HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1914-01-23, Page 3tet 1914 id in eeday ' eve Get: enio undisnee o at! down: to uOui sow int d out, ea men„ 14134 000 aht to erdtn of t ung r" , Wilde'd to er, A ttSta rst was ILI nd reepond he; po and by lea or. 0 Worlde epoSed by to by Re .fluence of • fluence o • d National embers of am.' The • 94414 the e itiotable deice an en:, of the TTH O. A. BOGERT, Cemoral The Business Of Farming the business of Manufaoturing—should be done in a practical business way. Proceeds should be put in a bank. Payments should be made by Cheque .• A. certain percentage of the profits should be put In a Savings Account as an emergency fund.' The nem who has a, cash surplus in a bank, is protected against bad e'.,,z301.12 and hard Unit& will rsid':: nitBibleannuali 0 0 "0, s m near • • , t. 004elitot ,:wuree4. • d • i s s a allnadrl*oh 'ZIP' *le things an 'tabIes Aft e di *: 04**e*O*••••••••••••*e*•••**•••••••4.••••44; rdors Carofuily Filled Stewart Bross * • • Auer" t d rile ed°8e onal posed bythe ., and VMS' '''todli'ea:4),r1 004 00 d by Will by J ties of md. z, eScoetttn ot,ort le St:jdei a. Joh Bible or Bible on Two !qua ase added t hkat4a tn ridred mark tyres is 'fJJ 1 tbatarrehdtocid4i b S O ▪ 1FluS Try it on )11 have and ;he rezult of hogs fatten it it, which `zed and a Digato A of $1.50. ay' cost no prime stater SPECIFIC !tares. colts. Ln packages, ULTRY Rents L'LB POW.. ii winter as free f nt over t in vigorous hens over We have rn all parts E FT V. does anYthing factionWe tatter what $. we want POIILTILT t it can el xekage `t.f.; in 2itt and tins. miltri salt .so s an. aerate -mi.*, , 256 aus ronp, phi; ker, whit* Lfl poultry4 =RS !ed 80-pagi altry., Telt* la. „pang' and kee ter. Covet z boor, way.. 311 Biala Smithy: agiareale50151551,11•515m55.11. DISTIMT NATTEIRS • 4. Notable Gathering.—Mr. George Town, of Wroxetera native of Safe'. forth, and son of Mr, and Mrs. Harry TOWAI of this town, and -Mrs, Town, held a inappy and unique family party at their home in Wroxeter n New Years Day., Those present were the father and mother, W.' and Mrs. H Seaforth; 'brothers Percy, of Clinton, William and four children, Hamilton; Albert and wife of S'outh Bend, Indianria;- Mr, and Ws. Harry Willett and daughter of South -i3end, Ind.. 1,Mrs .Louis Cliff, of Toronto, and Mrs 4W. A, Miller, WInghared Mr. andMrs, Amos Gorton and daughter, of Wroxetor; and Mrs. Town's father. Mr, John Garton, being the oldest of the guests at the age of 100 years, It is needless to say' that a most enjoy- able day was spent her all . Orangeism.—The annual disteict meet- ing for Wingham District was held In that -town on Tuesday of last week: Afte.r the usual business was transaet- =ad a very progressive year was ree 'ported, and the followiag offieers were elected and duly Installed by Counter - Master Thomas Stewart for the year 1914: D.M., Allan • M Fralick.; "W -B. Elliott; D Chaplain, Rea. E. Crolv; D. Ree Sec., Geo. Thorn- ton ;D F1n. See, Dd. Johnstoh; Treas., John Casernore; fi,, D of ea F. H. Roderus; First Lecturer.. W Guest; Second Lecturer, W. Thornton. —Fern Lodge No, 19, Loyal True Bluesheld their regular meeting on Friday evertidg last, when Weir of- ficers for 1914 were installed by the District Organizer, The officers are: Mrs. D. Hamilton; D. el . Mrs Beckwith; recording and corresponding 4ecretary, Ms Lizzie Fluety, ; finan- cial secretary, W., T. Miller; treaeerer. - Mrs" B fl.liTason ;chaplain. Mrs.Joynt; Ds of C., Alm W Be Elliott; Cert., Miss tii2 Cunningham; tyler, Cl .nacile'o-i, Committee, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. afason, tirk4 Elliott, Mrs. Haines, lirS. Ful- ler At the close of the meeting the mern'bers enjoyed refreshmente and so- cial conversation and are looking for - Ward to ia. prosperous year with many • profitable meetings, • The Mclelliop Insurance Compan ye— The thirty-eighth annual T. -meting of the bleKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the town hall In Seaforth .on Friday afternoan Iast. There was a fair attendance of mem- bers' The annual report of the direct- ors and the financial statement, both of which were adopted by the meeting almost without discussion, enows this Old and popular company to be In first class standing, both financially and lotherwise, A handsome balance is -carried forward to the new year -de- capita an exceptionally heavy fire list. The losses by fire and lightning dur- irg the past year amounted to sum of $3,194. Six hundred and twee- ty appplIcations were -teceived during the year, There were 2,04... pallelea in force during the year, insuring proper ty tothe value of nearly four million dollars" The retiring directors were all re-elected, with the exception of Mr, John Watt, of Hullett, who wished '`.4e relieved on account of falling health, and Mr .James Fairserviee as elected in his stead., Mr. George Murs -die of Seaferth and Mr "James' Kerr of McKillop were elected auditors" A hy- law was passed chaiseing the day of of Me and torkshireman to the eft of me, by whose advice in a farm way I profited not a little. The in- cident on to -day was the shooting of all old farm horse at the age of 31 years and six monties. A few years 'age I bad one nhot at the same age' and some few years 'before that I.bati another one shlot at thirty years old, and that one was, never ehod but once —that Was at tthree years old. But what maybe considered remarkable in MY farming career is the fact that, in all those forty-six consecutive yearst on the, farm I did not Jose by death or accident a single horse or cow, steer or heifer, sheep, or even a grown up pig Of course the stock kept was not large. but always suf- ficient for toe size of the farm Leadhury Daly, the Jeweller, has moved -into the store formerly occupied by Chee.aeY & Archibald, opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth, d405.2 & Our hoot —The following is the report of School Section No. 7, Mc- Killop, for the month of December. The, names are arranged in order ter merit Senior 1V—Torrance Dundas, Jean Arclaibald, Ethel Reid. Jr. IV --: Della, MeGevin, Ellie Archibald, Eva cttt; Edna Reid absent on account of *es& Sr. en—George Turner. Jr. Third —H. Rinn, Charlie McGavin, Pearl name; Charlie Boyd, Susan Holmes, Joe Holmes. Second—John Jeffrey, °Mabel Campbell. Louis Storey, Harry Linn, Belle ThEuner, Joe Campbell; Part 11.— Gordon MeGavin, Anna Stewart, Jan- et Clarke, Melissa Holmes. 'Sr. Prim try —Marjorie Reid, Edith Holmes, Gerile Thamer, Wilbert Holmes, James Kerr" Junior Primary—Marguerite Balfour., Graham Kerr, Gordon Holmes. Best in Art—Sr Fourth, Ethel Reid; J r. Peer tat Eva Scott; Sr. Third, George Tamer; Jr. Third, Susan Holmes; Second, John Jeffrey; Part Second, Janet Clarke; Senior Primer, Marjorie Reid; Junior Primer, Graham Kerr. - Best in Arith- metic—Sr. Fourth, Jean Archibald; Jr. Fourth, Effie Archibald; Sr. Third. G. Turner; Jr. Third, C. McGavin: Sec- ond, Louis Storey; Part Secand,Melissa, Holmes; Senior Primer, Edith Rooms; Jr. Primer, Margueitre Balfour. Aver- age attendance for 1913, 29.—Kezlah E, Brown, Teacher. Relgrare Women and Missions,—At the enn nual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church held here recently the' follow- ing officers were elected n President, Mrs,. Rev. Boyle; first vice-president, Mrs., A. Cole; second vice preeideet,Mre John Cole; secretary, Mrs, W. H Fer- guson; treasurer; Miss Maggie 'Wight - man; 'organists, Mrs„ Thinest Geddes and Miss Jean Cole, Men and Missions, — The Laymenle Banquet which was Weld in Knox church. basement on Tuesday, 6th inst., was a rare treat to all who -were present" In the neighborhood of one hundred guests sat do-wintoteeo Tables and basement throughout were decor- ated with our national colors and Chinese lanterns and were complqed by two !union , Jacks being entwined over the :nein entrance" The banquet was opened at 7.30, when all partop of a bounteous repast after which, th the pastor Rev, Mr. Boyle, took" charg of the programme. Interesting and in ropiring addresses were delindred b Mr. R. D Cameron, of Lueknow, an Rev. a C McGregor, of Toronto. vote of the meeting was carried Introduce the duplex envelope metho of giving" Both addresses were of very high order such as the people o BeIgrave have seldom the oppor tunity to hear' Rev. Mr McCulloch, the annual meeting frorn ,the third of Cranbrook, in a very sweet voice, 'Friday in January to the first Friday In February and the Lour ee meeting froin one to two o'clock' Ai vote of sym- pathy to Mr, John Watt of Hallett, an old and efficient director of ' the company, on account of his Illness,_and for ma a edy re - .expressing a holm or Pe eoavery was passed" At a Meeting of the Board of Directors pubsequently :held the former officers were all re' - elected, viz.; John B. McLean, Tuck-. .ersmith, President; James Connolly, ,Goderich, Vice -President, and Thomas -.E" Hays, Seaforth, Secretary -Treasurer. ss Pioneer Experiences.—Mr. Jas. Camp- bell of Londesboro, the veteran and re- spected clerk of the township of Hul- lett, in a recent letter to the ,Globe, gives the following interesting inci- dente : An incident occurred on mY .farro to -day that gave me the idea contributed a solo which' was muc appreciated., U. Spiroat moved a vet of thanks to those who gave euch intellectual treat widen was seconde by James Nicholson., Rev. Mr 'MIS `patrIck, the Metitiodia pastor at, Beigrave dismissed the meeting with the Benediction:I • Usborne Thames Road Anniversary. --e The anniversary ,services ' in - conneetion with the Thames Road PresbYteria church were held on Sunday, Januar 11-th, and were conducted., by Rev Dr' John Neil, of Toronto, wird preach ed ' two very ale sermons to larg congregations efhe meeting on Monde evening had to ae pestponed until Tues- day evening on account of the sever storm But on Tuesday evening, despit the bitter cold,' tihere was a fear] of telling some of my experiences as good turnout and a very enjoyable ev a farmer, Ten years of - my earlyeniog was .spent by all, Besides ad+!I life in Canada was spent behind the deeeses by Dr, Neil and other min-ei - ceunter of a general store in the leters and local musical selections, Mre( -country not very far from the city Charles Emery of Toronto, a talented'. of Toronto but getting tired Of sore- impersonator was present and flanish- -keeping I -decided to, turn farmer and ed a varied and pleasing programme go weet. The going west et thosel gappily ,./vrarrle4..—A very; happkni slays meant no more than going' event was celebrated at 'the' bo.-ne up to Lake Huron or thereabouts In Mr, and Mrs. Robert Kerslake, of thee! 18V I purchased a 65 acre farm al- second concession of Ueborne on Wed- rt most hi the centre of the now first- nesda-y of last Week, when their class township af Hullett, having be- daughter, Ada a, was united ier mars tween forty end fifty acres cleared riage to Harvey J. Parkinson, youngsei thereof, but with no buildings except est son of aIr4 John Parkinson of Blan4f' as small frame. cottage, still standing, • sliard. The ceremony was performedli for waiede I paid etearly two thousand at six o'clock in the presence or a nume • dollars, paying -down $1,200 and bor-lber of invited gtiests., The bride lookd rowing tne $800 from' Mr. Jenkins, ed very _becoming In. a beautiful drese!1 of -the Huron reed. he being about of cream satin striped voile. She WOre the only farmer in the Goderich dis- the usual bridal veil with lily of the trict having' money to lend at that valley and carried a bouquet of white;! time. How different with the farmers carnations and fern. bliss Lavine: of to -day, erho almost every other one Kerslake, sister of the bride, waSi I or them, could lend a little sums like bridesmaid, wearing a dress of pink; that on a da' 'e notice. I started in , striped voile, The gibom was aesistea on my Utile f .,:n determine,d to sue- I br his cousin Kr Melville 'sierra Thee ceed and clear at least $200 a year, !'''groom's gift to the bride was a. chequeil and that by average of the y -ears : to the/bridesmaid e brooch set with I succeeded in doing, and more for a pearls and to the groomsman gold number of years, or SO long anyway ! cuff linksAfter the ceremony as I kept regular acecount of. Those sumptuous wedding repast was Parta,kn "Those were the days of small things • en of., The evening was pleasantly and we were contented therewitba Very I spent in music and gamei. The bride; .fortunately I dropped into a fine neigh- was the recipient of many beautiful' tl wedding presents,. Isfre and tg ii a Titere ShOti stronger d every far vs the bee 1 teat and work is n &mut§ on t Itat'shiess and' it the sue,cesn. m thods must; T e first m4v subscribe fo rmers' BuSI little -but mean W! o is• looking te 4irr, hi n et - oh zt%1 hc !tt, i u :1 ally ts an es t n er on r at Pearance of S'11k rosses tt Ii • • • 'In, The, E. G. p, inibiscenceS referring to in that cit ofi the come ich' Water is ye the 11100 t to which, p modern eirtu a Concrete laag mans as t locates ithe eat institutpo ate S are bel rtage of "Wat ting. In 04 od an yedi the I tine" The est in the' is I put ,practic 1 ounces Its bl wing thing in buildings st rts, talkin Bernard h ked Merril da when co w re the rule .A1 g in the rn st of the re -su plied with w carted J. SO d it at a .the coin V- -ter-works o not a aye w at there de trine(' by • Tansey re ants, or led, number hen a- fir ts were fi e lied to tine s "the first p y cents for t cents eon e fire brig the ,eng kes on tan en or -more the volu ir work wh • ran ,to sea, dragge rted with ne of the dearth .ef ropes, bu se that w aptly cons r p etner he:w:- d riage, a neib r Into the went, in fire" Mr. y exception e doctors - of town s y's mails" Ah those r times , and life Tense y, be a. strong desk rmintdion on! the acilities, and k the only thing : farm, nnethede in, this prey! farm, "arming i good Hone" To, Ought I to be, hu 'taken a,dvante, YOLI make shoul The Weekly ass Paper. It c a lot to the fnr profitable hy ea Ca ru fo fif fi Tb ilI br fir •th • tee he St. Sc Mo tb pr NV ca an he th we oil je d s -hortood, with a Yorkshireman in front an ccr th in Mr d Old Days. onnor, iwho Wr ix :the Mantrea ft -4 recont water t. caused b the b U conduit ipe thr applied t the t 1 illustrates the e become the save ances., The breaking' u f ts , rm ▪ ultt. te the am- rst- ugh II: Y. ens at r main puts 1 cni people onl heir water so., piy, m s housing u e losed beca eciedes th o eld:dayS 1 water Orb nt :part • eit,Y Irort and crys • s of the- eaal, was the alp ,thati Abuse rldand best eqid pedi 6 tigade, on f tbe y o nte t of auOner,s and tion to lras& -principally .44 oin- c)'• c se ia io6s fire ituation over 1.41: y, iith c to he ood old n likethe Pr s.eat ot th4 ,c-ep ton, "eight.een fif lee" t of Montreal•era rt fere by water -ear n in barrels and nnVi or er." ailed,,a td. Le n read of th se ays o ted to' mixdh and Of It ;had been dee great fire of 851, ewhen Mantr plugsi as they. ere ut fonn ur1rcd puele'necin. tn, at: these plugs and A dollarWas said oxi that. iat • ve on and itAre t, f r all corning' a, tee. a a volunt0a •ne, d pumped, the acoonimpflatin a n., At th !c y rennin. era ped. It Tpay ' have company en: ne it heir ine and o he aure o the e" There was asu 11 g panda 116 Lp11 on • nedfuirjttere.c14 rne 6°4 t I e f m t e err h Il UFFER Zam-Buk , lett= .on! th t are swell wi h bleed is pa . and., stir). pil a" Zam-Bu be -found to g T usands of W 7 notbe of othersed 4 Thom bet, Sask., to'the :bell •Za -Buk" gr atly fr Za -Buk so I pontin th ee or .f to say it h ✓ G. A ep street, S Q,, Writes: "I Za -Buk tale- - pil a"? gistrate Co ty, No 1 :suffere bu Zate-Bu 41 - Willi RI er, Hant su fered te ri at times ibein tri d .variOuS g d' I wa I ried fail re iedies an thonWhit Id e this ha, short time Z pi te cureA. ZameBuk is injuries and va icose veins ch ps, cold a alll druggiste fr m Zam-B Re use . her ee ed ;Li matt red aw gl a, gentddm a 't'ruclic,i'ot4 c ta 'of - the f y, and aw ey says th de to this eiCrarrrGylinindgs: tI:geod o things war worth livin ivelye as w FRQM PI C red 'Th — 91 /literate nflamed and t causes the and smarti piled at ni ase before' ns have pro. ded bY the ex earson, of Pr ° I must th I have mei s miner I , I started urid it gave m it and after o es am, e ted cornpl re e, 183-185 Q uebe a highly rec y e who se ff ,. fo d of Westo o ia, 'says: Iron itch i now cured ty, of uppe 57, 11T-1 sa rem piles, t oat unbear ents, batev 6 the the e of [ trying I beard of rial, After ast resource k effected 0 a a nu e curet as, eczema, , burns, etc.; 503 stores, -or Tor to, f itatins ‚I • ti len er d to the Lice the s, do - aid d. eiI . mini insiJ ge ible of will hag. fled A y u ro u ff r o ecit r lief U in le se t urote • -no , K n 3. te : le I b e t la 11 Tates var ou a 1 u r ui ex' OflIm sea 4t r r p ic I Pay dOinty. silk 1. in derep.t s,t a dress ifl th Oa be ow cp. ver utyi Co N idirig, far c3i c'y sili.. trim' lop.g or, short sic10 • - or.ow ora ;p1 skirts, in , (1.1)p.tyi colo plainwell as sizes' * 4 0,C a no pr be br 'fa, • • •• • • • :Dirsed Fowl Buter, ggs I ita :Dr ea Ap les • Drsses les and lot but regular dress a ng lace uttons, m in, e, hi ped or v r c as1 k. All One omen's aists Reduced to $1.59 Only when you see these beautiful Waists will you realize what tremei...d. er".. s bargains they ai they are made of ancy Flannels, rig es, Delaines, Voiles, Si ks, _Fan y Vestings,--1.1. the new shades and col- or combinations, trim.r. ed with lace and inser- tion or in tailored effects with high collars or 4)w neck, short or sleeves, all sizes. Reduced ttl..59 Price. 2 13 and $14 's Stylish coats du ed to All the new Mated diagonals, mO.nish cheviots 'and melto velvet or silk or sell made and gutir are grey, bro to 44. IS p_re represented -- the wide nixed tweeds, winter weight s. Stylishly trimmed with , trimmed, or plain all well anteed perfect fitting. The colors en. black and navy. Sizes 32 vii-, gr Reduced 0I 8,9 Fiaxman Work Shir Have No Eq al Those men who have never w shirt, have yet to learn what real v man shirts are made in England, of a mixture of cotton and linen, li waist. Colors will stand boiling long and rtiorn. ' Price $1 00 rntJ due is They a Len lin Ma htxmafn Fla - male te re e extra Warm Sweater Coats 1 The king of all clothes comfort is the sweater coat.t .s, handy and does not feel bulky', it keeps the arms, chest, throat and body protected, and las but not least, it is inexpensive. We have all the good color combinations n every size.1 I I $1 to $5 .i ICE IWante Millinery Half Price Our entire Stock winter shapes and ma up hats will be clear at half the regiuiar pri This includes velour felts, beavers etc., all the corrtot shade Also a very attracti lot of trimmed hats. Half Ir'rice Stanfield's ez Turnbull s Underwear These two brands of underwear are the lacknow ledged leaders of Canada. They are best by test. They fit better, they wear better, • they are softe and warmer. They are absolntely pure wool and are guaranteed not to shrink. We hatie you size. PAjce $1.2-S to $2.00 $ • 4.1 Cloth , $489 I resses r • en1 s i g. Clothes Made of ser. e,panama, least tweled, voih, or fancy se ges, ih b ue, black what y . brown and •, reen trimr im 4 with a e braiding Men's fancy but. s,and higl;i or low coil rs. Ages from 14 i o. 18 years. Si.7es 34 tt e 2. • RED tED TO $4 9 .....,....... One omen's aists Reduced to $1.59 Only when you see these beautiful Waists will you realize what tremei...d. er".. s bargains they ai they are made of ancy Flannels, rig es, Delaines, Voiles, Si ks, _Fan y Vestings,--1.1. the new shades and col- or combinations, trim.r. ed with lace and inser- tion or in tailored effects with high collars or 4)w neck, short or sleeves, all sizes. Reduced ttl..59 Price. 2 13 and $14 's Stylish coats du ed to All the new Mated diagonals, mO.nish cheviots 'and melto velvet or silk or sell made and gutir are grey, bro to 44. IS p_re represented -- the wide nixed tweeds, winter weight s. Stylishly trimmed with , trimmed, or plain all well anteed perfect fitting. The colors en. black and navy. Sizes 32 vii-, gr Reduced 0I 8,9 Fiaxman Work Shir Have No Eq al Those men who have never w shirt, have yet to learn what real v man shirts are made in England, of a mixture of cotton and linen, li waist. Colors will stand boiling long and rtiorn. ' Price $1 00 rntJ due is They a Len lin Ma htxmafn Fla - male te re e extra Warm Sweater Coats 1 The king of all clothes comfort is the sweater coat.t .s, handy and does not feel bulky', it keeps the arms, chest, throat and body protected, and las but not least, it is inexpensive. We have all the good color combinations n every size.1 I I $1 to $5 .i ICE IWante Millinery Half Price Our entire Stock winter shapes and ma up hats will be clear at half the regiuiar pri This includes velour felts, beavers etc., all the corrtot shade Also a very attracti lot of trimmed hats. Half Ir'rice Stanfield's ez Turnbull s Underwear These two brands of underwear are the lacknow ledged leaders of Canada. They are best by test. They fit better, they wear better, • they are softe and warmer. They are absolntely pure wool and are guaranteed not to shrink. We hatie you size. PAjce $1.2-S to $2.00 $ • 4.1 The Hudson Bay Cb., fro their years of experien, and e tablished market conneaions a in a positions to give the be possible mitt value. You wi find a full line of these est of a mitts here in any we ght, an size and any price. PRICE 50c to $1.25 • * ; iligbest tri de -prices -Ego' 3;gautst e r Dressed 1 -ow War • en1 s i g. Clothes The eate-t v lue for the least . mOnyi is al a s- to be had here.. What rou et for . your, money,: not 131.ro* what y . u gay makes the reall :1 i Met4s ver 11- .75c to $1 Men'Is SITIO k .65c to $1.25 Men's ock ......25c to ...? Men's §hir i 1 s.. .,..50c to $1..00 ; The Hudson Bay Cb., fro their years of experien, and e tablished market conneaions a in a positions to give the be possible mitt value. You wi find a full line of these est of a mitts here in any we ght, an size and any price. PRICE 50c to $1.25 • * ; iligbest tri de -prices -Ego' 3;gautst e r Dressed 1 -ow