HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-03-13, Page 6• gattelifUlett On 7- • One year's sales of Cornfort Soap means enough soap to build a wall 15 feet high and 29 miles lor.g. Think of it ! Enough to complete- ly surround the City of Toronto. I POSITNELY the LARGEST SALE in CANADA ; 41 Or Mir Air AW AW WO 111 1111 OP, 1111 Al/ Air as RN tat in um BB Air Ar 111 • II IR olumee 4.4.44•0801•11P444411141•••.-4•.- 4 IL. You GetA4.1.110145 0 Because Your Liver is Lazy you get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its work. The bile does not flow. You become constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You have that " bitter as gall" taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and in ated-- turns sick --vomiting, and violent headache. -Te best preventative and cure for biliousness is Chain riaba's Tablets. They make the liver do its work-strenthen the digestive organs, and restore. to perfect health. 25c. a bottle -All Dealers and Druggists, or by mail. 1 aniaberlairg Medicine Company, Toronto. PO e Oat hel on, TY( rsola red Th trial Illot °me of her on, oga Fe,. 16 e red Dece d a 1 ' tItts of th it 141s cf Mitc E 0 EiPOSITOR tvewill be, h VITAL t pas s ' away at dw rd , Elliott, Etd t he :age 'e.0 one of to n hips efts. 11 s a, h Item springs Aptil he ed ,t al IttItL The 01 at -g ew oun 11 ti gt Mar s to • rant $42,0 eb ec ool; he n- tter echo 1 is est out oneidered ra 11 4 y t r Atir h. • JJ wYt!l'a:: Prof Jena Se k., • evvh;11,!, goo 'I On es 01 hell • ou cli have r a new It Lou agatn: I'to she ratepay- ow so evilettit- f date that mt. di te action . M *Mary 011 ad n rash 11 we &:o flora KI 1 oat lifel d resp cted ia-soeJ 0 1 to w- ed.ai d -ALE ---- STOUT - LAG • LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option die can legally order from this brewery whatever require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CAN A leese- dattereflt,ASAlitehAAtairteleheaVenistesfefeeietienstlatedelgtee tweet et tate itele t vis 00 he Ro ert IK ed die 11(101 Health 'Fru BALERS LE, hettlth in a e t'About wo on a aofert'rett land litfer very erYn di d very stid- tun re t o St.Mary s: kt n, wheete no - resideat, hOut the nn d Du.ncatn, f Mitchell Ltth g last tended the Hi h hoot Ln e th father c ted on a Usine for' l se al yeairst 'unto nd an in eintor ;of I became a of,soute:go "Fruit-a-tiVes" try. theni. heir effect, „saTsfactory. - T , the results all expected. My 'liver and normal action af of la denin boxes tithe Vi lity. ever, the besthe and 1 unhesi • testimonial for 1 1 r e ay o a.st we k, •after an veral oath r, Edward aw Y 1' at his ome in lad been a re ident of for Ie..t1y fo ty year, ve iop tar', - highly es - Ido, fotir and Bev- te s ar left to ourn his ;a11 b r of sIt e tneighea to end ds Irt, ai Mr. Wesley Jef- n t at t e hotr.e L Hibbert e y e e ing of j t week y g. d bye be ore they, left for ate • orne 1 I. Segotth They 1Yr ed wIh a coil It and tnexj stand ro Miss H zel Jef- n s tottes4t d with a bracelet., he tr tford resbyte0 convened zox h rch, t atfo d, on Tuesday ast , ee J R v S. M Haley cf 1 stoc as a peinte _ oderator, Ro rt Mao 11115 tem hiving ex - RI ds J. .Miller, ot St Marys and Dr. e. Steel , .P , of Tavhetack, P 3 McIalalMn o " Shakeepeaael ap, gin ed t irepr eent the Pros- ry tibe S c al' etvice Con - at •t awa iext month., ev. uh Fr ueon, dectetary of Chil e 's AiSociety, la d infce- on c c rni. a case ofc uelty to ild er f telt h me i Logan, re t • police tna,gletrate and case -w s trIIed last 'Week. The d 1 d disc lored limps of the girl w re e fficien. eId nce and w a know etigede A fi e of $5 int•-•-eg on the tr, their, and the was in d sic), with costs of $3.70 ach ae J The chil4 wa taken to e Shelters ein f ce dawawar a in the !tear he rrafatd Gas C es o fice, Mr. rt t otteons of trat ord was d e fo ated b ga, oh Sunday rnoo. r Thar eous as in bis yea J *6 had live i tratford abou t e last , ten ye rs and had ate m• oyee o the St ettford Gas pany fo ,s.orce time. eeidts his t ns, Willie L 1flRay, at on e -survive h m. 19 lath- d•Rot ea are still livIn, as are, his tw sistei:.1 J he late Mr. eous a well a d f votably known has3 evoked wide - ad m athst f s hi fa ily,. his ad demise Some people may eat lots of meat wit o jury to their health, but it's hard on their Others should avoid meat almost entirely, eat it daily -theft pay in both health and p k ts. et t ey irle.1 Either class will benefit by eating1es nat and more Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. It gives much more nourishment than its ckst in meat, is infinitely more easy to digest --c4 nse- auently better for you. Ask for he o is as j °seed town. lin, e, of c of e neig refof aten entit t ire li of ru ed b th og as t elv d it Iwi ed 3,M ent f even nlge he ea' Co nty ohn aged ha abojit ned jilo eld. He wa- ved by othe4 lad Lewie in the Ma y of 40_ ith w o othe' b se S tth p coin ni 11 euvr river ap ng 'lout S a ,s, iirs dtu d e News ot op 505;80 st complet TI tontct tl enorhe t wn it he C.P.R., Jew bol ',oath o si stoves the bugine or al t wn, Battles of t1te12z hip, 11a t ill yar eighe 9 05 ang 000 ance mbu lotion of th city of To- otding to • a r IreetorY nag to be a Is 1 t zfl't ti) 8 D.e d f ge g fjlte ated o for ty- and o $100,00 blocks • sect me CC 011 ca on e town. •ave hat fee mak s A. ew 11 11 ocqu led on IF iday illie a hi been ht ive ntorithe lee fretri WI tition ini th a nromirie d the Odd lento obert ith, ee Jaw atin lagg d ne seta d st where tihe ai:ntly d nd dived tv tt Vt 4, : I News to most women. Oven -tested flour is for sale. Instead of buying ordin- ary flour you can buy flour whose baking ability has been proven in an oven: A ten pound sampI6is taken from each- shipment of niirufwheat at the mill. This is KI Car ground into flour. The flour is baked into bread. ti• If this flour bakes- in bread high in quality ' an large in qUantity we keep ti e ,whole shipment of wheat an grind it. Otherwise we sell i More bread and bett r bread from this flour is a • ertainty! More Brea \ and Better Bread" a Betir Pajtry Too", MS % 211511111111116Wm....42N23SWEZ,, -60.41101ftligir=i=ggic=4 • 4. ,t n2' t • was ite The am C: • stole Al w s dee Toy f, .svtearrt d at 9 &SI ele ct,c1 d itt th gift, f101.their Y g ew hi onou 137,ho00e 5:a P nce. bl pu he 1 he g time ned, O ri ne over of erta, d n a g o d a d ting thdn es "tp mot in befar use w Lt 1 a a • d t t $3 000 e RIP Or (IP der V11 an cc •p rience t tam,jin pei d erh lent -'a 1 II Jred he d di t o. we th bow s C4 imie ti re. I myee p spelt. r to Pt ee 11 ell her, at n ,Oaki d ten, iver st Fri on the nearin behind ing ne large 0Yt3 ice had d not gi'o Lao tio ter . h jnot n lconel befalle by •the ank L d al ire droo afte fere o seperat th Abo • the' it Wa s in ;ft their. itura g olive GRIM f Con elms lfret • thle lin boa t tootle' the co pilgra e 4teer s, were rred 14 he main miles ioned la da:nage, d dwell- • and Pe out veceolidncesee_ Paisley pounded i is esti- of lumber. AYr, Wat- lat week 5th year. et health hen he where toms of - m mber of w . He is la irn e, ' and n , Caii- drown• - a of the ay evening., Iri er with boat- nd tiite n he bank, Ing cuitri n ice the a n om , t his alarm.I : ticihg thein ded that The av tt in ts 7,irsb tentey tri ly, The T e leigh- t me sue- t as they d and left Leavitt t four' o' - again • d scovsred rns, the liv's alone, Per valued e by in- ictur cis Pil unt a picieg are tare tussi n el 1nt. decla r ie hbl ern the f th nd ad not ks nd qo Tie had e forget • • • I I B AT. iti na Un el. ri er's ex- t, Stephen ,gives a tion un- to Je- Lg4. Fnur a comma - u led by ye k lc ow • fou igh Pas en for 11 ,..:, ....,-..7.2".1.,....1..,.i........., .4..7 ..,.... ,A.11, ' -. - dd th nd so th •ers into writer 37 lived a place were in ething crush • St. ' /0. hnl dreds o Fruit-a-iive Co sion is used ki1hey remedy i i i ra e, th se table to the h ndreds li ve be4n cured x, 6 f r $2.50 deters or sent Stritit-a- ves 11 mere, e (Laren the sme 1. 'There was I linen sacks, h cr sses, with wi h bears clut w Ives follow' ro nd and rou mi n and wome ou their hair un Lerelothing. • 'As far as e in o the dark d: bu dies and p1 pil rims, to th be s, where we tu es, before ca dies. Here re eases were t th blind and sic --ail those po er or no wi th air and sunle refleeted that Ilt be impossible night there eveln 'All night lo ed aloud and watches of pra e naeitticat watch, 4 in hours the nol without th pr strating them Go . In the ster re4d and sang-wi nleht, and afte and each went sti 1 to be hea ba s prayers of' RE AINED S CURED ester a-tiv 10., A ago d state, doing own. edy, an vertise • 4, found it Redo t eon), idneys r I had t nd 1 re day, I Ihave ngly bhcati B. etters any, th it-a-tiv the wo have pr men ae y takin rial size receip ed, Ott ss, tine d By sff g. 26th. tete. I found my My kidneys eir work, and felt the need having seen I decided to ' more than -was mild and have been. esumed their aken upwards ained my old. m as well as ever enjoyed, e you this if you wish" KELLY. eived by the same express is the best Id". At any sed the best d women who them. soca 25C. At al apf price b .WL toutnese an rst a wilderness o d-embr idered wit e wor4 Jerusalem, Ing sties, with grey one a other's toile . Amo g the sack were lying, combin or exa»iining thei could see, lookin ths of t e hold, wer rims, bundles an ast ra gnawed tim1. ikons :nd holy plc ich b eamed little the g ost noisom ill, th very feeble e mai et ed, the sea who h d either n to go up and fee .me absve bord, would in any cas ✓ me 0 spend th if 1 fo nd room. the ppgrims pry - ng -thy had. their as th ship hadite d even in the wattl- ns in t e hold were ir vot ve pIlgiims elves nd singing to two hundred a priest until mid - they had dispersed his ostrn there wait ' the p asant,. dee he slates of God." A Matt famous cr ways pretende game for old mn" was once luek at the spo club Went to t e dr ve off. 'What have m old friend la guid tones. 'You drive said the caddi "a'd you've g th t little hol fly ng above it. yo r ball." he caddie cri keter, with drive off. By str • ke of luck, ba I, which laud of the green do n iuto the wi d with excit ba4k, shoutin on4, sir -the b4tl ''0h, is it? plied the n At first I was mised, it." • PANGS of Cirse. keter Who had al - ;o regal n and ersuad Alm first t d golf as "a cripply woe d to try his st the whole e to see hira got t do, caddie, he ijemarked, in fromi here, sir," pointing to the tee, to pu: the ball in with the red fiag I'll go on and mark oved on and the roper deliberation, an xtraordinary •e drov a beautiful d just on the edge nd slo ly trickled hole. The caddie, ent, came dashing "You' 's in t glad ce u raid I Contractions T the Ent When the st onee begins a It is these tha feeling, that se but of yearnin pangs of hunge The stomach ers of muscle brane, plentif snuill glands called the gastr thi into the st witjh the food t pre ares it for ]n the norm ba as soon em tied its co t tins the hung ir In adults man pr-ent the co t ing at once. - do not feel hu have finished I3a1ies do. Thi exp,eriments byl infants there tion: they ha e a es a Soun Ston ach is es tf ive ti ation, which a bag nd m y su t sec u ice ch, w rein c estion tomitc the nts in contra istrac ction Is wh y the igesti as be . J. o me not SU WIUi lillians Be • e down in e hole!" of that," re concernedly. might have the Call of ach. empty it at ontractions, that emp-V not of pain, we call the made of lay cous Mem- plied with ete a fluid d discharge ere it mixes nta,ined and -that of a tomach has o the intea- tions begin. ng agencies from strt- most of 110 moment we g a meal. n proved by arlson. In tal distrac- et acquired • _ ess and Sick ache Cal Jul,' S, ?Y.,' Illwasa great erer fo a long time Vri NW r. : eadaehe and tunable., •. ..g g --ed to do good. I. ; almost glven up. la when I . -g .: -.. to try me de FIG -ILLS After taking abo , i _ box the head- ahes stopped an. • 1 y appetite improved. have just finish hex and feel; as well as ever. LI can h y recom- mend rig Pills foe stoma and liver tronbles. IVI49. /SI v ELLSON. Sold at all dealiers in 25 and 50 cent s or il zoanedt by The g Pill Co., a 10 144 eetteoree A recent niedica "An infant given o of fo*d exhibited ph ger that ..s, iealled abou1 two hous. W ounc s of the sam nlsIleid the call for for t tee ot ftur ho was iven e, emitted at bedtime it Waked than wlienj We fee to th po1r of sett 'C rlson et es th as e idenc ot the betw en ti e time stom oh a d the a hung 7 co •traction the lisensati n.i He s more freqi enti calls the ' ll y ar oleviousl that, he g stric hu tees` reacl al certa tens y bef re'they Lty sleeping in ant t Vgltren a an dra avp off hei pang erely app iere a me to prevent the con after a 1," remar or, "the Senation o ter guide to ga,stri has beenl admitted t We ou ht to culti ate a w1th it 4ore intelligently cu tom -ci4th the ma ority • StOM ;Ip learn er itio ch. rhap d edi ab s tha past, so th familiarity than s the Of pe sons. Italy's writer says- nly four ounces noinena of bun - for more after en seven or eight • food were fur- ood was delayed sea If the child amount 0 food Op much e a, rlier Ing was c rried ty. se obsery tions lese paral elism . emptylb the pearance if the which hsitiate ggests that the for food during due to the fact ger contractions n degree of in - wise the sbund- wake up.' s in his belt to of hung r he hanical pr ssure ractions f his tthe hun.- con- n the ISIOet of Italy t are aumntit of eonstructe in the stor y days Of long ag inaeyl case these village eyrie rar • moved from the railroa are a proached by means of wi ding road and -trails. SO steep are some of these reountalta and so corres pondngly' toxtuous the trails by -whic they are ascended, that it may take as lOng as twe hourft to ge e, diatance 0,8 the cro faseinating lets , is Ari turesquene with its an ingstep st Imintain the villa iteated lofty mo fer pur Top sitillattes. es of so thern t the etense ntains, bel g so oses of d fence . In Et are and f little more than a mile flies. One of the most of! these Mountain hams •ticli-Corrado. The pie - • of thie little village, leet archwa.ys and wind- teets, is noted through-, out Italy, and the charming peasant types to b foland a e greatly in de - Mend amo g artists who flock here in numbe s durin the summef inouths. Su ta,no and l Beards. Whammed never shaved, and hie beard was considered sacred. His nameake, the conquierer of Constan- tinople, is .decribed ashaving had "mustachios like lea,es over two rose buds, and every hair oriels beard was as a thread of gold." It Was he who in reply to a question as to his plans" for a caMpaign said, "If a hair of ntir beard !knew them I ahould pluck, it ou." 1Great was the soandal when one ef hiS successors, Sellin the Grime...took, to shaving. "I have cut my beard 1 order that my vizier may have nothi g 110 lead me by," he re- plied and ellin's vialers knew better than to bandyijokerr with him. Feminine Finance. • A Woman who has some rental proprty, but not much business ability, had been asking $30 a month rent for a. house that had been I:vacant fcir sev ral months. Finally a prospec ive renter called and Inquired about the place and the amount of the ent. "ell," repiled ti e owner, " have been asking $0 a nonth, but the house has beea vacant so long I will have Ito ask $$5 a month. She wondered why the man did not rent the h use. ViThetls and Sails. In 1622 one of the wonders: to be seen at Th H gae Was a wagon or a ship 0.1 a ombinatton of both. A trave e4 of that tinee wrote: "This englee lhath -Wheels and sante will bold alove tutenty people and goes with the wind, being drawn or mov'd by nOthing el e, and will run, the wind'being go d, above fifteen miles an hotir up t e eve hard sands." We is Should Be Deep. hay proved that utal • twenty times as Ls germs as are con- eeper wend, and con- e water supply usual - s the depth incteaSes• rfl of deep wells ought ly to ever Y farmer. erim nts shall w wells c many dan ero taine sider ly is the p to appeal stroll in tjie g that t tronger tting, do Fish Test. Tie , sure sig4 by which to tell fresh fieh the eye. If the eye is clear the fish j fresh, lent if it Is sunken. and shru ken you 4may be certain that the fijh is not fresh, even though the gills ook red. fluen ‘,14 who , y e a r * of th tkno enoit p 110: Tet113;tyl• tani°1h; ('1t phil bit t had laid, thin' , phy On the Water ragon Too'. n't you think man is grea ly in - ed by hiS environment?", t alWays.j I once knew rove a srlrinkling eart fo and died f acute aleoh •P thaolras. Loubtqd1y1 Pythagoras w grea est men of all tim very 1itti of hin, but we nt u$ n giving him. a it rai of the world's was on math 00 11u of th ," b int •ma,ti h to ¶arr in the fro rs. Ile •ophet ani world's re q u ire e det ils 'nu be gores me an th 1 B t r? al r '1151se Idli anicil:s t:4t'st that? vt A censu te Oat 0 h1sba4id had r y tors. 'W 11 "how ngtm 15 man nine IV MARCH 13 12 Tumors Removed Without An Operation Silver Lake Ont, Sept, 20, 109. eying better health than 1 have for eight year, have none of the Old symptoms. I Atri ver think Orange Lily- is the greatest treatmeat for women the weed knw. eta USS in ray ease caused 12 tumero tee growths of amiltilt ort be o. palled. Some were as large &hen'. egg, and where down to the sisa of a. Walnut. Teti may l -tee MT MIS4 in your advrtie:tent, fee Is Bee solid truth, and pea Canna describe all the good it hos dans for me. Mrs. Louise E. Bne- Doar We. Currah,-I am en and I think I am entirely cur grateful /for my present health, rilfitis letter givez an indication of the positive benefits that alws.ye fellow the tise Of Orange Lily. It is an applied treatment sant comae In direct °rant with the tuffering th* start In all eases of women'0 dlitorders, ine %kilns pain ul pe=„ods, ng womb, Irregulaxitles, leneorrhoes., eta. laT twili send "amide box so tabling 10 days' treatment absolute y free tatt suffering woman who has not yet ried it if she win send me her addr Junclose For sale by Leading Druggists everywela e. Orfu. I yrodueff rag= stamps and address MRS. FRAN ESE. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont. TO Suffer From Headaches MIKES LIFE PAISERABLE0 It takes a person who has had and is subjedt to headache to describe th suffer-, ing which attends it. The dull thr bbingi the intense Raki, sometimes in o e part of the head, sometimes in anoth , and then again over the whole head, arying in its severity by thecause which brings it on, purely indicates that ere isl Something amiss with the system The fact that Burdock Blood Bitters caches the seat of the trouble is due to its access in relieving and permanently cu4rg the cause of the headache. Mr. Andson, 416 15th Ave. res t, Cal- gary, Alta., writes; "For three yeaf 1 was troubled all -the time with sick hea aches, and suffered also with constipatidi, and kept breaking out in pimples and s res on my face. I tried everything till a last a friend told me of Burdock Blood J itters. I took two bottles, and ray ski is as clean and pure as a baby's, and have never been troubled with the hea laches since." ' Burdock Blood Bitters is manuf tured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. A TREATISE on the Horse. FREE! We offer you free this book that tells yott all about horse diSeases and how to cute them. Call for it at your 1oca1 druggist or write US. KENDALUS SPAVIN CURE is inaluable. Is eures Spavin, Curb, Sp Int, ItIngbone or any other lameness, quicklyand My at sheallexpese. Readwhat Leo Cadigan. of rao e, Ont,. says: "1 used your Sparta Cure n a bp4:3 that bad Ringbono, and it cured him in ur woe tisno" . 1dendalrs Spavin Cure in sold at tbe uniform flea of in a bottle, 8 for $5. If you cannot get It o our /rag book at your local druggist, write us. J. KENDALL COMPArert.' nobure Falls, Vermont 81 HOMESEE KERS' EXCURSION S TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 31.0 October 27, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - 535.00 Ednionton and Return - 43.00 Wont Toronto, and Stations Wet and North of Toronto. Proportionatel fares from Stations East of Toron to. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES ( ONE-WAY SECOND CLASSj EACH TLTESDAY,MARCH AND APRIL S effe TRAIN Tuesday after To. tilers travelling with live stock s should take SETTLERS/SPECIAL which leaveWest Toronto 4eatta during MARCH and APRIL arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train onto Union Station. and from - - SettIers sho To Colonist and families without live Stock Id use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving onto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. ThrOugh and, Tourist Sleepers, °ugh trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West, COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS. No charge for Berths. Particularsf Tom Canadian Pacific AgtInts or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. - STEWART BROS.' Agents -1' - immmomm1111101111110111111141111111111111111101111111111111111111111111101filitlig = _ ... .... - _ 1 - delis- the Amy," Ma a i now -2. WEI:LITERS We g the first Moral f the earliest maticiane. it elebrate h space pto go t by "num othing mo s, as thou he first principle f all ical y spea,king, is mathes iNTERNATMN THE RIERRIAM was= flE Eveey day in your talk and reading, at A home, on the streetcar, in the office. shop ers" a etaetigean and hool you likely question the mean- .,----_ e ing f some new word. A friend aka: the- o ;11.srliat nyakes rnottat harden?" You e Ior a' This New Creation angwers all kin toirrtintrer.h Krira ?sr istitg h he gg t n u k ,11 ngratitudet to Mudge is getting )les. He will so ev. 5 But, talking we had nearly $100 a nice m9nume no neithought he caul nd no* he comes roun borroW it to help pa bill VTbat Co you thi 11 bet- rs. n be bput t for Ire - and es -- his of ble Motto. g a ly richEng ishwoman once a friiend about_ having a rm. She exelained that her 1 g - wee a pork butcher, but he 1 warrilors among his ances- said :the waggish friend, ft. uld yoi like the motto Ehtier than the sword?' un - oaf? sof ouestioneinLangage.History,Bingrn hr. Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and -a Sciences, with final authority. 400.000 Words. 0000 Illuotretion0. Cost $400.000. 200 Pages, The Only dictionary -with the new dividedpage-char- acterized as "A Stroke of Genius." India Paper Edition: On thin, opaque, strong, India paper -What a satis- faction to oven the Merriam webster in a form so 11 p1't and So convenoi, c to 1.1.(i One half the thickneas arid wei,glit of Regular Edition. Regu ar Edition: On song book paper. 'Wt. log bs. Size x Eric es. i for specimen pops, lost atictos, etc. ntfon this pebUtatten and r celve MEE s set of pocket rasps. G. & 6. MERRIAM a Canada's best pratic al training schooL Three departme ts. m - 0 o - rnercial, Shorthand and Telegrphy: courses are thorough . .d practical. Individual instruction is given by a, strong, experienced staff., Our grad- uates succeed. Students may enter at any time. Get our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. McLachlan, Principal.' AUCTION SALE • VALUABLE PAR11 &r. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public suction, at the Commercial Rotel, Seaforth. on Wednesday, March 18th, IN, at three o'clock p,m. sharp, the following valuable farm property, comprising the wast half of Lot 22 and the east halt of Lot 13, on the 6th 0 =cesson of itibliert, con- taning 100 acres There are 40 aeree plowed and the balance is seeded to gras. There are on t.he primises a bank barn 36x50, wth stone foundation; a brick house 24N14, with kitchen f two good wells. The 'Arai is lo a graod state of cultiiration and well situa.ted, being ei miles from Staff a and five miles from Dublin. The f Inn is bein; Hold to wind up the estate of the late Thomas Connollyand will be offered subject to a reserve bid. Terms -The terms will be made known on dal' ot sal:: or upon :appli- cation on the premises or to el, her of the under= signed, MRS. TIIONIAS CONNOLS, Proprietress; T. BROWN, A netioneer. 210 -td IJames Watsoni Successor to W. N. Watson general Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance Agent. Reali Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on all kinds of property effected at the lowest rates. Dealer in New Raymon , White and New Home Sewmg achine and National Cream Sep rators. . hill supply of sewi g machine needles, attachments oil and re- pairs always itt stook. MaKchiriet y Repairs Grain. Crusher Rollers recut, gasoline engines repaired, new and second hand gaso- line engines for sale -We sell the "ASSOCIATE" Gas Engine, which is the best value on the mar et. Call and see them wor , always one in stock. SEAFORTH GARAGE SPARLINC & WRICHT Wilson Block Seaforth C. P. R. Time Table Guelph and Goderich Branch TO TORONTp Goderich..... ..... .. Lv. 7,061a In ' 2.00 p m Auburn 4 I MO " 2.26 " Blytb .. 4 i 7.40 " • 2.36 Walton . if 7.62 " 2.47 4 &Riverton gi 8.26 " 8.20 " Linwood Jct. " 8.16 t 8.40 " Mimita.--.......- '4 9.06 '4 4.00 Guelph 4 IT 022 ti 4.83 " Guelph Iet.......„, 44 10.16 "• 6.05 " Toronto . Ar. 10.20 " , 6.45 FROM TOROTO Toronto 1 v. 7.20 a. Mg 4.30 .0) Guelph. Jet.... . .. .. . Ar 9.40 ' " 0.1.0: Gnelph.._ • . _..... " 10.20 " 6,66 Elmira 44 10.69 " 7.22 Linwood Jetif 11.23 " 7-43 " &Riverton... , • ... . - 11.42 " • 8,02 " Walton.... ...... i 4 12.10 . 8.36 " Blyth • , • • . • • .. a • • . • . s g 12425 1 " ' 3.48 loderloh . i 1 06. nig 9.25" Connections at Linwood for Listowel. -Con' cattails at Guelph ,let. with main line for 0a141 Voodstook, London, Demi nd Chicago en i ail ntermediate lines. , , 11,4111i: • gEt„ ... . SOINIA ' eree' et Grand_ 1 runk ailwayi System. -Railway Time Ta}ile. Trains leave Seaforth as follows : .! I 0,45 a in For Clinton Goderitth Wirighainsnd Id 8 18 pm IrionreaCin' t0 p For Clinten and Clinton,eWingham an Rifles .2in Goaerleh :II dine •;lee p m For Clinton and Go: rih, 7 61 a m For Stratford, que1ph Toronto North Bsy nd Pints weft Belleville and Pete boro and pointe east. p m For Strati( a, Gnelp , Tcroto, trtlatfotp m Fergratrruerhnd Toronto _ LONDON IXTIRON r* BRPcE NORTH Ousel:ger The• •• Sprinfield, Mass. kinimm111011111111111111111111 London, depau • 8 41 ; 4 50 9 '' ' fi 41 Eeter. .............. :ffi it 5-54 Reneall, ..... . . .. . ...... , 0 61 6 06 ppen, ..,........- .. . 10 liti , 41 11 Brnefleld, ....... .... 10 06 1 ii 19 Clinton, 10 "J 1 6 35 Londesborin, 1/ 1 2 52 Blytb, .. . 11 27 7 00 Belg rave, .11 46 7 13 Wingham, an ive . 11 t) 7 05 SCUM Passenor Winimen, tipa.rt 6 2l 3 33 Beigrave, Birth, Londsboro, Clinton, ... 13rucedeld„ Rippen ............. .... . ... 8 3 Hnman, .,- = ,...... 41 Dieter. 8 54 Centralia, . . .•-.... • 9 04 London, arrive......, -9 52 6 Si 70 71 72 2 3 44 2 56 4 4 15 439 4 47 45Z 5 05 5 16 000 lnn $ei iothi or R cur is LI. mat A to ti fri did gear, more 1,51-in ifyo co. o THr If tens fife; is fi 3=1 bean! diatel heavy dauct.- thehi its -v-e produl the fast. 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