HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-05-01, Page 1r Po' 44rcig. . the N.074.77. Hats for Smart, Dressers ELEGANCE of style, exquisite finish, and wear 'redstiag qualities are coiapicuous features of every Sold with the iron- clad guarantee of "money -back if not satisfied". • Your dealer has . them at $230 andp. Many Other New Blocks in Blue, Browns and Grey. Other makes of Hats in all the New Styles 5 nces...$1.00 to $24,00 Spring Caps...50c to $i.75 Those Men's Suits We are Selling at $7.50 $10.09 to $15.00 Should be seen by every intending,. purchaser of a suit this season,. After many years of successful selling we feel fully justified in stating that these garments are superior in every point to any we have ever offered, The quality ot • the cloth; the style of the garment • and the exceptionally good tailor- ing. In all the popular and relk• Able colors. sizes 34 to 46. 7 0 10.00 15,00 ee:Our Great :Range of Raincoats griN Mens....5.25 7.5() $10 to $15 .. . ..$3.25 to $5 1 More New Coats and 11 New Suits Get in early. Look at the new batch of coats and suits just to band—the swellest yet. -Coats.. • fess • • 11•1 Ill • • WO* elf. • •••4 • Or • dr.1 I- • .. SURS*084..sa ea •090.41,111;1111. se, es •* **** .. ......$7.50 to $12.00 . . .,.......$10.00•to $15.01,3 .........$5.00 to $10.00 .......• a sutilota • . 3 Girls Raincoats.... 0 SS •111• IHIS••••r•••••••; p •• • ••••• .54.00 to 57.00' Highest Prices, for Butter and Eggs. Greig Clothing The Big Corner Store &WORTH THE. ONTARIO/ LE:018LATURE; • (Bs a COereePendenteY The best laid aeherees nt mice and men gang a,tt .aglet. The ,Governmen . ers all the powers contama had It on the cards to, close alP s1-°111 in or by the Pablic Inquir ea or .by any Act ..arnending George H. Watson, K. C., retained: by the Liberal ,part the tormal charges which. t member will peesent, andal after their interests in cas Mission Is 'granted. fee'rEsT . 'Mr. Bowinans 'motion wcae ' mat ian Monday. - At the time otwrjY ley'• the usual party major', ing it is eloahtful If business can ,a4 expected the Legislature w finished -this week. There is no clos regneeThursday. • are rule -in. the Legisla,teire and the 0x4 • , , • Strong in 'I-ewe:trees and under the lead . Premier 13 turned or—rdienniero position, althotegh• Weak, in ehurribers,- is The D n Parli wen ership of Ur. Rowelle.have derelope Seatherne trip' last week - *great etrength in ;debate. Daring th lace in the 'Houle on T Oast Week most Of the talking was /eft !is said he has been greatl to the Opposition. The .Goverrie?ent sup- and invigorated by his, rest • porters contented thernseivee by' sitting it is hoped he will. now dumb and voting. 1 last out OW the end of t There are 'several contentioas Matters- The Budget debate -closed yet to be- dealt with. .The Redietribiil- day night, having con.tina tion bill, the bill amending the liceps;'• two weeks. It the Adebatfe act, and a resolOtion condeirming ,t 'e else it mate the cleavage condeet ef Chief LIcenee Inspector Sn - two 'parties more distinct der in --visiting Huron and tither cm. , Trade •qaeation., The . Gave ties en Which a tentest waseire progre s ty have declared theinselv for the passing of the Canada Tempe. . edly agaiinst any reduction nce Act, and using ' ais 'influence asi ifif. TheY adhere firmly t defeat the act This questio \ w*1 N. Ref and if any ,chang a broeght up in eorernittee, but tooeed made the tendency is to tags were 'blocked in Like -manner as instead of salwawards. they were last- year in the. case of idthe Liberals have pi the Proudfoot charges. Bu t the Oppo- selves ouite xls arlietinetly 'ration are determined to have •I'ttrt in tavar Oft freedm bof tr ther aired la the House and, noedou%t, markets and lower taxati the discu.ssime will consume , car.sid la the tariff. This will 'be able time. So -thatan. the Whole, • tt leading issues, if - not . the prorogation in- reached by next at i- ;Sue, between the /parties day alight it will be about is ea,rly as- general 'election. Tree deb it may be expectedtand t1.aeaIonrnfty eel' ioe gushing -speeches f even rial into the following week. iticaleglaillatoes, Sir Wilfri •. The ,elledistribation Act will alm st the, part of e the , Oppositi certainly, create a long an.d. bitter is - Hot. Mr. FoSter ene the pa cession. The Op -position seem- totbe ne- ttled With the belief that they arei being' trig- the t f,.erid el liowing reeoluti ernitten•-Sir -Wilf euthered Out of at least two ernb ra*' thepolicy of • t•he Oppos ..lon t The most glaring instance is that of Ia v•tew of. the preys, ling economic the County of Bruce•'. There, is no s se conditions of , the cotint y, it is ad - or , reason in the proposed rearrange - Visible to -plaCe. wheat, ' hat products ment of this county.. Thee represe tea and agricultural implem nts on the thin of the county is to remain the free linta• nd ,that wit out doing lne tame as it was. .Thp present divis One. justice, to any class, et pee should be .are practically the same as they ere taken to •alleviate the Igh cost of years ago and georaPhically the cun- - made by Sir John Ivlacdonald 1.11 Y living by considerate r movai . of tax - k . v it " tit N,GaS as conveniently arranged a a.tion. Will be ander the redistribution.' ut The ' motion was, of course, oted :to down on a straight par y elivisione the a Brace now returns three me ber . sapport the Opposition, and u der , the GOyernmth ent scoring usual major- TWA. - • 'Turnberry Hole sitor new arrIt?! of 42Dear Expo.—I have been nuc it the prospecta anethat . j. oh it will retitra two Government sup ort-• The next big pull w 11 be the bill interested troth time ttlme in resell ri ers and only one OPeasitiOni t. The granting aid to the C adian North- tinthe papers about that big Ternberr Opposition, Idele ega,heetethie, . .nd. Wlth. ern .:se.ailwaye that Is t e road ' con- hole swhich the authorities- of tha nparent good cause e On the ‘• liole tire• teolletf lzfer tYfackeneie -a d -Marine ,The I0Weiship do not4knoww whit to do wit new -redistribution to expecte. to se- Government - Ina these omoteese Veen eand., do -not 'settle...able to sett stone cure for the .Government at least 'five been negotiating for meths. ' It is este or rather to:stay Stopped op. D additional seats, that Is taking the now d•efirittely stated hat an agree- yote not think theitwo thousand dollar vete cast . at the last - election RS . a ment has been 't reached between. them, they . spent in trying to fill en th basis, It Is evident . from this thee and the scheme . is to e submitted to hole wmild have been moreprofitabl the Government are not overly sure of Parliament in e few d ys, The state- tepent In bridging th.e chasm instead o their ground and before they a peai melt is that the Com ny are to be trying to fill it. If the township aath to sthe people nge.in they have; deter Ina given a guarantee of onds to the ex- orities woeld - bridge , the hole edato make if -mote solid. This, to Joey tent of forty-five . mill oli. &diens, but and stock the water , in it wit the least, is not. a brave proceeding es- *bat security the G viirnmerit Is to fish, it would make a splendid pier pecialy in view of the fact that he receive has not as et been made foe the boys to . flab standing on th now have; almost two to one tin- the known. The Governm nt proposal was bridge., .It would also make a pleasan Legislaure - , • submitted to a Gover owlet Calleti5 on place • for boating in the summer. t. - • .The new Government House', . eing Tuesday and it is un erstood was ap- this way -good would come out of evil , . . built for the .1.1etitenant Goyerno , is .proved of as isatietfa tory.- by a -remIt 'would be a point ot curiosity an coming in for. a great: deal. of ed eree jority. Bat the exac - terms Will not pleasure and farmers would have • criticiem . this ; session,. -and right' 50be made publicly len wn until -- the titod road to their market towa inetea This is -a piece' of the most ,rec less, Premier 'makes his e atement in , .the of having to travel mike around t extravagance ever perpetrated by a House. Thiee will be done early e nest etade the hole. If Winghaen arid Tirra. Government en this Province. This cas7 Week it is expected. The proposals of berry were to undertake the work • tie, when. completed:and maele ready foe the Government, how ver, wereenot un- have no doubt but the 'County Ali occupancy, will cost in ' the neighbor- animouely accepted by, their sup- Would come to- their aid. kt ' tan hood 15t a million and a hail of dolpotters in. caucus. ' here were. Many rate CC throw out the hint and -do :no tare, lead it will . cost at least a hun- objectors and two talwarts left the• cherge anything. for the adidce, ' dred thousand dollars a year • aftege caucus. These were R. a Bennett of '' . Years truler, . ! wards .for up -keep. This expenditure at Calgary and W. F. ichol of Kingeton a time when the revenues are rUnnlag and - were later fol leaved by J.: H. 1 • ,•T. C., Exeter. short for -necessary purposes .is -un- Burnham of' Peterbo o.. Thege thrha • i -.The Member for North Huron. excusable and should - receiere - the eze- Inembers, it is said will oppose the ( \Trust cots ire of the peopleGovernment proPosi Ion in the House To . The Editor,—Some of- your reed Os . - The general expeetatioe. Was aewhile it it Is not improv d. Messrs. -Bennett May be "'Iterated in an observer' e comments. on the member . for Nort ego .that there 'would he a general el- ind Nichol have ued the following- 1-luron. It Was a Coneervative Who re ectien, this coneing summer. It le not statement in espies; ation of their pot marked that he likes to watch Mus etion : . ,' . • came away from ca cus 'because en our so sure now that there will -be. At e ; rove when the searchlight ite turne a. caucus of the leevern:nent supporter- ' "After listening t ' the proposals we • s on. the Education Department. He ige held the other dey it is said there. 'a4 solicitous as an old hen trying t want considerable. strong kickinga °n opinion they were roposals in. . the In- bring 'up a lame duckling. Some of th the. pert- of the .cermrion nierr.bers, who tenses . of railwa,y promoters and not ' objecting to having an election so long of the peopleConservatives are not very proud.." the Edecation Department, and it before the nectszary time a,nd - •thus When such strong supporters of the I no violence to the facts to compar 'eabjectiater them to- the expenses: with- Government feel i. pealed to, take isuch oat any increase in the indern-nity. But ground, it May • W 11 be concluded that 1. -the Honorable Dr. Pyne as a "illiniste ' .' there in a .steong desire- on. the par e Bill &Id; Dan ar not getting , the , of Education to a lame duck 'Th, ' tr'ember for Heron is always ready t of the Government to have an earlY worst of the berg in. There will :ilike- n hold o. For instance whe election. The ',reaat his wing sons for this. , are ob- ly be some livel days 'hen - the one of the Liberals Was entertalnin views, Conditions in the Cabinet are queetion comes be ore the House. The the House with Superintendent Seale e far from harmertious. The ministers are coerse the - °ppm tion will pursue is ' .a.- long way from -deciding 'future lead- not yet .definitely known. new Manners Book to teach, the te-ac . . - 1 ership, . and a general elettion and This three more yeara of power would .gine distrIbet n Bill, re likely to forml ralepastee, tgether with the : Rea ers and children how to ohoose prli s for card •parties, what kind of glov ' them . a• chance to make 'a.... change and the bulk ot the 'b hitless for the ' rel to wear at bridge, and thekind t . have .time to adjust differences before maiahat to wear to church, MrMusgro ender of thee sion, „aside !from! isiet very Serioug; and as soon as t e another -camPaign. In all their figuring the .peasing of c nsiderable . silen0 7 ' the ministers have practically. left Sit which still hang fire. The Goverre4chance offeredgot on his feet to d . - ' „James Whitney out 'of consideration. merit have .decide to drop seOars that prPyne is all right a d veral' of the Ettecation Department Is all rig t While the Prime Minister shows im7 their most important bilis eot which and the book is all right. People wo eareveinent in health; itie not here oer- the had given n • tice. , der whether it - would be poasihle fir boubly suggested that he. will again be the Education Department to do an able to., take up the arduous du•ties of thing that eirr. Musgrove would not office. !The fact -that Sir Jame a is better . The Far ers • Beteik. f., . does not remove difficulties from i the The. Parliamen ary corredare to he perfectEvideaAy he ca seendent o e: - present situation. If a general election the Ottawa Fee net ee a,nything toimprove In th Press thus .sises la would s' , direction till be the nominal head of the members at Ott a,in respect hi t . is brought on -right away, Sir James the situatioa as it is viewed amon GOvernenent. His nerne. would be the proposition being made by the Goverr rallying try. I3 ut a . year from now ment to 4reirnbe se the depositors of it; would' - not - be so 'simple, •for the the 'Farreera' B k. • . . I cabinet • recognize that .the general .pub- . Though the d claim of the Borden he will leolt ter definite leadership be- government, as annobced in the De- foe* lit year is out Sir James can not (dation, of whic the Finance Minist r well istaye out 6e: the House tvic. ,ees- has. tgiven noti e, to make geed the sion-e without giving up his place. - losses IA Far es' Bank depesitors, -The &Mee incident came to a head is reigarded,eig tnecessary "emergency" on Tuesda*in the Legislature when- measure and in y command the support Mr. C. M. 1.11lowneen, Liberal represeote of the party in, the -House in cOne ative- for --the„Viding of North e3rikee eequonce, there are not a few Comer- gaye notice ..to the Government that he vativa membe ehalting their h On ei intends to prefer a formal eh ergo age over the 1..orop al, Premier Borden, it abaft the -Hon.. W. J. Hanna. He will. in known, is • rsonally greatly opp , ed_ rise on question of privilege, make a to the setting of-eo important -and Ser- , . statement, and-'eharge against the Hon. lour3 'a preced zit, but it le enderstood Provincial SecretarY "In conneetionwith that he hate veneway •before the; pees» the sending of Mr. ,W. Ice Snider,' Pro- 'sute. brought o bear upon him -bY ithe •vincial Lieense. Inspector, hi the COLM.T., Ontaria, Conse waive members. •• '1 • tie of. Welland, Huron, and Peel. - In a etnum er of 0.nita,rio, conettbue . In connection Witti this, gr. Bowman encies at the last general election ethe will move; -Farmers' was the deciding testae, "Mahan humble addresgbe presented andethe ques eon of .the reciprocity' pact to his Honor; the 'Lieutenant -Governor, With the Uni ed. States came hator sery praying that he will begraciously' pie- 'little conside ation. The Fa.rmess' Bank ased: to issue a, -coMmissior direeted and the lotus s of shareho1ders1 and de - to twojudges of the Sup'renee Court of. positors the ein were the polities .of Ontario to enquire into and lavestiga,te mealy voters in rura.1* constiteeleg; the matters t fortis in the itatternent Conservative 'candidates pledged them - and charge naEide to; this honorable nelves- to ma ce jgoodathe Looses of 'those Iitinpe ,y',, gr, Q.harieet Martin BPsetnapt int,ereettedtis 'the Farmere' Boxic, aid it r , OR111. ,FRIDA• MAY:1, 1914 member tot the electakal d North Bruce, and( all matters Which, in the jadgement of mission' e, relate theesta or ••teterne., aln&, that the said ed f.er ppon the said e last Saturday. Ttey bane bee'n hold ing afternoon and evening sessiens Week with this object in view. Th pitogramme VMS to' sit date Friday ev ening and on SaturdaY close up the testiness asit have prorogatlea on Mon day. It was found out on Friday however, that this could not be don and consequently there was no Sat urday Session, and the HouSe had t Ismem , eriffoltaliX ISHOS;ken* $1.00 a Yens fat-' AtiltaliCo trict of Ithose pledges are notnnade good before • ndethings the enextelection the Conservative ma- tte corn- didates in such. • eonstituencies see effect the,nothirig but defeat ahead of them. oanniseion ' It is expected that Finance Minister mmissione 'White will explain: that the payment or given of $1,200,000 to recoup Farmers' Bank es Act or depositors for that 'losses' must be re - same." be garded only as an lexeeptionai case and Huron Notes. • has been the. not setting ao precedent for ,to draft iuture. But it is pointed out that the le Liberal recedent -will tan oubtedly be set, and } o to loomk that if the Farrie Bank depositors the com- are given relief, t 0 depositors In any e other bank in the future that may go °lied down Smash will have strong grounds for redress from the Dominion exclee,quer. at, hereafter, • the Ina •pro. Dorption govern ent will be in the oration of guar teeing •a ainst less he depositors in i.tll banks, for it :will be an easy thing to prove that If the governraent inspectors had been more'. Wide awake, the atfairsiof such' a hank could not have got into a condition • necessitating liquidation. • Morris hAs been ieasegbY James Card. ToedaY it is an Ontario, bank that if,,f land Son, tea the 7th concession * has gone up; tomorrow it may he a Grey. gr. Duncan. Is in the West Qeebec bank Or a British coiumbia , —miss mayme Lamont, ...daughter of bank. Si:Meets bY the collapse may wed ask • why sufferers from an ; °t Mr. Wm. Lamont, Of Stanley, has been succeed -al in her exams at the Qaebec banks in the past, for Instance, Orftario bank smash are now extended Hamilton Normal School and she now favors that were not given to them. in_Zurich tende teaching in . - There' are those who believe thafarm on the tenth concession t of Ste - Mr. Samuel Beaver has sold his Premier Borden is etIll strenuously op- „h'en to gee Adolphus reeeardhee, of ; posed to the moilon of his Finance e. stad Gtand Bend, wild gets possession he Minister'and that he • has agreed ' to March ;next The farnicontains 100 acre it only because of his belief dlat th as sold tor '$7 .300 proposal,. -will be thrown out by 'the, Senate. (He has readily seen the ad- ...The marriage to take place In May vesitag,e that the Conservative party Roman Cathowas tennotenced in the Mount Carmel; on. record action by the Senate without commit - de, church ast Senday of • . thele ed 'm- . en Ontario may reap from such an de, enlarged, ting thecountry to a most dangerous n through . ne of the preeenbefh. •. The Borden government is anxio.n leading is- , to Make the Liberal' rnsidrity in the at the next ege oenete as unpopular as possible be- te wits clos- , caese it dared to throw oN -out the avY en) the' Pe -t- Bine That was the eole reason, for • Laurier -on exaMple, wh-y the Borden. government re, and bY refused to accept the reasonable am- t', oil the Gov- endements to the Highways Bill sug- ed by mov- tanked by the ;Senate. n embodying The leaders of the Ontario Con,ser- vative paety thinlOthat by introducing this Farrner.s' Bank resolution they will stern the tide in favor of 1.11berallern fn certain Ontario constituencies now held by Conservatives. The White re- eolution ' is a politica party trick. • In einancial circles the proposed action of the government is roundly condern Tied. It is $een that it will open the doors to all kinds 'of 'abuses in future that he would folio* 'the same method with regard to the organiteal- counties that might epees_ 'favorably e'llem. the measure. So .far as' Peel and Huron, are cotteerned, an extension -of licenses may be granted for three months, but that will be the limit. y.T±T1LIt.wi11mean t fromi his d togic bis ursday. It refreshed and ehanre. be able to e session. a Theirs - d for over id nothing etween the the great nment par- s determin- in the tar - the old are to be be upwards the other —Fall wheat in 'Morris Is seed to have come theough the Winter Very well and shduld be a, good crop 'next harvest. —Mrs. Hugh Girvin, of East Wawao nosh, left the home of her son-in-law. Mr. It Eilber in Crediton, last week, for Saskatoon, where she expects to spend the summer with.. friends. ,—Wrn. Taylor, of the ninth. concee. mon of Morris, keeps the right kind of eheep for breeding purposes. Oae of his ewes gave birth- to five lambs, toter of which are' earn ;living. ° —.The Harry 'known one hundred acre farm on the foarth concession - • • OBSERVER The Liquor Licenses In the Ontario Legislature �n Tu s- daY last the leader of the Oppositi n • Asked the Provincial Secretary w at • the Governznent intended to. do W th .regard to the enforceneent of Scott Act 'in:Huron and Peel. ETek- ed if it was not correct that an. derstanding had been reached e- tween the Ottawa. Government and he Provincial Secretary to the • e ct that if the vote on the Scott Act as taken in Janaary of .this year, In- stead of -last november, the Act, lit pasee,d, woeld come into fore on May 1st, 1014., , Hon. W .J, Hanna. congratulated he leader of the Oppositionon coming, c ose (to piing 'the facts truth(feell,y. He Said the queeeion had come up, bu it hed'never been said that no lice •oea • would be issued this year In. the c un- ties adopting' the Scotti: Act. Bat 1t as susgetted that the method 'adopt Manitoulin on the passing of the ott Act there would be followed in eel. and Huron. •• • In Manitoulin the license-holderg) e given an, extension of three .moth and then 'cat of. 'Mr. Hanna said hat 110 ba.d to14 the Qtteeeeet anther ties Mr. Noah Dederich of Steplien tot Miss, Christeria. ,Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :Alonzo Fester of Hay, near Zur- ich. eaefrs. James Cook if Yorktown S'askatchawane was called home on ac- count of the serioes illness of her, mother, Mrs. T. Adams, fnelyth, and forraerly of Constance. Mrs. Adams has since ;somewhat improved, 'but her co:e- dition. Is critical, as she suffered from a paralytic etroke. • —The first of cargo of grain tate season arrived In Goderich roe TuesdaY afternoon. The steamer Nieebing_ ar- rived with 108,000 'bueltels or wheat from Fort 'William for the Western Canada Flour Mille Comaeny, and the Steaxner Paipoonge with 125,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the Goderich Elevator itad Transit Comeiany. , —Mr, Frank Andrews of. Clinton is going exteneively into ehickeri cal - tare, having already at his farrn jait inside the town litnits about 800 eggs in process of hatching and expects to have twice that number of chickens bi- fore the season is over. Barred Bocr are the variety most in favor with, eft. Andrews. —Woad has been received In, Win: ham' Of the death near Swift Carrene, Sask., of '•lefr. Peter ltelly, yeitingeet 000 of /err. land Mrs. Albx. Keller, form- erly of --Tarnberree near Wingitam. Trie L aoug rt3t. tire-ha:Ldb . had was tjj for tet'eete"Ytleeraest by `,a.large circie qt:friends wlio holed with deep regret ef his sudden death. e--„ Miss Etelka Agnee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Leitch of ClIntoa, Mikl.14 Married to Mr.; W. L. Johnson./ ofthe same plaee at St. Petit's ehurch on Tuesday of hint week., The bride wore her travelling suit of blue, Wad eithite het with white plume. • The Yoeng couple ere unattended. Mr, iand telts. Johnsoii will reside ire Clinton. —Rev. Father lIcCormiek, parish prieet at Kingsbridge, 'Is . to be the recipient of an automobile, his Nettle having ,ranged for thee purchase of. an up to date car. • As hie parleh is a large one and at the same time considerable distance from a rallwa,y, an auto will be an appropriate and 4PPrelieia. tedhgiitt. Piet of B —rPilpAmroseels has invested -in a large touring ear which arrived from Detroit last; week; It Is a Thick manufacture. Sietnuel Carter and Doc Warwick, aliseeof Brassele, ale a out with new Ford cars. There a e now about a dozen autos owned Bruseeis, with more to, folIoW• the neer future. —Rev.- ef. C. Rune:tall, who las been —A very' said and fatal accident no' pastor of the Presbyterian 'church in. 'cured on the f-arif$ Kra. Joseph Grin - ?Orden, Manitaba 1 -or 21 years, has near Grimsby, last week, whereby ler recently had toefferred - upon him tbte eldeet son, Charlet, was killed. How degree of D. D. by Manitoba College, the aecident really happe Mr. Rurnbal is a native of Geslerlele }mown. The T. H. & B. township, having spent his early life through the back of the 4S, on. a farm lin that township, and remains of the young roan tended the liolme,sville public school. on. the track. He was appare tlyc in the —The death occurred at St Andre beat of health and. spirltS, atid, during East, Quebec, on. Saturday he the day had been attending to duties Bei'. B. W .Day; He began his / as usual. Fie was a most estimable Orate in. Huron County in 1862 d anit exemplary young man. He was subsenquently • held paistoeates an born in Clinton about tilirti Ykar-S, ago, Stauffville, Ont., Cowansville, QueeL - his deceased father, Jodeph Grigg, re ark, Ont., and Granby, Que. -He free siding there; tor a emneber of. years. tirea last year. ler, Day, was in his —There died at the home of leer 19th year and is Survived by wid- son-in-law, Mr. John T. Coultes, on. the 6th concession of Hetet 'Wawaneele, ow—leunThde oTnoercIt:_irt teehool beard has sup- on Wednesday, April 16th, Mary Brad., erannuated a, nuenber of teachers who barn; widoer of the late -GeOge Vane reached the age amosg them camp. The late Mrs. Vancanep eves being wr.r. Einbree'f, or some time Pitt- born in the toiensbip of Cavan; toen- eipal of ;,Jarvis St. Collegiate. Me. Gil- tY of Durham, ia the year 1328, and bert Smith, of Parkdale Collegiate is after her marriage came, tO Lot 41, mentioned as the likely suceeesor of iconeassioa 6, East 'Wawa -nosh, thirty e EMbree. -Mr, ;Smith la a Huron old years. ago.- Her busband predeseeiell b al native- of alcitilloP and a. son heveighteen yea-rs. She was that:nettle- of the? late Samuel Smith o4 Seaeorth. er of a family of severe five of hettoro —Mn. fend Mrs. Harry Cor* of Big- survive, enuriely: 'John, of Morris; gar, _Sask., arrive& Clinton last ',George Government Inspeetor 'Thee - week, and are visiting with the lady's obred Stoek, Ottawa, James A.; of mother, lifra. P. Canteicce and other rel.; Chatham Businese College; Birs. John' abseil and friends. in Goderich' town- T. COultes -Ott the 'homestead in East ship and: Clinton:. It Is 'six years since Wawanosh and Mee. George frwie of they weritp west, • and Biggar was then the tenth eonceseion of East Wawa.; in Its infancy and ..it is now a pros e nosh. - perous town of about 1,600. Mr. Corey rreeorrie lost one of, its' highlY re - aft engineer' thl‘ the .Grand "qstrele swpebcentedurci.tizeweeem._onEv&aamsturdpLers,edAprpellacee8,, Fa.citic Railtvay. —k quiet: wedding took plane ,os. the fully away at the age of 76 years. Goshen line Stanley on Wednesday -Although in pooi health- for the last evening of last eweek, when Dorothy, ,three or leer Tsars, he had been About .dalaghter• Of Mr and 'Wee Jtteneet Boyne, as usual until Tharatiar morning pre - became the hrixle of Mr. Wm. Helmer. viousil, when he suffered a parartie The ceremony was perforrreed by Rev. stroke, *which resulted la his deatletero Mr. &towline' of Varna, the L-breserset. days latex'. Mr. Evans had been. a of Only the ireariediate friend's of the resideeit ot Ilowick for 34 or. n yeeose contracting *parties. In the evening Mr. living abDtit. half a,emile West ot •aore ami. 'Mrs. Hohner drove to the Bronson tits uxitatudillyteenle Yoevalatangtooetwhlecnyuliage e. ag3 line, where they will reside. ....At the la.st meeting of the llow- hid been a member of the...II-Wick Ag - ick council the. resiernatIon 'of ricaltural Society for 35 • years and Coughlin as tovenship engineer was an- for the last three years was as. lOn4 cepted seed lire EA poltoint of Lietoevel oval member. The Society sent a was appointed his• stienessor. Tho ten- beseetit• I, wreath, which Wan held with der of John Telker,*jr., for the dement others retv.n, the casket. The Orangel abutments for the Hubbard 'bridge was Society, of which the deceased wats. atcepted, the pricsbeing,.$4,75 ter' oub:-. member; -attended. the fir/levet in. a yard. The next meeting ot eduncil will body, and conducted the einre*,8 at this' be held Gerrie On VedneadaYO )(UV' alrmilMoorlok 20th, when tenders will .be received for betiding abutrnents for a bridge on side line 26, oa the 1st concessiore —On Wednesdaer afternoon of• last -week the matrianonial itnit4. was tied at Melville manse, Brussels by Rev. A. 3. Mann, between James -E, Rineatins and Mis,s Alberta Lavine Nichol. Tee bride' Is a daughter of Mr. ,and Mre. Robert Nichol et the eth 'concession, - of Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades wilt take- up 'residence in Brussels, Rhoades hohling petition In -the W. We. Harris butter fectory• there. —The pupils of the echool, in Sec- tion No. 3, Stanley, preshented - their Late teacher, Miss Eye Stinsoo, with a complimentary address and a. beaut- iful ebonee manicure "set as rnrk of their love and apprecie.tion. 5 Stineoa had been In charge of the school for two years and .and is Inow retiring. The address as read by Aiwa Ruby Taylor and the ntation made by Miss Carrie Lawe mr4v3ar—r• e;ernin.ii on Wednesday of haat week • Miss Stulle, Youngest daughter a land Mrs. 'Wm. Mekiath, •ot Lake - Farm;' Goderich Township, wag to Mr. J. Treveartha Holmesville. The service took place at the home - of the bridal.' the presence, of a.gooda ly nuraber of relatives and IfsleeniS, and was performed by Rev. Mr. Ham- ilton of Goderielt. The young- • eenge have taken up their -feald;ence at Holm- mchard Robinson, youngest atm • of Mr. and Mrs, 'Batmen of the 14th. concession of Grey viets_*ar- Tied. to Miss Ida May, eldest ''.4aughe ter of„ Mr: and tirn. Jame b Haetinge, • North Morniagton, on April The marriage took place at the pretty , home of the bride and after the care.. MOnY and festivities the bride sand groom came to their own home en. the 14t11 eoneesaion ot Grey, and where they were given. a warm Nirelcotrie het m—aTITYheThsietrEbles;• of the lfeenharits' Eve - • buM- inlisge.drylnaenteild•,:eneritvberwalerseuLrosutro'nOstig by fire. of an unknown <nigh on Saturdale Four horses belonging to the dellvety, company and one belonging.' to DerGare diner, a 'conunisalon • merchant, were - burned to death, and damagh to pro- perty amounted to nearly $20,090, All the uniforms and equipment lef• A Com- pany of the 23rd Regiment, which !- were. Stored in one of the _burned building's, were lost, with the eitere time of the rifles, which!. were saved. —.At the last meeting of the direct- ors of the Howick Mutual Fire Insars ance Cornpary, the vacariey oatised bv the demise of Ectwa.rd Bryans,• wine was an. old and well known ',member and many 'years vice-pretident, *wan -filled )0' the appointment of John A. , Bryans, son of the deceased, who will fell -out his father's' term'. The veteran president, John 1t., Alilier„, is now in a blast bY hineeelf' ftte sPar..i Service le conedenedt 144 'associates, Me5SrZ. Edgar, McKercher and BrYa* having_ passed away.: the .last meeting of thealforrls &anon a Petition to have the Slyth- Creek Drain extended was received trom, Mrs. Almie McMillan and others. • Ar - copy of the petition was sent to En- gineer Roger, the council basing eze- tertained it. .A. grant of ten dollais was made to the village of Beigrave to assist in constructing a side•walk fro n the Methodist church shed 'aorthward, Tenders for abutments and. steel beams for the fleet line culvert will be taken; at the next meeting,- which will be held on May 2ist. " • —StGnorgsts Day was eeietirated -• GbdSrielti by the ladies of St. tGeorge's Church giving a high tea frtbm 5J to .8 tin the new 'Masonic Temiele,!oser r,300 sitting down to a delightful Supper. A fish' pond, tancywotic table sand home- made eandy helped to aid the funds considerably.. short program Yea, given, Rev. J. Potheriughaitt acting as chairman. 17i0eal 5010g:bY Kr. George King, lira. Frank Saunders and Mr. Ce. • L. Parsons, instrumental elbetsely Mrs. (a J. B. Hunter and Miss -Woolcome were some -of the members The proceeds a- mouated ttsabout 4186e . + • Isnot Iwai runs and tile ere ifOund. grave, ; , •