HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-06-27, Page 7no :r bur=n the oast: been:/ has done are hopssoul Of a E� 11FFEREO TERRIBLY WITH HAY FEVER 6 Frulteaetlares" Completely Until Cured Her T 'ol:ege. etrn5 expect - our etodent 1. At present ta$t,2Otfor €sen know we. throe de- �c Telegraph dap i8 l�*ier, Drat or r rSk bQ33-. one orthe eresseassawae- ie int„eres€sot H8 Alaos t<I ay Vinghwo s act and K h,Tenet P€lata - s and pmt.. front. Moss Tutu IRC]B. ,nger 4 50 543, 5 54 6 C 6 11 €1e 635 65Q- 00 7 137 26 !lger a 44 g 56 4 18 4 3 ift 4 T 5 t 615 e. o6 Lite Bch S.25p 2.45 •_ 2.5 3.3s 8.5 .. 4.Ig 'a1 ; 5.05 „ 0.35 5j5 . 5.5C & 1a .. s sz " 8.54 s'' 1_15..,, 7.40 ,.. &10 ti wel, Goa e for Gait- co and art Mai. HENRY KLMP.s Conetw= .14 CreetT t , ONT., NovFMg] R 27th. 19n. "Peas a martyr to Hay Fever for probably fifteen years_ and I suffered terribly at times. I consulted many physicians and took thei-r treatment— and I tried every remedy I heard of as good. for Hay Fever. But nothing did me any good. Then I tried "Fruit-a- tives" and this remedy cured ,me completely. I am now well, and I wish to say to every sufferer from Hay Fever ---"Try Fruit -a -Lives". IThis fruit medicine cured me when every, other treatment failed and I believe it is a perfect cure for this dreadful disease". MRS. HENRY KEMP. 50e. a box, 6 for .$2.so- trial size, zee, At dealers or from .Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 1 ' . ' ' • , LEGAL. ; . , R. S. !HAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and. 14otary Public. Solicitor for the Dom- inion Bank. Office in rear of the Dom - Woe Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan, . ' 3. If. BEST. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyan^er ane Rotary Pub1L: Office up -stairs -over Walker's furniture store, Main street. Isaforth. 6 . F. HOLMESTED. /Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and irotarr Public. Solicitor for the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce. Money to loanrsa - Bafor sale. Office, in Scott's block, Mala street, Seafrtb. ?ROUDFOOT, HAYi & KILLOBAit. .!barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Money to lend ,In Seaforth en Mon- day of each week. Office in Kidd block. VETERINARY. JOBN ORE=V ID, V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of Domestic. Animals treated. Calls promptly attend- . id to and charges moderate Veterinary dentistry a specialty. Office- and ren- itence ortGoderieb street, one door east a Dr. Scott's office,. Se&forth. F. BABB:U N, V. 0. , [ i mor graduate of °mar's) Veterin •alr7 College, _and honorary member of 4M Medical .Association of the Ontario Veterinary College. Treats diseases of as Domestic Animals by the most rood - dors principles. Dentistry and Milk Fev- er s specialty. Office ..opposite Dick's Istel, Main.astreet, Seaforthi All or- ders leftt tbe hotel will receive prompt nttestion. Night calls received at the office. - MEDIC A.L. D. F. J. BURROWS. Office and resideecs-• Godericb street, San o'- the Methodist church, Seaforth. !bone No. ii. Coroner for the County at Huron. M DRS. SCOTT & ACKAY. - J. G. Scott, graduate sot Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of 'the .Ontario College ot Physicians and Surgeons. Goioner for the County of Huron. C. Mackay, honor graduate o[TrinitY University, an_d gold, medallist of Trin- ' ity Medical College; mernbor of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons,Ontazio DR. H. HUG -la ROSS. Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of On- tario; pass graduate coirees. in Chicago Clincal School of Chicago; ,Royal Optk- melasic Hospital, London, Engle_. ; llat:versity College Hospital, Londo.:; Paslausi. office—back of the Dominion Wink, 15eaforth. -'hone No. 6. !tight pas answered from residence, Vlcto. ries street, Seaforth. AUCTIONEERS.. THOMAS BROWN. Licensed auctioneer for the counties M Exxon and Perth . Correepondenct rossptly answered. Immediate ar- raageseents for sale dates can be made M' `catling up Phone 91, Seaforth, or 1'ee $apositor office. Cberges moder- ase and satisfaction guaranteed. PEILLIPS. Jultessasd auctiosseir for.: the countler rim, -on, and Perth. Being a practical .n,.t- rr oroughly .understanding • le of farm stock andImplements Owes me in a better position to re- aJ good prices. Merges moderate aatgetaet1on guaranteed! d! cr no pay. Al orders left in Exeter will be promptly unaided Lz . AWN e 111 BY MARY ROBERT RINEHART hi 1 1 s srdrop was a an or pe twenty-seven, as tall as I; althou. so heavy, with direct blue eye lair hair. altogether a manly an ,possessing sort of fellow. I w: surprised that Margery Flenin totted him attractive. He hadthe lair - and offhand znanner th t E seem to like. I am dark my elf t He seemed surprised to . find 'there, and not particularly pl but he followed us to the u pe and watched silently whit went over the two rooms. esi targe chest of drwers ,in he attic Hunter found perbap dozen drops of blood. and on th et the open drawer there; w re of more. In the inner room t o had been moved out nearly f he found by the taint dtlst th been under them. . Then he to his notebook. "Have you a pencil or pe -$noxi" be asked me, but,1 ad Wardrop felt his pockets. "I have Jost my fountain pen where around the house Coda, said. irritably. "Here's a p+enc much of one." Hunter began his interrogation "How old was Miss Maitland Zane. I mean?" • "Sixty-five." from Margery. { "She bad always* seemed ra Not eccentric, or childish?" "Not at all; the sanest Ivo an knew." This .from Wardrop. "Has she ever to -your knur oeired any threatening letters? "Never in al! her fife," fro4i b cheat promptly. "You beardsounds, you Fleming. At what time?" "About ball past 1 or perb, minutes later. The clock stru I. was still awake and nervou •`This person who was through the attics here—w say it was a heavy person a mean?" . Margery stopped to think. "Yes," she said fin lay. "It wa stealthy, but I '°think it: wa a step." I • - "You heard no sound of a st no voices, no screams?" "None at all." she said osi Abd 1 added my quota. "There could have been no sounds." 1 said. "I sat in my and smoked until a quarte to heard nothing until then, wh n I Mr. Wardrop trying to get in house. 1 went down to ami and—I found the front door open an inch." Hunter wheeled on Wardrop. "A quarter to 2?" he asked.were coming home from--thel ci "Yes,from the station." • "The last train.gets in here at Hunter said slowly. "Does take you an hour and a walk the three squares to th Wardrop flushed uneasil could ,seg Margery's eyes t ?tat amazement. "I did not come directly said almost defiantly. "Then—will you be good tell me where you did go. I ha sons for wanting to know." "Hang your reasons. Look be Hunter, do you think I woe Id hair., of that old lady's bead think I came here lastnight her. or whatever it that pened. to her, and thez1 wen tried to get in again throug dow?" "Not -necessarily," Hunter ruffled. "It merely occur that we have at least an ho time Last night while this going on to account for._s we canpeak of that later. tically certain of one thing— land •is not dead or was notn she was takeaway from thi "Taken away!" Margery "Then you think she was ki "Well, it is possible. You there are no closets or unu: where if there had been a body could be concealed?" "I never heard of any," Ma ger but I saw Wardrop's face ' har the instant. He stood fr wn' the -floor. . Margery was beginning to ski effect of the long day's s ain began - to cry a little, and w th of proprietorship that I rese ted,, bow Wardrop went over to er.' "You are going to lie d wn gery," be said, holding out h s help her up. "firs. Mellon wil' over to Aunt Letitia., and yo m some sleep." "Sleep!" she said, with scorn) helped her to her feet. '`Sleep things like this are occurring! first and now ,dear old A Harry, do you know where JO f Autumn Llceuued At•.ctio ger for the Ceun•* st Hruotis.. Inusedlste srraagements tar vale dates can he mob by rem'.a& ass parsosaUy at the Royal Ik to t, rinatnetbs, ne by earn ay nolo I C Royal Rad, or Phase g1, lspaiitcr Mice. Ali" cozaeapos t' cs prereirtly a bola to and setistectIos guaranteed_ t xS* Children Cry FOR MOMS eASITT_ORIA yrlghIt. 191 . Merrill disappearance. first place we e*plored w and walled 1n wine cellar and to which access was a small window in the s on of the house. We m trunk in the storeroom. e had heel gone'; over Inc thont afros ding my clew,, ethree of pa faced one ano y was almost one, and actly where we tarted. H sent men through the town acent countryside. but no e from tbout.- Miss Letitia succumbed' to the suspense e.to bed, where Babe lay- qu as is the . way with the mild that she was alarming o'clock Hawes : called me ie office and almost tear d me to cameback and at business. When I said it hie I could bear him gr is of the opl lion that by sh magazines. in my wa nd by persuading me to th nee of Turkish rugs he p -my- praptice to its pre:ent- g state. 'When:I left tbe fele- Bunter was; preparing to town and Wardrop was vl and down the ball Sudd p stopped, his uneasy pr d hailed the detective. eorge," he eeclaimed, "I' fo you the closet Under the haps h hot and Pre- s hot` had blond olden niter ased floor urate' •he main all, a edge rages, ks (A11l as t liad k Out Mr. none. some - `he 1 -#lot Mss on al? 'ever le • ge ire - " till of ay, Ades ps • a few k 2 while rr w: k4rig cul you an, I very main's �. uggle, rely. such room 2• I herd o the abut -'"Yon n w by Robbs - h a e b b b 0 fit e Il. h t is1 Vie. lire se r r ?fir 1 in 9 hp ort lit. nI tjh 1 n { 'it Tc zy of z her of b fa a ce at all. 1(s jon -treat ad be •Id. g•' . Bing," r s; enj unleMs where' e haC o ises... 1 as hart: oil. I asked at is n ly Hun stothe ta1r •ral He pu all just )elow se," h- said, etbllkg ery o your hd n. I p eadmea tA P'ta1 actino g anted that sl epwal:ling Ilett Clot _tes, a rs miss! t g. ria ge. pro vide There's not drive hev s, $ou uy Id po Iivl she w at it w slid n, z be Is t deriencs on It ,wa • "TL A4lss r placeled stoo hie o 0 t e p a Ut bless sh he didn' d there' e tiff asv' she was mark r than al ou beercl ay .1n all 't m tte 11 arcun how bad• sh who bras at rant of- a .Ian 's." the way down wile •e the tall! ou . ugly and n Navy an t. st�o n tit this way. i t! dewn t say, t t ear name. el a Ladd In t ew by tbe er!" 1 hihere en. he "St pose Yet rd, bat ap look at that :talc. Loo a t fin„eri. Vby, 1 a child'• readt 1 e fig ire on no ice ome ay ant f ouse. H Inst ha ers." side rn ne. ' 'be esgu e. It I m grit he ihi erg; ie stairs. In e urgla , fo ge s into be er restln ' a best ot dr e claim is pruni c mesa as n}de nite'o think v luabl .r the Mantel row .Boers he g uppar tail As the cloo arm lth 1 i bedrboi akeye a three , t en, MIs per. Wl 'n Baa ed t t4 he d she; ot in oor 1 e T n th u the e. l a g 's st ry o ard: brie probabl s e cath: tiol .s de • pe a h re." ut .why,,,i k d "Wb '4is after robs e iqb door a luabla' ae memb a t ce, who t m ney k ew. ¢1 U 0 0 )t ,. he to e, - J_AIr, xlwt a • you nd l ki led has ap- out nd th le' win- sa d, fun- d ome ✓ o our kin Ho e' ears' a `p ee- ls s iMait ead w house ruga ed. cusp ?" re a ain ed ones urdc r�the- en ., He faced her as 1f be, hack question must come and was for it. "I know that he is all right! He has been—out of town. not been for something that—happened within the', hours he would have been day." - - She drew a long breath of When they had both goz sat down on a trunk and d cigar that looked like a born "The window," I suggest€ went over to it. When he he had a rather peculiar ex the•_first_Dlace,". he .b s 14, e on g at the he n air orae- Mar- nd me-Afar-nd to come 1t get s he when IIa;ether j nt- Jane! y gather io n the pr pared , Ma gery. If it had inforeseen last few home to - relief, -- e Hatter yew out a d, and be game back ressioe. gen. .we 1 s into re in , and i Tkat ; kl • minute gait] she: w o ,screw 11 o.and o out t a ran 'a lock tic :st+ Wliic of the IS n ecti. in- Lt it in ? los he tiler of eat ene 8t as 1� e lop, i s a, ear Pout n 1 M t it n n i•. di e • 1 e" Ing e en o said unt f ve b w ti of hi t go ntel rte, a rd ou b tell eith here i hall airs. ows nyw 10 er c h -n et ju lli • y incl n. inute e foot spok Or acin° ave but th e and afathdem der t ere He k ow at c The oo and olt throes 11 no bolt or ess she wa terce t y th the all d was cap out Mis teps bac aire her rat th er down he s half dra ging ately to it, leavin 'd he brin h n get away? It was hidd the Ira n wbo nee 11 about h I 1 cxclaim blin ora thelir Miss Al it Marg ry Watdeep that We is hous just b in tha re she that • r. d. dow ke e old it b ouse ghast War has an to g nd ho t wh box a 11 a im ap in lad dl op. t st ove e -fort -fie t the one o is he ra you e the Lor If ther is ve not e hu deal hout an au ed room o bouselinf 11 of queer might find" He sto hateve 1 eight hate had had ebiolutely not 44 little Miss Maitland s 'rare boa, fr to in re b lit p on in u War nade rB to sh irs La ck its su while ed in; he be lel It Se ca el be e it sin t o' Joe titisin could Vh s all conid h for hi vhibiPul ers of th g foe did t 1 13 u • th bask kee eleve ni sece stirluerme Neve the pteme close some tfeet re w lag Dam er, d tting drop btc: MY 1 coul stu If peat 1. th ong in - one ved he and her. nt- and ord had and etly end as an. eep- ting ex - has Concerning Margery. ABDROP showed us the et in th hallO which' sil one sid When he laleh s of the closet *as borrib estion to Me. 1 stepped inset was emetY. ; 't been used, for years nil it's wed it to Miss Jane. ll• on't Miss Letitia iknoWs ,it la h re." sn't been used for years!' re - Hunter. "I steppese it bas een ine since yqu were in hfre, Mr. ly. "I seed to keep contira and my college days. ci.gare tes arid thoef2,,Iiing.. I haven't tree in t Jay on tbe itioor. is the fountele pen you lost ruing, me, Wardrop," ne said go elk- nly me - got ttic -to be e in ack ook- Hunter had finally gone -sumroone to town on ur been . b fore be ca a nly give 11 theories. -a d ne. matter as' bis fountain re have hed in 'Saying be n In it for years? 1 found let in his sincerity of e uld bare beer easy en rob himself. and; if be r the theatrical.. to w Me such Diet. It. wes e at he had laiddien for the secret 9loset the con BaSsia leatne; bag, But, ti left the So se before Hu t afternoon, and it was Ei er had- net told me evbe. was paper be had picked out of the in Miss iittne's room. and I e was as uph puzzled ara.(Iv at ap in the little cupboard ith rred nty- per- en a t 6 ent ere 13 e ter and so en? ject had that lett for an pos- few ents hat - be, ter ter, that that it might Imean tbe twe day of the eleventh month amethlog that bad happened. on omentous long burled 22d of this was May, and 0 Stipa bearing 'the too unusual, Hunter I ft I went back to the difficulty koti, the panel open The space Inaide, p_erhaps eight et high at ova eod and four at her. wile emPty_ There was a there, and flat Ely with dust. match and exam - its surface were her. But ding of t umber wa d been h ng be sbele Or ous literate IllteS in the dest lay - hr outline, apparently that of a 11 box and fresh. inatch burited my fingers .nd I• al it. The last flash showe me, floor of the !closet aud w dged n two beards, a small white to tell mei It lwas a pearl.. 1 g it out carefally and took it to ova. In tbe daylight there ree- d It as an [unstrung pearl of fair nd cqnsiderahle value. There hardly be a Idoubt that I had led on one of tbe stolen ems. drop took the pearls, I ke t re- ed to for et 'the pearls a d to the connection between Miss ad's disappearance and the ab - of her brolleer-in-law. The scrap SAVD F Of RA ON How s. Reed ''of Pea , ped e S I -eon's ife. Peoria, 1L -"I wish to let e t owwh : ' Lydia.E.Pinkha.rn'sVe Comps and h f me. Foe I r eyed. to said I h fa and the only r was the knife. M bought In Piinkham's btu Compo today I amfa healthy w mio n t h s motion, and your ved me. X am glad at your medicines ha ou can use ply test n. ou wish, and I ' 11 tetters."-- Mrs. Mound St,4 Peoria, l I1 ash rel 1. nyone w or me. ny Way answe EED7 10 one etable done years e doe - tumor other dia E. and Hand ffered tive tell done IQ in glad TINA Jessup, a.—"After the b at it di not seem ias thou tand it. is kept 'itep for Goths, U tit two dontors de operatso n was needed. ound and fter taking. it for onths Women hes suffe from e le ills hould Lydia E. inkhorn geta- le Comp nd, one of the mo t ess- f my flam- could long that ect the . but bow? A fatten scan - al? Dis issed on the instant There ould be othing tha would be ch the irginal moteness 'lot that 11 tie old and 'wan ered away, but t at -would leave Fl ming out; and he paper dragged Im in. A lommon en My? I smolt d and considered 1 some time ore this. Anl espeel 1 Malig- nant foe might rola or eve =der. The solu on, had itienot b Or the blood st s, might !nave bee Peace- esi that t e -pearls refused t e omit. lted. To my mind. boweve t that time, th issue seethed a d u 10 one. I believe that someionee pe he a Har- ry Watel p, had stOien the en, is, hid- elen them in the sectet close tid dia- lposed of hem laterel I mad ft note to Itry to fol w up the Missing pe rls. I Then I lung to the theory that Miss 'stuck he e—the abductor bo svould out ly n her h had will* ap- steal an into the .night clot tain risk monia. shown n parel mi round of dred fee I found deep, vele and turn by high the prop house in of its o main str out as it There could see car shoul stopped 'lane sho 1 felt had bee this put I had way in taken a 1 came arciaitect ran the passed 1 gery's v my step At the tied. pil and bro dry, It dewed a musty o floor in niably gery "I tho she sa id ay night Without es, would run an of losing his' pri or a second s t an article of w ing froth the bons ore dinner I mad the grounds. Ab beyond the boun circular tracks, re an automobile d, lane was edges of ()sage or ties on eieher sid hat neighberhood te which entered t. circled he hous or te a second ut hedge ad acked n from each drive m the went have stepped tb , yet it nd for some time. peep,er the sand !at the Sid of the . hat I hadi made filo Prog- ad foundji where th pearls bidden after the th t, and elle out o# tbe queSti And lay. from Bellwood. e kitchen and the ot eir rays - comprehend. A lope porch length of the wing, n as 1 eard my name calle ee in the Id laundr ' Mar - ice repea4d. and 1 traced and wen4 up on th porch. tubs were rusty, its walls mil- d streaked -i and it x riled the or of empty •hous s. On the le middle 'of the roo unde- gbt you Were never oming„" alone fo an hour." "I'm sire I never -guessed it I anal - • Ind are se use n India tempt dans impos the pi Pille out t Ki set cie orstes an ikoot, e according to a for Ida in It , and learned from t em by ble to impeove the forni la or s. Dr. MOrse's Indiat Root world for Consti at on and ney and Liver trou leo. They raptly and,•effeetiv y„ 'and to glad tolco She lw, which hu small ear "I bate sharplye at I'ee any hapd took ite bed thp tucked "if you perhapa She b saw wha ting half which ha her fast. ea was carefultty said, "en door ope place garmert close t "You e door and But M with tlie with Nlci the old Should tinie 'teen only 'too fumbling with ber bait% g, ,ismely -knotted, over one to look rf ions." sbe said and 1 de es being iangbed been cryi g and haven't red mine g avely, and she he Bald Tvh n she had jab - hairpin into place and handker0h1 f into her belt, sive been Su dandy amused Ou will help e out of here." hed aside er gown, and I had occurre She was sit - Over a trap or in the door. closed on h r skirt$ and held sure Itobert in the old then retne d into ledder bad tot looked e cellar," she t was the only red thoroughly. n and looked , You are Ing on the teep- proper scorn d demanded a ssors. She ut herself loose "Site Cut her "1 hal:te petticOa gathere fied pre She I the emp —wer It Wa tense' lo I thin brary ewely what prete of th not al o out bit laughed think 1 night. a her rig like a c sh a new Into the Knozi she we many t and seh know than rth like a, to het I had her in Wardro momen came fin "Get joiat was sa deathb Wher the ro Bald, It about 1 new "Sh of th very bee hero al no for, an hours" p her o tra ed garments and ninusu y dignified at dire Or of s cared to eat, and s Ja e's had not been set ke skeletons t the board. Margery who, after our pre a Meal, °hied the suspicion both fe strange me for tfarry to go dbably ha a reason." don't yo ley it?" she said turaing o me. "I know mdctoI fib; sg a .n. But she did what yo thought." she burst "T e detective almost in his fa e. Oh, you needn't don't latow.4 I saw him last flee wo a too. He brought to the gat . You treat me aina.zemen I was silent. So erecter ha been introduced ere not the only pereon. Mr. o could not sleep lase night," re than tha 1"— p d then. he had said more in ended t and all at once left ae r and she looked e-ou didn' know_ all those A stet of cr zy desire to take y arm§ nd comfort her, or no 'War rop. But at that s Letitia s shrill old voice the stair ay. of mel- ay, Heppie," she yet, not if I know it. Where's knova w ere Jane is." she ting dovinf her cane with a by 1 didn't think before. She s gone to get her Not bat hat her old teeth ave done we 1 enough." ould hardly go In the middle "Sh wasn't raise riglet," Miss Le- "She'a t e baby, an the youngest 's always Spotled." 7 Everybody' now admits I Zam-Dult best for these,. I Lett it, give YOU ease end comfort. EXCURSIONIS MANITOBA, ALBERTA1 Each Tuesday until _October etah; baciugitee, Winnipeg and Return e WAG Edmonton and Return - 4340 _ Other points in proportion lietut.rs Llmit two months. TIOLIESEE:: mernins.R.S" TRAL:ab:eate%trOVIO 2.04 pan., each l5Tnenday. rkfliM to A Through trains Toronto to I lib, Winnipeg and West who . IL G. AtUR.1311Y,1 DOCTORS SAID COULD NOT GET CURE THREE VIALS OF • CURED HIM. Could Hardly Eat en Account of indigoa,tion,. Ma, DAVID BERRID• OZ,, k..1a.r01/1.0rit,, N.S., writes:—"I have had iudigeetiore It then turned into a sonr stornach, land the doctors said I could not get cared. I used a lot of medicine until at One of my friends told me to use eareerjaaeie, LAxA-Levart Pius, and after I ilea Insed three vials, I was completely cured, and I always keep them in the house nciw2' wonderful remedy for all diseases Ehr dis- orders of the liver, and beve been tinhter- sally used .during the twenty odd years. they have been on the market. Price 25 cents a -the, or 5 for ;SILK. at all dealers, or mailed direct on e eipt of price by TheeT. Milburn Co., Li ted, Toronto, Ont. w Notice of Applica For Divorce Notice is hereby geven that John Beery Cooper, of the Townehip or Hallett, in the Countie of Hur1M:and. Province of Ontario, 'Farm LojbOrer, il ply to the Parliament ot aan- ada at the next Session thereaf or a Bill of Divorce from his wife,l Irene Cooper, of the TOwnehip Of lb- bera in the Outlay of .Peeth and ro- ground of adultery and deser on. R. S Hays, Applicanes Solicitor. Dated at Seaforth, this 2173Vie:irlsay 'DID NOT KNOW • WHAT IT wiit TO. BE RID OF ,B01! $ When the blood becomes inn:lure': it is only natural that boils, pimp es, or ii some other indication of lbad blood s ould break out of the systerne Therel only one thing to do, and that is to puii y the- 1:siood by using a thorough bloodi caus- ing medicine such as BURDOCK. *00D, MR. ANDREW E. COLLIRR, ver Glade, N.B., writes:—'111or year was troubled with Boila I did no katow what it was to be ridi of them tit began to use Bereaoaet theedD only -used two bottles of it, ap it is - new over ten years, :and can ho estly say_that I have never had any boks since. indicated for the purification o the blood, and has been uSed by the sands. during the past 39 years. It is manufactured by The T. ntmy Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 11A.RNES positioo. to supply you Harness Collars Sweat Pads ter and everything requiTe4 for spriDg work Our harm* are superior to anyt4ing ma le lin factoriff;. Our prices are ery reasonable fbr the qualli of our goods. Can and sOe' our new style or team anct 'svgle barnefs for, spring MODEM Cheap Ha.reress Store Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seafortb