HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-09-26, Page 7f TAx,Lop,NaLiat, OxT. nl a st:f]<erer from Fearful Head- S&es for over two years. Sometiuxes, they °mere sa bad that I was unable to rk fore (1',1V at a time. I took all I ds o, niedicine, was treated by phy- us, but yet the Headaches persisted: A amort time ago, I was advised to try w*Uit.a-tives" and I did so, with Imust ,00fm, very little faith. But after I W taken them for three days, my H dashes were easier and in a week y left me. - �I' hacL taken a box of these After my headaches were quite cured. y appetite was altQays poor and any 1 .*=ach. bad ---and now any appetite: is ' 4kndid and any digestion excellent. I had became thin and weal: from the tart Headaches but now not only baI befit cured of all these awful fiches, but my strength is growing; once niore and I feel life a newman" BERT CORNTI�zL.. Take $'bruit-aAives". 5oc a box, 6 for -5e,-trial. size, 25c. At dealers or Fruit a-tive.4 Limited, Ottawa. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND �t ex"taught by ex" at the . fit', Y G. A. BLDG... JAWDOW, ©NT. assisted to positions. College iceinSmion from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue ftp Enter any time.. LW. W elt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Chartered ACCO natant i 17 >TfcE-YitaCipai 11 1 rr yearn; sir. B t hen theyo 11 - t . LF#dL- " t , R. IL (HAYS- . small chain 4 the bolt drawn moister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and riantly, at the -same time subtly making y6tarypublic, Solicitor -for the Dom' this i� Bsnk� joffim is rear of the Dom - air," went 011 inley, his in Bank, Seaforth• Money to loan 11 J. M- BEST. beyond the assistance of any honest Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Mary, wry Public. Office: up -stairs ove, 'street There's this nature a 4 that are'not dy, come iii ereI'' is furniture store, Main Kayton. o'er - -_ __._ _ 11 t ((� y--�-- f i_ •. HVLF..a.... ; a highly nervous manner, cl blue denim f e workman, who ba� 'Wille lorrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer ani : appeared at jth, half door Votary Public. Solicitor for the Cana I Bad[ 01 Cnmerce_ Mqney to loan J"yards for sale, 'office, In Scott's block 7 gas street} Sesforth. UWO()T, RAYS & KILLORAN ;eters, Solicitors,. Notaries Public ' with. both` h f as he advan ,, money to lend Ju Seaforth on Mon' soothingly, `that's the very reason of eavh week- Office in Kidd block I TERINLRY. we're here. Now tell us the facts• as JOIN GRIEVE. V.'S- - 4400 graduate of Ontario Veterin ' ou know them. Yon found the body?" y `Z Finley instant- #)Bilge• Ali diseases of Domeetir treated. Calls promptly attend . ;;a Sito & d charges moderate- Veterinar: a specialty'. Office and read A dow am Gederich street, one door e" -it I I ,8eaforth: St pr. &Ott's offit but with a manifest change of dttitude- Iice, got Mr. . HA$'BI RA V. IL I c and he doctors her � Bruce r graduate of Ontario Veterin Ft my Vie, and honorary member a J.4 , �a1:.Aasociatlon of the Qntarl, _ q Terry College. Treats diseases o Animals by the most mod `stark dead on the Sure in therel' Dmestic 'Who's dead?' I says. 'Mr. Argyle,' iples: Dentistry and M Fey in W a aipecisity. Office opposite Dick' the papers n ll of us, mal, Main street, Seafortb.. All or "Who's Andy?" interrupted Dayton. lett at the hotel will -receive Prornp r !ton. Night calla, received at tb t fancy, an a public - II CaLi. in its inose _ L& I='_ -. BURROWS• I and residema-Goderich stree+ "Did you hear broke In Qf tba lilethadist church, Seafortl !!fie No. ii. Coroner for the CoLnt 'j G, 0 S! SCOTT & MACKAY. , J. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria an `r Arbor, and member of the ,Ontari "What does he do?" - allege of Physicians and Surgeoni Coroner for the County of Huron. . Q,. Mackay, honor graduate ofTrinit head- I "Trust herr t• U%iiverElty, and gold medallist of T1'ir put ata Medical College; membe_x of the Co 'i of Phslclans and. Surgeens,Ontazl Z DR. H. HUGH ROSS, L Graduate of University of Toroat '' Facuity of Medicine, rremWr of Co 11 i lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Os t4 talo; pass graduate courses. in Chica; ; "He don't >ku "He do� t ideal School of Chicago; .Royal Opl a[lc Hospital, London, F'ngls.. 1 t. l asrsit1 College Hospital, Londo 1. 1�1sad• C)ttim-faek of the Do -mink r = 1t,, Etaforth.. Phone No, b- l4igl slight t atnpsw,�epredyfrosa residences VLctOx 4 -, 02"t, r8eat'or.t�_• �' ,; '', _ AUCTIONEERS. - farm ,7 TWUAB BROWN. _ Lima"& stonear for the sound) _ A Jklron sad Perth . ,Correeponden, . ii eptly" answered. Immediate a l .Andy followed him about i its or sale dates can be maA ,: `' by Z&HIR; up Phone 97, Sea'forth, 1 atmos- 11Mpositor office. Charles anode I here of th xloom seemed' to P #s wA satisfactionituaranteed. � . i -i I - B. S'` PHILLIPS-. P Licensed auctioneer far the coulit] for re8ectio , oved the h i (the of Huron and Perth. Being, a practic `' farmer and thoroughly understands I •-; f{;';' Y'` aha value of farm stock and implemer Places me in a better position to a ,� y, • .:, ::,..: . � - •:-��,--.x. �?;:::r�:•r•- ;:s�' aiize good prices. Charges modera a Satisfaction guaranteed or no pas. . • Orders left iia Exeter will be prompl attended to. , - - , e : -' --- J0ZX ARNOLIX out every Lkefsed A=ttaaeer for the Cnu i which way,' e butler explained t at Ra mi.r to a na lane, { ' ' file dates _ can be w0w by l in fatly at the RWLI i3cl i it should be. ; He made W ftoaa �e I . �. Y.- , . OT Iii, Xxpwli ' ,¢ OMCs'.. All `earrezpoadtaxn vrrm xpt 1„" 1 "�' toWkd to "d satudactiva rtasrtante gW . Dayton n ddd abstracted y: A He w s } studying th new arirange en - �' �., it r . - >. >` • i chairs. `moi"h4M* -�,_. - $- µ? 3}� i oc... _.. _.. • - _ - 11 a • -- . ,_ , s • = { l b 11 vu Co o f to f {,,Y it �ioVC A"UvII .T C anus j► O e w%.aasa&s :a, aY, b Harriet fiord, Harvey I O'Higgins an D. tectil Y I Burns, in Which Robert Hilliard s Appearing. , I -"A er"if of mden with so little inteIli yearn; sir. B t hen theyo �- - ft they genre that they would put• suspicion went out tb t or, for I, f and the, on Miss Maryl" went on Finley :indig• small chain 4 the bolt drawn ' riantly, at the -same time subtly making the morning. A d let -me bell you this It clear that he excluded Kayton from air," went 011 inley, his in the general condemnation. "They're rising again There's o Zg! bu beyond the assistance of any honest ; wickedness is doubt o' Mary, man." "Did you try to help them?" inquired There's this nature a 4 that are'not dy, come iii ereI'' things . - i Kayton. • ! A tall, sb b g-'oungi i#, � with in ,the, "Help them!" exploded the old man. "Man alive, how can you come be- ; a highly nervous manner, cl blue denim f e workman, who ba� 'Wille tween a tool and his folly?., They'd : appeared at jth, half door Fin)• hear no word from me. Their minds- ley was tallin,P, shuffled r iuctantl what they had of 'em were all set on one thought" , forward in o e 'ence to the I smoothing d his string ammanc, look hal ' 1 "('Nell, Mr. Finley," said. Dayton ' with. both` h f as he advan cd,_ Ka�- ! 'ued to soothingly, `that's the very reason - ton glanced .' t. him, but co we're here. Now tell us the facts• as address the {utl r. ' ou know them. Yon found the body?" y `Z Finley instant- I first to 0117 Did Andy come8 t y He did," noded Finley. ' d t did not," returned ly, with some traces of his indignation, was me that roused Miss Maty.I Whe but with a manifest change of dttitude- ', we found h as dead sh got Mr. n Investigator.- I was t ovvard the ew c and he doctors her � Bruce straight quiet in me bed*when the man -Andy " away, and be gotthe I p(lice, and -boorst in on me. 'He's dead,' he says, from that I 1, began-trou IE withoult `stark dead on the Sure in therel' • end. Repo ere, besiegin' u and np I 'Who's dead?' I says. 'Mr. Argyle,' ;man above us icion-and sl nders in .`"says he"-- the papers n ll of us, ! photy- "Who's Andy?" interrupted Dayton. ( graphs of .q and that E n 1 pictures "Dan. Scully's `boy," replied Finley out of their, fancy, an a public "Him that" - in its inose .perverted." ;.I thepight?" I "How long's .he been here?" _ "Did you hear broke In anything In abruptly, id1ressing "Time out a mind, nearly as long as Kayton meself." the newcomer. Andy gazed plprehen "What does he do?" - sively about a room and bol his "He maL-es himself useful when I tell him. He's a simple soul," added head- I "Trust herr t• hear $�� put ata the old man in the manner of one speaking of the feeble minded. -' Finley I "What tim d you got b 7" went "Send for him," said Hayton curtly. Old Finley promptly rang the bell. I on Kaytou. I Andy fidgOtd. and looked pr pealing- " Who else was in the house?" 'went ! ly at his masteh � explain - I on the detective. Finley wrinkled' h€s- ; "He don't >ku "He do� t w, 914" F yI live by th6 lock. I forehead and ticked off the inmates on ed. I gdes to bed 1 b "`habit and, toi. He up y his fingers. "Myself, Miss Mary. the gill. Bitty. i liable." his slight r Topp, the footman and the cook,;' be ,, :.. Dayton sha'u ged she, era ly and ' d Jo the old butler again. •"'Suppose ,turn _ you �wo arrange, his farm r :! .z_ . - J ! tore the wa n found it at Morn -: _ ing'► r But it was a old butle ho l Aid it. ';sof , a l .Andy followed him about i apparent ,: `' i willingness to help, but e; atmos- s ' I here of th xloom seemed' to P ;have a- } : •:s r . ` I benumbing ff on his rain c)es. ' / :r:;:...::{ ::>; : %es ' >:. v :/ k=1,-_ m with nyl Finle s y, FinleyY P �; - �----- - , �' for re8ectio , oved the h i (the out of `:% `• military! rder and u he'd thein I •-; f{;';' Y'` about the Sloe, , overturni � one .near ,� y, • .:, ::,..: . � - •:-��,--.x. �?;:::r�:•r•- ;:s�' ze al ons 1 the table. d y a o, d ed that _ f;l :- I particular spot. l - , 1 "They we e, ll wheeled) a out every r i which way,' e butler explained as { ' ' I he finished isl task. "N l#' was as -•y h. i it should be. ; He made halyd fight I . �. Y.- , . . 1 , to defend himself, God ' ,¢ I usl be. "�' 1 fore they pit death to hi , // SsS f_ :;; ;,y-. Dayton n ddd abstracted y: A He w s <v ;y > " " ,, studying th new arirange en of the r . - >. >` • i chairs. I I 1. it-�` 1. fi ' a f -� , r "Where a � the body, I f indicated a pot between iii here?" he able and table' "` Y-• 4. �"' 1 the overturned chair. i ; .; � ..,' 3 k- / ' ,,It was, " declared F€nle : -`An' the. , `' `' `. I pistol yondelr."i He indican , d- a spkt at n yl ,/,/.. t Z.-:.. '�' i a Considerable distance fr the chair. ,:'- A-2 `' h!�` :, :':; s r � j �$,{,�: , :'hying o his back?" t on Bay- - }�'�.•.. w1 : >:::.. ton reflecti ely. r - ::>.:,;::%:>:' Nx> �'; "On his ask, but a i ale' to one -!" „�» '� 4-fi side," corre ted Finley. itli the ta- k �:..,_, :: ,;:-k blecloth clutched in his a • d., Andy, I lay yourself dtrwiz there r show the e ® - officer." Andy started to obey at I I st weeban-• - ically. -TIT 6 he stopped it a start. r and drew brick, with tine rl t NIvords he f, ''= 1 5- bad spoken? since he ha n'tered the b r ifz:Y f ; ?r$}nom library. > �s �)::+:• t 3 :>'~`I v "tiot mel" he protests i a tram- ''s <::-,. .:�"'..�,..: _;_ ' blin voice 1that did not co scall a rich- as �... w:.� 4 : ;�� er brogue than Finley's. "r tI ,'re's bad rg _. Is "You're a great detective, Joe, he said luck to itl" . "Never Wind that," int deed Lay- �" grimly. e. . - ton. •'rya§ the tables o sl ragged :!1 iy replied: "Mrs. 1Vyatt was away., Mr. from the table?" "About halfwuy, sir," sem• red the Bruce, bar- argyle's son, was here for B " o butler. nd some bo "And. on to of P - dinner that -night - and went away ; early." i� -Did you see him go? asked Lay' Kayton ..lifted the he ` cover And peered close) ' y' tapestry a1I p is ton swiftly, with a keen glance at the fished wood. I rhe . � W i 3t uld mans face. I made " When wias this cover ,d b ' k?" be . "I did not. - By 11 a'clock cc fa;4t for the night, with Mr. Argyle asked suddenly. his c , � d camp 1t , sittin' here. and 3 USS bSary in her Finley sc6tched I d• etaamller. And how : they got in that nearer. . . ( " - did this that's the thine far sou to ' 111 c �Tx jII-----,-- ,, " � . ,f � h � will keep your hands and 11 _ '_:, 1 it F>!`e d oIB Bealring �7 face smooth, soft and whites: I ` > {`'" and prevent roughness. *in! , ackaehe and P' •n I � 4� " i>; d �y Lyda din ®. `,, - .:: chaps and sore lips, ' Apply at bedtime, rubbing @ g� /y4 gyp„ - 8 ! 1 Iia s CO:i11 'Dt3i� n -,. %.: ' I I :i,: Ir , it in well. The effect is Totontf o, of - "LastlOctober, I rote �. ' ��$; delightful. to you for djrace as I was completejy run 1 } '� g f4,,Jff J i t down, had b 'Arius / r ' In 250 opal glass jars, P..r ;::...;::;; r down sensation in the • i.,: s �' at your Druggist's. . . ':- lower part of bow- els backache and I ' NATIONAL DRUG AND 1 j t. pain in the side. I ;1 f -�, �, :x .� 1lEI►d1Ch.I. CO. {�P -x -.x C also suffered terribly �, N -,, T 1 •lr'i=• ;: from gas. I took f . CANADA, LIMITED,, ' "' �' ? + f MONTAEAL 198 �t`"'•'` Lydia E! Pink em's o ,,.: "�"� ! ff#r'f: ! ': VegetableCom pound j. `,£> `Y'/ .>, ;7;i tJtj 'i and am now e tirely ,. : , :,: %: r`: free from ani n in F " r ;'` '%" : < � back and bow4ls and �! {<. ,, y ' _ fi" =' r am stronger int every �•'r ,, { ' ':}::- :: ` 'it i ways I Ir mmend Lydia 14. Pinkham's j ® � I Compoui ghly to all',expectantimoth- �� %s a "hens s�e if e've get a ping here, :, 1 }I t ers. ; - O. ,E. WA14DBjY; 92 Log# Ave- ; I I oe. . nue, i Toro-, Ontario. i r H� . °`Zt m>y be -very impor r✓:e,"I he said ,:f'`fr/! �� joai r well dais iAdvice."y, /• < y , Lu a `low tone t instant) impressed Nc wd suffering from any f rm of r'/ %% - f %' ` that the. #old serve t with a env ,sense of ! tem le �r u les should lose hop until 'rte ' ONE his resp nsibili es. . 1 fx i ,,;#, • '� - hard- : she as. Lehi Lydia E. Pinkham Veg- r "They might is well accuse o of mute+ use ',ell --I i y was >�ng i etable'C ound a fain tris;).. I ►, 'can I Ind I was traighte ' nig the room � der as I T is f o s remedy, the medic nal tri- ,� wh m One o' tli doctArs me in and thin were ge. ting term gr en f which are derived from nes- ' You know, s he op eta meIntil the a ner should tive roe, d herbs, halls for~ near) forty ble,_ , tiVhy, the newspapers they don'tco , b at I halready put back the yea s p o e to be a most valuable tonic seeni 'to rare at all hat they say. clo b. an the bapks." I I - and �n . for of the �emale or ism. I Do you know what i mean? Mary'A I " as t'Ibeen.tiouched -rice?" Wo eta s ding in almos eve city prostrtited.'°' Vh1y. they. wig t as well I •' t. hats Knot."; A quick gl am passed and to i the United ' State be 'f accuse me of m Order as Mary." " 1 The Guaranteed 9'0'NE DYI� 6r ov 1, Kgyton's face and as gone in wit ib stimony to the we, cjerful I. Kayton nodded.• but his manner ha$ ; �i1 Kinds of Cloth. K an lista! Qt so mu h las dusted," a dia E. Pinkham's Veletabie changed_ ed. HavWg unap tier dry a C1eI SendforFreC[olorCance f CardMistal o eL g P i i' S Send for Free Calor•rd end a'�alskiek Finley i sure ihim. K yton. no Com pe had- no more time to wds on a gar- TaoJohn°"n- "o a°' and disoissedi Andy, Icy _ apolog-� I y ave ties sligi>�test louUt i ruloue woman. 1 '` j in- ror be, 0 ng man's havlor. ! thiit L E. Pitik;lia 's Vegeta- , "I'd' like to see Miss M %uret," be 1 I •'ghats', all ght," the �iotective told) - ble Co u�nd will. heli you write ; said politely, b# with a rtain ab - I to L d .Pinkliaxn Mediei a Co, n ed do command. hi iwant to see the�foatman, Mr.: y raptness that anQou t ;_- ! r;il nfl ia1 Lynn, )lases., f r ad- ' �J Finley."i o letter willbe of cued, f It bad the desired seise on Mrs. i i le coy n inst$nt carded him read Iii answered lD • a w !elan, Wyatt, who wa at the jm menu mel• °V as d Leaking do btfu ly, a thea th a "very , s4nd b strict eonifiden e. leafing new fiigtltsSof orator Hai . • ;. 1 I fb i - i goat, �€ ,d' we out into it:e, hall ' . I s Ola, well, I don t lrnow, aha lSta , cod tai had of dies eared befor . I meredi . •+I meat to say+- you want Of The I'ea KE '�to 'ad h assistan had, whippe to -I suppose yon must. l all go right i Nothing, But b " �i coo oft the tile. { to her naw." And she a apt out o! for v i would End Her tlli�er! est I €ends. the ropm, her r Peet . Kayton l et 'see we ve dot , anythin Mr. M z ' were tSie`de i he J e" s the, chie The year Mr. MBzet'a full ame7" vastly diminish i • mil6alfto s Hall sad Nein Pals fat: m p oncec'� a packs a o! pewde tt� bit her lips an rolled' "J-oe," .said K yton crlopl , in a lows an dust ed the fop of th table with key a the effort of, recollection,: voice. `You a nd to getting the fin - oke o 1 n breath the while, th thea ger riots of 't a rest f the ZamDy Mme• J. D. TAj.avr, 2776 Arai�V�ve ; dexterity,'and i ass that sp ho � S Ii Qwen, .Sound, wanes - II to p actice� Then a two me ' resolt ; t her reply was a so of ea- whey, you're do a there.' ' a rest sufferer frpm heart' disease st sped and blew` oft a dust, an i plo410 i f ' • "Yes, goner," rep ie - Mannan$ and leaking valves- I have re:. Ti ;ton ran big es ov the polish "I . t was ehu--yes, I now it ,without evoking) np fro h work. d source to•every hind of treaimestfi I c' ala su .ac The ` `t Jde tive,shook hi was. , as John-" - mom nt later F ley reithu With the 'tgu Wight help me, including the skin bea4 d ubtinl� he sc rind the fe " \iia b carne of her moth r?' in Mrigli sh- tootma Topp in tow. The 3 of , several doctors, I suderred, fon d F, I felt that oth-, I f ; " ked even more tressed than gars that at tunes T have f 1 fin erp nts. I I quired . a ton. I ' ' :latter loo p "his is a cot trail, foe," he sal " h, a ed there." ; J'Andy when beI was dr spied into the . jug but death could end my ' "I suppose these are le 's. Bat" " n rancisco7* I •room of death. Andy w s ended is was advised by a friend, who had su erect P y I untold pain and misery, lust a I leadsk he ndi sited, two little rpnws of mar : es ". dded Mrs. ';Wyatt. really] • his superstition Topp n ls.senslbil- and had been cured by 1!q 's Her! man las been holding on he d o 't o much about . hie Her- itiea. He #lad ever h rd of murders I ART AND N-BRvs PzLs• to give hem w `t b th:her hands" . m de n e was Mrslt Nellie', is well regula ed- bons balder There 1 antral, so I decided to'do so. a de-+ I' ° Over examine Ma h. 1T is all I' sari tell you. .I was.no precede t for it.. I fglrted with the result, as I am n w com-� ann,ing be IV them. i : re ly, don't know. -how 1 °I remember, He stood at a, ention paces into i pletely cured, and can eat ands a as have not done for years. Yo are a " ha might ;have beep the girl," h the said; I never] hear muchl the room whit Finley In� sated -him i Libertyto lase my � Heine at a�iy It re ark d. ' I I •' ab at the mother except the there !with the air of 0 muses for show- I as Iam convinced -they are the bes pill es,' nodde$ Dayton,' "and she wa w s sandal about >�eir.'! • - , Ing oft an or sp � 1 oaf the market for any form of heartl siI ng down.alf re are!' her eight 8n a oncealed a k�jen an eager "This Ii !Top , sir," h said to Bag 'I dime.== I r rents. yo can get he ant res ;n der an assumption of tale ton. The ifet ve plan at the font• Mce b0 cents •per box or 3 bi for. g P thumbs nude +the edg there." H `mai c o ty of an idle gossip. f man and the footman -at red at the ,;1.25 at all dealers, or will b mailed n loo close) a € "�e ` al ?' he replled " what detective. I direct on receipt of price by : e T. MI) ed on err, land, g y -(_ f Stec$, Toronto, {fit. e eiry quare` finch. "S a doesn't wa 7" - "I suno�se this man r a no ezWri-* i 30burn Cc., ''t;'' e said 'at last. tiVe']l have t " II can't say;' repli d Mrs•,' ence when Ise ame to work here, , Te take . ese all, Joe." Wla 1' r. Argyle .nevev could be marked Haytonei, addressin; the heeler. I I _.s.. i' perjsua d to talk about � her. It was:. "On the •cont�nry, Sir, rptnrned Mn- ; ' en re o account of 'Mr. ] azures• say, `,be eprme, *id rit'ri c from some `I ; :DOCTORS SAID; I CHAPTER M hter. O ft h became interested in M ry." : of the beslt families." r The p dopteci ®sig . ., ?" nsmt: ctIsa; "Why dict �th�' all ei#arge him2°i NOT GET d? the uninitiated l,Manning's a ,.demanded Ka on. Ttlppj began to !II . NO tions i7i followilag oat this O- '. l .Wyatt la�u ''I I quake visibly, but his d gngty was oat- ,SEE VIALS OF 1 tier would ba been #rang t g gat you ll�c'd be ?' ho rags• I with mystery. a pushed ed by. �''I "I doubt, air'"- begsFinley, when i L� ill`lisS -Uver Ails le over to'the windo and tilted t " h, i y, many yearei I eau to 3bpp by a migtity effort p pelted him- ' o its ide, a ct jpsting a ' d readjustin gas -it` u t be twenty -ever since my,'; cif forward and Interrupted. CURED HIM• It r n I the light strut its polish husband eci° I'in a widow -do you "If you halluded to m lr," he said, s ffac at just the nigh angle. The know - t I mean? Ism a very old; addressing Kayton, "% By for my h � produced `a< small but powerful Hfd� Eat ou Amin$ d ° c crier ,part 'sat the contents of a sma 1 fri nd Jo a family, and when . ASI self that Tve A record cruise !hart) / pyla ad ted Mary he fel I that a mast any man might be prod o :' b sick and oa:tcbel tha he bad dro "Hgw did you comet �e mi.� "u+ have 'a man in the ho e." ; _ _ _ Y_ _ _ _ _ _� Ira• DAvrn $8 cs, C1 moat, p d near the, door an4 proceeded to ��� ' odded and Ser ked is CUM � writes: --'`I have had indig 'on Ilea number of phatograpbs. He - I @n this mnrder7' dem de $lie deter far ^ me years, and (could hardy est. . th an infalli- ' "Tell ,Ides. Wyatt, wIhat vers the Live, his dart£ eyebrows g togeth- was a> ming pis chief i relatio etween Mr. =10 end big It then turned into a sour stoma, and bl means of, dentiSca on. t so , ?,t 1, and his eyed. darting al #nl glancres, she -doctors said I could not get rcured. ou Iproba' y know "I at while o r I I at the servant. Tope gausp d and grew I �d a lot of medicine until at last one '* rs. I att -drew a deep b ath as ountless fine whiter than his speckles ollar. oi'�my friends told me to use IVlilrsx's Ener (tips,irith their c an�mu n for another ap h. I11 , • ',cpmceniteic rcles an ovals a d - S elp me I'd no an in a r he cried LAzn-LvnR Pn,Ls, and after I had used w a i time since she had had so tit dl . three vials, I was completely cured, and sj�v epiDO' lines, all appear about t e . e y I always keep them in the house'rai�w." w .lin delightful a listened. `i Kayton made, an dna c late sound, s e, no two are Identical. In e y ' Oh,l Dayton," she said panting , Mr3.a3z5rtN'S I,AXA-LMR PzLt,S ;are a trema b ef; IV lou holies' bureaus f the eiviliz Indicative of wonderful remedy for all diseases Or dis- n on there are now ousands of a ly,! "& omething I don't like t®, "That remains to be s en, he decl• Tints of co:l- taI� a It was the only g we, ed grimly, while krile tared won orders s the liver, and have y o t: year - i rinits of the finger d ha{i t eke us unhappy. o yon, sally used during the "twenty and years v 'ted men, and thousands are add mean Bruce Ind his( deringly from One to tb of er. "What I they Have been on the market, u yearly, Yeti oY all that vast numb r kniow h Lt I ? Were you dein that nig t?' Price 25 cents a vfAl, or 5 fpr SE00, . n tw are alike. ;father ver seemed*tol agre about! "Me, sir 0 remanded TPP, with, a at all dealers, or mailed direct ob receipt he made accidental ty, on fnrnitn e anyth'11 rI may= th® last ti e they.; start. "I'm a man of a rl hours apd of price by ThT, IvIllaf+rn Co., ,`4iauted, O.. glass,. for instance, t ase marks a e . quarre a he cut him off andIetevery uget'abits. I' readm ev Hari' pamper 7:"oronto, Out- ' eta ally iatisible to a Haired ey thing to ary. We didn't a of us q , _ est 10." P an was in me abed by bu w enthelguspected bjectis treat d . know�t ;!anti] yesterday. It's , oo bad "'Did you hear anythhIg at night?" I h of fine light pet they cone to Ilea ;e ruse without apythin • He'd ;There was air est, a mens a in Kaly- � -- - t is b t b - a. a 's you know, and o course Iou al a deal) gray against the bac ton's tome. n t make much with thelia, + ' the ..1r, o anis l r turned r un and hriay be photographed and ts T go to bed, to sleep, , = A n res rd. • i art. I. an to say if they do 't hav$' servant doggedly. "Hit' n t ane plaice as a Mike ii eve%llsti g never et anywhere hung I rave While Dia ening was usily absorb m aney y v gto be wateW, and list pin ." III this work bis chief's mind was b.,u. i- :leas the Ire famous or sQntieth I;, and Kayton $ ggea p� shoulders a4 if 1 idia sting '',abd arran g what lit e �t �o 't happen very •y oft, . to conclude the inc}uiryl - I erne thus fa But prase t- { yoln - o what I mean?, ( s�ery beaFy INul"Se , "You're one of thesis her ha le d I 1 nodded sympathetic ly, ani ay o 1 the as iajerrupted ley -the bus • g sleepers, I supposes" ' . Frs. Wyatt - tt, fortified by anoth r breat.W. I s, entrance of y I "No,' sir," returned P o . "I'm a Ask your doetor if be would`.Eem- 14 n?" dema}nded the lady, , th o d carry her several undret�. 13' ht sIee er, sir. i o kin walks lir., Is`aytp very g p ( ploy a nurse to sallied in anyof the a}itis a little harder than usual, s words p ;seeded with her sea + _ famous detects e. #`Th�t fight, Mary tells In , them mu a whisper" I avee a4 v se def she, c nfroii led the + It' . t e How did it' happen !iiia you slept Beadvised before deciding to .111 there anything yot. want to k h d b e 'a reconciliation. d through a murder, Meg?' demanded ; go to ool one of these quick-dipl� ria ?,. 1 . i It came o late to have him fix overs will. Mr. Horley says he ked o lCayton quickly. - -_�_ For particulars .apply to Presi- IYe I began Dayton, with a fails cif nt; of the Graduate Nurses! As- , vo3uble lady vas not o iti ihaery day. Mr.' Hnr _ey's ext�I W ek, r,=elation of �Oiatario 1;95,,,'-',h' r - h, tat h E Continued N , e' be led veli. laity_. mean to Say he's been atr. I Isourne St., Toronto. I asn't lice when i happened. y a i tending his affairs lately. I don't', I j ij,no�v,' she h�laibbled. I mean to y I know IA !!sing about tI 11 hem. He'll bili ! Ion', know'' any mor about it than : here elf: -I telephoned im an4 I C had lit e _ - - - - -- - - - - - -! - - -- o uta I suppose von know a tc¢ld• h m that Bruce p ; , OU d i , , i OU w e b E. = „I ; ds and that o I at deal. � She beamed upon hi i� your , of er5 I' € ' 14 in For nursing 'fou on't )look at all 1 ke a deteeti e. I i •g I '�, P. H. Tla"iie T�1;,� ' a ton` Do you know what I I as . I y . , I t��Te ,.� iia-Drn-Cd a�e1�h an( Goderich I Ian ( ` In smite of his* imp�tlence Kayton I offer the imports t a want- TO TORONTO ale an owed. i v do of `Sttlrb a•terict...............fiv. 6.90 a m 'i 25 p m $ i age that the, .-ibnrn.............. 6.45 " 2.45 " m;, i`Dirs. , y tt,„ he as ed, "when did • 13S4 .BiCIO� h ....:........... " .00 '_ ss _- 4 is Ddaznret?" i i the: rest of the S St m Or .,.a_,wn.. ;.11 _0B ` )�1r. 4rbyle adapt DI s , I .. " -1.44 " s.38 ., '1Ia y?" e clAimed Dhrs. Wyatt, Open- is the irect and inevitable r .sult of ! :erten__- t ,< .f 1 ` ' kno irragul or constipated bow Is and affect the child. ; wood. ,i,-,,,,,,,,,, 8.05 x.57 rx her yes.. " Why, I dont r.�iM .... ......... ,. 8.23 "' 4.1? .. in I don't elogge up kidneys anti skin. The : 25C. a bow atj yo 1• piph_ 8 55 ,. I {. Ike vias list a little tb g und> e. ed food and other was e mat- ' • ; •»pip), JvL.......... " `'� 0.05 " the sig but heal- g I Druggist I iExe Abe a;s more ter h is allowed tb accumulate ': 'orm3 c .............. Ar. 1o.s5 '• x.35 nc much about it. I mean . vis n the blood and the whole National Drug and a emi al ' o- -�t FROM 'TORONTO 1 - yl don't It was €n Can p s of CCanada, 1s ited 75 . ,:,to ............. 1,v, 3.00 a. M. 14.00') ni oI sa I i% wasn't there. system Dr. Morse's I Hellen R of Pills, _�_ ;i t ,,,,t• • . • . , • , • Ar= 9.21 ,• 15.15 " ran ised You 1,-aio�v.- r...Argyle and k act it tly on the bowels, re ulating rl,.h 0.58 " 1 5,6 I them e,ri the kidneys,' fav in them I ¢.i.,. .O.Ys 143.14 cassia I strength to properly filter the �' Inwood let.-,-....• " 10.45 ;' ? 6.32 s' blood and on the skies, ops ing up =a':Ertor, 11.03 j 6.50 °' V. R01 . " ILL 7.95 " I the o s For pure blood and good .•ri•.. ........... 11AS •` 7.416 " health take ,.err ti -,a:........... 12. iii P. In. s.ie, .. 48 �:^llnf a ores at Unwotxi for UktovOel. Cion 1 e r s e 9 .a � arms at Gneh)h "Tut. whb main lute for Gait • Fm. �• s . r,®i:iw-*, D)ndon, Detrol nd Chictkgc an i all cls s�-ldae to ®+ ®� i'� 1 €t f l: al=b com so _i.sAdak r Q _ WL m " ,o�: nediate 1i»ea, 1 ",14. ftw4yado IT '1! 'WA I I l,II I , . i i I i f - i. I i I - _ --- _� , 6 ____ ___= l s i I I I i I �. - a 1 L�rkf 1. E Y f11 ­