HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-11-22, Page 16 or a con trya niers who, [dyes Out sh " snap - earls only a Ou'n place your Suit 0 Overcoat .o d 6 i'' our hands Dull -make no mis take . ana_,when you try n your clothes you will congrat- ulate yourself on having don e're not an experiment ere Experienced, Practical Artistit Tailors. liWe- know our business an we know we know it. Fo prdof of this assertion -AS OUR PATRONS. Fall Suitings an d Over coatings here in plenty. They're Beautiful. -It cost nothing to see them or t consult us about tailoring a often as you ;choose. -PRICES- humans sul's atom profit for and Neck then' best MoFaur in or Lin wea, LU d Bi tete going to get a fur coat get it now. You get the best choice a long way. Don't imagine you will get any better bargain in 4 th or two. The enormous sale for fur coats in Canada with the di' . hing supply can have only one effect and that is advance m pnce. k Dog $15.00 $18.00 $20.06 oway Coat.......... 000 ......... . $30.00 to $35.00 a Beaver Coats........ *1800 $20.00 $22.06 Coats................. $6500 $75.00 100.00 aflabyCoats...... 664666 6 6 6- $35.00 to $40.00 u e S ltpd y set ext ig s the ti • in r nude ' cas Ir age, Gov ier sent the it He ar se,. k pr son istb ii. r:uus. *The o to made b: Usher chargehe Sat he Se for seats the la g pr last !wee •-•.ue, the Seats a b there we while he 1 .1 o .. 9 1 2 1 wi .tht4 • orn th$ 6 n r ita.J gio*;, and 0 history -o I. a Solo th- itiuke he e VI to 1ii .ri Thu. n ing ai. hO li 1 vra -,,.‘the • ,ernieltatris . ..--i:01, .- 0, hiola. was , 1"4,10::the''',t,' ii,‘11: _ eitOi -• , aniendi ed.'. lin the Senate- and- hese is enaments ' 4 -rejected, '' -'''''' ' -- -' 'ibelin- .1, ..* , -a t .0 ., Goveamr.erit, goox; a. Mete! ' IR ' , ' - IStafo.ini a enbs't t . or .intieh, di cues on. long- •dela 'ed : aniaing hill- wid. 1101 Alioaaabriiit.ed. It is -nderstood that- the bili is - tett , well I shape .. of, lend 1 that its p Incip 1 feat , os have . been iti aid: a 1 etermined .. n What these teas .',„Wo iitusasi :We cant es to be subject. let 1, Ilion% sneeulation in political and , tinan doWn), there Vill, , n, ',angle ' tian fertile • min ..-Ther er„, t,6 -1 -be .onal ,erable tim the bill' Wil Co taiiii a persattingathe e‘ -arte 04 bah tireSS ' their note cit udation ' ' It is seep.. :e .ted that some addltionaI - .Saiggitarti :Will 4s.thraw4 sbout 0. organtsati ri of 33 nits In their earlier eta es.1 ' of ex,;:., ,terna audit 'Ma be for and !other Chair:108j • - ,, :.-al -circles. '11 til the bill came's; tative in. appears, likelihood provision eate in. Aga/not syste 2rovide It iS aundersto ritylthat the R not brought d Gove nment tion fter thlk c there is no paitl The Partial:0er) he itli Speech fro hieve 4207 3. H. and efaheres, br W F. Nickle, -date.Ii ht ly, t rash t.he'tm tolsh,h in - has suns WO- 'rron cony ,der. Mak dea for cese o ma, n, rice ret th ti elf a ak will ra e at g e , en -e, h c tinder 1th e -el o 1. ie Ira w ti ti I Ito e a rig:trs.i be gess air s lug le ho has ete ser, i ere us rtlah:e*:11f31'''. CO 111 city 6 e fle- a-: t'l Is othle to s op le the nds of of I a a let S a t up.; a a es mita, :4* are m, In o-4 ma g u hes and •t c tee andi hn o of • s at t • z will • is ti g; 1. el ;el! CO Free: 'id i sir a w th ad t, n,t a T nest' sty - ray pleaw ould be est mats rams ab - our lines. urnbull'ss. Come iw Novelty iks, Vel - will finct ene es t col s, , and fits recel poll 'N't dat wit sub 'Itted Pro al. I the jing me t on ails on-tI It is mat la.e sax the tarift off this List Sessi the ' M113 W tO 09 Call have .neY so „ a It t re is al)a* ow «thor d siker g se , t her Li if sast'ene- at te peal rival ti &Lture iseS, * t be -pte, or, the ap-- this w tiSfy ot the G 4•1 e an' the ti n - on very, -good a,utha wl this .session. The eipecting an elec- Beast° so thht :aI0e8S1t. far the wry; laddress t le aThro ain 'ilea of ueb c, and ingston. Em ens us to adiroca e it fereic to all others th Se we carry ith Elg • ut there is equa if pen uality in a Regia, 'eve 'Modern im pr overnent at t e ,me price. It ys I " REGINA." si Side, Main St. ea hmakers, jewelers, 0 s uers of, Marriage ii"cen lery orth ticians es Pert -N arlY $4,400 for th new $7,00 Mtchiells whioh. --CC. i ,a -C let Hugh m ford . brigade, hose reel 'recent! jireill --Oh. Ttiesday,ci man O. Schafer, or Hamilton In to Ws Florence ford, 'but!jtormeri --At lint, Mic 11Harry .MeL ert aren, of s 'Annie Da cl. i r were tc !tem hs been- ubscribed L heisn hurch In 111 be ere ted at - It n of tie- thrown from the d. setve he t week Mr. Nor4 ger of he Bank 1, wa married houn, of Strats o Mitch 11. Neve lberr 2nd, ar ,son if Rolb4 II ell, w s married . Both the bride e 'res.dents ,of • � Davie, Of rton was one 'lucky, numberto reed, e a free trIp oiseveral t Unitedi State-. This is h prize o ered thy the rost Wire e Coro Y: HarnI t611., to ithe genIe op ,Ins pet iost yvireok L Cheri. SO z., =aft r daugh- ter -h ve moved fr, -Mitchell t ' Hamil- ton. ,Before lea,vthe L a eo, Ma of G' wee Luther church preserited taxo. 1 Schoilitz vsi Ii an attar se arid. a heave ul German libic. " an a gold -I bead , umbrella,', Youn, Peoplesi Socie .y; also-hane gl$6 kip illt by Preeehting ' her a hand Ink and ofitilr, umbrella. Ti sir loss will be Much felt, eas th were val 0donema *pas otthe chum . -remains Miss Le box were Oil 4 1.romi, nt, Omt., to ' At. Attar for Lnter»ent last week. Until tan rra ago se Lennox and her rot r :lived on a'I arrs on the Base line, ' pear .St. ar'or . he had been sutte Mg from cice for is ree :time. „ . Jo,septi er died, in istri3,tfazi On _the -,th inst, a ithe years. The dece sed was a ,. but about Ifteen Sti-atturd, - ere she he -lea ,..o rime loss a htisoand UId a, tam re, also .'other, . Mitehell, an three laossaa,y.---0 ±qov , , r 1 of the 1ie at th concessi ris, Ebnas eiWareenop or igh an • oirsellias oisa y Soci the oine Of ss ,exaside senteti he w th a beantffulsil Id meat f rk and re d a kill I r , t e Perti- Rural hist mad feri mai cost th at pert, I ques cart Gen ing ugh whil Par farm °star 'Dar shot this, othe leas to t the the vs, 1.11ff tall box aga uni Oa was 1st yo at indi ver exa ly, ter ve Sktrtx the very see this buy 'Take the:- ptt Vtt You an t'• am' will l. WARM UNDERWEAR. - We're often called, and justly so - Underwear Headquarters." We cartainly show the best and mot worthy underwear in the many different fabrics. The kinds th*t have prcived their worth. eavy Ribbed -$1 $1;25 $1.50 to $2 Fine Medium Weight -S1 $1.50 to $2.50 T ED- We've Underwear to fit the Extra Large Man, the Short Man, t e Tall Man, or any unusual proportions -You'll get here only t e Best of Underwear. 1 LADIES' CLOTH COATS -With or without Fur Colla s -This department is showing the most artistic ga ments ever shown in this district. It would seem o when we have sold so many to be delivered in surroun ing towns.' The balance of these garments are now fered at a tremendous sacrifice in price to clear the I at made. Wonien's Coats $6.00 $8.00 , $10.00 Girls 'l Coats.. ..... $5.00 $6.90 $7.00 Fur Oollared Coats $15.00 $18.00 $25.00 ONtt Highest Prices for Batter nand reig Clothing SEAFORTH the g teaeld,I a,p loon r eW the un bo les the in tio would tie wer an corn: the con be be Gov nrt aloo ein od of wa so et c ei tha 1 , 11 ie . t wl r4 t de 'th w re pe v n e a se:sI t w rk O'g n r g or t th edit;b C 0814 . local o reg 41 to Tvhe r. prin- eit • ad veraI for top el of t tithe Tim f o , atlas tciii,unnes ng red. • • fore me atiO may CO s ithe. res whi pro ctio ov m t w Le appo talent Lait s ssion it ✓ a Was ✓ en ' wo u1d nt i !Was re Blau, tared eased t .1s Se to-wht h The sal s - t it a a PrIn4 thoarti; Cars ago has since_ her of five s. Hib- aisters. , 'erg ,ith an Auxiliar the Wo- ty met a Simpso session in Stra g one. R sided. and,. gay war . J. Ohs ed the in WniE9 of last no years Mitchell I -ought a ed there f the t‘i ide Poi ft y of the congregation an appeal for i$2,000,1 amounted to over urpose was to pro sane extensive impro under way. in the sch urth. George leinrray, the Big o name to Ottawai kia the Government to necessary; reforms In t l is in the Pr Hospital in that city un a severe fracture a rm. Sir George 1Ipped ving the main. entanc rit buildings, failing 1 ti week the Canadialn , from Parry Sound broti over 800 deer which the berth country, e ssitmbers *ere broug oads. It is estimated 1 0 Lave passed through -arlous parts inf Ontario *ih ahuld61t shortage for :L1:e u:dln011 byt tho Maple- Le Yin Perdue, SaCk., troyed by fire. Fo te A were standing on th Me elevator, but thro effoo:rrtyst.woof. eLhleictucityisle fell and( 8,000 bilshe estimate. 'Ialia cause of -iyI mre Was but one ca,ridl an from Stratibrd, w Oat Cadet examln4 oh this week. This would ate that naval service i ttractive card for the Ontario. In the civil nations at the same t ere were 21 candidate pre hammy, and 20 the pa. re. Some of thoset w examinations Wrote in b ft: was ivery v. ural an F erning, Baf,11 a inter ad- ong tb- Eskimos It of Mi eti g, on, of Log ee after 4t rheum for a( few- er. in L r a at 40 leavs I two da te s, PAs4I and MU 13 sale E of wing ill ess las , Mrs, G or e Ly was -call .a ay on Sb W� in h seventyri ear, :Afte r mate e to the eorge Ly -o' , who redeceaeei en years, t e resid for man In Loridot o nship, cbming, rye tbirt years ago. , 'Petr - ay, of ogan, wbo ly Um: or a hort Unit Sunday, t i.e age of 09 year e moat ta /Mewls t Of Log f aboa taf a et dispoel following story gives, the grain congestioni In ..Western Canada. iigske Sask., on the of The C.P.R.: ba Is point and manage, an I ;wish you could hear t stories that the bout having no coal, no the machine companies all the time. Thera a which have been in for not Yet unloaded. My d has been for some shipped 68 cars, and am root, with men beggi • for thern."1. It is not litters. young farm laborer f ownehip, Kent county,. is W. R. Baxter, exeouti ile Children's Aid Societys ue request to Sind a ..w1f0 a: home in the Oott tutaished aid comfort seeks a losing spouse, s Means, help save hi and In general make hist. life joyHis wife must be 20 251 years ofs age, a g and fair • looker, and of die ion,- . William Daley, wh� dent of -Stratford tof. was burned to. dea 'on Saturday. It is au escending a stairs WI hand, when she fell, herself and toi the was alone at the t nt her husband ratilrh , only to find, the• es. Together with th rhbor, and the tire b Was extinguished, a d e body: discovered. people of Prince e engaging extenIv and find It Jmme In black foxes alone 'ear, ,the gain has r Of saY, 400 old fOxe !has been at least 1 g. too,osto, while 54 ung ores littered las re ea il for 06,000 each, mat 00 !no e. There in ah'ea7 pright in ail his 'de any erten` 1: e Was ember of the Rom - Besides hi widow and e aughte n da bert Che ney a for ner resiri ma f Innerkip s aid county, diedn yo tone Ott', ebigan, *here last -w Dacca d iniuries -rel ea- wh m ho and tree e upon bY a c auddenlyi, e geroua. dyed idow dt a gra Y. , hu L. ier aged t enty, died A s Ord in Ta Mock follow_ month' !attack Ida. Dec as was married Ella Kitt Strat o but eeks ago e late r. Lleb member ot Can Alan 0 tors. additi wate.. aurvf bi and that, Special n up irarewil 8, fait, s i b din for options to:p 1 -w co Ow of. revels, -, due ie in , A ' 1018, at , $6,000 i to ' ' Edwin Guest e't . iia Saturday while, out 11, party had gone oi leer's bush, near t was cornered and! young man named Ar ad raised his g ' .owerefi it with° ally ' touched the tr •magas ',struck •. He died two came to Paris ngland, last * and six Yo-emig, chi i'oed for. , of - m to b W :tb ish the we- ugges t e civil tes tan t suffer -I fell of ths on his . „ , orthern lit into ad been Besides tilt by hat at Teroria during relieve e Ole - f EIU wae tor empty si g the elev tor oss ate, o W see no yo tr trail itin • th uron rs, bio-,:eRhearv.sellkitt the ,Prhersebny,tewi:niatto reeosrvpned.., 74tiatio7:4t.ty: it burch, preaCh his fairevrell se , Sunday next, the Stat'a1 ev1 Jhrep'h, a Mntlahvilooedit, boy f Faua Imis%libt'7fha 11 appointed Medical Oft r of for thei city of 'Cal - gas* at a sa Y. of .$8,200. -Ms. dsay, an old and re- speeted of • East Wawanosh, tiled ab the r *e of her son-Anil:law, Mr ai John ins, on the .10f11 inst. B Of age and is sur- vived v8111ve 'Ty 7 an tour 'daughters. he di ri of the Turnberry ric t a are arranging for a big haul it Which will beheld in e opera e Wingharn on the evening o liesday, January' 14, 1912, " I auati Sale of farm stock and implements, b 14 oil the farm of Mr. ng h2:1;1iraaeSalwtr,elbrYi.u:et,h.wlyoit ratil.eceildeske8rvedbeblenrse IR cutter. at I xi ec acte vsni o no knta ev*paRsitcobr Will be the preacher at a former,. well the ,45th asaniv reary services to be held En the Win,gla in, Methodist church on Sunday, Nov ber-24th. On the to14 ShWing Man .evening a congregaq tidnal reunio will be held. J. !Sc 'awnts, of the Huron road, near a6 • esville, has threshed er, bout ;200 thush of beans Item thirty acres and th ye. are reported to be, of -a good bri quality. At Preva4Iing prices, hover gi around the $8 Mark. who shall sa that beaus do not pay? S. J. atta, .Huron -Old 'bay, and: a native of Tuckersmitb, who new! rripresent the constituency of Las Mountain in he Saskatchewan Legis- lature, Moved the address lir reply to th.e..Speech friml the Throne, at the opening th Legislature last Week. sers. Walter Laytou and Albert TfAVod were putting 'their thresher salon at the barn et Isla Joseph Orleh, West End, Tuckers:111th, the ,big rope_ attached to the traction -broke, and 'en against r.Townsa ends leg *It force th t he was. ptiti out a ba inees fon a, lime -sItobert *his= of the 9th von - cession or 'olt, bald his a broken fv.wvbIth taicissit, 'to inits stan to raisehotaxdree was. =Wel !rise, and(..wh they had it altnos up it fell bac, eruelh4 ing ibis sten) tveeen its bed and the partition: The wrist :was atedaa the arm bro 'just above, hewirstd. -Duircan Leod was bet e Judge pOsde at GTO rinh last wee on a charge Of. :11)i ainy. He pleaded guilty in view; ; the circumstances of the case he, allowed toass on susi pended sente e, after payin costs of ere ovti• $100. ,J! Mk:Best of Searfoith acte °J,nell eget\ on of Turner Te church, TU.* Ornith, will celebrate their fifti0t aimiversary on. Sunday, a November 24t.,laternoon and evening, atid e foillootipwinubaltairac e fiftieth an one of /special te and a suppe ati be, held plal,t to -ening. The a • niversary, iaig terest. vice - -A ,quiet and mote 'km the big Ansa Elsie -M eaiWililmam ale, silage took place in Sin- ai: lust., ,jthe bride being Clark, daughten of Mrs. k; hf Waskada, Mann os formerly of lgrave, and the groom. -ee,-1 William • B. leirkter, second, son of Ur. and "Mr William Ishatiter, aod Wingharn, orinerIy of Mo*Is. The ome Young couple will reside In Toronto. ng young man, a former mussels, in the; person of. on, died at Moose Jaw, It. Hie was the youngest d, Mrs. S. H. Jackson: Arussels. ade, twenty4tv o years ent west two Years ago. of tYphold, and ilearlet to be ,the cause of death. idly, lasing several tho .s- ; the berning of his evaN ohn Joynt, of jJacknow, probably the best thing as to give something a - it; and so he parchasq barrels, packed them full froni Kentriet Garner; and donated them, o be distribu. ed for • onto. oisly signed petition has the post office department Mrs. George Willis•be ap- Off at Pordwich as ,r lather, the Atte Thos. Willis has had .f till e attics tor some time, en hereof efficient an the patrons of the of, to retain her. tine of the Ontario Mimi-, Association, held! in To -1 telit to consider the ad - requesting the Govern -11 the,., Hydro -Electric Com - power to construct elec,- throughout the province, gentlemen from this !.present: 'Wina Proudfoot; or Reid and Reeve iMtm-i Warden Stothers;Reeve Pr. Smith*. Bayfield. Old resident of Prey, mean person of Joseph Whelps 'assy, B. C., on October uae of death was Chronic „with which he had for several yearBa-Deceasa ty. years of age and is his wife and several chil- heipton was ai Method1s4 Conservative in 2olii is vibe. of Brussels United foing 22 years' ago, He British Colum lafor a years. , I a son of Ile. and r, died .at 'his fathers Clinton hist Week, after xtending over several Alia last he hap* been tee of all that coaid be I restoration. Deceased was Previous to his taking the piano department of • Organ factory. He was the Ontario street church comes -A Promis )utl e heart- 50111 rp_edusidoelifti:. eat Alonzo Jack tor, Sash, last W ere :teeoraor.taingea,rIYam,dtaf uh,' and _printer by re ams. !A eombinati and (fever is Wald is -Alter bee e. I 9.42*dol still full orator, to decided that old he could way, ion top am ala ed about 150 has try that -A 4}cbeaabf-rtingar738;ntbuirit:tt„.; eer 0211e9 orchard wit ble -ho the freight IA, ney, pointed pot, en -4 successor to bctreenI Gibsonr-Mirs cook, charge of t ving and has had been °bficiegingare. 8114 ov 4 in he4r tagileenItr! pos&lshe _ to last a h lanIP Vieebtlity se. De -1 mission th setting' merit to el; u e of the, tric railway: g shorts the foilowin e a Mass county; were help of 14.P.P.; gade, the nip& Gode hly then Lindsay, a -Ate ward Is- 'Ethel, in th y fox ton, 'died at 12th. The c urine the into- poorly , the fn.,/ was sev 000 eachs *led b any more kd en. Mr. c, sold I,n religion, g 02,000,- tics, add a Lite Welt workmen, e tie had lived to arrive good 6,000 each,. r 01111 lost his WM. W..7. shooting- reside shootlnganilineets .Aehip4monhe. htdow.,4tlin bur Shaw. dote for h shoot and forsome ing, accP, ll emteloy TM eh- the Piano in Mei bad'. a* of the iv mpe On No ember 8th they ship to Win -4 nipegl car containing ,S,e ente n. pi on November lith th y ,s, toped ' to Li 'Teal a car of 88. b gams The Wes shipment is the ty- urth ,toll load of pianos t6 the( West :since winery, 1, 1012, wh e the ors igen shipment is the fourbis car lof 20 organo order for Liver 01, evern wal de itmvenerttismoef. the fact ry are • -• larence Thomson has re -t turn to Brussels from a most en; joyah 'trip of several niOn he at the Pacif Coast. She was vial ing her 'sister,. Ls. Charles Dodds liss hom4 Ison P 13 the Coast is t very 6,130t1 ,tor • utitul scenery, tine lima e and intere ink trips and exeus tans. Mrs. 1 ,BGe&ruB8 *171, h°arasvemgon'anedt:°n14 jaAmnee'lef, 'Califo where theY %VIII e'Oen, the C07331 Sinter. Mr. Thorn 's health en extra goolk an t trip isbasm avoid the) oold eather of Onta -E y Sunday morning 'Amoke was 1 noticedin David Brown's ge, end Svare in G ibh. The alarm be rig saind4 ed, fa 'firemen made a QUI response. Very Lttle damage was 4 a the fire, but nwing to the diffioulty f lo - sating th, seat of the fire, greater damage '‘Vas caused by the ,, ater.1 The stock as covered by; $ than:lance, which will likely cover ail, damages. The cause de the Are, was defdctive stove. A 'very high wind * blowing at th time, and it the fir had brok-I en th ugh the whole bleak ouldlike4 ly hae. ;gone. -A prettys home wedding took piaoe at the residence of Mrs. Ga Da.viaa son, In Whagham, on Thur evening . of last Week, when her da 1iter,ss ry Davidson, was joine n iveda !lock with IA*. Joseph E. Sin h,or'_urIll 'berry. The ceremanY wii$ pe,r/0 Med bee 11, v.15. Perrie, in the pre once' ,of the immediate relatives a. d fr de 10'4 the contracting parties. The wed4 ,ding rrarth was ,played by Miss Mae fDavi On, ,le.f‘ Wroxeter, cons n of the brie. After the ceremony upper was 1served y; beautiful and efui es4 ,ents teeifted to the high steeth in lwhich he, couple are heldMr. and Mrs. -Smithhave taken heir est-) I dance �n Mr. Smith's farm in TQrn4 i berry. i ' --T... e sheep of the farmer adjoining ;Brass IS are being greatly troubled 1withgrn On Monday o Saeke three de his t of fine- lambs ly worried. ringi the barkiii st;g ' the dogs. aboutmidMr W. night a, :mei bar awoke and f . that they. hadnkilled two of his beep and I had Jilted several othersThe exh ;day at niSon, Mr. W. Arnistrong pro' :ceede to- bring his sheet.(.. from the. Pa'St e and on entering the geed found • two oga eating one et h1ewes The fact ft at the dogs had killed the sheep during the day is an tin.uual occars. rence, to as; they generally th de-, struc ve work at mightJ e dogs which were causing the trouble havie been ated and disposed of. .., 1 are re secti flees, the ti The tern Bay east stone, Go -de noon tiers then lower . All of Goderich covered first, if aplications ado for It, and then E 'lett t wns l'he rural delivery 1.1 be in not served by loci.l poei cr4 as tural delivery doe away with, iceselty fot"small po xst route will be Item Goderipie so roul to the Cut O e thirl and Z#ij 410 back on salthe ich.l Second rOute: frikre Goderich to T school house on H. back through, the to eni of Goderich tot . 8rd ajed 4th con es be setved daily. from X'ayfield, an the - parts of ,; the township ale river wall be served. daily •-24 few: weeks ago there, on Jhn Swarts' farm, out Ingham, a foal , the astest speed inherltaie of any se that was e In ion of Canad coda otmgster is by 08, The fastest pacing $ ever foe in Canada, and its', no less then Darkey. faate t. niare ever foaled try.. The, illustrious baby fillY, 2,414 in the opinion,_ jade-sone of the be th its kind that pear i. Mr. Swarts, who owns . the filly and her dam, Da,rkey Hal has t e newcomer, Lo se H41. in lioTh «his wife. Darke the ay Will never be r in s to the ant she will nevee, ag' e mare Cooks ire�ent lute and it Is )Lr Lotion keep her fork. t -ofttces. eve a,t-i ;li' on the Line, thence Ui conceal tcess,lo to very ftera sloes Cor -f Dad, . The est ly, ter lighting a g e lanap, "eN ly. a Pire.--One eve- g Cromartys„.0e, t4 Ur T 'Ilicoann, Of Mc eV tore, was cleaning sorne a the a when the maim became fat ' MC..1 Cait 24' Tc‘assPeeel the en tasmPte 1 othe tried t the tiames In th s • His pier el Of mind saved Otio illilaase fr what Might have ' en a I very se , tire. Mr. McCann s hand was b i. burned, but we ar e pleased to Inoefie that it is healing nicely. last Week Mr. Hugh .3 le had the • a -'While Picking apples °ill day tune to fall from ee esides ve Jaries about the :hda4. anti , 74,thwronis:bo:ileenbe lamed side. iustaUidd'108- fr a trip to tbe thre prairie Where several of'pro-I ea Tiler daughters are le - e on Allen, and, two eh and remaining : Cola Sask., accompani littirrn.471vr ethiaitnerid3wiorryedeak,uswhtore -,-.. -: - ...:..... ,,-. ladles bora our lived contin Patin,' since lane fcety-fiv ter McLachlan her sister,