HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-05-29, Page 8e SHOE 1 SALE • A Dollar st,oe sale but no dollar shoes seems an absurb statement -but it's true! Here's the Situation ! We find we have a 'great many broken lines of Women's fine oxfords, shoes with sizesrniss1. ing, so we have gone through our stock and taken out these short lines, and, irrespective of cost or value, we have placed them by themselves and offer the choice for ene_ Dollar a pair Irrespe ctive ‘'of their value. These shoes will be with us but a few days and order to secure any of them it will he necessary to come at once. We have also placed on our rgain table, a lot of Wo- men's oxfords and -pumps at $149 a pair. These shoes are valued up to $4.00 a pair and also include our New white canvas shoes. if you wish to get in on this great shoe opportunity, do not hestitate a moment, but COME AT_ONCE. 0 The Cash Shoe Store Opposite the Expositor Office -Seaforth-, The $outh-encl'- Furniture ostore Btiy our turniture here and save money All kinds of second hand furniture for sale. Old furniture made new. Upholstering a n d repairing a specialty Give me a call before you buy your furni- ture.. Dick Winter James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson term spogfor DISTRICT MATTERS A Correction.-eWe have. received the following: Dear Sir. -I noticed in last weok's paper John Storey's ": death, where' it said Mrs. M. Thornton and myself1 were his sons and daughter We are James Bitchle% thildren. "Both Oar parents are living Our father is living with me. -Yours truly, Roberti Ritchie, Harpushey. IAA At Home, -On Thursday evening colt kat week Rev. Mr. Brown, incline, tent of St-„Thornas' churen, and Mrs. Brown entertained the congregation at at at-home Le 'the Sabbath( school‘room. Refreshments- were served and a fiXiosn enjoyable social evening was spent. A pleasant number on the programme was the preesentation 'to Mr. and Mrs. Brown by the ladies a the congregation of a Iset Oil silver flatware in commemor- ation of the' twenty-fifth anniversaxy cif their marriage. Ib is pleasing to note these pleasant relations between pastor land people and IV must be grat- Wyllie to the worthS rector and Ibis wife -that their services in belief of their, people are so 1401Y rapprecialjed. general Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance Agent. Real Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effected at tile lowest rates. Dealer in New Raymond, White and New Home Sewmg Machines and - National Cream Separators. A full supply of sewmg mathine needles, attachments, oil and re- pairs always in stock. LET US PREPARE YOU For a pusinesg Career. Attend Worr eof eea• etalr ' Toronto, Ont., where you will ge eorrect instruction and assistance in obtaining employment when compe- tent. College open all summer Ent- er any time. Cataloguegree. .11,..101=04.••••••••••••••••..... Friday and Saturday Oxfords 2.95 41 Men s patent gun metal and tan oxfords made by the best manufacturers and in the the most comfortable styles. Just the kind you want for for the hot weather. Every pair to go at $2.95 H. R.' Scott Sataforth Ontario Phalle 61 ingt btgned, 4 hoar cif ;ideal sociability Are"ou oing to was Spegt around sumptuonsly served _ - tables, and. was Crowned bye!the united °Decorate'? ' $ apt of the company in symbolic -be:nes _ . , diction to the newly wedded ;couple. The lgroorn's tat to the bridesmaid was a O'unieurst brooch' and tol,Mr. J. Cur- riePlatt; and Sir. Earl Valagrnsgsd ea.c. 1i a pearl stick pin. The sifts to the bride were many and valuable. .M.reand Hrs. Flab took the afternoan expres to Detroit on their hOne'ymoosi rip, after which they will reside at ,Grimabes.. Their -hosts oft .friends joln isetyvishing them all happiness and trixe Success. • Death of Mr. James McQuaid. -It i ,,was • with feelings of . deep and sincere re- ig'ret than the announcement ee She death of Ur. James McQuaid of Mc- Killop, near Seaforth, was received on Monday last -although the annoencee merit was not ,onexpe.cted, as it had been known for some time that his recovery was doubtful. t Mr. McQuaid hid, been ill -off and on for Over a year, suffering from some formof kidney trouble. He was only, twentYS- nine years o4,, age. Previous to his re- cent illness 'he was ea robust, actiive looking young man who, seemed eto Jones vs. Tuckersmith,-The follew- ing appeared in the report -Sof the pro- ceedings oft the - Appellate Division of the Higli Court at Osgoode Hall, To- ronto, on Tuesday- last: AppesA , by TONI-whip of Tuckersmith from and eto set aside judgment or order of Middleton, J„ of the 16th of January, 1914. R. S. Hays, of Seaforth, for the ttownship and W. Proudfoot, KC., Goderich, Or Jones. Judgment: Judg- ment set aside. Motion may, be re- newed before judge at trial. On such motion judge not to be bound by judg- ment of Middleton, 3. Cost of motion to quash, and Of OW appeal, to be in discretion of trial' jedge. If trial not proceeded with at first sittings at which ib can be I.seard motion may I -be renewed before single judge on such additional material as applicant rnay be a,dvised. It application not pro- ceeded 'with appeal is allowed with costs here and below. Presbytery ofIlaron Field Days -The Presbytery a 'Huron at Its last Meeting decided to hold on Sabbath next, May 31st, a Field Day; for the parpose a a simultaneoui presentation of the budget for 1914. Strong men have 'been secured for the day and ewill Occupy the various pulpits as fol- lows : Rev. Robert Laird, SSA., Secre- tary a the Board of Finance, Toronto -Thames Road at 11 a.m.; 1Kirkton at 2.30 p.m.; ,Exeter ati 7 p.m. Mr. A. S. McGregor, of London -Corbett at 11 a.m.; Grad Bend at 2.30 p.m, Rev. A. E. Armstron_g MA., Assistent Sec- retary of. the Foreign Mission Board Toronto-Hensall at '11. a.m.; Blake at 3 pan.; liensall, at, 7 p.m. Mr. R. D. Cameron, Lucknow-Kippen at 11 a.m.; Hills Green at 2.30 pens Varna at 7 pan. Nfr, Jas Mitchell, Goderich-Bruce- lfield at 11 a.m.; Duff's church, Mc- Kitop at 7 Nina Mr. (Henry Strang, Ex- eter, -Burns' church, Hullett, at 11 a.m,; Londesboro. at 2.30 pan. Dr Gal - low, Goderich-Blyth at 11 a.m. Rev. R. M. Hamilton, B.A., Secretary of the Laymen's- Missionary Movement, To- ronto-Egrnondville at 11 a.m.; Win- throp at 2.30 p.M.; Seaforth at 7p.m. , Death of Mr. Hogan. -The despatch, dated May 22, appeared in the city papers: "Dennis Hogan, 'turn- key at the Brant County jail or many years, died to -day a,lter long -Illness. The deceaeed was a member of the ifarnous =Guelph Maple Leaf baseball team, champions of -North America, `back in the seventies?' Most of the older residents of Seaforth and vicin- ity will remember Den. Hogan. Ile Was for several 'years a resident and enterprising business man of. this town), In Company with Mr. Malcolm Munroe, they carried on a, Plow making business in the prethises now occupied by Mr. iArchibald Barton. They made the then -famous: Munroe and Hogan iron plow, ;with Which, many prizes were won at the plbwing matches, whicin were so popular in those days. Mr. Hogan was tgenia,1 whole souled Irishman, a isPlendid Mechanic, and a general "av- orite with all, and \ while a. re- aident ell Seaforth he alwaya 'book a foremost part' in every moverneat cal- culated Ito advance the avelifare of the town. His old tfriends and comrades will learn with d-enp regret ofi his death. , Victoria Days -Victoria pay,. which this !year fell on Sunday, was observed on:Monday, which was a igeneralh,o11- day. The town was mighty quiet on that' day and the,strents partially de:-' serted. Even the small boy: with his Vire crackers did not se -em Ito be so much in evidence as usually oa such Occasions. Nearly every person, .who owned a ledase, a bicscleh or an auto, or who -could hire a conveyance or amy, kind, went out of towi for the day, :Bayfield and Mitchell being the,nopular objective points, while a !good many took advantage on the reduced railway glares and we have not daunt but all en- joyed theneasives as the day was one of' -the mostdelightful of thto season, the rain in the morning havinlassettled the dust. In (town the bowling green was the principal poinb of attraction, the votaries of that pleasant and health- ful pastime being busy from early in the farenoon until late In -the evening. The great annual match between the President and Vise -president, was the event •of She day. On this 'occasion!' the forces of the "Preaident, Col. Wilson were vanquished by those of +the vies -. president, Mr. John Shine. There we -re three -rinks on each aide: tik. 1May Wedding. ---The home of Me. and Mrs. John Ilabkirk was the scene olfSa very pretty, wedding r6n Weds-. day, May '27th when at .t:Ee hour OD noon their eldeSt. daughter; Jessie, Paterson, fend Mr. Wiliam j. Flett of Grimsby were married by Rea. F. H. Larkin in the presence on the. Im- mediate relatives and friends of the, contracting learties. The bride, who Was' lgiven awa,y by her father, joined the bridegroom, in the parlor, which was Inade fragrant and feetall by abun- dant ifrloral, decorations, Mass and tu- lips being especially prominent. She looked! 'charming in a 'gown 'Of white Na'ocaded silk trimmed witn shadow lace snd carrisd a boquet or cream roes. A. dainty arrangement of lilies •oiA the valley, in; her, lhair heightened theadorning+ effect of the siLk' am - Are you tired of the soiled 'ad faded walls.? Do you lwant the house refreghed all through? Come to us for your wall papers and, you are sure to be satiafled. You will be delighted with the designs we have stocked ,this season. The prices are as ,pleasing as the designs, and we can have it hung for you ildesired. have a Iting andsiusegint life) before, him. He was the onlySpon °Elbe lite Thos. and Mrs ,McQuaid and was a most exemplary and promising young mane a good on and a (wadi citizen,' and was greatly beloved, his own (family en circle and esteemedby all who joyed his Aequaintanbe. eariy death .is a severe berea,veinent to his rela- tives and friends and especially to the widowed mother and only %later. He had everything necessary to (mese nee enjoyable, but the, one thing, health, withoat 'which all else is inot ormich 'avail. The funeral took place, On Tburaday to St. James' church. The services were largely attended and were most impressive, Interment! took. place in St. Ja-mes' Sernetery, , Dr. Forester of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth, 3rd Monday, of each imonth from II to 3. 24044f broid ered veli which was alao worrn. .The bride was accompanied by' her amiable 'lister, Mary, who- was beaat- kflallty; tgowned in white ?AMA trimmed with tsautdow ace aadi *ore, a ti with, Proctert many Old !friends will bc a a beauttful quilt to 'Kra. Oster- number `pink roses. Mr . Currle' sup- pleased to know tatat she ihiaA 1 most bout, !the wife of the tpastor, and the I, ly shaken up and both.,ma lege were ported the bedegroom and. air, ( Earl i enjoyable tinie and vlsibed many' places. retiring president, The gilt was • ac- bruised, but he was, able with as- Vanngmond fiiipplied wedding rausi4d1. -Ass gargszet ot Bothwell, contanied by an address, in which sistance to walk td a motor car, which gap**, quAlitzt %ft ;#0,0,r, ,ttes Auk Arx Agz 4.4_44 itt; Teront% Are SP aplveciatiqn wa§ exprepsed ifine conveyed him to his thiatiol„, I Ice Cream -.For weddings and garden parties, in bulk or brick. All flavors, always on hand at Neil's retturant, Seaforth. 21424,2 Fanners - Leave your order here for your new buggy, McLaughlin or Studhope make. / Ala° washers, wringers, churne, lawn mowers and all kinds of plow points always on hand. A. M. Camp. bell. 2424x1 For Sale or to Bent -For sale, a $2.500 house 9n John St., Sea forth, for $1240. Possesion given immediately, If net stold will be rented. Apply to John Rankin, or to Mrs. M. Chesney. 24214f Wanted -Shoe fitters and girls to learn shoe fitting Highest wages, --•Steady clean work. Apply at once to Duncan Legging Factory. 2422x3 Marriage Lbenses issued by Savauge and Stollerya Jewellers. Etc., Seaforth. 22774f For Sale -Several e:o(xl houses on easy terms. II. Edge, Seaforth. 23294 Earn $20 weekly mailing circulars, or taking orders for large Canadian cut-rate grocery marl order home. Men wanted everywhere. Outfit f. ee. \ NATIONAL SUPPLY CO., Windsor, Ontario. 24241 Wool! Wool I As usual we are paying the highest market p'riees for all grades of wool, at No. 6 warehouse, Seaforth. James Beattie. 2424x1 Farmer's -The Clay gate Is the only satisfactory gate a,nd replae.ing the common iron gate every- where. The Clay clothes drier is something new and entirely satisfactory. High gradc single har- ness, De separators, etc., always on hand. A. M. Campbell. 2424x1 Local •Briefs. -In the grants for pab- li ibuildings passed at Ottawa we no - e the following for athis county: ussels, $25,000; -Exeter $15,000, and Se rth $5,000. -Mr. Pierson Grieve, of th TorSeto' publi cschoel_ staff, spent the holiday 'atStlie.home of his fatner, John Grieve VA -The horse at.acii- ed to 'the wagon Of the Jew pedlar .got. frighened. at an automobile on Main street on Saturday. It ran ths wag- gon .againet a telephone. pole • in front of Mr, Somerville's office, breaking loose froth- ithe vehicle and made for his stable on 'the other side nr the track. No person was injured. -Mr. "Adam Smith oft Clinton ap,ent the holiday with :friends, in town, - The many: !friends %of Dr. J G. Scott, will be pleased to learn that he Ls 'recovering nicely from his late severe accident, and : is once more in his of- fLce. healing „ the sick. - Mrs. 'Fred 'Beattie -is in 'Boston visiting her sister, Miss Holmes. -Mrs, Ireland of Harriston spent the holidays here with her. mother, Mrs. John (Turner,sr. --Mr. and Mrs. James A Cline on'To- ronto spent the holiday with. efts. Brine and Aires J. Broadfoot.-We are pleased to learn 'that Mr. (Abe Dav- idson, who 'has, been so long and so .seriously, ill at, Ibhe ,homeSof his father here, Mr. Alex. Davidson, is now pro- gressing healthward with promising rapidity and a complete reCovery is hoped ifer.-Mr Frank Scott of • Blue - vale, anent Sunday with Mende In town. He came down to see broth. er, Dr. Scott.--afte George E. Hender- son was here from Kincardine on Nonn clay.-tdr. and Mrs. M. Broderick „spent the holiday in Detroit. -Mr. W. Brine ofi Toronto spent , the holiday here with his motiher and sisters -Miss Bur- ritS .Stratford was the gest of Mrs. J. A. Wilson over Sunday. -Mr. Newton McTavish of The . Canadian. Magazine, Toronto, and little son, were here visiting his brother, Mx. John McTavish and his uncle and. aunt, lean and Mrs. E. McFaul.-Mr. /John Shaw Of Clinton we, in town: 'off TiriesdaY attending the Liberal caavelntion. Mr. Shaw taught School for 45 yeare., but he has been retired. from the profes- sion for several, years, and althounh coasiderably over the three score and ten mark, he still enjoys life with as much zest as many men half :his age. -Mr. Bert Speir ef St Thomas spent the holiday here' with hiseparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Speare.-Miss Erie Stewl art, daughter of 'Mr. David Stewart, tripped - while roller Skating on the. sidewalk on Wednesday of! last 'week, and falling had the misfortune to break her arm. -Mise Florence Fowler, only daughter of Mr. Joseph Fowler, of.the Huron road, has returned from( ansnvela months' trip to the coast. IMISS Fowler spent -Itine winter enonths in (Califoistia. -The beautiful quiet rain( on Satur- day and 'Sunday came nista in time aft& was just what( was wantedi to atimulate ve,getstion. It put thei framers and ev- ery Person else in -good humor. - Mr. Roy Everett is here from Stmithn Falls ;visiting* his .parentisaLafrs. Geo. Weir Was in Fort Erie, 'Ulla week visit- ing her -daughter, Grace.--3/11as Bessie 1,1cMLChae1 has accepted tine position of stenographer at the Ogilvie 'Mills. -Miss Gertrude Reid spent the holiday in London. -,,Mise Olive McCormick visited, at her_home here over Ithe holiday. -It was rumored in town fthis week that' M. Walter -Pickard, ifbrmerly of Sea- I buttenow of Calgarye made eight F thousand dollars last wee41 in an oil t land 'deal. -Miss Helen Beattie, who, ha 1S been sincerher return, from Brit- ish Columbia, is improving slowly. -Ms.? W. McKay, barrister a Toronto, spent the holiAlay elt tine:parental Tome here. I -Mrs. .Jame ia Proctor has returned home alter a six Months', visit- in the West Wilth her d'oghlter and oh. .Mrs. I T hontron' 3 Bookstore Seafortb. • Window shades and picture frames made to mien - 111•111111111111 valued. services a Mrs. Osterbout and sincere regret at her contemplated de- parture from the congregation. The ad- dress.- was signed by Mrs. 33ro.„len and Mrs, Bell. i • Tuckeramith 'Weed End Notes. -Mrs. Ira Johns. vis- ited Iftlends at Exeter last week. --Kr. A. F. Johns off Toronto ,spenti the 241h with III brother Iree-Mr. and Mrs. Iddo Crich a Clinton spent' Suns ' day `with relatives here -A large num- ber oil thd people of She Wiest End spent the 4th Tishing.-)tr, add Mrs, Charles Layton tuid daiighters spent the holiday at Whitfield Crichla-Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Crich Clinton isPell.t, Victoria Day at Frank Layton's-Mr. and Mrs. FredPepper spent -May :91 George Layton's. spending a tfew holidays t. at their tome in Eghiondville. - Miss MeNs.13, who has been nursing Mrs. R. R. -,Roo,s !for the paiSti seven monthshas ltuad to return to her home On account of, illness. Mrs. Ross is improving sloWlry.-We had the( first real thunderatorm Of the season Wednesday morning. It wa,s. 'not Very severe, although tjaere was some hail and a high wind. We have aiot heard' a any damage done. -On Mon- day As 'Mr, Lorne 'Weir •was returnbg from Mitchell, in his auto, he had a. bead -on collision with • Mr. Humpnrey GuIiWalton. No person was injured, bub both autos were -considerably' smashed. HurriPhriss' auto had got into a rut and he Was unable to control it. Mr. Weir brought his to a stand or the consequences might have been Worse. -Rev. Mr. Bond ofl Toronto con- ducted the services in the 'Methodist church here on Sabbath last, Many df! Bond's fOrmer friends and ad- mirers availed themselves of this op- portunity of hearing him again. Al- though Superannuated he has lost hone Oil his. piilpit power and earnestness and his discourses on -Sunday were appropriate for the occasion and `much enjoyed: While here e Mr. and Mrs. Bond were the guests off Mr. and. Mrs, James Beattie. 'The*: left for home on Tuesdena-Many our readers will regret to learn' of the death of Mrs. George •Paterson, for many years a reapec ted reel& nt of Seaforth. rs. Patterson died at, her home in Toron- to ,on. Sunday. She had been a se- vere sufferer for several years. The sympathy of many friends here will be extended to Mr. Paterson tiaid family. -Mr, George_ Chesney is ,ship- ping 'a !fine carload of 'fat cattle from Brucefield station to Buffalo to -day, Friday. ',These dittleewere fed. by :Mr. John Murdoch • jr., of Stanley.--41rs. Wm, Westcott, of this town, spent a few days in Ingersoll and Stratford, last week. -Mr. Hugh Robb, formerly Seaforth, who has; been a resid- ent Edmonton for some years has removed to Fort George, British Col- umbia. -The coal deallers in town are no* basily, engaged delivering coal for next season' consumpttionl.-Mr. and Mrs Thos. Elder, late of Tuckersmitb, have now got comfortably located in their new home In town. -Rev. R. al. Hamilton of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit Of the Seaforth Presbyterian. Charon next Sunday evening. -The morning subject in the Mbthodist church next Sunday will lbe "The Mis- {awl of, the Winds," and . the eveniris theme "The Glorious Gospel." -Mr. A. L. Clooe is having his barber shop en- larged to twice its present size by adding to id the adjoining store. He alSo having a new plate glass front put in. When he !has hie contemplated improvements completed he will have one of the mosthcomplete shops of the kind in this part !of the country. - Mr. Fell has onf view' in the window t)r his photo atudio, interior and exterior views of &James church in this town. The interior views are 'unusually clear and distinct and both are beautifully taken. -- Mias Hazel Reid visited in London over the holiday.-Tthe town batd ga,ve a sacred concert inthe park on Sunday. -We. are pleased to seo that Mr, William Edmonds Is sufficiently re- covered- from his recent severe illness :to be able to (be up and around. -Hiss M. Friel was home from Toronto, for the holidays. -.Mr. and MTS., R. S. Hays had a house Ifiull of Young people over the holiday. 'Among the nun ber were, Mr. Charlie Hays; of the Dominion Bank, Guelph, and ,Misses Hopkins and Tovel, and Mr, Cannian.gharn, 'cot! the same city. -Mr, and Mrs. Alexander smith, a Brussels, were -in town, on Tuesda,y,, calling on old. Ifriends.2-Mrs.. H. B. Atkinson, of Toronto,. who has been with her motlheni Mrs. ,Troyer, tor some weeks, has returned to her home in Toronto. -Mr. Erneet Atkinson was the guest of; Mr. A. Troyer, over the holiday.-Mtny of our readers will re- gret to learn a the •deatli of MrOnlobt. Hogg, one of the pioneer residents of this district, whic'h; occurred on Wed-. nesday last. The funeral ;takes plane to -clay, Friday, at 230 p.m.., from tie late residence of the 'deceased, North Main Street', to the -Maitlandtiatirecerrie- tery. Cromarty , . Notes. -Mrs. Donald Park, sr: 'left 0111 Tuesday for North Gower, an will make an extended visit; among her irony !friends in the Ottawasalistrict.- 'Mrs Neil' Gillespie and Mrs. /ernes Scotti spent the holiday season ' witn' relatives in Alviristone---Miss Marion McLaren ole,Seafarth weld a vilsitler heie fkie. a few days recently. --Rev. D. Rita 'chie and .Mr. James Scott attended a temperance meeting in Stratford Mon- day. We understand arrangements aro being ine.de to hold a 'Meeting in Hib- bert very soon. with a view to or- ganizing Tor the coming contest-et/ors) dap passed over very quietly our ricinity, as a igreat many attended the sports in Mitchell. There was, Slim- ever,- keen disappointment over the fail - awe lof the aeroplane exhihition.-Misses Mary and Lilian P.ussel off .A.Tontoir spent last week With their grand- mother, Mrs. Currie. -The return baseball match between the school boys of Sections. Nos. I and 7 wa played i near Chiselhurst en Satur- day evening and 'again resulted In /fav- or of the Cromarty team :bee a shore of four to three. The winners play the Thames Road isdiaool finish,. Friday, evening, the match to take r place on Mr. McCurdy's farm aan the bound- ary. -Mr. and -Mrs. James Scott and family of Glencoe were recent callers among !friends in the neighboritOod. Mrs. Scott' was well known 'here as Miss Jessie Naismith. •• e Grand Rend Breezes. -Mr and Mrs. ThoMas Mol - lard were in Parkhill on Saturday. - Miss Main spent Sunday the guest a Miss M. Rovelle.-Mr. and Mrs. percy Mollard spent Sunday at Grand 13end.-Mr and Mrs. Ed. McPherson spent Tuesday with 'Kra. 'McPherson's father, 'Mr James Mollard,-Sam, red, - ler and his sister spent' .'astiweek with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gill.-Mr0 Briber will scion have his residence completed. -We are glad to see -Miss , Crawford Laround. again. - Mr. Joseph Gill is very -low at time off writing. ' Londeaboro Notes. -Mr. Wm. Tamblyn and his 'friend, Mr. Walker, of Toronto; spent. the week -end here. -Mr. and Mrs.StaLk-: &sof Woodstock 'spent; the week -end at D. Geddes). -'Mr. and Mrs .Walters of London were holiday visitors at Mr. Reilesne-Mies Chryeler of Delhi vise ited her sister, Mrs. J. 0 Louo,slierry. itor a few days.-Missr Margaret McColl of St.Thomas visited her parents there over Sunday. -The annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist hurch was held on Victoria Day even and was a great success. A ivery excellent programme was given, motor did not: give suifficient power,and and refreahments served. The proceeds,1 the aeroplane crashed into rence including the 'talent money, 'were near- 1 surrounding the park, throwing the ly !forty-five One. of the items' aviator out and wrackix'-g the machin. a the programme was the.presentation ' Mr. Macaulaq, Who recently; made ileum in Toron:Cor wasbad- Blyth Notes. -The dates for the Blyth.: fair have been fixed fen Tuesday and Wed- nesday, Sept. 29th axed 30tia.-A garden party under the auspices oft the Lad- ies' Aid of !St. ',Andrew's church has been arranged for the evsinins of June 14th. -A good many from this vicinity attended the Ifuneral of the llate Alex- ander McClelland at Belgrave on Mon- day. The deceased Was only 46 years ,of age and was much respected by all who knew ehim.-Phe Blyth Women's Institute intend holding a lawn nodal at the hdr*r of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richmond, 'ninth concession of Mor- ris, on the eQnIng1 of June 3rd. -The 25th anniversary off; the laying of the corner stone ofi the Blyth Methodist church was fittingly celebrated on Sunday last. The church' was 'taste - Culls decorated with flags and flow- ers. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Farwell, of Toronto, Provincial Secretary of the Epworth Leagae. The special music tfor the occasion wal much admired. by all. This congrega- tion has made gratifying progress dur- ing the past. quarter GS a century, -Mr. and Mrs, 'George Case and (family, who have been on ail auto trip trona To- ronto to Exeter and Ilefisall,-pa.id a yisit to their cousins, Mr. George E. and Dr. McTaggart on Saturday. The flatter retarned to Exeter with them. -Mr. and Mrs. Welter Godericb and afr. and Mrs. Wm, /dutch and family oft Clinton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett en' Monday. • . Brucefleld The Chicken 13esiness.-Many loca poultry fanciers have _met with sore disappointment thus far this season the matter of hatching chicks, ducks and goslings. The percentage of chicks hatched, to the number- of eggs per seta ting,' in many cases {falls below the 'one-quarter margin. This is very; un- fertunate, as many loc'al farmers and rioultry fanciers had intended rearing very large number of fowl this season al-ad:feeding the same for the fall. market.' Asyet however, many eggs are being set, and much better results from these; Utter, settings are hoped for. According to reports from various quarters the chicks, ducks and goslings which have been , thatched are very healthy and doing nicely. Notes. -Miss Beatrice McKay, Hamil- ton, is visiting Miss Leslie McCowan, second concession of Stanley. - Mrs. Thornton, who baS, been spending _the winter with her olaugnter, Mrs. Hall Wooda, returned to herson's last week. "She was accompanied as far as Toronto by Mr. Woods.-Sfrs. Rogers, .who has 'been staying wallsher son, Dr. Rogers, returned So her home in Belmont last Saturday. -The much. needed rains ofl last week and this have done a great deal of good, and growth is now rapid. -Sin Walter Watts, manager ofl the Dominion( Dank, spent ,the holiday Inere.-Mrs. Ross, of Seaforth, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Berry. -Mie John Beattie, wife and Ifamily, of Seaforth, sPeritt the 'holi- day at Mr. William Scat's. ...••••••MIIMMIM MAY 29 /914 You can't do anything better for your dlning- rtiom, pantry, hall or bathroom floor than buy forit some well seasoned Scotch Linoleum in some one of the many choice patterns shown. We are having an exceptionally big season, , and ttle stock isatits best. Select your pat- terns soon. 11•••••111111.1.•••••••••■••••111n. • Many lace cur- ta in Specials rigl\kt now. \Prices 50c to $7.50 a pair cFauls ig 11.1••••••••".0...N.0.4n SEAFORTH'S BEST STORE FOR HOME FURNISHINGS: Beautiful A r t drapery in print ed muslin and Wt Tefiects Prices 1.0c to $ a yard • Lace Curtain Specials -(A line to clear out at once) Regular -$5.00 value for $3.00 a pair A special purchase of Nottingham Lace Curtains gives- us an opportunity to give yeu regular Five dollar curtains for three dollars. This is value quite out of the ordinary Take advantage of it without delay. 41•110••••••••••.••••••fill••• Coe to FicFaufs for Rugs & Carpets , Rug Sizes: x 3 to 4 x 4X Prices : $3.25 to 37.50 Mattings Unions Ingrains Tapestry, Brussels Velvets Mons • 9 X 12, ft, Rugs 'apestry, Velvets, Brussels 8c Wiltons. - Special at $10 to *32.50 gmm.orwwww Straw Mats,popular size, 25c each . • ' A.. Wonderful Lot of Wash -Dresses and Wash Goods' Attractively priced and in such a beautiful array of Mitchell Death of Mr. Casey. -Mr. A. W. Casey died at his home nem on TueSdani last. Mr. Casey was one of the early settlers of the town and for a time one or, its wealthiest citizens. He was 84 :years of1 age. He' came to Itlaks town many years ago from Dawn tOwn- ship and was connected with many business enterprises. The funeral took place on Wednesday tfrom hislate resi- dence to the Presbyterian eametery. The Celebration. -There was an im- mense trowd., of people in Mitchell on 'Monday, •troba.bly the largest, for years. The weather was tine and peo- ple came from far and near lanai there Ssa* scarcely a place left to tie a horse or stall an auto and standing room was hot too plenettfve4:1 in some places. The programme of races and sport was well carried, °a% and furnished amusement and inter'. est for the crowd. The pleasureaof thee day" ,s celebration here was neired to some extent( by, an accident which be- Ifel (aviator Macaulay in his Curtis aeroplane. Before he started it weah noticed that the motor was enote work- ingsatisfactorjly, but rather than dis- appoint the large crowd, the daring 'aviator said he would try it. When, he attempted to ascend, howevre, the and colors that you will enjoy seemg them. pattern Ladies' Wash Dresses......... ..........$1..00 to $2.50 eaii Children's Wash Dresses.. ..... .25 to 12.50 each Wash Goods "Galore”................... .10 to .75 a rrt Ilighegt. Prices for Butter and te,:p- -