The Huron Expositor, 1913-11-28, Page 47 4 4- a4U,* Toiont WHA L Want IT NOVEMOR-K d -a &Ur- F IS i0n Ide -6 as, rom - Of t We, �* into ah VhMor- arare �tue
t put-:61ii try- ent I t earlY In ON )W 't To IS ton 3011 ba$j 4W Ing t to, AofoiA his. reactionary and on ld,, t ho'' ot 60* *rif I be tk What X Al �4.- to e-vf the -f is fie" Vill 4 Si 0 'Orly id 'bu In tht art of a 0 Atit For has, movoil 9 to I t 12� 13 14 ildren ar asking it with wonde ing and hopeful expe 0" Rowell demando-aAd what.- The -Ex- ha A1116111 1V Godex h, ohl ri �MuooO -is, that he 9915i 00- a - - pluevi le a th pur- rhe -c 4� one f .1 44 k 0. er- Ing it Into the Nedne day liant w, 0 e & Ros� as te and we J 70, 4 aus is likely, to being them. The older people are xsk,.
& )f what Santa Cl 16 21 -*Miindaid 4 t --on W 10W" - - I M , has mov -ion ar Y - own.! 27 -h i peculat h95 26 2 29-1. itit the by 06ir t) 11 ft lear I sidentl I -o'f GIN y t : n s regard' ng the remembranco&
�23 ) AU ho Flo till f ase. 24 deuml� gern to M&rd Flo Mr. "an -hri it war s her h a in A0 brin t th m but rather as an inquiry as to bow or 30 AMA 'Ago w alrer tile
ot the ie er ManufAc of 11- con H �bsl a the pe Chrys- presents for relatives and .1evy ttw,, taIM3 . V � Of No &e and s�tisfacto AL
a 'it airlage t.61 -Ce vid Auitg ry nix, t ts 1, �,-ract .10 the- I& q! Jor Mer turg 4 ompanv* has, leas'(d the ffline re, to V Itbeir muntelpalltr 'it, OU& -propot ut firw of tee' bm F1 ye avy �-Jdrain- upon their time and purse. Maywehflp abo k bluse r; tW' vaeaed by Urr witbouOoo be NNW' ADVIMIS]WIDNTS con YOU at, the Of as they, -insy,,eiiim in theObest Int0ri 5t* his 'atpliy to the. e, proble and in the way o , Fe I t ha Ve ut you f doing your-Chtist -A: b t 11 1* for: heart tow.-Ar4r. oroble -$uir#IY thtri w f their - rriihicipautV Z
J�ha -ftu* 1"between tb 'A Net a he 11 01 VI kge.- May 9 ornre was 4 par6thegis o mystery or -mudd.le about -this lAg I he ch e ad ileon� wita pie re, satisfaction nd �konomy. We are offer! page: of r ree ell, wa D tivaday 4 f last, week U, tile can M r A; unit ed bel Bo3neli, o Por t Itopel? Fb6twear that will meet the wants of everybod *Wt� r t
Child undorstaild -it.- rat with. u n an IM
after each a&, denotes the The HUE dirl -A, -k 0 Christ, r I 1w: a a ti ra to t Miss Ma stoc Up% r ok. on *h1ch the Prea can uAderatarid . It. If U ts a -frimit, dilenly *a a a 47
Revo Mr# X Pr 0 11itelford, Mi ral Aefo m �,-4n yo imagine a hing snore acceptable or more useful than Shoe ion ilm e prlvllW of Dif- WUr4 - t, bar! e hom appare t04 But bla. Pf Will Ovtrshoes, Rubbers,* Moccasins or Le *k" will v In wisoft J -etai y of the "Method at Chumft, i I 0 kt A 6 ; Ur 0bK&Y red s, Slippers government WhItneV de�lks ace 99 ng -c ? We 0-fter -led e, bar t streek. church last J liar 'nit ho t 10r.p1ding w soleient. rt B"C-1 31' W -
Rady for o the 'people,* Wecause� i ho isays, F. 1' wA4 "chad In the Matn� Ithe combi on of a superiorstock, a large assortment and'the
ov imowabetter wb*t to good ' for tl 4t the. 0 Ise I tetho list,parsonafe' Oft t nd aq �-WA% d In day morningi Wban�Aft tbe after- suggesfi Wb&t,&bWt:Kriw-W- G. W11113-4 ev6n 1x1&(Jam0s street In the eveninp jfairestp ce-S. We take tho fiberty of roaking a on reprdin t 01 it wex Wb an 'A I Stelof t -three yearas ko! at Augum than they -)mow themselves,, tknd ;LIL itmas shopping and earnestly urge yo b� 10 -4 upwi i -4a, of yari st Cobbl4dick1has )urclimbd the time to do our Chris
swer up credit9ft-9. t*btlng Willi bad% be be U
this turning 2and and mlB- 1 sq, ad I'
b' h 6C Bi -11 d In, rey h gain n thev vkrt of, 111hell 'destA, 4 oey to Wriship, removing- 0 ort ible borne of, Mr; Frank Ituf9e, 4o it AT ONCE. ere is much to lose and nothing to repesentatIM vi� eeU, ! rete u4A Bldtv� 4&-Yfm. XODSUP11--s il' he pick is the choicest, and make your sel Fress'Is to, try and divert the at -t warria; �Tjti c romony V.&A perform- nine ,years She Is to her, with two lots oi , land facips , will ng. C toe early V i e t A ew treeti -Xt I dick rM to Boys*, tention jayrvive by adi a comfortfrom a full and complete, assortment. '6� C�oo' e eeks, ",'tiOnS at of Its readers from Sir Ja ne's- ad bY Xt,v D re*, by fatmllO, of tbl4,(ve 9011!3(� ta pc asesslon', In ble of A. Nersuke-ra. dA iters 1 Tho Fi
Whitnevis stubborn mull3linesae -The� war., 200 lie (M I apil, Cheatmat-It. & 930t" t.' J ,W. Xogarib for erly of Ex- Mm"Goods-ThampsaWs Rook store -8 Ir the tFree Prass, desires to, 6ill Giabsiml )UM emisas In, Clinton on -An I I and, eppected tesUe-At her et6 bt t 'who ha4 for t le last five pUjo for Sia* -R. Ptak- 8 ev Its'readera It would be 4 good I lea Th not It g of la t L wee X fflb ey the ownal I P of 01 Ohen,'I) thd principal a pub- WO' t) �Ofrn si U abant Yk' ra Pt4
womerfulv4ut-5 for It to plax-le our rewarka bef ore 4r Gr we we I of 0w L wrence Deltridl , ied at' Xmi"Shopping-J, V. DA -8 own perver CO)k who I 16 to,' 17 h li awmeb has rsigned 1 1 the charge at.. Thomser Obaron, telforth-5 instead of 'its tea vek; Ion' 01V le 12tb concesa, )n, 00at4 tbt re, d accepted a similar position ibel#. best of.,
xwm Time—Feirs studio -4 r of hemi r -ant%. pol uAd fo - th ry. 0 Tl�ay were wo6d earl onday *6rnln,;, at Cam MY, near LindaW, at "A iff&y# !Df !next
Notice-Jobn A. Wftin-s resold o -he IN; Wift's rontod *Veirr, r 17t.. Ou t) 9u: pree 100, a adi a , ce of $ ann=, 164 Srdi rtey Pr
1%ttarghoes-J. ff-'W1JU&-f1 b ��� deatl Mr.4 c In saary A= -T� i. atobavdon-5 -E a i infor �u to, � atuista our -ForS31e "I =ble mnthbr., We icon late$t "
otl Rate, 10130 foi x fin Ors., T.U. ;I Us al goo healti Ve at- tr on his well eame prorr on in.. Is thia 0 Iipt. w ilff V In be ded churel W�, tho, W 4wt$ a have recetye& While mkin forecK L aad In f an olaalld I$[ is! ad with one of ter rom Clwto 10 WYOU ni t aft ernoon be. vW OPPOSITE COMIBROIAL HOML -criber to Trhe�l �e TELE 11 Or PHONAi I
.80113, riot ruln. four ;age; Ali! I worl t Ili le a�d.'ut #W la pi opi le tor A e k. VurIn t- n1ngL lit *a,4 t&X- ei am verylowry'and 1), p - -Durink -e Ating 4pell an f ell. Into the paA f w day'! to find that you- considej I aAd wa I MCI tent I wit ft eVV Poin, 'b ted .3, For the, roads have dried uV; wonderf lly, to. nt c4ug t J I 1e'. lieris' the. a- t p rt cA of t ie ot� life daugl .er mecesarVI, riou0i p rc of or "f . . . . . . � 1 , � - FIRMXY, X074 28, se, t ine the is. ul tponmlou ,I but re- aiiii. thi autos are riow oh the go a- -as those sign lbyi ChLzeoll IV- i 'zi on isuch advertisements t� hall an of �,the farrne�ts have StIll 0 tie poptilxr .g Lined consel) sness for abou the t $10mar e ploin Unaw tudv P,
President and Secretary' of ths Xrw 41fist g- to d. -The Woods, -b mr, when, affa a becan 13 uncorf�t B."n ?&an' t&s*x,1% Can F irniture. faC- 'OU hin tal
tly Dar on a rharr'ed 04 IOUF01 until S tj 13 eclo,6 i. Monday C) �cert bave bee lioldlag en- of uron of ft" �'b In' Th* Redistributi 7 S17 ed, I a! was 7.0 ti I Irse of guronPI& �publlshed 114 4 - a ornin wh( he a aftin I an ta Indus tXY. 4all fo a few 'A Th k g,,
I h risda e kames and ,ioccupations, of the. me rs' 6ryj titre 0 Y Y tCaT.
-1 for are Ver
There will have to be 11, ridlStAiDation lars ace and h reidi i U In 'Ste- A I ts, They lef t n Wednesday f this Association wold,-be of: in-: weak, to elinq Dun� y '-ars I � 1. UrLq W UL%; L .Oanadik -,-bef ore .:A u b they 111 'a 0 a few of the conatittioncleq, In 0 I en Up* a rds of I rty ym 'a corn, o,vo J.. lie Eple�i j1g ry� On SuiRd. enhg t r - Wa o -loo co Ey. Ile .11 .1 &Y exent election -VA therO with whorq,w. have teen 4peaking 'do, perfrk� thi ierew W b9. th 0 f m teres;t to.'your readers,,Wei,, 41.0 kin, "Of V drnb it. Croyls Y the UaXt VeMr*l, Bertha b U f t1 beat m ei town- C4 A Presbyterian chlixebes (,,Iosed �l il mid, n Ek m, Cal* P)a tmly- two�lnore regular sesalonfS not wish Ilierature such -a's 'is i mn- All D 6ki witne gs- In theMeth- and consis-tet i I be] dL a union ineetini le wal of i �New, e- d tt P, c 6 b WAS.Dr. t- a fattl ful i 1 n during the, --pre*nt parliarn�*tarY term tatned n -: those 'ad& to ei%66r, our W . Bible p ember Of unt rmel Oatholic a I 3t d lurch " behalf of the lutiori bill homes through the columna of our at tily att ue It Ilk -he c urch was, packed. The T a redistr-11 C Hr. g Clif), have I r lip The -it 1% le"ected that 6 The vooltiont, of an Editor- ho c turch and as his I� eopc dtod and S), tY Will, be passed. by, Parliament at 3 aliso Owns the plant -In favor of 'ad -L - 11 IL p _I;ly Otp.d. I i e cc t, e -ter�, pi,ve ad tressim, is nc
I ie' 4 w it r c4m_ lived long" U ar 'ted to aloat $65. 'rL%e. where he ba next 0eqq= ghe� geneiral e.0ectation vanced temperance -lealslatIdn' 0 oats�: per bu"',
with -11 v I Ono v officii Preal L" t, -v1ved )7- --'bl, widovy, eight spm and "Sniety win Id their Vanual rceet-; orga4z Sur. C2.ectlen noo n Pape �61113 ; Fall 70
ft-tif-fadt it IS almo�t aLcertaln't�y Ing, for cash received, to Fit e 0 bo";
to L, -F. JW deY �ivq;"J 1"M t, D. three i the odiat le -h Irch on Dec. a, and publict Oth- mle$. by giving spac r; t 19W 'ro and ter�-.. -that in thIg forthcoming redtatribu- .-tieliffurer, IAA� u4 1, for the ele on of �,bff ce their a is morally thilefonsibi, the t1aft the 'Codaty of RUron Will eXCUqeS of J rfo, ran �a busb �ess,-- h . &I I f you ate, we, would be Pleased to give you an own see IA4. Cr4 i r to ff Bair had W.
naI4, of The 1A hold r mad ir the. a � the s k show I* Toronto last -h thie-agency for a number of repr13 Globe, and othim nat-withstan Y e�titn seat ard. will thereafter 1A lor h Club 14 ro it c ad some Of the prizes., ate, a.; we ave of an- U&I Rns a ak ni-� Not --!-Co rmatio serM. 1. Those in favor of 'the � lIqdQr to 0 were 't, Igo "to show -at Gualph -Grad�..- Furnaces$ viz 4 , rowin a .0 and nc W hal me '180 190 Unted by t" members Instead of by High would not be wilting to pay for 94 view of this, it they, did I ot bersbi YX Qv oirty i eld tit vday W, ii Bishop 10� t r ah t h.; F., Moore, who hag. I*r bug,
three so -at prese�tt-t �U help�,Lthelr dalul- $0 ro, Pran Ailen and MI m bg 17%ftlsev ho -e it k tat i$� 1* oi a u#flng expedftion In the' event politlefirW_ h&*eL Uen - studYlngr the. Editor' who adnitIA these ad. ta ;atty'lt [a ro e Conti med into . the, two� The .1-1.0 aggar i war diet Toren
ir. scrut embe Ship the Anillean chdreh Monday night.' InIz- his paper Is helping the -cause he ro.� place a, tl;e 'r �o. dehef a. nd ay I 109gar tv ridt for
ap of the county and I I ralt. - ks "returji�d howe ww. 'Pi C. 1111re, nesda of f �r, IjZabo.,#�'h ur., and Misr, 'Gil- loea:,
week, A ii en .1 t -,.rhe AA.A." j[ulr� th e1aCU4j returris with the'dew fesses to �V.ppoaej, r _ J. a ilhave not board what' success he Can ;I a re� L. Hill 11� refitting his . . . . . . . determinift 110W this, Change Bell6i brl#e f M Wlifrid wi I in p e. -Is the 3 to be rdady to otart- J* bast. and grquh, 6f U av 1 r -th _VAOSt fairly brought about. The opened by, our L corelej o nor �Itai-tUre, lit 11 a 'c XrAct*moved from her ires to get pondent" ics a very perplexing one., It of- CUftn erfoirn- u I&$ A fas ihe snow 0 The' Heclat reful isurver. of the altua- oeyeo e 0 atton� the I r -Ar C H. Uter A- ca h t ese 3hipped o1.,
Ls one t,6 which T�he Expositor gave,1 ad y, R -V, F *ster lew (Lay -AL t D ca r of f ar to M tion Zhe EXpWItr 1ifteymooll, OU CO Pie -V r1h ad b Dr. reful rition 'before ad- ire t say; 4he Is stor.03. lowing, Whether at not it will bssat- - I - I #At I - . J L submits the fol- n ( 0 ' L I ; -T The Gurnav very ca conside reside I oing fine. t ek, 4 ne 'this, weel milto vwe a Christ- -Utfera,to ts colurn t, a,-, all fettin ready fo thV Wactory to or accepted by the poll- MItting tbW, rk- 'of - ard rtY her It, Friday I el A "A de N ol the township
tktan4, we ttlftle it to the fairest and the rat plice, we want to say hat vertin �. Iftst. r istralp and 16y *the great displaY and ey are exO d L fi of Howl& ire 1�, receNeil th.1011C 7'. Alrbel fron our bur* atte,- ded Every one stands fda� the
ing dtvM(m that�- tan be made the cWrespandent lav ne OEtL f V icy; i de th tIng a large Ecoat fittl . e ntire Zg Aatei'� #a rnotha��Of Q i I L of the, coudty, we elve below the ly report havtti� r had n enjoy !a time- t d I will -- -de ' nd 0. atly on the AM - �4 a� k4 i.!, J . pe bit il money conald �r ' hir pu is, r - Mis, 'Y M dt-q me 'uxiielpalitles, with the much istres- on' the athei �Whether their exPectatiotisill. est Emency is VC in grouping iof'.the, bout hll I"A A ffive, you par� .t general tion., The price recaive&Or. 'such ad�i ut 11 real or not. S. A- Pople- " Ve him 'up �Auy.,Fthne be It 'irjl6fortunl, les ese fumaas,- vote cgat.irt each at the las '! to Injurebt- Miss to be14 b I a the 0
electlm* rtialng Is a =ere* bagatelle an 11 hi, les3oitf 11, Is" Jest i Ike It is unnecess to te. rou the qualit' f th 'PresliAtAtt i.-Frtorlto the depart-. !!tk % hPe w r A ocar�cely. a consideration in the� )an 'YOU ha- rc to ee, - - P king . in his store, bat IL 4 190'UTA -his f *n Q 0 venby act4al use in your neighborhool, tIL , dre of, XrO J 1. E. 3ft Ewenl f i Tbron�,%, E laid off lo4.-There has as their have all pro 20 t02
MO r,&U-- ble 3i a i donsiderable. 4mount of gues3- Lth; Con. annual IACWe of st 'A�ws' or si�, with A larn h m tnythl f th adles og the Vic Zy ge; Y XIOL gorrie a Exposlt&r is ,,On,, Pound 4 �o 2iln )r :'t Di L: I " to be thi best that money and Ail can produce, r.sulth lftturd4y AnA int o far as, and� who the new.1busliless iman 20i. 293 taition wb it ej - sa* = =)! on With u0borm g it� .F1 an a beaUt w 'to be, ta,,start; In the- 3tore I 'bin earned f it was adyprUsin 369 482 handle I It 1r J f stephou k ani I ofivir Ish, accomprted be ted �by, Mri R �Z. -Ro -son. We. empl only the best workmen with lonz It -could spade occ 03 Uter sever
33& 356 after fili the lu mf urli cc rr.#.L� $91; *4 D Ear Mrsi )Dodd'3, who Bay -The X Aa X 'I Mai mf th follov r In ell 9 .99 Is Mr, James ol, DAn 1:7ft nce, and It en piny, to i baa b Ber aA fr)M Orne t1mv with experie erefdre guarantee, t*re satisfac I 207 287 by these letters t thr.ea over th ha be engageffi s1ou to leaft for a Goderlph ThVnsbIP 161 Iat' other advertising at the ,axte rat ars a partne n at( Ck cc M, wA1 'take !.,his 6-p tunit r of Bhow,o don, of Toronto, bav- med ifurnaces ou will always V� Z=4
with any of the ve na Y I tl Uit rei 11 kno, vn meek, &Verla
laullett 299 299 are charged for, thial pany, a little c f the teem �h wheill jrlseL' to 'al;41jou n r t N19 214 In, this mul mg De tment., It,. Is e are he In, the tuall
our torrespon lent ` ar; , I I's $1 wraKillop as the Uf well heat d house.
M ton .210, 261, IWO WSISAW think the. -c i irch, S da As Cal, and Ili" Intintions to putl 111n. -an up -to- 210 210 pliceg too inuch stress on :what ay and th C�or$L a 3a son, T.- ' y fta,forth adt . Ald:lou: bat been, zealous da,.,e a :o6k of boots, islioes nd -grO-. e � are installing a number of fut the present AU*
As L Jacksm I 1. I Torr R e, and M 13's. -have this work delaved u 151 299 P)e, the fierisonnel of the Busliwiss 5 P dly-V 1have-S ved tho ctj le ibout January lsto,
orke, 88 99 & it! S.* e officer s i Preddent, ft -me, 4Ad as we 'do not wish to tri J, go I no as, fal fulir 1, so In y, e wr -% Is Jim' bome town and! �as he knWivit. a o pla;* Associatl=4 We have knowled 6 in$ we Va
tlyL. V1 -at Y 1 the vir
24 81 WJ Jack YJ ce, -T a Em kaoi i, ft. d ave vir of, an ev Ty" tson for L miles atound, havIns, the cold weath6r sets would ad *se th
rahip, H % r I but, t 'Wits; s screta -y, neli r. to, the, personAel of Its membe z,- 3� ra&eUr �, onest and we� (rke for. --y6arsi with Meg3rs lumbing, ot 2,937 3,244 we do know the character and stAnd- Miss -1 your r -der earl, We also do. V ter a#d Total k u, to cept,t is n: axi Cloelc V:I In and.0de. �and MOearz, Ploploie- -vert Ust V-748 ip S Total VOtes-8,181i Steam He'ating; land everythi 'g that 'is done in a first-cl*
Ing of tthe President and Peret try, -On 4 Y evenLnt �am .iel 'G is] Iver h ag a taken of our st(ne. &0d Gardtn�r, wei� can bespealc 'ter'. t are i- *a, E ounti; of trade or be t, a s me was fou lyng on C fiip al y -The whose narrej� 'are. pigned to each 101 f, U& trust air air him, t t3l ntov 4 shop. treW thunk
1311to: other ere of 'P. held eir electi(rr of officers and wha'&sAurre the reponsibility : for the a t e Iroarr bi rt Low Libi Con, .0. N with -he following
them on behalf of the Association.. , knd" er in 3' Congti I hiff tb at God wilL bl. yott 'Your', 'on Tut 5day �% t Th Big ware stare he as go b nit ; V.G 383, Soo we think that, no inatter howr much wa� while 5 J I a 1kdJI ng sma that TV U, tray ways&,- ave 8, reE ult: N.G., W,. Ph Joh' 293 296 t a h noth ad rray. Alffer from, them -in their .-o)in- that the. a=1 w" hur I e cf-your :eadbury WeymeAh; RA, 'I& -W. 06binSon; V. remer# iiranc d- stan( ds on b,�. I LIf of MOW* Voltig fte 1,85- 179 lon% thek character -'an Ing' kis jastandbig, with h A im f a Meth- Tre urer, R. H. I Agents for urniey StoVe:.;,--*Happy Thought, G.19 McTaggartL; Tre guarantee the genulmA�s iid re-. ed, �he, bt.1r. a '191 t n a - ar- -by It)Insorf: phy$IcI=, ]Drf qb,arie3wortb, -372, F any -other igh-grade �tove 20 209 Penimular Pan ora and YOU bett was Uto edj'He a avini, rt Dun- Tri istees P. ardiner, and West Wkwamsh pate of 'the, Asociatio.a.? �J, Stothers, 224 1% takeivy -to adq air ;a i irhere, - - - - - - I -s. Yr Scarlii MrE; con May thauge
'r"t wKwanosh. We now come to. the main point, the dw, M. � MCEwen $, NICV] ttle.-There hao eir a Ad I- 230 it be 4 xun� r In W WO i a, I I i Turnbar,rr, 22a h ri splied in, a thal king the Ountt of Uleving -so- propriety of pubilihing these letter Y In W" C a' 9, era t y tile prica
ladles for ..Ing low ound, �town of I a, a number 319 522 Cal. optioi I t it for t kin i eisS4 L 11owlek '412 4,65 the.-firat place they are published a's. C are so marked In -LItt1( aric n. Ldre W s, liar loiog voultr d - one Vh*e dodr)
advertisements nd Little -ackvy 61 -and' -Murm, Of He E GE. OEAFORTH you-" -ht6r of Migistrite � tud 78 85. n4cir da uj "rh *hd der to Aeprive them of any, prastigml- Amdrawa, &.01irton, wire bot very 11', are povingo a T some bag3 Of 'tatoes. Ih Wlrjoa.-r 1,69 288 Or 4 I I - -v L met Ith an ac wA94! in To onto 95 or indorsation'L sy=pa:tjhy i,. t L the Is mea Ries -we' ow
96L raid, visited Brwsels to rec w ich )re, re iteid her at- aster part f last *eek., taki ig tion lit this nix� er, It th dreso, hield�& zecepticd In -tright otherwise -e Buppoe& virliere, Isb% will tending hool f)r seyersl days, She �a a critical oper thef tv r lativc S, atte ded the stock- A poul- Car not Atch the culprits the provin- at we lay. virtue !1-1 ation, for mburalgla.-' he followinS Item to which ll preps, re Invi 3,011 DO of being Inserted Inn the was ruMIUS. abCUt th) Yard fit 'erf In ilie riecohd tr, y. isbc w, an4 took 1M. the(sigh -of the Olt 3uld be s t foro plact the adve a-, be ,o Interet The relatives alid Revi Dr. McGregor, playi and �i ddc n] Y. t -ftei she r. sh� eat Total Votes -81171, uridn i:cor been affed 6 ir ,b6r stb Ing coluirns of a paper hould be great 4 lty�-- a have of a cellars on i Main treet etc �prmer Rensall- lunch was erved.�-The I =U of T start would be uniform, collided it A , -in, ther iit le, gl& -based at he, above divL en to ll who6 do not abuse theprivilee . t that Mr., PXrtlic has p rc a farm. hai a, been'l floo,4ed with i - - Is it
N it al A 4 ellie St eman', Yqungeat Methodist church 'Intend In Ithe filcally eqnventent, and the arm wao qi dek ly. i thr a dug up, geograp by Inserting irrmoral at -Ub 01 Kro' D Me'utch -,.but h me . mot so. *rt th ' dr&W 11 ,dous a I &M I Stoneman, of a poupla of, weeke -Tholdlog! a 4
v as kp great 14 be nearly equal In force of e hr t 'h le imed ibe ice; p -M-b 9 Jennie'. an the -b1Qc a relro Mr. V. ughter two, ridings would terlal, ao 'lonc as they Of I �:,114rjbu7t of Wkatoon, And of which further notke Will uld be 8 are wifling to� the. arin, %bile 6t e n -S detuiahy bi extei ded visit a Clay ao e on N' o h beerf I�n it west for point of.populatiom There wQ trade prices for unit audl Ifo ken, was 'bent' a It wme, U trarr to Ur.4'. 'R. civea,�--Kr. James ;Wbyte has ural Municipalities 1n, each riding, and, the aervice givelf, In - -..I I , 7 U Toronto.;— r. rt Men re -Y Of* the hir reostj re arned,,, a las U week r our best - Ju 'g- d his po _ iltob&, L the cere- from, the west where bo had WIV for a y t ju live urban, In the South and f our lu ment these, 6esitatl the uj'Se of tandage a, i 11wela- Ir, of Stilnew I advertisements come wl th- y &O out blc.K hao res ition learn Rev
NcJK Ilop VISI -an th4a X th- 'but Goderich being mUell in, the a slinti 9, verforin I by the umber of wouth - The, band an 1b. Un or Adirlsiable classi But, �vhtl% t %. f )r a pie ol days r Ing the weir Y busine. with R4 U. Methodist 366nda;Y - eveninc last verY _The 11 lev brani.-h of the Wom- ou the 'AadburY 11, At ( race ,divisiO6 about of the. rr MCI lay Mr. -and 3WfrJ . Sturt, at the larger wili, make the Zroat Important., of all, we feei ft ly Ediriontolf. Alberta, on the serenaded Uri and Mrs. Vullawl $9 tower d.
even, Both Xldiug% would be Conser- r n's Ins t te a engag In i �Yv (I D.�,. a, a ong wi h his wife, v as out. ten, led ball In Wingh4w- on Fri- convinced that much greate t1i of Octoberi 'We inite *Ith their In theIrl hevin 4aime a mily "t Of work of LU y Wng tL a rete, r, vative, but a Liberal would hwm, w,oulA be, (done to the cause *,life t re t lea, a a rJend's ilace. un- a) nl#hf.�MWs Clara C6pp, who Is t wlvheod�-A summer ftdB or t s' p irpos an7,1 n to bea Ir. Gal- villav, and were � well Zoeelvied tu ;a M t, . d or,, r;ettutr-jA -r, Spen Jighting chancer n eitheri _Correspondent has '.4o in Lame taxi b ochool at Winglia t uchl at h ar raised, at 094 an t, ind ape ,Val, iter, al. Toronto, 'Res of London, and 'formerly, of pri on 0- b4 to wt, 1 fello,% i 'about to enter the t her a her&., d that be -fore the b closing our columns to them t' siting, I Karis, visited hts -sister, MWK o i 1, It is aiso expecte w k-exid *4
next Provincial election there will be vember 61 :t work vemc t At F po itry' ID I !QM90 1%e fire I a guA 'me 9d UcBeaj!� and Vur who pur- aff in he viliage, t is weeic vi by, advertisin theinj By refusing ern W WaM ifr wext a f ne a: id &I it raise L S f le� haStily -it . IS Cha is it 3i tXrs4 3ehi , Maxey, and Mrs. Wilaw of Say'. tovirnship, t1jis a, redistributiort. for the province and pdblicattoir it would be an, admis oaN bo t fift d he Beas9we c n: the -Bly th Huron wph lose 9. a u y MA r to t he Ut f IG, I,, &ott off Beach- 3&oj Mtebell f Glencoe to VdIsittinor hT that event, 41w, w eungs of = h -i iiii thelisummer, 4-' h a( *-e thau ordinary -it pV.- he" ties on our Part that we are arraid at he reques de- 6 trans- t, at -,VY e anno, i nee the deatbof ed a C.'P.A., Tarda, pped onecar id atting her Mete, 'Mrsi J. dau,ghter, Mm Newmave-11r.' rremberi Should this be the� ease WO arguments they. put -forth,. and t at XorrrVor a of t le shR, er Uri =d Um 9. McLean dock recently purchased a find VittioU also recowmend the adme divi- there is something weak. in th -rl6ont The leceased, to J hn " rid one to Tdronto ' this 'And at
muld a ca j-01 cemetery, I avell A6, unii 49, -Porb6s-, we il of Tio. are thlo removing to =it being a - kover of good music gm,f it would be a 'great convenience Ing in the hand$ of tbef B en, xame, v as &bul �r. William, Campl* usliia3g Mens lit We regret todn' good cit- withal a sood,ausician, will th d e � ex- a--krly f Bl�lth, W&4 re- In ;rany' respects to bave the Domin fl .6 won in, kind hearted, but form and which we are afraid woul er to a Vo a 04 bi OWLI" to th fird which oe- 17. enjoy. the fine Music it afforik, AA gagnero m In ncea her 4aii
btistituelleles the posed were these lettersnotpublis t of boM on and Provincial e #7144 NOW U Sfth a am- ne g !Mq with his, urled a, .
.f*w mouth, aC6 in Bell,,(. cad gow,\tjear
hedi _the fine sngere e 'I. 13 ver, grat K be� of Bethep Meth 'Ch
sarrw The Conservativ4i being tbodom-, We leavA It to the, good. - judgmerit - f e pr ch She Ir 61e.dus' Iso i1sitin his Alaters and I derta is le wmm the ve her a, be-- I . -b U , ki, 19 which UcLeaJV c Tend"- ftant Party n both houses it " On'Y'. our -�correspoiident to - say Whether or oat yfield.- R. It. osw was in ar- the oldcountrIes and our own 'to
at 68
bu a lame we &I ratore basi- Ing.. their -popular sonsow-131shop Wo 11ot to all c t sww ory Tuesday. m, oonflMatOV -will Inir lit le m9i 'sth thirry are of B4r easionable to awume that the by such,, action. we, would be r1ac- K the� 4- tnaxket
t left Ild vithot emlses -to re- �lams of Londoir onducted -The have bee'V eiedte� "I tr. of A.ecoutrements 1or the U0- 'old cw-n re- &Q6 0 Of ty advautaffe from a rt f ure, he us Loyal Or 3, Lodke, her -de, Ltb Sh h" 106n, ta 'frOTA 1% Itlit Deiartwent who wa there 'I, Ini take any Par fairly in, Sisk thel,liands of thd Buslhe3s) ken's ficers of lit buisineas.- Monday even- iservIces in $to Paull� church = Aa;� distribution that they can Association a club Wbich, they C Id Obtain4L hr the above dividon the -Y' are In for tl �e auSullIff bekutif 11 hom and i vill lid ad IV specting big C=PRUYN 4ulpment4 laot Ae iffiris q the McGregor Wh afternoon last, preaching a 1n4t1' 1� J. MakidOaq, Past OoDiety but of M�ftftel chur repeated their krPressive -sermon: and kninistow,
wield with such force as -would be ten all -
given everi advantage they. can Oq- times more harmful to the c belic fe aa 90116 ,ause iey terx. Rio, �er, 0 lom in "Seim Wil- the rite f Confirmation, to[ OoMer Master, -Ad J. luff; Depidy; Kast.erj ful 03*yl Oima, en ultablyt claIM4 opp6se. than -'any. arguments" or sc ph- ftep a, In ore tifut Joni rp P&--- J=, uence and the close of It candidatm The musleal services VA -101 WiMarr. Chap Mir, J. 1. d de Ab *re. unkno, Arn, She i leaves a estries Which 1heir letter! -contin, paid,;. Re g ecre ar r, A., Clar -Dri"mor, af whom the CIr.- well conducted by, the choir and tru& Still In Tite Dark These are. the reawng, and the y n I and Ottle, d �ughter, to whom, "oed,,JM"Lve a % XLIftxaft asid oujoyedr-The Sacrament of tbOLOrd% sm-; finj ial meretary, 04 Doher 33 lefel Mrs. 30hu Cald ell, j�;�..,left Is potA , , i
The. Hur= - Ex�tor endeavors to reasons which decided us to ad It extend isy�, pathy, 1 week. treasqrer Pi Cantelo; D.- of C., her 'for a t to aul, erestb Ar, .!16"Rs Icb *"' much Supper will be Oserveil IV these letterg to fUhe columag oil 71heq x- thi elucidate Its position- upon the Itaiation. M Dadd.ghirray has been tat A4 a - church mr, baz joa
thur COO Lecturers, J(hror: Ford �Cir� after the ad ou Sabbath, - Viecimbe U aud -pooltor. The irgurrents isubmitted re M"ns-
cc rr mittee propaganda of Its Provincial leader, t by, -any D � 4a% a IT mittee I r iff-tetp RX0 Is the -past few we ka with re -
no means unan4werabU d el and h
a$ a result gets deeper Into theta- J 1�11nch, 1W. L 1A.Cs ntel -g Notes.,Ur I.J. ell as been la I es Toronto. -We ait a pleased to Sle , that foilows any effort we re surpriged that -fore atterr Mutch, J e h during the past re t hat fri, Louis Clark, is doing CardS VAr
IASI& 048 d -0811 )utst le � co rifine I to- tk o firw
has not been given to thern� The 1�,- Grieti to explain what cannot be exp ..ned, Pic Y d that his arrftj wfpIch wa% Guard, 'Dii, Elliott., -phy Dodge week C�ristm Private 11=1114 of 17bb, Expositor are: now und t hrough 111neos. -The A, cricultur- Pic nQ The Expooltor -now sa-s that the par- torn through the guir acet $ not that taxation lavird for have always beerg open; fr ts�. In smsperoug enditn, x al Society have had the ho. -se 'rings, ee, of char.,,e, VIng L i tF policy; large ad4#t zr� I aVlhg be . made to� at the a4rrlcul t ural 'g round.% ,veilied up dO:n require to be amputated, n:untelpalittes shali be made by the to iepUM .providlW -they are of �rius- o0tof good medic treatment, pal- onable length &ad couched the =.e' durin thl � pa , let r. du ring the pi �t wfe: k. -E rance, t
iii reapec, 1 shtlk tance trunicipantle--, btit that the munict, ui -TA I it, k r N vembsr S of Inspec )r Tt 8: ho 9 taken acombe was InLor- t is not� pOssible fo, us. to send sam es of,cards, but for the infofwa- The MO.. Proper Un agei If those who are a . i - sid rvit�q pf a post 'Rr tore -at Mrs. N. -war ltle4�.aball ad=iniSter these saws, 14th, nq� f 01 e ion! In the j ' dware t rener ion an' coavenion an re = + c of inan ag customers who cannot call 1&,W$,L it admita, should be made by &L ravoiisible, for . d a pro oting the it W. J. Kea iw.� few k9l ago a 19pe t alcomplel Of 'days Ing the past y enquiri an I vote ad he Canada Temerance Aci goderich tc to i pers owntral body, Weli Wt this. exactly we r Go&*h, her fo tner home.- irselectioin ftom one of ou sample books, the follow'ing pelcts 4 hXt th ve of� James 9 6 .. He 0 sIX Tr rA present ig b self, to, i the what is done to -day I The f act . Is tL is countYi!dd not avail themsel . I -1, itt6d f 30
ven; I tr� Mlli ig ager f W e LaaAd World. MIS; Mary Robldrk, turned f ro be I% this privilege to &greater exbmt t Te ,10 1�n 0&,T 167 A wnsh W political lea no Ce a lair 411V C d Hie: w And vicinity 1 an 77 iare ; res U -Me her he t Qoderkh �cwnsll Ip, ca ivamp d sac- viefting bar ,mother I Voring &Oii- The E Itor is endea theydoLthe fault 10 thelrsandnotoursl� and In London as at graphere- T his parej t a di He : h ceeded in, piel ne .4 1 a largl number On' tion No. of Cards W ted 25 10 25 36 50 100 follow, 11aff ,placed himself upon 'record TA of ordArs at'i it ra b �0,aceorrll I 67kied .-W Mr.? Ur& James Z& were In positions t IV I IfiDymah f the p"t sp- favoring the handing over a Huron Notes. beft a in r of une . f th c hgo It turned DUt- that LOT don during the k.��Mr. 3 Free, . $150 $2 $2 745 $365 �$5 00 $950 whole 0eation of municipal taxation t t , Uri Richard Vanst, w . a 111 Mae rented Mr. Ci. - Sol- Pr e.%- better e.. 175 goo
to the, councils, The Exposin one, of Winglimr, nim at -And e Me he ir ut t Of the gi 260 .310 435 6 K U 50 Val r Of L th !nc�e -vic- �3 d on R d �kreet e, tter ip 200 2,80 360 510 6 85 18':50 bas - sold his residence In 'Chat a P&C y, atuut 13L ue be tor 0hould have discovered this before to 3& W autledffe. Wro tir, A I be ut th�. ilij Much 19OU! b 19. lta=le a buaLne-32 s, better gi deL. . 2 2C- 3,A, It entere4 Into( a disicuaslon of the r. which It ad h nor 420 560 735 14 40 260 315 490 575 750 1450
a rt )er the W155 nurc better 1p de.. �L- McGuire of Centralia &4 r peabe to have blundered LtoLfan f to t1l ir, 1"V ter, &UdL.1t would. not a$V r. X. the trisfortune M �'a Leh. on 'Art 11v LondW., ima ro erlyl df thI6 ro 'IC ati, on Billoft je 0 11 lo 0, le�cial a leu want to sub, amenti into its resent predic fradtar- w 'and Six 4*:r 4 ftort ttm� heria. with rite ry plainly your name an. which Me wa'atandbe and V, atlonsS. a0 lng Be lbe an� tore V tel, jg.jrom, the Londonj Free ed her wrist4 =', . I 4 address wanted oi cards, enclose The AboVe tch JUL the r ree in Iffet 7 C to th go- Is 1rlenils.�-Wi arg plea to tug Of Wit rlcc� as aoye, and roumiff receive �n about ten days, free. b nalt Expositor has not blunder- -Mr., O., V- Hayden, who hu Con- r1elf Ing an are e- to ot wh they. ed it '9k date Pre". TAe ". 104� boj�n I* r�s t ;at. for eleg tac aM4 I� J - laun( or I n dalibo IcIn pa 44 i A -he suf- 1 ducted a 4 o1n. V in eSwn neatness in printing,. cannot QL not IR any tangle, Unless try, In Winghar 'if jAmidl h 13 Charters a ughw Mki 0 UdEwen� . i0io has b0m I* tp�o� -6 X - ) I U" et fbb -the past'Weelf4 years, ha rezroved with 12ile beai� I tel. of gwo th t assed. Address ur;order t -o- moveral 4 the past week. 101,12) the pres.;- eli of Mrja rse KcL 9 wt attempt Ito give swited light to thei family to Walkerton4 ot t Free Press is -a blundet, i -and" Me- work n ion haye ent- -,pyw - a But hat -The Emery, Uldge bt the towwh Web It-, I ,.'Dawda �)en anc elthe;t i10 &Age that Itcan of Stephen Is now completed and o' 1P 06M 3 A b ood, AOU _V1 -W *f
U P. r c of ft or it for traffici TU. -superstructure Waa. for elgh y6ere-11*rt-ar �eitctb i#,, V Svc not undertand plan 134010h furmlshed br, od "pany 9f Wt -f .Ibma Is*, IMber, W .1 take I V�i zi, rn VW, am 60ft i;oc It wtr.. Zler wa; 400 not want to underatavidi che,14 e �!w CK 9 lit ho 4 I Oil U 01A X1161 - -,, 14P go 4 -1bby --who w" ok- r
axispect the latt� ThOW SM W qhxt1eq;F-F- L r(ta_rAe4 t it"i'
rather do liot a A AA 99 YO, SAW rAth R UM, �A" �q ttkq8#L Y� aC1 I
d IL