HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-11-21, Page 47
I' Pa� MW I
-0. W -1q----11
il", NO o WIN
b 0
�,v SEW
X T T re.-
At"- Ifts4J
o 49 y1i
- IMM,
0I Its .I,,
?I eat Di i hen
ctnelvr,14 Ou to W--Pfeatqd 'by. the t4.�
Ulooded 4isrnta mudill 44bt the
caremqaWw awd cold n, as
in, whit
- CMi-AgAut* -that �. taxation *I Und
4 6- 7 8 �il.: of : an Old, `-Off1clent and faithful: -Canada - t. 'Q ry=d �� a 5 hMe
k rOn
It 12 13 14 to ag*#�'st, W] em a '-the,- Goyproixie,
- ne-ver been registered. X4104tarb, of On --
20 21 22� 7 .1�1 W ter all that I �f t0 hods whit NJI �t
ant � to say onde �pxvsor
2-6 has--' o -0 aM
24 27 18 29 jectlon3 to the - trunicipal CA Olt be ke'vie,
Expositor -
S -son ad IF,
4, 4 Mr. William '' por ailyj Hat lg,A repq-i
table leman In the.- fullest
ett_ blljlq:�If a
of the terrr, he has c
If =T*S 'L . . ' L -, have:.
good lbuglne4a- Zran And we'. �. , 1. 'Do, imite — ur,� s; 0 Wr pf a up in
Tao WIJIL 1fake �a- careful, e - L ho undortaidiii'' ��
Ulu ft -are between the pxrenth&is doubt MAL. hl ef, 11
and - V6,%treaster L P I ilk, Sessiort6japi a 30 plen 61 1 111
age -0 e W fox y to fittest I hav Ing t: t
aft Wtk ad. denoteU the P f th Ili Ased an
--Conservattves�. within .toA#&@ t Ca 6 1211%otly ob. 1;
there are maxy. or ell pr,
Olt which the advirt ent is
paper tho� Jurlw-Ketletri Of the Office who are tided to, phone r a8i nos 10 u itil ii i pqrniament
I -� 2,096
0 Y111- t
at least �equally "competent, a,04, 40-
WfAter Clothhq--Stewart llrm-R serving and we think " the'L Spleetlon 0 a,, spa
-Q*oda--Th=p3otCe book Stor*-�R -y qi orge r Is 0
Imither should bav% -been- made from these and da, wlth,� ite rot Q1 he L I
*440ow Aik"i x PA
btcCully, te (4nn k �i h, Yma vi , Frida y
HaUstra-M. Umdertok-�-S that It w"� raither c6n,plimentary 'nor -0 tim 0 n *0,
Just Ider. But 19
'Tht Rub--ftr60 & Fi�higstss--4 fa th in, t6 select �an outs' After e v1t L h her'
sAd before, �'If � the Ideal a- lis In: Stratf r, Ov Ing to e seve-e a
Pbmkeu-u� -Rrodftick-a - tJt'" - nds jo ; tie jus,
x1lits-4 =tiyes are saflafted W storm on SU �i ,
Footw" lth.;� the trca 16 1;
9--, vc v is "r,
T -W. 0. - antil, , -;; * qe pos �- a
accorded to them th6 Liberals' OleAia ig
tUrdx-Alex WiTsow-4 t4
Per" rrieu Mytra-8. have no oause for complaint� �Oed -Until 'N4N er � 03rd,!, I Thei e
Ia ti to %fte
II a rect A mr Ice
Lo* I erg -W. T. flax be,
a �J 70 evP,
Raett, Tax x6tim-W. Itoon-5 -r a -i and 1,141e
East MiddPsex 06w at 1h If
ifeetin 41 County coulnell-5 )�r at . Iseven, w n I evo Mi..'. Sold, of
Hurt T.Mre I-% a'sorrewhat Interesting,bye-
Relill6p %tx"-A Dickiwoo-5 t:
Nstray Heifer,& arotdtoo" Middle , n roi . N ril , Alk i �harge of tl , a b
electiori In progress 4n East 051'rvice.- r ii da: pbell, aii I dzug) t-
Sh - Now—Grelsolothitigoo.—I ton is 'to fill the vacancy tqr, eitivide, riftined . . . . .
speor. This, elect ti el
I P ver In af t4r spa 't r tWo
in t1ke tLegislatize Caused: by thedsath �turday e 11 re
rpnths in: tht � 1 rest,- -air. �A 3 Ira:,-.
of Mr,, Neely the sitting member. Tho� a Mon, .0 Mr.. Jose, �h 10 arri, r -
V � I - . I Mr, f I. it ar
Conseivative. candidate Is 11r, Jdhn- horre. froir ran,
o IV",
&IeFarlane 'and' the LIbItial candldatl&� a b eir u id6r t 14 [Qoto'l
Weekj He. ha
-We hope !1 ho
Mr. John W Laldlaw-�- They are both Vire for 1%qme 11trie out tL4er ,J',
�the chan'ta ht're wil -prwe 4 a�e Uclaj p
10L men, that Mr, Th,
said -to be -,good aud'aeceptab C 3)
are, isorry t-* le
SILVORTO, FPJDY, November 21. 1913 with,' considerable municipal e %Per1bn-:-e, r"', is quite lo I or , ly �t 6 le -t
W being a Zi
Mr Zaidlaw no the, reeve udo;
Westminster townsblp.� Mr. 0�aldlaw, !!T rr
The Lakes Disaster !1 h
howev%r, enjo" the distinction of hav- kalt bw e Kom
13w fleree -atom v-h1ch raged on the tae Farnittiv. -C
Ing firstibeen notrInated as thatandl tisat L
b in4s; and is Sell �nj, at prides As a hard io C !pa
1�#par Ukasand.o3peciallY on Lake datA of the local��raneh of the Dorrin-
t �,Oec
Ifuroa on Sunday, -the nWth inst.,, ion- Wllotnce.� He was afterwards norr- -o.- Tte'ralld ve�Lthor Is va'y
=precedent" In Itu severity: and fift Inated by the Liberal party,� The Llb- -1come., It, I j� a I ',a Is J,� th E fe id a;, A
calamitous loss of 11fi and property. soortoRS'-: the -F0e Oka 11 �b D h,
eral plank, - "Abe I be
.4sth the'Bai!L . wilt Istmas AM. ta d ciyr
i5toM.-WaS Most 'Severe CA' L$ke, file real_ is C lstmas r .16, -'.Pxetty � vrOddiag C ollp
QSUe IZV the contesto The Con
n,,Urqu and 'A the Ise e, o a Mo ii. e
riolis disasterg oc 14AM
.-aervative pledges, bhrself as,a support- solem rian,
curred Im her waters, There wer,4!( la'all, Novem1b Ito hi ev. R. A;
of -the Whitney Government and
-W U
pight vessels wrecked, three Canadian whatever temperance policy, they. 'fav- Lundyj c W. k -ell
and five uVrerican., All these vesste.AA to"MIS4. 1 rrb k, 'of KO; I -
or.; Mr Laidlaw, f6is t7M ot'her L 1"Alld., fdDuf0%.T eilyteran. L &nurdft...
were heavllythAen And with their - car- . I
w hiler declaring. h1trAtf favorable to the 41, hold- theft, V1,rs4ry OIL Decerr- 'very
Igo" Ifow rest in the ]bottom of Lak� L.1ber , Al policy, pledges bimself 'to 9up- 2-1stand 2',n( ,-I �be Ch S ti an E: I- of, It
th& wrecks. occurred and port advanced te PeranCe legislatl6n. avor - Soblet r ol Wiltor i ave a f
Hurov, How. if,
11cer. no matter from what party It efiian- pleasant at -!Ac- -ftl to, tb� En vor 1$04
the istruggles, put forth by of i
ateaw He Is also a lite -11i tew perance i it., isday 'r Ing, It
clety'. of Blyt
and crew to save themselves will, nev- tran, botin In practice. and prebept., w �%.,Mclr our (). t y
ior-be kzxdwn, #z none survive to: tell. P4 A. ,agent, � &: , Lo a Ir
The, tempermce eJeciors of East MI olRo
0* talej Fortunately &4 tha-,wrecked d1eftXL bave now an _ opportunity to Amilar 'Positio V in toll,� Wish
v0ssels; -�rere freight earrlers�� and 6on-"� show their. color#- and -prove. thgIr %in- W-. aucces%�-! 11 er am d dad�,
490quently the loss of dfe has- 'beeif cerity which they may - never have - a- t4r Grade,, -.1hai d hom D � Ex ns t.
would have �epn ga&., They can take' the temperance 1i h- tt a on tfte 91
IV ' egto�-Kr.
�p tluml otherwige Willi L E Wit1f.-W.11 h nattiXA,-Mi st
the resulti It-�Is; now P_tated that .1904question out of politics.,If th6Y , Ial
p4rAorta aro-known - to have been IThe result of the L East, Middlesex ei- the I CDk L�il I I teWher
eadbury j t, 0 y . In Walt
dkbwn(*4L Of -th - se 61 have - floste ection, will -not Affect in any degree
A a
Ishore and the -bodies have been' rega. the tenure of tbq Whitney Government, friends. M 1cBJ L - J0h
sibas sish dr
COO# and of this number 3,9 havebeen But Itmay -yerA.materially Influence d u ond, hun
$Wtffled and 19 still remain un-� their conductJ 'If the Governrrent. Se L a Of sugai I Bet W41ton st *r
Me hitifle(L Kwt, it mot all, o# the bodlek; that the. temperance electoes , are In *--The ri Ln I oil- dellve.-S. ff-
yve�re I -op' the Can"Min shore be- earnest and 'Int6nd to place th c -m.- oving a gr a n verience to the I
'OUR eir t
tweert. - - Ktacardine - aud Kettle -Point, perance principles before'p4rty, ten r 'al L popilla opr of ;hel cot Ln,:r Y..
-and ft%ft suppoiqBd all the wrepkar oc. chances to one theL Governtrent, will -we istill need f Le 4 'p�-Ej ec tr lei,
X Le rdr
cutted -betwem theso Toints, And on caoltulate and accept the Ba.pish the
Subday n*htbetw6ea ten:and tv� N 0e
o - e--� Bar pollcyj In! ans f9irm or Another, and
clock, as was evidenced by the time- It they 'dd Mr., Rowell and his Liberal
founde-The, following In tha Leglatature 'are pled- A November I Fectilis The, r(siden ce t
�V*M some Of the boalog
wki�6ked vese6ls were.. antonc 'tbo Vat, S16d -to support fnem'and Mri� Laidluw M 'IT
o�- bli. and rs : Jacob rown, Gos m
an i*'vlakee� and were. of 0an%1EUan, will be On 'hand to help them redeem '4ne, May, -wa.. 1e sceno of a pret, y
ArOrkan- and British manufacture*, All taelr pledge4 In this Way� the terrp"er- v(eddlm. when. their daughter,
of-JUrm hair,Arn*A warning that a ance peoplt wilt get what they"d-3-sh* Lovina, was icarried to:' M6 t
atoOw was Approaching, as the� storm by ' unanimouis. ' vote. and withou r "ai
t Beokpr. -of Wb ot, Nrai�erlo,
v4plals, were imted in every port on further Political struggled It will thus Sib., Thete
OR November. rei no n, y 9
FrldaytBut,Ae 'to. resPOns-1111hry conducted b, t e 001
W -those, the. vessels iie i6een. -that .& terribli J . y I Tw;�,G Bro-M n,
wege put out to.'sea, *fth the disait- rests upon. the temp-erance Cons--.,rva, uncle, of tbot.%r e, he -wed ig wrar. I h eso
roxp4 rq�zults ),zecorde4j tives In Haii Middlesex in 'this -el e' Lu6 ra Yi
ec- arch,:being pf y by[ M1 r
tlon� We� bope the -r, will measure Up to rown:J--T*(br1 e- a pa ided And.
It �01
;h w. - &ie C t
The Seatorth Postmasters y
an becorringlyhoo i led in b,ocad
T* ffeaft,-th gxpoaitor� last wee)c at- An we . 1I Kandl� The Tariff heos im4tin,
teopted to create. a lot of fues, over' im I e it with irlace s
embr A �r d I -pearls. Ili r ta
"ohn A., WMams th k 11
appointment of The Huron Expositor Is about .- as Vell *61 lov re s W 31
of *2uTdih to the postmasterabip of !explicit as one Idght expect frorki a i4utfiullLy Ange I In, a cap etfei
hat Is a blind follower of tr WI
Walorthi succeeding Samuel Dickson, Enewspaper t wreathed (Or h bloss= 3 ail d
Who has buezi-Abe,postma-ster for,, forty- the: blindi Asked w ether th Llber I w r at 3. ..w
Q.� The ExposItor -ca;lli th6 policy Is Sk h a bite ca a t I 'Ir
tnin4 year "e, ose andmall-
gle- Tax, T e af 11 ir
�i Elpo Ltor a ferni u rin he,aini t it(ilato: -Y
proceedirtV hard tnames and It clalmi repliev Ciat Air Jawes Whitney, Is 4 offerings Mis, E ' Link 6 Cre i�-* ood*
that, Mr., Makson bas been a faitliful fos�sll and ,that he refu sea - t' E )9
t L 0 porlrlt Itog beautiful y, isam "I; Pro n'si � ^yo�. 1 r "e W1
and- �,nbhglng official and a, Conser., -the peop16 o, covern themselveso Of grs, C. Swickr of �dftoz� I i;., Ing.1t a it
VatIO. Mr. - Dickwr. i * ray,be all that courise the peopler of their ovm volt� 0coirpanimen , Din er �v v" I I x:k I en f I
TbW Expositor clahni for him, mlat we tion elected Sir James Whitney, not �y,,about fone�.' undir d and f I y gue S, a Oro
are . given'to. understand that although onbo( but several thres. So that Itm"y d � the tveniz ig le4ght iy Spert It
lxomfiiallY postmaster,,be has taken no fairly be said that Sir James has b f
een, m usic, . svment d sooci rc nveri .
actim part li� the work for years,' and chosaA a lawrraker for the people quite presents A �re 'nu I t1lerou i usef I
Oat his son-In-Alaw Ia In charge. -and as much as have the members of the d cootly' ail In m0asuie te3tfthd 0 C]
1hat.he is a very partiz". Liberal, municipal councils, whom The 'Expos -
the affecti 'a es. eem n whi(h 1140' v
wbo, takea an active p -art iu 'election Itor oro=eWaat suddenly thinks sho-ald
bride. is e Id h r I lu marol 4 0 011
cArt.paigna.t That 'Expositor also claims 'rrake -tile -agee-Awnent lawai There ii tie c i' V4.11 zie- - 0
ndsi Mr. 41 M s! k( N1 h
that t1VQ appointment Of Mr., William, 8 ithis tobe said In favor of bavingthe In Duuiftide W c rl 'cc lu I a d' Mr.,
of jurldh is a. direct. Insult to the ac-aaiWant laws made b. entral gov- ve'lgood, tw es f many riew . a ria
y a c
Conservatives of Sesdorth,� But let Us ornirent, Instead of In every council, tbolr .1 ut e a ppipless ues'
remind 'The.Expositor that it is on- charrber In city, town and- country, re present rym Cr'editc z� uric OV I
Ir a few Years 'ago since 3fri Mae., that the! former will give , stability, wood, Sh pla$ ew,,Durdee AID
,donald of Winsham was appointed to -Moreover, the Government can com- ay, ICi t
a Vaterl oo and rlln.
the *postwasterahip of London by a, rrand expert consider tion of the ques- d
Libeial, Government, That was. going UOTia of itaxation, and in this way have
eut of the� riding too.. which _ is! not the Abe benefit of t4e experience of wen r t
ca.se,- In regard to the, Seaforth posi- who have, atudled the problems that are Notes. -The bN;e c f ta�atton for tt e. t, rd
tion. Yet we heard -no kick frorr, The Involved., The Expositor might as well 0
irrent. year %ii . be6l n f tie d a t 7 rr I I � s
Iar �i
Exp6qltol- wlicn Maedokald , went to saggest that the tariff of -Canada. 4 K a itho dol b�luunt ri�e, 1 3-4 n.hU -, t!
Londoni The Conservative party should be� fralred,-. byl the city 'and -hool ra;to, 7 Ills, ro a 7-4,
nt U rate, 8
throughout, thia riding 6hould be well township councilsi I ills-, ;and v raLt 1.4 1 olils.- -
Isatisfied with the appointment of Mr. The'above Is frorr the London Free
%omas 3ell h 0oid his hanc -
'Williams, No, i�an In the rldin.- Ir. pressWe are brick 1e ftb n c I I in, 4
Inclined to think the- Free thii I Wn tD
trore deservinti I fr. H. Rowe. 1-6 . resideince equi -
as , It
Press- Is not quite so dense Not
The above Is ftom, the Exeter Ad- I d with, all rn I nprovei n L&
pretends to. bei We�'wlght have an- I four lot ff
4.4 ach k � to lb Rovy e n
vocate, the leadfr4 Conservative paper ,?.tw
mWered Une )Free PresV query zrorp. a s�cured'c �Of * tb�, Ir. Ds IV
Im South Huron4 Thv,'-9xposItoi has no I I hand -
hat - Ahe 9
lexpliettly, did we not know t. and mon tall( ipsldm eg I a] e P
Intention or desire to continua' Mr. - Rums 0 ta L� s. �"f ri ml
a Con- Information It profesm to - Beek Is now 1 Ing t k4 ej
trOlre,M-Y' OU AIS, UUSaVOry subject, But I gi t a PIC
and 'ims. long been within Its reach. q:j MaryA w1wr he has ',bot
0 land : 11he i
M Advocate haa evidently -been so wblch.�,. Intends,sib-Midin
The LWral policy, so far as we un- to town-- lots or a He w �i [' hav e'ver,
W.1sinformed, and Its statements. are so .4 1
derstand It, and 'so far as� Itbao auction isal A kfects:tal gal ligavy
.wide of the truth th4 we deei-r it 4,day-j--Xr. Al
been explained'a lau-ndred times by .1 1-1! . is.� Carlin,
but slirple Justice. to Ali; parties tot cor- 4 t0afled the Cl df ft A r nlecl PCQr .1,
the leader of the'Llberal party, Jis � Iss, Louise., V r ty, ficult,
VXt Its mls-statewon1ts, It is not Tor te, lai
not SlUls Uz�, It Ia., 04np�y. Local vieeke-Ressrs. oz.- elf an 11 Bat PESA
true, as fhe Advocate say's, that Mr. Option In Taxation, The . Expositor does were on, A I t3rip, Gre, cult�
DickSon- was only noirinahy postm%sterf not 0 nu wnsh p ti 194t Davi Ia It
think the member of - the i nl- 1 last: 1
.a d that ha has � taken na active part ilson,,, D4 D., 14hop or' H WIL er, 31, 11h
. : CiPal councils should make. the assess- ducC a conl' at. plass I
work Of the offica fGrc years.. On plass Triv, th Du I
mOnt laws, although it 'doe -s, think Memorial eb h b t 11 mor*,. a hit]
the contrary, from the day of his that frany, of them are asleapable, of and', at Hi -1 1 e a�f mooli. is al�p�
appolhtment until Ae day of hlsi dl-- in M61991e, cin: dau � er o th,,r
doing mo as Sir James Whitney is.'It
Irlssal he has had active gupervision, of Aaron,,:Cud 1.0 yg3,t a] city., 01
. 1� does t7aink, however, that these officials,. ltdba I ria Calgary 6ft -QI -1 6
tbe, work 'of the office, 1.�AvO been -rare- 117�
I I otter knowledge of how - thm t fAth Inot., Rev M&I DQwell. de Its -
ly -a day absent, f ror.r W� 'o hfiv� b 0'.
f"IC6 except laws 9hould bq adminl3tered than' Sir A uud�nvr)� U fc n 116i Ex at tr ladyl. iniiiiii
When he. 0celved leave of a * en ca f ro m James basand that they are. i -a a -bet- - as -Chin 1jr., , ifilorly 0 . BXI Iha4 a
the Departwent and that As -very ter position. � �than; be is . -to, know . the r, hO be Bn,, i ippon ted i . I'll t a
i � I porting
peldom, and In, addition' to that he hal inothed of administration. best adapted e I 1 9 Tole fa 011
.LVX their. 0" municipalitlesi 18ir James 9 -am,-Mr, H. mb h been tran be n1w
$Dr 'years, ,even until Ills dlslmisPal, at- 'Whitney. and ithe Free Press isay they rid to *,die ! ron �o, F 1k.:
eft! oE the
k -of Cow. ',,a A md �Srrq -01. W = th
tended tof the early morning and late are not, and that is where we differ.
zlght.mails4 There, are. few men In Th8 Free Press Ia simply talking an[ NO On it tb3 hoase, i racated Messr-
him f
finy department of life who attended nonsense when it ispeaks of t1je.assess- b � anA w ''m61c hto, t mon.- tie to
rrore regularly or faithfully. to their =ent laws being made In every� council 11rai D. A, Roa W 0 a i bee n, a ir uc h loa d! o
burAness than-Mxj Dickson has attend- charrber In citi, town.and ' -country, e4teimed �e'pldd t,of X ktor ftr a plai I
Od, to the duties of the Seaforth post No. person, 'advocates this., -All that Idn-9 time, has 'ne . . . . .
is t :her gota, Dr. 1,617 tl
offIce4 Had he not been attending to asked Js tho,,t -the councils b6 given TO-., P., Aoss� t Iq
t Is Uf* im plampa,
lhfa dutles. and, had he only been no. -n- -power to work out In their own way.- Who, where.., i eqld 81
ly, pcetmaster, It is taot at Jr y h d who regnei C,
ai� laws formulated by the central body; a
probable -he would have held the post' that th�ey, be given power to levy, the V� uch hat s a Is Ia vini , "I oWn,- leyl
tion- for fifteen years under a Lib. ,t , ax on, different -kinds of property -as W1 Cam of hOrSe kn g t -mr, ll�*`tiii 1:
9 b iS
0ral Government., It waS, only because they may deem will b6 in...the 'best F40 Coategs lof rhE b cize: fright. rence,
of hI% efficiency and his popularity interests of their respective municipal- P#ed at the =1 11, he. cthh' r day and COMP&I
as., an official that he, was al4owed to and that the people be - glyen totok -a Ilvely XUIL, dav7i,- but, one� of
, reet.,
Continue., Nor tean -his dismissal be due the opportunity. of saying whether -or do,very little dalri r-9. i J611ul of Hul
In a3iy,'i*n8e to the conduct of hIA not they dealre their municipal kepre- M,,LaugAlfta, I,% In St.,. JIMpWs hpapitalo �.t
1)eputy, as InsJutlated by the Ad.10- aentatives to enjoy; these powerso It Lyndon, where'15hal re ently undnwea
Cate, as tho sa:rre Deputy hag been en- is equally. nonsenilcal �t-o compare the� 62, L 01*rat A"191411n, sp a it th
by bir Ira, ith
A -Dominion with COUP �Of
g"ed J willia -the new Post- tariff taxation, ot th P1 - IS I rith her,t th FAtr
But even the Deputy has re- MURICIPS1 . taorAtfon.4 ThA tariff -applies cl a ce t' I
oraster., VidrIty,: I agh- tur tic
fralned from taking Any part In pol- generally over the -Domialon. and can of Mri and X V. "rity, �-� Irs,
.1tical *aff&1rR for the past two� years, only. be regulated by the centraL auth- go rmerly, of, Hx�e td ,w ail.11-614ill, bee i. v.1
although he ha,9 boon actively. useful orityq Local .,taxatloix is -for t benefit r*to on, -Ve" 1 .1
he �s 4y. 1 St w %Ak Mr f 14
In ot2wr Ispher", which should count to, of tbP� ispeelfic munielpa,11ty. and ihould WA William W. .1 w1i 0i ax bar rAti)r f 1,1bDI
; 71i
MB 21
0 �e
jj�:� LAW k, Lr�w idAys. of �e tr
lor& hb.' attony W 66
600i *10 ha 1
bi A
#Pon it -4W,,dXY4 here *1tJ i bla, *-te!r arr and
try Mite elL 1*
an dw- r4t at his ua, 10716 are ar d to fill your every wan ia thi� line
flaa&Win r
to Atte to-' 0� ita,'-at'Wo c ivable, sty.le a d mak
saing, sislieroi terl r. Jqhn Fa w%w161W very Con el a is here. lu at F06�t 'yottir E. DO St- es N
-_-cof espcod i,�L..) for 31 9 e Felt Sho Felt Linod Shoes3 Heavy Vow at 006A P ihis week.--lyallwals Tler- --
Rulibers and o6ks 0 �shoe Moccasins, Leggings 2�rkd Overgaters-4- -a sick list th I Me 1
of 'Al aeyvri t IS �e �k 'al'& to df lbeo e
- un
therl. krj,- a' Ber Y- S;t 'lit a comple, sto zbl �hoes for eVer metubef of the familp
bing. to tt rid . blgbnh(*l iton
ay�Mrj ouabe0y of Lon leaboro, In Men's Fall and- Wint I Fociturear we have Felt hoo for 1.50,
Ight L t 1 Ilea, t; )Utj� is* d
pald 4%, %e Ip. lyth t s weekr and 2. So padr, Fel ine I Soes -for z. So and :z.�75 a pair Hi
tift)6 t year ind low;
-is �i 3n ; t$
an e
aL ed.Sh FoLrS 50 o d 4-50 a pair Heavy R#bbers with ojai
;ere 0 ail the fruit show in To -
the other in-, 019M E�En 0
ront�D hi, wee :or tv o bluum les r 4, le,�her tops, for 2. 06 tO 4. So a pair -
0 witlt-
460' 1% hrougl tile . .11 1. oLegg, ag S for , . , - r - 'tO 3.2S a
tnO 21 oo a pair Overshoes for 1. ;o
ole .1 his fall and '6 will ) ke- -
c 7rlm jill- palf; -ood Rubbers for9,5c to r 20 a pair. Ln Ladies'! Fall nd %VintOr
Foot% t 1 4
.irned boine ft 3 �Dn PA rear have, Fe i SQ or 1. 2-5,1 1,. 5o a6d oo a pair
olmn war 11 1 Vei Ind bted o T. J. Bel ry, Ueu- FlJ7 r,, wl �ore A 6, bad, -1) aen A I t Ing are r"( U sti id' to e4il a once an Attle. ittid Shoes brg. o aw air; Overshoes
ifor 1 1,25
p tO 2. 00 gave #-Np whe have noD wt po i A thd 62
a, f or a few --weeks A- - me d a � a � t b "tt eTR'loc' se KibgThonsisfor fisis so&- pair 10ve Liters andl-Iggiags for 6oc to ico a p r Good Rub
Pok -ol! 'WIld keeia on the 12th so 179, ai
a �,Vt o sol at oo^,e and s�ve f Liolser t: - oriM, - wr*�-
,Q;ft I and tbc. V seem to,ballaitA T. J rilt _for 7 5C, 80C a 8 1c r. Boys' Fall and Winter Footwear w, as
�4-lf Solna or the -11 rtg v uld have Aood S hool Shoe., r: Velf Lined
6. a q.)1100rn,!--The 'xrustee of the �dw il- 50tO 2.50 a pal Shoes for
its T
the lMql LE
.aft r. the: ir sonie r
t a y might ave, Hen 11 e ;b have 1.7 4 nd 2.oc a pair - C�um Rubbers for r and 1.7r-
2 1 1.50 ......
roast Thore- are i out tv; aty orm de t eueraitsmot6helt
ex bs, 46 eir M nild re- pair ; Moccasins for 1. 2 5� ad iSchool Rubhers
.0.01 n! sh a r11111rn Tor 1,56 and 1. 75 a pair ; G
a eat I rc u t �48 Ls= to shm their rablis,
tr p for 7 ic, - �5c a d iair." In Girls' Fall and Wi�ter Footwear we
on 0 11 rNition to thl. S; 1,!Treaii 95c
c6u Mr. un ,as v s pr)posed *to liquiqkte the- have Good cbool Sho4s fo� i.5o, 1.15 and2.00 a pair ; Felt Linod
Shed h, ie#e0rfntar0, To effect this Com., Mr.. T. Itianni a. ho -vi r opened -in Ud t h 0 b ieqla pointedw iv%it �oa t, % pixblio - Shoes for .1. 65 'to 2.00,ia p*ir ; Corduroy Leggings- for i.oa a pair
! r
takin Ineol f . lifill I&L th ady And to at b Ion, The Trustee 604 rd, Ilan,
lottiv, olike *1 00fil rojal JK 1, %, Bill th Vroh, Good iSchool Rubbers for 6oc,'65c and 75c a pair.
lid jo -.1
ight a Is at. ersar
i ties, 'Azilver 34r� S4vlcos. - AnnJ v n n per ent vices i rc K� thodt fe
,ph -reb ent a 119 u i re'held 16 the,
church hne on Sabbath last.
try floeietyo u: hZn the a, ri, Oren of Parkhill ctk
—The 001 t
Y' SM lety b Ii Ita rst me Ing xc 11 per t ons both mornInR, n
,idak ever Ir Ni 'ember Ith., lar
e, q, thitfwere enjoyed by�
e 1,
0 mmv al atkn& Thervice of a al
Leting open tlh appro
I I dant, Kr,,
.err ks b
vy, the, Pre the church cholt under
c coyn c- d
Iana !fOVA, 12
agart; the Stj C alumban or- the. ab l(a( ership Vf bir., E. i Fmnnt4
-PI&Y!d 110ble pleasl 19 seledliOns �add, d gresti to the pleasure iiand In. on- and tb
oup1c of vto Ill r ooloi � by, Mr. Dan occasl' 6! 20C �anl
tere 3t an
h appre diated., k1r. ther (r ilghly spoken of ts wel TELEP ONF4 I OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL 4C
rt�w t to P
v phy�
e 9, iselecte d solend14
xy rendor4 L bV Interei isid'
Ive a ad Lns;ri Ve 43COUrll 1,1 ID11 offerin asill very liberal, b
tle L ell, ove
a4n. i and early of $15 Cie following a g the Ept ova,
n i eral -which wais Ia- wort a celebrated thX �Qant 4ve
at h ,e agu i 13 t,
01 lod tend
101 d, wit i Lhe 81 iging a a and arl'Interestffig tirogra.
te KI it, Tr a -next :reatilag- will rendered4 r4e president of the Le
kin Ill tr at foi osb ipresent4 'rhe- nivdr , -y *4en there was & f i oYolou 1
Ar Th' in",
.,ozi 1da5 evenini i, Nov. Rth. gue, M �sc; Smith, read umbe
rmatft,-T L6 Saerkmcnt of of lett ms,4 11 rom members Oio) lulyin 0
.atlon was, 4dmints Bred 'a Rt. at 4 Ista rice, w4o,' ;sent Itheir greetf ei
op Fallon, ta a class C 48 Ing$ a id 01tributi4xis, The He Was a(
I on Tuesday
wapi al too 1 leased to report the Leagad
_cnlid-condition. The pa4tur" U004 at 0 X
by bi 0 ing�
ro s B op Sed I ard 'or
hair -at
t karlels t6r (",on f iin: i Jon XARtev r. 111dk,§, occupied the
Fail n add r seed the chi e the rei U S 'Of the are.,
president, dvicharg-
V11% Ing L ihil
torou hly gari to the 1'� ties L in his usualIT tbLe and e L a d
tri -peri 6xac ea A. p: pleasin to 4* icea
A ( ibst Id from ail Ir 3.xl,. 10WIng Furn, ace, is Fa "oki Yt Is
Marde' The W�:st.-The f
drizi) until the age of'twf LLty- In.otice a &red In lie algary,
pe p e . one of t
ar 4 be ot Interest, many, if u ate, wi an
I he expre;, se d the ho hat would be pleased to'give you an Mai
ould all x dootal abstal ters- referring iis'llt does to the Marriage
their whol - I vLes. I - I 1 #6 haVe the agen ber of i bag 0 tf�
of Uri arno of Mr. est'l _ te as v Cy for a num
C t Webber, .* sort;
WlIlla;rr Hi- ;.Grade Fitt
6r, Of - thiso vate,' and s
Rua 711 �.ndp YOrci IA; f .02Ar �young men whl
ZU h,
aaa re *,itr the pros re st, a4 � a, re-
Exciteme higi - rhe Suit f d character, energyL and a- -fr a; ','quo)
ent inel f
t the nd bility: met wedding took place on Kel
P)r MA 3'. 1.05 X19 Wednesd -�Evening, Nov. Sth, at the
ake vI( I i Ity Soutli CA
h C, y Methodist oburth par-
ek, t Ia vict Su sh
rs fr A ine
sonage, -1 ell MISS Pearl Walte, was try f9imtrA
ecked In, the grea stor-a. bA,3
=arriel o,,]&�Gamet Webberiby the
Mp b 10 f lid,
Isul stdoM 1 Rev P Johnton. The vedding at *is 10
bet. n se t h
n Q1 Ich for breakfist
l ence. of or H iRosipl to fr dt, 'k
trac At Ob
the bridi lster, Mrs, J. H Hk.ks.1
irk o h
sear ng wvi carri
OR About 25 madiate-frIends, w
entd : a beautiful weddi tg prtso, I
b I Cair, GUrnk
1, d athe a� eqt$ t,��St f
V=4 able
mt f Aci U6 high es ir
t the rE i amm the Every n6 -a a- S for the
Ore- wh1c:h tbD bride And groorr- a
e held.
tj rt Tu nbull fitst Mr�
resid at ift, 2
the f nei Glenn arlY Thirtteth awnup, Wdst,� et:Emoienc .29 1-4c V
day, frorn 9, Stan ng bo 'u#- y
'Url� �S;- -1 dr, Richar& Blatobf4 rd bas 4,10t1*10. an I
a thi wa r a' rter o Ll - ii 'Purch'' (I the P4500age, knowi In the It is unneces$atry to you the qualities of these furn-- 'Om sh(Irf �i his fIGIM.1 1wt, ",be Kippen, circuit , . I 7 -- d eutin,
ad h -use in your
or' the and ;s tuated! e corn as
de rml�:id ou Olt th tbLey haire all pro by. actual, elghborh000,
g wi, 1 swell i t and, streots. W our All
n If and lei age, to"bd tA best that t�oney and skill can prodce. upying t tie
99 help t, we havea and Inter borfly'mc
vlce,� 2 C their us' M
at, ;one of J,ur plo-
and efidar ng-thweir he Ith
us �ss It% 27 to 2k
rnle, e employ onl� th' best workmen with long years 4
rcen carrying 0 ar' e
K& to twho d and prater
w4h, ge rit and teneral bla:ksmith-1
r�� (to look a V.&FULtence and the -q f :* ;f -*0 JD"
the, dead., 1101ir . I , ore guarantft enure sai action a0 Uld
Ing fo ny, YOar-01� but has r sided In har In ad I I t16A mum A' place duirins' paf ': Teart with any the abo natned furnaces you; vn I alw4s ha*
,coroner. A] �d te t�alliff, are udiInp- I r quite i long
hirntull An[ ons, Rob t. (1, 1 a weu he d house,
'Were, coming
wry, and S.Muei lor, 11: 1 term,, an it now, as it
16 &4; to I
home,, an I we welcome 11m, -a Lin to
bu, aCe
rh -T 11, gri, an4 I our up, t date villag We instaIll a number of fuin _8 tLhe- preset*
a and ar T!
gra UV
Cant nr late him setting a fina and' - com- time, and we do h to have this wbirl delayed untJ
.-T! 6 Women' 4stifuh hold fort t VVIS
able vellinc."We �,l W 11 regret ;o . re.
-eath g thW --month the Oold :v Pea-ther 2, we would advise that. y0i Uns; 12a in V
.�t the � I the port t -ur Old 1thRe and erl V A g 1 * -
-ee. 1&n enj4y able r U -P
eA, George, Me
eltlz Ewen, � 91p an youlf ordet early. d �Veni*g Wai s&nt and the Hot Water
has beerr lutte fdr ifiJ pas.1; per dozen -
ley at is ft, to, VZO et d
,A', h lends were poeft.tr-lft, Week or,;ionfined , o his in the Stea He,- ing, 'and t ng_th done -a fir-st-clats
t in
Stede Inteads to rtove to!'Ex-
Corrmercla, but hopq oon r6- Sh 0
ya, im here be has 14rchased
he roola
IL kain bis! 4 ecustome4 h e a MIt lay 'd act -
Mr. Milton A, Buc4annan, IvIty.-
an MI S J. Sut iland is ij pending Th- Ato,
I 1son-'al! Dr. jBucha4an, Nudwire fto
feW; da ri 4, this we
wltl� rel#tives In:
Y, of this t wail mard I
N 6verr ti On Lon& - Mr. nd jarreal Clark
me :ln
h, t were In yndon t week.- -V e are
gent; for Guf4ey Stoves, Happy Thou' tj Monar4i eail
agoo-4Mr. d Mrs-'Gecr. Doug- plqaseo to see Mr, omas Par er,sr.,
,e ca led a Hamilt last v6ek dora', and any othew highl de st
.ft u� greets Penillsuilai Pan -it
'o, th % Illne s of- th Ir daug I iter 891%1% af ter X very ove
critical 11 n es I 8, ook ng wonder, y Im- -may wint. -or Ir
f kh S
attending- ormal "hoolth -Pr6ved.-C ulto a nt irber of 4D yOUA9
ren#i I Colo. :,; of idiana, Q. peolib 'at, ended the fo Buffalo, VOV* I
wi su at
W week Vial th, g old f rile lopen!
's I churc I., onday
.harlY forty yi ars ace be t efirenling.- I He ED E -d,- Mr otutl
1he! girls;; of the vSEAFdRTH
1, stag; S. -M . Nba. y h"
-Hom0* 1 Circle Are repeati their
his f ther'.s arm the -diawa n Prime inative, -R t
He Joao titled "Jem" Wil.
loid, *f� Jw y
cNas - the ock kWsi Tnf 11 nC1 e WL I Monday 1 vening
beat YrUpplog
W4 -b e, srs. iter, Noverr!b6r 4th, iri JA,e church. tnd on
u an I H. Y gblut, e wh
Ich cc
41160 the Sevi Dr.�J
I fr thel iunti! i1o, trip
Ol a t
le de er In Society 0 "is i Ia natred,!,*111 be p sent, Accompanied
batcber, st
,es of bis
Ing 'few c,, and Will by his wi nd wIll ded Ir d-
1buil g lo 1 il
0 up dress an: I l -receptl( n"d. bute ftl, VOW,
istree t to
bet el n th)l hous of
ered 'theft rs. C Hld Ss M. iMd i tatti
Ita-Ser and hiel,�
belfe $6.175
don. on eie nday, helr6ra to
doc e
-Mroil- T. k 14 ft here - d, -K the
$5.10- to I
t, Past 1 reel fo a L trip to Calga
Y. to -
visit her Itughter,'Mrs.,-H Now i s the An no to h. our hoto taken to $4
Olt rth, of r Chri0m*s presents, Di4 -Th
the farm 'i catinot cOn'Naln that (Ity. - Municipal natter, re be- you. ever c:osider coJof presents ? just dall Atour. studio ano 'IV
her, : ks we are ginin t r eogage- 'the attent n f g A the ce on a 21 ert'pikotost ihen-compare t to
X a tv; t
lots f r.... %nd mo# oft"' 1014 he " with a doze' Ir
4sed 'hat -the cold f 'am our ri tepyeia and speculation are
ather is rife as to q ber at ticles and 1you will �ease to wo" about Wb
khe�ncorring council at to
he ten rry
off, as ther 4 113 Ill - a 411, n- L a
CeAt t f or! the Carmel 40hur ell Or' b ty.
3 amount of vlou, Ing. CD, 'gan, IF hs 46
11, F n a*ri nutnef Q and c, i adder.
rchar to.,- are ompll Ing, h f t atl� there is no gift'LM
able f d§ are being ral4ed In thlt3 You k irc a experie md, h ore appreciated. - Our
r the weat e Is t rrild. or UR 4446). Cal
way -A, 1� John, Caldwell ea a on n stylesof -have 4rri
oods ..to rr Dve, If ey Monda ved #wd i we . are al
the chane be PaUlL Mr an, ex ended visit to St.'.
Will It ingorders. Plta'e coilae early then you Viol. beure to zetthem
r rt% WIr. Di of
id of ithOAMni other E 'b re. PlristmaS. union Pt
South Bo air
Japh.1 are i ding a
e facing the b si. few we
e latives and f Am& In t
ye Ut 15, the J el- Hen
alL a. id vicInIty.-MISS Ful, �on of
001 ting wountE J bad it�
Why I 'is Usborne h i1qAting her brbther,, MrR,
har I to .,,Vulto%-A)splend1d cconcert Ill be
fa i md g �od
. t; do, Sea -forth
611! , I i
01M given- I n t 2e opera hall
-on. FrI4 Y ev. lir P,
ca tle Ard ogs I 4ve iyr)�11 t
Orking, Nor., 48tb,.�Under the A efA
ligun, and new th�,ir t
:ry of tke Heisall Cltlzan
a 'Band, w n: the
eryl I W4, x It'seem � as tho Strollet Quaftette will be pre . . . . . t Ito ih
Nomi thing. wrong 6n t ey.
entertain'., hey, come very bightir le- AML r s. c- c
tedounts ?'- ommende( i Mr. and Mrs. Fredsoutn., ILUd
tfaln Ly, 0 have en, r 91- Cott 0 f a, Montes, Californii
some Ime, e' beev vlslti mas
t 0 toil, i vhere 11r.. M c, LA � igra., Southcoitl,% Vrothers,
the Meqsrw Etinnie. vate -Gree
Th Is
)od B uatio i -e -Mr. r. Heff --Mrs.. Thos., )Far- Uing Cards
On quhar vais, I v Poderich du
ring t
Mond Rly. for i visit wit 1; 1 ,week z. rid �g, � accompanle a past 1 ho d hmelby her ,e
.nds.r -Mra. K ng
mother Ujf$ Kilty, and her alst A A lit to frends In Niag rg, Brighami tict of whom had -be'e licit pos ibl for us td, seno sarnples of cards, -but for the informa-
id other pja.lcas fo -the I LA Ing Ia the i tion and co nionce of a'n' aounty town, -Mr. Jxny enquiring customers who cannot rall atf4
,eturned home Mon� y,, I he
Sarnia during the! past, make their s 1 -.ctio'n fto ri'ane of our sample books, the following
Wa,ts)n shlippiid a of C �t- week'a'nd 6 there� met one ou' are submitte prices V
f r
"oromo, on turaa y and ld
time r Mir George 1i Dech,
090 c a Wed ri day. -
e 1:1, th whoy WAA t4e first L railway, agent at
N D.' of r 50 i0o
Ahli ped a c of I ast al 25
yal Henall, 4, a SIDO� posi-
We d now held'
L a ur ' the arme, tIOU Qu'thf 011WAYT atUrnia.-k. r. and P -Ace.. f I 81ril
Goderich, hp- p e $1 sa $220 $2 75 63 $5 W $ 9,50
Mral n :F
pleis his ydar,k qameron, a d childre i of P?!ce, b tter grad 1175 250 3-10 435 60() 11 50
and hippe a qeorgliatow. 11 re here Islot weelg 3pond- bere this T.Wl e Pace, b 3t ter grad.,. 2 00' 280 3 60 5 10 1350 wee k�-* I J
JAW A: f ow yi with, f4r. andi MrA aho,5A PA'ce, bette grade, 226. 340 420 560 7 ar
allett, who b4i dis,ine(ko 'is Caraeron,,"� Phmerowo parents. Jhn Price, better grade. 140
2 IV
Illon, shppe4 lh J31a re, to I a v- IA ont Of a ;Hensalt boy.V who" ha 375, 430 5 7Zi 7 50 1-450 bel
lt-', tj lb�
7, weex- cyh I Thle: -� c- prospered t! ddeliced y t*fact Write lVe- 191nly your nan* and address wan' 45
d it SI)an, w i( is that he, h held tho res I
pcms e po r -y p, ted on cards, enclose
lu. of tle� %coan price ai
ch y altionL Of tche
Olt 'Ao above, and you Tvill receive in about ten d4s, frde, by raif.. L. exh it at t) a Fri ilt Show n t �for rge.!
Y11rears, gnd hae, 0 cus- ards lbat fox elegance ilot design.9 neatness in printi 'ed
ek,. lei �'t foi Ithere i n t �J ng, cannot he suro
rk to *ttend
orn 4 to am 31 ad- passed. AdO, ss your er to OM&
MOM iR,&-h 113 Peal Tama 1, 4 1 ation �s !,has several X. 'Con.
durl 8t4son,- been engaget , as killin.er at tracts 1 o r, bok,-afte Ao that he 19-ttl* V tot ne Of th I b4slest raen in, Morgg- b4
r thp holiday town t iiicpositlo t, 19004- fro
)n*e,l I
wekfo n W1
Ia 8field, i wilo has lef action W I[.,. Mr. cam to
Paren t , Mr. a, �i 4 Dr.? Arttfurl eron mport. BOOKSBILER
Allletee� also, -a M t gall.
PPbt 131 her h. )i r te boy, as ha,111 a large'J�ractl6q In
_MT_J King'. �Wf
week George
towill I getting on welif . . . . . . . . . . . .
4J, -
7 1 1
I' Pa� MW I
-0. W -1q----11
il", NO o WIN
b 0
�,v SEW
X T T re.-
At"- Ifts4J
o 49 y1i
- IMM,
0I Its .I,,
?I eat Di i hen
ctnelvr,14 Ou to W--Pfeatqd 'by. the t4.�
Ulooded 4isrnta mudill 44bt the
caremqaWw awd cold n, as
in, whit
- CMi-AgAut* -that �. taxation *I Und
4 6- 7 8 �il.: of : an Old, `-Off1clent and faithful: -Canada - t. 'Q ry=d �� a 5 hMe
k rOn
It 12 13 14 to ag*#�'st, W] em a '-the,- Goyproixie,
- ne-ver been registered. X4104tarb, of On --
20 21 22� 7 .1�1 W ter all that I �f t0 hods whit NJI �t
ant � to say onde �pxvsor
2-6 has--' o -0 aM
24 27 18 29 jectlon3 to the - trunicipal CA Olt be ke'vie,
Expositor -
S -son ad IF,
4, 4 Mr. William '' por ailyj Hat lg,A repq-i
table leman In the.- fullest
ett_ blljlq:�If a
of the terrr, he has c
If =T*S 'L . . ' L -, have:.
good lbuglne4a- Zran And we'. �. , 1. 'Do, imite — ur,� s; 0 Wr pf a up in
Tao WIJIL 1fake �a- careful, e - L ho undortaidiii'' ��
Ulu ft -are between the pxrenth&is doubt MAL. hl ef, 11
and - V6,%treaster L P I ilk, Sessiort6japi a 30 plen 61 1 111
age -0 e W fox y to fittest I hav Ing t: t
aft Wtk ad. denoteU the P f th Ili Ased an
--Conservattves�. within .toA#&@ t Ca 6 1211%otly ob. 1;
there are maxy. or ell pr,
Olt which the advirt ent is
paper tho� Jurlw-Ketletri Of the Office who are tided to, phone r a8i nos 10 u itil ii i pqrniament
I -� 2,096
0 Y111- t
at least �equally "competent, a,04, 40-
WfAter Clothhq--Stewart llrm-R serving and we think " the'L Spleetlon 0 a,, spa
-Q*oda--Th=p3otCe book Stor*-�R -y qi orge r Is 0
Imither should bav% -been- made from these and da, wlth,� ite rot Q1 he L I
*440ow Aik"i x PA
btcCully, te (4nn k �i h, Yma vi , Frida y
HaUstra-M. Umdertok-�-S that It w"� raither c6n,plimentary 'nor -0 tim 0 n *0,
Just Ider. But 19
'Tht Rub--ftr60 & Fi�higstss--4 fa th in, t6 select �an outs' After e v1t L h her'
sAd before, �'If � the Ideal a- lis In: Stratf r, Ov Ing to e seve-e a
Pbmkeu-u� -Rrodftick-a - tJt'" - nds jo ; tie jus,
x1lits-4 =tiyes are saflafted W storm on SU �i ,
Footw" lth.;� the trca 16 1;
9--, vc v is "r,
T -W. 0. - antil, , -;; * qe pos �- a
accorded to them th6 Liberals' OleAia ig
tUrdx-Alex WiTsow-4 t4
Per" rrieu Mytra-8. have no oause for complaint� �Oed -Until 'N4N er � 03rd,!, I Thei e
Ia ti to %fte
II a rect A mr Ice
Lo* I erg -W. T. flax be,
a �J 70 evP,
Raett, Tax x6tim-W. Itoon-5 -r a -i and 1,141e
East MiddPsex 06w at 1h If
ifeetin 41 County coulnell-5 )�r at . Iseven, w n I evo Mi..'. Sold, of
Hurt T.Mre I-% a'sorrewhat Interesting,bye-
Relill6p %tx"-A Dickiwoo-5 t:
Nstray Heifer,& arotdtoo" Middle , n roi . N ril , Alk i �harge of tl , a b
electiori In progress 4n East 051'rvice.- r ii da: pbell, aii I dzug) t-
Sh - Now—Grelsolothitigoo.—I ton is 'to fill the vacancy tqr, eitivide, riftined . . . . .
speor. This, elect ti el
I P ver In af t4r spa 't r tWo
in t1ke tLegislatize Caused: by thedsath �turday e 11 re
rpnths in: tht � 1 rest,- -air. �A 3 Ira:,-.
of Mr,, Neely the sitting member. Tho� a Mon, .0 Mr.. Jose, �h 10 arri, r -
V � I - . I Mr, f I. it ar
Conseivative. candidate Is 11r, Jdhn- horre. froir ran,
o IV",
&IeFarlane 'and' the LIbItial candldatl&� a b eir u id6r t 14 [Qoto'l
Weekj He. ha
-We hope !1 ho
Mr. John W Laldlaw-�- They are both Vire for 1%qme 11trie out tL4er ,J',
�the chan'ta ht're wil -prwe 4 a�e Uclaj p
10L men, that Mr, Th,
said -to be -,good aud'aeceptab C 3)
are, isorry t-* le
SILVORTO, FPJDY, November 21. 1913 with,' considerable municipal e %Per1bn-:-e, r"', is quite lo I or , ly �t 6 le -t
W being a Zi
Mr Zaidlaw no the, reeve udo;
Westminster townsblp.� Mr. 0�aldlaw, !!T rr
The Lakes Disaster !1 h
howev%r, enjo" the distinction of hav- kalt bw e Kom
13w fleree -atom v-h1ch raged on the tae Farnittiv. -C
Ing firstibeen notrInated as thatandl tisat L
b in4s; and is Sell �nj, at prides As a hard io C !pa
1�#par Ukasand.o3peciallY on Lake datA of the local��raneh of the Dorrin-
t �,Oec
Ifuroa on Sunday, -the nWth inst.,, ion- Wllotnce.� He was afterwards norr- -o.- Tte'ralld ve�Lthor Is va'y
=precedent" In Itu severity: and fift Inated by the Liberal party,� The Llb- -1come., It, I j� a I ',a Is J,� th E fe id a;, A
calamitous loss of 11fi and property. soortoRS'-: the -F0e Oka 11 �b D h,
eral plank, - "Abe I be
.4sth the'Bai!L . wilt Istmas AM. ta d ciyr
i5toM.-WaS Most 'Severe CA' L$ke, file real_ is C lstmas r .16, -'.Pxetty � vrOddiag C ollp
QSUe IZV the contesto The Con
n,,Urqu and 'A the Ise e, o a Mo ii. e
riolis disasterg oc 14AM
.-aervative pledges, bhrself as,a support- solem rian,
curred Im her waters, There wer,4!( la'all, Novem1b Ito hi ev. R. A;
of -the Whitney Government and
-W U
pight vessels wrecked, three Canadian whatever temperance policy, they. 'fav- Lundyj c W. k -ell
and five uVrerican., All these vesste.AA to"MIS4. 1 rrb k, 'of KO; I -
or.; Mr Laidlaw, f6is t7M ot'her L 1"Alld., fdDuf0%.T eilyteran. L &nurdft...
were heavllythAen And with their - car- . I
w hiler declaring. h1trAtf favorable to the 41, hold- theft, V1,rs4ry OIL Decerr- 'very
Igo" Ifow rest in the ]bottom of Lak� L.1ber , Al policy, pledges bimself 'to 9up- 2-1stand 2',n( ,-I �be Ch S ti an E: I- of, It
th& wrecks. occurred and port advanced te PeranCe legislatl6n. avor - Soblet r ol Wiltor i ave a f
Hurov, How. if,
11cer. no matter from what party It efiian- pleasant at -!Ac- -ftl to, tb� En vor 1$04
the istruggles, put forth by of i
ateaw He Is also a lite -11i tew perance i it., isday 'r Ing, It
clety'. of Blyt
and crew to save themselves will, nev- tran, botin In practice. and prebept., w �%.,Mclr our (). t y
ior-be kzxdwn, #z none survive to: tell. P4 A. ,agent, � &: , Lo a Ir
The, tempermce eJeciors of East MI olRo
0* talej Fortunately &4 tha-,wrecked d1eftXL bave now an _ opportunity to Amilar 'Positio V in toll,� Wish
v0ssels; -�rere freight earrlers�� and 6on-"� show their. color#- and -prove. thgIr %in- W-. aucces%�-! 11 er am d dad�,
490quently the loss of dfe has- 'beeif cerity which they may - never have - a- t4r Grade,, -.1hai d hom D � Ex ns t.
would have �epn ga&., They can take' the temperance 1i h- tt a on tfte 91
IV ' egto�-Kr.
�p tluml otherwige Willi L E Wit1f.-W.11 h nattiXA,-Mi st
the resulti It-�Is; now P_tated that .1904question out of politics.,If th6Y , Ial
p4rAorta aro-known - to have been IThe result of the L East, Middlesex ei- the I CDk L�il I I teWher
eadbury j t, 0 y . In Walt
dkbwn(*4L Of -th - se 61 have - floste ection, will -not Affect in any degree
A a
Ishore and the -bodies have been' rega. the tenure of tbq Whitney Government, friends. M 1cBJ L - J0h
sibas sish dr
COO# and of this number 3,9 havebeen But Itmay -yerA.materially Influence d u ond, hun
$Wtffled and 19 still remain un-� their conductJ 'If the Governrrent. Se L a Of sugai I Bet W41ton st *r
Me hitifle(L Kwt, it mot all, o# the bodlek; that the. temperance electoes , are In *--The ri Ln I oil- dellve.-S. ff-
yve�re I -op' the Can"Min shore be- earnest and 'Int6nd to place th c -m.- oving a gr a n verience to the I
'OUR eir t
tweert. - - Ktacardine - aud Kettle -Point, perance principles before'p4rty, ten r 'al L popilla opr of ;hel cot Ln,:r Y..
-and ft%ft suppoiqBd all the wrepkar oc. chances to one theL Governtrent, will -we istill need f Le 4 'p�-Ej ec tr lei,
X Le rdr
cutted -betwem theso Toints, And on caoltulate and accept the Ba.pish the
Subday n*htbetw6ea ten:and tv� N 0e
o - e--� Bar pollcyj In! ans f9irm or Another, and
clock, as was evidenced by the time- It they 'dd Mr., Rowell and his Liberal
founde-The, following In tha Leglatature 'are pled- A November I Fectilis The, r(siden ce t
�V*M some Of the boalog
wki�6ked vese6ls were.. antonc 'tbo Vat, S16d -to support fnem'and Mri� Laidluw M 'IT
o�- bli. and rs : Jacob rown, Gos m
an i*'vlakee� and were. of 0an%1EUan, will be On 'hand to help them redeem '4ne, May, -wa.. 1e sceno of a pret, y
ArOrkan- and British manufacture*, All taelr pledge4 In this Way� the terrp"er- v(eddlm. when. their daughter,
of-JUrm hair,Arn*A warning that a ance peoplt wilt get what they"d-3-sh* Lovina, was icarried to:' M6 t
atoOw was Approaching, as the� storm by ' unanimouis. ' vote. and withou r "ai
t Beokpr. -of Wb ot, Nrai�erlo,
v4plals, were imted in every port on further Political struggled It will thus Sib., Thete
OR November. rei no n, y 9
FrldaytBut,Ae 'to. resPOns-1111hry conducted b, t e 001
W -those, the. vessels iie i6een. -that .& terribli J . y I Tw;�,G Bro-M n,
wege put out to.'sea, *fth the disait- rests upon. the temp-erance Cons--.,rva, uncle, of tbot.%r e, he -wed ig wrar. I h eso
roxp4 rq�zults ),zecorde4j tives In Haii Middlesex in 'this -el e' Lu6 ra Yi
ec- arch,:being pf y by[ M1 r
tlon� We� bope the -r, will measure Up to rown:J--T*(br1 e- a pa ided And.
It �01
;h w. - &ie C t
The Seatorth Postmasters y
an becorringlyhoo i led in b,ocad
T* ffeaft,-th gxpoaitor� last wee)c at- An we . 1I Kandl� The Tariff heos im4tin,
teopted to create. a lot of fues, over' im I e it with irlace s
embr A �r d I -pearls. Ili r ta
"ohn A., WMams th k 11
appointment of The Huron Expositor Is about .- as Vell *61 lov re s W 31
of *2uTdih to the postmasterabip of !explicit as one Idght expect frorki a i4utfiullLy Ange I In, a cap etfei
hat Is a blind follower of tr WI
Walorthi succeeding Samuel Dickson, Enewspaper t wreathed (Or h bloss= 3 ail d
Who has buezi-Abe,postma-ster for,, forty- the: blindi Asked w ether th Llber I w r at 3. ..w
Q.� The ExposItor -ca;lli th6 policy Is Sk h a bite ca a t I 'Ir
tnin4 year "e, ose andmall-
gle- Tax, T e af 11 ir
�i Elpo Ltor a ferni u rin he,aini t it(ilato: -Y
proceedirtV hard tnames and It clalmi repliev Ciat Air Jawes Whitney, Is 4 offerings Mis, E ' Link 6 Cre i�-* ood*
that, Mr., Makson bas been a faitliful fos�sll and ,that he refu sea - t' E )9
t L 0 porlrlt Itog beautiful y, isam "I; Pro n'si � ^yo�. 1 r "e W1
and- �,nbhglng official and a, Conser., -the peop16 o, covern themselveso Of grs, C. Swickr of �dftoz� I i;., Ing.1t a it
VatIO. Mr. - Dickwr. i * ray,be all that courise the peopler of their ovm volt� 0coirpanimen , Din er �v v" I I x:k I en f I
TbW Expositor clahni for him, mlat we tion elected Sir James Whitney, not �y,,about fone�.' undir d and f I y gue S, a Oro
are . given'to. understand that although onbo( but several thres. So that Itm"y d � the tveniz ig le4ght iy Spert It
lxomfiiallY postmaster,,be has taken no fairly be said that Sir James has b f
een, m usic, . svment d sooci rc nveri .
actim part li� the work for years,' and chosaA a lawrraker for the people quite presents A �re 'nu I t1lerou i usef I
Oat his son-In-Alaw Ia In charge. -and as much as have the members of the d cootly' ail In m0asuie te3tfthd 0 C]
1hat.he is a very partiz". Liberal, municipal councils, whom The 'Expos -
the affecti 'a es. eem n whi(h 1140' v
wbo, takea an active p -art iu 'election Itor oro=eWaat suddenly thinks sho-ald
bride. is e Id h r I lu marol 4 0 011
cArt.paigna.t That 'Expositor also claims 'rrake -tile -agee-Awnent lawai There ii tie c i' V4.11 zie- - 0
ndsi Mr. 41 M s! k( N1 h
that t1VQ appointment Of Mr., William, 8 ithis tobe said In favor of bavingthe In Duuiftide W c rl 'cc lu I a d' Mr.,
of jurldh is a. direct. Insult to the ac-aaiWant laws made b. entral gov- ve'lgood, tw es f many riew . a ria
y a c
Conservatives of Sesdorth,� But let Us ornirent, Instead of In every council, tbolr .1 ut e a ppipless ues'
remind 'The.Expositor that it is on- charrber In city, town and- country, re present rym Cr'editc z� uric OV I
Ir a few Years 'ago since 3fri Mae., that the! former will give , stability, wood, Sh pla$ ew,,Durdee AID
,donald of Winsham was appointed to -Moreover, the Government can com- ay, ICi t
a Vaterl oo and rlln.
the *postwasterahip of London by a, rrand expert consider tion of the ques- d
Libeial, Government, That was. going UOTia of itaxation, and in this way have
eut of the� riding too.. which _ is! not the Abe benefit of t4e experience of wen r t
ca.se,- In regard to the, Seaforth posi- who have, atudled the problems that are Notes. -The bN;e c f ta�atton for tt e. t, rd
tion. Yet we heard -no kick frorr, The Involved., The Expositor might as well 0
irrent. year %ii . be6l n f tie d a t 7 rr I I � s
Iar �i
Exp6qltol- wlicn Maedokald , went to saggest that the tariff of -Canada. 4 K a itho dol b�luunt ri�e, 1 3-4 n.hU -, t!
Londoni The Conservative party should be� fralred,-. byl the city 'and -hool ra;to, 7 Ills, ro a 7-4,
nt U rate, 8
throughout, thia riding 6hould be well township councilsi I ills-, ;and v raLt 1.4 1 olils.- -
Isatisfied with the appointment of Mr. The'above Is frorr the London Free
%omas 3ell h 0oid his hanc -
'Williams, No, i�an In the rldin.- Ir. pressWe are brick 1e ftb n c I I in, 4
Inclined to think the- Free thii I Wn tD
trore deservinti I fr. H. Rowe. 1-6 . resideince equi -
as , It
Press- Is not quite so dense Not
The above Is ftom, the Exeter Ad- I d with, all rn I nprovei n L&
pretends to. bei We�'wlght have an- I four lot ff
4.4 ach k � to lb Rovy e n
vocate, the leadfr4 Conservative paper ,?.tw
mWered Une )Free PresV query zrorp. a s�cured'c �Of * tb�, Ir. Ds IV
Im South Huron4 Thv,'-9xposItoi has no I I hand -
hat - Ahe 9
lexpliettly, did we not know t. and mon tall( ipsldm eg I a] e P
Intention or desire to continua' Mr. - Rums 0 ta L� s. �"f ri ml
a Con- Information It profesm to - Beek Is now 1 Ing t k4 ej
trOlre,M-Y' OU AIS, UUSaVOry subject, But I gi t a PIC
and 'ims. long been within Its reach. q:j MaryA w1wr he has ',bot
0 land : 11he i
M Advocate haa evidently -been so wblch.�,. Intends,sib-Midin
The LWral policy, so far as we un- to town-- lots or a He w �i [' hav e'ver,
W.1sinformed, and Its statements. are so .4 1
derstand It, and 'so far as� Itbao auction isal A kfects:tal gal ligavy
.wide of the truth th4 we deei-r it 4,day-j--Xr. Al
been explained'a lau-ndred times by .1 1-1! . is.� Carlin,
but slirple Justice. to Ali; parties tot cor- 4 t0afled the Cl df ft A r nlecl PCQr .1,
the leader of the'Llberal party, Jis � Iss, Louise., V r ty, ficult,
VXt Its mls-statewon1ts, It is not Tor te, lai
not SlUls Uz�, It Ia., 04np�y. Local vieeke-Ressrs. oz.- elf an 11 Bat PESA
true, as fhe Advocate say's, that Mr. Option In Taxation, The . Expositor does were on, A I t3rip, Gre, cult�
DickSon- was only noirinahy postm%sterf not 0 nu wnsh p ti 194t Davi Ia It
think the member of - the i nl- 1 last: 1
.a d that ha has � taken na active part ilson,,, D4 D., 14hop or' H WIL er, 31, 11h
. : CiPal councils should make. the assess- ducC a conl' at. plass I
work Of the offica fGrc years.. On plass Triv, th Du I
mOnt laws, although it 'doe -s, think Memorial eb h b t 11 mor*,. a hit]
the contrary, from the day of his that frany, of them are asleapable, of and', at Hi -1 1 e a�f mooli. is al�p�
appolhtment until Ae day of hlsi dl-- in M61991e, cin: dau � er o th,,r
doing mo as Sir James Whitney is.'It
Irlssal he has had active gupervision, of Aaron,,:Cud 1.0 yg3,t a] city., 01
. 1� does t7aink, however, that these officials,. ltdba I ria Calgary 6ft -QI -1 6
tbe, work 'of the office, 1.�AvO been -rare- 117�
I I otter knowledge of how - thm t fAth Inot., Rev M&I DQwell. de Its -
ly -a day absent, f ror.r W� 'o hfiv� b 0'.
f"IC6 except laws 9hould bq adminl3tered than' Sir A uud�nvr)� U fc n 116i Ex at tr ladyl. iniiiiii
When he. 0celved leave of a * en ca f ro m James basand that they are. i -a a -bet- - as -Chin 1jr., , ifilorly 0 . BXI Iha4 a
the Departwent and that As -very ter position. � �than; be is . -to, know . the r, hO be Bn,, i ippon ted i . I'll t a
i � I porting
peldom, and In, addition' to that he hal inothed of administration. best adapted e I 1 9 Tole fa 011
.LVX their. 0" municipalitlesi 18ir James 9 -am,-Mr, H. mb h been tran be n1w
$Dr 'years, ,even until Ills dlslmisPal, at- 'Whitney. and ithe Free Press isay they rid to *,die ! ron �o, F 1k.:
eft! oE the
k -of Cow. ',,a A md �Srrq -01. W = th
tended tof the early morning and late are not, and that is where we differ.
zlght.mails4 There, are. few men In Th8 Free Press Ia simply talking an[ NO On it tb3 hoase, i racated Messr-
him f
finy department of life who attended nonsense when it ispeaks of t1je.assess- b � anA w ''m61c hto, t mon.- tie to
rrore regularly or faithfully. to their =ent laws being made In every� council 11rai D. A, Roa W 0 a i bee n, a ir uc h loa d! o
burAness than-Mxj Dickson has attend- charrber In citi, town.and ' -country, e4teimed �e'pldd t,of X ktor ftr a plai I
Od, to the duties of the Seaforth post No. person, 'advocates this., -All that Idn-9 time, has 'ne . . . . .
is t :her gota, Dr. 1,617 tl
offIce4 Had he not been attending to asked Js tho,,t -the councils b6 given TO-., P., Aoss� t Iq
t Is Uf* im plampa,
lhfa dutles. and, had he only been no. -n- -power to work out In their own way.- Who, where.., i eqld 81
ly, pcetmaster, It is taot at Jr y h d who regnei C,
ai� laws formulated by the central body; a
probable -he would have held the post' that th�ey, be given power to levy, the V� uch hat s a Is Ia vini , "I oWn,- leyl
tion- for fifteen years under a Lib. ,t , ax on, different -kinds of property -as W1 Cam of hOrSe kn g t -mr, ll�*`tiii 1:
9 b iS
0ral Government., It waS, only because they may deem will b6 in...the 'best F40 Coategs lof rhE b cize: fright. rence,
of hI% efficiency and his popularity interests of their respective municipal- P#ed at the =1 11, he. cthh' r day and COMP&I
as., an official that he, was al4owed to and that the people be - glyen totok -a Ilvely XUIL, dav7i,- but, one� of
, reet.,
Continue., Nor tean -his dismissal be due the opportunity. of saying whether -or do,very little dalri r-9. i J611ul of Hul
In a3iy,'i*n8e to the conduct of hIA not they dealre their municipal kepre- M,,LaugAlfta, I,% In St.,. JIMpWs hpapitalo �.t
1)eputy, as InsJutlated by the Ad.10- aentatives to enjoy; these powerso It Lyndon, where'15hal re ently undnwea
Cate, as tho sa:rre Deputy hag been en- is equally. nonsenilcal �t-o compare the� 62, L 01*rat A"191411n, sp a it th
by bir Ira, ith
A -Dominion with COUP �Of
g"ed J willia -the new Post- tariff taxation, ot th P1 - IS I rith her,t th FAtr
But even the Deputy has re- MURICIPS1 . taorAtfon.4 ThA tariff -applies cl a ce t' I
oraster., VidrIty,: I agh- tur tic
fralned from taking Any part In pol- generally over the -Domialon. and can of Mri and X V. "rity, �-� Irs,
.1tical *aff&1rR for the past two� years, only. be regulated by the centraL auth- go rmerly, of, Hx�e td ,w ail.11-614ill, bee i. v.1
although he ha,9 boon actively. useful orityq Local .,taxatloix is -for t benefit r*to on, -Ve" 1 .1
he �s 4y. 1 St w %Ak Mr f 14
In ot2wr Ispher", which should count to, of tbP� ispeelfic munielpa,11ty. and ihould WA William W. .1 w1i 0i ax bar rAti)r f 1,1bDI
; 71i
MB 21
0 �e
jj�:� LAW k, Lr�w idAys. of �e tr
lor& hb.' attony W 66
600i *10 ha 1
bi A
#Pon it -4W,,dXY4 here *1tJ i bla, *-te!r arr and
try Mite elL 1*
an dw- r4t at his ua, 10716 are ar d to fill your every wan ia thi� line
flaa&Win r
to Atte to-' 0� ita,'-at'Wo c ivable, sty.le a d mak
saing, sislieroi terl r. Jqhn Fa w%w161W very Con el a is here. lu at F06�t 'yottir E. DO St- es N
-_-cof espcod i,�L..) for 31 9 e Felt Sho Felt Linod Shoes3 Heavy Vow at 006A P ihis week.--lyallwals Tler- --
Rulibers and o6ks 0 �shoe Moccasins, Leggings 2�rkd Overgaters-4- -a sick list th I Me 1
of 'Al aeyvri t IS �e �k 'al'& to df lbeo e
- un
therl. krj,- a' Ber Y- S;t 'lit a comple, sto zbl �hoes for eVer metubef of the familp
bing. to tt rid . blgbnh(*l iton
ay�Mrj ouabe0y of Lon leaboro, In Men's Fall and- Wint I Fociturear we have Felt hoo for 1.50,
Ight L t 1 Ilea, t; )Utj� is* d
pald 4%, %e Ip. lyth t s weekr and 2. So padr, Fel ine I Soes -for z. So and :z.�75 a pair Hi
tift)6 t year ind low;
-is �i 3n ; t$
an e
aL ed.Sh FoLrS 50 o d 4-50 a pair Heavy R#bbers with ojai
;ere 0 ail the fruit show in To -
the other in-, 019M E�En 0
ront�D hi, wee :or tv o bluum les r 4, le,�her tops, for 2. 06 tO 4. So a pair -
0 witlt-
460' 1% hrougl tile . .11 1. oLegg, ag S for , . , - r - 'tO 3.2S a
tnO 21 oo a pair Overshoes for 1. ;o
ole .1 his fall and '6 will ) ke- -
c 7rlm jill- palf; -ood Rubbers for9,5c to r 20 a pair. Ln Ladies'! Fall nd %VintOr
Foot% t 1 4
.irned boine ft 3 �Dn PA rear have, Fe i SQ or 1. 2-5,1 1,. 5o a6d oo a pair
olmn war 11 1 Vei Ind bted o T. J. Bel ry, Ueu- FlJ7 r,, wl �ore A 6, bad, -1) aen A I t Ing are r"( U sti id' to e4il a once an Attle. ittid Shoes brg. o aw air; Overshoes
ifor 1 1,25
p tO 2. 00 gave #-Np whe have noD wt po i A thd 62
a, f or a few --weeks A- - me d a � a � t b "tt eTR'loc' se KibgThonsisfor fisis so&- pair 10ve Liters andl-Iggiags for 6oc to ico a p r Good Rub
Pok -ol! 'WIld keeia on the 12th so 179, ai
a �,Vt o sol at oo^,e and s�ve f Liolser t: - oriM, - wr*�-
,Q;ft I and tbc. V seem to,ballaitA T. J rilt _for 7 5C, 80C a 8 1c r. Boys' Fall and Winter Footwear w, as
�4-lf Solna or the -11 rtg v uld have Aood S hool Shoe., r: Velf Lined
6. a q.)1100rn,!--The 'xrustee of the �dw il- 50tO 2.50 a pal Shoes for
its T
the lMql LE
.aft r. the: ir sonie r
t a y might ave, Hen 11 e ;b have 1.7 4 nd 2.oc a pair - C�um Rubbers for r and 1.7r-
2 1 1.50 ......
roast Thore- are i out tv; aty orm de t eueraitsmot6helt
ex bs, 46 eir M nild re- pair ; Moccasins for 1. 2 5� ad iSchool Rubhers
.0.01 n! sh a r11111rn Tor 1,56 and 1. 75 a pair ; G
a eat I rc u t �48 Ls= to shm their rablis,
tr p for 7 ic, - �5c a d iair." In Girls' Fall and Wi�ter Footwear we
on 0 11 rNition to thl. S; 1,!Treaii 95c
c6u Mr. un ,as v s pr)posed *to liquiqkte the- have Good cbool Sho4s fo� i.5o, 1.15 and2.00 a pair ; Felt Linod
Shed h, ie#e0rfntar0, To effect this Com., Mr.. T. Itianni a. ho -vi r opened -in Ud t h 0 b ieqla pointedw iv%it �oa t, % pixblio - Shoes for .1. 65 'to 2.00,ia p*ir ; Corduroy Leggings- for i.oa a pair
! r
takin Ineol f . lifill I&L th ady And to at b Ion, The Trustee 604 rd, Ilan,
lottiv, olike *1 00fil rojal JK 1, %, Bill th Vroh, Good iSchool Rubbers for 6oc,'65c and 75c a pair.
lid jo -.1
ight a Is at. ersar
i ties, 'Azilver 34r� S4vlcos. - AnnJ v n n per ent vices i rc K� thodt fe
,ph -reb ent a 119 u i re'held 16 the,
church hne on Sabbath last.
try floeietyo u: hZn the a, ri, Oren of Parkhill ctk
—The 001 t
Y' SM lety b Ii Ita rst me Ing xc 11 per t ons both mornInR, n
,idak ever Ir Ni 'ember Ith., lar
e, q, thitfwere enjoyed by�
e 1,
0 mmv al atkn& Thervice of a al
Leting open tlh appro
I I dant, Kr,,
.err ks b
vy, the, Pre the church cholt under
c coyn c- d
Iana !fOVA, 12
agart; the Stj C alumban or- the. ab l(a( ership Vf bir., E. i Fmnnt4
-PI&Y!d 110ble pleasl 19 seledliOns �add, d gresti to the pleasure iiand In. on- and tb
oup1c of vto Ill r ooloi � by, Mr. Dan occasl' 6! 20C �anl
tere 3t an
h appre diated., k1r. ther (r ilghly spoken of ts wel TELEP ONF4 I OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL 4C
rt�w t to P
v phy�
e 9, iselecte d solend14
xy rendor4 L bV Interei isid'
Ive a ad Lns;ri Ve 43COUrll 1,1 ID11 offerin asill very liberal, b
tle L ell, ove
a4n. i and early of $15 Cie following a g the Ept ova,
n i eral -which wais Ia- wort a celebrated thX �Qant 4ve
at h ,e agu i 13 t,
01 lod tend
101 d, wit i Lhe 81 iging a a and arl'Interestffig tirogra.
te KI it, Tr a -next :reatilag- will rendered4 r4e president of the Le
kin Ill tr at foi osb ipresent4 'rhe- nivdr , -y *4en there was & f i oYolou 1
Ar Th' in",
.,ozi 1da5 evenini i, Nov. Rth. gue, M �sc; Smith, read umbe
rmatft,-T L6 Saerkmcnt of of lett ms,4 11 rom members Oio) lulyin 0
.atlon was, 4dmints Bred 'a Rt. at 4 Ista rice, w4o,' ;sent Itheir greetf ei
op Fallon, ta a class C 48 Ing$ a id 01tributi4xis, The He Was a(
I on Tuesday
wapi al too 1 leased to report the Leagad
_cnlid-condition. The pa4tur" U004 at 0 X
by bi 0 ing�
ro s B op Sed I ard 'or
hair -at
t karlels t6r (",on f iin: i Jon XARtev r. 111dk,§, occupied the
Fail n add r seed the chi e the rei U S 'Of the are.,
president, dvicharg-
V11% Ing L ihil
torou hly gari to the 1'� ties L in his usualIT tbLe and e L a d
tri -peri 6xac ea A. p: pleasin to 4* icea
A ( ibst Id from ail Ir 3.xl,. 10WIng Furn, ace, is Fa "oki Yt Is
Marde' The W�:st.-The f
drizi) until the age of'twf LLty- In.otice a &red In lie algary,
pe p e . one of t
ar 4 be ot Interest, many, if u ate, wi an
I he expre;, se d the ho hat would be pleased to'give you an Mai
ould all x dootal abstal ters- referring iis'llt does to the Marriage
their whol - I vLes. I - I 1 #6 haVe the agen ber of i bag 0 tf�
of Uri arno of Mr. est'l _ te as v Cy for a num
C t Webber, .* sort;
WlIlla;rr Hi- ;.Grade Fitt
6r, Of - thiso vate,' and s
Rua 711 �.ndp YOrci IA; f .02Ar �young men whl
ZU h,
aaa re *,itr the pros re st, a4 � a, re-
Exciteme higi - rhe Suit f d character, energyL and a- -fr a; ','quo)
ent inel f
t the nd bility: met wedding took place on Kel
P)r MA 3'. 1.05 X19 Wednesd -�Evening, Nov. Sth, at the
ake vI( I i Ity Soutli CA
h C, y Methodist oburth par-
ek, t Ia vict Su sh
rs fr A ine
sonage, -1 ell MISS Pearl Walte, was try f9imtrA
ecked In, the grea stor-a. bA,3
=arriel o,,]&�Gamet Webberiby the
Mp b 10 f lid,
Isul stdoM 1 Rev P Johnton. The vedding at *is 10
bet. n se t h
n Q1 Ich for breakfist
l ence. of or H iRosipl to fr dt, 'k
trac At Ob
the bridi lster, Mrs, J. H Hk.ks.1
irk o h
sear ng wvi carri
OR About 25 madiate-frIends, w
entd : a beautiful weddi tg prtso, I
b I Cair, GUrnk
1, d athe a� eqt$ t,��St f
V=4 able
mt f Aci U6 high es ir
t the rE i amm the Every n6 -a a- S for the
Ore- wh1c:h tbD bride And groorr- a
e held.
tj rt Tu nbull fitst Mr�
resid at ift, 2
the f nei Glenn arlY Thirtteth awnup, Wdst,� et:Emoienc .29 1-4c V
day, frorn 9, Stan ng bo 'u#- y
'Url� �S;- -1 dr, Richar& Blatobf4 rd bas 4,10t1*10. an I
a thi wa r a' rter o Ll - ii 'Purch'' (I the P4500age, knowi In the It is unneces$atry to you the qualities of these furn-- 'Om sh(Irf �i his fIGIM.1 1wt, ",be Kippen, circuit , . I 7 -- d eutin,
ad h -use in your
or' the and ;s tuated! e corn as
de rml�:id ou Olt th tbLey haire all pro by. actual, elghborh000,
g wi, 1 swell i t and, streots. W our All
n If and lei age, to"bd tA best that t�oney and skill can prodce. upying t tie
99 help t, we havea and Inter borfly'mc
vlce,� 2 C their us' M
at, ;one of J,ur plo-
and efidar ng-thweir he Ith
us �ss It% 27 to 2k
rnle, e employ onl� th' best workmen with long years 4
rcen carrying 0 ar' e
K& to twho d and prater
w4h, ge rit and teneral bla:ksmith-1
r�� (to look a V.&FULtence and the -q f :* ;f -*0 JD"
the, dead., 1101ir . I , ore guarantft enure sai action a0 Uld
Ing fo ny, YOar-01� but has r sided In har In ad I I t16A mum A' place duirins' paf ': Teart with any the abo natned furnaces you; vn I alw4s ha*
,coroner. A] �d te t�alliff, are udiInp- I r quite i long
hirntull An[ ons, Rob t. (1, 1 a weu he d house,
'Were, coming
wry, and S.Muei lor, 11: 1 term,, an it now, as it
16 &4; to I
home,, an I we welcome 11m, -a Lin to
bu, aCe
rh -T 11, gri, an4 I our up, t date villag We instaIll a number of fuin _8 tLhe- preset*
a and ar T!
gra UV
Cant nr late him setting a fina and' - com- time, and we do h to have this wbirl delayed untJ
.-T! 6 Women' 4stifuh hold fort t VVIS
able vellinc."We �,l W 11 regret ;o . re.
-eath g thW --month the Oold :v Pea-ther 2, we would advise that. y0i Uns; 12a in V
.�t the � I the port t -ur Old 1thRe and erl V A g 1 * -
-ee. 1&n enj4y able r U -P
eA, George, Me
eltlz Ewen, � 91p an youlf ordet early. d �Veni*g Wai s&nt and the Hot Water
has beerr lutte fdr ifiJ pas.1; per dozen -
ley at is ft, to, VZO et d
,A', h lends were poeft.tr-lft, Week or,;ionfined , o his in the Stea He,- ing, 'and t ng_th done -a fir-st-clats
t in
Stede Inteads to rtove to!'Ex-
Corrmercla, but hopq oon r6- Sh 0
ya, im here be has 14rchased
he roola
IL kain bis! 4 ecustome4 h e a MIt lay 'd act -
Mr. Milton A, Buc4annan, IvIty.-
an MI S J. Sut iland is ij pending Th- Ato,
I 1son-'al! Dr. jBucha4an, Nudwire fto
feW; da ri 4, this we
wltl� rel#tives In:
Y, of this t wail mard I
N 6verr ti On Lon& - Mr. nd jarreal Clark
me :ln
h, t were In yndon t week.- -V e are
gent; for Guf4ey Stoves, Happy Thou' tj Monar4i eail
agoo-4Mr. d Mrs-'Gecr. Doug- plqaseo to see Mr, omas Par er,sr.,
,e ca led a Hamilt last v6ek dora', and any othew highl de st
.ft u� greets Penillsuilai Pan -it
'o, th % Illne s of- th Ir daug I iter 891%1% af ter X very ove
critical 11 n es I 8, ook ng wonder, y Im- -may wint. -or Ir
f kh S
attending- ormal "hoolth -Pr6ved.-C ulto a nt irber of 4D yOUA9
ren#i I Colo. :,; of idiana, Q. peolib 'at, ended the fo Buffalo, VOV* I
wi su at
W week Vial th, g old f rile lopen!
's I churc I., onday
.harlY forty yi ars ace be t efirenling.- I He ED E -d,- Mr otutl
1he! girls;; of the vSEAFdRTH
1, stag; S. -M . Nba. y h"
-Hom0* 1 Circle Are repeati their
his f ther'.s arm the -diawa n Prime inative, -R t
He Joao titled "Jem" Wil.
loid, *f� Jw y
cNas - the ock kWsi Tnf 11 nC1 e WL I Monday 1 vening
beat YrUpplog
W4 -b e, srs. iter, Noverr!b6r 4th, iri JA,e church. tnd on
u an I H. Y gblut, e wh
Ich cc
41160 the Sevi Dr.�J
I fr thel iunti! i1o, trip
Ol a t
le de er In Society 0 "is i Ia natred,!,*111 be p sent, Accompanied
batcber, st
,es of bis
Ing 'few c,, and Will by his wi nd wIll ded Ir d-
1buil g lo 1 il
0 up dress an: I l -receptl( n"d. bute ftl, VOW,
istree t to
bet el n th)l hous of
ered 'theft rs. C Hld Ss M. iMd i tatti
Ita-Ser and hiel,�
belfe $6.175
don. on eie nday, helr6ra to
doc e
-Mroil- T. k 14 ft here - d, -K the
$5.10- to I
t, Past 1 reel fo a L trip to Calga
Y. to -
visit her Itughter,'Mrs.,-H Now i s the An no to h. our hoto taken to $4
Olt rth, of r Chri0m*s presents, Di4 -Th
the farm 'i catinot cOn'Naln that (Ity. - Municipal natter, re be- you. ever c:osider coJof presents ? just dall Atour. studio ano 'IV
her, : ks we are ginin t r eogage- 'the attent n f g A the ce on a 21 ert'pikotost ihen-compare t to
X a tv; t
lots f r.... %nd mo# oft"' 1014 he " with a doze' Ir
4sed 'hat -the cold f 'am our ri tepyeia and speculation are
ather is rife as to q ber at ticles and 1you will �ease to wo" about Wb
khe�ncorring council at to
he ten rry
off, as ther 4 113 Ill - a 411, n- L a
CeAt t f or! the Carmel 40hur ell Or' b ty.
3 amount of vlou, Ing. CD, 'gan, IF hs 46
11, F n a*ri nutnef Q and c, i adder.
rchar to.,- are ompll Ing, h f t atl� there is no gift'LM
able f d§ are being ral4ed In thlt3 You k irc a experie md, h ore appreciated. - Our
r the weat e Is t rrild. or UR 4446). Cal
way -A, 1� John, Caldwell ea a on n stylesof -have 4rri
oods ..to rr Dve, If ey Monda ved #wd i we . are al
the chane be PaUlL Mr an, ex ended visit to St.'.
Will It ingorders. Plta'e coilae early then you Viol. beure to zetthem
r rt% WIr. Di of
id of ithOAMni other E 'b re. PlristmaS. union Pt
South Bo air
Japh.1 are i ding a
e facing the b si. few we
e latives and f Am& In t
ye Ut 15, the J el- Hen
alL a. id vicInIty.-MISS Ful, �on of
001 ting wountE J bad it�
Why I 'is Usborne h i1qAting her brbther,, MrR,
har I to .,,Vulto%-A)splend1d cconcert Ill be
fa i md g �od
. t; do, Sea -forth
611! , I i
01M given- I n t 2e opera hall
-on. FrI4 Y ev. lir P,
ca tle Ard ogs I 4ve iyr)�11 t
Orking, Nor., 48tb,.�Under the A efA
ligun, and new th�,ir t
:ry of tke Heisall Cltlzan
a 'Band, w n: the
eryl I W4, x It'seem � as tho Strollet Quaftette will be pre . . . . . t Ito ih
Nomi thing. wrong 6n t ey.
entertain'., hey, come very bightir le- AML r s. c- c
tedounts ?'- ommende( i Mr. and Mrs. Fredsoutn., ILUd
tfaln Ly, 0 have en, r 91- Cott 0 f a, Montes, Californii
some Ime, e' beev vlslti mas
t 0 toil, i vhere 11r.. M c, LA � igra., Southcoitl,% Vrothers,
the Meqsrw Etinnie. vate -Gree
Th Is
)od B uatio i -e -Mr. r. Heff --Mrs.. Thos., )Far- Uing Cards
On quhar vais, I v Poderich du
ring t
Mond Rly. for i visit wit 1; 1 ,week z. rid �g, � accompanle a past 1 ho d hmelby her ,e
.nds.r -Mra. K ng
mother Ujf$ Kilty, and her alst A A lit to frends In Niag rg, Brighami tict of whom had -be'e licit pos ibl for us td, seno sarnples of cards, -but for the informa-
id other pja.lcas fo -the I LA Ing Ia the i tion and co nionce of a'n' aounty town, -Mr. Jxny enquiring customers who cannot rall atf4
,eturned home Mon� y,, I he
Sarnia during the! past, make their s 1 -.ctio'n fto ri'ane of our sample books, the following
Wa,ts)n shlippiid a of C �t- week'a'nd 6 there� met one ou' are submitte prices V
f r
"oromo, on turaa y and ld
time r Mir George 1i Dech,
090 c a Wed ri day. -
e 1:1, th whoy WAA t4e first L railway, agent at
N D.' of r 50 i0o
Ahli ped a c of I ast al 25
yal Henall, 4, a SIDO� posi-
We d now held'
L a ur ' the arme, tIOU Qu'thf 011WAYT atUrnia.-k. r. and P -Ace.. f I 81ril
Goderich, hp- p e $1 sa $220 $2 75 63 $5 W $ 9,50
Mral n :F
pleis his ydar,k qameron, a d childre i of P?!ce, b tter grad 1175 250 3-10 435 60() 11 50
and hippe a qeorgliatow. 11 re here Islot weelg 3pond- bere this T.Wl e Pace, b 3t ter grad.,. 2 00' 280 3 60 5 10 1350 wee k�-* I J
JAW A: f ow yi with, f4r. andi MrA aho,5A PA'ce, bette grade, 226. 340 420 560 7 ar
allett, who b4i dis,ine(ko 'is Caraeron,,"� Phmerowo parents. Jhn Price, better grade. 140
2 IV
Illon, shppe4 lh J31a re, to I a v- IA ont Of a ;Hensalt boy.V who" ha 375, 430 5 7Zi 7 50 1-450 bel
lt-', tj lb�
7, weex- cyh I Thle: -� c- prospered t! ddeliced y t*fact Write lVe- 191nly your nan* and address wan' 45
d it SI)an, w i( is that he, h held tho res I
pcms e po r -y p, ted on cards, enclose
lu. of tle� %coan price ai
ch y altionL Of tche
Olt 'Ao above, and you Tvill receive in about ten d4s, frde, by raif.. L. exh it at t) a Fri ilt Show n t �for rge.!
Y11rears, gnd hae, 0 cus- ards lbat fox elegance ilot design.9 neatness in printi 'ed
ek,. lei �'t foi Ithere i n t �J ng, cannot he suro
rk to *ttend
orn 4 to am 31 ad- passed. AdO, ss your er to OM&
MOM iR,&-h 113 Peal Tama 1, 4 1 ation �s !,has several X. 'Con.
durl 8t4son,- been engaget , as killin.er at tracts 1 o r, bok,-afte Ao that he 19-ttl* V tot ne Of th I b4slest raen in, Morgg- b4
r thp holiday town t iiicpositlo t, 19004- fro
)n*e,l I
wekfo n W1
Ia 8field, i wilo has lef action W I[.,. Mr. cam to
Paren t , Mr. a, �i 4 Dr.? Arttfurl eron mport. BOOKSBILER
Allletee� also, -a M t gall.
PPbt 131 her h. )i r te boy, as ha,111 a large'J�ractl6q In
_MT_J King'. �Wf
week George
towill I getting on welif . . . . . . . . . . . .