The Huron Expositor, 1914-06-12, Page 4=maw F 22, f 12- j-914 XPOS N JU ap am -on the-Oorner of Lot, 21i, illon �tow Of watbr I -16os at the f1mt: cp*b. of j est rme of� lfteterj who provi. 1� h Un y 'tha bw- 'ail bwr. of -ityphold --have :ocaured,. ephe uartere ot 7 fillant, otudbAts- V t e JUNE jihol& 60i� .*,hIeN St h, -1hree q mile o," Iver It 0 -during the opilng. 'Went of koter, 'known as "Pr Idencee this e4i� flid for f qWe -Rev. John Coburn, pajitor of. Zlo in the vll ov wa td f -A lit' eWated oai Goderich, fo rly, S, M T.. W� F D)orothy, and 'hire. rn r ar inattonw, for Zethodlot Church, Toronto, has. been . —1 r aght�r o withotobd the n thO, fourth 76 exam oderichA. . of neirik' three 'm6d seldeted by- the" Vdiperar.ce people. of Tancott, of paAse& away In ternpost anA stonris, Habb, -:A
West Simcoe to �ppose I -Ion, James A the, early, d of 'Young -womanhood) M of century, iwas reA�ced io eldest an f Aev. � .R. l9obb, formerly quarte puff, xinbater -6i Ariculture In. the on, $jturd�y ast. Ehie., had for votfte _qsbes, on,We4nesday of last -week. The 6f Exeter, was married, lu Gavenhurst, There is. ad style of foutwear so, coot and so corn- am,
6, Whitney .'Goviernmrrt.��, Coburn- � Is time been,, I 7. deelintAi health',, zind a. I fire woo. first notleea Aqut three o'clock to Ifts Lxor& 94Y Statfard.�—Ani=- fortable o o an a pair of Oxf-brds; 2 3 4 K� L ., - tive'and, a promin- term In the' Xuskoka� &h.1tarlurnfailed inthe' aftornooni but It had gilmyed. ber. of the 'business men bale )agreed the 9 I0 11 12 Iq l7 8 3� to' close their- places of business (At Pum ps or ColoAials. We're showing some very ar-, f7 18. 19 20 ent member of the Orange - Order. to wO4 off the Insidiou' ',her* isuoh headway tat not Ing could- be, 14 r5 x-6 u tistic slid very beautiful styles in this popular and nown troble,, tho. �%'Tew Imandula ,Sh� -to'-wLve.'the old'.14ndmark, evryl-Thuroday, d AngJuly —Rev. J. 0. Tolmle, A well k Vor done Ana 12.30 p.m Araf t.of th6 fashi' -2- 24 25 26- 27 predbyterian clergym - has aceepteA oe Tne4 to I -9,1nifit atreUth. hillt -'of 'w�od.-It furnished a)nd Ugust.D the first 21 22 1%
an e onable footwe I:bV --all. I ar. Choice and exclitsive crea 28 Z9 t 30 the Literal aorainatiot in, the ne,%vl roxV- -The. Pe count Inal, at it t -Committee, of the Loudo - as dainty and charming ast any woman can Y Col W or a hot 'blaze. How the tire 19tatibRing tions stitue Y of Windsor, V -alk I erville and meeting I week belded to build- k- originatid'.10 A Vaystery as there was ferencei -Rey. JS H-usworthy will Tan sire autiful bright. and- dufl� eath riT �c Ima NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, pa-mdwieh, as their .p naidite, at 'the new bridge on -the town -line kof Wal- no person livir4- tm the "hwise- at the, orne to �, InAt. chufrob. ihere� tRev. A
Ilace, and 0 ey to be known-.� As t4e :tlme.., It is thou9bt, hbwevbr,, that and �Rev. W. Suedes, Whi ap chi�ag - ProvindlaT. eldctl6A. . r. ito Grand. B6nd$- Satins, Velvets, White Canvas apd it E. cook, pro& fig.ift between the parentheis aile -has rcslg t r up.. ton,. eVery new Pastorate aftd. Stewa�rtjbr ge.; Anatker betwee'4. Wal- iw4s Vf Incendiary origin, as S4 eidi to (Gran Nub very �cdrkect toe sbape and The t fi fok� Ito as A I \'C #3pp- had been -seeft U&vlfig the bullft# a we's a IL013 Vol ned h�� Zht lace, and tl: X known n every shoe of after each ad. denott the Me -of, the� �& salary of $8000 'Y O i 0 het).. Thi gsrice ra and M. bell bridge e paper: on which the Ad:veitism6nt is the Banigh thO I -96,, a %neN Fhort time, 6ef4re. the fire, ;w6s dis- Brucefteld 8 ect t' 1 of our leaders L twe0, covered._Th� lace `Wag� o d ' al value.' o e a ew- pLdies 'the town ii b to, by A6 ound —Laat week carload of t1ack On ge d t at Bre- ships of --W - ace and t t I I
e-trackf,4 W colt button 0�f�kctq he season's ewest �isilver toxes were sid Wm. Sinaers of the -ad olning la our nter_. Pa On rM Noteg.—Mr. John 0 Tstewarb Bro!f. —4 -nburg, $wk., aalting a permit-7from � —One of he timbers of the Mvld�on ;north, I �par 50� 3o 50 d 'Pall men's r�lrnishlnl de tially rovered pristar mill Is In $3 and $ Vt - Ladies-,,, patent colt 8 covered aking busin,ess f4 Drymoods 061-4 the Manitoba government i to C Y lhetn bridge.,Int rey TdwUship,, 4crossIng the by InOuance; h. arour w,Wx- Colonial umps, Ainiesfon-e Dr C.Ofo a palir er V _kd the railway yard p e Th� c6nZIgUMel1t river on th 12tb ton6essloh, was dia-, —The GoderIch eounell indicated its gust&rd tai ored bo,%, thro'1'gh - thal Lp�ov'AC �- rs, fo-r $2.- and rartoodmi Stos-U. a business pupher.—The 1 , I.. I Ladios'patent colt pumps, separate Strap,, Hot weatner Fbotwear-w--W. covered on fire a short time, ao, -Uut regard to matters'pertain- PI was shipped from %Edffionton to Prinet, luckeramNd Cotaiell -are gradlAr the for $2.2i Aallway TO LAM TOW -11. 1100:ott--9 Edwa, A time' .,and a pair - Ladies patent colt P -11M. PSI low beels., imilored bows,
Teftdere. d Inland, where. they are 901119, - was- discov put oJkt -tug oi the Ontario West"Shore road betw4en Brucefleld, and r rI amage wa's the, -other. h4,hit, When offer- , weA ville- gx.,3ameo tbe� and $2. 5Q'a pair; Ladies! �bladk satin pumps;) boxbowsl- Tile._Wnt. §proat-8 fox farar. The carload 1-5 before 'any Be ous. d fdr $2.5.0 a pair to stock 8,, Bitulab, the.lfxr�S -hood worth -In itheL nalghbor The cause f the fire is ged to received from gc4aulgarr and Cadvam, of engine and,� M. Alex., Thompwnt the Ladies bkck velvet PS-- gun metal buckles, for $2. 56-a Pair'; -Ladleg' Pum the most valuable shipme1ii of have bo'n he lighted' Otub of i clirar Tbrontoi the uncomplelle'a grader. -:4(r. Alex. Ross and 41fe, of -two strap s�lip -o A pair ; lid- Farmers -A. X� CAM00118 nd, is to take over Patent Wk -soles, for $2,5 t �.25 ors. turn busters -m. Broderlok-4 live foxes Tecordo- a cZJrgax_p te thrown, carelessly A*aY. 6aA ajitl ut it u4n,ing*,Phipe. In- Cargill" ate . visiting -friends -. here: 'Afr. its' white, canvas pumps, .Separate sfraps; covered beels for. 25 pair 8 --Marshal Ca,rder, or thirtY-five littli child,,_ John 191116r, son of" rjte&dL of conaidering/thz offer, ness -fasr Ilk I D the Ross was In the hardware t;usl ])Mtn 03ntract6l U fdli 5 Ift. and -( Win. Miller, Wroketer, council resolved to contfae to pr but' has lately" sold f covered beelfl for 1.25 and x.Se years, Grand iRecorder df t�e Ancleat. ew Ladis' white canvas two strap PUMPS1,
ass our l Tember Wanted --4. V . Ham, 00-5 or( or.. ilon 'r ot di d S&t- died a t th f X Win. Un ted WorkmM'\l Preck- the, aju thorftieg�to job te j, the Contr L of a pair. . S ecial values, in misses and children�i umand ;slippers, in WSW W UOY eS' 09a -P Teseher Wiknted-i w. soott-s' i- last week. The the promoter of the road, Untod Church, "are as fdllow,%: Messrs.. patent . add kid leathers and white 'canvas. Baretoot. sandal�, all sies Wettrn C*ttla Markt-4 ift Toronto,- -atter an3 elected 1by
enrldge,. In ]nIghan, Book stora months, aged lxty�., ve year k. child was. t iree years. and twent y4-,h"e riaton of three anil proscute,him'for misgppr D.R. Higgins,.Hugh AlkenheaA, aine ftmon&1116 oruletery-8 Otter4- eel t in stock, 85� to 1, 25 2. pair, r, was IN- 4, da's �14, -4 d.1u4-been Ili with Whpp- of fund. ,T,Ne letter re ved from he' rtp for Wer-4ohn Gemmill-8 Tine, late Mrj Oarde y Uoody and'Jarnes .- MeDlarmid.-Mr. lqoa
Mont' to Loin�X ok villel Oxfor,&. county, and- bagan his Ing funeral, to Vlac6d to Tor6tkto firm. suggested, that.-Ithe''ba Petree, had sold. his farm, oTf tU3 -In' �PL�
'IF* "or atery oA ay - .-I - Found- -with -the Canada SOUL e� Blueva' 0 given the Cont.ract to e itor career Ial - -kipos 0 42 - 80 t&irn 1 tb e.t omplete the ioad e cement cont"Ot-5 e "4i ternoon. Mu mumlelPal- village, to 'Ur. Henry Horton, of ffluck�- e.ver
wak Londion Road, Stahl Y, South of this
Hot Snhleet--G. A. -Sfl1&-S 'Way at at_ Thomas. ympiifty is extended and -that the town an4 oUlipr !,r6. vartuere--james Peattle-8 very,hiThly, esteemed. Ile was anielnb0r. to the ber(aval paro09. Klee Ufterested should-patition the Gov� cromith..The farm contains 100 acres (lament Work -D. F. XeGregor-5 Muretu and iseverai*fta�- *-Postmaster �,Ud .-Mrs. Fisher, Ifit ernment -for a subsidy �of $6 400 a '*Uh -bls
of the 330,Pt mile- and 'the price paid is #10Q0. vIt Is V; W L 11 �
ternal so6letles- ingh-am; elebrat6d'their goldeft-W64-' for he' work. This, b'o'wever, was be� -fine farr� and 'Mr, Horton 'is to 'be wind otorniQwhioll visited dir r home In. tbwt itbwn. on lieved -Ao be unwise -ln� - vltw of the congrabolated. on Mai purchase. It Is oe mam
--Durtng a g at ttiel tloydminister distfic, r.9 e a tendency to Ioald he ha bmight It for Ns sdb� oon ay Ma�y 24th. Mr. and L M Fisher Were fact thal It inighti hav' unknown cause, married In 0-delph, on 'AW 240i, 1984i make th&ealre to tipprohend `MGY6 leils _;hass je�m Must fir started from an ki n N.; to keen. A, resoiu tion, as ol s, ard, of Broo cqmpletl low wag Y,, I laiting at her; bode -,tn Stanle Y y _4esti�Yed the, home oishor being the first bride �5EA PFOR71 les arrive In Winkharn, ancl the$'thiave been! th 11a;rwice, & fArme town r. living teft' *mI en paAs6d. "That the -1dr. JameA L Gemmill �hajs bought th�6 J50 %EkFORTH, F41DkY, sou�th. �, The f arilily had JUSt finished continuous.reldents f that - :[dW1,4 r laistructedlo -ask it -he attor- TELEPRONA A -I-- OPPOSITE 00-NMROI-AL HUL e Win of Ur. 11. Carter t1n 'Duck, -Fisher Iiiwingbeen post- jae y _g en the fire broke. out. WhW9 e 6 since, Mr. ------ dinner 1wh Ver eneal's department Ito proceed In ei%Mlt�i Whlbt adjoins his wn iar. - 0 -naster for nignY 'years. . I J Ing � to the. balra Harwicke aw the i go in a few. _4tr. T. W. &ott, who has- been The price.-wa&w�er three 6.1iogandk&L Tha Domnon Parlitament flamez from a lewito, and.wIth these assosleted7*th. b1m. In be mis- laTs -The- sacrament of the Lord7s I -The curta n a� sed the ,destruablon iegident. of BlYth, for 25, years -prigtioniot fundA entrusted to him Supper will be dispdnsed In- the jPres- owe time nd while i them ly �,
In;, will be ru 9 down ,at Minutes the Sae e u Ole r first appro day last, for a trl� to thelf native ton for ig llf.w&s, o being �ngajed In'the furnitlure�lbuslneiss for the building of the Ontario West k, returned home farn aa 'Rentlay, Ottawa, this *eek. The warm weabhL. of the house. The hIng. . byterlan chureli oiatSabbath next. Rev. honie,-ln Ireland. -Our Council bave tooksle re, saving not afterwards - In the grocery usiness. Sho,e' Electric Railway." out as tbeY W. I - Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth iWill preach fillid In the deep ditch, oppoite, the night feeling better,�--The bowlers have or is drfving the politicians out of Lhe to rulb d - ted severItY family left for London OP and aiamzh cyclone of unprece eu, with � his f the t)reparatory sermon,. on rIday, Post :Qff lee, alony the front of the I;te now vot istartea puying jWld I" Capital City, It is expected- proro,.1,ai- wd miles Wednesday last where he as 1prchap, Cie �oaased over,a.district. Abqut which Was not the green1-10 not In as !good .shape-ts Tu raMith OMW- when four elders �dli O)e ordained, Mrs. LaIg.: cottae, 'Woodstock, on Sunday after- ed a: residence Quite a nurper were -:a -
former -years, i toZay,.Frlday�-The . iorth of Messrs. Jagies goodie, 'James McDer-i omly an eye sore In the Centre of fir In they are still =4- ulace tion will ti*k+ ebultlTo all at the staion kt* bid them success in --A-3uneWeddlig.-An Interesting tev- ,an pos- n. the dea�h of �a 0 C Rorthera (Bill has- been pass�- noon, r thle 6nt took place)%4 [the born mid, B- R HWstns and Rugh Alken,' 4fain Street, but was ltlsoa source of. Ing ' onsidericble enjanfaiti d C de0tructlon 01.11eir- new home. Before leaving e wf Mr. f6nd A.� V. Ketchen of Goderic danger.-Xr. Rora- Geiger returned Te- isibly the reen may Improve air itht and womaxi anLd the ate and the, Farmers id ed by, the Ae�n eever'h when. t Frank 13ainton thou.891' many friends of Miss Doris- cott pre-- Mrs. Thomal tbleman, heir 10 visiting ly, from a trily pe,r�y vamed at a' -the home� of ,Mr. John cent -to Lhe west.��O*i. ftason advauOes _U
t mo_
)r6 Birt, tea"her with an -address and Youngest daughter, E i a Agnes a7rd bill has been glvan the six dojlars�- The dead are: �homa sen rnm Ketchen -,In Stanley. -The congregation Ing ba. the absence of- the ��astd t6 hao been appointed, deputy returblAv 13 ]hol_cLt by a, mixed vote Politically. The le -y, a farmr, aged 84, dnd q11% wife, beautiful cameo rin.g. r. Cecil M. Oke," of M6killop, (were of thd'iate John Ross beld tgervIce, on, Rev. Mr. Hicks, iwho, was 4ttending'tbe off feet or No. 2 divislon 17th, vina pletlY 1de,- n Saturday afternoo,.Jobn' Lind- married by 'Rev. J. Wigo, in the pre� -ed,to -pass bel. Ir home was com 0 of Conferelica in Sarla� bill isxpect age& 65.4� The Iompany. The kbrIde Sabbath. last. Rev.' 11b. "McDonald the' -evening aer� Mr. Joseph $tothers f. or 'Alo. 1 for the and nothing rerr&las of. t,say, a farmer residing 0Ar ClIntoai, Relice of a� large C j. W. OrtvLreln Corning election.:-mr. V tirnates ha,va slL niollshA, and about fifty ea�rs, of age, was help., was given,away by her father, t*Ule Scotlan:4 conducted he seridee.s.-Hrs. vice was taken by -qr: bL ered timbers -in making quite n improvein�%t t fore the,close.' The oi, il, guestiof 'her and Mr. Charles Redni6nd' nd the .6u t a v e of splint GrahaW of Clinton In the oshingle % b played,. -by tthe nd there, does not eeen' wreckage Is strevo Ing his so, John, to an. the wedding marelf was e service, house. WhIch! -he recentl. punhased -on been oted a brick -a. The' broth - r Ur B.' R., Higgins. -Mr. Nat- choir gave - a. very fine - sonc ds* The Bartz. "WhIle he -was, at :his work. he slipped lbride's Aunt, 10% Francis Colemaay.,Tbe an, area,'�,of over a erfield, vvbo recently, came from Ire- as wells th,�*, King streAt -by raising the oa-Kry qU9
Ilig to prevent prorogatiW- d which waA mudb] enjoyed to be anYth :garden -in the 'and ell. I h a e icaught bold bride looke charming- igowned 4n white &ted in the land, iias moved into our vilAage.-B. services thro�jghout.-Nrr. William J, Williani Belk waxklu London 'last ,week les were Ise -rear of the - houe and *11k 13rocha trimmed with to,4day, were 11diled by of die eavestroug, which broke.throw- lace and R. Higging 113 in 13amilton visiting itchell,, Manager of a large Lumber ae 9 xicelve is orders tdr ein bier arls. - After the ceremony and con). from the h ou s e . 'The' dam age Ing him -to the ground,,25 eet.below. !pe, t� VogrevIlle Alberta priesthood. 10 bas bem'.. a verY hawl
The Farmer& "auk niece, 'Mrs. Jo&1ph Ordy, who is the -the debrfi& 1. 2�. �Qompany, a 9 taadhis of ta MRS 14e.was plckd�up by hlml�son.,On . ex- over, the company . sat' ithill *
�exp�cted, tnb was'ail,done, w -91�slonary, Worers- The Kel home after an absi�nce of 'some 16 'years occessful student (and ma doubt will wn to. tables laden with lbxarle�. generally' iamin&tion it was found ino bone8were 'do As -%Vaa very' -a good priest. cle of the 116me-1(iBsionary Soclety;,mct, 'attending the fune-ral-of bls'7 labfe ow. be broken, but tLe was badly�. bruised and The bride and left that evenh passed by the House of kCd1nM0M,$ _ V. on Friday, Iket. e me M Huron-ftot4s- Th I eting was ak,' other-, M�s. Win. �Mltchel� and jpend--e be laid up for'some tirne. for their home 61, the groomlo the depositors Will -,fine Ottawa, to reimbursa er 6f Winghg-ra the prmident, 'Mrs. W." F. Me- �;ing a fewLweeks With hisqelatives And ' dell
at -A 9 rm north of -Seaforth. Guests were Ur Richard PrOct solernnAnd Irr.p)ressiye* s le, fa who igae a very -interest ho ire pleased to --meet -�blrn thi
preseat from Blyth, Harlock Clinton!,, 11W friends; w in the defunct Varmir's B&oakl has bem ppint-ed Returning r, Icevv I thoiic� h has been 2 conducted, in, the 'Roman. Cal e1i on Xotes.-The young 1*,opld- lection. -addrew ork lagain. � HIS slsterj� Mrs. ia the missionary cony U PL rt, of &natel. -kk`M'QtI0n f North Uuron for thecomlage -1ch Avill. ],old Ail disapproved of iv*,,,�he or n last weeX . Y Exet4r, tensall, Zr , Varna, Sea. vicinity old tIme(lAante to as, been AP- cawe Thomas' Siothers h she attended, In. Torotito. The stIVS Omemee, Dakota., j�i -Also home. She y,Senator Power, of X -ova, ccotlw, Ifor made Rev.- Blehop Fallon, of tondon, assist-% orth iiid dralid Bend. The nny es Which were distributed some to attend he filheral wid remain for Bayfield- on T$ursday next, June Is. Ing b lqannon� - of penut poatmiw-ter -at Du ed by Rev. Fathe�r Hoga, of Clinton, friends f the Young epuple jbin JA cr the six months 'hoist Was 6arried pn poInted to amist In -iniolon work a- time with- -her relatives.: Anvone wljihb*- to Join. the (Yw,,d-,, by' the&eath of t1he late i. 'K. and his tbrotheir, Mev. Father James wishing. "Mr. arid. Mrs. 'Oke ho�ppl4le time ago Ixed vacent id having mol conveyance, ishould in the Weht have' all been givehl ti6 fore.
-vote ot 92 to 25. ilt was A In of Luca)i,- And Rev. Father and Vrosperity In. their fu Roberts. Hogh4l tare home.. amounting f to something over �Cweaity leave wotd with Mr.. -Detwelle4 before voto for 4 e f Wtngharni lhae *Uves In
vote. �Iourte Lierals. bh Xount -Carmel, when the 'Mr. Amos Toww-: dolla;rs. The Cirtae wishes to t"-Ik strat
-The OddfeUowa 0 Forster of -Weet End Notes.- M-yth Tuesdai evening, zd he ill Arrurts'o
the Grand 'coxifirmed inti 'Blyth, 'n abi th o with following were- Be -lid Is busy remodeling his house'at 'Accidetg.-Ur P. Healey had his -to have sufficle t -c
bill an# Eleven Conservatives voted &q�- made arrangements for' e cr wd
excur0l6n to Sarnia. all th outside the, socle �y the
one dy twolLiber&�'� Trunk to run an Vhr6h- Miases.J�Aoretta, ,McCaugbrey,�. present,�*. and Mrs. 'Wm., Pepper, of Chld'ien Who Be, wliln-gly helped in) tes�m_ hitched at 11he elftvator on'JOn- to leave thevilLave, on, Thutgdaj. JUMM,_ 11liqt the bill and tweu rdaY, August .841. ftus
6- aA Detroit, on Nat tA=1e :Kelly, Simon Hallaba=, :William: 1bfItche%` �tnd Mrs.1Aberhear t, of HamIt- For theteake of the unfortunate- ron PresbYtery- this work. Thd-hext meeflng"will .�w� day, - when thdy. got seared And �, ran, Ing at sev�n. o'clock. 'Those, who, �. are W 'e 'rea- -At:'& meeting of ]EI -i - Phelan, Dan XeCaughrey Louls Joseph -ton, spent the week end at the 'horAe taken by lfrs.(R down. the - Gramd Tunk. arranging1or this picnic are . oing are sorry for th u C. Ilarperi (D. D., Leo Cronyn. -of tb v.) Woods, when It Is ,away. TheY.'ran on Manday, Rev. 9 and Roland eir brother, Mr. � Roger Pepper.-, a,c, we was the ,bill. been defeated by' Ltbe�. hoped all fhe members will be Vresent. right of , way and In their ktrip cok.� ev6rythlag 11i their Power to make . 1-a ot 6 almers Church;, London,. waS fie- by conser Ch -Dri Kidd, of Atwood, wedicalhealth A � humber from this insteaA of vatlie votes �T -% --b aking a �Jccessfal outIng aall Ail, YQUT�&! pastor for'Willts PkesbYter- vicinity 11' JRTA Our socip.-tyf has . een organized forAvi lided with s telegraph o1Q. re what howl would -have gameaded. �to -lected as officer, -of Elma, !had Jiis. WItchell, 4tW taking In the Gre hou-nd excurplon.- ee. 'it off. They also damaged the i)1;Lr.1. a N % � - Concession of. Ej�;_a, summoned.before $,fr. alld Mrs. Y other year, and *hfie much bas tb- nd old,,will, be elcome teAcombalon* h, hurc A. - Elcoat, att=6 -hor� and enjoy a d !r. at ake Hurolf.—k he 14eavrena by Ontario Cm-serv&tive i"L' C on county rifid trat6 Terhune, on Friday d ,te accoraplished In the',past year, we�ho* 0eas very- badly, but luck'Jy he, a -The annual Hur, politicians and Conservative 'Journas. Police Magis wedding of their nephew, at,C0`*ta0Ce' -for ---tUl more In 'the future. -Mr. L. pes were 'not Bell, rom tho part were at � Lon- ton spent -he' bI at point -Farm. week. -for t not reporting a case on Tuesday I , Injured. -Mr W. number t rer,. they are as mu te, �&4 to. rnaent. will V� held . Middle Now howei ii th. Prizes Mustard Is visiting at the home of who clarries the rural mail th-Toagh don on jkroday� to t -g 1cireve - enUS ��11 his near GOderlcb,- on Junte7 of measles. The ease was dismissed, Dr. Ounda with' -Miss Y _ Hatle Turner.-Thb Mr, and MIrs."Thomas wri7n� r Mls� Maggle 3,14Rwen. 14ullett, had 'ihe misfortune- to have are -qVIe* of the staem than usual and the, Kidd Paying the costs. i.-The,'doctor at- his h6r�_- rua y on Tuesday, sma,_i4 re whml
we publish In .another axe* more numerous many friends of Mrs. Herbert. Crich eelving -the :c6figrat lationa -of -the.
ispeech . whIcE promise to be greater than tlas 4' law& u j,po. bad a hurze- �ummofid for nursin[g, will be pleased, to know' that Ing the 'buggy and harneqs.-Mr. Johin community, as a ",ing son. hascome uth entries Column, the eateeiw3d mer-ber for 30 sper a case of measle -a Aving- with t -er e-3 Ind le Ou recoverIg from her illness. Huron should hereafter give US S6mers, while fixingsome barbed wire to thetv up the 1110111e-�-UASOZ:, J�ihn 7- I -Th� new enclosed shed �at Trl j,a -edlbg Health Officer's Certificate. Briefs. -The Ladies Atd, of Carmel fe�ncing on his f arm, had - the inisfor, Deliz and. 'W911am Cd tb Liberall side. per are 18 e on t4 )=d influene Beigrave, is tp I �50 by 01 fee.. The case wa,s w1jh4ravni, the nurse, to
Presbyterian Curch Intend. hl Wrch waltoli tune to Iffet 1& hand(baAly keuti, week at Goderichu performing their th There Will be a cerment:wall, 1--fePt aying the costs.; eir -annual iutrawberr�'f estival, nifte
Churelt'Union -What so rare as a day *a censitating . the doctor dtessing It Vey, I
ndatioll and a ,ghttle roof' Notes. uty as- jurymen. -Mr. ,win. Har to "Th Chu reb, groundson the af ternbah and Brlefs.---tThe -campsagn in - North the east of -!jmur- -village, ha expeylent- Butter
high as f OU� ornas. J. Hesilon, EL well know n will be put on. 'The cost will be Ident, of Clinton, died at his h6me Ing of Thuisdiiy, 'June 25th. -Ur Tbe questloR of the unlo-n of �Zltlie $800. UAe, then if ever 'come perfect 41ays e of Mor- res their heaven tileA ear"M If ib be Wvne, eyen 'Huron for the Legislature is no* Iget- ced. rather hard luck. During the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congreg- 'r, 5th lin on '14-,i on ptreet- on Sunday 'evening- do W. E, Hoggarth of, oui village, #0 in tins hot and4be Liberal calitlidae,thrx. two weeks he lost a fine co*, 4e*14
9x. George MIIIP- r. ah ver -rot- ches, which has been before It softly her. warh ear llayz.,;- we ational Chur rL4, lyut 127 eggs in',a 13'P-erless In last. Hie was s,irrounded by his. wife ode6eh, Ibla ek attending as ong QeorgeAnderson, was here Friday ev.; four ptm- land to cap it all, -two of thase dburchas for ieVm bator this spring, and seeijred*99 live. The warm weaher and Me re he courts and: children, tthe'later baving, iieeN fr�shlng of the- Teachers, examining Committ'e. ening.and Sat-urday. He to working tireys. 'West Margaret ellis, �, f rain ha've, -made the cro era. years,,was 'fought over once kagaln chicks. Ninteen of the egg!� were not abowers. o oumi�one4 to his beds�de severa days .-We believe that Mr. Jamilis 1-1. �,Roos, hard for ledtfan. The f Irst mdetin th ino th wl - u h ee ears %v Is n nds p b r beach- the me�tlng of 'the . GeneraJ A* fertile. This is a. ood record t was 1�nown that the look the most promising formany years. who resides a . couple 6f . -in les st before,,When I I :f r:om of the campaign held Ili -ere - on Ing in the one -school at jVlenna, :,I&% I an Chur6h at mbly if the Presbyteri y line. -as,ed was bon -The Davidson-B,�-nnett'weddttrgpa.,ss. hexe 6n the third concession' of ,Hay, Thumday � night, when Ur. Musgrove, accepted a. edhoq�at St. Thomas, Auitaes the po-Ultr �meaj end waaknear The dece
f the Orang asantlY la�#_Wednesday. A)j4 1k, this week- The Keithod'sCp mee in Dublin, Itbland, In. 1840, but came has recently tvrcbaaed a new'RutO' As tl�e . ConservatlTe candidate and Dr. to commence after the holidays. T)w woaat6c -At a -ting .0 id off (pie a congregaioallst's have alieady of .gou th Huron -held at Clinton . an out eighty guests -were present, f 'to ISO Jan to Canada,'at Atfi� age of lk'and -bas rOm has ��lso 'Mr. 'William -JArrott, of near Adaklln-, the Conservatlyi candidate for "Iajrs will be $600. -Xiss Mellis 'ha4 1given their ar,$ent to 'bh! 'un'ton. tT�Oe Ti�esday, a-whicli County ,Magter J. resided hi. this vicinity far and near. -The presenO. oy Hills Green. -Mr, D. 'Grassick is Iri centre Huron, will add tentis b1i
lcklug body Is the Presbyterlam;2 -k ver since and beautifuL BeEt 'wishes accompany ress the ele�t. not applied , f6r this school,. but - IP4 at Kenny, of MCKIllop, presided, - It, wais is �sllrvlveA Py his widow and six-�of Toronto, visiting her daluhter, ' iss Y at body have re- the 'these young 1 003, on (the qestions of the k4jay. BoW was'through the request of her lr�, large maority of th unanimously a -greed to celebrate people, -'Mr. RobertDav family Jban imdfrleidds' I- the CRY-e�X[05 candidates. seem to feel sure of wlect- spector to .,t-ake &.tatter' position ithat vIsItIng Ills Imany oderich, son, of oronto, Is
eatedly, xiven their voice in favor f Twelf th of July at G ;.-Mr. Rob,-Tt 'Fisher, of r-Unton', a. Marg. Drysdale ha,% ret-irned- fj�qm as- lon.-Mrs. H. A.Moinas, who 'has been she makes the &Nn;e. This s*ak4 Weil Iaad frIends. here. -pion, .but there has 9,1ways. been _On Monday tlast, Ju 1�e He 'expects to. take m 1�rlP` 7katcheviau, where shle spent the pasU at Weston for sonie� tlMe for her beal f or the ability If 'Miss Melds aA -a U phort time kago, purchased 'a nice driv- Out West tb�la ptill is very considerable majority 2.took :pLace In the time of he year. -Duff 'a ieshyter, two,* ye1rs with relative;§ and friends. rirrlv�L;d home Ilast Week. She, stood ithe 'teacher.. Thie Is, the way With ail change ing.colt frofn 16. CrIch, ofuickersmith, determinedly OPPOged- to it. Ur Is with C. P, R. train arrivals, at Fordwich. 1ali Chijrch, Walton, celebrate their, of Hb6' 12 t012 ts.1
and has beefi trying to break it ilt- - -The Union Cemeter, e E01, is' journe well and aems, -to be, hoidlAw our Kippen - yoiih:j ladies - who get gaope of overcoming this, mintorItY th The I no,on ktran arIves AoW at 12.'O' Jubilee this month. Y b6ing beautified by! a nu tat 1_2
to harness. On 'Monday evening of last On Sunday, June r Inbek M6 beri.own.-The bottest Owther we . have out Into the wo#ld. They I will ianddo th C 14th the Jubilee Convention w114 �be- fti6ld 'Ung in flowers. an thleir plots, �while h e delay in taking, final actiOO khas ol lock, he ELfternoon train at, 4.�53 -and we ad this 'year was this week, Lwben come o. the top.-Mrsz HIn6hley of ek, he rpve it .,aboi t in 4arntss a at 1� a.m.f t' Whfch all f ed.- But he time Seem's a ormer membpro occur the night train at; 9.40 O'clock. bit and then.1hoaght he -would try It are keepini the �graas the Therin he care takers A ometer reslatered 87 In. 10he Strathroy Is visiting with -her wigh- ed when thp - holpe of 'reconellWu W. R. Lou.,gh, who for nealY ai -4re cordially Invited to. be present. _nicely cut." Mrs. Aberhaxt 'of. Hamllt6n 21
larriv hitched. up shade, makinglt very. ppressive tq%do ter _X[ra. R6.yuolds.-Mr. Robertson, ot ablei, has. been aandoned the.cart....-The anim Sunday June 21st, R Laird nelpal ev. Robert *'he Goisheix Une, 18tanley, toducted -WYe the irrecontdl -a quarter of ao,centurY, was I)rl didn't approve, howevet, .and, when com- to vieffing her rother, Xr. Thomas any work.-Confirrhation, Was me is f ast approaching kwhed le school. In Clinton, 'died. Ing n ton e *nealy p- M, A., of Toronto,' late prof easor observed land the ti rd of the kpubl t1he Base� Lin Pepper �Urs G. F. Soott. of BeaclivIlle, th the 0atholle Church, last Thursday, -services in the Methodist church here the'majorltY will hae to go 117wal -suddenly, ht the home of this dau.-h-ter, poolte-Ur J. Cornish's It reated and University, WK 10� isiiing her sister, 8-ithera Bleb F4110n, of L lid s t d b 11 bath, th lh� .at-� tuoted a
I- and d f7v 0 as IS e Y ast.Sab e pastior being &in. .:an OP on -he Conference meetWi in ekward.broke.-its neck. 4and.-Bowlidg and Baseball, are now the incumbent Rev. Father Hogan, aaid tndance t ft *t 11
Irrespective of the course or- action lof Mrs. W. q. Balrd, on Vancouver B.. C., prt acb at '11 17�pm., S,ur.dsy, J 'the minority. e 'has beeil !has- Che
This, tim on Sunday tof -last i week. Wilbur S. youn t isonof William une 28tb. Rev. M'. Craustonli th Of his brother Rev.' Father -Jus. Hogan, kof W41i4a, Mr. Robertson Is -a yvu* PS e prevailing sports. -The tueral Che
naural fe4t,lossziess'af Itened. by the -In the supplementary `6stlmaXes laid of'Palmeriston, a former minister,,wilt o` of &t i -be e and' Mrs. Armstron;.Pth e ne preach.- The. congregation will lioid their. the late -Mrs. -Win. -Mitchel.1, on,'Monn Lucan, and Rev. Father oster, - oj� a of igood ability and earnwtne�ps, the other ne.-gottatIng'bodles :before Parliament ast week, the um Grey,. �assed away �at . the hos5itat -,In
day afternobn last, In the 'Methodist Mount Carm'el, performing the cere-- and Will iet be heard from.-The.Zah- itancylof 'the Fre.sbYterlamo- Jay and hes of- $2,000 is set side for Mrs. Ssall Jubilee garden party on the - manige drew*g, Clinton o1 Friday of last week,. a.V,- law an church was,quite largely attended, it!fie many. The.follow-Ing were c=flrmed- bath school - ebildren of 8t. - An cent mee4,R.g of the- Tuesday evening, June SOth.
At the r8 Tye of ,doder10, widow of -the late out 11 o'clock. For:6 week hb hadriot n r�emains were ifiteired- in the XeTa;91- Loretta Me0wighey, church, tegethler wlth he ir yjqnbly. the CommItfee. ka-ving in charge, -clerk A, fine supper and an excellent �prograrh nnie Aallaha teachers W. D. Tye, formerly a railway been feeling as well as usual so on gart cemetery. The farrilly f the de- Muie* Kell 1hney 1(
reported recom- o by_th� Seaforth brasis band and'James he unlor�!negotlatlara,' in London Aivision, Wh as killed in Y i A*M Healy, Kel- Ond, a of thelvpar Wednesday a physiclan' was consulted ceased have the isympath of thg icorn- .1y, ffelilb H-ailab&u, W.* Ke4, W - a -very, jileageht af ternoon IP. Mr. 1. m ending 1 certaIn arrendaments to. the, a railway wreck on the rand TF-vik Fa:i bf'Torontcy, Canadk's best �cfiter_ ity In their ayement. We ha-ve. Phelan, 49knon H041han, Leo Cron,yn' Jarrottlls; -on Saturday afternooA who diagnosed, the trouble s 4 ap'- mun bere 14.1ner, ass sted 'by good I* an -Interesttrro� obituary notice of this Dan- NrcCaughey 1*1
I ocal t
ac- Th All are bivited and will be.�Welcomd to Lewis, Jose and IqAt. e lit -tie folks .-enjoyed hn& �filon, that the Meh0dist twnd in FebruaiY 1911. pendields. The 'next &y' Wllbu'�
-Congregationallst bodie.- be involved to -The - adj�'jined sitting of -the Court -ph
these amndemeni-63 companled by his tther and Mother, v�orthy lady,, w*hlth we shall prablish Norman* Roland.' -A number from )wre selves to -thefii%bearta con-4ent in j p�nslder �rlth them' of Revision for Wingham, held on our Aubtlee services. -Rev, Mr, E g;arnex Jor dozo
was taen 'to ClInton,An an. auto and next week. -M. -George con,- autodd -to �tbO circus 4. Lo6don %pK all kindo of a-museine its autil ea and if fagreed upon he a m ended basL - Friday evening'ot last week, and after Although munds- Is another fleid of jnitted forthe vote of the PreA- waa -Auccessfully',operated on, istantly lm�provlrbg the propert-y he pur- Stratford this week. --The girdlen was ca3le(l, when: all sat down to be; sub further consideraion on ..,the que�stion year r' -so age, k( chased some� -year o A -the, tr held by. the.Women Jnst11AXt.e lAf. daintl sprejLd ,and bountifully provid- or so to' U well earned rest.-m.-Igis. Gar� Bernard Thomson ca -and 'will have Mr. RVIssell Richmond, T*Maront
1> te�ries. and througli them Ito the an- the appendix had suffered' a rupturci� labr. Ile. expects to retire in 2. P&T
y of te assessment on the dif fdret beforearrival. Heart'weakneas; wPA In din6r Is improving fte'ard tate, 8 In Morris, last ed tableg In true pic-nic ;StyleTrovided -car I lots
-yotea tolbe reported g a- decided on a -general red-jetion wkich 0 ning� was well attendd. A by the ladlea for the occasion, t Is r -&-fty (as above stated. - own dro*ve but ;amd needless to say the good things VXre faced youtbi soon to Ve ab ut'agAln.-Mr. 'wid Mrs. Todd -and 'Mloolb[cGregor were. recently !great many from t dividual, 'memb --0te, the hotel vidence and this It soon In very- fine ishape.-K& G. Friday eve
ers for their T 't PrGperities in th e town,. - Ube Court. e
the kmeetin, if the se passed' 14 1915 and a ounts. to practle Ily 40 per cent. tea of Edmonton are sojo
the -A0sefnb1v a urhing with lajrity that itho uiet,-,Wedding took 'Diace at the visited by relatives from Goderich.- if It 'bad not been for ktb� Ikeavy, taLl ..,duly appreciaed by the hungry littlel is approved by a Ir -The now �cement Onclosed -qhed to home of he Aide's mother. In Clinton' us for the oummer. - Duff's; Sulay 'Mrs. hortt of Woodstock,, has beetrilatorm many more w evicar
union be M once, proceeded with. - a(*cra&e roll -patty ould have -been folks and id1sappeared with amast6y be built ta the. Presbyterian churdbl, an Wednesday afternoon Iist, rhe� r-0460' wil h01A. hei'lather, Mr. James -Johns- I there. violting A pl6aegnt time was speAt. by -rapidity-1 After is p'per _a, isocial hour There wag Y from i. , minorit !report -IMULl- thfiss Orpha on Tuesday aftern-oon, June 16th.-Odi -youngest on aii& sisters, the JE94 css_ Ethel, 54 by 120 fee7t wltb: _tmlly Pickett, es ohnstM. those who got'Ahere early. The Aubun wax. ;�elni wh - u .1dvised ithe., lie roof and will cost en the settjb�g opw Ap4 thIs committee whidV about $1400 In daughter of 41r. J6bri-Fickett, b4ame- te�cher and pupils are working hiLrd �e
Apno havig for- onie time �4" ation of all. negotiat addition to free labor hauling gravel, the bride of . h . fr. Robeft Percival, f or the Oxamin&tlons. The Nbot -The onion crop, in common with all baiid furnished excellent mu -sic. -Quite; rlsed all that going h' Itheir object thO nion. e- Other Crops, 1-9 looking very 'promising' %a number from here Intend.taking jln� arrivediand all disperse, good and of he .%Prel-;L- weather, makes tryVig.-Mm John iteea bar -
etc. The trech Abas 'been dug lor ny, was,� ',the moonlight -excursion 0a -the. lake tired lyjt happ.-.Grea-t growth -Is Michael, of Mckillop. The ceremo the o;ther de- complain.
on the 'wbole,� althonh some
yterian Chirch with; the foundation and work will procee Bennet -has. erected a. fifie new addl- d performed by Rev' Dr Rutledge. and -tionA named. of their onions not befirg as -good Thursday evening. A number also poticed on every haAd the esult of was expe 19tolre om. Ina f tion t loitend taking lu the ILTIp tq tDetrolt- the recet ienial showers of i�� a&i orwith. 0;'zh10 Inew house. n d was witnessed,,,by t6embiers of 'the ln�- ct6d In the ealier part of -the The minority'. re;port wa rejected, EL Fifteen employees �of 'the,,WIngharn mediate failies oA de M_
end erecting an on PridaY Th6inas Code, the following warm we.a.ther. Prowcbs who were recently daintly gowned kin�- cream Ilk elevated tank over te new well a'q are now good.for a bountifal crop�ef )the main report -adopted, by a.(:m,Jorlt`y Founry Company, -ly. The bri w4s, rzeaao-n.-Our council it I Rxeter
of 177. .1T.hIs result would seem to poplixi d who h4a $been visiting '-h-is da,,ughte lat eseithree haled into keourt ehi�rged wftfa! tres- With satin land 'la6e trimmings SWR Notes, -A jarden party wll toe held i3 Ilding It -of cement, -a,n*d making L)the Floren6e and lits lbr(Aber at Leamlnjgi� all Xindo. i i I i L1icate that Ithe I u I . u J41 *21 he Tha 'oundation of cement, aL� nion of th passing beeauge ithey went across a carried a bouquet 'of Sabbat � V�hool lower part r A rgah I z a t I a. -Is Ily-of-the-valley 'by t niM Road h, important k0hriatian bridge -as a Ishort. cut Ito work, on Fri- way -be Consummaed during the year and ferns.jTbe young,boaple weret un.-; oli the rfianse groundi, on Thursday, 00 e 'enough add strong enough to 11tiour, $0
day, last,. before,"Xagistrate Morto1l. Jvne,'11. Games and sports mit of It being-lengtherred at. -any ugh th&r counsel they entered a. dir �916. Thro atended.. After tte coremony the wed, will ,take ad plaq feast kwa enjoyed and a fe* d -in -the - afternoon, and tea ywill- time that 1b might -be necessary to do plea,,of railty and were each assessed $1, b�urs happily Gpeirt in music and soclil be 4erved.-Harry Jones, who for some' 00 171 order to isive 9 -,wider �s Ir"k, IrA
il Canada --i1rhere passed away at his home on Intercourse after..which Mr. and Mrs. tinid fiaeAflbeen almost bUndlwlth (a of. 'Protection. It is h. Cacesalon df WeStL
t . I considered better -The Liberals of Prince Edward, the 7t Wawamo0ih1 up txtra . inl
-Xichael drov6 kto their -home in M' c- taract over the eye, returned home to build %the supporting part� of cement portnIg Go S County, have seiecte4 as the -It ciindid-w oft Wednesday of last' week,,Uoseph W11- Killqp. I
London .'hospital, whbre he in- ;preference to steel girders or supv from the ate, Mr. Nelson Parliament -of son, one� of the very old residents of The congregation of the WhIte'.: raa operated, on: two weeks ago. He Is porlo, as the cemen t , w&ald
Wrg. They ohould win with P.-,mah Ott the toww'hip. He was over eighy years way t be more �61rvrch Presbyteria �Church held'ver� 0 In a, fair o recovery. 'KL* iasting and. would glive more local em- of age, nd had been ailing throui u yment. In the -ermth% of it'. k Ithar s' cces9fui Juilee services on Sunday Ifillpinte Jewell hao accepted a p6sition' P161
-The County Council 61 Middlesex, ,the past 'winter. A Scot0timan by and Monday of last g-aso , In -the postofflee. In the place of Mls� line engine will, be -used for filling the f or the late Mr. Wilson came Ito Waw4'nQsh former pastors o aye fixed the rae of ablsssrnMt f the cliurcW conducted 1 Jesie Mainson, 'who has res 4.ned.- �C. tank. -Quite a. number took advan-*Ige thts ear, at three mills a �bhe dollar. when a young rhan Xnd:by thepractic6 the services. in the Baseballs, Gloves, Mitts, Football�, �Te ffiergons of Rev. W. I R. Howard, who'iwao with th:e 19olsos of the. cheap ra,11way fares, on onday rni The amourit to be_xalsed in tha:Q Co=ty of that. industry and thrif hharacteriO-t 11. Geddes, Ailsa Cralg;'Rv. Geo, P.'Balfik at V,ancouv er, and'who, has ,been last, to atheia-d 'to business 'matters, JTr Duncan, Port Credit and Rev. G_X. recuperating. at his home In town Xor London, and Pao take In,. �nd Balls� Childreii's Is $117,679, tic of his countrymen,'. built- uly a cOm Rackret the Alligi _Xr, JobaCowan, Barrister of Sa- 'fortale home for himself and family Dunn, Toronto. Th' lq6 e morning, and,After7 ithree mo4ths, 'has joined the Molsone Bros. cIrcus, while quite a la;we ,numb�_ inia, hasaccepted the unamloas mointv.- many . years ago. 1.41,s� partner in -life 1,�I�ased t6 ition, -as-ithe predeceased himthree year;q ago. hr e noon services were of the old time' Bank is taff- he- e. `G Croquet Sets$. Lawn' Bowls Auto Pennan., iation of a Liberal Conve P- h9ure with no oran ft use and Kr.! ordon Goetz has4e_ er. went 'by' autos. 'We r 4S ceived notice -that 'he is lba lbe* moved.- learn of the appointment of Mr. 0. A. cadidite against 14011� W. J. Hana,,� sons and one daughter survive, JRob ponsible position of S�ecial 11 cand 25C finek�just to' hand. n he morning and W. Alex. Simpsom in, property on 'Mai Street south of -the Teturning officer, at the approachIn6-1 at 'the 'ipproachlRg Provincial election. -After several weeks IllAess, t: � ki�_];�on acting as precentor . Ili -Dr. H. K. !HYndmar has purcha.8ed [the MeDonell to 'the. res -Se-nator Thomas Coffey, of London. garet Graham, wife of Wva. Johnston, the eveping. The choir had charge of'.jaciwon Manufacturing Company, a -ad election contest, -and the igeeral feei- Editor of The Catholic Record, died ut Wing -ha, passed away on Friday, the usica iservice In. the evening a.nd an which-t'his pr Booksp Wgazines7Stationer'y and WeMing, esent office Is iocated. Ing is - that the conservative Gover,* at hts h6me in Londcn, on ant service. The Sunday Iser-. The d the kgonday af- June 5, Ca the Wingham, Hospital. ,Rbe gave excell octor will erect a building (on the ment have 'made a good app oint-nanXI o several - -�Neeka, t the leaves beides her husband, five 66ns vices'were very.-lar-gely' atten-ded. on an illness pr. I - - Presents. ter opertyj the lower part ltb be tused as In this,* Instance as 'Mr. MoDoad'al hasi Tesult of a seVere. cold and hArt and one da,ughter to mourn the dos -3 Monday evening ,aZ! old (time tea -meet -i -an office, and the upper story �to be :iall -the required qualif" idne tto dLgL t He was 71-,Ymrs of geAnd of an, exceptionally faithful aad 16 Pun .10'
weakne*. v- Ingwas held and *as. highly succe'ssf�,' fitteil up for the Masonic order for 'Charge the -dutles--wiffit credib to him, o. the Senate by. the Ing r Af was appointed t lother, the 'youngest child hot &ail well attended. ter the iimeil�nam lodge use. -Mr. Elliott � of' . Goderich self and, satisfaction -to all.-TeLadles At. four years nf`age. d been ully ktisfied ' 'excell, a au rl r, Go-vernme h 11ales o
L _e electrical storm. passedoV� -�-Ijr. MeNally, kone of t e DisrIct an - enf "Isuperintendet 'of the � ChIldreWs Aid of St. Pa-uls'Churell, are making elaba- -A sevdire -1wero 11
program was provided. At the Sunday " Sbeiety for the County'of 'Huran, oc- rate preWatlon� for ITieIr bazaar, in wool& amain. )$tags
Medl4l Health xOfficers, paid a visit services ad on Monday ever4og, t1jec*cupied the Pulpit In Main i9treet Church: Smallacombels store, 8,Aturda# aftern n er T aronto last igund-y afternoon. Th 00 SOMMMM fierce lightning caused Peveral flre-A, to 19thel, 11A connection with h1s: "bf- cpuni of $460 wa's rrealized. abbath' m4rnlng, 'and A. J. Heywood and evenk*.-The Craig fathily, -af U While rain, fell In torents, verflowing ficial caacit Y_. tHe asked ,to. have ,sam..; -Tie old f rame dwelflAg erect't'd In Preached In the evenlh��-Rxeter Is DR G.GIST whom we made previous reference aa tk._'�plea of water from several werls sen� the Pioneer days. by the la-te Samiel proud of ithe two. young ladies, Miss being here after many years of ab- sewers, f ifling cellars and doLag ol Saeforth Ontario d
o6 F Lt'hh(
ated t*t oveT fto Toronto;-, for�.aaial sle, de91ringlo get $vndero, .which po,cons#16uously stood Kate Colfine,and MW ,Weikt, loft here oh T hurs., s, tc. dam, age. It Is 05tI M- Y Tqm,. of crence in the Agent for Butte k Pattern nc