The Huron Expositor, 1913-09-26, Page 4Ir,7qv HE 61. MBER 96e' 1913 T I W, he -zew 11M Lu tat diurob, ];(1110W 10 4alltioil! 1pf Vroteietiala The, Ptoddent of, walh� ted b) Vhd heldservice, 1beri m day 444t. To efA- ,SEPTEMBM Ot.�fte,.� ASSO014tIbil 11001i"Oft M`ll ry, -4 he ^d And— d1eh tke noiii be; s)oXe erman sod d -'aalleAffe on - _Vmi the 11A 'M t T W' T X Tho- r-ithe'tA , -eo ; I Is h": 91 7gloom ove t ea- In fte evening4v He igiz flu- 'i, vv�u4 in d%W -toUift -condido IP e la ages. H113 dd ry 0 Mer- itire Aeigb od d -A%ih a yml toy ent speaker In bxh la The. G..dda us, 0 a t t r Ot t J�,tbe Association- Wind t we iY1, ut ki tW j pf, Is $elt for the ou Al ind-4ftimi as pagol ot t lobal church Wreceived aa;tpfe�ctori repiy,�ani[ -the up 6 hupa to dMit 6and- famll Y anav 04 iwiU-. take place' ad day, October Ana 3 no way ri� 1w 'Ut -far. aj we a I no mention Yed In, Rt. -A runs, list first 9 10 1 -1-2 13 00 ve ot ced. 7 at the AAXIiza1-,meett4$# tprfit othoout lbe, ed -to be OrIo4s owme at noon ir waa ;nade t6 t7 za z9 2G. -wa large c rol, Land on em in ovVned by, 14 it Ii e4lditit the �asooclauonli With people. fic i6ked rn d ar, be 1�5 P.6 27- 11-A talent, don ire, -a discul4_1 11V�_afid Ott a a W d irchal a the, No,teg--Im to Zechariah j 'ifft i ted from tne 21 22 23 '24 Aot, dc Aou L I resunu her the ooro of C. I s- artI6 And dashedtrou;h as 29 sion on subject.'with 04 Grain be`autlful� ta*U' it Resins, 'to duties In . College thi re. -Mi &no miss Growers. It is'aiso evident that We any other Qazarlo, pouli pro. z' r1and the - street$. Fosteri whoAad a tn aft flund 'Art linton pent sly, W1 Guide and the �Gritim- Grow -91V- duM� 0, better 00 -ea,ttracttv6 dis-, at 0 rhilt Vot ere ire I"Al of fu � it saw the team cem Be te I ty 4 a �ored Aifgiam.­� 4r. �S ill' Is V4111 !fig e Manufacturers' As clatio - Y un In ur Ansit 4wung big in In front Of them, is n, Wbi 'Ur Ile NOW ADVSRT18EW3WTS_ 149 tb friends I -,:ock.-- 7 thus 'Preventing n 6 P amageo idt f: trouiblt and a good many uneasy this aeason.': 14 ;havIAV I do hou i is. shl ngled.. _1 They 634'. not entirely Ignore and --,As Krum C JhI9 fine Ouri were t gi teatf at 0i" :foal to Ses' The figire between the parenthesis edt them, in Mrs. W. r air aim Thurs The rainy season will 'soon be here an& the nd they dare not m the a da aft4ar each- ad. denotes the page of friends in th last dity f last week, 4- en 6ar Hen- you'll need protection for your feet and on which the -PA-vertiament is --The bar , s, 'a �n Mordue, I asi, to ake, h V home. sidl, big 0 got to- lilsion with. pal3er or Manning h son ud If -Out ant Ridge, m a froXp Bran with bli a C. Annix jr*� your health in the shape' of a pai,r of good _&und The tiberala" of Ha�t Middlesex bave another colt. whic Wa on It's way we Th aday(i gh -roye from the show here, it id received a rubbers, perhaps you do -s "I re des n�t know there' �tlhl$� poll coats -Stewart Vtros.-3 selected s. their candidate In the. a,v -Thetire, was a see �Woad severe )dek %)n, oi I of I :s legs. The a differelace in rubbers nd you tell wbeth- hes-Greig Olothipir 00�-1 by -children pr�oaching Dominiom. eldetlion -in that ing. with .0 los4 Is estit t IAV Mora Notes., -Mr; and losepif Xe 1i ing" colt- was a little i mine it; the time; be. GoodRubbart .,%Yil J* -4 at er they are good or badi, only by. wearing til -W. a . - 7 - ason's ciops Ing, Df, Seaforti a. Tatrick Ketiti but Mr. -Kruger topix at Kippen .constituend. , on Oetobert 21st, Mr. R and Cluff and Sons -5 destroyed, -as v iwthe niplqn I t% -of Vureka, Ca;l,, I ted In the bU over, p4ht and' eful ttention there them. Our rubbers are! better than usual q,. Fisher-. Mr. Flisher4s abright.young, lArmer on Uss A es �t m e It all rigbt, in uality, look b John sche ff 'the: "OaO4 Lyncb, 61 Dei and the uight'�i etter'l wear better and t Good Shom- M U. Sao:W I -8 awyer of the cit' of London. '96- 01�, was New ZOO styks_i.� X. W11118 Petersburg rol Berlin klck� trait, ret ned tc that city last eek Be Xhat it was, a to roceed to Sea- I cost no more than the 4rdinarykind, our dne;� Squ&m Desd-Uub GrocoTy-5 nert Mr. Glass Is/ of the sanle prO7 day. He �had after a two manthii' 11sit 'With. her forth In: the m0i ng a cariled OfAa PO t, ed by a horm fte er* Porto tar sal"ohn ReYooldA-5 A I new stock of rubbers comprises every I _ 'A a fferea nd James I'l mn, prize at: the Ob th TO Ut- S. & J soobt— t fession. and- a� resident of the city a rI6, broken afin& a mother era.-Josilph a andl 'niiiiihilaory-E. Uaullc�-g bout' the bea4 and- e- Altboug4oerii, of Rullett men, won�en and children. NVe have ri�ibbers to fit every 1, . Sunda; d with their t r md- Lr ad kind for . a also.. The Liberal candldat6, Is, a nat Auction, S%le-5 to 1�r InJuredf bal is expected t re- parsivts,,M% and Mrs. eo Ev u Myth o_e4 ats made and our prices are! s low as good Ive of London township, having been us i- am le and is hap� of sh 'h a wiry Ratimy ne it e;:*:Wrn. Rl�* -5 born. near Hyde Park on one of. the cover. Miss - Laui A. al I has reutel.- d e sAd. en's rubbers go cents to $1.2b Ladies W., Notes.-Rembor the Myth show o r4bbers can be a pair, rd rs. Marg arp C argIll, rellet 11 4 the *Uld- -X I or Farm for asle_T MU hair -ii finest farms In the County of after visidas frii n44 bi D00 rs. o 0` an air., late Henry Cd roill, 91 P for East I rww, Vcdnesday.-Tlie, ax me In, Morrisfor rabbers 75C, 80C and 85� a pair., Misse's rubbers 6 d 65c a p New Doctors -16 riw� diqsex. Although welt known as a bar- Ceirpe�i6rj- of tb Sao$ Utchii ro Farm for 3ale-141T. Jarrou-5 this year -has bW fix d t 8 14 mille 1�:)ys rubb rs 701W to 90cl a pair, ----Ch pair. rtson-8 died on Agqaturdiy a ter a -two 'Y ed ber ale ter ..M, a. Lynch nd Q e ildrens rubbers 45� and 50C a ror,sajf�__ matthewiLobe Ater, Mr.* Fisher has never lost hic mrs Forsyth, of -1. idurale-6 _41veE :one sm, . N, D. relatives h we du t Is Pas t V 04 IkIneiss. �ffie I 1k ilon the dolla ve for the f arm, and every summn 10 rva;tive � Can- Ottawa visited wh unt, miss M. Alaboulitx-G- A--11 Crgill, who 'is: itt e ODnse Emommm �- 1, i �i fe 4piends, on his own- splendid f t this week. Is therefore w1dell, known among didas In- the Sbut h Bruce bye-elec Ion Forsyth for a �te,' lae pt Icinmons, and :two St. columban Mrs W. A., Ci was -Brussels the the faz�mers of thei�l countY.t for the Hose .1 , . Ifirmaw*0 � I I., -On TueSd; 4' Mirn- -,past week attend, ig ih 41. wo daughters. A Happy Eveal funerali of her -in it., St. C011,111bul Urs Whe -A furious 9 01 citorm prQval ed on Ing. t e I fith Mr. and The X1111nery Openfaits one of t hose Mrs. Umes N6ab t7 six n a ew o t Lake Superl 6;1 ".1111 day las and Qhurch we a the icene of ing with it the aeve rs wb Sept. 26, 1913. Fall has.arrived,-brin n els, hs d a hard time., I utuo, bapPY eve ch- nf ver fal tir 'of tho Wt. Wak with [ends in t I -Vor igreat vent, which is 'of SU6 vital in, 6gstl pw ted.. At' Par � Ar-' the heart at the - hoind circlf, thIsW ifield-, raturnin 'brime 0 Friday.- m. t at to the tair'sex-the'MIlAneryop of Ing Abe asion of th, i marrisig of chria. job ere tbur and the, north ahore 11SOU ilia retulr� ied home wi�n it Mcb., and her AVORYAV Tht qtsin aroworis and the enings., Priday and Saturday Lake U the ground. was ffhite Catharine Matthews to. Mr lilri her via t Debk4 �rville, wn 0 n on the ..days -cho-en- t the Seaforth 11 e b6a Rd This 19 ',the earl- )to a nd son of :he well'' 3 bo returned OPPOSITE COMMERPIAL HOTEL ufactur6ra dt�ffiyj and t' c ir m 0 ohn Mel, e I31ners Xor their -het leat fall �Of,_10 h estef med fwith -her and Is nds 'in this MAW liervest , home 9-anufacturerst Assocla­: ed to be, thei very West. I A latest f tail t Tpg Cwwill= choice prov' �a -Accordin motif atlon Rtbbert, recisel L 0"10C d It" I . 9t at tea he locallty,--�The even the bright" Ines whidt h d, misted by b�ar in Hall'o utumn days. But as �iLed by th 1 W- bride ente re al Moth- ThanksgivIng r r �ces I -i Connection eld its, annuaX meetint r fbqr -yals, ago he left here this week to, tten4 the Normal at jait week: Th,�W advantage of - thig of Fair Day or Cie gay, colorings pal t nent at Vo 'onto, erto the dtar preceded by her. �Istevt with �Trinity ght i -ch, I � yth, will be in town. bout awers toUl -acting 10 -next a where they Stratford, while a Misses Irene Do -at" Guide -the auturna,leaves and fl froyi various,. s the, provinc �, te Elizabeth,.), as bildesmald.'. whiAe held at 1 1 Suzfd 94Br- witin his UT10Y I pin Circumstance, the Grain Growers lorings ,Of 1. lu�hainan 'left this week not outrival. the. brilltint co pros )wta for 101 y4eld, in tj a po- the: groom was -a' j pported, by IUS�b]'Oth- vices -will be hel I I Inv burn, at 10.30 1,#ve since reside -He Is survived by lass and Jessie I e to attend the NoMal as, ipepresenting the Grain Gtowers.' the long'feather, mounts which ocropi are. ub-, cereinoa$ *iscon- aqn. add, ow and f ur �Eons at(Hardliton.-We t t.. "ough Itt er Jobin-M.Avor. in B61 �Ve :�80'P-lm Rev bis wId 1kawlatiort.of the Western. Provin `hlt�. -The W. I.I. regret to tate Oat t. the time of 000, the most attractive of all fall Models. ers senei A is nall than year ducted by � tbe R, v. Vaher Hartley ' - ire Durham, a foriner writing Mr. Samuel -hat -they Ire -1-I brYde -presc ate �_g appe nee, rector of this P0 I be the preach- Smillie cmdri-iet Ing of, the Many ot the hats. are(wqalland close ago Indicatib il 1!t d a cibarr i1ag aPpe v ome days preceding the2 Pe He�ssdl very Ill with acarpelY any,hope heid eriviation. aired in, a. Cost inl& a' blue Ult, 'r at these: es..- idy and Bat- fitting, but there are -a great va!letj a .b, 1tter stag a! I e setv 31 Chris. John convention,., sent. thatollowing messagq Orand Fail mIllinery nn out for lite'recovefy.-Mr. Adrew Xotr of� shapes, In fact the hats are suc ii-Tbe- death 0, u red'In Montri af on, d, plush hat rfiamfil with r ch -on rnet wit on aZze7att. Unies'Hensall, djert �u 9 accident virday, Septemiler20 an. At the omp looke I e ti- Friday. 1 I turned from To*onto the first ofthle hlonable model can be�-foun Saturda . mor i c f James -Ros si Tb.- briftsmaid A, ng a it fit was at his Ontario, to.the President of the Manut"turers'. that si jas S. irrimwn I if ArIth suitable for any. ',type of head. e4 k4own -z Soci Ity.-Thel British and week, and reports' Mr Moirr Improdug To contractot, ' 4gin- tui i T4AIR n place tbreshin d bo was work The ble i - �,_ �i lfticely�-Mrs 7. ]�Uls and berdaugh-' daindost 'and most -popular shapes ar eer, � c9iulat F art, empoiss dr, of Aiat. The nu1ptial mass I aing 'Ing arounc helifile jelgn Its all- a rqwn. when &stone r Bible aty bo or one ter, Mrs. F W. 1$mallacombe, were tu 'of. - plucb velvet, velour and 'clippe that, City.- ;X1 bad Men iitfer-, Over; t -he happy couple and In, rited flew tb he pgul?a church on jgadotth. i� I the" Canadian Manufacturers' Assoela7 ii4ai meeUrg In the firtt of t roi king in t his week at- Ibeaver, and black modeU predomin Ing-itkola-h n-&Tble for -two. 6eks a' the ome of, the Although he t; wb n the agent, Goderich stion, novr willing,'to. join handswith ea gue,944,�b mo ored eye, nearly Tiftesday ev aning Age, boY 'As for trimmings' the, Ostrich feathe *-nding the funeral of a Xttle ,Ing, past. Hi WAI y a -of 116iii. bfide, 'whem a. n ost delicious doleuller accident Is U, It. Is 'hoped he Mr Boi gave the Western grain growers I* urg ot the Soct A ed and once more�-reigng a er W tianit, and came was inxv diness The -many. i oJef u and Will Xteove ilustr reialtive.-Mr. az& Mrs. George Bead's OW uce thettariff up- has - return. mimos t res the Goverainent to red of Inv r b ght. The ' regular t address, half tfi&t the most fashionable of' all trimmin lta� anadiit in e King am #1hei attendance have got n1cely Oettled In their now ba British Imp6rts, to, one Gov- handsome presen srecedved I monthly- meett the 'Women.1 Insti- -e(I by tant ern let Sb*#-ufts of 6urled oiktil6fifeather Genera! regr at home:of Mrs. *a; very f air much lInterest was hom4 in the villao and' are enjoying 9& toitign Imports to befol- I ets 'tO the bride besp ask ft btg1t es ri ntute will bg held lot charged -eat Bilt- In the most vivid coloring.sA mounted a fa an 10 k -the. deatf which de (Ircib In th SVood r Th6 life here Cobuin, -the agent i -14 lovied 1Y free rade wlth� Gr she Is he I & by her jog. Carter On a3 rfii�tnlfested &in In four years I By such An action Wg satin covered etems and otb veree A i [19 storm accom anled of friends On fte, a al Of th, " east O'clock. Subjects, d that a fair ot.the temipxera; tment otchurch severe., What to ave sind treasurees report showq Dint. ving work f -the P Church a ornaments. take he -Malvor: left How d ow b ad of the the manufactiarers at l bri t Attle teather the -by - avy f I raip. passec' �'over bound tran Mr. and Mrs to Prepate Thwi I had been r v,41 able -and Interest- _Xh sum sbow 'that heir Patriotism 'is dee# place of flowers in almost every case. 'Cry. tal CRY; tr t\ last week. Four for, a honeymoon trip 1-0 e0tarn cities,- abr " by Mrs Un 0rittfs n; olo by Society. and- dui to the Canada, gave a In$!, report of the Food work 'being done clty�' it too c the accompanied Vk a ibweri; at r a andbest Mrs. Cu V rmoper Aor raore- A -few of he very -new, "t. model s tnlle�s , ea3t W rtis; "Cla tesy r14 4d rl A rable diq and abiding. Nothing would do meth. along that line And, the great ad- reingthen the -ties between Ca,n-'shown at th mill .bappine3s� ners, in the Hons, by- E, Bender. cU6_q10A to as to e best e three Inery pario jorm, (9 a Lbne,.some lh� [I fell wishes for thei tut= t,6- at .a.", - pictures I N.- W. are herewith set down.. A pdctuwres D stAblee at fun for it Carrying (,n vancemel't that the temperance work ad of rats %nd Great Britain. Please bring hfffo ObLrreU cont "A. horses. Af �er censu I 9 of Is krkakin In all theTAIfferent countrice,' i lk P.P6111 7' Ur. association, er] 0 X 46feri all came hol the twesent belng� the most aggressive 7, 'this message before o' mddel In -black,. with pink veil c I wnplu -of of the WO 0 0 , of a joint i Is fall an4f w1re If- 7*ur merabeF.4 are prepared faoing, looked charming on a fftigu me had woir. Ii L the do r o0inton fav red __ Ormond Fall illin _PeDiR;. on Fri lav lid Pat- -,,Sudden Deatb.-41be ' 11 some "b- In the history of tbai church, taklag.all I1W C it Al to join the grain growers in, tb�,Jrte# to-ithe display window of the El. rain for ovi )ne hour -the iores urdar, Septe ber 26 a I id V7, at E. Rann:elf, e eting of all We: ebu c* -Y Be te with errible ou4 es to W Thos. r Into conaldiration. At the close ayll last. Mr. Of Id Paul - Compaay. The only trImMing wei a all tak(nt at t with t).ie ezceptlon ontorio. case of tnijr towi od Vu asidi b4th eveniz Lg, - either In e month part's trich "plum of )ne wb1ch 'WF95 de -ad. Two 'others October or Novenber, andl donatingtive patrio,tic acherde. -esbyt an exquisite phell-pink as the services h0i In the, Pr er N ... perInce addressm gracefully over th wex a so, bad Ir P tred -'that b1z �Ytes.-' wem Case, who had Ue, for many years - a Bible Morning, and In the .1 sgiven -in o chu Chen en! Sun lay 'last It - , 114iii that � was arranged cid1lection f, )r the evening-! to the tan church In th' I N4 11 well know-ij a -Ad ilghl�- resp 'cted far- Methodist church I In, the evenIng, both 'The Grata Growers' jQuIde. rown. The new at Y &!r cannot reco 3r. ina pmonnec wil b the Dowl dox Al. tItha in. soft C rap. of , blac shot. and the A iner on, toe Lond(ri RdJ Uslorne, re- epinregaions- we�p afforded an op- was used to hold It �placee- t'.1in a .6 to house canvAE(A 'Last year, when the Canadian Man- velve I _! � 9, bous In. �plaace few nwm of A orses rescue are, II&ACe. R ,Mr. MCC e spcke bi St. tired* froki6 -the 1: ears ago this way to Contribute -0 the carrylag a ly I s ng ufacturerst Aosoclation held its hjrIm e�4. A lovialy little model In puz - b d used lu X Aijdrew'lis hurch and ev,, M r., I L wwd with his would be d3ne avray. with� and that th)i *IN andtbad since elm r .9 oh'at' ithe goqd 10birk-40ur merchants ple piush� with soft crown and a nax - -Toront in- tj e, Me oi harch- daughter: In this rural parts of the congelitationsowhielt nual coinvi In Ottawa the Graln Qf village.; Tuesday fore- , ire preparing for their annual mMn- 4, It row brim rolled at one istile, was. I I -Rally Ser be. -bel, rithe h" Pat III the past bel* canvass -A noofi `be had bee in fits usual health, ery openings and Hensall wO n-6 less 41 GrowerWzOulds ou babalt ot Ithezrain. 11� window;. the narro, village next Stewart'Bras Sabbag;th th UnItY at con- and, wap poprepa V to .1 for a visit would.:b given an oi Whan four miVIniery openings durIn b gath Wrorivers oV the west, wired the Prst- brim was ornamented with a tut es. -Rev I �:r. Ca ndayi.... usu th g will ributiAg t o tbi work. Inotion to mpbell, of ron- Su with bis �OW obi He had, gone t . eveni6ff tm4k past Tears ina'y, 1*sald to lead.intlils assed, IS4 &a+. f the asioclation, askifmg ' the bunch of rows in nell shade and e Do- be id Into t to the; c illdren d the f.,nVM1.+ to, ipre ed th %.. IfitereatO of -down owz� to haae a box, which that Wect was P department. -The ev. -Mr. Hicks. ow- 'Veren,tc-fte- I Isseb Morro, , -her prell minar irr men into Aillai I tat Sabbath -a de- me, otg arriving In the aWar r 11:1044t,ot rich purple rpolre ribbon sh : ts being parne quealan, but the manufacturers. I w"O hd rarried Inc to continued health, was unabta ut at the side towradisa tb e bai a A) "'addri Al. have been OP. t1h 0 endt LS several a w lettAm-ithe ban& of, the xecutive. Ot�-, to take up his lar ervices In -tb-* yar&'fell over: a and I was dead answered that the wire, was ieceived dainty white plush hat In a sma, and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. to W reach sI= akeli, I U rille, cailer their une when help him. Mr. Case h6ers for.Ahe ensuing ye r were duly, church on last, the Rev. Mr. IItoo, late tG consider isuch: an lmparrt�nt drooptag, shape was much adintred11 In be villag Tla;t NWfte e k. ubsi ribers' A. , McGfe rar, an othc triends have appointed, and. it is th4t 64 years of age. Ala wite predlece!wed Smith suppl S;r him 10 the morning weert- thk d maaufac-- kbeti -show room.. -It bad the Ael tat el holml in the wr st.- effort will be year move. This year,�ho n+ e ruial Ireturned , a th. A all very havesent to -their him some --7ears, I ut hD is survived by I ,stronger arid the Rev., urn preaching n -lot w=a high Tam crown-- And from underne,%t 'tip fo sons.: an e let rid4k th In -'zn4ny P o y and -a!el b)rIng tfiejr6qt.� will Mr. Peterl- X as gme )n a turm did 'not have tW e=usq. bne daughter and temperance in- th evening. We 'are tb Ir a. Gai 3 ey hag mov- the help t"t It so justl rits, fc 13 ti S. e close -fitting brim peeped the plli )on e. open if Zur- trip,to Wass, Ja -All wisl him Niaters.-W Gec ge % k t4eased;,howeert,to see Mr. 'Hicks out 26 14 ter a nij ng 7*aes meditation, t4e Assocla- satin fming. The only trim I pleasant ;6ut _Ur Joi Me that It as been. do-. h,'A" the t or r u It, and- n6, dou t will 0, A work $#. '--k ,to . ed, - Iat6 he preeal ee:' an ndrew the 90d ii�agaln, and tru� . be will soon uh tion at Its annual meeting last week pair of mnall white- wings, were Place make'an w1i 1,11 Cl urler.-the f rmers and -his sistan Mr. Harl Sproal Are 14g,U* really inimlexuaW. , 5 1 X, *AW i I treet,_Teceatly acate by Mr.- Thoi I I bealth.-The� ettle- 20 o 41 a b imen Ithese a IMUnig.i. 110s. A Good Record, -Stock: gired byt kiag-� recover his wontc tinani"sly, -passed the following - r4- at the back and were c ught with h4vD complee :he t bean hary and HaWkifts.-Mr." d W. H Tom, C 601, Mr.. 1b. 2, 21 it k satin. shor r, are Iezr principal of �ur public -sell solut Grower' touch of pin In all the waiting h . -e them threE ed.- 1rhe p is a ane in h 1drt. Thomas, t *1 S did I sdait stall- Ion In reply to the Grain rooms the sailor hats were In evidenc a - I Alex. McKi zle % havDI" new who ' are be fro Medicine Hat, by T rry, of t1 William McKay, laccompanted by t" ,Mr. L- E. led 4 the b( of are with Mrs., ev on a trlpto 10n, 'owned J� his brother, who is here on a VISIt, spent Avi stylish. moi in McFaul ofter pair- � I There was a Mr. ftis Week.-MIss amile roof put da his �hop and place, mad 3 a nitalbile. Ord at the an 'Manufactur -1ch was -called, a Russian 6al Dougl Spelt Df last -Mrs. - I with relatives.ts s- wh lor 0 L Ing done. � TV �'cold "idpito, Port H Napainee. 4 aturZ3,, and "The Canadian ers' A so- e&, Lamont left week to attvnd am- shows 1 thl, fan. At Ex ter, in the gil It r repre; a anigger brow* cl gil It of and lit le da, a rhter, at 3ault Dunganon and Iviolnity.-The annt* 28 to,-, shade.in Ipped bearl heavy dratifit cl 83 a 1 owned by clation, th ough Its accredited lit Normal I a a Several froa tWl few idays cause, the bringli Ste Marle, are A 9#lng I er parents. Mr. , arvest Home se�vi-c m d Winter ts F the of Tuckers b4, In St.Paurs ne.� sentatives, is always, willing to confer er. It was a mediu. alze, with ng the overe atis a 9 mith es nel borhood. Eze I �he Bay- and, Mrs. Jobla r 11r. Thim bW �c straight brim, On which was p eatL e was ran- Wm. Duna.- church err Sabbath Aist, morning ,with ither Wester Gra-int'l Growers pr olsed ,tle Fair. -ii Ular, Teach- Mr. Bay of the A Itook secon In th4 � agricultural f strais t ostrich mount of the . nei r to visitor last vr�ek.-A 'good I �of ford 0 Jtb�i,`lkke building Ve g, , Were LL Y 1 attend"d any other organization on matters ersa.. Conventiog wi be held tht, ar a fine `relaian�e t1f4a corner of Car- class a fun le by, Mr. Jaknes Smili% 'and much enjoyed. The hurch was Inutual p6neerri. Three years ago, we brilliant colors: Stewarts showed s e -ye grain Is ioning Into I he vil hem. In L, YW.4 ��hu di r at Tuckers k first, an4 Mr. Rob- ariningblack hats. Amnrat thez I L m pxeter or: ay andr F id&y' dayA.-Th bean crop, hich b been 6 and, GJI(Ildy reet , which roper- most tast6tudy ecorated with flow- is. quottir roade advances In this directlon. to the ch the and 10 t October.. ' - IL ty. His family ert Bell the ame to*nsbtp took ty he,. purdhage. rece I ers and fruits d grain, refiecting is, good n uality two ear a and fW-estern Grain Growers, and sent one was ab&ck' velour, rather long shApec, large a reag( and good n . will accupw, it _ 41z. .- Sandiers re- firsi for second Yery much credit on: th4 members of the The JbAra was narrow at one,side an in this t, ha I. bee all! 8 el rath-L a ow last week r old, In. e sameca-gs. Sid 10 ot our Secretaries. to Winalpea to ex- for, a thre I 'illi Butt has rolled on the other. A bunch ol whi cefved a k church, who ad given so much tend the Invitation personany to them, ospreys was straight up In front ered In.- ' r that laid, her 111 for few days. -Mr. r. A. t ok fiks for a gen- of-'tbeir time, ana bad-dipi such 4 1&t that time there war, in ouropin- an 'W;;;; -acikian. On been In e bull Ing no th a mer, U to n ii�iz. Ion, broad The Late W cc. R. PhIllipso whc has lbeen -on a vlslt� eral purp, ithne year At Zurich 'of tiny! ce fine taste. -The sermons deif�ered on' Issues'beforal the publiere- held In place by a bunch Tuesday last *Ople of� eigsfu barn rats 11 UC W, B, ussels had a su. 'heavy dra t I oats; a by King roses. A --very stylish e;nd becomin to U tk the C 11 L country, has. this occasion, by, e rtctorof Seiafortb. 1 AM Ave pound t4ri Iffarding which a better understanding and vicinity ti dir last tribul e! rday last. His, ighb)rs tu. ned. outin ro� uhlo home ia, Thomas- -t first. ad second prizesA Rev. Mr .13rown, were much enjoyed, hq-t In Miss Johnston's paridis was rned and prii Aided '. at the organ in 1*.r dozer4, IS L t -f*aL. �Were as 64-�vein the famers of he West an estedmed ut and an�oid- rien�' gobdly ni Limbers and n �hox f time a' r;e toa owned by Henry J mes a6eet chilth a Sunday. Miss' to he mi W1111arn W lister of H&,Y. as tri bstitute ... . e the byjnns vad Irable. The . Graia Growers, did �_pdt tUghtly olling brim, and, a tr .1 made 'a) L exce'l su r an i the occasion, - de- black velvet, medium slze,z with - : Mr the work wis �omple Led. Mr.. ReViii u e I aft, were well ed -and suited $2616 pi and manufacturers generally, was 'wheri the r r amains 0; W ithe Butt has the. )b McCracke med with one of the new wired H. ar Interred in fir ished he wift during Mr. Fifillpe abi e, -The mail lj&t this 6*, also, Kh Robert Bell the feringia on be n iune &I car- have amp] 9 accor moda I Ion. first f or a two yeix ur v Ilaire c arrle�r n) R. R. a. 3, H Var,66iis, church choir, an(t he of tind it, convenient o meet us then, and Brussels -cem �.ti I the 6-ok old agrl-] aunthems were *ell redered b. -A jaunt re now prdparlrgLhe m phould they.'desize, to do Bo inw, no arouiid the crown. 0ge -were pao, O th�, *hoW onion grc wers cWtural,and fiv it for a three 'year b It f the em . t e m ha a runaway 4, few s ago. The 5 baught with t d, a 0 Tece doubt we will bear from them through white osprey wa 0�, w a I 014 lit. the 8'am. e class. � At - Seat orth i t countryside,. W, iad come to show crop for ahippir r. Th a er horse. he was & Vint I ame frighen- a, the vivid mew shades of bago yeilo, chureb ediff6e weree e W. U r b sIness good aver age tb I 9 meag on. I the prope Channel. w ve, their respect f the ploneee e4 aft. a t I Mr. T. For4yth' -took fhat for eavy' Viet. Here black hats were popujar alee4 Ll m Ire m I Ich Mr. �k Jbry ! liberaL-Subs6ripi lists have been jin 4' ",(SIgned) R. & Gouibly,, Pres." MaII Of this The tuner 1 was c1raught, f &I ani Mr, Henry Krug?.r of th lal;U)n urin r the touched up with the vivid 'new shades e secon.1 -doncesdon at Rtephen, _% sick reply � ats a under the of the l9cal 'Odd took third In :111e' aigrh- itural class circu past week for �As is a mighty coming 'of Itango- Kelly green, gobelln. blue-, an Fellows I was ui and ran away. When the, lu 01691 B d a number of breth- urick a f Ift pipe orga i for Carmict church, Mr. , Be, I of 7 xickersm took first' 00M a body iguich, as the Manufactur- purple. One lovely and fashionable moc-'- buggy struck the mail box Of Mr. J. lodges were In a ttend- A Bad- I out nildniglit on[ Mon- Preszecator, Mr. P 96 for foal, r. Jaines SmIll second, and, and judging bZ' � he Tnany liberal oam d st ren i,fr= otb ai , - - 0 h mp, el shown at McFaul!s was a pui;pla 8� was thrown contrelbute ome and uPAe.date eentb , It efe Associa,tion. It, 4 a most Conte ace, Mr. Me ac ken was On of 1 - the da 6) eted t)ut rowI i iiis 7 fir was disi � �"(er is 1 h ured ad will li�ke- t Itible evasion of the ii It ou d hatof medlurn sizewith a.Tam 0 to estallill-i a grocery st of 1E at we and bad hL- i 'I badly cut. Ile Mr. Rober Bell firs t t two year pipe organ a] a In a1t Mr. P( ter K blerl.s, about a Ow -and -wag on -0id e year old. );Fo;; the, a-ioi a surrounded by a. wreath of beautiful- milla sbon recovered h eve azid second for thy ly be instill scels, Un lak aside about !,L year ed f the ito Br�l C spe! Wa Mr. Forsy:he's mare an fom have been much more mainly hadW,,y ly' phaded pansies. The brim' drooped I �i soth' -of Zurh it Mes srs the route the next d, Mr. 1G.Jones won present year. M. died inark-dt ie ag6, by, jalstl C i4 parafysis, e had, per and 10. 3@11b r, Who we4 10milig merchairt - of t e, has - re- the sweep!takes prize for best bialwy at *r _M R. Hodgins er definitely, declined the, chalienge, or If a c16se fitting manner around the facD taUch with is �l home h beeiI Jn' cons a. hL, buBt- "home fro Cre.. on. I !hey urned, frOMIA te 611s' trip tbrou" 4raugh m tre and fo-al rk the ground. n Monday evening and,displayed a sharplyl upturned back, last after a leng, Imess. Jk more ex- Ud they were afral(I to, do.thi, to hiave nes�, In Bpit -1 � Aliltbe fact thal he Koehler a ad ae4 ure-.--a e Of thO the British IsleE 'and 'the continent.- The fO,&1 as strad by Kg Thomas, over which an exquisite ostrich plume, tended refrience to this wartlk. lady 0 had, reached il�, -d ypar. Besk 9 the furniture from, e bouse, Iso some Services were beiLd Iii ile auditorlumot And the rnara'b 131ythq Ren, -owned by is he, treated it with, silence. Th reply, composed vt curled purple an cerise d -ever until next week.-Thomse �e, M lag, a 1aigt d I friends be While behUd th coun- of the liv 3. stock from the b 'ji. The 'the M' in street Metho#st. -church last Mr. Thoma; Couriboun, qjQowrle. King Ballantyne fter spending about three Ihowever, ishows he hollowness end the strands, fell t r efully, M'ss Johnston I ac ter he we$ ie� y known hro, �ghou t loss Is. over three flousan 'i , hars, Sun Y. While the ecorators' were Thomas colts alp won 14r. Nottlsspee- wc-�fhhnes of ithe, loud mouthed pro-' &-so 'had some charming models Lh, It da months with rel tiv" and, friends in the westerzar ftion of the proyince as .wbfch is'povered by Ix surame i L the w h a 5 rvices I h prize t �r bes four were exceeding.y cpveT. A much -a orking, at It ave been held colts from any, Exeter Hensall and Brucefielj and vI4 1nd hali d It asisions ef ,loya-fty. to ite t Mother an expert E r Previous to his -Hay Mtual. A good deal of 4- Me- In ,the b4sement.' Thl-Interlor -of the one fieavy dra. lit horaq. These foals sho last' illness h 'i r n: he' einity left bere !last week for th-elig d - ma mired'.1ha in. ber attractive 0ountry Ao frequently and so blatant- rounds the Leod! fa -niture which was sto'-ed In church now presents.,&' fine amarance belaged to, Tboma-s For-4ythe, A. Bell, rown :was a tan- velour with a cru I M f hom e In Brooksid,41e, Mali., and iy, indulged in by, the mem. bers of this ed and of flowered plush ribbo: f all f airAs for (ai ;, exhibiting, prine-veg7 the house, was.-ld 5t; M % and, r oeh-' and IS decidedly lmpi�med. The new IlMe,0 SmUlte and H. K uger.. T-heie to exprAeBs destred to n.. an Itei -e appreciation far la 'ba.. etables. He ir rived by., is -have he synipathy pf the co wife, ler M Wa are, now a ro dy for use. eat !colts that too secand at &s5oclatlorf. They. are tha essenca of shaded ostrich quill at the side. Inme- 8104 lawrow three �sons Ity In' the loss lif thle home. the kindne2el #to�spitallty- that has t id at allion Is JuMic b oyalty does Faul window was a prettylebij(ris hat. Deith of Fon r R0ideats. - r. 'Toronto arkd first t L ndon. The been extended �t� them.-TAe upe loy�jty &a: long as their i and: four da Note. -Ar. anl Mrs. Meno Kil if r, of MIrk Clark, for ver 6) years two year I t a resi- at tooIC-first inot aff ect their Incoines, or their poc, It was ramade oA browil plush in -a. poke 'Waterloo were vialtork c with., .111 L -the bewry draught class latednet t lth T� - R. and ioadmas- tn etie, shape very ,small, and - was faced last ee' dent of thiWs vIldl, d1fdathe counr In London ttr in 'Ile 6�eak= Your coresponde his broth.�r, Mr, Rolomon Hipfer.-Mr.- nt, ;VA na -yt of last and owned by Mr. XcDcugail ofTees itets. )3ut, perhaps we shouid o be with ale blue. A wreath of iny blue ty House at Ret i ON, esdii I - this week relativ to the, improveme W2 W. R . Wilson, of the Molwns Qank" elm Oft J too, hard on, them for this, -Perhaps flowers encircled the 6oft crown. week. The r a is e taken to, Ek- water, was also � sired by King Thom te r s' LU t Uu t. -The cou, -t for --itaff, �ias been transf erred to Winni- 4114 was sold to Mr. as made In the He�sall Tards expressecr r,Y e U to this child's 19 ag st the YOU rs'list eg.-Mr. Louis Jeffrey, wb) bascon- to here air -N.Y dnes the funeral' 7m. Dro -s coil was r0sed by Mr. littlein, the Wsi,yi DA levelling the uc' quaint to ch hat we 8 heal] in this -respect they, are not' so rn h pe, Ungn'ss Ito help the Ailase 9 ap ter and - -were iter in the cerne- McDougall by MT. their wA P BerTy. Thi the danty blue silk, trings Caught At via r of of die -towns 1p of tanley,"will. I heid iticted a flodr and ed and -1 rocary takiAg, place f.] )rn t undlertaking eke Alf, The aged 'different from the rest of us. _h'eY T either sides with small xosettes. Migs he townihij h i4 I h6re on N. )ada business he're has sold out to , feisrs. roms 6f Mr. J Bov led inare -ad on ha& a -pretty cbildlz hat In -nex a Xr. Jas, -bl, at ocl ek a. In e i 11 ept, have the power Just now and they are Johnst Mr. Clark elon grounds around �the band stand -a te Douglai and i �orge par ca. -The age. He was 'r. wbich w s.awar vicinlit, and z4ading-or kodding a Oeorg Er - to black beaver with French was -pearly 81 yr ed first In disposed to keep it. They also e;em zhad� m.- IThere are U appeas to pars I i t be ward. dau Same and it wohld be a good v, 0 ew owners are well known her e:nd e heavy thing i rade. He is survived at Seafortb ged flatly on thebrim. a ;shoemak�r by. t clas. 9 to have the ,gift of beig able,to oal flowers arran - Fatal Acelleint.-A most dist; assing III take possd slon on Augs 15tho fid 'iiE for our council avag the peole and isecuring frM then� priv- French Aallor here - of pliiin black ve, - andl fatal aa ldf n t occurr6d neat here �b*hrft ponna am two, daughters, none Xeter, a the three 'Year old n as trlCh band an I Mr. AuE ust Wigner � A WI:nni1x �s was e here although re by t he- sa e owner, which got ever b e on, h t I t, resul 11, )the vJ I �ek cailini,, On -and a daughter from Michigan came Ex 'ter a id fimt �.nd lage Jast w, which enable vet trimmed with a, donday ling �" the of' whom resid a Ilerge and advantages first In so much to the kPpeara standing osprey at the back was I death of a amccled and be- Isilver cup age In that 10�allt - 0 e them t0L retain their power over he deg y is old, f r tends . i Lf ter -n abs! am'ce f a' Seafortl, kfox the bq*t draft mare and -the great. -y. And loved lady o itils nneighborhoo, twenty years. --Rev. S. R. Kn3 litel, - A governing bodies of the countr favorite. One iiaty black hat In X( Mr. v- rcre oi attend ithe, funeral. hnprovements th4it a. the so long as they Can o this they Faul'z was made of soft velvet ani and 1: 01 Te rerhalas lyt the late Dr. Calvin gr4 und, vere bo h Importedby the G. % R. have 1, I'll, cond Mrsi Ri tephen'sor. of .", of Berlin, Wielded a swan's down. Ii had a rather wide the, the Thia 14�- a roade here are *611-- wortby of beinS dy Lutz were broug t here for Interment r cord which will grant no� concessiA. On the Parr lin 1 11 a, iley were at the quarterly meeting and coffirn,illiloa er- from Ganan ursday - of Apealr-g for Itseli. supplemented AU7, easonable man, gL ffard Jo A-ston oque on Contrary they will keep turnin the e of Mr Id d J h on the *Ice of tle Evitwipelica, churnh -at the attiV4 sloping brim that was edged wit h Briefs. -I ening. As e awan's down and ;dropped in a - Dr. Lutz died at his home c 111ster lef t ner. be- Gos en line e 4Ig ( week Asa laud screws a litt.le tight6r whenever op- : . 11 14tV 'icon(ession. last Sanday.-Ray. W. ra lonli coming style. The high crowrr was en- 'the were cc bu nanoqueon SikRday, after a� long; 111- JL portunity offers. It NO" this same as- iome - thi- �� bor e got 0. Auby i Eesleler Ireachel two'ex- 'ItFA Iligher, 04 s mAinly instrument- L Circled with iswan's, down and fin1she I -f rt.gh neas. He as 46 natlkv of the town ooclatioA that - wa tened afted. Into the!dItch, cellent sermiai�s In the van to *-9. 0; 1 w ere V al in footling the people of Canad 1 upsetting the Q g: � an(li tb rov; undr last. Mr. ub3 -was Q0 [La Into with a black and white(mount to mate d4g. Mr. church on a 'cal of Galt h va� born 70 years aty d. c and: Mrs. at, go, his father b ng a: -11eving that a trade re Which the riehness of this ad reation. - it 3e m out. otlas at formerly A clerk'in,* ''fr. J. 'Pr ter!,s wominent Ulani. 0 n in its ea 'Fair Day VI -511- Airst (thought hat neither' them rly would secure for -the Caadian f armer -Crowds of people, tore* iand has niany f -tends her, who ufacturer of th LLLL t Ors, and our -own townspeople, assem- werp serious. v Injured, Mi.. days. even, ye i last , May the 411d La -m - tree accesa for hiSL roducts Into the Phe".4 were glat" to rdat b1n; and con,,rau- 'United tates, and for the Canadlafl bled in f rout of I&Faulli and Stewart. son f irst bus eq himself In gettj�.g the late bi uccesi �.-Th( EY gd- ed sold bi ru iusiness In Ex- ba toll t I eonsurner free access"to Ca-nada( of -food Bros. -stonas on Friday evening, to see h bt 9$�y out of trouble: and etex o - or4e- and he pr -es(, it pr letor, Mr. Cole rib rn 4 in his Ical ArLOQC -atIon 17 ave p irchas ad a strip and Moved to Gf E-14 Sh,,&,,!,v n a products from the United States,would the exquiste displays of millinery,dress whein he ha done this found "of land a t the I ear a their C 1 Urch ianqq 1 For' over 25 -*a, hie I oods, silks and fancy materiab,w -o, Great Britain andwould that Mrs. 04 el he had been' In- prq�erty, �fbere they. Intend eree inga years th t be.,disloyal t previous a Ime, � he con- PeopLle of Were beautifully arrange�d thrOughOut Jured, He Ito)h her to 9, lne�rby house, I ducted the drug store and for several endanger the loyalty Gf the arge cove ed sh:d. T-fi,r hal;l bei a real), the whole length of the stores for th� wh 1 e I Ithis country. But when a me ere she rehe i -ed eveTy. attention, but bout $i,5Q ubs:rIbed towaria M ing I the drug busi- J hnsOn S sh ic. The tastet.,illy she avingCream softens the beard asked,which will increase the tr-ide Aied in abq,ut. thiarters of an pense.-At it sl ,cial meeting of the ness he practised medlbl�e In town. He, decorated windows were filled @ brought In. W was Hay coun -,Il rec: htly, the c V - -af- wa . s a graduate full� wlt� hoi rn king it c44t clean. ItLheals and iirlakes the r after. be ir T4 to Univercrity eat Britalqand (i not a benefit upon both countries. some of the season's smartest creation3 conscious last and -did n com- ter ankering the engineez's r Po'rt. and fook a pas t late edurse In s one ol StewarVA windows wAs devoted -pl in in smooth I so that the ra or slides 6Ver with- a-, - pt any ir J am In fact th only of the eaA bramb, north and uth, LOW York. He t! z 2 their loyalty sinks out of sight and =ed by his wld- hse any, such. arraligle- ito some of the eeasozVs newest styles IfiJI&Y visible ivas i. niai the Hay swanip dral I they deci a one son. 0 t cutting ttle skin. You have no iidea h<)w at once oppo affect their own for geAtlemen.' ne of McFaulls larg�. f16fdhe.ad,_Wh1011 was not serious, The ter It,- to tbe en Kieer'to ch nge the -Word, wis rf(elved1here last week ea y il-I I knept, because It might display windows contained the ne S to $have yourself till you try a 4,ube packets and profits. Surely the people prevallinIg bpi n ifl that as, she tile drain -Mr. Flen- of Itte deatb of It JO n Rendle which ta'an pen Oitch,- berry' Sh., on Fri_ see through this.stu-1 cloaks, furs and ready to wear gar 1 L 1w:1,1l @o0a came tto hdi,teeA suffe 9 from �'heart 4-ouble ry Dossen Peach Bars, w i In Wok place In Spo'Kane of this Crearri, it is for sale in 8eaforth at or ItrAR and the Others were taken u death: WA,s.the a Uit f- the sho ats he Go 3rich day, September 9 to e! p.ndous farce and cease.pandering to and three straight h th. Readle had 1 20,iailer, who was been *aIllbug for e and a few eleMnt which is bleeding them sit by millinery alohe. Ali were decorate, I ex=c at. T a Ypinlon, also, borne f air. -Miss Lyd4, 'me. artl a,U t a �me tendaniti Mrl� WILh, flowers, both natural and every pore and doing it under thelaws teph- found tific onsclou i neh � the Ukil ning W*e.ks prevlous 6 his ato, suffered and 6i iielyes permit to fletal, and hung Iwa's 41 a 46 wag buildings i xn 'Mr, Koeb,'er's fi rm. i last it,14iralytic at Th, 3 Which, the people them,� with the ' seasonli eased was, Li t5 W S tai newest and daintlest fa�rlcs, The In. a ' er o! William MoU icbey week, wasse* by their choseArOPresen t t 10 a Toliiontq hoEpital 9. foi I e of 11, eter. He was lie made ago issue?-a,� erlors of these stores presented a annIley. 0 it survived by, A tam- for treatm enti I&I t Fri lay. Her :cot 1% t The Guide some mon P 0 on January 19iti, ve-; "P Apila Beauti. of f I - du iAJ a ad one 60L, all Altion Is hald, to -be critical, DRUGGIST _y luxurlaAt appearance. ve ,ev. Igo, d bba,flenp to the Association to ills- aarlVall his dfe,here. �puss with It through its Columns the ful'rugs covered the floors and lengti of *bom are' n, up4 She wg; lady A. Mi elle4 Aj., iA Toizont�V,..tte, �ft* ea B b Se r y r e con liu4d, butcer� rashop, L outario It ,the SM *ine" d Ab ho i500D & f Ae d rX4 t d m d I