HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-02-06, Page 6-11,
II`1I III, I�iyfeld of, varlous cro" his farfal 11n W: =V 8MMM no
a=4 1912 as 101lows of wInter The ance! itt-Worth vocouver, film i I I. were
�-i oxi "J., 50ttions dtd Wol UBLX i
Olt R --s N lory, A; UrY progr4E 08 It !.wheat yielded 00 busbials; 20 ace,3 I' - ein made M th e 7_ lee! �b at Tit( corn r Of IAmd Oats,- 987 -aid acreS of oats, 1,09 bw�hel; �, e cted t i pas, r UPS bit bWaim thal 1k I2at th. I w dy Wit 0� !ordbarley, 22 bushels, s;nd 15 'acres of P"M M.A- lftk, Sai&,l,
OttI' of th4 Ilem bean -This U00 t b )roUg ample 9. 290 bushels, -a � t -I$oj
III al of 3
FORTY-THM. ft Lad, vn�nehee a whoolits zurey� Ift-1 I'bushels, Sementy acres of bay t..ut 14#i bee --I h 1� re �Oe V at n W!, o ur D I In -five mlnutas� tors, I9 04, 1W $ -ten iiacres of en-sliage corn lle A idb fourteen by forti3r Qru -lip te]DIroistaft 0 A VA.6 bi lAm Is -zed 1): 0 41 10, als, 1 d 'I Envest nelit SeCuritiox.aro cainto the 3oo Of husking corn ylelded 1,400 TIM FORTY-THIRD A�NXUAL GONERAL EETING It, .12., 1
Or, vat e.,v I If w1k# you just ath Ig sou
bWheh; -Of e&r$, r1ag
UOLDM8 OF THE DOXlNj0jq 13AZqX w4i. held at rhia, Bank 1101�u ct 1-2 acres of MWIL-v I J)U$)Wj4 r I -your 8�04WIL or Res like a lump
the InIon. Vo�onto. ori Wednesday, 28th January- 30. a;d U1104 to gels yieldod 950 To!rlontioL 2ftjI ary, 12 had "d 1 lead r6fgsi#g to diget, or you b
141 08e )n, Aol SIM IV Df 'PtOatI 300 bufjhels� .8eelde this A34069 tb 1*08ont Wert noticed:4 G. N.'Reyrnolds,,H Itel
'the Ae�clrrit was, j I opted. g" ft tr* by food 0 4, feeling of
T. V 01I 3 ( IXt A arttOtate BOUT:. Undiges
JA=eSLWatt, A, roUldill, W. C,-HarveyL_A M# Nal lacreA of torn was bar I, te
fig h -Ili colifolmalty wift Sectim Sul 6i the. an e8,tjfmat+d yield L Of nilm'
I I Urn*,, WIlkirizon, James Xatthj�W#, L Cha;: Poio,W 0. WO kef, Pjw BaIl Act
-InnIPOM n und air a EL Oilei a .W. - Hut6hisison'. (W 6- VArcy, 6,101froy T. Clarkson a d'Robetit il� Djworth w;rf red busheIL5- Kr. Roberts uw-r,. -a t9g; nr*wea.. bad twato
?i#ted All Itars f0t the playt. X Vinee-i A� AtillcDoI 4F re Allp II . ner, r.`Boebmer, 0, has E.'Le% e engim- for thre$11ing a onmh-hesdache, yoi,-
and fill.
U J. Cook B. Roob, X. _UarwoodL J, 60rdiiin Jones, 1P..LeM. 'dra seti, .13. New J�y-4vrx Wer aubmit�e;i I *W ng jsjjqj eea-m get rellef In A*e a iftut&�
!14 as sed by :he 9 airehel 000cht FII 9'. Wiloni, 1. 1). Warde, 0. V4 L 4 Put an WooiliaiI A. 0. GibsonII lt.,� W MCI Thia - th"k -eh d to stomach trouble f6rever
LeAdle (Oshawa). Dr., Chas. WRellty, Thost F � Wivin, j,_ :0. of th 'Shai - bld ed t(j WPlere teno, il don by ge 91 large fft'-cont -easa, ot
Uepherson (T Pinkie, r post durtriI I e , P e- sid-4ut 4nd Ili rectc Tor fteir a Ile -Y, �,d ayr drag 8t6Z__e
the L ef Cier it amits Scott Wo til er 0 le irs ofth' rii for DIAM9TER OF THE EARTH. pa"'s !.%pePs1n from
ff ftbVe (W 'Oongford) �Oidgo I ]K, MorrIS, M W_ A. FoSte W. C. ,;n1deir J,l. e c
I #0 ance of thirK�e ar]I e QUILIC3, re rM an Wm. ][nee alre lulAutes: now ueI
It ne W Mulook Rev., J. 'BothU icy 'T
dim, lu gesnon
�Paterson' hle foil MARY sllftr fro= " di
0 0 1L. W I i'll - - to
ere duly
Xessopp; Percy- Leadla�-, $: oleffirey (Port' 3-6rry), elected b Iri oton r ihe- nsUiftw irfI the Oreatoat and -
0. 19. Gro0w, Rl, T.- Fisher, A. B. Fig elvi, 'Messrs. Isoints pt, Whibh it Ill dysDeps 01 -S.B 4UY stomach drsorder,
ogert F. U atton, rock, �Tanjvx� C the Least. onlei. R. J., a- u1stle, F. C. on 'M' by pit PM I les the 0 c1rest, surest stomach doe.
1 t D. . dattliew H - 1:*j -Tayl0r�Llndsay),,.F.L. Fowke?�,0.8113*foij 4tchins X10011, Lt 1L Baldwin, W it. B I .' A ;R. I B ell ; IL , In
rock, It. -M Grily lt Muho .an Sir �Edmund,.Bd, Osler,,= t Is the gmatest dkmater er prld. TV2 wonderfe,
S. W. -Smith (WKItby), "Wt- ii illiI 03 Illiam Ross, K i - nt, ipetin of the�E?Iisctctra, Ed Uld B. ogler, XP w �aiii 7 The ZOM Of thei eatth to that W, I __ ex, I . V11 Ur`t0ni.G. McDonallI J. Cairruthers, 0_ W� x Mber Vi LtI- o Fnaside tijan Mri N V. :0. Matthews C& -prom dent, foi- the of a -fiattened sph 9 Nor). .r. J� greater fit .9 - .W (Hiam11tMyj W.' Ma H -,B. Hod'g erollik 11 4 aul D. tthie-Wi, age _ I I 1� ; -a Is! Dr. X. IThe7 "etei At the 'equator; than at the
40 6f );k j �eet�[ .0 , t, t(lramjltoft),Rieb�rd-Brown,W.,(�.,Cr4;,oitk rii W;CA ell -2 four staroy catarrh
Marrhigton. S. S. Virco. Ofephin _VdXoA- P, P- Miller- f NAPanee-). E; Carsivrell, if- i as. 00les, but'this Js modifiod by the ac -1 T. H. Paterson, -F. D. D ItAL STATE flee dI Ing oh the ull W*64- W, T- ICO�011!14118:11 al4e and
rown; Alhitiad Aay odl, b eldents -Of Its SPASMI CROW
-nil A. A. Atkjn;;U Gordo, MaOK"Zie. Ing oypor witiface, ISO thaLt the r r V -started as, COMES
IIf 41ameter vades according to the p6int it was mov" b3f as t he r stl b outl of the ill W. Itamber.. secondedby Mr.. -it. J. Ch�rlhl jej, thkt Ur Il9roun ImbOund R- I T. he 6 01 c t I t Which It IgMeasured. -Os er, XP4'd-G taki tb#--chalri aud:'ths;fXr. C.. A. abOdt $80,00.), 2 as y has deelded to j It might be ezvecte4 that'the dlam�WO LZA _ftessr&.A,. R. BosWell, IBCG. and:W, Gibson �C a - 4 r ..# W I . q, ". 4, j oxels. were ap a lut n. 6 __ __ I t*UtY tbOtLS=d 4ollar' qter 'Would be grea
f P� F ire test If Measured t11�844ligO Wka;f n, on tale; 4_1 10. the top of the highest mountaln"
Ancei of ofits barr d forward I - Ther 8ftretar7 read the ltpblort.'of the Directo lid 14 ioss,32 ithe- II to the Share] ders Vme a lid idend X 195, pays 2)nd January, ftmigrAton hall -V Pays 14 bich In MomA EvII ft the HiMa-, to*
a 3111tted Annual Stlite I the affairs of the Bank, whichIs van te(I 'by lthO !�Iovernme s, but uaftitunately th 82F1 for the cen if:�39&og It, p 44le 2nd lilan M 014 -it, 16,470,70 :THR S11AII11M The C141 -umt is repor. e point at Tor IChl2t phbut 4wing the Atonzach'-wi Ier 00.0 med dmgr� emerge u to coi1#r1bue *6,000 nd th� 0
l70 -m beg to _bresent the following%s_ Ich the dilmetir would'
The Directo 1.
tatemeht of the I r t the 7;7470913,60 The af ng�the Imilso
-40f the Bank for theear endold 81st D comber, 1913:-7-!- 11 will" subml� a bylaw a d Ae8s e � ptia �Vr , - . -vilh 10 th S re io erA. f the orl Is In the
T �al Liabilities ......... a other side o view Profit and Loss Account, 31st Do rl d atiOn. of $4 -rwdbfa . *00ghts
a this 1S more than the zore th A' 11*t0VXfftC4UgbaVWdnSj!�,td
... .. ..... ...... k 00.001 Pacifle ocean, where year, i's I - ilghts. IC 0
cembei, 1912.i.... 68 01 -Z' 0- E
and making i�l 00 10 Cirgeul ti_ PIL Aid
Net -Profits --for the after deducting all charges i ten at... aget a Promilli011t Winnh- 7j!'000 f4eet d 0 It hV=1UAb1& to ftuithem mwjth
A, slits ziI 9 8,604,34 voung 'dMa Aind it BOOM to Sqffcre,* 60m
Provisiqu for bad. and doubtful .debts..-...; ...... eep.
........ 40#10 e Dr slid' John W"thke, A Asthma. 78 T,' Its b4aring ime t, I ael ding In., Ng law5 igoeivea on Iww Capital Stock .......... 81 I 80 intere Professor L. Henkel of Mulpferda, I4W aeci e( wl a n da,.e 5184,242 71 com.mitfRd * says the greatest db of the eartil UM �b 1r, t the chi 7.1 C water
live, Of Summit �j N L 11
U that taken the Tt
tl................... ...... ...... 41pLaclaq d I I . i b "V i A 9 7 00
VVhldh h" been disposed of as follows.:. us to o!h:.,r anka I a banadal ....... j, 01,063-77 h4vinvi !a e I Kkafebe iko thie Plurd B
Lie to E Lamul d BvnkInj;,CoJrresporide�tfi 34ule. er lit inborazo, In _B��ador, 20 136 tbrnAti. bividends (quarterly)- at Twelire 0 rot�er a id muder ?6unt Chi ?JUMP, per cent per, annum, $649 640f; 111V Rin. 'm d foreign countries.. 7 814,19.32 -11 maki eacape f 7omi the - prison f eet above the sea level. This, he Is AM V.61tr d TWO per 'ce .................... C zemaniRliel. has confessed to eip'er t the antipedesi on Ei high Lb ...... 1 4jj747.44 loi-, Id
ges a p t a lec"Le j sl �etters of Credit 9 1j914-76 le ine. 0.1eneb and' has bron spn. vallo, Cr e Ca. Total distribution to Shareholders of ]Fourteen per Mlt 0 %I led the f6 PI on the north coast bf Sumatra.. tie t th 11 - ...... �`I I N.T. 8 no I a ekqlno, 71078.99 e o a "Von yearl in t peni. cent for the year ............................... te! he 82' 11 Li. Tuolic ...... ...... . This diameter, 19 7,9;29.3 *miles,- '4t01Xtr1b_u6 to OffiCerie Pension Fund.....; 01 AlUes t th ;66,947,I -- I ton te�a ct rYi.p
i25,000.00 the Airst week in January. 4- TraWerred -to eserve�-Fund_premjum 0 As Chimborazo Is. almost on the equa- It Xew stock..., 811,344. ITMUSterred to Investment Accounis ......... t0r. Its summit Is tbat-p6int on the
000, 0 i Of IO Vyemcire dIs.j
�00, 1'AiSET8i Itrip b 16 acres t 02,1f$.�7 i , ci� i It rtal we *rtb*s surface bichi'Is ThostAistant
and SJbver lo n ......... U. $ 1,6 19,, wheat o h Mmt Plewin or disaijj from the 10 n centii The DA Io* 06-viIarn e at tea ... I . , . r6l �-wefsht Balance Of Profit and L-038 carried forward.... $16 :At! 05�26 I............ ..... �47, 8.1,12 ni Alberts I i Jahuary is 81114ewhaW, lie lest and centil ,enir filgal tilce greatest . 1, IV 4 SERVF4 -FUND.- W Ilit, An a 0, 014. esery If 00#00 RE a record bu -cent:* can II th%
N of other E ILE. 6' 4. 07j1Z T th'a. smallest radius to that vijoin
Balance, at credit of Account. at Decembez� 1912., tinctim ( f b 4 _g
g PLIrst actually; ......... 000,0 014 10 C 8 n,other -ankit 85 cente 11A � : se led land to In- what was� r to the orth pol but r,y 1H. C ng Co: Transferred frOft Profit and Lo0s Account......,...,:: ... 4 Ift by 3r, nd
14if 0 es'due% I en rA 011LA Used ;0 4b certain that the, line tfirough sewher! ths in 4,1 acla ... ...... st Month Cf 8 wa3 in- a f inclst, the yearie T the Poles to the Smallest di meter, be.
kn 11. OS 3obsible c(n LEX Prej it, lia 16,965, so Mori for needfr1I 010�§e the South polo Is Ion a high pla� Q 1 074 of Ment. Soaurl er 4 coMmerch res�fo I cee� Va ue .., ....... ... air ns Ills - DavI5 w I cathartles- IC. Ali, B0 -Withla I bhs old baby tRau. It migb - - : t" � n ge Dii) InIqU, d Pr I ILI Go tlex; n(t mm t be,found that a line a Vith
The year 1919 was one of generqj financial "an I 'Ing maL re'c' 4C 20.49 ten De as Utile distant rom the p6les, which erlai m!s TAbletsare
throughout he world� which conditions becall . je . mot alr In ber -Cha e,accoutuated DILI dian Mynlei al Securiti a closing montlig of g,th, nd Brit] 0 Forelgh, I: be Macdonald In that Period. Your Directors-, threforio, db It would omerge 4 sea lev'elt eath end. M05t �ffect ve. In regula- emed I dvis QnIal I'll C is ecu It) as � other th the 'Winhibeg ee ir fibl. 01 an C4� Poll co Ef to 0.1e, year to enforce a.�polley of co'n.servatis without Interfering. with would be -even sho tftg a on=&,troubles and-conim.
t 6. ze 1 rement; dt ' not n i V41ue . .......... lia on] atic 0h lifting from rter Man'the polar stipat on foi- the
orrowers. Rall ay ot b nturek. .41 -L-Ittle folk_ --one
an ex W ... OP diameter. Such a llne;,would beound of legitimate b Injall isysterii E id R6V
rid Stoc", . . . . . . . at
he fundsof the Bank were fully and profit nsoj 'A stires. Kary i to bed m
ig o tlib a ......... 7 Ne�wman: L WIdOw W1b sever MY employed thro, i'ut' a4ing eans . a froll.) a Point 'in thellrotic, ocean be., tablet ttwelvii Months under review, resultirig in a further increase in Oe�neifarnjngm, 3Z I" and - rt (n 9dI thirty 299,( Illin the Morning. X Loans'fn 'alt with In detail In B(l ;easys n to
the disposition of which: is ft e accompahyla s; Sl ten th4-, sa, W_ trm, for tweeu SpItzbergen, and Greonland to a th' g ]Report.: J Clanai 6b res, aid 4,66t,964.11 iilz theynever". liar Oflell-.e. 4re. Dals' hoEband Point J11st off tbecoast of the Antarttle 1DOU118 Of 2 Per OeJI was again'distributail, In addition to,thiaeg'ul (f,videndo! -and lrt (h) c4dinig thirtyl days) Loa a- 25C., a �off e. D�ruggists and
gx g,= per cont. -ni 9r b it rnail,. lsew eie th;L �i C4nada will take c ar i of. er c fldrar4 and Urgli eoutinent in tb &4142
24 T,498.10 e b1g bay overlooked by, nuall epoirt, I I Ln IS�qui the F6116W'ng the Made in the. last &I, Nenlan"8 w 11 b� cared for by to � IUs. In 0bOut It.) -of -1,000,000 of new Capital' X14Unt Ereb Stock was made to Shareholders rec) I of,thi Children',$ Aid Wiety. The- botal �O de -The a I. Cukrerit Lof J is a dl D10catinis I In Cana da, gives east and 71, to SO de,grees soutbL M :15th- of FebrusI 1912, whole of this issujet taken- tridh t of I be wo'06n Medkinea. was, alie rilthcu9i on's. thefts wnoulnt- bate ot Inter st ll48 496,51 617'. 106 sew bew York World.
thO final Payments thereon, are t 4 il June, 1914* KUSK of 'thf 4
EA0 up Unt edJo 00i it one! thousand. dollars, In.,
aMouilt, ha 'Curriaht Lo; s a . Discounts �1 here Ili d been paid UP on the 815t,clf December last. I � -1 - ful s rhe thefts Ilad et;#ta 2, I Callita of the'Bank was, on the'i tow Pal&41 Ca4a4a '(Ie� 01 I cludini d that date, ;5,1911,344. lift litleal, o� CUO 1 been g olti.g: o fcir -six months. Ed's To meet th requirements of Seetion 56,i; Subsection oil� of I I A BOY'S N10MENT Or FAME. under Letters (f eI as 1!the Baril il er c4 tit ............ n a 93, 4.1, fie king along the streetin, Act, YOU are 110W Asked:to elect Auditcra. to serve 'until tile next U 1L General - - i Iel Est tie, other h 'B- I Fremls6s N 9. 9 Winni law j days
nb Meetim and two written nominations have already been r e, t znat�4- loss ReCtion, Ill e bl ts (eat ided "or) .... Lutn Wilon Young 'cott Was Praised con- Agar zs!es, 4t�lnpt pre th a n; hat i elty AjlPp6d and fll.. which u nad n, wao weari the thne lie was six Walter e I -Of b v �g them ne, with, 0 it the r of"Finance the pur. IU y we re mecesItated by changes In the Bank Act and th' advisabil 4 'YOU are also re(luested to sanction the' passing 6v niaw r-LaWS, I a i Prei[al an cost U ss am 'The Ta 1:: by Robert Burns.! P a 2, se�l of false 'beeth rltteI .6ff i�e . . , . Z the res! I �t z t t4e of he triculatton Fund .. ` wore fully meet Present eircurnstances. -TT' thrown back read ravenousl. and It Igpoes t .......... Z64, b0.00 lnt,6 his o Lt, lip' Hr. Lunisden's th On
or t geii, cl� ONSTWATM Inigh tits wl
failing rise, hearby con.1thble, RC. sold 31,106.82
BralaI were opened In 1913, as follows: I 9
New Westminster .66. ... de reading that wben FEV mn a, c
Itiax, Esta, t Fairview. Vancouver, D.C. Ififteen 110 I)Kultlle for few njo- ran 10 Ibell h lh� -and dh;cove red Malt B.C. the center of it grioup of leapned Fernwood, Victoria, wasl clit 11 MhP teVAb were wed- � 1 be
ok motl�erl I IT T01ii 12 ton ged, In I thi oat !so. it vv'as -When the poet "Urn., ris. Arlington Stret5t, Winnipeg, Man. 1that the --mall clean** '1I i t�00 Walkerville, Ontario, IC. 1, RTI could 2 oti �jroatbq, !The! constable or- dluburigh nd had shown We! bowels with iica A fo�nla $yrup of Figs." dered I * 114tei rAT�ovaj In to Pembina 11116,rpAt Ili a pleture of a soldier Danforth Avenue, Toralato, and a0rieral Eanager. hall, >41t OY *1� ti e 1118 had den 11 6 ronto, Ustj)(Ic n0 tie snow with a dog, keeping Eglinto Av nue, Toronto. Ibeen coin ;IlWied, r. iLumsdien was liat; IIac IElntwateh beside him Mothers can est easy ;ate riconsI ubd black iA the face,but- ' 1�(!jje.-jth t r giving
he I)Ieture W01'e $onie bean- "Callforala, Syrup of Pigs, because In betDre ineftal at arrived the con- tifu I lilies. but neither Burj)s nor. any.
Rt rt v r Oro 1laI ponsider 11extenti i0no vtjn sjj foot stable bad i ........ d -thP- tue1h.v Xr. a few hours all the logged6up waste, 1 t In oral a s V Lumad )f Those learued trien knew their ati- sour bile and fermenting food gently a y Ile4 the 11 Pitok'ha been OCiBitiI en � ri�covereOd sufficiently to m� ph tcal and rn e aj -Thirt -pix ChInaxneii wt! walk hme with �tllbfl Qntll oung Walter Scott who Moves Out Ofthe bowels, and you have I re take to assistalle f I)ened to' be Whispered we', pla3 ful e 1111d again. unicin t tl,,e,. rjral geside ts v' the �rl. a flee In present. sick Chill
.0i 'W.,H6therJnlr'Wa1 f e �sor c�, a teles �of they were by Langhorne. go an o,ve a hundited ba sedWt be toaxed tA)i Iren nc
phys 11al ectacatian at the'' U . n! ersity of 11 �Uor d � a 4ijaritity � or �pit.,*A cc n !-,,News Notes turned to him. with take this harm lose "'frult lazativo:6
I Burns
ian-i u
psln,'jaddrassl . r;th ;cated jig 'the ri-41t � o 0. Illott, Reeve of Stephen, Millions or niothers keep It handy be- f Ing eyes, and -aid, Illit. is o com- conz tie provincial Police on at alle they kdo Its action
Cop Nren Is I ilth�§ a, -,d Ix Of heavy herves on the a vis- f %' raid Yjr old cause Ch' d e;enti'y his
C�, iri ti*ll, 01 ium -jand. 19a lin Ale nionj course of reading that bus taugbt
a In tne toi ur, Co say of Lucan at prices stomach Ifir4r and bowels is prompt, -Fire 1A un 160 9,229 *V()u this," adding to his friend "This anlid sr' Ithe pri 11 qLry spur4e A all rbic startbd from an, rauglhg 1 to
[)n St nd �?rnoon <lid of- the ra�,epa-yers f d! hum i le, lopment, In awh. cause nuir, r IlvIli be heard of yet." -A k your jr
ay afL ihag XT �Y sdurcIa f all.aci $15,000 dam' to I be Tribly 1 is block :�in S. No. upon the s Syrup of Flgs,'11 which uggist, fOr a 50 -cent bot. pr irr IVR7 said wtoo, eall�d rI0W Proud the lad felt'. How wt,.;t- t1e, of "c9lif ornla, st Ind Not like qrdfiiar I PX 0, sor Ret4e Inqf r he �nfant ual los�-r H igh X1rk, nd enjoy -',1d a Ill,% Joful In the warmth of the giat tontaixisdire6t!oirstiorbables,,c'h.ildreix Calgary., Thb heay.e teacher, :TS AL y on rl
livei ii - pil4y, is Hil 14. 1501lard, pbot apher. 1'js few hourg at Is home.,,; pjaT he lives -out hits h ddress oet's ages and J or gr far� Red ty w pralse and then how sudden -own-ups, I14 soap,but be'tter, ly Of all I bun d iex- Ist idio, wa s �vrtecke I and a conter is. �resenteed with Rlro T a- 4. I � -
IS W 11. r a 0 AaL.Y Q SLJ�0 ela., ITLB lost,, Js about 'a music c b1peto The a esg(,,z- xtiend-
y ea; 0 �nd I -- $11l),000, rt Burns passed him In the street lollirent, jJhU 15: mean "at 'A 000 Lit $6,0C o of wh rh Is cc v4 ed good 140 1) P -du a- * hes and tstate their p- tho or a Horse tI er 4 by, Wciation;; lit a glange! "To brel n, cotet moment of 1blay let 0 Hr Kfrk'o good Work a horse and you as -Th vanisbe(L-Arladue Gilbert lict i the poix I- Ih the all %uio find e 1 re, is ( try; no be e cilfficial fl ures, of ho est"4d I furing bhd paist eight to bu onc. e=rle Ili thie pro,14 d,, Qo 4. try, $ears. St Nicholas. on't liell or dearoy an I *11dran need e3 of Albur!,ta V (w. P as )res, on atcount of 9 We as city C-liftdren, la4t year are 11111OLmed as 14448. Tho b Xatb'tons Of arth. C. b Till, �Srllxit, R ley c4n -4row, Imb eff lj�ent enrolmnt! in Yeadle,� of ; a s zhilwz, an Boys a ID ublic school t"Ille, Was smothered I i4ppy �chiidliib-o I n d Kr e & ba or. to- death la FrIcl, nd Bonfires. doba
1thlibugh an P�X .4, foh the �Tlie ei, iy afternoon by I Th� most fun a boyg' 0avilig,41 Of a h6 wa-rl Of �q aitle play I lifi. unji ,: Izen to slon of cit th u have I a at a im Its appr( �ed by th e' ds tc have 'Undl of L -ho pro Inde PO to, feel ind! bTlOking UP an! the farn't' of I ir T �j 3 ty ex �cutiv-e 4*0 gl Thaniasi a4ntr Is 4 1 )r, Li- a r�ea of f The frockled boy says kip) eel that the c Edmonton a, � otal Plife, Inear S.. jrhomas. 361in Parney, You call tbe-m NIDALL i� f a 1)]Ilade to live 1 4 iff.-A 1%..V d --- ciracy a nnot oci i&r miles., I who wa-r w h IhIM, was prob- jlres because yoa build them near a, ly j red,. Mr. ; Yeandle IS Boys usually W . Md them &ter WN CURE Ure! withouL, a. S.able, fflcl�n' q lid --Rajor �SchurinaT. . pf wt, af ag has blyfat S te d r 0 Ilatio Cases. in re(ently � lot wife, a* -,I altd. a III any tinic. t -many hores 4; IVIL survived 13,y lit s In. the has sayed
ri- `iLr n It 11 . 11"I'lu -1 I-- avehue -in -hot- ij� r III I nt umbei�'C) ,danhtei.,
?Zr T-- itier] YOU feel bully 10 a goo them back, t Wotk, evep aftqr tli�y it I thije. ve �aw .. �The Riltbe he-ciss factory. last year Up. . Z)Ver 25 years of su cis an p!ay 1--i, - . .
hat drunk6n es C
been River, ,I or wood do not seein tscii 11ave PrOV'4e dtS V,� 1111e.
s of cheeslI I r 9.1 111ommunitW ar Inverialy nelat- turned put. 11I202:poun4 1� eav� when You areca�Tyhlg them to Xr. .T. X G vitdin 4 r SL U h lliflq t h4ts:a1e. YOU Ink- ffe 1 which was i ol at rin average D. 11I I j 7 . 'in bav beei 6od 1. e., P L)o fire as when 3-00 ',Ire bringIng . 9 Ing actl- Of 2.78 , ce al g r �pouno andrealizpd - unropril=3 W11Y a $14100. 10f S arnounU $11,667 was jenz: in for the hired A. erY bad - P..r H knc wn. t Q hILd_ My U WON U f 4-tlla I I 16 ami-ja Curt, sol a3id ypvth joi e pr)duct' o at,ons, the I alance 2,502 Dll*t hurt so mucli e ree- arly druggil;,tll lerk
Paid to the, I it er. T e f Pla�- it 1� .4 waAe o! I gotog for mgkmg and otier expenses., I ;V& e hi When.They CoLal,"d Be 0111 ? led boy says t f 0. "A be rea n Is bees ..", use tise ort th or in M� precious If c Ai� n K Dr>,wi, will'con;lnue toman- N Du Y. be ran a baving fn it n. is so e9sy t:) be N te� and 6 t rot g and ufaqture elfee 3,ew during 1 q4 ori the I� I.U,, S11,ver ab le to e *joy 1: fe, tb at I" under his nall, one it is E i irpri sani� terins. as ast, e rilight. at Dr. R. J. X ZA nd.11 C.., Nail tobA,andl I 4%, two and Ij or] re and be nevel- ootleed it until Enasburg Fags, I I 10 , Itow many wonien drag 27 Irthw6stNotes thetil0l'-'vueb; A Vartei pen pdr hundred., SUffe he to 0 thtough the day tortures from s"hoo time the next mo ve! - four tonO�: �I oal .,10rot shjpped. I 9 PaY., all 4I es'? �nfng. � Then It oi a V Le coal nilnje� Ili the vielal4t of 1L, backdtie to ki ney -Willile 4r I art Plm terrib y. Rtay ont ALE STOUT X1119 to Blenheim las� I lie to' LAGER taEueble. Mrs Wilcox Thu -9dkLy MElit, no'Cli. of the r4hvay (If scqool all day, and bo' �cou ricillon dutring� yes r. r Id not do ;fo lid the way N Year's c� to :4re Ithe &OS4119,, Wil lain PAckar� and wife �s c4ores. Part of the Oay he carried E es PLME PAUTABI-E— Numnous — BEVERAGES1 hemelf and gla4ly wift le _�t I% I lieiam, go g s arm Ina S lFarmers df. tn the 6 14 to be about it a t ot i rs n. It reeli swen ill I wore upoz U= -**Aubprn a
n, Ed- M'ontoA:'4`t; ppc Ate dilile dilile L The .4ggy pole ,t�o ks.", FOR SALE BY WINE Aim SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE I y may be1nduccd* to Use Inju ad th Satutda e' 0 e Olat it I killed. .Aflenyoon, f1rd troke It 11 Ille the iame temed 101r, ack-4rdd 3 E1W new �cncrete un ure A man in t0i%porary LWAL OPTION -Residents in the loed I 01 A It AtUbasca ' an er rig, U Ing a� InDtion &-fticts id g4ted. the ien- flash gh t dazzled t e b il dJng only., is � wall�, ror4ait king, the yes or .1 -e other d r, caushig Ican legaLly order from this breivery whatever they the ONAL ri ip I new! ccritrl-2 town I- all I -I . ki th- In 9 Every day I by 9 require for personal or fani�y use. B 3at 121 J! Alta., bLjjjTj,e<I � for b1m, dimiv IWrite to has biebn U prNn THE Our talk Od reading, ut EAKH w K -r'E t us c mr -1 t -2d f urna,-P. � 1 a Gldr, 4ewell The *all� ra th Taylor av 9 home, on the enue I Chatba,� Dip M,Andschool t xar. la mite ontiI shoo F-= JOHN LABATT, LoNwN, C" Ad but the,in§Ide h'as c4r;r n, wx!,o was .1 nestion -toe iriioan� IADA OLOY lice] I I il A I "t f foun I par% as�hyxlated at his home Ott) friend asks; at mat. )skatchew'an 1.8 IE4VlA9 the hospitl af- Y0Q seek K; ir buyers In �S on Sday, n 0 dation or izu U. overin ATATA It 1hat the -numi�s�, of erl ss f tee atdatorthopronurt- -ff 0 Was arrezif.pd an the captain of i What is z0hue coav ff
ridustry to tile This NeW Cr _iliK caught. this Y.Oar ls,-3 ethIng 0 charFO of t in.:yted sulcide. His trial I 1 oddUtrrier-frow u r 41WI 4118wets all kinda of j "II 0 miladylin lbe aut n Eb13 and that,�, thb ca 611, all ot for it )a I if th Of February, an,rith the scrizbbingr bru$14- Arts axkd s 0' fur-bCarin'g, a�nitii I� ls�exaep_ ell *48 boulid'in the kitclien on tia a ff >Ciencas, Wi coniplishnic 44 fluor NVlt t Ally larg; Its of I ol,.e of L-5 h 'tb, In the 3'LoVetarn- ry 400,000 -tds. "T butter, Ic al Petild absolulely on the A fd�,, Altif accompliall- 460
��iI r i ut- resp!rat-lon -,vas re-
-er ian houj- his �;,r our stomachs. Backed by a st$400 The Huron IV eather ti in, vegetbles ll.4 Irults ara,cheap_ sorted; -o and &fI THIS Year ; go, e, i t I legina no I in' 11 Ang *�s vestoi ed. Jgwellls� Nvlfq clai.ms F )od igestion, a man c.,ju give tile 6eat 2700 Paip ej e Alutua ie via: -m W�athe; .,'b u hac 1 thic, of that, �er th b Mil has 111� Ch W13, i The only dictiva' hasura is a i him. Xvilerk1li.stp.
of ect be onles a weaklin *tYTI ith e&ted her thenew d;vj�f 1310gew -char* ICiaLierizod as k,,E Pi ig eggs anA Li Jp,r -buch;cheap- an 'Eare tenet TO cut hek throat. To t1fis loss Ot P froke of �E than for many -W� P., got eri a, an Elgin County, S ibmit. Ri ht habits of eating compan e, power no One need y ;�l a rqj --"I e Goose n ha bnl3ji c)m- corre$Pon4ent, 11;Ta Pam E 9 P't! r te.5 rA hd 'ril'-frig, sleePing and exercir � d I On thin, opa that �ted s I riking 'up ai ;3 ,0, rong oc India PaPer. Ni iot twin, _&rta clti,�, ind: hela,, e NY is', otb ered rA0 and mainjai;j th �9 faction toown OMC 7-1aM I 1Y Xa-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tabl,
sh a -A n and L ts, will e full efliciency M Webster In a,.P, gilt. AN r4 Air i ar, Very much yvith aW ak Bz c. I was Annual Meeting -YON i the human, mind and body. 1-1 M aud so C coi 6an ilkso -er-; advised by a friend PILLS V iWit-Dru-Co pyspepsia Tabjet,$,CjMtan use I lie ice., I Ulle half the t1 icknes i and - I ebtAre d rst binit I fo ul lhelped.� weightof Lar FA t; 7a. h. -A t �t IR AN IT, It first prlzq' f'r whe 11,2) Me , very.much at E i8tal andil.did. The Iky 016 ll�tive Principles eeded for the d -kid 0! The Annual Ueettwrafthll�rucwbers of tbe above d A luiid w a I had !gestlon Of every kindf food. The &
ttely e.d in tile air" held On Ong. It r. Wt- in taken the second, I' w; as po P14 90 to the as�istance of Ze weak IX 00mi)4n v� lit oe h U 7 skatocn unde tih, ene im r I isple oV �he imrcd.11 W and enable the' lauthazites of the 1 OX. 'ght n� Tovm Hall, Zarie on Tuesday. OM IV sufferer, rI fj a elles. Iersit waz won- If GIN-PITLS do �A do 41 4t we 1179im. the start tO Mirntlat aud WrIte for
D.: C4tler, f efit of et th le February Wth. at 2 oc, Roul, iu, y �bey will we.will eaten. p. ni. 1 %V I sa -1e: us � now, a PAM
'a sain).E of MarqLli ft With th Notion this s ivheat �r,?Wn ; on y refund you I irmoney. ;�enct Fdr the Par ANI -11 Tfilm amlstance the digead PC19-3 of the Annuat Renew; The Guaranteed 'ten ft%f Iffe �he V, Anil I ve or
I an ree SaIII La Lr tone, and soo VOWTO wtt mild the tMue"don All Kli d 7 'a the use@1 the tgEICU II OM,mrs and t)lrevt . iee fi n a ps jare'b that Of 00ter builinp4p. rhi ee,�Trjjr Dlve,lrars Rre .,I Ping, bg IT:,an I th a A E'M PRU 46 they will:do you &A. Tnen,lbuy 0 louger a nce f mlit6kell. I nec"ry. f . - Of pftkot * Rome; I. , i I eT, i-Soc., C;1"an, SIMPIC, No Chlilow r i I nlizing, ithe L6041:�jft Gr id Coul the saty4utdeal The �nioj;t f 74DUi7 PIWkenAlre, IV. P. (111,11vell ad IN. R. Battler, who ITI SendforFree lar bbxe = are eligible f tr re.rR ed.in. r4 anlil Dooki a"kable Orugh and fo $2. 50. Uoid renaet! v. kg
ac- limited, mcn� Tests lzbow tpf value Ile qu 6 stomach is not worldng G. alfty ISILAS 2b2 �on to, Sci ce- tryXa-DXr_-CO Dys coal 4�d ib [is a liz 0 ional PepsiaT#b PIZ WRIUMA A. &XIGIAL, secrtlt4ry g and: hemical Co of lbn$� andlWol,*, trouble i at your drugi-4t,si, X&t_;oW 21074d b s no Ibc leved that the o4qsit kre of a a, Ili I ororitio. equal. 25e 44dilrkle r pe bot tle, at &1,1 2 Ct - CIM MiCal lira Coll cum* lit d Iflug storm sne IIII
t % jj
_z I