HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-06-27, Page 49
V , -
a Rog I I Ililn
7, gV
7 E Aea ho -interest wavid suff0h,
JUN tit
V t jkxvs�,thove; 6
W set
4, StAbuttort It r1t
*e` added loy the
-given, to ihe,,tural
3 4 5 7
U 12, J3 14' t1wo'Truch Will out IT.
is 19 40 21 The -Notdreal Star, ;iVh as i0i;
2.3 ;6 2� a8 Is the 'rMokatth0fe 1041,
banadt. 11- ww,14
2,9. 30�_ the Iingo Iftt4etits In
be 'delighted It Cat 6(
kid;L' could..be
it 04ex10 Great -1 _4
more - Made a - -
W TZ w,
,�Dv!m SNUENTa And.co'uld bi again,,%pl4ced in bunq Ke,
lo,, the -Lords and I*kes and E4 1141 id
an,.d ploney bagsjot Ddwnina6
The, 19 tb�tvi,,�eett the paranthests, _.1wb this n
'Effid a tll.Cahadia� jo r-1,11es
4 tile
aft4K eWh ad.. 4eriotio, the pagw
n4l says.
paper on- wbich the ad#ertlemeqt1is,
foreign relations or f al-
-Thp Bill
IA Empire -are N
iround OT kuldedT b� ht
T L dn-7
W BrittAL � people, be, elebtor ol
le% to o vltfi-, P
an met ddh - has no mor ` d
than the el6etoi,r -of' Edmdnt on.. I he
WILW-4 -the Ift pal 1 6,
av&4ge member of Brit!
ment-has about as much
--them a -S A fly. ][11115 U11 thid d
T"Cher Mral"tod—Tt"M Mt millan-5 of the met-or-^.ar -on *fiich it
foreign poWy --of the Britt, Ll;m
mt roupi o
L the bands of a imall
men spme, Liberals A,iika 8
fmft's -W. sp"at-8
vatives and sorne neither, *1 Ai,
10 ar,
'blot o*le—i. U T..
practice, rosponilble to no*. 4e, �,.J
The Star eAdently Warnlly`*43j�rofej 6- 3 a -
of, th1p.., Condition
X1 40". Pt S
itfor, Wrante& What it- says�,i§ tr ue. 11
deed'so 'enamored Is Oie .1�tar
-its Jinglo iiairons with the,'sft.U.&t
es .1 ee
o.. Great BAtain as itout
27, 19'- -they . are working night and 44 1 Ira
SBAFORTH, Pit -MAY, June 'y tc
plate Canadw in subserviency o v II,
77, coterie. of ir, reaponsibles and r illita 1-5 Aau
i il,(L ') rat, I
`-no Tespon
Dominion fanatics, w�q are [ble!
anyLl�one� but Who -to a, veLry It -ge i fjx, Th
The- Toronto Star directs atterallon
tent hold the powers of, peace s nd yy ar (n,
to the fact that while4lDominion -Day
"' � p.. Great 'Britain under their': 4 �a*r on� gite XE
observed as a general -there
It was:-td,make Canada e.qu4IlY:- !espc n -
U no Special demorksiratoiy-� to -',,ipark, 0 C
sible, with BrItaln" for 1 wars w rk C&
Olt I,
the'great :eTents' in the history of this'
This by- this a ol xbl!,r at,
Irre pon-lble al pr, i eci
countxy which the day.de-note c *e
the Instance of th hi builde -a , an, - -
19 all very true, and it is net as it - I - i t he
gun. makers ot several uropear Cdcul.
should te.Domirtion. Day commemorateis I Ir
tries that Mr Borden 'his onion.4
I �a tt4I
the union of � the. old provinces of Can- ers t(
Ought so Wftrely 4uring 1 ie as
ads—now, . Ontarto and Quebec�--, with
selsion of:Parlial 11ey nay__Wlal�,
NoviL Scotia and New- Brunivrick. That 4 ea V. 'C
t apin;t
no , dGu$ i,- would prote chi I
was which
But hat is t I �e�
the �beglnnlng. of the work such accusation.
was achieved Uf - 1967 and a few -., pars sign'- and that would b. the III( vitille PUT
XWo*In9___-4the creation of a.". -nation ex- result of the, policy which tt ey lou 1 1
' I pounded and - tried :to 116rc�- t irofu, I
iendini from Ahe Atlantic to the Pa- I Lis a!
Parliament. I The minute that Can'm a wel. u
,Wk, an area about equal to that c4
up to dontrol I e o., f
gives hei. right - * I Aso t
E - qpe. Thxt As sornethin worth, fleet when she h S on
ur , � - .9 ato a - or h( f
cialebraUng- Put more.. than that it milittia, or aisents n� polt6ir -w lor.
Itarlsi n, im
first. bidds her to. old wo Ed
.-dothtkiemorares� our step toward 'Got 4
minute does "4ke becomo'sub#eri L�n to ChE I t I
.41 iofthood We hive'- achieved great I
tho- 'ir res Xv,
and under the control ok sut H
bong4 � -Isince From a - few scat- sible. cabal so graphlcall� Ldeserl be
- I . I . I t - a ) 11 91-04
tering'.provinc-4s, Canada -bas. grownto thelStAr.: It is there�ore, Irleirnleal I or( 6
'aiid hadon extending frorn. upon the pebpl Jur,
e of Canada to . -v4lk-
wailly and td keep a mWhty- tig �it 11 ie%
the, Atlantic to 'the - P�Lciflc, with re,- TA
on their parliamentiry1represer
e time of IeSt taili Cou
wurces. undreamed of at th 1hey be. beguiled Ao.... ace i ur kaix I -et
40onfederatilon, Ve banadlaris' -are -,tn- and.free country under SU61
te9fa-ble.bondage'.. It is ell tbe-iruth
tlrely� -toe modest.. 'We do not, , m a -k. is coming "out so the peoplq c u
an radep.
er�oug]4 ot,,� ofur own advantages . and am stand the &ngerous position they t
xWevemenfa.-. We -should, engrain In the cupy. and the nece:ssity,t here 15 1 Ur n
ilear,, a minds of our ie gi d,counsel.,
ta ad children.the mris didance an roi I
�Iesslngs, advantages, and adbievementa
ow Huron Noted vc 0
..,.!bur Own courat Y'so they will,gr
up -loyal and tr t�e 'co —Mr. and:'Mia David. Ammtr6n�.'01
ue to their 11AUy
-i rat i
Pilot Mound, Manitoba, are 1risit'l,ts
a4d their countri's Interests. in short -friends around the old home Ir . Sta n or
W6 should Plume oqrsewes morw on the ley.
greatness ot;Canada and concern', our- -Mr. 'Bert Hovey '-of. Clinton captu
selves less. about aff airs in the -1 oid ed - la bla I ck bass - last, week - "'whii: Os f
of rreasured twenty -and a� -,half lnqh�ii I ro
-world. We are great not br Virtuj�
length and waghed four pou ds. i
Our Connection with Great BrUain and Mrs, Ross of Brlti;h,C 114 It
ow er V !4
but by reason Of; Our � a natural urnbla -% ere Visitors wlt� . Mr. aj id Up �, . I If
advantages and our energy and. enter^. t. McNeil. ofthe fourteelit I h,con:s�zilpn' ( ru t
Prise Ili utfusing these' far our ! ald,
enrichment aAd the laA week. I ' - � I
own bf�GTrheey�lgarden party In the Pre�b��'
-public good.7 It is Iq
only when we cothe to. reillie our o,,%,n te
_rlin church grounds In Belo ive a �1!%
adVanti, -PaIr I t
9M �and -properly appreeLatC t renIng last week produced -1)14U,41n-m-� jC_
them that We will rpap.the, tV11 bene- ce;pce T4at beats' Wln�'hrop'_-
11til which these advkhti;&q itre capaiDle jet
31 e T. � W1. afid John .4 �. [;lbs4 in"
.fl. L __a
4_& _� e W.
of cGnferrinc' if properly appreciated a toronto and -4,' F. GIbson 6 va�
arld availed of. We should -be ioyai to. couver, sons of the late Alexan
he Motherland, ef cour�i, but we -b as )i
son -of Wro:Iteter, called on fr ds(lit-4'
Should give Canaft—our own 'country _'i, w -lot C
ro'drid the� old home lag
—the first -place In our thoughts a:nd GA June the - Oth there -passe awi �Y� La,,
affections. Wa should sing "0, Can- 9.t Saskatoon, Sa�k., Catharine 1 loy
ada" and "The. Maple Leaf' witheven Wright, relict -of, the late Robe tt:i bniili:
the Lting,'foimer][Y of Wr e o
greater gusto than -�'God gave oxeter.. ag' d Ilf- G. ff I
Kinig" or .Rule Britannia.' Weshould �yfseven years and se*64 mQn.t' S. a als It, a
have, more about the htstory,L capabil- —The Wingharn, public sch6olo vre 6 .,1 cop
Ities; and progress of %par country closed last wbek- oil account of ILI eL� weeko.
Itaught In the �sehools and it ehould prevalence of tneasies arhmg the chi l-�' . —Tv! y
be the alin of every teacher of th . e dren and will not be: reopened unfila tile III PV
young to Implant In their -minds L ti.er -the holidaYs. i V rin I 'I
love for and a just pride i�. ' their . —Mr, and Mrs RL;" H Rober 0 ri:'dfl Sit
own countr3r. They have a country Lethbridge, Alta., areL spending tile, bur4
, I_ a 1,; V
The- Toronto News, which &
u5U 'r -Y for his -,rr)aedv recoverr.
voices the thoughts a -ad Intents of the spate -h frd.m,DaihphIri, -Maril
A de
W111.U11 1S nUL exceiled Ittl aity respicet
summer, with, -friends in and . arou-n.
-Ottawa Government with commendable dated June 24th, says: Owen Carr,i
wich.; � n
aceuracy, gays: homesteader was arrested last
by any other country: W. the - world. We
Auburn. Mr. Robert LjApsley,'ol
F uf
political power go to the West. Irv-
de -ed, that not for queerly and laboring under delasidn
want to realize, -this and properly 96P-
dersles, Sask., is also a visitor
in tt
e, I r, C I
an Increa-se of political power for the —The Goderich Bowling 6iubi
Dreciate it. Until we do wei-wilirrot "atl..e yIcInity.
nounced that they intend holding
rural sections. Additional members
C, 4v kK i
ho m.e'
reap the advantages which- a good
The - many, friends of Re ve
Tuesdal, July 8th. The most &pienzIv
Winnipeg and Vancouver, Calgary and
n en c 4 1
urday� (d
Providence has deslgned� for us.
stong of GreY, as well, as MAS'.01101
� r.
h irt.
tnoth C: r?!
—At therecent West Wawanosli
-be united as a single division. Saska-
councillor 'iWill te sorry to learn
rilcipal nomination for the purpose
toon and Regina will ea -ch have the
I 0
fal 1
The Way It WH I Be
he has been laid up with a se ve
re al
caused by thedeath of Stephen
cies. The chances are., therefore, that Rober� Medd, a brother,, of the ** ,
tile o
-nq n (I
ar d I
4ay fair measure of re0istribution will e dF*, was made councillor by �acclamktlon
-lye as much additional power to the
-T t
industrial oommunities as to thegrow- .—A- fatal'accident took place
, I_ a 1,; V
The- Toronto News, which &
u5U 'r -Y for his -,rr)aedv recoverr.
voices the thoughts a -ad Intents of the spate -h frd.m,DaihphIri, -Maril
A de
oi 1: 111
-Ottawa Government with commendable dated June 24th, says: Owen Carr,i
wich.; � n
at te r Q
aceuracy, gays: homesteader was arrested last
�cro 1 ft
and will be sent to his relathes
Not yet, however, will the bEj.ance of
&aforth, Ont. H6 has been'--
! the X 1.
,W r.
political power go to the West. Irv-
de -ed, that not for queerly and laboring under delasidn
f olk
vstcr (1:
may come a gen-
eration. Nor wIR redl%tribution. mean regarding his f anilly affairs.
'. i 11
163 ce( I tj
an Increa-se of political power for the —The Goderich Bowling 6iubi
nounced that they intend holding
rural sections. Additional members
ho m.e'
bowling tournament commencing
must be granted to Toronto, Montreal.
CI irlE I la 1,
Tuesdal, July 8th. The most &pienzIv
Winnipeg and Vancouver, Calgary and
urday� (d
Edmonton should each have a member. prizes the club has ever . offerei
� r.
will be put up for competition.'
Fort William and Fort Arthur should
tnoth C: r?!
—At therecent West Wawanosli
-be united as a single division. Saska-
-best f h
rilcipal nomination for the purpose
toon and Regina will ea -ch have the
I 0
fal 1
filling the vacancy on'the councilp
determinlrig'voied in new constituEn-
pa sse
caused by thedeath of Stephen
cies. The chances are., therefore, that Rober� Medd, a brother,, of the ** ,
-nq n (I
ar d I
4ay fair measure of re0istribution will e dF*, was made councillor by �acclamktlon
-lye as much additional power to the
-T t
industrial oommunities as to thegrow- .—A- fatal'accident took place
tic n b I
Ing agriculturaf sections ot Western Wood Junction on, Tuesday, vrh�
-in He r, e
Canada. Russell Oak, o� Goderich a
plan 1 a -E
C.P�R. brakeman, lost,his life." Hewa!
This is Just about what we expect- making, a.coupl . Ing when. h6 was Ci
Lugh i
M( rn. i�
at fli
ed, There will bea redistributlarf just He died in a few minutes atter
Vli t
before -the next general. electlon. The released.
ts rl
Increased membership will be largel-v —.Mr. Harold Rayner, who- has
- Clinton for the
f -r( sh � it
I a resident of pastthre�,,
Otuffed into the cities and the altIC-s years managing the business of lhe.L
ejil nD'
are all. Tlory and restrictionist. Thus �Suftter Compafiy. In which he. was
ani n I r
the rural districts will stih beshorne. Junior partner, leaves next N�ee*
.—Ohl b
of their power and will still be -kept, Glencoe where he will e�gagb in
the fa !I
produce' business.
Iri bandage to the 'Interests" In the ald Mrs. James Strang
I Mr.
ne, Or 00' 0
Gray . V Ul
Cities, Much different, however, could &1anitGba'.gre visiting ' with the
q1_T art 4 3,
not be 'reasonably expected. It wasthe er's brother, Mr. Henry. Strang ofHU
I r-
F. H Q1
"Interestel that put the�present Gov-: ondale. Mr. Strang -went west ov�r
ling V1
'Years algo and has prospered
ernment In power and It Is 01-ftY humarl They came east to att.end-tho
He nfr YX - t
nature on the part of the Goveino Congress at Toronto.
4 c0l
frc m J-111
inerit that they should strengthen those —13Y - th ' e falling of plaster on
M.P.-, I.
day from theIcelling, of the- off ic'
who give them the breath of Polltk;Ll
Lundy�t. l' f
the Hotel Normandle Jn* ClInto
I .
, 1
brook 11
Cooner received a
V V 1:14L
Any proper m044.ure of redistribution the rfght eye so severe that he 1 hi'A
a Yl
would give the bu'lk,l It stitched up' by one of the local lsur-�
t not all -of the
wich.; � n
� t
4A geonUi
additenal . representation to rural dl,—
Roadaway. son &I I
t 'R tricts. Th;6 cities now; W Vailois*'W&Ys,
vEr. ;h
n thei
and Mrs. �Edmrard W. Rod'
away, of t
ears a
exerelse a great deal rnore pio'Wwer .'a�d -Huron R oad, ca -.-t of Clinton,
f olk
Influe=2 in the. qounsels,,afAhematlon cepted an, -appointment as ;hous -
e 14
a d
Ithan they should be allowed to�do.�Da- geon, in Sf."Barnaido HospitiLl, Chftt�,-
iet n
isIdes this ther&_�, are. 4 few eltigs that af ter. graivatingfrom Loyola;.. Un v
Ti_ baw nof one or� morW og-- Iti cift dtly I
;u , y d
4 occupying.& seat. In I*krIlegfient- for.' a a �wedt meeW of
PF: the
that -Instead of ot Pt. jla�urg 4glican chikibb,
-an 90�6 Dift Of 9 n cro, til 1,
le Ned t6 ehUr Al 11% � I I : . & -
I ftilif la.- A V"115111, 0&1&01 L wM
will be td t(
h CIT W: :bd rA, 'c it rch
�of _bIs
Jr I& ftl 0 A
tile. I lon.�fol L. ch
e home Sabbit
dau ght ne Kilt Sabbit wben
. .9 1 -
oere—a complete
re 9 1.11011t auer ot: 11, ston (st ILndoui�re C6 COO _Uveiythin 'the -10 Cdo� Fooftitar is: b fi 'ha _ih' ohbestj'styles-ot Ummer Sh
nox's, healt 4 been fi II- qH iing a nn the -seas - 9-n, Wefor Meni
0 and a week , beb r and' 31iss, A S ird d gn-
F h8i Iso me ome . e', � I -and Chilt ien. With the *tathir bere yotell Ieed'ligh
I i6wL bt W %wasp(
Ifego I he - had tho rnte�.orft ne to tei �_,, it Mir Il an r,'Wek% ar-_
the th
the !,our magy rt
Ilaa, f nd" 'ried on the i ne -6otwear. U o e and see ,"le* and
it 'the� a -hip � tblun, Ono t _Vf
ust. d eak h X I-Wh Qr- tepov# t
Ili ri" � and o t
led by ', be L Rev' V Ritdhle ng- Shqes. Compareour j,*Ce$ u'lladbiftwe have the be* rut 0 t
of' V a- P., or� g. collple were - so it iris 'I so o sullql Ittended Mt e obtainable.
to iv or to_ I -C m �'rhe� 4tic 'Ide's V, tltO bir
-bid fr Mall olm U1 C I" of a tn, iew
3 Ore _KcLean sawmU a i --L
Wiln aof t te brl e I. nmildiatel aftiir th,. ,er-
I li- e Winth A 0
otoreid& t ie&-
emo, the 4 6 rty in arliVed.
M styles ju
in I ti: oil t.,' shl, bur d to �Ie iroun pa The po opu r SIR e for summer wear—ncw,
en 11 '�ra I is ot - It.00 being iii ol d. to -t v and I Ir and - Mrs *ott le t n atterno m trairf to 'Spen di hite. Canvas- Pumpst red beils, for $z-.
UnKfto -0 d t rieIr 'Prices
for;o ir re', or-, unkno -1i th
tIV S Iri Wt'ol rutom
h th '*as discovered
at 10.1 t ie kitJ ymoon relativ to $i litt nVas -str*O Pumps for .7S White 4-but�
n , ar 0 It . ome.i a '4.00k en, Ire at 0-tute Was' soon 4 JOIL their r urn heY Win take up Oxfdr as -4;2- 0 WIiite Clativis Butto4l Boots for $2and 11�2f tar;
, V 'I.
f ng' complete ly gutted reside riO In the vIllagei.
�Cott of
ci the exceileni xfords
I sikeboOl h red its, art.LQ, the lo e --bri*4 cal f [r w, 101
ver, successt it i 't e
r in lavi gt have a Of Ice Oxfords and -Pump Do
re, - lop f
tes Mr obe of BI vale We grw van s in
-oxiti( ik tor,, ate t ot the th asands'of '6 3r Id- next
C 1i Gv i Metal and Tan Calf Uathers a pfices�
41mok the sery led In Vic hail tt 9- to ;o M, lumber the rds.' eurke, rere froni t. 2 5 �O a pair
Cott ng, -MI .- and '-Mrff,_ S '33 "y P kn, c,;
ds reb- b4 0, it. 'n L
tho a rn! --- !r As 3 It Lean I 'ends reb vh it S -wit i their dau iter at
n ick-
lty I o L I I . I _ ea y rih proved lel Vie -
now, �Mrs- �c dwin and baby ar d
vex 4 h ppV eve took P1 Itt is with h a nt Mr. an, &rs. Ndtl
his,., I 'a f6li- AOM6. A. Ur,. a rs.;, 391,
ainin iletoti in I urnberrY 'Di I la -�frs. whe Wallac6 and
dgely. �&b afl"01
andl I i Thdrsday J ef'!Brds iels, a4i C, )01�� tn than of our 13a
T ho moth rs,' at ng or th e childr a pair
_e tt.� 4 Godb Ilc h'tow on their d augh ti
ghtir� 5 S a to lo for goc and $i
' 4 . i W) lq welkik t ir 6 e Greyht und Ticliis—s) z 4 NO 7 tor 75c. size
r, Us be 4rri �ii -P sizes I I to-zz oW
appointe ft s tretol. a rna 1E. was united I m4rrl 0-''
d n
bieft ex lot
It ex it rslon a ding their viz- f6r $i and $iii he t
wIn, connou with r. 7Fred Boatty, of � 11 oronto'. T e e. I
Wallace Kiss "Mi r Was a Itor
ublic ere It only the I te 1 81, 1
&3$ wl Q Mrs. ert lue-
It mme
Fort 'ililornli Is dutie� of I I e Volktratti, g . _I)RZ ties PC
Hamil tor� at B)ys I Aloes LICIPS1
v! le, A ca 11 from Wroxeter
I ring tb
10 th next teri ceremony' a recejton� w,i o. me grave in c 6111
MU o the I§e I
I -W ee oA1 f old- d evening *h an! 9 1 eL We sell ti It-, 'r cet Foot 3rand with the honey comb -sole -the
penk, by ry ' P1 F e mon *y meeth 969f t a ! ,�rlge. umbe, in arke Oxfords, sizes ii to i3r,
t residente le was &L
Worfien, -atitute Ifteld IT, Flo- funni,ng 51, 30S the
he 13th, le t
vo the in. rlda� f mde 14 r., and Mrs P�at 9.
IIU, ba The') was sizes' i W Boys' Running Boots, sizes r r to 13, toe rthiji I oMe ny k#L
bUt X Mopflia. Tor *e b r 75C
ft! 1: T*S a o 09, 1 110,
a arge t o t of meml The i ect-
s b I gla ])tit `,1had best 9 shes of a large Ircle f' sizes ir to r. r Wt
was add. ased by ss, G11ho r i of
f rtls And Belr f r1i mds. Vag
ght.-A a r I this' lo �I lity
le I bert* Davids( iini I ta 1 -Mr. i
to k In th( rinual xmirsion to
f Brussel t 'went -west this sprint
to %X WA VIL6
rgarei r, tl e - ro lie
Iike Cha -of -a far there telons
r o r. t. ert Car f G r'C Y, 1 1!1 o R. Benue of, Rhxagah,, 101P
r 1, on%, sdq;y. of li s, wea K ofiatt aceornpa, al d thenk A) J31 e social to
an lait I will the. spring W1 00 5h af 0 ponedo ... rh be� eld he �.co
en' of V in- ha IASI
b oma' )Pposite i iff's
Bt 1.0, y A06, ace ai ILI por-, t e Lrrival W t ie ew On t le ;school grounds a tb
f otit
0 t_ 50
o!Jt_ 50
0 t_ 50 ;8:013 8, h smillpox, 1-churlh will be held on Friday, uly 11 ar-4
tbt p'i 6�3enee: .41 Davidson tc
noe In
YOU ; Douple 411 raside 101, 4th, instead.,. of the.: date form irly rep(
I bil8t f t mild t t W
inch tn. ara op
I it wi qu nitine Mr B 3n iet t P0 C %XF
031 'R.1�01AL
YA-Ross.. A -very Ing I. ryi -*irb r land w I f Ax- I elalih-ell' a prisoner also unt I th a !et we SIT
ty ovpt the v
took 1lace o ednisdi i7, June th,
were, it B r U a iQlaltyi all r mt is pas5ed, Ali -. Berinet; wil 1
is V o' Brussielm as soon as th
[ling C aid, it , P ; at i oon, at -he home A Mrs. - 'D vld
Uri a t,
Ross; MeXcIllop, 'when
e em -. .r Years at ce the rlfterlki btedli al. f alth -Office'r litts- Iler dauSt
,Jaret -t 11 not for Xippea frie#dsand their 'uncle, Mr.- N. D_
1[ar d;to V. _ V1 . 0,
t inbeiialoi i f - Qre�, township. bargo. was m e e in when, an opportun- GI 4`
come � to a ady Pissett, and h
d Mrs 'W ir, ter caiq ,, ast to -4 r. Q arles Simm n res r te U, Kevs A:,. of a, The r r_ cert, In the -opera house,
io ,was 6 Ity Is at, .1 con
tl a P terian Cong. essI z�,nd re:Laident oC Wroxeter die In tha ris ge cerein I nize4 by
d1r w1i $Qbbathi School of last week, which was vi), N I neU 48
D.- A. Cars e 1, or Pre S' by t e a
At' thei agg, P
aSSi hie- to per
Ill hold- I e gA ual pl Cr cpm�fu! and enioyse:ble. e I
Journe Alyi Sid, -when Main strE
ent ears. While Ill t ev.
d qqu ast In.,c tpc chi irch, Wit. r6p, at d-byR A. w
:1 Wn, D. -11eld QrK TI L ri et metfiodl 5t chum
lills, �tt e young f4ll, he h
f 4141waid L. W was onlyl co it 11 Bro KA., P.D. ad c 11- decided to build. !a new sh 'Per it4m
go 0 d tUMUt it for t ie 'pari ats a h
'hie An �n Mithodist cl utch. The' diag T.Areb a al ker w1i 3 � net� ril-6 ath t V lays. Acu�e roik-it
diren As looked for,-Mth..McC and: decorate audit-oriun - Of
at we 9 played f Skflss
ehtly,,wLs c nelude(I tbe�cause a' a ta. ec as tel w" InL .� ea eL e formerly M ii a tohle Jacksoll, and lit� chuich, and put in -a new .1 oal
ntv bf the rt em otf�ked 1 2
4st: at ird�y. lbe Was I" 'the col nty 0 eedl§ are flisitin h r ace. IThe expensc win -be 01mt
to C #,ato th ning, re6sed e Ctepe tle son -of R ple
b t the y mi ig. rpan cE me are. be was as. ar c (al
ear. 'o
Ae hene wIt# pearl t aunt, Jaine;%. McLear an� ot&r The work has air eady commm
thLi I fy thr wl in el 'Into. -'a t as -lu a A Tbe
y thr triends. r and Ifts Ernest, I King the old shed hai 'been xvwv44 per
r]O*g. a terp�r Irlenta aber- TV ve I . . . . . . died in Pe4 ethber, 19 U, Ur brl & was tl 0:veclpient: f a %ut-
Iful presenu. Mter th6 mi,, ffin� of Hdwick w,.,re *1tors this Week 'at town Is building &band starid In
In mms a 14, family. loeat;6d 1 0 c'. Che Sli t .-Wm.- parIc 'by the river
0 Au n a of )-V I 1p years ago I'M I r,&. nier Mr. and Mrs. Kes left,. I the oine )1 &n. ornas WIlls, Geotogeft.
71 h i boat 48. mrere c0rnbe recently. parchased ao
t of :CRt iii 6.1 em d 'at in 1. 4 shim er of c oi;Lfettl for rono, and Max& i� le ! 8 )z oit laE t week re
Al id roxeter f .9 on -a' plea �u r4 tr �1 to -L radom While Lin Stratford, where he W -M,
s, . wee c. wa i w Met wdw ijW ch ch re latimsb1i
h o 'Tue� i�', ir L Falls ajXd other p ts, the�blde 1h In ---the cit, Mr- kexandir Sproatpur- Imove Ills tamily I Mr. and � Ya, Bolk
Zt travi Iling 'it 4 nay -t e 51 -it Wi 6 Job 1, 3 peelil d. The 4 aj 1. 9, Ccri servadve in polld as. chased a f r e rubber tire4 buggy. -Mr. have returned froin a visit it it,
i stiz rt l ngs 6 001 11 L -te TAt 9: neetin. of oal blue at to n atch. Aft thel r A urn ot the al EkImOnds and
ork thi -grobin's : uture pas! orate.
u It -1 ieir no. N rY. be iinAl wage
W 8ipej ib lg-,, V IN -ht I ast VV ee�- th will - ro 49 lie at LoJ ldon ufi� on. Willitim B X't3 coxid concez Mims wieat�-
erallteachers In !the high
sion of Tickersmit na-kKtng. exten- sf e re ber 26, i's W, W s dox te corfe� 8 � Juil qxamining p Geo= eZ
tice to]. sive Im proi e m eats 'h�l dingSand are tn Toronto
x Tber46-- w Hunter and G e th ring eg f is., Ther re two im rple -ed' urn done onnor are rem"i'
-much' appr (It 6t d t
1 nl�anni al . me itin 0. e twly blue ind ne" '_ift degreO!
T.fJ6 * Wor'k Varna by his I il orr, IleplingX10 him to brin ling their resideblees and ding
C a n$4� Lc dk e :N) t, i Huron c or, fe,-red. Tor
of the a �arn fj other stor
In, M-emorl n �Le - Y to -e�ch. R. Q. beldon
�-In loi igi memof brighainfli tc e s ay, t-une eii1y anti: et up wlthmt lnl ernilssl6r building a -new k1tr n to n last week. Phe. rl -board of St. Wck. 1.1
it, little Edgar �Irrat,, w4 PiLL was t #nagini,
tj ter TI U 'Ir R ri�lj. sh�Aly��betore
A lu for a
fric m us Juaf 25th, 1-912: ndrews' re arri unginz house. -Rev. 11,
Sweet 11 ftd
-vale If"
11 tb chair., T here t xeld in a. fewweeka, Slwet ',of Belearis, Bask. � IsIted
ie u ast 'd wrep was coilterr a a n� 0 lawn soc t bel -es t& loi s r ia
r pi en Iro ba blirs id dowXX td a $#len ild AV 10 'One year has paised, Q hearts still -A few th fa, ers, are making a week with th formers brotlerp, rhii It i
r�( 5 In the . d stric 4 2f rfu e �r. SPPM d by -Bro. it. dg(
ft k,
hay, but as.: far, Sweet,:-Uf. it. 0' Eedon is bA, ri
4 is toLl he 121th t is Ig tlrfi( start ion _Jb e p I en nen )joylng� a.. s; time -on, we Ir los him are ; as th, 11 it y ill rned it wia.1 ftntatilre, � to Grand Lodge s t ay
in Late 7, j3iQ HI; I nemor U. dear t 3,-d ebanon Forest Lodge,
CC e the res6nt energ�ltld be a light fi.-sk. -a lvia Harvey,
I -lelbr�, I SAW from. L
n of �17 is bectipled ths-.ch Lin' TPleN
oank a a In the _h our- ht ( at W, Wy - e ou ey Cabbledlek -lot Detfleld was t ere to
'br h _!L f L2 Ik �of th f t I of n I has just re-, funeral of the late I
ffi r h ra t of, lClii.an, met a re 11foria liki ly tC
W propof
Motiier ai LA Relatites. turned fro plo t -ip- to � Mar -
Dais id, nt t? the. A
I tiag 41 In iatf 111 ext regt lar rnee't- bledck Mrs. ThomiLs gin
lette, - Mich lg b�� sht vlsdt-�d h s ma.. ame
al Ili W
A a bldyi 16' 'an iral. Into, a ;ig a. JU 1; The"lodge Inten is �o - c ns
r brothi M68 a iornai
e r 31 andl 34C.
wos sti On bare one n ui sh to impri �ve 'P F ros- Jobd Huds Mr!. Harvet r also tiook% ohn n Ito
on 'ti tb 'Twelfth �vfth. thel br thr bore,-Xr. John
Ili h a 6�reet ,bri iecent refr tal, City, Manitoba, is vl-4,.
s i �he wEs C ea Is t1keheadl it Uaeknoil r" pe( It &a. the "beot- known"And inost-
ts 4n this viclab Drrson the annual V1 �alkkr reuni)h Of f
�an- 1. er da ighter, 7- C U "
3 a - r e tt t yv: i to
)e tB k ta th 3 -0: i Tu da last
V 'teemed'resid
3 tent she Is one f th�' onnelc to TIT., to, He :is A tea "to b im- )o C plac at -the. home Mr died on Tburtd ter trade
and thE ast year, in Calito: nia, avi �. re- nnual gat le 1n
-to ring4ill, be held 1A ay. U*ht
h- -in
r., N. 16trIc when a last week Qf.-parilysls, B "A
. 7 1 . I While
d tidr home.1h.-re.--Mr. ffoa,: ad next ea. on.� s. B arvey
ei y Oeasl g to place ie:,r d u ater, Arieil e
.,!was 'uZ11- eph oster a' LL,,6ndori islilng 1 ah 11,18 nephew, Mr. William P" -to 23 ter
not leave )ii , vet- ofte.11 and enjoytd.
Y of la, t In -rlage to, Mr Usborne. He was eighty4evo il
_�reelc! at test- e rpl- e Mae- rll a4s in Ile 'vicinity I at w ek..- Mr. btreU ve. L 1� �U64 :,his 'tit ai.-T#e shed �cr*ar.
I -n in if or [i 'VOL Ic i Th - wreitnony A Johril Beatt3� firincipal our. scl ool. and was one of fbe early: p1UU
Ch" the was ! rf wme Ic 0 age wt4 .25 t
an tfie gro Ad ofl. Ch. A ifection. No.
Amea h sit arch of flowers a ' f presided at t el entrainbe x He is -survived by three sons and t* t_TbA
When M: a I ft"s H. A ams R I lay- Tuoikers Il, I td be sold by, tender Sol
re pe itp i mit an )Y' R v. thorge IR. Ross, :B. b. in field ' last w'e'ek and "�s L 1, -ter daughter$', Alfred and' Tbo as OfU�_ i 4t, M two
ion the Stb.
Alle liFesele of -the
g roy medl ate rela�- Oesided bere. numbe Uffl of
inala D, 13, t _I 0 borne, Harry In he west, Iiid- 11�� outide.- C
sit Uel
�X-Aori ic t dr: de- tvi S, of Ue contract par Lies hI6 Mr. 'William and Miss 'Jary 11 sh
John Westlake and 3irs. S t to I
.10r the I Id ottgtrs A. rk i who wa- - given, ay, by ; her spent an enjoyable bv6n'1lg at leir more -of xeteri-About W $-Dr. am.
-, I e, 1.6 r
n, Ores Mr. G 11 . lei., - d charm* t r a . , I - I - -- I of the L old Isaulc Walton Iris Ing -
de fo harm* In 3, old bome recently. Mr. and ris 'A Good I a AU4
Mr, oI r� ad thi 'address and. int suit-* navy -.serg with B Agar- MeAsh left omftturday for Do bit, 12 drove. to Grand �Bqnd on
i e �. )io'ser'ii a tion An yet ist' and tug an After Wh er, they ibitend spending Gavin, of a rece Bola to for their -annual. A
leek Mr. John o- t tf Hullet -near Con- shink t, 9 wed4
�b acklin ot -.Grey t),,vn,,-NP cling lunceo am 6 VIsIting friends. They (xpeet I to Mr. Ja Beei -.0au
ava I me ght ie In Ave Vo
�,f la4 ed iell' -i stance, a ,f. n ta4pk gel g for : -
vishes of thet dtj i tf'p tor the West ifter t4i r ret0r, �korn sum at Tthh horse four.'70arS
ihe M akw� lt=36 and goo one hour off the 4ock a -ad
ha4 kobd
E on the ed ithe e. The crowd halif kood
site the O. -a e 1all 1n. Brus- I BY coi le lef f t�rhopn i0etrcit. PrIz
old. 'He w u dre I floy, the noted tock
11 re th a �rorn farriang and *a1h for' -Toronto and, I flagar a ih fishing from a motor boatl
horj�6, Crown Gol . �A Y-,ar ago Mr.
t ho t town Harry jdwo d has eir.retUrn they will i -Olde i In Godt�� three hundred fl -bb were cau Zurich MeGain sold o r. W. Cudmore f
Cage 1"north ofthe i[
t 0 frame !o I . ,Ch. L i I a short 1timee The offleers -for he vp-
-e et, Drus- 011 Tu e d�iy of- last f lNotes.-Mrs. Afarrow ct Bee� on To
t . o, i Tun be -ry tj .; $ i Seaorth h)zse fo 4306., 11r. MeGavla VULIX9 year -are As follows
week tht nd ` ble reputation for
is making I n en, X
an Mrs. t) )r, te'nth Mis a Dian4 R111kball'of Tuffalo-art
Dyqr Hurdon; f irst M
as�'th! - U ex..1 himself as a C )m& ent and Call Tayl i Will
tb e posses Itili g at the pi rental hon ie 04 Xr; md
an d will "s of Asbfield was ithe sce*m, Dyer; 'boatswain, ,Tames &wet f ior et so
ain-, borse breeder -Ai
Aing,i=r their Joeti for
)rettv house wed A Laura 9;, J
Motion 01 C14 nddl ce.-ITLe followingo peer, Jaines B-eer- secretaryiArta#v' M_
ter dathAirtne ai, io ast
I Wb orers. v hc w r6l di w i a. Ib wh coy u rwent an operalit Joseph Davis; cbaplaln,� S, -.j gtadw,
we( Is.'ge dig :along rery al�_
on Xry, councilld - resolution wa.,� aWo ed at a recent
sewp.rs C il 4r�ds treret, in JL I OS, GQ� M6ntgpl x 1c. Is 'ge alters t .4 - im
Fr prevarleatdrs, A, W
meeting of th Nal ton 0 ange Lodge tents ion
n L were ca I it io 19J c a re. -In on o! I uron t own -ship, Dr te county. The �ho ii h very mr.�ak.-Mrs. 13"esan on Jeck�ll; band tnaster,,Georgt Hurde U
�d ier;lo Mis 3 Druar ot and was f sl nted to - t)*m i recipient, CRAft 0
02. 0 n i n wrform I Buffalo visite 19L -t drummer, W, %Taylor; p1lot,
was c �remony was Rei JW. 13* c
Ur RIChar bins n by the, secretary tor: lumbi
he cheit and the"et 11 jump- ardY In The presence of ab ot fif Ly we(k at theI home of Mr. iind::: s T. er; bilt nder, R, nney.
e InIster iftem,
h1c1h ton. P I 3eir. Alfred 10 nison OurADear $�.wee resbyterian m
is only dau;hCby hio fee ue s4, Int LhedrawIng room, Jol n.- �Henry D(, le a- I V
Brother, -11' ' U L th coul have! cauz� wa, r :a)n, FrU a , June 131 pe44
who restlei neiqbF pi eventr lias ecor� d with ferna, pal,,ns ir6d. at the i Lge -ed us espedfil palh lit was west, who visittd. In tbwldl N
er large s Al )n 0A e a A h from. dnoivial!Eii s Lohqn9rin's. we ddinji of dght yearl. Decease wai C of the nLPWS Of spent'a 'busy day. He spoke In
'Your sad leie verne!at In the death f
-e inar.- wals being played by s. D�an_ knC
rl '01 thte iei .. Neltivr of th the e LAY. plo iE ers and w Church - In. the. ornlngx )9t tfisto
) 7 h your below d i vif ie� 1t has indeed been
it (he bride ente to v,
91 b earth� wex a badly an, rair rzd, loa4lng on ryone n this. part and I Ived or the afternoon and James zti� ote
le maily 'years o the t th coiceE E o a heavy bl),vr to iyou an we scarce- at
rm her father and I)OI-Zad -ght verend gendammi MR
-Th n ly know I o- Ar to �i talk consolation , at i�l The re
a! al mtng fKlown of wbltq� -J, i a 1 r n !- terd borne -
last sa) v Lhe e. open ing of of Stephen, e Auto C A in end -)for hi wes on 31ondap,
In, e coiinty town on I omir on Rev.
Ist church' under so b: tt ei - an ifflictl n. But think tag -5 on t
Wltrghani Which al s , witb' bridal yell C r, riiiig 11 A. J� HeYwdd-preachDil
rid of One who da re' h for us 'all; Ile h"s I tralla Church And On�urlo b -z
�e ;nionths Mg 0 badl,,? dan:iged E o er bouquei; of roseiz and lillt s. JAf- Dal ind our recently o: Rev 3.
F Ily -repa 84 and I tan I! reception, Itrie prepared a I)rIght and bhiutif ul ho in 1@11mvirle on ft-naa
oniely t Will 2ccompaj �y' them.- M -.Josel h I
er the. caremon-y and
t� edl lb( is ' ndvO -I!. bet- I our t ul A . -adding dinner toll wdd,: at --on (f Credfloh hais secured mritia, LS bFyondthe 9 ve and.theC.pirit qiyour ford aaa Steadmati 4ear wife IvUl. onlyi wait 3, brief- per- tb an evem I 7he bui I ing -was, for Uree bridles
vhlih the iisual spEeebes 'and toastiv from e Hay tarn -
led when b an- In love she rDn
0 1 t �e vir ship ouncil. T 4e aggreg te at tour. nv-ee
the dour at�bo es, tc t :xe bri mded. sschool to
ic A! were given and xl.espi rivention �electea tZ for th(� o ;c aslon e� n K Rev. to 17 the groom. 079, he wor to be mpl ted by will meet her bu$b*n,d ard children- president John 96ott of E is .- of I Urtalo, I -r- the 'f rst of A to di�part I lLo i nork. of
forinc ty We c a n 0"Brien Chiselhurst, who -A
_M1. Jamieson, south of Lori is , I '. i ,
vho. de I r Al ' more; human consiolation Is weak.. Kay
Winghapi eredtwo givEn by the Ladies' Aid' Oele 0, he President for two.7ears is 44vir94i
g�A; sugar 'beets Iii Ue lar grower of' Gdd bless yo i in yo�uwr ho r of sorrow i1rorlont
'd i,e vo an-ty. He has- thl#y ac�es under LuthEran Church was a kratif Ing ac- U the wist - )b a our rethre' of the countyi. -St
ier-was fb le 0 at t the d e =pi.. this year. Mr. D. Fo�rester t 'Wlth price
d death� to(k pl--- cess. 'r4e weaf, the rro :,
Mr. an d Mrs. of beautiful and L.O.L.- 252 Nrsl 0.4
parei ts, e attend; imee ne of
Uln on hn I Mr. J. J*Ieson oflLon-
t Trick, ir ( redl or $at- the largest ev r lmow at s I lal
(sborp, corfle next withl twey t la A wee i: )f Mri K. ml n I tn 1,115 vIIl8g*,., Tabies and ch Irs
ostly d Nns
ea I e work: i s t one'by Del wera placed o.,�
eca,n,, the lawn;vrhere.
P E � I k r Machine Coll ipany,-�-Dur-
iTo. grr, t Ldned to this. clast, a :: The Conno fa
L9 'Jhe t ments were 3etved. Flo I .
VU eeks I arid. was in ers fiom be ja B, IL I Z -t �e 1 -it - y
I t heir rdtive land' at" -11' Ing the paqt weelt � leputalons ; f iom
a e sud :nl� took gardens, roges, geraniul xe Paris and v.�.DUA�4 pve aited on the te S "ll 4 -in tle'afte', On and �Old by he to
t Aiduck' does to' iwalter. They - are fornied into bouquets anj I
Icy � nch, work flrm� of Con r Brb VM,
triers, f this to
AS oung ladies, and ladit; rk -bu hers before M :dlCal M I V a !with a , -:h rt, v U
LA I- c-1 LcTidle, don't listen � to the IQ and offered lb s tantial ind icements for jydi�d it h, age c f 21 years Put up at auedon brou6t �plej, Ild oclock beliffand make 'the 4ust lyj, 4ueTma 't;o Mo ( hehr plant rom Exeter.
pontfig. I . I Prlciiig.-Tbe inonthl meAlng or -0 ikX to $7,,70
-S vej i of t i ,m last year hoed one h ri� I ce t n r, howcver, the com
Woman's Instflute was held at , he PULY
IS to e a �nonster'celebra- d 'd d j eventYo.-five acres if or he home wantt-
I I I re an of ly, A 'to 411 d jwhat ducernepits, 41-
I- i Groderic' ownsh, ij o1i I boys rs. John Parke, Goshen I ie,
Sigar TheY re 1) ld �b It any � the it( -yi v to give 14re.-J11 cow,
n i prbp ited
5 Ill e on 15t, J L IC 11 itum- Ithe acre, f [x to seven -doH rs Starley,011 We4ineadii. 'Jh, el ..3 to have the I m: and at a special e starts. En pi was very succ,Asful and 91 e
rogj,d in Tutu V�
and closet i ith'a b y -(-, h o of Whitbly gave an Int re r1g f eents
tn three dollars fpr' e Nnbdij- Povile. Meeting, of cou n il the firm p�it th,� 10� g.
W if a d 01,,ht dollars forih vesti. 91 addre, ollowl4g p 0" (sitio befbie hern:
)c k. Pro; I exi( sp k �,a s and s and a � sewing d 3mo in. ice 9;
aid a thw work quiclYt.tria e -1 The councl- to ruarantee 1:116- bonds of
and 9 day evening an fee te
'near De �n the compan3 -111 to the amount of twen-
all dilly wage, They live cial under the aus'oiees th 00 rl 1, give a�ldrosses -On i rues )r:s will be; indulg 11. settl mqAt Cf
mitexe thel Is a large gelica churel was heid Pn th tY, thousant] 41 s'for twenty Tears, s m Ill be e.&,ed' on h3 -old bei t-
Wrn .Nho most of tile su�ar -b 4t ive Ldd;'bf ' JLn years i rc Tli-e fful lawn.of Mr..WiLilarn the! end 01 '�ears they to'start I
I rL I A-
orl, tn- Ad I 11gan . f teers and i
I rinci al and"' erest '-1 good progra'a m a Was ren paying: back: 1 1 rnsh... 01 boys I r r 71 fa kered d! le
'I fif teen: ann t -return
d sent Lan en o �ie -
1 be tt piV. larse crow had ual ins �nent*-.' In
rich P110y �.w
T' . enty� men
'terno t of Do' i 16n Day 13romarty time, The they- guarantee to e
e a gat Band kave 4suist the flist 7ea an i rt open air d 0 Increase Ahat
,t rr er sto e of th( Ploposed I �Ic 3,1 e' -an c. of the evening concei t �,ora to
nual pient Satu r� �1& -ni number as bus npus requires it. No
-91cri M
11 C lurch 11 h coneds, t last., he must Xbritrea
of �lgbbath schobl WIll i be ho'K �11 a decision
�U pp-ect E d an( Wa ac ed by he council, I
I bi laid, b the ]I( wing OIL i to
117 1S7 as usual at the r4ouri oar
,t Pei rt In by I ai but ft is e ated they wl I put the t
J ohn N." D Driald. I Ithel, I . ge laxUlni (,rs, the boys 4A I "Is! port
g, lovi and
At t o o ock sharp t 03 ptoposition be Core tbe peo)le to. - be
Ill, 1� of B Msels, io. from i he surr 3u ading' coui try for m a 4 ove - ri
�l Sham d J Ko k3 o �_,'m e 11 : e. The racei Will ni driv lftt� Tb e band a;ppe- fed, 1�1 an W_ -voted on. T if _0_0 33 thers � arz
ua pi ont ft_ good. buzinets r d expwt xne
b cl�remc r of. Ir ter 1st nd somewhat unu L n 'm. AT�ts e concerts v Ill. - be c chan-
Cornm 0 9 at , aft noon's amu5emen U
o: t iei,
"I A ed Their e Meg ady achlev-
ddre 3es. are eted mpugwq at the SUM ner. Ve alrE
.1 n0stly -estrIcted to; child e I of ed a wide ic r -nan, I F I i I k LAD' Itatloh and their busl_ 1, V a -pkhy, th( school., ter -the races. thoregular 4 #he first
Aess Is onb c
I c udfoot I �J 11. il I 1� 'I n1ttd by ja k of shop-,
-; prografiLm.e. f music and �peedhes vp Ill �d Reyd Hippen VGrA0 for
bE g1v6 cdj icluding the da 'Leafing Th( room and ca3ftil. osition Is
y iim.-:_Ur, i oJan J0111 8, oxu� des'ervin t w ' st orfeus"coLngid-
& �t*rsj
me i Matt el A. hi 'd eratlqn� of t 1� coI4,.. dil a people.
vs, wh arried PEI ia e rove. The adirnissl this who k as been r sident of th�
rei t hi ier than' for o a
formerly conces don of 9 anle7- t t nty-f4U
- ver ! f or 7 qtes.: Ab V t t r of Exe-
or ainthIng )u slrle�s F - d- umber oftithe rela 5 Yeari, has dect ed to re ire f*am�j je te*,eg �prbmiw 0 me� atCampr
W, toWnsI of Rovilck, -for
r Q is'd, d4t atten AaOndo e a ve!j
ded. the wedding farm trid is LL lilt -to ]IV,,' V�Jth ;I IS in' ne �eam4n Is-qaptaln
'Y reas lei I I. t I tit .�place jf Mal �01W dKellar� and by daugh er, Mrs n s, of I Tab a, or r, of the -squ, 11r4.A.McKeO, And Inst.* at the a If f 80 Jones I . , ilw
1 2 1 ]It r of Kill on, Wedn�sfty. Is arnart the a ri ju, dren \of 41 3
J) ylohtb E1; essful, fa Vfte;t1* wex
native J hn ri,�ie, -who h a- beq� speni- eia,of Stan A 16- �1&4. i W�S Wele
m1a k Mrs, --J Cha ri M 1 st :n a�d e� to with, her ^.soh In 0� ener te p hospit 9, msjjin
'first �ouplc A week9 )f taken� -0 'St. .11 1 h DUD, For,
11) utte L roulig I A, a returned -ho th4 olcest f EL ms a ta Iley, n e last week, 2
I lagillt 11, 'Mr. t trou- SkIrther
anai. e 411
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t a- hand of his a n, 30 r AP
1111 io, - to sr P ery to.
ighb, r 'riD
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usell wit] ii h -,.r will touch nilssed.as U61
10 rk$ -.Is v1s, ti. vl�'
i aAd daA lobter vbdted! or ie d )o 1 Mrs. T, B. C i r -Mr,
to t`g_ 6X'. IV I h s: wid two .8( .. tsi Air; and
I D. WOW rneit in ort
Men N't 0044 '-Waterd9wx i It` viol tit tk n b, deellftirig clay hQ I I.
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