HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-07-04, Page 47_0 r X, I I T�f =11 tj 16 'V waft ai" 7f. r At As I ofow t ritu W& Z )o I _1ULV1 -moser's. Perle*.� X410#1 and 116.14. ere_ ,_, _ T W am to be z6o 0411not �,d It U 5; th Y' to havie a mowhai se and ara� loss� wil vt-,tvating the-douOt".4 0 4 the? are the bes -0410 f 9 to it, 12 i1se of their opportunItAes I jersona Jj (11 13 14 15 r6 x7 IS z C) tinJoy-ment� Perhaps 06y 4 yfkht, o a-; *9 long. t un, 0*r, tnay recelvo Ed 22 23 246 as much- ttiankw fit 1he � 9 eall P641DIt �.r I '10 2t 2$ 26 .2 -fir Mastbii, a' it they h tucX 11(o) 76.- 28- 29� 30 3 t with oose fo the their nosee grindstone 911 &0 a weel�. NEW "VIERTISMOTS -b kc Rditoytial Noties -affid 06sn W,. D. V4rcm -of Cargill :Ii -4 Ille figitra between the paventhesis- beell selee't e6d by - the , Cdvsar�A sftex'wh a& denotes the. * of the 1 SoUth Sjruco� to"9ppose,U-­Tr ax page fit paper on6 Wh[Ch the "Vertiolnient ja the gemit in Ahe Dominion all; I'dun4 rendereA vacant by the recent 'A point ment of Ur -.13ownelly,'the sittip mem, a 4 wroh A44106 -r- skaraul coe-g bee, to. theSeftitte, -XV: Cargill It s TOM 'the 'bd&n knbwn -as i'brebder of � 7hasulniner Maa--.-,0Vdj4 01"hing-A thoiri e4 cl cattle but furtb6jr than that i �Ik A' t il : Aid A =1011181-71rj. or formerly represented fbe. g" P, Anaam gal" has lot been much krbwn 'in DIU 9 %wee Eo8t--T.X"dt*V4)ffift-3 dil d tj But' he will: maike a strong 0. did denf Ation Suppilwo-Tboompson"o reok Mze, W.NtZi it. whimagy-fi and thel. ao'veinayent Will -fnot loarif �t ?fteher Wantei$-C. K. AwhWbn-S anything, undone that they C at !1] h e 9 !&,.n 0 t _oieet� him. W t W The Liberals of, South Eggelt,6 St� I W j larg ely attended and entbusia0t 1c, oci n. 0.1. 0 m 11V ed win. yezit-19n, on Friday last; selected W �'r 8, rriv Apbeft Atkin iks their -cap4jdw v tc 'S.0 n 4. fill the,-.vaeancy caused'by the reglg�,, 140 JI I -'Mr. A H. Clark, who br. yia a,. .nation - of. SEA�OaTkj, FRIDAY; July 4th, 1913. 1W I gi removed 10-, Calgary. Mr. Atkin, , U a Aric SO t Warder. of 'the Cogntyl- a pr 100atI You if The *urow-Bruce School farmer and Is likely to -prove' a strong Vil is v dandidate. The riding has . usualLY, V.j 6t )r gone L -the 4fterhooh an It n-4 iberal. - In meat at To- mensao mass meeting was held 14 U 'th 'grove, at , Which -adc&tesses -were del The EducatI6 DT Wald ronto, notified the county council$ Of ered oy Honorable George -P.- ah' wl to al; Aurion and -Bruce a, yearpor more, -ago F. G. 'Pardee and.. other§j. Th " d , ti, that It was their desire to: have a un.. for the electiba has not jetbeen am d. Ion school Inspectorate, established to or )f Ths writ for � the bTe-'iblection - I V6 1 be composed at a, ctrtaln nuinbC-r of " - I . . 1-1 1 gy - tap Ia Prairie? 'rende-rid Aecess axy I I)yl he Q municipalities f rona each county,, and . . - . i 6 1 ffic the acceptance'of -P e by Mr.! Melg1ken, that the eou*ties. take Immediate action 1 , 1 6 ge A t the - new Solicitor- General - in V ie - 0 t -1� re'Ic to. ha*a thlg� new 1�nspectorate establish - taws. Govornmeat, ha a 11 6enissuf&.1he; �w&a led. and also: to 'name -an Inspector for nomi - nation takes place 'on, July"19t %V� ed I the 'now lilspectorate, The'reason given , -11 'and'the 61ection,-shoul there le a io� 6 r, .0 i the for thig de i�d was thai In the oplin- woul !1 jr6_ one week 'liter. ,T.he abOAdes av, 6 Ion of the 4epartment the present Uv - 4 . that Mir - Melgheh will dt be o oOe 1.4 'Mj spectorates - an too large -and the ex- We notice the. To t M 11 die �si ncsj not gejye the thi� Mr Mjj on, a "W 1), Isting Inspectors, can �ghZ rwill ihortly ' co A schools the attention they require, The leadee of ;the _Wi�tern donse 66 ves, �ii. :M-,� thb� Dominion ParliamenL That I lom county councils of both counties' d14 in itan nitit seeM, to; coincide with -the Dapar I t-. what hard on Ur ... Ro eks. t er nk, 1 1 Conservatives becoming Afraid 0181 -11 inent In this matter, and no action venturesome gentleman 'and In to bo e #i w taken; In this respect. At get rid of him. V t thi� lag Meeting of the Hurart In 41 Huron Notes coul-Ity courxefl a emmunication Nvas ha vi —At the recent communion s rvices read from the Department to the-efteot 56did- not -proceed at iri Duff's church, Waltqn, tWe ne �v at that If the icouht;ie, members were . received. 1 This loo a Ilk-, once to establish the new IUSPectOrate. a growing ';aild.pr6sp6rouseongre tjoru, mi m tell, 9nd ZPP014 J&n Inspector, thereto r. Reuben, M f Del M eInnW, of Del raine,. r er�at- Manitoba, has recenti, ta *Ir fr thi depargment, would take th beer v is �' A—= AiE V1. the friends* and i, scenea, of 'his Youth te1r; Into their owil hands and 'estab- -in Grey ch 4X c4'. township, appPint &,r Haffm'o Ush the Inspectorate. and —Word has been received of- tt e un- Inipector Tbe� Huron council, appolat- �expected diagh pf *rs. John Knox, Xf V. ed: a, commttee: Ito, cQjdferf with the -Bruce w1lose husbapd died it 'Preston on tl ev to - take , Arj I _dd w" i. councI4 �provlded they decided .16th ult. They wrere 'Will k-ro'l' Te 6V 1'�. W I action. At the lagt.meetftig of the dents oi Auburn, lio IE y unct! 11* council positivply de- —Mrs. Robert C61clougit, of' Gcderlch Bruce co _1 n to �Uke any6 al, k !of ofted AtW, - -turther township, is raising & floe an to pass,, a,riefolution �that In- their hundred i -t- o"o ID' �th -young .. clucks and sixti hr ' ur chIl_ ho �r� judgment the change Is not ANessarY. keys. Mrs David ChIr jj- Arid thus the matter, stands, It now of the, same distZict has a' flock of 1-0 ho e I r sts,.Vith the.Dopartment to edta:6-- -turkeys. an IS e I wl ra lish the- litspectorate and aiPoiA an —Mr. and'Mrs. John, Xdble -an( I faffiii.- Inspector,at the expense of 'thecoun- 11Y of -High River, Albefta,"arriv d 1 a CO. So 'do 111 ties, or to recede from the POSIU031 few daYs agoi . and aie visiting .1 irlen," a thqy have, taken. What -action the -De- in and about Clinton wid'Bly-th. '6 H sh, r Pattment May take we, of cour-st', cR11 Noblee has' been in -the WVat for 3(,kl,- - not surrialse. ji, they are wise, how� eral years, first l6cating lift Mai Atob, SO d ev&, they will leave matters as thp_y_ —After thirty-three Years ServIde I at are.. It they proceed toi. carry ottt their with the Goderich Organ Company,- )t'* & thriat they wW rxise a storm thitt. Cfinton,:-the; last.few-76ari as. gene, 'L .2, th4Y will not- hear: - the last � of fdr i6l'superintendeht. Ur H. Bj Chant, hi or to. ke' Borne time. resigned this position, to take" th P po fte 6ouncili"ta-te the poiltion, and' itiorL tog &anager of the town - watt r who I've � think w ely, that -there ls.-rfo,nt�-, anti light systems. CeAity_.�or alon addiflonai Inspectorate Te 6 . dale Whitfield. an. old resident bid st as an# another Inspector, tiat and 'that to of the 13th concession w Ore3, h.. 4. comply with the* demands of tjie Dt­ . purchased 5,0 acres along'slde his ow ri 'R paitment would simply be- placing adz. farm from Itay McNaught; Paying an -4 1 clitional expense on . lthi, People - *liCll 1 $2,200. This gives Mr. , Whitefic Id a V's i they are not very well able to bear dandy farm of 150 a cres. � Mr. M(__ ar. d 'd It and at *an Inopportuift., 11me. There Naught rietains the. east half. of, his It ul 0 has not been6 a time during the pra5- f arm. left. hE let , ent - or precedinik d generation- when the -Rev. Mr., Hastle and -Mrs., Hat ftle, c f P .161P atterndance at th _ pub , school$6 was Ladner, British Columbia,' werecallin, -C Id: ti 8041ght as It hka'beth� of liate years. on old friends In Belgrave and vi 'POssi DI E th th4 school eX In addition to is pen- UY reicentli. - Mr. Hasite was 'pastor icif t h.1 r' a i ses- haveAncreased enormouslY. Teazb---' the Belgrave Presbyterian Church for -ers? salaries ha6ve neafly do"led and five years before going west. He ''c6n_- 4v It they are likely to go higher ' $till. ducted.theservicas In his old chur�hat Mr.-. r, So that the school tax is really becuw�- Belgrave on Sunday. Ing burden-gome considerin- the, `fevv .-Un,6 W -Ing_' the gi m z.and idirs Vanstone, of-' so whb, are left in each section to pay it ha moving to Toronto in the Pit I'l a I and- the few children who have to be near- ture. On' a recent eve4 . ing Z_ doir, I educated.- The Inspectors have neverin numbf-lof Mrs. Va.nston�7s lady1friend.3 nu e 9ke pa.9 complained of being ovn­ gathered at her home in[ Winghai n and held, ifi worked and no person . ever. hintcd: that -presented her with a nIce1Yb-.wor;d(d bvi Frda3. the -work had *not been efficiently done. dress and a',silver flower _and trot I t me I* In so far as thIP. county at least is basket. flas 41(j) Mncerned-L It,' therefore. the work -There was a good turnj out ti honor A was. efficiently 4one' and 'he InsDect- -Guelph -on Monday of I tal. ie I L, - ast wee� h . 11 ors were not overWorked, when the�e connection with the annual excursior grl were mare schols and- perhaps doubie to the. Experimental farm. Well ul wlih I& ago patronized it the number of -pup "I there are new toward and enioye� ins W, what Is- the sense of Increasing the the dellgIftful day at this ever pcp.UI4 --Tha Inspectors and de creasing- their work. institatioxt 120- tickets were sold at shl , 3s at the present time. We think r -he Brussela and about U., at Rthel. . ' uat ed counclis of both c ourities have taken the Tlholna�s S111ale, the well IrRown 150 g, I proper stand.. They are in a midch well digger of L E11MVille" In Usborn? Absit c1i -better position to judge as to- what' seems to be as exp�rt at growing. veg,- 1vt Is required thaft are the few gentle- etalples as he Is at findin good Vr tp 1 rea, men at the head of the Deparzmr.nt On the'23rd of Juno he had,'green p�V. ribl ojQ E of Education, It. therefore, the DL*. ready, for table use and on thf fir3i. pla*, eil i partment or the Government are dls�- of - July he had nevA potatoes of hjl tow ;rari �s i posed to take kthe matter into their growing. :the sa�( Own hands and add thls� ad,11tional bur- ---DY a re -arrangement-- of stiati n range J , t ,den on the pcople when It Is noE necsE, -Rev. Mr. Cooke will remain as � pastor �of bas I sary In any way,let them do. !�p.The 'of the Methodist churches on Bluievale :*de lit Goverarricat have the powir to d3Lhis circuit. An.Y idea of moving'wa that teri, . I Lr If they zee fit to exercise It. rlhli,, , he- might have a. charge with., fewer ;�Gol e3. simply an -other example gf the manner appoininents 'so that his health. rhight L it In, which the Legislature have permif- be built; up. Months ago the dea. cl ted the Governemnt to clothe -.hem- board invited Mr. Cooke to r.Qm In. Mal s6lves with the most arbitrary pqwers. -A quiet wedding took place �at �shil, El ic The municipalities have little say In noon on Tuesday of last week� at. -the ced il b 'any Inatters concerning their ownaf- 'home of the bride's mother, Mrs.. - A. en D 61 fairs and which come under the "pur- Brown, of Fordwich. when her Yc un,,,,,-- teil 3 View oft the Govarnrrent. About a est daughter, Malrion, became. the - Dride, flel Ahat Is left to, the municipal coun2ils of Jarvis W. durrie of Winnipeglonly 'out' 41'�[ is to, obey orders and to provUle the son of the late 'Rev..Hec to* r Currieand rou S funds. The centralization- of powerin Mrs. Currie. formerly a Thedford, Ont. is the hands of the few at the expenEe Mr. and Mrs Currie will reside. in 'Wjn,.. used of the many, has been the polley ct n1pa.- the d� I' the WhItiieY Government ever sifteelts, -Mr. James '0 Abbott passed V�ay lowing Gragnization and it has quietly but at the home of Mr..'S. David ftiCeatralla to po: .e surely gathered Into Its net maarlyev- on Saturday at -the age of -fifty-three of. I �bc t er y branch V municipal e6introl a_vP_4I- years and: four months. The deceased, Chilitc able, so the people have-� -now - ij,�tle who in earlierltfe -wiis a reg�d6nt' of route choice but to ob - ey their behests,no niat- Centralia, was a fi ative of �3 d Iph, -'-Af ter how unreasonable or arbitrar . Y t h ey A, number of Years ago- he wen 'ff�at er of inay be. and started a . general store at Manii-, Hur on tOta, Man. About a Year -ago he ca.me R. if& It Is stated by the Mail that Hon. 6ast for treatment. 41e.r: LY n cele - Mr. Borden has left Ottkwa for a -Mr. James Smillie of Walto 18-th, prolonged holiday at the AtlanticCQast brated his 80th birthclay on Monday - ot wee cs, and will 'not return -until the last of last week and Is halt and hea I M August. His 'Private secretary �ty f or yeal -. has such an advanced age.. Mr. Silililie ig field, 4U1 �gone to Banff to spend the summer one -of the pioneer.reside4ts o the C%�r there with I& family. 14onf �Mr. White, township of Grey and is !the tiad of hapl iy Finance 141nister, And Hoh. Mr. Bur- man of whoMAt may be said ttisp.[Cy his aa roll, Minister of Agrlcu!tU m. have gone he should ever grow old. His frie nds of a t -o England, on public b4siness, of will -wish be- -may be spared in he alth. gig te rs course. WbIle the �other Ministers with to reach thig century mark�� u9mod I thip eneptioA of three who are left -Mr. - and Mire. Will I-kEagleson, f ro m keNThii r, to Otti%wa to hold' the foil, are acat- Aberdeen, South Dakota, Intend j spi md,, A fored around' In dMerent parts of the Ing sotrie weeks. II-Ith friends in, 7, 4 44444 ou predftoafio;d� him G" too cret- two -two - I *&I is r's an g our 000 dam$ Zu r of ke, 901*4 Alkid VVIved r joa Allid 4WIJ e --- QI U Alp" 41 in, oor,� stin SW WAD regoro z, Ev*y4il g- 1irl lint a )tirfftr is heie�-a zOmplett s �g IL tock; 06W er ILY� bm: the Iseaso rX t and -best al Shois for a 1.616 Oro Judo i lj�u 41 Afent he 6.,Januaii of ths, Ila r j lag ni4 co 41ty of Huron,, n I fitly, In rig C4mp .err Vvt 'i ting 1i 'With the. h" wAther her* yot;'11 need fighteir bl, U a it -,cnars* lai& by Mrs. a e- re vial !r as ll th X41roh- t jrned re Ve ­ at a Chi! Ire: t t tu -let, as Drionnan,,of Kint lice G t led ok from, atl, w s OU ke.-M 5 31031 f fa 0 1 a' fbo�welr- Me and see, our rnatty styles ad varities of sumaw ollars 4nd, costs bY re our,pric YO 'o bef t a Uple of o vio ting a I borne.- Mrsi wi as An d u'll Admit we have the best + tU t -e t. UUtj. th t AdGod Id Kell V or God llienboad 16 -siting ber,mother, yj rs, obt�in On V, a Of AA se in refusing. to, N 1 )r )n b assault .0. (L let -to- visit oi tk 01 om� aarnisaidn, 'to his h: vus this di friends at f V- 6 1 i Ladies W to Canvas Shoes __1W 0% e sevc l4p. W on Ttwn or !he c n' ant -It app iaral had ro e ridge. not ier part bel do io U0 e 01 V with a sund t. his hol io.-Our I for sum I T6,poptj lar 3 00 tner eair­��­new styles just ariived. of st 13 ft ka U ee. Al this house, Tb­ot1i1-­ very on the Fir Note, Wa very A La4i, 11 -white Cam le P APIWco-yerod heels, for $1-2 b r hm fte go ne Bsyflel I �Xjqq M i pn es I he: -c a Ke ty. sA tk*n, aidh Itted the deundan t BIC )a, r"Otor od from Winnipeg A t.0 Ceanvas 2 -strap U White CanvaS ted.: bY o' for As mp for fo - , i 4-bu In 411114 �_ &S no Mifted day r win t Sid sit ir _;W1615 ct6r- t t pa rt ext ided visit Ox ords I or $zjo WhIft- Ca�yas ButWa Boots fo $-2 and $2.50. ou ara of al- Sul !6n L Brace Wt 0 is door: had jbeV closed I rel tives,- Xi, 3 Isabel 0 fahs 6 alleged 11 friends ixt to%wvh. met qrsonol v for & Is v lilt is, LoMies 7 0 Aords iay& Pimp y Oducatidnal rt at at, tin off - Wo cl en'used in the: abort tim MiLl 4t BIC, I t t Toronto 14 spendin -Dr, C cou V,48" n M 0 t. ie. e try of her compaida hol, day a home 1; ety Of -n D I th d *109 1 * have a gr at vari 2"Oxfords and Pumps ong-01a, . fof th6 door,�Thelawyer, eirs attend, 0 Ine6tillff, ot the an fir r .1011 rd 't,'appaalod. Colt, ®un Metal CadIf a. Tan Calf Uathers i din and the 'Ion Medical sociation1iolld'tt L in prices ratt ulatl cili n Ahe maglotr4tesi and 3 dso seph' Gray Week. of ' Haml 25 �4 a PaIr. f the to, tat fro $ * C401 I pe are, to ren 4 dto' of oy 6 at bearing the e� defice, fi t forinerly.,a agent W_ on. e ter, nei ted -the 'defendant, waois- Ing old ac qua ancei. 13 a U accom n�- - 8 to , i - ar" andals I V 0 1 WA. &1 .1 cho r Sri t or t rees '1 0 ftd respectiod far rner, 164 b*y big w and chi dr4n, who e straRMIM t aphen is I n VI do, UAn i nd it o.. he,.provlously, pa�d Was re-- vlofting Ir - ( nton.­Mt. *I)tlnean 4 906 -Ing cool r for the ebild en than a'Imir of our Barefoot San I �Ae- I th' at ar � fe- A' clSy I =4 jet DOI ald of Lo on six nt the bol xy z a to 10 s PeWes—si 111 460i A81 ece tly uncler- bere,-Imfla 13OW.ey, unner, Is U& 4, tO 7 for75C for goc and $ i A t0i;; b6go.agaft i r the� collpletlon of he for ;i and $t.� .0 a a and Inery t _-Ar 4 Mrs.' (hn f 'he annual lawn socia I dcr Boys .1 Bunnind fie Of- It SPDOA the ' hol i Ite 't � e low;, e t ft Mser. "t I s a 0 the, e a of theLadies, A,'.d Of ',',,az an. MrS4 J16 Kai 0o 0 e cea is� N�a'e beld% on thie , church. an4 rs D& Munroe aid family Al We' sell e ]FIS —the in ri V t 116o w at, VI I lel �4 et Foot nd with the honey comb sole four, 1 rou igs Friday evening of la& Suinday at Lnd]3end li shi vin 4 ant! ettiinfni n the market. Boys' Oxfor_ e was, MY rge A r la IV atten I'll day. -Mr' Ila ry Turner ofWal ing hoesilo AS, Sizes I I tO 13, for 'Running Boots, sfzes I I tO 13, for lie twl ty-one 4 ef eaJoyed. The.. Heneall bpas IS'Nisit! 9 -hie aunth-Miri. Vboi' e i io 5,1 for 75c Boys' I t n Simi pn�' 'SIX of of; Br 6 Y'6f- n uffiened the Oroceed-Inirs. b size: I to 5 f0t, wc. 0�id Iftlons. The ladies � fiord o1i Ith' El - ba :y ure& .8 ance -fee9 coupWid'wlthth, t ley as IrW r. the bakeri R le le cream and bouq to,' re Litz N ),tea.-Jmoi the; ho#day Ir betg 115 fa ex at! e t of the q 1he'n t sum of $148, lie the ovir nidst are Mr. Harr1r Spere fto.- -ton, ana ,j eet: b III, whoL 6 hoige a a or s anderearn -as a rved 3�ltl r - f rono; Mr, ,a d Mrs. Golorge Ham: ton, c ok fir ah4 I do''-wh e r. hments We4-e pronou of (Wt; M10 -to s Lottle I(Ice and : es 'r vasl! -tu ed anlik a ( luld -be desired. Mr. e Flat rilltoA., � if oeteir; Mts. J, R - 3 11 ro, ad,tho. foric who -has* -been in DiS t Ah �, and children 0, Durha nd I to, rair W Aff q ve ho -eat g 0 -for some 4in ths io h n Mrs, Vocii c Lozan*- 0 Is vial wag U tin `-trip, returned rnI ig fr4ni 0 mntril her Aaugb:er, Mrs J. I IcCulloe.­ r. 'h I we ak par t�j had'a- v6d' I Is Elv�yn Ril en has come to spend I's chi; -C "ving id eas -Pa Ii M f4I 3slee I i bug� holi ays'a( b i home he !io. - The an- Xosslj ig :he�� hat ii, 'a- tracki: a id ssl6# nig. very * c piv- irsary Oea i )n was fr ae doubl, In. b id Idel: r repainted b WEROIAL HOtEL vc i i1cle d is fee thbeing ni congregation. In n- n., t b "s Some, If toresting to is 1 8 wil I wa 1114 dra b "s Ick and -33oGn.t era), and to I ev DSVIA and Mrs. i Itt- �,Dffke so I, poof fA, t ien --ty emb s cift 1he jo:'S.1 . Ice -'V1 ��& 01 ere e chle In par tic x. Jar, by tb 3 arrival c a i here v�' the rigot P�6, ema w14 dSE , 4e ed divine. so) VIC6 In 1 1 littl, daughter at the ma nse on Mon I at c bIr biq teed nd a rate t ed.,4 or Q urch, Exetc in a tk 9. �hom Ile driving -home 'from ed zarne with three Plrus$lils ZI4441 , 4nd speak hi#hly of hi� Hensall. on tho ;!Zurich roa met IffAb There was R beavY rain Alurin I ot 0 Lisly Jure Hu t t a L eat 3 7mon deliver �d by Re. kir a very � un plea0a nt irlshap FridaYl ev- day,, In consequence the let e sat Wei 11, D uty - 'Ir Ma6 6r hav dbi en U led. f flet. Dep Mi trlrr onlal.- -The mar) lage, of IsB ening. The boirs � became trlghten�d at nqt VI&Yed until- after Aupper. _-4 r d a Ado�� -he t king do w thf � fi me o i idly receptio i . jvin, til �n`, 'Mar r 0. Took t4 Iy, only daughter of Ar S� bright f sh'of lightning nd b"I tied of the Blyth rinks was 4owu- bi n b te! r]T1 odge,_-Urs. J. 8. U111 on Tim )thy T46q, I Y, to Mr Michael 't r- Into the It, %rowlng Mr. andX-ra. shots, another was down one East� awA t ol Hw while the ther Wag one Up t:hUS 3 relatives in Ljo don 1.111 'Mrs, Peter Jor pson the buggy. 0 Iver �rldia e ent � thri q men4. dan son of Mr. and J, Tho. form ou t -Br � ged.­-Oui I It, L t St. )rj C afte. sels won by -seven shot$. There In an] Cha'al, I W Dtib In, was solem.nized, a II- consIder0je excitement ani Is rib I I I na w III proemult- d4rink the ji io, ae Ro � CthoUc of one. of oui rinks a ai 11�1 Daef I e frDM, 1�,r n1a Church, London,L aid Of friends hey .1 1 g f us wil -h t It h. U1 in, 6 act of lo wee ly. 11 tting' in a III on " VednesU r morning, 'Una )y e6irktinued' DA Ith ir journey home very bowling tournament, t Goderic W ?I ning, 25th, i3pifford, L 8 - f ror i Ir- -Murdechis 11 week. -Miss Annie the er a 1 0 wa� i livery to Rev. Fat: Mon. The,3rlde. who &as little hurt although the bug97 wao n-111 bg moth gon�e to Ve L GrA i I Tr kk depot, which ivi I gi*ei X her. fatl er,, was t a- Cons aged. -Mir. Du ican been visiting with her moth, iderably dad' I t I 1he , a, gmi t wn i nience to pedestrians. Wi I Lte XCE Mr laij aoar the past zouple -of weeks 1retur 1 1 helpe -si, R comIng ,d In a (tress of :i6nzte j Lnd 14fle niece from tru t -Aha -before the Twdlfth \',:bay allk' trimmed with valenelennes Ime, BayfIeld ere n Monday to London to res�.Me liurl�,lfttle ltope'be+ v,lll t s 'Week visiting VIth Me th, 'hat. 'rho u t for - his oVery, 1, c4tch basiqi5 at seveiql friends In th 111age - Mr. I avid P--sitlion, as student for a Thd I I and wore a hIte plett re, wifr, � . I t P)ln I ire:'after heavy rains A rn a be, I� d ai� fox soff c -tlme�. " 10 �w bridat;mEild'vos Miss Rose Self, ho Worl�man . 5 ting anew roof oi-his Joseph's hospitat London.- s1rei -1 a pro i inn ay of the ;e I -a 10 the appetrapee of f 6b was dressed In white -vole. The gr) m barn�.:­Mra D R. Sloan, with 1416- comaany and esc ape. u �wa - i8trans of Regina have been In caMj� a01.1 wed. 11 i soldin,niUd p was assisted by his bro:her, Mr. V. Spent the � iolitla- s with'firiends teers, who' 14 nce Huff b)en v1slift t relatives In He m sall and Jor� Lan. Af er the cer �,g ronto.-Th( s '-a berry crop don for the past, en &-y in ri. em ny � a wed( I I tra In thiz YrIngh v ctr,l t I ,s 3traing befor, heir mar- bre ast I ; served at the borne of part hasbEen mry poor Ia. b th' home Friday. They, were not �Veff, It ni t i6ir Alaugb-�- 0 a �ell know pleased with their treatment� r age 9 a afk 1 9 Stewart, the ) -11 r. C,bzk T toll, 1 'a Tarried ride Cheapside, dieet. Me Al aind Guantity ev. M Ba= e e over ; i tsta who w a rid 1,, t Bch 01 a litti nd ' on i bbath last condEnted don and would pirfifer the c4tap Huds 0 n f' N ri anii by man r be if al -and coi tly - prese ats.. of Lo on i$a W, Bu. t ailed f th% 161161, e s 4f our village.� ir IN which rah, Goderl-ch again, claiming it is JM Mi thodist riece ved sh w the'esteem e the services 14 St.Andre's c C lan I lot L te bes,"dan Oa 14 d shAter, Miss Buchannan, you ere held.1 Mr. and I �R4 preaching two'! 4apd. as' 'And that the citizens f od4rj&:* .r. John ul g cou Mons. ­�Ij be ehs MR are i e, rorn Toroftto� T�e tormet 'Jordan Iefi It r -for a � trip to a- t irildej m them betterThen are quite a a kid th d, Was a iftg the t nd N1 An A iot f�r:jr uei Is werc' inivesit, nd .0 e th� Am e r I m ter ot VIS1tIn$ In ]317tb t Urich 4 lining as .-Domi'N* �Plnts. TIM b eAt, niilstlY s9ending the bow to 11 f tef th ci�,r t ny.ali sat e trave d In ar vy "Mysterious 'fisttors.s--Xearly a more while others are spending a� 10118 pkpi 1'. Th�y -ion I )a was 'observed,lieie is a h 4 bldt a-uit a, id at. with llow plut S. otBeOln busWess men I arrived he I IU d).y, U Ahere. was no celebrtio time, It being the seas in lr aM er theiz on _.hoir 1 11 tthey reside -year when most people wlw I't 'autos ]art week, remaining for se eTal 'spen the 9 Gr svenor sti I ti Ile i n o y of our villiageirs trip. Ii new o e, 41 da r different points �alon t, day s. They said they were on a pleas- taking their holid0s, and Alrud 9�rinr, �492 Fro g th LoEw [on, w ei theY be at h jue or ute tr1p. tc . the lake, learning -by tile sldfr themselves, lucky, owing to - Logan cha e Op nti J Ste"*, our s af ter Y iuh. I � mea loea to t 'leir f apers tha t fish In s good W111 L Mill t, ri aft I el I beautifying j o p wa this ler, who.e. i� nuffiber heat, iam 4moott, *Vk il n pol t. While Mey carried lib far'-COledd 0 Ir el. I Fs with his Arii�tic t6uc* iturnIng from Brusiels IDn it) th ce aid ir i.Mr. - Isaac evening with � a load -of bo .Ived a1writt 11 g bq4harnan, wif fish poles, etc i Is inted that their e u i rantee Masonle Ser V; real rals closely conr �eet_ �f ild ft spen cel 1; , (if t part i bf ast - wet ler cie.-�-On S �nday; eve sioj i m -as more the misfortune to strike t -Val 'I a id h Mr., BuchaAnan's parenL last the memiers of he Ex4te� ed with azcherfla'-to�get direct COM- er -on the side of thg road, ho se nine I uridred hsonic tra rnft attende divine c r- rtAunication tbro a railway I rcrn the ear to the r tur ng to Toronto - on Wedna- Ash:, re 1 given tit 93 bgnge h re! r suft, per bow lielieve Oat ble, jadictz ship at Tr vitt Memorial church, L to, the 1�y an ant. ital feli fa Berlin, by wa ZUricli rubk ' othe7r large stone Aar bdist church'intend serv- Just what a, Imad 1i behind thO of a big bill. 'The -We broke at-,, JW ZM. DIstflct De )ut3 Grand M ster Rev. arr anl .7 1 e r was I k own, but from I Collias, thf reet not k r iages heard b 9 k the 12th of July -at our or, pre ed a mas r- scheme Is the right whee4 but luckily no LAU Vd�v, WkT 1*rzai g,,e -Kr. Rora ful sermon to th interest tal en I this district by r h, on ace I bration her, e asserr bled broth (n, I thO hurt, as he.was going sjiow_j!� � 't assume hat so I let Gaig�r,*`L *11 ..resently suqQ The -membO rs j Ilarched ir a body- t, c m Visitors or.4 i me- time. One of the ther auto Aoxim w ek who' 1.4 0 With "fully LP4 fhA , 11 4, 1#4 1 ", their lodg room, accomi thing will be! di Ing In the near fu- k_ f, i d 8 d fis eii ina by ollowlni took iheir load into 0 was -a oi er, lie �alis tion as a; d socujrW Ing qasons from ParkhM, Hensall And tdre towarii I a r d1way to conneettur- and returned to bring the hors d position I i, Toronto.- ltiei� oft,e note ones. In; the meant] Seafertb . in i a I to the trict YAr - ROY 'Brandt, of Eltr a,� and - for. : M mber of S11 or lcli district *11. tb zr �f R. Thomas,f 0. After I pro Wasleftinthe car while a'heivyt' Ir1Y: r1asall, has beii iendlnj� a ;i(. service tley again vince M li as !A 'Ce ra Ia � ru ri FIdlay- in� ft w day lodge rdo.m, where a f led In, i Matrimontale John A. Sn�lth, & s: hero with Is. oung rstorm passed over them. - Irith e MIN thf Meth..� of M . f, l" hearty vote of thanks vv as t e dere r. an s Wen4el Sm u c�r morning Mr. Moore. -got a tA Itfic is are home 1 o�ing sum- a able tue drove out t h JUL t at plaoe, had efLL 5-Ilie Misses C 0 in to so h ild I Rev. Mr. od, 1: n� fc)r h: j1d the Qosheh. in d Miso 9 bring In his fear. . r*k4 d stod, C f- par ly is in te f venIn$.,, iT er 4lidt so Uppr opriate 1 .4 [dress, an 1. clagher of ind Mrs. Etue. Sa. ibe road Is in. ed h)s vork Mr. and Mrs.. John also lei e a such bad codlfloA thit it, I 1. 1 thE C hUrCh, thanks of tM,- lodge to 16 Ward line, wer d at S Bont ace 1 7, le rec entl visited*e1afives in Is thought Mr., Moore will be And--� wl -h 9 � 'inton.'-Ur, � and Wi. 'of Trivitt Me mortal chu ch 'y,.: ID r i lid ad C, and Aoir Ureb, zui cb Rev� Ia or St!oe--- collect damages from the twnsili" itwo M-1 s halt 1,116 hand c n10 -oil aj -aid In Cf I il: rid little daughter for heir kindly t ie ser�tce. dier on Tue s w t - with his g �hc attellipt x plci<i L fqo es.�There as been a iconsideriode ed by her sister, Miss C he � hid no�( )f a Miss- Nicholo, ot the same 91ne 1 t le, ed with his sister at Harrigton. 0V ir.! a:rol of _hw vas sup -p rtod b c,tY Pen,, Dqminion � Day With their Incri ae in tb e populatloA of our ta; v n. and the g Wro the eek -end. -Y. Wh sly who 4�a- a red It, r A I r liscov� hat his �A i ew shed 13 being bu Areal, as -par 17 r. rf Ia es Urquhart and family. the N aln brother Jroi eplll- Eligh - Ina - was Unig ed a livery here some four weeks.l hurch and Is beJ a& constri z- 'Rev. Fi fhe� Stroed : salstei -West I S 11 ed.: 'r., me ol stree c by Mi 8 Ru all, of Goder:lch,� il er, b 3,3 sen f r' [so VIS by ecided that there was -not f y the, chelr. drs� I to J.", 3_4C. ZT eve ythIng it "cement blocks, This Will be v i led '.Out.; d thi,! --ed o kCoric) presidedat for two liverles, so M lalt S and friends' hore he PUI 4 done�, f djr hi M W1 convenleilt aE Well as a ading M� h organ.. Af er IR6 t') 26 If - el: Dr. Hossack, of Lucia, sp �' t the ceremony at Im en the Saturday. and Intends having an, 'Situ -di y 411 ite a D)ITdAbn Day, at the mansel! with his t6 lh- Ap6earance of 1he chu �,h church the b 4 party retired to the tion sale of his effects In Wng)24*4 er I Irs. Smith,- e o ur f or tis b 'ii all I �nday e b0iev* groands.-Mi and Mrs. R�nest-Di home of t -parents, where a John. Cunningba To -onto. ug, ter of M tir gh Fergi son�`! dlui it 'Lord are here *from Marl( tte, MichI4 i n, 9MC MS in -of Lon&bn rei I Is likely, dairini the r L-umPtuous din n was e joyed by a -ng to e with friends here this be waticried hst of re R. 1. 1 lergu L 0' W le' o' the summer to vlsitng wital Mr, and Mts. Thoi ks tiv and frien da. The v red Taylor, who has a good MI-dral in� at leas a week from 'the , Post -Dis tt.-Mrs. eter Oke has retur -d ding '91US we d o. tl. Carnp-bellfordi speni the holiday's ,]on CLI ss of 1 for: a H03- ia* large., of le: �0 t i i London Road, Which will homr, from T1 ontion.- fri 4. Mr. and UrT ith, after a a c w Al l)rtf his wife here. -The Court o rses, Tra ImAng ho 1, Loii-� bE SL goo� wedding tr P, for the vilia-ge finlsbed the 41ut1e*ff fin - r as sf move. It 'would 'be founil has ali3o returned from west.- friends on Ill 'be at hatne to teiT 1tv11 L al ei amin a., on iticiallY 1�lpful on Sat�rd J. G. Jones ias the Qobiten line. Friday night with very little ch 'At 1-2 ays when gone on a tri*p to �gradtdltlag iixexlsm wake tf. ere is . so the ald coun­ry.-Mr. J-. D. Atkint 1p'n Notes.-Onlo e repa ted Uch trafftc.(sn� our be to the list. A number 8 Masn0le hal iiindon, on 4t,.e Main ofi a: _'Mrs James Priest ..ol; London, now drives a Mintion ruz&b0Ut.`­WJUl,, dying in at uantitle In tL he zurv� were put joA. the list the firzi i'.rk Ot. L I I at ak.' when and'recently of our village, Vas here Mr. 'ff. J. Be r 'was wor'l g about 20 lch and Hej sall 41�strct. A small worm Ing were takien off 411the last., Uet (a the air on a. piteiehti d Lam R r�uson to, A day last we . ek and Is: said to' e -th cause.. pr we n&lt IS iosmad -believe lad&r the otlkr operates J. Stothrs, J. Carter and Frank flendidil , . from the i tt )m and ma Ices el rqss�d' day, ie fell ackwards a A' rp a preference for�llving in whenabbtA its a -y calfe represented the CoAsery/ativek ture tie starling -te at..; 0 ge.-. Oar citizes h n his feet ent throx 1 h. e billb, where It their annual meeting In 3haref ij the hear otr ap-t.-,Ute, villa alf way do to he hea t of th, L L � i, i I 211ne eents y performs I Vjh et of m in3 old frienis Vho gi ne fally- ;� o making preparations for the ungs, wilet stopped the fall.. Ele U U ork of destruction. A- Saturday.-MlIssEva, QUthers, �0 _tb e o ra Ga o t e 1 h here, 'and fell to the n U 17aL no 1. 4-6111- day last Wj Ls, Ry, Dr e an_ en teaching It the -Elmira ic ccess ii jiracttsln�,o the heal -I G in.] school; Is visiting at her home 4 I t Is �onfk antV expected that there ously Injured A quiet me'diling eglical Sun(ay ool picric su e jam Methodist Ben.4 and azlarg I. vie por, ner re Will, )e place in th 'the She must be -giving good s s In ab lundance: howev es :street 0 crowd e joyed id:nts of hf town. outing,.: --Mr, r.gE the d may be.-Muich :regret church in Exet aar ork L Th sday oflast aa& Mrs. Charles Kalb- as she -has been re-engaged at a ,cy an. 11owlel nom- :sit- i�- �1e t am'' our citizens on accoulit 'week, when Alary -E., on: flelsdh of Detroit are guests -at daugh - ar fte! crease of fifty dollafs pe -1 Imontc 11, to t of Mr. and Mrs. William Pardons, vfas home of ll n rn�,!r of of ti e :ea Iemlse of Miss -Mrs. John Annie Taylor, who Is a In t ie t. e Id f married to INVI Kei, of F eeter"s :tn o E:c�t d-auj er of Mr. George Rcotc, L. S. C1 Yine, of Wind. U- on Is spending her bol ait L n'ReAl ister, In ��ie ry departa ent, mlfrlant, 1hich retuiDned to or home here. r L JU �tah A r sor, by the Rev Mr na took place , Monday has borne in Milvei toln'.-At the Youn o - ii besit of ea .1 er I tad a la!1t.' We eliall give a more eitendel prose ce of a s nall COMP2 nY, of friej i as Zoc t go �Io*lcik ore red comaent ob this sad event mxt weck and relatives. , Lf ter' a fei r weeks sp: ilt plp's AM lattin 'meeting. in the V_ Ire blue. r i ket for,�-, e dp e n In Toronto an(. other cille$ they I angelical churih on Mond even v id the loys a n I glrI. ran' reside in Wallwrvill�. Mr. R. Gal wer. t ok chir*e and i On rloazt V U playe�d in Br'uciefleld assisted' by William Wilson. Ms Wl�` 1E tht: ladieg ar- r fs..",A very hearty reception -was sub det disc assed .1� ;was "Our Natk l�s lippen oa Sir at �U mber given on I -dnesday af ternoon oflasc Glories and rellIs'" About tlwound, ed Macffln�ry Repairi Thomas ellis, the Id . fif I I Mere w(e o M_ and ty p op iider th� Thomas Baird and h1S standby, isoneemia givIng qUention :to Is lenJoyed the �ce C2 pi )N ns, Ir Hull- bride at their home. Aboaq sixty gue9A old hot lkyi repeitin I fabi 9 'inery.- Ile . cream socla I held at the fourtee ill -The me ud all in j inachinery ton c ui� --(day of ast - wi eR. minds his eu to o- concess n- T Y -T -,r Govii �6 odks. is: er,ibl�d, niostly' relatives of �.,the bride paired. to brin"W alo jrthefiTmn e a and o'bars. nd other j 1 6, r an 1 grooin, A sumptuous su Rtfresbmeht 5 Wer � served and a & �od pper was thlues hat are ou )f.rder at o ief, to %void, e .1 ad thi ther�. Is-, ii good se: ve I �n'_ t e lawn, to . which -all did rush m hich Is sure ( occur at thl t1i programme Was mmdored, conistingrof AMC loan I Pie of the Y4 u ts t pi r wagons, new, an pli I Among -those' osent 16111 took of w i Pork repairs I b choruses, di Bt�, A olos and readIn it and at s-, glesanisfartnimpl, entsaiwaysc ga. 'I _G hand. I w: t Messrs. o.nents. I Q ez-111 ton- fh m a�-dlslnoa were Mr. and Merie�,, -elger ani Trqemrier I k - Mrs. a nu4i I er of No. 1 V1.1te "b wazoi 't -i iral- di -,Ij i ery as corrffehj Gc rd in 1 of shfield and Mrs. 'Kough j rom the saw. . ongues in to Played their *11f s during lunch vjh [ch Dunbar, Thoe. Mellfe, Rippell. 237 .2 ori tj inerl d I whie'h wa;s 09 61 T1 ��oung!(, uple have m 'friends , -NoU.-s.-We I any was well r�ceived.. -On t -o r1o, br r f rorn s Vi 13 �o 1 P __ - I . ki ve- tbls week to repq t 4 or-- i 0_�, wish','them a long and pleasanU thede th of. one of the ok est residex w goe4 y Wo 3 ce' Joi rl eyi dolva life's stream. :.y of Bi Roberr, and .,I iioneers cf the tovrm hip f Tut :1 R -vth and the told, Ar i e4e it is laken Gei'i itilt, h43 gone to the west, where en-ni 1, in the person 61 Mr. Jo ..i Brief.-Tj era h on. tin of 'Lt. e delivery he e:. pepts OE now a brt- e unt: of sult ft that everyfli-Ing an a time. -Mr. Dayrn an, who 1 assed awi y � this we 1 ter, look oA � ieIr faces - on acco fr$.: ichr. ketchen visited relatives a- 8t �oront t the age of eighty-five years, A fi the recent r da$, he pr C ope ts b w; ,nt of 'he lifeandideat TUed Mira a t Por*13,.H ho. in niall la at week. -They, went in an lar at coL of -44 that the crops wl all be daii-, ornin. od, with p4p��_on au a with 11 *s, RobertBell of Seaforth. PaYman prlce� -will a )pear nex wee .-T the ssue 9 1 t n the f ol- Mr I -etaIndr I i many friends are glad he friends of Mrs. Gharle;s bon - of t: Ing come too lat for th,- t. The fr�tt 0 at exception 'r t e hy, the ralhh4v- 0 Mail �;e t f 0 crop will .r -rich Is Lb e 1) out again after !his long villap will be 4eased to 16 m Go& ow � th t ah o �e od witt the exe E1Il1-a::, U stande road Illz e Pat r tir, Day wa; - observed in the t -eatment j he receive iii , Qlint, I tion, of strai vb�rrl I s I a Is. L -e Ile oes- �irouii by- �� thf I M un le -Th firs ly rn d sy bool of the, Pre�tyterlan has li.-en a sumess and I nt qal0tl7 In towr A n ic efleld, g d 13 B Of felo a3 f [eld a chixh' aft fSabbath. Th e school Mrs. 31bbons W J1 be, able to rdtuth went to Wiigharr,- followilig t lut foe rhile . room;.W 4 heba*e- and i corated with eV!ergreens khe llage.- George.' !hb mPlsori S. balt te d I If e a am w hd pI ye aaf oth-- and flag dresses we e ist Luck- and Da I sefu r glv'en by has -S)ne to A )urn ge o, is nd, a i �bul I B now there in tb.,e morning Blyth d c4eer settlers,' . of Re Dr� won ith =1 lers of Toronto, the pastor, of mcnths'wi hor daiij hter, -L the e b.) _ gam a s ore -of aine toto,6-r. il 3sed tZ is reward. John and 3uper4 Iphilen't, The littl gcbol- Fluke -. Mrs. iompsows friends w I A number w,,nt t qoderkl � to be near Vskss died.a.phis ho e, ars w?rel u, in, goodly. nu mbers. A very wish er a le lant time uid hopes] the lake. -Thi � hot w e at q le, her of I e pis t ednqs� 3 -, June ipple sant, and profitable hour w0spent -We are j orryli to no few days h s Jbe(n ib will return zoo verY iopresaiiiei oL. ab ut six tof Presbyterian cho1rheld that trrs,, John. Vorkman I not IA go( i I the occ Isi r ins It* 0 is In, I but with ts rin onal r tr�-rintb tht &0nual lcnlc�. to 1347fibid cn, health, bat hot e she '�Flll be, well soo, i. good- for the coun �XY.-Jamna Dodda :e aed Pv to born it Si dnt�- Fr lay of last week. The Weather wa% -Mrs. McDona. �d dies frilrk'Belfa t, Ireland' fin of , Lon& In � was- th who has� bee: i oPendft bis 611days �ai I . a. f leksant time. was spent. week visiting hei mol ilet 8i4, a.IL( h6r' 111 0 e his' borne here this wE ek - for- i0o. ma y I w er . t�ie MO. Duoar, )f As.hfield, who Attended 'Village. -W09 E- d. UntLof e text NeGregor, who N s ronto, res ume les: It to to dutleE #ould 1 i0e thel narriag e of her -grandson, Mr. T. been teabhInir fr ant man -as ass'4t- -,ha,§, r( 7t7T7� U W�g, ille old'est B. 1p�ird,'has re ager for 'OrdOn UgCkaY Irt)le, For Best values in, W -Il -turned to ber 'home. Ltiret. home t a s pend tht holida'Y's., vents, furnis and she ij over - Unet' years. of age, but Re*. 3,nd Mrs, Richardso !nre thI Moore, , who lids edA 'in, i he .tro' -Jobn Of till handiseir bale andtheartyj With West papergo to hardsori for � some time Is vi00ting � 116 sistor rpeni facultleJ54 Sh6 e jQ7s life incle 1A F, a r;);he all Iler a n t.1-lelens.-Miss ts ;�he .ame Ste XcDlai here;. He Ire] i a 1840, and, the -,ple s urea 4t -give he�. -She n1d of London : vas at d and West In, a bad I* e0c fir Oroat j &der and like coridition ry - gowl VT collcei f L Oroat j -S 'to keep- lome , )t Mrs. Jj a W j tt St %Ajp a "0" a . I arru anrey'oi Three ALEX. z1bout 29 led or' s vi aty th thp- w An -V go 41 1. rjnk,� (it 'tAOI�BlYtlf bo ter-, allm- AMr fd ed to 7 Brus��js pi -SEAFORTH % r t A L 1. J-4-- - 1 LUL�-_" �L_ 2L r X, I I T�f =11 tj 16 'V waft ai" 7f. r At As I ofow t ritu W& Z )o I _1ULV1 -moser's. Perle*.� X410#1 and 116.14. ere_ ,_, _ T W am to be z6o 0411not �,d It U 5; th Y' to havie a mowhai se and ara� loss� wil vt-,tvating the-douOt".4 0 4 the? are the bes -0410 f 9 to it, 12 i1se of their opportunItAes I jersona Jj (11 13 14 15 r6 x7 IS z C) tinJoy-ment� Perhaps 06y 4 yfkht, o a-; *9 long. t un, 0*r, tnay recelvo Ed 22 23 246 as much- ttiankw fit 1he � 9 eall P641DIt �.r I '10 2t 2$ 26 .2 -fir Mastbii, a' it they h tucX 11(o) 76.- 28- 29� 30 3 t with oose fo the their nosee grindstone 911 &0 a weel�. NEW "VIERTISMOTS -b kc Rditoytial Noties -affid 06sn W,. D. V4rcm -of Cargill :Ii -4 Ille figitra between the paventhesis- beell selee't e6d by - the , Cdvsar�A sftex'wh a& denotes the. * of the 1 SoUth Sjruco� to"9ppose,U-­Tr ax page fit paper on6 Wh[Ch the "Vertiolnient ja the gemit in Ahe Dominion all; I'dun4 rendereA vacant by the recent 'A point ment of Ur -.13ownelly,'the sittip mem, a 4 wroh A44106 -r- skaraul coe-g bee, to. theSeftitte, -XV: Cargill It s TOM 'the 'bd&n knbwn -as i'brebder of � 7hasulniner Maa--.-,0Vdj4 01"hing-A thoiri e4 cl cattle but furtb6jr than that i �Ik A' t il : Aid A =1011181-71rj. or formerly represented fbe. g" P, Anaam gal" has lot been much krbwn 'in DIU 9 %wee Eo8t--T.X"dt*V4)ffift-3 dil d tj But' he will: maike a strong 0. did denf Ation Suppilwo-Tboompson"o reok Mze, W.NtZi it. whimagy-fi and thel. ao'veinayent Will -fnot loarif �t ?fteher Wantei$-C. K. AwhWbn-S anything, undone that they C at !1] h e 9 !&,.n 0 t _oieet� him. W t W The Liberals of, South Eggelt,6 St� I W j larg ely attended and entbusia0t 1c, oci n. 0.1. 0 m 11V ed win. yezit-19n, on Friday last; selected W �'r 8, rriv Apbeft Atkin iks their -cap4jdw v tc 'S.0 n 4. fill the,-.vaeancy caused'by the reglg�,, 140 JI I -'Mr. A H. Clark, who br. yia a,. .nation - of. SEA�OaTkj, FRIDAY; July 4th, 1913. 1W I gi removed 10-, Calgary. Mr. Atkin, , U a Aric SO t Warder. of 'the Cogntyl- a pr 100atI You if The *urow-Bruce School farmer and Is likely to -prove' a strong Vil is v dandidate. The riding has . usualLY, V.j 6t )r gone L -the 4fterhooh an It n-4 iberal. - In meat at To- mensao mass meeting was held 14 U 'th 'grove, at , Which -adc&tesses -were del The EducatI6 DT Wald ronto, notified the county council$ Of ered oy Honorable George -P.- ah' wl to al; Aurion and -Bruce a, yearpor more, -ago F. G. 'Pardee and.. other§j. Th " d , ti, that It was their desire to: have a un.. for the electiba has not jetbeen am d. Ion school Inspectorate, established to or )f Ths writ for � the bTe-'iblection - I V6 1 be composed at a, ctrtaln nuinbC-r of " - I . . 1-1 1 gy - tap Ia Prairie? 'rende-rid Aecess axy I I)yl he Q municipalities f rona each county,, and . . - . i 6 1 ffic the acceptance'of -P e by Mr.! Melg1ken, that the eou*ties. take Immediate action 1 , 1 6 ge A t the - new Solicitor- General - in V ie - 0 t -1� re'Ic to. ha*a thlg� new 1�nspectorate establish - taws. Govornmeat, ha a 11 6enissuf&.1he; �w&a led. and also: to 'name -an Inspector for nomi - nation takes place 'on, July"19t %V� ed I the 'now lilspectorate, The'reason given , -11 'and'the 61ection,-shoul there le a io� 6 r, .0 i the for thig de i�d was thai In the oplin- woul !1 jr6_ one week 'liter. ,T.he abOAdes av, 6 Ion of the 4epartment the present Uv - 4 . that Mir - Melgheh will dt be o oOe 1.4 'Mj spectorates - an too large -and the ex- We notice the. To t M 11 die �si ncsj not gejye the thi� Mr Mjj on, a "W 1), Isting Inspectors, can �ghZ rwill ihortly ' co A schools the attention they require, The leadee of ;the _Wi�tern donse 66 ves, �ii. :M-,� thb� Dominion ParliamenL That I lom county councils of both counties' d14 in itan nitit seeM, to; coincide with -the Dapar I t-. what hard on Ur ... Ro eks. t er nk, 1 1 Conservatives becoming Afraid 0181 -11 inent In this matter, and no action venturesome gentleman 'and In to bo e #i w taken; In this respect. At get rid of him. V t thi� lag Meeting of the Hurart In 41 Huron Notes coul-Ity courxefl a emmunication Nvas ha vi —At the recent communion s rvices read from the Department to the-efteot 56did- not -proceed at iri Duff's church, Waltqn, tWe ne �v at that If the icouht;ie, members were . received. 1 This loo a Ilk-, once to establish the new IUSPectOrate. a growing ';aild.pr6sp6rouseongre tjoru, mi m tell, 9nd ZPP014 J&n Inspector, thereto r. Reuben, M f Del M eInnW, of Del raine,. r er�at- Manitoba, has recenti, ta *Ir fr thi depargment, would take th beer v is �' A—= AiE V1. the friends* and i, scenea, of 'his Youth te1r; Into their owil hands and 'estab- -in Grey ch 4X c4'. township, appPint &,r Haffm'o Ush the Inspectorate. and —Word has been received of- tt e un- Inipector Tbe� Huron council, appolat- �expected diagh pf *rs. John Knox, Xf V. ed: a, commttee: Ito, cQjdferf with the -Bruce w1lose husbapd died it 'Preston on tl ev to - take , Arj I _dd w" i. councI4 �provlded they decided .16th ult. They wrere 'Will k-ro'l' Te 6V 1'�. W I action. At the lagt.meetftig of the dents oi Auburn, lio IE y unct! 11* council positivply de- —Mrs. Robert C61clougit, of' Gcderlch Bruce co _1 n to �Uke any6 al, k !of ofted AtW, - -turther township, is raising & floe an to pass,, a,riefolution �that In- their hundred i -t- o"o ID' �th -young .. clucks and sixti hr ' ur chIl_ ho �r� judgment the change Is not ANessarY. keys. Mrs David ChIr jj- Arid thus the matter, stands, It now of the, same distZict has a' flock of 1-0 ho e I r sts,.Vith the.Dopartment to edta:6-- -turkeys. an IS e I wl ra lish the- litspectorate and aiPoiA an —Mr. and'Mrs. John, Xdble -an( I faffiii.- Inspector,at the expense of 'thecoun- 11Y of -High River, Albefta,"arriv d 1 a CO. So 'do 111 ties, or to recede from the POSIU031 few daYs agoi . and aie visiting .1 irlen," a thqy have, taken. What -action the -De- in and about Clinton wid'Bly-th. '6 H sh, r Pattment May take we, of cour-st', cR11 Noblee has' been in -the WVat for 3(,kl,- - not surrialse. ji, they are wise, how� eral years, first l6cating lift Mai Atob, SO d ev&, they will leave matters as thp_y_ —After thirty-three Years ServIde I at are.. It they proceed toi. carry ottt their with the Goderich Organ Company,- )t'* & thriat they wW rxise a storm thitt. Cfinton,:-the; last.few-76ari as. gene, 'L .2, th4Y will not- hear: - the last � of fdr i6l'superintendeht. Ur H. Bj Chant, hi or to. ke' Borne time. resigned this position, to take" th P po fte 6ouncili"ta-te the poiltion, and' itiorL tog &anager of the town - watt r who I've � think w ely, that -there ls.-rfo,nt�-, anti light systems. CeAity_.�or alon addiflonai Inspectorate Te 6 . dale Whitfield. an. old resident bid st as an# another Inspector, tiat and 'that to of the 13th concession w Ore3, h.. 4. comply with the* demands of tjie Dt­ . purchased 5,0 acres along'slde his ow ri 'R paitment would simply be- placing adz. farm from Itay McNaught; Paying an -4 1 clitional expense on . lthi, People - *liCll 1 $2,200. This gives Mr. , Whitefic Id a V's i they are not very well able to bear dandy farm of 150 a cres. � Mr. M(__ ar. d 'd It and at *an Inopportuift., 11me. There Naught rietains the. east half. of, his It ul 0 has not been6 a time during the pra5- f arm. left. hE let , ent - or precedinik d generation- when the -Rev. Mr., Hastle and -Mrs., Hat ftle, c f P .161P atterndance at th _ pub , school$6 was Ladner, British Columbia,' werecallin, -C Id: ti 8041ght as It hka'beth� of liate years. on old friends In Belgrave and vi 'POssi DI E th th4 school eX In addition to is pen- UY reicentli. - Mr. Hasite was 'pastor icif t h.1 r' a i ses- haveAncreased enormouslY. Teazb---' the Belgrave Presbyterian Church for -ers? salaries ha6ve neafly do"led and five years before going west. He ''c6n_- 4v It they are likely to go higher ' $till. ducted.theservicas In his old chur�hat Mr.-. r, So that the school tax is really becuw�- Belgrave on Sunday. Ing burden-gome considerin- the, `fevv .-Un,6 W -Ing_' the gi m z.and idirs Vanstone, of-' so whb, are left in each section to pay it ha moving to Toronto in the Pit I'l a I and- the few children who have to be near- ture. On' a recent eve4 . ing Z_ doir, I educated.- The Inspectors have neverin numbf-lof Mrs. Va.nston�7s lady1friend.3 nu e 9ke pa.9 complained of being ovn­ gathered at her home in[ Winghai n and held, ifi worked and no person . ever. hintcd: that -presented her with a nIce1Yb-.wor;d(d bvi Frda3. the -work had *not been efficiently done. dress and a',silver flower _and trot I t me I* In so far as thIP. county at least is basket. flas 41(j) Mncerned-L It,' therefore. the work -There was a good turnj out ti honor A was. efficiently 4one' and 'he InsDect- -Guelph -on Monday of I tal. ie I L, - ast wee� h . 11 ors were not overWorked, when the�e connection with the annual excursior grl were mare schols and- perhaps doubie to the. Experimental farm. Well ul wlih I& ago patronized it the number of -pup "I there are new toward and enioye� ins W, what Is- the sense of Increasing the the dellgIftful day at this ever pcp.UI4 --Tha Inspectors and de creasing- their work. institatioxt 120- tickets were sold at shl , 3s at the present time. We think r -he Brussela and about U., at Rthel. . ' uat ed counclis of both c ourities have taken the Tlholna�s S111ale, the well IrRown 150 g, I proper stand.. They are in a midch well digger of L E11MVille" In Usborn? Absit c1i -better position to judge as to- what' seems to be as exp�rt at growing. veg,- 1vt Is required thaft are the few gentle- etalples as he Is at findin good Vr tp 1 rea, men at the head of the Deparzmr.nt On the'23rd of Juno he had,'green p�V. ribl ojQ E of Education, It. therefore, the DL*. ready, for table use and on thf fir3i. pla*, eil i partment or the Government are dls�- of - July he had nevA potatoes of hjl tow ;rari �s i posed to take kthe matter into their growing. :the sa�( Own hands and add thls� ad,11tional bur- ---DY a re -arrangement-- of stiati n range J , t ,den on the pcople when It Is noE necsE, -Rev. Mr. Cooke will remain as � pastor �of bas I sary In any way,let them do. !�p.The 'of the Methodist churches on Bluievale :*de lit Goverarricat have the powir to d3Lhis circuit. An.Y idea of moving'wa that teri, . I Lr If they zee fit to exercise It. rlhli,, , he- might have a. charge with., fewer ;�Gol e3. simply an -other example gf the manner appoininents 'so that his health. rhight L it In, which the Legislature have permif- be built; up. Months ago the dea. cl ted the Governemnt to clothe -.hem- board invited Mr. Cooke to r.Qm In. Mal s6lves with the most arbitrary pqwers. -A quiet wedding took place �at �shil, El ic The municipalities have little say In noon on Tuesday of last week� at. -the ced il b 'any Inatters concerning their ownaf- 'home of the bride's mother, Mrs.. - A. en D 61 fairs and which come under the "pur- Brown, of Fordwich. when her Yc un,,,,,-- teil 3 View oft the Govarnrrent. About a est daughter, Malrion, became. the - Dride, flel Ahat Is left to, the municipal coun2ils of Jarvis W. durrie of Winnipeglonly 'out' 41'�[ is to, obey orders and to provUle the son of the late 'Rev..Hec to* r Currieand rou S funds. The centralization- of powerin Mrs. Currie. formerly a Thedford, Ont. is the hands of the few at the expenEe Mr. and Mrs Currie will reside. in 'Wjn,.. used of the many, has been the polley ct n1pa.- the d� I' the WhItiieY Government ever sifteelts, -Mr. James '0 Abbott passed V�ay lowing Gragnization and it has quietly but at the home of Mr..'S. David ftiCeatralla to po: .e surely gathered Into Its net maarlyev- on Saturday at -the age of -fifty-three of. I �bc t er y branch V municipal e6introl a_vP_4I- years and: four months. The deceased, Chilitc able, so the people have-� -now - ij,�tle who in earlierltfe -wiis a reg�d6nt' of route choice but to ob - ey their behests,no niat- Centralia, was a fi ative of �3 d Iph, -'-Af ter how unreasonable or arbitrar . Y t h ey A, number of Years ago- he wen 'ff�at er of inay be. and started a . general store at Manii-, Hur on tOta, Man. About a Year -ago he ca.me R. if& It Is stated by the Mail that Hon. 6ast for treatment. 41e.r: LY n cele - Mr. Borden has left Ottkwa for a -Mr. James Smillie of Walto 18-th, prolonged holiday at the AtlanticCQast brated his 80th birthclay on Monday - ot wee cs, and will 'not return -until the last of last week and Is halt and hea I M August. His 'Private secretary �ty f or yeal -. has such an advanced age.. Mr. Silililie ig field, 4U1 �gone to Banff to spend the summer one -of the pioneer.reside4ts o the C%�r there with I& family. 14onf �Mr. White, township of Grey and is !the tiad of hapl iy Finance 141nister, And Hoh. Mr. Bur- man of whoMAt may be said ttisp.[Cy his aa roll, Minister of Agrlcu!tU m. have gone he should ever grow old. His frie nds of a t -o England, on public b4siness, of will -wish be- -may be spared in he alth. gig te rs course. WbIle the �other Ministers with to reach thig century mark�� u9mod I thip eneptioA of three who are left -Mr. - and Mire. Will I-kEagleson, f ro m keNThii r, to Otti%wa to hold' the foil, are acat- Aberdeen, South Dakota, Intend j spi md,, A fored around' In dMerent parts of the Ing sotrie weeks. II-Ith friends in, 7, 4 44444 ou predftoafio;d� him G" too cret- two -two - I *&I is r's an g our 000 dam$ Zu r of ke, 901*4 Alkid VVIved r joa Allid 4WIJ e --- QI U Alp" 41 in, oor,� stin SW WAD regoro z, Ev*y4il g- 1irl lint a )tirfftr is heie�-a zOmplett s �g IL tock; 06W er ILY� bm: the Iseaso rX t and -best al Shois for a 1.616 Oro Judo i lj�u 41 Afent he 6.,Januaii of ths, Ila r j lag ni4 co 41ty of Huron,, n I fitly, In rig C4mp .err Vvt 'i ting 1i 'With the. h" wAther her* yot;'11 need fighteir bl, U a it -,cnars* lai& by Mrs. a e- re vial !r as ll th X41roh- t jrned re Ve ­ at a Chi! Ire: t t tu -let, as Drionnan,,of Kint lice G t led ok from, atl, w s OU ke.-M 5 31031 f fa 0 1 a' fbo�welr- Me and see, our rnatty styles ad varities of sumaw ollars 4nd, costs bY re our,pric YO 'o bef t a Uple of o vio ting a I borne.- Mrsi wi as An d u'll Admit we have the best + tU t -e t. UUtj. th t AdGod Id Kell V or God llienboad 16 -siting ber,mother, yj rs, obt�in On V, a Of AA se in refusing. to, N 1 )r )n b assault .0. (L let -to- visit oi tk 01 om� aarnisaidn, 'to his h: vus this di friends at f V- 6 1 i Ladies W to Canvas Shoes __1W 0% e sevc l4p. W on Ttwn or !he c n' ant -It app iaral had ro e ridge. not ier part bel do io U0 e 01 V with a sund t. his hol io.-Our I for sum I T6,poptj lar 3 00 tner eair­��­new styles just ariived. of st 13 ft ka U ee. Al this house, Tb­ot1i1-­ very on the Fir Note, Wa very A La4i, 11 -white Cam le P APIWco-yerod heels, for $1-2 b r hm fte go ne Bsyflel I �Xjqq M i pn es I he: -c a Ke ty. sA tk*n, aidh Itted the deundan t BIC )a, r"Otor od from Winnipeg A t.0 Ceanvas 2 -strap U White CanvaS ted.: bY o' for As mp for fo - , i 4-bu In 411114 �_ &S no Mifted day r win t Sid sit ir _;W1615 ct6r- t t pa rt ext ided visit Ox ords I or $zjo WhIft- Ca�yas ButWa Boots fo $-2 and $2.50. ou ara of al- Sul !6n L Brace Wt 0 is door: had jbeV closed I rel tives,- Xi, 3 Isabel 0 fahs 6 alleged 11 friends ixt to%wvh. met qrsonol v for & Is v lilt is, LoMies 7 0 Aords iay& Pimp y Oducatidnal rt at at, tin off - Wo cl en'used in the: abort tim MiLl 4t BIC, I t t Toronto 14 spendin -Dr, C cou V,48" n M 0 t. ie. e try of her compaida hol, day a home 1; ety Of -n D I th d *109 1 * have a gr at vari 2"Oxfords and Pumps ong-01a, . fof th6 door,�Thelawyer, eirs attend, 0 Ine6tillff, ot the an fir r .1011 rd 't,'appaalod. Colt, ®un Metal CadIf a. Tan Calf Uathers i din and the 'Ion Medical sociation1iolld'tt L in prices ratt ulatl cili n Ahe maglotr4tesi and 3 dso seph' Gray Week. of ' Haml 25 �4 a PaIr. f the to, tat fro $ * C401 I pe are, to ren 4 dto' of oy 6 at bearing the e� defice, fi t forinerly.,a agent W_ on. e ter, nei ted -the 'defendant, waois- Ing old ac qua ancei. 13 a U accom n�- - 8 to , i - ar" andals I V 0 1 WA. &1 .1 cho r Sri t or t rees '1 0 ftd respectiod far rner, 164 b*y big w and chi dr4n, who e straRMIM t aphen is I n VI do, UAn i nd it o.. he,.provlously, pa�d Was re-- vlofting Ir - ( nton.­Mt. *I)tlnean 4 906 -Ing cool r for the ebild en than a'Imir of our Barefoot San I �Ae- I th' at ar � fe- A' clSy I =4 jet DOI ald of Lo on six nt the bol xy z a to 10 s PeWes—si 111 460i A81 ece tly uncler- bere,-Imfla 13OW.ey, unner, Is U& 4, tO 7 for75C for goc and $ i A t0i;; b6go.agaft i r the� collpletlon of he for ;i and $t.� .0 a a and Inery t _-Ar 4 Mrs.' (hn f 'he annual lawn socia I dcr Boys .1 Bunnind fie Of- It SPDOA the ' hol i Ite 't � e low;, e t ft Mser. "t I s a 0 the, e a of theLadies, A,'.d Of ',',,az an. MrS4 J16 Kai 0o 0 e cea is� N�a'e beld% on thie , church. an4 rs D& Munroe aid family Al We' sell e ]FIS —the in ri V t 116o w at, VI I lel �4 et Foot nd with the honey comb sole four, 1 rou igs Friday evening of la& Suinday at Lnd]3end li shi vin 4 ant! ettiinfni n the market. Boys' Oxfor_ e was, MY rge A r la IV atten I'll day. -Mr' Ila ry Turner ofWal ing hoesilo AS, Sizes I I tO 13, for 'Running Boots, sfzes I I tO 13, for lie twl ty-one 4 ef eaJoyed. The.. Heneall bpas IS'Nisit! 9 -hie aunth-Miri. Vboi' e i io 5,1 for 75c Boys' I t n Simi pn�' 'SIX of of; Br 6 Y'6f- n uffiened the Oroceed-Inirs. b size: I to 5 f0t, wc. 0�id Iftlons. The ladies � fiord o1i Ith' El - ba :y ure& .8 ance -fee9 coupWid'wlthth, t ley as IrW r. the bakeri R le le cream and bouq to,' re Litz N ),tea.-Jmoi the; ho#day Ir betg 115 fa ex at! e t of the q 1he'n t sum of $148, lie the ovir nidst are Mr. Harr1r Spere fto.- -ton, ana ,j eet: b III, whoL 6 hoige a a or s anderearn -as a rved 3�ltl r - f rono; Mr, ,a d Mrs. Golorge Ham: ton, c ok fir ah4 I do''-wh e r. hments We4-e pronou of (Wt; M10 -to s Lottle I(Ice and : es 'r vasl! -tu ed anlik a ( luld -be desired. Mr. e Flat rilltoA., � if oeteir; Mts. J, R - 3 11 ro, ad,tho. foric who -has* -been in DiS t Ah �, and children 0, Durha nd I to, rair W Aff q ve ho -eat g 0 -for some 4in ths io h n Mrs, Vocii c Lozan*- 0 Is vial wag U tin `-trip, returned rnI ig fr4ni 0 mntril her Aaugb:er, Mrs J. I IcCulloe.­ r. 'h I we ak par t�j had'a- v6d' I Is Elv�yn Ril en has come to spend I's chi; -C "ving id eas -Pa Ii M f4I 3slee I i bug� holi ays'a( b i home he !io. - The an- Xosslj ig :he�� hat ii, 'a- tracki: a id ssl6# nig. very * c piv- irsary Oea i )n was fr ae doubl, In. b id Idel: r repainted b WEROIAL HOtEL vc i i1cle d is fee thbeing ni congregation. In n- n., t b "s Some, If toresting to is 1 8 wil I wa 1114 dra b "s Ick and -33oGn.t era), and to I ev DSVIA and Mrs. i Itt- �,Dffke so I, poof fA, t ien --ty emb s cift 1he jo:'S.1 . Ice -'V1 ��& 01 ere e chle In par tic x. Jar, by tb 3 arrival c a i here v�' the rigot P�6, ema w14 dSE , 4e ed divine. so) VIC6 In 1 1 littl, daughter at the ma nse on Mon I at c bIr biq teed nd a rate t ed.,4 or Q urch, Exetc in a tk 9. �hom Ile driving -home 'from ed zarne with three Plrus$lils ZI4441 , 4nd speak hi#hly of hi� Hensall. on tho ;!Zurich roa met IffAb There was R beavY rain Alurin I ot 0 Lisly Jure Hu t t a L eat 3 7mon deliver �d by Re. kir a very � un plea0a nt irlshap FridaYl ev- day,, In consequence the let e sat Wei 11, D uty - 'Ir Ma6 6r hav dbi en U led. f flet. Dep Mi trlrr onlal.- -The mar) lage, of IsB ening. The boirs � became trlghten�d at nqt VI&Yed until- after Aupper. _-4 r d a Ado�� -he t king do w thf � fi me o i idly receptio i . jvin, til �n`, 'Mar r 0. Took t4 Iy, only daughter of Ar S� bright f sh'of lightning nd b"I tied of the Blyth rinks was 4owu- bi n b te! r]T1 odge,_-Urs. J. 8. U111 on Tim )thy T46q, I Y, to Mr Michael 't r- Into the It, %rowlng Mr. andX-ra. shots, another was down one East� awA t ol Hw while the ther Wag one Up t:hUS 3 relatives in Ljo don 1.111 'Mrs, Peter Jor pson the buggy. 0 Iver �rldia e ent � thri q men4. dan son of Mr. and J, Tho. form ou t -Br � ged.­-Oui I It, L t St. )rj C afte. sels won by -seven shot$. There In an] Cha'al, I W Dtib In, was solem.nized, a II- consIder0je excitement ani Is rib I I I na w III proemult- d4rink the ji io, ae Ro � CthoUc of one. of oui rinks a ai 11�1 Daef I e frDM, 1�,r n1a Church, London,L aid Of friends hey .1 1 g f us wil -h t It h. U1 in, 6 act of lo wee ly. 11 tting' in a III on " VednesU r morning, 'Una )y e6irktinued' DA Ith ir journey home very bowling tournament, t Goderic W ?I ning, 25th, i3pifford, L 8 - f ror i Ir- -Murdechis 11 week. -Miss Annie the er a 1 0 wa� i livery to Rev. Fat: Mon. The,3rlde. who &as little hurt although the bug97 wao n-111 bg moth gon�e to Ve L GrA i I Tr kk depot, which ivi I gi*ei X her. fatl er,, was t a- Cons aged. -Mir. Du ican been visiting with her moth, iderably dad' I t I 1he , a, gmi t wn i nience to pedestrians. Wi I Lte XCE Mr laij aoar the past zouple -of weeks 1retur 1 1 helpe -si, R comIng ,d In a (tress of :i6nzte j Lnd 14fle niece from tru t -Aha -before the Twdlfth \',:bay allk' trimmed with valenelennes Ime, BayfIeld ere n Monday to London to res�.Me liurl�,lfttle ltope'be+ v,lll t s 'Week visiting VIth Me th, 'hat. 'rho u t for - his oVery, 1, c4tch basiqi5 at seveiql friends In th 111age - Mr. I avid P--sitlion, as student for a Thd I I and wore a hIte plett re, wifr, � . I t P)ln I ire:'after heavy rains A rn a be, I� d ai� fox soff c -tlme�. " 10 �w bridat;mEild'vos Miss Rose Self, ho Worl�man . 5 ting anew roof oi-his Joseph's hospitat London.- s1rei -1 a pro i inn ay of the ;e I -a 10 the appetrapee of f 6b was dressed In white -vole. The gr) m barn�.:­Mra D R. Sloan, with 1416- comaany and esc ape. u �wa - i8trans of Regina have been In caMj� a01.1 wed. 11 i soldin,niUd p was assisted by his bro:her, Mr. V. Spent the � iolitla- s with'firiends teers, who' 14 nce Huff b)en v1slift t relatives In He m sall and Jor� Lan. Af er the cer �,g ronto.-Th( s '-a berry crop don for the past, en &-y in ri. em ny � a wed( I I tra In thiz YrIngh v ctr,l t I ,s 3traing befor, heir mar- bre ast I ; served at the borne of part hasbEen mry poor Ia. b th' home Friday. They, were not �Veff, It ni t i6ir Alaugb-�- 0 a �ell know pleased with their treatment� r age 9 a afk 1 9 Stewart, the ) -11 r. C,bzk T toll, 1 'a Tarried ride Cheapside, dieet. Me Al aind Guantity ev. M Ba= e e over ; i tsta who w a rid 1,, t Bch 01 a litti nd ' on i bbath last condEnted don and would pirfifer the c4tap Huds 0 n f' N ri anii by man r be if al -and coi tly - prese ats.. of Lo on i$a W, Bu. t ailed f th% 161161, e s 4f our village.� ir IN which rah, Goderl-ch again, claiming it is JM Mi thodist riece ved sh w the'esteem e the services 14 St.Andre's c C lan I lot L te bes,"dan Oa 14 d shAter, Miss Buchannan, you ere held.1 Mr. and I �R4 preaching two'! 4apd. as' 'And that the citizens f od4rj&:* .r. John ul g cou Mons. ­�Ij be ehs MR are i e, rorn Toroftto� T�e tormet 'Jordan Iefi It r -for a � trip to a- t irildej m them betterThen are quite a a kid th d, Was a iftg the t nd N1 An A iot f�r:jr uei Is werc' inivesit, nd .0 e th� Am e r I m ter ot VIS1tIn$ In ]317tb t Urich 4 lining as .-Domi'N* �Plnts. TIM b eAt, niilstlY s9ending the bow to 11 f tef th ci�,r t ny.ali sat e trave d In ar vy "Mysterious 'fisttors.s--Xearly a more while others are spending a� 10118 pkpi 1'. Th�y -ion I )a was 'observed,lieie is a h 4 bldt a-uit a, id at. with llow plut S. otBeOln busWess men I arrived he I IU d).y, U Ahere. was no celebrtio time, It being the seas in lr aM er theiz on _.hoir 1 11 tthey reside -year when most people wlw I't 'autos ]art week, remaining for se eTal 'spen the 9 Gr svenor sti I ti Ile i n o y of our villiageirs trip. Ii new o e, 41 da r different points �alon t, day s. They said they were on a pleas- taking their holid0s, and Alrud 9�rinr, �492 Fro g th LoEw [on, w ei theY be at h jue or ute tr1p. tc . the lake, learning -by tile sldfr themselves, lucky, owing to - Logan cha e Op nti J Ste"*, our s af ter Y iuh. I � mea loea to t 'leir f apers tha t fish In s good W111 L Mill t, ri aft I el I beautifying j o p wa this ler, who.e. i� nuffiber heat, iam 4moott, *Vk il n pol t. While Mey carried lib far'-COledd 0 Ir el. I Fs with his Arii�tic t6uc* iturnIng from Brusiels IDn it) th ce aid ir i.Mr. - Isaac evening with � a load -of bo .Ived a1writt 11 g bq4harnan, wif fish poles, etc i Is inted that their e u i rantee Masonle Ser V; real rals closely conr �eet_ �f ild ft spen cel 1; , (if t part i bf ast - wet ler cie.-�-On S �nday; eve sioj i m -as more the misfortune to strike t -Val 'I a id h Mr., BuchaAnan's parenL last the memiers of he Ex4te� ed with azcherfla'-to�get direct COM- er -on the side of thg road, ho se nine I uridred hsonic tra rnft attende divine c r- rtAunication tbro a railway I rcrn the ear to the r tur ng to Toronto - on Wedna- Ash:, re 1 given tit 93 bgnge h re! r suft, per bow lielieve Oat ble, jadictz ship at Tr vitt Memorial church, L to, the 1�y an ant. ital feli fa Berlin, by wa ZUricli rubk ' othe7r large stone Aar bdist church'intend serv- Just what a, Imad 1i behind thO of a big bill. 'The -We broke at-,, JW ZM. DIstflct De )ut3 Grand M ster Rev. arr anl .7 1 e r was I k own, but from I Collias, thf reet not k r iages heard b 9 k the 12th of July -at our or, pre ed a mas r- scheme Is the right whee4 but luckily no LAU Vd�v, WkT 1*rzai g,,e -Kr. Rora ful sermon to th interest tal en I this district by r h, on ace I bration her, e asserr bled broth (n, I thO hurt, as he.was going sjiow_j!� � 't assume hat so I let Gaig�r,*`L *11 ..resently suqQ The -membO rs j Ilarched ir a body- t, c m Visitors or.4 i me- time. One of the ther auto Aoxim w ek who' 1.4 0 With "fully LP4 fhA , 11 4, 1#4 1 ", their lodg room, accomi thing will be! di Ing In the near fu- k_ f, i d 8 d fis eii ina by ollowlni took iheir load into 0 was -a oi er, lie �alis tion as a; d socujrW Ing qasons from ParkhM, Hensall And tdre towarii I a r d1way to conneettur- and returned to bring the hors d position I i, Toronto.- ltiei� oft,e note ones. In; the meant] Seafertb . in i a I to the trict YAr - ROY 'Brandt, of Eltr a,� and - for. : M mber of S11 or lcli district *11. tb zr �f R. Thomas,f 0. After I pro Wasleftinthe car while a'heivyt' Ir1Y: r1asall, has beii iendlnj� a ;i(. service tley again vince M li as !A 'Ce ra Ia � ru ri FIdlay- in� ft w day lodge rdo.m, where a f led In, i Matrimontale John A. Sn�lth, & s: hero with Is. oung rstorm passed over them. - Irith e MIN thf Meth..� of M . f, l" hearty vote of thanks vv as t e dere r. an s Wen4el Sm u c�r morning Mr. Moore. -got a tA Itfic is are home 1 o�ing sum- a able tue drove out t h JUL t at plaoe, had efLL 5-Ilie Misses C 0 in to so h ild I Rev. Mr. od, 1: n� fc)r h: j1d the Qosheh. in d Miso 9 bring In his fear. . r*k4 d stod, C f- par ly is in te f venIn$.,, iT er 4lidt so Uppr opriate 1 .4 [dress, an 1. clagher of ind Mrs. Etue. Sa. ibe road Is in. ed h)s vork Mr. and Mrs.. John also lei e a such bad codlfloA thit it, I 1. 1 thE C hUrCh, thanks of tM,- lodge to 16 Ward line, wer d at S Bont ace 1 7, le rec entl visited*e1afives in Is thought Mr., Moore will be And--� wl -h 9 � 'inton.'-Ur, � and Wi. 'of Trivitt Me mortal chu ch 'y,.: ID r i lid ad C, and Aoir Ureb, zui cb Rev� Ia or St!oe--- collect damages from the twnsili" itwo M-1 s halt 1,116 hand c n10 -oil aj -aid In Cf I il: rid little daughter for heir kindly t ie ser�tce. dier on Tue s w t - with his g �hc attellipt x plci<i L fqo es.�There as been a iconsideriode ed by her sister, Miss C he � hid no�( )f a Miss- Nicholo, ot the same 91ne 1 t le, ed with his sister at Harrigton. 0V ir.! a:rol of _hw vas sup -p rtod b c,tY Pen,, Dqminion � Day With their Incri ae in tb e populatloA of our ta; v n. and the g Wro the eek -end. -Y. Wh sly who 4�a- a red It, r A I r liscov� hat his �A i ew shed 13 being bu Areal, as -par 17 r. rf Ia es Urquhart and family. the N aln brother Jroi eplll- Eligh - Ina - was Unig ed a livery here some four weeks.l hurch and Is beJ a& constri z- 'Rev. Fi fhe� Stroed : salstei -West I S 11 ed.: 'r., me ol stree c by Mi 8 Ru all, of Goder:lch,� il er, b 3,3 sen f r' [so VIS by ecided that there was -not f y the, chelr. drs� I to J.", 3_4C. ZT eve ythIng it "cement blocks, This Will be v i led '.Out.; d thi,! --ed o kCoric) presidedat for two liverles, so M lalt S and friends' hore he PUI 4 done�, f djr hi M W1 convenleilt aE Well as a ading M� h organ.. Af er IR6 t') 26 If - el: Dr. Hossack, of Lucia, sp �' t the ceremony at Im en the Saturday. and Intends having an, 'Situ -di y 411 ite a D)ITdAbn Day, at the mansel! with his t6 lh- Ap6earance of 1he chu �,h church the b 4 party retired to the tion sale of his effects In Wng)24*4 er I Irs. Smith,- e o ur f or tis b 'ii all I �nday e b0iev* groands.-Mi and Mrs. R�nest-Di home of t -parents, where a John. Cunningba To -onto. ug, ter of M tir gh Fergi son�`! dlui it 'Lord are here *from Marl( tte, MichI4 i n, 9MC MS in -of Lon&bn rei I Is likely, dairini the r L-umPtuous din n was e joyed by a -ng to e with friends here this be waticried hst of re R. 1. 1 lergu L 0' W le' o' the summer to vlsitng wital Mr, and Mts. Thoi ks tiv and frien da. The v red Taylor, who has a good MI-dral in� at leas a week from 'the , Post -Dis tt.-Mrs. eter Oke has retur -d ding '91US we d o. tl. Carnp-bellfordi speni the holiday's ,]on CLI ss of 1 for: a H03- ia* large., of le: �0 t i i London Road, Which will homr, from T1 ontion.- fri 4. Mr. and UrT ith, after a a c w Al l)rtf his wife here. -The Court o rses, Tra ImAng ho 1, Loii-� bE SL goo� wedding tr P, for the vilia-ge finlsbed the 41ut1e*ff fin - r as sf move. It 'would 'be founil has ali3o returned from west.- friends on Ill 'be at hatne to teiT 1tv11 L al ei amin a., on iticiallY 1�lpful on Sat�rd J. G. Jones ias the Qobiten line. Friday night with very little ch 'At 1-2 ays when gone on a tri*p to �gradtdltlag iixexlsm wake tf. ere is . so the ald coun­ry.-Mr. J-. D. Atkint 1p'n Notes.-Onlo e repa ted Uch trafftc.(sn� our be to the list. A number 8 Masn0le hal iiindon, on 4t,.e Main ofi a: _'Mrs James Priest ..ol; London, now drives a Mintion ruz&b0Ut.`­WJUl,, dying in at uantitle In tL he zurv� were put joA. the list the firzi i'.rk Ot. L I I at ak.' when and'recently of our village, Vas here Mr. 'ff. J. Be r 'was wor'l g about 20 lch and Hej sall 41�strct. A small worm Ing were takien off 411the last., Uet (a the air on a. piteiehti d Lam R r�uson to, A day last we . ek and Is: said to' e -th cause.. pr we n&lt IS iosmad -believe lad&r the otlkr operates J. Stothrs, J. Carter and Frank flendidil , . from the i tt )m and ma Ices el rqss�d' day, ie fell ackwards a A' rp a preference for�llving in whenabbtA its a -y calfe represented the CoAsery/ativek ture tie starling -te at..; 0 ge.-. Oar citizes h n his feet ent throx 1 h. e billb, where It their annual meeting In 3haref ij the hear otr ap-t.-,Ute, villa alf way do to he hea t of th, L L � i, i I 211ne eents y performs I Vjh et of m in3 old frienis Vho gi ne fally- ;� o making preparations for the ungs, wilet stopped the fall.. Ele U U ork of destruction. A- Saturday.-MlIssEva, QUthers, �0 _tb e o ra Ga o t e 1 h here, 'and fell to the n U 17aL no 1. 4-6111- day last Wj Ls, Ry, Dr e an_ en teaching It the -Elmira ic ccess ii jiracttsln�,o the heal -I G in.] school; Is visiting at her home 4 I t Is �onfk antV expected that there ously Injured A quiet me'diling eglical Sun(ay ool picric su e jam Methodist Ben.4 and azlarg I. vie por, ner re Will, )e place in th 'the She must be -giving good s s In ab lundance: howev es :street 0 crowd e joyed id:nts of hf town. outing,.: --Mr, r.gE the d may be.-Muich :regret church in Exet aar ork L Th sday oflast aa& Mrs. Charles Kalb- as she -has been re-engaged at a ,cy an. 11owlel nom- :sit- i�- �1e t am'' our citizens on accoulit 'week, when Alary -E., on: flelsdh of Detroit are guests -at daugh - ar fte! crease of fifty dollafs pe -1 Imontc 11, to t of Mr. and Mrs. William Pardons, vfas home of ll n rn�,!r of of ti e :ea Iemlse of Miss -Mrs. John Annie Taylor, who Is a In t ie t. e Id f married to INVI Kei, of F eeter"s :tn o E:c�t d-auj er of Mr. George Rcotc, L. S. C1 Yine, of Wind. U- on Is spending her bol ait L n'ReAl ister, In ��ie ry departa ent, mlfrlant, 1hich retuiDned to or home here. r L JU �tah A r sor, by the Rev Mr na took place , Monday has borne in Milvei toln'.-At the Youn o - ii besit of ea .1 er I tad a la!1t.' We eliall give a more eitendel prose ce of a s nall COMP2 nY, of friej i as Zoc t go �Io*lcik ore red comaent ob this sad event mxt weck and relatives. , Lf ter' a fei r weeks sp: ilt plp's AM lattin 'meeting. in the V_ Ire blue. r i ket for,�-, e dp e n In Toronto an(. other cille$ they I angelical churih on Mond even v id the loys a n I glrI. ran' reside in Wallwrvill�. Mr. R. Gal wer. t ok chir*e and i On rloazt V U playe�d in Br'uciefleld assisted' by William Wilson. Ms Wl�` 1E tht: ladieg ar- r fs..",A very hearty reception -was sub det disc assed .1� ;was "Our Natk l�s lippen oa Sir at �U mber given on I -dnesday af ternoon oflasc Glories and rellIs'" About tlwound, ed Macffln�ry Repairi Thomas ellis, the Id . fif I I Mere w(e o M_ and ty p op iider th� Thomas Baird and h1S standby, isoneemia givIng qUention :to Is lenJoyed the �ce C2 pi )N ns, Ir Hull- bride at their home. Aboaq sixty gue9A old hot lkyi repeitin I fabi 9 'inery.- Ile . cream socla I held at the fourtee ill -The me ud all in j inachinery ton c ui� --(day of ast - wi eR. minds his eu to o- concess n- T Y -T -,r Govii �6 odks. is: er,ibl�d, niostly' relatives of �.,the bride paired. to brin"W alo jrthefiTmn e a and o'bars. nd other j 1 6, r an 1 grooin, A sumptuous su Rtfresbmeht 5 Wer � served and a & �od pper was thlues hat are ou )f.rder at o ief, to %void, e .1 ad thi ther�. Is-, ii good se: ve I �n'_ t e lawn, to . which -all did rush m hich Is sure ( occur at thl t1i programme Was mmdored, conistingrof AMC loan I Pie of the Y4 u ts t pi r wagons, new, an pli I Among -those' osent 16111 took of w i Pork repairs I b choruses, di Bt�, A olos and readIn it and at s-, glesanisfartnimpl, entsaiwaysc ga. 'I _G hand. I w: t Messrs. o.nents. I Q ez-111 ton- fh m a�-dlslnoa were Mr. and Merie�,, -elger ani Trqemrier I k - Mrs. a nu4i I er of No. 1 V1.1te "b wazoi 't -i iral- di -,Ij i ery as corrffehj Gc rd in 1 of shfield and Mrs. 'Kough j rom the saw. . ongues in to Played their *11f s during lunch vjh [ch Dunbar, Thoe. Mellfe, Rippell. 237 .2 ori tj inerl d I whie'h wa;s 09 61 T1 ��oung!(, uple have m 'friends , -NoU.-s.-We I any was well r�ceived.. -On t -o r1o, br r f rorn s Vi 13 �o 1 P __ - I . ki ve- tbls week to repq t 4 or-- i 0_�, wish','them a long and pleasanU thede th of. one of the ok est residex w goe4 y Wo 3 ce' Joi rl eyi dolva life's stream. :.y of Bi Roberr, and .,I iioneers cf the tovrm hip f Tut :1 R -vth and the told, Ar i e4e it is laken Gei'i itilt, h43 gone to the west, where en-ni 1, in the person 61 Mr. Jo ..i Brief.-Tj era h on. tin of 'Lt. e delivery he e:. pepts OE now a brt- e unt: of sult ft that everyfli-Ing an a time. -Mr. Dayrn an, who 1 assed awi y � this we 1 ter, look oA � ieIr faces - on acco fr$.: ichr. ketchen visited relatives a- 8t �oront t the age of eighty-five years, A fi the recent r da$, he pr C ope ts b w; ,nt of 'he lifeandideat TUed Mira a t Por*13,.H ho. in niall la at week. -They, went in an lar at coL of -44 that the crops wl all be daii-, ornin. od, with p4p��_on au a with 11 *s, RobertBell of Seaforth. PaYman prlce� -will a )pear nex wee .-T the ssue 9 1 t n the f ol- Mr I -etaIndr I i many friends are glad he friends of Mrs. Gharle;s bon - of t: Ing come too lat for th,- t. The fr�tt 0 at exception 'r t e hy, the ralhh4v- 0 Mail �;e t f 0 crop will .r -rich Is Lb e 1) out again after !his long villap will be 4eased to 16 m Go& ow � th t ah o �e od witt the exe E1Il1-a::, U stande road Illz e Pat r tir, Day wa; - observed in the t -eatment j he receive iii , Qlint, I tion, of strai vb�rrl I s I a Is. L -e Ile oes- �irouii by- �� thf I M un le -Th firs ly rn d sy bool of the, Pre�tyterlan has li.-en a sumess and I nt qal0tl7 In towr A n ic efleld, g d 13 B Of felo a3 f [eld a chixh' aft fSabbath. Th e school Mrs. 31bbons W J1 be, able to rdtuth went to Wiigharr,- followilig t lut foe rhile . room;.W 4 heba*e- and i corated with eV!ergreens khe llage.- George.' !hb mPlsori S. balt te d I If e a am w hd pI ye aaf oth-- and flag dresses we e ist Luck- and Da I sefu r glv'en by has -S)ne to A )urn ge o, is nd, a i �bul I B now there in tb.,e morning Blyth d c4eer settlers,' . of Re Dr� won ith =1 lers of Toronto, the pastor, of mcnths'wi hor daiij hter, -L the e b.) _ gam a s ore -of aine toto,6-r. il 3sed tZ is reward. John and 3uper4 Iphilen't, The littl gcbol- Fluke -. Mrs. iompsows friends w I A number w,,nt t qoderkl � to be near Vskss died.a.phis ho e, ars w?rel u, in, goodly. nu mbers. A very wish er a le lant time uid hopes] the lake. -Thi � hot w e at q le, her of I e pis t ednqs� 3 -, June ipple sant, and profitable hour w0spent -We are j orryli to no few days h s Jbe(n ib will return zoo verY iopresaiiiei oL. ab ut six tof Presbyterian cho1rheld that trrs,, John. Vorkman I not IA go( i I the occ Isi r ins It* 0 is In, I but with ts rin onal r tr�-rintb tht &0nual lcnlc�. to 1347fibid cn, health, bat hot e she '�Flll be, well soo, i. good- for the coun �XY.-Jamna Dodda :e aed Pv to born it Si dnt�- Fr lay of last week. The Weather wa% -Mrs. McDona. �d dies frilrk'Belfa t, Ireland' fin of , Lon& In � was- th who has� bee: i oPendft bis 611days �ai I . a. f leksant time. was spent. week visiting hei mol ilet 8i4, a.IL( h6r' 111 0 e his' borne here this wE ek - for- i0o. ma y I w er . t�ie MO. Duoar, )f As.hfield, who Attended 'Village. -W09 E- d. UntLof e text NeGregor, who N s ronto, res ume les: It to to dutleE #ould 1 i0e thel narriag e of her -grandson, Mr. T. been teabhInir fr ant man -as ass'4t- -,ha,§, r( 7t7T7� U W�g, ille old'est B. 1p�ird,'has re ager for 'OrdOn UgCkaY Irt)le, For Best values in, W -Il -turned to ber 'home. Ltiret. home t a s pend tht holida'Y's., vents, furnis and she ij over - Unet' years. of age, but Re*. 3,nd Mrs, Richardso !nre thI Moore, , who lids edA 'in, i he .tro' -Jobn Of till handiseir bale andtheartyj With West papergo to hardsori for � some time Is vi00ting � 116 sistor rpeni facultleJ54 Sh6 e jQ7s life incle 1A F, a r;);he all Iler a n t.1-lelens.-Miss ts ;�he .ame Ste XcDlai here;. He Ire] i a 1840, and, the -,ple s urea 4t -give he�. -She n1d of London : vas at d and West In, a bad I* e0c fir Oroat j &der and like coridition ry - gowl VT collcei f L Oroat j -S 'to keep- lome , )t Mrs. Jj a W j tt St %Ajp a "0" a . I arru anrey'oi Three ALEX. z1bout 29 led or' s vi aty th thp- w An -V go 41 1. rjnk,� (it 'tAOI�BlYtlf bo ter-, allm- AMr fd ed to 7 Brus��js pi -SEAFORTH % r t A L 1. J-4-- - 1 LUL�-_" �L_ 2L