HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-01-30, Page 3t. Port for tue year okwwe A, -11. ceased her twelve years. Agm She 1; S, must be cleared. i You will 1S 1: c ing;s i rice.l.... 00* 00 t$Seb5 Now deficit of;,,$61 m the yeaesbini- !-�survived 0�y. -shc sons, and three daugh., 0 $Cho The bad weather on ffie niornin.0, $ale. Priceal.......AA1 .95 i ters, and several grandchildren. She z never as of the last day of the fair was re- buy the m. cheap I was an active . and consistent MIL 1913- than Ini again. less gaterecelpts In is Bible for the shortage -ftera be-. ber of the Evan h for mi ti church yeqrs and was gdp�lllady whi& wys -hOld 1912. and the cash donations a�t year: In high esteem by' all who -kxiuv her. hundred dollars - less h av y were nearly buT Mack ribbed, thane in 1912.t Ik was deeld stodkin 'gain, have a field crop competition this Kubirn 9 s, an e; ed, to iia- a ft arn� w T. 1,11 again,- be The,- annfre tellent sch Yea and white oato w. J 00-1 40c ki n -g, a' 11 4 Anniversary Sbrvices, the grain used In the cam, a R ���� patitiont Talsr 11* 0'' 1.1 nd'4 $3.75 o6. Knox church here; ai i last sary services In, i,;iigs Price.... ....... ij4t C, pompettition successful was very Sunday, January 18th, were !well at. year and there promisee to be morA�*I t tended and successful In every respec competition this year. The dates for r con ♦4 1 1 Ive Oats Chil r.4;Y, z I The services on Sunday we i♦i A holding the fall fair were fixed for 1 00 ome s skir s ducted UY, Ithe, Revs George E. Ross, ,rs and I September 21 and 25, Office church, Gbder4-h, wbi P 95 directors. were telectied. as follows,: Honi, b accept4noe., A president, -1 -.,A. MorLon; hen, vice- a9t'or Of ":Zth great ced i to $8, h P 4P.0 Qot. ..Dr- presl(le was heard ed the evening 5"loa ,h,, gmo an ;n - president, John W. J. J.- Moffatt; at" -nor - Re uced toD. $ '95 e S U. 1 0 Thiir�`, o# _Currle;, first vice, W. j. Greer..; tere,41ni talk on the land of Da ara, where ho spent.. parb of 'Sis -mini's ne occand Ace, H, T. Perdue,: directors— try, as a knisslonaryw The chjAr of tri :,Bar 3ver werco in our Stip ,e is James Henderson -J" -A. Brandon, F. church gave, valuable assistance In f1h f Hardle, William. i in t1 saile Mack These tett cloth diresses Henderson, P. Gibbins, n1clu serylceg� In ..the levening- Miss Ren v I These am, all- cut ir i the very y 10 Y71 most C e�'t 6ds and B iav'- qual- George Thr Robertson, Frank Henry, Patterson sang "T•he -Goldern lCit il Staiffiek s r el s� Tw:, will be sold at es! George Cruickshank,. James 01 FYf new ;t styles from higI i �ji l :end � Miss Alm ic . i Vlifhplait '41elvets or, n ibl - auditors, J a. McLean and Rdber4 her usual fine voice i W son s. incred es T e r it Venetians,- Broadcloths, -effe6-tively thet sal). i I' lady directo.-S I Match took very s erges, r Currie., The honorary I& part In ;the anthenN bY hive choir 0,hoir,"T.ier o Penman s 16 rt il "collars. The Sy e0,A)le sto V61vets, Cor S9 Cash.. WC are the wives of trio officers and 41- Niondw r A I e Phnamas T� eds in were Ninety and NIM",;On for arril., i m ist - comfoda mer til the rectors, Messrzs. W J. Currie and H. evening the annual supper and e ♦75,t,,Ieec. j black, nary, grey, brown and es hnd Paha 1%1 ty! 1W �d Si 334 'Elllotb, were appointed as delegales, •talnmen'b was held and was a sple �C?l 50.� leece fol ve do tis, e have er wanted colors, to the Fairs and Exhibitlons Amoela- I ♦ ' * ' d, L shades, doz 5 t to 14 I rese en� of be. success., The ladlesi served a,. bounUf I ,supper In, the basemsirtl and the 7 or years• Regular On tion which will be-aeld in Toronto In c Bovs W001 I lad .�izes coir if, g styles for both 'house 5oc q oys r 7ebruary., The officers and directors gram �Zlven afterwards In the . niat 1 5 wo( 4 f e I a S I( nIO:e, a 4. 0 a's 'a #a. to Sio, Sale Pace 60e third a U^VW:k, +hJC! �Vcmv- fA make fhn WIn1rham -8:04 - nd§� teet- wear. j, + A V, _01 Awl I -P.,nd has been sixty-five. yeara an ° Or - was present and gave An Usboirna e4dreas m the working of the - or&r. Another Old Resident -Gone.— Etichard; price r r se a :o ir a of the- -he newl, - e Re er T ew many. v elected members each spoke Coulds, aged 87, for over -half a cez tbelist bi, t1i educ ,T star U91 _!)rlefly and W--zhort musical prog--am tury' a resident of. Uqwrne townctb-I s- e et. Youi. s' are o, Fronde ga" Ic Lie S. _b "Wa _ven.� being coAr,-luded with -th-oo die&,,at his home`o4, Thursday bf iaapt'!� ♦I ! 391 e w froml Jn�s Mit *ss�-tW idng�njg of the national antherm -his ♦district G f tie erful ins —Cora.lweeIK4 He cairo to t ar Ork6hire W- He- is sur vee b yf�. Bfigland C three sons and eight; daught-ais Hen-� T e Black Knights Neet-.—The Clinton, ne 0 ry 'and Ell, vt Uzl)6rne,- W11111M Wews-Record of last week zay,_!; X toronto; Mrs- C. Cann, Mrs,. J,, Hin V 2neating of the Black Knight Precep- Mrs., A. Andrews and yle all J! b on VAday of Dxeter; Mrs Clark helsea it,6jy wag held I-- Cllu .0-11, Mrs. evenInc, wh6zi-In addition, 'o the, rout-. , I . mrsi Clark of London; Mrs. ffis Ine buslnet_s� which was transacted, W, 1 Wopd-ham- and -Mrs, Laskin ho remil W, E. Southgate was present and Aie- -le will b burled g�r� livered an excellent address. The, breth- sides "near Grantonl I Ville E 12 d 14 beside his wife in ElImIrille ery�- r an M BA en and Womens 4 to heir Mr. fula ren are a1v dellghte -turday;i r $15.00 -,%Duthgv.to, w1fo never falls to introduce -eame-Inew Ideas or to. clothe old ideas rs, wtc fol Mewai B. Fu en, ar in a new -so, as to m- as -its Coll W tjress aka them'Credtton I U s Fur F. convey altogether new. or . hidden I rt ne to 25. Pet cen-t off s, Besides Mr. Southgate.thare baa. 85 r,�.l i Motes.—Kiss Ella Link has' $1: 104 Dre�s s v were present - froom out, of , town, Mr, visit friends Id Ubely, Mich.— Misq Ella 0 axm bir ts 85 Fe Ced 'o $ 8, 15 Coats' F. Mole, of Seaforth, Messra. R. Me- Beaver:and Master fferberV�hai. 4 ail array, Rt Bailey and D. C. alis with to, De -fur 4 )r the atroite-41iss Edna Finkbelner.haj, ver 11 ou stor fi c otk �hirt -59 of Bayfield, and Mrf John Scarlet of gone to Sebewalng, and Plgeo�, - Mlchi S, le Price $11.95- -1 Ca vales Leadburyj When - the business of -t.bz.'-3fjrj and Mrs. Samuel Haijit and Miss' Val next fler 4 en P sen,460AA-: I days will be sold at all Halat of Plgeon, Michigan, and lodge ro had bedn completted, 9 aPs, 5 25 Pe :],g - . . q I , here is just fifteen oi Jhese Ircent' Iscou Valred to Bartliff's restauval-it, where bird John Heist -of Sebewalqg . Mich 75!c 'dozen of bra io new. suits in -ct wh owere visiting, friends in ItUic- vicin'- a Caps C i: reg - an oyster supper was pairtaken who(were visiting friends •in thia vj,-,.In-, ♦ 501 1eyery CheviO dressy comfortable coats: left. oats Tweeds -)Fu� and a poclal hour spent, abbe col' 19C I S s ati 1i Tw- lar prices,'IV, v4 . *♦ :25C A, 01 iw ity, have returned to their rispectl u lens a The made of 4rood black gr(i It DIor H} liho mot rown ack, be4vei ailted I hQmes.—Iffrs. Jacob Ellber, whop. maid' SNV a 'er co ats 5' cent off 'or b Turnberry Agricultural 'Socle'l-I.—The P r Uej ek, en name was Louisa Morlock,� 4 q died a Ened. a n d It Ica fully inai ood' annual meeting of $:t.(')c Overal' Puri lined �oats, Fu� caps, the. Turnbe�rry 1kg-, her home Uipre on -'the 20th iiqst,, de of t immed with Western- Sable, ricultural-Socleby, was held In the coup � the age of 61ghty 'Years. - She . oma Wo, en'sFurCoatsjFqz ned ell chamber, WIngham, -on Tuesday' ;d Well lined and twice married, firgt it ones t! nateF to -the. lAteJ co Collar and reveers, goo fit - V made' f was fairly, well atteade& Pifasldent W. Faist and aboub fourteen yearn a9Q.-.h4♦ er in tip and stylishly cut. A-11 coats, Ruffi and- IMUO 0 - all -N J, Currie resided. The financial le,, mairled Jicob Hilber, who predev.♦ t I �tbe i!Akst Avles all S' 1!teis. auditor UUM VY_4X1= V Cl -profit by an audience which,11i.. qys Fleepe fD fail fair the mosb"successful In the and e history -of the -society and a,9k for erallycrowded the edifice to the doors. II A the hearty co-operation oE_thr, town Revi Andrew Laing, pastor- of •'thl; presided, and addresses vere1. 0& and distrIctf. Mr. H. B. Elliott was church, *** 0* 11 7 FPW o.ppolnted Secretary -Trmsurer for the given by two-- brother pasto rs, Revi P. eleventh yo�r In successionA -A., W-Iler, of -Auburn Methodisti elreal and Rev4 J Q, Reid ,+ Presbyterian Pas for of Londesboro, The efficient' _&oIr Bayffeld. V es wit] i �c s of the church gave two chorus e.' 04 The Cernetery.,—The annual ineeting excellent effect and a series of iso., m Reiffna. Is of the cemetery Company was held i Womens Co and readings by Mr.- H. Ruth ven Me - 0 •in. ens litts. an Monday, at iast week, when thes Do)jald, the well n known bard uits following officers were ele6bed: Pr64- made up a high class progtain., The kn'ife'has gone ldeht, James Thomson; V!,ce, Jaimblt'� togetber, the audimce -board a pr 21 St�ck taking has��roua*ht to in deep i in, to oxmpbell, Secretaryi-tzfeurer, A. E. gram which ♦will Ions be pleaussantlY r, 6 Hors* di into the �nice of all teens Erwin, Airpetors, John'Middle ton, Tv inernbered, The proceeds o -F D e. pej. cent of the. even', - L adtic hundreds �Jf r !-mants i and girli -coats, I every coat - J., Marks, John McNaughton, Roberti ing were $183.76, and Sanday's col c Home Mde 75 Hanley, John McDonetd,, Thasj,Erown- Hid lection -war, $81, making a - tot -i-1 of must be sold. Se thf spec - 50,c COW Oc i: a Ott, $264.75, which will aid very mat-erlal fromall departm S; lof the I ffiei time tp ge ent 4.584,95 The Akrl.uhniral S.-clety.—Theann-aal ly -In' k,neeting the obligations on 4c ";o C the al a A e Ba .field Agricu' I neeting of th count of the new, manse{ )oy� tfit (Yery Overcoat or St re. All at almos,t dive last Nv-,eek wl!'Ll azood lattendance.t The, Suit Stock $oclety was held on *ednesday of �e su:)Ject reports pressenbed were very encour STATE of Omin. Cbr-. ging., Officers ivy oF To00, Is# er:cerklt Disco unt, a"*ay prices P awere. re-elected Lt Cousm as follows: Presidenw t$ R. Snoden; Utl Frank J. ot-eney inakes oath that he is 9 11 vice, . X. Penhale; 2nd Vice, Dr. tartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do .1 County and, S , ,•� No Goods Ap. elds; secretary, "w1n; Itreazz- that said firm w♦ On Wo y, A.B. L qdnm hi thef ♦ City of Toleft r aforesaid, and- III pay the carer Yj A. . E 'qE -HUNIXtED - DOLLARS or re dwards. The 61recters o, f each and evet, of - last year were relected with the ease of (IiLtarrh U1,%t ("aunt be onred by the use c f 11all's Catarrb Cure. pRAIVK j. CHU,,Wr nr exception of James lifrogs who Is laar Swarn to before are and subscrib�Iny red, in rei. Ing the district and was replaced by ence. this 6th day of Decemer, A. D. IM. A -it A d of Vr, John W1Addon.-5,fr,_ Notarypublizei rned _n 'tjmey ;tre Death _11alYs Catarrh Care is taken Internany., and ear le John Whiddon for many, Ye 6 a pros- • direatly on the blood and surfacesof1b, FTN BR,," S tu T�Wrry A.W.,GLEMON; perous busineas. man and a highly re-, ayawn. Send for testimonials. free. ♦not spected resident of Bayfield died -on F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, I Sold v all Dn*gists—Pr1ee 75a per bottle. the 20th Inst., at the ho-,ne of tits Take. Halls Fdwily Fills for eonsUpatlon.�♦ i� ," W daughter,. Mrs, A. Armstrong on the H_ ♦4**♦ t4�"f 4 'W� . I' _777. OF- Ali J 4- KiE _01 Awl I -P.,nd has been sixty-five. yeara an ° Or - was present and gave An Usboirna e4dreas m the working of the - or&r. Another Old Resident -Gone.— Etichard; price r r se a :o ir a of the- -he newl, - e Re er T ew many. v elected members each spoke Coulds, aged 87, for over -half a cez tbelist bi, t1i educ ,T star U91 _!)rlefly and W--zhort musical prog--am tury' a resident of. Uqwrne townctb-I s- e et. Youi. s' are o, Fronde ga" Ic Lie S. _b "Wa _ven.� being coAr,-luded with -th-oo die&,,at his home`o4, Thursday bf iaapt'!� ♦I ! 391 e w froml Jn�s Mit *ss�-tW idng�njg of the national antherm -his ♦district G f tie erful ins —Cora.lweeIK4 He cairo to t ar Ork6hire W- He- is sur vee b yf�. Bfigland C three sons and eight; daught-ais Hen-� T e Black Knights Neet-.—The Clinton, ne 0 ry 'and Ell, vt Uzl)6rne,- W11111M Wews-Record of last week zay,_!; X toronto; Mrs- C. Cann, Mrs,. J,, Hin V 2neating of the Black Knight Precep- Mrs., A. Andrews and yle all J! b on VAday of Dxeter; Mrs Clark helsea it,6jy wag held I-- Cllu .0-11, Mrs. evenInc, wh6zi-In addition, 'o the, rout-. , I . mrsi Clark of London; Mrs. ffis Ine buslnet_s� which was transacted, W, 1 Wopd-ham- and -Mrs, Laskin ho remil W, E. Southgate was present and Aie- -le will b burled g�r� livered an excellent address. The, breth- sides "near Grantonl I Ville E 12 d 14 beside his wife in ElImIrille ery�- r an M BA en and Womens 4 to heir Mr. fula ren are a1v dellghte -turday;i r $15.00 -,%Duthgv.to, w1fo never falls to introduce -eame-Inew Ideas or to. clothe old ideas rs, wtc fol Mewai B. Fu en, ar in a new -so, as to m- as -its Coll W tjress aka them'Credtton I U s Fur F. convey altogether new. or . hidden I rt ne to 25. Pet cen-t off s, Besides Mr. Southgate.thare baa. 85 r,�.l i Motes.—Kiss Ella Link has' $1: 104 Dre�s s v were present - froom out, of , town, Mr, visit friends Id Ubely, Mich.— Misq Ella 0 axm bir ts 85 Fe Ced 'o $ 8, 15 Coats' F. Mole, of Seaforth, Messra. R. Me- Beaver:and Master fferberV�hai. 4 ail array, Rt Bailey and D. C. alis with to, De -fur 4 )r the atroite-41iss Edna Finkbelner.haj, ver 11 ou stor fi c otk �hirt -59 of Bayfield, and Mrf John Scarlet of gone to Sebewalng, and Plgeo�, - Mlchi S, le Price $11.95- -1 Ca vales Leadburyj When - the business of -t.bz.'-3fjrj and Mrs. Samuel Haijit and Miss' Val next fler 4 en P sen,460AA-: I days will be sold at all Halat of Plgeon, Michigan, and lodge ro had bedn completted, 9 aPs, 5 25 Pe :],g - . . q I , here is just fifteen oi Jhese Ircent' Iscou Valred to Bartliff's restauval-it, where bird John Heist -of Sebewalqg . Mich 75!c 'dozen of bra io new. suits in -ct wh owere visiting, friends in ItUic- vicin'- a Caps C i: reg - an oyster supper was pairtaken who(were visiting friends •in thia vj,-,.In-, ♦ 501 1eyery CheviO dressy comfortable coats: left. oats Tweeds -)Fu� and a poclal hour spent, abbe col' 19C I S s ati 1i Tw- lar prices,'IV, v4 . *♦ :25C A, 01 iw ity, have returned to their rispectl u lens a The made of 4rood black gr(i It DIor H} liho mot rown ack, be4vei ailted I hQmes.—Iffrs. Jacob Ellber, whop. maid' SNV a 'er co ats 5' cent off 'or b Turnberry Agricultural 'Socle'l-I.—The P r Uej ek, en name was Louisa Morlock,� 4 q died a Ened. a n d It Ica fully inai ood' annual meeting of $:t.(')c Overal' Puri lined �oats, Fu� caps, the. Turnbe�rry 1kg-, her home Uipre on -'the 20th iiqst,, de of t immed with Western- Sable, ricultural-Socleby, was held In the coup � the age of 61ghty 'Years. - She . oma Wo, en'sFurCoatsjFqz ned ell chamber, WIngham, -on Tuesday' ;d Well lined and twice married, firgt it ones t! nateF to -the. lAteJ co Collar and reveers, goo fit - V made' f was fairly, well atteade& Pifasldent W. Faist and aboub fourteen yearn a9Q.-.h4♦ er in tip and stylishly cut. A-11 coats, Ruffi and- IMUO 0 - all -N J, Currie resided. The financial le,, mairled Jicob Hilber, who predev.♦ t I �tbe i!Akst Avles all S' 1!teis. auditor UUM VY_4X1= V Cl -profit by an audience which,11i.. qys Fleepe fD fail fair the mosb"successful In the and e history -of the -society and a,9k for erallycrowded the edifice to the doors. II A the hearty co-operation oE_thr, town Revi Andrew Laing, pastor- of •'thl; presided, and addresses vere1. 0& and distrIctf. Mr. H. B. Elliott was church, *** 0* 11 7 FPW o.ppolnted Secretary -Trmsurer for the given by two-- brother pasto rs, Revi P. eleventh yo�r In successionA -A., W-Iler, of -Auburn Methodisti elreal and Rev4 J Q, Reid ,+ Presbyterian Pas for of Londesboro, The efficient' _&oIr Bayffeld. V es wit] i �c s of the church gave two chorus e.' 04 The Cernetery.,—The annual ineeting excellent effect and a series of iso., m Reiffna. Is of the cemetery Company was held i Womens Co and readings by Mr.- H. Ruth ven Me - 0 •in. ens litts. an Monday, at iast week, when thes Do)jald, the well n known bard uits following officers were ele6bed: Pr64- made up a high class progtain., The kn'ife'has gone ldeht, James Thomson; V!,ce, Jaimblt'� togetber, the audimce -board a pr 21 St�ck taking has��roua*ht to in deep i in, to oxmpbell, Secretaryi-tzfeurer, A. E. gram which ♦will Ions be pleaussantlY r, 6 Hors* di into the �nice of all teens Erwin, Airpetors, John'Middle ton, Tv inernbered, The proceeds o -F D e. pej. cent of the. even', - L adtic hundreds �Jf r !-mants i and girli -coats, I every coat - J., Marks, John McNaughton, Roberti ing were $183.76, and Sanday's col c Home Mde 75 Hanley, John McDonetd,, Thasj,Erown- Hid lection -war, $81, making a - tot -i-1 of must be sold. Se thf spec - 50,c COW Oc i: a Ott, $264.75, which will aid very mat-erlal fromall departm S; lof the I ffiei time tp ge ent 4.584,95 The Akrl.uhniral S.-clety.—Theann-aal ly -In' k,neeting the obligations on 4c ";o C the al a A e Ba .field Agricu' I neeting of th count of the new, manse{ )oy� tfit (Yery Overcoat or St re. All at almos,t dive last Nv-,eek wl!'Ll azood lattendance.t The, Suit Stock $oclety was held on *ednesday of �e su:)Ject reports pressenbed were very encour STATE of Omin. Cbr-. ging., Officers ivy oF To00, Is# er:cerklt Disco unt, a"*ay prices P awere. re-elected Lt Cousm as follows: Presidenw t$ R. Snoden; Utl Frank J. ot-eney inakes oath that he is 9 11 vice, . X. Penhale; 2nd Vice, Dr. tartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do .1 County and, S , ,•� No Goods Ap. elds; secretary, "w1n; Itreazz- that said firm w♦ On Wo y, A.B. L qdnm hi thef ♦ City of Toleft r aforesaid, and- III pay the carer Yj A. . E 'qE -HUNIXtED - DOLLARS or re dwards. The 61recters o, f each and evet, of - last year were relected with the ease of (IiLtarrh U1,%t ("aunt be onred by the use c f 11all's Catarrb Cure. pRAIVK j. CHU,,Wr nr exception of James lifrogs who Is laar Swarn to before are and subscrib�Iny red, in rei. Ing the district and was replaced by ence. this 6th day of Decemer, A. D. IM. A -it A d of Vr, John W1Addon.-5,fr,_ Notarypublizei rned _n 'tjmey ;tre Death _11alYs Catarrh Care is taken Internany., and ear le John Whiddon for many, Ye 6 a pros- • direatly on the blood and surfacesof1b, FTN BR,," S tu T�Wrry A.W.,GLEMON; perous busineas. man and a highly re-, ayawn. Send for testimonials. free. ♦not spected resident of Bayfield died -on F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, I Sold v all Dn*gists—Pr1ee 75a per bottle. the 20th Inst., at the ho-,ne of tits Take. Halls Fdwily Fills for eonsUpatlon.�♦ i� ," W daughter,. Mrs, A. Armstrong on the H_ ♦4**♦ t4�"f 4 'W� . I' _777. OF- Ali J