conveniencies. There is a large stable.
There are two lots in front and one in the rear, the
latter being well planted with fruit trees. Also the
comfortable cottage now occupied by Mr. Colehorpe.
two doors to the West. There Is one lot in conned -
tion with this house. All these properties
are pleasentty situated. lso the
house and lot in Colemaa'c Survey, at present
occupied by Mrs. Kelly. They will be sold separate-
ly and cheap to wind up the estates to which they
belong: For further particulars apply to JOHN
BEATTIE, at his office over the ,Beattie Buteher
Shop on Main Street, or address Seaforth Post
Offio s
Lumber and Machine y
7or Sale
One 15 horsepower .stationarysteam
engine, in good shape. Plonk, joists,
scantling and inch lumber, also pulleys
and shafting.
2421-tf A. P. JOYNT, Seaforth'
For sale the timber of two barns,
34x54 feet, mostly pine and cedar, also
a lot of new girths; wilibe sbld cheap
apply to
2417-tf Box 172, Oeafarth
Ce ent Work
Tenders wanted for flooring and
railing bridge near Sproat's school, al-
so building of two fiat top bu1verts(8 ft)
on the 2nd and 3rd concession, L.R.S.
at M. Witmore's wad R. Pepper's.
Tenders to be in by Jane 20th. Plans
and specificatione at Clerk' office.
The Corporation to furnish l• as and
reinforcing material.
D. F. Wei .40R
2428-2 Ilex*
The warmer weather . necessiates
the using of lighter driving rugs.
Never before have we been able to
assemble so' many different knee
rugs for your inspection suitable
for buggy or auto. Cool, neat,
patterns in gray, brown and, mixed
colors, from $1.00 to $1.75
Stable Sheets
On a hot day yonr horse will appre-
ciate one-ot our cool sheets. As
blankets are a vere important part
f ouy business our prices are in
reach of all. Fancy checked stable
sheets bound with surcingles
$2.25, $2.5o $3 oo.
Without surcingles 9oc $1.15,
$X .5o and $2.od
Harness 13tore
yosite Commercial {lotel, Seaforth
Harness Trunks Valises
Imber for Sate
We still have e. quantity Of thnher taken frOM
the Coleman Salt Works, and the Cole -man Seib
Tanks, for tiale. This timber runs in sizes exile 8k8,
9x8s 10140, 10x12, and is suitable for new buildings,
or repairing.old buildings. Same will be sold at a
very much Iowa price that:new timber oau he
bought at. e_s_eas _2 -natio
ee 24244 Company, Ltd., Seaforth.
Sealed tenders will be received by Alex Wilson,
secretary of Seaforth Oollegifite institute, up to
June 25, for outran repeire and changes to be made
In Collegiate building, consisting of carpenter work,
plastering and painting. One tender tor the whole
by the contractor. Plans and sPeoliicatione may be
seen at the residence of Wm. Hartry, Who Is one of
the conunittee. 2527-1
The Lister
GasAine Engine
is macie in England, of first class
material, constructed for' heavy
wcjrk and made to last, see
it at work, compare it with
others and yon will buy a -Lister.
John. Elder & Ehus Agts.
Stratford Ontario
Become a specialist in business -it
offers- more opportunities than any
other calling. To reap the full
measure of success yell Meat have the
best possible training. This is Ont-
tairio's Best tipsiness School. 'We
give individual attention. You may
enter our classes at any time. Three
departments : Commercial, 5 h o r ts
hand and Telegraphy. Write at once
for our free catalogue. D. A. Mc-
Lacjilan, Principal.
Save Money
Our stock Contains every want in
the Furnitute line. Dining sets,
parlor furniture, bedroom suites,
brass and iron bedsteads, etc., and
the prices are marked to suit you.
A specialluriced lot for palors,
dining rooms, living rooms, and
bedrooms, in ail the standard sizes.
Here is an opportunity for the home
manager to renew her floor cbver-
ings at a distinct 'saving.
A splendid array of selections for
any purpose,whether it be for office
shop or house use and the prices
art such this season as will pay cus-
tomors to anticipate requirements
for months.
Furniture, Undertaking
Embalming —
Subscribers of the Tucker4
smith Municipal Telephonei
system will please make the
following changes 4nd addit-
ions in their directories.
Seaforth additions:
Bell, George .. 2 on 131
Coleman, George. . • a 8 on 133
Love, James 12 on 131
Parker, George 20 on 189
Seaforth 'changes :!
Brintnell,D insgead ,
A of NV...Mooney 17 on 139
Clark, John " Pullman W 10 On 136
McLaren, J " FairserviceJ.21 on 143
Taman, J. . " Sproat, R. 11 on 136
Miss Monroe " Monroe, 3. 7 on 142
Hensala additions:
Bell, John' 15 on 83
Curnie, 3. 16 on 98
Ournie,, Wm 14 on 98
Clark Matthew 14 on 93
Cowan, John 4":'..1. 8 on 78
Dale, Victor 5 on 86
Morrison, Ed. 7 on 80
McBeath, J14 on 81
Petty, Oliver , .1 11 on .8?,
Stevens, Walter 22 on 98
Tough, W J.12 on 98
Westlake, Thos 14 cn 99
Henson changes :
C. Campbell lissted of T. Campbell.—
,11 on 78
_ -
CIRAND TRUNK Rs ay rWE Ary i`a
HomeSsakerp' Excursions
RoundIrip tickets to points in Mani-
toba, Alberta and Soskatchevean. via
OhicagoaSaint Paul,' Duluth, or Sarnia
and Northern -Navigation Co .,. on sale
eaeh Tuesday until October 27th, in-
clusive, at low fares.
Return Limit, Twe Months
:The Grand Trunk Pa,cifle Railway is
the shortest and quickest route be-
tween Winnipeg-Saskatoon-Edmon=
ton, with eirdellent through service
to „Regina. Trains now running into
Berth reservations and particulars
at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or
write, CI E. Hcirning, D. P. A., Tor-
onto, Ontario .
W. Somerville Tcwn Agent
W. Plant....... 'Depot Ageo!,
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Unita!: Station, Toronto, Ont.
Farmers' Excursion
To the Ontario Agricultural College, Grielph.
The Grand Trunk Midway wilVrtin an eyoureion to
Guelph, under -lithe auspices of the South Huron Farm
ers' Institute, on Monday, June 22nd. Free lunch
or arrival. Guides conduct excumioniets over 1 he
farm. Special programme for the ladIe. Speoial
excurelon rates:
Centralia, train leaves at 7:00 aan. Return fare $2.65
Exeter " " " .7:10 a.m. " " 82.50
Heneall'‚" " 7:22 a•m. " gt.35
Rippen " " " 7:00 11.M. " et2,130
Bruoefield " " 789 aan. " $2.15
Clinton " " " 8:00 a in " " $2.05
Seaforth " " " 8:15 axe, - " " $1.80
Dublin " " " 8:30 a.m. " $1.65
Children over 5 and under 12 years of age, half fare.
Tickets will be 'good going one train only, valid
returnine until, following day, °wept from Dublin,
from which station, tiokets will be good returning
date of exeursion only. Your opportunity to see
the Experimental Farm in full operation. Many
new buildings have beenjereoted since our last excur-
sion. One esoecially we might mention is the
Dairy barn* which is fitted up with all the latest
appliances. Do not fail to visit the dairy barn.
The Committee is spring no pains or expense to
make this one of the besb excursions of this season.
Coeeldering the distance to Guelph the Railway
Company are giving- us a very cheap rate. It is
several years since the Mt excursion aud this will
likely be the last for some time. Alex Mustard,
John Elder, B, S. Phillips, Committee.
JOHN ELDER, President
IL S. PHILLIPS, Secretary
J. Daymond " Thos. Elder 17 on 79
R. Foster “ W. Foster 11 on 86
Mrs, T. -Nicholson instead of Thomas
Nicholson . 9 on 99
W. A, ROS3 19 on 86 instead of 16 on 95
Jas. Dewar 18 on 78 " " 18 on 98
R. Delgaty 21 on 78 IL ."21 on 98
3. Green 17 on 78 e " 17 on 98.
W. Madge10 on 78 , 1 "10 on 98
J. Sparks 20 on 78
W, Sparks 19 on 78
, ,
" 20 on 98
"19 on 98 I
IvIossop 14 on 78 il " 14 on 98
R Sootchmer12 on 78 e, " 12 on 98
W Scotcliinea9 on 78 e " 9 on 98
Wilds V. 16 on 78 ' ,r "15 on 98
— Monday, januarysth
is the re -opening day ot
Owen Sound
EveryGraduat. Guaranteed a Pos-
ition.33 Sluccessful ylears.
Large Staff of Specialists.
Indiiidual Instruction
Practical Department.
Information Free.
C. A. Fleming, F. C., A. Principal.
0, D. Fleming, Secretary.
2402-tf '
Seaforth Creamery
Cream Wanted °
Our Creamery is now
ready for operation and
we are in a position to
handle any quantity
of cream.
Ship your cream
'an.d give us a,. trial.
We will pay you twice a
month, furnish two cans
and pay all express
charges. Cheques pay-
able at par,
The Seaforth , Creaniery Co.
24084f 0 A. Barber, Mgr.
Clinton changes:
Whitmore, S. instead of F. Layton
16 on 137
C. Duncan " W. McAsh 7 on 172
A.E.Matheson " J. 0. Orich 17 on 136
F. Layton " G. Henderson
14 ort 136
G. Walker "R. Henderson
4 on 138
T. Stenson " W. Clark 1 on 173
C. Hunt " G. Hunt 9 on 137
John Imis "Alex Imis 2 on 147
W. Clark " Frank Keys 15 on 178
M. Elliott " W.A isicAsh don 172
E. Walters " Mrs.FPlewes14 on 137
Jos. Shipley " Jas.Shipley 7 on 197
Walter Layton 2 on 137
It is your assurance of complete
satisfaction in vonr concrete for old
or new work. Lo get it a.sk for Can-
ada Portland Cement,
Buffalo Fertilizers
insure bigger and better crops. They
are scientifically proportioned to
develop each growirg plont per-
fectly. ,heir cost is nothiag when
compared_ with the results.'
Drain your wet land and keep
the soil mellow, at small cost, with
Crediton Tile
Order your next winter's coal
now, while the Trice is lowest, I
can supply you with
Lehigh qoal
the kind that produthes 100 cents
worth of heat for every dollars'
worth you buy.
fel me cut your
Hemlock Timber
sant° the size o you need for that
new barn or any other work. Die
cost will be low.
If your mow is empty let me sup-
ply you until mowing time with
Baled. Hay
Give me an opportunity to prove
my ability to make you a iperma-
oent customer.
John B. Mustard
Phone 11 on 145 BAUCEFIELD
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LI,. D., D.C.L., President - -
ALEXANDER LAIRD„ General Manager ,TgliN AIRD. Anal General Mrenageer
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUN11, $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the sand •
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's
btisiness. Morey may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. S24
Seaforth Branch,
TI):0 SprIng Styles
1•••••••••4ii -
We have the New Spring. Suitings for Men,.
in all the popular weaves and sharles. The
New Blues, Broiwhs, Greys and Checks are
here for:your inspection.
We guarantee our cloths 4md we guarantee
our make. Your suit will always fit yonand _
they always wear.
Di BRIGHT, & Son
444)••••••••••••410.44s*.•• .404,40•••••••4444444.-.4)4447.*
I Western Cattle Market
The new City A6toir will be ready
I for business about July-lst, 1914.
As usual stock will be fed at minimum
f. cost and every aecomodation accorded
Ship your cattle to the Western
Cattlemarket, Toronto.
• 2426-7 '1
• z
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•
1. ---
You can keep cool these hot
days if you have a genuine
Perfection Oil Stove to cook
on. No danger trorn eXplos-
ion, a • child can operate a
Perfection. No smoke, no
smell. 200 , in use in this
vicinity sold in our three years
of business, .which is proof of
-their good working qualities.
Let us send one to your home
be rtelightil.
Best assortment of
Hammocks in town
$3.50 to $9
Plain bearing 3.00 to 7.00
Ball bearing....6f50 to 7.50
Crucible Steel blades, guar-
anteed to give satisfaction.
on trial, we know you
Gasoline Stoves at
away below cost
One New Process gasoline
range, regular $4o.o?, now
One Detroit Vapor Gasoline
range, regular $20.00, now
One Sun Gasoline range, reg-
ular $20.00, now $14.00
• The Big ard "re Store
enr3fr Edge, Seaforth
Agents for--Martin-Senour too per cent. Pure Paint, Perfection
Frost Fence, jap-a-lac, Wood -lac, Galt Steel Shingles.
' PHONE 61
Public Noiice.
Mr. A. P. joyna Licensed auction-
eer for the Couuty of Huron is now in
a position to conduct auction, sales,
satisfaction guaranteed, charges rea-
sonable. For terms, etc. apply to Sea -
forth .P. er phone 12 -on I46.
- 9890-1,1
New Doctors.
.Drs. George and M.. E. Whiting
lfeilemann, Osteopathic.: Physicians
of Goderich,
Specialists in women and childrens
diseases, acute, chronic and nervous
disorders,. eye, ear, nose, and throat.
Coonfreetataiton ‘sfreoenun_ereiai
Fridays 8 to 6.
'Overhauled and repaired
Automobile accessories,
oils., gasoline, gas tanks,
'tires, carbide, always in
stock. Also washing
Lawn mowers sharpened
Other machinery repairs
on hand.
Wilson B1,ock Beabr-th,