HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1912-10-04, Page 6ST. THOMAS.ONT. nsurpasaed for r=esidential education. The Ideal College -Hem" in: which to secure a training for your life's work. Thorough coursesin Music, Painting, Oratory, High Salmi, Business College and Domestic Science. Large campus, inspiring envir Ment. Resident nurse insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every girl , needs an ALTA training. Handsome pro • - s(pectus sent on;application to Principal. 41: Y. M. C. A. BLbG.. LONDON, ONT. SiSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECT'S. Registered last season upwards of 300 st dents and placed every graduate. Seven cially qualified regular teachers. One #ruhdred and fifty London firms employ par trained help. College in session from Elept. 5 is June 30. Enter any time. Cataiotue Free.. forest City st d College W. WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal. Vice Prinncipal. is HAT is the name, and below is the trademark, you are to look for next time you buy underwear. Your size in , any garment with that trademark will fit perfectly, will outwear ordinary underwear, will not shrink. Yet you pay nothing extra for this extra value ; and you get our Guarantee of "money back if you can fairly claim it." Made at Paris in Canada, by PE N M A N S Limited. Write for the " Concrete Boo • N Canada, where the winters are long and cold, houses must be solid and substantial.. No such as distinguish California bungalows, can be permitted. Canadian homes should be b cold, to keep warm inside when itis thirty below out -doors. IT is because- Concrete, of all materials, best withstands wind, water and cold, that itis fast b Canadian home -builders. Concrete houses are warm in winter, requiring less coal for heat su=mmer. A Concrete lOUse never needs repairs ; because, instead of :decaying, it actually time and exposure to the elements. ''ERY attractive architectural effects maybe obtained with Concrete, especially for houses the rough concrete surface harmonizes with its surroundings. SINCE it never requires repairs, the first coat of a concrete residence is its last cost ; and it is cheaper; for this reason, than any other kind: of home. OT only is Concrete the beat for house -building. It may so be used in score* of other ways around the horse and on the farm. For each of these purposes it is the best material known. IF you haven't investigated the use of Concrete around the home and on the farm, write now tells all about Concrete, and d tical uses for it. book" in a lett the book will .free. 1 ` • { rbr ad frills ilt to de wind in • pc(pular w. cy 4rc cool w strbngcr w e out try, s1h r ur ree{ I Dolt, 4r ixi g d p orcin .es •urtd e of p 'act- ts. ` S ndmgy r von a stcard sen y abso1uielt Id : uildirrg o T L1 fr e I formift `oft wi'l n$wei a ti g Cense n. , ig, do . When buying Cement, be sure to get "Canada Cement.' See that every bag and barrel bears this label. Then you will be curs of satisfaction. We have a Department that your questions rel without cost orj ob s. "This is the Range I Use ---the GURNEY OXFORD" ViroonTs r s �4i„n %Ai id V. .nvi timet/ ere tlt�h %I • r.` t 1Lt • --Hon esent� L stark • r#tinuc ill ;and Hsgart -The tency negessai W..D. tl�e fojr t1e lb4 ON E Iia irohn the lerf not 1'_ 76 ,eYese )f Mat �' by staple gran cos Sate "ay, Do l ion of url a'ra klin art t'he barn o Ing, on "hpr b1ayor H rrit were se bcing' e€ hlir. nee:y rttrt �f ,ellin to of Fri' a� y�ers, o yivnsh ._-On � lira rt ' tee. ag art, who 'has ice- s stit'uency o , Soultb • ��, Minion ?adtliam nh ! rty� 'years is seriou ly cted to recover. , rs t o1' ago.. ! on for the const a1d,; Manitoba tn' die; appointment oix �", e Sitting member to .,i r1 has been fi*ed ob > 12th. It is Io li nttent. 1 E Own origori c>estro ed se stables, in 6. ark. ill, yor Harrison, acij in- The residences of n =`;and W. G. Kai eta, i had a close call fr ne McKinnon, Master 'i8 egis :rar of the g for the County' o at his home in (Gie p paraalysite. He was 6 'd'a4 a native of; Fain ri had soy and Jus i, di fro ge P. leaving L pries ;A. O'C • of t er 0 late inte colic eatt Me, w 1 in tiffici Scher epar to take ilfri of addr wee goi Stam. • ere e a •acc ople. Hele do 'bjec wire wish hi sa fain ntfo s fo •sous -Soh the �pirit poli g a tute t in ere can he f and peri tea The sta ., �ye v y �f s dl agal L. kno harg d 6 at dm ey a Hess Ordvl ed y bit' le t !a' spurs dew. F: a tithe b na'p n a t Bahk f: a ospl i� w' p$ his is d ce..1 !1 'ly Sir it to a d: w 1 t io n. r:11 a and C a Oritarl. attend:' Te uepti. . by, the'. -Mr w,ie of dibd a tets o 1 ietche: !zip', a jog he r led 1 tforts i g. T from Cher le:. e a pi: H -Ow in; whi', it of go t e. as w:c 1s, ins c=age t j ,cions len in place in hundred ties of':"i also aro whiskey. he polle tfhe hot t ions t) —COW. aunty; tEr.eferre� mong b are wt:l Llpsett first pati stolen 'f Where ''t Chief wi at Str;af haves wudging. ere examine Ohat (he ap essior vias n e r z hili, N /u. t . 6 ind4c r, where he alt St. Alphonius Chu ch, nor was presented it1 by his ps.rishion. rs.� rnort, who;is shot er hbls top O'Connor as professor .of the 'o- tninary in Lond,o 1. Nesbitt; of Fail .erg i has been Confined 1n onto for ,several ' e ks, l�y r covered to per it trona that institti.t on tie resume his r sig to. l has 'trial will o t p Until November, - aurier has compl ted bee and New Ontario meetings in ;old On-.. Commencing at'Corn s ter west as Elora; its meetings in New .rkabie for the large ' the ;warmth of the ed the Liberal leader t 'fetcher, aged forty, tcher} of St. Thomas, ago from the ef- f Paris, {'green. Mrs.. to her husband sn:ok- resumed, after meet - or a time, she attar-- nd then 'took poison, er lite were unav'atl- ca le to St.; Thomas asci May.. Mrs. Flet- daughters Fle t daughters and a son rri�age, r s a local option town, does not permit the l ci ors. A few clays° susp sting ' something e f the principal' ho- s arch for the bev ica es and their sus - e then realised. Had,- ly contrived hiding ing they_ fid one my -seven quart isot- d ;dr aft (whiskey, and gallons of bulk draft uor was removed . to i and the occupa#r`_ of ave to make explana- i{ e- magistrate. I.trete Hunt of Elgin i.se a charge oft eft t J h Todd of B ch- ips t kbf Aylmer. oth Eas Elgin far ers. that ,Todd capt red mer fair with. a lee at t traffordville air, won first prizes' he Charles James, judge fair, who was said•te of "t e apples Chile g int• It, James',teeth J the court 'to show` feat's, r in Todd's', pose thej the bitten byhim _ 1 e. is J/ When a range h recommended by one woman to another, it has met the_ final test. The staunchest friends 6f the Gurney -Oxford Range are those women who have experience with it day in and day out. They know how dependable - it is ; they know that no other range gives such constant and unvarying satisfaction, not simply in management and economy, but in cooking results. The Gurney -Oxford works constantly for its owner's peace of mind, and it supplements her efforts to make each meal one of absolute satisfac. tion, H. EDGE, • ti /// Every wo Gurney .Econo the s atisf acltio turning up or d the eve abo bre flups that ly ted, d pas Th i • r 'l. S %4 • • t411ing her frie4ds to eulate t fire iby ee the ove alw*ys 11 She is ent moue fowl done Ito' the ford tunis Out. or opu MINIM THE AGNY ru tiaves” Cured Her Kid 7 de ire to let the wo ld kno the m life when I had given up hope er ing well again., Few 61 . years, I Suffered from dreadful Kidney- Disease. My leo and lower part of body re fearfully swo len. The pal in my si e and legs wou d be and all id it w Kidney Disease and A Id neighbor visited me and mentio ed the cese of Mrs. Ferrwick wh ha been cured of a sickness like swe lin went o n —the pains were easier d soon was well I ha gaited ver 3o pouttds fSisice taking 'Fruitta-ti es" --and nay friends "r tea-tives" re sold by all dealers or • .t oil reccip of price by Itruit-a- but chip cons at the CraWfo Hullett When th was un ham Ste The cer J. H. odist .ence of the cer feast w ing hen and da cipient presents and Mr where t ents. T Niageda ha un or the ma ks were those ; of a a teeth. The case created ty interesting event occurred Onie of b.C.r. and Sirs. Edmund of thel eighth concession of n Wednesday of last week, 44. only daughter, Martha Jane, bed- in marriage to air. Abra- art Kuakel of Niagara Falls. mony wes performed by Rev. sterhout, pastor of the Meth - reit, Lo desboro, in the pres- lias.. The bride was the re- f :many beautiful and useful iTroni he many frieride, Mr. i Kunkel left on the after - •in from Clinton for Berlin, ay will Irian the groornat par- e young couple will reside at • Northwest Notes -An i portant hotel transfer was complet in Brandon recently, when 16 the Gr d Union Hotel at the corner of Tent 'street a Pacific avenue, for- merly ned by . ‘A. -Waggoner, was -The first au onitibile factory in wester Canada will be located in Moose a,w, acco ding to an agreement arrived a by 1, hich the St. Louis Car Co p y of St. Louis will estab- lish a "aettory es ploying one hundred * -Stu et •Burr 11, a farm hand, em- ployed a the fa m of Robert Barber, seven iles south of Arcola, aslt., com- mitted sielcide the other evening by drinkin 1 gopher poison. The body wee found ext morn n.g by a fellow work- man ly rig let a ield of oats where he had be stdoking the day before. -Fo r hundre and fifty members of the Soe elges Gr nd Lodge dined tat the Royal lexandra Hotel on September 18th, a guests f hhe city, of Winni- peg. T 0. grand parade of the 15,000 Odd F liows, an their eisters of the Rebeka lodges, was the chief event Winnip g citizen and- visitors lined the stri ets and viewed the marching -Dr. W. McLeil)d, coroner, of Saska- toon, ask., wa ir stantly killed on Fridayd teriioon, when he was thrown from a ' estive ho se be was tretieg out. ii train 0 the ra lway bridge and gal- loped the Go se Lake Line of the C.N.R. ri excav tion between the tics caused e anima to fall, throwlng the rider t :nty-five feet and breaking its ow neck in the falh eleeato et Lett bridge, on Sa urday that it , es crus ed by sr moving train. The 11 la i one al s rushed th the amput the foo Just above the ankh?. result defect! e ecaffoldln,g, on which el/. were doing carpentea work on the ecurity levator Company s miles orth. of eyburn. One ' man, Walter astum, 27 years old, was killed outrigh , his skull being fractured. The Other 1 brother was eeriously hurt -Cie. pal in e ch other's arrns, d'2 - term in not to be parted even in death, ad leavi g a letter requesting that tb et; be int reed together, a man and a ohlan, re isterIng at the Queen's Inthou aturda night shortly before riddillg hurled hemseives into etern- ity wi , e 32-c ibre revolver bought so e t 0 durin the day for the pur- e. 0 Inan w s shot twice near the centre, the le t breast and the vro- ' -A epositio ▪ made by a number of WI peg gral men to build a $200.- 000 ho tel and a 1,000,900 bushel ele- vator 1 'tfoose Ja. has been ratified by the el 3 dounc11,1 site and extensive erate der the name of the Great ildren Cry STORIA West Grain Company, and guaJraitee l to extend the elevator eiiipecity :o rite million bushels lisy : the Year 1916. The company will start betild= ng operations next spring and Will have the concrete great storage teaks ready for the 1913 harvest. -While 'Working on a threshing out- fit forty miles south of 'Morel Sas- katchewan, on Sept. 20th, a homestea;d- r named Montgomery was run ober y the engine and received: a. painful eration Inside the thigh. The driver f the engine after passing ove him• became excised, backed up and went Over the vectim again. The cries, of the ,an made! the driver think he was pproaching him; and he reverse +, cotn- g up to the i victim fer the third ..e. By' an extraordinary effort , ontgomer„/ managed to crawl clear. t' lay for three days at a; Tar , suf- ring badly, and was taken of er the rail to Morse,; and shipped; to Moose aw. At the Ja pital three oczprs gave him in hand and hope t• save is liter t Perth Items -Florence Alberta, the eleve -year- Id daughter of Air .and Mrs'. 0. odge, led at her home In Ifitchell,on hurs- ir-Mr. WilliatiL Hodge of 1 MR sh:,I,rd as purchased the house and lin! of he late George Peerce, of ;St. arye. s .Pearce will go to ChiCag to n- ide with her daughter. ' -Mr. George Dickson, the cel bra ed enor singer, of Toronto, gave con- ert In the Methodist church 1 git- hell, under the ,auspices of the adies' -The "White Store," in Liete. el as r. J. p. Walters' establislurent s now enerally known, has changed hardtt.. mith, of Toronto. • -At ten o'clock on Wednezday 1 last married in St, Marys to Idiss Anna II. Scott of . that city. Tho in med ouple left on a, six weeks' tripite the -Mr. Clayton Bears, of St. la ys, ruised and badly shaken up. Had e not managed to grasp the eave- trotigh he might have been fatally in - "tired. 1 1" -On W dnes ay morning of last hant of t. Marys. was enite in marriage to Mies Minnie Egan, alsc of that town. After a wedding reak- fast Mr. and Mrs Duggan' lett for Montreal. The groom's gift te th bride -Roy Clelande son of Mr. obe t le- tural College at Guelph, got ,his rl ht hand caught in a ditching mach! e, nd the index and little fingers cif th right hand were taken off near the hand, and a severe flesh wound wa ale _trade On the ba k bt the hand and the thumli bra en. -The ol Woellen mills of a Meters and Sons, St. Marys, NS, ell knOwn or the past fifty yeare, were soldilas eek buiklIng and equip it with N a are Power, then lettse it in sectiaps s all industries, thus encouragiag en of capitd1 to launch out in ma uflect- ehell, received a small case containing diamond and suitably engraved a a testimonial for the services he re d red as spokesman fee the exhibttiort t ain that went through the evetzt rl in the summer. The locket isI val e at one hundred dollars and was ccotm- panted by a letter expressing in strong language the obligation of the A soda - tion. to Mr. RaCe for his splendi work tn connection With the train. -The post office department h s sent Out bland.. forms to be signed b those who. desire rural mail; ser lc on a route te include all those p rte of the Centre Gravel and Shea (dor road and not already- served by , the Avon - bank route, and an extenelon o the route in the Gore of Dowele. enders have been advertised for a rout in South Easthope from Tavistock, e in Mitchell and Sebringville. These routts extend the m8,11 delivery to,neari every farmer in South Perth. Not Se Hard as He Feared. Friend -I suppose it was hard your daughter? rather-Weli, it did seem as would be St one time, but she 1 this fellow just as we were ,begi give up hope.-Christtan I in Sugville. hing they call "swat the fly?" Bedbug -burned if I knOw. 4now this: opulation if -ft fling teal- evt tut What's the use of a .4illion club if everybody, eeps e place? -St. Louis Repub. Home Team Last. I be curfew tolls the kneH of partin *The baseball fan wends slowly poor dubl he prospect fills his bosom wfith .1. For wife As vraiting, and hots la "S? youa daughter married a "I ishould say so. He has had rings taken fer identlfleation unit banks that the balls of his t re lalloused." Buffalo Express. 1 i Th Sick Part. emelt-ober her not looking well o Tht Brunettee-When was that? "Ttlhen she played Canaille." -Yo tatdsman. turns His Head. Love mat make the world go rou And keep the parson busy, But It's *he itirl, I've often faun Who makes the lover dizzy. ,#-Cincinnati Zug day. e for ner Int) 1 ers cAsur, oR IA For Ts alai Childre Bears t ignature of OCTOBFR 1912 NO RHEUMATISM THIS WINTER Thanks to GIN PILLS ON'T ;you triant to have ONE WINTER. fro,: of Rheumatism? enjoy 1-Ife •tis other men enjoy! it? Don't yOu want to eat andsleepand 'work as liteshisy, normal ellen do, iii0,eat3, <Pf being all crippled up with Rheumatism or Kidney Tremble? Then take GIN PILLS and conquer your old. enemy guod. Mr. Jkaildry did, with the help of the c;IN' PILLS. 5i0•7 ranet St., Montreal, P.Q, "It affords rue great pleasure -6 inform you that I have used GIN PILLS for about six months, and that they have done me a great deal of g,)od. I have had, Rheumatit•tin for a cOuple of years, and this winter I saved mrself. from it by using GIN PILLS. I i highly re- commend GIN PILLS hi the public." A. 11F,AUDRY. Thousands of boxes ef GI4 PILLS a re sold ery year 0; rarthli the influence of tho,;e will) have been cured, and who reconnnend GIN PILLS to their friends and neighbors. If you are suldect to Rheumatism , Kidney or NI ljacider Trouble, start in right now on GIN PILLS. to try them first, write ior a free sample to National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toront,), 148 it's the CLEAliiEST. SIMPLEST, and DEIST HOME DYE, one can buy --Why you don't video have to know-ishat KEVD of Cloth iourGood15 are made 'of... -So Mistakes are Impossible. Send for Free Color Card, Story B‘lottlet, and Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors. The JOHNSON-RICHARDS024 CO., limited, Montreal, Caned's. LEGAL. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & K1 LORAN. Barristers, Solicitors, Noted s etc. Money to lend In Seafort on Mon- day of each week. Office in K dd block. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Solicitor for khe Dom- inion Bank., Office in rear of 'the Dom- inion Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. Barrister,' Solicitor, Convey Notary Public. Office up-sta Walker's farniture store, al Seaforth. nser and s over in street, /Barrister,1 Solicitor, Conveyancer and riotary Public. Solicitar tor the Cana- dian Bank df Commerce. Money to Irma. Farms for sale. Office, in Scott's block, JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of Domestic Animals treated. Calls promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate. Veterinary dentistry a specialty. Office and resi- dence on G.oderich street, one door east of Dr. Scott's office, Seaforth. flonor graduate of On -tittle Veterin- Arg College, and honorary member of the Medical Aesociation of the Ontario Teterinary College. Treats diseases of all Domestic Animals by the most rnod- data principles. DentistrY and Milk Fev- er a ipecialty. Office opposite Dick's Rotel, Main street, Seaforth. All or- daraleft at the hotel will rectaive promPt attention. Night calls received at the MEDIC &L. Orrice and resideme--Godetich stkeeNk maga of 'ill:, Methodist churche Seafortie Phone No. 46. Coroner for the' county of Huron. DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY. L. G. Scott, graduate of Vietorla and ArD0r) and member of the Ontario :Jollege of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for the County of Huron. C. Mackay, honor geeduate of Trinity University; ,gold medanat of TrinitY Medical College. Member of tbe College of Physicians and Surgeone, Ontario. Gradupte of University of Toront:, it acuity of Medicine; membqr of Col- kire of Physicians and Surgeons of On - curio ; pass graduate coursee in Chicago Wildcat School of Chicago; Royal Oph- thalmic Hospital, London, England; Vaiveraity College Hospltal, London, Valfinnd. Office -Back of the Dominion hank, &Worth. Phone No. 5. Night 2,.A.ils answered. from residence, Victoria THOMAS BROWN. Gittensad auctioneer for the counties apron and Perth . CorreePondenee ecomptly answered. Immediate ar- rangements for sale dates can be made 113 calling uP Phone 97, Seaforth, Die Expositor office. CharOS moder- ate and satisfaction guarangeed. B. S. PHILLIPS. ir.dcensed auctimeer for the counties A En.. -on and Perth. Being 0, praaikt al lamer and thoroughly understallites toir value of farm stock and IMplements Places rae al a better positron to re- sift* good prices. Charge -a moderate. riatisfaatioa guaranteed or no psy., All orders le* in Exeter W111 be PremPtlY kttPided John L. Sm aLi Cured 12, Cured man :vt eh:endotusale.e:to:iYI.11)41:elxn' 1 WI-Ijobro !;:41 Wad name and addi bas suff(4red all the JOHN A. S from rhumatism, knorn, and yet ,utt find relief . At times he WAS SO he el to take morphinte, ; Siderablt doctoring he g! causes of rhenmaaisne ; atio la idrugs which con him. Tiw result was So b pntire system that hie c.• found remedy -01o.Lia Of his friends, rehab es a Cured and Mr. Smitqls itound the task a Made to; believe tinali th thing ad a cure Mr rheu an old gentleman' frSen 1U. 5. wrote hiut SprIng adding ati Call NIA e . for this pall, roa SPRING lAs usual we have :th ithe demand of therpu lowest prie !We also -carry in asser Double If you are Conte harness it will be . call and see r lowkist of prices. If it bd.ck and we wi:i s. n D ("heap liar Opposite (.."(rnimer( FOR ial Obeleely berry, Ronetz, Lads Pri.ta Of the vat )st General • Automobiles and !i."6. Skate's, Lawn Scissors t: and,! for sale, Spark Pluv,rs Horse Ciippi•ls Crusher Rollers Mandrels pposite n; •