The Huron Expositor, 1914-06-05, Page 8Clean-up Sale of Men s Shoes We have khitie through Otir stock of enen's shoes, 'and selected out all the pairs of Which we have only a We have placed these shoal s by themselves and haVe attached a price to them ithat will astonish, yenti and that Will sell the shoes eat Sixty pairs of men's, shoes -box calf, patent celt and dongola kid leathers, •shoes that have sold as high as .$5 a pair, sizes 6 to Samples in our south win ow The Glad!, Shoe Store Opposit6thgEipositor Office Buy your furniture here and save money All kinds Of second. hand furniture for Old furniture made repairing a specialty Give me a call before you buy your furni- ture. Dick Winter J.F.DA Jeweler And Optician. Issner Marriage Licenses James , Successor to W. N. Watson' General Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance ,Agent. Real Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on al kinds of property effected at the lowest rates. Dealer, in New Raymond, White and - New Home Sewing Machines and National .Creana Separators. full supply of, sewing machine needles, attachments, oil and re pairs always in stock, A LET US PREPARE YOU For a Business Career. Attend LUOTT Toronto, Ont., where yon will .ge correct instruction and, assistance in obtaining employment wken compe- tent* College open all sum er Ent- er any time. Catalogue fr Save Mone 011 Furniture Qua stock contains every want in the Furniture line. Dining sets, parlor 't.tirniture, bedroom suites, brass and iron bedsteads, ietc., and the prices are marked to suit you. ReleigS A specially priced lof for parlors, dining rooms, living roOms, and bedrnorns, in ail the standard sizes., Here is an opportunity for the home manager to renew her floor cover - Linoleum s A splendid array. of • selections for any purpose,whether it be for office shop or house use and the prices are such this season as will pay cus- tomors to anticipate requirements for months. WALKER & McKAY Furniture, Undertaking Embalming Friday and Saturday Oxf?rds $Z95 - non votillor Cherchein Canada was held on Wed - sided. for the election of officens for the new organiza.tion which resuleadiiia followa: Mrs. 3. Cawan, lloltimary President ; Mrs. ateva Larkin, Pre dent. Mrs. Ie. M. McLean, first ,vicea Mrs. James Archibald, second vice; etirs. John Kerr, thirO vice; las. Charles Aberhart, eecretaryt Mrs. Harry Je.ffrey, treas- urer; efrik 3. D. Hinchley end Wis. Nab eerie Alex. Wilson, the delegate to the` recent meeting at Toronto, *bele the • Foreign and- leHome Menton SO - cities were amalgamated, gave a. full andt, most interesting report of 'the Lost cm The Empress. -Among thoilef of the Salvation i-Arrien who are sup- posedeto have perished on the Ill-fated Empress of Ireland we notice Abe name of iediutent Habkirk of :Moose Jaw. 'Adjute.nt John liabkirk is a native of &aforthi He is the eldest son of Mrs. John Habkirk, now of Winnipeg, and a nepheiv of Mr. James- Cowan of thle town. He served his apprenticeship to theiprinting business in The Expositor office and became a member of, the Avner goon after its argenization in Seaforth and hag been eonnected with it ever -since. He eerved in several im- portant offices until he reached the high 'office vehich he filled at the time of his death. He was a most „exem- plary young man, a good speaker, arid a tireiges worker, and his sad and untimely death will be mourned bY many. He Was in tBeeforth forea few hours -while on this way from Moose Jaw to .Toronto to join 'his comrades there. He left a wife and family, e Molise Jaw. The Lete Mr. Bayes. -Another a the honored pioneens of the county of Hure on, passed from the scenes of this life at tEgrnondville, on Friday; of last week. We refer to the ,death of Mr. Edward Boyes, Mr. Boyes had entered upon hie seventy-eighth yeae and in his prime was a robust, actit)te man. But the activities of his earlier life told on him in recent years, and the failure of perceptible of late years. He was a native of Yorkshire, England and came to this country in 1847; eettanig in the townahip of Stanley, one and a quarter miles north of the village of Blake, *here he „continued to -reside until he retired to Egmondville three years ago. Ile was one of the pinneers Stan1PY, and by industry, preservirence and courage, succeeded in converting a productive homestead and. laying by a competency for old age. He .vvas a Man of a quiet and reserved, disposition, who had to be known to -be appreciate,d. He was et good neighbor, a -kind father, a loving husband. and in the -"fullest sense of the term, a goodeand worthY citizen. He le survived by three brothers and two sisters, also by tbe widowedreothe er, four eons and one daughter, all cif whom were in attendance at the funeral and by wham his memory will be long and lovingly eherished. A sister of Mr. Boyes, Mrs. , Edward Johnson, died at Clinton, the saine•week, Mrs. Johnson's death is referred to, in another column: , Local Briefs. -In the 6upplementary estimates reently submitted for the ape prove' of the Dominion Parliament, we notice the following: Seaforth Publie buildings : To pay municipial author- ities Government share cf cement side- walk laid on Gouinlock square and Main Street, $314.96. -Mrs. Tem.hesney of Tuckersmith, is in Trenton, Mich., visiting her daughter, Mrs. SutherbY.- Mr. and Mrs. John Rea, of Edmionton, Sre visiting relative's and friends, in Walton, and vicinity. Mr. Rea is a one- time pupil of the Seaforth Collegia,te nstitute. He is_ in the custorns service n EdmonOn.-Dr. Mulligan, of Fargo, orth Dakota, was here last week at- tending the funeral of his brother -Ina law, Mr. James •McQuade. Mrs. Mulligan was. with her brother for several weeks before his deatin-Mr. Nelson Hays, of New York, spent the past week here with Mrs. Hays and other friends. -Dr. McQuade, of Sault Pt. iMarie, brother of councilor Frank McQuade, of Mc- Inillop, was here last week, havingcorne to attend the funeral of his cbusin, iNfr." James McQua.de.-Mr. Wm. Chesney of Tuckersmith, showed us a stalk of fall wheat., pulled. from a patch on this farm, on Saturdaynwhich measured 32 inches in length. It Wale a fair ,s.verage 'of the whole croo in a patch of 13,boot an acre and a It shows a growth: of about four inches during the pre- ceeding week. -Mr. James Mitchell, Ed,. itor of the Gederich Star; ,was in ,town on Mon.daY- last* Mr. Mitchell cond-acted missionary 'aervices in the Presbyteria,n and in Duff's Church, McICillop,Sabbath evening. Mr. Mitchell is a good lay - preacher and an antive ch-urch worker as well as a good newspaper man. - Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Toronto, delivered a powerful addres,s on the missionary prdblem In the Presbyterian church' on Sunday evening laat. He is conneeed with the Men's Missionary Movement and hist logic and enthusiasim .shoeld inspire and warm every congregatton he addresses. Mr. Hamilton is -an old Hibbert boy and a 'son of the late Robert Hamilton, of Cromarty'district1.- ,-It was anaemia of ‘a. perniceous type and not kidne,y trouble as stated last week that ca,used the death of the late James McQuade. -Mr ,J. C. Greig is having his residence on Goderich' Faulkner and Mr. Norman Faulkner, eliss Lillian Hewitt, Mr. M. O'llauke and Miss M. O'Rouke, all of Toronto. and Mr. Ben Mahon, of Stratford, were here attendhig the funeral of the lats James A. McQuade Thursday of last *Grand Forks, on 'Mulligan, returned •Tsesday. Mrs. Mulligan had been here nev.enj weeks attending on her brother Men's patent gun metal and the Kai= igerTluadde..-We4nesdaY waR tan oxfords made by the best manufacturers And in the Ter business planes. the. most comfortable styles. Kingleetils iletheors. Thompson. ePerler°atnodae:gsaen7l. just the kind you want for da re, motored tip from'Galt, for the hot weather. Ever pair to go at , SOOtt Thom II ITURON the MethOdist Warden -party, in iVealtlent nee Tueethen night.1 A. nturiber( from- tom -mii-ont.'Cloitheno, Michigan,: Spent Sun - dal -here.and returned on Monday, ac; tormented by his wife and family, who, spent 'the winter here with:etre. Mce Willienes mother, 'Mrs. 3. •Kehos.--Xtra. :Axehie, Scott, Goderich Street, returned this .week from ate enjoYable visit with her Sister,' Mrs. (Rev.) Cosenst and othie friends in Landone-Sfre and Meta -,D. M. McKay, of • ,MoLenian, Algoma, were Peter ;McKay, in Tuckersmithe end with other friends duriug the week. --Mas. Wm Bomerville hes gone to Toronto for a couple of weeks. --As will be seen by a. notice elsewhere; Pastor To P. Yates. of Ilatnilton will delivert a. lecture in the. carnegie Library hall on Sim - .day afternoon east, at 3 otioek, tak- ing this subjecteTheiResuiection of .blee Just anti thp Unjust." The lecturer ap- nears under the auspices of The Inter- national Bible Studeats Assobiation.- etre. L. C. Jackson, returned on Thurs- day froin.a two months visit with her brother, Dr. Powell, oft Philadelohia.- of Melellion. and Crich,. of Teckersmith, are in Goderich, this week, attending the county camcil.-The eeveral come mittees in charge of the great Fire- meres Tournament and' pid -Boys and Girls re -union, to take plecemm S.ia- forthe, the first fhie dans of Augast,- are budy an! active and, nothing is be - Jug left -undone to Make thiscelebrationl the most successf al ever held in thie patt of the country. Many old Huron- itee from alleparta (Of Canada, and the ' United States, are expected. ,to meet here •on that occasion, w'hich will ,be enernoiable.-grs. Jamieson end Mrs.G: M, Chesney were in Wingham tiles week viatting at the home of 'Wu. Jam - lesion's brother, eiiiir. S. )3ennett-Misses Basle M, -Grieve, Norma I. Sartry, and Marion ',Watson,. and Messrs. jolen M. Hinchle , W. Archibald _and T. S. passed,the renent examinations at the Faculty of Educa,tion, Toronto, re- ceiving their interim first class cer- u ate nurse,. who was visiting her methe er 'and other friends here ,during the peat week, 'has returned to London. --- The council are having Goderichstreet oiled to 'keep. down the d.ust.-Mr. Abe Davidson was out Sor, an auto driye one day this week. --We again advise our readers not to forget the nee) iler boat encursion from Goderieh tell' De- troit on Friday Twat and the mocine light excersion. from Goderich on Thursday evening on the steamer Grey- hound.-atr. Freak L. Eberhart, Son of Mr. anti Mrs. C .Eberhart, of Seafoithi has passed his fifth year exaanination honors. Mr.; Roy 'Dorrance, 'son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jeeeph Domino, of McKillop, has paesed his fourth 'year in .chem- istry •and mineralogy. -Mr. R. E. 1-la,rt- ry has also passed his -fifth year In Quade, has returned home after spend- olg a month with` her brother, in Sagi- 'Iniatrr, who hansebeen ill but is recovering. Nettie Chesney, who hes been lidaying at her home iii-Tuckeranaltiai -h returned to Gait -Mrs. T. Quigley and little 1304 James, of Goderich, spent the week end with her. mother, Kra.' r 191.4 Dr. Forester of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and, throat specialist, will be at the 4ueen's Hotel, Sea - forth, 3rel Monday,. of each -month from 241104t.otfii. Ice Creaui -For wedding's and garden parties, in btilk orbrick. All flavors, always on hand at Neil'a 2424-2 )0' Farmers- Clay farm gates are made of high car - _bon steel tubing and heavy wire fabric. The, great :raising feature of this gate is. to pas small stock under, while it holds back your other stook: Will not bend or sag. They cost lese tiecause they last longer., A. M. Campbell. 2425x1 Marriage L13enses issued by Savauge and Stollery Jewellers. Etc.. Seaforth: 227741 Edge, Seatorth. shined to Guelph, by users of itiferior separators; intendaig purchasers ate advised by the Guelph creamery experts to purchase only De Laval cream -separators. See and try a De Laval before buying. 2421x1 A. M. Can3pbell. For Sale;- A good milk cow for sale, on Lot 36, Concession 2, Tuckersmith. Elcoa211,25B3r-ltitce- Lost-Gh Thur day, May 28,.b, 'between Grelg's Clothing fitore and E.ast William Street, a plush rug yellow or brown on one side and black on the other. Finder please leave at W. G. Willis' Store, Seaforth. al.5b E.,* Sixty Days to any thoughtful man or woman for helping us circulate Bible literature. 2425-2 Bible House, Desk 3, Brantford. ' $16 per' Week and Expenses to travel, appointing local representatives. Whitfield Linscott, Dept, 4, 2425-2 Wanted A good: quiet, sound, young working horse, state particulars, age and lowest price. Lock • - Will have a kiln of 3 inch tile open Fri- day, June fith..*ith about 15.000 three inch tile have also sonic 4, 6, 7 and 8 ineh tile in stock. Right sharp Friday morning. Firs boom° - first served. • Huron Bon in Edmenton.-We -take the following from a recent issue of the Edmonton Bulletin: Former resi- dents of Hur0/1 County, Ontario,' held a reunion Saturday night at the Y. iesf. C. A., at which it was- decided to form a Here"' Old )Boys branch cif the Western ,Ontario Aesociation. Organiza- tion was effected by election of the following. executive : President, D. M. McColl;• vice-president, William Rea; tiecretarn, W. D. McLean; treesurer, T. J. Perrie; committeemen, R. J. Stelck, Thoma,,s Brown, M, Scott. -A call to all Huron Old Boys bas been issued, and forrner resid,ents of the. county', seho de- sire inforniation as io the new associat- ion can obtain it from either the presi- dent, D. M, McColl, of the Heintzman Piano Comps.hy, or the secretary, W. D. McLean, at the Bulletin office. • Hari oak • 'A Social -A -Banana Social :under the auspices of. the- Ladies Aid, of Burns Church, will be held in Harlock school grounds,- on Friday, June 12th. Tea will ,be served frorri ei to 8 O'clock. Pk good programme will be provided, and the Auburn brass band will furnish music for the occasion. 'Ail whp de- sire 'to spend a pleasanie evening, ehould bear this da.te in mind. MoKillop The Counc11.-The council met at Calderes. hall on Monday' last As a court were heard, considered and some left over to the 10th, oS,June.' The Lawrence drain tenders were opened and the contract awarded. to E. Murray of Govenlock and -Con Eckert were ap- pointed a committee to meet the Sea - forth council to decide whethbr it wo rid be advisee* to tile or fence the Law- rence drain portion on. the,North grav- el roti4.. jaying their honeymoon in Hamiltore-e Kn. and gm George Haaalitone of Galte Oise She and 'tens Peter McLachlaree of Goderich, attendest, the McLachlan -Mare I efts. Janies Outhill of Brussels spent the wedding on Tueeday.-egre and be few days with their nieceo and nep- Nati) is the tinie you will or., is ;pending a few months at thp need these goods ana w ....e 'McKay of Alvinston is a vistor with 'cart supply your wan,t's. her parents at present. -Miss Mary Cer- rie, formerly of this villa.ge, was one 'of the prize-winnere , in the nureee,grad- uattag class in the Hospital for In- curebles, Toltento.-Ao Rev. D. Ritchie IS attendingeethe General` A,sserrebly at *oodistock, the services on Sunday' wile be conducted byt Rev. Mr. McLachlan, Wedding IOitatiOns Wedding ognnotinotnenis ft edcring Cake Boxes Confetti Thompson's ,Bookstore Seafortie Wind ow shadeie and picture frames; wiade td order. a foregone concluslon and ale within reaebnable distance, both old anceSoung 'Should decide to be present on this noon and evening more pleaSantlY. Literary' Society. -The Staffs Liter..., arY .Society are having their clashes concert on Monday' eironeSeg, Jeine .8th. and geveral others have been engaged Grand Bend Breezesee-Mr. and bins, Tr. Held have returned home sifter spending a .coulle of weeks in, Dashwood. - Mrs. Bled and son ,Gordon of st. Maras are spending a veeek with her eister, eerie Jodepb Gill out again.-1/fies Rona Hicks is the vest of her aunt, Miss Heater. -Quite a number from 'the Bend took in the calitleuraPia.n parade mid other arnesements GretlIWEtY on the 25th. All report having had a _Igood, time. - Mr: and Mete James Wilson spent Sunday with Ur. end Mrs. E. Molla.rd. Brussels Notes. -A. former Brussels old boy, James Knox, of Toronto, iivas here re- newing old friendships and visiting 'the scenes of his 'youth. Among the fan- mrovements in cofmection with Pres- byterianism at Cranbrook, is the pro- posal to build a. neve ,church. Plans Will be prepared tbis fallnance material got ready during the corning winter, so as be a modern brick :bending. Rev. J. L. McCulloch le the esteemed aastor.-A. new residence will be erected by Alex. Perrie, on his farm, 12th concession, Grey' townshiea-Alex. McLelland, of the firm of McLelland Bros., Merchants of Belgrave, died after, a short illness. He was 46 nears of 'age, arid had lived M this locality for the put 30 'Years. Mr. lifeLelliand had never married. He was moet ?eighty _esteemed biyi a. wide circle of friends. -The Sbung people of Melville Church will hold aigardeneeirtS at the home of Walter Yuill, on the Gravel Road.' Proceeds go to the fite tinge of the new Presbyterian Churclie -The other .day• WS. Alex. ;Armstrong. had a close cell from.' serious injury.bei an attack front a cow She was Omit to milk. Mrs, 'Armstrong's calls for Ihelp were heard, and a neighbor running over slaved the former from beineagored. Usborne 'A Geed Time Coinin,g.-A narden party ender the auetteices of the 'Shames Road Presayterian [Sabbath !school will be held oa the Manse grounds, on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, Jene llth. The afternoon will be de- voted to aports of .varitrue kinds, after which tea Will be served on the lawn and in tbe evening there will be a! me. Those in charge of this affair are sparing no little affort to make ie; both pleasant and profitable to all who • Tuckersmith June 'Wedding. -An interesting eveht took place at the homeeof 'Messrs. John and William Marth*4 Tuckeramith, on Tuesday', June 2nd, when their Os- ter, 'Minnie Roberta, and Mr. elugh Mc- Lachlan of Cromarty were married bee Rev. F. II. LarkM In the presence of .a large company. The. bride, \ -Who was given awa.y by her brother, John, was beautifully gowned In cream' duchess satin overlaid with ,shadow lace- and draped with pearls, and w4e the bridal vellmelis.s jean McKellar, rof Cromarty played the wedding march and during the Isigning of the register Mis.s Blanche Tebbitt, of Clinton, sang "I promise you." The bridal costume • was tastefully: matched by the floral decoraticms, which were a joy to the eye, and also by the wedding feast, which was an almest bewildering mem of luxuries. The gifts to tbe bride mere many and valuable. In the early aftere noon the happy couple left:for the East in an autoindbile. The bride's travelling seit being of Galadine material, with hat to correspond. Their many friende join in wishng Mr, and, Man McLachlan all the happineas and weil-being that wi• ll be their future home. ' Belgraye Miseing.-Ilenry Hopper, of Belgrave, received this post card from his uncle, James Grigg, who la eupposed to be lost with steamer Empress of Ireland, which reads as followe : "Que'b,ee, 'May 28, 1914. "Dear Slater and Brother - Just a few lines to let nou know than we are sailing today from here to Liverpool, on this ship. We started °from home -on the Mai and went south to- New Orleans and Neeve York,- about, 4,000 miles. Will hope' to gee you later on our return trip. From your loving !brother, J. Grigg and wife." Mr. Grigg •was born in Belgrave about fifty-five years ago and left for Manitoba a feW years Ago, taking up farming, after yvhichlbe went VC Fraser Valley , Britieh -Columbia, where he Kalil this wife pro- pered in farming and sheep raisintg. Be recently began .a, holiday, visiting He intended going for a visit to the old country, and 'as he.stated on this card, he intended to visit his birth place hi pelgrave. Mr. Hopper is his nephew, afid after receiving this card he left for Montreal sto see if he epauld identify' the body, and if Pos,sible bring It to Beigrave. Cromarty Preparing For The Temperance Cam - vras held in the church for the nurpose of organizing the forces of Hibbert in behalf of the Canada Temperance Act. .F. L .Hamilton: of Liotowel, County President of the Temperance Aesociae tion, and. Rev. John, Little,- of North ty.forningtop, lately i appointed county organizer, were present end:gave stir- ring addresses. .A atrong executive committee was appointed, •with Jamea the council have ,Sna,nteeleniieni. 1 Scott, exesident; Robert Norris, ;vice- Pool License to Mr. Alber,e Whitgaides, president, and Wm. Sadler, secretary- and a new eine to eire,ie. J. Perking,. treasurer. The other members ars jOhn of the Commercial Hetet-ea.:Mr. and. Mrs. Britton, J. I.auby, George Vipond, Geo.. Thomas Sherritt were intleondon, last - Smale, Hugh Kennedy, John ;McVey, J. week, on the occasion of1,-•'their daugh;i Laing and John Leary: ter, Mies Dora, graduatiug:. riom Vic- Notee.-One of our esteemed rests toria Hospital BS professeinal nurse., dean, efri Hugh ,NteLachlan, was mar--' -Our business men ,repor4 ried-dn Tuesday' tio ti,Miss M. Mextin of "and everything looks prO rii)r pus Notese-etfr. and MZS. Herbert Irvine, of Toronta, 'visited relatives here on Victoria Da.y.-A. little son, of Mr, J. McNicbol, was operated on for aPpen- dicitise at Clinton Hospital, one day last of Toronto -are 'deli:ins relative% here at present. -We are pleased to say that Mrs. John D11114169, -who ewas 111, Nan recovered -There are about one hun- dred' bead of cattle, chiefly 'Y,outeS animals, on pasture on the farms of [gr.. J. J. Irvine. These and. many more Belch herds should help to prevent a beef famine which is said. to be threat- Dublin Corner Stone' Laying. -The. corner stone of the new Continuation School buikling in this village, will be form- ally laid, on Sunday, June 14th, at 4 pan. The ceremony will be InterestinS arid will, no boubt, beelangely attended. it marks another important advance step in the educational fitcilitiee of this community, and the eciecol will provide a long felt want, ft will furnish a four years coarse of High School work to the pupils within its bounds, time saving expense to parents and furnishing a euperior course of ;in- struction te many who. could not tither - Ram Ball. --'At a meetinig held in the Dominion Hotel, on Wednegdaer eventae May 27th to organize a base -ball club for the ensuing year, the following of- ficers were_ elected: Hon. President John Berinewles, M. la P.; President, Dr. IA. V. !Michell; first vice-president, Frank McConnell; siecond Vice -President Win. 11111e; Secretary Treasurer, W. L. ant Manager, L. .1. Loohye Captain, Joseph Klinkhamer. As will be seen the club starts out with\ a. splendid list of officera and as there is in this vicinity plenty of the very' best mate- rial to' draw from, we are safe to predict that Dublin .will eoon have one of the *best and mcat suceseful clubs in the two counties. . Hentiall ree Millinery Specials for Saturday Ladies and Misses Trimmed Hats Lot ,• -$3.50: --$4,5(1 Take advantage of this opportunity tg`o get something extra special at these prices and come on SATURDAY. 33riefte-The crops are looking very promising on all sides. -The council were most fortunate in the matter of the well 'for fire protection and street watering purposes having, at a depth of a little- over 30 'feet struck a melee ing spring that makee It next to im- possible to brick up the well, soothat supply of water bas bee'n found.-The1 Rev. Mr. Hicks, as secretary, of the Conference, le in Sarnia, * attendins it, and We believe and hope will remain here for another /ear as his name does not appear in the draft where changes of, appointment or circuit ap- pearaseies. *r. Meta -rads was' in Londone been quite ill for a couple of weeks, with ear trouble and hp went to Leme don, redently to consult a specialist. Mrs .Hoggarth accompanied him. 'iHe is now much betten-The King's BirthdaY, on Wednesday last, wag not observed here as a keIxeral holiday. but a large' number of our villagers observed it, and took advantage' of the day to visit neighboring pieces where .the 'day was being celebrated.-ebr. Jame,s H. Ches- ney, who has very euccessfully prac tieed as a Veterinary ,Surgeon far over 20 seara and who was a good:citizen in many ways, and! well liked, 'has mild out his practice' to Dr: H. G. Mal- loy, who has been here for the past year but is well known haying pre- viously lived at Staffa, and who will ho doubt, do well heren We believe that Dr. Chesnen ars. CheelleY and daughter, Wiles Maud, intend taking a trip soon. to Kelloe, 'Manitoba:, where Dr. Chesney has a, dirteghlteri living, Mrs. Treble, and after visiting there will de - hide where they will locate. --The Rev, Mr. 'Armstrong, of Torontn -preached sermons in the interests of 'Missions, on Sabbath last, in Carmel Chu re h , mbrning and evening. The Bev.gentle- man gave most interesting' sermons on both occasions and was followed with *much interest by good sized congregat- iellie-A bazaar, will be Iheld under the Apapices of Ste- Paul's Church, 111 F. ITenallacombe's store, on Main Street, on Saturday afternoon and evening, June 13th, and Is looked forward to- with •very much interest. -Our brass band furnished music at the saces at Dash- wood, on Wednesday last. -Miss Nellie -Carmichael, who has been attending* business college at Stratford, is horne for, a visit for a. few weeks, and vie believe successfully passed her exami- inationa-We regret to learn, at date or sending in this audget, Mrs. Wm. 'Mitchell, of this village, who has been in declining health for some time Past, has passed away. Mrs. Mitchell was one of aur early pettier's in the vilia-ge and very highlei .respected. -Mr. and Mrs. T. Hemphill were visited by their eon, Thomas, and. his wife, from Wrox- eter, on Sabbath last. -Mr. Robert B. Ross, of Byrem and formerty of near here was in the village this week for a day or go visiting relatives and frienda-The Conservative Convention held 'here on Teesday last, was very largely attended 'and mei& interest pre- vailed. Mr. Henry Eilber, who has iheld the honors( of etei In P. .for Soutiiii ititran for quite a- term, of years was agniu elected Standard Bearer, his name be- ing the only one before Ali& convention. -Mrs. Mathew Clark, Se., intends short. ily taking' another trip' out •to her native country, Scotland. -We regret Thomas Hodson, our reeve, is in God- counall.-Mrs Charles Troeer and- her 'daughters here, have recently ,-Tbeen visited by Mrs. Troyer's sons, Who bold good positions es iTelegrapk:Oper- couple of weeke holidaYs.-Wo,belleve .eAviriamktAtIASI 1491% 02.1.44 314Paos Apprentices Wanted in our DressMaking apartments. Apply ful summer .dress., at once -4 You certainly want at -least one beauti- Have niade by Us Dresg Goods Quality COWIt How satisfying it after a lot of work has been put into afdress to be certain that it is going to wear long enough to be worth the labor. Quality is _inbred into Our Dress Goods This dependable qualitymeans a better and more satisfactory clothes service foilyou, It will pay you well ito :see the pleasing line -of new dress fabrics we Are showing in both fancy and staple effects; Wash Goo4s .Exquisitely Sumnery and Dainty Brighti fresh wash fabrics that are delightfully :pleasing:to see. You will find beauty and dignity in our display this month, that, while it is unusual in wash fabrics is neverthe- less a charming addition. Our values right now are especial- ly attractive/and you will do well to supply your summer needs while the selecti6ns are the best. -Wool Dress Goods....40c a yard and upwards Tweed Suitings........50c a yard and upwards Import Cloths.. ..50c a yard and upwards a _ions arl oru Ithz wog g 4re have only one pattern of a kind in mono of the better. grades of Dress Goods, Silks and Suitings This appeali to Women who- like Exclusiveness. . avy _Black Serges You should see our range of Serges including "Atlantic" and "Pacific" branded ioods; the wear of which is fully guaranieed, and any length Which shtinks or changes color-ip any climate, under the influence ot sun, rainjor sea, will be exchang:ed without question. These serges are in weights suitable for either drqss or tailored suit use. time to get your Fancy Parasol You want something that is instinctive but not loud.' You will.find it here. Ladies' Parasols 50c and upwards Children's Parasols 15c and upwards And now for Your Summer Hosiery and Gloves - We -will be pleased to show ysu vat; ues that you cannot surpass. at the prices. Cotton, Silk and Lisle Hosiery at ioc to $3 a pair: Lisle and Silk Gloves at om, /011 up to $1.25 a pair BUTTER AND- EGOS _WANTED -- Cotto Khaki Boys Boy