HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-12-13, Page 5a • Ltti SehOol entertairat -20th inst., 'outlay eve , sehools are aid expect. imentaa Shrew- we e to beta* one, be L 0?Ey- Lias the .has the tilize all en. It idiiitS which gel. It are fea- right.- 0,st fait iilthough y 8tave. 1. get fall ars about .S*ecoeft"- very sue - Furnace. superms 1 the most nearly s BING. Rip quisites Face Itrop W Ben cut - Your ours 43.11.4* 11$• ,atrofter se -the *rest- f* ea Warla 1ul1Ya*0 ;Pe SOW 4de1se4: Inte tits ghetto ,iteeasold all Vat as- *1.75, &t Uie bUik,of the tutding in such waif-4one at $0.50, While- full darloide- brought - $0.t5 to $8.80, and; light.- stock *5.50 $67r c -wt feat** thO salad Meat trade eontlinle0 to, be, 'QM Strong widertone to the a1 for. Iamb, and prises have 9019101411,tarkh, asievance twentS4-five- nerds Ver dwts colasesuently saled *Ore ly at $6.75 to $7 Pen cwt. ralitelitsto .the market ferlsoge Was elder, aMpiIs- were 35e per cwtlower than bWday waa w daYs• . SiWr. .1.0e lehrustolit Wears nce his wife- ?resented him bY VW- senme ....sill...Neils - Santee 'Whitney and Hon. ras, • have be In thooki pountry me, are new oh psi* WaY bane. They are texPeeted to Srrive in Worst° SatordaY. es,Toe Reid, who fresisist near Strata, had his ntssa badIT oat, when, as rasing- the axet� split a stick , the blade csaight In; a claims was detlettedotind strubic hire MARKETS nneeneu,Dee. 11 1912 ea. ..... g 05 to # 95 844 •• es • er. • ••• • • •••• 75 to 75 „......so 50 ton... ... . ..„. . . .„ 28 0000 25 011 to 26 00 2 25 to tTh ZS to 26 24t0 26 40 to KJ 10 WW1& 00 I. 15 b 120 es. . • . . t•aaam ••• •••• „ ..... •• e. •- n „ bag Toronto Poultry 19Earket The market for dressed, poultry is sive. Well -fatted, clean dry-eleke•d is ',quoted as follows: Chickens, 1e per lb.; fowl, 10 'to 12es , /4 to 16; geese, 18 to 140; a, 13 to 21e. Live patilfesy wo cents lower thaze the above. To onto Seed Market ipta alike and timothy, are large, with nrices steady. Clover tI limited offer and flu plentifel No.1 alsike, 411.60 to 512; No. 2, $20.50 to #11; No. 3, 49.50 to $10. " No. 1 litY, *1.90 to $2.25; No, 2, '51.25 $1.50; Moc seed, $1.10 to *1.25; elovet Eked, *t20.' .• Dairy Markets Toronto, Dec. A. -Butter -The ead Tot butter is active ; prices steady. ctioice, 26 to 276. er -pawls"; bakers', Inferkir. 22 Ito 24; choice tubs, lic; eri3aine1ry, .31 to 31 1-20 Tor rolls, wid 29 cents fdr solids. Eggs - Case lots of 'fresh at 32 cents per 'dozen, .and, cad storage, 27 to 28c per ;dozen; strictly new -laid quoted at 40 to '45 cents per dozen. Cheese - ha market is quiet. at 14 1-4c for large and 14 1-2c or twins. Honey-- iThciewhea.t, 86 a pound in tins, and 1-2 cents in barrels; strained clover bonny, 12c a pound hi isixty pound Itlus, 12 1s2 cents in ten pound tins, and 12 3-4c in five pound tins; con* honey, No, 1, $2.60 per dozen extra, $t per dozen; No. 2, 42.40 pdOzen. or_ week, with sales otslake kits -at 119 per' -cwt., weighed off eara. Butehewal battle, choice, $6.50 to *$9,75; medium $6.50 to $5; cominod It to $094 Oanot XLeYet $210 to '59; ehoice botss, to $5.25 �Us, 48.50 to.$41 milkeiroachoice, • each, $80 to. $90; common aridissedium, each, $70 to $80f springers, 5554U/485. Sheep, eYnsi, $4.25 to $4.50; Melte culls, $3,..75s1 to 44; Iambs, 46.75 to begs *9; .calveis $8 to $12. Union Stock Ta'rds,• Toronto Decatra ber 11. -Trade was brisk and prices • high for' the choice fat cattleraffering fa the Christrnis trade. For ordinary qualitY prices were about Steady :with last Week. Mailman cattle and essia ners were vetrY little in demand at lower ealces. Top for choice heifers went up to $7,20. Lambs are very arm and 25 to 59e hikher for the cho4o•sst offering. Hogs steady at this week's dechne to 08 fed ,and water's. ed. Quotations: Cattle -Choice. butch • eis, $6.15 to $7.29; good Medium, $5./.. 2a to $5.75; COMIlliell $2.75 Ito 18.1'6; cows $8 to 45.25; bulls 48 rfo 0.25; canners, $2 to $2.75. Calves-Godd veal 47 to $9; common, 0.3 to. $9.25. Steak ens and Feedsrs-43teers, 559 to 750 winds, id $8.26 to $3.76.; feeding! hulls, 690 to 1000 pounds, at f$2.75 to $4.254 yearlings, 42.75 to $8.4,0. Milkers and St4YiniVers---$teadY demand'. for.. 'good stock at from $50 to 480. Sheep .ittadi Lambs --Light ewes, $4 to 44.60;beavl ewes, $3 to f3.60; Iame, C*6.00 to $7.•S' 60. Hoge -Market weaker at 08 Salk and !watered, and. *7.65 f.o.b. 04' ri•, Maybee bought 50 butels#S 950 to -119•5 peus'sks, 46.25 to $6.50. SWiftlis Canas dian Company bought 850 buteheres cattle, steak% and heifers, $5.50 tes$6.e 15;' cows, 45.26 to $5.75; commontows,1 to 55. Harris Abattoir bought 300 butchers, 44.25 to $7; cows, $5.15 to. $6. W. .1. Neely brafght 850 butehers'l cattle; exta'a chrdce, steel's and 'twit-, era, 56.50 to $7.20; medium, $5.85 to, 46.40; cows $4.50. to carnmerad t3 to $4; canners, $2 to -42.76. Grain, ..Etc. - ITc4r;wiflo, !Dec. 6. -Ontario Wheat- ' White and t red wheat quoted at , 2 to 95c outside., aid leptouted at 85 to 90e Oat -side. Oats -Offerings tine emriy large With prices anchanged. Ontario oats, 82 to 84c outside, and 411 to ST 1i -2c ion track, ,,,tTorontos Western. `Canada oats axe. quobad, at 41 cents for No. 2, and at:III/cents to • No. 2, bay parts. Peas -here •are bayets outside for No. 2 gt *1.05 to $1.25, but the offerings are nil. Corns -The Market Is quiet and firm, New No 3 American corn' quoted at 541-2 to -65c, all sail. Barley-Mesket dull, with offerings only fair; 48-1b, barley of good quality is quoted at 65 to /0c, outside; feed, 43 to 59 tents. Beans-Hand-pieked quoted at $3 :per busbel; primes, $2.00 in a jobbing way. • Bran --Manitoba. bran Is quiet at $21 to $21.50 in bags, Tokonto freight-. Sho-rts are quoted at 424.50 to $26. • otatoes-The Market Is steady, with • -offerings fairly large. Good- stock is iqufoted at 80c on track, and New •Brenswick at 90 to 95 cents per bag, Baled Hay -The market is easier, V-ith ,supplies /1,016 liberal. Nas 1 is tnifote dat 41S.00 on track at Toss Iraato; and No. 2 at $12.00. t Mhced- hay Is quoted afi 410 to $11 on'track.; • Baled Straw -The market is quiet, with prices cf good straw_ quoted at • 40,50 on 'track at Toronto. kttario Births HODG1NS-In Seaforth, on December 8th, to Dr, • and Mrs. Hodgime a son. 51e„D1(1kte-1n Winglaane,.on November 29th, to Mr.• i and Mrs. john Madigan, a son. PENHALE-Inilexster. on NovernWe 27th, to Mr. and Mrs -Luther Penhale,_a daughter. •• EGIREENAN-At Elb. Joseph.leon December lst, to • mr. and Eire. Arthur Shreenan, a daughter. • •Mitrlfdat. - I < MoBRIDE-OLUFF--10 Clinton, on December 41•11. byline': Routledge, Della, second daughter of Mr. and _Mrs. I). S. Oluff, to Dr. 0. J. McBride, of Welland. ' DEIV-511TOHELL-At Trivitt Memorial church, • Exeter, on December 4th, by•Rev. D. W. Oollins Mr. Dan Dew, of liebOrtie, to Miss Susan Mitch, -ell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Mitchell • el Exeter. • ' I• EARL--CANN-At Main Street parsonage, Exeter, on Dessember 4th, James A. Earl, son of Mrs. W. Earl, of Zion, to Miss Maud, daugeter of Mr,. , and Mrs. Charles Cann, of Usborne. • Deaths • SMITH -In Stratford, on November 27th, Emma,. daughter of Mrs. T. Smith;--foleriterry of Olintene; BlitY.T.Y-In Morris township, on December 1, Mary' Jane Morrison, relict of the late George Kelly, aged 71 yeats ana 8 months. • •• HAMMETT--In Seaforth, on December 11th, Rich- ard Hammett-, aged 72 years, one month and • three days. Lire Stock Markets. • Liverpool, Deeember 10. -There, was no change in market conditions here. The Irish embargo- is still on. and. there were no fresh supplies of catjtIe the Birkenhead market to -day. • • • Bus.fflo, December 10.--Cattle--Active and steady to 15c higher ; prime steers, $9.25 to $9.50; butchers $6 to $8.75; bulls, 54,25 to $5.25; stock heifers, .$4.25 to 44,65;,. shipping, $7,50 to 19; eifers $4.75 to 57.50; cows .52,' to 46.75; stockers and feeders, $4.50 to $7; fresh cows and springers steady at $45 to $75. Veale -Active and steady at $4 to $12. Hogs -Active and 5 Ito 10c higher ; pigs 25 to' 50c higher; heavy and mixed, $7.85 to $7.90; 1yorkerse*7.s• 60 to- :„:17,911; pgs, $7.50 foiV1.75; koalas 46.20 to $7.10; stags 55,50 to 56.60; dairies, $7,50 to $7.85. Sheep andLambe --Active; Iambs 20e higher; yearlings 600 higher; others 25e higher; lambs 44.60 to *8.35; yearlings, $5.75 Co $6.e 150; wether, $4.60 to $4.75; ewes, $2 it0 44.25; sheep, raix-ed, $8 to $4.50. Tonto, City Market, Decembetr 10.- -Tra4e was fair, with an active Ideman0 Pr good to choice butcher cattle, but Slow for* the common qUalities. Prices were steady to firm, several • small lots of choice butcher heifers selling :from 55.60 up to $6.10. Caws were steady and in good demand, from $41 to 55; common, 48 to 58.75, arid canners and cutters at $2.50 tor 42.90. Lambs Vel* firm it $7; the op .prieettor last • Week. Hogs axe easier and for this Week are quote)d. another 25e lowecei, M fit fed and watered and $7.65 f.o.b. Quotations -Cattle -Choice !butcher. *4535 to $6.1.0; good medium, $5,25 ** $5.76 per teat.; common • cattle, 42./6 to $11.75; COWS, 53 to $5.25; bills, $8 to 55.26 ; canners, $2.25 to 42.60. Calves -Good veal 07 to $9; cora:, :non $3 to $8.25. Stockers and Feeders -Steers, 650 to 750 pounds, at 4,3.25 to • 43.75;_, feeding buns, 600 to 1000, lbs., at $3.15 to 04.21. Milkers and Swingers ---Stasay demand tor good otockr at *out 550 to $89. Sheep and Lambs-- • Zight ewes, $4 to $4.501 heavy awes, Mt to $8.50; lambs $6.5$ to Hogs • I 'JOHN AANOLD.. Lieettsed !Auctioneer for the CounS ty of Huron. Immediate 'arrangements. for. sale dates can: be made !by •seeing me personally at the Royal Hotel; Se•afOrth, or by -calling up Phone' 58, Royal ,Hotel, or- Phone 41, Expositcir Office. All correspondence promptly ea's tended to and satisfaction guaranteed_ r- '2848X52 Iron Pumps & pump Repairing • 1 am prepared to furnish all kinids Force and Lift .Pumps' and' size Piping, Pipe Fitttings, etc. Galvan. ized Steel Tanks and Water Troughs, Stancheons and Cattle Basins. • THE PRICE IS RIGHT Also all kinds of pump repairing done on shortest notice: For ` terms,: etc., ply a Pump Factory, Goderich St. East, or at Residence, North Main St. J Fa Welsh; Seaf9'rth 6 assO0c).i. is the Mid -City 'of Canada's great west With the Waterworks and Sewer -installation in progress. With probably commencemen being made upon the Bassano Swift,Current Cut-off from this end.' -iWith many Municipal Street Jin - • under Way. With the largest dam on the Con- tinent nearing completion. With a great deal of building _ ac • tivity. ' With_the population increasing b leaps and bounds. . With every prospect of rs,000 peo • ple in five years. • Next year promises to be a recon busy one for this live to Write is to -day for information Ontario Western Ipvestments an • Realty Co., Ltd. DUNDALK ONTARI • • IL , I : -1 "„''' i ' . - - - .•-••,.. ' - , .4aa... - - - -, . _ - - - I 'r , , • . . . , - - _aa.a.aaseaaaa.a.•*-.. - . . . . - _............. • -- - .,- ,•.• ANAD A , , 1 i 0 , 1 .,• POWWOW NI' , o. , ge tOck rd fresh- goocl ' 0 k nd.s fo the i a ve 0 Ile i 1 --lo • F SIR EDMUND`WALKER, E DER LAIRD COM C.V.0 ERC L.D.,D. C.L., Pre:Sat-a 'ORN AIM) 1• .... . , , . Our Show - ' , selling pr Drift" Fkur, ' - 'foui ho t thi da T ad, General Assistant General vi i 1 ' * 4 1w upOn - - is 412.15 if you" se . tbi• 14 Cavrantetnew l'al el new A 't" . i / nPlrf . f eac . nag _ - n ' w 11 c ne -Walnuts, : le p, M., aple ,..„ A iryv,i-• ts-tirs Liss A fee Fuss '15./000,000 REST. $12,500.000 s -1 • '0 i •UnIty (,,, k , n . tt. • • , • It . . n * 7. 1:1 , only mill ninatim-miern ''.WieAls-o of - 464` orP:koltargiflo.:14.0e-'invinevillSialin•11:;nn:u. a cost yOti , , . i r a . -18 equipped ha afirstic . -' employed to tr y 1; bag g•Iiaratited. $4.3,5 with 4 °in' ail e secure -miller b37 ' our st S for the *- 1 " t: w • a ow each . lates /on, ..: Sees • ' :urn I I . . ' w at , Peeles - of • ftouri, dor for 222: tw•j 'al- • 1011.. Softies* _ !best Table rolled Oatesser lard. oat in heat, vere Grihion ening, e0d , .six bars :viiiirvtiaarsbaori; e bars of -Red 0 poundsf sulphur 8 a , r a our fie o of Sih Gl r 9 a i • nu 0 011 e : • e Ros bi :.r • g- . ne ted a sae VG trout, • • clotb.es for star SO soap gabs nip candied oat I IC soa soap p for Or And eal, e b i for or 25c, /5e, Issued Provide a convenient country • with theiexact on the face iden in,g • TRAVELLERS y The Canadian imself with, funds yet inexpensive n the world in o equivalent of each cheque. Bank of .0 without del, manner. denominationS s s in the_rrioney. They are e CHEQ11 S merce enable the Arave at each point of Ms jour hey are issued -payable i s / ofthe principal coniati4e , •onornical, - -absolutelY s , : - . • er to ey in very self- , 41 II .1 - 1 .• • $ ar 2 e 00; buyers! and i • . • , Shorts . of Beans „ at $ ; . 3.0. . rin• pe u gco _am pat see i starch for 3 lbS. 11 ages of see 13SS raisinsii for 20c, e, W ed I • a lb•-P4cjife430t13reeltis urr•nts ais s. f a 1 ns f • i 25 = or 25 3 14, p2s56p re, a 3- d f ' t -I. 0 -I-. VII" and easily negotiated. $eaforth• - MORSON i anch.. , 7 - anager 8.3 , . us a,tes , * • ** 0 0• • •••••0**•if , II II ••• , • ••• • • le• . * a q I vElie •t! Allen's Owe. I just pliteig 'ea line of ' lisnieitc:, i i Di Clise sto ne k this and tiros week Tea e a t Practical i , • Christ rxrbiliitet , . , ais:o4titri . it oiltaf 1: . .••. ,,,,,,, I Het . . ail 1...‘ , can, eLheadryeas.tid-61,As„pri lc. en,dasu It °Ii• ignht ablr""."1"4. • - III" ..... _• • ....,_._ I, 1111141*."111Nriln11111 ills:tiimiiislesiiQ 1 er.1 .. • i i • h ray i uni stetalhane • in st f , ad e4r4 on .a1B . ____, x Ro k ail e e i 1 been th g th firide me' ) - tpOtatiOn, • , , a 1 For 1.1) , . . 9' ? • - se':toith. •, u 2,, of the the o - n )-r ale- are s. A cordial nd get -seine o be had.. PHONE G. Ault 0 nvi atio th bar , 5 earo to able { r• a ,h4t . I t to . The T , kind that Comfort long The gives Pleas after o Store 'th e .Satisfaction and ' r : s are iortrotten. - . the , elite 2 4 -2 , • By -Law to ,.rant aid by ay 0 • "Christmas - -----74 Smirt/, , e e r . , ,. # . p w f 0 j . t o „ . e y e ie od e lrorn x m loke ny te oil of ill on. . t e y . 1 1, J Pr 10 y's to ini .17 mise , hit his.re g hi- mem W t a exemption free •can, MBAS real lovesettd , arid:desires from 'wate/ r to • . . Wm.J'. D1188111 Oo the hairless smallehoes, to ta.xatio William - , has for of man at the purchase a a J. iii tri Said itabl DUI! earg lag Tovfn fa3tor an• lag 0 1 1 • . Firled with gifts of look. 1.-1 • things for a thoughtfargaver. you see anything / the/1.1)ns - . , • . You .ro -, .. you 1 ./. hien, alter welcome to . select it n arie the tome mid w an we ir : • 1 4 - • e . e . ..1 * • ' _• 4, si i n ted es- one . 0 s .anley . Ie. and buil nefrof_and MI ing ald.inerease 1 tier th hie ithat purpatee rty-two(82), said mead . .tu proposes • a• In .0011101i • g ipi. Ire mil ,f‘o • • will • deliver whe pit say. *1 . , - , b a II . . . he o In .,o en -th Stone , t en he to le re nit ol ;pat. Eti„. • el% Is • iste 4 ae el . ! °1' ,,# # # 1 • g • „ . . , ; • • , „ 2: .1- and uncle Ir... fon 0, pl 0 :. 1 tif part that Frank app Seaforth free -AND Of the art thereof Allen, WHEREAS to th to tionifrOnt water WBEREAS said Town of lierezotore the the hlunicipal aid his said enterprise taxatiOnlexcept for a od the Seeforth, se e• an sold co I Said William I.. D Council of t • e sai o gra otit r ten (10),y lid Omelet h i menet/ •eyed n y brig Os) hei no hi• an• 1.1111F 4 • Broad fo) A S. T ,rs j pw. HOLMAS and Manager-•I 1 1 . s i d te I.11 t al 1 .. v . -_. 4 • A 6 0 . a • h • ., er . ra f id y t Oo cession - , 90 er . beaten Mem eon s'noods iep nig .rid too ill D. Olt iare e ed g, go d- 2 r . 0 ta, e 4 a S to • Oil aril° at th - ard a dri ell ste s ig .iii • .. hi He , tf that after' T Tolof ' 1.; obi Miro with cien-,1 tetra wi 11 it is eXPedient Peovilledffore :=B;SE0 Thattlie , plant vem he s Shell ion ( Com to g •J? Eh.':t.lie II . rt anise said f and 0101 Ms thereto, id business b he and the xeept school Tieing with shill' at such al as .1pal Omni. II of aefollows . • with - MI - •ildi mente,ind a ed whils used in ' the said: NV Main are hereby xem ' teg) to; a tiod the yeai 1 1 , ari and : hereby be the ins Rion- tin J. f ten the gran - e n sa, . • o tin : . , I (1 sei the . D,8 • II IIZN 813 tO inform . tut aliens" s ' I tb ttie. "" -A L• se. ebted he .. e wi 1 R to hout h.* that I ether . Brown .71- iiI fall / ' . ad eed31 *are ' - - . and ify INT rey tilfweta . he FavO - ter Seasa R I- 8 inBothgh if IP • ' --Sabtub-48 if 1912 A Scoth. or 191, e--- I IF MI , , r It I „ d s . , • ese , aim: 05 , . o. d f eh is nes 1' i • : . n. ; • ' . , r '• •I c ii 1. . k r e e li Mil i• a • 1 �� ��8 t: 11 On i ell d is a brieMd ard-26 • A sup- e o Oil QR, E 1 ... . ' l'il elii : f on res i B 0 g w t an „ ply P - Ai 244f - ' fre_ USM 2. the 3., 011 b - day and low .,Danesue le terfor Ilirthe ThisIlly-LaWshallfteke ni „min, r The is Bythaw f Jannary, 13.014 g Deputy uee in conneation same Periedof the.,,,,, , .5 ...17. votes of -the shall he 1913, be tkt the folio,* Returning. _is with his tiMe„. - efficit t - ,, ' . tepayers e itled aisen on "Mo 'ay, we.en: the h um o twee a a byl .1i cers, Indy id, day -1 to the 9 a. the : b ' Vo et , . ..fo dela es he needs tit for .v -r due aseotint wit • o • t dietinetion. • rties who b this b lemon and monks which should sert, are hereby mak payment at on 284 .1, mo and th tio have not a wi ' 03 This jj this means - t m res to ailed to •pa been paid a fled that . hout urthe T BERRY, thi every if King the the hey iti name lie f t i toall,, omas epaeit me must, sali. A li 'of . - / Yfif.) have / varied ( . .. . We also Weirecommend. "WhO 1 • received our selectioni , have a fine fancies isTaly import sh. s of up-to-th4 , . 1 . • !assortment - bur Special I , Blue. ment &mica)" itinute Weav • Borges(' and Sorato1s onegal Serge to . offer you a and Mital. , .Muse • • .feente int:1):: : : , 0. . tie. II, 0 ' • . , ,' . .. 's . North . • l' II t • i 1 a• 0 • . • M IR, , . ucke re , /sees well in it eri oke Ben Goo be an 0 Mt -P Of Depay Poll Belling the lling tiab:divisionto. . D. Wilison's Retailing Olerkt eub.cliviiiions awn bail ing, • Officer, Nos, Hall, by John 1..., erd. oy Wi B and Al _xan . • 2 end 8, East A. Wilson, epu at iityn er Stobi Ward, Retur nine I . , , A '. a ••ae S / 't t i , • Our Geht's • the. Our Taikning Furnishing very lacest Departn3.ent Depart ent *rid most -as ful has i s complete styles. i reputation' for excellency r all of d Mil fro , ' ill er-:1:, 10 v.031 Itli • 94 j: . 0. e eo.ii, '0 9 . n t ge ...tf ing re Sto tu , my, ng sub-diVisiont in ()tidy g Officer, and J;Fred Nos. Block•. and 3'11 . Welsh, Poll erk.;11 4 and 5,, but y anon. yeaesputi mold Oase, oll Ward, erkl . ho- togf 4, # ' 1 in We pa . 16.t . and workManship special attention whi to 31: we shall alvisrs Orden from ol..4 maintain. Huronites • -4.H.thi 4inciay,thei;'80th the Town de v of in Beate 11, r, all atte 6.9 • . , , .. z -011ie Ipte. 1of, earl, :sessi Ise T. IL bleu and ard vii Vila Sho rib a 1,00 AR oe ,, . be :- pit - rt3 te to • • ,, ., . nt,11„ t- 0 1 •. 1 i • I h a ,,,,.„ 1, •. C a e „ R i 1 o cessio I idle t theillkayei of said of s D. B,R.IG u 501 of ., la cho ee ee, well ea oeals fa In' en, ski land • . 43 - . at 7 pe aid`and o'clock 118 to the p.ni., farthe attend at the !emitting'. u; purpose of Various po ng pi of votes se ppoint ces afor ively, • n . . f a - , 1 • • , 1 n o . 1 e h o o A . , sta p. g nd s, . t h k a fu 6 (.! ee ge *ging re', e Wood n I, pleme itertiriel ' a • theepartie a a A - , tie, ma h gig at a w cee cis Ann C 1 behalf OPP, e ten 7thelay nolo thi et no '. The , _at hit of , atulleutu By-Leiw, persons ut ,eraseing Of Clerk of the office; at the Januatryi-191 tip the v and grant ested in a d pro is ny-Lmv id Mustier silty Town Ha% n ' , at the hou f tea giveo or ai he requisite card. . ting ettvely. fshall ehisYst 2 &pie d again ate& • a #k r - We are Ini Inas pJot to make / We 111 , Olt : be making tut not for yo pleased to . • to • 1 . - t A t , - .. US • . . i n 1 s8 . • : e • 18 8 ,, 100 -Pea, tit . ,-, 6-tf I , . . .you/the v:ery latest s les.. . -•• • . , - I . • . e • . a .# p - s, ;1 , a .•ut 15 t 40 aer A. 1 r se era years. ion re ha 3, f h' ft, T ullet h, la ye re .a I..e. 1 _ff. TAKE a premium siciOation the I _f, NOTICE Mii -NorrOE • bat .13y.LAW which and Which w ici f ity of the -1-• the above is tr hasbeen ten 11 be, passed y t. Tow of e co into e . o y co nu.. ( - il / . , . / •, :• ,/See our / - Calencierso, • , , • ' Hawn' . : Clark !people g pwchase 3 . at Consta of the sur the general -tore ce, we are in a ounding coun ,_,„: and stook of mr.Robt. position to sup with, goods at -41 1y the se,c -t fei a. o 1 di e 1 a f t e anti ti ng hro ghtbe B th and Po ffine, It a a rst-el Id . ea a ire,. A. PLUM a 15 do gii, far. il 1 ' la ees RE ,- , . It fro ksmi ,.a tk , 111 3334 • . a of the ed lication -.paper whieh an cipality event theret Oil e.alled publicatioti au the will Of the assient ). rafter one (1) this By-Laivaed This Huron is the votee of the be taken thereon .seid of -the Electc s bei month fro the this dots e in Exposi r t 13th dity o Tjec eleetors ot he oh the day . .g o fleet he e d e be Id u tin pu e be 19 u, t t . , -• .. a f 2, / • e ils. " 1341 Nfain St. lito ., • Seafo t• thj • I prices Aion 1 and , -; a 1 for in all lines. for the Christmas see our stoc4 . position to payi all kinds of We hay' trade. we think it ill our custonier the Live ought largely in IF YOU NIL interest you. We Highest 'Market, ad Dressed Fowl' boug i, repar •C‘ are hie I ! ' hears and places therein fixed. 1 , produce . • r 1 .1 8.3). A hal To. eit bp. r, F - OD re er • „.. in . 8 b s .:. d n e S .• • .f :t 8 flo cefisie res all leered 1 a g od tate am: ho. se. r ail g •oteir. 0 , sH eitl ,t .i go It is y, 0 fenc vati or Witi d r- Alla Lease the prededing met father take notice Holder wh6, neglects . office of the ()lark the date of Polling, the requirements that the to file atleast ten 'Asti. of Section n al . (10 g tha t.1, a , ra d y ie tee a. on ne ti y n t . B e i - n , Law . - 1 1 4 . p• to . be delivered a , Our Iffa . _ our store every a -A Saitare Deal , THURSDAY iniornin . : • for Everyone: . 1 • . 1 o h o oa ta • i hr . , ape ue villag, b : n , nieb• t , e s etc if d to gr •.On- eto BERT B ' Barrist -12011 desiod, of • W r, el Exe e 8 Ab t LAR f for • I te 1, no the , be placed 11 , I ted Consolidated -Municipal on the list . JOHN ee. Oth, 1012. Ars of -voters f A. WILSO • . if' o r 1.90 voting , k : I . A •nse • By -Law the .. . spirttoils, ta -ale fe perm by mente t '11 eta or I 0 dr of h - Hal!' Wishnig • you a i _ - & Co-. I a • Merry C Prosperous New • nstmas and a -Happy Year, , Conta an. d ce-in • -t . , • , 11' s in 1 i , .. no II :Ili i e . CAD t . s , 9 p .1. , : , a P n, !! v.., P ..d, to I . rim) -r manufaciured uc i • • .1 .. . h 8 e 12t c neese' n s. Ar 'en 40 se so -0 W ieg oho .13ra th c ba c,, , ki-Lawliol . . / 1 he M um. a ipality f Tuc • o he h. FOR BAL ,, tram.e8 i 0- nat - r n the ta e. Sp at . ownship er i I o fag od nate. r t el tiew b vs era ping, ' a ear I I all i and e hr ' 1Pr'' 1.. a - ; .1. ownsuip, 1 / jl r M Ot . C tc T I 10 - . Municipal 0011116( of t • eT • - i hip L Ohoicety Bred roan, calved 1 Shorthorn Bull, S may Ilith, 1908, bred enrart =79870=r, y W. J. Thriven - ' Successor to W.iliT. , W son') a . It orner I t e is .11 . / P t • Tuckersmit hereby en. 4, as son,-Miticheli, Ont., sired by Rusti Chief =.401,19-7 t_ieneral Fire, Life and A' eeid stir- .. I - • i $ ro th GOderi 1 $s 5e.e , slat e lea ng If eist,8" R TE , no Port 11, ai feel p gi ad. ea I will r ye • P. 0- „r .m. yz. ,aw: to /• et ails of e • or' 0 HOES) i TOW/1S olubit pirituOu e r . M the Mu ip e Sare F er nufac icipali - TY 11 e ur y y t- d a ._: or . Illi ho i *BOWS : That the sale her M0,11.4facttred ed under license e or place of leiblie • by r l In ail of epiri (pore, is, an any tavern, ntertainme mesa shalt inn, t iti ' merited be . r other he li per- said II b ), by 37-377), hYBIrintagent - * „bY, BY J Ped rnar,aleby, 0DY 435, :lor:et-eb3ria.em:::rin33438e. Rose, &nova Sir James (82884), b (67868), oy Dake, bY•CfbathPi911- or dairigtonal3T, Jihmtimrn_eemo__, ..a, Irefiv_usragsobm, Beauty, Young Straweerry, B:assteet:IteR"sinegtottudn'. _Sanouhair nes rmion, by Print. °new° •11Y fj9r4 }Wm_ Opole. vrt -Straw- - ueaier mice Agent. liteal. Loan Agent. liisnia, kinds of property lowest, raths. 111 'sew ataymond, ;men: Et i eifec I ! ce - • and n all t the te and tit . i . el al . . e ,. g h- le, , e, ., . of 1 c.m.ino in rt d % I th f i '''an 8 sale New sEs-c:me Ma hircee and • • • • • 7, sh rn4, t, on he pr o 1 b a so we i t ne un at ne tni ck t .d on i in t e kite foe, ith , a vill go. en •• A . tab _ • ::'Mot .. 11 e 'Cour' o Ontario, at O/ e M spen op, hkreby enacts.' Of Hur•la, ens, the - s folloWs : Proy.:• 'up sh0 ce e. pe i sai , . t uelbP1:1:nta:rrait items:ri itted, in any a _Municipality. not By.Law day of March, op, No. 910 ' r piece other , wehreeree fil 00.909, na helf by re thah hoarizn e . tpasis led. bi 1 . 0 owe th: the It will readrli this one of Oen beseenat , Me 1lfillop. ,I, 114114 - • y'he freest froin' thealeive peligr.ee that e most choicely bred thuts in Otunida. the undereigned, Lot 15, Concession : 21 miles east of Beef° h on the 11-gron 1 jams cAriTaN National :Ore am A ' full supply of 'Serving needles, attachments, .. paiv_s alwates in stflesk, pa,ra, -0 ore, machine and te- r e e r e ar of h re lel ic m_e. i ce ma in rin es' g • .Th hie f, ad at r . . . t ed -Th t the elle .r other =fluted in every bv te, etall of spi ed liquors, ern, ilin,i o times, ferm is, aid shall other house nt- be or ' That the vet Tucliersmit of / be e electors of taken on t the Bei Is by Town. any and . 232541 . i Seaforth 1' 0 •-•,---- j_. • . pTo-tacie to e itors. . . o venlent to Sc • oril Hot prohibited place of 'untie enterta nment, . t e sail Mueici al- ah th of Deputy Retur , ing Moors herein fter n:inettle,on • , 8 i . ve Mi e fr t rms ni •ppl . Tet ' t• . ' IC •• ./A ,, 228 .,To 1 Hz ity sham a and he sale there be obibi.ed in house f public elite My., --:-.--...._-: 1 except v 'very sho o . inment , in . •holesale, is, place other t. the said M nd an ni M ni el .k dav, the sixth ii.' ndeed and in the world day lirt g a on a of Jenuary n, epaimeni d continnin the undern 0/lei ing at e until ention missed nine live t.• -places • ce- lac " . Whom i. d•-1. uorteertk. May . I - the estate of Margaret Tamehip of Stanley, Spinsterodeeetwed. Co I, ;ate of the of Huron, • n . . Al g e 11 a z 2 s o ,r. a h tr s i 1 E • t 3, •n on_ tan. oip , .-That the Void, of the electers ' of the said To el k in the aftern J Sprosts f. • , aloe is nerebyrs•en purenant to Sectio he Stototol, 65, thee a ' :.is • . ... • .:. , . ' .• a 6 n e A t a n n p 1 it f B nee el.' dra ned w pn, a al 4x 6 si ith, o her out bj. tw nevi of wo ahr,les• d a 0583term ea DCat :1:0- uld el et ess i v 11 forge bits ea r . fd' ; this BO .' ,ent 110 faith ' Th 4-1: as 4 ' arn2; •‚ h;;'' stab ge. mg w, 8 i8 the 911:171 . A men 4/829 . 'a , # e I .. 1 ` e I. 'If, ' ' f shipof th MoIndav. - it ,, ea Le. . Ill La 11;111n8pflo,ITIOT:Onli8virkedon SloKiliop tillt Depay Retu'ran, the eixth da li t eteel ck in the a ' 10Ciil th 'ft p 0 . re e a . pieces : - n Polling Divisian 10, -Concession 5, ho, Poll Olerk, . 'polling bivielon 25, Concession 6, 1,10., be taken on Officere her of January, o in .• ni re '.t'T rnoon, a o 1 at W nines' Evans 0: 2, ot tle e • trge Man 8-, tv...1 Thos this By -Law, , inaft.r hail: 1910: cornm "'t' 'n mincluilntu rItlin- e un el ,e , Reirly'!,61.10 Da1.0., sho gi.1.1111a,r1S.ei 1.3ea alter DO:Via8 Das dson, by son tie- - on e as 8:8' 8'8 R. • H j , N, N. N In pellingSnbDivie I in the Villege son, Deputy Betu In Polling Sub B.-sem:ad meGeoeb, It_Pooelloinrggevobro-Deivr, In Polling -Su 3.-W'. R. Smi In Polling' Su 1-A. G. Sada lit Polling Sn -Di Div' lie, -Divi ler D - vi 0 .1, at,Ross t -. ,. ondville.-9 lig 111.ear• ision No. 2, De. uty Raman Dioeep isoy.-ReS,tleirnh ion 0. 4, anti' BeturturlEi ion #:). 5, ut Returning' *on ce 6, r . ' ' at Se . • inSehvfn1 ,„.._ at, mh'''' 1 at 841 at 13 - orge 1 .I- 0 .' ' oi-hotfee ei.11. le E. mine cer. eortre hnhe ouse sa i li thetfunic14,1 Townehip olr Council, to of Segorth,, theiard da theaftern pea a by- portion of vine, inn,' in. tersecti - feby given that it 's the intentiop of Coancil of the 1 rporatiOn of the ' Tuckersinith, ata Ling at the said . be held In the Town _ all, In th_e 110.wn , m the County of Httron, on *Deasy. ; of Dedeinber. A -De• Mai ht 2 eel -pc& th ' n, to consider. and if thought advisable, , closing up aid disposing of all Meet min street, In the Tillage of EgniOnd• 0011tity of Huron, tat lies north of the of Queen Street with said Mill -Street, D, F. McG-REGOR Clerk, Township. Tuckersmith. V (Ontario Ohap,-.26 . es iaving tic gook - rgaret Ann Mitchell. AvhCC iiied h coitnty of Huron. are reueired r deliver to George Mite.hell, 'Varna dor of the last will and te WI, On or before' the 28th, 0 full particulars of their ei „f the Securietles, If any, held en netiee tat aftersueh We water will proceed to difitribute '' said deceased among the perties having regard onlyto the all t hen have not cc J„ H. the at to ' rnent of av oi D free er - the ment1 -della BEST, at the/3w Wingbant, in pond iiyamet . O., theft. the ais.1 de. reember, 1912, d the nature . And furtho zed date the the tweets 'or nage& there. of which he Seafor#12,Ont, ' ' e 4. r, . 1 f ili e f M.171 fa e r:s a 4 1 a .. 10 of Net 6, it II s n Irel. e • 0 a E -Lob '_-_ ares all el •ne • • : but t. n e home, O. e'ot io, Conceseion John Leman Leemin r., P , . n Polling Di 'sten IA 11 (rim*. No4, at Sch.ol House E . 7. • .. . 9.-1,17. brnelai . D That on the 6th . nty turning # ay° Decetrbe_,e. v A. me. 1)e 1912, oate4.34 of v. nth, 1912. • 23454 • traitor for said Exeentor. Dated Dee. 2ncl, 1912. a , le vfood . Thirt o r aer • •I • .26,10oneessviion Jahn Sea ' lett D. R 0 7 - ' • R P . is residence. Lot 26 Con ession- 4„ II+. . °Wa- t• e ' i f in .. ed, no Ty • , T ere ie. am wi h bed ba k 1 era er onafteit 't ot 11 rn 0. o b , en of w ard new also e, e d d : lo Archibald, . at T th Poll Ole.rk r3• -That on the ,ftd his ;office, in, the vine* of iteifillep, afternoon, the Reeve . day of De • Village o at the hott shall op nber, A.D., Wintrirop,,111 of one &Woe ()int in wri 912, the in ng, st I I • . .. rib 'loose alft eitur n toners, oiediobiry ohipmosiilhf t,i,w: o attend at b ii inter in st,id „thee, , IOU, arpOpor ,. ebreyo is, otoot.tkenood klieg place ele de re n I eat boobs p_rom Ow' otolio f Of k gin. lin firenar! th: thoir , GRAND T i ronto TRUNK RAI LWAY . SYST EM- -a. n ogs and He Bolts an ding ed I r nmites' ittl e • a . . . . eel e 8 • • 21 ' , , 0 . t be _ :, II n ' I ''-' t a ea ye ' g od ro onr mil se 00a back Ive ister Olt er s ro • ad an Ve be ent - ble ter ou t Of ill 1, A:1111 rd itnel nd ue or a aa hea J• i a . it i I: n . •re ter e, tit -i ' P • of n ' er -tly t.• hero : , . - r op • Id da.e' ' etl: 'th s : de he r d. of y, , • rop r APO *01),-- 114.• D "n" 2846 el 'and lug alairl,daesinclrinulake°fnun?134mciheertOrtgbtebine te t 0 f f ned by Itimeelf, two al. summing up one person to places on beton efited in and deal isby-law„ . .-LThat she- Clerk the Township of Motillop,sha e whim ,at t renodn, on t e sev sum 'up the nuinli persons of . the vote attend at of the pe if . ug of opoos . of the said e hour of t nth day of J r of votes gi o a.ttend. at by the 01'rk, each a the sons intere af3.1tnhge °pet rtsh4:1211 .g t e pasta uni ipal Co atte 4 at Gals lve clock in nua , A. D., en 19r and ag. the oll- in of • nail ees th I ns p . , o t o t ns , • ng of this by aw, he persons int res .., - passing of th' by-] .. That the 01 rk o h ' T i f Tn. t e ownen p . ee, Lot 19, OD cession o o'nlock in the aft weary, A- D., 1013, n for and ageinst :his Thisby-lavi shall rat •y _i_rousoo1 nd a like nmb in nd deelrouts w. the said Munici. keret," 'h shall . _ .. 2, . R. oo on the . su up tb h -law. cam - into f of May n. * el . atte tth , a • eigh num. ' me n t, . ..r a op ti. a h •1 0 take the h „. I. g nevelt t his • a of aY 01 votes - final $8e40 . : . Tickets 9th, . ' , Try......A470fvogultirttiZtLtosteelsoStrobOviroa, Retu en - from . eaforth. 0- g01,114. . f . , ec. Igo 21 ' P 4 trains b ll trains Dec. 10th and lith turn ranee tio'c, nth .. • • ,0 Dec 1319% 11 0+ - , e, the undersign ay the highest c quantity of 4 na basswood betiding softmthaPriucesgsfoor'irmo. Hard. Maple... 16 BaSesw00 Id, - , f 117.00 Delivered at re te ' ki • bol 1 00 Seaf repared ts or an im ds of logl r 1, r 1,000 er 1,000 h , • ' bjr-litW): 5.-Thlti-bplew sh the first , - II come into day of Slay force and 'tak ext, (ter the ef fine t asgfrroroothie..01 Muriel' Ohamtier, ov. 1101, 197. . I --...:...... , , Guelph_and Return $1.95 . , , i I other logs uot gilt, - „ted,bighest .,:. .. pri4 _A -------...- _ tie 0, ,- ,. 0 ill 1 . 11! 1. 1 Ii. • f'-ee-6 .1 . • --e-----"- •fl!Y I. . D . • 0111 4, ba •iler., .. . etiL ' e R Pho ; ' T[ a e co er • etc, d 0.60 . . f p I , proposed uPion .5tolli Raid tore et as ing Council Takenotice qu r ti from thereof. Chamber, i . , that t by -la sr w by the Manic' p, and whi Lulea On the ing obtained 0 License A nil month fro !Rum was Friney that at or. taking ' overober 5 OrsielE0 e above is h has been. 1 Ootinell 0 will be fin event of the thereto. as ," sit a 0: the first 'tor, the,d the llith da0f e hour, day e Totes of '•1g. . true topy ellen intl the T. 04$811 of rori iiv endm te, publi Won tif bah of - -. and laces he el xi ,of a. , . • b the MI .ber th pr. de , . ton ele „. reto er- u e po : n it Pigsa4140.:uw151,leiPalbw: ttirtilleeetiieee),ITelliirblungeLmic:intlint4inse t sa nlaneetherein ikarp Take notice tb t th red in The Hum t publication was L D 1912, and . .. fliced the . page will he OT OE bo e las t el:leubtlh:el'illevlite ..'roinA' ell.; I ..., .r . trie that at the r ta g the held. - '''' D. Fa AIoG)11 u000p °nail:leo:T*1F etAllidlitst' e date d4y hoar vote* •! o 11 '‘"hlleintenerelofYi provided _of ot dSY t . I a_ pro. iri whista ofeens, arid elect- OR from Seauorta. Tickets ood • going Aim. 0, 10,11, 12. °114.1klirl°P).. rtUrr.inlateelijaillirli: t:t t."' Dec. •Dec. . °l(I:127e rILL I points in Canada qii-cketa and fun 13artin- lars4from-Grand Tnink Agents. W. Somerville.. ; .., '4 Town Agent w, Plant_ . - .!.Depot Agent • . ' ** • ` I ...... ' j A. E. Duff, Di, P. A., - Unioa Station, Toronto, Ont. Basswood':Hesding Its, 40 -inches long, $4 cord: 20 inches long, $3. Per cord. e will aleo buy tiMber by measua ent or bulk in bush. S i .-, il attei paid to Oust° • Savnt -satitirso n guaranteed. Or fur er partii apply ai; the o he Seafori • • la . _ P AME T Sal ' 'SE : • . on short , held. 6 ' .11 , , 1 .. • 2 I 01 rk.• (IX, :it :# I _ - . • - L . t .. y _ : t . _ .._ _ _ : _ ..._ --t.....ettitt.:t9--..., ....-- - - , ___. __ _____ _ : _ _____.,._ , _ _ - ,- _._-:.:. . ___ •