The Huron Expositor, 1912-11-15, Page 64 � rAMBER 1 TORONTO, ONT. Stands in a class by itself when strict- ly first-class work is considered. Write for Catalogue. - Enter Now. POULTRY WANTED Highest market price for Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Hens and Chickens, de- livered every Thursday forenoon at D. D. Wilson's Egg Emporium, Sea - forth.. 234°14 J. G. McMIG1 .AEL The pe ple are th of meri in thlos That' wli outsells its ri cls -1;10 lir I NIP IL kw, 141Atil "Y fou may be paid $50 in Cash for improving your wa k like this 108 Canadian farmers will receive cash prizes (twelve in each Province) in our big 1912 FARMERS' PRIZE CONTEST E held a contest last year in which 36 prizes were offered. This year there vrill be three times as . many prizes (108) and therefore three times as many chances for you to win one of them. You do not lave to use a urge quantity of cement to win a prize: Many of last year's prize :winners used comparatively little cement PRE contest is divided into three clams and in only: one of these (Chu "R") does the amount et' cement used count in deriding prize winners. ChM .18,, Is for doing the best toncretee rock (tile size makes no difference). Class "`C" t1 W 'sendingin the best and dearest descripfoft of howany Ikea of concrete work was done. THf25bRE Third,Ewall be. 'thus you have only f1four5t Fprizes (Flist,*10) to f50s eats► !lecondcitass , oettb. In each Provincetai eom Bete with other farmers in your own Prirrince, and not with those to ail pais df Canada., This gives yon the best possible chance to win a f50 pr. IT COSTS NOTHING TO ENTER—There arc absolutely no "wrings" to this offer. There is no with. Yotrcannot lose. because the improvements you make of concrete in compering for the worth their cost. We have a book. 64 ii"hat the Farmer Can Da With Concrete," - information about the use of -concrete you can aced. It will be sent to you free when you as tars of the Prize Contest. Ask for pa :Hilar today. just say "Send sm free, your book a 191& Prize Contest."vas poetsari and meth to -dew, mews publicity Canada Cement Company Limited; 503 Iteral foe or red', Prizes will twtlt Lire nt for co fall pa di Bid Bid. inoro t you ere fete c filar o "My GURNE' OXFORD jumped. right in and helped with my housekeeping Dear Edith, In a general way I have wished you all the good things I know of, so now I am going to descend to the practical and give you some sound advice from the store I have accumulated since I started housekeeping. Housekeeping naturally suggests the kitchen first—its equipment and management, or in other words, THE RANGE - My range, a:' you know, is a Gurney -Oxford. I never enjoyed much of a reputation as a cook in my younger days, so when I thought of being responsible for three meals a day my heart sank. I imagined myself battling all day with a sulky range, trying to coaxit into a good humour, and covered with mortification because of late or spoiled meals. But my dear, my Gurney -Oxford seemed to sympathize with my inexperience. From the day it carne it Seaforth Pam ;nota Cottee ning;,ithe Fas i at G wring Gity in Ga.nada 3a g94. the Power} City, cn theMa ne of it a 'Gana sari, Pacific Itailwa 8 ries eat of 0 igary, 971 mile es ' of Median Hat, , an 77 (Mile o east of Let bridge; i the Pro tic of Alberta `be,ng sit ated i ftthe a of ,the a(r est irri atior4 are ion %t eco Uncut. Th famo BOW(Va1 ley 1 bite million acr (block, awned" (qua 0.P.E., where ver $30,000,000 I Beit • expended in the Qrt�ructio war of this -ere t aystemn The mile age r canals arid hes fort this bloc will 6,098, of wh c about 1,500 mile $Ale ,rea,y, compl# ; with the ball - 'Amelia ' e world bei , g hurried to corn pletion as rapidly, a money and men can ido it: Thei great dam #3,nd reser(. Voir, (the main soiree of ;water supl- ply, is ail" ase an,o; .) (the host of the m alone is six million dollars, and gnized by aujthoritie0 one of (t!hei neatest e,cltievernents of the 20th ce f An ihexh iaustao'ble deposit of , orifri" class st xe+e and domestic coal lies within t. miles of Basso, and IS leased ith ith ugh the Gove ent to a syndicate, the mini um a ount of coal : ito i mined y airly - 1ng 10,000 (tons .i1 'i the Anti e fuel supplytor the cori g ci{ y, is flrbm e0 ov tmines. W, tin 1, naturfi.l was. 'pswer anis eke el In abundance, allso Induce- ' dors s \to deserving industries as fol= lows: Prep sites free taxes for ten yeesr, power, 'gas, coal and; electricity - sit cost, Bassano Is a`ttraetink manufac- r tu'fxtg industries, arc if it were a cite;' of 3Tlisny years' stanctiri , I `Ba.sano in 1909 had 38ple ; in , 1911,, x_45, and in 1912, a, of a Pop . a'tion, witheait taking into consid- ira`ti rt the man ineEl who are work-• ing c•n the construe n plants, which with' their number la ded.. filly 3,800 is ,aclo serrvative esti ma e. Ah1h iootiiy, th old, Bas - sans bas ; recently. passedlyear in council and Id the coiit 'act for! up todat wa'te'r and sewerage systenif to cos $150,''0. ribs raven or :this and othe e�, r'ei� elina re issued whi , were plekdebetes rea�dwi an Am :-. can Financia a ail Par. ' A (i chile has! be=n. glra ted to th piano iEc'tlrlco an€ Traction Co., whichiecomp° iPy, er plain, a nett... work of electric lin: through the ir• i'igattaed section, thus bringing the en - (tire ;500,000 acres its the doors ''of Bassno. , ,.;! , f. HE BEST IN THE WEST AND .uric fit iii tie $600,000 irDrigattioin ' . Because i't bas !ne, irra4 gas -to burn B •'::use ft has leo :,i in abundance. ' ause fit is t tp youngest city in the World to !hay [ a street 'railway.' Be: ause ttb is 't:he centre o2 the late gest irrigation piseie t on the Amer - lean '' • tinent. B «mese- ft isdivisional point o the ain ' line of Itte ause In.1912 A Is one bf the few' t or c'lties in ; Canada 'to dispose ofi ti n:tua'es at ai y, price. use Bassano 'bonds were sold foes" Ott hundred is n is on the dollar, Beelause ft has It a situation; which HY me for f he C.P.R P good my Gi I tie d a all fire afll-t bake oven or br Edith, cook, the cr 1 el ed. 'It has beco ► e n I go my way confi. nt th not disa 'PP rn oint ` . e.. arrangement for re :; ulati g e urn y Economy . -O e ow, dos everythrd7 _., T e . hardly1 urning atir oal t bttrnin brightly, r ady o ngemen of flues ice ps t e eated,' o that the a iscu and crisp and bro . Y , ave developed in ,ni` so e he must give at ] e st ha -Qxfor . entusiasm bett ey-Oxfod a month o r urs, R y tt HOtJSEWIFZ r after s0„ 1 1 FIARED Ilt HAD CONSUMPTION "Frult.a ices" Cur=d H mast iii'CKENfiAC ase. . SIntrentNe N.B. )'`an. 1 19t1. "1 sh' to tell you of the ; at good "Nru-a-tives" have done for ei.c. For yeah, I was a martyr to Chronic Consti- p tions and Stomach. Trouble. I was atl run down and niy friends feared d Consurnpption. I tried numerons d• ,tors and all kinds of Medicines, but re Air d no relief until advisd to try ' ` ru-a-tives" by Mr. McCready of St S phen, and am pleased to say tial I r o enjoy excellent health. "Fruit- a- grita iv " are the best rae'1icit a made, a . d strongly advise My friends to HUGH Ii4cK.BNNA. "emit-a-tives" is the only edicine t will positively and . ti pleteiy c re Constipation. 'hjs onderfat co,; . and of fruit juices' at directly o e liver, causing this , rota to t more bile front, and to gi e a • more bile to mnoi e ` e bowels rly and naturally. box; t5 for $2.6o, trial dealers or sent on receipt of 't -a tives Limited, Misr, 1t alo t ou! d make` it one a9 the largest elti•s blithe west, withotrt•(the natter`; al oi► : s4 100 REWARD: --$100 ere of this paper "will be 'pleased to learn that the is at least one dreadeddisease khat science has ee ble to cure in all its stades, and that is Cata h. Hall's Catarrh Cure. is t e o sly positive cure no known to the medico.' fraternity. Catarrh bein - €a • nstitutioatal disease, requires a constitu- tion t tient. Hail's Catarrh genre s taken in- tern y, , =ting direotiyupon the 'blood nd mucous surf: cies o the system, thereby des royi the foun- datie d cease, and giving th pati nt strength by h ild g up the constitution nu asst lag nature in d. in its work. The proprietors , : e so much faith in ; curative power that they offs One Hun dred pal _rs for any ease that it fails to ure. Send for li=t of testimonials. Ad. re Sold ..y Ta e ew and 63 mil cau ins r1 his n wi Mat.. es e telewhi.h tore .' off ,th . e 'sne t i F. J'.CHELLNEY & Co., Toledo, e. Druggist°, 75e. 11'8 k'atnily Pills for eonstijpatio • toba and Northwest otes - Ellis of Redvei e, ask. tch.i eshed a 501 acre Ifiel aif ioats, aimed 3,146 bushelps, almost els an, acre. ge 7 aus t, who ii es about 7 uith of Herbert, Sas .., was by the east bound_ So pokane rid, with bis tea o horses, y killed. Deceased wa a war- n. with' five ismal nil - en, and is at, present seri' sus 111. McQueen, local x m na _ er of the ni (Lindsay. G,ra n t o., died was iaVthe fact f u ing the e in '!Brandon 4 _ . aturday . The deceased, who w : s sixty - ears of age, was ve r prom, live stock circles: 'blue ribbon roar all C ada 'Of Soy 1 Aced - u lleg'Fof M-, a Calgary om has been t e high - he board. Jshn Jor.r ul . usly es - fell 22 rn. to has _ serious rom the lthe igaound. dear day ago, a P , lander, it his bro- the bush, owe , him, diharged 1 stantiy, o, d the kat hewan. oarding on a mption. f the 2.30 the of- t 9 .e4- i miles o er halt o er .t0, b en ree the .as , fated board of ern of, Music andl Royal Cc sic ' as' , been again; won 'b girl, Freda Sweet, 'to wl awa, de' a $500 scholarshi, est' sr in the gift of ell Jordan, son dan, b Roland, Man„ mitE ea i :. Flatus injury wheni 'lie feet ft, the gable of t e b the fga . -d. , He land o. feet, wii 1ch probably preve ted in j fir. His boots were. . fit fore: •• th which he hill — _ s $ oottng fatality oc i uhf ni r uth, Ma11., wh • , lad, saonfe o was i d. The boy, who, 1 ±their out hunting' In was , ; ng the firearm whe it , : contents were into stomach, killing hi The , ,her died a 'year h, faith: harvesting in Sa Levy, owner of a. . :e, Sask., h+ canc le homestead and re- ef ter h • Ming the door-I:1n land of;ce :in Moose Jaw h•trO o'cl. sk riday, afternoon tl lice t+ ed 'Sa'tur'day thorn ng clock .P e homestead is . 1- lout i of Vanguard and the of 1; .ectlon is heO a an a re, that price hawin fus ' ;f. I'd recently. • %break -of bog ch ler; would have broken out 1 S:skatche >l',a. Hillman, a well kn i wn and easful breeder, ha fie, , herd Of theire• aa -e only 30! o th : se left ase ravages. Its is eported e cases have been loo ted. in It: n and many; other plc, es. The ' int veterinarians tok the le 1' hand and order. th :laugh -4 5 t 0 'head, ,practdcailr wising out t were in- file Browlee istriet. (i nip harvester, wh�i" h - d burs, i to a straw stack do'tue farm rtbairn, near Snoily lak , Man.; 132 I.i.nd was nearly b ed, o death h sday night, whe 7 some farm aware of his °rete ce, set fire aw In which ke was sleep' man had been d,r king, and awaken from 11 sleep *until t Aide of his e o hing, In s $32, his; cap an 'nearly all it . Oin his head hadtlbeen burned, fa :1 accident occurred near Hol - M N ., when James; McClelland It y' ae freight t&aiman instantly • McClelland was returning a dseer on horetebac and while t• cross the track tits 'suppos- t her check on the idle broke e 1 11 'front 'the horse landing in efl the engine. Twenty, -one ears o er him before 'the train could d. 'Pile deceaseds *Los- twenty- rs l of age and leve a wife siball children. 1. aPPe iewan very; 1426. !Porn .that Bask Glove matt to :p all (t --A row of (E•. lost 'last hand to th ging. did 1 the 1 whic � the h —A land, was killed from edIln th and front passe Abe -St seven and quick the t and lents. wyg The farneelllible defender, the Vent erable Pastier Russell of London and Brooklyn Tabernacles, has won un- stinted prai from the preas. and pub- lic of mart 1 nations by forty years.' uneeasing etivity as evangelist and - writer. I In the e rly part of his ministry smaller citi s were frequently visited, but not so now, since his field of operation as become world-wide. and the ur ent invitational to deliver free public lectures in the lar est even all of these cannsit be acoept For tbe ast several years Pastor Russell has ade semi-annual foreign, toure, and, mugh the press reports. of his mee gs held in large publilt halls of th leading cities, he has eceived lich favorable comment and pnblici Won rfui Drewing Power. Pastor Ru Sell stands Unrivale ividual work, a place not ttained nor oocupied by stands alo i his own in previously another: e, The marl oth crowds that repeat. edly asserts e to hear him at very opportunity 1 is conclusive evidence as to his cl awing power. Last year, meetings in the London Royal Albert Hall, Pasto Russell received written. commanicat ons through the mail from more t an six thousand perzons, reqnesting tinted copies of his ser- mons. So s ntaneous a demand was both unprecedented and =looked fez Another ev'clence of his popularity on the othe side of the rolling blue is the publ ation of his weekly ser - moms in s ething over three huns dred pape ie in England, Iteland, Scotland, A straits_ The Edi t ef Great Britain'e fore- most family paper, The Peo lela Jour- nal, has so aptly comment ;and acts. ed on the latter that we can do no better than to' quote here the heart- to-heart tal ,he gave his readers. Ile "It is n 1, the non-chureli-going tendencies the Age that I want to talk to y ei . about, although my 'theme' is ore or less closely eon- nected with that subject. You have ell, I think heard of Pastor Russell, `Id ionder -.4meric. preacher, who has just b n 'inducted to the charge of the Lona ns Tabernacle, known all ovei the IT ited Kingdom and thous.' ands*of mil beyond, as the pulpit of the reve 'burgeon. 1111r. Russell, has achiev 4 position in the world; of religious Ought unequaled by y he delivers 11.1S message to far re people 'outs 4e! the church than oo ever be bro ttt together within ttie . walls of th i. largest temple in the have won r themselves an extract , dinary pop 'ty in America and am - credibl informed that Pas subjects are [excelled In afoul only by the Bible itself. lust what this e s. It means that sell's sumo S, essays and 4lee whith they ' ve been unable to cover in an other religious writhiti apart from 1 0 Great Book itaelfs . A Weekly Talk. • "Now to me to the erux of thet matter. 1 eel. sure that Vas vast' majority of y readers will learn with pleasure th t. I have arranged for 4 weekly con. ibution from the pert of Russell him lf calls it, but I have an idea. it 11 he 'found to be some- thing more, something fuller, than merely a co densed sermon. I have been reading 9, Oeleation of the famona appeal to as being more of thb nature of et, discursive talks ort serious sub c*s than sermons of pal - pit deliver& of the conventional description. Pastor Russell is a clear, easily under thod thinker; he eschews dogma and 1 subtleties of rferm and faith, and he says what he has to say on the gitel truths of 'religion and language. e speaks an . rites not only to the ii'rclinary chure -goer, as we. accept • e phrase, but to all in - *one can quite well appreeiate the unparalleled popularity whiCh he has achieved in merica--a popularity, I feel oon.vinc -• ) he will very Soon equal in this ecrant Ir. Pastor Russell's talk& will begin in the Journal next week, and 1 am h petal ttat they will he sal extrerael popular feature of the The roes of Annerlk. '' T!,astor R 'a popularity abroad does not dep Ivo hire of thel honor of prSaching to the largest congregation in America. Surprising asi it may seera, his se ons are at present pub - Bolted in mo than one thousand proXiinately n million homes wee ing: a trans- intinental tour .to attend the 13.ible Stu, mats Convention at Su. Francisoo, P: :toe Russell made sever- al Stops en A bute, and the .reception. everywhere a rded the "American any ex float accounts of his me tings wer e published. "The San Fre els«) Ca 1,", in making reference to hat othe papers were saying,in- "Pas T Ru ell's given name has been lost to ublic record deiring the last ten year .; in which he has been Pastor Russel --who has swayed hun- dreds of tho sands in this country and abroad, "Do they c•rne th hear hirn? Well, rather ! So fa . it has been impossible to engage a h a large enough to hold the !crowds. D eamland Rink has been hired for thi ' occasion. In Kansas Citele Denver, Salt Lake and Los An- geles the Paste and his faithful crew have taken t e populace by storen. Thel nowspape have given him mere teches like Presidential message." Mo r Lifeboats. in ase on the coasts of Great Britain. lamalca wa originally called Xay. coughs, cures heals CITY CIRCULATION AGEN Of Leading Mont Endorses GIN Daily LLS ti 11 .::. 0E 1 o xrn iegns ygoef. a riGrs on iot af ac21.111 itt:i lei:: cThliieaftehie; of It: r. Eugene been beexperience CireUlation Agent cdhlfeosiu:' t rr Pe i aaj fei:' Hilt feelis gly, :my bones MI) treal, Trcuble for over five I dyieay wrsz.: "I have been sufferin froftianYftui3:::Illrtsiidnibt::::: ief and I lost e day I met keePerk who !fame* Gale han elso Rheumatism in, a muscles, could not de on. some occasions coul sicians but without re r fifteen pounds. 0 on of our leading hote he ean bi been cured by you , LS, and he advised me to try the= bought two boxes et my wile before had used o4e -fa* change. Before I efinished the sec nd one was completMy cured, can assure you can 13 ardly ye it d ar if 1 had only know* What know ndred Dollars for not ing When twe a world-wide y conquer** Rheurnatistm ou write National Dru and Chemical of Canada, Limited, (front*, 149 1)101; es of GIN PILLS ctir N PILLS aEreUGgaEiNuite an a 1 kinds of Kidney if VSINESS SHORTLY AND at the LONDON, fal dents assisted to po es. siEonuterfroanmyStiempte. priWnedsteparvelt ns. College • Catalogue es-tervelt, Jr. setesetante urpassecl for residential dueation. The eal College -Home" in eh to Isecnre raining for your life's -. TN/rough in Music, PainthaF, =tory,: Nigh 1, Business College d i nee. Lame campus, ins iring e t. Resident nurse ins ma health of an ALMA training ndsome pro. Ws sent on Application rineipal. ree your goin yo Sank we long while. I was almost ever getting well again re ended me to try and erre Pills. After WAS' uch better, and thr me. I tan now, as well al lei recommend them tro ed with a weak he price of Milb Ne Palls is 50 cents per for 1.25. F r sale at all dealers r on pt of price by The kid, Tomato, Ont. oubled Weak as. Ail Run ny people are MIA ng wrong with the' suddenly to feel fain n all -gone sinking he first sign of any 'el or nerves, you should case becomes so d to take years to cure lf of a prompt and IKilburn's Heart writes:—"I WAD heart, and was all aids Write for the large free catalogue o you w 11 learn how YOU CAN SU then rest wi th you to decide if CEED1 We are placing students 1 applic Mona for help which we can best ti ne to enter our classes is N our fr e catalogue at once. this seheol, and EED. It will ve masy such W. Mite for eincipal All Skin Dis ARE OCCASIONE AD aL0 Nei one can expect to.be fr form or Other of skin tronb blood is kept in good shape The blood can easily be the ekin disease cured by BurdOck Blood Bitters, svidel known blood medicin It has been on the mar 35 years and its reputation i from Some nnlese the urified and the use of Old and t for over unrivalled. M Mitchell, lph, Ont., wri • "I was troubled h. eczema. My ody was covered with aWful itehing skin ptions. Although II tried many differtmt remedies I could get nothing to give me relief. Finally I goil a bottle of Burdock Blood Bittersi whsele completely cured me." Manufactured only by reel T. Milburn Co., led, Toronto, Ont. grateful people nch!,." you for the benea r most econderfeil 'Having taken edier having received the beard of your Nan' Tablets and thought • trIL,11. I have been to adn,ise any one troul a see them a fair irk. givei the immediate r burn, flatulence, acit.3 but if taken regener: weeks they couple.e aggravated cases o 'Whim for 5oc. yeu 11 Dreg and OOPING COUGHS BIONCHITIS troubles. niche ettits. t: -Jed with encces Too air carrYi'qg tttP r ore toroat. Ands -imp -3 4itlog children and z Awdinta. Send Oa post;ia ALL OR11GC-1STS. CRESCILEN tiroat. They am simple. 4$.0;1.r =druggist:or from 04. ltic, in stamps. Leemine Ora- d rtai - 115 atu p 6 18 pm 7'62 zta 3 16 13 Ball For St lelondon, depart xeter KIP P-4 nee Selgreve ugh ne 11 eeentrelia LISTOWIE Zthel S. Blueeale Wingharo WU/0am 6.45 4.1amvale 41,54 likentspals 1.11