HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-06-12, Page 5JUN 914 -The Conservatives in the House or • Commons. at Ottawa, 'last week, pre- viented Rol. Artheir Meighan, Solicitor General, With a gold watch and *UM felghan with a solid sliver atetth'e presentatiori was_ made on behalf Of the Conservative rnenebers, by. Mr. Bore &el and was in reeognition a the abli teannee in which' etr. Meighaln,hael pilot id the Northern Pacific Railwae bill through Parliament. • e Leadbury - June Weddince -A. pretty event Cook talace at St. Columben phurcle. on TueSe day. June 2rd, being the marriage of Mere' Catharine Johnson, only &lighter of Mrand eine. Michael John - won, a McKillop, and err. Peter McIver, bf Hibbert. The ceremony was pereoerree id by Rev. Father White, in tlie SeOice of a laeteW eruneher of ,the relative land friends of the you couple. The bride,- who (Ware a faiorite with us all, 'was a picture of grace and moaeete. inke waS robed in ivory dutcheis satin, trkomed with lace land pearls and wore ev• -beautiful /wreath. and veil. The ,bride .Was assisted by Vies lerary Mervor, 'Aster of the groorh, who was dressed oreara silk -land like the bride, carried et. beautiful baguet of roe. The reoom 'was supported bekietr. Thomas Johnson,: brother of the bride. The flower girls ; twere little Misses efergarot McQuaid ! Raid Nora. Murray. They were dressed be pink. Allk and carried baskets of fsweet peas. The happy 00111)1e left on the evening trainkfor London, Detente And other points. The bride's gob* away dress was ashes of roses silk with black hat and blue crepe. We join "the many friends of Mr. wed ,Mrs. Mc- Iver in wis.hing theta baoraneee and prosperity. Crornarty Notes. -We knew it was hot ithls • ereeek; we. feltethe heat anti. eilie copious llow of perspiration down our face Must have made it evident to the moot cazual observer that we felt It. Yet bine out of ,every ten persons we Met told us It was hot. Was'eteils ta, ere - ‘flection on our leek of intellect, pr merely the human tenehency to keep ellecomfort in the foreground 3 -An in. teresting and amusing game of base- ball was Played in the village on Sat- terdav night between the school boys e.nd the YOUng men of the !neighborhood who had been organized only about ea, Week. The more eshowed a large •mar - in in favor of the little tfellows, who Are quite jobllant over their success. Whey are vainly challenging • some of the- other local teams for a rnatnhi, but elevill have to be content to rest on their eaurels in the `meantime.-lers. and erre. games McIntosh of Seaforth •apent '▪ ally and Wednesday visiting friends in this vielnity.-Mr. and `errs. John. Lain,'; toeith their family visited friends, in rrussels and ,Winthrop this week. - ter. Sydney Howe. of Bright, is spend, - trig a week or so at this home 'here.- V.r.. =el errs. Donald McKellar, spent the fore pat of the week twitth rel- .tIes in Downle.-Rev. Mr. McLachlan of Stratford, who occupiled the pulpit .bere last &May. was the gu.est iof bis daughter, Mrs. Scott Barr. He ( was kaccompanied by his on, a recent !grade 'elate of Toronto University.-thae viciee- Ity was. ,well represented at the nil -cue lei Stratford, on Wednesday. MON.S0 MARKETS Seaforth. June llth 1914 Fall Wneae(Sta.ndarat 91 to V 93 Os.te, per . ... 40 co 40 `Peas, per bushel . 90 to • 90 Barley, per bushel. . 10 co 45 raj pet per ton ... .. . 25 00 to 25 00 Shorts. per- ton. . .. 27 00 to 27 00 Fame, per 100 lbs....-. .. .. 2 60 to 3 00 Butter NO. 1, loose . . 16 to 18 Begs oer 17 to 18 Hay per ton ... ... . . „ o.. 16 00 to 16 00 Potecoes, per ... 60 to. 60 Toronto ,ioultry Market Attire -old fowl 16 to lec; old !roost - era 13 to 10; earing broilers ,20 t 25c; Spring ducklings 20 to 25c ; :turkeys •17 Lo 18e dressed poultry, two to three cents higher. • • Dairy Markets I" Montreal, June 9 - Cheese-Fenest: eesterrce 12 344 to 13c; • teasterne, 12 to12 le -8c. Butter, choiceet creamery, 04 1-2 to -'25c; seconds 23 to 23 I -2e; eggs, ,fresh, 23 to 24e; selected 26 Lo 27c; Ncr.1 stock, 23c; No. 2 stock, .act to 21 cents. -• Toronto, June 9 -Butter -Dairy but - 'ter was easier, separator, prints belly; heated at 19 to 20e and dairy -vents eet. 17 to 190. Eggs-Nevilliaide 20- to 2c.. Cheese -New-, large at 14 1-4 to kee tWirns at 14 1-2 ,to 14 eSeec ; 'Id, large, 16 3-4c; twins, 11c. Honey 1 -Buckwheat- 7 cents a pound in tins land 6 1-2c in barrels; atrained clover. beneY .10 to• 10 1-2e in pound in 160 Vie tins; 12c in ten lb. ttir? : 12 1-2o Ave pound tins; comb honey, No. 1, 2.25 per dozen ; extra $2 to $2.25 per dozen; No. 2, 1,2 per dozen. Grain. Et*. 1` Toronto, June 9 -Ontario Wheat- iCar Iota outside, $1.026o $1.04, Gno Lark) Oats -4-40 eto( 41 centts au tsidee and 113 to43 1-2ep on track,' at 'Torontio. eernericart Cern-Fresh shelled, ND. 2 tyellow, 9.1.f., Port COlborne, 75 le,ec. Peas -No. 98c to $1.03 ,car klots, out- Wele, nominal. Barley -Good malting 'barley, outside, 56 to 58c; 'Manitoba reed barley, bay ports, 50 1.2eto 62 1-2c. otatoes---Ontar.los,„ $1.25 per !bag ou t of -tore ; $1.15 in car lots; New Bruns. wicks $1.35out of store!a,nd $1.25 ear lots. MIllfeed-Manitcyba (bran,, *23; shorts $25 to $26; Ontario bran. mixed cars, $23; car lots, $23 to 1$24 ; ddings $25 to $26 o good 'feed tiour, *03 to432. Baled Hay tand Straw -Loca,1 merchants are buying an the Teraek, Toronto, at Ohe following prices; vcr. 1 choice, at *14 to h$14.50 a ton extra. number two at *12.50 e$13, number two at $10 to $11, and No. 3 .eet $8 'to *9. Baled straw, $8 to e3.50. Live Stook Markets. eeeireee-- the market. A weaker feeling developed' in ;the mar ret for sheep and lambs %wing to the increasecle're- ceipts. and prices for the former ha pe delcieted fifty cents .and for thelet'. ter 26 cent es per 100 pounds. At 'this reduction the denend troll" butchers Was fair and. alea of ewe sheep wene, made at -$ANto $8.50 andSrearling lambs at 7.50 to $7.75 per 100 pouna0.. The market for swing iamb% is ono one dollar per head lower at from e $3 to $7 'each. • Buffalo; June. 9—Cattle —Good grades een cents higher; htliers steade ; Isrlsos 1350 to 1150 Ile. steers, $8.75 *to *9.20; best 1200 to 1300. emnds, $8.50 to 411.76 best 1100 to 12001 1301.111418, $8.25 to *8.46; coarse and plain weighty eoteers 7.75 to $8.; fancy yearlings, haby beef, $8.50 to *9; medium to good $8 to $8.25; choice handy steers, at *,11.25 to $8.50; fair to good $8 to *8.26 extra good cows $7.2.5 to $7.50; best cows 6.50 to $.7; butcher cows 5.50 to $6; best heifers $8 to, 14,36 ; etock heifers 8.25, to, *6.75; best feedft eteers $8 to 18.15; best! stook Wears g.50 to $1.75; extra \goodi bulls 7.24 to t $7.60; milkera -and springers, $40 to $90. BOO—Market 10c lower; hess1 and Yorkers, $8.55; pigs $8.25 to $8.50. Sheep and Lambs -Lambe 50c higher; spring lambs 9,60 to $10; yearlings ,$8.- 60 to*875. wethers f6 -to e$6.25-: tewea e4„50 to $5.50. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June 17- Pituty ci the handyweirte eteers sold between *8.40 and $8.60 in -k car lots, while goodeto choice ranged., be- tween $8,W and $8.40. Few hoteliers sold below $7.90. Butcher cows and bulls were he gnod dernandeagain and tprices of both • classes . found a ten reent hIth er level. Choice cows went at V, to *7.e0 and choice bulls about the same. The stocleer trade • wies quiet,/ eeceleite of good being few and inquiry. limited. The milker trade:was fair, the e range • being thiefly, between -$60 ,and $90 ,each. Sheep -and lambs were steady, with a good trade for spring lambs. The Ihes market was quiet with. few offerings_ erice ranges; Butcher Cattle --Choice weighty steers at $8,25 to $3.50,; choice handy butcherS *8.15 to $8,50; good butchers 7.90 to $8.15; medium 7.60 to *7.90; common from $7.25 to $7.65„. Heifers -Choice heifers $7,75 to $8.25; good $7.25 to $7.75; o med- ium. *6.75 to $7.25, Butcher_ Cows ;7 - Choice 6.75 to. *7.25; afew $7,50; geed from $6.25 to *6.75; medium $5,50 -to 16.25; common' $4.50 to 6.50; cutters 14 to $4.50; canners from $3.50 to $4. Butcher Bulls - Choice $7 to $7.75; rood at *6.50 to $7.00; medium at IC to $6.50; and common at. $5 to $4. ttockers andFeederso-Heavy, good, at *7 to *7.35; medium stockers 6.75 to to 1.75; common 6.50 to $6.75; 'light stockers $6 to $8.50. /Sinkers and Sprinegrs sold at $80 to $90 each 'for choice offerings, and comresn to med tum at $40 to $60 each. SfiJlo eep and Lambs—Light sheep ewes ranged from e5 to $6. clipped; heavy sheep e and bucks froni *4.59 to $5; culls from $3.50 to $4.50; yearling lambs brought *8 to $8.50, bucks off; fair spring !jambs, $5. to $8.50.'Swine-Hogs went at I*7.65 f.o.b., at *8 fed and watered and at $8.35 off cars. Toronto Horse Market A better feeling was ehown in the Union Horse Excharige, Toronto, • or the *Mew fof the week. Buyers ;from the east were ,again in onthe rnarkete elontread and 'Quebec being well repre- sented, and a •good quantity of .farm chunks were purchased for points in that vicinity. About a -hundred horses were offered 011 'Monday's market, and with a igood demand from the -outside :buyers a good percentage of these were disposed! of. Farm chunks again 'comprised the Majority of the sales, their prices holding firm at from 1$175 to $200 apiece; A fair inquiry 'was, however, also shown for wagon horses whkh ranged from $160 to *200 taplece, and a few heavy draughte were !also sellIng at from $240 to $260 • each, and a-, few drivers at from $125 eto $175 apiece. . 1 r ielontreal, June 9, 1914. -Sales of full Carloado of choice steers were made -at g8.75 to 1e, good at 8.50 eta $8.65 -fed heveral mixed loads of steers, cows land bulls at 8.25 to *8.50 per 100 pounds, while Small lots of picked Choice steers bro-ught as thigh as )09.25. -4The weak feeling dehich has charaebere teed the market for hogs still oontenues the main feature of the trode owing Ito the liberal supplies. Prices scored ge turther decline today of 20c per 100. Pounds, with every indication of going Still lower in the near future. The .,4ernand fram packers was fair and kealez of selected lots of 'Ontario 'etock were made at $8.80, soweat k6.80 and 'Stags at $4.40e per cwt. weighed to f fears. Some lots of Quebec hogs 'ieie ;Offered at $8,60 for Selected lots iad 'kefused. The decline.In pekes of late as tended to check the ahipmentia Orem tianitoba: There- were none on rmeNTIMUMNIIIIIMINO ••••••••,•••••••••••••••• • • • : WALKER : • • i - & MoKAY' i • - '40 • , . • : Undertakers and Embalmer's : • • *• ••James McKay 4, 4, • • • • W. J. Walker • : Night Phone -18 t 4) : Store Phone -67 • : • • _ - • ifift•••••••••44.4144.44.44•94k 4" l'eFe°"""sigiani Births • lat Phone -3 on 146 • i„, DOLMAGE-4n hIcKillop, on June Znd, to.,Mr. and Mr. Charles Delmag*, , a son. ROBINS")N-In Stanley, ion June 9th. to Ur. and tire. Thomas Robinsdn, a daughter. • YOUNGBLUT-In Hulett, on May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblut, a daughter.e BAT.L-In Clinton, on June 2nd, to Mr,l. an Mr. Nelson Ball, a daughter. WATTS -In Clinton, on May 31st, to Mr. andj Mrs. Fred W. Watts, a daughter. e, TREWARTHA- At Holmesville, on May4'30#4 to Mr. acid Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, a daughter. STEIR-In Exeter, on June 22d, to Mr. and Mrs. George Stair, a son. .........44ommoslepommo444.44.44 • WILlorisktes Me111011AL-7PIOKETT-In Clinton, on June Iird, blBev. by. Routtedge, Doha Emily, youngest daughter of Mrs. John "Pickett, to Robert Mcilliehael, af Monlop. PENNINGTON—ROSS—At Goderlah, on May 270, Charles Penniagton and Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ()navies Roses PATTON--PHILLIPS—At Goderich, on May 23rd, William Charles Patton, et Stratford, to Lulu Bovnee only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Goderich. DAVIDSON--BENNETT—At the residence of t bride'eperents, Walton, on June Iird, by Rev/. I B. A. Lundy, Mr. Joseph Davidion, of Brussela, to Mies Willftna Bennett, of Walton. ' geNAIR—EVANS—At the Melville manse, Brussels, on June 3rd, by Rev. A. J. Mann, ilr. Joan McNair., Grey township, to Miss Bessie, dough- ' tar of Mr. and Mrs. James Eyane, Morrie. ROE+MoXRTIIER—In St. James' 'equate Presby. tetrian church, Toronto, on May 291h, by Rev. Di. Robertson, Mr. Alexander Roe, of Brussels, tcPMiais Mary, daughter of the late John MoAr- thnr, formerly of Brussels. SNELL—ANDERSOM--On the 9th inst., at the res. idence of the *idea mother,. by Rev. D. Car- swell, Mr. James Howard Snell, of Mullett, to MIs Garnet Clare Anderson, daughter of the late Richard Anderson, and of Mrs. Anderson, Deaths WOLFE-In .Detroie, on June 5th, Mrs. E. Wolfe, tnee.Miss Agnes Lennon HANNA --In Clinton, on May 30th, Emma Frances Graham, wife of Kr. John Hanna, di Vanguard, Sask., aged 37 years, 10 months and 6 days. HESSIAN -In Clinton, on May 31st, Themes James Hessien. aged 74- years. ABMSTRONG -At Clinton hospital, on May 30th, Wilber S., youngest son of William and Mary Armstrong, of Grey, aged 17 years. OAKLEY-In Goderich, on June 3rd, Gladys -Marg- aret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Oakley, • aged 6 year. TANCOTT-In Goderich, one May 30111, Dorathy Annie Tancott, aged 23 years: BURTON -In Tuckeremith, on June let, John Bur- ton, aged 73 years. BENNETT-In "%Ingham, on June 10th, Nellie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bennett aged 1'6 years. WWI *••••.••••••••••••404+•••••• • • S T. Holmes nuclei:1 Director and Embalmer, Undertak- ing parlors in Odd Fel- lows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., opp Dr. Suott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. WIVES 1 - trEA.CHER WANTED— For school soction No. 12, ItclEillop. Male orternale holding 2nd class Normal eertificiete. -Dales to commence- after summer- holidays Apply to THOMAS BOLTON, R.R. No. 2, Walton. , 21233 s EACH= WANTED Holding Normal certifi- cate for public school, section No. 4, inhbert. Duties to commence September let. Appli Mating salary andexperienoe._ E. SILLERT, Seeer., R. R. No. 1, Staffa, Ontario. 2422x4 4o4m,s,loomax• rilEACHER WANTED -For S. S. Noll:, Mullett, JL male or female, holding second clam • Normal certificate prefered. Duties to commence -51ePtetn- ber let. Apply: stating salary and experience. JAMES Ws HAMILTON, B.R. No. 1-Londeebisrongh. - 2426x4 alEACHEIR WANIED--Holdilee Normal eettill. J. cote, for 8.8. No.1, Honda. Duties to commence September let. Apply stating salary and 'expel.. ience. Protestant preferred. JAMES W. SCOTT, secretary, B, R. No; 2, Blytb. 2426x4 44,0%.• ..44,4=40,4141.4.4ouommosomm•momoo A GENTS- Wreck of Eraprees of Ireland - Heart _fa. thrilling dollar leo*. Extradrdinary yeller. Authorative ; profusely illustrated. Listen to Oan- ada's heart rending ory. Wire or write or free canvassirg book. Big Commission. Freight paid. Credit given, BRADLEY-GARRETSGet, Brantford 3425 2 • 4moomorommonommomonomo PIG FOR SERVIOE-The undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 24, Oon. 3, H.R.S., Tucker. smith, thorobred YOrkshire hog, He is exceptionally well bred being bred from the well known stook of D. C. Platt, and Son,Millgrove, Ontario. Terms 51 at the time of service with the privelege of • re- turning it necessary. H. M. HAMILTON, R. R. No. a, Seaforth. - 23913x4tf 'WARM FOR SALE -Let 13; Conoesatert S, Town. W. ship of Stanleyfi 100 acre& matt -Nader culti- nd chiming fug water alt tor grazthg JOH1 KET- ; 2421-0 station, good stone Jhouse with wo sheds ettached. Mac bank barn. sp the year roupd. Farm suitable eithe or grain. Terms moderate. Apply to kOHEN, Bruceffield. LIAM FOR SALE —East h sion 8, Hullett, fifty acres that Is all cleared. On the fa f Ot Lot t even cu in is a brick house of ten rooms and wood bed. Also a good bank barn and driving shed. There is a never failing spring nearby. A good oroharkt of apples, pears,plums and cherries. For further particulars apply. to the executors, .BENSON TYE MAN W ng. ham or LAWRENCE MELVILLE, Seafo th. 2422x3t1 11, Canoes - tinted land good sized WARR FOR SALE—For-sale 100 acre I: laud in the Townehip of Hibbert, b Cowes/lion 9. On the premises are a b drive shed, bank barn with stabling, he pig pen underneath. 'The faun is. well underdrained, and there are 10 acres o bush. Rural Mail and Telephone For further particulars apply to ADELIN S. affa, Ont. 01 choice Ing Los 28, ick house, bense and fenced and hardwood nneotfon. SELLER)/ 242244 G001) FARM FOR SALE — Lot 35, Co cession 2, Mcaillop, 100 acres, all cleared, well under - drained and in a first Wage state of eultivation. farm and first olase ord. This and seven farm and t. Apply JAMES • 2126-tf The Maitland_ river runs through* th there is no waste land. A good house an outbuildings, also a good bearing ore farm is within three miles of eseaforth miles from Clinton., This is a first-elas will be sold on reasonable terms of paynae on the premises or address Seaforth p. McGILL. ARM- FOR SALE -The north half of south halt of lot 26, on the 41h co cession of Tuckersmith, L. R. S., better known as the Jams Forsythe farm . • Contains 100 acres, a cleared y; except. about 7 acres of hard bush,w II under - drained and in a good state of cultivation. A good od brick house and good outebuildings. A g bear- ine orchard and the best epring water. 'thin five miles of Seaforth and four miles from rimefield. This is one of the choicest farms in Tu keesmith and will be sold cheap and on easy tarmw of pay- ment. Apply on the premises or at The Expositor office, Seaforth, or address ALEX SMITH, Box 26, Brunet* . 3424-tf ., t 25, and "WANTED -We can employ .yoilng ;en and V V young women and older ones, in every com- munity, to circulate religione literature, and pay them wellefor their work. No respectable person need be out of high SIMS, paying emploe eat. If rti you cannot work f T1 time we'll engage you for spare time. The na st skillful of our repres ntatives make as high as sixty dollars per week, he year around, and he, or she, is dull or indolent, y ho can- not make at least ttvelve dollars par weak. Great opportunity' for school teachers who work during vacation. A lebter will bring you; a preposition that will please and surprise you Write today sure and tell us all about yourself. BRADL Y-GAR- 31ETSON, Limited, Lock :Box , Brantford, Onterio. ' 2425-2 "IVALUTABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-- • e under. V signed offers for sale the residence o Goder- Joh Street West, at present octhipied by Mr. William Thompson. The house ls good etze, comfo hie and has a good cellar, hard and soft enter and all nec- essary convenienoles. There hit!, a lam stable. There are two lots in front and ne in the ear, the latter being well planted with fruit trees. lea the comfortable cottage now occupied by Mr. 0 lthorpe. two doors to the Weet. There is one lot in conneo.- tion with this house. All these prop • r ties are pIessently si tuate d. Also the house and lot in Ooleman'c Survey, at present occupied hy Mrs. Lally. They will be sold eparate- lyaed cheap to wind, up the estates to which they belong. For further partieulars apply o JOHN BEATTIE, at bite office oval the Beattie Butcher Shop on Main Street, or' address Seale! th Post 2565" Valuable farm in Tucker For Salo ..•••••••••••• In order to close up the estate of the lat Charters,deceased, the Executoes of his for sale his forme, being Lot 32, and the of Lot 31, ConeesSion 6, London Road Surv ersmith. The lands are well improved and condition and may be viewed at any time. For terms and conditions apply on the to MRS. ROBERT CHARTERS, Seaforth P. O., It.lt No. 3 Mith Robert ill offer est half y, Tuck - In good preraisee eeeeeeeeee E EURO Corner -Stone Laying I ::OR The :Corner Stone of the Dublin continuation school will he laid on Sunday, June 1410, at 4 p.uf. The eve,, will prove of great interest and import- ance to the community, AS the School will supply a long felt want in this well populatedAistrict, turn- - iehing a four years' aaurse of high eohool-Work to Pu. 241Ptle 25x2 . THOMAS NOONAN, P.P. Timber:for Bale/ We still have a quantity of timber taken trout the Coleman 8a".1 Works, and the Cole nen Salt ThnIce,.for sale, This timber rune in sizes 6x6, 8x8, 9x9, 10X10, 10x12, and is suitable for new buildings, or repairing old buildings. Same Will he sold at a very much lower price than new timber eau be bought at. - The ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER 2424.4 ' Company, Ltd., Seaforth. Lumber and Machinery :or Sale One 15 horsepower Stationary steam engine, in good shape. Plank, joists, seantling and inch lumber,also pulleys and shafting. t 2424-tf A. P. JOYNT, Seaford"... aboomommorommosor otionam000mommooll BARN TIMBER • FOR BALE tr. IFor sale the timber of two barns, 3054 feet, mostly pine and cedar, also a lot of new girths; will be sold cheap apply to GEO. M. CHESNEY -2417-tf Box 172, iSeafortla To Drain Contractors Tenders for the construction of tho W. Barron Drain, in the township of Moltillop, will be reoived by the undersigned up to Monday, June fifteenth, 1911 The tenders will be -ointned at a meeting of the MoKillop clounell, to be held in Calder's hall, Win. throp, on Tuesday, June 16th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Tenders to lie opened at 3 o'clock. A marked cheque equal to 5 per cent of the contract price mnst aocompany each tender. The lowest or any tender need not be ,accepted. Plans and epecifi- oations can be Been at any time at the office of the Clerk, Lot 24, Concession 7, McKillop. 2426-1 M. iffURDIE, clerk Notice to Creditors. .111,111,1M In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Harriett Willem& late of the town .of Seaforth, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased. Notice ie hereby given that all persons having any claims against the Estate of -the said Elizabeth Harriett Williams who died on or about the 3rd day of February, 1914, are recpaired to send by pose pre- paid or deliver to the London and Western Trusts 400., Limited, Executors of the estate of the said deceased their names and addresses and full particub.re in writing, of their claims, before the 8th day of July, 1914, aster which date the said exsoutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having I regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that they will not be liable for • • said assets, or any part thereof, to any *person of Phone - Night or Day 119. ,whose claini they shall net theri have received not-, • ice. The LONDON &WESTERN MUSTS CO., Ltd. Fateoutors. FRASER ae MOORE, Solicitors. = Dated at London, thie 4th diy of Julie, 191iti 26-3• - . '441t***Ltk4AINI44144f440_00745. • _ - • - - nomoomaommoio Cement Contract illmoomo,...••••••••• Terideie will -be received for the building of a cem- ent retaining wail, from 230 to 250 yards, on Lot 14, Cloncession 8, MoKiliop, until Tuesday. June 1610, 1914. Tenders to be opened at the meeting of the Council, in Calder's hall, Winthrop, on June 16113. Lowest or any tender not necessanly accepted. 2426 1 J. M. oovereeooli, Reeve TENDER. Tenders will be received for a two and four horse power gasoline engine, with jack and belt attachment. Teo, ders to be in by june 16th. Addrees tenders to • A. MURDOCK, 2426-1 Clerk, Hensall Cement Work Tenders wanted for flooring • and railing bridge near Sproat's school, al- so building of two flat top culverts(8 ft) on the 2nd and 3rd concession, L.R.S. at M. Witmore's and R. :Pepper's. Tenders to be in by June 20th. Plans and apecifications at Clerk's office. The Corporation to furnish beams and reinforcing material. D. P. McGROOR 2426-2 •Clerk •The Lister ......__,......... 1 Gaslline Engine • is made in England, of first class II ' work, and made to last, see material constructed for heavy it at work, compare, it with fi others and you will buy a Lister. - ' John Elder & Bons Agts. HENSALL, ONT. 1 e Stratford, Ontario Become a specialist in business —it :offers more \opportunities than any • lotheu calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. This is Ont- tairio's Best Business School. We give individual attention. You may enter our classes atany time. Three departments Commercial, Shor t. hand and Telogrephy. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. Mc- Lachlan, Principal. Please Your Friends Your portrait as a re- membrance will be ap- preciated by your friends as an evidence of your thoughtfulness. We Guarantee Satisfaction • If Tou have any pictures ' to enlarge bring them to HS. _ Fell's Studio • Phone 19 - Seaforth Dusters The warmer weather necessiateg the using of lighter driving rugs. Never before have we been able to assemble so many different knee rugs for your inspection • suitable for buggy or auto. Cool, neat, patterns in gray, biwn and mixed colors, from $x.00 to $1.75 . Stable Sheets On a hot day yonr horse will appre- ciate one ot our cool sheets. As blankets are a vere important part o'flipuy business our •prices are in reach of all. Fancy checked stable sheets bound with surcingles $2.25, $2.50 $3 .00. Without surcingfes goc -$1.15, $1.5o and $2.00 onommoommolo400me . BRODERIOK'S lia.rness Store Opposite Commercial Hotel. Seaforth "Harnese T -ranks Valises ox. , GRANBTRUN1S R yeeN S eeeeeT Edeol flomoseakerbi Excursions . Round trip tickets to points in Mani- toba, Alberta and Saskatchewan via Chicago, Saint Paul; Duluth, or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co., on sale each Tuesday until October 27th, in- clusive, at low fares. THROUGH PULLMAN TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS TO WIN- NIPEG ON ABOVE DATES, LEAVING TORONTO 11 P.M NO CHANGE 'OF CARS. Return Limit, Twe Months The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg-Saskatoon-Ednaon- ton, with excellent through service to Regina. Trains now 'running into Calgary. ' Berth reservations and particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write, C. E. Horning, D. P. A., Tor- onto, Ontario-, W. Somerville Tcwn Agent W. Plant Depot Agez' C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Farmers' Excursfon To the ()aerie Agricultural College, Guelph. The Grand,Ttunk Railway will run an excursion to Guelph, underithe auspicasof the South Huron Farm ers' Institute, on Monday, June .22nd. Free lunch on arrival. Guides aonduot excursioniste over the farm. Special programme for the ladies. Special excursion rates: Centralia, train leaves at 7:00 A;rSto Return fare 02.65 Exeter "le- " " 7:10 a.m. " " 52.50 Hensel' " " 7:22 aam, " " 99.35 Kippen .. • if 7:00 8.41. II SC 42.8e /3rucefield " " " 7:39 a.m. " Clinton " 8;00 a m. " " 52.05 Seatorth " " 8:15 a.m. " " 51.80 'Dublin " " 8:20 a.m. " " $1.65 Children over 5 and under 12 years of age, half fare. Tickets will be good going one train only, valid returning until foliewing day, exoept from Dublin, front which station, tickets will lie good returning date of exeurston only. Your opportunity to see the Experimentaf Farm in full operation.. Many new buildings have beeniereeted since our last excu.- den. One especially we might mention is the Dairy barnwhich is fitted up with all the lateat appliances: Donot fail to visit the daey boon. i The Committee s spring no pains or expense to make elle one of the beet excursions of this. season. Considering the distance to Guelph the Railway Company are giving us a very cheap rate. It is eeveral years since the last exclusion and this will likely be the last for some time. Alex Mustard, John Elder, B. S. Phillips, Committee. JOHN ELDER, President B. S. PHILLIPS, Secretary 242C-2 Monday, January5th is the re -opening day ot • NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Owen Sound 'hvery Graduate Guaranteed a Pos- ition. 33-Successfu1 years. Large Staff of Specialists. Individual Instruction. Practical Department.. Information Free. C. A. Fleming, F. C.; A. Principal. G, D. Fleming Secretary. 2102-tf Uhe Seaforth Creamery Cream Wanted Our CreameiT is now ready for operation‘ and we are in a position • to 7 handle any quantity • of, cream. Ship your cream a.nd give us We wi0 pay you twice month, furnish two cads and pay all express charges. Cheques pay- able at par. The Seaforth Creamery Co. 2408-tf 0 As Barber, Mgr. mosommoammoomoot.... , t 1,1 1 f,‘ • r- • .4i t It is your assurance of complete satisfaction in yonr concrete for old for new work. ro get it ask for Can- ada Portland Cement. Buffalo Fertilizers inure bigger and better crops. They ar scientifically proportioned to develop each growing plant per- fectly. Their cost is nothing when compared with the results. Drain your wet- land and keep the soil mellow, at small cost, witn Crediton Tile Order your next winter's coal now, while the pricE is lowest, 1 cau supply you With Lehigh Coal the kind. that produces 100 cents worth of heat ;for every dollars' worth you buy, . Let me cut your Hemlock Timber into the sizes you need for that new barn or any other work. The cost will be low. If your mow is empty let me sup- ply you until mowing time with Baled Hay' Give me an opportunity to prove my ability to make you a rperma- rent customer. John B. lvitl stard- Phone 11 on 145 BaffJOEFIELD 1.0.1•MMOIONOW - TIff CANADIAN BANK -OF COMMERCE: SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O., D.C.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager JOHN AIR, Asset Genctill Assiasse CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and -upwards. Careful attention is 'given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with- drawals to be made .by,any one of them or by the Survivor. 821 Seaforth Branch. W.,0. T. MQRSON - a Manager The Spring Styles We have the New Spring Saitingit for in all the popular weaves and shades, The - New Blues, Browns, Grey's and Checks are here far ycur inspection. We guarantee our Cloths and we guarantee our make. Your snit will always fit you and they always wear. •••••••••••••••••••: W. D. BRIGHT ,& Son SEAFORTH • • • Western Cattle Market • I Toronto The new City Abatoir will be ready for busiitess about July 1st 1914. I As usual stock will be fed at minimum • ; cost and every aecomodation accorded I Ship your cattle to the Western 41 Cattle market, Toronto. • 2426-7 • 40.44.4444, 4040•9***••••••••• ********************41444. OT COMF You can keep cool these hot days if you have a genuine Perfection Oil Stove to cook on, No danger from explos- ion, a child can operate Perfection. No Smoke, no smell. 200. in use in this vicinity sold in our three years of business, which is proof of their good working qualities. Let us send one to your home clin be delighted. RTS trial, we know you will Best assortment of Gasoline Stoves at Hammocks in town away below °1st $3.50 to $9 Lawnmowers, Plain bearing 3.00 to 7.00 Ball bearing....6.50 to 7.50 Crucible Steel blades guar- anteed to give satisfaction. One New Process gasoline range, regular $40 oe, now 28.50. One Detroit. Vapor Gasoline range, regular $2o.00, now $10.00. One Sun Gasoline range, reg- ular $20.00, now -$14.00. ,..***11444444414.4)4, The Big Hardware Store Henry Edge, Seaforth Agents for—Martin-Senour ioo per cent. Pure Paint, Perfection Frost Fence, jap-a-lac, Wood -lac, Galt Steel Shingles. PHONE 6x Public Notice. Mr. A. P. Joynt, Licensed anction- eer for the Couuty of Huron is now in a position to coppluct auction sales, satisfaction guaranteed, charges rea- sonable. For terms, ete. apply to Sea - forth P. 0, or phone 12 on 14-6. 9890-11 New. Doctors. Drs. George and. M.. E. Whiting Heiletnann, Osteopathic Physicians of Goderich. 6•411m1.•14144/Imee Specialists in women and childrens diseaees, acute,, chronic and nervous disorders, eye, ear, nose, and throat. consultation free Office at Hotel Seaforth. Fridays 8 to 6. 4S, Automobiles • Overhauled and repaired Automobile accessories, oils, gasoline, gas tanks, tires, carbide, always in stock. • Also washing automobiles., Lawn mowers sharpened Other machinery repairs on hand, SEAFORTH GARAGE •••••=neinICIPCIO !WARM & WIIGHT Wilson Block , Seaforth.