HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-11-22, Page 571— L :T 5 -Jfto i081TOR Omni" 0. IL MARktTS' Leve ish".-bro I I *,I ownship I' Hullett IN00011401 lus VOT OCK. t3ftift", IfOT 1012 I H Ed one t4 U, fairly activ A", 36 t6r, gras.s.; CANAI IAN, A at6ck ad at. 41. per., OUA Wt AX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE Ole t tw D"19te th 46 W- $0 -- - .4,1 m. Uliam ore, tl e Hullett Tax e -bee wi $or milk-fo. OYCOM ERC11 a44:-ttje .16*Jelt price Mo Md conifor ....... %0.23 -00 .00 1 leg Tro 3years: quie hei at the fllo W iW?40 WALKM Q V. 0 L. D., �D. C. YL,., pr�;o �dent ............... . . 6 W to. doW daelin Ma 0 lector, will be 'Wing SIR E I i X W-onto,-mq*t' for bog4 ce ;0 ca -111 mr, cOjv us bso to *collec. a;r,+s, on t4e-dat ALEXAN-DER LAI�D 40-IIN AIRD ....... 2 50 b6 3 26 4 40049er 1081MC-- develdplid -6 a 4 t -C rill eifer d fiv Itatra t ud tat 0 1, -heifer es GWing fto 218 �-eal Market,to4a 0ow d ng 2 years a] Clinton, 01*3 December Oth General Manager Assistant Gep�e ral M6nag4ri adIN . . ........ . . ....... 24 to 26 tre LU TARE, Ila l -A 01 aprinf 40 t- U depboro, Wovemb r' 20 and Decer- 7 283att:: c6sbps Withi 1 28 ,- a I b �-nt Df fzWX ru binglabiout 13 An go 2J Tuff b, lurn, Decipmber 4 Con - 09 week, i -hich L I% i 'I, to 28 250 to ;400 pef bwt �b �.02 ..Wton ....... 14 00 tor 13 %, tip'Inte paid a thpo lff$ 7 �weeke of ber 11. Five per cent. bag to 9 R �s ns of�.. and u Uer 081813,i Over pe, Decem. CAPITAL or at peattr"tea to %be Ullft- )qf in the ! #,.k, 1 $15,000 000 Npr ow 0 for e s4liply. T _,Con aim 610 1 111 W be claarged on I taixes not pid 0031,000 I a *as' t -O nts paelke M to, u, I after December jl�th. d - lot T. T. on d The SO* 4�21d sal electe BT. T. D S, V riot -as of a s, were, WM, Mo�j Collector. -and ome lots; comift 1 A p wirnial M IRROW I ibers orosita Pioultiry Natkt M"e at ha -9c 1 TRAVELLER', CHE %les I from the 01orth- of,ToroatQ Ao L out f6r, dr -088A poiditpW lit e and De lu �-We&fstted, clean, 417 -picked hundT ;t Abe m One blih As $9.00 per me ed 1� lunus r A 7=& �L m ssu d'by The Canadian Bank of I merce enable tl, t ell�r to 1$—'X1 - Thos. BIAVVY11. W1111 tMLA ra1v �d n, oi -Let �d :)u eyelet quoted as follows: ChIckims, welelled off the Cars.. EAte 04 '1 'd' himself with funds without d0ay.�' prow Ire to t ka" re on thal oneession i 3, Stan; I Ur I Ik ow b,,,- fc�wl, .11 to Ise 4. f Mr, John on, on ursdaYo" ar UP I ember 238 at vo Pdk ewt. #1 i f! 4110P a con nient yet in6xpensive manner. They are iSsued pa�able in �very i -e at each point of his journ6y in fle, 4oloe, 46A j, 0, 'OUX ok p.zA-,,-1he ollowlngl wnshipo cK ;to Joe Kee a 1 F4 is -to 14c" 0 281104f ral purpose glpi ng T 4 14 medJujil, $S.25, � to 40.5# #61 tpro rty 1, -ED —0 caiint in the world i'a denominations of� 21 to �f se. Live, poultry. a- Lot 44" camers, 0, ob ows, Y� a UAPU#.TIY a n Blythe Ron, tw 19D.A) h I pX ng foau, a ng, Al by F.- 3furdoohl $101' $20o $50., awtom toK bung, COLLEOTO$ NOTICE is �f urnati I driving mare f ent in t lower tbwx- 1be Above,- $100 cmt* 0 35 to $200 afi 0 0i U3 aDow due calve! With the exact equival he monc s, the principal �quntri;e thoro d' 100 due ter Eckar e $.10 to 4,9, um tih 015. Ito 4.90 11, az� oble t, Tax dfloctor, will. b Morse Xarket ti Xjvrl 1, four 3­%,ir o n )air. we to jo 1, 0 on the face of eachcheque. They ar eco omical, absolul�e _MOM_ doo �calvod -1. at OROS Hotel, n, on Thurs- self - or a is 1.1 year bl � free] � cow, 4 t r satWac- Nov. U.—YeaWirdar, at And is 8 da cem er Sth tify TDMt0J1 the 9heep, ei"s, $1.74 $4* bwu a Y$ t the Royal idea ing and'easily;negotiated. a bVilik Or lep e. y to, yearl ng heifer �:Xlyeo tol 11 A,,Seaforth, on 8 irday, met I t d Is well ,*oil binder, are ed, fic klqhor Y Vegas. Bam- and- shep­� bums, *00 to $0 to e 0 odell We ond -harro sei� be I A Aor Sale d on Fri nd'Saturd�iy, to JQJJVej,L -n SeafoKh tQUYt 1" hofteS of' $6.5@; h*k t.%bt' N 7th, a jes, anli. businm., whteh has Va bD,C#13_ wn fanning h -v fork fee t oi D -ember 13th and ;h, to receive M: I V n not stilly I whre let Felt be tollers and other ta moneys.- - wilL 0 At the above &FTO r idedly.. slow for miMy, weeks UbtotC Stock 'kardis Tor I lr� I W t 11 Ike -leg, 4 r1b, A shob.gong'. The w1iole will rS and up- illo S, VOW' T t CI To 4 ber. 0 Ef, the 13 1 -es from 10 a. m. ties -,�hDwed some lmi)rovemint. 'Ves- m. Par bet--2O.-7%e �eaftle market�t!$�!� or n 0".' bial dp rietor 10'Aiving P W" i 0. 111. be, Tented. trijit to do c M, th eir taxes has W a, &C h 3eaforth La-ader, Was antl Howland Pur4 Much `m6re Uve thas- It and under cash 4 12 �ao=! vat that 4mour 0 b on Appro ad en read noteis. � A discount of. rJA U15 A cant, bh e Standw Fit ominion orat goo4 heavy draft the last Week r ten,day* romho4 predit amounto. ablinit, at any at, zroWld 023-0 *r head, for tug deinaNd 6t eilla n late for -cholds' t seves ww1N work.'W S. willows Of New all ------- es prices Of 2 r,.td bougt, 4 , f A NHMERVI D DI mixture* in Boz&glz tle f to�d Of was 'responsible for a rike, In th b t" eel Ito ieg= t�00 oaf- PF,.rFa BOKAI�, Collector. 9"Oral butiAter and expmt eat d Brown and Grey dtaft horses at $140 to &oM ten to twe�nt3� U FIRST I _Can sodle Of h as f Wt OLA�W P iigl) K - MM te 7 ZeWnt HOWlor $166; the beii selltPir for 'as high -as p6.35. i - by pu auction Tweeds are, t" Favo k Ims. 16 farm - on, her atate hinfiler, a Mon. for B 90 ;01 mare $247.50 ; bay 0 to )MgO I House 1%� Ing at lio'clook -1912 and 1913. i� �Uowv, gelding $146; brown mare"4166; Some time ago the dem&A 0 one m el so, 0 Of Fq1 aad Winter easo Ung $157-50, er$ luxAP8d. but.'"tbis - beef' ato a h4 X04mber I I -L gek grade. Py. M, T40 Whom i *ay of ot e d In C6tf i h fr Ans , Sao toll dri ny in 1"foal, 1 _Om-bmt !teldtni�, bl'4w-fl mar 800nig tobe wanteA to a limited eria Is d I p I)PI Y tor Zen I pum rd gelding, $80; f ZZ11 Wohave received our i ehestrat Uwwn U4t, a;4 trade E =J.tf 11 years 0 ConeeT, r mport ishi rdent and can )ft, yqu a ience" u osed to Chi f, 1 drift to Noth by 91 baY mare, lgry'L War* was 8on*Wb&(. briskez. Althoug I !no .1 L' vari6d- selection of up-to-thi itkute I Q' is ndon weaveg� trey - ffe 9 tanley, Gig evit Chief dpe Anul r�,.'90th, I c�w due Id i - I gus b N Mae is. hereby given that It to t to Ition of Ina kling, $110 br6WA 'n- -4 rked, advance in the Irices oC medi sadist SOL. .4 let, I r"s t i montno DIP, I We also ave a f #266. Average wkes kwerpf: Jura &I# r - ounielpal council at tliq 0 rporation. of the sortment *rgee and d tods, An common stock -trade; wao briek,1' will: tered A ob oaft 010, fegioteri5 Angifto ackerswith, ab� in ting of the mid gal Serge t4e ere is a, he r 2years a d 8 of ip of hold In the Tow in toe Town We, e uP- Or, and' -Wit"s steadier. Laidba ad, d our §peoial 1600 Wuuft and u 2, to bT oommen Ith a effors, 7 r Istered 0ots%WO 8 -red L oestor owes, I red ir.4—icesl, -to eight yeaa% qOuhd bdZA were both firmer. andf.a The o� iYelook In on t of ton, on Monday. ILve a the County of, little . 4 'WhOfEmOies NaVY BITiro. amneral !)04 igher. -QuottJohs were.- lam f four prIzeis fill rab A,D,, I 2t at 2 X-moort eat- lava ud'if ftiot, *185i to $210; , tj I I wellig. nI; a I moon, d err, a )ugbt advisable, 60 'o tvi Me nw "is 0 low,l Hamp. Our GaJil's FuMiShing Depart 'nt is complete ind, Z11 pi w closing up and alffrosing of all that ad, express horses sodad, $1 itle, Cholce; $6 to $6.101 medium- $5,125 to filit Of ser4 ng pigs three bY;116MII1 Street in ft Village of Rguiond. drivers U49 td - *20t; h 11 $5.16; bulk, 2.75 -to b Is rod pohlre 3.75 th� very laceflt d m a, , a quaii tity of horas, 490L to Uko; cattle -1 - f str I sib to barn a in said County of Ifuron, Iths blies north of the E us ful� styles. at 03 U ' - i I riding plow, near] Y� -no action of Queen Street with i aid Mill Street. �i am 0 M4 A iium Nt itw% choice, $6.15 to $6 1 bug)ry, IL Wet* 1 se; sleighs. Every. .7, Rour to tao. $6. , I id h W I, Tailorina Departmnt has reptLtation foe liwe 60 to $P.76; common $2.1.5.�t 08'.4 1 exoolle. P& hand city- horse ti must, pw 0 ft out let V tl eighest bWder, D, F. McGl�.'HGOR 76; bAtchers' cows, choice 8 underidgn , r . UAW to 01. gout of p#re.bred i stock. Clerk, in fit and workmanship whi VV% Township of Tudkersmitil. 3. we shall al U e_r,, 0011 ; over that Grain, Etc. a$ --An an of $ pv§dium, $�3.6.0 to $1.50; amo t ten won �,Ils' a j, Orders fro.. l the clftiton common $8� ri ir, gtyen on furalsh. Nov. 19th, I We pay' special attention to �rl, eal lot ill !On 2, Xov. 19.-Ontarlo, Wheat- to $3.0; butchers' bulls, *8',, to $4.50 li Li 100 res. nir�17 acres Ing!I Proved lot it,ban able notes A drunt of as cash am*. -red wheat quoted at feeders, $6.25 o $5.85; bulis $3 15 to 4 bu ackin )ad of oultiva. a . )ent. str-sij, bt ad Off ft a , b an( fe ted. There Ma ate. MFA Proprie. $4.25; stockers, $5.26 ds I Urkr W. I WHER, cedi-t& tggc vtjtg;1f1e, an -d Woute )d r 0 Ian I, fraine Clinton 0i ts-0, -to OSO; mm41 t 1i Wd T. GUND &T, otipaeor.1 2345-1 #atslde. Oa _Uerings small, n1ion I, - I I p op!e NO. 3 150!t $2; -milkers and sprIn'-gers 40 6 1 n M fdr IS RTGAGE SAf& -Val able very- U to $4.60; caners and c ters, I Afteeting of tbenuron BRIGI T S.C- *9h --market ateady. $ In as- Nvber in to $85 -calves $7 toF 48,6 rai 6 to 11 I Ise, ete� ADFarm in the 7 mnship, t e to 37 cemts oatside, anA k :1 kn a *1 at I i Of Perth.- PavianitotiOPoweve Is ' C6 .0 Ci track at 1�wonto; Weg-,L4 69; 1) mvy all I 1411 in i one. of which n P.M; light ewes, $4 W $4. cm �Ilned In a cettal i mod Will be bo t 1 11 U!S to d regis wh �oh 43 to $3.50 - backs ten C�nada wU� axe quotetA at 41 1* ewez and 4 ulls. beted, I od wh oh will a ti 61, ale, ther will I a offered so 31 PC ITC 11 �A I a offered mile by iubtio the Com, I of u W $3; 1146 gply Council of tf his at,.40 1.2c for teed;b&y AL4 anil watered, $8.' n�^ meet in the Council It ro Fall' Clea.nflal is Oy,�r er, in, upA on, by Thou e, Aucuonen, No. 2 quoted., at $i -JO to :alld, PT mg -le noi t Of artil, on� satur. day, 23rd day At NO1 the: rown of Goderic)�, on Tuesday,, aarleyl-Tf adA. Is quiet. r, I at. 2 oclook in other- her% In 0, 14t 1 CC SA t 1B.- 12 the, nQon, I he fol ng Ian namelyi: AS De�c mber the 3rd, at 3 6 clock. All: B Frt bv 1 lips 01 06 abo t, 5 'acres cc ints against the Cour req*r-f WftejnaUdWr1np. filorty-eight poulld d War OlIrthl I b of Und and an Ilu !Ills bete the IN rearrangilig ati) and well to�vfiship yourjooln you h at V%gok, ky- Is qt*ed at, Wb� 74 cents oVtj rARR--in�Se&fbrtb, on November 15� to Ur 1 and 8 of ell I pro situate &g i4ttlement musi ed *ith,; Mrs. R. Fan, of Brussels, a son. f 0 ai nee of ronta, this OW. C04A-The market is dOl e. not _&r b U and of, AU& and Ja of In th a of Pe d Provi BURROi Seaforth, on November 16ta r. tc a of, er%o',.. On -being no m the Haft 6f Lot be� 10 1 1 in d a ef- t e 10lerk befor� that dit- iced where $ovement 00 1 A.'1V JU rne and Mrs. Burro a daughter. i H tert Ining b., r 4ameasu went 'ir" table Car quo 0 ex den b 2 gZd on of t e maid W. K Clerk. 11111toad 'With' WO.. 2 LoW, American NO.1! e Sixth I 0onc $A- *- 'R I*,. - aZrall, Tpvolx WZ on- November 8th to X1. Mid M-1 BU to; No. 8 KRAFT -In Dash a i I .a ship of Hlb Da� d Nov. 16th, 1912.. i 284&2 by the additin of a 0. Kraft, twin boy& is $ Sidi, brick 7 the ftk, corn, Dtrcentber idetlVO Me Mrs. n let( I and the - Sam � Imore Or less. Uew DUZ.&ND-At the Bauble. line. Stanley, en 0 a a e tj founds- fil -0 sit TH1 hie! china cabinet. A visit to our st W You Mem. uated a farming district ore t n out A ng. it an I o voi Iven later. ftrMto. AaaZz-Hand picked claoted at bet 13th, to Mr. afid Mrs. Louis Durand, a. 2d, 2d' 'i1*DP1sD1W1s Portu Vo'efed,.to Anyone d near Oitn­! primes, $2.90. In a '00b4 ter. I to bta good Iamb. Terms of I ta decide just what is I zi-49, and an silamination I a from isle-- I TER TERM FO kJAN. i T 0) per cent of P LONGWA-In Logan, on Novembe as MI o fro whooL, gen In cash On. 0 t heir R&Y, loose, th�otliy,�,$17 to r9, to MrJ and. 1 ' nt of our st6ck will.eertaild teenit t VA9 waly. Mrs. Louis Longway, a son I ;b abe 16 ar the on t day -of sale and balance I 0 y0#1 int-prests. rne, on November 12th, Mr. i0hen tb pure th clover, $16 to $16. Baled Eray- HU.NTM-In Usbo dayo hereafter, '�w set Por h #We_ -t &m. receipts limited. No- dap-ghter. -a DEI AA r ri lesel The�p ty Will be gold a Dhaal and Mrs. WM. Hunter, a cc w sod and PCs - VNIDERTAI(ING IN ALL TS BRANICIR reserved bid rs will HODQINS�ln Centralia, on ovember IS, ti� Mr. -4 to[ $14.50 on tracl 3,48x L : I I ay be, had In A 0J& 1) ead witil *�Wted at $1 and Mrs. Weele Modginsa son. a known a I ore PROMPTLY A T `V T be to a "O� -iool 'All 'at as 0 Let 2 thq n eantime fra, ermairn W. whito; No., 2, $12 to *12.50. 1 1 a the Dated.�hig �th 4, beri A.D. 912. 0 Z:, 1con I adreg, Tit day oJ Novem R. HAYS. Mort - re are on fty is quoted aq $A to 411 on track. F��baf;wj olicitor AS BRO iiLl Au;mai. TORONT NT. a! g1gr, J on kit fte d ad the west, 800d StrP-W-Trne Market Is CiUllet, MwBIATH-GOODWIX-ln Minton, on Nove nber ith gow, I �z a d iard �nd I a 1. =r" th. by spend tbo ot good atrawL quoted at Per. Ford, i Ii is ar I h stone ean, wh *1th eWintitred - E, ilyn, IWO to] ��i 114 d ORTGAGE SkLE - - Valuable otel an C4 ckades Hi 0 et youngest daughter of Mr. Alfred'Onodwfi, to ,X knother d Two and .0021. Broadfoot 8 a- #Jfc ou track at Toironta. Potatbies-. Samuel Ritchie Maolfath, of Oodeflob, towA i ihll� X of Seaforth, reco n r rn ut di I I em?nl Brl6k Stan i In t1 is Town and 10 fte market is unchanged, with. a 7-fAir 1ANX0X_JOHNST0N a In It re no t I evil 7e: Eg moiadvillo.-Ptur- ox church n �nse, I erIng -S. T.. HOLMF48 1&anager, Kn I Ab ol H' 'ended by _At 7 14 at la,f, 0 f Inter stnaents. Uates in to contalned in certain or -Rae *wazd. Go-dd stock quoted at 80 to Godericb, on November 12th, by Rev, Q. E. . at l d ve ta Hig t"rm su t m ang demand. to aqe�hvelllephc Wvle )een duly registered and Rose, Richard H. Lanixon to Joule' ohn-, ell W 9 a. f M 1181 an( h me -a track, and, New rung -1 B e,( a tit �Of I p of ule there Write for w �Icatalogue. ston, Goidericb. e who will De u at the th it wick 96e per bag.91fifeed-Ma. bran, a 1, 11 1i f on$ to in - x ill flom" FAHNER-TUMBINER-In Stephen on Nov he 2v offered for e by publiwau 131%, by aber )nth% has #Za.501 ih, bage, 'track, Toronto; shorts, 13th. Miffs Minnie, daughter of Mr. and I. F. I ndi illo Mr, at It gILS Hotel, in 10E in I ear elk a 4; at� h, In 'As i It r), Tei ras 1 r Ae umouu r f. nuion, on Treibuer to Mr. Henry Fallfier by Rev. t th te th #2S%; Ontario bran-, nomirral.- at W. fa bf r if, 3)] n tbeprep'k se ad. Satin the 28 day ol ovembe t�,Q#nders, of Brantford sor xrD C sona4le. RU RUSIM E Dat 4 is' D. No. 1. a g three c8) r#22.50, In bags, shorts, nominal 2 O'd, Inhe 001'. the f NAZIGER-NAUSHWANGEIL-At the luderaa FW8)jtf pares of land, ly Paroal 1. �t N f It Margaret E , daughter of Mr. and Mr and church, Dashwood, on Tuesday, November L2tb, �ix ly 5 eitiks To get pomepf the bargains. Ther le. I a seven 0 of to Noc. f, t .0 an are still $�reat fkrgains to be bad Live Stock kets one b red n tv-01 a 61 1 at Burve Nausbwanger. to Mr, FAward H. NAffige W I F r sale I Acres of VY 0 1 Ty I I - LrVXO at t'lie Harn S In th Town i. h a he Live-r000l, 1Tq1v.'-'19, -ftere (was -a the Rev, Mr. Thun, a. olde a t f Huron, on 10C as, Dick's Specilt -MITH-DAVIDSOW-At the home of the b ft )m h ZPh I' ide's b -t Blikembead to-day,good by Rev. Di P trio, Ito ;h. it OrMn sHot cludin Seaforth Tea Store -Wak trade a! mother, on November 7tb,' f) Ak e has on 0 a a das and Sheds. all icattle especially- bing in demandi and Mr. Joseph B. Smith, of Turnberry, to Miss a bai 6 �e5 J.Di is Dui AtIO I CA nt floors,, Thia� a I his for ers done. I Is nqW do for 10 44,s Ion tel As nes r ii t, I 0J, its de ( 3 tea VnthJ a I& and luerat! Ve one ess ger to clear out the mary.pavidson, daughter of Gavin Pavid. ailestionably it Saturday'lz prices were well maintain-' eon, of Wingham. a 9 84 6 KI D with 40t is el ri ily 11 he and has all balance of Crockery, aMna and -z7 I gal I of Lots IN40S tV0IJJ, ak W n adf tat to cents per poun4 t, v Do& 11 S %Wn mode., -n eo= ace. el raill and iet ever offerea i44de Of '4 1 T, n in A in A in A one (161), rl� yt n [barnit Mt a is also to It' JX (46) and tine hu red so to I - 1 Deathii e r in A ssurvei of the d No� ig the time to �et 10 -piece toflq� sets, re .1. gular price $5.50 Vi i I Oak Leatt ir A Wer a, Is oreetWed BI sale I %DroutoKov. 19. --The ran of cattle was , -J 411niz we] a dolstern Town 3f Seaforth, on On u He It -Dot on a 13t Oak f COOPER -In Clinton, on November 13, John Voop, sha 1 .10 wbio - (2) storps, arice $3,'95 4 -4 -piece Ubitia, tea r trade ansequently qui&t with fling 001118 0 e. photograph tak(n. 11ght and -wa's c' er, sea of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Coorer, agid 28 a at, a It- )I C rc e ighl a read reel 3.-�­Lot No. sete, regular! $Ws now m�ad-t Gdld med ninet In A mita 8 arvey of the Village, of weTI piece Chita; Aea sets, re"ar $5, At _md good but-�her cattW years, 10 m6liths and three days. nlut25 acres, The klemp EgM nty of 0 GREEriSLADE-I& London on Noven 11 on, on which I f uxipiy: iber 10th Mrs n M aq ing is or Just Think One dozen now $3.50 1112-piqoe dinnur and bea Vas in fact better than he s Ann.Greenslade, formerly of Bayll n Ot t a to g it M4 Zteland-i or" aid, ag� d 97 at Di . or elling h Be. Terms of *mo or 'the cattle offering did not. r a n re uls ' Per cent. of t, regular $15,,now $10. ione, be 9i f a 0 Sale pu �*er t ten ( Ou LINDSAY -In Fast P�,o. years. re, his rob n a' I Of photos.make tw'.,Ive Xmas W'ibh beaded line e zome U11 to the quality reqx0re4 'AfDrg Wawangsh, on Novelmber !loth, A f" am lat __ in 4U the i I sale, and the 0X_ Rebecca lAndk%y in -her 80th year. anee to. be pald-% in thirty( days there- 130' GROCERIES cattle of )>etter qtallty were wanted. kesents. We Guaraniee t by& POTTER -In FAd Wnwanosh, on Novemer 10 Mr. h i. Each ftredl will sold sut so to a reserve e groceries 150 '13 J, i are down M' piice, , 0 being oil n 1 1 Vd. Further pail ioula and full t of �sale will e the Where were several good loads7 offering, J. Potter., I a at a Road vert4ittig-itmb a shade over cost. be made known at thd time Of 8 0 a be had uyer $5.80. VIDEAN-InGoderich,on November 12-, 1 a A. a In mn of Ew!afo tj �in th, i . Ca��, and see our st�les. r)o Clothes- ias the i -in the -meantime ham th d HAYS, es on h i r1lun a I I One, load of good heavy cattle rought Sweeny, wife of Thomas J. Vid"ni 10 b I Lot 1; 16 a Is T a he PWI s for 5c ; 12 bars ood Get our nc i6n J$u& .,b rooMortgageeW Belief bar TJ UBnO one Jr. Washing So�%p for 25c ; 6 bars luze aft to b e- 7ARK-In Walton, on November 14, Eft6beth b I It I a house a ted by DAtd-Wov. 4t Remember us, V 0 U of tun- faft) 00at aud CUb BMW Rob r the Williamson, wife of Uooh Olaric, aged 44--' �ears a AA we water I i a house. h, 1912, 848-bd f el 'by I i rT light goapf(ir 25a ; 6 bars of Comfort 3b% Coulter were said ill bD<ght for ex -port for Chicago where and tI month#. if re henhou is nd pig- I 1 Re, a n w 0 #nt Date. 12� MON SA OF FARK 44ve pictures to. e. f6r 26c - ObiLis, of Surprise Soap for 25c ; lArgest stock at reduced'prites. QK AND IM, i I 0ockerline formerly of Bly# . be- 6 bars Richarids' Pure Sop for 25c ; 7 efiotee steers axe selling steaLdy. at $11. WILSON -In Applegate, 'Michigan, on Noveml er 4, p "Irannah,mary a rz a 1 0 am is offin F"M r. Thotnp" has received d 0 0 at M r . 0 lloyes and Mitts �aly t� Zon�e light stockers were also bo.ght loved wife of the late WHam "Vvilson, sg� ille ooll ! tA sell by Silver Star- soap, for 26c ; 7 bars Bee- V 0., Imitg a 0 pi ei'� instructions frwom TAr. RLO e I e good t 17 tor the market. Local butchers years 11 months and 19 days, 0 1 2e eat 31 an is fly Vail If auction, on Lot I nee it Miles which �119 Photo! tudio Iffive Soap foil 3 of currant.� We a qualities carij -,d at per -In Tackergmith, on No Iuaker. rM9 ce of the offerings, LANDSBOROUGH r don si abund. = at Egmondv [Is on b 1 801 for 25c 31 of raWns for 25e ; .5 1 bs took 'the balan 19th, Maigie Landaborough, oldest daugh or of a �(eo I!0lmd. smith on Tuesda er pjair. . ...... 2k to $2 The foLowing, are ther late James Landsborouzh. Imp( e 11 d Edy" to 'sharp the tollo k lbs evaporated peaches 01. it % �-: Rors 0 br Tompr:L7 �Man St. B - fo - 'the quota- go for c.; I t pt r, I n Id, suppow to be in foal to Hu�on Again, I for V? f I fresh prunes for Sone 5 year old ei to W 25c - Salmon 155c, 1 andffle per tin; �6 tionga- C&ttle--�MOW Mifth-er, $15r.75 to I t I Ap ply Lipp Swe at; Pads. . $ft to 7ft $9,00; e3p?rt #6 to $6.101 good me- �6sed to be In I to Mr. d tf ColqU ioun's horse I agricultural m kre 4 yet to D14, I Trunks an lise �9M. Idizm, $V W $6.0; -Cattle-0ow due to N tics to I Btiers, nice large tins of fat herring, 10c per common to firme �s driver 8 ears Old. WORTAW N(Y== tin. A cordial invitation to call and 1 tt faZI sow 43 ft $6 00 balls, $3.00 calve December is I cow due to calve December 22, L� �tl 4 lop on -R. S., 2 oowi due ta7calv Fe4ni ary 18,, 1 Low due to calive get some of. the bargains. Wanted- HOROUGHBRED WHITE LGRORK C60K. 100 Mara 20, 4.0 cows e to calve May one cdw n6t in pay- I El 'OD 0 K S talveo-G)od ve *7 to .0-009" TRELB FOR SALP-Bred from wize whining k a of a Iv calf, $ heifers 2 y rs oli, 2 steers ybarle old -2 half- Municipal Counc of the Town I i WO '"' 1:" to a*82 Well Uood fre& Butter and Eggs, will at. 4 Ic n a !of woo(I are I ye4r Laid, 8 at ere ;pring calves, cash or trade. 1 11 f Morris, have Harness it ewmon, $8 . *' to $8.25 per cWt. steak- GEORGE BROOKS, HBns&ll, 0 r 1 Lun oi and a Pigs -O r n shi 3 fo We, in De- b iq a., 1 11 York ;0%'i' alit a' 6 December PHONE 93 - --Some young hoi 1 frame 12,8,store hogs. - ?oultr�-About 06,yo hens. P Alte Comm stoc eWero Oteerw 350 to I f� d in a d d:1 0 cemJ39r, Fifteen Tho d Dollms of OP rcial rQRSES IOR SALE ercial et fan Iff sale. Apply to WK. SCOTT, Lot, 29, ces. (I W r is ment1w Imp1qments-Dee"g Dip withonsaf car erand 13on the To wn V* PDUX08 �415.215 tO $6.60; Ze 9 D .S!rg wt It .. on -.1,390 RM., St #2.1S all I I she I d b ggy trucksmloor out, ne six foot cut, A. G.- 10 to dod� IS, Kelifflop, Leadbury, P. 0. t( -- ig at 5% in ual a *1111A 90 ( 8 1payments, rth IF 4' L, =1 %rge, 20 Ault, Sea h J in r� I 6wo boi a all one peering tw(lve dlek seed arl11 with grM sn(l Awmiffrs--'stew 'is- and are bi&. n 0ame. 140tice to ured# ors. AM TO SENT. good 100 am datir 'a to 6 seedej attachment nearl new, I rt an� wood lund for [cood 'dtftk fat from '$Go to Fbe worked on shares. Cemeht Ono. ame Uation. cult iv ktor for threi h -)r I with or and in arrow A. MacHWA�$ Ole n rat "terms. frov� a pointi, steel land roller, x nary r. -and ouncher, 180. Sheep, and lambs -Light, evres $4. and Implementa sup011ed.. Libe MUUMUU est,1&te of Thnotl of fbe wn. rag UIJZNN, Lumley. tat th wind No= dis)r batrom -new walkin a*, Frost and 1ly P%p6r, 4-te 2 -tf Ih Wood 2 furrow plo N, In bar wa with box and It, x fee cd Hibbert, In the: ltyic to. St.25; heavy' ewes SSW Iferth, Palmer, ent spring seat, low Wf hs and eawloq: firme v A TOMBSTONES *Ato $1.Z5; Hogii-Market r, at OTICE TO FARMERS -1 will keep for see is Ott lk a is a Doi bunks, cutter, gra, il bbi just new, 6' foot hay rack, iN a is hereb Thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar, on Let 2 1, on. St to $8 A: " aind atered, and N 5 it Her V� (Onta -Vnap. on n the I r0k,01inton f mnin­mfil with agger complete Riven puninsubito te�StatOtel, Cession 1, K.R.S,, Tuokerstaft. Terms 81,`P& blec I F gA i J MC S W a son, I 50,1and Ara- fte. following a some of Ol a Ion b is one �-W, set Chat lam weigh scales 2�00.0 ib, capa- Work that 1-4- teYff Old Acts, that Allpe dnat at time of service, with the privilege of return , if t ei b4it it i t rs a in I �e L4val crearn aspirator 600 b� cipsoity. can .ry 0 -w the "Id TI' the tepresentative sales : Maybe & W114 necessary. JONATHAN E. HUGILL, Propri r. the ork Ot r r.Xdclon well, j� Will! 4 the 1 .0 014 . 1,4uccessor to W. W4 Witson! I , aro req drod t i6e Tn by po r hand, set b mounted tea or a X ut *a loth day u rnace. 234 4 11-11, il� Om sorK one load of heavy babehers at d Ires A eq )1 1 , 0 1 or to �he u ider. 00 Zi i JdrEos harnaii s, set single and plo harness, forks, A to, ;a id �jby reps 46.%, one load of tockers, 800 lbs., T p It �j- t lea numer Genotal Fire, Life and ' i#ent Insur- Monument and Cemetery work EACEIER WAIMD-Ateasher holdin 8 and 433,tf chainh aud other ai mer us to mention. gr*stl T a on* befoy I the 9 f1kr, U EXPOU re 0 the three bulls, 7.5,0 PDUnd8 9 111 -Also a vilantity of !odderoorb Ina] ookand turnips of every 09cription. A full line Is. (1, , a lull Tor third class certifteaW for U. S. S. No. 11 SY jince,Agent. Re4l state and seem r, 191% tie l'm of All the 1 bove proy. arty will be sold 0 ran r a and a Data he- rg� and m &ngolds.. ail N as January 3rd, 9184 and t at and Stanley. Duties to commen 11ce on three cas, 1000 poandg, lat Ioan- Agent, t f Scotch Q ite always on had il .43.16; - at; t U6: withot it reserve as the pr 3prietor bi s sold ble farm Appliestions,received up to November 23rd. &�l J'rL F.1 A anda giving up f4rmIDg Terms-�All gums of $5 uds of property pi fee d at the Artistic lettering and Carving are old them, en at '411.25. A WesterU Tepresefitativel )n day twale U upe=- Was static usifileations and salary expected to "77 OCK myspocittl0es. I deliver monu- ti P and zt cder, cash � over that am nt 12 wonths' west rates. tr b a the assets e d P i9t the �narket to-A&Y, lookbW.Xor ligh d HOWFUD, Drysdale P. 0. PI 1E 14 T t a wi I sell by : it long the Ue I'L on 2 credit will be given noved Joint notes* A die. is! is thley, on, ments and. ereet hem any place in pf r It I entitled tkereto, h%vVInJK b tJW Sai 0 4 as of Wb1ch t shIP-4 On af3flar allowed 10 for cash on De in New Raym d, N'hi U -to litocker cattle cot good qualttL for te and 19 otol he fol- count of 4 cents on the theCounty. twill, pay yo 31[�l ;heyshalltnewli no , J ARM TO, RENT -Lot' .14, 0once an 6, Stanley 10 .49v W Home Sewtng!'Machines and see we b0f0re buying elsewhere as ME-nt t the western perovinces. a- msr� rl Years credit RTnOunts- ROBERT, PORTERFIELD Pro- PEI P: M � FRANK BRAN Easel ro, He eall is F containing 100 Acres, situate4 one mile a d& ouser. [BING. Rild 'there is likely to� be a up In t hin Pta prietol T� BROWN, Ane 2344-2 ational Cream SeJ arators. Sth, !012. ?.a 1 are some actiV quarter wuth of Varna, where there i%6 a gehoo nd In mypricei*ill interest you. Or- ri W In foal ��rd 09 - -IU this trade. Sollurches. Goodbuildings. Stoiink u der I Joad to 0 y attended to and all, t I t 00 tql A f all sup . I f se* I whine aers prompfF (TIONISALE OR AND P Y ng the barn and comfortable house, and 4 -acres of ad U OF F RAL, F ff�STO SWalo Nov. 19,--Catle-Active and In 11 1 gon ra a mare a Oised to work guaranteed, Estimates cheer - p IMPLENE -Alf Thomas Biow'n will sell edles, attachmen b f t 3 1 IWIU * 1 IT3 e opi out) ally sto orchard, Will be rented for a term of threeor our it and re. to 16r tz,p; prime steer. 9 to $9.25 per years to suit tenant. Forfurthe ticulars by put lie auction f Mr. Edward A. urr, on Lob fully giv�n�.. Drop me a card and FOR W b wald, t litt ne ia irs alTays. in to A. REID Varna P. 0., or torBrIt.. BODARE My 4v 'lu 26, Co cession.6, h of Seatorth *wt.; butchers, $6 t, $8.65 , per cwt.; d, L q0'V a e c lye Mqro i th, vile m110 JL will. call oo-you, I have no agents V muRF.Ay, Y3s Etoyne Avenue, North, Ohi%;*Kv�' on We Do a e 4th, at 12 o'clock, noon, therefore no commission to pay. shorthorn Bull 8 ew"t bulls, $4'25 to $6.25; stock . helfers, igo d V FA]pr �J a Wdu6a ti 12M bf Live In the I o ng 10 ty: The Farin-+Tita farm con-; W. W.26, to . 11 I't n by IInj 4ers, I tains 1 4 aere f a lee I ad, all Jeared, 88 acres' $4.65; shippers, $7.75 to $8.76; and fthe Ont, sired by Bus JLJ. 11, Conceals is f apil steers. s�eeded, 8 &me, 'all eat. balance cropp by lir James 8 ftpuq Lball rn7r-r haMrs, $4.76 to $7.59; cows, $a-. to 0 OOD FARM FOR SALE -Lot oresprio BRUSSELS GR"nZE 91 8; In I years well fenced and dr wed, drst-ob iving bi. Planit-agrenilb U ion L. R. S., T"kersmith; containing 100 acro in 0 Y atockers anil feeders, $t to state of cultivation, well drained with rtile ol ri or a Pul- shed, comfortable f awe house. The �farm w James, by 0 In Hnslan .50 te. a" Rx" tv t Is In onal U r a] 8 so cook Im- 801 ftezh cows and springeTs active. aang= Thereis a bri9kidweliing Well d so Jeou to area wive b)[d dnd gubje it aa esday, November 101 P, AND' HARDLE -WORKS d need with'wire �ct toex. On 26, %t. I o1al , m., Oil Red Duke, K sht Me( fi ull eerng Be -He draft Obeernu E14 5, TuckeramiC e mile South lagim Da Blot t so a bank bam36x6o feet � and - 101h out, mortgage. He utome Let oncesslon Atd :Urm, at S815 9 Allen E. Hersey, Prop. tol S7,6, Veale-Ac.4 heated with funtace, al 4 t*wer i !a in a deHV6ryv i , one yearacld,'team of arche on horses 1 3 � and 4 vears of ondville, Fana Stock and: il,401 ments. Robb. 9 by Moak �ssettdl a shed 26x5O. There is a good sugar bush. 1 -The 1 11 F Wood e I tooth ey4i r rig sei .41 Idve and steady at 01 , to $11. old, team gener 11 p rpose horses 5 and 8 -years old., Porte farm Is well adapted for pastur Appl' on c V14 Mr.. u to . Us lyv I :011vor -Id, Proprietor; T. Brow, i, Ai otioneer. n Yi Youn �-Aetive md ateady. I i 4 fif -1 Fk R'6PAPJ' N'. driving horse 6 yea, old, -W to wprl� or drive, a on others 1-6 'tio - 25C the premises of address GE On dnesday, November 27t% at I oPclock p.m. WY to C -f c a ui b It C Dnob 40d, I rly new; -2 co due to calve up A F -we Pe, as 00wer! heavy, $7.9 ixed $7.80 Uemall, P. 0. RV24 � I i Qe h Al 6mily !rIver. oatt e on Lo , Concession 12, H011ett 01, arlag Sale of It r be seen fram U 0 to $8; 1 35 C er n l o thib at -a the most jouvitimly 190=1%111y ist, cow d L IV I t April, 2 heifers Farm Prol *later; Thos, 0 �%rm Oak. Robert T. Adams, u two 4*0 STA, yo.'rkers, $7.5.0 to $7.90; dueto b,6 2 �Jf a re ris g 2 yearle old, I Gin 4 15, Ion fowl Wive In Mar Brow x, Aetioneer. kill 'at 111pipm t, ifte vm&4 at f le OWES V.10 to *T.50; roughs -0, "90 to SPLEDID BUSINESS CHANOE--The ur der- f ad bull calf 8 wn t 5 9 9 spring calve& On November 22, at 2 Icloe I p. I MASH 21 mili Lh on ran signed offers for sale his BIa0ksmItht§ 3op, �h I IV fl,� hay ravel r I months old, 81 A and t I mo, at the '104 stags $6 to $6.50 � dairies -$7.50 Residence and Business in Kippen. , A 'f'orrg' b(ic, now, 'I wheel T%horobred 410 boa Comme a Hotel, Seafortb, $,mk steers cows, `w g 8, averagg ov any a LUU Ins., 5 010obred D.&RiAN 11 ) ED heifer; and ealvs J. Dow, 11 ropristor Themai 'Witter Tovn to profitable business has been done here tr ift a I pole of 1� shifts, I 'I Sheep and Lamb,4 Pekin douaks. I plem nte-7 ft. Massey.- Elarris Actie, B AuctiDlISer. 23 wa Mexico U mower, pea harvest 0 -ft, ra�e, 10 -ft. Con n 8, Stanley, farm *tool: an I Implements. 09 �28tth I P. . ................ nd there is a apleudicT opening for youn n', I I a bt t le�08' 3 set@ Of binder good as new 7ft. De I g mower, 5. On raday, November M., OU'Lot Us Cal MeeP BteadY; lambs twenty cents 1OW4 -'ears"derstandshia business. Reasonsfor 9P t a sud b n la-Mbs $4.0 to VAQ;, yealings, $5 tired of work and desires to retire. There is a a 1du at, side delivery rake a 14 t� hyloader, 2 fur - e air On ilkinson c Coast Pointo better farming district in Cauada, and a, goo Y- Mur boon, Proprietor; T. I Irown, Auctioneer. Y to t )D $5.50, Wethers, $4.50 to $4.75; e at qV d se z pi bends row Verityirlding p )W-,- X plow, IkI Ig plows, On ay, December 8ro, at 10'( IWk P -w-- On The %rand1runk Railway the most f n u 9 IMP d' r, DaIrn d 0 1; Term a el a Al 0 lon� f"bod grinder 8 -ft new Bissell diew wit i horse a ment, 124L Lot 8 Stanley, Fazio SW k Ing established business. -a a a 2 P, 421 to t- 9heep, inIxdo, #8 to $4.45. eans .0 0 flaw, -,I Piemonte am chaser.- THOMAS MELLIS,.Kipo 11 oti s%wj in ational rollei 1vith 3 horse, ttholl nent, 5 otion harrows, jffoul� 'Purniture. W.� G. ffirect route fi9m all points Baer, in JA)1itreaL Nov. 19. -The quallty� ot )ii a, new 1b) rIn d �bI4 Jh a seed-drill,.with 'S and 4 T.� Br) Auctioneer. r, n r y new, or rop". eanwu�via ciieago. -ACRE PARK POP. SALIK-P In 41 30 'Cof t -4et and a utity Of horse nto a t�in box with blotwor, root R Wel We 8 itockofCered was principally of 'VO. 1 PEFtY 22 nW%yj Deoembei0 4th,; at 11, eclock soon P ... I a. 18, Tdokersmith. y me 9 Half of v 'od I I E I ag noi, Fear, pulper ew MolotO area xeparato�, OQUIn 4rade really, chgice steen be- frame house and bank barn, -p L 1 t4t 2, 3on. WO 10. cap&, oji Lo Con. 6, MoKillop, thi. is I ill northol 10"ImATUIUS It, 9 hofree and dn r Will 50 fail 0 a ly. now, city, In% ne.in zoo r, paymdk� stock -an A. in well fenced ad e"e en Seafoi Farmt Farm Stock and' Imp [am t& - road I a x p*epared to furn ail I Of RA r(Db ul or, k HU neonana P Double track,'Fast Service,, fines' XW which there 'was a house, spring well andjrIng cree. rack good VA DON set Dabs bi bs,'JuwPer Xurr, ]Vro?rietor; T. Brown, Allition, ter, ldrY, and drained %hounder go cultivotAon and' good or- cut n p a b 0 MIX. outter w, top bui gyl n r121 I b W, Modern equipment, t1nexcelled Fon e and Lift rumpi and 111 sales of a few picked frc Wi OR bide me This is one of the best farms In Tucks er a IS Ker e lot ded, volrk en(h Buccess t a Month Cain in, UNDU F 0i Plve Fittitingo, ii� chard. rup a M dining car guvice. All elements of 3 were Made at 66.26,; but the bulk -being hal! a mile from Chisolhurst and SJ miles In op a r 174 M r p; URI tj of it fence� meam e&, !P11AYfOfAV, r with 160 ft. and �'V r Trou he, the trading in full loads*was done Hensall. Will be sold che 5 to .'"n AlIngs, OR easy te r,� The ap and Safety knd'coirnfort, 14 ­ 2 chpon s a -ad W1 to ply on the ot be Happy the proprietor is giving farming. API y 41 rackj4,000 3a iby ; 21 Otmk weighing from 1000 0=111 w TO TOZ SUNNY SOUTH s or addrew.H. J CORI, Route No. 1, 0 K- dozen In a lt.� bunks, 2 double work- �OADFOOT,.80,r A 00. b0=da each 0,0 premise gall, Ont-. tf Id I O= ess, k via Is harness, 8 laige collars, re ctOslgable route than via G. at $5.76. taf $5.90 per I pt 061 l4oHars, &Tind e, wheel ba '1280 8 -horse No 1110 The demand for canning stock d Me Leadina IUJnqe ME PRICE T of a] T new a mber of It rees, daub T. to Detroit, thence via Cincinnati to tinue8 ood, of which the su0LY I ARM FOR, SAIX-MacreSill the Town ees aud use ko p fi okes, for epv4es, Falm Be"b Was" Stanley. to sotes under. cyo% 20 Sara offtdi- sUck"s of at Ion 4�ual your F at- 0HARGES AX010 land sales o4 cows were 111`11U nd; tile it tmer as "ntion, of: I imber, NO. D%� %b ot barrel, hardwood buW4 balsaft In PARtUM secure Tictiots an I M PArtleu- Ab o al kin& of -p t 8 ra n rqf jorov an -other Pam 9 2.50 an4, bulls at $1.25 to drained and In good Mte Oil Q rks, '10 (a ur Is _UlUpitiono hovels rbla=s per JOLO POMIdS. ()W the able frame 110i long dWWM h no_ le too numero is to i tentlan. a, -quantit &I T. Holmes. Ptivel &I �ireetor op e ho Um ft. 01rarid Timink Agents. t notice to y 7; lie ....... Town Agent P faew. prame, bsM W x 100 feet with One IN lsf &Y turuips�avd Wwwaow G�Aa SUMA Of A" 01 *t; krum 0 1 Jolif pit i and H W. gatnervL ani under dub. Yver V tat &me Tecelpts cd sheep 'am4 lambs e# e'ung provallcd In themar-J, guirAble.for-Wm help, Faim eltidited 2* miles op N bt and San"y alibi attended W. Platiti 0 ....... Depot A t MA priM Were 25C pW tWt. high G. T. Ri and It mllft W131 allow 0 ; or a0d, walk ov- 4 CN0. M waterworks Wrtem. Additional ba= and un 0 montheered- Eil JU4 It, Qr at LST fe IT* IM a proved ointi 16 Oper owt. per U Beddenoe on A. ]D. P. &r- obagn Diu the ri D11 = ft ereffit amounts. ED. z the viUsigo #1 Varna. Terms to suit purdu Per. t I r A. Propriel or; To BIWWW'ILAY-lotl p q1tt Dr.'Soott i 7 1 1;, Owen rt otb� sm a;�'week 1he dem- ad Wa J r; eaforth 9 &pply to JOHN IMoNAUGHTON, Varnai J4 Wel, a twon, Term ot. 011116a oX OntarLa, lazn4 Were no 2M tf 7! rs W, V- L