HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1913-06-20, Page 5I A *o lm C of Scheel eeetona No. 10, Tuckerand settee' here Will zgeraltre btish on Sattirday, era will be gaines of all kinds dor children„ eon-ewe-WU at 4 n1 all and 'baseball. at 6 pan. IllverYe bode* come and spendthe afternoon .-witit the children and help ate ere. e. & good , Notes. --Mr. 011Srien, , who "hes work ed the Morrison property here tor the ia nine years, hitt purchased a rest - 'deuce in Stratford and intends giving thefarm in the fell and moving to ehe city. --The baseball team from Rib - bee played a friendlY game on the Afrounde here On Thursday. last with the boys of No. 7. Bothtaides plated -well and Wm a tie at the end of eight !twinge. 'They played one more Innings to break .the tle, when our toys Won by two runs -Harry Stance nen, Who has been confined to his 4 for the past three weeks, Is not overing as -taw -Wends would wish -The dry weather woe hard �n the pasture and hay is Mire to be the shortest crop here fore niternetears 'The spring crops conainge to look fair. in good and with the welcome rain• of Th day will likely be a good crop Bixtit An electric light has been dat the bridge whieh will add to mfort and safety of .pecleatriane -and drivers. -Rev. Mr. and. Mrs. An- ima froro Saskatchewan were.. here enas week visiting friends.: Mrs. ..4.1tebl- soa was a daughter, of the. late Mr. Anderson of this place. -Measles ''are ,qutte -prevalent among the •children here -Mr. W. Mason has sold his handsome .driver to Mr.' MeTaggart of Clinton or three hundred dollars. -A good any went from this vicinity on . the excursion to Guelph on Saturday. -Mr. "D. O'Connor and his daughters " left -Grayson, Sask., "-where they will in fu- ture reside. -k-The meeting of the Wo- men's Institute held on Fridaf after - =goon was a specially interesting one. 'The address or Miss Gilholni of Blight, was the main feature of the meeting Mrs. IL Petehtr,ond also gave' an' ex- cellent address on "How to ' Keep Young.' Music and refreshments fill- ed up the remainder of o very - inter- • esting Progr-arnme.-The - Messrs. Mc- Elroy of this plate attended' the- fun- eral of their unsIej• the late Wm. Mc- Call, of Brussels, on -WednesdaY last The deceased was, an old ,resident of Morris township and was aged 82 yars .at the timc c,f his death. A Sad Clime fr.soo. tif! Corn -Market. e m can' corn -quote rid at _ink. ii.2 eanta naneHand._Plekied. • taa ea at 42-A Per Au At -$2d.. tit .4240'. ite ...34.111teed-e-Menitoba bta -bags On ,tra,ek,Torent01; -Ontario itrart -*V lit $1/001; and middlitigs;. Trote.toesa-The market .an.d firm:. Ontario 'Ando • $it to .4.90 .Per bag 1:hileWares at :Ill to. $1.0 -Trade quiet With: price is quoted at $11.75 •.tet. at Tokontoe e$10.5 Haled Strawa-The marks delth prices of igood- Bare $4.25, -oh track ,at ,7Toto tenee pliable 'elastic id faced 5 a Pain W w heels, ones soles, 's Soft 8 for soles, 1AL ROTEL be a joy for af sura of of their will always be on tb hat we all may g and happy mat . all rnee the world to:-mtee ire of Con. and too, - ;air& et quiet wedd :manse, Cromari 'Agnes dire and We. in marriage .,berbart, sen at Hibbert,. by 'Rev. the ceremony ". vas served at the e after winch thei to AlitcheilMbere notoi train on liarnitton, BuSeraime other -points. In diagonal crest* eelling costume was it with black e white plume. and atre. Eber groom's fine :ere the nest :friends will them many' 'arrkied life. Stititzte.-The ng tlast Friday Nitaff- rhe address of jG4er of . nit house. The topic Lme eping.." The 5 ate of the thing,. ar ;women to Te- as !drudgery. =tele Interest In aeriya usebold tasks - • . ome narrow oy selves, Thema _ do to much quentty go he rest :of the so- tidy -and, king- for dust miserable for. s. Others lack work but homes 1s to much go home,' No el to our co a have a place . g elaborate 'mea :of enjoying their Lkversation ng -housekeeper.* y is lavishly spent furnishings, lean -- a scanty eupply*a A farmer -or as the receniro3 in good order,:but ..ock many make. selty 4.1nd her pilsh. Atnongotbea r spoke of mare korny or Ironer, -tie talk on the eomplished by the oughout Onterio.K :ed to threagit, attention and, the hemseives as be- -ith the addreeee thz..1 Inetitoto esday, the 25th the annual plea a 'rn.SON ' A despatch from New York, dated Jima 16th, gives the following vet's' sad incident: Fenniles,s and owing two • veeelod rent for his rooms 'there. Ane -dna author ,lectiirer andeor- respondent in ten European and Asiatic *ars cut cut bis throat, -with e -.razor- in his -apartment in the --St. leotits Hotel Ott Saturday. Hisdeatla followed* Seem after the hotel managernent. rad made the secondrequest that he. settle the thisid bill for two 'of the three weeks'. -lie 'had stopped there. - Waning public Interest irrtiteelealkaat war is declared :by :those who_knew Handlton to be the cause for the suicide. He came here from . England, !following his capture - by• the Turks in the- Balkan, campaign, and . began •a lecture tour.- His lecture wag . illus- trated by =vine pictures of the armies- in action, but the venture did -not yield the financial- results • Mr. Hamilton had 'expected. •- Most of Friday Mr. Hamilton spent in his mom. He came down stairs 'in the late afternoon and again- was asked by one of the clerks to pay his bilL ie said he wonid attend .to it yesterday morning and returned up • stairs. Several hours afterwards he left the. hotel and it is thought went only to Fifth avenue and mailed a letter, which he carried in his hand. 'He was not seen again until his body -was found by an employee of the Joriei, who climbed along a window /edge and peered into the bathroom of ins apartment. The body waelying on 'the floor. The razor was a short die-. -twee away. la the Boer war Mr. Hamilton re- verted tile siege or Mat -eking and went - through the Boxer. uprising as a car - 'respondent. In the Doer campaign he was accompanied adwaya by his 40g. Mr Mareking. Hie -book on Corea at- tracted wide' attention at the time of the BetssoeTapnaese War, during which he was also a correspondent. He re- emrted ICS *well the -Somaliland opera- tions, the BalaareMacedonian troubles and acted as correspondent for. various English newspapers and, publications in this country. Australasia,' the Par East, Central Asia and in Assam. He was the possessor of .several war medals, a fellow of the, Royal Geo- graphical Society and of ,'the Authors' Club ,and the Royal Societies of Lon- don. Angus Hamilton lectured in Ottawa some two monthago at the St George's church , hall on Metcalfe atreet. 11111111MONI.11111MMENIM16111 MARKETS 4441•0144•114 Seaforth, lime 19, 1913 'Fail wnear • 90 to 3 '90 Oats, per bushel.............. • •• • 30 to 30 Peas, per bushel .. 75 to 75 elarley, per husbeL................ 45 co 45 leran per•ton .. . ........... 22 00 to 22 00 ietione, per tOn...... . . . . .... 00 to 20 00 Flour, per 100 Me - 25 to .2 75 Butter No. 1. loose.• ...,••• ...• 11Y to 20 Evitsw ems ar. inv •-• • • • 10 to 20 Sees ear dneen.. •18 to 19 Hew Hay perton..... . - .. ..-..... .10 ee t -o 12 00 Potatoes, per bag • 1 25 to 1 25 Dairy Markets Toronto, June 17 -Butter Receipi.s continue fairly large, with prices eat -7. Good demand for the choice grades. Quotations; Dairy prints, Choice, 22 to 24 cents; inferior, 17 cents to 19e; creamery, 26 to 28 cents for rolls and 25 to 27 cents. for solids, Per lb. Eggs -The market is stronger, with the demand active. Case lots sell at 21 :to 22 • cents here, and. at 19 cants outside. Cheese -Market is unchanged 'at 14 to 14 j4 -.2c for twins; and 13; 1e2e. for large. Honey -Buckwheat, .9c a lb.. in tins and 'Sc in barrels; strained clover honey, 12 14 a pouhd in sixty -pound tins; 12 8e4c in ten pound tins; 136 In five pound tins; comb honey, No. 1, 42.60 per dozen; extra, $3 per dozen; SiG. 2, $2.40 per' dozen. Grain, Etc. • Toronto, June 17 Ontario Wheat -,- '--No .2 new white and red wheat quoted at 97 to 98c outside, and infer- ior at 80 to 95e. Oats - The mare ket tor oats is quoted unchanged. Ontario oats, 84 to 85e outside; 38d cents on track at „Toronto. Western Canada oats, are queted at 40 cents t or Na. 2 and at 37 le2c for No. , Toronto Ponitr, • Fresh -killed yearlings, 19 per pound; fowl, 16 'to .1 -yearlings, 15 to 18c-,; live 15c; dressed spring chick live, 25. to Me turkeys, _No. d 'et 20, To to -1„ ,' Midbu.d alatTe: -q, ot• anda pr mc , Me jobbing ," ' .a 740 ,• I horts, * .00 I. 4 '.-.r.t4 I to ?;$23 Ian!. . 0 tiv re qua ed -a traolte -:, an . Baled Ha steady. No 2.2t5 on track 1 to -; 11,011 quiet. t 01 . 'rho Hirtio.*Mar - - The sale at the Roma os, Was fair, the dentand.1361 One handred and' of all Oases were offers and 100 of -them Were *as .-little demand lor- draughts and .expressers g0114 business .1n usef. eound horses :of allelasse sIgnm.ents itrevery good t of the ,year, when' trade ;Is freale t- ,ly dull,- and the tvresent • of 'tequests -tor ; horses qu satist es the' eitipPer.S.- The prices to soixndbeavY draughts; five to eight ye ke told, Were from 4195 .to .$240.; gene el 'purpose and topresI horses, $160 $ 00; light • delivery horses, $150 to 185 $125 to $225; serviceably eo ndehorees from $85 p -$180e and see° had tr horses, $30 to $80a t . 21cerds is; live LI 14 to 5 cents; Lb.280. Tuesday r&cticlly horses ✓ side, There heavy there Was t vie 'Ty lie.re- • Sea MI : ................... Li vs Stock Thit I ' • Liverpool, June 17-Ow1ng t er i;ot weather trade here tc-dayJ ;is vea a d draggy, cattle, making 14. 4 to 1 4 cents per, pound. Buffalo,: June 17--Cattl I. Ac dry ,fed, 25 to 40c highe the to fifteen cents higher; ;1 e F31 e, $8.75- ,to -$9 ; : shipping $8 1 to , 5; butcher**. $7 to $8.80; half .s *$6. 5 to $8.35; cows $3.75 to $7,25 ;i b Ils 50 to $7.70; stockers and fe der $6 • to $7.75; stock heifers $5. , to, $ ba •fresh cows and sPringere tea y, $3 to $85. 'reels- aetive and '254 #w r; 6 to $14.50, Hogs active and s tad .; h -y' and mixed., $9.10 to $9.15; or ers 15 to $9,251 troughs, $7.90 to O. 0; ..t g- $650, to 7.25; 'dairies -$ 1 . ' 9 5. Sheep an4 -limbs slow; ix d s 'p steady; steady; o hers 25 to 50c1 dr r; I be $5.50 , to 0;'yearlings' . 4,50 to 1 n 00; we -there' $5.75 to $6: We $3 to $5.25; sheep, Mixed. $5.50 o $5.15 . NI entreat, June 17a -The emend m • nankers was fairly good, , t thst de nag the' feet, that most o 1 th in, • to -still drawing a good pereen a,g of h Ir suplits teem . the Teronto imi4rkei d s. ito 130 on the witele a fairly' activ tr de - s done, with sales •ef' carte 1s. of steers weighing from • 125 i 0 let- $7.25 to $7:30.; • good .lo da at'. 5 . to $6.75 and full leads of c4w .et: to, $6,35 'Per ewt.: Stepplie ' a •s and lainiS tire sthedily`l ore sing;I Iii . consequenee a- Weaker lee ng pee Os In the market and prices b e deal zd, but at the lower level th :fe s a a demand from packera *lid litc ere a d an active trade was ;1one. ,Cal es. a a fairly plentiful and '-eet Wit ara e sale at steady price. A We ke e le, Ing prevailed in the- inarkot or 1 s since this day Week 'god tic s deelined 15 to- 26c Oer • o e: 'bun pounds owing to the fact lh t plies havebeensomewhat i*-xcee thi requirements, hue at th re tie the demand front paWf It's had n ge;104 and ,sales of 's `teeth lits e made at .$10,50 per wt.. s I ws t $9.00, and : stags at 4.00 to 5 pp 0 pounds weighed off the, ter . , fie chers eatthe, 'Choice; *1.25 to • „ meditim $5.25 to. $6.6 • co m n 0. to $4.75; tanners $4 ''-to 4.2', eh e cows ss .63. 94/.25; 'm :diu .56 o $5.75 Per eWt.;' ,.-bulls: $4: 0 '$ milkers, ehoice, each; 75 t', $ 0; c mon and medium, $65 to $ 9; 8PrH $55‘ to • $60: sheep, ewes - $ .25' o $5.50; bucas. and etas '-$ .75 to , lambs $6.25 to $6.50; iogs, to. .C1 calves, $2 to $10. . I Union Stock Yard Tion 0, 18 -The unusually large ru of ca probably due to the :y w at. Ban ed the .market to dr g v ry hea. Trade opened fairly br -kb t radu slackened and ,before the . ar et '-e ed cattle Were off 1. om • -, 5 to Choice 'butchers' -, c ttle we t. a $6.40 to $6,90; medli m Zr.in . $6 o *6.30 and common f am *-4. 5 o $5,25. Choice butche id co s pro. t from fp5.25 , to $5.85; ediu 'tom 30 to $4.75 and con Mon fr m $ to $4.25. Butchers' beills r nged f ,$3 to ,$6; canners and -cut ere Zia 2 to n2.50, and milkers ant eprin from $40 to $75 :eacheacco ding the 'quality. Good f eders from $5 to $6 ;.heav teed ng b t from a8.70 to $4.25, alve , °ed. went from ($3.60 to $ and co mo m $5 to i $8. Spring labs s dl from to $10.50; ewes iron, ! $4, o $ and bucks from $4.50 "to $ n , hog 'market quotations we e $a85 Itiel and watered, $9.85 f.o.b. and weighed off, the cars. Some re rese tie - five transactions were e 'an ge sin 4e Sons sold' 250' calves; roug f om 15.,to - $6.25; medium to gob fr m $ to $6.25; theep, ewes, ftom $ to 25; fifteen clipped yearling , • 7.50; a spring lambs from $9.50 te $ 0.50.n hogs, $9.95 ;fed and watered; '6. hog t .$10.15 off cars. '.Coughlin so. sold 20 cars, Containing 200 cattle, at $6.50 o $7; and 150 cows from $4 0 o $-'12 : ilooeeenewoo• ,Sirthig DAVIS-In Wroxeter, on June 5th, Mr. and , - 3.3. Davis. a son. BAILIE -In Clinton, on Jane '9th, to Mr and! hI George Bailie, a son. SIMS -In Clinton Hospital, on June 11th, to Mr.d ' Mrs. James Sims of Blyth, a son. FLYNN-In Hulled- totvnehiP, on J me th, to r and Mrs. Andrew Flynn, a ,daug ter. RINKERT-In Dashwood. on 'June 1 th, ci Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Woken, deon DICKSON-In Wingham, Juneith, t M and 61 Alex. Dickson, a son. ' NADIGER-In Dashwood, on June Oh, t Mr. La Mrs.1 Ed. Nadiger, a daughter, e; CE .26 .4=.61.6•011111064orommo.i... Deaths DEVEREAUX-In Tuckersmith on J tne Shannahati. relict the of late Jo n aged 82 years and 6 menthe. I STE el/ART-In Brandon,on jamin Stewart, former.y 9/ Mo aged 48 years. MeCA.LL-In Brussels, on June see .1 his Send year. SCOTT -In Deloraine, Man. on M Scott, former y of Morris town - years 2 months and 8 days= Ikfcmon-Inaoderieh, on June ]1$h, Leocl, agedia year and s, mont YOUNG -In Crediton, on June 7th aged SO years, and 2 months.. 5th, lila everea ay 8th, 11 is townshi m. MoCaB, ' 3, 19th, Jo le, aged 7 niel :M Youn n • IF ._ . 1. • 1 • I . t 8 8 . , k.. Ii OR . --,-__ _,_,.....- _- _ _ ----- ... ...4.----- . . 111 I 1 . ..4 „ dee etleithe 18th, :ILI Ies . .. 1 r ul . .• THE CANADIAN , BANK . ._ ,, • . '. 0 ! / , .1,, • _0. t -'on1J11 ,y Ad . 'ad Od 14 ni Pi - ' it. _ -1'1`e • eel to A 6, , ,.... • d .41.1 0 gblut. lilt 6 el d rpi. jet 1fr. TO Mr og itit ' .T. , = 1 rIciri* Mr hi Jihergere llogil lid die die 01 out mond so. : ,'Vfl:„.01*.vitoll * ' y' I 1. 11 ',. I • tir.poreh o ill lir ',during:the LI use. '1) d' may -h - '' . $raitd.ah hot At least meg aiiii 1. l't . i „, will weath tis II it is • ' see Dior r than z heoo good ° •i Of yo4 . 3,,, other if e the II 11 e to adoptif and y pars I • . lige i . y it n ars.4Ex.AND , R LA Gamer* wit:Lim ?D iweensge ' ' - c.v.o.. . 'ERC LL.D., D.C.L.* F'reeident - -101in Anti) . Assistant General Wiz ' . •I 4 t- daU , tie J. =!!-. t Mr r 4' 1=,- It • * A,: d , I , : u ett .1 I e at.- ou June eein.;!' MI 1 *.rohan,o -.M.' aerie 5rdi li d 1 ' o 8 i t. notlprae 'eel or Sewing , - . .4. . . alr during few s adv. . he day f •• or the the ve r more liestful sunset , . d 0 . tiO the p.la b r CAPITAL4. ' . . $1.it$ 0001. -000 . RESTP . ' S121 500$ , - 000 , • , • . t, 1 1 , ,, I , tL .. ile .•Kir.i Eli ip, , - i avi re.1 ' c . th,- 6. t I it '. of r. 4 n -. R1 Y. ug lin ,. - ' Zti, Ai u zo J 17 ta It it , Itel r ' - •leti-Attlie e . A. J ugh Ith. he. to nolo hill 001.. . Lain - i, of Mr erly lighter. Ilo ard 1. f • arm, nit n. r of re et. ne G rtrade;dianth. . , e toveriship. o .AubUtet , an .f t ederiohe'teivn• 9 BM '•• . John A; I. ilium, -Robertson ' ---. Mrs. Charles -II n ' on 11411es 4 t 1 0 0 I- . . I "With ' Ideal ' our / Comfortablel These..chairs Inas woven hut designed .eine favii pare a Stirniner • . ' • . porch ,., life con of the acrificir1 for tes. . for the . hit -Su Ver are mad , . • triiction. toughest nothin rest chars ,t. . i ou had hot Slid •eens n ro .19 -, wer •pitt - itd!th 'hairs._ with se' ' . . he h s lit ca t co , S nd t r co I To I will !I - cted ha cks-and e, givi ort. y are c e in soo privacy, et the eed a maple fr eats atei . extra 'irettgth ., ese chairs in rtato ,become So as to , you - - best • couple .. riles of double were be re- p t f i Ale•CO' Bank same Bankit way as . i. ,,, 0 HUnte4 lofiConunerc0 01 rleft4 . Satisfactozily •I i I B i 1 siness. MOR . may . , attention ' KING be opened to be as is Money inay as by Sear ON , i -131T AlAIL at evely branch of The Canadian , e Operated hy mail, and will receiw given toiall otber dvartmcnts of . the . be dep'osited or withdrawn in this 1 a personal .visit to the Bank,. * rth Branch. .. .. Manager __ -,-.._ - .. , • _. - - -,, _ , 11ke RIO 1 , C - airs..., 4,.. .•.. , • _ , .... ... 6 Lea 661- 06'14 Oa 1 1 , , 660• 166 . 641.064600 66.066160 6 0660 0 s 6 0.' 1 BOX : 4'' Ca-, // e have a full porn s chairs f m Si.2.5 up. ' . . ' _,. . - , ..i Hilt; .,,, , '- ,. / ' • , • t tE :.--, 02.11,„)04 i .abort rf )7 ODIRTE r • ,, - ende. .1141 , - attended • ph° e ket0 . rectal': o.50Br 1 droot, ' A te- II a LIME' HONE .,. x Man A n r,,, . i ardw „T - • , . e Big re• Stor , , , • . I . . Seaforth _ , , • ... *II 111111111110MIM IMINNOWNImml 111 .....„. ,. . .. • _ 11 I .1:1191111101111011ite • ' i •-.... 1Wz beg* , , h ... " ER• W 0 nd rs. -101- c at -le ne P ;. , • Yr I .' ,, li I llb Wanted • le t ificate. !aye, a ogre P-0 for .ehoolSeetion the , tutees lie ti ereade _ 1 protestant, ' to eons- s reeeived toJOSEPI/ ' .... -..- ..., reeeeeeeee...., e i.,".; ae • . . . ,O. - '----._. '\\' \‘ e '-‘ 0111 \ I ji ; i -I/ . Nei j Pe' to antlounce rfeotton, tie aarival of the second Shipmente , : . Oil Stoves tins Spri n - .* , , eta , 23744 e . -... - ., ) t1 -.1,e first lull* tittent of 24 being. sold .. i i 1 o . E : .,,,, S.hoo. ire .. re e • . tio re i i Ifor er to Expel& 11, hells! Jety12th cc. t•Sacher 'sal oe. ye, et:eta Want. Detiotte salary. THOMASit • „ ....,...... '-'N • -'? ,.... -- a ‘ , , i , a ' .II.- OUt is - one rtveele - I . , S re % itlirme P. . . O. 2375.4 - ' e t / , r E Q .• - EE W N - 1 ••• I for S S. isia. s, . .; • I . el, ply • , ace ng• -60 • he - - ho e S Decteseeo enenee, NV I Wanted Sec.. 116Y, d o and = re le certifieat.e. . ry -expo :t. Hansen P. v720 ..• . in , ' • --,„ - *. - • - 1 e- - f % . 1 .. • esue, lire e e-reeeeeeeeele-eler. . - : ! . ....... IIIIIL. . . , it .7! fo f „, I 1 i b le nig If to t e n r D ; a 6 c! ot or ee a a lo 14 r family,. w f oiilocilim 3r .. thin on bon i low JOH t rip' in• a ho. A '• .1 B of wont and eteinue hitaii 1 be rtieles hat 'Apply tO reel), Sea. iTIE. Mitt• . . It.E..501,..VED I ' " , . 1 1 1 • -le e."." !,. 1...._ ,....4- 1 1- . e . N. - _ 4 -;-,---- ..--- • ..._. , , i, = _ia,.-............./&:_,_ ! /I ! , . i • - . 0 k . . 7 'I -a-- , 111 ' lass eoime .0 1:1 BUSINESS IS t, - ! , vt a* •Lt ... 4 4 ., ':.' e ' ' 4 "I otieve. , ! : „ ' •- Farm 4 4 W , . y 0 • - '" adioi , - tt o 00We MC . to. rtua' tower OW estaiorte lawav •• '01. Bo Bo .. oMINHS.B.ECAU • ' . . 0 M IT 1.4/1 t , . BUSINESS 45 , ',4. - • , , BO ' "! 0 . - - E M ,,, /) ht 1" -fi 4.0, .ir 1"• .4 fl li . 'ibis • = iiii t"th the glass i . doo oven which accompanies - baking . • IN , . 11 1 `0 ° tra oil . ateeerek , a 'It a IP S al is e'f , a et° art L i int • tie e- eh 11' • wi at •ile d u re ' R NT- emit ie. lie.:6,,,,,.t h •pecip I, eight te II, evi one. Ie. tenter of dation ae apply to '2-4-'4 ii S. :0 ,• .gro nd: es rt It ' r ng reet. -red a tram , U. neession mores clear. oree Intake dr after in aeaforth I Mail running t r..., Dare henseXor CAN 28144 10 De. Mo. i, .5 LI ES 41 M 4° Imi iflEot, E ' foR. I EY, ' . EN !. Ir'• SliO'E '$IT t Go THEI• - • , bl./ Dt:L.) RE IT I SBICAVS : /// • I lk , 1%,10W N I,. , . ,_ . •• HICH YOU, , ' u.„, -IS TH HAVEN'T - . - li vithcut onverient he Having stove, discomfort 1. con I . • •. 'I sold the c inttally . - eight- of one over ok can. watch her . . , •openingthe :door- and the , v - - f the oven does -away with .. neeling while peering into , . • . • - at is lower. , ,. . . , 40 of these stoves last Se.a.i . , , - _. . 1 " , f Pr g t ts Tt ere e e p i tel I - wit en iciv e the ati po L 0, re ni - n, e gi F i .1 le te • A e en )....t r sake 1 ii 8. he preini strintinget lie eyed and eviii 8 6/1 !Oleit 'drained Rum/ Mai . Ifeeet, y Oetelie •Er. -.11,,f, .1 ace OW: 0 6 a e n ki. h ma I. n tid e Id i le 1,14 of choice lp of Titek• • 1 bar, ath PAM I. an ,Sixteetive In .ri col.. , and he rented or further , 311teltell, I 28'. 1°41 50 in ab7 ni) on- IFA 4 1. .... ''‘ 11.0E • US UR. 1 1 "WITH WE G -I, rok. D 'CV 3 TO T Yot/ 'WHEN . , . 1 10 :MEL or A re5 E e AND S. 41/ .01/R; IR' M It,i, 1 1 YOU You, . WEVILL, CU US NE. D. -.T I . .. C4;filE r rAvii.lt TOM MER -11, . WE j E W A IN i 1/5 . i`RoV 3ILS K ruLL, WAN WE WILL - , WITH 'ONE 1 IT TO. OVvr :NE PLUM YOU ILL AKE . YOU I 4 ' tor ott ltr . Laiig i - . , at . o expel) te .. is ample If not, to y.to also .. . proof we Avill to you. the rnerits tnten , . . • to you they _are satisfac., k. ladly. take them' -baCk- Call and. lei us 4emon .of these stoves.. , . ; 1 of* iliontitoo wit ! i .. b. . n a RM ,n A atf Mit gOd two ! FO -g eecil ra repo oaf esti ed et fl i r n I r , tr . MI LE -For, .100 ec hottse, and 'hard e e -bane , ‘undern1 ., to u iid ere /44f:tiling well/ five: lc 50 a t i . is it ac' le 8 here h • n1 an . th n ti .- . a .. all.. a • il 2-, Con. are nd wood .ft water 'ith stOrie lother m p -meat i . . ailing The fartu hi a high Ilith. - The 4, on . - RV. 11114 LI A. .., , . 11 ci r4;1 , , • ' , ,- 0 'III ORIr' : G:tilVII , ., Ph MOO .fl es, Ga 141 den • e B:g ools . to suit et ery . oeket , / , : ,. -• • 1 ) S .or nardware . h o . I ral tna wee ' IctI ll ' Ili rit -i . li , de lb's Hes frani t and leery. .1),,3'00 orth, • Mo. T. de Oit - rt in.., rms r ptr It F near the with aeons ses or le.' e • . . Oti e 'e Creditors, A din in sirator's , • pium , itiii . .11- eating; . ! . uStnithing, Shelf and -Heavy N . ' 284Qatt in the 1 inat e. . rottlestate of ore/ Raver. late of 100 acre arm in Bay l Towns p. Hardware. ., Agents for Martin-Senotir Paints, CSIS- 111111 i II -0 M e• # leitzea -: :sA E-L0e., # n lth, : Me bit 10 acre an ' =lilt /hie rt of ontainIng- is a su tot ar the Panne ot.ice To is Iship o Hibbert, , deceased. erebv iiven pursuant in equate, .of ,ho the Perth, *tate as off e Ad:111111st •ok has Ms for eale by_ 1 rbc of the Hai- ted Thomas , etion, ohe 1= • toot t,he lat rown:Aneei remise! ri . to hell's Varnish • , tam n and Frost O'inee. - a .4'' - I trelie buildi emetit p . ,. , . s : ever ki oa sand:, =rid in al °use and It staid the,e Mr he I al eorge er,edito et ,of t , Ontario, ChrfPte and others having eatd Henry Mei 2. r', election 55, Alien agalbet late of the that the Teem. Ju rice r4tIte1913, a the 1, tern. 1.30 o'clnt ock Coming:10 on Si., the fa of the town own' v of . • are' of surpassed' a le. count's. h of411 oert, In he Conn Of Perth,. Farmer, taining OD acres mo or leee. 1 as •• o f p. 4f 1: , . , , fe f t . . : ,:: ge a 1.tifeld f arms t ea rem a w , aste e very ao sold nue in 1 i -.. • :, 'Ho e to to i tie, and win nil oil the tit county t a good .orcha efr = ,, 4eafott . there, 18 ea and an. ti . Apply • ., O. od. te - farna of if r. d a a ..h e sy = on p . ., ther is eine O. plenty of eh two a 'ea on ins, as emisea (.RIFVI. .2x4- is of ice a he_ he or w of a t,o el b3 b tb of h th p o clIed: II rim. ii gel send h oedeful affidavi kl ley t :olio la the!Be . paiti claims the Vil age of Crediton„iin in or nano etieeeete • on or before the Peet Ptiepaid, or particulars of:their . Ind the nature al. And further wentiOned date the deceased trill bee-Distributel 'ntitled thereto,' of which notice 7th deliver of fake havitig Obeli the County day of May, day -of July,13-3, to the Mime, duly'vetiSed the iectulty. notice treat tweets Of the regard then.have.heen 191,30 hniier- if NW. after eetate among only De pro ad, eta qu v.,_.'..ir* at. Pas th' e r .7, 1 WI) it rt, is a tram 31:4,12;,.i.re !r r 4 X . ty. There is 2° t?Ifl___ - 11.6 II 'i '143.„,„„erebe e! I re °11 --. . , se ege et pi •led.idTetigne ' al. • °ant intereeet, house 28x2e e .Wao. Ono 001 (3aCKV leo 1 acre in go10114t1 ad li! ' . . on oven ving any ti of Siiie-Ti Furthertote ith kitchen 55 Xe.201 °am of an e °chard, 8 , tkitt re! b 25b a le- er f e a ter the per, Cent ' Vinnas al:Or' Ut )aro ,e, • -Yt II - • kttli = . =he be Dv la ., la ay 18' - ortan., - • f , t .4 me. le e i 1 ivatien s* Ito de lanee E a -t!' Fair Sale Lot T ckeremith* al of WhiCh! will underdrei th hone inhardw li, I. c.a. ili la ' . cession iiiing first -el acid - 7, po • 0 ei. r . !en. . R. II pe tooall flips, h .1 ed J1 S : HAYS, Sellettec,i0F e !indebted he the eon John Idelver,1Admitnetrator. a aolleiter to arrange ii lath, 1O13. -.' td,ad0.41-rat"" la e Henry for paymente 2-675-3 I, el II McIver or it. I He istr • a imea known on 4 ion to GLAD II and Faete trix II1 ,...• Wen' '4* • y of setae or AN & STA _ . AGNES THOMAS B y be bail MIRY Bs e THOMa0N, WN, Au" • anfia. • ters, 341 ene, der. Thi? Suit 1 1 Wear w • VA , - • en leave off ' tOp- • t n . le e a g e h tw aetes Of nk rims on Ore sr sion • f .; undati ne • 'ooit you you your that e o b o r ea 140.x i e e e bowie. are barn. 60 t an:Aim -other ere fe also o ood wells, isle one is a g one. at el! th x 56 tee.. ,efra th a. house oat fa e e au- ernd ,--, Opens -on Exec, f 100 Acr tor'sil s in Ilibb Sale rt Towns . p weitr„, fit i..ft the 1 y - You w l' ost n . ,. t it to i tieeible garment you look right, feel right abal uated on'the ' !poen r . *Executor o _____, the estate f the late IM , right. 1 • - -e 3 s o g ou litany premien; ,,,,,riet,ors, th. ' of Seat bin rt , two oeies m les front . 'or further , • dress WY ..ondrillie nem seh olr pa tenders ., an 0 church .-, Pose .ATTIIEW 2872.tf ce, p• Cl. ,Il ptentibef ' L 10 I. ; 2nd El for nes ko shi ey, has in e hy public ay, July 2nd n as Lot12 i of Ifibbert, oted the netion on th • 913, at 2 ci"e Om 14th tio staining leo dersigned I. premises 0 k p. m. I eseioned thl, scres. more offer farm own leo. ed- ;' , , Our ever fabrics , , 1 for holm, . I this sUmmer town are the finest we have • = txtures, Cadet- Blues, Greys • • a • 0 4 : M FO rid, .be . l 13 'F. -.For: eg Lot IAA I Iti . • agree die 2., -0- li 141Prir7111,r/ • I !ig,...°4/ •.) , , ow ..,-.4 4. • ,aterereee 2. -.ow C.d.' '/' , On / fra his propery e kitehen, b neve is a sena rn, hnek fo ' ere Is a tple 1 brick hou ndation 90x id hardw with lend bush and avy with . a Eno . hair stripe will beworn. I o , , e .]ha e I- et h* . 1 I *forth, 4 a . y I. , , , I seeded ownard ivi6h -hie nee!, There tato, eenpselown one a , a aof theb :01 o -Tuckers on@ fouedatp leaving on one ba ,ri s 5 good well zer of ba bi eeiri.edea! e ' orchard, ow • but.25 ,7 -has wil 1th. n, Ide co 36 60 a_ in Iii ah• 1 pig. k and- hay time on entilesere, end with with gal. ;mill and ere is ajaa sonaheooleeei erect ready 6 Ig Well . le• :4 es ,. du, we/ IIIOf 1, 1 Ote-0,,.. ,•yioi...e.ro 1 oronto.. .. ' -wed ..as 64 urnieQrcatia.piloSgcuheO,ol‘' ' eallaCia'S Ont. - Biel.; nri4vve Enter pig , frig ani 1st al on wit ito- lin to, 1 He , . - .oase30x20, ! .tit 10 awes the barn iej roductice. e914; with th trop is rem +say of sale out interest: on day ot LADII.AN & !II, or to T. , Good. water,/eneing, b newly shin 11 posseesion privelege o ed. Terms nd the-hatan ' urther tonne le or may 11 TANBURY, AMERON, Atictioneer. 1 and led. the soli n be had plowing an f Sale -Ten e on Meech 1 nd partimia had •on aisle' rrIsters, E 2 rain. eh% arch Um !cent f 191,4 lode Mon er 55 c & • Ou established Sunnier I 1 1 reputation - e See Suit 1 ! . : for Oood our Ist-ook . , '} . ! , , elates has long been before you h4ty yOur • . dealrai Mg 4 r,pertictila • MA oati It, ed and to a trough. s a ply on preitil • orth. P. 6 rin a. It e • • Or hack end aste land. .r address 28324 ! . 1 - •90 n f ; • 8RIGHT, , Seaforth ., R Y FOR S 'ihe _ . Ii. b t t. r ,:. efferVo else, 1 °ewe %le I •. e ! PROP a or, len lots =II ..pi !is a les in la sal the real geld, ocoupi ood glee, a soft iv jtem is m t and on ed with. fruit b ,om o -ter a I rg in th tie . under. n Dade'''. r. William aide -and d ' all nee etable. rear, .Se Alec:t • - e • .0 i • vh i . . . .c, • , II GRAND . , , TRUNK . . - SYSTE , SE ' VICE C t v . O II : •o I. =-e . , r ,ert'es the e .,r.verty Willis e Wei,. •viocenplfd There leo Hart. re is the hoe an This ' plessenti 1,1 o e . i on t I at •p 9 el a oltho collnece *east side esent tee. order let. . Also e. ,. - i ler ; Sale ! ee, e eeI . oueap, , a I i R . . E ' 1 8 hos , . . rou 417 le -ii-eit - 16 i., ik Between Toronto, poii Artliur, Fort ' I . Sarnia 'Sank Ste Mane, • ' p ---' 1Willia.,m, _ Winnipeg. • t e I, i‘g S .. ii. III . • . o :fit a , 1 1 I lot Ts. wind hi. S in Keil he o ii oleinan'c . p ieerticulare ce , Sur 'They will the eetate ;over the Or addres ey e -- to / P / Be, fie .1 which 1-Y'to tt present separaee t JO e iltitther rth Toe 2365.4 ey * I 1 i ; 1 1 c l' er -gasonne e started e and ,_ _ :4E41 a 0 , hut .• gasolin .. d . by by a 11 Edison . i:4 i . ' eonneOtio , , glue, e I , b t inapt t 4 I• _____ .._11 tank t , , se Have L h .ave n . 'your ST. IC no more cuts, tires filled AIR d '' a vott ..".. outs, blio' no 8 0 les,ks •I - I , h U o a IfV. TOTOIllt0, Lv. Hamilton,'G. i.v. Lond Lv. Sarni Steamboat _ rt , . I . Sp, 'cial,Effective June 7th -Westbound. G.T It. i 10.. 5-a.m.- onday, Viredreesday, Saturday. , R. 11,53 a.m. Monda,4,r Wednesdag. Saturday, e.T.H., 2'.1$' .meeent -Monday, ednesday, atnrday. harf, Nor., v.CO., 4.15 p.m.-Alt:0day, Wednesday. Saturday.. Sun .--, _.,.. , ,... , ..........,,.................................................. It I I I 1: I ei :. 1 W4nted . 4, I: d. 1 •,gg plete . - in. Expcsttor , This ' * , , - -driving t is a e the en4I a' • presseS t , , • si °:/eacntt ,110, to a rolling i patch tires ot summer in the dust ti on tl:e roa , ..„. dayl. •44/a111 .i ) 0 g 0, .. Lve. 8, S.. At'. Port Ar. FOrt Ae. Inn w- • Parlor -Ca Matte, sthur, ilitam, p e,P Cut., G. rior.Cers N Nor,N Nor. T.R. .1 and V reNav . 0 , 11.80 a.M.-Thur . , ,-3 p.m, Ines. v.Co,, 7. a.m.----311Onday., Friday.. , . • , .„ v,Co , aan.-Mon.„ knectay.--7-2.30 p,ro, Viie,41.. - ilway, 7 45 a.m.' -Tuesday, Thursday, S. aturday. ass • 2hes between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. El thoo e 8 ec el. e 0.4 , I 1 • s e race . n Soho! ,up inn$ to h v .1 se for the °tier,' Iv • 10th, • . at. the t 7. 13 el o le *la new wriehip IRIS and of under- of 1,.) - p fir replaced •Standard er, h -Garage Apply , - & i . ',the : - 'chine 0 :.e h.' p sel Latitio SEAFORTH s, - Air at he Ga , , I GlARAG a ,: ie. Dining Car a . Comm Fort William, Tide is th lee d is Wi 1 i • in,( Oars lies tine nipeg, hgerat, olectr between 6th a t gaskatoo on Of Gr o . bre in or and tippet berths) Oolornst Sleeping Care (berths fre4 ort William nd Winnipeg, ugh Ole le lighted Standard Sleeping- Oar will be operated betweerx , and RIM WEI. 1 rid Trunir e and Rail Route &nice between. Eastern and Weston% e gn • I - ,•t• 13, 'Coe° 'ne,e ci a U. R.J3 Canada. - 11. Special -ra. n will the re „ , erse way- meetritia lir/tad to Toronto, eOmmencing June 5th. ma • W . e 6 a -3 tend r not ,. S.10 CA , ri f' y a,coepted. ON y-Treasr. parling , 4t ' irig , t SPAR ilson Block & WRICH , ., ., ,1-,, Be! -4 - : g 44 each TireadaytIr i Feta met' - I agent4 °'-rwri u • , y an ee Res • $nnifity re-ations hereafter. Stesoners _. t 43....110.1.1N1f4G, 4 be . t or Trains, may obtained entippilea ma to erand Trunk - - . . »,p A, Velonetatiea Toreeen i I : -- - . - . , ._. . ......., , I ! 1 ----------------.. -