HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-04-24, Page 47 `7 7 L t 1% A Ogg— C' , 7-il ffT-W1F4_- 7�4 4 A NINN00 AMON _EXP -4 24.* 1914 an an Ahem, or V, 101t OfficiNare bestals yaula&vu ft 1A W4;ch till Y ia� be ut�i 6010 146 1 -114 10h tOwns Ip(I Where ente# are A -PIM cated 41 -xaft Ja saying that -it b not t t tkimeAt In the town ,all to,�& !be Ow'sooa: wwa 'i -The *amlsex. on tha r4te T 4, host �14;ds F A ej the this*'- th and -work- V411 be comm -at 10 Uri! �Vord n will ana- sta. khel� you 'a 0 Mu 'All od -COU4 tOd tO 1 mt In 'tA View -not -tha 010, I"A le am14 oartlest &ood lobes sbytirt the 'building In ma OF, `0 h th 3 4 r- . laft I 04 It w tbil Jio-� A t. WM bo W, Beer, *home prdperty !IF on the te C 1144 for a- It Ito Ve +ba, 4 )k 0 first: site baAr_ purchased 6 7 tr Torolito !C r t the real. S stal elect" Ad"11 Rob6+ Roger the bank bullftig is Au r B and 12 13 14 15 16 17. 18 Will be 11. degoor, 9 fiebliv 4. Buit dence 1 la A: or� Xl' Id -on 41. Jeorler -of 'Main Wta t VC41 r. lveen ibitry Of the oftte - , 'and win h&Y6 1hO,�Jalft floor Causer a tv-11-ag. 1167 vat d6 inoti oat I is nianage� -Ban ton, (OF n �s Store X9 20 It Z2 43 24 ;�S. defeat iint' on fh0r UP a harness AhO -If o A - A ri at his fitt -or" .0 e� marr affe Pe 1 26 27 :-Al 29 -M 1h a -ad f in "Mi 'Ifem tbio Once Sam '" f teresti i i , I _19y 'have moved here of: '47 13V L, Ity, 'Cha M - U�m Frow trADIL-W" -Verda Moro,. a!qd- the Leavitt has - XKfO_ at b4t,- hoW, oi4d HIS St6re 'he service Mr. .. - his d P.Melat0d TtIvItt Memorial! Chu!ch With ff"be In tht, tuterests iwodlit g h Atkln�son abot Q NAW ADVSFffW=2N ror -'have t. Mary ttion led L 'th ' f le n I a tod' her. %e !a b#gutlf Of &I ter Sb is at t than Freniter toS. Spo'�t' ErnfatL H&rVey left JoSt *#ek.f U 0 M ther 13 loge ul Oak by . . r's. to, it mn:� b L Bol, they know- the the, :aunt, i6t, CZn 11*10 A=eio- A-, _,"'Aew a f everYbOdY' 'We ii -ter to the Fo Tie r Wes I*bWam, ths'p nthesit d' 0 when tit lqft W ht Jp_ng ar wants a I classes, former is i Tiord. - _ . . day r iarn- 4 whero he wUl rfta r t e ;Vracticoril' and S., ---whom, summar.�Mr. John Welshihipy returned verybod-Ys dollar the n, ds Marrie4 e., Aftfteiweh i& d6notes b "ge of th.e: came-& e many th the latter. lohn to US. an Wkich the Ito has been. is �Wowt�;Tecjve-110- from a trip to various �Voll;ts "n -the As the satne w t Is eld& to 8 h, look- sell the best shoes --imia Bunti Toronto Is th a we, r 'blai wititor Ing a Statev,-It has been decKed to I I - - bdId C_ g4es a a Xroo 0. - akrmp Is &' V! ow a: ixt, a�w now on the d eather b. Ma -y Xtb .0rotAnt vis t bel e "t*-Qa1ff0oWntr. 06�-1 rates and' The Da dti-Parliameit ft�m- we at t I W" Aorla, Day cehbrqtIqn here a.% an prbcure at as I Possible =9twolothes nn Of 0 t Yphe 'Budget 'ff­qtl�l� draggingl' r 0" Joe- Baseball, horse' e fit fee�t, purse -and MM along an a ej)k Atkinion� 4flas ZZ e, M.'a aevi other sports Will be -on tho progfam GrAut has �been the 61d ' b - 1 1 1 111. r Ll it beeU 'veryy, (iiable, ep Y as) -11 9�; .1 Was. vig 01wa ivInt, .8hop-8 of ­ParII&Mi itting mince nJ 8 In oderic i la#t _Mr. JS C, Iffanna has Wen appointed. J. (X the reass bling en of ifinies Doyle bem rarftwor it-A.&COR"s-S v�h birop leade the band 'ha pJace of Mr - ga- Me after the�,'Basttk h6lidivyR. rift' TAC#- Part- 'Au'f fering fro� 6 Ito 1 -21 4 s, wo Wallrapers -The ni my. beau m r wallpW rd Treble, who ed, -At the severe. n M1 good leAthers, high o-,;- low ut - great 1vari of "*%it*-ArAr#wrAtdo1r_s iament h4Z. ma -e, -a a AZ&%4 an W1 W11 1* to make a 11 y en r, i L rz re earn, TtTeco annual vestry fneeting ofT!:l;,1tt Mem- M B too rol any room. ,Ta M" Oravo Pes a 1woGig for t eire of the. Premier, 1-7 orifil t1rch the tyl usl ftoss n 6 Shft�;—Shoes for aft r t following of.,( ers we're S, which'is cted txritlf the ead Of Peroplail wardm 0. ft; $&a- MWNd*--* i 14en_-Shoes for Trota­$ oleo, Ong Worki 0 AuWou Mumm 01"aft Zurialk e Mortgap 13-;rned.--J, vpr)r b ders n9t $3 - tie beginntag:,of �next. arold Ap�pe.A rlin company gatl ere4 in Ca va n eb -ir select vestry, L, thia Or k rector's warden, L-11-ANIcksoat Dickson. C? H, =boi rjw * Sir, on FLI m#_* The doe -ics was in;` th-6, JI ilage last weel� Mr, s WS ftX0"_*.D@T4me"_4 likely (46seiby Way evenlis Ifisk, Ar $and trjy� Thos. Boy womp f a George Sp4 'has retufne4 t �o n A t* burnkis of Q e mortgarie N rhichV X. D, Hurdon Ift'r sotsuaw for "-IL Govent"k-8 street,,wearx for 4r ace -3 - series of arneudihnits- ealbodying the, Sam kcwOet, Tbbmas Undeis, Dr. ass lul high 0"04 205164 for Sao -IL IM11 visit to -his 4 ightee ImSt. Loijis,'A 1ch. p, -hurch propertr, whe Mo A teed upon tho- or low cut wan "P"1:4*164i QW&WO-4 policy' Of the Opiweltion aa the. Tarift Ijo -1--Ur A A jrin- th e. church was ape licuddy, G."L. W-aukh - 'Ades. -non, ch icest leat rchlb4ld, a form ned shi 5 ears ago. ol hers and 1 the *lt 1',df s1jqe Ifiaking. S. 63 Feet, T. of our oat, was -d VISIto - ere or an hour�s Boyle, T, SpAdets"C' q:�estia.L Tne-Se of' Course, Will all be C�pa Ai 500W cony e Ret. Xfords, Pumps, Colo Welt Jo DYer, 0. Crawler.and ni last week - Tay a the 01 Etc._$21 $2. vate par y d M of .01 CAM $02 A down bY the Govern nt hale, nY after a Detroit-, Musal r in ',roduolng number who, ghtest the an * r% -!a the 1 udit )to, ill. D- Ifurdan aact Thos Boyle, 50 to $4, DO, ow bit they will a record. Y 1 lCootle, Wife of .1 xpec 91r. and Mrs, -� Rum hei rece, it y a4di'ence'with their song too, -Kai ohn Ford, 1R sil died In ;Exettr North'on Monday after- 0Y It c.#ed for- MISSES1 tbst mofnla,-, seselons Mr. Win er *'Ief t herb last reek the vent, at - t 6 �d LDRILEXIS SHOE will commence ex t week� � Thiv - Is us- AV�ith a car -, horses for the at. 'Robert Are hibald, pr a ent 'nX- 00n, BW'des ber busband, she Ica7es S styii6s and sizes. ually." the prec ex for ari'rarly: pr --mi. J.1 Ec4p o the and seven SOP$ i and twol daa0hters, Mrs., W4 fit C6 1dren's oget propedy. ghd:� 10,31 A. fa rgle ievo, secre La- rord wan 51, - ear's AW"RMH, FRID.&M April ?A, 1911 ra,;atlon.. The 0ovirament 1,;.W eeieru Zimrr I old and bad 1)eea We're Chil4renls S ernian, b P. the oDoo. lao, di a, Aid Ofietf alul 0-9-314. . Jame_� afflic �od tor two _hoe SJ)e_c1a1, iniportimt $r -,5o, meas0rair -before Parliwnent, were -quietly ed- be ive War# v&h SL r- on 11 Ira obett garlett, In. Goven twent "d e 10 �1, I ifth anni amobX them bell-ig one for 0, a 1 c On a a R Vitus' dance. -The ersar r lot the W. X. rm 'Off �y paxt the 6relnanY. As the. Churah itite rvi�w ivoybody k. ThO C,%U"I&n Hfgk ODM lsslou. datiou of theL In Railway Act, the 1 amen to arnes Strest We want t*L* went at the Elgotiora. Act, the 1i ameni I shreds, was CclebratOd VhUrsdavy ntZht Who ha� a Spejo$7 Shoe Want 'of any staft LLL th3 document vare dis - by a- iirthday-, Supper. The or 90ft whateve -'- No Ment'a - thd civil, &)rvIce A,,t,, and ti s r. faocy prices here_u�' rver'. since the death of Lord Strata- 13aiiebab.-A baseball clu A, Catbill,led the con- 09ram; rep amendmant- a; them. Labor liw Aind re, has been resenfed 25.years, "Ch me ng $0t golod solid satt fae- owl, tion In slugIng tho Doxqlo Un mber repres- don" 11, 1' ented a 'It, ­dayt week, month, ye, 4011- sh*. With, 0 W. of- frA Weguarantee cona there, boa been a good deaJ Of eral others. But it Is 'now said tN t! ized he McAtg -V We theAi oarve ar A d and ant spebUJStia Xicera.- Hon.L political r at '03 .1111 of the and in all these are likel: r "to' bo iiroops.T for 'etc. Mrs, Wilson, of- Greonva oat bit. Wit$ OCCASIO 3r, the .80n; L presid �Xen 6th- I Qke, i1ce- 11� la th distript representative, a A 1he prenent session and it A's eve M. cb urch!a L cteA gan chal'- the Pre" us to who will be bl-3 Ejue- president, Ste ng rbo hlist 3r tit 'to, inted, that; the' 9 n ry- 4 h Redistrlbutldn-� IBill, B&� Close. Thhe tWv i by stor, a d L Co woman, The proceed# Iletted over 1100. cessar as Canadian, Mgh. COmmlssloner* trtasurer, Ja bour Man L r w -y fkl� may -be dr*ed for this :sesslm, ar4 be No appointMent J.a$ 7et if -1 t IS WC '_Y tion, congrat etc at London., 5y Wm. Udl and M. tb happy eVont and the to to --V:,rova conte -i lks, Tho� S of th'i KlIppen been Mo&, nor 1.4' it IMP'17 that one. onlY business therefore whlehi%; .1ke- Hampitown M n, Wm. W11.1 it c giregatio-1 iarb -111 furthe to b 'Johq� Barb a r, E, T' g� r a t!r I -_%W1d ammitt at NO --Kany;'�here aturs. It is e Wh g' V L CK11 , will -be made'ln the -near _y'lta be completed is the - - C raralatiad� P_ j,,,00d el 14 of th, accidents which befell Mr. Bell Bot$ou anu burn --,Auder, The f st werc isorry, to bear MY atd:ta-the Cahadlwa Northat-A 3411 th took in� a Pium *orth..trying for. 'Tha posidon'L MOO wilL b played! jgat44. th work. T ie c con gr a and J i. Chesney and which are- men - A op <11 - SEA. thirty. the po sstng pf I the remaln't 9th )stwee.h teittis c' a v41 .1no' bet r e 1, 1p pod th ;tloue' in another column. -Mr. and is to carry with r _ ims, may w :b It a oak-. y of a Shotild Is to I i- th urse ba dephall. an& 11tile dawighter of TE e mes 4 by�! Ja I tirbo Ave tuo�wand dollara a year and a r, taken, the. sess,;on! iOill probably bpe' c o's ail W�jr before tOF *a on d and forward ci� ay, f0j, the Mas erA r ou w1g. I r!. prao Ice tOW115hip were this. we*.Vlj� AOTEL -the I , '04 1 Goder ch' qLh h better a I bIg trid(Irtaklaz eXas rArquistries'which w ed about the jrniddl6' of May-, But, th -and Situr iting the tormees pare�,Its, Mr. an4J Mrs K lia doubt. bTIng faCt Lia illa _t 'Me -I' d "a t t he pil ay HIn ster is L, no aba Is more with th it di) to Oftyl thousand,: white the to Wm. Iviaon ­Seetflirg In 'this part pilot tho . Gd-r0mailln.. -0 wine that itirreth Itself ;­;Oul 'bowler -al, are'o_ct1veJk'- WaW7 duties are leopoldered pr6 tat 810WIT owing to the by some as 'more through a prolonged sesslor Lea#bui iA tile cup, bad r athor a daIrIng iin ift ed for 4 the a ai airid h! backward weath Glazier of go mer *)uths#-0t*!bas1:ne#s men Of -y honeroasi deJeue the Government la toi get 1, mewhat e2Wnstv3 01perlimm -wlth4bla re Ornanwatal than useful Or' . . . I of; A ofesf-T�e rris butter Mel ?ry Good Mare.-i-ar. IM110 &.4n Clinto I gpent a the aXJriA,,, trade *oo 0. as, Sam as possible,, mid his -place, few d&76 this week auto a few Aighte agc� in - i &-The ecemary. The -names vor i I _ JjL .0 -ith although Perhaps t h-1.1 conimence I or, the sem ic! 6� proud poebegior Of 'with ier Sister, %ass are the w&Y a OMM, toners for 1 11 F-kaJV what will" be dane.. ; MWAA9 F. lord ulte rr a ba e, n- ere tentlY nizationed for '.the w -L it. in UP C1 bY the Domi. KeLean vn4J grV.H� -on M m6st perals th SilverC <1 ' t ta Glazier.- 14" With one Of -o r torwuorh�, jl_x�i Sur.,, Ches- wkell he we be. WAS ZI Ot i 1-0�Od ding farm lieve e t the Easter bolidays wi6h -Mrs with tbo r sult ne. . R position are �hoga Of Sir- RIcba.-&.,Uc_ th fir ettA19- he fjlgdc rize, for �b best Ided to, Allaw aite to rm The Vnited.Stat4a And N Le fiso lilin of L A tri 'iirai rp to in �6al exll ea With for Mon # Of OfL rl Eve- y, S =h Y rJ4 tb tam IYer in ,be I to cad have, 11 Bapk "'ey"911cNOVIn. In Loudo '-Mr. and Mrs whatever stood in, th that f, Bride, 'Prernfor of BrIt.. :r a Ibit n. tl at �!he oll1ded fah (,1611 imbia., Made'Lfor the i e CUPL is Peter Ba*divn of and -did Liam a a(Ung 'leld fv� t1l at the Seafortb e*I itly tho Ir 'JpI ro., )r )e- ow. - Bleber- visited- wi h the - Robert Thejr� is �Srave dppr - 9f -erl as titionAn, oatee bei -uty and Mr. Hm George.Perley and Ron . t SOMe st=fs M, th �ee Gavin Is Almost as Ur, aAd UM JOhU 131=dale th w 1 1 22, to may .4nder the &usolc n of a re, ieved and fim- f V�%A IV icy trouble- betw6en. the lUaitsd'Sla gnd' we b the. Rogers ' East Haron' proud -of - i - Of ev- 11fi&t, both members of the Borden, ici far It an h4 Is of th mjjretbaV -Sucl�er f1shiag is vlow keeping the e u be 9� Jitural., .,tety d the, other B time f#r K y it _him T animal is IS to �to ran riaus "rea e for. r J wb V �V�t h Mr - Keitr,retu I ed hb early warM. int tli -hicl� seven ipr of feie&-H 0 WCM re lmkilg their little Child of Tor to`�baV6 beeInAPM-d- tho b ake other and Hon. Adam Bedr, Ontario% Mexico, it, I hostutles h; lot 'A I ma buiY an rY Wke 3fts the OW -Mt, H. I V, es are foi r Years A M0511 a The re.altl was, In d by Mr. g Sloop to Catch t e; PaAst Minister of Power. Probably the Itost already commenced we .1( Or 00 With * Mr. tha-t,, tween the two coani ries I bawl a on horne 1, 64 GoOd�' Priday, atte4-. a m Ihs me 3avhL In the, . 0d stock -Mr-16hu DkW110. who has e, -desire imder the lar.1 f Sh# !! qo 'been FultonIA ma r . SOJI)JINI in -Ene: An g_ no, 'me, cra I own�-d by W. J. 0, for sonA -,nontb s c.omn 11478 tl Ifelaride. 11q has hadL long -1 so e favour old ougo It will be &vIns, . are ade a -trio to the Village to See hls Cartnel !Arch an Wbath, toa. osigtal Is 1welyl-n close to. bom the Lord's Supper 1 be observed In enling, as a very deli�alte fOu idatiO- � Xa go, ;avino Tho� all sue- M tl Odfellovva a -ad the MAY 17th. Wiste W bg 'little A r ledge o Re th -beocla Order, w1J1 POM'er of 'the Pacific Provinze and- time. Amerlmn -elti, e xle ve some; before he . 11 " 4ple coo iful horse breeders. - Com. old friends last Week, All enJoY­#A Mr. and on the 1, r evening pr#cedlno atteu& # big cloe - Ltten (on to 'S"llool Co�cert.--A. vary' successfol 'tre -r'rid e, being their anni- he Pitodgla's calls. -Mr. Job3l arator� 'been roWd mid rnal ated boig,' Witt the has had matters in tha by t I versary pret-w prep rVice' Will be c=- en tb� Rev. Mr - OU t a good, L 'of ItM. lifithera;a Churah, M-'� Re Page, r(dtor cf, anic enJoyablo elffirtainment was dhis stag are busy in the so* mitt ad dueted by the Rei . Mr. Miller of the Smith will s9ft them -Gar C urc ir Rubv Village rs wo tT Much in bW own hand% and It Is coutg-14ing 145d warring I Ill JohW 0, WE 5 144 ;x1l) wit, a an ffie Leadb Y Sdhool house on Thar.; are- turning nd it, t wa* abl J6 sday evening, Apr 9th. The qf to Ras Made' a, ad mesa of them.' 'that country a 49A bee�n -e Pee d 0 �er dwly. Mr. Doig has a laa�,gve atock Horsel rsY has returl ed 1rom Toronto, t A,ast ftnd in the', form oe 4 own han eree Waal verY favor - By his reckless extravagance he has a-- -for some, tuine that so e'overtact, woe A box Social and 'Mr. of thei raw material In, his where she had bVn $pending a rou. AB &bly f Ompare ny Vill - Any `ourL Sister bout run the province on the rocki be comfilit,ed which 'r T Idi Pm a 5 Archibald sold the boxe,3, it nd. I Reynolds, G.T.R road ing1pecto, ple of wee" with r Aat1jeo',an& ea or we Jd bibil -yr. atte ra unti] the# that falks realized York, were lazt -A deputation frop OublW wai � not and wife' t0W 00 tha, would Meet -This pioti' has now been ' -5 , &I I the townell duHA ll , doUb4l tOL'a, head. , , Mr- Arch quiremom for lar4e gatheringU 16 we that' Lbald 1 U�reek visiting the L R 1 �gri ej i4s was 9. bord auctla_ with the formegiather, the past week viate& dIM _k or vntIns 4as Hmsalij,'Is mort rent lika, to get out f rom under the load age gaqral Am - Reynolds; at L he&. A few week. eer Ain he sold evpry box at"an agen Pere,- halls in or Soldiers I in unto. -W lyrebe r to] - a good Xr t- derr to V. -t same q'Ints, T1115 oablr and satefi'lnto the haven, at the Lary- erican. A 'vesse, of the nt om price. 0w, C. Brown, the At the auction Sale Of.gx. Th6r4as Ell. is a Wise 8 It IS J*UC i such, �xia in sirst 00 teaf�#er, Bpent proceedtV, for it is much buildir me. fraining tile - 00C, etc., on - Th4rsdw better in, the event of,'buildIng to get gainst aving botter,� to. -guard s�­ don office efore the Jnal 'crash American, navy wl�lcl eansideiabiv, it chll- �rls farm st rT aT 't- t, was the I !was 0' nei f )f -the Ursal[llc- d d lt, J4rgest crowd tb�t ba;.s experience in this ke, Additionz or x. h th ut was vergr credt Comes. It -is not at all likely, lkowwrer, the, Mexican harbors' re arre 0 1 Av A way that count tensiols, aus the AcadgmY, Ch th3m; spe it that Sir Rldhair-d Will have, his dealres 03 Eer"m re home e. ­Kra Jain" Shia is at a o. Th6a programme, which 4m en. Been at a �3&10 for, many 0, d y. we rath r than what is ed b-uy-- ly. WW is wort alwao more cost - ti f le In can, Ong$ brf oing, is worth � do-, tifled. -Nor Is A t of,11 reta, I recitations and dl- buy, Ing experiences, which Is too oftOn ing W611 and 0 in thlo respect gra it Janprisoned by the auth, d of B The people seemed to, be there t� Ur and other ryth!'W. Was sold and at 'good the cam where wrk andertako b0dinis in, tj�011 sliou ythat -eltber Of the - other sea- the rovisional Govei, r. of *A 5axic a. amdard Bank !-a me E� 7t a of Ves was od. Spec I n- 29. eve &E dI.y ,elease, ttl0men InaMed Will recelve"the aDf-- These soldiers Were i 44 aster. t lis home he ICT be ad ef a drifl -by Me P1 Wes- 'Show that ioven� awa;y back Voinment. Indeed it'la very dodb -without kROwtW What Is beat to 6. some twenty- Y'ar3 or M6.,re ,r 01 cleve iy. ft n gir thoY had fir il via chil Irer who trained -UM. T. Neelands is V181 bat this wa's 'the iUqe4 wh h sip t bl friend a thl WOre r if the latIVOS the spirit to Id eolnethlAg that S Ln till vaear�py Will be filled a -A-11 af- by M` I Brown 1vid Se MaCalloch. H�Usmll d 'Editor, Sup,- stands to their or(!d1t._,M� james, wder on fire. Thel (ted A. Jordan spent Ham I r. . i Toronto, a our 11 i .ter the next. general -election, at least Po -JT Be t X. I n the tras- iror &le -bo ported by than son, oY. re.; L. D. all in to, -i Ed. HcGrat�h, Stand- hW Inorl', one of a his igh d Al not -�ermaaently. 'A temporary ap_ ernment deman e an- abject apology &rd Aar farm, Ilay township, mid who iha 3 been �rutislri; in 11 k, Ha tees, .4 eted as airman. Wa Y betwabn Hejqsi it port - that they ich Oming lePts In -his,. Harriaburg, m )urg, spsnt aster it With d Zxi6r 2 inflAs from the re bee FOintmVnt1M.aY be made, but even this from Ruerta which he,refused to gl Lo idon Road. f1cell. urIng the hWS 11) e here.- the bai 4so Miss H OIC ne , cf me , sum' realized, a fina 50 t4n of oatmeal feed at $t6.bu house-keeping,:'Codking and all other winter m tot. . Urquha is doubtful. Ile. wais, re i 3 to, I �e Putch rt � onths, rmurned this week w e U170 departments The Expositor does not inake, a,,,y erican, flag. This be v r2 5 �il to-ic guested Lo to the r Lonack, spent Aa.'sfer at h home ga4s 9 d the of the work, -We i3elieve look after his fart I 4`drJnJ the PrkW� he ill age. -,-The many frie, of school.,- it Is Id much pleasi lapPily' Narileo.-We copy the fol- 'that the EPWOrth Leane that bag beft Summer and, faU 21 The special pretensions to prophesy. Bat it on conditions that tl Le A nerlean 3 waa, d John. IN Ahoek, I IcKill A ure al�d eniel d 13p, be derld from lo*ifig from theXalgary Dail.v Xerald in- existence, for 11 igood many year's 0 win be S ghte" of does place some 6onfidence in its ob- return the- alite tc 0 � Mexlc v . f its mus cal btraIUSP it will be read -With mue4 Inte e It by in - connection, w Tlabkirk, da,, 4nd Airs. W. Ich" C res to'heal of higudden Ith the Methodist Hab recently.s x-nt thus. far the Amercan i have ref-ise klxk,�� A tc4w days hol- Oervance of ther signs at � the times,' A Go.c d Boy. -The f011oWing Is tak th� many friends, of the. bride In thJ3 Charch here., d, a Laos idayaith their pa -e carefl,en-Thu;raiday;.Muc�h sjr:nlpat . I e -in as isb n de - t I t and them all point in an entirely dIf-, to recognize Huert., as the - c )nstit i from 44' Engl[Ish iper and c vido vicinity, and all Of whom wo ale sure foir � the present.- -*e hope tbLa extended to the be�reave�d wife r. L, I ntly �KCEW Spring to see Our au -no and leient direction from those whos&­tional Governor. It 1hatCacce-d6d to, 1 1Kiss Lily 'ell names we have mentioned. It Is -norse- Iris reaues refers �to -the proco�dings of a cyine, be- will Join The txtosltor in most b.egrty was recently Exeter v4ltbig brar fillh�; 1-a Rr t this . ld 1.3 a recagnitla, i nevolent -congratu�atians alld t , 811an stand for 090C -atlo,h' interes 1111d In WIshing her 'ImCle, Postmaster 0hristle.' W;. Ley� the band. Thit cXet that Han. R. L. Borden is any. !of his - atitharity, wh el � the -Unite I emo d h T1 Uc kersm Selection and forwa IdIng ot.ch ilrery to much futiire happidess. The� HerAld -eridge, fter spendIng a umber of of beauty, andl colb dttion Coado, Wt 11 worth tbing but comfortable in Ills pieseat States declined. O thpse lvallpaperx-T�ew�nvbesutfi )I ; The cle* read two reports A very,. pretty house wedding Mantlis here with her mothcr,. Krm. the. Work �=d, tho Sma; ul, new WA PTUP ri I P00ition. as head of the Dominjoa Gov to tam todk place an [Tuedzy It expense it therefore, Huerta . rc ft a �d in we arg showing wil en you W make respecting T. -P. L049 -and Harry Wat- -eiraiag, Aril 11ri e, has ret4rned to,Detrolt, Mich, would requite, a SAA 11% o' with the, American d 31 arad to �- salut torr spleation 14 Jam Graves,seafirtil, son, -Canada b� the 7tli, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. ertment. The care's and worries of the )raiyr I'M". wh were sent, a the flag. The, Amerie I Governmen 2411-1 Position, are killing him. He Is of too Board s ome e6naide'pable time gga. it od, Q2 Olt avenue, west, when ents.- line a texture and entirely toG thln� ha6 taken steps 'to C i pdl - hia, to d arry Chegney, n o was iss Bit%& Jane Bell third i rep )rted :hat Long was nZ'aged auxhter akinned to stand for long the rivalries so.. Ther are. rus r wit a -Berio celdent whtli� bell. In Cc in farm work � Lt Ontario, and of :th late Robert 'Bell, their Idb s h, a - erio, as giv- of Tud ers.nith IN and warships to. Dais, and bickerings and araspings which as- C6, 6a Tr-< �s lay A 4 Mr. J01M 01 w logo at the MIA a en a spl!,,ndid chaadter by his mploy- as married to �Ir. Don - .sail him from,wIthin as well as With- detachment of -Amex iCkl L troops arriv. te Kippen road 11A. -tr�lng to free j er.,,He: was trustful, old Chiholm, ldesi ad in, 6021 of *r. Alex - out hi's Cabinet, aud added to this the, ed at Vera Crw�, sei �e4 t, to Aece of :slab ir, m a log :tihe hs( dustriou Y. Wa son, who Is a zn tiva f Chisholm, f Stratherrick, Inlversne3s. fact that while hp, Is a polished an anced, st Scotland. The �Iceremaay was 1perf.)rM-' _d HQuse and other pu 11.6 bal.diti'i and ng me Ches-lay. ()n' Lh( HarroWl'ate, wts eniplayed by, pro. -n - excellent entleman in many respects, took possession of �i� o6t. Sever es were nt taria i to6, rmer. Th youth ed by Rev. 3� A. Clark, �.of - Icnox weree opposed � by Id. d been Istrains of K0Ides,::ohnW1,% he is hat a bor leader of en. This by )9 wia lose th'a' Waal ad, a f rst clE ss Nme, 4nd hi ch irch, to a Pre fl. - Mr. An tty stif .1. Is, Perhaps, his greatest gh n u sev ral mof dreN all, of t Pres employer defeat. H ILI is cad C r, wi th hk t wedding mareU Played bY th� brtde,,s ie . e hre� years. Government and his party are re L. R. met sister, t. by- the American soldlej b4lng ki.11.4i and with an eiiif t- He trious, Mrs. *Leod. r9he bAde was and was anxious internal dimensions and the many more waundell to P, i tic'A n friate aecideoonrt to b9cot i enrl -e r. Thi) M, (Y ad- TJ �t FAday, whe-a lie ne bandsomely dressed in a z-o4tdne of hed',VP- Power In the Government or t I troops, 'however, Were w1mate. : rout- I OWIY -escaped be ag kilie 1. H&Iand is c irman 'Oald th pearl grey Pailett-_ trinna hie h e reports were )extreme. silk ed with to party is the lu9t for office ana ed and driven' -from ithe city a,nd the tio, Willie. self -toned velvet I we e riving ng, and h d lace aitd pearl a.. tearn t- ly gr e oped the lads power. W American flag now over� 00 -great is the strife and- go, !great a the! t4ehed to a when the- would d well.' The boy, Watsol, mm- ornaments. Little' Vaster -Dor aid Mc - r Crt Z. The Amer t�nc& th( ve Lead, the the pressure on the leader that hor s bridOls ne all city of Veza The t-eam begal I tj y Loned h q e n iernploya ' by W hew, Wa 3 In, at - d bag to !9--t away out from under it all �C&ns say ther, are no; dlspo.�ed to r1un-away and �n inearly-, i under c y-,,. tend=ce,as ring bearer and wig after - every few weeks and hie himsel interfere with Mexico. It � la thelr selt- t�ol thd tDng opped out avin, -near . Leabury, MeR, N t off of hal lop. Hl now eighteen years f aq Wards Presented with two' gold pieces imposed President they ire 4ft�r ifor . e. AS maxi i ords were- tO some quiet retreat In ordoar to- tneckyOkO. Mr. 11 was tl ro -Ara In f n In., Mr. MrG " procarre, htw-frani � horme bY the bride atdrooffL Y sola I ii The bride r"e- tone up, for a 'new atta his Insults to -the� Amer" in U& on 0 the, roller nd rula o, -er,� While it; in Toror to and he ceived most cdWY and beaAlf-ul pre- ek, This. as as been wl,.h him a tie sart'hld i Th rs C. e m for thro t'years and 111as been e igaged Ong them being a leather al, - Well as being prejudicial to public American citizens. but #U --t- e h( sents, a Canada last season a s all er xica as c fri d to h i I r aM business, Is - annoying not anly to &fr. should be backed up by, the- KJ� a e,w. I Are for. the fourt. Mr.. *GavLn speal; rocke cut glass set an4 �Yther or - Bell W t Borden himalf people, no that tha'_�44'st b,ow has that rD -he bly,as be give nur �ther make uabined bat to his (Yolleagues W a physician fo re very higly of h nerous to mentlion, The 0 folloZrs. Under' theFse cir- a consi ter V Ir bi U him tte, very b?st is a upper,was served in the din - and his beft struck, it Is 1haird !to 811 whe_�,, b okeh but -he wi *d6A 0 We t 'goes the end, e. If th 4�.- A- e and'Shaken. W), but he 0., without, is pow saying that loque t roof of cudstances it Is not surPitalg that or where wil, bi hZI q, 4h aas �bd� ing roomi whfrO' cover 'were laid for e P our ogan Mai ericans a Well D nload would grab Huerta whd 'inicely. , He b id a 6. os( md it gueS* W Borden should'desire t- t ake.. 'Call a 4 treated A about thl a, 6a. Isfaction to hi ts, The table was ar- t and unload be will him away and hxlg,o' ftail he first r Impriso: i 'him h escape froin �nare in. employ that t ie bo-� appreciates and oppor- er tiaticallY;Iarranded with brl,tal roses �'The n'versal Car an CommigsiGnership :,r t t I:d tunitY. The High and- then oto ia profits by th end ami x. MUB M,%rgaret Bell,, Big p fLrther' hostilltes, It- a�most mlra�uliWs. e ea rpen ed will after this opportunity would be, a% histruc dab, act it:nd, ter of t r ej V40re He could, �i Id ,tion -accorded e t S Yaw h As feserv. me navir blue char - car retire f commen i1, Mexic and I t t ; 2/4 you'r rom the Premiership to, the probably wed for b t cr,911121%r. Y ing boy he wit ell l6okk after use, t -J$t KrS. KC_ made High Cor the United States. But if. thq tV16 na- 6tes W Ma4Ve The. nmian Leod nmimlonership, with ail his frietids afi* and his future 1roperG zuarded eoliAne with Von- positicyi ti?ns become embroiled I by9r. Countr i n Mrs. r. Prestige -unimPalred. - The a W �r, It 'Mrs. David Brvre ' etian 1, and 'Kra. Chisholm f pathfte *Ith t cro would_ be one suited to him; WIzIle I -L-0 wili be a serious' matter- I . —1 — Val or bot ,,and lim the IOSB---,Qf Ith%r YotL1 -left Xor t cir now home amid shovirers gest son,! J L14 is admirably suited for the position. perhaps other natioxna as, Welt. I V�n, who assed a� ray last p of canfettL apd with the day. 116 beat agood But it would not do for 3fr. Bar- LthS 0 - #Xet�r 1about, Se n d.— rs.lir. wishes of their friends. They den 'to stely down andoat Of thGov-0: r4lake bf t AM Nath of Splair.—A. particuixr- will be 9ix hundrediftflas is ibe pri of the Ford an4 c ithr Of t 110* ta their frlen& t ed ernment at the pr Crom arty, took ty ad de at arred', in Victoria Has- -627 J�Ith J�ea�le, east. The groom was fifty; tho esent time. It Is -too a raltt It 4 ak about the t�urin car is six near a general election for any Notes.—A, Paragra0h appe -pit 1, Lo a 9 town' A%red the day' last wee%.� Ele: condi o -i Is, C irly Or Buell London Pree Press! re 0 we W1 i Th4raday of jaist, form ineber of the old astab- n�ne hundreO—f. o. b Ford, Ont., cor,,Iplste W cently .10 t e of- sidered serious' it esent.: en a 0 fich 4steerad resident lie ed r n itb move ta be --mado with ellfetY. At inost fect that there h fl. of Chisholm an drober- e' -- rneut, Ge atal6gue and- prrc Igirs fro, 'a quip t C; there can only be one we in that vfkbi 16 Of acqu t es h of o. F. Daly, nt, Se0orth. more session of family composeed fou Of ,'euma cer,'daughter of the --,Farmers And gardeners are xetel Passe aWaY, in. the person man of gaalgary-� this Parliament and, then an appeal r ganer of her re Mr t I b gle living. We cArn bo t Of a simil, Oun, of ate Robel op or. must be made to the people and that HY in our 11 W, our lone, 1: by t ie ; .. - . !the deceased bad making good use of the present fAine 'le v -are in _pr. 2 to he tae vt of P( age. h tat Oust a low days weather J%�4' the land is in fine work - They ""are in ra' 1; e, aT-wal, must be made under the en -4 Nfra. Den-nis of on, Mi. Morrison Mr: I - El- a ived here o4 ers1shiP of Mr. Borden It there As to liott and her son, now ejght yel' he iousI3 to un Fargo ;A;a oporatlait for ing Order,; --W. 10. 8=110cofnbe IS Pdt be MY prospect of mace. -ss. ald of tl* ha ZeIP91 al'Of 4 tuMdr. Ari attempt ting a goqd cem Tic rn no 0 0 04L t 11 age Nx- Epps has Purchased a fine an.. 114 ) to pe rforni the operat:OrL the front ent foundation under With the election over and the Con- &1ew days last�,. we lax wit enew aato�—The I)Onr isOnErothers hav N m Bella I b co gt the. i urgeon, fifidft it, a hope- his Vock that; was re -d- Campbe SeTvative- PartY SUCMSSfUl, as 1b.Y flrO, alld Ot�erwlse rilue- they slod three fLne prooee d ly injured _h' case expect to be, Mr. Borden will P-tdp Into go IaWbr, the 1Ic(s , the 10h tnst., nd, further andin or !!14 ( - ly fitting lit up,_�.We be Ing well a 4 Ile Messrs. ace mea� he the High Commisslonership. The place: The P Into the three figures, di3g took pi few ho XS she pa5sod ai,,ray. br4ss Cook, Kem f erecting a at ho i rs. Denzison know how to b am tr wa 9 born, in t 9d 'Uts, 3fr Ito man admIrably r he townsh Of good 'heir basi- will fit the es.- ..Klsg , d )fro I ob,,I.t - and ' 't"4reasing and - 08 raise good bars I)r 9 r ,. to�r t Ann& I loote rth, Jr., whe' the Ornf, On the VhAirnes Lr: Road I:I$A has returned- from tie Clinton hosj lng� t Ul (alers i4l autos, and would near nem as Mgn WM fit the V_ace. Ux. Borcip H, e CO av arccessor in the Premiership will be wb Atal, ter, Alexia #'S Co 13at A 1ew Years later no do t i ise it lot rentln$ or ere She underwri: uni ed i U:b Uon. Robert- Rogers, the, pres It Aga- looks prt I ei ITIO 6 with Be Mr. AI(Xa0d r P, �er pa:rents to Eeter, parpo-ses.--gr. j. Ucl)C!nald wit - L ister Of Pulille Works ty well—M r- W. WRnless has Br d Is the, mo -%t gone to Clinton hoaptal for treat' t, on -of Mr. Oh f C064 OuslY edded nessed destruct!" fir -0 In Londo:t 3L He the in e -P Powerful .294well ar. binent t Ile 12th corices SAW WU'-J1 falthrulmem- d4ring OthO fnOst PDPu- and may have t the early i hours of uesday lar Man, in the, 0 AMC ftig()i air opera b e am pe tho most honest, hat with ma,,iy tl-.at hu h ani was d fcrber aMo0n. tho-train tha Cabinet. Ile m emony was oet t.be rfo Bet. od!st morab*, b a1bg 04, his way trom St, A, 0, tespecto f �vc n - 3U*� and was good qualities. Sbe *a-8 is, unfortunately., a econdary cor),sid- A fon�. in v1siting her 11t, Oth �r, f3rty­ dQr that ooll -d-. ith ribur'n Ct x .9 Wesht, but eration; la politics. He has WeddIng, ix tyell"s Of age. The 'remains were receive certainly An April ria,! who has beeTt vory,ul ,At[ j :a( d in A i InJur$r.—House-cleanlng is 'A ver e- rr developed amazingly re e6yering, it ed 1A the cernebery stace ent I ref F xeter; eria- Do- t- nd ba now the, r of -the day with the 1JL Y, a t took Ift f. ppy-, e ill Ba ur o � Dash ro Minton Politics.: He, 19 a born PolItICIA1111 A Ou rn eard Office has no carea or bL*1 AViil 9th, when Miss ertle I' p irc has4d 04 has fair-Osx AXW MOt 1411nY MM axe b Bri cell a Pord car train our &,cal hMming 1i I I at there 10 zo, 14ace Ukq -worries for him. E. ASqLith was unitcd ft marrl ! A I %, �r 5. Snell. —MIS I C;t to n, Orried In Annie PJs_ home,— T IN His Political consclence Will never kill the, thorne of her. pai dUpsia'; Kra Callinfet Vantauver, R. 0. FM t Asquith, to M[ a lint for im.nor cause him AO*Ous Pogtration. A j nts, Mr- -a Mr a. t t here a G& Mr. Franels Oliver Of as Week MIA are eldeg e( W Weeks, I aga nee Miss eagle Idor is visiting her & eposit er at relatives he He is a manager -of meen, and could Ilveen. The-tWexn -da 0 f M r". ton, as nilln Ohl Alf t! 14 b true the an absence of eight ase a full Supply of it, if you have any over, Iffuldo the ship Of 41tate as OnY watt perforrnei I Vic: Furell 'no other the� fou candession, at, tim Of se.,Pral etn- years, and is at Pro out any eseme of.4mme late- relativ Y4 wa) d rhagesi I+st 'Weel the nd 'it to to''Mr 1 90 Ick at, Olt, ili.-Mr. m -0 has ImanY or the traits pr4 S* rbas young, a. E, le friends or- tr do. H V. Wrn. Raih farnIlY MOVed away, er ad for e es, -it des WAIT& in- t48- CO'warvatfV(i arty could Be aw 14 years - 814CO find it equally, YOU and The 11bride was atte ded and ar r, 3r of 14c er' h e pleazae to mftt her a- sortsof di r ur C*S all 0 Jffebrt ISeaSe germs. Tol a1ne, were- guagts gain.—A. nit dharacteristlea of Sir Sohn A. Mae- beaat1fuIreiWdf WhI, silk Witb alp. The' cerem ber 0 our anglers visited borse I Zlylsobad Spmels, stop$ donald and it is took pi L" t, a, the tral Hctl last we tchin�r on thO Opinion of many rew Ovel the age r. Kr, P. D, egs, etc. of shadow lac - n Metilodist jar ge in C at Wils d!pgdu= the wh and Carid 31. Smi of tral e a haa watched the, man that f T%b 'IdO was t who has I e�n week, and so.-ne r " bouquet of Pink rosebids. Miss V1 drewse her: tr i L11111. .10 With ty ex It. Af er I i t 6 syed -the we ddL 9 e 49L Party Point f Tiew he wo-,tld t.7ake HWHan pl, n Is f alice blue rtting Old 'fevef, IE Ze� han others" in ge t�ng to the, Aght, *,ISOLD 13Y. t any While the rejIster. was cer th ly ,, Qrne to, MO Of h1s - I iar- f3pot to make 4% C a amessful, lea&r� This, a at th h, and earne tome =18, I's thg- prograbune, laid o t by 30" - Ten, johmAtan 8, Mg rald Mrs. Samuel Smith, of pol- very hor lloat, V & her, her UDnAorilroad, n or le otherz labored '*us supper v;ax he e. —The L� 8� tolleA In some Of toi knowing onaA of the Con- 1,Oh pair, Oh weet a SWI But "I t9 a5! in.— Party XroM_ Exeter,. XA/ Ute trm e wh i! the hap& AOcIetY if Caven J�re ad H 7hi tftj oul Eby who bade -too ST wen to -;bet r dently i tarried IDRUOGL In Seaforth are 1101 Ing a bazaar and tho� way of ookbi doing Zome hing 011islio