HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-10-31, Page 42 2 30 4. . .4 NNW efeDVERTISHBEENTS between the parenthesis ad. denotes the page of the n which the rivert ement is en ukn WO Of con * * The Legislature of -Alberta' after buay aetation,of slit'weeke WaS _pre, rogued pn-jrattitdaY *Several portaritt-progreoalve meltsUrea were pas- ProljahlY.:the Moat important 'Of these *as TIACUnearned Ineremene iimPosing atax _of fife- per cent; 4O,n: all land _sites, the tax to. 'go into the; --Provirterial Tremury, The Alberta ritlitenti- is the first tn Canada, totakc Ibu nuele an advanced step. • • * ereite end fure-Stiwart Sir Janes 'Whitney and hist Minist made MeSi 41Xe Mahe a-Ortis'ao,- Puro-literattPo- 8 of Educatten nave net - yet en:erred Weathavreetiltaten.-31 wime-s Hand Stade Sttoee-W. G Blow linott-ti. B. 8en1A-0 Pesti Binew-lAnyage last lieryll Addinxiii.Vihine.-Thompson's Book Store- Nedine-S. T. Bo1me..-5. UtettrtAlting-w.X. Box & Co. -5 • telated Glit-Frife Pilaw 8tud1o7-- 5 NjIto1 Fat %- Ft B. Govenlook-5 --- Men Wonted -8 Roast* for Sele-R, E. Coatis- 8 Auction 5ta8-6 For -We er Rent -8. N. 4'aeol,8-8 X) -)c Lost -5 A Bare ettanes-Bapositor Oillee-5 Potatcas wonted- aAno Broe.-5 Meek Trial -S For Etale--14 act Watoon-8 Week End Millinery Et le -M. Jobuston-S Vows f ettl_rt-W. L Glenn -,4 - Cash Batardoy Only -W. T. 13 x& Co. -5 Iki111---I-. R1711MitMlle FRIDAY, October 31, 1913- - Ilditorialitotaa 'Ind Comments "The Australian authorities," says- vpie cniebec Ctitronkle, '"with the "unanimous oonsent: of Soth pelitical Vpartiest have laid down the principle thatcla arm' ttine.ileir fleet unit will 4‘pa.so- automatically under the control -“of the. Adrairaltar to be used in con - "Junction with- the linperial, fleet." Thief etatement la an absolute untruths Neyerthelesa it is - repeated by nearly every Conservative paper in Canada. 111 OF • As a sample of the unadulterreel traelt whicle aline people will write' for the sake of -political deed wee quote the following from that good, oid, staid journal. the Toronto- Mail and Empire Hon. Charles Murphy nye Canada needs reciprocity now more than ever. He seems to think it Is a shame that ganadian farmers should get Any e1iance in the United States market wfthout iselling their own country in payn ent therefore • • • • The Provincial bye -election in the County of Peel takes place on Monday next, The Conservative candidate is J. Re Faille, a cattle dealer of Brampton, and the Liberal candidate is A. 1-1. Milner, reeve of Brampton, The lead- ing issue being discussed before the electors is the Literal poiley of "Abe - bit the Bare' Peel le said to be • strongly temperance county and It win be Interesting to see how the, policy works out there. Both cannidates are odd to -be good men, and the par- ties ace, or- used to be, fairly' equal- ly divIded * • • • The. Premien and other members of the several Provincial Gomm -he -4a of lganada are meeting in conclave in Ot- tawa tins week, to consider trattsre an. necting their several' interests, the main object being a demand for Increased eubeidles from the big Dominion money, cheet, The Eastern Province meinteri are In additlott making a plea for an araendment to the constitution Which ir will permit theerepresentation in the Dominion Parlia.ment ta remain at Its presertt etetus instead of being. ret &reed, is will be the cae-e undue +the- preient law and In accordance with the census. , ("Tom . the wood e on the t bialingual s cho • ales-Um1 Recently they arrientled.. • t celebrated Clause 17 so it Might niCat, 1 1 a great deal .or very little jt estate at46dment was oPerated,The clauge; • • - rem/fret:1 -the - imparting ef, instruction Ii every' school to be en t ogaisb after the child had - passed the first cies This raised a .row among some of the r French supporters. To pacifY ' the this' rale was amended a short t ago nee as to make English and rrenc instruction optibriat at the diseretion the :Inspeetor, _This does not, satlett t e French fobistsyet and. OW are .sti 1, . ,. Up in aims.. The Ottawa Separate Seco 13oardrefusee era comply with the ' Menden-rule -and have been notitled' b the Departerient that the Govern* grant will lee withdrawn -onlessi t re °empty :(with the regale -done" of the d pattments , This ban made - them ev r than - ever and they have lap tru e their teaeheri to dismiss their. peat 5 the moment any Inspector attempt el fo ouegtiona :the pupils - in. English; hie has „been. done by -the teachers in different oocasione. And se t e p boils, Unease' Iles the head titat w a the 'crown, Sir James Whitney's e plexities seem to be multipIYing. 11111IIIMIIIIMMIUMMINit * * Our good oid friend, the Toronto Karg, stiya''When Sir Wilfrid Laur- "ler addresses South Bruce eleetore "to -morrow he would very- greati)o' in- "tereet them if he reported the pro- "gress *-1 the 'rivalry. between him and _ "Mr. Beurassa for the Nationailet lea& ersdip." No doubt. Bat wtil it not be time enough for Sir Wilfrid to aspire to the Nationailet leaderehip when Mr. Borden retires frem the poeition. We have tno down. Mr. Borden, would glad- ly hand over hie NatIonalle friends to Sir fricilfrid, but unfortumieRy for, him, they won't be handed' over. So long as- - their bell-wethers are retained In Oabinet positione and given fat eater- ies and pickings by Mr. Borden there Is net much danger of their ratting to the leader of the Opposition, who has neither pelf nor power to otter them. « The nerain growers' and fermerst as- sociations' of Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatohewan are erratiging Ea send another huge delegatien :to Ottawa when Parliament meets to ash the Gov- ernment to remove the Canadian du- tieon wheat. and flour so that these articles can obtain free admiselon to the markets of the United StatesThey are else to demand an increase . the British Preference to fifty, par cent. aud that the increease be trade at the current session and 1 ar- cher /Slat any reduetiores ire duties- made to other countries be tnade to Great 13ritain, They further demand the re- moval of duties on agricultural imple- ments, oementi and lumber and...that all foodstuffs from the United States be trade -free. Theee are 6.11- questions Which: should be of vastly greater im- portance to this country than either • naval contribuqua or a Canadian' tiavYe • le . The Government of the Doriainion of New, gealand have decided to adopts the policy of building a navy of its owe on the same lines as 'that of :the Commonwealth of Australia, and to discontinue its sabsidy to the Imperial British Nave-. Premier Massey, in an- nouncing the reversal of the present teysteme explained that the decision of the government to aseuene the greater responsibility was due to the inabil- ity of the British Admiralty to carry out its agreement of 1909 and eta - Mon few° cruisers of the Binstol type of 4,840 tons &spleen/tend in New Zea- land watere, the Dominioa bearing the fr011t Of their upkeep 4 The Intention ef the Goveraiment is to have con- seetzetea tn. England uext year a orteinen eif the ilrieol,type at a cot en two million dollars.. This together :with itlite other war vessels- to be ac- . • Canada ' -The will of the late Rev. Fie Brophy,* who died eirl V_Ingst T tently, has been "cntered for protat by the Toronto Trust CoMpanY e fate is valued at $.177,000, • te-John Arlan, former owner ot Galt Reformer, and for nearLY years active in publie and true affa•ito bf-Pa,r1s, died at'hie, home aged 74' years, : Nelson W. Moore, °eve nor Elgin County gaol since 1881 St. Thomas gli,aaturday at, th age 77 years. Be had been a .reSitten If St. Thomas far seventy years and nal been prominent in bu,siztess a d' unif- cipal affairs, , a threehing on *the f ern Mr. Albert Hyatt, Romney tow bl Essex count, tbe threehere; tile 1 rats and it Is said', there, were- orne tt11, left. Tne -carnage created CO , side ab e excitements among the destroyers hi e in action., --Aft% Jos. Blakely, aged 8 w 110 off the Northern Navigation.1 dee _Sarnia On Sunday evening Iztto t rieer, In spite .of hie- great, age : was able to mirk and keep afloat u til rescued. •Ele Wita int route re Fort William to Port Dalhousie, -The body of Rev. Stott C rine t Anglican, minister of Ottawa, with di ap.peared(while on a hunting tr1pc or of Buckingham, Que., a week ago w found in the weeds bet a fahrnee had evidently lest --hie -neattngs. died from exposure and exhaust! n. -The announcement Was _Made Chalmers' *Church, Guelph,, on Sand •y - the effect that it message h :received from Bee. George A. Litt e, • Augustine Church, 'Winnipeg, acce ti the call to the pastorate at Cha ,• er The induction -will take plac tile evening of NoVerriber -25thj-- - -Paul Geracb a farmer lia Sash,' Who won a thinehing. ohtfit 7 tied at $1,200 in °Pew Competition the farmers ,of the world- for the' be t bueher of w*Aeat t Ow Dry Par la Congree -Tulsa, Ok1a, last week, s a German -American, who- 1ame. to Saskatchewan five nears age, The 4,1,e wheat weighed 71 pounds t tle Ira he ---417tevi A. `.7. "Johnston, B.A., p, stC of Dunnen Centre Methodist Ch re London,' since July teeth has rec lye ate 'offer of a erofeettorsh p at .vte.,,or College, ntorento, and 11 probe:Jai indica- his pastorate at he fret Junes Dr. Johneton Was Jery 1 green valued. In w.4ona00 alia hist. probable' 4r parture is much regretted:- *1 --elohn O'Connor, from the towniehl of -Emily, near Lindsay, aged 45,en unmarried, choked to death at eth _supper table in the King Edward 111 tel in Lindsay -On Saturday. O'Conno was seated at the table, with Mint :Carrell and others, and. while i he WEi, ,eatillg 'game wit a plece lodged In hi throat. Before medical aid- could be &i- nured hs die& - -There will be all probability be e bitter legal fight before tbe vine of eh late Father , Brophy of Kingston I finally tprobated, The ,deceased lef t „estate valued at $177,e00, and: his ad 1 le a Most peculiar one, in: • itbet. few, I any, relations, friends . or charintblnit$ etittitione have been named as, benefi iaries, Roman Catholic priests ar: chiefly designated, A. sister, who re, aides In Ottawa, intends contesting th wi-%he Duke of 'Connaught, aoveeno General of „Canada .and the Ducbeee family, ,witb. their entire entourage, art rived in -Ottawa :on Saturday. after - spending the- euminer in the itid pewit try, They were met at the station by members of- the Government and Sov. eral liundred citizens and -escorted Rideau Hale -which has been enlarged remodeled and refurnt„shed &tieing that 'absente, The improvements- hive cOs about -half a million dollars -Grfield Fiening, aged 22; -of Tilt senbunte Elgin nounty, was *hull Injured at a Grand Trunk trosSin east of Glen Oolin Saturday woman that he died shortly aftervvardse H was on hie way neck from Aylmer •whete he bad driven a- commercial tray eller in a livery jig and wa.e tryin to get over the crossing ahead of a approathing -train. The horse was kill ed and the rig• sMaShede -While returning from church o Sunday,- Thomas' .Sparkst Of Nort Button, Kent County, Was struck be westbound M.C.R. exprees : at . t.he North.' tiTheeton crossing and instanti killed. Sparks, who was about sevent years of age' has lived in the new for the pastelghteen yearn and In the vicinity of -Buxton for the past forty- years, He at one time °synod a farm, but in later years he has . been working for other.s, lite leaves a wife. -Little Aileen Gamble, the two year old* grand6daughter of Capt, and Mrs. GoWan, ,ef Deserts:lite, died on Monday morning from the- effects Of a close -of carbolic acid :seven in indetakee . for medicine .?The babe load beon aIIlng for, tsonie flew, and the doctor wax palled • t • tha"_, and A, tel anno Asthe 3011, while the -At norrie t HAighes it gall t petvati e. ame his da dentall to be.' much Harris rested taken the th Years, - -been provinc frorre that -money", 'ter ha 'found „ground 'tlett taken pany tul In -The m certain --Mal the 11 Davies Friday, tonl in it" -of clever, counts -when weeks to hts was md defalca tenthth t latest a alleged' July h t then 'al le yet ini d rr onthf' made_ n mew d ertplo • lent et ford, to Re traced . , Bre Nire$ 0 Saubl I The,willtil el town1'1 cut h recen y, , the 88 Polloc * distil tl, Sturg Oil f or Pork put hWth B At r -Pi Bkoz trdih hts on h going to . r1i,figlia'* James tende Mrs,' rotes. ng, In the w2 T C rIe as d er 1 on Mi. 111 1 - e ppro em - p02 ibi nie ed atrsa i relt n an sgi s •en ht lan • ov d t „111 e g he to let I th tly ope etil eit isa Ing to atl-otr I. age in pr gra me etumbe of adjdres:b per- Ca ad oti3e - met' rt wi poror • Un forth, Oppc eady or b nedt el '; 1331a o wi I be hel se4 a arg inu 1 a iv -oiIZt' c ur em er $p cial 1 n, chdr 4 t b Sc ool her Ch tetreas tr. king pr tic lam Ia. etober w Hoie ix. a,od w en thSIr W!. unite Pr ce -of M of roxete un er an . ions, ien be e and re bri'e WAS a the*we e Fiore bri The ned in Ixigth rtpula:cl le to the loy y• -earn -all o so 5, carr it2 i11S,t '1 toP..,,.. on,,,, 1Q01. 1, base. - but/ -Orman• ' ed fowl; e, te elc 17 ea' nee • 12 to 1-2c rkes,, -aiv e, 2 to2 4 -LI, ' • _ - • ,7-"" ' _ , . . • - 1_ OCTOBER - . , -- . , ., . . _ . . . , .1_,_..13:%n 1ti. • ' t 1 u leer have - •n I ri - or eita en, vv -Y oUg , his et rs t his ce tut res ce thl Is It 6o wa h ne 'bu th•t 66d ee on era ueere•,,Agetrao:f pro he ece Y 1 e• for tin ner to Mr . ?In th he her g of : a nd •-- ,r ow aye me. n int on, ears o 4 g a hot & thek, ne , Ep hi' e o ser ., ady 1, on bre •T he he, ear, a,t d hol :far the stro . Th Mr, leee and tet t le- r * .1. h a ti . ‘ w a , 9, • 7 of , 0 h -i in a ' Of p th - t hi al - :t e e es pa D. w es: S s a 4 e f f e 11 e r, " urn- r two ce f re• Mils n -4- neA t 1t 1 g Ili is , iliac, con-,,, the in i ter ,- IF ono'. - o oi a a Sep; are•and and liate- ° l'44 has the 1tuttfc: e ate lek9 Wen saye iv haa c :sir:: nekth 0 in of I hem on and- er*.r a ac- wee a few ade . ;tot par- t. The the - In ' ince -not ten Ima 1. and eded. :tithe fret; the tr.- tech the :rtin ne t, cor alli Chi • Not, H left rat. Mr hq o • xi rbo he I- • her Per id: s. „1.... as,'„ , ''''''' 30ka :Lie Met laeA dre ealt tten- , ' eer, • wit som mad re Mig .end . lia since hvho ctric has e ha tion bar- re :men otc. de_ - .-At 'rt lf good . chief lotic " v...n, 'Up- r•d hie 1 open :look,Sa n will en is er' vices, . pe to an- eth- day; fter- alf- . yen, , 'the day a 170* par- etty time , 0 ern, esa, t asi. and, Fiknottierealt7„ ear_ eln- The her, bY the wee over los- of 'ern •re's no, he re. t - -ieWese ''-'1 -Ti-Pryte ,eornee -*III/ .ham .- . ,aufollrlinrata,:idardiny:::er. connection -temporary its :-Mrs. I - . ,•when through been retributio , -' California, • tvho !tinge and -treet -, f earned where 4. eummer eiceibister James end real, .Be for bomehe ficen 'Knapp, teratnere, Howard, Kam-It:fops; LeAte • , . . Pryce, a gely tit. _ in hours of a : . • *rad, e • _ to , -= i fates no Will (*mare part oft e _ . tower * rout no - . °merit Mr e Toronto ' a el ed ye hete,g;" lice- - taninree,"11.rvaleetri/34'odiv,t13.et 4. nes gone Atordkhy RyrnA,ng. 1---, lye* I thtday,,,B aunt 'of hitsti n ....in a !'"Iwil. . , ' Wood --Dr *Orr emPe., ii0t.i00:m e Beeferth, refliltr.631' -] Notes, . ' f Mr; J o•enntliaoss. Ing Weal eeerful a evideht Is. -Mrs F entlY en: elunthin, `felting V barrel): rnatio eele. le riends here Y. -Prep he cond eld in t eecond S Andrew 's arter 4o ervice I towl nup owing 2,' n4.1-- two Wig her attuned an, las Death on, who fancy go whoforaor valid, trent la "1 AtIrViv- filch .re dents Is - - • h h -o and die pre ce and er lessi Adapt 'When -1 this to ers vent nest of Commode 6.11111g Pit 'weo neve* at:prase have bee mount in liq otel,. at e woul cense., it rofitable ter hote changed at once onto : f remn, .p r mini ind eke est tra, rand. N Over, ent wh tied good: n . e charge. he Girls reter. 1 ant issu farmer he war elf Collet Wright • Was char aggravate 4 girl of Trona . the tdously, J ll e d I? - From :the badh and rhe .. • rdered t xpenees he tri44... d hirn th enfently, a less lleuse am illed wit rem .1Te. Notes.-- est of hursday wile Me: and In 15th ch Dicks° ew 'week- Urn. ho eh -Mise My I street Mrse and•rent°. Senthee a cousle her • who has gPleesr, - „ r. • : ,... t-- „. _ te ot the.. ttende . Th var1ou ay. the ,te . 11 - ace0m7. - -- - - to their new waling' rho, . - t - • .. , e ening- ttl, _Mei . Mani(i , a r. an lb° ,. wh , . good , 1 P 04- . . , . -S luti, , ail_ good , . - ilfrl, re we _ may t , whillegit-'. In-ttila clock us. la, - I • . he, Ill . ttiCh, jk - tar ' n h - de- wote. * ' • the dead trancrthhill eotIng :nmietIrdr, t.e. °•1,)a ,navy isige' e ;tan io a,2,„ ihe, th.e be * de • ett me w i open bleak, d will. 1 .891*- re eon nder- 6.-. ;4 Lon , y sue. Pinli, ienis., ho 'e- 1.111%1:- rti-,. 0' .art Abdul this , eede i safe - 4e E r -to be 1 ;le insets n . Mr. et the nd a ton willsn In vise oe ;Inc -tit.", - &inn 4..1-7 c.e. it bit . I :ell an -11 0 rur.liti:itipte., e L n. her , • boor e ' - ear- years mourn no. _'Toro ree in ,•keep- : the ac-' trae. dation. it Jo teceipts et alea,. dens, n one claims , aye a a a-lry t is let- • tie .. He. i a To- , Joe ' te the barn") e e lar- special trade eneate . cane . ' 4 - I ' of c thne _to 1 were n right, Utborne, elrested In: ,He 1 ted. - an I , ce tit, adot t gn Pr5e - . .w. • and guilt. hed' e us d ' -Just $ ' and . : d ali with . erne evety , -ould h 11 was f tette . the. I West A e. e'en, 0, (inlet. her:- a e vie- ,t.3.4th .. arnp.g 4 -----t • Mis.s a ter a Mon.. • 's re- tgan. kst the cl. G.. I the herr_ ont- n W; koha tweed enrned , sis„: J. Ni. in , dar-. -appeint titt. SO, - - .. , . a - street iOc1. ast , - sec . town' gain: ening _ ' as. oG liars. thi'd 141 - ' were . ; . izvey_e eppoel teetpovea ebeteareudenefeltareeduernea4therin Not of AVI evaird ' )12:.e!r.• and The Welle shape to have *rein strawf and their • schbol.. thei Mis's 'Holt !..efejli,?_ iji wn. teach haO. go& and there. homy fully iy1::,.isero- suppl day Detro - two five will the (0- . 11)111 t*edingg be th tort t. ee _ that, ote ,15"3- rew's - ' when will beaten_ et4 boots . Raps e semi , .. Scott. I wher estai I la! it- . stain eohanged i. . . esame- moreiteg -- • Gode . to a e 1 h r c 11'0,1' ha f •and Mr.. :nil ' est, ,aid, , here -a sto the u ,1 for t I:A, T: week 1 Kinc:rdin . took ' flow 1 ifr., 4 'Pees, McKe class . what -ver I Than witk churc t noon( ' prese offeh who- I 1,unabl Anste din bad Airs, A realt a sol bout all es Pero vialte The , held •ilefeth, last , tends t d - Ora " ry • The ether 11e e ver gram cal tn Bell ef and great prese froze two • leach Canto „ here -obir. le' at li betide G ID .. s . who • $ th ° . to 1,11 week. - - - going on se roads , Henn Novemh Durham ands etnetY, e P„ Wi ion in al ;let. a ar rubber l'Itera6 '••.2.totlee rnneent- 8eitarth,.0PPde he reAdy Briefne---.G lY' Intdehat dement T-01#7, - , . rt stitch : c them to 0 Ki. Fr W ed ,qg . e • 11 . 0 er ' " • eri p !' : i 0 t:1,1,-04reet, c lY ; i . ()to An :m . • f ' re eisr •• • ' u , 1,1f: 'ail ± , ,;, . a ' -m an e n ed Till, ed •s .g0111:., e• 46t be of 1 - an ed Len ien an ec rre ,de 1 • fr h, • b 4 Ly ' • a ..h 1 4 s , ; Al Ir ' n , ,... s le a • ; • r 1.-:f , ' e . v at te e • s e ,: fi • C. it : -44`1 - ._ --- /I . urdayhf En h r .L5, apt ghe 1. r ra -Th _ .. , rut a es left , . _ - evr-gr e by son, - of ,yee ot i ..Torhet on ma . - I USint 4V1 in ethe, De ...ding lectinerfploes hes seta throng , inticione ertuttate t two y linsasi! . st, •irtage I to 11 inbling.. i " ay, ex- h - of - PanY,-. ,„ a., wen t. A -ro 1 alledttto •;nipu ti Estee 'an I eite pos tra-nsfe ,eart aaiidttr. ed wer t ale th to Sho - comm deficie eensidera ay deu• tia,tr s and, izenie : ,Intnly.; 10entt keg° h i , pan ge,/ ' I : bi-, , e; e a or 0(001 - es ro - or, '3'd nsPnakiring74, quit vube ;11 1°•newelehrrathael es-, 1 a 4dfied, 'Ind tren s„to an for ceased, ,has Mice poet M nior r is, 3 r.- ot to L o La It e $.14 reco r . th In Lancelet t' and ore, ars ev, entitle. nad r eu'in it le church Rev..; reach, one eof or and ne a re In rwi be .,.._ ee wofeeln wee tit t. h 4 12•1e at le80. to - g 14tAtre- -w asbad Mrs. Ille . e he Ter e n (imp in t Idc . R ay • zle me° ,teft lbhe. , t in ti tat( 111n as to d. ddre . ordeeexpe Rev. g, .? T for t dewn To 'to 'It MI dist ti , , ,c.e. bY bee In la et e include sic. L * ° 'Dr..° eel tove ode ainloads isp CAP s a ., i wne toi, s Cal A niUmbe to Tee,sese ount they lye a r 7th, cattle (..ld' ;eon ins, I d see eft:ierf dial' -Ong:fest - Mr. 41-Ctoteon r.:Ir-f,b .. ani d P.T 7 . - -- ---- • r. ondon ifleiri.n li will ; r 0 wer ttbern *ado ell ice , ded . • tekl I% -WW 'I ' 3-- liber - "t0_ Undergo Ofead- 'give wearyiic an chimes, 0e -such a lasting, Ttlritt *tilos nlosedl,Pi tha4 atie *err; the ern/. °:" :oenecati.h.‘tere • li a J1a1iowten _ . a power Idem ' Cav,n. • 00rs .• of Welt *VI'S r a att--- ope o't ''. 111/tri rviee f I- - --: (:).4:a iCOndUcteu diameter ,In the eat - and thri shun Bev Dr , *-....., metal and' ilet - tnP Preaestelle deirrie bluel-- rje.ext; awhile:: " 28344 alativiy ere:kn.- teletseneihillt he friende term- - ISe'illee air, ftiltelh-. rouser- e dry in good seems n and the ri d ' theInternet ss .Donley resigned • n our 111 teach of MO. successful be in No. ithout a who time, has er' s home hospital McKay's , return_ ' shipped rapidly to On Mon- care to shhePtd ,will ehip, lace. This effe-ct on cattle are ht swill ean see' Annliere St;And- 9th. - Brucefited , who has business sed of his ca to 1!,ir. take pose stand Mr. he . west, s in teal as teen ' taking ed home ything in Pit, here re, thea ay, . The 4/.55 from ' 4M TOroft.. rpm :God - In from had his try Hall st week ndances.- ount For- y friend who' owns having eesidt-nce 'eon. -1fr- norne -- hi bile .there f Instruc- plendid.- ton on with -Mr, a firete• the bib; annual connection AftdreW\9 ay after- good • re- account Goderich, , she WAS osa eatne splena basingguarantee the Bible sang to a- program a flying ursday.- C. T. -1J, in • the evenieg t d t • goo a - Was' cap- ndered a as h anctrvo- fiss Alice Boyle 'ri ' ve. - A plied att here m one to o .40c* ars- of e uncle ik ist ne 85 a nt on his of the- e Brown, 4 °Jett, end the ...erne it last u d , p rpose ' f' th on Friday, r load f s o I 3' arAing8 or, . . P• Ithe farmere team her- at r$21.00. 23 3.2 ;Eevered his ;11131°ePotne and will 2394.1 . te free- h ready . e novo; aeettn1s. o9P-4 tn - hese d we41, . y give, too, fort, work to tr • ear. On t $5. 11Ch ,141-1), • are in out Ili / F TEL . and hese - 0 tly i 014611( TTI 40 noes built - for service and every and shoes. rough for - a up ready , feet irons French a pair: if desired'. work turn- ROT L - es are the ha Every pi. helps to mae are t • as been found vel. We Why not.n PrineS for a pair; Prices S6.00 a good shap and promptly, IF DEPENDABLE tioNE, e by - er the of le, them mainlqualities- tool -- have all . e mi cid *opts, iS• S6.54 to lock 1 A ' ur own skilled Workmen and are service asked of them the better ather that goes into these shoes wear longer. Strength, Durability of these splendid Working exacting for them or roads too sizes of good shoes made ( thesea and get fitted and have dry Canadian Rip, Sa.ro a pair; long hoots, Canadian Kip, $5.5o a pair. We make to measure after your repairing wants, all 4 * land at reasonable prices, 5 lib ES 44:0"..foRsiTTENcio. tun 13 m OIAL e me ii... faY0 pro / - 'the -i.- ' spletedt pastor- 00111n4 a Penn in wh edeepritte . !the to. Dior and intel:on-rtg.heti:tew::egol:lwietite, An. A , ive ehihftrot.1 the gia ire •• eflour • It • Pe, ". *its abbe eneT . . at Rey :o U. left roke 1 1 e P :rt.% e o • net 13: w- ,re 1 ant , nt-R, • oat e g net ; rine in - - • .0. a th,,: 4 ' 11 i ,e n - ' W e n dr diet ve in t: - ent . 0 Pletrtie:•14 thealrn new hal - V . . USA *Malt : 110 he _.wn to -rt. f the 170.7" -ht n a 000treliCa' esegie:;. m ... ha hO.' cite A gra eir c hi b litre:Lot With° n7* d Ito. agiti- tef.relee' th f sr raitis left -Oki turne got. Eva ono s Li room d le . we tor r. re. . en w-11 thdcin e tr-atment Ls, the de tiat, erect,/ ante eveirThaersel heh earlmineee°rs° a inewandareyl. unedity °One tieeiraa: ktintbereWilledneei-re'oriThella°1thPe man have the ground g. -Th or thite out d t ' qualitiy.-1.1 , 'tinting as teen:hers zie Holland ati a ettlary 13 been ope shfi om- is mph for to her wish of she sWasteeteto :in xnel Tif last Be 'Ft'. eandinoel , more lied ahl ng seas we 11 have a , will still McKa Rome mot in the Ural. win • Mr lib tee lid g ver tie the an her ed, ite ren ins br tu the. yee Mc. wl str isigsa Ing efist elo con ell a - Mr pro trite las !rhea be ' D. W ay on -gene Libra •r the -much of a peison well eet isiella aunt, from . tette ed, fre ecentl dta- ed r had regret artin 1, r he ke la lehaoctee her le Ilan with ection Jea ink he Owe d*Istre: ed ,e , r Bla. week ley riire le please to Foseo ar t and to • Y; cowman , the opening - te Cre, IS looked , att.,' ibrarlan h of Mr. Fo ,• - ;d room e Conant nico.....mit Ise Foray pleasant v - ler. nommen Mr. A. M de occupied be'• r and Mrs. (1.4 ntly from • :en visiting • ' learn fr. re., who roentlY 1 shalt * hu -1y, but we t wnesmeraescureritie ,ecirtovTeerreelonet-oevills:!,Pirrl. • ther, Mr, .1.1 1 Drelte, has . N P. Wetrenerl e and ke cream rasalek of late viiid ' els r Muth is- 1 °king three ma t ford Wait e but we are ,consite:erratbir de of mri 30400 a learn that _ . ' a tkin new. nd .,_11.,?_, _mast- with -Itv ru-R'' : P et I - whic Ito with . 9, d selec- been ade in IL tine who 3 or tbe library, _led _bY bevel return- hvitte friends ullarns 1149 hilt. dwielle le i Hi den McMartin re- Newlin where relatives, and then i 'that efra. 4ved here su red a CO • 0. pinned to Lernei Szott._ taken! a posl- in is tlarlorteh.-- ' , e Toronto spenq *ilinher PhonrenRticetb-. g . Much irn- a_ of peinte-W ity 1111 during timhapt:+erd....211011-r- pleased to say more win he , il nowitm., - ] proving nicely. -Mrs. Robert Bonthred is. -in Barrie waning her danchterse„o Mils4, T. Neelanda left here the part of the :week to attend the mar. riase of her•nephew, Dr, meieston ve 7 • s - Toronto, - Mr, Alfred Seruton, our entenpriehig and teed mern chant and coal dealer, le et -t. pected he this week from the 12041... Pital, whene he had 'been for lifel pasort virweeskis - nunwdergoing eanrapaopera. ti -Tie' I hioh ' th t ers elf Exeter have recently, and in IfoaertPlutrlicP"utilits tYl'esee,rs'w'heirich46hr:idedtobitlahwel: . endethe betterinof trade tend general g prosperity, is an -example that may well be emulated by i our ratepayereffhp have been too eonservatiee In the past 1.1 the way of ,„„,„,85es,...... encouraging these en.; 'ire We regret to - have to rei serious illness of our eve er: and shoe rnercbant, lir - jeth.d,Dehoot/ rYe ale. It appears that Mr: '- Drysdale while spending the Thanksglya ing holiday(' with relatives ini Winghata, caught bold whkh,developed hitte .ottter troubles, confining him to hie room for the pant week or More, !ander the 'care Of several doctoral anct a train- - ed name, and while at dare of . write . • ing there Ls not much change hi hie condition We- *Arun be may soon ex. perience• a decided cbange- for the beta tee ter --Oux genial Ito iin, Mr. , Alex- . .l. Smith WaS ill BlittaI0 daring 'Menet* week - looking ttp :' the situation ther_e la ren_ea d ta the market f * r mar or ee . maple rob% :8 . ith tit, Idertakir !taloa ohalint4l111"t!w Harvey tries trahr sos . The et. d he ery gra AlaYneht de her was thi er alaCe neent Cale wh --ttn- ' s wit rt tOr h hope rations g anniv e. niethodis bbath on NOV lancer St; A er Will onday .'e ,chlidren uncle, to their Friday IPP 9 e w 01,P,00111n i"nee, , too gparlo *omens/ McC 6 ny 0 !rya eta!, I relay ifylig of i ird . en e. / Wtod • h hi 'r h' She are via No _lilb e • e e 'a I w .. - It'o 1 fa re 4:a a e in ein 1 aY m at eokn n eeal•rth, rl, -k n • e , •arents •ed wi -I :ch ern 1 w s ve , :. , orn ego, -t. etrete're9s14.?"' lag Rev- 00 , the eteely Heteli ' ewe lit who lahgotill was ring te M.( from In our Q6C1*-. son event _ : Mrs. 1 tient g m erviee rchtot , er ant h, R cond Mirth on th Mrs. aye b• tt3 tart lie c this American . , • on and all to lly, an m ttre18: utt I itir a 1/41gh es ar on 'Ha -M o tine t SI,toes gull Marc "eke leas - i _Iv, Itiiit He ton heir ' el ain n - The , „Th 8.85, 2111045. 'fairly r Yid eek, e, ca tore'. w te on vi last e 1.0 he ado o ea le at b an he Is ring P k 4' n w s' •of * gi come and s on W. la tid L e con•ction • doll, n of riend: 'brannt er m ' *hare hi h c The " ene elect' comp - _ The The ndesb tewa f gr. tile ich, t nt S Dodd . .he d 0 re 6 11 *a, h ha r, w of t -did lyth ttle are section market 'hipped Tuesday' ext wk the same have * rketo, dfaterrinnIti‘g s far adrevoerry' enough' to he Sunday, Woods ..T. W, r successful- roe, ha gracet th who . We a trip aome iriteres seott, .gitotene In ; report:se tion.-eTher e table ect on w runin n tr next . he, 'n1 Mr. W bow- of 'the good .Lewie, to the efre. ' • e to fixed, ue ant, IS, Red, a 0.F. 1.dga claims . wen - a po Ming, and will put a tervIce 31' S. ee en ch, -when a present.- Mrst Rosse e an a Rev: delive reissio • ence Turn ass *Ice re.aAf • a ni Clinto bere of t -dal co * on h ere :liver - - a arr, n enti titots 1 be, anc bistro Ledges - , ro Re ' • t, of in le being, C.P.R. • ere be if fro. 'day ' ef G. . e ..„ is at rdon hloore. 1 im ng h use at dispoSed o moved from - er cn e lead net - go ' , beleig. veer two he h bad as th as we twpeor-ePprniekeenetwo4r now. 'held November of Scot dis es, e wit uncle t -o who time , retur eve h Mon a In f rain- b ti, y h Ind P att of ma wig o. about for r, P. - his nd . wee- to tion He fie .-Th in, °t Tues a On in dree. Mr. ed a se he a missionary, r gave le- Seaters mounted er the ce repaste-efr, paid est( e W. test rlday as a . edal ho r led 'Rescued,' ere f o , lento, ere • Mr •' :elgr s through ng 1r 39 McCaughey ith h an w .a pres .-eil the of '' inr here - Taesday state , * , ' r d a , n a seas* Net, n r- r 1 b r Old er s I v r lee wh to d ale C f to , , o f $ dl lo id • a ly la.,kson M ti 6 M 0 h n. i. e t e! an o tb old stem o Mr: Ev ral day -of TM e'en : y even 1 the . while • o 3.- Fa , all ro ownship Taylor • here t 'tithing been gang, :•-•nda 1 ight in eatiey, fall f es Frain ee Walt: do are ir frie id: ,____ ' It as . - to experience,and with a ti th VO 1 - Steam Sh _ , Ye may : f If esti - Hi 1 you nate li-Grade -* , s. n. ate / / as •. - • all proven,by th a , , ! , t the ,a, t e: insta : * we de I y forl-Gr __. _ Yand I .. ' . , . v would e urnaces . . Tile I 0 0 . 19 ill a t - be pleased to give you ave the agency for a number VIZ e * Kelsey' • e unshine e Reda an of furnacess yea,rs t* rob, - present o y tt first-class, M onar ' have until 1:0! , an. , j a and - A te . . u Cli f Old for ma . , : buel inwhbe (Id' at: t,„ Fridh, d bY lila °Yee - that . ' Sundae : ..eceased -he leen ' g HIM .1 optlo last wleel . t.' and 4 Mk -10W -11_ ec. 'tend bethe ts ..tOf red ' compati or was leashi -not d Sayi leitsid6n. eeper ndlth. ade art- .'to efilk le door, ded In e In then. ,w whe he bait re be candle . to ' id e 1 j ess of, le . wi 0 e 4 a et he e f If c y heel Ic.nti ti, e, ho in :cstir e t on 11 .. e t le ti 3 I : , op - - 11 .ji b I r3 '4 e Ivo Lor tie fit ee e I e, o t‘15. - a in pa cult' - . t :- A - Mend e ; o . 0 it ed ue r 1 Union t a I ..• •roerittor o d et. in 1 h ou , e : kin ic d ' ta -et Na e ' a , cone. Clinton g has °Ild. 821ilb ei, e o de John, ea eee tw, IA9 td, ondit into e hot to m JO gi er-a. cotrun. -the,: e bar. • • ry fo: rm ,ibut :gain ing how himsel ere: tia Wit wit opp m sol Op this crea, up a thee rs, ete 11 • ,,l't oe .. -e , . • • • • . - 'eine - • • • an h Iinot el A ,, getou Beane plow ,ire e , - n - elt rel a t . di . • . ar r as ac e eren.,_ r et e 1 ni of 1st' It h ohi rg fo is fil sell ly o - - op • i..t.ft re .a: tre els Ong, fthn oted 01. branch • irontlto, elir ho joytng off tr,nri , daug .1 eree to: ler- 111, raIns and and h and cl h. hag` • elate I (sick Patt of t severa on, , w a eltnila is Offe • machin Grasid power,i ning f el i the ' . by hh: t oh, dered, , as a ft ton R .k, the 1 i. le ' 'id i n v t 9 • 1: r It, t li , : g 0 e ot 1 h "e . ' h -rd o at , Intel Annie er pla'y bri a d . a» , 1 o. “ 1 glies . , • . . t 1 e • ii mo! illy .. :ret ,t ve named 1 I mit. g notlwish sets . W 0 1 d everything igl . rney i a. a . .4 1 G e Gurne stands t ' th you actual ey an d lie best-workrnewith re number to in we 1 a so do - Hardware Stoves _ d • any . - . y '- , t for he - . . -. • ' . I Efficiency 1 , I 1.4-• - f th ' e qua i.ies o . ese, . e use in your neighborhood, Ill - ' d - s a can pro uce; . . long . , en sa i fa s C furnaces furnaces you will always . . . of futnaces at the have this work delayed would advise that - - Plumbing, liot Water - that gas done in a i Store 1 I -la Th t' ppy ougla , . 43 other i - a stove h gh gr de - . , '' * as unnecessary they e b th . . W ' , an well heated:hOuz-. -•Vir ei- a. col • r -o ' * p . t Ag ins - w very*e .. have best employ . of are d as weather . ear eating, The _ nts l.r, ) nt. 'With! Home,: b wee d again Of MO. nt WEta ble 010 • d brou ed with. . assau seVente .ome e was h e ere le.counnl evidenc *beateti e ishnie .. :'Wrig P pane tie :nd ale he. meg t hhe eithli n to h .huma tspecta erne. re. 131 orse Tho ler her aceorn pend k rg. Ch oetreal the . in eh wi has, re visit In 3. ek• e fro ha -d tie Cha the we Welted. parso . t, who or . John rip to has Mei. C. gone 134.-T hlare:41 _ _ a et : sa t owl pla. • tt, ht ha - t o a..ut trio sn a 01 an' 14 fell t ev: : d Ost : telIte count an • n bel. tonal ' ker ne , om it nie . t . : w • rtes. -e0 vertex he urn Pe eSa b en lto t, I his age pee testi as . ear4, . el " . -on " its° to ,e ---f 41,' - _. -- r It. te , nd or: -hi • • 1 I. Im ' • I , - * Ito thr e d ml n e - tor c hit h ver ,g.f m w ti 'in b nte H , recembe 0 eservece. d , beeke n or i h•- p 1 w•re w•ek.-Iti h Is ;.g.-40,1Gco„ isi a' he 2 -. The iant boro • had e Et ., of In thelhands _ ho to. to dem 111- .0 I he e wee fore e ed ay tied .11 be gir uman' u was Wed a bill nnecte urthea i dealt end iti. again The stly o wes own, Loa Mr= with • per of ome and bald le w, ten. a few ho spe ..e.! -F ents wee in. in as- r as re ing he d Mrs. home at of #40 t ie. e tq ri [ h e e .1 .1 : h • - L d. s e e e .. " zd, s hi $ : 1 r C I *1 • el, VI i i i l. :1 ., : • , i * ' T. e. aid 0 ess 0 e ti r vd -a,e i •• av ter ra, so e . ' el- lo. d e Jiro ell S ,ot :., ns h d - •Tt 01 a.. P - o , it a 1 -euarter :• : • se th th• 1 ts:rv 1 o g. :m at ht. it .hrria,get R'33h hematih Qt e ! 4 ,-; 0 a,' m arla Lia :11 , s 1 *al "1' be - nee. es, hevi foot, Box tiers in t meroial ew daye. )(nee M . at h•:r s Attay, , Itrese vices o , - held -rvice usual event •.8 rend es.- d•eided ment a Wale A ver zed - a hent Ar -22nd, , aughth to it t ergreen; enee - ofl both: f ay by rch wa. 8; COU -la young tin evi ivith o • ower hu aidert ey, Th ea sple 'lther re leYi Mr • a gr., 41 )4 4 E FOR H ' . 1 I _ .. Xma • amp Or er early ne d to t VV. o. e tw, or 1,,,,, ,,,....1 rou're V rell.tg• - Zi! atn , ' 0. , '1 aze 13 hrei4 _ -k b books and sire , el . . ew greetings t to ' be ' your oards- h d° a • years y .,.,-- inapeotion t _ . reef: . , in . do 37-011 the Ines d for . Want past and . . not __ -- 2 Year , ‘ i the m ;e4 ybur sttre - 1 ' I a, ar an 1 ii 4 . „ ' - Cards with your own n nle printed thereon ' . d. - t lea ing art publishers ready selection. • . of your first choice. You . • beam. er t ) Ull OSS e sale for those oards . for show de- most desirable1. : invited at • -- - - He Gan ale, t 1 co,o3 cons' 0 eo a neria, le lat sowentszt make at' S. T. . m th ii_ nesein aln - et • eget) !inner ' A It - Ball. in tick p i of ' ngd ,c7c1 e o)n , wiehes to p undup iginz Single • Wiligginso elmee, tefigerti;Vejt orninero ate*, d Om el Mee tpeic Board Olekr - - Bengali, m 4 ;1 . r rop n rilit hoe -* rhtte lanrirsiseruountrygauntnd harne.se Uensfa. having 1- ifote ••q wi 1,-T will 4.evt WIT.ASOIsT , DRUGGIST ., i, Ontario d_r ...a ei‘Lortu _., - _ 7 _--,- 7-__-_ . - _ _.. . , - - - 7 - 2- . -- ..- toP..,,.. on,,,, 1Q01. 1, base. - but/ -Orman• ' ed fowl; e, te elc 17 ea' nee • 12 to 1-2c rkes,, -aiv e, 2 to2 4