HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-05-01, Page 24 , The Paint Brush or ,The Seri& Brush—Which? A coat a paint will work won- ders on those worn floors and make the:m easier toeep clean. ri You will not have to be contin- . nay scrubbing the floor. But be sure to selectthe hi paint,- Lowe Brothers BARD DRYING Hoorigamt *7 basz rernitation for biding power, brillauce and wear. It Is the result of 35 years, peogressive experience in paint -making. We are exclusive agents and will be igad to adviseyou about the best paint for your particular purpose. Come in d stO the 0010r Cenebinations. TeseSeila h en Up • - Qtedar inoPs:pblish the floor gather the duSt are death\ tC moths and buffalo bugs. Good for.hardwodd,. painted or yar, nished floors and. r linoleum ** * O'Cedai ...2.5c & 50c Clean up the ash heaps, gar- bage holes and back yards, but don't forget to use chlor- ide of lime and plenty of it. Sickness is, easier byercomt by avoiding it. Chloride of Lime.-- *Abe Whitewash Lime a bagt.30c Caustic Soda per can....:..45c Crenoid per can....60,c & $1 Zenoleum per can . .... ...50c The Fly is bound to come but doesn't require harboring in the house. Our screen doors and windows are neat and inexpensive,covered with a finely enamalled very mit resisting Screen Windows 20c to 50c Screen . .... ......$1.00 to $2;25 Screen Wire 24, 26, 30 and 36 inch, per square foot.... ...2c 600 "4,4 • .... •• • G/ A. Sil1s Seaforth Sole Agent for Lowe Bros. Paints, Chi-Namel,.."Moffat's Ranges, Eastlake St�i Shingles, Paroid Ready- Roofing, Canadian Steel Woven Wr Fence, Pease Furnaces and Boilers, "Hot Point" Electric Supplies. New Idea Furnaces. nex:sTANT NOTICEil POR SAtte;--Ifor sale on Lot 1, Concession 4, Halle.. Containing 100 acres, convenient to yahoo' and Poet Office, Terms reasonable. For further particulars aPpty to WUzam Idallehp.el, *Linage Poet Office. ':2365-tf WARM FOR SALE.-Lotee Cioncesedon 9, Tucker- -12 eraith, containing 100 aeres, about seven acres under bueh. The farm is well fenced and drained lend in a good state of cultivation. There are on the premises a good fran.ehouse, bank barn, pig house, uen house, drive house , and two, gobti wells. For tents and particulars apply on the premises or ad- dxees MRS. JOHN IdcOLOY, Egmcedville P.O. 2356-tf POE SALE-Iteing tot 7, Concession 1 • Ilawnehip of Ilullett, containing 100 aoree of choice land, on the premises are a lame bank bern veldt stabitior, uodernea.th, " with "cement • floors threugheut. New eriek 11011013 With furnace in the cellar. Welt fenced and under drained, Will be sold reesonable aa the owner wishes to give up fanning. For further information apply on the premise' or address 'Beaforth P. '0., IllELVILNI J. CLARK. 2393 -ti FARlif FOR SALE -Lot 16, Concessioe 1, Stanley Township. oue mile and a quarter smith at Brucefield, on the London Road, one handred acres, sainety cleared and ten acres of good bush, well fenced and well drained, good brick house and good with stone etabling.underneath. Three never falthig' wells, a good orchard with over a hundred repo with good fruit, good driving shed, pie pen and Implement house. Terme'', to suit purchaser. JOHN MURDOCK, Brucefield.„ 23.10-tf FARM FOR SALE -Being Lot 6 Concelion. 17, Grey township, oontaining;100 acres more or Mss, on the premises is a large two storey briek -house, bank barn with stone stanling, driving houee pig pen, etc.. all comparatively iOW, the farm is a first °lass faun being in a good state of oukivation, loan cleared except 4 acres of hamwond bush, it is well drained also well fenced and is situated 11 miles rozu Walton, where there is agood wariest, school , ohurchee, C. P. R. station etc, For further partioniers apply' to or address,• 111re. DORAMCZAD- ZEAN, Brussels P. O. 2368xI2-tf TIESIRADLE PROPERTY FOR, SALE -For sale ▪ .7in Harpurhey, a good property with a large house with eight rooms, hard and soft water in the Meehan, a good cellar under the whole house, which containe a good cistern, the buildings are in good repair. • Ala° &large garden, fruit tmes and a let of small fruit. A large stable, henhouse and pig pen. Will be sold on easy terms. For partieulars apply to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, Sealorth, 2393•tf FARM k011 seas -Lot 26, Coueession 6 AfeRillop on the Gravel Road, 2 wiles and a half north of Seaforto. One hundred acres, all oleared but about two acres. Well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. About thirty acres in grass. Good frame house, two good barns, with stone stablieg einderneath. Plenty of never failing water. Rural Nail Delivery and Rural Telephone. A good bearing. oreharel. Easy tenue of payment. Apply on the P.relle,ses or addreet JOHN hfcMthLAN, Seaforth P. O. • 2404 -ti 1 BERDEEN ANGUS BULL - The pure bred 11 Aberdeen Anglia bull, Valley Faimi Rebel 5670, will stand for the, improve:meet of dock for the cornhig retason, at Lot 25, Cleutessioia 1, H. R, S. Tuckerantith. This bull is a grand individual, with the beat at breeding, any person wanting to raise prize stout should not he itate one minute to give him a trial. Some of the mosb stern Durbam breeders have had to resort to the Angus butt for a cross to make a prize winner at the Winter Rum, which you will all notice by the repeats. Terms- S1.6a, with tbe privelege of returning if necessary. A* cows must be returned regularly or they will be charged full prioe. JONATHAN IILVILL. 94 t5-tf • ARef FO Et SALE -The north half oflot 2.8e and 20. firet ' onoeasion of McKillop and Lot 28 on the 2nd Con' 1: sion of efeliillop, containg 200 acres ' all in one bloc . olearly all cleared aatcl in a high state of (mitt?. ticrt. There is a bank barn 5Ux100 feet, with eta ling to accomodate 85 hese of stook, feed and‘litteroarrier all through the stables, two cement silos 16x36 and a. large cement water tank, water pipes brough all the stables, implement house 30x56, good brick resideree. This farm bor- ders on the Corporation of Seaforth. it is one of thechoice ard best equipped farms in the County of Huron and Will be sold or easy.terms of payment as the propriefor is anxioue to retore. Apply on the prewisee or addrees'eeaforth I'. 0., ROBERT239GoAtt- ROW. , .„...--- el 000 FARM FOR SALE -For sale Lot 2, Con. 4, XX Ilealleet, conSeining 100 acres. There are au the preadees a good brick house, kitchen and wood ahed with good cellar and hard and soft- watere Them is also a good triune barn 60 x 64 with stone foundation and stabling underneath and another barn St a 64 not raised on foundation and implemeedi sited all m good repair. There is also egood.bearing orenard andtwb good never failing wells. The 'Arra 6 Well 1.1iideffirkiilled and well fenced and in a beet state of cultivation vith five acres of bush. The farm is well situated, emiles from Seaforth near the boundary betweon Hallett and MaXillop with tele - bone and rural mall delivery. Terme reasonable. or fu.rt er particulars app..y ora the remises or ad- dress W1. WILSON, Seaforth, Out.. R. F. 5tatiitl. "VARA! FOR 8 4e.R--F0r sale Lot 3, Concession 3, 1.: II. R. fie - Tuoireremith, omitting 100 acres. There are on the premises a feame;bank barn 40x66 with stabliog underneath, frame house 22x32, the bouse le on a stone founda,tion and there is 4 good °went °eller under the whole house with good alWhert and woodshed and good outbuileings at the bare. The farm is all tile underdrained and wen feneed and the Lealid is in a good state of cultivation and clear from all 'noxious weeds. Therein a never failhig welt at thee,brouse and a tearing Mak runs aeross one oernerekt the back end 61the hum. There -re 80 sores seeded to grass and the balareete has piowingdone. Thera le also arsplendidr,I:earing young orobe.rd of an acre and a hall, eoreaining apete, pent, plum, cherrie trees, oto. Terms rellaCil- a 0. For further particulars sp 1yon tbe premises . 4g WA* Iclm `°15.1./1'13' wth ri Q` 811-tt F No Friends Like The Old It Friends ••• Prom girlhood through • middle life and right along to old age. Chamberlain's Tablets are woman's best friend-ieed the _nerves, aixl. digestion, Stbp headaches, keep the blood rich and assure good health generally. Try them. 25c. a bottle Druggists and Dealers or by mail, 8 Clanderiak Macke Co.. Tema,. 11 Pe koHAMBERI 1 TABLETS A TREAT'S on the orse-1- FREE ! Silm11••••••• THE tc,-Avoi wxpoitov. AFORTI-1, FR/DAY, MAY let, 1914 It Looks Lihe ColInsiona gen. Atr. White, the Dominion ance Minister, in his BUdgat Speech, in Parliament the other day made thi.3 statement that Canada, need not Pxpact to 'borrow rnoney1 hi the 'Lvadeni or New York markets for some time to cotre for less than tfour per oent. Indeed, he ;said that during the past Year the Government had been forced to p34. .as high as four and a quarter, four .and a, half and even four and three - .quarters per dent. for money. Now, tire, Goveriynent only pays three par cent. for the money which they collect, from the people of Caniada, through the Government savings bank. Why shou:d, the Government of • Canada not inty , , to the' people of Cp,riada" as his+a rate of interest for their money as they Pay to the moneyWenders of Lando: and New York? The',only reason that we esti assign Is, that if the Goverra, merit did do this,the banks vtould be 4 forced to raise t eir rate a to their depositors also. he Government tsar for their savings ;bank deposits only three per cent. nip bainkS pay', exactly the Sante for their depodits. But ig the .Governmentaised their rates of •i -interest an sa.vin s bank deposits, the banks would be f reed' to do the same. As' the banks h4ve on deposit about two •hundred million dollars of - the money of the people,!an- increase of one or One and a half per cent. on that amount would naturally decrease their profits This surples would go into the pockets; of the people instead of into the coffers of the banks to swell the. annual dvidends of" the ehareholders. it looks from this as if the Govern- rnent have e greater regard for •the banks( than they have for the people. More - than this it looks as' if the GOvernment *ere DIaYing into thehand.s of the banks to enable them to extract from the people illegimiate profits for the handling of their money. It .is somewhat surprising and worthy' of note' that nomember of Parliament has as yet called the Gov,ernment to account for such a proceedimg and force the Finance Minister to ;explain why it is ' that the Government are thus discriminating. agsainst the pco.l. pie and in favor of' the wealthy bank- ing institutions in -this manner. Such an explanation would be at least In- teresting and might be enlightening. ... ....i.a........... We offer you free this book that telle you all about horse diseases and how to cure them. Call for it at your local druggist or write us. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Is invaluable. It cares Spavin, OurIlLSplint, Ringbone.or any other lameness, quickly ad safely atm:mil expense. Read what Leo Caftan, fEnnis-, more, Ont„ says: "I used your Spatiin OttriS on a horse that had RhIgborte. and it o ured Lim Latour Weeks time." Kendall's Sprrvin Cure is sold at the unifonn price or $1 a bottle, 0 for 05. It you cannot get it or our tree book at your local druggist's, write uS. Dr. B. J. Iff.NIOALL COMPANY Ertosburg Falfea Vermont 81 7 Paint Testi N?. 2 Paint ys. Weather Endurance The paint that is fit to put on a house (your Home) Should be of sufficient quality to withstand the extremes and _most severe weather—This is possible only -by using paint which is made by scientific paintrnakers who know -what materials when used together will pfoduce acovering which will keep out the destructive forces of nature, such as rain, snow, frost, dew, heat from the sun. These 'forces will destroy (decay) bare wood or wood poorly painted. Our Paint Booklet will tell you more about this im- portant subject --telephone or 011 for a copy. 203 Cheaper Money for Farmeri • There' is la good deal of telk just now about cheap: 'money for farmers in. order to aid them to detelop their lands to the fullest possib:e extent. This applies particularly to the Western provinces, "although It 'a:so applicable, perhaps, to a lesser extent, to this pro- vince.- The farmers of Ontario- would • rnAe muaily good uso af money coukl they obtain it at a reasonable rate a interest. Canadian railroads, cities and other big eoncerns lia.ve- borrowed In Eng- land and the United States during the last half dozen years probably more than a billion and a half , doll trs at about five per cent. interest. 'With this money great porna:nent ireprovemeAts have been made and incidentally a great number of farms opened for s.ot- -, . tlement and cultivation. • The farmers, however complain it at they have been unable to borrow mon- ey except on rather burdensome terms. In the :new Northwest the rate of inter- est on farm loans has nominally rang- ed from eight per cent. upward; 'but it'seems that the agricultural borrow- er has bsually paid, including expenses about ten per cent-er at least. twice what the big corporate borrowe:s paid. In Ontario the rate has been from six to eight per cent. •, Farmarr, we hear have Paid this high rate, giving the good ;se- curity cf their land at balf its market Vale; but, even so, they(, have found it difficult to get moaey,- appilications for loans outrunning the supply Of funds Now this is simply the difference be- tween good -organization and no or- ganization. Certainly, Pr conditions, a loan on the landit°sPealrf is as good security- as a loan on the railroad, the prosperity of whicre most- ly depends on the land; -‘bat the big borrowers were organized,. While the ;sit a II borrowers were not. , Hence a very intetestIng project' by the Saskatchewan, Provincial' Govern- ment to organize co-operatiie farm - mortgage associations. The idn• Is, in° 'brief, titor the farmer members of each association ;mutually to guara,ntee ;one another's loans, while the association itself /raises capItal• for farm loans by issuing bonds guaranteed by the prceince An investor, in beyingI.l a ond, would not look to a particu tar mort- gage (In .a partictaar 'farni,- Ot to the whole resources: and credit of the: association, baeked ,t)Y the Pro linelal Government's indorsement. Such bonds, no doubt, would be as readile market-. able as a railroad bond. There is no question that farmers can borrow as readily and cheaply as railroads do by organizing. and offering equally attnactive securities., The Farmers Will Appreciate It There is one thing in connection with the reduction which the Government • ;has made le the duty an agricultural .implements, which will be appreciated lat its true value by farmer of Canada, and- it is this; If the reciprocity pact of 1911 had carried over the heads nf the people the iteceat cut ot 5 per cent. could not have 'been made. The reciprocity agreement provided 'for a red- uction of only el and a half 'per cent., and Calna-dianselesired a further red- action. they would 'be compelled to go begging to Washington, hat in hand, to get the permission. of Americans to Ide; gd. The above is from the Mitchell Advo..cate and is, on a par with eal good deal of the tooesensical ,stuft which ' appears en the -Conservative ipapers. -Oar, .podneighbor is entirely mistaken. ere wale' (not a word in the reciprocity agreement from beginningteto end which ; precluded the Canadian Government ; from the Idlest possible control over the Canadian tariff. While the reduc-i tion for agricultural ImPlernents, stip- " ulated in the agreement, was two and ' a half per cent., there was nothing in TJ ON EXPOSITOR 9,Y 1.-C THE •.-WO.MAa$24.113AlPi dian duty matte very retitle half i:fl.the all fa warzsgamoravymmoasseimu. overnment from reducing the o fine per cent. cor for that wiping it out a:Itogether, the ay after -the agreement was . Besides this,. the two and a er gent. reduction proVided for reciprocity agreement applied to m implements, whereas the five per cent. proposed by the Borden Gov- ernrne it only applies to reapers and mows s. It will be seen by this that. after all, the ;farmers have not nauelt to be thankful for to the- Borden G*- errirri nt OR this deal., But it is SamethIng to t an admission from a hard-. shell Tory and Protectionist like the eadvo ate that a reduction. In the dut- lee ill benefit the 'farmers. . Th been trod no id oat mem oat. .to T or Sale by G A. Sills, C4th the agreement to prevent the Canal • The Redistribution Ain redistribution bill for Ontario has adopted by the totnenittee land in- ced into the legislature and wiU lehtibe• adopted by that, body,.with ateriat amendment, Five new sm. are :to bet added and oao, wiped wo .new members are to be( friver4 ronto, one .to Viagra: Falls, one to New Ontario, One te.Linpoln andi. one to Windsor`land Valkerville.. It Was stated at one time that Huron was to be iecluded in the general shalceaup bY wiping out the centre riding and thus cutting of one member in this county.' Bat this haeebeere abandoned and Huron is to remain :undisturbed. The changer; are all calculated to weaken the op- position and strengthen'. the -:government in the Legislature. Kr. Ben/tee:vele has been strengthened. in South Perth by placing the whole village of Tavistock North. Oxford, thereby releasing him of seventy-eight liberal voted and giving them to Mr. N. W'. Rowell, the liberal leader who, already has a large and safe majority. There are 'five • liberal membere who will be _very eseriouslY effected and four of them will likely be wiped out IV the vote in thecoming election goes anything like it did in • the last election. No Conservative has been injuriously affected by the Re- distribution while several have been, helped. The fiVe liberals who will most Leal the effeds of the tempest are afessrs. C. AC Bowman, North Bruce; William McDonald, Centre Bruce; .7 'G. Anderson, South Bruce; Thomas afar - shall. of Monck, and a Kohler, aft Hald- imand. Of the five, the riding of Mr. Marshall has been wtped out entirely, the riding of C. I. • Bowman has been atrengthened from a reasonably eafe. one to ,an exceptionally. strong Liberal hive, while of •the three others, two have been given Conservative snajorities and the last has had a majoritY. cut from 426 to 221, These estimates ara of eourse, all based -up the veteat the lad general election. The most marked effects of the re- distribution are to be seen in the. three ,Bruces, which now return three Liberals to the Legislature. In the north riding gr. Bowman bad a majority of 391, and his riding now become e West Bruce with the Massing of the 'Liberal vote to 1,039. Ceetre Bruce, returning William McDonald' by a majority, 4.104, becomes North, Bruce with a • . Conservative majority of 234. South Bruce remains South Bruce.' Formerly J..0. Anderson had the safe Majority of 305, but this has been wiped out by the addition of Conservative municitalities tintil now it shows a Conservative roesority of "1. The new constituencies added are all designed to return Conservative,s. 111•01.2••••••••••111611¢11•111.11 Radial Railways Provincial control and operation of radial railways through the Hydro - Electric Commission is the solution of the radial ralway problem of Ontario advanced by Han. Adam Beck. In the Legislature last week the "Power Minister" introduced a Radial i3111 that repeals the legistationi of last session and puts the developement'Of thc:i whole OYstem updn an entirely new basis. -Under the legislation of a year ago control and operation, with certain res- trictions, was vested.. in the munIcipi alities. Studygiven the question since then has shown the need of better fi- nancing than could be done by floating municipal debentures, and wfth the sup- port of .the Hydro municipalities of the province. Hon. Adam Beck is asking for legislation that, while it will place no direct burden uoon either the Oro- eince or the .,,commission, will enable the rrunicipalities to finance radial rail- . ways. The railway, under the !new bill, will be built with money secured by issues of bonds by • the Hydro -Electric Com- mission, guaranteed by the province. The cominieston or Government will la turnbe protected by the depositing with them of debentures by the municip- alities covering ,the expenditure made. The interest, sinking ,fund o-ei possible deficits Will be met by the t munIcio• alities interested, • • - V 4 measure of central control, with stand- I ard systems of management, and the importance ,o1 being, in a positionn the future, when tho radial setethM h s ex- tended over the province, to (lea.with it on a btoad hails, are ttnderst od ta have influenced the calmmiselert and Government to adopt provincial c trel and operatiane .*e..„—semeemeate • StalliJns to be Inspected. • Hon. gr. Dar, Minister o agric' lture has iatroduced into the Iegislat re a .bill to amend the Ontarld tai1Ion1 Act. .The amendments are along the lLtte of those recommended by the hot, emen and farmers at the /Guelph and 0 tawa Winter Fairs, and are of tar re 'ling, importance in regard to •the f ture working of the Stallion Act, The new Act provides for the compuisor in- spection of all ,stalpons standin for service in Ontario. 'tolls° provides that no "scrub" grades will be allow d to stand for service after 19111; th t • grades of any kind will be allow d to stand for service after 1918; tha the age for final inspection Will be 7 . ears of age instead ()E.?, as ta the old et; that the feestifoS inspectioa will bei 8.00 instead of $5,00, and for transfms 50 cents instead of $1.09 as theretofore; that inspection may be made by less than three .irospectoes, the Idea ing to try two, and that the Act w' I be effective ill over Ontario; as int the ast. Provisions regarding* enrolment are the same as in the old Act. • afteanameaseaame The Returns of Wheat Growl g. The Saskatchewan Commission on Grain Markete, whose report: has • ust issued from ti,f printer, saYs', the ost of producing A bushel of wheat ad putting it in- .0, bill 0111 the fa.rrn 55 eelatsi a bu,sh41, .e.LiAllauling td The all - way costs another 6 cents.' Thirty six farmers gave evidencie regarding the coat of wheat, and their estim te• g varied from 40 cents to 90 cents, the average being 60 cents:teThie eommis ion quotes prices for NO. 8 Northern f orn September to 'the Iend(Of December, 113, ibi store at Fort Williamt and ort Aurthur, subtracting 18 cents for av- erage freight rate and commission, d nag that the tnet price to the far. e r t is about ' cents. The margin. of profit an. o. 3 northern' is ther- lore apparently exceedingly small. It is n- tirely probable that the Saskatche an farmers are doing much better tha;. le represented by the commission. Man of them, perhaps the 'majority of t.h na parchased their land at figures ro eh lower than present values. Most ',of t em have considerable quantities of wh t that ;grades constderably better t _an, No: 3 Northern, and brings a htg er price, But after ell, it is -quite' evi. .it if the Saskathhewart farmer had to -depend an wheat -growing akine he would be a good while growing r ch. It is in the rise in. the price of 1 nd that the Saskatchewan farmers 17ve made money and not 4a, grain -grow nee Important to Farmers . Dear Editor, -I have a velar Impor ant announcement to make to- your f rm- er readers, who I trust yea, will, ave broaght before them promptly. he Canadian Neetional Exhibition of To- ronto .is offering eight one hum red dolla,r prizes and eight gold medals for the 'following class at grain: all Wheat, two bushels and sheaf rom earns field, $100 andlgokirnedal; Si big 'Wheat, two bushels and sheaf Tom same field, '5100 and gold medal; , ley, two bushels and sheaf- from ame field, $100 and ,goldr.rnedal; White nate, two bashels and sheaf '.from same iselti, $100 land gold medal; :Peas, tworb hele and eheaf ;from same field, $100 and gold medal e .Flint Corn,' two: b ;and sheaf from same field, 4100 and gold,' medal; Dent Corn, two bushels and sheaf 'From same field, $100 and gold medalj Beans, two bushels ind si ea/ from same field, $100 and gold m dal. The above are .iii addition to the p izes offered for tile Field Crop Com ti - dans st the Canadian 'National Ex ibi- tio beans' are mot required to exii* she yes entering in peas, corn, • an of these grains. These classes will be open. to eeey Province or State iu any Country and the selections for competition wil be made by an officer of the depart ent of Agriculture in suchrProvincenr ate. When these afferent lots of gral .are selected in Ontario, the entries w11 be made through a Departmental 0 leer. I am sending you this preliml ary. announcement in, order that your eadit ers who are entering the Field Crop Competition may take extra car m selecting their seed and.preparing heir ,grain ;so that they may have a op- portunity' of winning some of hese above mentioned magnificent Faithfully yours, • Lochie 'Wilson, Superiate ent. Lifebuoy Soap is delightfully re resh- Ing for bath or toilet.; Fort wash un- derclothing it Is unequalled, Cie nses and purifies, Nervous Disease • In the Spring •••••••}Q.1.1.01...• Cured by Toning the Blood Strengthening the Nerves. It is the opinion of the best cal authorities, atter long obser that nervous diseasns are more c and More serious la the aprin at any other time of the year medi- ation, menote them. Vital. The bonds cOvering construction will changes in the aystem, after long be extended ovillr a period of .fifty years,: winter months may cause more trouble so and people life, In heated e that Vitus s of t, and ✓ time, 0 -ie Is a provision calculated to lighten the than the familiar spring w.ea-kn burden upon the enterprise, and in order weariness from which most to tide over the first ten ' yeers, when; suffer as the tesult or indoor the roads are getting unde4 way, the- ; poorly ventilated and often ove manidpalitles will not be required to buildings. Official records pro 'pay sinking fond chargee at all. 1 in April and 'May neuralgia, As an added 'protection for the cum- dance, epilepsy and other for mieeion it is provided that where a nerve troubles are at their wo mtenicipality defaults on its interest or that then, more than airy oth sinking fandrments the commission a blood -making, nerve -restoring ehall have t right to go on the needed. market and All. the debentares of that ; The antiquated cestom et ta manicipalitY to make up the deficiency.' gatives in the spring IS useless Where the debentures fail to produce system reallr needs st the necessary amount the municipal, while purgatives only !gallop ities can Ain be made liable for any the bowels, leaving /you wea aenceent still due the cornmissirene • Williams' Pink Pills are the b The commission's bOnds wihl, of coerse icine, for they •actually, make be a firet mortgage , upon the railwayrich, red blood that feeds, the The responsibility :for entering upon nerves, and thus cure the me a radial railway project 'lies "entirely of nervous, disorders. They with the municipalities. The carom's- such other' forms of spring tr sion is empowered to enter into a col- headache, poor appetite, ea tract with one or more munIcipaliti s the limbs, as well as remove with the approval of the Lieutenant- T.yixnples and eruptions. In fact Governor -in -Council. The agreement or tellingly bring:new health and contract must then be submitted to the to weak, tired anti depress electors qualified to vote upon pioney women and' children., by-laws. • Sold by all .medicine deale 'The difficulty of finding the right mail at 50 cents a box or for $250 from The Dr. 'Willie eine Co.. Erokil1e. Ont. class of men to manage small radial roads the advaatage,s havia,t Ing tur- for the thening, through . Dr. meth e new; starved y forma re also ubles as ess asightly they un - strength ment or by boxest 7. mese ;..; I ea lesemetaasseenteieseuramememilisimeammosalow Easiest' Way to Clean Cutiety— Just us a little Pan - shine sprinkled on a damp cloth, and let jir 'your cutlery be as dirty, greasy, grimy as it may, Panshine - will rnake it glist- ening, sweet and clean in a For an easy shine, use 'It's just as good for painted work and • woodwork—for pots, pans, linoleurns a.nd bathroom fixtures. Pinshine is a pure; white and clean powder. without any • disagreeable smell and does not harm the hands. • Taste the Difference USEPURITY *wig.. for one baking and every member of the family will 'taste- the difference. Your Bread will ibe'Tricher and finer flavored and your buns, roils, cakes and pies will be pronounced delicious.Tfie Grocer is authorized to refund your money if PURITY does not give you absolute satisfaction. ,c> "MORE BREAD and BEfl1E1RFRAD" and BETTER PASTRY too 1 R. J. J. HOUSTON, who lives on road thathas lately been im- krov in Laudetdale County, Mis- the common=sense statement vivsai sktPchP1)forlo4kwei6: "I have never made an investment for which I have gotten as much financial returns and satis- faction out of RE 1 have out of this road. The advancement in property alone has been sufficient to four or five times pay the whole cost of con- struction, and 1 don't think the county could make any investment t .0 would bring in as much • returks as to build't network of fhem all over it. It is such a good thing that I want every man in the county to have one just like it, and I avn willing to pay rrry part ef the taxes to help him get it." Build Concrete Roads .1 Then your road taxes wilhbe invested and not merely oent. They will return many times tke at,ncunt they cost, and those returns will, show in the increased valuation Of your property, the lessened cost of marketing your produce, the longer life of your horses and tile greater conveniences arid general prosperity of Your community. Comae road outlast aeother kinds of roads and require practically no repair' s for many years. They are safe, clean, permanent and Fumble every day in the year. Write for, free, Good.Rolds literature and learn how good roads will better your conditions,. Address: Concrete Roads Department • 1 • Canadit went Company • 808 Herald Building, Montreal i•hAti06../X