HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-12-26, Page 31
re.,M• 41244, , .7!-ii•7;:;;5!„ r • - •
va. meta tat., PREStottart. W., O. titATTNEW11.111011,
0. A. 130GERT, General Manager.
oomplete and satiefaotory banking servioe.
Sales 'Notes collected on favorable terms, and advances made
on such notes at reasonable rates.
The Savinge. -...partrnent is a safe and convenient depository
for your money. teterest at ,current rates Is paid_ on deposits of
one dollar and upwards.
One etollex opens an account In the Savings Department.
qt White Silk 4ryhig !ohi e
caznatt,n M1 LoW$ eke:-.elt
• the 'bride, rnede a. re :s 4rjd
makii tirntle- adept . Pink eilln .aid
r YIN; Pink carnatIoes. •
Gaisern •of the '
aa etoesmany The -little
Schenk; and Alma' liaise
'pink eilk, made prettyl
atter the eereineeeet a is
dire dinner- veaa; Serie 4 -
the .eeentrie- weal spent •
music: Mr. and Mrs.
up their, tresidence on t_
at Shnikee •
er gi
0, 'groom
attrandst e;
nt; tes.—Councllior Art 'etir
i' T Wh 110.e. ibeen tonflfied ;;:t 'his
denee ; through illnese ;fee, cou
week .,is -.neverecciveriene. ae hi
emus .friende will be ; p ee. -ed t
-..iiir: et. M. Ittiberteolt, ou- - ech
_ -enne 1,Is• enjoying her phr1stm
t day s at :the parental h . .0.-eM
' ard 13Iatchford end *if Ins,,ve t
their aealdettee. in: -Hen ait's T
of their many friendeells that
, - - Imay Olio)* fife : int --t$at - ' Elate
• well, Mr. _Troyer recently aield the'efastal t biesineee -centre: . -'1:' .
pacing mare, Amble Dancers to .eaStern - 'Our4SchoeL—The fond*
pertiee: He, idea oW113 Cheedo de For . "Olt Of tlyg- Igtanding OA e,fit
:est, a four year old, that lies ,ehoWn .sehoot-for . the -.Montbei Of INI
he Will dos Fred. Jandeeen, the: Penn- and Den, emberi -Sickness 0 'Etne
-eyleania horseman, le going over - to eltionn,Of Some: :Attandan e
buy from. Mr: Troyee'the trotter, -ma 'cent.- 1 of ienrollniente•nti tli.• •01
, Templeton:- Mr. Jamieson • rieed"illits Strong 1240, .0 .41arrlir,, al;
i Alma, -Mater, by- Teter The 'Great,.- She -K, -Sanders .1122,- E. Cah, 11 :592,,
was forafrlY owned by Mr. Toyer, -ea.11 ; 1563, It Zink 1250; , Jr.
. who-brou lit her-out:and, gold •ter.. He C. wrOir 869, I. Mitchell9,
_ 8 ,
'says this one is a 'sure 2.05 trotter. 14 ,0Ite 1604-, A‘• Din • 380,
. She wag- a little erratic at antes,- but 1102; -,Itteitter Third; A'. St any.
. halt extreme speeds ; - -, . • . DeVn 1409, T, .Dietteall 1.21S • Sec
erenerr„ea_neene, ' . —Pe gulls .905i Hc W ' • 880;
i . . chell 119, Er Cud5 . p
.county . House of Refmore
ugee—One or Conde -As Moir 861, '•,C. ' 720,
the inmates of Huron i County ilintse f718 Part Part-1—Js- Oke 6. 0; M.
Gol Ondinore 454.—J. M ober
'cher/ i . ; -
Lifebuoy Soap is de fully
Maitland PreabeterSe—The PresbYterY
at Maettand met In the- •Presbytt.rian
eiturch' 1 Wingharn on Tuesday of
lest week. There was a good attend-
-save of Members/ Mr. Boyle, , the new-
ty inducted minister of Belgreve, was
enelcomed to the Presbytery. The remit
regarding the tending of m1nisb043
in the Presbytery, and a Tetnil regard-
ing the reduction of men-II:era of as-
gembly were not approved The stand-
ing committees for the year 1914 Were
alVointeds The members discussed the
budget, whieb. apportions $24,000 'bp
the Presbytery, ,and are seeking by
the every-rnember canin to reall
the amount A -resolution anent the re-
Oignation of Rev., A. F. McLennan,
who had served 25 years as pastor
nt South Kinloss, was placed on the
toinutes. The rate ofassessment for
Presbytery expenses for the year 1914
was, struck at ;twelve cents per family
throughout the Presbytery..
I -The Farmers' Pavorite.—That old
-vd excellent agricultural journal. The
Farmers' Advocate, has turned. out
Maley artistic and handsome Christi--
Was zuMbere, but that. of nate Tier
excella Any former effort: It Ls de-
ervleig of more than a /easing noe
tice, clot only -for is; literary excel-
lence, but for its beautiful mechanical
execution: In wealth of articles relat-
ing to Dominion -wide agriculture and
beauty of Illtestrations, the irsee ba
enervel, but quite in keeping witli --the
paper which stands in a elletinet ciase
by Itself, and is now entering upon
Its forty-neeth year of pttblication,
with every promise of being r ore .e.se-
fut. than ever to its great and gro wing
constituency. The sleighing parey
Mem en the colored front cover le a
rare work of art that will delight ev-
erybody: The fact that Ireland is, in
the world's eye to -day as perhape neve
er before, lends the charm of tiratli-
tness to the popular article by Mr.
, Chauncey G. Jarvis, on "The Achieving
13ons of Ireland." Everyone will turn -
eagerly also to Peter McArthur's
Christmas Talk and Mable Osgood
Wright's brilliant article: Song
131rds—The Farmer and His Wife: The
introductory article is a, unique -one,
dealing with the remarkable agricul-
tural terminology of the b.est read.
book in the world. The art re-
productions in black and white in-
clude several of the world's best mod-
ern paintings: There are in all over
abrty beautiful engravings: The pub-
lishers and editors of The. Farmer ad-
vocate are to be congratulated upon
their achlevenaent and its readers upon
reeeieing aucti a pulelication:
Refuge, Mr: Haye, has fallen -heir to
a large fortune in: Scotland, upin the
thousands of pounds, and negotiations
are going oin. forhiro to get etlae money::
Mr: Haye is 76 years of 'Etna. . There
.ha-ve been no deaths in the institutioni, int for batIvor toilets Fo
for the past two months. - The . latest dercleit'hinge it Jo ' uneen'
arrival la Mrs Miler of Belem:vb. Some e end. purifies:
of the iamatea at present in the hotteek-
are 90 to 9.9 Years of age., Expensee '
for the- year averaged ninetY-two cents - ' •, . ;
Stowe 0
. a week.. Ift. Muteh had a large crop . —A erciss-petition. /nil
of on-lons, and after paying ter seed: ' the recent bye -election
the net proceeds were $1,030., :Bruce has been filed *at
Toronto.. • -
—Dandelions were Moo
. . Tuekeremith the tewnship of Wellieg
Notes.—Mr. Oliver MacKay- or. Hills- ber 18thi A lady, near •
'burg hitends spending the winter with , had anIes -blooming In. the'
.11', parents, Mr And Mrs. John f P. 'lie, a fa er cut a crop o iay,
Kay.—Mr. Adam Dyer of...New Toren- 'fore tne, Winter . Fair:
to -visited at the home, oThis uncle, Uri --According: -to . the Ila
3...F.• MacKay.—Mr..- and Mrs. Eli Mac- living atatisties- of the
. .
Kay entertained - a number. of friends rhent,t the average 'price .
on, Thur,sday evening of lest week: Eve and poultry is now pient
ery person reports a good time, . dredlper cent.. .higher .
, • aegd-!du•ririg .the .decade
on! 0'
Eitniville ' 191011 ,
1 i
Notes.—Mrs. Case Mintrs of PE:Intl-An L --dne
for probate- be a urro este
of the largest stat 3 . yea
ward is visiting with riatives in this • 13n41
vicinity—Miss Addle Johes has been Court In Canada, is -the 1 $14,8 6,526 els-
tate of the late Jame ROS3 f M nt-
ill for the past week. with ' scarlet I
real, who died Septembe 20, 191,3; ,0
fever.. We are -glad to know thet, she
1 this amount $649,180 -is held ie.' an
is some better.—The Women's Miesion-
tario. Tide is a. large atata -for .n
ary Society met in the besement of the
church on TueadaY afternoon:. errs. S. man to build up in a ;lif time and t
have to died and ;leave t all behin
Pym and. Mrs.. John Tucker gave reed -
tugs from the Bulletin and Ohirta'g —Net reterns to the tari qov
ment from the Temiska lag anti
New Day.—A pretty wedding was sole
thern Ontario Railway or t e fl
emnized at the personage on Wednese
day evening of lest week, when ease yean ended October 31st last she\
Mary Cornish was united in marriage serious falling off in r venu . The
• to Mr. Percy Cow. Their many frients ' mount Paid to the Prov ncial Tree,
• Join in extending ocngratulatione.—Tae en by the railway in
Rape t Of'
Sabbath school scholars ga,ve a very year's operations is $25p,009 Fier
the amount was $51 ,0 0 ar. 1 'for
interesting and suocessful entertain-
gue has been organized wich a -.nem- highest on record: , i .
0.1.z, 00,
merit on ChriStmas eve.—A Junior Lea- year preceding it w
bership or 29 with Miss Ina Hey- ah d i a id". I di ap 60,
wood presideht, Earl BalkwIll, seen_ from the map SS an eporte of :
tary, and May Clarke, organist. . cultural products to t U itedei
' dom. This year ro bu te MO J eggs
beer, exported by th rill ,SL t Of.
- GOderiCh - Dominion to the Unoltt Iiiti 1 :dem
Notes -.—Richard Romp, a farmer,Ily- now comes the furt e r
an. Bu
ing In Goderich tovneship, left the that for the first .m in in
General Hospital in Coderich. carte on years Canada d,urin a a t m i n t
Tuesday, while Ms nurse was sleep -to Mithe
leg, and walked to his home, a (11ha5 .shipped nO cat e
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leet iost
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fri 1900 to
A, Golden Wedding.-e.We learn from
the Exeter Times that Mr e and Mrs,
Lancelot Hardy. of than piece celebrat-
ed 'the fiftieth anniversary a their
!marriage on Thursday of last week and
they have resided in _Exeter all these
Vars. They are both still hate and
hearty and enjoying life; Mrs. Hardy's
inaiden name was Eliza GordonBIS-
giett: The occasion. of their marriage
wee- a double wedding which took
place at Fairfield. Miss Martha Ann
Bissett, isister of Mrs. Hardy, was
united in marriage to eir: John
Drew, of Snowflake, Manitoba, and a
brother of Mr Acillliam Drew, of 'Ex-
eter, The ceremony was performed by
Rev.: W. Chapman ,Methodist rthaister.
air: and Mrs. Dreweare both- living' and
will etaa celebrate their golden; an-
Iniversary. The golden annivereary is
Slot acoramon oceurrence, but illat the
'Artie% to a double wedding should cel-
ebrate the event, is indeed rare., Dur -
Ing Mr: Hardy's residence in Exeter
he has been honorid by his fellow -
citizens and for ten years elan on. the
-. -council board. For nine years he was
iteeve of the town, all butt twice being
elected by acclamation, and • those
times he was elected. over W jH. VerltY
.and George Willie: tit. Hardy has also
;been in the limelight for his inex-
tiaus'tlble Supply of apt anecdotes. -and
be and his neighbor John McLaughlin
wie with one another for first place,
tAs anrule their stories are borne out
isof experience and for that reason
there is nOr doubt as to their accur-
kteY Mr.. Hardy is well known all
-over the county and his nuaaeroug
irlenda will join in extending congrat-
enations and wish for him ana Mrs:
Hardy continued years of health end
twice of about twoemiles, with bare
feet, wearing nothing but nieht-
gown; The police were notified and
found him, at his home about mem: Be
--ntitiftone knee
several nasty cuts
Mi. Robert %Doughty,
Wellington county, Was
Was. 'guttering from a, fever, and a 1 der ;the hoofs of a v&ckis h
doctor is attending from there.—Frank he was loading for •sb4pm
Lewis, formerly a bartender, pleaded beast bad •got him d wit
guilty to abealing $203, and wag eene trampling him in a waY th
tenced by Judge Doyle to one year in aoon have crushed the lif
the Central Prison: The Judge aid, IL him- had not several fa Mere
imposbig sentence, thati he. was sorry near by, came to his assis
that the law did mot allow himto ad- 1
nainister the lash in such cases, otat-
of Jo_nt an
Lt e
erwise be would like to be :resent Curious; Ear of t
when it was being' administered: Lew -The teetash 'teens ills
is, a' local man, took to - drinking a - -- —
short: time ago, and pursuerhie down -
:tan of bearing. The n
ward roa,d until he "down and. ,)ut." comes 5 closed sac ,011
Finally a- farmer, John Dunioe. re-
siding on the Bayfield Road, took
him in, and when Dunlop went away
on business Lewis' found money _171. the
clock and ab•sconded with it: He' wail
arrested in Stratford last Saturclaa i
Steph en
Old Settlers Depart.—Mr. Jas. Hick-
ey. who resided near Harpley, who
• dpearted this life last week after ant
illnes.e of about twelve years, was a
most highlyrespected resident' of this
• township: He was born in the town -
Alp of Stanley and rnoved to n!tephen
over- forty years ago, when the • dis-
trict around Harpley was an bush, and
did his part as one of the early ee4-
• tiers in' making this lbownelric
fertile spot it is, Mr. Hickey Wa3re-
cognized as a good, citizen1 and a Chits-
tiazt and will be greatly missed by Is
old Ineighboers as well as in the f
lly circle. He is survived by a wid
and two daughters, Misses rona and
Addle ,while Mrs ,Robert McOlinchey
Is a sieter:
—.Another old and respected resident!
of the township of Stephen, Mr; Pate
rick Mahoney, died at his horns tear
Mount Carmel on the 8th inst. He bad
reached the good age of 78 years, re -
ceased had be* in falling health for
the past month and his death w'as
looked for hourly: Mr. Mahoney 'emir-
vived by: a family of two dauglaters,
Mrs., Joseph Ziier of Zurich andr Misa
• Julia at home; four sone, Patrick of
• Mecneche, Alta.; Dennis and Joseph of
Mount Carmel, and William it home:
The funeral took place to the Roman
Catholic cemetery on Thureday- Morn-
ing and was largely attended. Those
from- a distance that attended were
Mr Tbompson and Mrs. Keneella of St.
Marys; Messrs. T. Toohey, W. Thome-
son, Mr .and Mrs. Lamphier, or Lu-
ca; klieg Ryan, Bay MY; Mc-
Guire, Mount Pleasa,nt, Mich.; Mr. Jos.
Ziler of London; Mr: and Mra.JiiIlarn
Miller, St: Joseph, and Mr. and Aire;
ILI Thompson and family, Centralia.
Gaiser-dialste-A pretty wedding was.
eolenanized at the home of Aire and
• Mrs ,Fred Heist oni Wednesday of last
week, when their daughter Laura was
milted in marriage, to Mr: Erneet Gals-
er of Shipka: The ceremony was per"
• formed by the Rave E. Becker en the
presence of about 250 Invited gliestIN
The wedding march wag played by ti1e4
Violet Geiser, Aster of the groom: Tne
bride 1e21ke atttt1 drgeog51
Good Itorses.--The following is take
,:ea from. The Canadian Horseman of
Dec: istf,, Geo. Troyer of Zurich, Ont.,
eva-e much In evidence at the recent! Old
relory horse zeta at Buffalo: He wa3
tbe contending bidder on the Peter The
preat colts, bidding Peter Direct= up
to $600: He west also a bidder on KM-
diminster, by Peter The Great, and
trom the dam of General Watt, three
ears, 2.06 3-4, and all of the colts bY
that famous etre, and he says every
to-ne be has had of that family hae
been a good trotter. Mr. Troyer fin.-
etlly bought what looked like one of
the bargains of the sale in the three
rear old colt, Full Tide, with a two-
b'ear old record of 2.23 3-4, This horse
le sired 'by Walunt Hall 2.48 1-4, the
eire of Tim Ila.rvester, 2.01, the worli's
champion troteing sealilon. Full
Mides dam Behno, has a record of L27,
ighe is by Moko, Full Tide is afull bro-
ther of Chicklet, 2.20 1-4, and Enara,
'three years, 249 1-2 trotting, 21214
pacing. Belmar 2.27, is a slater of
tiobel, 2.10 1-4, Mocheeter, 2.10 1-4, and
- Out of a half-eister of Dartrnore 2.11 1 -en,
Eliestaut King, 2.12, out of a half -
Sister to Native Belle, three years,
AA 3-4. Full Tide trailed in, 2.15 the
_teat sea30.1, and 18 a shsrw, hone ee
out -
Ca sh.
; as a
1--. lun
th' al
• commonly known act tht sw m !blai
In the catfish, as initl*trac ers, IN I
and Moat' brook Bahl, tite al bled
large and is connected by al sl
tube, the remains Of the • :ehe
the esophagus. A. its f int i
closely to the vertebral co man.
_anterior vertebrae areilmu anl
twisted togetherint thr ugh
passei a chain of ibones, hich
fleets with the hidden ca o
air. The bladder therefore assis
ear of the catfish. as!' the ,tyinp
and' Its :bones a st [the at o
higher animals.. n eat f th
can' carry little r non of varie
It probabl t
pression of jars 'or liturb nces
t we shall addro s you this
rtunity to- dxpres to you our
r kind pa ronag and give
tion and good wil
just cloin rec ved many
nd apprOci tion f our efforts
wn a wonderful i crease due
ave recei ed fro the good
s support e ii;vis to extend
ou a Hapy and Prosperous
A Singer's Avarice.
We bear a great lileal aboutt he
mous salaries paI4 to ta one
donnas nowadays, 0 we aleo b
great; deal about their clharity
good nature. In be rel 4f
Anne one of th " Most cele
singers was Mrs, TOfts, «ho 1
veritable craze for Money maid
well as a great deal.of p rsona
eeit. Pope, who n vee spa .ed an
sons or objects the he' sat died.
an epigram that In et hay great
noyed the avaricio is ainge :
• So bright is thy beauty. so berm!
- song. 1
As had drawn 'both the beats' an
got such is ttry av rice an slat is t
Orpheus along.
That the beasts tn st ihave stlirve a
pride t
the poet have led
r, tido
Tailo ing Dept.
J. H. aman
• J. C. hOmpspn
Miss . Freeman
Miss M Pinkney
Miss !Hudson
Miss Li eCloy
.Miss 14. i Bullard
•• -A Doubtful T ansa in.
"1 don't know w e her y; old r b y
Is treating me rig t or n tn, sad r.
Bliggins, ratber glio " to d h m
that if be wouldif j srnoke1fltil e was
tweety-one years i'ld I wo Id gi e b in
a thousand dolla " • .
-"Did he keep -part of the
merit?' .
"Yes, -but he tolk the t
hag and..bought as 'intera
store.”—Weehingtin Star,
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