HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-11-08, Page 4NOVEMBER •W T 3 4 30 11 II' 18 24 26 a 2�j 21 A 28 15 22 29 A 9 6 23 30 1 NEW ADVERTISEXMINTS ..ehis figure between the parenthesis aftet each ad. denotes the page of the paper on which the advertisment is found Overcoate-Stewart Bros -a Retnember-Greig Clothing 06.-1 Mune Furnishings -E. Moraulflo.-8 Clean Swelp Shoes Sale -J. E. Wflft- Jut 7 weeks-Sauvageand Stolle* -1 Robbers -W. G. Save lioney-0. Aberhart-8 Xtuas-tf., F. Daly -8 Notice to Creditors -John. Pepper -5 Auction Sale -5 Attention -J. J. Rolland -5 31onuments-Druesele Marble Work3-5 Houe to Rent -T. Rill84 If's= for Sale -Jas Delptty.-5 Recital -a Teacher Wanted -W. J.Iloward-5 Teacher Wanted-fieury Strang -5 Siikray Steer agea. Otsselek-s «uy Bros, ificstrelsa les and Gentlemert-A. Wilson -4 MIssionaries hiAfrica-Princess-a Clearing Graves -a Gold Eish-Restas'a5 10:16.45o store -9 New ErAgland Tea -W.11. R. ftew sposittiv. smAroms, FRIDAY Nov. 8th, 1912. A. Weak Argument by a Strong Man. During the recent Provincial, election In It MIddlesexp Sir lames WhitneY visited the Riding and delivered an address. The zneittelshita In 'that con - best was the Abolish the Bar atiank ba, [the Liberal iiiketforrn. Mr. Rowell *tatted the Riding and delivered sev- eral addressee in favor of gr. Stith -- et -land, the independent candidate., :who pledged himself to vote for that ‘planic, provakeg Mi. Whitney. did not bring forward a baiter or more ad-vaneedepol- lay. Mr.eeiej,, 'the straight tOonser- -vative Candidate,. strongly opposed this policy and pledged kimeelt to suppoet !the Government and its policy, what- ever it might be. It was in tile Interest' est. Mr. Neely that Sir James epolte. Oa the Abolish the Bar volley Sir James Is repOrted to have ,spoken as follows • "Why does Mr. Rowell want. to preserve liqsor shoe t Be sags that The bars •rratat be abolished anti then local (Gritfon can be put to use to • diapose a the elegy licenses. As long • aa we have AV right to prevent the importation Of liquors, when wegni be tiaa result et abolishing the bars.? The liquor -would be sold illegally. Surely-, no one doubts that( the 'sale of liquor would be more htternfuli sit aeons than at hotels f If the bars Were gone and shop's allovre4 Lo reraaine people would purchase liquors which would* be ter- ribly adulterated and in all respects , poison.. I% tell you. Why Sire Rowelt - ;does loot want to abolish shop licenses. He is a shareholder of Thqpidbe news- paper- In avhich appecri advertisements ,p of liquors sold in the province. The Globes: attito.de in this =sitter Is somewhat Appalling. By- the advertise - !mote in the paper It 1 oaxing and - sedueing boys to bey liquor: Mr. Roweil declines to take advantage a the laws of the land to doze 'liquor shops. If shopit were abolished, the Globe, of which he 14 a part, would 1084 -money. Now we have diseovered why it Is Oat filt Rowell Is not anxious to abol- ish erhon licenses." We !think that every Person, no mat- ter what their political proclivitiesmay be, will admit that the argument of Sir Jame,s is exceedinglyi weak. lt the argument of 4 eeheial boy and, Is unworthy n man of sie James whit - viers ability and posltione Indeed it is almost impossible to believe it _ was uttered M. seriousness. -It shows how strong Mr.- Rowell's position on this s'ubjeet is when so( able a an as Sir 'James Whitney' has to 'combat it with such plausible rubbish. 'glee statement or Intitatiatinii that the reason Mr. RoWell does net propose to do away with shop licenses ae- well as hotelll- cenges Is because he is a shareholder in tbe Globe newspaper, and that pap- er Makes money Peiblishing advertise- ments for liquor makers And dealers, is unwoftley of any man and treblyrisoon •the part of a mad occupying the po- eition Sir James does: 'Even were Mr. Rowell so sordid, as Itabe influenced by' such motives, hia share of the pro- fits on -these advertisements would probably arnoulit to a few cent4e, year. ithe strength a Sir Jarnes' argu- ment will thus be apparent and It sha-ws haw hard putt he was to find something to say against the policy he employed such tactics. It is possible his argurneetts may have pleas- ed. Some of the youths blithe audience, ' but his auditors as a Whole must have been much less intelligent than the majority of such audiences if they did not elicit a smile of contempt Xfut It is tot 'Wtowell !etc:meth-at Sir James thus Insulte. It ie the whole Liberal party, as that 1 party has a-. desited and e.pprovecl of the policy. The Globe may h:e right or it may be wrong In Inserting these advertisements. That Is es matter of opinion and business. But it is an outrageous thing for Sir *Terme to stigmatise the whole Liberal party as a lot of cravens who will barter their principles sot the Globe can make a few doliars a year extra in publishing liquor advertisements. The thing is so preposterously absurd. that Sir James and his friends ehold - be ashamed of the silly accusation. Now as to the first part of Sir Jareest argument. Mr. Rowell nor any per- son else does not propose to do away with the local. option law. Even if the hotel licenses were done away with the 'local option law -would still be operative, and If the people desired to do away with shops in any municipal- ity they could do so the same as now. And it would be much easier to car- -1 shops tha i�i end:: Sir Jaba cures the - Ls onion tneh easie look a both shops (tended to. •favor et advisesthe sItead 14if g ROWelits tite- provl • prohibit th the bars be- sold -ill tiors be so -hibitory 1 Inore than ed by !the James doe there is n James' ar were so eh entirely n* have a.nU-treattn bandoned Itt oppositi would have point Be 4ene1b1e on fttie 1 James and espoused. I scheme ot might` be Dig fthaintt 'hind xvIalch themselves and oompr possible it this beteg adt care t its (defects some :E&ten for the miserable people will their street finitely. au wise and thing perm do not say vacate& by rneaaime leaders of believe Itha izations itt liiiesent a Whitney a him under the next granting t it itb them. hie bread • sympathies pride will 1011r. Rowell Jpde found lthe t Ivo of party • rather tha fact there servative v Government On !this q him a pp continually defensive James want he ahould and [take t •trol of the words, aritem in shops Gov the control officials, tio only, and n premrses. X anly close obviate the front (the sh Ontario Sinceltir. of taboatione beg in tame Dorninion °poor tunitle the !field to taria Legis the Liberal la candidate did. (the par record canna • and tile of led Ito'believ a vigorous tive fort -an onjy with eatmbt bee fighting, th fenders einn The above Press. Our possess its e erals are nd enced Das an its croe od Ile pleased to t Rowell will value. The L feetly satisile ership and since assure they are pro tilde, his sine Free Press and It is thl it to sneer to try to bell Et is nor daub Press and fte era's did not three Tory h by the Gover hives, and per der an avalan glorification journals of th Rowell and hi have greater to permit t strength and • air in any six tidn of the If lour contetn • 'soul• in peabe comes it will perhaps more meantime if i laden or corn diesex elect' of Ithe- two used Ito keep servative par er, it has m spirit than m the same may loo and Musko The yarn w the Free Fres• route correspo Mr. Rowell is leadership beea the elections, no Liberal can• advanced, com policy on the believed by th .tt - .---- - - I • , _ , ., , ' , 1 1 t It . -- 4 - , ._, iiiit __ I i , ,..._ -- - __ ____, . • N4OV e • a . 1 1-1 , E MB . ,. kW which affected t Ketells. The shops, also at, the Control -of the- - • attment: as now, , and ;4",s, 'the, duaeparst:Irefiint A enforcement- of . the meat would . . y b r whon- there are orilyf 'ter - and, hotels have to b Sir Jarie's is strongl he •locai _eptton ,law, people to adhere .to - Wing their Adhesion t. micy', Ai- liet saya.--the ie - has .net , the P0We ern hportation of liquo ree. _aboliehedp, liquors i'gliZgi° -tirra-telYwhIn.'dwel.).. people. -That Is a pp ; not explain. -. _ Ho t mush use In pursitla uments much ...further. UdiSh and( puerile as worthy -of him-. He 6 wo-rdl to say about g laW. Re has evident hat, /f he had - urged li..4i to •Ill'r BeWeie's Pe been something more -tattle might _have . said something ithat subject, r. - cal -0Pti011 Vag, 't Whic his friends seem :tO •: I. omosition -to the ge Abolish_ tbe 'Bar. said. ..WO 'believe it 1:,. ined largelY AS .s; ehie Ithe politicians Can p from the .more trouth thensive .question. It - may. have done - good, th-e case The •EXpoSito k *oppose% it; or to Min g , We have' dotie - this b before. Batas it; Sobs Large scheme, . it is b take -shift. •-lf the temPe abandon it and eonceetrat gth on the larger ani terkir scheme they wl Will be working, 'for neehf and worth while. this because it -is' - beta the Liberals . and in, s being -opposed by. the. Conservettve -part ': if the teropera.nce o thhl Mir/IWO .were bold front •to Sir 1- .J:mes ,d demand thetas's and - tand that their se . o election • depends 91 leir request he would . He kniewe on which Es buttered.. We belle, are on that side, bg not alio* hint to in this matter. Rut .eingqiume people, irres r, firm, he wouldrcapit L get down and out. could be no . greater Lotory than to force •, to follow Mr., .Rowell's )stion. It would take wild weapon which - kee.p hie opponents . i"tiith , ey adoffit it s a pointer -we wouldt ;oldie Sowell one b hd shops under the Government In e Am wipe, out the lice:sing Its entirety. Make rnment institutions, _to df reeponsibie Gover sell in -bealed - Paelt cit: tot be consumed on 1 that w.ay he would! 'r_he bars:- but he. - would dangers which' he dr mil& Pro-. If W-lae:., law, very hope -at- • and t -in..• . s, c;u14 12114: t ever, obe • did his this eY - have ' era # be- • oteCt onae . ated does Oat itute t i'ence . in- omes- sWe' e ads the the . gan- 1 ,ake t *his gives side e his his dow -et- fate, 'In on the lead ona will the Slr say , tter Otal:. ther , the' • ent ges the not ads e eet- last. ee in.1 On- have once This l• no 'de- ree me:a- 1u- - and 8 Per- - 'ed. u he se es nd ee he . ed re r. 1 n t- t.t 4- s , e 1,e . - , 'be - - y la _ f t e . s ls t -as- gr. - o ,If Sir Sir 0. A-' It Sir .--i' be- Is to --Ek be . We to at he er t -Malt Ithill •The. ea. bee s41:".r' dec)rein' tab pea ab•' • dalanciltitile he)clI3e- gre the was wil and wlii pad Wh•n $2,2 'been this the ate hap . tins °Dog brat gage awl) pres ure to '- Ho' don form meet: Oong keno, Willi John and- ereg the the; Pie - k the tdisS R.. _ but c s• "I''Ciladr1:411..4 ed tithe Toss. .wo in abe cal pot Ma thatty der,: er out OILI, hirnS preci:, net eveni• tlie fur. me is,- tl°el'f Well' the Den- Able• - whol• Iva two - : Isis 'ern tithe root -.a 1 004 il venal ikili air:"; aPs se' *11 04,'D Edit .1 ea Ine 2iiiti. ,. Libei e '4011, poin son .tri.,, teat 'Seal asie been Nat last jous PunIs is , e '81; er' Is 0 Int a 0,411. 4.14 ao ae D''' Pe11 era wlich • wf:. in s ' Buz c th oe, eve ' .3c, - ,,or'S I .., , : •: .. 0 - 4:1d. , d V -e e Iii- oli a_ .. 'in ar :. I . • e. , 0 .1 :- 11 11 , 1-1 i It $' , .t 1 ge "1 . , n ' - ;," ' " !ri : ' ' 1 . air i 1. ... ' • . .: .. ,t t 1 : iti i fe • C I .as er er ftre- .,a ''' I 11,- • • 11 • # • O ti, 11, ( 1: :. • 44: P • • ; It U n : • . : i f,/.. es is an ati 4., b -1,11 „it• ga h ire gee 0. r yea deb to,itifzi , th • IS 1 e • • i A in he ,. an 04e, .ega g.,1 ion, Re e , tttf. : • ,i, S. a col mil Eth L. .., _ , 11.4 i-Ple. V., 1 * .• ,,, .: s, I 1!:: : 1 H .... - k lies P t .e d te . 1 le 5 F .() „en , r nsw. e tt.. •-DPI . I Igo t44 .' . i :• jai- I. 1 Is , i , , .. II ' .• -.it - ' a„ i • : le I, - 1 ; I ot .t t111/1 :s : I - .r.,s : -as. t e - , , d I :. h i: : : as • . tic-, p . lin • , 'Ie sl I ' 1 e lo lin 10 h iv .- grotof, h her cep pair s iroe ovide : a a .' ,an •e ht. im „Ili , u ;pa, his ific do, fit) of li • at 0 yea has y sub e t is•a In - d ' •i '• Nrid of 1 ., e • o. re t ea th ' w it • , Vi of do co , „ Hi- . - • . i es h h- re : uth -. *, It II 1 it ; 'rAr - i . ' : i„ a 7 , - r t sr, a Bun r r t , , l'' co oI. th al 91--';.•• e the 0.1.:S--•gr}6.:allilili• g 0 , • . : h, iti t ' a '.e 0 ', . . • . se , naider *ell . b 4 o. a GOV@ tetitg e, - a,eteo es • If' : i . few. .. ' ::.- "ve'in i * sed place . 14Ni it,tat ti -a the f . t i terribl r , . . urren 1. . t hitm• engin ' i'a e liurna ,- _" 11.L1ren ,,.. . e Erma e •isunces • O :iely :-. n • s giving u 1 .. e till t cowers :upper lum n gram1 ;halted' I ailed,: ca arch, : . . °Neil. . -bt - t s 4: . t .f 1 # I d J - g c . t Peo- ork, iven, - yiey, dnald, _ ,,,,i,_ ' $16u a, _ n =, * h p 9 •69, wo add 8.'t 'If.' :.- , le, With w• verlw" on :na-r WI , t pr.,,_ it' ma_„: .e -c. sid: ti t. t.-- •s . f.ks een ' I. sh ' . of t ha r t Q t mid fo sitio men ts f . ft , ; Y a 0 re co n whic ot 1 not uP • c,heetco . s. Tur i irur th t ha yee a sitio for akva' - wa Pres bee sae en etse . eclat' r in The the de-• gar-, The .ap- an and con- of , the of has and and will g so fit- the pie- rt4 his ex-' as- ,ure bt ids .-r- the the the hn . re, ral to on by _ . f - ,. : ,•i e - r . F,,, , . 1- , - t, . : C' . . 1 • e . - - . •new -, ; 1 i . 1' • ., il - , ' :uddenneee , .and li.ine :tie 1 f I it. jISunday • - it t ..1 -I v.,: iii e , t'rred t na' ctaas1.10'drial* ' - ' 4knr; T •- - lies. ,i '• ale - Whio .:Lee'lee-„ael- - ,e, -'"--- ----' 1140e,190: A* --,!.or-,401 . t, _ -far I 6 - •- wriehilteains l'a'nlic ' fiditelvt. . de' -h lenpieir.• : Alldiw414c Ole' as -9119e, ;IY,Rees .16h0 "el* Ottr -fiche i ib' Dennis, -PP -4Torvol. 0 Dougherti, well. Yr. li: zier Harold , ' Ciree9 .., Anie 114401e, ,Dennli, Ste .lev lay Crawf / Roe. Sr. T--- 14015d Otual, lirY --Andre Crosier, 'Anna 14W Iti:"' litYr'ile ffinithi 'TOO BrUfs..-For• see -page_ Ith ana ter soh' or a :trip son la vier Wilbur no a Brthm -I shiter„Mrs, 21.1e ificaufre esprain ker • • . . . to velure ;milliner alt• '' Thonisen a night, 'after -aitititir: Mrs. eet,„,..igee. • •; viestioe if , Air. Atli li ati,d TandlY ,ln'g Ito Whi Purehaaed. is *tang I mrpurac.h.tico_aiedr. their home - • -t-i.the4:7Prhea;:tomeali7bi:°th*cdtba;d t WO - - presented 1 - • h.-einge also pleasant 4' gni. --:- ' ter!Puivak - - I'ZulPartilv.7014' leat 't *to' .. made icOngratu .. --. fegure the-4anrtiversary' - - brevet -It ,' raft- .i4 t,,,hv',to. trp, '-',...L.- 7 ---1, g 014', With al Who_ is' ,"glieatilY" was litocitho alglidtte'' - be the . TieIRLS''' a t-'1O8e.--4"-- -ever -, held. r story of , With ff.6' ofaiv r - -4- - 'P'n4:1•-eaP" Plece,_• helev•-• Irtviplent - • gThwIt' htll'45 -• itt -filt. 1 1.4 i ; da 1 gn. 41 v. Wthisl'[ , I. --- , the Ruiseiti' Hack- Cro-, Hui-- 'Ver.- H -Ise is WilliO Pilin4 Irm'' [ ' notes 1'110111SM Thorn- Ibtri, g s win- . her .on torence. . turdaY with brother, Eteigh and go-. he has :Lowe 111ems andp int • . , .giving tWillis.' and were M.S. e -da u a lid h0 Ghr: ntehz :nri,lila. 'Di s. T.. a tree abo Peeri fl • fam se,. seeM 11 is Mrs. G. Guel h F. and Ben of B line, L . o ari- pos the Jae.* heldit -t . , The Lade ver Y an Mrs same 0 was i Th som on awful very bus- ' med- eturn arms alper, with alb- was ar- her place ate the she liter as to hi who died came the in- on n0,1 his - an '.7., 1 1 ri gu i 1 -] re- 1'1/ j ! ; _ i f ' her to as her . is . 1 ap i 1 y. 1 0 . ; s e t e e y a . :-.: -Ir. - , -ion - il 1 : fjd ' • S b i nt• 1 i1 MI _J-. c• ve o a eS si 0 - ch.ir eel T t. re:id !t w ni itt.t fo SA lea Ai Mia. a Dr Da, at ,. that -, rl r tth-a gooti- -.pair the year R b as keep tba We've splendid bt any styit- Come and Ittpendable rub - snow kill,, TO $1 20 TO Sec TO 60c TO 85c - TO 50e .* are sol'd at customerslie and Children . .. HOTEL 1.., ,... o- -I., •- ..11.0. , t: pit f in •0 4- ' 0 r 17-'1. 0 h • 8 . --: I - .: . IC, 11.11 .:. m at 0tive si F Mo a j yel t tp It $e te re 1 B ing b - : po n . •h iy Th th n or ,. ls i I 0 alibi ;: • 's 1."). . , io i t . : 0 . ;Ts a et tut. :1bl h sr . oh 4 I Cc • id t e i ev tec-- w w. w uc 1 m m i n iry ' • t tl li ' d • le te :1:1 7 • • • I., s • ni ha in.. s ta at! :. al, ile ht 4' e • e- r r- Jo d W hen tie, `or the- berey Public School - based; by - Joh Foster, o ts the loss 44,140 _ , rm -,_- uf nitdttill16B:iosaf taerf.4:lattinwliniaakatli.elod_gthrtfninre s''' 4ria: g ' t •Ift by .,a ft ht be 1 eViairal. His .1ddg, er and - a vigoor ltnen fro/11,4, his shoaMer now thonght.. 'tes or wolitel. In.. they are the a - ntl „ iiiymPatiti . ents. -- iThe -- -• Ursa - havO eotioti atifor. e4BabYlon line, rat duekorat . 141 d' Ween ,. s bleb as a large fighter, had the Ithateck. hat there .. e sWarnp,. _ and !male -that ktiled. Pirted hts Og are - r:: rs... Tarr W- U. R. G. J. Sr. 4., • G. a on a '' 20 In a . ! - • • se the tihtaytoi tend , RUBBER . in . 1 BOYS efififir.bRTN7.4 ' gi , E be ' , EN'S RUBBERS OMEN'S RIIMBCRS........ 'ItUSAILRS............ 'RIIIBUICRS...... ',RUBBERS. ER. BOOTS -Nothing store the kind e satiseaction. 'We took, and at tight DEpENDABLE a EPIIONE, 11 or Economy foot and of Rubbers bers Save feet dry rubbers or shape get fitte bers and - ......-. . . . -... . but fl that -we have all prices. . she or of be .. ..,,e,..- •• an izei OATH .-1 144 VerYbod8T and Prudence detri'and i be protected • - . $1 this season ot shoe leather as well nd prevent colds. , everybody and can Shoe to perfectiOn. J with a pair of our !ready for the next ',.''........ 73o ... -.... 50o 50c .... 1550 • •• 33e qpality rubber bocits .,recommend to °sir for Men, Viromen , SHOE COMMER014.1, iir di AI,• l'il• ell'" . re te, eel ' al • .: e t , „t t -11°17; ` b to • la. ifi , o or e rie erf s , i i - .. ii Id .*...• 4-17.0 lea '' this .1 !to h * ssi 0rot,!-n-etka10 Idol 1 h .1 • -11, , do.lin SerAtl 1 KT. t II Ilion ' al lea at : nero : -in, niter „ ,. silk , ,Yrerriglepr 'rrn PrOfeS I cam* - Sikh 11 giving 1 Mai l_imic, h • the lei Parks ited It! ....11 - e b it e, or, . -y er to so I Silt • giallo tun Qtrhat - - li • owell • fifth is . ' 1 er p f .Stry ak•- 1 th a . ,091, s , .•nsaliO, •ley, o I• fe 'es be. plat ke Pri to o • B as ur ho a em i • eth • e te a d 1 h: it t. :11 the Gs ho tad hip. n . a wb se • Ut d, be . oul as er; li 't1 ° oh °Illa e t' . lo ;no o : • • 9., e sa. nee, ir r. an 1 .g se est :best tati e lea, sue. as thin man dn.:: s b e i t, 0 tiaao.."-MrEf. I. ,ebetes .Hill, Ite Ida- tbehtleei , exeebeing hoetiodievyt. othhatree -Ur- • !Alex :tine' itrisToithern 4 tprehin4hirdelw-fte.:*nd47..e4r;f19nihiLmir!"-e- 'a :On. ds:wilho Wisilaviii1, •sft'lldr#•Rioltewili4 C Ogle ra1179, Sfe , %ion to his • ernile'S business , - room. -Mr week with - ale, of Pa , , of fthe vil ; ' .1t0 th0 h a, bad cold, 4,elifr. John Inantedce acithgen.t. la -goad Vie for that . ICipplil. _ McPhail and daughter, are ependieg st. few' yfallaregeillts_f gpeta•-' ,W1 -Moo heldi thla week in. the Dash, Ttilite yiRtrve. bffeir.ngsritoown: Mont ith Is 'deer Ontario. No doubt ureh aobs.tta last• Eibr.,inbeutng:turi * acting, 48 rellet ag.Qnt , stationonhberiE66 hfloourds%.. ellS ei e g harness shop. As Mr. -vows he requires John pinsdale veeted his 3171 e, Mt. Wi.lialn khil..--,-, r. George age, who has been ten- use for a tow days Is tato somewhat bet- B.- Dinsdaie has been sfrfor. thune:HsadmaleiltonstFouidire . . reliable represent-, e , , iy.-, . . '• eeNab. • = Legiabory. ' . fij t: '' 'Pt. Theefoliondne itithrl,/fa "TerAle!celialC1.121-' re, mer rat : htele •elia' A • n 'Hulley' tlelle "raster. ove,, ' i . , : Of sv.s hoep,to 44' tS a i 0, _ 4 h. e easir -Is 1E1 , . R '' . - ' .. • lai lonht,4'eSeentti°110.210%e:; el. betvee1•1711147r Llly- Bee, .:'. 1:tenniS, tilrner ,oroZier, Nellie Sr, II' -Lorne Addle- Love, Bolton, - c -CanwrOn Dthigherty. Jr, -Vin .:Sthnor% end Regeraw',i Batt)21, arti. jri; FrinSarY-e/r. iethetteuralle, stimix7; I" MAI:gart - - SEA OPPOSITE • - , yoir sure ickt-is .&-• -• Eco4iimizer, 7.7)- ,a, the SISO , Ire give -L. LAS tura e in 't we We -ailo parulte. ft perio cati Grato,, MR. in . , 4, i : L e • i -)aced. 1/9 o 1 $t c c a pat end d: get D .• 'a - at S th 4 cess totter . --i% e ..tremov bt-ained _ - Charlet ow iially Lars. Coal • is very i scarce. changing your " THE R.ANGIE.'* •- whic* .11 Flue Strip which iii _spread D te 8 Up x .. 4 i , ancke oniation ceinb stiOn,,, v te in ,o other - • ii, ...75 or these and 80days • invite intending , and. and high stove, FA W. Saves 26 which e _ . tin fornaly ers Bev le' 0 or and - fi.. 71- !v. .s--. stov , stoves not one stove trial a urehasers the in price this 4. buying a !new VS IlvIPER..IAL yi? Because, ernent. a fad. tables the cook , about t,lic ?; Grates, -. whi[ch 1: hrough th o ,ter fire With ---,qui. znis. Th. , and our prices .1 _i_7_ _ • _iii vn vne Mari WAS returi*d _t_tikarantee to calf e I., Pura- a .sisw I a . I season. If one, be OX - .,'T it . has the i it has the to utilize all - oven.. It admits , . a • .. Ililosi which r . .1 .... less fuel., ..',It ia.rse a.re fea. nght.-- . James tag erl [ .adIthe ,T, . ar • •- 4 bl terussels , ' -additional :Bruseels S. -Ws.- Ge4rge 'left oh 'Wednesday. Ca.:Ifortia.4--Mahel With her Aunt. 0 an' -- ton.Miserrgar- n-. Clinton visit,i L site Xerr.- . Misfortehe e which emptied . 00/ 'her posi °wane -Miss ed horne on e tended, visit ar es Dodds4 or.vancou- , tewart of Tatonto • ome of her cestf-ls WI11la0 leaving 'town' odd. , Sask., ;where do e . r. ., I -A.1 Rolbet't _or tee,. -where.' ve. ,.._yKs.bhillynoesro. „Mr. . .ert street. . iBlakit . boa xseport.-The' foLowing -is the standing of the PuLPIls o ' -t . No. 9, -Stanley ' for October:, orth. class, A. Finiay44,.,0eseh, /ride .; , sehtor Ttinaki Elk Finlay, :las* CI Parke; jhtilor• Third, er, A. Kennel, L. ' Gthgeriells mit L. Oesoh, S.: -*Tie, A, -Meyers; for _Second, ,Harvey: Moyer, llerble 's Ad, . er, p. iis.e0iinobey;! Fait Seco i .eglas, X,. Beehler, AL Kenne4 :it Part, B. Zaptee tA. Douglas. ag.--G. 11 Roward, Teacher. . ,tee......meesrs. John, tod Joseph Fos. of Fairgrove Mi. Igata. formerly i' exits of this P , -attended ethe ural of the late ilasi DOuglas, field, -and4 wh le over reneveed : qualtitanoes In t Is neig4berileed• e whole commitiiit. I turned out - : . ay to give Mr. 'sm. Wagner s - plowAeg.-The .-...en crop') IS 01111. . out well; an ave age a about leis to the acre la the general- re- , -Potatoes are sti 1 diminishing • bea:oenwiougnehto ftohre tie., teir. Several who large crops when r:ised will scarce- apple crop is SI arge one, 43-48- • is not mUcif of demand . for ,are i 7 _ t 172i ..,rv bets - T 1 although Very &OM. 4 - and get "La N .1 Hilt C. .y 1 is c- an. air: ; in • t of es an Pe 'ett CA . es1 • : o • - • e ' 41 =I. h s a . . Er . . as • Par 1 l' bed al* , I : urier .elae I l'!' nell ll:rrie,; 11., Y pf . i"1.:, ; re 1 to the - Gove ...- tiiern ' W date • • -afte:s,!iiii-ve . , ha he VII st hjet, have • owe 'i a• 14 '. es, • a that!. - .. Algo Ida . en1-.0 vaeaaf . eerie Ills . 10)14 •I, 0.:. freq i -rflo : 'per es ;bee .7.. ce i ie ell a : Sid anti ?es • . ha el in' th.- t lir; r t ,. est th ill ! .1 . kj-11. lop . a ei...11:. :se - . a, i , ri s ween Kit 0..f ers ' f e •• an .0 n't elf Se t °P.. r-. te. 4 1 lpit tha e-nt ha r be 1.. tbeill lict '4 1 t to pr ng if far rrib C. ' . s it. : iii• • t, a nee a y. , ut ha 1 ed pr., pe . T4: al -8 a. cee , be ste d - leaV -to el. tht'e 111 udit g e. • edn the • ,un . n a 0 • ti sm. e fro, Is hou: Ing ed (the late. an an. in ohn to io Hr. elde . ma the essi. fe tee ood ISh . Mac. _ - abToeheprCileeeant, ItheY •:•wer ad. on pelge _Nakee..e tea meeti.Tatng year. !There a good euppar, highly satisfac thankoffering ad,- to $7-0 th thad: an excit -Mr. and Mrs -L . and Mrs., Pier 1WrcPe.st.a-viTirejrla Pplceacedsivitae.rffianneior- ln'irtaibreiedif•ngt 103.eitit, ;the new eh subscription being paid urer. The zie #100, per fare will nake,' Ir.k- church -.a-- ' W !tont' • - 0 i. ik ee se.,ksehareitsasieha,iung Read J. El.-: t . , .. :odist .Thanitselig W t. -1d,eeided sueeearetl w s : fine //regret -lime ,, ' it 4 the proceeds or,.. -The ! W. !''. .. II rilt. chureharnount- ar.-1:teeve 7 Shortreed 1 ' T rs unawagO on " arquharson . - -r have re lila t berh Itfrr,,loPm tT-,C' GlIthcr , sl It Nrooeift On W:x ,,:if, : tetiievdo 4.11.edidr()/n:.a.st. : 'alit Christm a. e now diie a b.& John !Watt h h will coati; Y ( Tie PaNtor,- "- all es() t'lto Oentheir .e Iron/I-debt. • ' ,= 1 eo:dsaveinstaatellingla.oanaoft-ncacoaet, la Furnace. nstruction; get the Fuse AS. . , • The Motto for .t.:- which 'feature is particUlare regarding joints. and the Gee S016LE is in charge of - d and --get fa, s Furnace is •`‘ ft, On nocoun ot 4r)btairied ire -an the', Leinlheet-ef . -.,.„1,;(7.7eee4.- .4ill t qtastracfton. our'.1'insmith shop, tile:ism/mars aleop0_14 .f its, Very , sit- other Furnace. the eraariefaeaess-"asta•al d will su • - .01 • es. -Mr. and received word er's slater In e unconscious away from- • the( Milking. he discovered 7 • ags' Ibthis'a°del; Zreisyeedi'. titotro titetritel;rtrreurinngi • .--Mr. T. of ashes: It i ay.-Rir. J. _. , all Of sugar beet faothry Brown was On a • business with his evaporat snow six inches, ay lit all disappe- te Very anxious some godd as All.ey have de work to for 'the drealers but the furanee harnbers is' .er from, Clink% :this waY1 .0 ,present.-Kr.s. f Clinton is her daughter during the • wild • of,. geetee.fle #y" ithe _racket ould think oe gro Und, k caukl. mit b0 . Abraham anniversary church, morniag ranks were , but they: It seems as radualls dying - een party t a thing of and his WiftS 'and Mr. and By of 13rtissels . S. H. ,Gidleg sday hir. left for the has purchased. an. of Goderkth it his homSk . Ith his apple, them this ttend the at Toronto.- . possession : kery he rece#1y 1 Tay lor.-M4 iti the Banld . i .upon his *or 'the Moll -sent at work - -Sarah, B;entleg delegate to at Renfrew day it ha her' t off the kImeetIng in the aftermien. Miss We11Wa4d, from China address in to a 1arg0 as also :81i ly all good received 't 'er father, t of Antre sad passed alone in -f the doctor had passed cefully.. Mrs. : y to attend a famil y. canals Mrs. Alex 0. Ba.rker., - e.) Turner, of North' : .ei s, Of the 1..anager of 'the thy. y Mrs. laSI:. Appl the tWh Taman -.New B- tbeet in fell but Weath do.- getti. hopes at he eno • theyl ell t seen of servie plitye didni thoug of: the lidr and west, week. Ont of 04 duties. [Tel:phone the i las gave eons ladies Inger e sad Mont asv•fti e was away the Mack of of Jakim sane. , , tit o h th T! on t ori a t t. theli• it 'e on fo •st.-Mr. a ovafpeen' M a h -ie. lb ri r . . 1 RI • In ' in t a: ho • t in BI M el - Iltobetb Cocker- week that the te, Mich., had evening while Use tol the barn .,_a /doetor was teshe had rup- hterwhordead.thAe.ys eorng aenwhWatednimes: hipped a car ork state on ay .shipped to • the- B.erlih Saturday. -Mr. Ingham last p hi eonnec- there. --„Quite on Saturday, a.- Sunday . and edi The farms iat we should r for a While reat deal of seems -Impos- ere to- get any- coil, and now g the - stone- orush theicoali 10111 tbe wants argaret Thomp- • "-sent visiting On Saturday storm a large ; over .the town _made a per- ° ere very close as so r -da k L•Next Sunday elph will con- in, St, And- d evening. -A here on Hai- antouht.. .. to theold tricks 'old even. the •er years is W, 'W, d son, of Fexi . W. Endg ere 'the guest day, an s. E:rnigh and Where Mr. , he/tel.-Air. R awnship span 'He is stil t expects to, Next week hel Fruit Exid- ; James Barris! he restatiran rcha,sed from 're - 'the hewl editon, has, - EA. thoeirl Co _are! this locality:, as 4 Theron .C.T.U. eon - weelt, and salon to give lithe Sunday Last Sunday returned mis- la very intor- 'Methodist gatioll. The and they are .7---' Mrs. (Rev.) ' intelligence vid Scott, 9, near Mon - erg suddenly Thursdag' the opinion' tho rilght be- rnee left on firneraL He ' of Mrs. D. and Mrs ntreal, anti h; the sons isconshe; ionee • and. • h - t 'B k an s an . .. _ ___•..,,,,.___ _ _ ____ .- tb . nstallation of Furnace Work a d Plumbing. He Pne of the tn- - experiqi g 1°. ed mechanics in thils line o wo i the County, h vi:ng had nearly _ 0"Y,10; e z rs experience, - - ilig EY . especially on FU'' . liar N I CB WORK AN ate SEA PLUMBINef . . It a 8 EDGE ame........., -Liberalism's Mi4a, tvwell anzl°anced his • policy of the bar WS mass taa Park.' in thiii city iy, there have been i for placing candidates - vacant - 'seats .in the &tate: in. • everg instance party .has. failed' to of its ''-own; .Only g'. indorse a bandidate. t be satisfying to the rank N Ltberalism 'that had 'been .irr. Rowell waSbeginning ttack upeeti the Conserve, attack that Wes 'to 'end ictory. ' Because victory slued where there is ., ,; cause that has . no I it win - ' ,1., is front. the London . , 1 OA old Tory friend )ult in., Pe, ace. The Ea- ; likely to Ibe much in y thing it may say, tea-rs , over What it trm the mistakes of:Mr. be taken at their true ti:terms are not only d with Mr. Roweil's lead- le course he has pure ig 'that position, si of his ability, his r•,.ti- erity and his enetky. 4 flows .thIs to be the e ; knowledge . that Ind it the Liberal leader ttle and ralsrepresent h ; very . galling to the r coadiutors that the Lb- place candidates in Ives, whic11--Were vaca anent because they w mit them to bdburied tin- he of , fiery votes for epe f the Tory leaders - aid .1 Free Press lik. 'But s associates and adviszts political sagacity th le partm to waste substance on the deg 1a Manner 'for the delec 'ree Press and its - porary will possess when the proper ti , get opposition .enougl., than. it . wants. In e t can take much eons L'ort from the East Mi# where the whole for .overnments had • to one section Of the co 7 froxii rending the et re ol the Mark • Tapl }Bt., people. Pretty - mui be said oil -North wate, Sae . hich 'the same Lssue a contains from the T ndent to the effect th •to be deposed froni use of . his 111 success Lamed, where there • el Lidatea,and because of la:, nendable and courage° license question, is n e Free Press itsed, a . . __......_ _ ....._ _.. L & ; own and r eeds are a land' Winter . 6 .s. a e received our a, ied selection ._ $ 1 8 have a fi.ne "e recommend ' 1 o fancies Navy 7 0 I t s Furniehing I very latest a loring Departnient ' 1 t and workinaship 'special. attentrn D* * - Grey the our. !Ina . ..,'W IVINTISII • import of up-to-th asiortment 7 Illique. Depart t • .. i .711xture$,,zn Favorite Beaso . -, sri Special tient most ns has whi to Ma . . p !Donegal ful of .14 .minute f , , reputation li Orders : . , , Ill. e . Rozi Szcitiri 01 1912 a - s ..• .. ent and can. weave: Oerges and -Serge , is com ete styles. f we shall amt. from 0 . ... 8 eotek r the .1913. . 1 . Ai. ,. - prier you a NI orsteds an' 0 - the man and full of excellency ys maintain 0 11UrOiliteil ... . rt . " imr - 111 e - we& : " ''• • ' OM t t Our .1 eee we p , . 1 Ncites.--M.r. have !moved pinto house, which JohniGaseho Justd Melickt ness.-+--Miss I Ring 1 her pa 1,18h4. our.. spent a' few mOtherS,iirs. Heas, W. G. Air itein .untinge-Mr 11,visit0,- la Mr. tiled Mrs km 'Selma • on, *here -7 tiors-Mr. a'. trUber, of - at -ter' pare k eyer, recast , orther reside i !the New " ,ociation.-Spe 1 he Luther& elebrate the ndows ;the he church feerin'g at t erd Was for 11 ea' Aid.-Mre 1 eteran aucti UeY' with aa 111 his sales- 'uli good pri eek .1we tanno loch. the he following 1 rs. Julius - B 'he late Henr he forty-1cent eceased had . ears,,althougb mad Most of hursday mor sh ell in 'the came do for her,- collapsed her daught ho .happened ' er. Her mothe eisch,. who lives! rriedly ‘-summoined sad (the dee ',asap et. .The f aftielrnoon, Tided, intern* - therin cert.* tion Mrs. B1 ehlber. elkst ves one son, a. -Wm. Walpe ber of brotnors urn her loss. es have the eir bereaveme cif Mr. arid ently ret . - saturda . go me. Aeule aStlina 11B8. of his •de: ars of age. in the - ' ," re- . a e ' • • . 0. .v : y t. b :er, tl 4 :fer-nee .. 1 :en t leal, t e e 0 .. ' 1 Z ne. s e t Pi ts, •e H ss • d - e e as :eel : :has Lir en, of burg 1 services • u . t av- th s . ve • c- . ur h St:Inbach, ye -he t g Jame a: ,n . to • t . ' .• b ac .oss taking e , T c 1.- s. frinn was th. 0 & th rich' , Vanhorn and Mrsi S. ' Rennie formeriS occupied are glack to. after his recent her of Berlin Mr. and Moritz of last week with uch.-Messrs. E. A. ,A.let eele at Grand Mrs. Jantzl laawith; her Ine,rent ho, Brien, seri h has gone t sectored ' a Jos. Mchwertzen7 visited with . and : Mr8.. . Geo. Appel, Zurich, Is seCretar Poultry ShowAs were h last. Sabbath eif the beautifulne been Installed Ladies' Aid. rvices 'was liberal, enefit 'Alf the ossehberxg, Huron'a has been - salea, this - fall, 'been - very stiecess ing reIalzed.-1---Las- thedeath of ch Herald( •make to the was a 'daughter and r of her age, ailing for,. was able tote . e. Her d.eath with an' not feeling ' g, and. her n to getsom belore :-his ell into the a. WM. in the hous.e s. J. ' C. "i• the street, and when she as breathing which took was :largely place in of which cengre- ad been a Valued er husband, 1. bert a dem er mi other and and sisters familY andrela- rest sympathy . Milton Weben Chas. Weber, the :west, ili when he is said to be Be was twenty remains were ran cercsterY . a I. ln at - eanA. I lee 11 •g Ing e of s .s:ril th B ented sal of e° ho at 9, • The at le erecs f . eted he spec! ully !the: est a •sk tbq pits ee h i 1::. • czre..orry . th- p , , e - g Pc lei • co c h a th fr go. at•"S. 0 er, a r le tt b frqr ' ae . • s 1 I J. a o i .leolog ts.: he . li . - : i• rt a ...r.4.L_.., !. Vfle i: vela greg: h • c , I ecide chue , w ts o alit I moat - the s thi 1 wiit isenf 7 .1y. el ' , in I. ii ' y. int „It - ate r g hi histo ''t - i in. Re , here e ling. Iti 'eft° t k oph. it( ° dial . be • nin 00e evem • ankf ling hurt ti in I Pro- ithe c I, be • • : boar. har gave. . pip nco ;the e w eine Mess.• ...n , _, a - io . s in 8 t Ile pa: 11 •-• : !tree w.re gs jo•e4 e : es fleet • 90 J wa 'Th i to 1 -- 1 : a ee ea • a t e • le f tt turni. 1 til 4. : e of son, e sur- age. • 0 teen ,-ur . , .1. _ , . TN rearrang A noticed by the china cabinet... to decide . of our stock UNDERTAKING PROMPTLY a-dfoot 'where additio just will J S. T EtOLMES * ng- what your an i of a c A visit is I oertairilyiesrtlt IN ALL ATTENDED- r p ai (your kiing, ITS , om you have ovement .c.OiLid table side / store wil , and an to yon* BRANCHICS; TOH an Manger, . - !. certainly be made . ard or a help you 0 amination interests. • . - • Box. - - We a* P- howing u ery, g t to ng. iure medical .. k , __ fr,,.......,_ .- Brushes Geritle have No Evervir Drugs E:2E, _ _ a splendid . a. loOk trouble ting prescriiptions Laed 1.6S 1 assoitmen.t Rand afirrors 5 , . Creams i . at the for an.y - razor with and accura or It PRUIleIST - ___ __ . , 1 . • m ToileinRequisites , Stun Food's . en utornatic Razo ody to keep g! .ts use. - ody e dispensing, f mily receipts r 'DSO . I; . _ _. _ ___ _ : . and Face Strop we ' keen CIA.= brink Yo ik:i . . ; ' 0 are Requirin er , IOU 0 sh Ike • Seal' • _ le .. #gee' IN7177 bag _ "•-• • nto- market for 1112. -erroptt* t outside a Ike, 4-11.54 No. ,-$9 42 to VI* Be4 r -A few lets been tbret cto; Anarket,, but - Is inferic be a to to '1.7) hand. hthI rex ne el -x4 ext ight by -th. madI _ vertea durit • atid tavt*able fileY 131 .42 to 4 -Corn mato. nal, jeer extra, , 48 to .6-00 -*Inter °wheat , Is quoted at UYere' bags, -410/lve *toady at 43 fori p,- bar4--picked. *22,10 in bags, tirack OM; Ontario 1122.0, -in bags; eh POteltoes-New •On Per ear lots. with reee 4papbe4lUt 414 t mitt.; Not, `2, ltiaa gitetett ie,$12, ieb of t, Toron Jo *LI:VIE° les. *1476 sheep or; 4a1nbe, 44.60 16.21 Ito 45.10; We; *2 to $4; S 44.25, ' ItEohWal, Nov. 'choice: -13 teers changed and picked iota at *8 'tub iloads of good ca veer eiwt. There was a eaaelcirs for -canning advanced 15 to 25c salesiof bulls ,at $2 via -4m ab $2.25 to $2. big gite the continued snhh, a strong feel the Tharket and prices wt.,1 with sales of tio $0.60 and tbd 4$ Tier ewt,C The ket- %or sheep was sold. p.t 6 td e • 14 ,to 3 cents pa 1144 with the deal tlogsl in the -Toronto sef 1$ cents per c Ing (developed in the !morning, and !4 week ago w Wes. of selec 60 to $8.16 per ears, and in a bi'h ; as '*9.00 ' xiattle, 1$5 to $6.60; 4 eianners, $2.25 t 46 to4$525; medium,S4 IS„ -25- 'to 14.00; milk. t8u, 40 *99; common ;to .$70; sPeAge ewes, $8,,T5 eufl * ita 34 tit to, If rket r bu,te attotjaittrai(a