HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-12-27, Page 6T_ 7 r t 4 4� *E lad - All CM(RA f Lo� N, Ar _W rAL i 'Mo P riii 03"Wri 4"t whon COM go ;*fd Rft i P 0-- McKillop. _ COW t *0 SIBERIAN B, by u ot"" of ro v -Law to Prohibit the Sale, VISED tr-RRIME- CHANU. tor .1 i I* Iajwn Retail, of Spirituous., Ferrhant- 4-i Oi why ShOU14, 004rs ministen e4- or. o �- h e r t -qftn*L 'W4*t fA h Uquors, in the M uni6pafiV ?r Preah and Enimt ? A khwls 21,84M effftu�e treatment .or bwa. them was Xr. J. Foebidden to Sing Uhe Hopeless Prl*, -1 a ild: UMY V11 mt 110 Si V 0 obtal waubtis�­fthout do4sig t" stomxab pent,*- used Wit I su"emn thirty-Veam theTownswp of MCKUlopq in: Cher$ of. the Russian Oovernm6hi b L 1140 ovel =Yftn- g Tft Al., 4ptic vapor. IN*" arr ring the V1 t ft eVWY rea k ing casy. ther County of Huro�,�Province Relief fn Clankin it W". on one 01� then OR MOM e mak Find rVes: th* Vifto �o lfe)LL J�r Pr"ihing -Thul; SO" tbe*0ftthVt at, bi t t e 0 of Ontstrio. j L I . I I O� "M 0 th -Thisi AV -1n the nilfhM Cr* wto ir Is I IM frons White They Hum. -V sh The Xunfol* Connell of the To"hIp of me.. t d r r a: During I to mo*,em ,6th usly rgypti; M, h of; is W Onols e n a n Makin Mesilah's Kingdom 4 to sufferers XLI)op, here3yonactwas followa: IL4 oc Their Ow Coniing Age --of 7 11 ai � %*a* Vat a . s in- r)d her.oucem. it Will Be Differont—The Law ta the sale by Wall of rpTiituoul% ferment rons" One of the Faori -i 4NO o ALL a" )a ISTS, *4 ot ckher minufactured liquors, is. and shall be 1"bella 0. bite of this trid 4 tasi e of that, day Shall Go �Forth and Transgrestors thAt �At times I WW W a0y, In Uem the allt-etea 1 R*ebroPted In every tiv*rn, Inn, or other h' for 'berl, adibg ITIMECRIt RoAll ous`4 Everything in the way in pAuish tb 10 dulls the appeUta nd'waakens the S-fiall Recive FunisIhn ont. ment In the W I munloij I rl iAX4 festered tbAt T'; to. and "Its effectiva SRU csave the chans of the 03h Are to her o her the ospeak: a*", Pa- prahffl.4d in every shop or place other than Mw" Sib E A h off hotm or pubito enterWiment in: the sold RUni - dernied by the Russian 'Gove "I) _Vlew e t Wen e a or a. estore your st*LLLLL ach to �ealtkv �,Vor btalwoefi+_ UUU1 I ul, Ins its RUN "mdasm C1 44W Al sj d gav to the forlorn- inmates of b) &king a Na -pr -;o py*PSI T�blot _pdke %,AV nteiit he" -vapat cr�ismol no Cu,, 2.-Mmtthavota otthe elbotors Of fu imiculown- t� to w. on Des 4WVVben will be taken on this By-Lawi by and mines of Sibmi a. yet, a1L 01 1 if d� each nieal—aftdcutout the 1plecin for the OCeMioda 62 1 CoartImp a I - I - 1, S is to i xi. 'Amythfn� you V 1. 9 %h- Reput-V RMI on this Pr tion,' relief is Lt 1! fi me Ee-eming YA ilea Uildin ming 0111ceraheretnafter named ohibi er6d I i0i% commen.. W mon"Y' the sixth day of January, nn 11- sought for the overburdened. t o i c. I thout dt4tion XM IL &-Dru-Co SPqPS*,Tab1etS W= PkAsed t, is ciem In %*A - ml the morninjc and- t' m "tu , who havO, cry, Is, 14 9: m LZ Ly, -to keep a = "Mear an oa- these sequestered souls' 11 iir� the best friend.� for s ffergers M God by the folish� k IN: 118wrl irepC;nto, 0 *U 1 an I b firr �, but t rdall thus pToduced a U`W�, w figastion. and dyc payia. Wo. a Box =-e w1len ni ed plaem: and Utherto lin. Reldfa 11 song. Tj d in A orjleSS n Polling Division. No 1, at V 011116. unknown- lierature of )n5j'jaMea3&va!w. D.R.O.; Thomas x ie-whateV��r 1 10 W M I.; �*,O t MW by the e L 0dr.. bites, =3 �rnors of prisons have also rig xt'l,your Drug&0. sw-Wti Poll V"k. 9OV4 0 t( rieve the Poor Mart Whof an I i f thtil ti �ugb musical Drug and 01 Le Cal Co of Q be ir e o r 11 xqroaff, ra-� t o r RmwU AND xt sJ1 Dru ames from politicil pjisouers, yet mey have 9 - P� bA90 - limte: 9* I I 00M. 8 t �e 0111 and to to bit I -" ... _ cl ads, Limited. jMn, on VlerL aq I L al a i il :0e garro�ed UnDrrffl� V100 Walter Daidsongs invented a sinisiter 149 said. half theret Is *equest in porwr 1XVIsIon NokL 3, at oh, )V3 e 1spot no quem h diZwenee byas-1. Lot10 ConcelvIloixMThoo.Davidso, D.JL the rhythm of heir touching songs iil th W r, 11 the th Y A out of i sh. ht by" pert structws 'o.; Jain- 1"jAR1. P61t Clerk' .a he gmte w, Sbjects ai the, dreadful, music of elankin a bue fool LaG at, Ma No. 7, flusic.- In Polliaz Division 40 go�w V6 P bri - Dr. iacles� In the ummer of 1908 brl W" d and- "'the TO bn Scarlott JR -1 J*- 1W -of F Of WUDF001 Ardift1d, FOIL Im"Ic. lRusslan. composer, ai Alt a�ol6s kii- of i IQ 9*rlaters) kollettoi Monp to Mr. Willi H Suq- Op. &-,that on the 2nd day of December. A.D. In th6 Mu"11, 4h at Mo officag In the Village OtWintl C 0 in til thii pel has the T*ht, ce rMaic 'he he of way'. M C A-41FILDG.. h W�ek. 0 Of One e. ussiau longer 4tend eeded ater strenuous effor 3 oppoins in vrriting, taining -permission -from th he ce the alternoon, thaReeveshall A! ad- claim that people UD to ttend at the lei, se To, ys I have 0- a that -then ON 14�;� 4n Ch.Litr1Ie--JTh8 doet eervice, lie Tepbo 1p*nedb�y bilmseltj two P�remjer, Stolypin, to explore ahl ro Divine kis uli MM& ositions. I Ong 18ummW9 up of 47850=031. by the Clerk iinown Re quite �,ra e, I d ml -bawo heart. Nfaft�-1 Imew all Why fthey wU.l n4. Studentol as L ster, r, aad one person -to attend at each of the poll- - ad. st re to ask the uleesk to 9 are three rasone Ages ft C Ynmn S 3rL CAtalaj* ubli& S-olle, tetait of the pe V�t n thol! i -4 r ou cftays cared ore - g the in rsons, Interested in At he very Staft, in th,-, �orfresp q ftloig, de (1) Durin Da* the. bi' bt t. re er as et any le le f promotim the juct le r VIA usut ra b =11,10no 0 atiang PC this l!r of Tobolsk, ae�cording to an �a for youf old pipe thah you did foe me. Ohurch lost the Gospel, �md few U=S- freTT t Jaw. and a like number on behatrof the > 3rf Y 1; to: 'or fttr W jUjorm 33ank, Seaffort] n article in La Revue (Paris) b r twWtvd in wd de"ous of opoosing the =113jr Of -J�ldea- tians have recovered it. Goevel-signi- i W. wo� tenolt X W. ede Sienicka, an unexpe4ted difficult$- I the d dowl -to he 40" 24 fie& good tidings, a M�WW Of 30y; red Arx0a PrInql 41 Vi f4�retnce n the I ot ricir Toiw pwikd Nrard J# AiW604 handd dowXl from I _That die Clerk of the old Municipal Council arose. The venr de but the miesasgll NY or. A Born Ana liap'. lot jr4,paw b dii i I I i .. . t heee the Daek Ages jZ begn bad Wings ster, Solicit 0er tel the ash -the governor,' A or, �jp of *W _91lopshall attend at (XIdees composer by I lagazine. elve, o'clock uspicions Wes his )e Flobbs-Does Longbovv the hour of sw prigoin roused the s ot the of great misegr for fie*Tly all man- 0 Public.: 011b gont e 7 ght hl n In Ftokieh,11 ot truth?, Slobbs-Well, I 01�u t . wtumes furniture j i for against� convids he summon as j" Ority u fn;D., 1913 ed oftos h kind. No Wonder the maj TAect PUBLIC SP KIN th truth nce. but be tri to He out f ed -by tA the to aid 1his quesitt They; this horrible, pesentaLson of titalloomaintoforeeand taU of- b%. I D tI. e!d by Indelphia j5�_Thjs by-law of ignorance mods I Maninaid 'have 'itrials, eno1wh with a cynical pretense all JadrtO, nil the NIscoselty For fis tie T. in, the preseht life, - a14 need eW the fiftt day 01XayncA&fter the llnVA For it ag therect. born of the fear that his ejnlssar� th .01 Gki of Ill T F T Re -of _-Stolypin, inviting them: -to br6ak: oi ern ORY S 'AA agement fo bo arrister, SQ nonce"I 10 pe for bette things E 4%uwli Chamber, November 56h, 1912. *rt EL the rule% meditated a treach6rous be- d- rts, ier cersi, anq W .8peaklAt, to one Of til(INO ary PubIli-a. Solid A. C' Bank Of Ot ler Ire I delvotael "no* Obseevat on *h Im (2) 1jesponding to the I grDwAh of in - NOTION traya., peopji� seem to are i f a Great once, mirdrsters hav c arras lor ealo. -offt They Aeclaxd they ha no songs usa fj 01 i� 11, i. 10 h H roy telli take notke, that the above to a true copy of a Pro Aud lea san Vqpowd by-laAr which hrA beep e tak nlnt-�consider U d effi) e and. knew nothing of music, nor d h 11j,that mobt spea evs of ft n. Viie element Of chance Islys al i im- preadhL eternal miseTy f )r all but the jja�m street, Vfttortl rthemunicipalodunollof the Tj,.wmb.p Atimbi j&ft will be Clual]y pasied by, the their brothers. One- prison whe o er ni I Lid. de Ot Nearly Nelmlop. W4 91 -4. ldr po�t t I In In vent to and I, i no mi alt 711) .-Song- L lie th e*ent of theassent of the t sL14 Vouneff (in the else- approached said-: �'We_ 'd6 i q ed Was lk nV Dotibflew th 0 -striking Illustatie the,jpepired, twbtinrLobtitinedo,--Yetoa,t-piovid6d by *4The birds,, 0 rw o ds, p t'thohaem Haad&0 xe i i nott, 6V4Dn on V V �2=dlb M their fai-th "in he ible' Act." anifRulandments WlWtO), your excel-ency, tht r In -t-bat of- Thoint a Lfrey the often A"I IOU *,of 11qdor 14cenul 4 'Sonor zrad�atte o -A Wertyl* i o aeo the find Pto aiter ose m nrh from the first publicati3on- th,ereof ji we arp_ bir& of OJAY� ti e �c --i Ar Word of God, mid acc4 resence i's ce�y -.the most - eatnegt . a - Ur c love At 1( wbc It :lpro ve4 -upon the date-of'Whida sa an �,e of im- F Ate!- a ill their own elbb n rican the s of unbeaief—laaga, er Criticism. It ; in "on.was vae imr Qa7 of December, A.D� ghe.- a I her rise uadrant� or; xxtber, 4eviod the munity. from . the auth6rffie ads, � h 4 b4o they preach those lugs - wlulvu * nd tb% V"1nt0 To get", if treated. Call I MAAS jr4m2h, and leave Ad �t notL for whle ,a #.ud charos 1=1 tho bgsl(, notion -reward from the .' barin" si% !or ab3 )n :�e_ tery 3ha.� leae tal thri OUgJA not TUOUSYtheaelec the-pQ11% promise of a=x % h I . I hat It n u -to reVeal­ V. ai i( i- e p . goi )y potin 1, Ne i eflectio a of thi 90 unpreadhed those thin - t heir, , hi h in ��7 a rpeeWty -finally induced- thein e hek 9 as whiot *6y to �Clesaw_�� lappa, td oayss a rf i odd.t. a e. ouglit to prewZ. Hw can such, Wxet,.Ueasures. After a f. 10- g. fr(u a pall of water. M 44 - oderkh st be, it vq pre !Dr. &Wftt$. 'DMC� ta r I Its am p0muout �a mmplet-e choir, the h( nti be, ut miij-�jsters avoid "foli acilling ?" Y k dfrey was'a g azle r by trade� h keel WOU to o r subJ4 (;a) -RaIjing in the� direction of a leader chosen by he )e N es IR17 - m- ejVe� L, fie IL110 v4a 'a concert' 01 en nd at be deliveo �ad a taus Xn ters mix their blgh-� g, 9, i�aaor gradqa�e ol p 'is t jea dd a mi W1 0 a man of ar 0 r SI -S ul (Ts 'In 8 er critiml, oviolutiOnwY, vi-wff. Wl'tn: B the A c6nvicta thems Bible, -these -inini ByLaw It before Mr. H g the cu d, a hol -13iost, various - wng&�. acompanied by r4r� 1W 'with i � er. 4 of I V Ice In in diluted 'Mo ityg gerre Q ir t favo Nam Affin"N"M Hadley, Medleia Asw-latj ant, appar 8 elop _entl (die elop, ruments supplied by'the ri Im a t&24 X t±4 h emit:iiig a -a most 1 .1 ibg go 9tead of the el Whoever hinbi' cum Wr h a medi" Ad By% -La t0L permit under tiesg such as- band6turas balalaikaa, jong ggestion Of � Ne tor's. und og that su r VIA convert ftom Colkaf. 'I ki �1 ha , 1 c ry x me 8 ought be toed b !g sue Ant of ab an- Wth in God de. ,-,hautboys, ete. papers Sin and. to bv retail 0orleons woun ;n!i a ll o read or sp6a from one elb at �ls lent L God Haft, 0-wil fierise the sale "Thus began -the numezous �eaiaoe�%, i 11C n ano. Uie ti ated Hadley )y i bout one year, ceivs birnseff. i Wit" .4irge roon to body. teaebia: hous, fermente. in the-oburse of vhi4qh -the composer hrist glad d, or oth ils tldimv h foami, Lt e utho be a long time I Is claims �,were The Gospel of G. CIO d M) bb 1or iaWet, I Lt the other end, hen they vroull lbring lmankind into aR run am to of go Striking 111) d t I S 5 the Jesus died to er manufactured liquors in collected fragments i ad, recognized. Hadler lecelving barm"y V11th God. Xo*jng is sai& left -at W hold. thlq4u er W.1 T le�y hid. ont ''hat e"Is cli W11A. I rt of B" of Tiginaliity, 4hat e had men: 3 plin en e credit- me MlY urdock 'Y "'he formed in his t irl ugfLer In-. FaL U901po an 'eternity, of tortme at the nicioalit dt our matiola the W adu(*.rts-:­fn ths I I about 13ittuAl it gm"'u, s h. rldle'r, d -h4 A r� 1 6 glazier thus rece-vell MIS I IM-. #MT, Si iotialiv W* denione­nq m whose prodigious diver ty'6f it public 8 h hauds of fire -proof The V as ous, �pit fL I IL61 Tawnship of Tuckers ith. ith, bu n lift for the Instrument 'to and rhythms p 'nts wi so much hill t10 the Wisdom,'LGV4 OWL Ith ri&b�t thi ).i I k and the 1n,conv bn careles it -to discredit stappo rely, I ihi�' fidelity the candTilex -, uls. these oth . . . . . of such -value to marinem, One pPowe;r -of God. It aekno*ledges that �!xdely ree*=6" I it of theTownE so dr 5 ilat 168, 1 ving 0 V e gibe Municipal Cound tei'side, I. _Y 0. J. acting pane 4 of lAckersmith, hereby enacts as beings of �violenf pasilons,", t4ey oribin Q to guess *em f t t, a r while, replacing Of SIM ianlidnd re under a just B.B.B." &SA rwdwi I Voriouik Im Besides pene-trating'the prisons Mr.! In window of d ho in PmFoei. <jeqth, but sets befom them 4& or ljr,'j by The T. Milbum iha metbodisl follows, ttt 0 1 lance will p will do Ih a Hartfield sought out the es&ped con- ho sa 0 ewes -AL coron and,. thtm i te a V tim-e Toront4,, Ont. tuous, fermen i d: Ixt 1 ng ro people at P too 1pb oppost hope of a Oominiz now 1NO7. vidb& and the brodiage or*vagbonda.. wh of des% wil.1 b�_removad. AwordIAS Lim 0 until, �Worn I , her P�Lll, )ut it Upotl the =r manufactured liquor% and shall bu th Ivo, A94 I. i w n af r 1111 ng tb 81911s. to I DOd f ii, -covered marshes to the wider license In any tavern, Inn, or o e who haunt.the mose ry -I ng1lab w k. The o e glwslell Saw Serjp$ures, a New Day is Aawn i1oll I -d with 0-tPublic-enterWoment, in the Mid -C v( thi�t ord IW in oriou pros all djm*- 1ww ' laft known " tandras in the north of In W pcit for Wity. and themaer thereof. Iso and shrill bb It on al id (lar: I _aila n.Con a sun refleocf"" 1 the windO Ww-al�i 11 ". come Anto W%rmony W101 VTA Siberia. The 120 melodi6s and Songs I : . X Watt X -rad to ny shop, or p1a6e other than a hous�. andl slu th, i othet rl a thorized in th'' of'vanous kind tilm collected 'he ha had bei n *ork InO 00. but tstiPee upon villul sinnem. iO public entertainment, wherer an e )Lrbar, And divided into'th:ree groups; the SOUP An Old Oil Banknote. f water. M; valAd qocW the - Mee- V"Municipality. comes r to, a; met n6sylla' b 0 The true Gospel includes th A maV net -escaped 0binviets" curxe#t in 481 that duing twig Age Gd Ym to r %t the -of prisomers and wag -- 0, �That BY.IA", ?To. 10, 100, linally pamedoi wh sPali Al last: itl ree a Chuxch, to be t-hein %%day df March, 1910 is hereby repealed. those of the unhappy c CK)M`_ - L r tiout and ho s V ius I ed to the selecEng V ty, honor 4 . I hloso th. room. -T ph cal Pa and: ri Int. t1i 'demned to labor in the min .A 3i: i6e, have! v sed draw 'h our Lord in -the hoi�oable work d Wi liter months, Of An instrument "for drawing e n wit ty; " me That the vote of the electors of the saitt Town- o" he Ak itic families of qhe V 3 thosee of "ithe n4on-lRussian- subjeet.�, j for ver )as of Tackeromith. be taken on this by-Uw and t4em 10 the horizon," a. *evIcq joedm. f blesssing a 11 the BIW2 rsonto sell -our The People of are tt gritain Pot e] -n( izt� urning officers hereinafter named, on -musE ain. a ha d( vp races Such the Kirghiz, Aio% ab eaTlh. :The n;amber' who, attain ths we] fr and ornamL Use Deputy Ret .1 1 "reat I rit it I Is V� n Pt L7L ly , siperior to am Y , that] d Monday,thesixtbi day oijaijuary, one thousand Samc�yed,, Bouriats, te. 0 t these uthnolol.1cally ition is limited. Quir Loord calls all es in S and uv� ed a ba 'moti sl pos A n Pek 9. 111. nine 61- ft r t he as in- AtWe hundred and thirteen. commencing at eEpe hl I terto been: aSiftle Flock to whom it 15 the roun in - countr cka, says: Aar lets' ture of n ay r4ce melodies Mme., Siem the year 80) 1311 them 4f, re gut i is Wook In the mornipg and continuing until Ilve, o? h�, I M q it of angular newu 01 ibe the Axle* 100 the uadermentioned places "Among --the most i th os ioi ia.11 ti i: of successiot in Iateee good Ov r acro of nter�sWag axe si",mil ax 16' �G�ae --to give e)6ek in the afternoon at CrAduate at U-nivo those which bear tmees of Oriental he Hr� Weelcly. imm c fb e d I lue mans InV� Lded B ritgn he, ILI, peeo mgdom. nurs �y stock Town. SWIL P�p ill sold I del" n Nall, in the Village of F4miondville.-Georg n the were Celt c, mixed, wid -0 Fri7det"m a In -Divisiolt No. i, at Rose a. Sproa ts li' W, ed th. tra qUing Sub 'Buit in these there -ate demi- k HER Pastor Ruwdl "id �that Zt. Paul � as od tones which it is'almost impof ��t refer, to preaohm'g the GotsOd Able Earl -at a o .&3kson� Deputy Returning n 8 11 nd ue, skaiian non -Aryan elem?nt Tbey not in Polling Sab-Division 'To. 1, - 'h-� "s Ei n thti Vj 199fohohneA - 1. '35 yeai�e of ess X� a, at Hchool-howe to rgister. The distinguished com- 4t in fils own, estima�- Wnte (as* 91. t lei British So Saboal of C 01ves a I Ine to offer the, g Officer. to I enablans No. S.-ftrauel XcGeocb, Deputy netiurnin poser could not transcribe t em wilth- -:4, at R Yes. 'n ad- tinued be mainly 'no umt,l*tl tion, but in bat of thO Worldly-wise. 1aPolIIngSub.D1v1si3nXo. 8, at School-bouset out having recourse to musical com- li� to n and sizth centu,rlei6 whex 7heban "Boot oi e 00429 That 4 man of JesuW ability iiihould f t V Coy iA !a ur line,, Am Xtlll� I ditio: 1,g, The , Ton lo ridty C4100. 4�­George Turner, Depu6y Returning Officer. safy 1 4 per� for t promiea. Also their primitive or! i g ag parts of the country were (IV e already we I -en ed e c,1011 go about w1f1h a few diselple6, MS. - 914� o aicle, coun- RY Xyn In Folling -Sub -Division q6. 4, at School -house P �13 AM N�RSE �ribes, Then fo] Id o gyptian pap rid in I the �ri ish jorming some miracles and invitink 'alAy uftexed in he -executtion,- since German Wc. 8,-7,W. R. SmIllie, Deputy Returning Officer. is ept ra�v� L tw ill the 'rder. TOR01"To Se&,fo it _W C*_O. necessary b5o replac6 V the in- )r1ant -the poor t* follow HinI, - In Polling- Sub -Division No. 6, at Sallool-h 0V eyer �ay I o5s .gs, SIOAS by e Da: e 0 er Museum has recei an: impi cief Ly I-A.G,.Hmillle,Dep.utyRatumingOfnoor� rstruments employed by the Siberian- trAbes al gif ! y wx, IM =7 foolish to jh4� world. They ask, Why seafor h. awillion. in the riv I Y� navian td Y h 6, at schooi-i-o" rao&s (svirimelis, kiatongs, daikh4eis, li, s' G-eenfield of a In =:. Icent, 6bsn 'di& Iffe oit make frins wA te In Polling Sub -Division, No. iouse conquest.1 The i illabitAnts -)Ro. 9—W. $1nela%. Deputy Reburning Officer. kolhisas, etc.) by piaos and harmon� v0sion of the B(x,,k a e 'Dd the Scribe% the Phaxisees arLd thee Doctors rdo' n I T,!j user' In Fr C L' Ot h and the lowlands of d of the Ne 7 E e, 1. itims, in default of play whose influenco �yith the eTs skffleo in wo- fore,, kpra ag frox i, an U p 10 -of the Law, TROMAS t. That on the 26bb dayof December, A.D., 1912, e forpaer." it 1'co'ntains sever il i n Itterary people would have counted?. at We residence, Lot 25. Concession 4,14R.S., Town- The u -se of th iow suctuw- Ure _Qvide� Iffiat the orIgI al Clel le 4*Alp of Tackersmith, at the hour of two o'clock in In 1909 H� t d g men to v ge ar ax fie! ave a. conv�rt in co*positions, h3 mn litan*S' Inla In reply,. he ssked, 11 OuT I'W4 had i inf Wn theafternoon, theReeveshal. Mppolut lit w.rft1n Kieff to make public 4he result of his; be i �WL I TI li a 'and m(asu e 123 f4et in dme thus, -who would have crucified are Scandluailan bl)dd... es, oomptly "utwert aftned by himself, two personsi to attend at the 8 & NON! Him 4h I is ave -arches its n inquirer: t the' th. j� would God's -Plan h men for sw1c imminir up of the votes by the Clerk, and one per- res., The programs bore such highlands of Sco land le and 18 im hes in wid im IEL , P H*w ed Of a a lent; C is w ts e", W up Fbo roue. or promor _t 'Vril el a t, e t app i s4ow tri person desi ng the p - 4i 'dl i0T "he 12 41 ef t Jv; %Vj 4Q. 11 94 to attend at each Polling place on behadt of the unusual titlm as "Songs _,of the: �P ul by. descenda was dis ed in the lat4 '10-3 been carried Out. %interested in.,d the ng of this4y-1 d alike number on bel It TIS01 , "'Siberia, "The Maxdl' * 6f' d ea. I he peo, fle of it d we of e la�d eentur , n th hidi"jR. p. See woTid that Jesas did n -at fol -low Empsitorr 0 Who er is am suggestions -o-m-gaTument �If "Clom-1 I A , ol the royal ir amt iieg at Dei ��l- of wo; the persons Inter81Z in and-. desirous of opposing go "A I d id i Q of Celtic origin. kitbot gh dly wisdom. Truly,, t a3 e fooliishneM ge passing of thib by-law. Gon gs, etc?' Mme. Sie-nicka w— IxtU Of M Oth4 B lario and the YTIter vas iau �he, Wi9do -of God � 16 NVntbro P* Oth4 rajes.1 PUrCO14 SL ot J� IL 6 liveigwk, : J, - n 11A fte ibar lumum ad Ixtu abLe ASS as e. an- ne w wj% the WWld, eVejjL as worj& 7 present, anddeclaresthat the oom-, y Ili d -Meai-ta-nebt A 3hera Q� th V; 01 ot the Tawn of Tuckersmithoball attend ab his JB Lit 48 1 le h) �s Still W D belongs to 11 he 1a� y of Ash dom is joo�jishne_% w1th God.- 5. That the Clerk of the said municioal Council poser succeeded in producing an ex7, s eT ncession 2. fl, R. S., at the hour of -Mt es 210 --on part traordinary effeat on the audience vi�as oiie of 1 2-1 oris: of th6 pre- Rudiment ry H d Um 0# is, � the god(ess of Th� From the woT14rg 'stamdPoinit, bama. 13d 06 V11a, �the afternoon, on the eighth d&y'of -v h) can gT. S lakes are im tbD lid niorat spite of the difficulties with which.h' ft xe. ny oi i ow a Sho, was a prine �si) thd d God invifp_ any Ur 4 191S, to SUM Up tLbe number of votes lighte amm's foolish for Jobs January A. D., fhj) CU_ Wb ch last priest g 0.� weTful Go4 K. of farza 2 1. j*1 wear let posses U r -to sery Him -10 Slyan for and against this by-law. had been forced to cont-md- $he con- t164 exldbit 0 iffi- ti Itwe r an ill-po IG. K. compel i L ta in r ast, ntreat 'Where be Ues* me itary ;hind be, in d, em 11.'by b -could �h_ 4ri tin l6tte 6. Thlaby4sur shall come into force and take er- f Iff ueen., I esi- obp F bly kings enforce "As for I -lie convicts, all musical It seei ii s 40 �r atiOn tes grand IpTle Aes L dieme axt, da .19 no *Ide e thero 19 no ince 3 jectas ftom the first day of MV next, after the final lathrop IL instruments being -proscribed in the -baish'to the 'I tnrror. E emu, a lady who el the taeir,cmmsnds; in fact every on# to t ereof. 4�91 est hind limbs. fore: Un i �FlUouiiojf Chamber Nov. 16th, 1912. 4r& jails, thoy can ae w r Lila r o- The'ra-m oWil 0 company their voices- t 181 -ed and secii conveftedd th� 49 pp -e cut ir irops, . and wltb- rinces�� her are1l, only with thei flei!C. 0 k ze ree. i d forms �� f explains, lipiever, tha. G<d seeks pad Ies. Yet witen 9 NOTICE e latter was -1 1031g.'s swImmIn � pad -fa er and mother e i still in. the those 60 Worship Him' who do so In, Ta thatthe above is &true copy of a ro� T -b e otai igi 1 t lived I ruit Ue ooiiee combs! (The use of t, -been Uken into const taught -them by som Skeleton is examined t ces 0 lilt, -lwy which has dera- e iA -the matinied In Q qTo Muse Therefore these AGABD OF I i JOHN ed by tree. It begMS �c ea� 'I he third �aar u1n. SpiAt and in truth. Im . 1 VrW ' Llemsed Auetlo! --&f the Townsh of maxines of the Potemkin, who. wre , wl Lich di -e author has it Vy. the AfunIcipad Cauacll Ld Mimi at� h a attached 3g The way -in be given opportunitY to disobeY, J- keramith, and which %,ill �e finally passe . by a ftel d1h 14. for I must T 4>4 If 'T -to th prison of Tobolsk.)' From I er A 0. t3r ot� -Hutm imm the erent, or the use I . I Wt nt of Sen00 thl�h bone 'are tllotm& 1�cted the chapten from the -61der if vthy choose to do 43o; and permour p � he said -Counc it ( Y -ill yjOld 0, 0) fd fte electors being obtained �hereto, as provided these Mr -elXs performers;, drew t. V J. �Urrows, r "Ie dato can PS ale* T&ban vm-6ion of t ie Botqk of the tions -tribulation-s stta om Hartfi )w a Ic P M an eks Ir I it e vel ped in ce in kinds wendments ef V11 g?ntsainal effects. �a 60� tc -at -by "The Liquor License Aofi and a [cation. EG) 01, au h. D 2ad shows a th �,rou "led *f 5L 06 nw *TO(MaRY 6 the first PUL -The Or b Of the world, fjh,�- flesh and the Devil =0 or ge y piece rep,0enting 911 thereto), af ter one mouth frol bl peiiod, or by -u ires, les -P,4 RAU The t64gb- home to thereof in Tae HUTOM Exposisarg the, date of %vh'ch 'The Mxel. of lrons�' -will lizgei #Pe - esi distinct 1: Ut ti theology f the 'We permitted to test the= i3q Th bi of he. I m n and' li he Hoteli v.T I first publicatfo was Friday, the Obh day of Dwem- in my memory 10Tevr. Imagine' a ite 41th ottacii arly j f ny other h ul ,1 d1meu lid t) _Djv* Plan ouffined in t ber, A. D�, 1912, and thmt at- the, hour, dayL and �hotus n a mere ra M a&xmm Bible fq; the New Age is differeut. 6 Ws chanted with closed RA. laces thereir, fixed for taking the Yotes of the elee- 131. �r Lpid. t two ye g - it Septin the shiii 6oii.-Or t WAL 0 3 3is, Atem touidAd to =d stttl SL the polls w -aced refim* edu- er be held. Bounds thus prod ll t4 116Xt %4: m find of a P� oug a4 Undr Xmiahgs Kingdom drkness, in t4a: a animals. rov s� more groanel. As weompanimerit * ca- ed' person. nd supeTstition. win paes D. F XeGREGOR �'This.lrphm 10 urse its ignoradb. CLERK shaTp dirillingtof combs, like the,wa�l .'he whole Of he :Luie p req= luie, p is away., No longer will It faith heig lit -an d btw � b� alie — its ruit k�f -the north wipi in a btL* 4A �"eds- i Partof the $-ho, f an4[ cl one h md-i rriting, a a;,b to An4erstand that there is a God, .1 [-dlml its Cr4o 1 t am� I&Md. to� inark ibef AL C rea so in 7 ter rtl 1"Owls,yore oy ge feminine we. I, rn of th 'b I e en the t - r, � Y P, tan 1xials and af t red 9 s Z apm Vlay hcMW _elk� Vor k er or 'M akk 30f le Rolls ph i that ithe Bible is His Word, and that P. R. r haips yea�S "Yery well- Inde6li. OE Then the Aghteous V11all tdoeyT -to the Gods.' prospeT aud We lack spW., I Amen -Ra, Kim of evil -doer aball. be (Ait "i � -1 t I- profe., s�on now TO H s Perso 11, Ai Ap earance. ben -tries and pli4ni -gut add KeMW - eing �,e -vms also -a mudelan, b" C g the Di - 11011! wQt Pat VA 0 taun, off. Fithfulnem will brin ...... lbhe authoes oominent M a rald� that ning "Rngei of the Quarler f jAut lad Suffor, V Y vine -reward of inareaae of 8trengtn:-- Ahbu�n ...... -Well le ain't 6sactly t In ft Fla u a goolhus whole -,colletibin; o. Asher." In .0& Lon te -aft A, m -ental, mDral and physical, r C lara. le fetebes tie' Reene aftittei cer-11 To Years% 1 of "more thaa any psychologidid atudy, lani Grand TrUnk RailWay bu b p ese a of Amex anq I "Chief L All of God's people ar- ord ainOd y! 11 who have ever I et ........ they, sh the compleidty of 1: the hii- ara mamma? _L� ondon Answem ta Ladies of Aman.Re�—thl �ew preached. The begetting influence'ol I msi In Syste. .............. it of tNa Of Migmas tLmt' he '8th4i e leatr his S on4 ? bian-so-dl-Ah-at, soid which is: still i�n mamma, i ee h. md f the fema: e sE ction f faw"lu t troub do no, Spite of the, the Holy Spirit is orly ordination Whick ocean A "Jefuncter.111 great Thban o and -vitho A no one 'has i y lke oftual ... necessary, Raitway Time Table. )Auries. They fficted de o. medittions of ce al . . . I mis Sing hIR ports have rf ached of the. D�vilne authority to preach. Gd"is ...... Ij loustomerj yor Trains leael Seaforth as follows show aaso �ffie dreamy poetic Clara--Ve Lum)r, Egyp&,.� o! e or sel ing ba& d- Ocovery, near Book makes no dvisiou -of His people a 7 e 91-ra I e Where's Charles 'Toro tendency of the Russia hear -to and its and 11 tc 1h'b, which co aWned, ow, the- j into 01ergy and the and w aen tho kid 1 215am For0fluton Goderiah Winghmm a r laty Let us declate nt gli (11 Y bionedii 'Of Pus Ouetpi ..A system that hE out the wl ole need—which is that of moet.peoPled�­ sir, bit Vs goa OX, pre - 1.20 P M For Clinton and Goderich see valuable, ctions GOT$ message in it's, purity and a U .......... For Clinton, Wingbam. and 11lues of transl �eai -anc� hie r6l ei e, x et, e a -Ung into saing the senti- t i ofiel Do Y,cu Wea f a Is Pm d. r aatic implemmts -and oxwmmts: PI ity it Let us not be diappointed 6- by which it is obsess6d." 'insteadlof on -Yef;, 91', an' , It I ev ryt I judney V9 is go Aght to dine. el foUnd, The ton S Lo d0n d, -thew Lb c0nwn0c� %fie� that the warldly-witse considr tt XA od t 'is 'an om i; ould lay Of the Ouble d make, IM men y W, Ce ter For Clinton and Goderieth. � : 11. ,, 692 m �i remains of a Mau For Stratford, Guelph, Toront f Pe c -up. fooli&ness ind 4hat it brings odiura, reV, Orillia, North Bay and Points wee I St C pofsititon. n I Seems -Ssmi-embr i as it did upon the Tord and H 9 So., �harma ............. Belleville and Peterboro and potuL not' Y, Pewifieu t 1p$ in oil( "Hes a brute." T9148 e n8G3 As the Neolit gy eas N. t e3r bA4 their 03, 26 PLM For Str,,Word, Guelph, Toronto, Mon. n I His Wanderi g. Wit. "How su?" is not to be. 8 00111! bu d ad, at e b Iwa§ i God Vill find �11,_­,pccujiar mire imin i ressing. y he ne aly crumbled up reot a at Guelph treal and points east. e wife In Xos�ow. IV 0 s by t nan te o rumbled 1 rom the W t I haire' ed om YO Vio stock-, Loy)-lon, D, "When she ised b jrIght 0a. 1 v/hom Ile se4�hq. As M szfWs rout I d P) ta rmac ZSS p m For Stratford Guelph and To h had be ldis.� -d� *ter-*edL-fe ]in--,-. he said he v.,ould do eveything in his he ".O�A N 01 YkIl I or i ;' associateo they Nvill "declare the noix and then. Rlbbp - If � 'Dub- Doa�es e ged from its power to her happy." 1 .6 Dir than tw:) om rositn -as the e brought V Iw- o .. man i i i a Wi 101kh eir& has brain fever it 011 Oe 11, of the been a e mmi tomb. I W! -the body to a knowl uries age. an� juar the Truth, the j the la d unique s werl S el, -Y tin do rs M!t e so -c LISTOWFL KINCARDINE "Ile spends all of his time at- the 1411UR T Ifl�erm1t1cnt.-13D.4tolj aL smript I( double-edged bx incorrigible 'de4l`071-d, arld "evt�ry dreds W1 S1 rd iho UVAne. be W_ w). A it a d - S acqu P an excReluleint WORT -11 Pass Pass A 0 ciub 1" in such lellelt kne shall'b w ind every tongue con- detivtil 06 uwres, re Ili 11 t Le -cutting -Od less to cures, which, N'6tie eaD inju o" IY servation that 0 Zill_g if he is really� a brute that "18K -by V ie a r If prese n the gloi of God." been, whatev and %UtbWel 8.16 pm. 12.15 p.ra 8,43 ap ought to li-elp some."-, wer, 11111ure ilit"Helf.- St. Ch ryHosito* re, ains .harp, everal, long ro7 At 0 W- 121 to try an's ley ka 108 10.42 ,onm; trK� go , PaV, h a 3,ds, also in bi 1W i -Makin 11810"N A fro�i i110 9 it E pure a bo *uwls: 8.52 1.44 ri r gs and a lot of the weAknIow! An Inch or So Below. "George Dinglebat, lsn�ti t the -0 1 1 I ef -ale 9.45 1.56 11119 !Igo ed; ei havingAakmi-0 tain we you I lave ao ke me:tol mar- f %e tomb was probably ihat of one boxes ow TORO It's funny, beganbe 1974gwinded- tim IM p -dynastiA ott" etely Wftgbam S,15 3.,93 111.99 411 "Wtresr! eVel ninth ti CA RIA' bore, "but nobody everlieems glad to I etl] .' DO84 ills are bu MAU t ry you? 01 the warriors if firat dyn Ira Ufant Vft 9 aouTli Pam ran A a we me. "box three thpo 6 for $1,215 id" -P' 4.45 sm 11ft am CU pA - "Well, and- have you mever found I let -1 lie OfVery " Ikely, Aturit. Lyj -which pet Lod u%e 4 VL_ w2_111 80hool. #14 u�e re ouch.' very Egypt. 6-j Aeg or mailedl ffirwt On tiMP­ U& 11.16 LO cu we have a understa Mn ,, in tile m a a- disoovered i i U >per Yin Pave my Thi T. 1� ilburn r out all mp, dee 10 ',41 r t - i If r. lit: a bu 0 Yrding to, this the qy the ix t zt�074g 4 Mau 6 "Xo; I car?t disobver it." �Q tit Vw� wafter -8, dIVISI( of )a bor 48 t We U.3 te box c a t six wa '61d. ]$ears thEl W �Th because P rg do the a8kh s. aud yolli !ke� tibl" 147 at's "s i1va right 07 1 iorderips4pecify rates 9.0 1kil ILS Sq!Ler ve o ts:,�_ Oil 10 t E iq iiir,fer. Signature of.*0r4m, _your ­01pveUnd Plalu .0 Y ly