HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-12-20, Page 2te. latORESENTS betoken the giver's feelings to the recipient. Useful and dur- able mernentbes would then be all the more appreciated for the thoughtfulness of the donois, and the fact 'that the memory of the gifts will last as lonp- as the gifts themselves Consider this and look over this list of LASTING PRESENTS. Carving sets, stag handles2 and 3 piece $1;35 Community Sliver tea Spoons, guaranteed y; doz. Silver Tea Spoons, R6dger & Wallace, yz' doz. Best English five o'clock tea spoons atid sugar tongs Berry Spoons 0 $1 to $1,00 Meat Forks $1 Pearl Pickle Fork & Butter -Knife $1 Nickie Tea Pots 95c to $3.50 Nickle Trays 25e te $1 AO Black Trays, extra heavy 60c to $2 Nickle plated sad irons,per set $1.10 Electric Irons $5 Electric toasters and stoves $5 Fancy Lamps $1 to $4.50 flanging Lamps $2.50 to $7.50 Raisin Seeders $1 Food Choppers . $1.24 to $1.75 Carpet, Sweepers $2.75 to $3.75 Razors, guaranteed $1.01to $2 Safety Razors *240 to $5 Razor Strops to -$1 Razor Brushes *•25c to 50e Hand Saws; special- Mitts, leather and. vietem40e 042.25 Snow Shoes 42:50 to $8.50 Rifles and Shotgeins '4 -to $20 Skates, Automobile 41;25 -to$5 Pocket Knives ilec to $2 Graining set, with ;paint $3 Guaranted. axes, with, !handle, 1.60 Stable broom, •scraper- and 'Shovel ' •$12.50 Brighten up the Home for Xmas Dustbsane, per Box Silverpolish, ‘ifondershine Brass°, for nickle Stove pipe Varnish Stove prilesh, perils= 10e +Caustic Soda, live pound can 40c Floor Waxerer cin • 60c (Jo SI] 4Ls, Seafort Hardware, Stoves and Tinware IelP0aTietee NOTICES. -1-17•AmmV-zu Me and Ambitions Salesman, VY to ant as local representative for Canadian Manufacturer. Address Canadian Sales Promoting Company, 80 -lames St., South, Hamiltone Ont. - 2847-3 (OR SALE OR NT -Town. Lot, No. 16, in F. G. 1.! Sperling's. Survey, cif the Town of Seaforth, On west side of Sperling Steaand lately occupied by the - the said Josiah T. Tyrernan, the owner. If not sold will be rented. Terms liberal. Apply to JOHN BEATTIE,. Agent for owner at his office west side of Main Street, gmforth. 22684 ZHORTHORN OATMGE-Seven first-class young 0 malls. 2 from *ported cows, for sale at moder Ea prices and on easy terms; good young cows and heifers also for sale. AU interested are cordlabYlm vibed to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long distance telephone tei farm. Write for catalogue. IL SMITH, Exeter, 1145.tf VARM FOR SALE -Lot '26, Concession 5,Meltillop on the Gravel Road, two miles and a half north of Seaforth. One hundred acres, all cleared but about two acres. Well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. About thirty acres in grass.. Good frame house, two good barns, with stone stabling underneath. Plenty of never failing water. Rural Mall Delivery and IturalTelephone. A good bearing orchard. Easy terms of payment. Apply on the premises or address. JOHN McMILLA.N, Seaforth P.O. 23 -17 -if Ma....••••••••••••••• TjtAR 11 FOR SALE -Lot 6, Concession 14,11u1'ett, containing 170 aeres. About 160 acres cleared, well fenced, under -drained and in a good state of cultivation. The balance is hardwood tinaber. The buildings are all good, including a large bank barn and driveehed with pig pen underneath. Lots of never failing water. A good young orchard of the choiceat fruit trees. Within 4 miles of Walton sta- tion and 6 miles from Blyth, and within a mile and a half of blacksmith shop and, post office. Will be - sold cheap and on easy terms. if not sold wil lbs rented. Anply on the premises or to RIMARD PRATE, ligeloek P. 9, 2296 -ti LIAM FOR SALE -Lot 13, London Road, Stanley, L ` half a mde south of Brucefield 'The farm con- tains 92 acres, all underdrained, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation, a small bush. There is a good house, bank barn 84e36 with cement stabling and cement Boors and other out -buildings. The place is well watered by two never -failing wells. Also- a fair orchard of two acres. This is one of the beet farms in the county and well situated. It will he sold cheap and on easy terms as the pro- prietor has to retire on aeenunt of ill -health. In- -ending purchasers should inspeoe this farm. Apply ere the premises or address JAMES ROSS, Brucelield P.O. 2325-tf ft OOD leAteld FOR SALE -For sale that splendid Xi farm near Roxboro, eicKillop, being Lot 84, Coneeesion MeEillop, containing 300 acres, all cleared and under cultivation, well underdramed and 66 acres seeded to grass. All in good repair. A comfortable frame home with coal furnace and good cellar, also two barns, Two good wells and a never failing spring. A good orchard of choice bearing trees. It is within three miles of idealorth and one mile from schooL Will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the proprietor is retiring. Apply on the premises pr address HENRY CASH, Seaforth P. 0. 2301-tf VIARM FOR El Haefield Road, North. About 170 acres, all cleared except about 80 sores which are well timbered with maple, beech and cedar. There are 00 acres under grass and been in pasture for eight Years. There is a good brick house and three good barns one with stone stabling under- neath. There are three acres of good orchard, also.; 2 wells, one at house and other at barn and a never falling spring on the farm and the rlverruns through the rear of it. It is three miles from Bayfield, the same distance from Varna and about seven miles from Brucefield, good roads to all places all the year round, &school within a quarter of a mile. This is one of the best farms in the County of Huron and will he sold cheap and on easy terms as the owner is anxious to retire having no help. ARCHIE GAL- BRAITH, Box 170, Heyfield 288041 'VARY& FOR SALE -For sale Lot 8, Concession 8, 1' H. R. 13.. Tuckeremith, containg 100 acres. Theft are on the premises a frame:bank barn 40x66 with stabling underneath, frame house 22x82, the house is on a stone fomadation and there is a good cement cellar under' the whole house with good kitchen and woodshed and good outbuildings at the barn. The farm is all tile underdrainecl and well fenced and the land is in a good state of cultivation and clear from all noxious weeds, There is, a never 'failing well at the house and a spring creek runs across one corner at the back end of thefarm. There are 80 acres ifeeded to grass and the balance has plowing done. There is also a splendid :beating young orchard of an sore and a halt, containing apple, pear, plum, eberrie trees, etc. Terms reason- able, For further particulars apply on the premises or address JOHN FORTUNE, Seaforth P.O. 811-tf 'ElARSI FOR SALE -100 acres in the Township of I!' Stanley, on the Hayfield Road, adjoining the village e: Bract:fa qu' 'tee el nnle beim. Br1100. Peed G. T. R, Station. It is a quarter of a mile from school, 6 miles from the town of Seaforeh, Clinton and Hansen, no better locality in the dominion. There is about. 76 acres under crop and 26 acres posture and bush. The lend is clean and well draleed ard there is do In tter Ian I. There lea windmill Ion the farm and three go it wells. There is a new two- storey frame lionise with ad modern convenience, a bath -room all eon pIete,, the house is heated with a furnace. A. good orchard, a pig pen and hen house, a driving shed and a barn 'them 40 x 90. Can give possession at any time. Wid be sold cheap as pro- prietor's health has faP.ed and he Is unable to work it. Terms to suit the purchaser. Apply on the inieee or address IfAltitY LITTLE, Brumfield,ant a . 2884-U C a, a a ---NEXt TO CUSUPTION THERE ARE I ORE DEATHS Fr.. IUM0111A Than Any Other Lung Trouble. Pneumonia is not nig more or less then what used to be called "Inflammation of the Lungs!! ' Consumption may be contracted from others, but as a rule pneumonia is caused by exposure to cold and wet, and if the cold is not attended to immediately r ser- ious results e liable to follow. . There is only one way to prevent pneumonia d that is to cere the cold on „,‘ its firstappearance. i •, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will do this for you if yoU will only take it in time. Dr. Wood's Norway Pint? Syrup con- tains all the essence and lung healing powers of the fanious Norway Pine tree., Mr.- Hugh McLeod, Esteihozy, ,Sask., I enitesi:-"My little boy took ra, veryl severe cold, and it developed int° pneu-I Monis. The doctor said he could not' live. I got some of your Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and he .began tol improve. Now he is a strong healthy' child, and shows no sign of it ever Coming' hack." ' The price of this eemedy is 25 and 50, cents per bottle. It is put up in a yellow wrapper; 8 pine trees the trade mark,; and is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Every Woman Is intereeted and should know I about the wonderful : MARVEL Whirling Spray • The new Vaginal Syringe. Best ..-410st convenient It cleansoe instantly. Ask yon draigist.stii .t..astv It a V 0 a Is ei 1 lit c e ja If he cannot supply. the MARVEL -accept no other. but send stamp for Illustrated book—sealed. It gives fult alms and directions Invaluabib to ladles. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., ifiguars 'Onto Genteel Agents for C WAS SO NERVOUS . L I COULD NOT EAT OR SLEEP. There are many. peo. pie who become worn, weak and miserable because their nerves become so unstrung they, cannot sleep, and whereeier there are ones troubled in this way they will find that Milburn's Heart and Nerie Pills will restore the deranged nerves to full life and activity. They do this by their invigorating effect on the nerve centes, and will tone up the whole system to a perfect condition. Mr. George McBeath, Round Hill, N.B., writes: -"I take the pleasure of writing to tell you the great benefit Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills did for me. I was so nervous I could not eat or sleep, and could not even do my Work, and. I failed to a, shadow. Finally 11 con - seated to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and barb eidy tikau two boxes, and am able to work as well as ever, and can. eat a.n4 sleep as well as ever I did. I can't praise your medicine too hi hly. My wife is taking them now for pal tits, - t and is improving tam of the he greatly." The price of Mil urn's Heart and Pills is 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $ For sale at all deters or mailed on receipt of prica by The T.. Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. erre .25. urn 1 c s this C. g n :nll eq by siIc1i, e solI t. COLI aa exoad cat d es W re efic . .....,...., - .' • . .teaseo ; I e • • : i, • di # P a • 1• 1 Es i t ' i• • . i . A • , • • • • • ' , If a t. 1, :1 . • t : 114t H A I ... a . , i ' i ' • •,1 , • , z -4 11 I Ill I , : , ,• • .: I' t , _ I , • , . . _ ._ c, , __--, E _ - I • . :- , The 1 „ to , t, the 110 Municipal ph, do 931'8'41 eittedirf INN eite t • flare', tat the 4r , ree • Its Or Peiiiii Thoit m ' rcauY blddi thIll trete au.' e'cess ,ewrii,t. eittlLy Huron, An 10 iith 001147 molt Weed - oTthetsbs wWbr written I able ; 1 ' otbrietlar of the Clinton i hoPed liyilG ille,ae_.ic/nei . „,‘''''.: : Pu‘lti Win emir ' Fslha'av11 rrern lajrs 0,orbus: we **in itself W a rdaS ening dial '6e sltbATieetrig eat bildg Mass thew; gag heic,, a-7irrt Tr11 ,, -;,..• tiii..,,..r..x , telo co ei; NUT 'inirms41 . it °11:136911S'r1.1s W. G house ger ; *Dle, 1-1.12,alls: Divisi• Spene ii 1 I Not dui i ' ,bacfrshoipmit The con1x of t" 'n'n IfOr 2 Reid, Reid, ' sehoo next wilk • be pi baLlbee cessed held th In air tierian entettal next, the ctEt Lodge irAelber fhialie tr.eas . David 0 tOn ; ITB Rath*' After vices -hi nil/cites* SDUIPIr•Oni Sunday B.A., nlotrniirg day'sservices Pascfiae. John, •teint At supper; and delivered 18 alePr iir rerninlscent with ex In addl. selectiene. big features the PlaYing scare Played fifty Yeers Mr. Beaund organist Dr, P isaleY street is soon in the Colfniver /rent aii Yiiiin'S ' , t e e : e n _ . I' 4seuclasses navtIeP ipense. V"Ptaessti‘01) to zad '..0l- Vildore°smalPeletiGin r(equi/Wns'n • y!*tririesaletuddowt. h I t refers use,: s. Y iv - Division ood wl, -1. s tihzsekis‘w7alhaoratSt, ' Aaailey e fa 51l . : ° : a c B.O., 4.123,tlee. ee o .. .y ' - _ ,. , he . e co t Cr 'anY ty. .t.og city, trihnteide 4Cal Wetted '.41,040-. that *eremite which ate 8.,„ bhat --- eliatre lett. ,aatildoeattileelirT er eections t dr. tyjc oil lose familiax which le' its 104003304 thee of the ,y1 the ue,irgurated information e litYlv:r11136t;3 which whole early have frevi4ed .. Puldlec"du 'published 4e1 '4talorrnth' of, the, the same. let that w -that the I, co -., - t , e ere e at tape eounc i et t thd, r, tine to ley Wei • t w - ' has It 1 meal 1 doe!: of th ". le flo ti - Lthla b• bad , . ;in public 1 the e Piiipod emelt _X•i ,aetatech,• 0 • e'e'ssiblee! Exeeut in Jan the. p a &II ',H.. 11. ttatri:-K eSthe Exec • tafG‘13313r4mlEtt the the ''' Iresults • , . :: a 0 de ne'.th eecou no'L Y „tt OIi ie , a leg 0 . 1‘ to ty t bj bo teal , rl, i wvitieoub lime II AP1.01311:11drneae aD p ' w t e 'rot tile. tzei L. ac ,......... i he he 1, t • ., . And , 4 ; '' 13e4fia'xed.Pfelnt'd'isIC-f*aollii on yro and or - IL , , , ,, her c ' ' o .:, F,,i,, th pe,e his to I . un te c a.4. ' : . ssi . Oa it ,013.1.44. c's kJ an, 'coil:ding co g e tte: elp will t i ad t. f if iiii 11° want ry , lieldbedli ni t 11 I. • fp, S . on .. A It'le Se The thT t pa o : ve. d un 0 . a 7-,-h won v Govern- x tLe sy, - t couet pulatlon • e. i ctilleafnelos on try t 'probably and • 'by ,palgn 1d• creed t on area 6 Pilipg . nteo yolf4at Inma he he he fully tGr •..., n !,,t 9: i" rterIxtr"'W 'tarSasn' to .oir e par : g of 0 Just fished daY eeCh onda =key 'Ingo olio Bet: ahem, s IN now e far and. trl i appro-chk to , qious . ool tWhe: deiLlIWIWic.ilit n ; IH. b' hGh°43411"se house, le late riaturned rids :I:4'M:: a 40,50o, arries t°49n18 eIt.iallIvf;057,.r, teach di 'andif e,te as •e a Se rtain hold eve owing Ora i KIPP IthDlev.ht;;. ohnst,n of lin eh,. ' 1111, - ial ildersane 1„ethoisi . Bus lied 0116 Rev. Rev ere • - :7 are Wee natiLte, read mast inter my (Ind chi i cha Yo. Ye vice ch. Wanly 3 . d JOS back la bele il1 , u . t • • dole pros-, Y tosebets • - ii ;erne . f sc • 1 ' " N• ; h• t se ; town,. g • t t , Jo C sane Sun- f flight h .as! a 0 - k 0 or of se Ree not .rif tre are lig the that an et. set the gee the It. reonel: Inge ltnhg- • at al- tne.-_ f"'":., ire% olthrxe 4 sen ay ice- arn°1311 1914 'led ool is ev-. tee one and foot the ieed ent-1 ere ell hip No. thi- u.se • ,Dci lanaGnd11 • 001 91- 8.:1111-1-::: •ea 11 in.....: the feet h LP' ;the' his he' -^e LLoo"1. ent iy-- eirt are ge tY„. C., iii-, as. W. on 1, th pe. ds. la- of a al te. oft he ch as v. CS, to ,eat i .• a, . is e *I • • 1, g. 0.. g ; I t 1 4 e . v .., t IR, as ; ' 4 0 1 • C' it: . L'usly tredit .. .bat , I, 1 : !tad sire i,sint. : : • t •'ar' I .18 it o' flivuelnee4tare:tee10711k5t7;a4.smittliarerpiai'llaitn'utetly'lhan CtlesVnt -, ,Itael:teitIrn,Tgb11033egiaSen isainfaetuted. '14i 1741a3rd' „Ai r : •4h l: 'pi' ' c *43 • 0: • • t id •• eVell '-"i I • • s- 414 a 'iYeecased d,nts the Cal o 13 . • . tle tie 8 v , ity t tha ll, 1 • , i.er i , 4=. b tea, s - - , . i , ! g ___, ni s W • ric. i 0 s • I it 1 - d & 0 ' • Iv v S y 6 ... W ., o fri pp et r t g. t I1 e u• tea h Ir t I 1 ti, s . tive, 13 : ,,,. Ora Or. ' et t one and . .. w rs a 'Th1r • S 0 inging e nbeex . e urt&in 4eech was ezel, mile: ot the . thi,.knit4 ant, vas' $ es, Ito -1,._. t bulldth ,. 'policy srn ' a / 1 , ; yS t ad evela 'r . 4 We at • Ain , Ike big one an nish of Oughts fightin xteot cans a the X that ve t- t ' ' • ' - 1" li ' of . a z,• •bu ' , ; wi • thr , 4 .et y 4 : e I ttter i , , welt. his '4•ere id [se .W t - ' m Gov t I li.ec;;Ytlyti, "mimic ;it ; th- . , t I ear to even', WI it to- to in en, ,f• (th j aloe i in et. F Harlic Tea . of Pr w Offici . ';mal ' To - ' be . Y *4,. t , •, . :4, she , te rn 0 a or att. b ng ' ---t . ,•p, s 0 hlk ull fa 4.4' , 'il e a t 4a n 'Y * f I 1111 'rep per lted etu lb be ' ad vece ts e en re be.' at in to and It ive .ern' 0,v -ii' 6' n b la ,1ii he le ia,tfaI, ;to , lel-xi slw.,:eiv": s elm pea 1 1 In ey a, 'eft ., b us, phr ,Nr u ., a , Iti, to ,,,,,,a,, 7- ,-i he itil us s a! tbem It lin leamteliatga to a ld. me„ e, aid ent Ow T eine .twi, nel 1 tre su in tie t if t vine leo ire 0 ipall s fo • 4 n Ing nos ant bu 11 wbi I giant , trom 1 leet and such trent 1to•NA- , i • , , • z. , 1 I Iliir • i or • C, -r • 1 .1 .: ; ' t n 3 n g ' He „ 1 c , t . n te a• s't Id •Is ' FC i e I, i‘ Y • rs lb: rs •in IL, I ,s, 1,_ l'sleL 1•y ra aall s• ' h, er 1 -.17 !, ' 1.y m I be LrYa. le C.; .t m s •" ;al it. h if e. n n la ; 1` e li , i t d Is „AI, 1: , L i !,.. ,.. ' s ,e. , I- ,!, 1 1 s d •• :. • t ; ; ' • i uoy Soap or Bath I12 etirifiee. d or it is u g q all New stpition7.-We d that the I ay station IS k, MOS leanY and t work. The well as t of wri 2 in tarter ' leted by. enteetore rdwood throughou e 'appertrarrice out, ILS . The peint done by d presents tion foreman, are also for the have done eds. and a dine Plank 0 'station to e of the beet tion with appreciat will land e edit for, finishing ebape. to those , : waited 'building, A Deeenfbeir v event oaeutmd• e, 0 ere r h h ek. It was en Imne, ptain A Inwood Prest, anch of the ureh was '-rrnfOsernaed'ad by,, tetheringham tY'g-uresl4 • titiortlfirte ..t• gown of tidal veil, eases a.nd Etald. byMiheser' e rbride =ads id, and' kiss as bildesmsed, s.sisted by occasion wai the church n'ging, "The Eden." ded at the ornY a iwedding the eesidence. in-law, Me Youngtrain Week's trip sIdell6a In e 'recipient ts, showing hieh she is ;t,ti lleelaililigwahyave seasbn last to AbOilt euee positionsi „have steady. 1.• in the a°ckkes olflfaulthute tisiiillli:!ete7scillItohlloalenrilvihe84ng-g geif to the . mitt•ee -of 9.17tesieehetitalrilelElad!jr"WleZeti:1141>1-76Ir ey IA •yulygvi ese MAY be jallijleastniaPanal*et°7 time' tri the station Oil,w1bitleichlfiren461igalt‘ 1106,1 Htdoeiir.liec:oatialledanto, ine7tehattlenYEKein(nIZ:d:rdIveihlict eeB een378e:68,417; and 'sepal to Godetieh, terIdh ° °Iir how'place,• le he littlest by hIOCd of 'onlyore le lu'I'Y e 1-.," 4 foolitfh_ _, Ode, • tdulcurau 'TireS teNvIn• Remo, wood is coneklet t credit the c paint he Too ig aid In the de being wh it Win, ng the r a • • eertaini geod in c we are vre the M itt our n-. b well It is s who long for but It 4011111111111MMINSWORMANNIM w ble petite ng ti th ail; 'With engem s1ll va ith a4 raid kape 831 me please k Wlir In a to t id ea a lias axA rk a lof et vi pr ni 1 m • til tE cti ett en stt 1.1 'Lb e all w cr Gods. Wed n ; 0 ' W the young:st M. She fp acc tent Pan . prettll -the , in t btitide 1, white and c,, ferns. May'airraw' a Rita wil eer. J. pie•ede by Vole: Mx, ' orgai hr of Chas tfeora °uPe theY •Gotlefri of man'y -Ole - held 1 1 io ing -4 in St. in • dd• i r t o Cc ec .oche cer,' e e p•r 1 , lbic a rt d $ o!'' s e • le he g u , . ; he su T at Rey . . fir a asi 'th . G r, erletlet oi Nyl ft h h1 be ag s 0, ' • • • 1 s :s yl • • - , fel i 1 acit, ti : t •• s 6: . ,t • i i : , . t , , , , . • ; 1 - . 4 • - 1 I ,,a P! 1: e ' . x 1 b e t •e , a i e: . , . , 0 , Pc. .t . t, n * 0 mR. Bank y have • ;Ini s -c tad has.rot r Itid et erommissien • ear's' cr ' a .4 -it o''.•The e el te I: w: % t I e 0 n 0- vilatip -a nil, a t t ee: .,..e 1 eIan,p sti eihyli:e:sy;leti: o te p 0 s 0 e 11:$ h and in' Is doing tar its wisely'.0nod in Ilan * ' tne to t made rne treasury. '.."147)aalId4511-1 late Ing, • mon atio ki,o.ei on 0,6 tings al eptiofi; tn. jantioy Ica, • adt liee y • thinks rdt:eiretria7te,PelSrasilill:iiorin .,en option the of Kr. ea ,oml !nee or I • rate m 7,e 11 a I',-, s - a got ir is Corn, Cana Can: eau Dire i spin affairt.3 eYe 84-ra." ast lddh e any. v� rs he unf ult fees, ere the sely Y (e,t'e , .intcr 41:.!adle'r\i,r, the 11111011t in rYing was vend waat4I't, sine lieved; . : ,,xf in public Igns sincori Hanna' Tthhw•eeililtae is ed Inge. thtee it if at e rrdr- re ,eirs slang the short. Tuckers! , End 'Notes.- chuirch i einbeirtainme 1 e• s • !recitations its/paA,, by au'd: et' 'a 1.11°°den: ' he trot' wok this week. -O• Layton and last week ndieg eta Ha: ninenig.tut. °ftriiiilitic",i'y' ppoin ed to tot 2 cipal electio• -. , - 'Division No. Havvkins Etti vision No. 2 D°11: DialvdislRona ' • ;Olepni,111;18urtAiniejrrh:N ess ; IlXVIsionl No. 12,- B. So.. NO 6, * velsi:sso.;147. ,Nv.:1-G* Oa; ' No 8, in S, and March. e j h: a : j s hoe Arne I •ab. ..a311(11 Illf:' No .. 1 H rtlfi i :a e' litim°1-11 :n ,r . _ th th se I 6, alli 's ve 4q Caw nlotie Huron added f4itin artiebs ift.4,..'dasd, r intCree the • the a ant stai w, ha in. *ell 1 .: mill tt ; t ; e'l the az ' pro In.. 'so den all $ o ce h -Pb ted oi , gje 'ds. I the:, *he wetly] stileth 'ail' '.. wima ,0 i co ft rydst'itfi,hteallef;:t d Di 3 • a. tt oihE Itt "it] Pr ""' live (H:ns Adrultisi !taste steNti tt.h'e otl: 101.: : d e out ta aer 1 y ' tio 6 Pe ex a 'ii tb, a attf a nuaT3 seer e le ae, t of am re p c1. nit R, , 54 lin at en et It , sk bE t e i a '' eeIous :'iid t orLe f Am y see wee In II wee ss occur g , it ril I liar -Mr. J. E„ H the winter, -. esPalente.ide, ;council t to frthe--dig, bite dIrain t 4.-'1X anetnek cents 11r.i< ST 'of me. a as been lenge Section No an? at a sal Mr.. Reldts fir -es as good a student; e Methodist IT Christmas Y eVenITICo undaY Soh • •Il Ment " me' Mbon 23rd. ts elect I. Me.ster, Yeein Robinson; Einseglarcyll;s seetetary, er Prank W•41k-:-; hoston ; leo mit*, Lea; J.'W. 'Reid' , 71i, •• iw' iihn'.• ut' in aye ug Mir E d. ed 2, , of t sele• : itre le Suede e* t ;lit . i 'a h : i' : iis: . , 1 , ' tie 44 R: " S Ilk': a of , 8 Mr rs. to E 'lett, 0510, IL nt s 2 I - .4 :3 . h L . , , i • a, , ' • i I . I . I . - ,.. e, c1 fl it e c , 111 •t t • Y :• i • - b as , 1 if 0 I • b s a . g 0 . , • n .1.1 committee, hi e. h : 1 . t gtee, r h- si 1 I t , - o old I *; • , tt b I h ' ' % - .108 , ,paign as been h *ark eet win kolut4titireeicirl•vint,1:e II naqtee:: , lenteeee al .and g, ent th Industrial cly theillsra , as sill 1 o ural ds wou the f‘l)te ins • ts tonnecte• if if copies distributed the the of elite, States i igration el • ki.... ci; in and lists to 1 • 1 1 session be ism puhlisht.g d oppf septic coznpl we -we our and of drama count Stipp , deatn: 4 apeci entitle immi the and also • mein! tunl RS 1)0911 Rieke publie off breii, 1. (adore . The Canadia iday last ' -eThe tattoos/ Isr 1PrOfitabl: t. The le ' year at this !price, 50 ito 4250 sett:a eitra at that" net 4106 Hugh Mc fled on :k while :Ms to have the Nee • 1- within 20 WWI of Fleming' ed a !ripe Two men e perhaps fatally, lied at $15,000' Sunday rroening treat* 'end Rey Wea ral gas. t ladder, i en the , ck, -tha emga • cause, Fir :ee the leudoelon , ked and Wee hurled (Pugh the Plate Atittri$9 , INIMMOINEIMIIMINI. ant or about gecivr pee tire Der wain atutda -109.4in flung scie rginnt-s one old were of. eeeired The and loslin letnae.' as the 14. t se 3: ere.. it a, I: - a Cost s a WS tete o • :all age wa: t itnthi ' w till:J...4,LO.; steessb gla txeti Fifty Teas. 47'110 connection arch of Jamest Exeter- w al: 'last, when • 4.11 Of Wroxe and evening. wore Viten. Two foii‘rner lmes and &J. jubilee 6 the follow addressei iated The tlairidiele and ellea address ion to sever One of tb of the hY Of the old t at the open ago. For . gave fa of James s oe, who pre: mons was terch thirty o celebrate h . try, wide In the old active and Ii ever. Rev .'e , I: Ihe,pree pastar A1itn. that etorica, -s libel most .nnivor i pi. e of eeety f ;t ed te - : i i 1, i i i:, : .- h ... 6 A by - fan and : w th ' 1 : eh the . . : del de : rit It — _ .- ' s d to "UF newb de the side t taf ha nd busk! .T d t e yet IngN-1 urai Oil r e oree . Cur l na his Leidit otilirchk on the o ort1 ex 5 4.Aeons.' ee h le I B in ton» i tion and is I our citizens e CoMpenel p in thin a ipoti ale; nsall edier bl stat. t'gt o e at ye g t and , IIt 41L th hap - gels I last Miss Of °MRS local rc The - with WAS B, • ngtriet.. 1 g ine and b IVen d 'Shea - c of • rett, lower off3, o treal, gro re was Ia. e bridal t e aisle p rpllc$d choir edathed nis pree titter ceTO-1 eyed th- wt T e pop- e fueirie, After k lup their • ride was u ful pro- steern In na life town. e two local rIn f4oils far eMployf. abprieTS who ,usuah- tietS. 1Tshae s4nokets g float rid! h eaw eh It 14r11 11 °Amend he Hefty! isr60li ,10 sidesof 1 htng, Saar face - wide::: h M:TwgnTc4-4110° ch I be ll Is t the 455tO' 11''ix;17arsi le andling . tra h4;o7oril' abe . ve-Lirbtaouotninns:Y selroa.d ,11) • d. t .15;r:latuiritf.e affaso. here an aiuifj- been .euxatta. r:soa.abe 6 jdu, ned on 15 h. Is IO * a the Coun by P haaed te per lb. make from • this is alkali but efi4 grower , KetaTe( I ; t Instant. - eon of last nit 4. stick triking him Death enq In thiet blow. Meat Wed.' relthad ly injured, mages esti - at 4 so/clock when 't3 old in leg 'on! of In search to b cement . Burke Osten fol. fr. il ee. t being vyei he spot ed 'were and deo, a streat INS Ot the I . e7..e..e'"*".........etatereeteeeeteeeee T atter shdtr& and businees. the. E ze tee ome 45 ver T e matter 01 has en. tete-kir r I4IOR OL accepted Id to deed Flee Proteti ft ceDY the tfoIlowing 743301ofB 'Ltfevz.• (0c0,13.46M r El, -r writeolicit- Iair !see the veftrs d Fr,ste• Aialfairtb Expositor. Bytl -tandard, reedtei esideied eitotection in Myth. ettente trespecting rh Orli and iael aPelogY- Onznell earTied.'" NnYth114,4*-* 'The E gd the good men cIL AnYthing that eiblurene about the f '01s enterprising io our Blyth torrespo jilaVO eslweys found shit. "If hoivret ele; ai4 any' per, ids tbet our ‚CO iargiair weishals iMake the amen& d with due hrunat • • . e 'Fat St0-d lees mere e • ALE ST 0 41$90 AGE — PALATABLE 1 I3TRITIOUS ERA.1ES -FOR SALE BY WINE Aim SP r 'MERCHANTS mg' rwitRE 1 LOCAL OP t ION-Residere in the locatoptioialdis 'ct8 can legallY, order from el brewery er requie for personal or f ° y useLmlkritho . riNt JOHN -LABATT, L 51AVA 414\ /A ta /:\ /NAN 4\eleld 414\ 1;\.41110111alltra, &AA. TOMHEN are fa -t leasofrn- V ing the advan ge Express, M oney Qrroduegrs in sending money t h . the in 4 i ts. An xpress Order is easy tohtain, e siniple to understai and always safe: There is no -need to register letters containing Express Money Orders. They are loss - proof. All pro- gressive stores and merchants prefer to receive remittances in this-way—if an order goes astray in the mails the money is promptly refunded or a new order issued free of charge. Both sender and receiver are fully protected by using nte pup; awar inaie•er fere 'Ruby Gay," e, is Sell to , ueeratv air. lriag was 'Mac id'si welt known was awarded h3, tor the essrs, Huron Road the char ane4tan bred C Villiate, Prime, eeeond Prize i T 'McMichael tor qlyde..0..ate In ICI1. A the show fe Le T-otonte, el, sold his vack at Pridham, kbild prize steer "to ter owti o'ablin, „soldhis if& $7 per cwt. Seece was sold at - weight, t Mese, with fall•soid at -auction. otiened, waisted and Son, areenhank- t prize whine. teen, 1912, 11- t and chanet the Chicago' and chain* colt 'Yancis e this exile bro rthoen steer Every railway Station has an Exprrso Offoze where "Orders" may be,obtained, and In aintoat eatery town there are branell Otiket located in I be residential districts. Lie Late D. efe refeearice r. Daniel Coderich nto nw C 1919 lye up the • Daily N--- alth has trouble. ' he was ' lite acadtee and WAS bo England, there.. his racks