HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-03-13, Page 54 MARKETS WaSSECON. &Worth" Mar. &eta *SA ▪ aw ar6 aaa Wataa 4 a* Wia fralf...* tfl aaaalka•* a WWi Vith 116 14.6.1£10,61 • It .4. 4w...tan 4 555.55Monaminimommalk d fowl, Lo Mit drei3ed 31g cbIekn alive. 13 to -15e; geese, Ill to lito 1. to . No. 1 &else& 17 to 236;1 to 17 castst enjoy rtant seen Toronto Said Market Offerings Plentlful.; PrieeS g,tisady rs get the factoring priceste-i , Not L $8.50- to $9; No. 2,4750 • No. 3, $pe to VI ; timotan-'. No. tO $T.23-; No. 3, 42 to $1. - clover, Not 1, $8 to $8.50; 7.50 to VIM tban 1tt any - for folk Owes gaz Beeltel d those naktng is cot note IS from seatOir- bottom Barley alwaYil rta did oti4 acing a X not upside ▪ work againe-t the ertaina LiMte 00. very4net Mr. and ts and eSta a get - • :a -Tea read a corm )-.date Oan- lbSOre# work arks, a e ption le the rpris- ticui- eople home pring 'nen- rder egem4,444.44q.411101444.4•144•44.4* Datir7 treal, March 10tie Cheetee-P1* westerns 14 14 to 14 14e; Anent ern, 13 8-4 centButter. chat,. &emery 29 1-2 to 30e; seSonde. 4 to 1814gEg, frenh, 34 to tee e Mexch 10 -`1 -Butter -- The pretty wefl supplied; with for! eludes roialitier.10 dairy 22 W 23c; Interim 19 tee farmors eepaxstor prints 21 to 25e; printte, 30 to 31e bents per lb." to 29 cents; storage Walt: 27 to28tcent; Solids 25 14 to 28ee Bess-Becelpts are plentiful, with the lover., Case lots of new -laid are �ted at 33 to 34o per dozen; stor- e, selects, 32 centre, and_ storage • to -31 cents per dozen./ Cheefte - ewe quoted at 15, to 15 1ek for 15 1-2c for tWins, Honey - a 7 14ce a pound In tins rel; strained eleverhon- 11 14 cents a founclin GO -13e in ten Ite tine; 11 14e pound tins; comb honey, No. 1, per dozen; extra, $3,25 perdozen; 21 OA per dozen'. GraintiCtise Tdreeto, March 10-Ontarlo Wheat - Noi quoted at 93 to 98e outside, ac- cording to feeight• 3.9e, trackTeronto. Oate-No. 2 Ontitilo vets quoted at Vi 14 to :13-o outside' and 40 1-20 on teer* at Toronto. Western Canada oats aim quoted at '41 lele for No, 2, ICA at 40 cent et fectIrNod Ot bay Ports. Peas -None offerIng with the vi- ew eteminal at 950 to $1 oataide. Barker -Good malthlg barley tiOoted at '57to 59e outelde., Corn -The market J et steady; New Number 2 teunerle.anis tteeted at 69 1-2c, all eltit Toronto, Beans -Primes *2.10 to 42.15; hand- picked at *115 to $2.20 per - bashelt Potatoes-Ontatios quoted 41.05. per bag out of store; 85 to 900 n carlots ; New .Biunowicks Il.1.15 out of store; *1 In calf Iota on track.; Millteed' - Menlo toba bran at 423 to $25 on track .11.4.4.--..mto; -shorts, 125 t o$26; Ontaelo bran *23 to $25 in bags; shorts, 425 to $25,-50; :niddlings, $28 to 030. Baled Hay-Offeringe laresre, With prices( eltg1/4 No. 1 quoted at $14.03 to 414.50 a. ton on track here; elo. 2 at US to $11.50 and mixed at *12 to $12.50. Baled StraW-Car lots, $8. 50 to $8.75 .00 track, Toronto. Live Stook Markets. Buffalo, 'Match 10--Catt1e-Merket 10 ceneW hio4ber; test 1350 to 1450 lb., *8,- 15 to 49,25; best 1200 to 131� Ib., $8.25 to $8.65; coaree .and plain weighty, *7.50 .to $1.65; • faneY • Yeaxiihr baby beef, 48.25 to *8.50; medium to !good .215e to $7.75; choice handy steers, 1.7 5 to $8.25; extra good cows. WS. to 47.25;. butcher, cow.ee el to -$5.75; best heifers 47.25 to $7.60; mede im butcher heifers $6.251 to $6.76; etock heifers $5,15 to ; best feeding Steens 38A6 to *7; fair to goed *6.35 to $0115; fancy stoe ksteers $6.50 to 45.75; extra good all 47.25 to 0.59; milkers and springers $75 to $85, Hogs -Market strong; heavy and Yorkere 1210; Piga 61.175 to $8.90 Sheep -Mare ket steady; top Iambs! $7.85 to *8; yearo rings 16.80 to *7e25e wethets 40.16 to 44.S5; ewes $5.50 to 46.85 - Montreal, March 10 -Of the offerin.ge there were seven, call Ioads of -Northe -west 'ranchers, of Which one load wee oxen, Per !vehicle $3.50 to 47.50 per ekette wee esked, as to quality. The 'market on the whole was dull, the top for choice steers and heifers being $8 • to $8.25, with same 'holders asking- as h1gh as 48.50 per cwt. Owing to the increased ecarcity of sheep and lambs, strongerfeeling developed in the mar- ket today and priceadvanced 25 to 100 per cwb There le a steady de - mond for email lot4 to fill actuel wants and atee of choice lambs were made as high a 49, ard choice ewe sheep at $8.400 per cwt. There was- a firmer feeling in the market for hogs owidg to the snaller offerings!, but pTices allowed no actual cl3ange as compare -ed with last week. The demand from -packets continues good and trade is fairly active with salee a Ontario se- lected lotat *10 and Manitobas at 49.- 25 to 49.85, while 0.10W8 are gelling at 42.75 to 49 and stags at $4.50 to $6 per cwt., weighed off care. Union Stock Yards e Toronto, March 10-Thore has been no Improvement the trade in cattle ;since this day week owing to the fact that packers and butchers state that the consumption of beef hag decreased considerably since the Lenten season. congrenced; and it is being felt more this year in thie de -i partment of the trade than ever beat fore, To this, to some extent, 1 heY tribute the IF rger nuMber of people , out a erneloyment than us4,311 at this season of the year and. the high cost of living, In consequence a the al bove the demand for beef has • been somewhat limited and they .-arc carry- ing larger stock than ueual, consee fluently the ttade in cattle was slow, and as the supply was in excess of the ,requIrernente a weaker feeling prevailed in the market and prices exor- ed a Luetlaerdecline of 25 cents pen ewte which makes a net !reduction of fifty certts within - the past ten days and the inclicationS at present are that if !receipts continue as large as taey have been •lately: a still iowev level will be 'reached. The following are the Pelee rangets;t Butchers' Cat- th choice weighty beaate lettmght from $8 to 68.80; good fram 47-39 to $7.80; mediurri $6.651 to 47.25; 0111n101* 45)70 to $6.10. lietre'f6•-GoOd ID ChOlce 41,10 to $7.80; .medium to good 48.25 to 471 Butcher Cows and Bulle-Batch- er bulb choice tanged from=. -47.26 to 47111:1; jood from '45.65 to 47.,4; med- ium Rein 45,70 to $6.45; corrarien 45 to 481i; butcher cows !ranged from 48.60 to 47; good 364 to 46.50; znedium $5.60 to 46; common 44,50 .to 45.50. Stoeker,s and Feeders -Heavy feeders, 41 to 47.46; good heavy steekero VIM to W.a.wwwwws*ww......mmmaw=ftwwww.....wwwww, To BOX 7heLeadhla findirtakers muttons moDERATE JAMES ousroRti 44.41MINAANA•miumrAmAlmo....10.....4411400 Irtmerai Director and Ifimbalmer 1tesideuce directly opposite rear of the Public School on comer .Tantes and West Streets. Night Calls Promptly Attended To Day mils Phone No, 50 Night calls Phone 107 -Births' petelenag-io 'gibbed., on Mareh-itb. to 111"- wm. Patriot, s datiOttr. (Janet -Rik n): -WALIIIIS,At the -3ningnam Geeerft goo tAL Nara let, taut. and Mrs. A. J. Walk* - daughter. - RATZ=-Itt ShiPhon, po-kethtterylllth, '13112'Filli‘11 1.71 X10 -0 -in Dealiveftd,-tlit• Fe- braa th, STOTHERS-Ite Goderi on,"Irelirtiery.-. 14th to Mei to xt.obtveire. Beozadelglieffere gOttittgh rs lir. and . W, E. 8 re, a gen. DEUM11101.111-4rtiginghem, onliebruary 27th, to Mr. and lire Erroll/ DruiantiOnil,i aen. SPBOAT-In Tinskentmith, on Moth Ilth, to Ir. end Mrs. WM. Sproat.o, daughter. A.AW•WwwWWW11.111111,,, 111140gidOrmi iliartma-FosTER-ita .4.4thi, On March 8ed. J. II. Battler, son of Mr. and lire W. B. Batthr, to Arint. Mdattnriof Mr and re 1111iareal4' 1028K-00:3InCenmds oa February 24.thi..1111.4"t_blaittiltelflbeSG°111fit'ialfra=11117; by Vie Rev., T. tr. Illitiniford. • - DOSS -KELLY -At 'Crrprala Diver; on February 240. by Rev. John notretob, Mr. Jelin to Ilia. Hannah Lawmen* Mei*, derighter o 11* ate 0.taXell-i0, of Wilton. BAREE-01n MoKillaPs On March 11th by • Rev. Mr. 'Arkin. Agnes Soon, cod chug ter. • of Mr. John Scott, - Roxboro, Mr, Itoliert Barber. of -Snowflake, tlanittibe. ZNIMI,Ehe HOLMAN-In Egniondville, on Mai 10thi_ Jonah McCurdy, beloved wife of COMM UOhnOnt 8g0d-5, Yearn and 11 month,. ADAM8-23'14We*, on March 8th, obert Adeline, of Seelorth and lats of lloKillop aged 64 years, 7 months and 15 day.. STOEHR-In Dasherood, on Mar grd, Jag - Becker, se GLAZIER -In Clinton, on March 2n , DeWitt& Kerr, reliot of the Teti -Jowl Ghzier, aged 76 years, • fimontlisentiSdays. IteRAT-In LoaAngola., Californist,, on Felsroutry. Utb Jaserph MoKay. 'formerly 0 Clinton. ' ISTERGUIGTTIa Goderlah-Township. on March 44b, --•_-___Atsksg_ont Starling, aged lit yews. GARNIIIIP-ha Morris. Towiiship. at March ist, , Gerais'', in her Silt year. It4/0116-In Guelph, an Meech lind, Rev.. sT&12108 .17firtbk- formerly 0,0 Druseds, aged 86 year. 4114,4...••••••04441404••, ••••••• •• - . • • WALKER Undertakers and gmbalmetrs • James McKay Night Phone -3 on 146 W. J. Walker Night Phone -18 Store Phone -g7 **f*************•••••••44. SAL L ItEGMITEL., Thor. Brown. Auctioneer.- , -.0n. Monday-, March 10,00 Lot 80, Concession* ill, IllaKillop. Farm Stook and Ineplements James Mann, Prophotor ; nog. Brown. Auetioneer. On noturday, Mar& 14th, on tot 15, Chnoeseion 6, Pan. Line, Hay Ik1131 Steak and Implemental William Kyle, Prc:prietor; T. Drown. Auetioneer.f On Monday, March 28rd. on Lot 9, Concession 6, Hallett, Vann Stook 1c Implements. 0. Dale, Proprktmee; T. Brown, Auctioneer, - On Friday. March enth, at 1 o'olook p. PI,. on, Lot 29, Ooneension MoRdlop, one mile west of i - throp. Fenn Stook. Janne Hart, Pooprie r ; T. Bra%) Auctioneer. On Thursday, March 26th. at 1 o'olook p. 00' Lot 24, Concession 6,-Ehey, Farm Stook antl len le. meats: John McAllister, Proprietor ; T. Oamer Auctioneer. IMPORTANT NOTiOnfi EED BARLEY FOR SALE -0.A.0. No. 21 ley, grown on new and clean land from ooll bred seed. Yielded over 80 bushels per acre in 1 First prize at Hensall geed show. Palo& 75a bushel. A. G. 83,111,LIE, R.R. Nen 2, Kippen. FA12 ar- ge la. Q KINS WANTED -Wanted JO April, 1000 tearing vettebra place in Egneondollle, attests shingle stretched flesh side ont. at value. W. MoDOUGALL. ore the 274h of direred at y roped el cr llbordama e 2411x ets0013 FAI1H FOR SALT. -In -the township o ra..X Logan. County of Perth, being ease half 31, Oaneemion 4, containing 100 acres, there be ng oo thefarm good brink house, a good ble nearly new and a concrete silo. This farm te ne ly all cleared- there is no waste land-- °la 101%111 d well adapted for tillage or greziog. Will e s Id reasonable. For furtheril.artionisre apply On Of3 farm or to M. ROWLAN , Walton P. .1 R. R. I 2413-/i No. 1. Tenders Wanted • • 1.• • • • I • ••• I Tenders, for the creation or Convent and Bch it in the village of dethlin. Plans and specificati ns ean be seen at tbe psroo al reaidence. Tender* to 4145 close at4 p.m., tier% t 1914. 8031ed tender to he addressed to Rev. Tb Nooman, and he marked, Tender. Loweer, r may tender not nee anly accepted.. Rev. THOS. NOONAN, Pasto 2413-2 ave Mone on Furrkitur Our stock contains every want in the Furniture line. Dining se s parlor furniture, bedroom suit s, brass and iron bedsteads, etc., a d the prices are marked to suit y u. ugs Aispecially priced lot for parlo s dining rooms, living rooms, a d bedrooms, in ail the standard siz s. Here is an opportunity for the ho e manager to renew her floor cov r- ings ata distinct saving. Lirsoleurris A splendid array of selections f r -any purpose,whether it be for shop or house use and the prises Are snob this season as will pay c s tomers to anticipate requireme ts •for months. WALKER &McKA • Furniture, Undertaking Embalming . PPIRIPIli : • • * r 1 .-. , ,..,.._ ' a. . i -. 1 Ia 1 --r -' • .---- I . e, -- , - ''.. ---,tr,---, ,...,,... - r- - . .• . _ -. . , A f ' Vil ,. . - TO . t --- -- --------- ---- -o 111311111111113 • , ..,.._...... , . Mir .9.. . . 0 . . ,. 47 , ,,,o,_ . . .,... 1 4 ' -,b7: . ' .„„.. tins. from; - thirri ... T . veil ADIA _ • ! . .1 • ! Ph • 6 • • 0 e le e, 14 1 t IC itr, 0- e 2 ,_ 101.hwog : - 'Jae- , , 5 ynen ev curr - ene_gred i i ...e- . I. IERcE 1301' b 1 niel di .-- , . due tell n hoe , , -SIR' EDMUND WALKER, CN.413..LL. , D., D.C.I., President ,, r t; Un - rtak ithihettlelit4t fiat sue.W he , ;sharp. nratehing ALMINDEll - LAIRDe.Gounnal Manigeu" JOON ;:„4 e 4teeaf. IreIreweleeneen di . • ' . V )111 nete4*_ ' nit gie r alirt * ler Man , 1 -1P -De eatesoe't er i 1113g ro1 s '., 0 t t fitt ' i 0 Wes; . DUAIGSY 0` -, atom ' ' A ..-- ,. _ - a.. Pro t ;.remee " T41,84 ' We please us please yOu.1 yo ur frf p g rt let . aits CAPITAL $15 , NO 000 RESERVE FIJNO $13 000 wer rt n NI, , r ce„- mil•, 0 s h od- *0.44• . , o r I 18- 1 • , ourioN 10%) Taiiiitai In 1 ' ac_ rhettet0, -utth;;, zs---3, draftenare g Siaare d vim moms , 00* -Minting re riiing.2 rkeldre. ramh.0-bimier. air £uniip :tower. on n, er„ suet PAR Brown Daeitiserte tn- = it IS; at' -0'0100k 17 aid, 1 draft Oattitte-e, cow, new years old, 2 tow with late li, dim hi gang plow; 1/01K tee heen .I1by011 eginop, .p. ei.,, • earl old, s• riehigi -steers tdding y. jcalved steers ris at toot. - ,I drill, row,nset winking I 1 , . „ a .. : 1 2 co in , • lo SI TS , b - by 'WO, oril nioteityt lowing; aft ..ffilyi sirs ⁢ 7enra OM?, • d Mtn J year oki -;- ementsoo er, steel we, steel. , buggy, combine eharaeterietips with' our quality and - F,I. !.- „,_:-..o 1 1.- the i ''••• M Of high wor ila 01 s hatand•' ; e s u e ul r i i lug of ' • - Issued provide a convetne country ... with the , TIZAV by The Canadian. . , bun* 'Self with. .. . . , . ; - ' t t ye inexpensive - ,n2 he worictin • - • - , ex tct equivalent e* ELLERS' , Bank . funds without manner. denoMina $1 0 $20 $ - I .. r in. the moneys • . i of- Commerce . , del -ay at • They ions of 1 1 0 $100, I of the , CHEQ enable the .raveller each point ofhis • , . are issued paya • ' ' ' $200 .principal counfiles I journey le in to in -every stator' The quareti luitol int ciep lir bus e.0 ton # hone ?4,13 n y fa 7 eel ;',ir e ut ,er wheel barrturt Par el • datort0, stigarkettle. 4 .el lit, plipmek, lutyrwak, 9101gbet Isadore, staring ., -;,..,. sw tan. 0° bi"41- lb. beam, I bumble IIII ulaili . on the identifying' face f each d easily cheque. - . TheY' negotiated. are econ.omical - - _ / absolutely , i safe 1 self- •,I S23 1 - id arut ber of grain . 4tb:r uti lee:stoo nosneretne . . for ta mention 0, ins and Terme,- . .•. _ 1 - L I ere f N see oft ed - . 1: # land, tik.z berley ,* i; for bsttl iti Pr ce e I. t B. 17 o 'ill oning00440".rocnwibounnadgegrfroeuvecilliorint , , t of 4 tee cent per antemievill et din bunts. , it ralloiltiLworiA-0--otrot' .11 . k I ws DA re " rttc: , ID ,IutImilis" Mud, .for K Pr n zth,t41 - 81114°. . h • , c : , Pi ac .111 to , , .Q. T. ,. • MORSON I Seafortn • Branch. : op I I me • 4, . ' anager - A ool r unoS1 ALB liq: ie. :fit, BRit • SOWS . . ," 11 . ISle N ' !ly ' * * '11 t . 1.4:RdiiI No. -- Lot 4 1:, Tucke titoth, . 4 Sett 0-- r - one I 1 ' I . , -OF 1117-4 -- 11'6' Clu OD to 00.1. I; ypablio on r b rt. on ThMadity, Ma ., theliellow ng: 1 ak Id with f li. 1.agriculturelreare la • a' east mare 7 'pa *gel ' tiind match- replant Oat oldie ' ' /185"41Y 10 4 on ch lillt, onitural .5 years - okiii geldings, years 0 0 Let at m yea , 2 & 1"'true. Con.' 11, o'clook, .6, years old, with 1th kale " cad T: id,.. .16 geld- Ali - K • •• the ! , A. • 1 . III ' ' 1 L . • 10 - „ n . '111 epot 1 . I - . ""............. II mwthie tedes.ws '4'14 !wend 01" 11°1° OW; one lalradiugrellabst eseolds, am hav , stolen it so i leo ea .,'' °- k ' :. al lel w " r the atm • * t ,, • ' et po o t Noti ce I g Oat% VI .1 draft ge . . 4 Veers °WA dreft •• ,,,,,..„,......,,,.. ,, e eyeateelOt 1 general • Id agridultural geldtairs ral flillee p yeirsold, g it geldinge 2 Id, dealt .y 0 Ing 0044 3 good farm * 4 y ; - . do- , , , e . •; Years o ft 011ies shin rs old,. s' drive , o 0 Ind a'. a , , e dratel• '; 1 pair , PurP'" 0, yeors al/eclat. 2 years cultural g, quiet C:1.InalCdia'nICseron , :e • L higli i , . Buffalo ! * I - Vali ' . ra : 1, ° i $ I 1 1Zer . • Ile . , 0 - it rit 4 . y fa , Mill baff al.w /31* ed •' 8 ' u 0 l' n TO - ` 0 . it 76.;iara„rtme." nt ei_ I r. 'kr° bur Yi horses. followin foe eultira. • r, itir- liti); be:14' bar 1 u l' 6 ons or!' le: k ° ri 01 d -liable. ; *hie le a • I will oeite , . Oa 5 brood so 1 p b bortbarn hull, • red Sher rn bull; 15 on hear it on furnith 5 r os .tpee annum. eto ' Cameron Anctioneer. / . , NI we on nein ' 9 ;it onths - aimrlared D. On °AUDI 1 , boo pvil ice Id. 1 • lot of - 'ma- rite nd May; ; 1 pert Terms --6 ut 110:en ll, 'Prop. 2412;td. 1 ' ' your. . I Fertilizers • 1 . are now I , Nott B- • . ,u have tored t -'red• i, i f I r .1 e an shed . or - - • s *I ! .1 w06,0 .a r-ol tone e otdd fferi la hi II. t 'v, e --, ' . '' lio ; t foot eskr-cold we h le o I, hes.4 et and WO bustle tee - . when le giv to olia it 1ntil private' • ' ' 241 1 - , - . t e e Asie .. - up in ue "";Cbt 4 lova -SALE OF num STOOK MENTS--Ile Thosou Brawn has - I intim fist) r tit Y r'' W KO° 1° - - Y 0 • t 36, enemesien 0, Parr -101ne, u da I.- Mar b•14t1i, irtlohal k p. m., t OA - Etirges -Vinare ft p y . re d ring Aping 2 years old, 1 . et -4 ilele tor' ws sup. be to bi t elno 2 years old, 2 yestelin betters, 1 a - b " elf th y 11 1 a Pa dal IMPLE. an Ines.. ' t" sue "" en Sani following ng ri old,. Any , . zsteern 8 month' ' ; • Nllitie " - PaTIROTIO Oh - - Ideal VV, b -ea Potato & 0 - I • , o GaraGardenTru - 7 - --oe: ' - ioe & Corn uspee k . - •: r. Fri , 5 $28 5 31 0 • 85 7 40 , 1 i 7 bars- I , I ; 7 b ; 7 ba 8 ba 8 stays . rs 8 stays s ro 8. s - -39.inc , 44 inc stays 44 inc stays inches s_ lit'g es hig es hig high at 25c per r i I at 26c per r at t3. 'e per r at 29c d d d • t :0 _ PRO'. EY. -Th "ts , P°4111 3".11**1 slime 'llidloot obit a. Huron, petty les fro 1 . g-spr rdwood. oney to ithant wm pled° arrange •, yto . t,, Heys --..; tera : E • _Ex ° 991 . Pe *h." .0 si II a • g Te ter iloo of to L. Sit le ; 0 •' S I auto • will o ' an 91 g. ° owl: 1 • HE the e far V a p • 't24' r 8 , 0 ,as , • e b- . Atlanta SSEIP Will bylpublie °Manta" • , tkii"7:12'.111 e0Yre. P 0 • cir -; b° sue 13° ntn411- 090 t 0t t: In the 0 0 1:0 6 , a, piemen ewer, h b a or f t pi- ., renewed covi and ca/ --1- Mangey - Lia De eig diva Aril!, ;rake Otto cultivator, iigpi , dim barrOW b - gr cutter Incons 'aia00:100Y new; stets „loot putper, . and Anna rig binder. • early new earlY new; set ; iron aiming mill se cedar rYotteletb0 -1:nugra ; ha ' ' so hem . _nearing d roller, •err 2 we, top It 2 Ohl ll:ralcnontan - • ., i 2004 wins its favor Come, -early I •. . . John' • • Phou!"511 I n145 . • - thv and g ' - Olin u 0 ., tiuttird orl. h. i d he flavor rusk -. 2407-tf 6 ha. s 8 9 ba s 12 . . 7 bars -9 . 43 stays 30 inches , . StayS 36 inc stays 44 inc high es ho es rin per r . at 23c per r f ence at 2 lock at 204o d 0 . , ning a h 0 a 1 .,,, 714 ear, bi 410101rOf fly e .- ''''P a° in ; tin' tin t. * ° 0 hirywoektahhal o he e vrhole t a small Pron:rleter ' tr, aramitullerePaa. go4b0r1 -0. "eke too , willpodtively be •-bal sold To -043°4, arantri umerous to Odd without 0 is laim. ! of;14'n; !lg. ent•ion. -serve am- ,. : • ,,,, . Vaatiabi• . ' arm.l. truoke aroith .1 t vot rwire ' . L Ni) . r 1 7 4 t $2 a, -40 . .• ei huncire . bs s- on day * rt. al rale; of .the use Ind t" bat MO of e..and Under ' cult . , 'obit orew-ipt over that „mount, 8 ' - I -Wire .. . _ st sob yme after 11. flu ' It; o4r'iY:rtthherereM - bk" e• . i Money Or irti. , ontiut o &per el tu oredit.on eon amounte wn, Aticticniete approved- tPer annum will W1LLIA '• I name.; ,1, be itilovied V' laLif.4 IP • - ; dheount chili On- • deter ;_ ie.td- - , ,.. ' In °Wert° • Clutrtets; ile for aile his far e of IA 81, Oen. op the , the Exit being Lot • a 6,,Itort • 1 : 0 , ottlioad ' of tile a of and I h,te' 'h- Robert -will offsr *me half veyt Tuesio , ! . . 1 uslied .,- race • e'f, Ire at 82 60 ' . - . • I No. 9 at 3e p er hundred r rp' ()nut]. lbs ORE,, VA, Mora .D. . fleM, mein - • ci.l. Executors. Sak oth Pe 'Holt& to. ' , 241 . rid UOTION s Mated •• lin, otzwis,qat. b7 on SALE of PAR -Tomo Mr. James .teat 110. Otin esTOOK AN mown .oto on to sell oit 11, "Me emprzt ot-to lo. public 110p, OE eremith. Th condition an, d • • For terms s d ds Sreedf a be vrew‘ill. onOtt4 , . • Int.ia.uy , lirtk on 'in."'''. .ji 1 P"ani"8.' . . Steel . Fene posts Aooks 0c each , ' ; 11011 1 Bro te Mon o Olt 01w '01041" foal t are got • Mon Be •w to an 411.,.16°f . -heifer kl, 1 hell tit pigs' la ht AP th, 5 et° bout thee no, 1 pat d hay. , ver ! that int note ecilt am •nted his inwro A 141 8 n Lie Po KI - W -, 1 13 a PerIfill ng r"- 'I. 00 e pi ;pa ef e • am 5 n . r „ (tIo - L ' , b !I 29, 11 5 ' on _:.. monition, IK?"' IA b P1li• one *9 " 11 I gv v 0 , Much uable old, 1 Ifith. at ' I prOperty; II. testa agrieultia nioliridc.Ind 'clock, poe. t -1, heavy fillies coMin e follow barge 6 4 Yearn 11 draft )l$ .- . ROBE% gel'f . ; T r h " . " 31.°" 3 Fenee Sla-ts at -3-3-c per po 2 . 1 at 1 -lo each 2 nel _ °P. a).`• °Tell 20th. a o ars ' 8 emagrguilatuyr2earel agftillYeloalrloosniald 1 one Ike: two tine u '' ion, three old 1 gel e,1c fine ear _ hig. w year o del old in -Oa tie 10 cal • a Ya!21 re:e n foil On - I ' '' o n 3 y aged 0ohnneow 8 tot ative 1 grade old; 8 Mare Burred I w to a march. bull Aging 2•1 het spring advisee be in foe). ye about ti - lomat th . old, 1 hen •1100-1 liorkehire aftls000d . a el het . of tieing 2 IST g .The flig Hardwa4 Store . raiii- We:. • 8.°111-hteveer oM, 4 1;1' Ors • 7 deb) 1 eems en s I; 1 vi • ire tal2ilitPliergil troll twr- rie to litter end of - lel Ilk 1 -1 1 Dublin °rrbekellibirave ' hog, 1 GAs 1111111. 'If.. d ge s ift e a, 0.. int b 6 ' ohl. o.westit ethews! igs-One - 1 large littera 1 a so to 1 ut so tte ri rk e 1 e 1 , -re qui trapper:A he I lays) k00notage, g bbler, 2 whiterPekini . in Pig, use, 1 gond Wks 1 Mak yearling ,3 tetrk- Impli- 2 to 9 ' U. p.En !GI ' is Mak , 3 . $ nth • . • 00 ponodg Poultry eieeh, six -••••• Thre tii ke en , „ 1 poet &weed. binder, (Keen Not ee waged filing 6 (oat on New, yr. Frost A 86 waad Person i t.eres [ , . T 1 , • no. • guanti of r y nesny new, Freettit-Wood. mow Cook- ;e g 'We i ° Wa411.1 ana011411' s of and un . :r ut riding plow, foot lilt I; :McOoriniek d I. new; ellEamitir one *1:t°011r.tkli r Amommiorma. run ..nth credit on r v•e 11 i • m 01 -01reber wegcsn hoe` Waifs • .* . o etwil . ile, t 6 d e as' ;RAE • . 1 ' th i allow propri tor cos* i_.; 241 o 2 ct 1. h ta 11 w th.ut g , , beet r k, eet iron ' 842,600 pound' weig. artiole,s, The whole edll reserve as they proprietor Lnd , note*, h wales, positive' has . pair 2. - an so . doll le lot of be sod tern]. C1ftli . snip a . celled. lima it 0 d It te rnateri imPlieit is auk, with is:, wo 'it I tied et au k an- "ex' y iled attic . . . . LEAR AND eat in lonceesio 'clock p...., room re re 6 y years old Id. Cut March a g 2 year ngs, 1 th cl. 1 spri tter at ti oroughb eeriog Frier an . Woed o loot out Bed ;drill leo, Dee ung plow vegans, to arrows a mvel box logie ha Leas, . De rower, 26- ,uggy pol rid soft rough, he ockyokee unks, 50 , nioles ,o took alto 185 and nada redit on -1 Dont of cider se the ' .1,LIST m: - 6, t r el 2 t d old Ton g o , e o -. Indit tru tiv o ; ki , g . .811 b r 6 cm tie Val ot . w Int 'tin I ; p . ed , an ,- ; nt.. r V a to " • y tam L --: -,Th-jda. ubli Or, atiotioii FARM gl Cam ten o to 0 h 24 • me el• d count_ 1 -Aiken:near $5 an t 9 moths credit em approved 0 5 per cent per:annum.. ' h OP credit *mounts. nodes. 01-1 I JAMBS: ; joint Will I Id er that otes. A allowed Prop - hilh t . . • n ton« ns on Bose : mag I etio ig- 1 1 y,OiUr5da stroll - March Men 26111, -One go t ra el to ; T. ikown,- Auetioneer. 1 , -td jOhn E & ons gtp. ' 0 ye • ;2 er a . . 1 1.. p• • e = nOrted osel'gelding • he regal coming = . .; 1 r In ree LE/JUNG J ne AUITION BALE MPDEMBNIII AND has received inetruebiens 0 BURN from FAR It Stew., ISTOOK Janne t Hata Ii.NSALL ,Cler p , . -7 -- '1‘. 1 (. - fa pelt 4 s War IL ea 'oar' n . - 3 ter • a - : e an y. gy eot a a Or ad ifil p : . , ; , ,. o I it w -- ; , 8 e , • •r e a,ek, ha ,-• a...id hunches 1 doe' ming' ism ne s'du he ol ewe -: tr5 dee wide e pea* walking, nese 2, i re gap n atIloot, ter, yam- nligalt erkshire te . ..f*vbeeoait e eon reo, combine, nalky cutting r I r to neve kyoke. 4,- 4 hell old sin litter i, briple ew elms M rak new, plowe, , ; . weig elk, ton are, set run b and -tome of Weer, ows re 4 MO wd M. ente.•-• th r, yelkeri 10 -, l'Jege 2durro lumbe , set =ler er, low hand belting roc ea du m ea e ea r i 1i ironel get listr o il n• , To 14, y M ri n d in a di in )3 , e el, 0 sal Anro seirin a latest d e Be N go oj 0 iki I n WI ring sell ambit) he following': olit ean 1$ yeue as mired mai years grade , 1 Durham 1 pair , Shelters, • Utter well vest se butt g pl ti. 4 re,: gas., by publie auctions of Fulloten, on Ilo be roistered, old, I driving by Clear Grit, to King Sherman' oldlot by Teo Dorbwa at,w;d cow due of Holstein heifers and 1,steer rising 2 years, 7: the last of Mame. Mader 5 ft.eut, tram r home raken Peter drill, Maxwell disehit riding- plow with wi Verity No. 21 Ming plOK Wil onencle +enigma, d set of trucks, on Let EtridaY -1 d 1 oil are 1 a b ; e, 0 to calve du rising elves. 60 h Ha foot welkin inein nide v lend r 12 its t ma alto yea Nut riving attles- ko a about to cal years Ho no. I mow ilton c wonn lift, file plow uld •1 i er, Unbeaten e; OOth. ' rimino 6 gelding old, her g King It(geld- ne fresh nt Vine ; iddle of in ;he 8 heifers 6 sowe. emote 1 ten Itivat-or, e furrow th Bend .Wilktn- Wt. two ' x• with buggy, . 1 1 . ! , ta . rod or ea ay -of tern alto pa 8, in aX e 1 t; a b Mare , 19 , by F. , he fo rtee M rt auction, , .at the 'b t, Au th Ooneei ti ril liDanlYel3:11116a4Y:IblktaA43enT hi:: n„Witi1:41:1°efhgeta.41°rrnalu "hotr:.:In°mnmetehlintli°''Itlin e Sa,le ' 0•'ilhip T u of 1 emir, on of t , :3 esese-ir=_ le will 1 he offered y, the 194h o'c lc, in the Village th following T t number mashie) 0 i half aorm. horn with ho26x8O. , • be ' ' , , of 1 1 ' ht Buy it 14 To f. 0 j. F. . e Because it's a DEL T t ring Car Mir b: Ford, ntari 0 . Get particulars fr Daly, Agent, Bette Car in Sea ort st ng Ds, ; me nth ; 0 , ee ; to Won. Ter box ropen,nuneye, kettle, mention. tha steVe, and e T a wh g lot NO me -- ount 0 fidetrees a of leg oi othl onteld All emu months , it w al el moue, ttikar rrows, igh n Dee bo soca two and , pen buggy, cotter, wIth.earriers, tanning t bay rack. 25 foot a, root pulper, grindsto dozen grain bate, imothy hay, between set mad a g 4 eights ill, se a cm e, 8 ntity and 51 Maxwel of 12 ft. 000 lbs, a boat, f taxed bushels me od ono ri 1°ee'tjelli'MFeu:huel:61:dre arm deg eent ime o b sal't°P.pei‘dg mbhnem l'il sale and oufficient nvar8,vedEbrubtil ase to .1'°tIvi'Y'vutimie,l'onTdtbe:41leelaant4emalhfeelenell al a p ske u ie with wire ugh. 2 on wiii al Ten d win at t on third 0 t -- -,....- en. e ---`'.,,„ .Z.- . ere.--o.-- . . . .- . J.., _ - ---1 : . . bin c A tor prie •.. • roved per rtbe . :mid T.' n an 80 . C • let urn d. ". fem. ertm,-AUct notes. oilier without J 1 A die eesh o reserv UN li oneer. i a , prered rs,, ne r abdef ome ofset it ntion glistered Banner hide robe, , chains and rarnitura :a quentity Stber -- nate, a of ern° Bedr t 7 ota too .n aul bushels , hiffte. erous ,. 4 hed- p Oent ,tilr,b PH nut!eauellliebnuh:hetirral nedIne°:erinsdirila tgb.bY°:telltdr:le II N it niocIt.::°'1:11°1:15 tena heresite six 11,56131. me . to 4, apply t ra0.1:alle, 1:31 r Ettretfo , r r , . a I, •4.,..I.41 ... - , ._. 1 - . lumemint I . ammimewente - * 1 '....„. ,11!,.!•,,m,i,.. .41,...mos.,..,.....1„, • 4_,......---74.- e . '_ - • I 2418-2 E , ads, me tress and isprin loun , 2 eh eboarde, i:nb'ssrraleillYr:ii:°111:' , Irtetil rd, e 2412-2 i,it-- n : T ___ , 7 . ',LEAR en sceived v public alp eedneed ;rawn eon, Laing river rattle grade Anerdeere egistered Bolstered. rith hoice ranting hould heifers cooling& Mid to s in fine reeebbige 58# I amen, ,ualsele mach) Index, ruoke le alok nit' ragg erne lay ith ft, a onb ea 'o tea ,orse II• ;oh 0 • a v 4-1 5 ,d k ..i.r a 4 a, e . h Tratii5,...„; a srlk a, fa . no t•vr .wimut a , •ved ou4s. n i t rip .,...,-;._- MEN of F spa bro 6 yetis. rising - Doe re lop, bt set ; 71l, a rm . ....r. in sdc. d I lb. e s ty Jiver Ith ja ' , .r 82f eI ,,, on. he ra . es 41 0 ;rags whin of r, 7-5 of $1 , ow tor r•- . In a , re & gr, Abe half en e• 4. - inl, :-; -p. d Se . - i -.: !I d7 , I : o t at el 4 k 1 • , ,00 i n '. ' j an. , , :: . ris oti y 6 re ; • . An. , e rut at .4 • ra lab 0: • t . 'O h = , ,* -• IT. 1 . -11 0... I . •fe e ,le , 1 '-' deesser, p kr tablo,n kite n tit les, 1, kit:then v,... 8A - • n et o fl, , n, 2 s ; • ',Nilo/0,mpg, TIVRE , *Mr. 124. le! sou Antes ". e *nee h Jehes T. Evade. -salon of Ini SILPLE to a . Ton ell; on 0 a m won k is nes nt .o. stov chit e'er Os timber of i . Out heater, , et& Sale and nude • it will . - plain woad at one cash given est kikohen heater. °Woolf- over n fur; T that'- sting phoord, •• ilk ean. e - All I omit 8 pproved pow.r !oh ORTOALIE finnE-V4111.1/16 Of Tuckeremith. of !sale contained will prod, -Under, need at th Far and b MI a ' certain tittle in rittne f Towne* of the mortgo le, thein 1 , . rch . owing : °rem- jo t not -*„ for cash 43 credit rtiounta wil1 be °Hared for sale by aun.on, at tbri i' , g are, mare isising 6 a in, car _ No r rye es th feral rented. aneroid Hetet, in the public Tciweo. t 8 fortis, •11 kiln in ' 4 re, bay gelding 8 SWAM H &MIL- IN, Pr. prieto ; Jo • Jones, ay, March 24th, 1914, a 2 Vol k m., the rowel, ere, . m e 8 years milt, b brown - .Nigel-. Auotipneer 24184 °Hewing,. intleable Huron ferm ro . rty, viz Buevey : ToWnship ot No..1, 1 1 D foot, onoession 8, f co us r ee r spri bull n A ing this i, g 2 9.--., Apr Iii ' wo' e dri vin of. , ner ut . Ica !red lo• d . , ne • x a on ses: , . e , ab0/0 1 6 ,d, ore _ "'n , , : , le L ! - ,: •• i in , crewe. es to s . ng, f u tote IA es-liet bennetel .. y - . it , i eat si cal heifere, 1 e in 18 d t cm t lie re p 2 ne m o qualltity I wit 000 .ne fo elle Ir All p i i and ,itheee-yeare nuts . °tithe : the re eghbred r:tbne ,, carry beerY ted temente , wee 14 etelek .neerisge, r lok nen eel zering calves a apriirfed se 1 twol-year-old :old old way coming', o all t lowness te4m t b harness, of ettOre , ar4 corn s 2-e °T.* I 411 tire s, cm 4 It at May, aging, 6 Id cow , Extra anyone of a bull 2 veare, holt, 10 eale. ;I• e stoat , wive' ham' ountett 400n Verde. Deerin_g ranspore binder, 0 take, lleCor• w Dena Adam 9 ehandy binatIon rse disc A lee_ has peerasiop e i Thumb Beenno n, horse halAm er horn bred row* 3 fresh eteere etteM 00w r,egii - g er 1 11b110 eat drat Cattle 2 e. I , eso pl 1 0 ;K2 ' v etoii oo: lc, t en , • An, thin years hull 1' by Bo ego 'cal • nein Hein e = In en sr rao oilier, BALE 0 ENTS. s instro tiell by rey towns e tollowi ea 8 ye i regi en tog j2 sired 7 pore. I- T-wo eke 1 yealiseg' 'seethe A Ohertege . Grade : . :cows, 1 years / year. 8, veers 6 weeks di Brown .intry, no 1411 -Bunn -Massey Wer. bit. eel° ft., 1 we G301/ •.-r. dons ublio ip, W g sod re old, cl mare Admiral, ley Borrow,' Registered fresh heifer hi, with & Son, s , cow.supposed d, I heifer yonng old, Omni e older r duoke, Harris out, 'Frost seed drill, eine Vettftele R. 3. So rein °Mori need ble p regis 2 y Vas 1. 8 calved i4sgl 61 go, r cal n hen than 13 au binder 1 It 8 A he un on y, AI perty red, I old y, 1 gener ort cows, you ed eke outer to be g 2 1 mber , a n yea loan 6 fb.- Wood lurnhe mann •g, IN- donor, ereigued. . 8, Oone h 18, at ; Horses ' foal to ' sired by gistered 1 purpose n Dur- wo hen- Short- edizree; , ith, 2 Boo_ exit, 5 ears, 4 rkshire, White. bet of 2 pair ' drake, t, 1 Ile- y load- Wag017, sPread• Tuokeremith, in the 100 sores of land are erected a munfortable a frame honk barn and the farm is well as to culeivation,,eraining ' rt is said to be be Offered for hereon for 64,700 e purehoser. an ee pay to the Vendero o ton per cent hove the amounf •e will be:required hese money to the ut interest, inCrire e pitreite.ser nri Liked to sign an is purchese. Upon y the Forebear melon the Ian Klein: f the sal f side and he the be undersigned. icitor. 1 seaeortio Barn County more or le tra 40x66. watered an worthfrom sale subject and intelrett. the'time of or their of the pureheite due on Inc. to pay thirbarane Vendons ty dey aloe, at the ement Osyntent Will be entl cs. rthe wiltbe made meantlune F. noLizsrzn • sr& lout f .1Iur, Upon e Awe orals - re. nd.in a fenoln , tna 2 T sake Solki m•ne prior ' their from t time o kr gm Of his . od to partictnere know Malta ..bta I , I dontainin tho insehouse,an, an fair , The 40,54Y1, tor 1M34 o I ' Mk : e doy , sale, re s -, re et Amid ' on vo . prom archer conditto prop- and nnortgoge Of Selo required m equal ver -and a Ms pu tot, with- 01 taW, be r /ration o mon- into pore oot the da fled Irori dore So- I 2412-3 0 s • - , i - • - , Or -• . ,./ oe "0- . • - dit - en -- . . --,: 'Imitioret 1 . i ..,- _ tk o --- - . -ee, . ,Z 2 • de; • g li 6 I wit, riding gleets p of ow toot: diamond ' e 1 Olemen iron la low d ?one . 1 t ise-,:l t fun' hit. 1. Cook- ee, e t : ; '; L,-ula gn *11111 , it: e leettblfalsna buggy- : 6 pur titt, tiding ,1 , rt4dIasudia,ndelleerimrerl e clef itlierTon *fanttiPni 1;113°11331 liburgle°316.- tRikN " - - 0 TRUNK RAILWAY s Y -ST E M REASOLVED , , .. h on gr r, fti 1; 11. e 4.• r le, 9,I1i sh Ile ' r eream 2 'home a rt epturiton, plate undercut Ica with . gapers tote ; Be eta., . OP. 850 lbe. r, six, ationah cutting "ere and phathain tiva No. eonnebte kernel:, trough ortam boa, 21,1t 40 al stone boat, set harrows eapaeByee loragen box 2 pleas' eeparat,or. le fonee strips, 1 man re tboo. for 2 o 8 horses, t eingl bernents, I bier) end I • heel tome teneionektede ' inches, 1 sp , 1Fle 1 1 ekle, 0., 1 . , 28 ft, tag. se y ploav males, double ! * e , Laval , gravewaterl . , 4.com - - Hoztes;ek[eia T o Manitosa , , wan. : Each . - • . Albyta i . , Tuesday, . :,, zoursilons _ i _ _ m,ar .. Sa . katc THAT . h 3rL. Iti WE HT To HAVE A WEAR, A . -, ,.- . N. . I ti -.., tit . h el to* , P rodt puiper g . Oft% h 1, eon philter 0 . 1' . enow 1•2 Robin ecoope, 0 Ct er ,z7t in s.4spi., ac..kITIPMEIR , p ,s o . w• r li• r 4 e : r 4 V 1 e o • 4 II , r1 ,, k ar re Fn • • • ne re 4 ..,, „ az o e e 1 n it g di e • h•gaity " •ivo „pi a -r rut e ro -w having re -Pendora pleset, ing-room.extentdon t .0104- tat to ery, oixtension t q "Him . bon ; e aair parilar in 404 'thin/ r,i.oa iall ntitY • 01 o* to ly bun- range stere. 41°Ing suite, ad 0ak; DA:anti:3 nen era dresser, In top- 'e 21 eate; ear, e L a : ERT worleheneh, ba a ns am 1 61 wit r tou edittr .,1 gri ley a neatity iga;aut tiretm ouentity of hoe d, I. Icitohen re 'and other arti Piemonte are all out reeerve o-eill grime of 65 tit. months oradtt iett j001110atat 1.rtite,' N. *PreHritte atone f eeett semi , Mout ga neerly les too in first s the and under will 0•40irrocesiti - '13% - 1 hu am, e 1-Ost 40 isp ne numerous oleos ' farm be gin. ?emir V- se ' ^ O. . qaants baY r pellet o, rto-, ton conditio hag be ash ; onetu tt, A, O. No. of feed k. ritit i loran -c .-•:.1.3 eaten. sale sal& er that- riehinn ii. aoi,,, etioneer. 2412-2 " via C Eumoutont. Front viregt of fares fr°n1-8 . Lit, ,sfv . -acme W Plant . .icaplo., tnnipeg . Teeon Tor etu_t. lulu .i....... .St. L . At 84 11 and 8.11 11 s ' 118 11 , s Paul 0 ei r , .eill t t'fip I 118 'pert t ° "0 m --o s:i7. " ..D:fp. D luth. 35 0 3 . 110 12 an n te . 10 Itpr°11 this. . ie7t Agent . E wE WE HE WE FR; No v-TEI1E6R,03IlliiilliCoAtsP 'DR-0116NT E I'oR, HAVE MADE CE R,IGIIT. ody can blame eherweinseonudr TI.IEM Yoti AND- THE . us- for. being acapculs. ___.„,„,‘‘..1..0 , nitr, A pro q - , , eATHEA iti $- CAP . of the feather in our zap. :::iafiwed.ayausdathioapepdy, nt" ub tirnah y " lit w not p tso b ; told 1 I* 1., 1 e e inner les an , elm awn nd tea window , lawn tinkle'', 4 RA. g I roperty. - or - Sa e C. Union E. H = RNIN 0009 01 012 A.,, Oat , it itclamt. bedause - how we have just -e succeeded atonen4;ewr:wannysiernOciut: et, the -hind of shoes and we know that our r csutsotroems. s r customers want, This uccess is a feather in -our . # ‘ • e .. fi e' at. 10 o'clock. • , : • /A ill lati ki ov en or r ,that on f oash o amount nalebing credits ro h oncitille, a briolc , two lots, stable and good roomeand sheep I cottage. w 1acre Of Men I. A1 land. g iFIX ol a brick AhYoUtt. o Cedar 6 . . . .. - . 111: R , . . , . I U all, tb6 VII' re 'ma; the eto . KV 1 remises bee sold :Air t re° re a cheap:house aisble offer ivillbe r ieljlitta-civitt%°WR°unOtt [ ;hould 1.11V fused.: M rDBFopth'kilato e.' 1 !gat 81111111 ex to seld as "e2E14.1;r4;• _ * ' For sale tettiZt 1°1144! es ear- ,a111.. ° a . - I 1 , ..., - • -- for dquarters Trunks and Valises, Phone Home of Gobd Shoes o _ __ ___ _ _ __. „ - _ _ 7-.41 - _ ir-...,=•1-Fo.mr--._gi. ._ _ J ,- . . __ , . __ -Sone- _ _. _ ___ .._ , 1 J ..... ..-"g-:-.- -,-!,- - ! ! I ! . 11 0 7 15 41 1 1 8 7 a a a