HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-05-29, Page 5penal
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pots, per bushel –
s Harley, per bushel.-- ...-...........
Iffran per ton.. .....• si!..clt•4
13Stets perton
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31/42 04,
Ray per ton . • — . • .
Potatoes, per 'bus
95 a) 05
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90 to DO
40 to 45
25 90 to 25 00
27 09 to 27 00
?, 60 to 300
18 to le
18 to 19
16 00 to I6 00
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Toronto, May 28 -Ontario Wheat -
.quoted at $1.04 to 41.05 outside
al.nd $1,188 on trs.ok, Toronto
Oats -No. 2 Ontario oats quoted at
09 1-2 Ito 40o outside, and at 42c, on
LTV* at Toronto. Western Canada oats
'quoted at 42 cents tfor No. 2, and
89 1.4 cents or No. 3, bay Portts-
Peas--Offerings light with the prices
• Niatod at 'from Si to $1,05 ou tsigde
VarleY-Good molting barley quoted at
GT to 58o outside, according to quality.
Beans - Pritrnes. at $2,10 to $2.15 per
bushel; hand nielaed at 0.25 -to $2,80,
Bran -Manitoba bran. -j irm at
424 to $2s a lton bags, Toron-
to freight. Shorts $26410 to $27.00.
Potatoes-Offerinv are limited, 'with
prices tirm Delewans are quoted a.9
01.20 to $1.26 on track here, and Ora-
torios ati $1.10 per bag on tra,ek. Baled
ay -The market tfOr hay. is firm. No.
1 is quoted at $14.50 to $1.5 a. ton
on track here; No. 2 quoted at $13
itO '$18.25, and clover at $10 to $11,
Baled straw at $8.25 to $8,50 on
track. Toronto. •
-Dairy Markets. /
Montreal, May 26 -Cheese Finest
westerns '12 1-4 to 12 1-2c; ea.sterns,
11 3-4 to 12e.. Batter, choicest creamery
12r3 to 28 14cents; seconds 22 to 22 1-2e;
eggs, fresh, 23 to •24c; selected 26
to 270; NI stock, 23e; No. 2 stock,
to 21 1-2e.
! Toronto, May 26-Butter-S.far1et8 is
eineha.nge4 , with liberal offerings and
a (fair de and for best qualities.Cholee
. ;dairy 18 to 20e; inferior 15 to
16 cents; :separator prints, 21 'to 22e;
!fresh creamery prints,23 to 24c•; storage
Tints 22 to 23e; solids, storage, 20 to
21e. Eggs -The market rema.ins firm,
with prices anchanged at 21 to, 23e
per dozen in case lots. Cheese -New
. cheese quoted 14t o .14 1-2c for large
and 14 1-2 to 15c for twins. lioneY
-Buckwheat, 1 1-2e a pound in tins
avai To in barrels; strained clover hon-
ey, 11 to 11 1-2 eente a pound in 60
14. tins; 12c in ten lb. tine ; 12 .1e2c
A five pound tins; comb honey, No. 1.
$2.25 per dozen; extra $2 to $2.25
• per dozen; No. 2, $2 per dozen.
Toronto Horse 'Market
Baying still continues to come from
! the East and bat little trade is now
•Anticipated from the West, whicla
now said -to be supplied with prac-
• ticaller all the • horses they need for
the Summer. The big increase in breed-
ing in tisat district has •now made Is
grineoesSary. for the West to look to
the Easb. for horses any longer; though
4-46 lack oft money in the West is also
held to be partly responsible or 'Thr -
onto not. ,getting more Western trade
than it haa during the past month.
Heavy [farm chunks are still:in/demand
in the East; and a load was sent out
to Montreal yesterday, while another
load of the same class was sent up
to :New Liskeard, Northern Ontario, at
the end of last week/Prices continue
steady, and heavy chunks, which are
So greatly in demand for farm purposes.
run [from 8175 to $220,, 'witht,the general
rate around 8200. Good hea.vse, draughts
xein from $200 to 8250, and exprees
and wagon horses from $150 to $210.
Drivers sell at from $125 'to 8200. and
serviceably sound horses range from
$30 to $100 apiece.
Live Stock Markets. • /
Montreal, May 27 -Thera was no /ea -
veal change in the condition oV the mar-
ket since this day week, the feeling
being [firm and prices unchanged ow-
ing to supplies coming forward being
limited. But the gathering c buyers
was :fairly large, and the demand was
good and in consequence trade was fair.
1Y active with Rees ot full carloads
of choice steers at $8.25 to $8.50 and
good steers weighing on an average
110Cibs. each brought $8, whEle fair
stoc ksold at $7 to $715:0 per 100 lbs.
feature of the: trade was the in-
• creased demand for good butchers'
cows and bars on account of the low-
er prices ruling for this class of stock,
as compared with the above. The qoal-
ity of the cattle coming forward is
rally, up to the standard and buyers
have no difficalty in making their se-
lections. Owing3. to the smaller offer-
ings of hogs today, whech was at-
triboted to the fact that there were
no arrivals of Manitobas stronger
reeling developed in the market and
1 prices or Ontario stock advanced 10e
I to25e per one hundred pounds, a,s
' compared with last Wednesday's pri-
ces. The demand from paeleers was
good and an active 'trade was do-ne
• with sales of selected lots at $9.10
to $9.25, sows at 7.10 to $7;25 and
stages at, $4.55 to $4.65 per 100 pounds,
weighed off cars. •
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May
27 -Even the holiday papirit combined
with the races did notudiminish the
strength of the local live stock mar-
ket :yesterday. A liberal run ',was on
sale, and most of tt was of pretty
• high quality. Some especially fine
lots of steers brought $8.50 per hund-
redweight, while loads went., at $8.40
to $8.35. and at 0.25. The majority of
steers and heifers ranged frorn $7.85e10
$8.35, while heavy beasts were about
steady with the close of the week.
33atcher bulls and cows wererigain in
request and sales were free at • the
firm rates of last week -ed. The limit-
ited namber ofisLockers on sale ehang-
I ed hands at arm rates, $7.80 'beln.g top.
Milkers and springers 'found a ready
market and' steady prioes. ruled. Small
meats were scarce; $7 was ,the aver-
age price for wool sheep. Spring 'Iambs
broaghteasier prices, $7 each being the
normal. The swine markt was lIghth-
supplied,: over 500 of the. 800 odd r e-
ceipts being Irom th(! Canadian west
to. a local packing house. Following are
Nue ranges; Butcher Cattle -Choice
weighty steers at $8.25 to
ilboice handy butchers $8 to 88.25;
good butchers $7.75 to $8.10; medium
$7.50 to $7.75; common Afrorn 37.25
to $7.50. Heifers -Choice heifers $7.75
to 3a.20; good $7.10 to $7.75; Med-
ium to good $6.75 to $7.25. Butcher
Cows -Choice from 36.75 ,to $7,25 good
rout 36.25 to $6.75; medium $5.50 • to
$6.25; common $4.50 to 6.50; (5:utters
$4 to 84.50; canners from $3.50 to 34.
Butcher Bulls - Choice $7 to $7.75;
good at $6.50 to $7.00; medium . at
86 to $6,50; and common at $5 to 36.
Stockers and Feeders - Heavy, select-
ed, at $7.35 to $7.80; heavy, good, $.1
to $7.25; good medium stockers 6.15 to
7.5; common 6.50 to $6:75;
steckeas $6 to $6.50. Milkers and
8w:tigers sold at $80 to $100 each for
choice offering's, and corninn to med-
two at 340 to $6_0 each. • Sheep and.
Lambs Light sheep we ranged from
6.60 to $10 1; heavy sheep, bucks, $5.50
to 03..60; culls from $4 to $ 540 lainbs
brought * o'OM,. bucks (Of, ;- spring
lambs *A to $8. Swine -Roes _went at
47,90 if.o.b„ at 08.26 fed and -wale
ered and at $8,69 off CM'S.
iim•oliimi .ramm;iimoinsommiegamenammmenialimews
T. BOX co.
Ike Leading Undertaken?
Funeral Director and Ernbalme
Resi euce re-4.6,67*-"uste r ores f
the Public School on corner James
• and West Street.%
Night: °alit Promptly Attended To
• .0ay calls Phone No, 50
• Sight calls Phone 107
KRAESKOPF—In Moinvj11e, Littertse ,,on May 21s4,
to Mr. and Mre. JOSeph Iiirauskopf. a eon.
HENDERSONeoln McEntee, on May 16tb, to Mr.
and Mrs.George Henderrion, a daughter. (Edith
• Irene).
PATTIE—In St. Helene, on May 12th, to Mr. and
•Ed Pattie, a son.
Zurion, on Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs.
Elmoro Thiel, a son.
MARSHALL—In Clinton. on May 17th, to Mr. and
Mr. Millen: Marshall, 'a daughter.
OUDAIORE—In Clinton, on May 144h, to Mr. and
Mrs. William Oudraore, a daughter.
MeNICHOL—In Farquhar, on May lOth, to Mr. and
Mrs. Waiter McNichol, a daughter.
CARDNO—In fileaforth, on !lay 22nd, to Mr. and
Mrs. John Clardno, a daughter.
STANLAKE—FORD — At the Presbyterian manse,
Tames Road, on May - llth, Samuel Stanrake,
OnIf Mr. and tiers. °radio Stamake, of Stephen
to Al es &met, daughter akin and Mrs. George
Ford, of Usborne. '
dem,keertegentan'' nivele".1.14 iin--70-71....e.-1 .41
• Deathe
Hon—in Clinton, on May 27th, Robert:Hogg, form,-
Ureerly of Seaforth, aged 87 years.1 e f
BAKER—In Rochester, N. Y., on May 14tb, John
• He Baker, formerly of Exeter, aged 09 years.
PODE—In Olintora on May 13th, Mrs, Elizabeth
Pode, aged 91 years.
MeQUAID—In MeKillop, on May 25th, jamas A.
McQuaid, aged 29 years.
WHITE—In Morris township, on May 22nd, Wm.
• White, aged 38 years and ss days.
PATERSON—On May 24t1, 'et her late residence,
384 Qriebec avenue, formerly of Seaforth, Jane
Debbie, dearly beloved wife of George Paterson,
in her 74th Year.
, i .
. WALKERt . •
-44;: '
. 4.
. •
* *
* •
He. '
Undertakers and Etnbalmers :
•2 •
• -James McKay t,
•• Night 1hone-3 on 146 40
* N ' *
40 •
• W. J. Walker •
• • Night Phone -18
• 4
41. 40
4. Store Phbne-67
•• t
• . •
Luro aseit Hones*.
MEAGHER WANTED — For school section No.
I. 12, McKillop. Male or female holding 2nd class
Normal certificiate. Duties to commence after
summer holidays: Apply to THOMAS BOLTON',
R.R. No. 2, Walton. 2423x8
c ,
TEACHER WANTED!,-- Belding NorrneJ certifi-
cate pucate blic school, section No. 4, Hibbert.
Duties to commence September lst. - Apply stating
salary and experience. R. SILLERY, Seoy., In R.
Na. 1, Stade, Ontario. 2422x4
OR SALE --A comfortable dwelling house, well
le • situated in a good locality. Plenty of room in
16 for an averaged sized family. Price and terms
reasonable. Apply to JOHN BEATTIE, at his office
an Main Street, Seaforth, or P. 0. Drawer 443.
P1G FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep
ter ervice, on Lot 24, Con. 3, YLR.S., Tucker -
smith, t= orobred Yorkshire hog. He is exceptionally
well bred being bred from the well known mak of
D. C. Platt, and Son, lefillg,rove, Ontario. Terme
61 at the tine of service wieh the privelege ef re-
turning if necessary. H. M. HAMILTON, R. R. No.
3, Seaforth. 2393x4tf
VARM FOR SALE—Lot 13, Concession 3, Town -
112 ship of Stanley: 100ciscree, mostly under culti-
vation, good stone house with wood and driving
eheds attached. Also bank barn. Spring water all
the year round. Farm suitable either for grazing
or grain. Terms moderate. Apply to JOHN KET-
CHEN, Brucefiield. - 2421-tf
allp ESIDENCE FOR SALE—The 4suience at pres
Ina ,ent occupied by the undersigned is offered for
Bale cheap and on easy terms. It is situated on
Centre Street, Corner of Beatties Grove, the resindence is frame with stone cellar _and feundation,
is pleasantly and conveniently situated, with plenty
et hard and soft water and a good garden. Apply
an premises, or to JAS. R SCOTT, beaforth p. o.
VOR SALE -1 Deering mower nearly ne v, 1 Deer -
in g rake nearly new, 1 Massey.Harris disc har-
row, 1 Wisner seed drill, 1 Paris euleivator, 1 pair
bobsleighs, 1evagon, 1 Ohathenn fanning mill, with
bdgger. Th el- impleraehts are all in good working
erder and will be found on the southeast corner of
Lot 21, Concession 3. McKillop. Apply on the
eremiees or to JAMES T. GRIMOLDB Y, Seaforth.
, • .
IXTANTED-- We can employ young men and
V V young women and older ones, in every com-
munity, to circulate religious literature, and pay
%era well for their work. No respectable person
aeed be out of high class, paying employtnent. If
you eannot work full time we'll engage , you for 1
i parr time. The most skillful of our repreffento.tives '
make as high as shay. dollars per week, the year ,
sround, and he, orshe, is dull or indolent, who can- '
lot make at least twelve dollars per week. Great
mpertunity for school teachers who work during '
ftcation. A letter will bring you a proposition
that will please and surprise you. Write to -day sure
sncitell us all about yourself. BRADLEY -GAR.
1ETSON, Limited. Look Box, Brantford, Ontario.
FARM FOR SALE—The north half of Lot 25, and
south halt of lot 26, on bhe 4th concession of
ruokersmith, L. It. S., better known as the James
I'orsythe farm. Contains 100 acres, all cleared
ixcept about 7 acres of had bush, well under. I
trainedand in a good state of cultivation. A good I
nick houee and good out buildings. A good bear- J
ng orchard and tbe best spring water. Within five
nilee of Seaforth and four nules fjom Brucefield.
Chis is one of the choicest farms n Tuckermailth I
aid will be sold cheap and on earnterms of pay-
rient, Apply on the premises or at The Expositor 1.
nilee, Seaforth, or address ALEX. SMITH, Box 213, ?
3russels, _ • 34244f 1
LIAltef FOR SALE—For Sale Lot 11, Concession 7, 1
U Kippen Road, Tuckersmitle containing 100 .
Leres, 80 acres cleared all of which is in first-class '
tate of cultivation, well underdrained and well 1
enced, the balance of the farm in good hardwoad 1
imber. There are two acres of orchard. On the
lace are two good bank barns on stone foundations
me._ bun is 40 x 60 and the ether is 40 x 66 feet;
Lis° large pig- hot*. There is also a good frame
the house
muse. There are two good wells, one at
aid one at the barn. This is one of the best farms
n Tuckersrnith. It is situated on the Kippen road,
t miles south of Seaforth two miles from church
61541 one and a quarter m4s from school. Posses.
lion given atany time. tor further particulars ap-
t- on the premises or addrees Whie and MATTHEW
>COTT, Proprietors, Egmondville P. 0. 237241
ir r A r r! A t-2 r -17 MT A 111: TT '7,17 error Q 4 T.6"—Tis a lintinte.
s,.,rodoffersforsalethe residenceon Goder-
ich-Street West, at present occupied by Mr. William'
Thompeon. The house is good size, comfortable and
has a good cellar, hard ann soft water and all nec-
essary convenienciee. There is a large stable.
There are two lets in front and one in the rear, the
latter being well planted will frath treee. Also the
comfortable cottage now occupied by Mr. Colthorpe.
two doors to the West. There -is one lot in connee-
tion with this house. All these ,eb ro p e r ti es
are pleasently si tuate d. ; Also th e
house and lot in Oolemaree Survey,- at present
occupied by Mrs. Kelly. They will benold Repaint°.
ly and cheap to wind up the estates to which they
belong. For further particulars apply to JOHN
BEATTIE, at his office over the Beattie Butcher -
Shop on Main Street, or address Seaforth Post
Offlo . . 2665 h,
TaceparrAnz mwas -
T. Holm ,es
•GIAR14 win S4LE —East half of Lot 14,' Oorices.
1. sionS, Rune t, ftfty aores of well cultivated hod
• that is all cleared. On the tense is a good sized
brick houserof ten rooms and woodshed. Also a
Odd bank barn end driving shed. There is a never
failing spring nearey. A good- orclusl of apples,
pears, plume and cherries. ,For further partionla
apply to the execuenrce BENSONTYERMAN W n
hero or LAWRENCE mELVILLE, Seaforthi 2492x8t1
VAR la FOR SALE—For sale 100 acres of choice
ik laud in the Township of Hibbert, being LoG 28,
Oonoeselon 9. On the premises are a black house,
drive stied, bank barn with stabling, hen house and
pig pen underneath. The farm Is well fenced and
underdrained, and there are 10 ores of hardwood
bush. Rural Mall and Telephone Commotion.
For further particulars apply to ADELINE SILLFRY
8 We, Ont, 2422-tf
Sealed Tenders
The council of the township eof Hay, will reoeive
sealed tenders until 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday
the flOth day, of May, 1914, for buildingla number
seen at the office of the undereignede h 'lowest
of cement bridges. Plans and speciffeatir ..17ay be
or any tender not necessarily.accepted
- FRED HMS, Clerk of Hay
Zurich, Ont, May 12tb, 1914 •2422-3
p.esidence for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale the residenee sit-
uated on West side of North Main street,. 11. story
brick house 28x37 with stone foundation, cement
and brick cellar, ores gory frame kitchen, 18x21, a
woodshed 12x10, one story brick cook house 14x14,
14 storey frame barn 40x40 and stable 10x25. There
are 6 lots. For further particulars apple, to
=415-tf AMENT„ Seaforth
fil.11101111101.16811.0010•Maer imualmem••••••0030tsalk
Lumber and Machinery
or Sale
One 15 horsepower stationary steam
engine, in good shape. Plank, joists,
seantling and inch lumber,also pulleys
and shafting.
2424-tf A. P. JOYNT, Seaforth
• Funeral Director and
' Embalmer, Undertak-
ing parlors in Odd Fel-
lows building opposite
Stewart Bros. Resi-
dence Goderich st., opp
Dr. Scott'.
Flowers furnished on
e short notice.
Phone Night or °Day 119.
For the Erection of Town
HAI, Hensall
Sealed tend4ra for the ereetton of a town Hall,
will be reoeivdd any time after Juhe 2nd, 1914.
Tenders may -be addressed by reeistered WWI' to
A. Murdook, clerk, or to T. Hedson, reeve. Marken
Tenders for Town Hall," before thee Illth day of
June, 1914: Plane and specifications will tie in the
hands of Mr. Harry Reynolds, any time after June
2ndeeresweet or any tender not necessarily accepted.
2424.-3 A. MURDOCK, olerk
New Wetors.
Drs. George' and M, E. Whiting
Heilemann, Osteopathic Physicians
of Goderich.I
I •
gpecialists in women and childrens
diseases, achte, chronic and nervous
disorders, eye, ear, nose, and throat.
consultation free
OffiCe-at j oramercia1 Hotel
Fridays 8 to 6.
Timber, for Bale
We Otill have a quantity Of man dmlr taken from
the ColeSaand 'the olem
lt Works, ran Salt
Tanks, for sale. This timber runs in sii es 6x6, 84,
9x9, 10x10, 10x12, and is suitable for new buildings,
or repairing old buildings. Same will be sold ae a
very much lower price than new timber can be
bought at. - - 1 ,
24244. Company, Ltd., Seaforth..
Meeting of Huron
County Council
The council of the borporatiOn of the county of
Huron, will meet in the council chamber, in the
town Of Goderieh, an Tuesday, the 2nd day of June
next, at the hour of 3 o'clock.
W. LANE, Clerk
Goderich, May 18th, 1914. 2438.td
Telephone Notice
All parties desiring to have tele-
phones installed under • the KeKillop
System are requested to notlft either
of the undersigzed before June 1,st
next. .
2422.3 -
Thomas YeMillan.
•. John G. Govenlock,
' George Hearne.:
Valuable farm in-Tuckersmith
For Sale'
In order to close up the estate of the late Robert
Charters, deceased, the Executors of his will offer
for sale his farms, being Lot 82, and the west half
of Lot 31, Concession 0, London Road Survey, Tuck-
ersmith. The lands are well improved and in good
condition end may be vieWeel at any time.
For terms and conditions pply on the premises
Seaforth P. 0., R.R. No. 3
For sale the timber of two barns,
34x54 feet, mostly pine and cedar, also
a lot of new girths; will be sold cheap
Box 172, Seaforth
• ,/ 3
Court of Revisiion
Of the
Township of McKillop
The first sitting of the Oourt of Revision, for the
leering of appeals against the .Assessment Roll, of
the township of MeKillop, for thoyear 1914, will be
held on Monday, June 1st, at 2 o'clock p.m., at Oal-
der's heel, Winthrop. All appeels intendieg to be
mend, 'must be on file, in my office, on or before the
5th day of May, .1914. Allpersons havine business
t the said Court, will please Mire notice and govern
themselves aecordingly.
M. MURDIE, Clerk
Tenders Wanted
Sealed tenders for the cckristructIon of the LW.
enee Drain in the townshipsof McKillop and Tuck-
nmaith:ano town of oeaforth, will be received by
he Undersigned up to the 30th day of May, 1914, or
t the Council Meeting at Winthrop, on June lst,
t 2 .o'clock p.m. Tenders • to contain mar ked
heque to the amount of.5% of contract price. The
owest or arry tender not necessarily encepted.
lane, etc.; can be seen at cleek:s office, Lot 24,
on cession 7, Wail lop.
M. MURDISeOlerk of Mckillop
242311 Seaforth, pea.
Notice -to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to 1 George V,
hapter 26, Section 55, that all persons having
laims against the Estate of William Lowery, late
f the Township of,Hullett, in the Oounty of Huron,
amen who died on the 154h day of February,
A. D., 1914, at the said Township of Hullete, are
equired to send or deliver to the undersigned
olicitor for the Executors of the said estate, on or
efore the 10th day of June 19L4, full parioulare
their claims and the nature of the security,
f any, he:d by themrand that after such last men.
ioned date, the said Exgoutore will proceed to dis-
ribute the assets of the said deceased among the
moons entitled thereto, having regard only to the
[aims of which they shellthen have received
otice, and theesaid Executors will not be liable for
ersons, of whose clahne notice shall nothave been
fie assets, or any pairt, t_sh.,:reof, to any person, or
eceived at the date of such distribution.
. S. HAYS, Solicitsaid Executors.
or for s
Dated this 18th day- of May A. D., 1914.
• 2423-3
The Lister
Gasline Engine
is' made in England, of first class
naaterial,eonstructed for heavy
work and, made to last, 'see
it at workfl compare it with
. others and .Y'ou will buy a Lister.
John Elder & Bons Agt
Pllopular Stallions
The flpllowing popular stallions will
stand fbr the improvement of stock
this eeason as follows
(Imported No. 13188) (Enrolment No. 3246)
Will stand for service during the present season
at the stable of theundersigned, Lot 16, Concession
1, MoKiflop, Terms -43 to insure pepsine Jan-
uary let, 1915. NAI3It 131108., Proprietors.
(No. 3140) (Enrolment No, 308)
Monday — Will leave hisown stable and proceed
west to Varna, and north to Bed Rathwell'e, for
non ; thencfe by way of the Baylleld concession to
Wm. Currie's. for night. Tuesday —North to
Bruce Iloithese for noon ; thence bv way of the
Huron road te I:Mime/wills and north to Henry
Sweet's, for night. Wednesday —By way of the
'Huron road to Graham's Mtn), for noon, thence
north to the BIM line, et Albert Townsend's, for
night. Thureclay — Rue, through Hullett, to Kin -
burn, at George Stephenson's, for noon; thence by
way of Roxboro to Seaforth, at the Dick Hoarse, for
night. Friday By way Of the Red tavern to
Robt. Brownlee's, for neon; thence to his own
stable wherehe will remain until Monday morning.
Wei. BERRY, Proprietor and Manager.
A Beautiful Picture
Deserves Good A Poor One
Framing •8Veeds It
'Avery picture requires individual
Keen discrimination, coupled with
a knowledge of the art principals,
is necesary to meet framing prob-
lems in a really satisfactory- man-
Our frames'and mouldings are se-
lected with the view of improving
the artistic qualities of our photo-
Fell's Studio
Phone 19 Seaforth
Upper Lakes
Sailings from Sarnia wharf, Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Saturdays for
Sault F1te. Marie, Port Arthur and
Fort William, commencing June 8th:
,Steamship Special
Effective June 8th, Westbound
Will leave Toronto 11.15 a,. m. on
sailing dates, making connection at
Sarnia wharf; for Sault Ste. Marie,
Port Arthur, Fort William, Winni-
peg and points; in Western Canada.
Parlor -Cafe, parlor, cars and first
class coaches to Sarnia wharf.
A special train will run the reverse
way. leaving Sarnia wharf 745 a. in.,
arriving Toronto 1:10 p.m., commenc-
ing June 9th, and each Tuesday, Fri-
day and Sunday. thereafter.
Full particular's and reservations
from-- Grand Trunk agents or write
C. B. Horning, D .P. A., Toronto, Ont.
Somerville'. . Town Agent
W. Plant Depot Agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A,,
- Union Station,. Toronto, Ont
Save Money
on Furniture
• . e
Our stock contains every want in
the Furniture line. Dining- sets,
parlor furniture, bedroom suites,
brass. and iron bedsteads, etc., and
the prices are marked to suit you.
A specially priced lot for parlors,
dining roOms, living rooms, and,
bedrooms, in ail thestandard sizes.
Here is an opportunity for. thehome
manager to renew her floor coven.'
ings at a distinct saving.
A splendid array of selections for
any purpose,whedier it be for office
shop or house use and the prices
are such this season as will pay cus-
tornoks to anticipate requirements
for mbrithS.
Furniture, Undertaking
Embalming: '
• Goderich to Detroit
and'Return. '
RETURN Ff°64.t.".TNE 15
• BALL CARI1E;S lith and 14th
• In Detroit .
i• Special train, June Lath
• leave Seaforth, 7.15, a. mi
Rckund trip -
$2 20
1 '
to Detroit *
• e-,-
110(11.1011i CiCIASION 111111 11-111
Iron Pumps & pump
• Repairing
I am prepared to furnis all kinds of
Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes
Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc., Galvan-
ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs
Staricheons and Cattle Basins,
The Price is Bight
Also all kindsof pump repairingdone
on short notice. For terms, etc.,
apply at Pump Factory, Goderich
St„ East, or at residence, ITorth
Mail Street.
J8 F. Welsh, Seaforth
• Monday, January5th
is the re -opening day ot
Owen Sound
Every Graduate Guaranteed a -Pos-
33 Successful years.
Large Staff of Specialists.
Individual Instruction.
Practical Department.
Information Free.
C. A. Fleming, F. C., A. Principal.
G, D. Fleming, Secretary.
Seaforth Creamery
Cream Wanted
Our Creamery is now
• ready for o'peration and
we are in a position to
handle any quantity
of cream.
Ship your cream
and give us a, trial.
• We will pay you twice a
month, furnish two cans
and. pay all express
charges. Cheques pay-
able at par.
,The Seaforth Creamery Co.
2408-tf = 0 A. Barber, Mgr.
Holiday Necessigies
Your outfit will not be complete
for your holiday trip without one of
our Solid Leather Club bags or Sui
Cases.. Solid leather club bags,
double swing handle, leather lined,
re-infoned corners, in russet or
black, at from $5.00 to $18.00.
,Suit cases, solid leather, brass
corners, extra strong frames, with
shirt pockets, neatly lined, from $4
to $9.
Toilet sets, to fit club bags, at
$3.5o, $3.75 and $4. oo
Trunks - We have a full line of
the celebrated Langmen's make, all
sizes, at tram $2.5o to $8. oo. See
our special steamer " trunk, made
of emoloid; brass corners, tray, two
straps, extra heavy lock, neatly
lined. Size, 36 inches long, at
$7. o o.
Shawl staps trunk straps & tags.
Harness Store
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
liarness ' Trunks Valises
CAPITAL, $/5,000,000 REST, $13,500,0N
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Connnerce, are a safe, convenient
and inexpensive method of remitting- small sums of money, • These
Orders, payable withodt charge at any bank in Canada (except in
the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United Statese
are issued at the following rates :
$5 and under .
• A Over' 5 and not exceeding $10 . 63 ctnts
10 64 " 30 . 10
" 30 'r 50 15 46
shoulil be made by means of our SMCIAI4 FORMGN marts and *ONIM
0.11DIMS. Issued Without debsy at reasonable rate-%
64 •
Searprth Branch,.
- Manager
Canada's Hair Fashion Store
Glenn -Charles Hair' Goods
Our Miss Glenn will be in Seaforth, Tuesday,
June 2nd, at the Commercial hotel, w:th a full
line of Hair Goods, including switches, bangs
partings, pompadours, transformations, etc.,
men's wigs' and toupees.
We are pleased to demonstrate our goods
89 King St, tomato
Ladies desirous of having Miss Glenn pall at
esidenete kindly leave address at hotel.
Spit '84 Span..
Everything should be _done to brighten
up the old town for- the first week in
August to give our old boys and girls
a better and lasting impr6.si3n. To
do this to the best advantage it is nee-
cesary for You to buy a paint that will
afterwards pay you by its long and
lasting wear, and that paint will be
Martin-Senour, Ioo per cent. paint.
'Paint users are being convinced every
day of it being superior to any other
paint on the market—as its name im-
plies i00% pure.
Also for inside use on furniture or
floors we suggest Jap.a-lac, Wood -lac
or Campbell's Varnish Stain, any one
will give a mirror like finish.
aftc•416....4....a. =cm=
The Big Hardware Store
11. Edge, Seaforth
Agents for.,-Martin-Senour Ioo per cent.
Pure Paint, Jap -a -lac and Campbell's Var-
nEsh Stains, Gurney Stoves and Ranges,
Hecia & Sunshine Furnaces, Frost Fence .
Overhauled and repaired
Automobile accessories,
oils, gasoline, gas tanks,
tires, carbide, always in
stock. Also *a's-fling
automobiles. •
Lawn mowers sharpened
Other machinery repairs
on hand.
Wilson Block Seaforth
Stratford, Ontario'
Become a specialist in busbies-ea-It-1-
ofeersi-more opportunities than anly
other calling. To reap the fu
measure of success you mast have t e
best- -P-ossible training. This is On
tairio's Best Business School. We
give individual attention. Von may
enter our classes at any time. Three
departments: Commercial, 8 ho r t -
hand and Telegraphy. Write at once
for'our .free catalogue.A.D.' A. Md -
Lachlan, Principal.
It • is your assurance of complete
satisfaction in, yonr concrete for old
or new work . Lo get it askfor Can-
ada, Portland Cement.
Buffalo Fertilizers
Insure bigger and better crops. They
are scientifically proportioned to
develop each growing plant per.
fectly. Their wet is nothing when
compared with the results.
Drain your wet land and keep
the soil mellow, at small cost, with.
Crediton Tile
Order your next winter's aloal
now, while the price is lowest, I
can supply you with
•`Lehigh Coal
the kind that produces 100 cents
worth of heat for every dollars'
worth you buy:
Let me eut
into the size
new barn or
cost will he lo
ck Timber
• you need for that
ny other work. The
It your mo is empty let me imp -
ply you .until mowing time with
• Baied Hay
Give me an opportunity to prove
my ability to make you a ipernsa-
r ent custome
Phone 11 on 145